City Council Agenda Packet 10-08-2001 . . . AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October ,2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf: Rog r Carlson, Bruce Thielen I. Call to order. 1Ht. 2. Approve minutes of September 24,200 I regu ar Council meeting. Rt- ~1 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. ^' LM. C t-'1('v~ M (()... Alofl"t.. B. C. 4. Cwzens comments/petitions, requests, and co plaints. ::;-;~IJ [hM~ IV - tfk"~..^,,, d _,r~:/~~I'~.(;~/"'3' fJ~I'1{.,r. '~-1>MI'oL c;~..,c;(~ Consent agcndd. 0 r:- 6-'Jv,(--.c! p~ >r.l"~ ;t~ ~ {'-f.tH-t ~~ ' A (NC' ~I tv/l/tt+1t, 'f:" ~ ~I . f' G>M I. (/1'>111 (,'"TQ i~.(s-C-(e(_, JJ Ft.A4.71I-< I)~ .onSlC eratfon 0 ratl Yll1g new 1lreSC} ontlee o Ommt111lty enter. ~ . 5. B. Authorizing the hiring of John Glomsk as Planner Technician. C. Consideration of Change Order No. I - Th Street Project No. 2001-07C 6. Consideration of items removed from the cons nt agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - Supplemental Hearing fiJr Pr 'eet No. 99-0IC, Kjellberg's Sanitary Sewer Extension. 8. Consideration of balance of lighting contract t( r the Walnut Street Improvement Project. 9. Approve payment of bills for October. 10. Adjourn tfpIC (3 J~J({ (/tAA.e r,,t. tulle ((."."fT, ') - , 7/me tr~;1r MIN JTES Rl<:GlJLAR MEETING- MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL . Monday, Septemh r 24,2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger \lrlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the 111eeting to order at p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said and moment of silenc was observed in memory of the victims of the September 11,2001 attacks and as a show of upport for the families of the victims. 2. A rove minutes of Se tember IO 2001 re '-ular Council meetin . BRIAN STlJMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINlJTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 10,2001 REGUI.AR COUNCIL MEETING. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addino items to the a end I. . Brian Stumpf asked that a parking issue on 1.( cust Street he added to the agenda. Jeff O'Neill requested that the Council consider adding a s'gment of trail to the ISTEA project currently under construction. Clint I lerbst requested that an update on an upcoming meeting affecting the MOAA be added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments etitions re uests and om laints. None. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires fo' the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring 01 employees for the Monticello Community Center as identified. B. Consideration of Change Order No. to No. 2000-17C. Recommendation: A Corridor Improvement Project No. 200 amount of $ I 8,189.27. alnut Street Corridor Improvement Project prove Change Order No.1 to the Walnut Street -17C resulting in a reduction in the contract C. Consideration of terminating engineeri g contract on WWTP Project No. 93-14C. Recommendation: Terminate the City's contract with HDR for the WWTP Project No. 93-14C. . ~ . . . D. Council Minutes - 9/24/01 Consideration of a request for a license for property encroachment into the drainage eascment of Lot 12, Block 2, Par We't Addition. Recommendation: Approve issuing a license to this property indicating tha the encroachment into the drainage easement is acceptable to the City and that the Ci y will not require the building to be removed. The license granting the encroachment will indicate that no expansion will be allowed unless the property owner conforms to the p 'oper setbacks. The property owner is required to pay for all legal costs, if any, to recor such license agreement. E. Consideration of accepting work and approving final payment to R.L. Larson, CSA!! 75 Improvemcnt Project No. 98-176C. ecommendation: Approve request for payment 118 and final to R.L. Larson for CSAH 7_ Improvement Project No. 98-17C in the amount of $122,753.02 and to accept the work d ne under this contract. Res. No. 2001-65. r. Consideration of calling for a supplel ental hearing on Kjellberg's Sanitary Sewer Extension Project No. 99-0 I C. l~ee mmendation: Set October S, 2001 as the date fl.)r the supplenlental hearing f()f the Kjellberg's Sanitary Sewer Extension Project No. 99-01 C. Res. No. 2001-64. Mayor Helsaas noted the in/()l'fnation for Iten #5E had been submitted at the Council meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV: THE CONSENT AGENDA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Clint I lerbst questioned the high turnover of mployees for the MCC. It was pointed out that most of these positions are seasonal and part-ime so there is generally greater turnover, especially at this tinle of the year when the su l1mer help is going back to school. 6. Consideration of items removed from the e nsent a enda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration ofaw~'rdin ~ contract for Ii tin on Walnut Street Corridor 1m rovement Project No. 2000-17C. John Simola, Public Works Director, explaine that the lighting work was not bid as part of the Walnut Street Project. The City has been in discussions with Excel Energy regarding the cost for installation of the lights. It was suggested that because of the need to get the underground work done before the frost sets in the City may wan to authorize that work now and then consider the halance of the work, poles, wiring and fixtures being done at a later date. The preliminary estimate /()r the total project is $138,000. The mderground portion would he approximately $40,800. Clint Herbst questioned the difTeren e between the engineer's esti mated cost of $3,000 a pole and Excel Energy's cost of $5,000 a pol. Boh Rapacz from I:xcel Energy explained some of the pricing involved. Excel Energy of ers 25 years maintenance at flat monthly rate. This monthly rate includes the energy charge s well as maintenance. For example if the City 2 z . . . Council Minutes ~ 9/24/0 I went with 150 watt fixtures, the monthly rate ould be $6.45. The electric use for the light would not be metered and the $6.45 would be the set rate for the light whether it was on 2 hours or 24 hours. Bob Rapacz added that if the fix ures are set for Christmas ornaments the electric usage it)!' the ornaments is metered. There wa' discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of going with this proposal as compared with 1 local contractor doing the work. It was noted that while a contractor might be able to have a 10 er installation cost, the maintenance cost for the City would be less if Excel Energy installed tl e system. Hob Rapacz cited an example, if the City had a contractor install the poles and the were damaged in a storm or hit by a car and needed to be replaced, the cost of replacing th pole would be borne by the City. If Excel Energy installs the system the cost of replacing the pole would be picked up by Excel Energy and covered in the flat rate charge. The Council q lestioned what the monthly energy charge would be if someone else installed the poles. Bob Ra acz indicated that based on $0.076/KWH the cost for 150 walt bulb would be about $15.20/mon h versus the $6.45 flat fee. Clint I Icrbst asked how the City was going to fund the cost oCthe lights. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that the funding ft)r this project has not been determined. It is possible that it will be funded by a future bond issue. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORL ED EXCEL ENERGY TO DO THE UNDERGROUND WORK fOR THIS PROJ.:cr AT AN ESTIMATED COST Of $40,800 AND THAT COST ESTIMATES fOR TIlE ALANCE OF THE LIGHTING WORK BE BROUGI rr BACK A'r A FUTURE MI]~TI G. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. Clint Herbst questioned whether the balance 0 the lighting work could be done in phases. Bob Rapacz indicated that it could. Added Items: Parking: Brian Stumpf stated the Fire Department is requestin the City Council to put "No Parking" signs on the west side of Locust Street. He noted that the radius 0 'the street makes it difficult for the fire equipment to make the turn especially in light of vehicle parking on both sides of the street. Mayor Belsaas noted there is a proposal fiJr angle parking on the west side )f Locust. There was some discussion whether the angle parking would allow for any greater turning rad us. If the angle parking did not alleviate the situation, the City could look at removing the parking on the east side of Locust Street. City Engineer, 13ret Weiss will look into this and get something back to thc Council for the next meeting. Trail: JelT O'Neill provided the Council with information OJ constructing a segment of pathway as part of the current ISTEA project. The City currently has a 30' ide outlot in this area and this segment is shown on the City's pathway pIan. This segment was inadv rtently omitted when the ISTEA plans were prepared. If the work is done as part or the ISTEA p oject thc City should realize some cost savings. The Council felt it made sense to do the work now w en the equipment is on site. '" -) z. . . . Council Minutes - 9/24/0] BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE A C ANGE ORDER EXTENDING A TRAIL SEGMENT TI-IROUGI-I OUTLOT A MEADOW - AKS THIRD ADDITION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIE UNANIMOUSLY. EMS: Clint Hcrbst brought up a discussion with the Fire (hief of Howard I,ake concerning a support position for EMS. Hc suggested that the Council look at this at the next 111eeting and perhaps ask the County Commissioners to proceed with crcating this positio 1. MOAA: Clint Herbst also noted that thcre is an mceting on ctober 3,200] to discuss the reccnt litigation betwcen the MOAA and other named parties and Go d Nugget. He felt that the Council as a whole should attcnd. 8. Approve payment of bills for Sentem ber. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF BILLS FOR SEPTEMBER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MO'! ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN T 7:30 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. --..-..-..--.-...---..-...-.-..-..-..-.-..- Recording Secretary 4 L . . . SA. Counci] Agenda - 10/8/01 Consideration of a new hires a artures for the communi center. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of ew employees that have occulTed recently at the the community center. As you recall, it is "ecommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part- ime and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify thc hiring of the part-time e ployees for the community center as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: [.ists of new part-time employees. . Name Laurent/Derek F arr/Chandler Holub/Brady . Name Brotzler/Justin Dean/Zack Mack/Trevor . employee councillist.xls: 09/2 NEW EMPLOY EES Title Department Hire Date Class Climb Wall AU ~ C C 9/5/01 PT Custodian r-.C C 9/14/01 PT Lifeguard I\C C 9/14/01 PT TERMINATING EM 'LOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary Me C 9/1/01 PT vOluntary Me C 9/22/01 PT temp - season end Str ets 8/31/01 temp 5/2001 SA . - - . . . City Council Agenda - 10/08/0 I 5B. osition of Planner/Technician. (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND M the August 8, 2001 meeting of the Cit Council, Council approved establishment of the PlannerlTechnieian position and auth rized advertising the opening. The position was advertised in the Monticello Times ar d netted two applicants. The recruiting and interview process has been completed and Council is asked to formally award the position to John Glomski who has been w nking as an intern for the past 6 to 7 months. AI.TERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to award the position to .101 n Glomski officially assuming full-time status at the beginning of the next payroll period. 7 Motion to deny awarding the positi Hl at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Assuming that Council is com1(Jrtable with establishing the position as authorized on 8/27/01, Council should select alternative I As an intern, John has shown the ability to do the job. We look forward to having him with us full time. SUPPORTlNCi DATA Council item Jrom 8/27/01 . . . cP U /I..... j,.,." "'~ 1 APfcwe o^ "6/J1 City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 5C. Consideration of formaIl estabIishin Authorize Hirin!! Process. (]O) lanner II/GIS technician Position and A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to formally consider stablishing the position of Planner WGIS Technician and authorize the hiring proces . The position along with the job previously held by Wanda Kraemer were in the 2000 udget and in the draft 2001 budget. Instead of maintaining two positions, Council consoli ated the positions for 2001. In February 2001 we brought on an intern with the thought th t the position might become full time. During the past 7 months we have had a go' 'd chance to better evaluate the need for the position and are now supporting establishm t of the position as full time. If Council authorizes establishment of the position it '11 be opened up to all City Employees and then advertised to the general public. The osition will not be award directly to the intern because to do so would violate the p sonnel policy. According to the personnel policy it is not proper to offer the job direc ' y to a PMt time employee. Only full time employees can be hired directly to fill ano job.in the,City wi~out the job being , ,..,. .,,' ',' -;"\.',1.',,,": .'" opened to the general public. John Glomski as done a good job in his work as an intern which will certainly help him in the biriIlg p .cess~)1~e"'~;(i!:;:\"(i^"liI':\\}ri': \ , This position falls under the Community De elopment,Qeparttn,ent and will be supervised by the Deputy City Administrato, \, and Chief Building Official. The Personnel Committee has reviewed the draft job descri tion/listing of duties and supports establishment of the position. Following is quick review of the tasks/duties for the position which will become the basis of the ormal job description., "II \ ,,' ,,', . GIS Implementation 1',\,,' " Great strides were made in developing the G S system during the past seven months. A parcel map was created using county data an property data was merged with parcel map data. This was a major goal that John was a Ie to accomplish much quicker than expected. In addition, we have a full parcel ap of the Township along with Township property data. The information has already een used as follows: · Calculation of area of individual lots ncluding the dimension of all property lines. This has been a tremendous help on a number of occasions. · Identification of land area totals by e of land use. · Development of our own easily updat d zoning map was created. An MOM map was created. · Public Hearing notice listing can be g nerated very quickly making it easy for staff to send special notices to residen s in specific areas for any reason. · Market valuation information by geo aphic data or zoning district data. 1 ,,,",:., . . City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 . Defined land use areas used in proj cting population data - 194 study. Linked picture files to parcel data - sign information. Prepared aerial photos and parcel d ta for Planning Items. Identified all townhome areas and c lculated land area - established market value per acre for single family and to ome development. . . . . Following are future applications for GI (20% of time) . Aerial photo combined with parcel " ;, Comprehensive plan land use data. Update the TAZ - transportation pI Sign inventory using GPS to link to arcel data Shade tree program - identify planti g locations taking into account utilities and powerlines. GIS will be very helpful in setting u R-l and R-l A Districts. Provide staff training on use of AR Info. Explore placement of database and GIS mapping on server. This allow everyone to have access to map and property , data Provide public with the opportunity 0 access property/map data through the web site It is possible that further developm t of GIS would include development of utility mapping system that could ov lay parcel data thus providing instant access to important engineering data relat' to individual lots. . . . . . .' . ...,~ ,'" , .' '~:," :~::' ':'.',," ,',i'.~, ' ~ .. Web Site Development (5% of time) Our web site will be getting a major make-o er as we move offofthe Monticello Times web site. The position will be responsible fo coordinating development and maintenance of the web site. This will not be a full time re onsibility ofthe intern/planner to maintain the site after it is up and running as individu departments will be responsible for maintaining web site information once the b ic site is complete. John has been working with the web site co ittee and has helped with research on web site development options. He will be help in lead staff into development and maintenance of our own web site using a League ofMinne ota template. He will be involved in assembling data and writing web pages. He ould help train others and perhaps be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date we page. Ifwe are going to set up our own web page - we will need to invest more staff, esources in this area. Planning Analysis/Zoning Administration/ odes (30% of time) . Enforcement of City Codes has become a top c of concern in recent months. This position '- 2 . . . City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 will play an important role in this area. · Public Nuisance investigation, doc entation and processing. · Provide public information on City odes. Respond to requests for information etc. This will improve present resp se time · Plan review. Site plans would be re . ewed for adherence to development plans and zoning ordinance standards. · Subdivision/Site plan review prior t release of funds. The Planner could review subdivisions and site work for adher nce to development standards and make reconunendations on release of fund accordingly. General Planning and Policy Developme t Assistance (20% of time) General planning activity and research woul be a responsibility of the position. Following are a few tasks that the intern completed in e past few months that were helpful: . Preparation of information and pI . g reports for review in conjunction with variance requests and conditional us permits. The goal is to reduce reliance on consultants on simple planning cases that'cm be handled intemally.<: ... Preparation of Planning Commissio information - maps and picture inventory of planning case sites. mventory of signs including height d location. Study of various city policies on priv te use of drainage pond areas. Data to be discussed and incorporated into a po icy statement. Mailbox policy research - who keeps them looking good. . . . . Special Events/Other (25% of time) . Walk and Roll assistance and coordi ation. The position would be responsible fo managing and coordinating an Annual Tree Planting program. This program fea es purchase of over 500 trees and same day planting as was done in 1999. We w uld like to do this every year. Parks Conunission - grant research d assistance. Heartland Express Operation and m agement. John has played a key role in helping make the transition from dial a ride to a deviated fixed route system. The position would be responsible for de eloping and operating the city bus program. This means he will prepare the mana ement plan, apply for grant funds and make sure all necessary reports are comple e. The Position could be responsible fo videotaping the Planning Commission and City Council meetings. . . . . 3 . . . City Council Agenda - 08/27/0 I The City Administrator is in the process of eviewing the position in terms of the pay equity program. It is likely that the position will fall in Level 8 resulting in a first step salary of$31,OlO. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion approving establishment of Planner II/GIS Technician and authorize hiring process. 2. Motion to deny approval ofestablis ent of position as requested. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator and the Personnel C mmittee recommend alternative 1. This position has been in the budget therefore it ill not result in a cost increase for budget year 200~. . The services provided by this positio are important to a growing city. The duties fulfilled will help the city by providing bette and quicker information for decision making. This position.'Vill also help staffp vide better/quicker response to the public and will help everyone by supporting the co e enforcement process. 4 . . . c. D. sc. Council Agenda - 10/8/01 Consideration of Chan Je Order No.1 - C dar Street Reconstruction Pro" ect No. 2000-18C and 7th Street Reconstructio Pro"ect No. 2001-07C. (WSI3) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The attached Change Order No. 1 for tbe Ce ar Street/7th Street Reconstruction Project is for additional work completed on 7th Street to ex avate and dispose of buried debris found on tbe project and import and place granular borro material. Also included in the cbange order is the installation of two (2) eigbt ineb water se vices for a proposed development on tbe soutb side of 7th Street. All costs associated with tl e installation of tbe two water services will be assessed to the property owner. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Cbange Order No. I to Proje 't No. 2000-18C and Project No. 200 1-07C in the amount of $19,752.70 lnaking a revis d contract amount or $571 ,831.30. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator and City Engineer to approve Cbange Order No.1 in the amount of $19.752.70 to the Ced r Street/7th Street East Reconstruction Projects. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy or Change Order No.1 CEDAR STREET RECONSTRUCTION & 7TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 2000-18C & 2001-07C OWNER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 WSB PROJECT NO. 1338-01 CONTRACTOR: Bauerly Bros., Inc. PO Box 237 North Branch, MN 55056 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CON RACT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: BID ITEMS AS ATTACHED ON ITEMIZED SCHEDULE ARE ADDED TO TH CONTRACT. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: NO. TO eNTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: T INCREASE/DECREASE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER~ WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEER APPROV~J.~ CITY ENGINEER DATE $552,078.60 $000 $552,078 60 $19,75270 $571,831 30 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 8/14/01 NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: NONE CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: 8/14/01 NET INCREASE OF CHANGE ORDER: NONE CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS 8/14/01 APPROVED BY: BAUERL Y BROS., INC. CONTRACTOR MAYOR s~ M:\ 1338-0 1 \Excel\voucher.xls\CO-1 . CEDAR STREET RECONSTRUCTION & 7TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 2000-18C & 2001-07C WSB PROJECT NO. 1338-01 Extended Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Amount 1 Excavate Rubble 5.75 HR $616.00 $3,542.00 2 Haul Rubble 374 CY $9.35 $3,496.90 3 Granular Borrow 374 CY $4.70 $1,757.80 4 Additional Signage 1 LS $308.00 $308.00 5 Wet.Tap Connect W/8" Valve 2 EA $2,475.00 $4,950.00 6 8" DIP Water Service 120 LF $31.90 $3,828.00 7 8" Plug for Testing 2 EA $275.00 $550.00 8 Relocate Hydrant 1 EA $1,320.00 $1,320.00 Total $19,752.70 . . M:\ 1338.01\Excel\voucher.xls\C01 Detail . . . Counci I Agcnda - 1 0/8/0 1 7. Public Hcarin - Su I(xtension. (R W) Sewer A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In July 1999, thc City awarded a contract to R. ,. Larson out of S1. Cloud to construct a sanitary sewer extension through thc Rcmmelc propcrt owncd by thc City to connect Kjellherg's West Mobile Home Park. This project has been dela cd for a couple of years due to the unauthorized expansion of the mohile homc park. hut now tint issue has heen tentatively settled, it is anticipatcd that the construction project will co llmencc in thc ncxt fcw wccks. The original design was to extend the sanitary ewer along the north boundary of the City owned Remmele property, hut since that original desi n was estahlished, the City has transferred ownership of a six acre parcel of the R_emmele roperty to Mr. Mel Wolters in exchange for ponding and access closure easements. The se er extension is proposed to be re-aligned to henefit this newly created parcel and this is the reason for the supplemental hearing at this time to allow the City to recapture a portion of the c )st through an assessment to the six acre parcel. Originally when the project was awarded. the ( ity and Kjellberg's Mohile llome Park were the only parties henentting from the improvement nd Kjellberg had agreed to waive the puhlic hearing requirement. With another owner now heing a possible beneficiary of these improvements. this public hearing will allow u to assess an estimated $14,306.75 to the Wolters property for the sanitary sewer extension. The 'Cvised project cost is estimated at $135.0] 4.00 for construction costs and after adding indirect osts of 2W!'(l. the total project cost is estimated at $172,818.00. After the close of the supplemental puhlic hearing, the Council should re-alTirm its previous action to order the ill1provement as revised. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution ordering the conti uation of the Kjellberg Sanitary Sewer Extension Project No. 99-01 C as revised. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Additional proposed assessment summary and ap Al/O- ~O /0/:3/0/ . ~ J1 --k/--r _~. ~ H~-01-.f tJv-I/~--a- -fJ~"h, CiJ....~At<?r $/J.AI, )?')H- .f/87 F (;) #~8, ~/cF ..#6.~ @ .Q/;;.f/,C-O/LF .$ Iv. 1/01. ':;.!:J- / - 4' S; 7(:,1. 0 if . /;) "I'f'~ $"l)~ /)" - IJ"!,. (usr FbI!. c1J1J/I1, ~/2. *- .$ /~ ?~..;;.. ; 7 1/2.- .,. ~ fjgl _ 1S- t!. I d 7G., t>-O S- ~77J .rn-t- 8 "c~~ ~f7 5- 6 T/) J'7lt- I fA- (!) .#1,;JCjr.".fx!eA- . $u.hrtlt1f't- · III 177 - I!::>- ~ 8% -:MJiJI'I2-4:./ -# $/ I z'1 . '" D 70T+L )4s-!, ~ m~.-v/ = dt /'1, ~Ob. 7~ . I mI \11Zl1l21-6121121\!= tIIe11~ \5i"188t2.dgn " $- .\ . Ii- f- Ii- Ie _..........~, C f- "- / "- / " If- f- "" \~..... " " \ I li- I ..../ f- "" if- " ",,- f- " '-" f- .~. \ ) " I \ I I I / ;,- / I I I I \ \ \ f- - \ ~-"'~ " """'-. '~" ", " " . ~" ~'-~ /_ ~-'--' -.<:.: ":"8 , ---~. ~""'-' ~~~.'''- . '. -. - . (J' '''-- "" -.' i . ~.,' , , - ~. 0"1\ " ~ .,..... .......'....:b / /! ~ . ".."'?tr~~'" f- .. l' "7 J')..,.. Q :; '. '" -< "- f- --......- ". ". ". -'.....- ". ......,...... .'......- " ;P'-' -....- ". .~. .....',"- -............. ......, " . ....'........ /\ -....,. " -............ " ". ". ...........- j'; ~~~/ (J '1 . . . 8. Council Agenda ~ 1 0/8/200 I Consideration of above round work 'or the Walnut Street sidewalk im rovement Iiehtin!! proiect. (.1.S.) A. RE~'ERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last council meeting the City Council warded the contract to Excel Energy for the underground portion of the Walnut Street Iightin - project at a cost of $40,800. The estimated cost for the installation of the wiring, fixtures, poles, control eabinets, outlets for Christmas decorations, and banner arms is as fall ws: 1. 29 Poles & Fixtures using the Vernon Fixture nd an Aluminum Pole . . . . . . . . . . . $] 06,000 2. 29 Poles & Fixtures using the Lumec Fixture a ld an Aluminum Pole . . . . . . . . . . . $104,200 3. 29 Poles & Fixtures using the Vernon Fixture a ld a Fiberglass Pole ............ $103,000 4. 29 Poles & Fixtures using the Colonial Fixture - nd an Aluminum Pole ........... $96,700 5. 29 Poles & Fixtures using the Colonial Fixture nd a Fiberglass Pole. . . . . . . . . . . .. $93.300 We are still working with Excel Energy for an ,cceptable colonial style fixture. One that is acceptable to the Town Centre developers, the Design Advisory Team, and the Liquor Store project. as well as the City staff Excel has rejected the fixt Ires we have asked them to provide. one from Sternberg Lighting and another one hom Heritage ,ighting, as they felt the quality was not up to Excel's standards. They have presented us with a L mec Coach fixture which should be acceptable to us. . The City Engineer has researched some additional i formation in regard to the lighting projects in the twin cities area which were built at a cost of$3,4 0 per pole and fixture. It is my understanding that the individuall3ret worked with in the cities was he same person who assisted Bob Rapacz from Excel Energy with the proposallclr our lighting systel1, Mr. John Hygrell. The significant difference between the two systems is that the underground work with the twin cities systems was combined with the joint trench installation for all the utilities Consequently, the underground costs were minimal. In addition, the lighting systems that wer proposed in those areas did not inelude the banner arms nor the OFI outlets for Christmas decor tions. Consequently, I3ret now feels the costs lClr this system arc not out of line when you l~lctor in the differences in underground work and the addition of the banner arms and OFI outlets. U. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to authorize the ublic Works Department to continue working with Excel Energy to supply the 29 poles and fixtures with a fixture suitable to the City of Monticello (most likely the Lumec Coach fixt Ire) at a not to exeeed cost 01'$ ] 04,200. This S fixture will also then be used on the Town Cc lire and Liquor Store projects. GlIr..... \':, . Council Agenda -10/8/200 1 2. The second alternative would be to delete the six lights along the sidewalk between 4th and ]'d Streets and install them at a later date a - suming the cost would be similar for the six lights versus the other 23 lights. This could save us approximately $12,000 to $ I 5,000 for the time being. ~ -, . The third alternative would be to not only remove the six lights between ]'d and 4th but also the six lights along the sidewalk between tl e railroad tracks and 4th Street. This could reduce our costs by approximately $24,000 to $3 ,000. Again, assuming that we would not pay a significantly higher cost in the future whe we install them later. c STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director nd City Engineer are requesting that the City Council authorize the statTto continue working wit 1 Excel Energy to provide an acceptable light and do the complete project at this time as outlined in alternative #1. D, SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal from Excel Energy and pictures fthc Lumec fixture and the antique Jixture from . Monticello streets at the turn of the century. . II Xcel Energy'. . OUTDOOR LIGHTING October 5,2001 John E. Simola Publics Works Director City of Monticello Dear Mr. Simola, 1971 Gateway Boulevard Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112.2750 I'm submitting to you a cost for the Square Lantern 41 fixture on an aluminum pole. The material that will be included in phase two is as follows: . Phase 2 L41 fixture with aluminum pole: 29 - 150 watt BPS Lantern Series L41 type fixtures 29 - 15 foot aluminum Washington fluted pole. 29 - Sets of banner arms 1 - Twistlock Photocell 1. Feedpoint cabinet 1 - Timed photo control 29 - Festoons 1- 8" Screw-in anchor base The preliminary cost to complete this project as it is pecified will be $104,200. . Thank you for the opportunity to provide this service to the City of Monticello. I look fOlWard to working with you so we can make changes as needed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, t4a8 /l &bRiPa~/ Xcel Energy Consultant (651) 634-7808 . '8 . THIS IS A TURN OF T E CENTURY ANTIQUE FIXTURE T AT USED TO BE ON BROADWAY IN ONTICELLO . THIS IS A LUMEC COACH LIGH' . o . 0.... ~ ~ rol U ....rol f-<" ~~ :E o "'''' o '" >'0 f-<:> ...., UI>: o .,. III ~ " . OJ rl ,Q .. >. .. "" .,"" rl ...... rl<( ..... Ill'" o ...", o OJ rl " "0 OJ ... U Ul ~ '" e "" ...... '" ",......, 000 000 000 000 '" ",," .-<.-<.-< .,..,..,. """'''' ..rU"l\'or"-- 0000 0000. 00000 0000 mmO\O"I r-Irl",",1""l <qi"",~~ """""''''' f"-f""-f'-r-- l""'ll"'-frll""4 .......................... 0'\0'\0\0\ I""ll""l....-l.... l"'-r--t'--r-. O'\mmO'l '11f14I#I.qi~ 0000 00'00 0000 1""l1""4......1""l NNNM t""'It'I'l~t""'I r-40rll""'l Oi""tOo I""'Im"llflf'- I""ll""'lNt"i ~.'Q'I'IfI I""ll""'lrll"""l COOo I""Ir-I...-ll""t :i! 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