City Council Agenda Packet 09-10-2001 . . . 8. AGEN)A REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, ScptcmhcrlO, 2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger l3elsaas Council Members: Clint Ilerhst, Brian Stumpt~ Roger Carlson, l3ruce "rhielen I. Call to order. 2. Approve minutes of August 27, 2()()1 regular C )uncil meeting. Approve minutes of August 27,2001 Budget orkshop meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. B. C. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and COt plaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for Monticello Community Center and liquor store. B. Consideration of a request fix amendm nt of Zoning code, Chapter 13, Section 13-4,1-' 15, reducing side yard setbacks to 10 feet - pplicant: City of Monticello. C. Consideration of a request for a conditic nal use permit allowing a planned unit development in a residential district. A plicant: Scott Dahlke. D. Consideration of ordinance annexing 6 acre tract of City owned commercial land located north of the Kjellberg West Mobile Ho ne Park. E. Consideration of bids and awarding con ract Walnut Street Corridor Improvements, Project No. 2001-17C. F. Consideration of approval final plat for onticello Travel Center 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of adoption of n ordinance annexing property to the City of Monticello - Groveland Third Addition Public I Icaring - Consideration of ordering pial s and specifications fin Gillard Avenue pathway segment. 9. Consideration of authorizing feasi bi I ity study 0 extension of force main serving Southeast Monticello. . . . Monticello. Agenda Monticello City Council September 10, 2001 Page Two 10. Consideration of accepting property OWl. er petitions and call for a publ ic hearing on annexation of certain properties adjacent to City limits in Southeast area. Petitioners include: Ken Shultz, Jim Shultz and Ralph Hermes. 11. Consideration of Chelsea Road West/Sat dberg Road Traffic Study and consideration of change in tra11ic control. 12. Consideration of approving concept for se ofllF assistance for MLC Building &Remodeling. 13. Consideration of vacating a portion of V'ne Street. 14. Approve payment of bills for September. 15. Adjourn . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL August 27, 20 1 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger C Ison, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 .m. and declared a quorum present. ouncil meetin . 2. A BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TH MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 13, 2001 COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. BRU E THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin~ items to the a~enda. . The Council added to the consent agenda: 1) To ccept staff recommendation to place the play structure for the West Bridge Park a nominal dis ance off the utility lines; 2) Cancellation of the sprinkling ban effective at 12:01 September 1,2 01. 4. Citizen comments/ etitions re uests and com laints. Brad Fyle representing the Monticello Fire Depa ment came before the City Council to request that the Fire Department has an opportunity to re iew the plans for the proposed bike park for the Community Center before it is constructed. He Iso requested that the Fire Department receive maps for the new developments as soon as addresses have been assigned. Brad Fyle expressed concerns about the manner in which streets are n ed and house numbers assigned. 5. Consent Aeenda: A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for M nticello Community Center. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring ofth part-time employees for the Monticello Community Center as identified. B. Consideration of adopting a resolution app oving Monticello Heartland Express 2002 Budget and Transit Assistance Application Recommendation: Adopt resolutions approving the Heartland Express 2002 Bu get Plan and Transit Assistance application as well as the Drug and Alcohol Policy. Res. #2001-58 and 2001-59. . c. Consideration of accepting job description nd authorize posting of vacancy _ Planner II/GIS Technician and authorize hi ing process. Recommendation: Approve the establishment of a Planner II/GIS Technici and authorize the hiring process. 1 dA . . . Council Minutes - 8/27/01 Consideration of alternatives dealing wit upkeep of mailboxes in Monticello. Recommendation: Motion to send a let er to homeowners whose mailboxes are in need of maintenance asking them to fix the pr blem. D. E. Consideration of a request for a license r property encroachment onto city right-of-way- Kevin Olson. Recommendation: Moti n to approve a license to this property indicating that encroachment is acceptable to the C ty until the building is removed or demolished. The license shall indicate that no expans on would be allowed unless the property conforms to the proper setbacks and that the property owner pay for all legal costs in preparing the license document. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE T E CONSENT AGENDA AMENDED TO INCLUDE NOT PLACING WEST BRIDGE P PLAY STRUCTURE OVER THE UTILITIES AND LIFTING THE SPRINKLIN BAN EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1,2001. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the co None. 7. Consideration of acce tin Gillard Avenue hearin{: on improvement. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, presented prelimina information regarding construction of a pathway along Gillard Avenue from 95th Street t County Road 39. Two options were considered when looking at the pathway location. One opt on would be to widen the shoulders of the road and pave to a 6' width. The estimated cost for t is option would be $51,000. The second option would be to construct the pathway off the existi g pavement. However this option would be more difficult because of the topography of the rea and the presence of the ditch. At this time there was no specific information on amount of llling required, amount of landscape restoration or whether additional easements would be need d. It is estimated that this option would run approximately $67,000. The Council would ne d to determine which design option is preferred and then set a public hearing. Clint Herbst suggested this information be pres ted to the property owners to determine their interest in pursuing this. John Young a resident on Gillard Avenue, stated that since this segment of pathway would be on the City's plan the City would be picking up 75% ofthe cost and the homeowners 25%. He felt that if the homeown rs didn't have to pick up 100% of the cost they would be more receptive to the trail constructio . Mr. Young also stated that the residents in the area waited a month for the feasibility study and City is still not sure what they are going to do. City Engineer, Bret Weiss responded that he wa not authorized to spend the money to do the survey work necessary to come up with an exac trail alignment. Since the trail in this area would be carrying primarily local traffic it may ot qualify for the 75%-25% cost split. Clint Herbst questioned whether the residents would ant the trail constructed ifthey had to pay the full cost of it. 2 C),A Council Minutes - 8/27/01 . John Young asked that when the Council voted n this item, that Clint Herbst be requested to abstain from voting. The Council indicated tha there was no conflict of interest for Councilmember Herbst on this item and therefo e no reason for him to abstain from voting. Mayor Belsaas felt the public hearing should be set as he didn't feel the City should authorize the additional survey work and plans and specificati ns, if there wasn't interest by the residents. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill spoke e pressing his concern about the range ofthe cost estimates for the pathway ($51,000 to $67,000). Bruce Thielen stated an argument could be made that it is appropriate for this segment oftr il to be on the pathway system because it does provide a connection for this portion of town. e would prefer, however, to see an offroad pathway along County Road 39 before one on G . lIard Avenue but noted that County policy regulates what happens on County Road 39. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET A PUBLI HEARING ON THE PROPOSED P ATHW A Y FOR THE SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 COUNCIL EETING. . John Young stated that the Parks Commission h d recommended that this be included as part of the pathway system and that he thought the Cou cil had done that also in previous action but now the Council appears to be saying it is not 0 the system. It was noted in the minutes that previous Council action only called for a feasibi ity study and had not authorized placement of the trail segment on the pathway system. Mayo Belsaas stated that after the public hearing, if the project proceeds, the additional work will b done to firm up project costs and trail alignment. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. John Young made some additional comments 0 how this matter was handled by the City. Clint Herbst responded that the Council represents th interests ofthe entire City. It was noted that there are two additional options that could be co sidered which would be: 1) Although the segment is not on the pathway, the City could st 11 consider some type of cost participation and 2) the City could take no action on the pathway re uest. 8. Approve payment of bills for AUf:ust. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE P YMENT OF BILLS FOR AUGUST. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MO ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Adjourn. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN A 7:45 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNAN OUSL Y. . Recording Secretary 3 d-A MINUT S SPECIAL MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 27, 001 - 5:30 p.m. . Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Car son, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Staff Present: City Administrator, Rick olfsteller; Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill; Public Works Di ector, John Simola; Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropcha ; Community Center Director, Kitty Baltos 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 5:3 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Present Prelimina City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, presented reliminary budget worksheets for Council review and discussion. Information was provi ed which showed the levy amount for the 2002 budget with no capital outlays be levied for ($5, 58,188); a levy amount for a budget including a capital outlay levy of $500,000 ($6,258,188) an the amount if the City was to levy the maximum allowed ($6,540.335). The Council iscussed the preliminary figures and also the list of capital outlay items. The general feeling fthe Council was that the City needed to establish their street re-construction fund and th t they would have to start this year. The Council felt that the City should set their levy at he maximum allowed noting the City could at a later date determine which capital outlay items ould be funded. . The Council discussed the Community Center b dget and the need to generate additional revenues. Kitty Baltos, Community Center Dir ctor, stated that the preliminary budget had been reviewed by the MCC Advisory Board and they ad discussed ways to increase revenue. The feeling was that they should be doing things that would encourage individuals to purchase an annual pass rather than just individual passes for certain facilities, such as the pool or gym. Even if increasing the rates for the individual areas di n't encourage people to opt for annual passes, it would still generate some additional revenues. nother idea was to charge for the use of the walking track which is presently free. It was su gested that maybe the walking track would be free for residents and there would be a nominal harge for non-residents. It was also suggested that Community Center set up a fund for capital utlay for replacement items such as carpeting, roofing, etc. In discussing the street reconstruction fund, the ouncil discussed whether the charge should be based on property valuation or front footage. Th re was discussion on the core streets, how long it would take to reconstruct, whether any portion of the reconstruction cost would be assessed. It was pointed out that there are number of street projects that the City is looking at they will be need to be funded in the very near future, and th feeling was that there would not be enough built up in the street reconstruction fund to finan e them. The City may end up bonding some of these projects until such time as there sufficient eserves established in the reconstruction fund. The Council discussed the condition of the stree s in the newer developments and the Council . 1 dg Special Meeting Minutes - 8/27/01 . felt that some of the streets were being damaged during the course of development. They felt the City should have in place procedures to assure t at when the development is completed the streets are still in good shape. Public Works Director, John Simola, brought up an item relating to the recent bid for a play structure for the West Bridge Park. The propos d location for the play structure would be over the forcemain. The City Engineer and Public orks Director recommended that the structure not be placed over the utilities but the Parks Co ission wanted to retain the play structure in the area originally designated. John Simola in icated that although the risk of something happening to the utilities was small, he did not ve the authority to make that decision for the City. It was noted that upon learning of that sit ation the Parks Commission had looked at changing the location ofthe structure but that w uld necessitate relocating the existing play area and trail. After discussion, it was determined t at this item be placed on the consent agenda with the notation that the Council was approvin that the structure be placed a nominal distance from the pipe. In other general comments on th parks, Mayor Belsaas stated that he had received comments from residents about the par s not being maintained and mowed. John Simola also noted that the residents had request d the parks staff to expand their mowing area in the Battle Rapids park. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller brought up some ofthe other impacts of the tax bill such as the loss of HACA. It was also noted that for thi year at least there is no Truth in Taxation hearing required. He also pointed out that base on information just received from the Department of Revenue, the maximum levy am unt would need to be reduced from $6,540 to $6,498. . Brian Stumpf asked if funds budgeted for capita improvement outlays for the Fire Department could be in a separate account collecting interest instead of having it placed in the general fund account. Rick W olfsteller noted that this is the econd year of a three budgeting process for the purchase of a pumper for the Fire Department. Brian Stumpf also stated that the Fire Department believes the City should commence lanning to acquire land for a future fire hall site and one possible site that was discussed was the Rernrnle property. On the existing fire hall site, there was a proposal by some civic organization to redo the exterior of the building. The proposal would have the organizations donating he labor if the City provided the materials. It was suggested that this item should be budgeted for. 3. Scheduline of future budeet workshops. No further workshops were scheduled at this ti e. 4. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. . Recording Secretary 2 ;)6 . SA. Consideration of a liquor store. (R W) Council Agenda - 9/10/01 new hires and e artures for the communi center and A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring ofne employees that have occurred recently at the the community center and the liquor store. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employee including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time emp1 yees for the community center and liquor store as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . . . Name Ewert, Sarah Wiley, Angela Schmidt, Laura Guptill, Skeeter Whitney, Andrew Hopkins, Katie Coffey, Erica . Name Elleraas, Allen Brown/Brandon . employee councillist.xls: 08/3 NEW EMPLO't EES Title Department Hire Date Class Pool Attendant MC C 8/16/01 PT Clerk Liq Store 8/16/01 PT Pool Attendant MC C 8/9/01 PT Pool Attendant MC C 8/9/01 PT Custodian MC C 8/15/01 PT Guest Svc MC C 7/25/01 PT Pool Attendant MC C 8/13/01 PT TERMINATING EM LOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary/temp Liq Store 8/16/01 temp voluntary/temp Pa ks 8/13/01 temp 1 /2001 jA -. - --- . . . 58. Council Agenda - 09/1 % I A. RI1:FERKNCE AND BACKGROlJ D In the B-3 district, pet hospitals are allowed y conditional use permit subject to several requirements (see below). One of these req irements applies a 20 foot sideyard setback rather than the 10 f(Jot sideyard setback typi al in the B-3 district. Staff has found that there is no substantial r ason for the increased sideyard setback for pet hospitals in the B-3 district and is recol11nending that it be removed from the ordinance as it excessi vely restricts and interferes with full use of the commercial lands within the 11-3 district. The Planning Commission reviewed this ite 1 at a public hearing on September 4,2001 and recommends Alternative #1. B. ALTERNATIVES I. Motion to recommend approval to th City Council of the ordinance amendment removing the special 20 foot sideyar setback for pet hospitals as considered by conditional use permit in the B-3 ZOI e. 2. Motion to recommend to the City C uncil that the ordinance amendment he denied. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff and Planning Commission reco lmends Alternate 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Copy of proposed Ordinance with strike-out to show amendments. . ORDINANCE O. CITY OF MO TICELLO WRIGHT COUNT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHA TER 13, SECTION 13-4, ITEM [J] OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 10, Chapter 13, Section 13-4, Item [J] of the ity Code is hereby amended to read as follows: [J] Pet hospitals with the follow ng condition: 1. 2. ., :>. 4. . 5. &: No outside pens or k nnels. Annual inspection by City Health Otlicer at owner's expense. All animals must be lashed. Treatment would be I mited to small domesticated animals. No outside storage of carcasses. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. 2001. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this day of ATTEST: By: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Roger Belsaas. Mayor Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator AYES: NAYS: . };B Council Agenda - 9/10/01 . 5C. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Mr. Scott Dahlke is requesting approval of Concept Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow the constructi n of eight townhomes upon a 1.0 acre parcel of land located south of West Third treet and west of Elm Street. The proposed dwelling units would be disperse within two, four unit structures upon the property. The subject parcel is zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential. Adjacent Uses. The subject site is bound d on the north, south and east by single family residential uses and on the west by roperty owned by the School District (Pinewood Elementary School). Provided adequate screening is provided f om adjacent single family residential uses, the proposed use is considered compatibl with existing uses in the area. . Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is generally consistent with the provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan policies n that it promotes a wider range of housing choices in the City. Zoning. The subject parcel is zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential. Townhouses are allowed in this district as Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development. Section 22-1 (D) requires th Planning Commission to consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed c nditional use. The judgment of the Planning Commission must be based upo ,but not limited to, the following factors: 1. Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan 2. The geographical area involved. 3. Whether such use will tend to or ac ually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 4. The character of the surrounding ar a. 5. The demonstrated need for such u PUD Processing. To accommodate the ase lot/unit lot configuration of the . town home development, the processing 0 a PUD/CUP is required. The processing of PUD applications OCcurs in three stag s; Concept Plan, Development Plan and Final Plan. At this point, the applicant is eeking approval of the Concept Plan which involves a general determination of plan cceptability. · Performance Standards. The following table illustrates lot performance requirements of the Zoning Ordinance an the proposed development's compliance with the applicable requirements. Req ired 12,00 sq. ft. 10ft. 5,000 sq. ft. lot Area lot Width lot Area Per Unit Setbacks* Front 30 ft. Side 30 ft. Rear 30 ft. * Setbacks apply along the perimeter of the develo ment for PUD Proposed 44,403 sq. ft. 191 ft. 5,550 sq. ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 25 ft. Access. The proposed development is to e accessed from the south via a private driveway constructed within the West Fourt Street right-of-way. To allow such condition, a specific license must be issued Because utilities will be located in this area, the residents of the project should be notified that utility work will result in the resi ents need to repair the private driveway . The acceptability of the temporary private d iveway and issues associated with the referenced licensing requirement should be ubject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. landscaping. As shown on the submitted ite plan, the perimeter of the site is lined with coniferous tree plantings. In addition to retaining the existing trees, the applicant is proposing to plant a mixture of ornamental and deciduous trees throughout the site. While the proposed landscaping is considere positive, it is recommended that additional plantings be provided within the int rior "garage court" area of the development and that foundation planting (i.e. shrubs) be provided along the perimeter if the proposed structures. As part of the forthcoming Development Plan tage submission, a detailed landscape plan should be submitted which identifies the ocation, size and variety of all site plantings. Building Elevations. As part of the Develop ent Plan Stage submission, preliminary building elevations should be submitted. It sh uld be noted that buildings within the R-2 zoning district are limited to 2 ~ stories in eight. Garbage and Mail Service. Garbage pick-up nd mail service for the proposed development is to be provided along Elm Stree. In recognition of such service 2 . . locations, the fOllowing are recommended: 1_ Sidewalk connections be provid d on the north and south sides of the eastern townhome building, connecting t e interior "garage court" with Elm Street. 2. A mailbox structure (for the eight townhome units) be erected along Elm Street adjacent to one of the recommen ed sidewalks. Design details for the mailbox structure should be submitted pri r to Final Stage PUD approval. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. s part of this application, a preliminary utility plan has been submitted. The plan sho Id be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. As part of the Developm nt Plan Stage submission, the applicant wi/I need to submit a grading and drainage p an. Such plan will likewise be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Park Dedication. The applicant will be r quired to provide appropriate cash contribution for park and trail dedication. II park dedication contributions shall be consistent with City policy. Subdivision. To allow the sale of the ind vidual townhome units, the subject property will need to be subdivided in a base lot/un t lot arrangement. As part of the forthcoming Development Plan Stage sub ission, a preliminary plat depicting the proposed subdivision of the property shou d be submitted. s. Al TERNA TlVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Con ept Stage PUD subject to the following conditions: a. Prior to Development Plan stage ap roval, the following plans are submitted: · Landscape Plan · Grading and Drainage Plan · Building Elevations · Preliminary Plat b. In addition to the trees shown of the site plan, additional plantings be provided within the interior "garage court" area f the site and along the perimeter of the proposed townhome buildings. c. The City Engineer provide comment nd recommendation in regard to the acceptability of the temporary private driveway and issues associated with the required licensing requirement for su h condition. d. Sidewalk connections be provided on t e north and south sides of the eastern townhome building, connecting the int rior "garage court" with Elm Street. 3 . e. A mailbox structure (for the eig t townhome units) be erected along Elm Street adjacent to one of the recommended sidewalks. Design details for the mailbox structure shall be submitted pri r to Final Stage PUD approval. f. The City Engineer provide com ent and recommendation in regard to drainage and utility issues. g. A pathway connection shall be p ovided south of the subject property (along West Fourth Street) with a desig to be determined. Potential findings supporting this decisi n would be: · The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. · The proposal is compatible with existing land Uses in the area. · The proposal satisfies the provisi ns of the Zoning Ordinance. · The proposal is consistent with th City's use of Planned Unit Development with appropriate landscaping and architectural design. The Planning Commission reviewed this tem at a public hearing on September 4,2001 and recommends approval as noted und r Alternative #1. There was a small number of citizens in attendance none of which 0 jected to the project. The main concern was the proposed value of the homes. 2_ Motion to recommend denial of the Conc pt Stage PUD. . Potential findings supporting this decision would be: · The proposed land use is not comp tible with the existing single family residential/and uses existing to the north, south and east of the subject property. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed project is generally c nsistent with the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Or inance. The Planning Commission supports the project with a positive r COmmendation. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the Conce t Stage PUD with the conditions cited in alternative action #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Area Location Map Exhibit 8 - Site Plan Exhibit C - Utility Plan . 4 5c. AUG-29-2001 NAC f/4 M~ L~_ .--- . . I .. _ _ _.. + __ 612 595 983: P.0~",.,~ 1 /2 : MILE .,:..........__...__........ - ... - . - - - . - - . -. .. - - : , - . . . . .. . . . ~ -. - - - . .. .. - .. . ~ . . . . - -.. . - : ' I \ft "" u ' ..u__:.....' . . , , ~EA LOCATION MAP H1B1T A - : 5 C . . .' AUG-29-2001 5:44 """::'';:'''' .......J 1/ "'~!II. 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND The City Council is asked to consider al proving annexation of the "Remmelc site" which is a 66 acre commercial sit on Highway 5. As you know, 6 acres arc committed to Mel Wolters in conjunction with the condem ation settlement. Also, a portion of the land area includes the commuter parking lot. This item is forwarded to the City Council by staff for the f()llowing reasons: The land is currently served by s wer and water and a frontage road exists thus making it immediately developa Ie. The City and Kent Kjellberg hav recently come to terms regarding extension of sewer to the Kjellberg West Park. This line must pass through the City parcel. Overall appeal to developers wou d be enhanced if the property was in the City. This properly meets all orthc crit 'ria for annexation set tcxth in previous agreements between the City and rownship. Under the State-guided annexation hy or inance process. when the City owns the land the City may sirnply annex the property. A public hearing is not required by state law under these conditions. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to authorize adoption of a esolution annexing the City property by ordinance. 2. Motion to tahle annexation. 3. Motion to deny adoption of a resolution annexing the City property by ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION D. The City Administrator recommends Alte native 1. It could be argued that the land should have been annexed already. SIJPPORTING DATA Copy of ordinance. Site Map . . . ORDINAN :E NO. 365 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MON ICELLO ANNEXING LAND LOCATED IN IN THE TOWN OF MON'fICELLO, WRIG T COUNTY, MINNESOTA TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNK'OTA, PURSUANT TO MINN. STAT. ~ 414.033, SUBD.2 PERMITTING AN EXA TION BY ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the property described on the attached Exhibit A is not presently within the corporate limits of any incorporated city, WHEREAS, this property abuts upon the corporate imits of the City of Monticello at the west boundary thereof and the property is deemed to be urban or su urban in character; and WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A c . ntains 68.73 acres and is vacant land containing no population, WHEREAS, the property is owned in fee by the Cit' of Monticello, THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MI NESOT A HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Territory Annexed The corporate IiI its of the City of Monticello are hereby extended to include the unplatted property describ d on the attached Exhibit A now owned by the City or Monticello. Section 2. Filing. The City Clerk is directed to t Ie certified copies of this ordinance with the Secretary of State, the County Audito of the county in which the property is located, the Town Clerk of the affected and the M nnesota State Planning Agency. Section 3. tjf(~ctive Date olAnnexation. This 0 dinance takes effect upon its passage and publication, the riling of certified copies as directe in Section 2 and approval by the Minnesota State Planning Agency. Adopted by the City of Monticello, Minnesota this I, Ih day of August, 2001, ATTEST: Rick Wolt:<;teller, City Administrator Roger Helsaas. Mayor 5D ,-,~-,,-,,-_......----~-,-_., . ~_.,-"-,."._.,'--,~."..~-.-----""~~.~' -1 Annexati n Parcel Exhi it A ----- ------------- --- _ _I', Highway 2/ II ~ \ .---~--~_.-_.-. -~_.,~,~,""'--------"------"'" City Limits -- -- ---L l 1 /l . ;-1 /. / "~<<<>/--::::'====- >-1} --~~-"-~- 1/ " -........... -----..~.~ ~....~.- -,. - ~y Kjellberg's East II II II ! II 1\ I II ~ . '5D . . . 5E. Council Agenda - 9/ I % I Consideration of acce tin bids and aw' rdin J ro' eet - Walnut Street Sidewalk Improvements. (.10) A. REFERENCF: AND BACKGROUND: On Friday Septell1ber 7, the City received t 0 bids with the low bid submitted by Marthaler Companies Inc in the amount of $256.199. The next bidder came in a very close second with a bid of$256,452.06 The engineer's ~stimate on this project was $255,989. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to accept bids and award co tract to Marthaler Companies Inc in the amount of $256, 199. Under this alternative the improvem nts associated with the Town Centre project will be cOll1pleted in time for building occu ancy. An assessment hearing on the project will be completed next summer once the pI' ject is completed. Lighting for the project will be installed under separate contract with NSP. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of bids at d deny award of contract C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alterna ive I based on the initial review of the bids. Due to the closeness of the bids there is a chance th' t there may be a different low bidder after the City Engineer completes veri fication of the math n each bid. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Preliminary Bid Tabulation. . . . -- --.. --..... ___u .-... A. B.A. Mittelsteadt, I 606 25 th Ave. S. Suite 101 Bret A. Weiss, I WSB St. Cloud, M N 56301 Peter R. Willenbring, I Donald W Sterna, 320-252-4 300 Ronald B Bray, FAX 252-3 100 & Associates, Inc. BID TABU :A TION DOWNTOWN SIDEWAl K IMPROVEMENTS MONTICELLO, ~INNESOTA CITY PROJECT rvO.2001-17C Bids Opened: 11:00 a.m. WSB & Associates, Inc. September 7, 2001 Project No. 1315-002 Contractor Bid Sefurity Total Bid BAUERL Y COMPANIES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC GLACIAL RIDGE, INC. J3. RYNDERS, INC. ~ LS. BLACK CCNSTRUCTORS, INC. /' J 5{. ~.s.). O~ '" MARTHALER COVIPANIES, INC. V ). 5C /'7(1.00 MIDWEST CONCRETE SPECIAL TIES, INC. O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION, INC. SCHMIDT CURB co. VERSA-LOK RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS 3% Engineer's Estimate $ 255,989.50 1 here'!. certify that this is a true and correct tal ulation of the bids as received on September 7,200 . Michael Nil Ison, P .E. *Denotes Corrected Figure M i nneapolis . St. C I 0 u d Infrastructure El gineers Planners f~.\JJ Ij...(J(}1IRiddinK Docl",,~nb\bldl(ih. K F()11^1 nppnRTI J !\.11TY I'I\~PI nYI'Ll u__ ..---- .- )[ )[ ~E. PE. PC 5(. pd . . . Council Agenda - 9/10/01 SF. Consideration of a roval of the final lat - Monticello Travel Center A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to grant final plat a proval to the Monticello Travel Center plat submitted by Dan Mielke. The plat is un er final review by city staff and appears to be consistent with the Planned Unit Develo ment approval granted by the City Council some time ago. Some minor modificatio 1S will need to be made to the easement boundaries to reflect setback dimensions approved at the PUD. Lot 5 Block I casement will need to be set at 10' instead of 12' and the drainage and utility casement at Lot 3 Block 1 will need to be reduced in area t reflect changes in the planned placement of the utility line at this location. Due to the fact that Mielke has signed as 'essment agreements there are no other requirements associated with granting th final plat. Each individual lot as it is developed will be required to conform to the P(JD Landscaping and Parking plan as they are constructed. Securities associated with uaranteeing compliance will be obtained at the time building permits are issued. The oIly problem not resolved is determining a plan for assuring completion of parking and land 'caping improvements on properties adjoining a development site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve final plat subject to tinal review by the City Attorney and City Engineer and subject establishm nt of a plan/method for assuring completion of necessary improvements on lots. djacent to a lot under development. 2. Motion to deny plat approval C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alernative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Plat --=f- .. :t!l!S 1:1 bl~ ~9~ ,IG ~ I~!' i ~b!g !!In .0 .t"o ...:y 0:;:', 4S ~ts .~ .P!~ I -:iii:::,._ . . . 7. Counc i I Agenda - 9/ I % I Puhlic Hearin(J - Consideration of ado tio; of an ordinance annexin Citv of Monticello - Groveland Third Addi ion. (./0) A. INFORMATION AND BACKGROlJND: As you know the developers or the Cirovelan addition arc seeking annexation of the next phase of land necessary to support the third p ase of the Crovcland subdivision. This anncxation is requested in anticipation or dev 'Iopment ot" roads and utilities ncxt spring. The total land area proposed tor annexation (31 a res) matches the area proposed for developlnent. The proposed annexation is contiguous to the city. is less than 60 acres and therd()re may be annexed by ordinance. Council is asked to ccnduct the public hearing and then provide further direction by selecting one ot"the 1()lIowing alt'rnatives below. As you know, based on the Appeals Court finding that the MOAA Comprehensive Plan was invalid because it did not meet the requireme ts t()l" public review, the City Council has taken the position that the CitylTownship annexation agreement has dissolved because the deadline fix completing a valid cOlnprehensive plan w s not Inet. Recently, the Supreme Court did not take up the Township and County appeal and therd()l'e the tinding of the appeals court stands. According to the City Attorney. the City is th refore free to act in accordance with rules provided for annexation by the State of Minn sota. The Township challenges this view as you will note in the attachcd letter. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion adopting a resolution resultin' in annexation of said area by city ordinance. Under this alternative the annexation ocumentation will be submitted to the State Planning Agency tollowing procedur s outlined in state statutes. If the Township hclieves that the annexation agreemelt remains valid and objects to annexation t"ollowing the state statutes. then cour action will need to be taken by the Township. The courts would thcn rulc on thc val dity ot"the agreement. 2. Motion to deny or table adoption of a resolution supporting annexation hy ordinance. This altcrnative should be selected ir he City Council docs not desire to annex the property or ifit does not want to brin' the question of the validity or the City/Township agrccment to a head a this time. It could also select this option if it wishes to renegotiate the city/townshi _ agreement. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on previous action to direct statlto t()II)w state statutes and due to the t~lct that the Supreme Court did not take up the appeal subnitted by the Township and County, it is recommended that the City employ powers gr nted by the State of Minnesota and annex said property by ordinance. This action will set tl1 stage t()l' a Township response and lead to final resolution as to the validity oCthe City/Township agreement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of legal description/public notice int()l"mation Copy or annexation ordinance Letter rrom Township Attorney objecti 19 to City t(Jllowing state statutes . NOTICE OF PlJ LIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION ORDINAl CE TO ANNEX PROPERTY THAT COMPRISES A PORTION OF HE GROVELAND DEVELOPMENT Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the C t'y' of Monticello will hold a public hearing on Monday_ September 10. 2001 to consider an ordinan e to annex that property that comprises a portion of the Groveland Development totaling 31.45 acres and legally described as follows: That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15. TO\vnship 121 North_ Range 25 West. Wright County. Minnesota described as folIo s: . Commencing at the northwest corner of said ortheast Quarter of Section 15; thence on an assumed bearing of South 0 degrees 05 minut s 54 seconds West a distance of 30.01 feet along the west line of said Northeast Quarter 0 the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence South 88 degrees 26 minut s 47 seconds East a distance of360.14 feel. parallel with the north line of said Northeast uarter; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 137.24 feet; thenc South 49 degrees 35 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 326.40 feet: thence South 02 de rees 16 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 294.19 feet; thence South 16 degrees 24 mim es 19 seconds East a distance of 165.15 feet; thence South 36 degrees 57 minutes 06 secon s East a distance of 61.86 feet; thence South 22 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds East a dist nce of 150.00 feet; thence North 67 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of212.20 feet: thence North 75 degrees 50 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 226.64 feet; thence North 00 degrees 34 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 159.81 feet; thence easterly a dist nce of 127.64 feet along a nontangential curve concave to the south_ having a central angle 0 . 12 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds, a radius of 570.00 feet a chord bearing of NOlih 84 degr es 29 minutes 57 seconds East and a chord of 127.38 feet: thence South 89 degrees 05 minu es 08 seconds East a distance of 244.12 feet; thence South 00 degrees 54 minutes 52 secon s West a distance of 193.98 feet: thence South 44 degrees 14 minutes 32 seconds East a dist ce of 166.93 feet: thence South 06 degrees 15 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 172.75 eet; thence South 42 degrees 37 minutes 35 seconds West a distance of 172.75 feet; thenc North 88 degrees 28 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 172.75 feet: thence North 41 deg ees 32 minutes 43 seconds West a distance of 132.88 teet; thence South 69 degrees 19 minu es 42 seconds West a distance of 1209.47 feet; thence North 49 degrees 31 minutes 00 secon s West a distance of 199.69 feet to said west line of the Northeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 54 seconds East. along said vvest line. a distance of 1498.25 feet to th point of beginning. Any person who wishes to comment on the proposed . rdinance may do so at this meeting. Written and oral comments will be considered. Dated: August 6. 20U I ,:\dm i n i strator . ( '" II ~J -------- I II II II II E /(" of Annexation 17 ,q 20 I i I I I II II II " "I . . . Michael C. Couti. Andrew J. MacArthur Robert T. Ruppe.. David R. Wendot[ Attorneys Law 705 Central A enue Eart PO Box 369 St. Michael, M 5537MJ369 (763) 49 -1930 (763) 497-25 (FAX) couriandmacanhu 'fJObox. com *Al.Jo licmstJ In lllinoCs ** Al.Jo licm..w in Call1i,,,'''' September 5, 2001 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Mayor and City Council Members Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Ave. P.O. Box] ]47 Monticello, MN 55362-] 147 Re: Monticello Township; Annexati n of Groveland Development Property. Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Our office represents Monticello Town hip. The TO~l1ship has received the City's notice of intent to consider the annexat on of that property known as the Groveland Development at its September 10, 200 I meeti Ig. This property is located within the orderly annexation area governed by the orde y annexation agreement between the City and the Township dated March 2, ] 998. The otice does not state under what authority the City is proposing to annex the property. As ] am sure you are aware, the orderl annexation agreement governs the conditions necessary for land to be annexed fr m the Township to the City. Paragraph seven of that agreement requires that "All pro erty annexed from the OAA shall be annexed only in accordance with the procedur s detailed in th(is] paragraph. . ." It appears that he City is attempting to annex the Groveland Developmcnt propcliy by some method other than that set out in the orderly a . nexation agreement. The Township objects to any annexatio of this property unless it is done according to the terms of the orderly annexati n agreement. Paragraph three of the orderly annexati n agreement states that if the Orderly Annexation Board failed to adopt a Land Use Ian within one year (which was subsequently extended by agreement of the pies), the orderly annexation agreement would be null and void. Based upon correspo dence received from the City's Attorney, it appears that there is some question at the Ci as to whether the orderly annexation agreement has been rendered void by viItue ofthe Court of Appeals recent decision in I . . . Mayor and City Council Members September 5, 2001 Page 2 of2 Gold Nu J et Oevelo ment v. Ci of Montie 110 et al. In that case, the Court of Appeals held that the Orderly Annexation Board was roperly formed and is valid, but that the Land Use plan was invalid because the Boar did not follow the proper notice procedures when it adopted the Land Use plan. Clearly, the Orderly Annexation Boar adopted a Land Use plan within the required time frame. The fact that the Land se plan was later invalidated by the Court of Appeals does not change the underlying fa t that the Orderly Annexation Board's adoption of the Land Use plan met the time r quirement imposed by the orderly annexation agreement. Events that actually t ok place cannot simply be ignored for purposes of arriving at what may now be a del ired interpretation of an existing, binding legal agreement. Having met the requirements of paragr ph three, the orderly annexation agreement remains in effect and binding upon the City d Township for ten years from the date of its execution (see paragraph eight). The term of the agreement prohibit the annexation of the Groveland Development property by a y means other than the procedure set out in the orderly annexation agreement. If it is the City's intent to attempt to an ex the property by ordinance without following the procedures of the orderly annex tion agreement, the Township will oppose this annexation at every step of the annexatio process. The Township urges the City to reconsider its actions in this matter, and to pr cess the annexation of any lands according to the terms agreed upon by the City and To ship in the orderly annexation agreement. Cc: Monticello Town Board ~(~ Michael C. Couri Couri & MacArthur 1 . . . 8. Consideration of orderin se1!ment. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 9/1 % I As you know at the previous meeting ofth City Council. the Council authorized a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing cost e timates and gauging public support for the project. Council will be discussing cost sh ring options and determine the extent to which the City should assist in funding the pathway segment. As you know, the general rule of thumb in financing sidewalks and pathways identified on the sidewalk grid/pathway plan falls un er the 75/25 rule; the City pays 75% and the property owners pay 25%. There is also a 'eneral rule that can sOlnewhat conllict that says that property owners should pay an a ount equal to the added value created by the improvement. In some cases, the added va ue of a pathway to the benefitting parcel could exceed 25(Yo of the cost. At the same time, when suhdivisions are d veloped any pathways within the suhdivision are funded entirely by the development. Council will also want to discuss the value of the pathway in terms of its location relative to the existing city system. The Parks Con mission has taken the view that the pathway should be incorporated into the pathway sy'tem and that it has equal value to other segments closer to the City core. Therefor the 75/25 rule applies. Others have noted that the pathway though connected to the Cty system is a local trail that serves primarily the local neighborhood only and should be Inanced with a higher portion paid by local property owners. Council should discuss the relative value 01 the pathway to the City vs local property owners and attempt to determine a formula for distributing costs. It is our hope that the position established with this pathway can e applied to other similar situations in the future. If the Council feels that the City sh uld pay for a portion of the cost, a funding source should be identified, i.e. pathway de ication fund or property tax levy from 2002 budget. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize preparation of lans and specifications. Under this alternative it is presumed that a general consensus is fonned on the funding of this pathway and that thee is some indication of public suppol1. Council may wish to take this actiol knowing that a public hearing on adoption of the assessment roll could he schedul d to occur prior to contract award. . . . Counci I Agenda - 9/ 10/0 1 Scheduling the assessment hearing at this time would truly identify public support or objection to the project. 2. Motion to deny authorization to pI' pare plans and specifications. City Council should select this opti n if it believes that the project does not warrant completion at this time due to financing concerns or lack of interest. 3. Motion to table matter or direct the City Engineer to conduct cost studies on another method for providing the ar a with adequate off road pedestrian/bike access. Staff could be directed to s ek grant funds necessary to service this area. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff bel ieves that a pathway at this 10 ation is necessary to assure safety and a quality environment. The segment though t the end of the pathway system today will become an integral part of the system and t ere isjustification fl.)!" the City paying a share of the cost. At the same time, it would appe T to serve a smaller number of users and thercCore it could be argued that the local p operty owners should pay a signi Jicant share of the cost. It is up to the City Council to debate the topic and determine direction. Council may wish to discuss policy questio 1S and table action until a clearer policy fi)f funding pathway development is tC)fmed. Previous Agenda Item. Letter from City Engineer submitted at previous meeting. Table outlining cost impact per lot b sed on 25%, 50, 75% and 100% paid by property owner. (If not available fen ubmittal with agenda packet, it will be submitted on Monday night) D. SUPPORTING DATA: . . . . . . City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 7. Consideration of acce ting Gillard A ven e athwav feasibilitv studv and call for a ublic hearing on improvement. (10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Two meetings ago. City Council requeste pathway along Gillard Avenue. This info ready for Council review at the meeting 0 unable to get the cost information in time a feasibility report on the cost to extend ation is not available today but should be Monday. Despite staffproddings, we were or submittal into your information packet. Following is a general review of what we now at this time. The City Engineer reviewed the site and found that it is difficult to pro ide a precise cost on the project without preparation of survey data which takes ti e to obtain and adds cost to the study. Therefore the information that he will be roviding on Monday will be somewhat rough. He did summarize his findings to staff at our site review meeting on Thursday, August 23rd stating that it will be very difficult an expensive to keep the pathway in the boulevard due to the steep grades and drai age system currently in place. The two trail alignment options that are possible indud : 1. Placement of the trail along the ed e of the road with a curb barrier between trail and road. Placing the trail along the road tho gh feasible from an engineering standpoint, may not satisfy the goal of creating a safer place for pedestrians and bikers. 2. Placement of the trail along the bou dary of the yards and boulevard where the terrain is relatively flat - but encroa hes into private property. Placement of the trail along the pro erty/boulevard edge could work from an engineering standpoint but it is like y to be more expensive than the first option and it requires easement acquisition from neighbors. From a safety standpoint, obviously the second option is the b st. Council will have a chance to review the cost information at the meeting on Monday and determine the next course of action. Possib e alternatives would include the following. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Table authorization to prepare plans and specifications and authorize the City Engineer to prepare additional info ation for decision making. Such data would <6 . City Council Agenda - 08/27/01 include detail on how much priva e easement is needed on various lots. It would also include more refined cost dat . 2. Motion to deny further research 0 the project given the preliminary cost figures to be presented at the meeting. ... .J. Motion to authorize preparation 0 plans and specifications and call for a public hearing on the project following 0 e of the options mentioned above. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON . It does not appear that development of a p thway directly adjacent to the traffic lane will accomplish the goal of creating a safe area for bikes and pedestrians so this option does not appear desirable. This leaves the City ith the option of developing a pathway that meanders along the property line. At this ime there is not enough information available to support moving forward on the project. It may not be prudent to proceed until we know how much private property would b affected by the project. We also would need to determine the level of support for provi ing pathway easement on a property-by- property basis. Determining the level of s pport is only possible with additional engineering data. Therefore the City Admi istrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Aerial Photo . 2 'Y; I I . I I I ; ; i I II ~ SEP-07-2001 12:23 t::~".. c .. . ' ;;' , (":WS8 .DeWI...1"C. I", '. f~~.1 .: ~ l. i i: ./' ;.':' ,,'1- . ~ ..; . 1. " ~' ,~:.: j. ~.: :'.. .i;~", :':~t~' .:"..; .W' -Ii- I"'" ; 4150 QISO? MemorlaJ,Highwa.y I. I' "!,,,. ; SUite 300",;"" '.'~~;~., '~in~a::'. ,," ':,\.l" '1'1" , 5~4~: ',:::':; ! '63'S41~dO':' ' ;, "3'~1~~:;]~ WSB & ASSOCIATES I C. To: Honorable Mayor ""d City Coun it City of Monticello Brei A. Weiss, P.E. '&~ City Engineer From: Date: September 7, 2001 7635411700 P.02/04 Memorandum Re: Gillard Avenue Ptlihway Cost Est' Illes WSB Project No. 1338-02 In anticipation of the public hearing for th Gillard Avenue Pathway Project, we have prepared the attached cost summary for thr e options. including a '~er lot" cost, with varying cost participation by the City of M nticello. It should be noted that the costs identified are very preliminary and are subj t to modification due to actual landscaping improvements that are necessary to construct I e project. The three cost estimates that are provided arc for the following options: 1. Widen Shoulder: This option identifi s the widening of the road from its existing edge an additional 6 feet to provide on-road bikeway path. This would be the least expensive option and would have the least disruption to the existing ditch and lot areas, however, does not provide a s parated pedestrian facility. 2. Separated 8-Foot Bituminous Pathway: ThlS option would propose to construct an 8-foot bituminous pathway on the horn side of the existing ditch section. We have identified a cost to construct this p tho however. are concerned that there is significant landscaping and trees in this area that would be expensive to relocate and may not be accurately reflected in the cost estimates. There are also areas where easements would be necessary to move the path onto private property as opposed to keeping it within the existing right-of-w y. 3. 5-Foot Concrete Sidewa1Js: This wo Id be located 5 feet off the existing road pavement. This option would include lling the ditch section to accommodate the construction of a S-foot sidewalk and w uld involve some retaining wall work at the culverts. It is not anticipated that we co d fit an 8-foot bituminous path in this area and would like to keep at least a 5-foo separation from the road so that grass can grow in that area and pedestrians are se arated from the vehicular traffic. This may be the easiest option to construct and uld have the least impact to the individual property owners' landscaping. however, would only be a 5-foot surface as opposed to an 8-foot bituminous path. Minneapolis, St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer . . . SEP-07-2001 12:23 WSB & ASSOCIATES I C. Honorllble Mllyor ad City Council City of Monticello September 7, 2001 Page 2 7635411700 P.03/04 All three options assume that the pathway 0 sidewalk would be constructed to the south edge of the northerly most driveway located along Gillard Avenue and would not connect directly to CSAH 39. We will have pictures of the ditch section fo the Council to review at the Council Meeting and will be available to address questions re ated to these three options at the meeting on Monday night. If you have any questions prior to the meeti g, please don't hesitate to give me a call at (763) 287-7190. Attachment nm F:\wpWIN'l133S..m\090701 hmc.dgc SEP- 1217-21211211 12:24 WSB & ASSOCIATES I C. 76354117121121 P Assessmen Options Widened Shoulder $44,000 (Estimated Project Cost) % Assessed Resident Share I Unit City Share (19 Jnits) 100% $2, 300 $0 75% $1 750 $11,000 50% $1 150 $22,000 25% S 00 $33,000 Off-Road 8' Bituminous Path $57 000 (Estimated Project Cost) % Assessed Resident Sh are I Unit City Share (19 Un its) 100% i3,DC 0 SO 75% $2,2~ 0 $14,250 50% $1,5C 0 $28,500 25% $75 $42,750 51 Concrete Sidewalk S60,000 (Estimated Project Cost) % Assessed Resident Sh Ire I Unit City Share (19 Un: ts) 100% $3,1~O SO 75% $2,370 $15,000 50% $1 ,6~ 0 $30,000 25% $79C $46,000 F:\ WPWJN\1338..o2\cost estima.tes.doc TOTAL --- .1214/04 . . . P.04 . WSB .'SOCial&!" Inc. . 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 .apolis esota 1 '~': 55422 763.541.4800 763.541.1::700 FAX To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: August 27,2001 Re: Proposed Pathway Feasibility Gillard A venue WSB Project No. 1338-02 Memorandum At a previous Council Meeting, the City 0 Monticello was approached by residents of Sandberg East Addition located adjacent to illard Avenue with regard to construction of a bike path in this area. At the time when e Gillard Avenue storm sewer proj ect was completed and the street was reconstructed, he City offered to construct a widened paved shoulder at the residents' cost, but was tume down by the residents. A recent traffic study completed does show some issues related to peeds in this area, which presents an issue for pedestrian traffic along the road system. It as discussed that two pathway options would be explored for this feasibility report, one a idened shoulder along Gillard Avenue and the second a separated off-road pathway or side alk. The following is a summary of each of those options. 1. Widen Shoulder: When the road as originally completed, the shoulders were widened approximately 4 feet with ave! to allow for a gravel shoulder along the road. It appears that the gravel area could be widened to a width of 6 feet, then paved to provide for a 6-foot paved houlder. Placement of a white painted line along the edge of the street would pro ide the separation between the pedestrian area and the street. Further, 10 of the driv ays in this area are concrete, so there would be a distinct separation between the a tual street area and the 6-foot shoulder. The cost to complete this option is estimate at $37,000 between the south end of Gillard Avenue and River Forest Drive, and $ 4,000 from River Forest Drive to CSAH 39. This would amount to a cost of $2,4 0 per home south of River Forest Drive and $3,500 per home north of River Fores Drive, or as a combined project, $2,680 per home for the entire area. It should be oted that the County is no longer advocating the use of CSAH 39 or other co nty roads as on-street pathway systems. Considering the history of Gillard A v nue and the propensity for through traffic in this area, the City may not want to a vocate an on-street pathway in this location either. Minneapolis. St. Clou . Equal Opportunity Employer ~ '" ~," . ;( l t .' ~ . ! I t . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello August 27, 2001 Page 2 2. Off-Street Pathway: Development fan off-street pathway along Gillard Avenue is a more difficult construction project. Gillard Avenue is currently a rural section road with deep ditches on either side of t e roadway, multiple driveways with culverts, and other landscaping. Constructio of a pathway 4 to 6 feet off of the existing pavement does not appear feasible ue to the sloping that would be required to flatten out the ditch and would alter t e flow line of the ditch and the corresponding culverts. This is a similar problem al ng the house side of the culverts, but is not as dramatic. We have estimated a cost t construct an 8-foot bituminous pathway along the house side of the culvert usi g standard excavation quantities, pavement quantities. It should be noted that t complete a more accurate cost, it would be necessary to complete a thorough top graphic survey of this area. This topography survey would cost $3,000 to $5,000 t complete and would give us the information necessary to adequately design the p th in this area, which is necessary to estimate the quantities. For the basic trail sys em, estimating landscaping modifications and fill materials, without good topogra hic survey, the pathway is estimated to cost $48,500 between the south end of illard Avenue and River Forest Drive and $18,000 from River Forest Drive to C AH 39. This would result in a per lot cost of $3,230 and $4,500 for the south and n rth sides of River Forest Drive, or $3,500 per lot for the combined proj ect. We have provided the cost to give the City C uncil some idea of what it will take to provide pedestrian access in this area. We would req est that the City Council take action on how we should move forward, either with a full t pographic survey to better determine costs in the area for development of an off-system p thway or moving forward with an on-street pathway for this area. The City Council ay also want to better determine the public interest in this project in this area if assessmen s are anticipated to be completed. Please don't hesitate to give me a call at ( 63) 287-7190 if you have any questions or comments regarding this memo. om D F:\ WPWIN\1338-02\08270 1 hmc_rtf . . . 9. Consideration of authorizin Monticello. (.10) A. REFERl<:NCE ANn BACKGROUND: Counci I Agenda - 9/1 % 1 on extension of force main servin Southeast Council is asked to review prelinlinary data p'ovided by the City Engineer on sanitary sewer capacity j()r the area and consider authorizing a feasibility study identilying a method and costs associated with increasing sewer capacity in t e area. At a recent meeting the City Engineer was dir eted to complete a sanitary sewer capacity study for the area with the cost of the study funded by aplewood Development Company. The goal was to determine how much capacity is in the exis ing system and to identify land areas eligible for sewer service given the physical limitations aJ d costs. Due to problem with gaining accurate information on pumping capacity and associated sanitary sewer demand it is not possible to say precisely how much capacity is available. 110 ever, using conservative estimates when the system is operating efficiently based on indus ry standards, there is enough to handle 'lPproximately 40 acres of the land under con, ideration for development. This amount falls far short of the capacity needed to serve areas con emplated for development. In addition. now rates show that there is no su plus capacity in the Mississippi Drive "Bottleneck." Any blockage or problem in this linc could be disastrous for homes on Mississippi Drive. (.riven the flow there is very little response time avail ble bett)re sewer hackup would occur. It could he argued that a secondary route to the wastewate treatment plant should be constructed as a safety valve or backup to the Mississippi Drive sewe line with or without the demand created by ncvv residential development. Based on an early analysis by the City Engineer, it appears that current bottleneck could be relieved and the area contell1plated fl.))' develop l1ent can be served with the extension of a new f<Jrce main along CSAII 75 from a point near awk's Bar to the wastewater treatment plant. According to the City ":ngineer, the cost is like y to be afttmiable if spread across the development area. Is the City Council interested in construe ion of this facility with funding coming fronl developers? As you may recall, the Comprehensive Plan su gests that development pressure should be guided to the Southwest. Increasing capacity to this ar"a could be construed as being inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. At the same time. th School District and others have identi tIed the need to develop neighborhoods for "Step-up" housin , The development area to the Southeast could become such an area. If the Council is interested in opening up a larg I' area for development to the south and east. then it is suggested that plans he initiated ft)r installa ion of the new force main. A sewer district boundary should then be fIxed which identities he land area that can be served. All of the projects currently on the drawing board would he eligibl for development with short term limits on how many homes could be constructed bef'Jrc the ne ft)fce main is completed. All developments in the district would be req uired to contri hute to a 'pecial fund necessary to support the cost of the ft)rce main. Moving j()rward in this filshion allows the City to avoid the dilemma of determining . . . Council ^genda - 9/1 % I which development should get the remaining 'apaeity and which should not. It would also result in developrnent of a fi nite houndary I()r devel pment that could not he breached until additional line capacity is created. If the Council is interested in development to he south and east, the City should move aggressively toward completion of the zoning ordinance amendments discussed at previous Planning and Council meetings. Narnely, we 'hould complete the work of identifying the"step- up" housing areas so that we rnake sure when he area is developed that it develops in a manner consistent with the goals of the City. As you now the land in the development area features rolling terrain, some woods, beautiful views, t ail access and proximity to schools. We need to make sure that home values correspond. We, Iso need to identify park and natural areas that should be preserved. Last of all. in development of the hase inform< tion for the sewer capacity study, it has been found that the Meadow Oaks force main is not worki g at capacity and that maintenance on this bcility is needed. John SinlOla wi II have more detail n the nature of the problem and a necessary maintenance at an upcoming meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to authorize completion of feas hility study analyzing method, cost and distribution of costs associated with providing addi ional sanitary sewer capacity to Southeast area. Under this alternative, the City Engineer would examine the alignment of the proposed force main, determine cost estimates an work with administrative staff in developing a method t()l' developer funding of the im rovement. The study would also identi fy an outer boundary for urban development that c( uld not be hreached until additional capacity is created. It is presurned by City stall tho t the Council would direct staff to follow up on this action on the planning side by developil g amendments to the comprehensive plan and loning ordinance necessary to create st p-up housing in the expansion area.. 2. Motion to deny authorization complete easibility study and place a moratoriunl on further development in the Southeast area. Under this alternative no additional dev lopment and no annexations would be allowed to occur in the area. Added capacity woul be delayed until the day that the deep trunk line is completed. As you know, a deep trunk line extending from the Bondhus property to a point south of the freeway has been Prol- osed fix construction at some point in the future. When this line is in. a liJrce main could e constructed fronl the Southeast area to the deep trunk line. It may be many years bet()l'e the deep trunk line is constructed. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Comprehensive Plan says that development should be pushed to the south and west, therefore it would appear that developing some additional capacity in the southeast area is in opposition to the Comprehensive Plan. On the other hand, th COlnprehensive Plan says that we should develop Council Agenda - 9/1 % 1 . a halanced housing stock and currently it is tIe view of many on the Council and Planning Commission that we need to do a hetter job 0 'creating neighborhoods for the "step-up" housing market. The chanecs for creating such ncigh orhoods is better to the south and cast. In addition, the existing system bottleneck at Mississippi rive may nced to he relieved with or without new development. It is there/ene, our recolllmendation that the feasihility study be ordered and that the City should take a serious look at building ad itional capacity under the premise that thc ElCility is funded hy development dollars. Additionall ,land use regulations need to be imposed to protect the natural all1enities found in the area and as 'ure a standard o( housing consistcnt with the goals of the City. Requiring a highcr standard by I' w wi II naturally slow the pace of development in this area because it will be geared toward a iiI ited share of the current market. In the process of developing thc Jinance plan '. nd zoning standards we should hc careful not to be so restrictive as to slow development to the cxent that wc could not generate sufficient revenue to mcet the debt on the sewer line. D. SLJPPOIlTING DATA: Map Information . . Vi ~ ~ I ~ " .!! III ii: L; I: Cl& o I: 0 ;;: 'iji "iii li mt Q. :: c I: l!! >- ,~ c( .0 iii "'i >C 1:,_ ~ ~-g -i en 10 o JJ ------- !l J~ ~ f\. t ~=- ~l I! - 1 -- f~ tii !t ~-, )', (' "'--- '~--.-.j. . . . Council Agenda - 9/1 % I 10. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: See attached map f(Jr location of properties pe itioned for annexation. Based on inf(H"tnation provided in the previous agenda item it is not ppropriate to support annexation of these properties at this time due to lack of sanitary sewer capa ity. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to table consideration of reque .ts for annexation pending development of sanitary sewer facilities necessary to support d velopment. Presuming that the City Council supports development of utilities to serve the area, staff will he in contact with the developers orking toward estahlishment ofa plan fix financing the force main. Completion of the ann xation process for each individual request would he considered at such time that the City C )uncil decides to move f(nward with development of additional capacity and at such time that appropriate amendments to the comprehensive plan are made supporting residential d velopment goals of the city. I t is expected that it will take about 30 days to cOlnplete th sanitary sewer study. 2. Motion to accept petitions and authori e public hearing on annexation by ordinance. City Council could select this alternati e if it believes that having immediate access to sanitary sewer capacity is not a prereq isite to supporting annexation. C. STAFF RECOMMF:NDATION: Staff recommends that consideration of this it m should be tabled as noted under alternative I with the expectation that annexation will be consid red once the city has a good idea of cost and distribution of cost associated with the extensi )J1 of the f()fce main. Also, during this period when sanitary sewer capacity is being addressed, co nprehensive plan amendments and zoning district standards could be established that will preser e this area for step-up housing. We should also make a strong effort toward updating the city ark and trail plan for this area. It will be interesting to see if the demand for annexation/developm nt of these parcels remains strong once stricter development standards are estahl ished. It is ossible that interest in annexation/development could diminish with the added sewer cost and igher development standards. If this occurs the area will remain undeveloped until the market 'or "step-up" housing matures. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: . Copy of Petitions for Annexation. Graphic showing annexation petition areas Map . . I. . CITY OF M NTICELLO PETITION FO ANNEXATION Address: Phone: To the Council of the City of Monti cell , Wright County, Minnesota: I, the undersigned, the owner of the terr"tory described below, hereby request the City Council of Monticello, Minnes ta, to annex this territory to the city and to extend the city boundaries to include he same, and for that purpose respectfully state: 1. The territory to be annexed consi ts of ,;!j t ~ acres. All of this land lies entirely within the County of right, Minnesota, and the description of such land is as follows: See Exhibit A 2. The territory described above abu s upon the City limits at the South Boundary thereof, and none of it i presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporat d city. All of this territory is or is about t become urban or suburban in character. 3. ~-7- oj Date J---1-- tJl Date jO . ~ :,: 'I j :\ :1 il '. ; " ;! .A.B$ 'l'!l)..C'1' or 1'ITLE to th follow11lg lI.l'.lllenbed r"l ptOpert7 in nIGH'!' COt1Jl'rY. nnUIESOTA :! (J) Harth 'l'wtnty- rl'.lS of Lot "All of Wellt Half'.ot tludlorth- east Quarter f Se.ct.i.c.n N'-neteeu. !POWl1l1hip One Hu:ndred'Twettty One and ~e '!'we t1 Four:)'" eiia:" t11e" Bou.th '!'wenty Acrell, of thll )l'orth~stg Q.3art81' of So thes.flt Q;u.a:rte1' of Se.ctiOI),~:rJ~, Township One ~red '!.'went, One and R/lnge' fwElll.ty Five, bein<< the flame lMd described l\.B t e South aalf of Lot Twent,. 'rvo at A.:14itortfl Sub- DlvlRlon Ro. no in lIaid S~ction; Southeaet Quarter of SoutheaBt Quarter, exe t the South Four Hundred Seventy lliCht and one (j) half f~~t of West Four ~ndred Ninety Ftve feet in Section Thirteen, To,,", hip One Httrtd.red. Twenty One and. Rmlge T>Aenty Five: ' and Northea.t Ull.rter of Northeast Quarter exoept the North lour ~ Hundred Twelve And One halt' feet of the Wut Four Hundred 115,n8t1 Five feet in a otion Twenty Four. Townllh1p One Hundred Twenty One and Range Tl-rllnty Jive.' t. 11 II 1/ I., F J!I 1! ii I' I: . * . * * >> . ~ * ~ * * . . , ; , ' ~ ! ~ i , I ; , , d ,; Ii !' /;lIlt<td at BUffalo. MinnMota. 8 9th d;o.yof Jun.., 1987 at 6 A.~. ,. I, !' CAHPBELL A8ST.RAcr 00. I: ~ C?~":u~~~~e i 1 .. .................. .. . . Elkn M, Point . · Li<<n.d AbrtTacter . : ~t~n~.M~ : . RrprfrrM in Sf'" of Mil. .. ................ . ~t1IIo' '.. M'I""I(:A...".JIIC) tm,,1: ~'J.o... "'.AS OJ TWi "'1NN(!O'f& 1.",1lf0 tIT"" .,socaAT'Ool " -=... ......,,'" .1t<XW1P . ;, I ;0 . . . MAR 25 '98 04:06PM CI1Y OF MONTICELLO P.VZ. CITY OF PETITION F ONTIC!Rt.I.() ANNEXATION Owne~s Nam~: James Schultz Address: Phone: To the Council of the City ofMonticeIlo, right County, Minnesota: I, the undersigned, the owner 'of the . ry desaibed below, hereby request the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, to annex this territory to the city and to extend the city boundaries to include tb same, and for that purpose respectfully state: 1. The territm:y to be annexed consis s of 39. 77 acres. All of this land lies entirely within the county ofWri 1, Minnesota, and the description of such land is as follows: See attached survey wit Parcel A.& B descriptions. west boundary of 2. The territory described above abu: s upon the city limits at the / Rolling Woods boundary thereof, and none of it' presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated city. - 3. All of this territory is or is about become urban or suburban in character_ Y--9-0/ Date y- / - 0 / Date ----- "- ANNEX.PET: 12110/97 /0 --1--- \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I STREET I lr) C-.J c~ () ~~ -'>. --J --I \'1 "-- It \ \ \ I I ~ 6 I ~ I ~--~+- "- "- -J I ------ _ H'ft) c? DEeR 2 3 ,. ~ 4 oi ,.... ~---- ,.... 5 ~--- :::- ~ s~ -t-~--- ~h ~ . .. ,.... ,.... ~ 2 () """ C)~ tI) V)l5 -}---- / / 3 (~) --. ~~ -- -- CE PARCEL A: T/F/CA TE OF SURVEY FOR JAMES SCHUL TZ GRAPHIC SCALL IN FEET ~ r----.-~l o 100 200 300 DENOTES: . IRON I.KJNWENT FOUND o IRON AONlJJENT SET d: CAPPED RLS 15233 The West 300.00 feet of the North 256.84 feet of the Sovtheost Quarter of t e Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. PAI?Cn B: The sout~ost Qvor ter of the Nor theos t Ovar ter of Sect ion 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota except the west 30 .00 feet of the North 256.84 feet of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Ouarter! -'> <.. ,-.. <) I::: ~- Cj r, --.. "l- C' _J .---- -- C'\I I 0 I I II I Ii I. I ct "C .!! u::: f c: tIl ell o c:Cl. :e .; .2 Gi lD~ l)" Well c: coO o e >- :;::l <(J:l !! "C"C ; c: .!!! c: j'g c: _ <( U) 11----1 rQ i.--- II JJ 11 ~..............._-............... ~j lr II wJ YJn ~t v-) (------., f-------~) \-----. ........_,--~ (.~ -'--......_- . II. Council Agenda - 9/10/2001 Review of Traffic Stud for Chelsea Ro d Wcst at Sandber Road and consideration of traffic control changes. (J.S.) A. RF:FERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The j()Ur-way stop signs placed at Sandberg R ad and Chelsea Road, with the West Chelsea Construction Project last year, were left in place 0 er the winter. The City has received comments about the intcrsection frolll nearby business ow ers. Comments from those individuals along Sandberg Road has been positive about the fot -way stop. Although, there have been some comments that vehicles are running the eastboun stop sign at Sandberg Road on Chelsea Road. Comments from those businesses such as Gould ros. Chevrolet and D & D Bus on Chelsea Road have been negative, indicating they feel the stop s gns should be removed. A traffic study was ordered through WSB & Assoc ates earlier this spring. The results of that traffic study and the recommendations are included unde separate cover with your agenda packet. Some of the technical supporting data was not included n the report due to its bulk, and is available for your revicw at Public Works or City Hall. No ace dents have occurred at this intersection that we are aware of. following are the conclusions and r commendations as taken from the report. CONCLU..\'IONS: . Based on our review ot'this intersection, the folIo ing conclusions can be made: . Chelsea Road has been designed as an cast west arterial roadway; · The intersection of Chelsea Road West an Sandberg Road docs not warrant all way stop signs with the existing traffic volumes in th's area; · The intersection oCChelsea Road West and, and berg Road is not anticipated to meet all way stop sign warrants until trafTic vol umes hav increased by a factor of 1 .7; · The site distance t'or the Sandberg Road a proaches is adequate for vehicles crossing or turning onto Chelsea Road West; · There have been no reported crashes at this i tersection since its completion in the summer ot' 2000; · The large number of trucks that will be tra eling on Chelsea Road West to and from the gravel mining operations will have an impact on the pavement, especially at locations where they arc required to stop. An all way stop c "lndition at Chelsea Road West and Sandberg Road creates the potential ofrequiring throu h vehicles on Chelsea road West to stop twice within 250 iCet; It has been documented that the installation f stop signs where not warranted, based on a perceived safety problem rather than a qu - ntified safety problem; or expected traffic . . . . Council Agenda - 9/1 0/2001 conditions, rathcr than actual tratTic conditi ms, results in an increase in crashes. RECOMMENDA nONS: The existing stop sign f(Jr Westbound Chel 'ea Road West and the temporary stop sign fl)!, eastbound Chelsea Road West at Sandber l Road be removed creating a two way stop condition stopping Sandberg Road and allo ing Chelsea Road West to flow freely. Flags should bc installed on the remaining stop igns, along with plaques below the stop signs stating that cross traffic does not stop. Traffi Control Changc Ahead signs with flags should also be installed on Sandberg Road for a pe iod of two weeks; Should traffic volunlcs increase significantl on Chelsea Road West and/or Sandberg Road (minimun1 of 200 vchicles per hour on , andberg Road for 8 hours) as development increases. creating excessive delays (minim 1m 01'30 seconds per vehicle during peak hour) illr vehicles on Sandberg Road and/or if a s fety prohlem is documented, additional study should be completed to review the need for an all way stop. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The lirst altcrnative is to remove the existin stop signs on West Chelsca Road at Sandberg Rom!' creating a two-way stopping condition for Sandberg Road and allowing Chelsea Road West to flow fi'eely, and to install flags and ":ross Traffic Does Not Stop" signs, and traffic control changc ahead signs as recommende by the City Engineer. 2. The second alternative would be to leave the existing stop signs in place and to take additional measures to assure that the ea' tbound drivers on Chelsea Road do stop at Sandberg Road. This could be through th placement of additional signs, larger signs. rumble strips, etc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: [t is the recomlnendation of the City Engineer to rem ve the stop signs at Sandberg Road on Chelsea Road as outlined in alternative #1. They arc the exp rts in this case and we feel compelled to follow their recommendations. 'f'here are some f~lCts, how ver. that make the City Administrator and the Public Works Director uneasy about removing the s op signs, but unless we can overcome the non stopping eastbound vehicles on Chelsea Road, it ap ears the right thing to do would be to remove the stop signs. This will probably result in delays r- r egress and access to Sandherg Road during the peak times of travel on Chelsea Road. and this ill affect those business owners on Sandberg Road as there really are no other outlets for them. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the traffic study under separate cover. . . . Council Agcn(hl - 9/10/01 l2. Consideration to ~l Mike Cyr. MLC Building & Remodeling, (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: At the September 5, 200 I, flRA meeting. eveloper Mike Cyr presented to the commissioners a concept for development of 3 to 4 twin homes (6-8 units) along West 6 Street and requested T'I F assistance. This i -. Phase I of a proposed two phase project. The developer has a purchase agreement for Lo s 8, 9, and 10, Block S and is requesting the vacation of a portion of Vine Street (next a renda item). Lot 10 includes a structure or home. Cyr proposes to construct either 3 or 4 twin homes depending upon the willingness to vacate a portion of Vine Str et. Each twin home to consist of between 1,300 to 1,400 sq. ft. with basements. Esti 1ated selling price per unit $160,000. The HRA commissioners approved the pre\imi ary concept for establishment of a Housing TIF District forwarding the concept to the 'ouncil for approval. Therefore, this item appears before the City Council. No dollar amount ofTIF assistance was co 1mitted by the HRA at this point. The HRA approved the preliminary concept for a TI Housing District as the project did not qualify as a redevelopment district. For owner-oc upied development of a Housing District, at least 95% of the units must be occupied by income qualified t~lI11ilies. The income restrictions, 100% of median income for a amily of two or less and 115% of median income for families of three or more. Wri ht County median income for 2001 is $74,700 and the state wide median income for 2000 was $57,900. In addition /0 providing aff()rdah/e housing. the HRA de/ermined /h 1/ the cos//o acquire and demolish one structure ereu/ed a uniqueness/or T1F ass;s'/ance. Preliminary TIF cashtlow numbers ran by the Economic Development Directo , assuming 8 units at an estimated market value of$144,000 each, .01% class rate, 1 3.0% local tax rate, over 15 years produced an estimated tax increment of $100,000 NPV. However, the assumption did not include the original tax capacity. Upon execution ofa Preliminary Development Agreement, Ehlers & Associates will be requested to run the 'ffF cashtlow projections prior to the HRA committing a dollar amount for assistance. Additionally, no completed TIF application nor proforma was provided to the commiss oners supporting the "but for" test. The Phase II project as proposed included 'n additional 13-14 twin homes (26-28 units) and would not be a part of the TIF District or receive TIF assistance. With the proposed scattered housing project across the street, he proposed projects meet the following objectives: oIlers affordahle housing, rem ves substandard structures, increases the tax base, and provides high density housing wi hin the fringe of the downtown area. Mr. Cyr will make a presentation to the Co It1cil and answer questions. . Council Agenda - 9/10/01 Again, the Council is requested to approve the preliminary concept for use ofTIF assistance for development of 3-4 affordab e twin homes. The next agenda item will determine the size of the project and the Of I district boundaries. B. Alternative Action: 1. ^ motion to approve the preliminar concept for establishment of a Housing TIF District. 7 A motion to deny approval of the pr'liminary concept for establishment ofa Housing TIF District. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative no. ]. D. Supportin2: Data: . Map outlining proposed projects. . 2 /J (-- nrlS& I p~ m "DimId nrlS& 2 . . 'Paeate 'Pille SNet 1 7fUi.1t, ~ (2 fUfi(4) ~ ~ .4014 7/J1t 1Jeudo/l-e-et 3 f4gbe ~ (6 fUfi(4) 1-\ ~..~.;.I~$~:',+;, ~ ~ Seatfetu:4~ 'Paeate 7tif SNet IUd ~ 'PUre SNet: 13 t6 14 7fUi.1t, -;:;'~ (26-21 tMri:(4) )~ . . . 13. Consideration of a re uest to set a uhlie h Street located south of 6th Street - A liean A. REFF~RENCE AND BACKGROllND: Council Agenda - 9/ I Of 0 I ortion of Vine As noted in the previous agenda item. conccrn ng TIF assistance to Mike Cyr, a rcquest is also bcing madc by Mr. Cyr to have the City consi er vacating a portion of Vine Street lying south of 61h Street adjacent to Lot 10, Hlock S. The re luest is to vacate thc 80' wide Vine Street for a distance of 165 feet, to correspond with the de th of Lot lOin Block S. State Statutes require that if a City is going to acate a public right-or-way, a public hearing must be held after two weeks published notice. Alsc, the adjacent property owners would also be notified of the vacation proposal. Past practice of the City has been to establish a market value f(Jr any street that is vacated and ifit is determined that it is in the bcst interests of the public to vacate the street. the property has been offered to the adjacent property owners at fair 11arket value. As you may recall. the City is a unique position in that we actually own all of tIe right-of-way in the core city. and if the right-oC- way is vacated. the City can sell the property to whomever it wishes. Typically a vacated parcel would be offered to both adjoining property ow 1ers. but the City is not required to do so and may simply sell it to anyone. With the requested right-or-way to be vacated b~ing RO' wide and 165' deep, it is actually larger than the platted lots in the area. which are 66' w de. Market value of a parcel such as this could he anywhcre from $25JlOO-$45,OOO on the open m lrket which is bascd on the fact that the City has recently purchascd a 66' x 165' lot across the str et from this area from Ed Kaufman Jor $45,000. Although thc HRA has given preliminary eonce t approval to Mr. Cyr for the use of TI F assistance for his townhouse proposal. it is not clear if the HRA intends to incorporate the cost of this right-of...way into their total project costs an rcimburse the City through tax incremcnt revenue in the future or if Mike Cyr would actu lIy be buying the property directly from the City. One concern the staff and the Public Works Dep rtment has concerning the vacation of this portion of Vine Street is that future developmen plans of the Ruff Auto property have not been determined and hoth Vine Street and an unconst ucted portion of old ]lh Street are the only access points to the Ruff Auto site if that property were to be redeveloped in the future. In other words, staff feels that at least one of these access points needs to remain available for future street connections to the Ruff Auto site. and without a Ian on how that site could be developed in the future, we would not he supportive of vacation 0 . any right-or-way at this time. If the Council feels that vacation of this portion f Vine Street is still warranted, a public hearing date will need to be establishcd after a two week ublic notice. Normally vacation requests also require an application and ICc of $150 to cover tl e cost of publication and any legal cost incurred to process the vacation, if approved. At this time Mr. Cyr has not made a formal application nor submitted the typical fec. Council Agenda - 9/10/01 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could authorize staff to set a pu lic hearing date to consider vacation of a portion of Vine Street located south of 61h Street, contingent upon application and fee being paid by applicant. 2. Council could authorize staff to set a pu lic hearing date and waive the application and fee requirement. 3. Motion to table the request at this time L~1til the liRA provides additional tax increment financing infonnation concerning Mr. CI r's townhouse project and until a development plan has been determined for Ruff Auto I arts to determine whether Vine Street will be needed as an access point in the future. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City ^dministr~ or and Public Works Director that it may not be in the best interest of the public to vacate this pcrtion of Vine Street until we have determined how access will be provided to the Ruff Auto site in he future, should that parcel be redeveloped. Although there are no public utilities planned f() this portion of Vine Street. it rnay be prelnature to simply vacate without knowing whether this ccess is needed in the future. I I' Vine Street were to be vacated. a Council decision would need to be made on whether a market value will be established for the parcel and whether the liRA ill be reimbursing the City for the lnarket value or whether Mr. Cyr will be purchasing the prop rty. D. SUPPORTINC DATA: Refer to site map under Agenda Item # 12 . . 0.... '" '" '" V ....", E-C'J Z.o: 0'" :E o ~.. o '" >,0 E-> .... , VI>: o .. '" '" C'J . '" ..... .g >. .. '" m'" .......... .....0: ..... In I>: o ....... o '" .... :l '0 '" .<:: u en '" Z .... '" 101 .... '" ..... ~ .. o '" '" V ~ .... :E ~ V E- g V V .0: .. ~ ~ '" ~ H ~ o V V .0: H ~ o ~ .... o o o o N .... .., '" .... '" o '" o .... N N '" .. o o '" '" M .. .... o N '" .. '" N N '" en ~ '" !:l I>: '" :.: H o V en :.: o o .., o '" N o o o o N .... M '" .., .. M '" .. M '" .. o o .. .. o .. N N .... '" .. '" N N o '" .. 5 ~ V H :E .. I>: .... ~ '" I>: .... '" M '" .. M o o o o N .... M '" <1l <1l j V o ... .0: o .. '" .. o o o N M .., N N .... '" .. 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