City Council Agenda Packet 09-10-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 10, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 5:45 p.m. (Academy Room) 5:45 p.m. Preliminary Tax Levy Review Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from August 27, 2018 • Regular Meeting Minutes from August 27, 2018 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • IEDC Breakfast — Industry of the Year • Absentee/Early Voting • Construction Update F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC • Planning Commission • BCOL • Highway 25 Coalition G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-75 accepting donations of $100 for Farmers Market — Power of Produce and $750 for Industry of the Year E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-76 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll, and calling for an assessment hearing on October 8, 2018, to adopt assessments for Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements, City Project 17C001 F. Consideration of approving a request for a PUD (Planned Unit Development) adjustment to accommodate changes in phasing of site improvements for the Affordable Storage site. Applicant: Keith Burnham, KB Properties/Affordable Housing 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting 2018-78 approving a special benefit levy by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and accepting the EDA 2019 budget B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-79 setting the 2019 City of Monticello's preliminary tax levy 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 10, 2018 — 5:45 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5:45 p.m. Preliminary Tax Levy Review 3. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 27, 2018 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Matt Leonard, Shibani Bisson, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Tom Pawelk, Tom Moores, Tracy Ergen, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. Budget Discussion Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented the fifth 2019 budget meeting. Mr. Oberg noted critical dates and information on the general levy, tax rates, and debt service. The presentation included a list of budget items that if the City Council so chooses, can be added to the budget before adoption of the preliminary levy. The budget impact items included: Comprehensive Plan Update, Pay Equity Study; Arts Consultant; and Splash Pad Maintenance. There was a brief discussion about the significant increase in cost of a splash pad than originally thought, therefore, proceeding with the project is in question. Mayor Stumpf allowed for comments from departments on each of the impact items. 3. Budget Workshop — Community Development Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, presented the EDA's proposed budget which included a 3.39% increase from 2018. He commented on the TIF District Management Plan and the ten active districts. Ron Hackenmueller, Chief Building Official, presented the highlights of the Building and Code Enforcement budget which showed a 2.82% increase above 2018. The budget included personnel expenditures to cover continued contract services or future hire of an additional inspector. Mr. Hackenmueller commented on the difficulty for the department to retain building inspector staff. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, commented on the Planning & Zoning Budget. There is a request to add funding for a Comprehensive Plan Update, which will take approximately three years to implement. The prior update was completed in 2008 for $90,000. She is requesting $45,000 for 2019 to begin the process. There are three components of the Comprehensive Plan Update — vision, plan, do. A broader scenario and visioning component is planned for 2019, along with scoping and a Request for Qualifications for the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan activity would begin in 2020. The Council discussed the update and surrounding issues. Mayor Stumpf questioned whether or not the EDA will contribute to the Comprehensive Plan Update. Ms. Schumann responded that they have not been requested to participate. Mayor Stumpf City Council Special Meeting Minutes—August 13, 2018 prefers that there is some participation from the EDA. Ms. Schumann will notify the EDA of this request. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes—August 13, 2018 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 27, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Mayor Stumpf requested to add discussion on additional budget impact items and preliminary levy adoption. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda with addition of preliminary levy/budget impact items discussion. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Special Meeting Minutes from Aucust 13, 2018 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the special meeting minutes of August 13, 2018. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Mutes from August 13, 2018 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of August 13, 2018. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments Mike Kaczmarek, Wright County Sheriff candidate, introduced himself to the City Council and community. E. Public Service AMouncements Labor Day Hours — All offices/departments closed except for Hi -Way Liquors. • Construction update — Matt Leonard provided an update on Chelsea Road Improvements and the Fallon Avenue Overpass project. Information is available on the city's website regarding the Fallon Avenue Overpass and intermittent closing of I-94 between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. F. Council Liaison Updates None. G. Department Updates City Council Minutes —August 27, 2018 Page 1 1 4 Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, gave an update on the following: 1. Interviews for the Emergency Services Coordinator — Fire Marshal were scheduled for Thursday, August 30. 2. There will be no lease with CentraCare for ambulance space in the new fire station. 3. Mr. O'Neill conducted a tour of the city to incoming teachers of Monticello School District. 4. The Coalition of Utility Cities is collaborating with the organization called "Just Transition" to provide information that helps communities transition from the decommissioning of plants. 5. The city was contacted about a potential proposal for the Ellison House. Once received the council will determine how to proceed. • Sue Seeger, Arts Consultant, provided an update on events and activities associated with the Monticello Arts Initiative. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $926,198.82. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for MCC, Liquor Store, Streets, and DMV. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-74 accepting a donation of $300 from James and Verna Jane Murphy for tree in Front Street Park. Recommendation: Approved the Resolution accepting the donation. Mayor Stumpf recognized the donor. E. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for the American Legion for an outdoor event on September 15, 2018. Recommendation: Approved the special event permit with the following conditions: closure of 3rd Street West shall be permitted from 12 p.m. until 12 a.m.; compliance with the recommendation of the Street Superintendent regarding the application; and notification of residential properties within 350 feet of the Legion property regarding the event. F. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the American Legion for an outdoor event on September 15, 2018. Recommendation: Approved the temporary liquor license for the American Legion. G. Consideration of approving the implementation of the recommended Energy Conservation Opportunities as outlined in the UHL Recommissioning Report for $91,935. Recommendation: Approved the implementation of the recommended Energy Conservation Opportunities as outlined in the UHL Recommissioning Report. City Council Minutes —August 27, 2018 Page 2 1 4 3. Public Hearings: None. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of approving purchase of an E -One 100' Aerial Platform Ladder Fire Truck from Fire Safety USA for an amount not to exceed $1,268,000 through the HGACBuv purchasing cooperative Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, introduced the item and gave a brief overview. Fire Chief Mike Mossey and Fire Captain Kurt Liefert commented on the details of the project. Chief Mossey mentioned that if contract if contract is approved after September 14, 2018 there is a $60,000 increase in price, therefore, they request to proceed with project. In addition, he mentioned that payment of the truck is not due until it is completed and delivered. Councilmember Fair questioned whether or not any funds could be acquired for the current truck. Chief Mossey responded that the value of the current truck is approximately $40,000. Councilmember Fair moved approval of purchasing an E -One 100' Aerial Platform Ladder Fire Truck from Fire Safety USA for an amount not to exceed $1,268,000 through the HGACBuy purchasing cooperative. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract to Climate Makers for the replacement of the Monticello Community_ Center HVAC equipment in the amount of $303,870 Ann Mosack, Community Center Director, introduced the item. Ms. Mosack noted that there are ten HVAC units and the proposal is to replace nine of the units. The one that wouldn't be replaced is the one that cools city hall. This unit was replaced recently. Matt Leonard noted that the units are at the end of their life expectancy which is 15 years. Ann Mosack stated that the National Guard is responsible for 10% of the cost. She hasn't received confirmation of their payment, however, she is confident there won't be an issue. Jeff O'Neill added that they can obtain confirmation in writing from the National Guard on their contribution. Councilmember Gabler moved to accept bids and award contract to Climate Makers in the amount of $303,870 for replacement of all the MCC's HVAC units excluding Alternative E as noted in the bid summary. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Added Items: Mayor Stumpf initiated discussion regarding budget impact items discussed at the special meeting earlier in the evening and requested future information on how property tax increases specifically affect property owners. Discussion ensued on the potential items that could be added to the budget while at the same time not increasing the levy. These items included a Comprehensive Plan Update, Pay Equity Study, Arts Consultant, and Splash Pad maintenance. Jeff O'Neill mentioned that the EDA could provide funding for arts initiatives which would help cover the cost of the Arts Consultant. Wayne Oberg City Council Minutes—August 27, 2018 Page 3 14 added that the refuse fee could be increased to $4. This revenue along with a contribution from EDA could cover the increase in expenses. There was consensus of the City Council that the following be added to the preliminary levy without increasing the proposed levy amount: Comprehensive Plan Update; Pay Equity Study; and retaining the Arts Consultant (scenarios of two separate amounts - $15,000 and $30,000. There was also a consensus to not include the splash pad since the project is in question. If the project proceeds, the maintenance costs could be absorbed by the existing maintenance budget. 6. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes —August 27, 2018 Page 4 1 4 City Council Agenda: 09/10/2018 2A. Consideration of avvrovin2 vavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,431,551.01. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 08/30/2018 - 11:09AM Batch: 00206.08.2018 - 206.08.2018 Liquor Invoice No Description Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3285778 resale - beer 3286547 resale - beer 08/30/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 65628400 freight 65628400 resale - liquor 65730700 resale - liquor 65730700 freight 65731100 freight 65731100 resale - liquor 65731700 resale - liquor 65731700 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 48051 resale -juice 48051 resale - soda pop 48052 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF 1080848651 resale - liquor 1080848651 resale - wine 1080848651 freight Check Total: Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 2142546 resale - beer Amount 94.00 73.50 167.50 34.20 1,873.50 184.56 4.21 11.11 1,137.75 326.00 3.60 3,574.93 32.80 98.93 1,983.15 2,114.88 Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 1 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 3 08/30/2018 609-49750-425500 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 4 4,373.94 Check Sequence: 2 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 3 08/30/2018 609-49750-425500 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 4 4,373.94 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 768.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 53.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 5,195.43 Check Sequence: 5 1,207.25 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/30/2018 - 11:09 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2150972 resale - beer 13,734.95 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 2150972 resale - beer n/a 173.30 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 643-0426 resale - beer credit -552.27 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 14,563.23 Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 15925 resale - wine 708.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 708.00 Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 617-0119 resale - beer 744.20 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 744.20 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 1369014 resale - beer 50,259.15 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 1369014 resale - beer n/a 308.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 185879 resale - beer 3,867.30 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 186410 resale - beer 284.30 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 54,718.75 Vendor: 3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 2239 resale - wine 223.68 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 223.68 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 1083195 resale - liquor 1,071.57 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 1083195 freight 15.64 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1083196 freight 64.07 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1083196 resale - wine 1,770.78 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 1083196 resale - wine n/a 167.15 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 1084095 resale -liquor 3,744.16 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 1084095 freight 52.15 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1084096 freight 46.19 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1084096 resale- wine 1,963.05 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 1084096 resale- mix 41.35 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 1084097 resale- beer 45.98 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 1085300 resale- liquor 1,600.36 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 1085300 freight 16.63 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1085301 freight 68.56 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/30/2018 - 11:09 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1085301 resale - wine 3,802.55 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 1085302 resale - beer 98.40 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 1087865 resale - liquor 1,756.97 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 1087865 freight 27.12 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1087866 freight 11.92 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1087866 resale- wine 393.30 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 1088585 resale- liquor 5,854.88 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 1088585 freight 23.50 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1088586 freight 18.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1088586 resale - wine 1,535.65 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 1089580 resale - ligour 625.23 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 1089580 freight 8.94 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1089581 freight 68.54 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1089581 resale - wine 1,872.23 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 1089582 resale - beer 45.98 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 696298 resale - liquor credit inv. #1074614 -119.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 696298 freight credit inv. #1074614 -1.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 696299 resale - liquor credit inv. #1077094 -133.25 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 696299 freight credit inv. #1077094 -1.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 696300 freight credit inv. # 1077753 -1.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 696300 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1077753 -72.25 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 696616 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1079951 -72.25 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 696616 freight credit inv. # 1079951 -1.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 696931 resale - liquor credit inv. 1077094 -119.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 696931 freight credit inv. 1077094 -1.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 697462 resale - wine credit inv. 1052464 -8.29 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 697462 freight credit inv. 1052464 -0.12 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 697463 freight credit inv. 5994860 -0.12 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 697463 resale - liquor credit inv. 5994860 -9.65 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 697464 resale -beer credit inv. 1071699 -20.97 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 26,247.52 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 11 14845 resale - beer 252.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 252.00 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 12 264612 resale - cigarettes 673.74 08/30/2018 609-49750-425500 264612 resale - tobacco; barware; soda pop; etc 476.76 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,150.50 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/30/2018 - 11:09 AM) Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 21666 resale - wine 492.50 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 21666 freight 8.75 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 501.25 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 2406022 resale - liquor 211.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2406022 freight 1.49 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2408319 freight 62.58 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2408319 resale - liquor 4,558.60 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2408919 resale - liquor 2,867.09 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2408919 freight 28.31 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2409820 freight 11.92 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2409820 resale - liquor 979.65 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2409821 resale - liquor 69.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2409821 resale - wine 1,470.44 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 2409821 freight 45.83 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2411706 resale - liquor 452.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2411706 freight 2.98 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2411707 freight 2.98 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2411707 resale - wine 52.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 2412178 resale - liquor 1,974.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2412178 freight 9.50 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2412785 freight 18.18 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 2412785 resale - liquor 1,938.84 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 2412786 resale - wine 788.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 2412786 freight 10.43 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 303747 freight - credit inv # 2405219 -13.41 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 303747 resale - liquor credit inv # 2405219 -542.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 303748 resale - liquor credit inv # 2405220 -232.50 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 303748 resale - wine credit inv # 2405220 -727.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 303748 freight credit inv # 2405220 -28.30 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 303749 resale - liquor credit inv # 2404486 -2,073.50 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 303749 freight credit inv # 2404486 -25.33 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 303932 resale -liquor credit inv # 2383418 -5.38 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 11,907.40 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 1721174 resale - liquor 2,173.90 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 1721174 freight 25.20 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 1721175 freight 16.80 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/30/2018 - 11:09 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description 1721175 resale- wine Check Total Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2205153 609-49750-425300 resale - soda pap Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 0213792 freight 0213792 Check Sequence: 16 resale - liquor 0213792 True resale - wine 0213792 609-49750-425400 resale - mix Check Total: Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY 81239 resale- wine 81239 Check Sequence: 17 freight Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC 7197450 freight 7197450 609-49750-425100 resale -juice 7197450 resale - wine 7197768 609-49750-425300 resale - wine 7197768 freight Check Total Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 914.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 3,129.90 Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 317.25 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 317.25 Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 27.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 211.75 08/30/2018 609-49750-425100 840.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 120.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 1,198.75 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 776.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 11.55 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 787.55 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 2.98 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 19.75 08/30/2018 609-49750-425400 184.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 456.00 08/30/2018 609-49750-425300 6.70 08/30/2018 609-49750-433300 669.43 128,172.15 19 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/10/18 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/30/2018 - 11:09 AM) Page 5 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 09/04/2018 - 3:01PM Batch: 00215.08.2018 - 215.08.2018 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 8/30/2018 5843395-5 - DMV 16.98 08/31/2018 217-41990-438100 8/30/2018 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 16.98 08/31/2018 101-42700-438100 8/30/2018 5806932-5 - Parks 16.98 08/31/2018 101-45201-438100 8/30/2018 5821009-5 - Fire Station 33.81 08/31/2018 101-42200-438100 8/30/2018 5864452-7 - Library 48.68 08/31/2018 101-45501-438100 8/30/2018 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 25.52 08/31/2018 609-49754-438100 8/30/2018 5804618-6 - Parks 16.98 08/31/2018 101-45201-438100 8/30/2018 5768542-2 - City Hall 39.58 08/31/2018 101-41940-438100 8/30/2018 5768542-2 - MCC 915.17 08/31/2018 226-45126-438100 8/30/2018 5768542-2 - Senior Center 14.84 08/31/2018 101-45175-438100 8/30/2018 5768542-2 - National Guard 19.79 08/31/2018 101-42800-438100 8/30/2018 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 16.98 08/31/2018 101-41940-438100 8/30/2018 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 18.23 08/31/2018 101-41941-438100 8/30/2018 8235333-5 - Prairie Center (U Fab) 18.23 08/31/2018 101-41941-438100 8/30/2018 8000015233-2 - WWTP 1,138.09 08/31/2018 602-49480-438100 8/30/2018 5799425-3 - Public Works 36.26 08/31/2018 101-43127-438100 8/30/2018 5799427.9 - Public Works 16.98 08/31/2018 101-43127-438100 8/30/2018 5820786-1 - Public Works 23.77 08/31/2018 101-43127-438100 8/30/2018 5837384-6 -Public Works 62.61 08/31/2018 101-43127-438100 Check Total: 2,496.46 Vendor: 4394 DAXKO, LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 30294 PWC CC Gateway Fee - August 158.40 08/31/2018 226-45122-443980 Check Total: 158.40 Vendor: 4174 MN PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 8/20/2018 MFPA - Semi Annual Loan Repayment Principal 102,148.72 08/31/2018 602-00000-231101 8/20/2018 MFPA - Semi Annual Loan Repayment Interest 10,639.83 08/31/2018 602-49480-461100 Check Total: 112,788.55 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/04/2018 - 3:01 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Vendor: 3679 SUPERIOR PRESS 8/29/2018 (2) Panini Check Scanners 1,295.00 Check Total: 1,295.00 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns August 2018 Wells Fargo Account interest earnings -1,034.69 August 2018 Wells Fargo account bank charges 1,710.80 August 2018 MCC CC Fees (WF - Front Des) 1,435.79 August 2018 MCC CC Fees (WF -Online) 42.03 August 2018 MCC CC Fees (iAccess - Fmrs Mkt) 80.66 August 2018 Liquor Sotre CC Fees (WF) 7,867.70 August 2018 City Hall CC Fees (WF) 94.36 August 2018 Utilities CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,054.52 August 2018 Utilities CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,054.51 August 2018 Utilities CC Fees (AmEx) 25.10 August 2018 Utilities CC Fees (AmEx) 25.09 August 2018 MCC ACH Returns 8/2018 224.00 Check Total: 12,579.87 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY 8/31/2018 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 6/4-7/4/18 13,424.21 8/31/2018 51-6505905-0 - Water 6/4-7/3/18 7,721.20 8/31/2018 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 5/5-6/4/2018 1,084.63 8/31/2018 51-0395766-0 - Pumphouse 405 Ramsey 7/3-8/4 4,896.50 8/31/2018 51-4271112-2 Library 7/3-8/4/18 1,284.89 8/31/2018 51-6505907-2 Parking Lots 6/28-7/27 auto prot. 69.91 8/31/2018 516505907-2 Parking Lots 6/4-7/4/18 93.13 8/31/2018 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM - 51-6505908-3 Civil Defen, 17.31 8/31/2018 51-6505909-4 - DMV & Food Shelf 262.44 8/31/2018 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 2,094.69 8/31/2018 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,219.44 8/31/2018 51-6505911-8 - MCC 10,052.76 8/31/2018 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 522.22 8/31/2018 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 261.11 8/31/2018 516505912-9 - Animal Shelter 185.02 8/31/2018 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station 616.97 8/31/2018 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 5/3-6/4/2018 1,094.52 8/31/2018 51-6505915-2 - Parks 543.81 8/31/2018 51-6505915-2 - Water - skating rink 27.72 8/31/2018 51-6505915-2 - Parks- NSP ballfields consc & S 97.51 8/31/2018 51-6505915-2 - Parks- NSP softball Assoc. 446.44 Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 4 08/31/2018 101-41520-424100 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 08/31/2018 Check Sequence: 5 101-00000-362110 101-41520-443980 226-45122-443980 226-45122-443980 226-45127-431992 609-49754-443980 101-41520-443980 601-49440-443980 602-49490-443980 601-49440-443980 602-49490-443980 226-00000-115031 Check Sequence: 6 602-49480-438100 601-49440-438100 602-49490-438100 601-49440-438100 101-45501-438100 101-43160-438100 101-43160-438100 101-42500-438100 217-41990-438100 609-49754-438100 101-41940-438100 226-45126-438100 101-45175-438100 101-42800-438100 101-42700-438100 101-42200-438100 101-43127-438100 101-45201-438100 601-49440-438100 101-45203-438100 101-45203-438100 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/04/2018 - 3:01 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 8/31/2018 51-6505916-3 - Street Llights 6/4-7/4 12,144.17 08/31/2018 101-43160-438100 8/31/2018 51-0371645-4 - Swan Cam 18.81 08/31/2018 101-45201-438100 8/31/2018 51-7780310-4 - Building Inspec. Garage 33.39 08/31/2018 101-41940-438100 8/31/2018 51-9391437-3 - 118 W. 6th St Building 466.99 08/31/2018 101-41941-438100 8/31/2018 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 6/4-7/3/2018 1,105.54 08/31/2018 602-49490-438100 8/31/2018 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 6/4-7/4/2018 1,290.36 08/31/2018 101-43127-438100 Check Total: 62,075.69 Total for Check Run: 191,393.97 Total of Number of Checks: 6 Reference The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/10/18 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (09/04/2018 - 3:01 PM) Page 3 Accounts Payable To Be Paid Proof List User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 09/05/2018 - 2:24PM Batch: 00202.09.2018 - 202.09.2018 AP Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description ALL ELEMENTS 2407 � ciry or � Monti elo 5747 8/24/2018 206.25 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45126-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 1,307.50 Repair Upper Roof Above Main Hallway @ MCC 5747 Total: 206.25 ALL ELEMENTS Total: 206.25 ALL -WAYS HEATING AND AC INC 2087 6446 8/27/2018 290.00 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49754-440100 R & M - Buildings & Systems condensing units - Hi -Way liquor 6446 Total: 290.00 ALL -WAYS HEATING AN 290.00 AME RED E MIX INC 1021 119538 8/16/2018 229-45202-453010 Improvements -Capital Outlay 119538 Total: 119564 8/17/2018 229-45202-453010 Improvements -Capital Outlay AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Type Reference 1,307.50 0.00 09/11/2018 ZPARKS-FSTONE MISCEXP ZPARKS-FSTONE - (9.500) CY 4K AE 1,307.50 1,510.00 0.00 09/11/2018 ZPARKS-FSTONE MISCEXP ZPARKS-FSTONE- (11) CY 4K AE PO # Close PO Line # False False False False Page 1 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 119564 Total: 1,510.00 AME RED E MIX INC To 2,817.50 APEC AQUISITIONS INC 1036 122615 8/29/2018 257.73 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 226-45126-422990 Misc Repair and Maint Suppli Filters - Various Sizes (11) 122615 Total: 257.73 APEC AQUISITIONS INC 257.73 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3491 3287418 8/28/2018 64.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425200 Beer resale - beer 3287418 Total: 64.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPA 64.00 ASPHALT SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 2225 Pay Voucher #5 8/31/2018 14,281.43 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO03-CONSTR MISCEXP False 0 400-43300-459016 Infrastructure - 16CO03 16CO03 - Pay Voucher #5 - 2017 Core Street Improve Proj Pay Voucher #5 Total: 14,281.43 ASPHALT SURFACE TEC 14,281.43 BECKER SOD LLC 1064 11262 8/28/2018 90.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 2 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Account Number Description Reference 101-43120-422500 Landscaping Materials (30) rolls sod picked up 11262 Total: 90.00 11269 8/30/2018 148.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-43120-422500 Landscaping Materials (75) yds sod picked up 11269 Total: 148.00 BECKER SOD LLC Total: 238.00 BELLBOY CORPORATION 1065 65773900 8/30/2018 276.84 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale - liquor 65773900 8/30/2018 9.48 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 65773900 Total: 286.32 98166500 8/28/2018 85.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49754-421990 Gen Operating Supplies #12- 60 lb. bags 98166500 8/28/2018 0.39 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-433300 Freight freight #12- 60 lb. bags 98166500 Total: 85.39 98166700 8/28/2018 0.42 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 98166700 8/28/2018 34.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable resale - key opener 98166700 8/28/2018 57.20 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49754-421990 Gen Operating Supplies (4) 500ct. bags 98166700 Total: 91.62 BELLBOY CORPORATIO 463.33 BERNICK'S AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Line # Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Account Number 52571 8/29/2018 337.35 Description Reference 1067 False 226-45125-425410 Concession Food for Resale 48152 8/22/2018 -84.20 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45125-425410 Concession Food for Resale resale - pop, juice 48152 Total: -84.20 48153 8/22/2018 147.30 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45125-425410 Concession Food for Resale 4328 resale - pop, water 48153 Total: 147.30 1080852100 8/31/2018 52393 8/29/2018 134.87 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable resale - soda pop 52393 8/29/2018 65.60 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425500 Miscellaneous Non -Taxable False 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable resale -juice 52393 Total: 200.47 1080852100 8/31/2018 52394 8/29/2018 3,137.90 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425200 Beer resale - beer Close PO Line # False False False False False 52394 Total: 3,137.90 52571 8/29/2018 337.35 0.00 09/11/2018 False 226-45125-425410 Concession Food for Resale resale - pop, Gatorade, water 52571 Total: 337.35 BERNICK'S Total: 3,738.82 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIRITS, LLC 4328 1080852100 8/31/2018 2,369.12 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale liquor 1080852100 8/31/2018 112.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable resale - mix 1080852100 8/31/2018 29.02 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 1080852100 Total: 2,510.14 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Account Number Description Reference 1080852101 8/31/2018 130.50 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425200 Beer resale - beer Close PO Line # False 1080852101 Total: 130.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAG 2,640.64 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION CO 2890 26132 8/22/2018 120.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 226-45126-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services August 2018 Hood Inspection 26132 Total: 120.00 BROTHERS FIRE PROTE 120.00 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM E. 5058 08/25/18 8/25/2018 81.20 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-45204-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services Arts Init.Discussion - participatant w/ Monti Schools 08/25/18 Total: 81.20 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM E 81.20 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 4646 2154413 8/30/2018 19,514.85 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425200 Beer resale - beer 2154413 8/30/2018 117.30 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable resale - beer na 2154413 Total: 19,632.15 643-0432 8/30/2018 -123.20 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425200 Beer resale -beer credit AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 643-0432 Total: -123.20 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SA 19,508.95 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC 4089 617-0124 8/29/2018 139.80 609-49750-425200 Beer 617-0124 Total: 139.80 617-0125 8/29/2018 -27.00 609-49750-425200 Beer 617-0125 Total: -27.00 854483 8/30/2018 510.00 609-49750-425200 Beer 854483 Total: 510.00 CARLSON & LYTER DIS 622.80 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC 1106 00032081 8/31/2018 65.00 226-45124-421600 Chemical Product 00032081 Total: 65.00 00222253 8/21/2018 119.40 226-45124-421600 Chemical Product 00222253 Total: 119.40 CENTRAL MCGOWAN IN 184.40 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) 0.00 09/11/2018 resale - beer 0.00 09/11/2018 resale - beer credit 0.00 09/11/2018 resale - beer 0.00 09/11/2018 Monthly Tank Rental 0.00 09/11/2018 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (452 lbs) False False False False False Page 6 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1129 1363742 8/20/2018 609-49750-425200 Beer 1363742 8/20/2018 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 1363742 Total: 1369026 8/29/2018 609-49750-425200 Beer 1369026 8/29/2018 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 1369026 Total: 177536 5/23/2018 609-49750-425200 Beer 177536 Total: DAHLHEIMER BEVERA DANGER, ELIZABETH ANN 4999 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 101-45204-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 9/3/2018 Total: DANGER, ELIZABETH A ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC 4191 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market 9/3/2018 Total: AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference 19,581.15 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - beer 114.05 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - beer n/a 19,695.20 1,773.35 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - beer 26.05 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - beer n/a 1,799.40 -115.50 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - beer credit -115.50 21,379.10 150.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 9/20/18 Performance at Farmers Market - Music on the Mise 150.00 150.00 323.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/23/18 & 8/30/18 323.00 Page 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference ELK RIVER GREENHOU ENTERTAINMENT PROTECTION GROUP, LLC 5033 15016 8/31/2018 226-45123-431992 Wedding Security 15016 Total: 16-4756 8/23/2018 226-45123-431992 Wedding Security 16-4756 Total: ENTERTAINMENT PROT ERICKSON, AMANDA 3266 8/22/2018 8/22/2018 217-41990-433100 Travel/Training Expense 8/22/2018 8/22/2018 217-41990-433100 Travel/Training Expense 8/22/2018 Total: ERICKSON, AMANDA T FOSTER WHITE AGENCY INC 1189 19045 8/3/2018 101-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 19045 Total: FOSTER WHITE AGENC AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) 323.00 134.75 134.75 134.75 134.75 269.50 0.00 09/11/2018 Security Coverage - 8/25/18 0.00 09/11/2018 Security Coverage - 8/18/18 29.54 0.00 09/11/2018 Mileage Reimbursement - Training (54.2 miles) 8.83 0.00 09/11/2018 Lunch @ Training 8/22/18 38.37 38.37 3,450.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Insurance Commission 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 3,450.00 3,450.00 False False False False False Page 8 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type Account Number Description Reference GARDNER, JEFFREY D 76.11 3748 76.11 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 26.00 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/30/18 9/3/2018 Total: 26.00 0.00 09/11/2018 GARDNER, JEFFREY D T 26.00 Pad Driver 14ft GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD 56.39 3762 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 21.00 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/23/18 & 8/30/18 9/3/2018 Total: 21.00 GARRETTS DIAMOND C 21.00 GRAINGER INC 1205 9892362378 8/30/2018 76.11 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45126-422990 Misc Repair and Maint Suppli Custom Signs 10 x 14" (3) 9892362378 Total: 76.11 GRAINGER INC Total: 76.11 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS 1232 700347765 8/31/2018 56.39 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45126-422990 Misc Repair and Maint Suppli Pad Driver 14ft 700347765 Total: 56.39 PO # Close PO Line # False False False False AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 9 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Account Number Description Reference HILLYARD INC MINNEA 56.39 HOHENSTEINS, INC 4218 Close PO Line # 984581 8/30/2018 858.37 0.00 09/11/2018 False 609-49750-425200 Beer resale - beer 984581 Total: 858.37 HOHENSTEINS, INC Tota 858.37 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE 1242 08182018 8/18/2018 327.03 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-42200-421200 Motor Fuels 7/19-8/17/18 fuel slips acct. #1400-017-223-399 08182018 Total: 327.03 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 327.03 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY 1244 180802019 8/27/2018 429.15 0.00 09/11/2018 False 226-45124-421600 Chemical Product Pool Chemicals 180802019 Total: 429.15 HORIZON COMMERCIA 429.15 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL 49 FRINGE BENE 3971 Oct 2018 8/30/2018 50,472.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-00000-217061 Health Insurance Payable October - Health Insurance Oct 2018 8/30/2018 16,120.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-00000-217061 Health Insurance Payable October - Health Insurance - Union AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 10 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description Oct 2018 Total: 66,592.00 INTL UNION OF OPER E 66,592.00 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 1259 2866267 8/28/2018 4,954.85 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425200 Beer resale - beer 2866267 8/28/2018 73.80 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable resale - beer n/a 2866267 8/28/2018 3.00 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 2866267 Total: 5,031.65 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTIN 5,031.65 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1263 1090702 8/28/2018 3,477.32 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale - liquor 1090702 8/28/2018 46.19 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 1090702 Total: 3,523.51 1090703 8/28/2018 814.70 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425300 Wine resale - wine 1090703 8/28/2018 21.23 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 1090703 Total: 835.93 1093431 8/30/2018 14.90 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 1093431 8/30/2018 1,075.84 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale - liquor AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Type PO # Reference Close PO False False False False False False False False False Line # Page 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 1093431 Total: 1,090.74 1093432 8/30/2018 215.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425300 Wine resale - wine 1093432 8/30/2018 5.96 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 1093432 Total: 220.96 697954 8/23/2018 -13.15 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425300 Wine resale - wine credit inv. #1071700 697954 Total: -13.15 697955 8/23/2018 -22.60 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale - liquor credit inv. #1082462 697955 Total: -22.60 697956 8/23/2018 -6.92 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale - liquor credit inv. #1083195 697956 Total: -6.92 698031 8/21/2018 -24.60 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425300 Wine resale - wine credit inv. # 1085301 698031 Total: -24.60 JOHNSON BROTHERS L 5,603.87 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED 1270 MN190-00001 7/31/2018 1,482.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-41610-430400 Legal Fees General - Local Option Sales Tax - July 2018 MN190-00001 Total: 1,482.00 MN190-00101 7/31/2018 665.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 213-46301-430400 Legal Fees General EDA Matters - July 2018 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 12 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description MN 190-00101 Total: 665.00 MN190-00156 7/31/2018 1,691.00 213-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning MN 190-00156 Total: 1,691.00 MN325-00031 7/31/2018 817.00 213-46301-430400 Legal Fees MN325-00031 Total: 817.00 KENNEDY AND GRAVE 4,655.00 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC 5024 Pay Voucher #3 9/4/2018 506,014.40 400-43300-459019 Infrastructure - 17CO01 Pay Voucher #3 9/4/2018 80.75 400-43300-459017 Infrastructure - 16CO04 Pay Voucher #3 Total: 506,095.15 LANDWEHR CONSTRUC 506,095.15 LANTTO,HARRY 2626 8/28/2018 8/28/2018 62.50 101-41910-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8/28/2018 8/28/2018 5.00 213-46301-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8/28/2018 8/28/2018 120.00 101-41110-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8/28/2018 Total: 187.50 Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference 0.00 09/11/2018 201808 -ESCROW MISCEXP False 201808 - TIF District 40 (Briggs Housing) - July 2018 0.00 09/11/2018 False Conveyance Fred's Auto Property - July 2018 0.00 09/11/2018 17CO01-PRELIM MISCEXP False 17CO01 - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improv - Pay Voucl 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO04-PRELIM MISCEXP False 16CO04 - CSAH 39 @ Gillard Ave - Pay Voucher #2 0.00 09/11/2018 False Planning Commission Meeting Recording 8/7/18 0.00 09/11/2018 False EDA Meeting Setup 8/8/18 0.00 09/11/2018 False City Council Meeting Recording 8/13/18 & 8/27/18 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description LANTTO, HARRY Total: LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 1290 276059 8/31/2018 101-41310-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 276059 8/31/2018 101-00000-155010 Prepaid Items 276059 Total: 9/1/2018 9/1/2018 101-41110-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 9/1/2018 Total: LEAGUE OF MINNESOT LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 1291 40001103 8/20/2018 101-41310-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 101-41520-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 101-41410-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 101-41800-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 101-41910-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 101-41941-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 656-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 217-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) 187.50 4,074.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Annual Membership - 9/1/18 - 12/31/18 8,148.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Annual Membership - 1/1/19 - 8/31/19 12,222.00 30.00 0.00 09/11/2018 MN Mayors Assoc Membership 9/1/18 - 8/31/19 30.00 12,252.00 1,226.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 488.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 80.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 80.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 4,793.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 488.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 2,406.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 1,092.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 593.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Type PO # Reference Close PO False False False False False False False False False False False False Line # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 14 Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number 213-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance Description 40001103 8/20/2018 601-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 5,963.00 40001103 8/20/2018 602-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 651-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 09/11/2018 40001103 8/20/2018 609-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 1,196.00 40001103 8/20/2018 602-49490-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 651-49010-436100 LPV Insurance 09/11/2018 40001103 8/20/2018 609-49754-436100 LPV Insurance 5,705.00 40001103 8/20/2018 656-49870-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 101-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 09/11/2018 40001103 8/20/2018 226-00000-155020 Prepaid Insurance 3,318.00 40001103 8/20/2018 101-45501-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 226-45122-436100 LPV Insurance 09/11/2018 40001103 8/20/2018 217-41990-436100 LPV Insurance 50,232.00 40001103 8/20/2018 213-46301-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 601-49440-436100 LPV Insurance 09/11/2018 40001103 8/20/2018 602-49480-436100 LPV Insurance 340.00 40001103 8/20/2018 101-43120-436100 LPV Insurance 40001103 8/20/2018 101-43125-436100 LPV Insurance 09/11/2018 40001103 8/20/2018 101-43127-436100 LPV Insurance 780.00 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Description Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 5,963.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 14,300.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 1,196.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 4,645.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 5,705.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 854.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 3,318.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 1,719.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 50,232.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 8,483.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 340.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 6,060.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 780.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 423.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 4,260.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 4,510.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 4,277.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 135.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 64.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False Page 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 40001103 8/20/2018 14,911.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-45201-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 40.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-46102-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 2,685.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-49240-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 1,672.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-42200-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 776.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-42400-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 939.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-42700-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 2,723.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-43110-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 85.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-43111-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 8/20/2018 80.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-43115-436100 LPV Insurance Ins Premium 7/15/18 - 7/15/19 40001103 Total: 152,421.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 152,421.00 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 4456 15042 8/30/2018 585.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425200 Beer resale - beer 15042 Total: 585.00 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 585.00 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC 1229 1571 8/25/2018 52.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-41410-421990 Gen Operating Supplies Business Cards - JS (500) 1571 8/25/2018 52.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 16 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Account Number Description Reference 226-45122-421990 Gen Operating Supplies Business Cards - SC (500) 1571 Total: 104.00 1578 9/1/2018 89.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 601-49440-421990 Gen Operating Supplies (250) Business Cards; creative fee - Utility Dept.- 1/2 1578 9/1/2018 89.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 602-49490-421990 Gen Operating Supplies (250) Business Cards; creative fee - Utility Dept.- 1/2 1578 Total: 178.00 MARRS ADVERTISING & 282.00 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 3745 20923014 8/27/2018 2,052.27 0.00 09/11/2018 False 10 1 -43120-421200 Motor Fuels (833) gal. unleaded @ $2.46 20923014 Total: 2,052.27 20923024 8/27/2018 1,528.64 0.00 09/11/2018 False 10 1 -43120-421200 Motor Fuels (557) gal. diesel @ $2.74 20923024 Total: 1,528.64 MANSFIELD OIL COMPA 3,580.91 MCDOWALL COMPANY 1314 609395 8/23/2018 998.29 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-45501-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services Condenser Fan Motor & Capacitor Replaced For Trane RTL 609395 Total: 998.29 MCDOWALL COMPANY 998.29 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Line # Page 17 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type Account Number Description Reference 1330 400451002249 8/27/2018 189.00 0.00 09/11/2018 101-42100-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services July 2018 - Monti Pawn Transactions (2 10) 400451002249 Total: 189.00 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF 189.00 MITCHELL, CORINNE 1337 8/30/2018 8/30/2018 295.00 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45122-433100 Travel/Training Expense MRPA Conference Registration 8/30/2018 Total: 295.00 MITCHELL, CORINNE T 295.00 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 1346 9/5/2018 9/5/2018 35.00 0.00 09/11/2018 226-45122-443700 Licenses And Permits Food Manager Cert Renewal License (TH) 9/5/2018 Total: 35.00 MN DEPT OF HEALTH T 35.00 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 1349 P00009449 8/23/2018 4,326.65 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO06-CONSTR MISCEXP 400-43300-459018 Infrastructure - 16CO06 16CO06 - MNDOT Testing/Inspection (Material, Concrete,l P00009449 Total: 4,326.65 MN DEPT OF TRANSPO 4,326.65 PO # Close PO Line # False False False False AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 18 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference MOILANEN, GEORGE 5000 8/31/2018 8/31/2018 226-45127-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8/31/2018 Total: MOILANEN, GEORGE To MONTICELLO TOWING, LLC 4186 23082 8/9/2018 101-43120-440990 Repair And Maint-Other 23082 Total: 231634186 8/27/2018 101-43120-440990 Repair And Maint-Other 231634186 Total: MONTICELLO TOWING MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1390 1182082 8/3/2018 101-45201-422100 Equipment Repair Parts 1182082 Total: 1182368 8/9/2018 101-45201-422100 Equipment Repair Parts 1182368 Total: 1185040 8/22/2018 101-45201-422100 Equipment Repair Parts AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) 350.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Tai Chi Classes (4) - Aug 2018 350.00 350.00 75.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Chip Seal Project tow to driveway 75.00 75.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Chip Seal Project tow to Lakeland Trans 75.00 150.00 0.00 09/11/2018 960.63 0.00 09/11/2018 #1298 Toro- (70) ea. Tine solid; Tine -Side Eject 960.63 -536.20 0.00 09/11/2018 #1298 Toro -return (70) Tine -Side Eject -536.20 470.14 0.00 09/11/2018 #1298 Toro- (3) guard -turf, (2) guard turf long; (24)Tine-HI False False False False False False Page 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description 1185040 Total: 1185397 8/22/2018 101-45201-422100 Equipment Repair Parts 1185397 Total: 1186320 8/28/2018 101-45201-422100 Equipment Repair Parts 1186320 Total: 1186348 8/28/2018 101-45201-422100 Equipment Repair Parts 1186348 Total: MTI DISTRIBUTING INC NEMETH, LAUREN 4101 8/22/2018 8/22/2018 217-41990-433100 Travel/Training Expense 8/22/2018 Total: NEMETH, LAUREN Tota NEOFUNDS BYNEOPOST 2518 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 226-45122-432200 Mail & Delivery Services 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 217-41990-432200 Mail & Delivery Services 9/3/2018 Total: AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference 470.14 -181.04 0.00 09/11/2018 False #1298 Toro- (3 1) returned Tine Solid -181.04 281.58 0.00 09/11/2018 False (3) Gurad-Turf 3 -tine shit; (2) G.Turf long 281.58 -274.48 0.00 09/11/2018 False #1298 Toro- return (3) Gurad-Turf sht; (2) G.T long -274.48 720.63 8.83 0.00 09/11/2018 False Lunch @ Training 8/22/18 8.83 8.83 7.10 0.00 09/11/2018 False Postage for Pkg to Collection Agency - MCC - Aug 2018 159.94 0.00 09/11/2018 False Postage for Pkgs to Dept Public Safety - Aug 2018 (22) 167.04 Page 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOS 167.04 NIHCA - NATL INDEPENDENT HEALTH CLUB ASSOC 1943 102154 9/5/2018 399.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 226-45122-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri Annual Membership 102154 Total: 399.00 NIHCA - NATL INDEPEN 399.00 NOVAK FLECK INC 4472 8/22/2018 8/22/2018 2,000.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 101-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning Escrow Refund - 4373 89st St/Featherstone #17-395 8/22/2018 Total: 2,000.00 NOVAK FLECK INC Tota 2,000.00 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC 4633 52654487 8/26/2018 387.46 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 226-45125-425410 Concession Food for Resale Cheese Sauce for Concession 52654487 Total: 387.46 PERFORMANCE FOOD G 387.46 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO 1427 2413624 8/28/2018 964.15 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale - liquor 2413624 8/28/2018 11.92 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-433300 Freight freight AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 21 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 2413624 Total: 976.07 2413625 8/28/2018 14.90 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 2413625 8/28/2018 532.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425300 Wine resale - wine 2413625 Total: 546.90 2415463 8/30/2018 66.30 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale liquor 2415463 8/30/2018 1.49 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 2415463 Total: 67.79 2415464 8/30/2018 2.98 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-433300 Freight freight 2415464 8/30/2018 84.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable resale - mix 2415464 Total: 86.98 304568 8/22/2018 -104.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425300 Wine resale - wine credit inv. #2406023 304568 8/22/2018 -1.49 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-433300 Freight freight credit inv. 42406023 304568 Total: -105.49 304844 8/24/2018 -8.67 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425300 Wine resale - wine credit inv. #2332433 304844 Total: -8.67 304845 8/24/2018 -19.75 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale - liquor credit inv. #2408319 304845 Total: -19.75 305096 8/28/2018 -1.49 0.00 09/11/2018 False 0 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 22 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description 609-49750-433300 Freight freight credit inv. # 2412178 305096 8/28/2018 -120.00 0.00 09/11/2018 609-49750-425100 Liquor resale liquor credit inv. # 2412178 305096 Total: -121.49 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRI 1,422.34 PIATZ, BERNARD 4991 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market 9/3/2018 Total: PIATZ, BERNARD Total: PROGRESSIVE BUILDERS 2066 8/27/2018 8/27/2018 101-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning 8/27/2018 Total: PROGRESSIVE BUILDER RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY, INC 4962 8/2018 Fire 8/24/2018 101-42200-421990 Gen Operating Supplies 8/2018 Fire Total: 8/31/18 8/31/2018 609-49754-425550 Special Events Products 90.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/23/18 & 8/30/18 90.00 90.00 2,000.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Escrow Refund - 8718 Ebersole Ave/Featherstone #17-802 2,000.00 2,000.00 129.65 0.00 09/11/2018 (50) Incident Rep; (40) Training Rep. 129.65 70.65 0.00 09/11/2018 utx - (150) Wine Tasting tickets w/ stub Type PO # Reference Close PO Line # False False False False False AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 23 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description 8/31/18 Total: 70.65 RENGEL PRINTING COM 200.30 RUM RIVER CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS 5010 112 8/1/2018 5,850.00 101-42400-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 112 Total: 5,850.00 119 9/1/2018 2,496.00 101-42400-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 119 Total: 2,496.00 RUM RIVER CONSTRUC 8,346.00 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC 1470 A32851 8/15/2018 330.90 213-46301-443990 Miscellaneous Other Exp A32851 Total: 330.90 RUSSELL SECURITY RE 330.90 SALZWEDEL, PATRICIAA 1474 Sept 1st 8/30/2018 1,593.75 101-42700-431200 Animal Control Services Sept 1st Total: 1,593.75 SALZWEDEL, PATRICIA 1,593.75 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) 0.00 09/11/2018 Contract Inspection Services - July 2018 0.00 09/11/2018 Contract Inspection Services - August 2018 0.00 09/11/2018 Lock Cylinders (5), Keys (6) for 103 Pine Street 0.00 09/11/2018 Semi Monthly Contract Payment Type PO # Reference Close PO False False False False Line # Page 24 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description SCHYMA, CHRISTINE 3751 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market 9/3/2018 Total: SCHYMA, CHRISTINE T SCOTT, PATRICIA J 4990 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market 9/3/2018 Total: SCOTT, PATRICIA J Total SERVICEMASTER OF ST CLOUD INC 2192 133486 9/1/2018 226-45126-431100 Custodial/Caretaker Svcs 133486 9/1/2018 101-41940-431100 Custodial/Caretaker Svcs 133486 9/1/2018 656-00000-202099 Due to Arvig 133486 9/1/2018 101-41941-431100 Custodial/Caretaker Svcs 133486 9/1/2018 101-45501-431100 Custodial/Caretaker Svcs 133486 Total: SERVICEMASTER OF ST 73.00 73.00 73.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 3,900.24 643.28 541.06 480.24 1,610.08 7,174.90 7,174.90 0.00 09/11/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/23/18 0.00 09/11/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/23/18 & 8/30/18 0.00 09/11/2018 Cleaning Services - August 2018 - MCC 0.00 09/11/2018 Cleaning Services - August 2018 - City Hall 0.00 09/11/2018 Cleaning Services - August 2018 - Head End 0.00 09/11/2018 Cleaning Services - August 2018 - Prairie Center 0.00 09/11/2018 Cleaning Services - August 2018 - Library Type PO # Reference Close PO False False False False False False False Line # AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description SITE ONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 4474 87742196 8/23/2018 400-43300-459018 Infrastructure - 16CO06 87742196 Total: 87748915 8/23/2018 101-45201-421650 Park Supplies 87748915 Total: SITE ONE LANDSCAPE SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, LLC 3309 1723836 8/30/2018 609-49750-425100 Liquor 1723836 8/30/2018 609-49750-433300 Freight 1723836 Total: 1723837 8/30/2018 609-49750-433300 Freight 1723837 8/30/2018 609-49750-425300 Wine 1723837 Total: SOUTHERN GLAZER'S W SPORTS PRO LLC 2564 594 8/29/2018 226-45126-422990 Misc Repair and Maint Suppli 594 Total: AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference 1,434.17 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO06-CONSTR MISCEXP False 16C006-CONSTR- Fallon Overpass Improvements- Aug. 21 1,434.17 165.54 0.00 09/11/2018 False Node 400 controller 165.54 1,599.71 3,491.77 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - liquor 35.23 0.00 09/11/2018 False freight 3,527.00 16.80 0.00 09/11/2018 False freight 1,006.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - wine 1,022.80 4,549.80 150.75 0.00 09/11/2018 False Parts - WO #328 - Top Slider Seat for StarTrack Spinning B 150.75 Page 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference SPORTS PRO LLC Total: STAEHNKE, AARON 4513 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market 9/3/2018 Total: STAEHNKE, AARON Tot TASC 1516 IN1323068 8/17/2018 101-41800-413500 Flexible Benefit Admin IN1323068 Total: TASC Total: THE BLUFFS LLC 5035 9/3/2018 9/3/2018 226-45127-431992 Prof Svcs - Farmers Market 9/3/2018 Total: THE BLUFFS LLC Total: TKO WINES, INC 4782 7421 8/30/2018 609-49750-425300 Wine 150.75 28.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/23/18 28.00 28.00 69.75 0.00 09/11/2018 10/1/18 - 10/31/18 - Admin Fees 69.75 69.75 14.00 0.00 09/11/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/30/18 14.00 14.00 412.80 0.00 09/11/2018 resale - wine False False False False AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 27 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description 7421 Total: 412.80 TKO WINES, INC Total: 412.80 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC, VEOLIA WATER N AM 1 1550 90161656 9/5/2018 55,145.50 602-49480-430800 WWTP Services 90161656 Total: 55,145.50 VEOLIA WATER N AM O 55,145.50 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 1552 2211483 8/29/2018 401.10 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 2211483 Total: 401.10 VIKING COCA COLA BO 401.10 VINOCOPIA 1684 0214271 8/30/2018 256.00 609-49750-425300 Wine 0214271 8/30/2018 90.00 609-49750-425100 Liquor 0214271 8/30/2018 10.00 609-49750-433300 Freight 0214271 Total: 356.00 VINOCOPIA Total: 356.00 Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference 0.00 09/11/2018 False Oct 2018 WWTP Operations & Maintenance 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - soda pop 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - wine 0.00 09/11/2018 False resale - liquor 0.00 09/11/2018 False freight AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 28 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC 1567 8788 8/20/2018 101-45501-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8788 8/20/2018 101-41941-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8788 8/20/2018 226-45126-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8788 8/20/2018 101-45501-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8788 8/20/2018 101-41941-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 8788 Total: WES OLSON ELECTRIC WESTLEY, SUSAN 4766 July 2018 8/28/2018 101-45204-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services July 2018 Total: WESTLEY, SUSAN Total WINE MERCHANTS INC 1573 7198458 8/30/2018 609-49750-425300 Wine 7198458 8/30/2018 609-49750-433300 Freight 7198458 Total: 160.00 80.00 80.00 199.74 145.00 664.74 664.74 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 960.00 8.94 968.94 0.00 09/11/2018 Labor - Replaced Ballasts (5) @ Library 0.00 09/11/2018 Labor - Replaced Ballast @ Prairie Center 0.00 09/11/2018 Labor - Replaced LED Fixture Lamps (2) 0.00 09/11/2018 Materials - Ballasts (6) @ Library 0.00 09/11/2018 Materials - Ballast Kit & Lamp @ Prairie Center 0.00 09/11/2018 Sue Seeger- Creative Arts Srvc. July 2018 0.00 09/11/2018 resale - wine 0.00 09/11/2018 freight Type PO # Reference Close PO False False False False False False False False Line # AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference WINE MERCHANTS INC 968.94 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 1584 001160-61186 8/23/2018 273.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-43111-430300 Engineering Fees Traffic Engineering Services Phase 6 - July 2018 001160-61186 Total: 273.00 002596-30013 8/23/2018 1,080.25 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO04-PRELIM MISCEXP False 400-43300-459017 Infrastructure - 16CO04 16CO04 - CR 39/Gillard Ave Intersection Improvements - A 002596-300 13 Total: 1,080.25 002596-40018 8/23/2018 92,612.00 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO06-CONSTR MISCEXP False 400-43300-459018 Infrastructure - 16CO06 16CO06 CONSTR - Fallon Ave Improvements - July 2018 002596-400 18 Total: 92,612.00 02596-010 43 8/23/2018 2,740.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-43111-430300 Engineering Fees General Engineering Services Phase 7 - July 2018 02596-010 43 8/23/2018 6,566.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 101-43111-430300 Engineering Fees General Engineering Services Phase 8 - July 2018 02596-010 43 8/23/2018 2,740.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 601-49440-430300 Engineering Fees General Engineering Services Phase 7 - July 2018 02596-010 43 8/23/2018 2,740.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 602-49490-430300 Engineering Fees General Engineering Services Phase 7 - July 2018 02596-010 43 Total: 14,786.00 02596-040 33 8/23/2018 496.00 0.00 09/11/2018 False 702-00000-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services GIS Support Services - July 2018 02596-040 33 Total: 496.00 02596-26012 8/23/2018 2,566.50 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO02-CONSTR MISCEXP False 229-45202-453910 Pathway Development 16CO02 - Spirit Hills Trail Improvements- July 2018 02596-260 12 Total: 2,566.50 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type Account Number Description Reference 02596-28012 8/23/2018 672.00 0.00 09/11/2018 101-43111-430300 Engineering Fees IRT (Fallon Ave) Plan Review - July 2018 02596-280 12 Total: 672.00 02596-360 22 8/23/2018 198.00 0.00 09/11/2018 16CO03-CONSTR MISCEXP 400-43300-459016 Infrastructure - 16CO03 16CO03 - 2017 Street Improvements- July 2018 02596-360 22 Total: 198.00 02596-39014 8/23/2018 168.00 0.00 09/11/2018 101-43111-430300 Engineering Fees Monticello Specialty Clinic - July 2018 02596-390 14 Total: 168.00 R010151-000 7 8/23/2018 163.00 0.00 09/11/2018 17DO03-ESCROW MISCEXP 101-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning 17DO03 - Featherstone 3rd Addition - July 2018 R010151-000 7 Total: 163.00 R010438-00013 8/23/2018 47,391.75 0.00 09/11/2018 17CO01-CONSTR MISCEXP 400-43300-459019 Infrastructure - 17CO01 17CO01 CONSTR - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improve - R010438 -000 13 Total: 47,391.75 R010663-000 3 8/23/2018 1,758.00 0.00 09/11/2018 201835 -ESCROW MISCEXP 101-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning 201835 - Carlisle Village 6thAdditon - July 2018 R010663-000 3 Total: 1,758.00 R0109565-000 7 8/23/2018 50.71 0.00 09/11/2018 213-46301-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services Relocation Assistance Related to Downtown Redevelop - Ju R0109565-000 7 Total: 50.71 R011121-000 7 8/23/2018 2,515.50 0.00 09/11/2018 213-46301-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 2018 Economic Development Services - July 2018 R011121-000 7 Total: 2,515.50 R011473-000 7 8/23/2018 5,735.50 0.00 09/11/2018 18CO01-PRELIM MISCEXP 400-43300-430300 Engineering Fees 18CO01 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements- July 2018 AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) PO # Close PO Line # False 0 False False False False False False False False Page 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference R011473-000 7 Total: R011673-000 5 8/23/2018 101-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning R011673-000 5 Total: R011770-000 5 8/23/2018 602-49480-430300 Engineering Fees R011770-000 5 Total: R012098-000 4 8/23/2018 245-43162-453010 Improvements -Capital Outlay R012098-000 4 Total: R012152-000 2 8/23/2018 101-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning R012152-000 2 Total: R012157-000 3 8/23/2018 400-43300-452010 Buildings -Capital Outlay R012157-000 3 Total: R012204-000 2 8/23/2018 101-43111-430300 Engineering Fees R012204-000 2 Total: R012297-000 2 8/23/2018 229-45202-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services R012297-000 2 Total: R012471-000 1 8/23/2018 101-00000-220110 Deposits -Planning R012471-000 1 Total: AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) 5,735.50 882.50 0.00 09/11/2018 201808 -ESCROW MISCEXP 201808 - Brigg's Properties Plan Review - July 2018 882.50 1,171.60 0.00 09/11/2018 XSESWR-XSTUDY MISCEXP XSESWR-XSTUDY - SE Service Area Sewer Extension - J 1,171.60 5,455.25 0.00 09/11/2018 18CO02-CONSTR MISCEXP 18CO02 - 2018 Street Lighting Improvements - July 2018 5,455.25 81.50 0.00 09/11/2018 201821 -ESCROW MISCEXP 201821 - Oakwood Industrial Park 3rd Add Plan Review- R 81.50 561.50 0.00 09/11/2018 18CO03-DESIGN MISCEXP 18CO03 - Oakwood Industrial Park 4th Addition Plat- July 2 561.50 837.50 0.00 09/11/2018 Twin Cities Staffing Plan Review - July 2018 837.50 1,947.50 0.00 09/11/2018 18CO04-PRELIM MISCEXP 18CO04 PRELIM - Pioneer Park Splash Pad Study - July 20 1,947.50 2,242.00 0.00 09/11/2018 18DO02-ESCROW MISCEXP 18DO02 - Haven Ridge EAW - July 2018 2,242.00 False False False False False False False False Page 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Invoice Number Account Number Invoice Date Amount WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 183,645.56 Report Total: 1,111,984.89 Quantity Payment Date Task Description Type PO # Reference Close PO The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 9/11/18 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf Line # AP -To Be Paid Proof List (09/05/2018 - 2:24 PM) Page 33 City Council Agenda 9/10/18 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #l, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Brenda Bruley Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store 8/20/2018 PT Holly Cimenski Group Fitness Instructor MCC 8/23/2018 PT James Wilson Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store 9/6/2018 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Braden Melchert Voluntary MCC 8/14/18 PT Cheryl Wilke Voluntary Liquor Store 8/31/18 FT Kevin Lang Voluntary Liquor Store 8/31/18 PT Health Holmgren Voluntary Liquor Store 9/2/18 PT Sarah Barrett Voluntary Liquor Store 9/22/18 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2018.xlsx: 9/5/2018 Class Class City Council Agenda 9/10/2018 2C. Consideration of avnroving the sale or disposal of surplus Citv property (WO) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 9/10/2018 2D. Consideration to approve Resolution 2018-75 accepting donations of $100 from Monticello Women of Today for the Monticello Farmer's Market Power of Produce and $500 from WSB & Associates and $250 from Xcel Energy for Industry of the Year (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to approve a donation from Monticello Women of Today for the Farmer's Market Power of Produce for a total amount of $100. This is a program that encourages children to eat healthy by providing tokens to use to buy produce from the local Farmer's Market. The Council is also asked to accept donations for the Industry of the year breakfast. These include $500 from WSB & Associates and $250 from Xcel Energy. Sponsorship supports the cost of the breakfast event. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation/sponsorship will pay for expenses for the Farmer's Market entertainment and advertising as well as the costs of the PoP program. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will do the work to put on both of these events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Resolution accepting the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2018-75 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2018-75 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello Women of Today Cash Contribution $100 WSB & Associates Cash Contribution $500 Xcel Energy Cash Contribution $250 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Monticello Women of Today Farmers Market Power of Produce Kids Club WSB & Associates IEDC Industry of the Year Breakfast Xcel Energy IEDC Industry of the Year Breakfast Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 20th day of September, 2018. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 09/10/2018 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-76 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing on October 8, 2018 to adopt assessments for the Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements, Citv Proiect No. 17CO01 (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Chelsea Road Utility and Street Project is currently under construction and is to be complete by September 28, 2018, with the exception of the final lift of pavement and roadway striping. At this time, all utility work is complete and the first two lifts of pavement has been placed on the roadway. The final lift of pavement is planned to be placed in October, when the contractor from the Fallon Avenue overpass project finishes hauling material from the City reservoir site, as they are utilizing Chelsea Road as a haul route. Once their trucking operations are complete, the final lift of pavement will be placed so that the new pavement is preserved and not subject to heavy truck hauling that may affect the pavement condition. Other improvements completed on Chelsea Road include sidewalk and trail construction. In summary, the project is substantially complete, with final completion to occur by the time the assessments would be levied for the project. A public hearing was held for the project on February 12, 2018 prior to final design, bidding, and construction of the project. A preliminary assessment roll was presented at the public hearing for the project in accordance with Minnesota Statute 429. Now that construction is substantially complete and an estimate of final costs can be provided, a final assessment roll is being presented at this time for consideration. Wright County requires that assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2018 for collection with 2019 property taxes. This deadline can be met by calling for the assessment hearing to be held at the October 8, 2018 City Council meeting. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 8, adequate time for publication and mailing of notices will be provided to satisfy the requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. The assessment methodology proposed is the same as described at the public hearing for the project. Special assessments to the benefitting adjacent property owners are proposed for street, storm sewer, trail and sidewalk improvements in accordance with the city's assessment policy. The rates identified with the preliminary assessment roll included with the feasibility report and presented at the February 12, 2018 public hearing, are proposed to be reduced by approximately 6% to 23%, depending on the improvement, as the estimated final project costs are lower. City Council Agenda: 09/10/2018 Below is a summary of the preliminary and proposed final rates. Type of Assessment Street Sidewalk Bituminous Trail Storm Sewer Preliminary Rate 2/12/18 $105/FF $13.50/FF (industrial) $27/FF (commercial) $54/FF (undeveloped) ............................................................................................. $13.50/FF (industrial) $27/FF (commercial) $54/FF (undeveloped) $12, 325/Acre Proposed Final Rate 9/10/18 $87/FF $9/FF (industrial) $18/FF (commercial) $36/FF (undeveloped) .............................................................................................. $9/FF (industrial) $18/FF (commercial) $36/FF (undeveloped) $11,688/Acre The total assessment amount for all improvements compared to the total final project costs are proposed to be reduced by 16% from the amounts presented at the public hearing on February 12, 2018. Enclosed is the proposed final assessment roll. The assessment is proposed at a 10 -year term at a 5.5% interest rate. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated final projects costs for the improvements total $2,410,000 which included 24% for legal, engineering and administrative costs. Street Reconstruction (Edmonson Avenue to Fallon Avenue) .................................... Nova Chip Seal (TH25 to Edmonson Avenue) Sidewalk and Trail Improvements ................ Forcemain Improvements Storm Sewer Improvements TOTAL Assessments $322,160 $211,190 $613,910 City Funds Total $527,840 $850,000 $110,000 $110,000 $104,440 $185,000 $920,000 $920,000 $133,810 $345,000 $1,796,090 $2,410,000 Funding sources for the proposed improvements include special assessments in order to reimburse a portion of a future bond issue or use of reserves, capital improvement funds, and advancement of State Aid funds to finance the project. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are routine for this process and include the required mailings and notices to the benefitting properties. 2 City Council Agenda: 09/10/2018 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-76 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll, and calling for the assessment hearing for October 8, 2018 for the Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements, City Project No. 17CO01 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2018-76 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2018-76 B. Draft Final Assessment Roll and Map CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-76 DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL, AND CALLING FOR AN ASSESSMENT HEARING TO ADOPT AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CHELSEA ROAD UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO.17C001 WHEREAS, contracts have been let and the project is substantially complete and includes street reconstruction, curb and gutter; sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water supply systems; sidewalks; pathways; traffic control; signage; and other necessary appurtenant work: WHEREAS, the total costs of the improvements are $2,410,000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: The City Council hereby determines that $613,910 shall be assessed against benefitted property owners based upon benefits received without regard to cash valuation. 2. The City Administrator shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. A hearing shall be held on the 8th day of October, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Monticello Community Center to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing and shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. The Clerk shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 5. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. Payment of the balance in whole must be made before November 9, 2018, or interest will be charged through December 31 st of the succeeding year for the first year's portion of the assessment. In subsequent years, the property owner may at any time thereafter, pay to the City the balance of the assessment remaining unpaid after the th current year, provided such payment is made prior to November 15 6. The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 10th day of September, 2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Draft Final Assessment Roll - Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements 9/5/2018 Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 17CO01 WSB PROJECT NO. 10438 K:\010438-000\Admin\Docs\Assessments\10438-000_Preli mi nary Final Assessment Roll_Bids_091018 PROPERTY No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY MAILING Land Use FF CHELSEA (PID) ADDRESS TOTAL CHELSEA Map ID PID Owner Name Property Address Land Use PROPOSED 1 155244001010 JOVAN PROPERTIES LLC 3394 EDMONSON AVE NE BUFFALO MN 55313 Commercial 177.3 2 155244001020 RED ROOSTER PROPERTIES INC 9495 DEEGAN AVE NE MONTICELLO MN 55362 Commercial 141.2 3 155018002011 W K PROPERTIES LLC 108 CHELSEA RD MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 331.5 4 155018002020 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 3725 12TH ST N ST CLOUD MN 56303 Industrial 520.0 5 155018002030 SCHOEN PROPERTIES LP 200 CHELSEA RD MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 408.9 6 155018002031 MJD INVESTMENTS LLC 206 CHELSEA RD MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 255.0 7 155018001050 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Public 414.7 8 155018001041 WES SPRUNK PROPERTIES LLC 3451 S 40TH ST PHOENIX AZ 85040 Industrial 350.0 9 155018001030 SMA PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 10 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 355.0 10 155018001020 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Public 360.0 11 155018001012 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Public 389.4 12 155500142104 PREMIER BANK MINNESOTA 301 CENTRAL AVE OSSEO MN 55369 Commercial $107,793.28 13 155018002040 TAPPER'S HOLDINGS LLC 3935 WALDEN LN WAYZATA MN 55391 Industrial 3.66 Note: #6 front footage has been a(.justed due to the adjacent drainage easemen $3,680.10 4bTAL 3703.0 K:\010438-000\Admin\Docs\Assessments\10438-000_Preli mi nary Final Assessment Roll_Bids_091018 CHELSEA STORM TOTAL CHELSEA TOTAL STORM ROAD PATHWAY SEWER PROPOSED ROAD FF PATHWAY LOT DRAINAGE SEWER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RATE PATHWAY RATE AREA AREA RATE $87.00 177.3 $18.00 1.79 0.90 $11,668.00 $15,425.10 $3,191.40 $10,501.20 $29,117.70 $87.00 141.2 $18.00 1.88 0.84 $11,668.00 $12,284.40 $2,541.60 $9,801.12 $24,627.12 $87.00 331.5 $9.00 4.57 0.37 $11,668.00 $28,840.50 $2,983.50 $4,317.16 $36,141.16 $87.00 520.0 $9.00 7.16 4.96 $11,668.00 $45,240.00 $4,680.00 $57,873.28 $107,793.28 $87.00 408.9 $9.00 5.58 3.66 $11,668.00 $35,574.30 $3,680.10 $42,704.88 $81,959.28 $87.00 321.0 $9.00 1.90 0.26 $11,668.00 $22,185.00 $2,889.00 $3,033.68 $28,107.68 $87.00 530.0 $9.00 8.55 1.75 $11,668.00 $36,078.90 $4,770.00 $20,419.00 $61,267.90 $87.00 350.0 $9.00 4.78 0.84 $11,668.00 $30,450.00 $3,150.00 $9,801.12 $43,401.12 $87.00 355.0 $9.00 2.43 0.81 $11,668.00 $30,885.00 $3,195.00 $9,451.08 $43,531.08 $87.00 360.0 $18.00 2.47 1.65 $11,668.00 $31,320.00 $6,480.00 $19,252.20 $57,052.20 $87.00 390.0 $18.00 2.64 2.06 $11,668.00 $33,877.80 $7,020.00 $24,036.08 $64,933.88 907.0 $36.00 $32,652.00 $32,652.00 370.0 $9.00 $3,330.00 $3,330.00 5161.9 43.7 18.10 $322,161.00 $80,562.60 $211,190.80 j $613,914.40 K:\010438-000\Admin\Docs\Assessments\10438-000_Preli mi nary Final Assessment Roll_Bids_091018 I /NTFRSTgTE 9 4 Q CU i r I __ _W I 941 qp � CHELSEA RD Street Improvements Proposed Trail Proposed Sidewalk City Non -Residential C TY OF Monticello Assessment Map Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements Monticello, MN City Project No. 17CO01 N A A 0 350 WSB Feet Date: 1/8/18 1 inch = 350 feet Q 9fl ,+ ?. I 1 Street Improvements Proposed Trail Proposed Sidewalk City Non -Residential C TY OF Monticello Assessment Map Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements Monticello, MN City Project No. 17CO01 N A A 0 350 WSB Feet Date: 1/8/18 1 inch = 350 feet City Council Agenda — 09/10/2018 2F. Consideration of approving a request for a PUD (Planned Unit Development) Adiustment to accommodate changes in phasing of site improvements for the Affordable Storage site. Applicant: Keith Burnham, KB Properties/Affordable Storage. (NAC) Property: Legal: 3936 Chelsea Road West Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition Planning Case Number: 2018-034 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: PUD Adjustment to revise phasing conditions for previously approved Planned Unit Development October 29th, 2018 Places to Shop B-3, Highway Business District NA Self— Storage (under development) Mixed Use — Commercial Vacant/Commercial Single Family Residential Vacant Commercial Project Description: The applicant received a PUD approval in the summer of 2017, with a phasing plan and approval for certain site improvements, including fencing, building materials, and paving, among others. The applicant is seeking an Adjustment to the PUD to accelerate the phasing of the approved buildings, and delay fencing and final landscaping improvements until construction on Phases 2 and 3 are complete. ANALYSIS The City Council approved the Development Stage PUD for the self -storage project in August of 2017 and Final Stage PUD on September 11, 2017 with a series of conditions as adopted by the Planning Commission and modified slightly by the City City Council Agenda — 09/10/2018 Council, including an additional approval to delay final paving until the spring of 2018 for Phase 1 of the development. The Conditions of Final Stage PUD approval were as follows: 1. No outdoor storage shall be permitted within the PUD. 2. No use of future phase areas until such phase is developed in accordance with the approved plan. 3. Signage shall be compliance with Sign Ordinance requirements and by separate permit. 4. Site lighting shall be in compliance with City ordinances. 5. Developer shall enter into a development agreement related to the proposed improvements. 6. Grading and restoration of the site to be completed with first phase. 7. Utilities shall be completed for Phases 1 with the first phase of development. 8. The fence, as proposed at the August 2017 Planning Commission meeting, including monument columns every 100 feet along Chelsea Road, installed by September 15th, 2018, with first portion of the fence to be constructed to correspond with Phase 1 as shown in the plans. 9. Alternate surface material shall be allowed in drive and parking areas with final paving to be completed in spring, 2018. 10. Building elevations and materials for buildings facing Chelsea Road and Innsbrook Drive shall be as shown in the plans provided for Council review on September I It', 2017. 11. Site landscaping for Phase 1 shall be completed in spring 2018, and September 15th, 2018, for the balance of the development. 12. Compliance with the City Engineer's comments, including those of the engineer and Fire Department as related to the northerly access. The applicant has completed the majority of required improvements for Phase 1 of the proposed project, including 7 of the proposed 17 buildings. Because the applicant's construction phasing has been moved up to meet demand, he is seeking an adjustment to the required timing of installation of fencing and landscaping along the Chelsea Road and northwest boundary. The initial approval expected installation of these improvements (regardless of the timing of building construction) was September 15, 2018, a date proposed initially by the applicant. The purpose for completing the fence and landscaping was an original expectation that buildings may take several years to complete on the site, and the view of the property would benefit for completed fencing and landscaping. However, building construction as now anticipated would raise concerns that fencing and landscaping — if installed this fall — would be damaged by building construction activity on the site. Oil City Council Agenda — 09/10/2018 As such, the applicant is seeking an adjustment to the terms of the PUD approval to accommodate completion of the fencing and landscaping noted above, and as shown on the accompanying site plan drawing, to be delayed for an additional two years, to what would then be September 15, 2020. Landscaping has been installed on the south and east boundaries with Phase 1 and has been inspected and found to be compliant with plan and code requirements. The applicant has also noted that the completion of required finish materials on the public street faces of the Phase 1 buildings, specifically stucco and stonework, is scheduled for completion in September of this year. The applicant is requesting that the building permits for the 2nd and Yd phases be allowed to be issued should the stone and stucco not be finished by the time permits could be issued. Staff would recommend that allowance, understanding that it is the intent to have the stucco and stone completed prior to the end of 2018 for all Phase 1 buildings. Staff believes that the request is reasonable, and consistent with the original intent of the PUD. At the time of original approval, the applicant did not have a specific timeline for project phasing and completion. As such, it was believed that enclosing the site with fence and landscaping would leave a more ordered looking and secure site in the event no further construction was imminent. However, the construction timetable appears to support this one-time delay in improvements as requested. With the exception of the fencing, landscaping and stone/stucco elements as noted, the site is compliant with approved plans to -date. Additionally, securities for the required fence and remaining landscaping elements are in place. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No.2018-77, approving an Adjustment to the PUD for Affordable Storage per the conditions as identified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2018-77, based on findings to be adopted and identified by the Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to additional information from application and/or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Resolution as noted in Alternative 1, subject to those conditions in Exhibit Z. The conditions are those of the Final Stage PUD approval, with adjustment per the request and recommendation. As noted above, the site is compliant with approved plans to -date, with the exception of the items requested for adjustment by the applicant. Securities for the required fence and remaining landscaping elements are also in place. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2018-77 B. Applicant Narrative and Illustration C. City Council Minutes, 9/11/17 Z. Revised Conditions of Approval 3 City Council Agenda — 09/10/2018 EXHIBIT Z Affordable Storage PUD Adjustment 3936 Chelsea Road West Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition 1. No outdoor storage shall be permitted within the PUD. 2. No use of future phase areas until such phase is developed in accordance with the approved plan. 3. Signage shall be compliance with Sign Ordinance requirements and by separate permit. 4. Site lighting shall be in compliance with City ordinances. 5. Developer shall enter into a development agreement related to the proposed improvements. 6. Grading and restoration of the site to be completed with first phase. 7. Utilities shall be completed for Phases 1 with the first phase of development. 8. The fence, as proposed at the August 2017 Planning Commission meeting, including monument columns every 100 feet along Chelsea Road, installed by September 15th, 2020 for all phases. 9. Alternate surface material shall be allowed in drive and parking areas with final paving to be completed in spring, 2018. 10. Building elevations and materials for buildings facing Chelsea Road and Innsbrook Drive shall be as shown in the plans provided for Council review on September 11', 2017. 11. Site landscaping shall be completed by September 15th, 2020 for the balance of the development. 12. The applicant shall enter into an amendment to the Development Agreement reflecting the conditions of the PUD Adjustment. 13. Compliance with the City Engineer's comments, including those of the engineer and Fire Department as related to the northerly access. L! CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-77 APPROVAL OF AN ADJUSTMENT TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR KP PROPERTIES, AFFORDABLE STORAGE PUD LOT 11, BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant, owner of the property at the above-named location, has requested an adjustment to an existing PUD; and WHEREAS, said adjustment will accommodate a land use that is consistent with the existing allowable and interim uses on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed uses, together with the recommended conditions of approval, will constitute a use that is consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the requirements for PUD Adjustment in the Monticello zoning ordinance have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello make the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The additional storage containers will continue to permit reasonable traffic access and flow; 2. The proposed signage provides an enhancement to the current building design and brings the site into conformance with code allowances; 3. The proposed use is consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance of the City of Monticello; 4. The proposed uses in the PUD justify the adjustment under the PUD as proposed; 5. The PUD will not be detrimental to the reasonable use and development of surrounding property; 6. The PUD will not create negative impacts on surrounding public roadways or other public facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Monticello City Council hereby approves the PUD Adjustment, subject to the following conditions: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-77 1. No outdoor storage shall be permitted within the PUD. 2. No use of future phase areas until such phase is developed in accordance with the approved plan. 3. Signage shall be compliance with Sign Ordinance requirements and by separate permit. 4. Site lighting shall be in compliance with City ordinances. 5. Developer shall enter into a development agreement related to the proposed improvements. 6. Grading and restoration of the site to be completed with first phase. 7. Utilities shall be completed for Phases 1 with the first phase of development. 8. The fence, as proposed at the August 2017 Planning Commission meeting, including monument columns every 100 feet along Chelsea Road, installed by September 15ti', 2020 for all phases. 9. Alternate surface material shall be allowed in drive and parking areas with final paving to be completed in spring, 2018. 10. Building elevations and materials for buildings facing Chelsea Road and Innsbrook Drive shall be as shown in the plans provided for Council review on September 11th, 2017. 11. Site landscaping shall be completed by September 15th, 2020 for the balance of the development. 12. The applicant shall enter into an amendment to the Development Agreement reflecting the conditions of the PUD Adjustment. 13. Compliance with the City Engineer's comments, including those of the engineer and Fire Department as related to the northerly access. ADOPTED this 10t" day of September, 2018, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-77 MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL LOW ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Brian Stumpf, Mayor August 30, 2018 To whom it may concern, Due to the demand of our storage units, we would like to accelerate the phasing construction timeline, and acquire building permits for phase 2 and 3 at the Affordable Self Storage Project as soon as possible. This accelerated phasing timeline, should allow us to move all phases up by a minimum of 1 yr. Due to the need to immediately move into the next phases of construction, we ask to be given a 2 year extension on the timeline of the entire fence, and the landscaping along Chelsea Rd, and along the farm field to the Northwest. Those areas will be graded, seeded, mowed, and maintained with the highest quality standards. This adjustment to the construction timeline will allow us to continue to build into the next two phases without damaging the new fence and landscaping. Also, phase #1's seven buildings are 95 percent complete. We had a delay in the stone and stucco due to removing the stone that the builder installed, which we found unacceptable. As a result, we ordered custom Versetta Stone which is being made for this project. The stone is scheduled to arrive on September 12th, and the stucco is scheduled for bronzing on September 15th. We ask that our request for new building permits for phases 2 and 3 be expedited, and not held up. Thank you for your cooperation. Keith Burnham KB Properties Affordable Storage in 763 29,15-2087 D, rr� PApH SURA �Xt PROJE pMi aFt WAIWGrR Ci pflSTl tli�p4tlsih. NRINp CI REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS 10 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PER ACRE + 2 SHRUBS PER 10 LF. OF BUILDING PERIMETER ,, v ARv4 - fiv25 rnl�a�a IUPHFC nF TRFFS PROPOSED BWLOING PERIMETER = 1,004 LF, (ELEVATIONS FACING LOT LINES) nn A n u —'E, SERUM RESIDENTIAL BUFFER PER 100 FEET +FT. BERM OR FENCE 2 CALIPER INCHES OF CANOPY TREES + 16 CALIPER INCHES OF ORNAMENTAL TREES 433 L.F. OF BUFFER AREA 2 X C33 = R.66 CALIPER INCHES OF CANOPY TREES 16 X 4.33 = 69.28 CALIPER INCHES OF ORNAMENTAL TREES B I PLANT UST- St. PlontIGge 0tt. KSV CR-- xvas twxw rvavc ssc/R0m aREne mp W m max v y 20' B I e0 Ouerme maaomrPa aur Opk 2D Bk9 1G BHS P vats BlcUt HOb spruce ,2 CGS Pk p g Colorado oem Sprvce 6 Ptrp SHRUBS P.maa IN, setts venae ,Rnke 70 PsPurp1< Fcllcge Sxlax 6 ws Spire a x humdaR `nnNmYIWatv(v' MNmy -I— Spvvo 3 pM. synnga meyM 'PdrW'n' D-4 Kmvon Lnac 202 PREGIM (201 REWIRED) PLANTING NDTES: wu= mreI'll,-,--,--,-.,. a ovrnrn- mr m hoe m� to ee na<mi.a p .,.°mm R en g p .=e m'l, Imp Nmr aI.-mty kcaume mm al °x�dl:. rpnor w nelae°tri °e q.m. e a rrrgotrm vnall by pmeWea a ee me one wa meov wa 1w °e anw wase mm.+ma: rc�a»,ata. pafi.a p1°pm .die ma n..a ape! war Rate. as gimme me mrm.n�,ena.an.r .=eves w.p�y hexyl m.wa �r ....wn. mmbwolongn�d.eodRma mdltnemm (n e. mo.l w.a earrwr rma=, gismo mmm Fleeing beds Iw p1ho� by eN i mlvtvwN9 wtrmr. slmry m°1m to edge 10 ev 1' w-uca —R— .=R. Bork Ro�1r dna The mgw9 mdl be bpm ma eteka am maoN came. .nm..� g"°epmm�e m. nea..alaa 4r.�,o-erar h• pranaaa�mW,a d. o no z.19gIe neem oy d wrt°m a ee ve<M1ar m °g pnrc f nee day.! Lav o°a mmh lun 1. 61 uluty I--eoa any enmgu ural may h. amre ry ue .n. w% anaAa ag vein U a O ~ � -0— I� thI— to a L. 7 N N R v+ la- m Lo ¢z 2 cc U O a 0 N W Y. M a W esytt x� T:m�.p<p PA � G Hfi" , � � < Qi'a g il'i 1 h INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: B CO PROJECT ", ARON PIAN R[E M. 00640 CI SIZE PLN C2 GRADING ANO DRAINAGE P— . SANITARY ANO WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTUTY PLAN p a •�Q . TANDSCAPE PIAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTON PREVENTION PIPN CT EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PWJ CR OETARS C9 PHASING PIAN Landscape Plan 2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion., H. Consideration of approving a Final Stage Planned Unit Development, Rezoning to Planned Unit Development and Development Agreement for Self -Storage Facility in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: KB Properties, LLC. Keith Burnham, KB Properties, LLC, addressed the City Council. He noted a couple of requested changes: Exhibit Z, #7 should state for Phase 1, not Phases 1 and 2; and Exhibit Z, #8 — he requested until September 15, 2018 to complete the entire fence. Mr. Burnham thanked city staff for all of their efforts. He also commented on the fact that the market for storage facilities shows there won't be a need for such facilities in the future, and perhaps the B-3 zoning, which allows self -storage, should be reevaluated. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, responded and explained the B-3 zoning and the significant amount of land that is zoned B-3 in the city. Councilmember Hilgart expressed concern over the amount of property zoned B-3. Mayor Stumpf added that perhaps the Planning Commission should review the B-3 zoning and the property within the city. Angela Schumann reviewed changes that were made to the Development agreement. In addition, she noted that there was a summary ordinance for publication that also requires city council approval. Councilmember Hilgart motioned to have the Planning Commission review the B-3 zoning in the city. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Councilmember Fain- moved approval of: Resolution 2017-65 approving a Final Stage PUB and Development Agreement, as amended — changes noted by Ms. Schumann, for KB Properties, Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition, based on the findings in said resolution and contingent on compliance with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z, amended per applicant request, and staff comments on compliance; and Ordinance 680 rezoning to Planned Unit Development for Affordable Self -Storage PUD, Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition; and Summary Ordinance 681 A for publication. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearings A. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-59 approvin,; a vacation of drainage and utilitv easements for Lot 3, Block 17: Lot 1, Block 19; and Outlot A, Autumn Ridge Yd Addition. Angela Schumann gave a brief overview of the petition. The required drainage and utility easements are proposed with the plat of Autumn Ridge Villas. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. City Council Minutes — September 11, 2017 Page 4 1 7 City Council Agenda: 09/10/2018 4A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-78 approving a special benefit levv by the Citv of Monticello Economic Development Authoritv and accepting the vreliminary EDA 2019 budget. (AS/JO/WO) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND On August 8, 2018, the EDA adopted its 2019 budget and HRA tax levy. The proposed HRA levy will be the third year of the special benefit levy. The HRA levy is limited to .0185% of the city's taxable market value, which was $1,883,565,600 for tax collection year 2018. The proposed 2019 HRA levy is $348,000, an increase of $25,000 (7.7%) over the 2018 levy of $323,000. The City Council must approve or deny the HRA levy. EDA (HRA) Levy W0,000 $30QOQo — Szoo,oao 5100,000 1 11 o 2016 2017 EDA (HRA) Lew $2,80,000 $280,000 5323,000 $348,000 In regard to accountability regarding the levy, Council has number of ways to exercise oversite. These include: 1. Filing of annual budget (required) 2. Joint meetings for purchase or sale of property 3. End of year Economic Development Activities report 4. Work Plan ratification (required) 5. Annual consideration for adoption of levy (required) The levy information must be adopted and provided to Wright County by September 30th, 2018. The HRA levy is clearly identified on the tax statements as a separate levy. Final council adoption of the HRA levy, along with the city's levy, will occur on December 10t' - Al. Budget Impact: Increases revenue by $25,000 from $323,000 to $348,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. Filing paperwork with the county. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The EDA has adopted a resolution authorizing the HRA levy and adopting the budget as proposed. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-78 approving a special benefit levy by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and accepting the preliminary EDA 2019 budget. City Council Agenda: 09/10/2018 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2018-78 approving a special benefit levy by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and accepting the preliminary EDA 2019 budget. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2018-78 B. Resolution EDA — 2018-17 C. Adopted EDA Budget 2019, with HRA Levy CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-78 APPROVING A SPECIAL BENEFIT LEVY BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082, as amended (the "EDA Act"), the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") previously established the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the EDA Act, the Authority is authorized to exercise all powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "HRA Act"); and WHEREAS, Section 469.033, subd. 6, of the HRA Act permits the Authority to levy and collect a special benefit tax of up to .0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, levied upon all taxable real property within the City, WHEREAS, the special benefit tax levy authorized by Section 469.033, subd. 6 of the HRA Act is separate and distinct from the City's levy and is not subject to levy limits; and WHEREAS, the Authority has adopted a budget for fiscal year 2019 that provides for the levy of a special benefits tax in the amount of .0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, to be used for its economic development and redevelopment activities, and has submitted such budget to the City pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6; and WHEREAS, the Authority has adopted a resolution approving the levy of a special benefit tax in the amount of .0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, subject to approval of such special benefit tax by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "City Council") of the City of Monticello as follows: 1. The City Council of the City hereby accepts the budget submitted by the Authority for the fiscal year 2019. 2. The City Council of the City hereby approves the levy by the Authority of a special benefit tax pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6, in an amount not to exceed $348,000 with respect to taxes payable in calendar year 2019. Approved by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 10th day of September, 2018. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schrieber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-17 AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL BENEFIT TAX PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 469.033, SUBDIVISION 6 AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1081, as amended, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") previously created the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized to exercise all powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "HRA Act"); and WHEREAS, Section 469.033, subd. 6, of the HRA Act permits the Authority to levy and collect a special benefit tax of up to 0.0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, levied upon all taxable real property within the City, to finance the Authority's economic development and redevelopment activities; and WHEREAS, the special benefit tax levy authorized by Section 469.033, subd. 6 of the HRA Act is separate and distinct from the City's levy and is not subject to levy limits; and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to levy a special benefit tax in the amount of 0.0185 percent of taxable market value in the City; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined to adopt a budget for fiscal year 2019 that provides for the levy of the special benefit tax in the amount of 0.0185 percent of taxable market value of property in the City, to be used for the Authority's economic development and redevelopment activities. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority as follows: 1. The Board hereby approves a budget of $350,498 (excluding TIF district and loan activity) for fiscal year 2019, including the levy of a special benefit tax in an amount not to exceed $348,000 subject to approval of such budget by the City Council prior to September 30, 2018. 2. Staff of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to file the budget with the City in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 and request that the City Council consider approval of the special benefits tax levy. 532599v MNI MN 190-1 There is hereby levied a special benefit tax pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6, in an amount not to exceed $348,000 with respect to taxes payable in calendar year 2019, contingent upon the approval of the City Council. 4. Staff of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to take such other actions as are necessary to levy and certify such levy upon approval by the City Council. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 8th day of August, 2018. Attest: Exc ive Director 532599vl MNIMN190-1 2 2019 Budget Draft EXPENDITURES: 5-29-2018 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS EDA (Consolidated) 213-46301-410100 213-46301-410200 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND EXPENDITURES SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 213-46301-411100 SEVERANCE PAY 213-46301-412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 213-46301-412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 213-46301-413100 HEALTH/DENTAULIFE INSURAN 213-46301-415100 Workers Compensation Insurance 213-46301-421990 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 213-46301-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 213-46301-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213-46301-430910 PROF SRV - Market Matching 213-46301-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 213-46301-432100 Telephone 213-46301-432150 IT Services 213-46301-432400 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS 213-46301-433100 Travel/Training Expense 213-46301-434990 ADVERTISING _ 213-46301-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 213-46301-436100 Insurance - Liability/Property/Vehicle 213-46301-437100 PROPERTY TAXES _ 213-46301-443300 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI 213-46301-461500 REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 213-46301-443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 213-46301-451010 LAND (or value adjusted) 213-46301-453010 IMPROVEMENTS 213-46301-472030 TRANSFER OUT - TRUNK FEES TOTAL EXPIMDITURES 2015 2016 2017 _ 2018 2018 2019 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE $ 7,173 $ 50,622 $ 75,652 $ _ 80,351 $ 80,351 $ 85,796 6.78%1 363 26 32 - - - - 262 - - - - --- 565 3,771 5,676 6,026 6,026 6,435 6.79% 545 3,756 5,603 6,147 6,147 6,563 6.77% 1,899 10,440 17,033 _ 17,506 17,506 18,111 3.46% 80 378 640 640 683 6.72% 65 81 79 100 100 100 _ 0.00% - 2,737 3,063 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.00% 9,130 25,322 15,247 11,000 11,000 14,000 27.27% 48,000 - _ - 9,000 9,000 9,300 3.33% 49,150 56,597 82,70-8-F-22,000 22,000 18,000 -18.18% Y- _ 585 780 1,416 _ 1,409 3,212 3,486 3,486 3,486 10 345 10 150 150 200 33.33% 709 2,033 1,600 1,600 1,700 6.25% 5,650 2,500 250 20,000 _ 20,000 21,750 8.75% 5,360 311 72 600 600 650 8.33% 1,937 1,867 1,824 974 9741 974 _. 1,356 1,318 2,786 1,300 1,300 1,300 _ 0.00% 4,696 4,846 5,763 9,500 9,500 9,700 2.11% - - - 14_4,000 144,000 148,250 2.95% 11,072 3,585 111,618 2,620 2,620 1,500 -42._75% 732,900 +_ - 96,100 _ - - _ - - $ 881,287 $ 26M 1,39,000 $ 3 2019 Budget Draft REVENUES: 5-29 EDA Consolidated ACCOUNT NUMBER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS REVENUES 2015 ACTUAL 213-00000-310110 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES $ - 213-00000-310210 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAX - 213-00000-310310 Mobile Home tax 18,074 213-00000-347110 Rental of City Property 1,250 213-46506-310500 TIF #6 - RAINDANCE (decertified) 24,242 213-46519-310500 ,TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES 21,222 213-46520-310500 TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST 17,173 213-46522-310500 I TIF #22 - CCD/DOWNTOWN 289,299 213-46522-347110 Rental of City Property - 213-46524-310500 TIF #24 - ST BEN'S CENTER 39,494 213-46529-310500 TIF #29 - FRONT PORCH 20,480 213-46530-310500 "TIF #30 - CMHP 8,801 213-46534-310500 jTIF #34 -194 INTERCHANGE 214,364 213-46536-310500 TIF #36 - DAHLHEIMER DIST 58,241 213-46537-310500 TIF #37 - KARLSBURGER FOODS - 213-46538-310500 'TIF #38 - WALKER IN-STORE 11,757 213-46539-310500 :TIF #39 - Suburban 46,786 213-00000-319100 PENALTIES & INT - TAX - 213-00000-334020 Intergovernmental 11,875 213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS - Gen EDA 17,140 213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS - CMEF 15,625 213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS -TIF 19,267 213-00000-362400 SALE OF PROPERTY 213-00000-362990 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV 624 213-46626-362150 INT EARNINGS - HOGLUND #026 213-46627-362150 INT EARNINGS - PET HOSPITAL #027 213-46500-362200 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT - PR 114,918 213-46500-362220 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT - IN- 28,921 213-00000-392000 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FDS 94,900 TOTALREVENUES 7 7 7 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 % A 11TI I A I A f' -rl 1 A 1 r%1 1n/1 r- _r .. . . . ..�� 279,421 $ 279,567 - 600 24,530 428 1,000 1,000 30,972 31,693 17,592 18,074 281,330 264,228 41,634 42,782 22,590 24,242 9,120 10,032 208,243 203,857 11,421 10,668 45,450 42,4551 20,454 27,396 15,544 15,844 24,530 26,772 338,899 122,125 49,397 20,525 1,032,137 $ 1,418,122 18,814 1,140, 577 323,000 $ 323,000 $ 348,000 7.76/6- 1,100 .7% 1,100 1,100 500 -54.5% i 1,073,928 $ 1,073,928 $ 1,003,711 -6.56/6 31,334 31,334 31,334 0.0% 17,967 17,967 --100.0% 262,214 262,214 262,214 0.0% 42,782 42,782 42,782 0.0% 25,032 25,032 25,032 0.0% 10,032 10,032 10,032 0.0% 203,862 203,862 203,862 0.0% 42,455 42,455 42,455 0.0% 14,900 14,900 12,500 -16.1% 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% 19,000 19,000 10,000 -47.4% 46,238 46,238 - -100.0% 19,012 19,012 - -100.0% i 1,073,928 $ 1,073,928 $ 1,003,711 -6.56/6 4B. A. City Council Agenda: 9/10/2018 Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-79 setting the 2019 vreliminary tax levv (WO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The city is required to certify a preliminary levy to the County Auditor/Treasurer on or before September 30th. The preliminary levy will be used for the Truth -In -Taxation notices sent to property owners in November. The final December adopted levy can be lower but not higher than the preliminary levy. Staff developed a tentative 2019 budget, taking advantage of the increase in tax capacity. The projected combined (city & HRA) tax capacity rate increases by 1.5%. Staff's recommended preliminary city levy is $9,962,000. This levy represents a $415,000 (4.3%) increase over the 2018 final city levy. The recommended levies are as follows: Total City Levy $7,900,000 $8,150,000 $8,535,000 HRA Levy Total $7,900,000 $8,150,000 $8,535,000 Current and future debt 2016 2013 2014 2015 Property Property Property Fund Taxes Taxes Taxes General Fund $5,540,000 $5,497,000 $5,882,000 MCC - Operating 295,000350,000 $6,177,000 358,000 MCC - Debt 875,000 1,040,000 1,005,000 2019/2020/2021 Bonds - 387,000 402,000 2018A GO Bonds 15,000 300,000 50,000 2017A GO Bonds 636,354 -18.7% (146,646) 2016A GO Bonds 500,000 2015B GO Bonds 500,000 - 2014 GO Judgment Bonds - -4.5% (20,377) 2005A/2011A GO IBF 245,000 223,000 330,000 2007A/2008A GO Bonds 9_25,000 1,040,000 920,000 2010A GO IBF 20,000 -1.2% 40,000 Total City Levy $7,900,000 $8,150,000 $8,535,000 HRA Levy Total $7,900,000 $8,150,000 $8,535,000 Current and future debt 2016 2017 2018 2019 Property Property Property Property % $$ Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Change Change $6,177,000 $6,291,000 $6,590,000 $6,696,000 1.6% $106,000 364,000 372,000 387,000 402,000 3.9%1 15,000 300,000 50,000 783,000 636,354 -18.7% (146,646) 500,000 --- 500,000 - 450,159 429,782 -4.5% (20,377) 415,000 407,769 409,134 0.3% 1,365 250,000 195,288 203,425 200,905 -1.2% (2,520) 544,000 536,929 537,586 537,244 -0.1% (342) 330,000 139,783 148,061 150,581 1.7% _ 2,520 920,000 1,110,000 - --- - 40,000 40,000 40,000 - -100.0% (40,000) $8,925,000 $9,150,000 $9,547,000 $9,962,000 4.3% $415,000 280,000 280,000 323,000 348,000 7.7% 25,000 $9,205,000 I $9,430,000 $9,870,000 $10,310,000 4.5% $ 440,000 The EDA is requesting council approval for a 2019 levy of $348,000 levy, which is a $25,000 (7.7%) increase over 2018. The 2019 request is the approximate maximum amount allowed by statute. The two levies together represent a $440,000 or 4.5% increase over the prior year. The combined 2019 proposed levy increase ($440,000) equals the combined adopted levy increase for 2018. The total tax levy history is in the chart below: 0 z,00oPoo $10,03a0W $S,000,ow $60W,ow $4.,000 S2)",000 Property Tax Levy History 7449 2Q10 2011 n12 X033 7414 21115 :JD1E 7017 7#18 2419 r Monticello's tax capacity will increase again from new construction and appreciation in existing property values. According to the county auditor, the 2019 tax capacity will be B. C. City Council Agenda: 9/10/2018 approximately $30.4 million or $.9 million (2.9%) more than the 2018 tax capacity of $29.5 million. Xcel's two main parcels saw a combined loss of $17 million (2%) in estimated market value, which translates into a tax capacity loss of $.3 million. Other changes in the tax base resulted in approximately $1.2 million in additional tax capacity. Other changes include new residential, apartment, and commercial construction as well as increases in property values. One minor tax increment district is scheduled for decertification in 2019. The following chart demonstrates the relationship between tax capacity values and rates with the recommended preliminary levy for 2019: Tax Capacity Values amd Tax Capacity Rates Tem "A Cdr 11b, % '�116,v +el l°el "' "�"' '�°#v "�"?' 1 c % X14 1 s m-9—Tax Capacity Value AD- Tax Capacity Rate Accordingly, the recommended levy would raise the current tax capacity rate of 33.426% to 33.923%, a 1.5% rise. At the workshop prior to the regular meeting, the Council will be presented with a list items for additional levy consideration. Since Monticello has a large commercial tax base, which includes a nuclear power plant, the city receives no LGA. Cities receiving LGA often show lower per capita property tax levels. Other factors: Annualized inflation is 2.4% through July. According to the state demographer, population growth for the last five years has averaged about 1.0% per year. Any changes to the recommended levy will be incorporated into a new resolution and sent to the county for certification. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-79 setting the 2019 preliminary property tax levy at $9,962,000. 2. Motion to adopt a 2019 preliminary tax levy of $ as an alternative amount. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 2 City Council Agenda: 9/10/2018 City staff recommends approving Alternative #1 for a 2019 preliminary levy of $9,962,000. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution No. 2018-79 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO 2018-79 ADOPTING THE 2019 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE 2019 PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND AUTHORIZING CANCELLATION OF CERTAIN DEFERRED TAX LEVIES WHEREAS, the Finance Director has prepared and submitted to the City Council a preliminary budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for all operations and the debt service for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such changes therein as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that there be and hereby is a preliminary levy for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2019, and the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable property of the City of Monticello, to wit: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Auditor/Treasurer of Wright County is hereby authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of Section 475.61, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, to cancel or otherwise amend the levies for said indebtedness heretofore made to be levied in the year 2018 for collection in the year 2019 as follows: Debt Service Levies Bond Resolution PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY REVENUE 218,350 - General Fund _ Community Center $ $ 6,696,000 402,000 OTHER FUNDS 71,056 - Debt Service _ _ Capita Projects - Future Debt $ $ 2,227,646 636,354 TOTAL TAX LEVY $ 9,962,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Auditor/Treasurer of Wright County is hereby authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of Section 475.61, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, to cancel or otherwise amend the levies for said indebtedness heretofore made to be levied in the year 2018 for collection in the year 2019 as follows: Debt Service Levies Bond Resolution 2019 Levy G.O. Bonds, Series 2010A 218,350 - G.O. Bonds, Series 2011A 175,581 150,581 G.O. Bonds, Series 2013A 71,056 - G.O. Bonds, Series 2014A 604,389 537,244 G.O. Bonds, Series 2015B 200,905 200,905 G.O. Bonds, Series 2016A 409,134 409,134 G.O. Bonds, Series 2017A 254,782 254,782 G.O. Bonds, Series 2017A - Abatement 175,000 175,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2018A - 200,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2018A - Abatement - 300,000 Total $ 2,109,197 $ 2,227,646 Added (218,350) 1 (25,000) 1 (71,056) 1 (67,145) 1 200,000 1 300,000 1 118,449 1 The above resolution was introduced by Councilmember , was duly seconded by Councilmember , with the following voting in favor thereof: The following voting in opposition: The City Administrator is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 10th day of September, 2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 'OT co'. �'RI R 5 04Fti Monticello Monthly Report 2018 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 911 Hang-up Total: 39 08/01/1811:22 911 Hang-up 08/01/1814:50 911 Hang-up 08/01/1818:19 911 Hang-up 08/02/18 13:34 911 Hang-up 08/02/18 14:04 911 Hang-up 08/04/18 08:50 911 Hang-up 08/06/18 19:45 911 Hang-up 08/06/18 23:20 911 Hang-up 08/07/18 13:58 911 Hang-up 08/07/18 14:03 911 Hang-up 08/09/18 19:28 911 Hang-up 08/12/18 15:07 911 Hang-up 08/12/18 16:53 911 Hang-up 08/13/18 15:17 911 Hang-up 08/15/18 12:10 911 Hang-up 08/15/18 13:37 911 Hang-up 08/15/18 14:21 911 Hang-up 08/17/18 16:50 911 Hang-up 08/17/18 18:02 911 Hang-up 08/18/18 10:07 911 Hang-up 08/18/18 15:31 911 Hang-up 08/19/18 16:08 911 Hang-up 08/19/18 16:10 911 Hang-up 08/20/18 12:52 911 Hang-up 08/21/1816:08 911 Hang-up 08/22/18 01:02 911 Hang-up 08/22/18 12:28 911 Hang-up Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Joe Hagerty 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 CFS # 2018060165 2018060225 2018060287 2018060504 2018060514 2018061066 2018061763 2018061811 2018061952 2018061954 2018062635 2018063380 2018063420 2018063696 2018064257 2018064274 2018064284 2018064946 2018064965 2018065162 2018065226 2018065498 2018065499 2018065743 2018066106 2018066255 2018066361 Final Incident QPpFE55I0NAIrS Printed on Se Case Number Codes How Reported 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP ZUERCHER Page 1 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/22/18 15:17 911 Hang-up 2018066403 911 OPEN 08/06/18 13:09 911 Open Line 2018061649 911 HAN911 GUP 08/24/18 13:10 911 Hang-up 2018067046 911OPEN 08/06/18 13:34 911 Open Line 2018061655 911 HAN911 GUP 08/24/18 13:43 911 Hang-up 2018067057 11 911 HAN911 GUP 08/24/18 14:38 911 Hang-up 2018067068 911 911 HAN911 GUP 08/25/18 15:34 911 Hang-up 2018067366 911OPEN11 08/08/18 03:26 911 Open Line 2018062156 911 HAN911 GUP 08/26/18 15:00 911 Hang-up 2018067670 911 OPEN 08/09/18 17:04 911 Open Line 2018062591 911 HAN911 GUP 08/27/18 11:56 911 Hang-up 2018067934 911OPEN 08/09/18 17:26 911 Open Line 2018062598 911 HAN911 GUP 08/27/18 12:25 911 Hang-up 2018067942 911OPEN11 08/09/18 20:11 911 Open Line 2018062645 911 HAN911 GUP 08/27/18 20:26 911 Hang-up 2018068086 911 OPEN 08/10/18 08:47 911 Open Line 2018062761 911 HAN911 GUP 08/29/18 18:41 911 Hang-up 2018068652 911 OPEN ZUERCHER Page 2 of 40 911 HAN911 GUP 08/30/18 14:16 911 Hang-up 2018068895 911 HAN911 GUP 08/30/18 20:41 911 Hang-up 2018069013 911 HAN911 GUP 911 Hang-up; Check Welfare Total: 1 08/13/18 23:35 911 Hang-up; Check 2018063836 911 911 HANGUP; 911 Hang-up; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 08/24/18 11:34 911 Hang-up; Dispatch 2018067026 911 911 HANGUP; 911 Hang-up; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 911 08/08/18 16:41 911 Hang-up; Domestic 2018062320 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18024 94 HANGUP; 911 Hang-up; Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 1 08/13/18 21:39 911 Hang-up; 2018063808 911 911 HANGUP; SUSPPV 911 Open Line Total: 45 08/02/18 23:48 911 Open Line 2018060692 11 911 OPEN 08/06/18 13:09 911 Open Line 2018061649 911 911OPEN 08/06/18 13:34 911 Open Line 2018061655 g 911OPEN11 08/06/18 20:48 911 Open Line 2018061774 11 911 OPEN 08/06/18 22:39 911 Open Line 2018061799 911 911 OPEg 08/07/18 18:22 911 Open Line 2018062027 911OPEN11 08/08/18 03:26 911 Open Line 2018062156 11 911 OPEN 08/09/18 17:04 911 Open Line 2018062591 911 911OPEN 08/09/18 17:26 911 Open Line 2018062598 g 911OPEN11 08/09/18 20:11 911 Open Line 2018062645 11 911 OPEN 08/10/18 08:47 911 Open Line 2018062761 11 911 OPEN ZUERCHER Page 2 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 08/11/18 09:40 911 Open Line 2018063027 ggHow 911 OPEN11 08/11/18 13:13 911 Open Line 2018063079 911 911 OPEN 08/12/18 12:43 911 Open Line 2018063347 911 911OPEN 08/15/18 08:02 911 Open Line 2018064195 911 OPEN11 08/15/18 11:30 911 Open Line 2018064251 911 911 OPEN 08/15/18 14:27 911 Open Line 2018064287 911 911OPEN 08/16/18 12:11 911 Open Line 2018064557 911OPEN11 08/17/18 13:01 911 Open Line 2018064892 911 911 OPEN 08/17/18 13:43 911 Open Line 2018064902 911 911OPEN 08/17/18 18:04 911 Open Line 2018064966 911OPEN11 08/18/18 07:11 911 Open Line 2018065132 11 911 OPEN 08/19/18 02:47 911 Open Line 2018065387 911 911 OPEN 08/19/18 06:03 911 Open Line 2018065392 g 911 OPEN11 08/19/18 08:21 911 Open Line 2018065402 11 911 OPEN 08/19/18 10:48 911 Open Line 2018065433 911 911OPEN 08/19/18 17:37 911 Open Line 2018065520 911OPEN11 08/21/18 14:08 911 Open Line 2018066079 911 911 OPEN 08/22/18 19:49 911 Open Line 2018066493 911 911OPEN 08/23/18 12:48 911 Open Line 2018066694 911OPEN11 08/23/18 16:02 911 Open Line 2018066777 911 911 OPEN 08/24/18 08:23 911 Open Line 2018066979 911 911 OPEN 08/24/18 13:42 911 Open Line 2018067056 g 911OPEN11 08/24/18 23:28 911 Open Line 2018067226 11 911 OPEN 08/25/18 18:24 911 Open Line 2018067403 911 911OPEN 08/27/18 07:08 911 Open Line 2018067866 911 OPEN11 08/27/18 08:11 911 Open Line 2018067876 911 911 OPEN 08/27/18 11:32 911 Open Line 2018067929 911 911OPEN 08/27/18 17:37 911 Open Line 2018068030 911OPEN11 08/28/18 15:21 911 Open Line 2018068259 911 911 OPEN 08/29/18 17:46 911 Open Line 2018068636 911 911OPEN 08/29/18 20:02 911 Open Line 2018068673 911 OPEN11 08/30/18 10:55 911 Open Line 2018068833 911 911 OPEN 08/31/18 08:46 911 Open Line 2018069130 11 911 OPEN ZUERCHER Page 3 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes ggHow Reported 08/31/18 19:07 911 Open Line 2018069292 911OPEN11 Abandoned Vehicle Total: 1 08/14/18 13:14 Abandoned Vehicle 2018063987 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP18025ABANDVEFone ANIMAL 08/02/18 19:52 Abuse Total: 3 2018060613 Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18024 AGpASSIST 08/02/18 15:55 Abuse 2018060549 Check Welfare WCSOP18024215 Phone Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18024 AGASSIST ABUSE 08/25/1811:43 Abuse 2018067327 Abuse WCSOP18026888 Phone ABUSE 08/14/18 21:34 08/29/18 21:25 Abuse 2018068710 Abuse WCSOP18027395 Phone ANIMAL 08/19/18 12:11 ABUSE 2018065446 Agency Assist Total: 9 08/01/18 13:04 Agency Assist 2018060195 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18024 AG2ASSISTone ANIMAL 08/02/18 19:52 Agency Assist 2018060613 Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18024 AGpASSIST 08/04/18 06:57 Agency Assist 2018061050 Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18024 AGASSIST 08/14/18 13:40 Agency Assist 2018063998 Agency Assist WCSOP18025 944ASSISTone ANIMAL 08/14/18 21:34 Agency Assist 2018064117 Agency Assist WCSOP18025 AGASSIPhone ANIMAL 08/19/18 12:11 Agency Assist 2018065446 Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18026 044ASSIST 08/27/18 14:42 Agency Assist 2018067982 Agency Assist WCSOP18027 AGASSISTone ANIMAL 08/28/18 23:26 Agency Assist 2018068407 Agency Assist WCSOP18027 AGASSIST ne ANIMAL 08/30/18 09:16 Agency Assist 2018068809 Agency Assist WCSOP18027 AGASSIST ne Alarm Total: 2 08/19/18 02:00 Alarm 2018065381 Alarm WCSOP18026176 911 ALARM 08/26/1813:06 Alarm 2018067648 Alarm WCSOP18027020 Phone ALARM Animal Total: 20 08/01/1813:33 Animal 2018060199 Animal WCSOP18024085 Phone ANIMAL 08/01/1820:04 Animal 2018060328 Animal WCSOP18024A34N��IMALPhone 08/04/1816:08 Animal 2018061153 Animal WCSOP18024ANIMALPhone 08/08/1810:52 Animal 2018062216 Animal WCSOP18024852 Phone ANIMAL 08/10/18 23:55 Animal 2018062972 Animal WCSOP18025172 911 ANIMAL 08/11/1802:59 Animal 2018062995 Animal WCSOP18025ANIMALPhone 08/11/1813:15 Animal 2018063081 Animal WCSOP18025223 911 ANIMAL 08/11/1818:00 Animal 2018063161 Phone ANIMAL 08/12/1813:55 Animal 2018063360 Animal WCSOP18025ANIMALPhone 08/12/1817:18 Animal 2018063430 Phone ANIMAL 08/13/1812:45 Animal 2018063663 Animal WCSOP18025 2MAL911 ZUERCHER Page 4 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/15/1818:14 Animal 2018064349 Animal WCSOP18025741 911 08/18/18 00:55 Animal - Barking Dog 2018065087 Animal - Barking Dog ANIMAL 08/16/1812:34 Animal 2018064561 Animal WCSOP18025831 Phone 08/28/18 21:18 Animal - Barking Dog 2018068380 Animal - Barking Dog ANIMAL 08/22/1816:44 Animal 2018066436 Animal WCSOP18026584 Phone 08/29/18 09:24 Animal - Barking Dog 2018068498 Animal - Barking Dog ANIMAL 08/24/1819:20 Animal 2018067159 Animal WCSOP18026827 Officer ANIMAL 08/26/1815:04 Animal 2018067672 Phone ANIMAL 08/28/18 03:18 Animal 2018068163 Phone ANIMAL 08/31/1813:36 Animal 2018069186 Animal WCSOP18027594 Phone ANIMAL 08/31/1815:36 Animal 2018069227 Animal WCSOP18027615 Phone ANIMAL 08/31/1819:47 Animal 2018069309 Animal WCSOP18027651 Phone ANIMAL Animal - Abuse Total: 2 5 08/06/18 18:19 Animal - Abuse 2018061736 Animal WCSOP18024 9AABUS911 08/13/18 18:40 Animal - Abuse 2018063767 Animal - Abuse WCSOP18025 ANABUSE one Animal - Barking Dog Total: 4 08/07/18 18:06 Animal - Barking Dog 2018062017 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP18024793 Phone Check Welfare 08/13/18 18:19 Check Welfare ANBARK 08/18/18 00:55 Animal - Barking Dog 2018065087 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP18026 AN9BARK hone 08/28/18 21:18 Animal - Barking Dog 2018068380 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP18027 hone ANBARK 08/29/18 09:24 Animal - Barking Dog 2018068498 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP18027 hone ANBARK Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 3 08/07/18 16:56 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018061995 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18024780 Phone AN55BITE 08/22/1819:31 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018066487 Animal WCSOP18026ANBITE911 08/25/18 18:39 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018067409 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18026 ANBITE Phone Assault Total: 1 08/21/1818:36 Assault Burglary Total: 3 08/20/1810:53 Burglary 08/29/1817:04 Burglary 08/31/18 23:09 Burglary Check Welfare Total: 23 08/02/18 14:03 Check Welfare 08/06/18 15:20 Check Welfare 08/08/18 20:05 Check Welfare 08/13/18 18:19 Check Welfare 2018066148 Medical - Psychiatric- WCSOP18026ASSAULT1 2018065716 Suspicious -Circumstances WCSOP18026 BURG Phone 2018068621 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027VORG 911 2018069373 Burglary WCSOP180276711UJ22 911 2018060513 Agency Assist 2018061685 Check Welfare 2018062378 Check Welfare 2018063762 Check Welfare WCSOP18024201 Phone CHKWELF WCSOP18024 CHKWELFone WCSOP18024 CHKWELFone WCSOP18025 CHKWE911 ZUERCHER Page 5 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/14/18 12:02 Check Welfare 2018063963 Check Welfare WCSOP18025578 Phone CITAID 08/12/18 21:54 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 08/15/18 13:16 Check Welfare 2018064268 Check Welfare WCSOP18025705 Phone TAID CHKWELF 08/16/18 03:31 Check Welfare 2018064467 Check Welfare WCSOP18025789 Phone CHKWELF 08/17/18 23:00 Check Welfare 2018065056 Check Welfare WCSOP18026038 Phone gTAID WCSOP18025 Phone CHKWELF 08/21/18 14:52 Check Welfare 2018066085 Check Welfare WCSOP18026454 Phone 2018064716 Medical - Unknown WCSOP18025901 Phone CHKWELF 08/21/18 17:54 Check Welfare 2018066142 Check Welfare WCSOP18026468 Phone 08/21/18 18:43 Citizen Aid 2018066153 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 08/22/18 16:49 Check Welfare 2018066437 Check Welfare WCSOP18026585 Phone CI5TAID 08/22/18 02:08 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 08/22/18 22:25 Check Welfare 2018066544 Check Welfare WCSOP18026619 Phone CITAID CHKWELF 08/23/18 10:35 Check Welfare 2018066664 Check Welfare WCSOP18026658 Phone CHKWELF 08/23/18 10:36 Check Welfare 2018066665 Check Welfare WCSOP18026659 Phone WCSOP18026871 911 CHKWELF 08/24/18 10:02 Check Welfare 2018067006 Check Welfare WCSOP18026769 Phone 2018068820 Citizen Aid WCSOP18027 Phone CHKWELF 08/24/18 21:16 Check Welfare 2018067190 Check Welfare WCSOP18026839 Phone 08/30/18 17:15 Citizen Aid 2018068949 Motorist Aid CHKWELF 08/27/18 04:30 Check Welfare 2018067855 Check Welfare WCSOP18027099 911 CITAID CHKWELF 08/27/18 15:33 Check Welfare 2018067997 Check Welfare WCSOP18027154 Phone CHKWELF 08/29/18 16:13 Check Welfare 2018068607 Check Welfare WCSOP18027368 Phone CHKWELF 08/29/18 21:48 Check Welfare 2018068717 Check Welfare WCSOP18027398 Phone CHKWELF 08/29/18 22:07 Check Welfare 2018068723 Check Welfare WCSOP18027401 Phone CHKWELF 08/30/18 14:48 Check Welfare 2018068905 Check Welfare WCSOP18027481 Phone CHKWELF 08/31/18 15:02 Check Welfare 2018069215 Agency Assist WCSOP18027 10Phone CHKWELF Citizen Aid Total: 11 08/09/18 16:04 Citizen Aid 2018062576 Citizen Aid WCSOP18024 Phone CITAID 08/12/18 21:54 Citizen Aid 2018063509 Citizen Aid WCSOP1802542,2911 TAID 08/13/18 11:08 Citizen Aid 2018063626 Citizen Aid WCSOP18025457 Phone CITAID 08/14/18 15:27 Citizen Aid 2018064022 Citizen Aid gTAID WCSOP18025 Phone CITAID 08/16/18 21:07 Citizen Aid 2018064716 Medical - Unknown WCSOP18025901 Phone CITAID 08/21/18 18:43 Citizen Aid 2018066153 Citizen Aid WCSOP18026 Phone CI5TAID 08/22/18 02:08 Citizen Aid 2018066263 Citizen Aid WCSOP18026 911 CITAID 08/24/18 17:35 Citizen Aid 2018067123 Citizen Aid WCSOP18026812 Phone CITAID 08/25/18 07:48 Citizen Aid 2018067283 Citizen Aid WCSOP18026871 911 CITAID 08/30/18 10:12 Citizen Aid 2018068820 Citizen Aid WCSOP18027 Phone CITAID 08/30/18 17:15 Citizen Aid 2018068949 Motorist Aid WCSOP18027504 Phone CITAID Citizen Aid; Marine Incident - Boat and Water Total: 1 zU=RCHER Page 6 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/20/18 12:59 Citizen Aid; Marine 2018065745 Citizen Aid WCSOP18026332 Phon CITAID; MARINE Civil Complaint Total: 19 08/01/18 20:20 Civil Complaint 2018060333 Civil Complaint WCSOP18024 CIV Phone CIVPROC 08/01/18 13:35 Civil Process 2018060201 Officer 08/03/18 15:20 Civil Complaint 2018060856 Civil Complaint WCSOP18024 CIV Phone 2018060262 CIVPR02pfficer 08/06/18 10:56 Civil Complaint 2018061612 Civil Complaint WCSOP180246C40 Phone CIVPROCfficer 08/02/18 10:04 Civil Process 2018060445 Officer 08/07/18 17:59 Civil Complaint 2018062012 Civil Child Custody WCSOP18024 CIV Phone 2018060453 CIVPROCppfficer 08/09/18 17:24 Civil Complaint 2018062597 Civil Complaint WCSOP18025 04 Phone CIVPRO 08/02/18 18:18 Civil Process Civ Officer 08/10/18 17:33 Civil Complaint 2018062898 Civil Complaint WCSOP180251C38 Phone 2018060756 CIVPR02pfficer 08/11/18 18:31 Civil Complaint 2018063171 Civil Complaint WCSOP180252C69V Phone 08/13/18 01:18 Civil Complaint 2018063544 Civil Complaint WCSOP18025 CIV Phone 08/14/18 19:39 Civil Complaint 2018064086 Civil Complaint WCSOP180256C28 Phone 08/15/18 13:09 Civil Complaint 2018064264 Civil Complaint WCSOP18025 CIV Phone 08/15/18 19:21 Civil Complaint 2018064379 Civil Complaint WCSOP18025 CIV Phone 08/16/18 07:35 Civil Complaint 2018064488 Theft WCSOP180257C99 Phone iv 08/16/18 18:18 Civil Complaint 2018064666 Civil Complaint WCSOP180258C719V Phone 08/20/18 08:24 Civil Complaint 2018065679 Civil Complaint WCSOP18026 CIV Phone 08/21/18 00:15 Civil Complaint 2018065920 Civil Complaint WCSOP180263C99 Phone iv 08/27/18 16:05 Civil Complaint 2018068009 Civil Child Custody WCSOP18027 CIV Phone 08/30/18 17:04 Civil Complaint 2018068945 Civil Complaint WCSOP18027 CIV 911 08/31/18 15:49 Civil Complaint 2018069232 Civil Complaint WCSOP18027611I8 Phone 08/31/18 16:20 Civil Complaint 2018069238 Civil Complaint WCSOP180276aO Phone Civil Process Total: 44 08/01/18 13:01 Civil Process 2018060193 Officer CIVPROC 08/01/18 13:35 Civil Process 2018060201 Officer CIVPROC 08/01/18 17:14 Civil Process 2018060262 CIVPR02pfficer 08/02/18 09:05 Civil Process 2018060439 CIVPROCfficer 08/02/18 10:04 Civil Process 2018060445 Officer CIVPROC 08/02/18 10:17 Civil Process 2018060453 CIVPROCppfficer 08/02/18 17:28 Civil Process 2018060572 Officer CIVPRO 08/02/18 18:18 Civil Process 2018060589 Officer CIVPROC 08/03/18 08:34 Civil Process 2018060756 CIVPR02pfficer 08/03/18 09:16 Civil Process 2018060765 CIVPROCfficer ZUERCHER Page 7 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/03/18 11:41 Civil Process 2018060799 CIVPR02pfficer 08/03/18 11:54 Civil Process 2018060802 fficer CIVPROC 08/03/18 11:59 Civil Process 2018060804 Officer CIVPROC 08/03/18 12:11 Civil Process 2018060809 CIVPR02pfficer 08/06/18 09:19 Civil Process 2018061591 fficer CIVPROC 08/06/18 12:21 Civil Process 2018061635 Officer CIVPROC 08/06/18 15:45 Civil Process 2018061693 CIVPR02pfficer 08/07/18 10:26 Civil Process 2018061902 fficer CIVPROC 08/07/18 12:45 Civil Process 2018061936 Officer CIVPROC 08/07/18 15:22 Civil Process 2018061974 CIVPR02pfficer 08/09/18 11:37 Civil Process 2018062507 fficer CIVPROC 08/14/18 13:29 Civil Process 2018063995 Officer CIVPROC 08/14/18 13:41 Civil Process 2018063999 CIVPROQpfficer 08/17/18 11:24 Civil Process 2018064860 fficer CIVPROC 08/20/18 08:38 Civil Process 2018065682 Officer CIVPROC 08/20/18 08:42 Civil Process 2018065683 CIVPR02pfficer 08/20/18 09:53 Civil Process 2018065696 fficer CIVPROC 08/20/18 10:22 Civil Process 2018065706 Officer CIVPROC 08/20/18 13:36 Civil Process 2018065756 CIVPR02pfficer 08/20/18 13:40 Civil Process 2018065758 fficer CIVPROC 08/21/18 17:39 Civil Process 2018066137 Officer CIVPROC 08/21/18 19:33 Civil Process 2018066169 CIVPROC 08/27/18 09:27 Civil Process 2018067893 fficer CIVPROC 08/27/18 09:39 Civil Process 2018067900 Officer CIVPROC 08/28/18 18:35 Civil Process 2018068329 CIVPR02pfficer 08/29/18 10:39 Civil Process 2018068514 fficer CIVPROC 08/29/18 15:12 Civil Process 2018068588 Officer CIVPROC 08/29/18 16:34 Civil Process 2018068615 CIVPR02pfficer 08/29/18 16:45 Civil Process 2018068617 fficer CIVPROC 08/30/18 11:23 Civil Process 2018068850 Officer CIVPROC 08/30/18 11:31 Civil Process 2018068852 CIVPROCppfficer 08/30/18 15:18 Civil Process 2018068914 CIVPROC 08/30/18 15:39 Civil Process 2018068924 Officer CIVPROC ZUERCHER Page 8 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/31/18 16:59 Civil Process 2018069253 CIVPROCfficer Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 2 08/20/18 09:14 Commercial Fire Alarm 2018065689 08/27/18 19:28 Commercial Fire Alarm 2018068070 Commercial General Alarm Total: 20 08/02/18 20:16 Commercial General 2018060620 08/03/18 19:43 Commercial General 2018060932 08/03/18 19:45 Commercial General 2018060933 08/04/18 18:15 Commercial General 2018061173 08/06/18 06:50 Commercial General 2018061568 08/08/18 06:17 Commercial General 2018062173 08/08/18 19:35 Commercial General 2018062368 08/09/18 17:10 Commercial General 2018062594 08/11/18 01:02 Commercial General 2018062982 08/11/18 06:34 Commercial General 2018063005 08/12/18 04:14 Commercial General 2018063291 08/15/18 10:33 Commercial General 2018064237 08/15/18 19:20 Commercial General 2018064378 08/18/18 11:58 Commercial General 2018065187 08/19/18 13:43 Commercial General 2018065467 08/20/18 09:40 Commercial General 2018065692 08/22/18 19:35 Commercial General 2018066490 08/24/18 08:40 Commercial General 2018066983 08/26/18 00:05 Commercial General 2018067524 08/28/18 13:19 Commercial General 2018068244 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP18026300 Phone ALARM Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP18027184 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18024243 Phone ALARM COMPLIANCE Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18024360 Phone ALARM COMPLIpANCE Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18024361 Phone 08/23/18 14:37 Compliance Check - ALARM Officer Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18024453 Phone ZUERCHER ALARM Page 9 of 40 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18024618 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18024830 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18024909 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18025001 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18025179 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18025188 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18025324 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18025694 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18025752 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18026089 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18026217 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18026304 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18026607 Phone ALARM Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18026964 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18027241 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 hh 08/22/18 04:13 Commercial General 2018066275 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18026 ALARM; DI9SMCAD Compliance Check - Tobacco Total: 16 08/23/18 14:36 Compliance Check - 2018066724 Officer COMPLIANCE 08/23/18 14:36 Compliance Check - 2018066726 COMPLIpANCE 08/23/18 14:37 Compliance Check - 2018066727 COMPLIAQ89 08/23/18 14:37 Compliance Check - 2018066728 Officer COMPLIANCE ZUERCHER Page 9 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/23/18 14:38 Compliance Check - 2018066729 COMPLIAQ89 08/23/18 14:38 Compliance Check - 2018066730 Officer COMPLIANCE 08/23/18 14:39 Compliance Check - 2018066731 COMPLIpANCE 08/23/18 14:39 Compliance Check - 2018066732 COMPLIAQ89 08/23/18 14:39 Compliance Check - 2018066733 Officer COMPLIANCE 08/23/18 14:40 Compliance Check - 2018066734 COMPLIpANCE 08/23/18 14:40 Compliance Check - 2018066735 COMPLIAQ89 08/23/18 14:41 Compliance Check - 2018066736 Officer COMPLIANCE 08/23/18 14:41 Compliance Check - 2018066737 COMPLIpANCE 08/23/18 14:43 Compliance Check - 2018066738 COMPLIAQ89 08/23/18 14:44 Compliance Check - 2018066739 Officer COMPLIANCE 08/23/18 14:48 Compliance Check - 2018066744 COMPLIANCE Court Order Violation Total: 6 08/06/18 06:50 Court Order Violation 2018061569 Court Order Violation WCSOP180246119V Phone 08/11/18 09:49 Court Order Violation 2018063030 Court Order Violation WCSOP180251C97 Phone 08/17/18 09:05 Court Order Violation 2018064812 Harassment WCSOP18025944 Phone COV 08/22/18 19:54 Court Order Violation 2018066495 Court Order Violation WCSOP180266110V Phone 08/27/18 08:31 Court Order Violation 2018067881 Court Order Violation WCSOP18027111 Phone COV 08/30/18 19:03 Court Order Violation 2018068975 Court Order Violation WCSOP18027511 911 COV Court Order Violation; Harassment Total: 1 08/15/18 08:12 Court Order Violation; 2018064198 Harassment WCSOP18025675 Phone COV;HARASS Criminal Damage to Property Total: 4 08/06/18 12:36 Criminal Damage to 2018061639 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180246C50 Phone 08/10/18 09:49 Criminal Damage to 2018062772 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18025 CDP Phone 08/20/18 20:38 Criminal Damage to 2018065873 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180263C855P 911 08/21/18 20:49 Criminal Damage to 2018066189 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180264C888P Phone Criminal Damage to Property; Theft - From Vehicle Total: 1 08/26/18 06:09 Criminal Damage to 2018067571 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18026980 Ph ne CDP; THE�TVEH CSC Sex Offense Total: 3 08/06/18 13:59 CSC Sex Offense 08/08/18 20:49 CSC Sex Offense 08/26/18 12:24 CSC Sex Offense 2018061666 CSC Sex Offense 2018062381 CSC Sex Offense 2018067637 CSC Sex Offense WCSOP18024 CSC Phone WCSOP18024 CSC Phone WCSOP180270113C Phone ZUERCHER Page 10 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Disabled Vehicle Total: 2 08/01/18 04:44 Disabled Vehicle 2018060114 Disabled Vehicle 08/16/18 20:16 Disabled Vehicle 2018064703 Disabled Vehicle Disorderly Total: 4 Case Number Codes How Reported WCS0P180240D4SABL EH 911 WCS0P18025$9ABLVEHne 08/07/18 16:25 Disorderly 2018061986 Disorderly WCS0P18024 DISORDPhone 08/08/1815:13 Disorderly 2018062286 Disorderly WCS0P18024 7SORDPhone DI 08/11/18 17:31 Disorderly 2018063151 Disorderly WCS0P18025 DI811 08/25/18 00:51 Disorderly 2018067242 Noise 0gSORD WCS0P18026 DIS 911 Domestic Disturbance Total: 13 08/02/18 19:32 Domestic Disturbance 2018060609 Domestic Disturbance g 911 WCS0P18024 35 TIC 08/03/18 17:50 Domestic Disturbance 2018060898 Domestic Disturbance 5gMES WCS0P180243D4OMESTPIC ne 08/10/18 12:35 Domestic Disturbance 2018062805 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P18025Q-991 08/14/18 10:59 Domestic Disturbance 2018063946 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P18025571 911 DOMESTIC 08/14/18 23:29 Domestic Disturbance 2018064150 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P18025650MESTIC 08/15/18 00:20 Domestic Disturbance 2018064157 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P18025652MESTICcer 08/15/18 00:58 Domestic Disturbance 2018064163 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P18025654 911 DOMESTIC 08/15/18 22:30 Domestic Disturbance 2018064434 Domestic Disturbance 5MESTIC WCS0P18025 DOMESPIhPhone 08/17/18 19:29 Domestic Disturbance 2018064983 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P1802%11OgMESTICone 08/17/18 19:50 Domestic Disturbance 2018064988 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P18026 D03gMESTPhone IC 08/17/18 20:40 Domestic Disturbance 2018064996 CSC Sex Offense WCS0P180260D2OMESTpIhC 08/22/18 18:50 Domestic Disturbance 2018066474 Assault WCS0P18026Cb07pMESTICone 08/27/18 19:12 Domestic Disturbance 2018068066 Domestic Disturbance WCS0P18027 DOOOMESPhone TIC Drugs Total: 4 08/03/1820:56 Drugs 2018060958 Drugs WCS0P18024 72U 911 GS 08/12/18 14:21 Drugs 2018063370 Drugs WCS0P180253D52UGS Phone 08/13/18 15:37 Drugs 2018063703 Drugs WCS0P18025 DFR2UGS Phone 08/23/18 21:08 Drugs 2018066885 Drugs WCS0P18026 911 DRUGS DR Extra Patrol Total: 3 08/15/18 15:22 Extra Patrol 2018064303 Extra Patrol WCS0P18025720 Phone XP 08/21/18 17:27 Extra Patrol 2018066134 Extra Patrol WCS0P18026VP6 Phone 08/31/18 20:12 Extra Patrol 2018069315 Extra Patrol WCS0P18027656 Phone XP ZU=RCHER Page 11 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call Fire - Burn Permit Total: 1 08/19/18 07:42 Fire - Burn Permit Fire - Electrical Total: 1 08/24/18 08:48 Fire - Electrical Fire - Other Total: 4 08/11/18 07:07 Fire - Other 08/17/18 10:46 Fire - Other 08/18/18 21:20 Fire - Other 08/30/18 11:51 Fire - Other Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 1 08/17/18 10:54 Fire - Smoke - Odor Fire - Structure Total: 1 08/03/18 19:57 Fire - Structure Fire - Vehicle Total: 3 08/11/18 17:47 Fire - Vehicle 08/12/18 16:47 Fire - Vehicle 08/12/18 18:43 Fire - Vehicle Fireworks Total: 1 08/01/18 22:37 Fireworks Found Body Total: 2 08/21/18 01:12 Found Body 08/26/18 16:58 Found Body Found Person Total: 1 08/24/1818:00 Found Person Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 4 CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 2018065398 FBURN Phone 2018066985 Fire - Electrical WCSOP18026 ,2 hone Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18025837 Phone RIC 2018063007 Fire - Other WCSOP18025V9 Phone 2018064844 Fire - Other WCSOP18025959 Phone 2018064582 Fraud - Checks - Cards F 2018065328 Fire - Other WCSOP18026151 Phone FRAUDCH F 2018068860 Fire - Other WCSOP18027,58 911 2018064848 FSMOKEhone 2018060939 Fire - Structure WCSOP18024364 911 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18027377 Phone FSTRUCTURE 2018063158 hone FVEHICP 2018063418 Fire - Vehicle WCSOP180253FggVEHICPhone 2018063463 Fire - Vehicle WCSOP18025403 Phone FVEHICLE 2018060369 Fireworks WCSOP18024147 Phone FIREWORKS 2018065929 FNDBODhone 2018067707 Death Investigation - Natural WCSOP180270FNDBOD 11 2018067134 Found Person WCSOP18026$'�DPER 11 08/16/18 13:05 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018064569 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18025837 Phone FRAUDCH 08/16/18 13:48 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018064582 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18025842 Phone FRAUDCH 08/18/18 07:00 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018065130 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP180260F6R3AUDCHone 08/29/18 17:47 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018068638 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18027377 Phone FRAUDCH Fraud - Forgery Total: 4 08/06/18 13:49 Fraud - Forgery 2018061661 Counterfeit Currency WCSOP18024 FRAUDFOone ZUERCHER Page 12 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/09/18 15:43 Fraud - Forgery 2018062568 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP180249F9,1 Phone ORG 08/25/18 01:45 Fraud - Forgery 2018067254 Theft WCSOP18026 FR Phhh one 08/25/18 18:15 Fraud - Forgery 2018067401 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP18026 FRAUDFOR er Fraud - Internet Total: 2 08/09/18 13:28 Fraud - Internet 2018062537 Fraud - Internet 08/14/18 10:50 Fraud - Internet 2018063943 Fraud - Internet Fraud - Internet; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 08/07/18 20:00 Fraud - Internet; 2018062066 Fraud - Internet Funeral Escort Total: 4 08/10/18 09:16 Funeral Escort 08/24/18 09:15 Funeral Escort 08/29/18 09:10 Funeral Escort 08/30/18 08:25 Funeral Escort Harassment Total: 11 08/01/1817:31 Harassment 08/01/1817:58 Harassment 08/07/18 07:59 Harassment 08/07/1819:37 Harassment 08/17/18 09:12 Harassment 08/22/18 09:45 Harassment 08/22/1813:35 Harassment 08/27/1818:49 Harassment 08/28/18 08:39 Harassment 08/29/1811:11 Harassment 08/31/1813:27 Harassment Hospice Death Total: 2 08/07/18 22:58 Hospice Death 08/31/18 21:55 Hospice Death Immigration Total: 1 08/25/18 01:24 Immigration Info Total: 10 08/07/18 14:24 Info 2018062767 2018066995 2018068493 2018068798 2018060265 2018060278 2018061867 2018062060 2018064815 2018066311 2018066377 2018068057 2018068189 2018068526 2018069184 2018062113 2018069345 Harassment Civil Complaint Harassment Harassment Harassment Harassment Harassment Harassment Harassment Harassment Harassment 2018067251 Immigration 2018061958 WCSOP180249FRAUDINT Phone WCSOP180255FRAUDINTone WCSOP18024799 911 FRAUDINT; DISPCAD Ph FUNERAL one Ph FUNERAL one Ph FUNERAL one Ph FUNERAL one WCSOP18024 HARASS hone WCSOP18024 HARASS11 WCSOP18024 HARASS hone WCSOP18024 HARASS hone WCSOP180214ARASS hone WCSOP18026 HARASS hone WCSOP18026 HARASS hone WCSOP18027 HARASS hone WCSOP18027 HARASS hone WCSOP18027 HARASS hone WCSOP18027WARASS hone HOSPICEhone HOSPICEhone WCSOP18026854 911 IMMIGRATION INFO Phone ZUERCHER Page 13 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/09/18 05:43 Info 2018062457 08/24/18 22:40 Phone 08/25/18 01:08 Intoxicated Person 08/29/18 22:48 INFO 08/16/18 08:26 Info 2018064495 911 INFO 08/16/18 11:52 Info 2018064549 911 INFO 08/21/18 19:08 Info 2018066160 Phone INFO 08/22/18 11:08 Info 2018066336 Phone INFO 08/25/18 16:47 Info 2018067381 Phone INFO 08/29/18 02:15 Info 2018068439 Phone INFO 08/31/18 08:24 Info 2018069120 Phone INFO 08/31/1818:03 Info 2018069276 Phone INFO Intoxicated Person Total: 7 08/05/18 18:18 Intoxicated Person 08/06/18 10:15 Intoxicated Person 08/08/18 14:37 Intoxicated Person 08/09/18 18:41 Intoxicated Person 08/24/18 22:40 Intoxicated Person 08/25/18 01:08 Intoxicated Person 08/29/18 22:48 Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Total: 7 08/01/18 20:34 Juvenile - Complaint 08/05/18 16:28 Juvenile - Complaint 08/11/18 00:11 Juvenile - Complaint 08/21/18 14:47 Juvenile - Complaint 08/23/18 01:06 Juvenile - Complaint 08/27/18 01:56 Juvenile - Complaint 08/27/18 19:32 Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Runaway Total: 2 08/13/18 00:54 Juvenile - Runaway 08/23/18 00:30 Juvenile - Runaway Lock Out - Lock In Total: 1 08/12/18 17:01 Lock Out - Lock In 2018061440 2018061603 2018062280 2018062617 2018067213 2018067246 2018068733 2018060339 2018061402 2018062977 2018066084 2018066580 2018067844 2018068073 2018063541 2018066574 2018063423 Lost - Found Property Total: 19 08/05/18 16:30 Lost - Found Property 2018061403 Intoxicated Person Intoxicated Person Intoxicated Person Medical - Psychiatric - Intoxicated Person Intoxicated Person Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Runaway Juvenile - Complaint Lost - Found Property W CSOP 180248N5TOXPER WCSOP18024%OXP& WCSOCID18024873 ggPhone ER WCSOP180254&XPEpphR WCSOP180261NTOXPERone WCSOP180268N1 91 ER WCSOP180274NTOXPPh ne WCSOP18024 U Phone WCSOP180246 0 Phone WCSOP18025175Phone JUVCOMP WCSOP180264J ,2 011 WCSOP180266 UVCOMP icer WCSOP18027092 WCSOP18027 J9 UVCOMPI WCSOP180254JUVRUN hone WCSOP180266 UVRUN 11 LOCK Phone WCSOP180245LOSTPROP ZU=RCHER Page 14 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 08/08/18 15:38 Lost - Found Property 2018062295 08/10/18 09:50 Lost - Found Property 2018062773 08/11/18 10:31 Lost - Found Property 2018063041 08/12/18 11:27 Lost - Found Property 2018063332 08/14/18 10:10 Lost - Found Property 2018063930 08/14/18 15:40 Lost - Found Property 2018064028 08/15/18 10:08 Lost - Found Property 2018064225 08/18/18 17:38 Lost - Found Property 2018065256 08/18/18 20:35 Lost - Found Property 2018065315 08/19/18 18:26 Lost - Found Property 2018065534 08/20/18 16:12 Lost - Found Property 2018065799 08/21/18 08:14 Lost - Found Property 2018065960 08/22/18 16:37 Lost - Found Property 2018066432 08/23/18 02:43 Lost - Found Property 2018066591 08/25/18 23:18 Lost - Found Property 2018067510 08/26/18 07:23 Lost - Found Property 2018067580 08/26/18 12:02 Lost - Found Property 2018067633 08/31/18 15:02 Lost - Found Property 2018069214 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 7 08/06/18 12:54 Medical - Breathing 2018061644 08/07/18 00:12 Medical - Breathing 2018061824 08/08/18 22:35 Medical - Breathing 2018062416 08/13/18 06:04 Medical - Breathing 2018063556 08/13/18 22:12 Medical - Breathing 2018063819 08/26/18 08:40 Medical - Breathing 2018067588 08/29/18 07:11 Medical - Breathing 2018068466 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 3 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Lost - Found Property WCSOP18024i�OSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP180250 OSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18025 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP1802500STPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18025 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP180256 OSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18025 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026 LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP180265LOSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP180266 OSTPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP180269 O 911 TPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP180269 OSTPROP Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP180270 O 911 TPROP Lost - Found Property WCSOP180276 OSTPROP Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18024162BREATgHING IVMMBREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18024 MBREAT911 HING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18025 MBREATHING 9g11 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18025NREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18026 MBBBREAT ING 11 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP180273M1BREATHING 08/01/18 21:58 Medical - Chest Pain 2018060357 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP18024 MCHESTPI 08/09/18 07:53 Medical - Chest Pain 2018062467 911 MCHESTP 08/19/18 13:56 Medical - Chest Pain 2018065470 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP18026218 911 MCHESTP Medical - Childbirth - Obstetrics Total: 1 g 08/19/18 23:13 Medical - Childbirth - 2018065614 Medical - Childbirth - ObstetricWCSOP18026 MCHILDBIRTH ZU=RCHER Page 15 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 08/25/18 17:37 Medical - Diabetic 2018067391 08/30/18 14:44 Medical - Diabetic 2018068902 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 12 08/02/18 12:10 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018060487 08/05/18 05:39 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018061305 08/05/18 08:10 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018061318 08/06/18 15:26 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018061688 08/07/18 17:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018062005 08/09/18 09:53 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018062490 08/09/18 21:51 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018062672 08/15/18 12:25 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018064259 08/18/18 08:31 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018065145 08/25/18 13:13 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018067344 08/29/18 09:46 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018068504 08/31/18 11:25 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018069159 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Medical - Diabetic WCSOP180269M1DIABEggT1I 1 Medical - Diabetic WCSOP18027VBIABETIC Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 gg 08/23/18 03:45 Medical - Heart 2018066598 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP18026(OHEART11 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 1 08/24/18 03:03 Medical - Overdose - 2018066950 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninVCSOP18026747 911 MOVERDOSE Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 8 08/04/18 08:45 Medical - Psychiatric - 911 Warrant - Arrest MFALL 08/05/18 17:49 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18024512 911 pPSYCH WCSOP180245M7PSYCH hone MFALL Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP1802451 PALL Phone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18024673 911 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat MFALL 08/19/18 20:44 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18024784 911 WCSOP18026255SYCH hone MFALL Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18024UFALL 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18025039 Phone Medical - Psychiatric - MFALL 08/27/18 09:35 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18025701 911 WCSOP18027 MPSYCH hone MFALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18026WALL 911 911 MFALL 911 MFALL Medical -Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP1802757FALL 911 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 gg 08/23/18 03:45 Medical - Heart 2018066598 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP18026(OHEART11 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 1 08/24/18 03:03 Medical - Overdose - 2018066950 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninVCSOP18026747 911 MOVERDOSE Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 8 08/04/18 08:45 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018061064 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18024 M 11 08/05/18 17:49 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018061429 Warrant - Arrest pPSYCH WCSOP180245M7PSYCH hone 08/15/18 08:13 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018064199 Check Welfare WCSOP18025(a911 PSYCH 08/16/18 21:50 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018064725 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP18025 MPSYCH hone 08/19/18 20:44 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018065572 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18026255SYCH hone 08/23/18 09:45 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018066650 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18026(62SYCH hone 08/24/18 11:25 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018067024 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18026 MPPP11 SYCH 08/27/18 09:35 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018067896 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18027 MPSYCH hone Medical - Seizure Total: 5 08/03/18 10:13 Medical - Seizure 2018060778 Medical - Seizure WCSOP18024298EIZURE 08/11/18 10:37 Medical - Seizure 2018063045 Medical - Seizure WCSOP180252MMOSS2 911 MSEIZURE ZU=RCHER Page 16 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 08/12/18 00:12 Medical - Seizure 2018063262 Medical - Seizure ggHow WCSOP18025USgEIZURE 08/15/18 21:28 Medical - Seizure 2018064421 Medical - Seizure WCSOP18025 MSEIZURE 08/26/18 19:03 Medical - Seizure 2018067745 Medical - Seizure WCSOP18027061 911 MSEIZURE Medical - Sick Total: 18 08/02/18 00:24 Medical - Sick 2018060391 911 MSICK 08/02/18 06:43 Medical - Sick 2018060415 Medical - Sick WCSOP1802498ICK 911 08/02/18 17:06 Medical - Sick 2018060568 Medical - Sick WCSOP18024 911 MSICK 08/05/18 10:51 Medical - Sick 2018061340 Medical - Sick WCSOP18024508ICK 911 08/07/18 11:31 Medical - Sick 2018061922 Medical - Sick WCSOP1802474 911 ICK MMMSSSICK 08/10/18 10:37 Medical - Sick 2018062782 Medical - Sick WCSOP18025 911 08/14/18 07:00 Medical - Sick 2018063886 Medical - Sick WCSOP180255M4S 911 S ICK 08/17/18 10:08 Medical - Sick 2018064829 911 MSICK 08/18/18 16:44 Medical - Sick 2018065240 Medical - Sick WCSOP18026 911 MSICK 08/20/18 08:36 Medical - Sick 2018065681 Medical - Sick WCSOP18026207911 SICK 08/20/18 11:46 Medical - Sick 2018065731 Medical - Sick WCSOP18026ligICK 911 08/21/18 20:01 Medical - Sick 2018066179 Medical - Sick WCSOP18026 911 MSICK 08/22/18 14:00 Medical - Sick 2018066384 Medical - Sick WCSOP18026UgICK 911 08/24/18 06:15 Medical - Sick 2018066965 Medical - Sick WCSOP180267531CK MMMSSSICK 911 08/25/18 15:54 Medical - Sick 2018067372 Medical - Sick WCSOP18026 911 08/27/18 00:32 Medical - Sick 2018067827 911 MSICK 08/27/18 09:06 Medical - Sick 2018067890 Medical - Sick WCSOP18027WICK 911 08/31/18 17:58 Medical - Sick 2018069274 911 MSICK Medical - Trauma Total: 1 08/08/18 02:21 Medical - Trauma 2018062150 Medical - Trauma WCSOP18024824 911 MTRAUMA Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 2 08/09/18 16:30 Medical - Unconscious - 2018062583 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP180249M9UggPhone UNCONSCIOUS 08/23/18 23:49 Medical - Unconscious - 2018066922 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP1802673UNCONSCIOUS Medical - Unknown Total: 1 08/11/18 16:07 Medical - Unknown Missing Person Total: 1 08/29/18 21:37 Missing Person 2018063126 Medical - Unknown 2018068713 Missing Person WCSOP18025 MUNKN WN Phone WCSOP18027 MIS911 1 SPE ZUERCHER Page 17 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call Motorist Aid Total: 7 08/01/18 20:27 Motorist Aid 08/10/18 19:01 Motorist Aid 08/11/18 09:04 Motorist Aid 08/11/18 17:40 Motorist Aid 08/15/18 10:30 Motorist Aid 08/16/18 19:56 Motorist Aid 08/31/18 14:00 Motorist Aid MVA - Hit & Run Total: 4 08/09/18 19:15 MVA - Hit & Run 08/13/18 12:36 MVA - Hit & Run 08/17/18 09:50 MVA - Hit & Run 08/30/18 13:19 MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Injuries Total: 5 08/12/18 13:47 MVA - Injuries 08/17/18 14:25 MVA - Injuries 08/22/18 13:52 MVA - Injuries 08/27/18 18:54 MVA - Injuries 08/30/18 15:14 MVA - Injuries MVA - No Injuries Total: 16 08/01/18 09:24 MVA - No Injuries 08/05/18 16:05 MVA - No Injuries 08/07/18 06:40 MVA - No Injuries 08/07/18 20:58 MVA - No Injuries 08/15/18 09:13 MVA - No Injuries 08/15/18 09:40 MVA - No Injuries 08/16/18 15:33 MVA - No Injuries 08/17/18 21:22 MVA - No Injuries 08/19/18 13:37 MVA - No Injuries 08/20/18 16:49 MVA - No Injuries 08/21/18 16:50 MVA - No Injuries 08/25/18 16:40 MVA - No Injuries CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 2018060335 Phone MOTORn 2018062913 MOTORAI D 2018063022 Officer MOTORAI D 2018063156 Phone 2018064235 MOTORAI Done 2018064695 Phone MOTORn 2018069197 Phone MOTORn 2018062627 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP18025�8 VAHR 2018063658 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP18025468 911 MVAHR 2018064821 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP18025946 MVAHR 2018068881 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP1 80274g7 911 VAHR 2018063358 2018064912 2018066381 2018068060 2018068912 2018060143 2018061395 2018061854 2018062082 2018064207 2018064213 2018064609 2018065014 2018065465 2018065807 2018066124 2018067379 MVA - Injuries MVA - Injuries MVA - Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Agency Assist MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - Hit & Run MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18025MAINJ WCSOP18025 MV911 AINJ WCSOP18026U4VAINJ WCSOP18027 VAINJ WCSOP18027 MVAINJ WCSOP18024 MVA MVA WCSOP18024 MVA WCSOP18024 MVA WCSOP18025g77 VA WCSOP18025 MVA WCSOP18025 MVA WCSOP18026�26 VA WCSOP18026 MVA WCSOP18026 MVA WCSOP180264 3 VA WCSOP18026 11 MVA 911 911 Mill ZUERCHER Page 18 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/26/18 10:55 MVA - No Injuries 2018067619 MVA - No Injuries WCSOREC18027 A03 911 08/27/18 08:12 MVA - No Injuries 2018067877 Agency Assist WCSOP18027 MVA 911 IGHB 08/16/18 12:57 Neighborhood Dispute 2018064568 Neighborhood Dispute 08/27/18 15:42 MVA - No Injuries 2018068002 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18027 MVA WCSOP18026 NEIGHBDISP 08/07/18 05:48 Parking 2018061851 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKING 08/31/18 15:31 MVA - No Injuries 2018069225 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18027U4 Parking 2018062186 Parking WCSOP18024PARKING VA MVA - Unknown Injuries Total: 1 08/08/18 17:09 Parking 2018062329 08/07/18 18:16 MVA - Unknown Injuries 2018062022 Agency Assist WCSOP180247gVAUN 911 08/09/18 11:29 Parking 2018062504 Parking Neighborhood Dispute Total: 4 08/09/18 17:23 Neighborhood Dispute 2018062596 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP18025003 NEIGHBDISP 08/10/18 23:34 Neighborhood Dispute 2018062969 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP18025 NE11 IGHB 08/16/18 12:57 Neighborhood Dispute 2018064568 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP18025VAGHASI P 08/20/18 13:41 Neighborhood Dispute 2018065759 Harassment WCSOP18026 NEIGHBDISP 08/07/18 05:48 Parking 2018061851 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKING Noise Total: 2 3 08/08/18 22:10 Noise 2018062403 Noise WCSOP18024 NOISE 08/20/1813:42 Noise 2018065760 Noise WCSOP180263�91SE Open Door - Window Total: 2 08/18/18 02:45 Open Door - Window 2018065112 Open Door - Window WCSOP18026 OPEN Phone 08/19/18 01:06 Open Door - Window 2018065373 Open Door - Window WCSOP18026171 911 OPEN Ordinance Violation Total: 1 08/28/18 10:59 Ordinance Violation 2018068216 Ordinance Violation WCSOP18027233 ORDINANCE Parking Total: 17 08/01/18 09:20 Parking 2018060142 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKING 08/03/18 08:22 Parking 2018060752 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKING 08/06/18 13:05 Parking 2018061646 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKING 08/07/18 05:48 Parking 2018061851 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKING 08/08/18 08:21 Parking 2018062186 Parking WCSOP18024PARKING 08/08/18 17:09 Parking 2018062329 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKING 08/09/18 11:29 Parking 2018062504 Parking WCSOP18024 PARKINGpp 08/14/18 07:57 Parking 2018063898 Parking WCSOP1802555ARKINGfficer 08/15/18 15:06 Parking 2018064298 Parking WCSOP18025 PARKING 08/16/18 07:58 Parking 2018064492 Parking WCSOP18025 PARKING 08/16/1815:13 Parking 2018064601 Parking WCSOP1802585ARKINgG 08/17/18 17:26 Parking 2018064957 Parking WCSOP18025 PARKING11 ZUERCHER Page 19 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/19/18 12:41 Parking 2018065449 Parking WCSOP18026 PARKING PH Probation Check 08/13/18 17:53 Phone Call 08/20/18 07:00 Parking 2018065671 Parking WCSOP18026289 Call 2018064636 2018063760 Other PARKING 08/21/18 12:30 Parking 2018066054 Parking WCSOP18026 PARKING 08/20/18 09:56 Phone Call 2018065698 Officer 08/28/18 10:17 Parking 2018068208 Parking WCSOP18027 PARKING PH Probation Check 08/30/18 00:32 Phone Call 08/29/1810:45 Parking 2018068517 Parking WCSOP18027329 PH PARKING Phone Call Total: 5 08/12/18 12:21 Phone Call 2018063344 Officer Other PROB PH Probation Check 08/13/18 17:53 Phone Call 2018063759 Phone Call WCSOP180255-12H Other 08/16/18 16:40 Phone Call 2018064636 2018063760 Other Officer PH 08/20/18 09:56 Phone Call 2018065698 Officer Other PROB PH Probation Check 08/30/18 00:32 Phone Call 2018068747 Other PROB PH POR Check Total: 2 08/02/18 08:12 POR Check 2018060430 Officer POR 08/02/18 08:21 POR Check 2018060433 Officer POR Probation Check Total: 5 08/08/18 16:57 Probation Check 2018062325 Officer PROB 08/13/18 17:51 Probation Check 2018063758 Officer PROB 08/13/18 18:06 Probation Check 2018063760 Officer PROB 08/16/18 10:55 Probation Check 2018064537 Officer PROB 08/29/18 19:29 Probation Check 2018068664 Officer PROB Prowler Total: 1 gg 08/09/18 20:57 Prowler 2018062664 Prowler WCSOP18025�POWLER Pursuit Total: 1 08/04/18 04:55 Pursuit 2018061042 Agency Assist WCSOP18024MRS UITpp fficer Repossession Total: 3 08/16/18 20:12 Repossession 2018064699 REPO 08/22/18 00:24 Repossession 2018066244 REPO 08/23/1819:55 Repossession 2018066865 REPO Phone Residential Fire Alarm Total: 3 08/07/18 17:08 Residential Fire Alarm 2018061999 Phone ALARM 08/08/18 12:15 Residential Fire Alarm 2018062237 Residential Fire Alarm WCSOP18024861 Phone ALARM 08/11/18 00:02 Residential Fire Alarm 2018062975 Residential Fire Alarm WCSOP18025174 911 ALARM ZUERCHER Page 20 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Residential General Alarm Total: 6 08/02/18 09:10 Residential General 2018060441 08/03/18 09:02 Residential General 2018060761 08/03/18 19:24 Residential General 2018060926 08/08/18 22:33 Residential General 2018062414 08/19/18 11:12 Residential General 2018065438 08/31/18 07:21 Residential General 2018069105 Residential Medical Alarm Total: 3 08/04/18 21:23 Residential Medical 2018061221 08/21/18 10:27 Residential Medical 2018066008 08/22/18 05:57 Residential Medical 2018066280 Road Closure Total: 2 SIA Area Watch 08/07/18 09:34 Road Closure 2018061886 08/13/18 10:36 Road Closure 2018063615 SIA Area Watch Total: 13 08/05/18 17:46 SIA Area Watch 2018061428 08/11/18 19:18 SIA Area Watch 2018063181 08/20/1810:55 SIA Area Watch 2018065717 08/20/1813:32 SIA Area Watch 2018065755 08/20/1817:38 SIA Area Watch 2018065820 08/21/18 13:15 SIA Area Watch 2018066064 08/22/1812:36 SIA Area Watch 2018066363 08/23/18 10:24 SIA Area Watch 2018066659 08/24/18 16:18 SIA Area Watch 2018067094 08/28/18 13:09 SIA Area Watch 2018068239 08/30/1811:00 SIA Area Watch 2018068837 08/31/18 09:02 SIA Area Watch 2018069133 08/31/18 21:48 SIA Area Watch 2018069343 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 4 08/03/18 14:07 SIA Business Walk 2018060830 08/15/18 14:23 SIA Business Walk 2018064285 08/21/18 10:14 SIA Business Walk 2018065978 Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP18024 70Phone ALARM WCSOP180242A90ARM Phone WCSOP18024 57Phone ALARM WCSOP18024 26Phone ALARM WCSOP180262A0 Phone ARM WCSOP18027 54Phone ALARM WCSOP18024 76Phone ALARM WCSOP18026 25Phone ALARM WCSOP18026 11Phone ALARM ROADCL ROADCL SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA ZUERCHER Page 21 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/28/18 18:47 SIA Business Walk 2018068335 SIA SIA Door Check Total: 3 08/08/18 01:25 SIA Door Check 2018062142 SIA 08/18/18 02:35 SIA Door Check 2018065111 SIA 08/22/18 00:37 SIA Door Check 2018066246 SIA SIA Foot Patrol Total: 6 08/01/18 02:47 SIA Foot Patrol 2018060108 SIA 08/04/18 03:02 SIA Foot Patrol 2018061037 SIA 08/05/18 09:20 SIA Foot Patrol 2018061327 SIA 08/12/18 01:44 SIA Foot Patrol 2018063276 SIA 08/13/18 00:39 SIA Foot Patrol 2018063539 SIA 08/19/18 09:01 SIA Foot Patrol 2018065408 SIA SIA Other Total: 1 08/02/18 20:16 SIA Other 2018060621 SIA SIA Parks Total: 19 08/01/1817:02 SIA Parks 2018060257 SIA 08/02/1811:21 SIA Parks 2018060470 SIA 08/03/1813:06 SIA Parks 2018060819 SIA 08/03/1818:53 SIA Parks 2018060916 SIA 08/06/18 06:04 SIA Parks 2018061562 SIA 08/06/1810:11 SIA Parks 2018061599 SIA 08/08/18 00:18 SIA Parks 2018062132 SIA 08/12/18 13:18 SIA Parks 2018063351 SIA 08/13/18 07:29 SIA Parks 2018063567 SIA 08/13/18 11:05 SIA Parks 2018063625 SIA 08/13/18 11:42 SIA Parks 2018063643 SIA 08/21/1813:59 SIA Parks 2018066077 SIA 08/23/18 06:20 SIA Parks 2018066606 SIA 08/23/1813:38 SIA Parks 2018066708 SIA 08/24/1810:54 SIA Parks 2018067019 SIA 08/25/18 06:20 SIA Parks 2018067277 SIA 08/28/18 11:48 SIA Parks 2018068221 SIA ZUERCHER Page 22 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/28/18 18:03 SIA Parks 2018068320 SIA 08/30/18 21:24 SIA Parks 2018069029 SIA Sign - Signal Repair Total: 1 08/21/18 21:37 Sign - Signal Repair 2018066199 hone SIGNREP Soliciting Total: 1 08/09/18 18:28 Soliciting 2018062610 Soliciting WCSOP18025 SOLICIT hone Stolen - Property Total: 2 08/23/18 19:32 Stolen - Property 2018066854 Stolen - Property WCSOP18026 17ROF'ne STOLP08/28/18 07:00 Stolen - Property 2018068176 Stolen - Property WCSOP180272$130LPRO1 Stolen - Vehicle Total: 1 08/30/18 11:11 Stolen - Vehicle 2018068846 Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP18027452 Phone STOLVEH Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 23 08/01/18 17:40 Suspicious - 2018060268 08/03/18 12:36 Suspicious - 2018060816 08/04/18 15:54 Suspicious - 2018061150 08/04/18 22:18 Suspicious - 2018061233 08/06/18 03:39 Suspicious - 2018061552 08/07/18 20:21 Suspicious - 2018062073 08/09/18 05:08 Suspicious - 2018062454 08/10/18 16:22 Suspicious - 2018062881 08/11/18 11:19 Suspicious - 2018063059 08/21/18 19:35 Suspicious - 2018066171 08/23/18 16:36 Suspicious - 2018066789 08/23/18 19:41 Suspicious - 2018066859 08/24/18 03:46 Suspicious - 2018066952 08/25/18 02:18 Suspicious - 2018067261 08/25/18 08:00 Suspicious - 2018067284 08/25/18 20:39 Suspicious - 2018067463 08/30/18 12:07 Suspicious - 2018068865 08/31/18 13:28 Suspicious - 2018069185 08/31/18 13:48 Suspicious - 2018069191 08/31/18 13:59 Suspicious - 2018069194 Suspicious -Circumstances WCSOP18024 SUSPCIPC ne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18024 12gSPCIpPhhne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18024 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18024 SUSPCIPC ne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18024 SU2SPCIpPhhone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18024 SUSPCIRCone Missing Person WCSOP18024 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18025 SUSPCIpPhhone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP180252$1 pSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18026 SUSPCIPC ne Suspicious - Circumstances 9p1 WCSOP18026 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18026720SPCIRCone SSSUUUSPCIPhone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18026 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18026 57SPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances pPhhone WCSOP18026 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18026 SUOSPCIPhone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 SUSPCIpPhhone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 SUSPCIPCne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 SUSPCIPCne ZUERCHER Page 23 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 08/31/18 16:36 Suspicious - 2018069243 08/31/18 17:05 Suspicious - 2018069254 08/31/18 18:48 Suspicious - 2018069288 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 24 08/02/18 07:38 Suspicious - Person - 2018060423 08/02/18 10:14 Suspicious - Person - 2018060452 08/05/18 03:28 Suspicious - Person - 2018061300 08/05/18 04:53 Suspicious - Person - 2018061304 08/05/18 17:08 Suspicious - Person - 2018061415 08/06/18 16:21 Suspicious - Person - 2018061708 08/11/18 23:36 Suspicious - Person - 2018063256 08/12/18 02:22 Suspicious - Person - 2018063282 08/12/18 06:24 Suspicious - Person - 2018063297 08/12/18 18:42 Suspicious - Person - 2018063462 08/15/18 11:00 Suspicious - Person - 2018064245 08/18/18 19:20 Suspicious - Person - 2018065283 08/19/18 15:01 Suspicious - Person - 2018065485 08/19/18 18:02 Suspicious - Person - 2018065529 08/19/18 21:45 Suspicious - Person - 2018065590 08/24/18 01:31 Suspicious - Person - 2018066938 08/26/18 12:58 Suspicious - Person - 2018067643 08/27/18 13:05 Suspicious - Person - 2018067948 08/27/18 22:14 Suspicious - Person - 2018068117 08/29/18 02:04 Suspicious - Person - 2018068438 08/29/18 09:19 Suspicious - Person - 2018068495 08/30/18 13:45 Suspicious - Person - 2018068890 08/31/18 16:24 Suspicious - Person - 2018069241 08/31/18 20:16 Suspicious - Person - 2018069317 Theft Total: 17 08/03/18 07:01 Theft 2018060741 08/03/1814:47 Theft 2018060842 08/04/18 09:50 Theft 2018061076 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported SUSPCIRC ne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 SUSPCIRC ne Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18024 SU4SPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18024 SUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18024 SUSPPVPhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18024 SUgSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18024 SUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18024 8SPPVPhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP180253SOU9 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18025320SPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18025 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18025 SU211 SPPV Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18025 SUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18026 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18026 SUSPPVPhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP180262$40SPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP180262S6USPPV hone DUI WCSOP18026 SUSPPVPhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUOSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP180272$98SPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUUUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SU2SPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUSPPV Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUSPPV hone Theft WCSOP18024 79Phone THEFT Theft WCSOP180243r26 Phone HEFT Theft WCSOP18024414 Phone THEFT ZU=RCHER Page 24 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/04/18 22:37 Theft 2018061236 Theft WCSOP18024485EFT Phone Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026EPhone 3,QEFT 08/24/18 13:21 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067053 TH WCSOP180267%.- None 08/05/1811:52 Theft - From Vehicle Theft 2018061351 Theft WCSOP18024535 Phone THEFTVEH 08/26/18 09:30 Theft - From Vehicle THEFT Theft - From Vehicle 08/06/18 09:29 Theft 2018061594 Theft WCSOP18024629 Phone Theft - From Vehicle 2018067596 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP180269�EFTVEH 08/26/18 10:06 THEFT 2018067604 08/06/1814:47 WCSOP18027018 911 Theft 2018061678 Theft WCSOP18024%FT Phone 08/26/18 10:40 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067611 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18027QrOHEFTPhone 08/06/1819:32 Theft 2018061759 Theft WCSOP18024711 Phone WCSOP180270�? FTM 08/26/18 14:59 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067669 Theft - From Vehicle THEFT 08/10/1813:56 Theft 2018062833 Theft WCSOP18025103 Phone Theft - From Vehicle g� WC SOP18027Qr30EFTA'1H1 THEFT 08/10/1817:28 Theft - From Vehicle Theft 2018062896 Theft WCSOP18025136 911 2018068395 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18027289 Phone THEFT 08/11/18 20:50 Theft 2018063201 Theft WCSOP18025284 Phone THEFT 08/12/18 04:24 Theft 2018063292 Theft WCSOP18025325 Phone THEFT 08/14/1817:12 Theft 2018064045 Theft WCSOP18025614 Phone THEFT 08/20/1818:26 Theft 2018065838 Theft WCSOP18026371 911 THEFT 08/23/18 19:39 Theft 2018066857 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026 18Phone THEFT 08/25/18 20:29 Theft 2018067455 Theft WCSOP180269T39EFT Phone 08/26/1811:07 Theft 2018067623 Theft WCSOP18027005 Phone THEFT Theft - From Vehicle Total: 13 08/22/18 12:14 Theft - From Vehicle 2018066357 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18026548 Phone THEFTVEH 08/23/18 01:22 Theft - From Vehicle 2018066585 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18026EPhone 3,QEFT 08/24/18 13:21 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067053 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP180267%.- None 08/26/18 09:16 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067593 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP180269TT9111 Phone THEFTVEH 08/26/18 09:30 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067595 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP1802699HEFT1Phone 08/26/18 09:31 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067596 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP180269�EFTVEH 08/26/18 10:06 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067604 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18027018 911 THEFTVEH 08/26/18 10:40 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067611 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18027QrOHEFTPhone 08/26/18 10:54 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067618 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP180270�? FTM 08/26/18 14:59 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067669 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18027027 Phone THEFTVEH 08/26/18 15:27 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067679 Theft - From Vehicle g� WC SOP18027Qr30EFTA'1H1 08/26/18 18:27 Theft - From Vehicle 2018067736 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18027pr5H7EFTVEone 08/28/18 22:35 Theft - From Vehicle 2018068395 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18027289 Phone THEFTVEH Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 18 08/03/18 09:29 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018060768 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18024292 911 THEFTGAS 08/04/18 10:25 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018061085 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18024421 911 THEFTGAS 08/04/18 12:07 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018061105 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18024426 911 THEFTGAS ZUERCHER Page 25 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/10/18 16:35 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018062885 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18025124 911 2018062777 Civil Complaint 08/12/18 15:52 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGAS 08/13/18 11:54 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018063644 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18025464 911 THEFTGAS 08/14/18 14:16 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018064006 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18025599 911 THEFTGAS 08/16/18 05:05 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018064473 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP1802579HEFTGA1 08/16/18 14:17 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018064587 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18025846 911 THEFTGAS 08/22/18 10:16 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018066323 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18026533 911 THEFTGAS 08/23/18 08:51 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018066633 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18026646EFTGA1 08/26/18 08:02 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018067584 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18026986 911 THEFTGAS 08/28/18 10:02 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018068204 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18027227 911 THEFTGAS 08/28/18 14:07 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018068254 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18027 T5 THEFTGAS 08/29/18 11:51 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018068536 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18027342 911 THEFTGAS 08/30/18 11:20 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018068847 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18027453 911 THEFTGAS 08/31/18 05:11 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018069088 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18027,543EFTGA1 THEFTGAS 08/31/18 06:36 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018069097 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18027547 911 THEFTGAS 08/31/18 13:39 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018069187 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18027590 911 THEFTGAS Theft - Identity Theft Total: 1 08/14/18 11:34 Theft - Identity Theft 2018063955 Theft - Identity Theft Theft - Identity Theft; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 08/30/18 16:39 Theft - Identity Theft; 2018068938 Theft - Identity Theft Theft - Shoplifting Total: 5 08/03/18 14:24 Theft - Shoplifting 2018060836 Theft - Shoplifting 08/08/18 12:59 Theft - Shoplifting 2018062247 Theft - Shoplifting 08/10/18 10:11 Theft - Shoplifting 2018062777 Civil Complaint 08/12/18 15:52 Theft - Shoplifting 2018063395 Theft - Shoplifting 08/30/18 22:03 Theft - Shoplifting 2018069037 Theft - Shoplifting Theft - Shoplifting; Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 1 08/06/18 11:26 Theft - Shoplifting; 2018061621 Theft - Shoplifting Threats Total: 6 08/06/1813:33 Threats 08/09/1819:19 Threats 08/10/1819:17 Threats 08/12/18 00:25 Threats 2018061653 Threats 2018062629 Threats 2018062922 Threats 2018063266 Threats WCSOP18025,5r7HEFTID hone WCSOP180274V7 Phone HEFTID; DISPCAD WCSOP18024 9 FTS%ope WCSOP18024865 Phone THEFTSHOP WCSOP180250r8HEFTSHO ne WCSOP18025�72 FTS%ope WCSOP18027524 911 THEFTSHOP WCSOP18024644 Phone THEFTSHOP; WCSOP18024159REATS one WCSOP18025Y REATS one WCSOP18025THREATS one WCSOP18025313 Officer THREA ZUERCHER Page 26 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes ggHow Reported 08/16/18 15:50 Threats 2018064616 Threats WCSOP18025$�&EATS 1 08/24/1817:52 Threats 2018067127 Threats WCSOP18026820 Other THREATS Tow Total: 1 08/08/18 09:33 Tow 2018062199 Phone TOW Traffic - Complaint Total: 26 08/03/18 16:48 Traffic - Complaint 2018060884 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180243T42 Phone 08/04/18 18:59 Traffic - Complaint 2018061185 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18024459 TT5T51 Phone 08/05/18 14:36 Traffic - Complaint 2018061381 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18024 Phone 08/07/18 22:11 Traffic - Complaint 2018062095 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180248T09 Phone 08/08/18 14:02 Traffic - Complaint 2018062267 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18024171 Phone 08/08/18 21:29 Traffic - Complaint 2018062391 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18024 T 8 Phone 08/08/18 21:53 Traffic - Complaint 2018062399 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18024 T 2 911 08/09/18 15:24 Traffic - Complaint 2018062560 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18024Y9 Phone 08/09/18 20:53 Traffic - Complaint 2018062660 Phone T 08/16/18 18:45 Traffic - Complaint 2018064676 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18025 T 1 911 08/18/18 15:13 Traffic - Complaint 2018065223 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180261T11 Phone 08/18/18 19:50 Traffic - Complaint 2018065294 DUI WCSOP180261T39 Phone 08/19/18 22:48 Traffic - Complaint 2018065608 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18026 T 9 911 08/20/18 18:11 Traffic - Complaint 2018065834 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18026�69 911 08/22/18 15:47 Traffic - Complaint 2018066412 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18026 T 4 Phone 08/24/18 09:38 Traffic - Complaint 2018067001 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18026 T 7 911 08/24/18 19:16 Traffic - Complaint 2018067156 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18026Y6 911 08/25/18 09:20 Traffic - Complaint 2018067300 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18026 T 7 Phone 08/25/18 11:44 Traffic - Complaint 2018067328 Agency Assist WCSOP18026 T 9 Phone 08/25/18 16:10 Traffic - Complaint 2018067376 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18026Y O Phone 08/26/18 01:40 Traffic - Complaint 2018067547 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18026 T 9 Phone 08/26/18 13:28 Traffic - Complaint 2018067653 Phone T 08/26/18 13:46 Traffic - Complaint 2018067657 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027Q21 911 08/30/18 13:21 Traffic - Complaint 2018068883 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027 T 8 Phone 08/30/18 16:21 Traffic - Complaint 2018068933 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027 T 2 911 08/30/18 22:40 Traffic - Complaint 2018069047 DUI WCSOP18027YO Phone Traffic - Hazard Total: 4 ZU=RCHER Page 27 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/09/18 01:56 Traffic - Hazard 2018062444 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18024Y6AZARD one 08/19/18 21:00 Traffic - Hazard 2018065575 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18026257 Phone THAZARD 08/25/18 22:35 Traffic - Hazard 2018067500 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18026954 Phone THAZARD 08/30/18 16:38 Traffic - Hazard 2018068936 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18027496AZARD one Traffic Stop Total: 377 08/01/18 00:16 Traffic Stop 2018060080 Officer TS 08/01/18 00:20 Traffic Stop 2018060081 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024T3S9 Officer 08/01/18 00:57 Traffic Stop 2018060087 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024Q4S Officer 08/01/18 01:18 Traffic Stop 2018060090 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024W Officer 08/01/18 02:01 Traffic Stop 2018060100 Officer TS 08/01/18 02:21 Traffic Stop 2018060103 Officer TS 08/01/18 02:25 Traffic Stop 2018060106 Officer TS 08/01/18 04:54 Traffic Stop 2018060115 Officer TS 08/01/18 10:20 Traffic Stop 2018060153 Officer TS 08/01/18 12:37 Traffic Stop 2018060186 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024V, Officer 08/01/18 13:29 Traffic Stop 2018060198 Officer TS 08/01/18 14:03 Traffic Stop 2018060210 Officer TS 08/01/18 14:29 Traffic Stop 2018060217 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024YS Officer 08/01/18 14:42 Traffic Stop 2018060223 Officer TS 08/01/18 14:49 Traffic Stop 2018060224 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024Y TTS Officer 08/01/18 21:41 Traffic Stop 2018060355 Officer 08/01/18 23:37 Traffic Stop 2018060385 Officer TS 08/02/18 00:56 Traffic Stop 2018060395 Officer TS 08/02/18 11:14 Traffic Stop 2018060468 Officer TS 08/02/18 12:56 Traffic Stop 2018060493 Officer TS 08/02/18 13:08 Traffic Stop 2018060496 Officer TS 08/02/18 13:10 Traffic Stop 2018060497 Officer TS 08/02/18 14:34 Traffic Stop 2018060524 Officer TS 08/02/18 15:30 Traffic Stop 2018060542 Officer TS 08/02/18 16:00 Traffic Stop 2018060551 Officer TS 08/02/18 18:53 Traffic Stop 2018060599 Officer TS 08/02/18 19:02 Traffic Stop 2018060603 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 28 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/02/18 21:03 Traffic Stop 2018060638 Officer TS 08/02/18 21:58 Traffic Stop 2018060664 Officer TS 08/02/18 23:20 Traffic Stop 2018060686 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 T6S3 Officer 08/02/18 23:22 Traffic Stop 2018060687 Officer TS 08/03/18 00:27 Traffic Stop 2018060702 Officer TS 08/03/18 01:56 Traffic Stop 2018060715 Officer TS 08/03/18 02:02 Traffic Stop 2018060717 Officer TS 08/03/18 02:43 Traffic Stop 2018060726 Officer TS 08/03/18 14:17 Traffic Stop 2018060833 Officer TS 08/03/18 17:39 Traffic Stop 2018060896 Officer TS 08/03/18 18:12 Traffic Stop 2018060904 Officer TS 08/03/18 19:16 Traffic Stop 2018060922 Officer TS 08/03/18 20:23 Traffic Stop 2018060946 DUI WCSOP18024�753 Officer 08/04/18 07:58 Traffic Stop 2018061057 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 TS Officer 08/04/18 08:20 Traffic Stop 2018061059 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 04 Officer TS 08/04/18 12:44 Traffic Stop 2018061112 Officer TS 08/04/18 15:08 Traffic Stop 2018061140 Officer TS 08/04/18 19:45 Traffic Stop 2018061193 Officer TS 08/04/18 19:53 Traffic Stop 2018061195 Officer TS 08/04/18 21:17 Traffic Stop 2018061216 Officer TS 08/04/18 21:17 Traffic Stop 2018061217 TS 08/04/18 21:22 Traffic Stop 2018061220 Officer TS 08/04/18 23:48 Traffic Stop 2018061252 Officer TS 08/05/18 00:03 Traffic Stop 2018061256 Officer TS 08/05/18 00:17 Traffic Stop 2018061260 Officer TS 08/05/18 01:32 Traffic Stop 2018061277 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 T9S8 Officer 08/05/18 02:17 Traffic Stop 2018061287 Drugs WCSOP18024 05 Officer TS 08/05/18 15:06 Traffic Stop 2018061390 Officer TS 08/05/18 16:27 Traffic Stop 2018061400 Officer TS 08/05/18 17:12 Traffic Stop 2018061416 Officer TS 08/05/18 21:17 Traffic Stop 2018061490 Officer TS 08/05/18 21:48 Traffic Stop 2018061500 Officer TS 08/05/18 23:04 Traffic Stop 2018061518 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 00 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 29 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/06/18 00:17 Traffic Stop 2018061533 Traffic Stop WCSOP180246P Officer 08/06/18 08:55 Traffic Stop 2018061587 Officer TS 08/06/18 23:35 Traffic Stop 2018061814 Officer TS 08/06/18 23:45 Traffic Stop 2018061816 Officer TS 08/06/18 23:49 Traffic Stop 2018061818 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 T2S0 Officer 08/06/18 23:50 Traffic Stop 2018061819 Officer TS 08/07/18 00:28 Traffic Stop 2018061828 Officer TS 08/07/18 01:13 Traffic Stop 2018061835 Officer TS 08/07/18 01:31 Traffic Stop 2018061838 Officer TS 08/07/18 02:09 Traffic Stop 2018061842 Officer TS 08/07/18 13:10 Traffic Stop 2018061940 Officer TS 08/07/18 17:05 Traffic Stop 2018061998 Officer TS 08/07/18 22:21 Traffic Stop 2018062100 Officer TS 08/07/18 22:30 Traffic Stop 2018062103 Officer TS 08/07/18 22:46 Traffic Stop 2018062109 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 TS2 Officer 08/07/18 22:53 Traffic Stop 2018062112 Officer TS 08/07/18 23:31 Traffic Stop 2018062119 Officer TS 08/07/18 23:59 Traffic Stop 2018062127 Officer TS 08/08/18 02:00 Traffic Stop 2018062147 Officer TS 08/08/18 02:49 Traffic Stop 2018062153 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18024 T2S6 Officer 08/08/18 07:13 Traffic Stop 2018062179 Officer TS 08/08/18 08:10 Traffic Stop 2018062184 Officer TS 08/08/18 09:40 Traffic Stop 2018062201 Officer TS 08/08/18 11:52 Traffic Stop 2018062231 Officer TS 08/08/18 21:26 Traffic Stop 2018062390 Officer TS 08/08/18 22:07 Traffic Stop 2018062402 Officer TS 08/08/18 22:21 Traffic Stop 2018062409 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 T2S5 Officer 08/08/18 23:06 Traffic Stop 2018062424 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024Y52 Officer 08/09/18 00:13 Traffic Stop 2018062428 Officer TS 08/09/18 00:35 Traffic Stop 2018062432 Traffic Stop WCSOP18024 T3S4 Officer 08/09/18 00:46 Traffic Stop 2018062437 Officer TS 08/09/18 08:08 Traffic Stop 2018062469 Officer TS 08/09/18 12:07 Traffic Stop 2018062514 TS ZUERCHER Page 30 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time 08/09/18 12:23 08/09/18 12:35 08/09/18 13:20 08/09/18 15:34 08/09/18 20:35 08/09/18 22:56 08/09/18 23:38 08/10/18 00:07 08/10/18 00:27 08/10/18 00:47 08/10/18 00:50 08/10/18 00:56 08/10/18 01:11 08/10/18 01:19 08/10/18 02:36 08/10/18 04:38 08/10/18 05:31 08/10/18 05:50 08/10/18 05:53 08/10/18 15:06 08/11/18 00:38 08/11/18 01:09 08/11/18 04:51 08/11/18 10:11 08/11/18 13:33 08/11/18 13:43 08/11/18 14:45 08/11/18 22:02 08/11/18 22:37 08/11/18 22:51 08/11/18 23:03 08/11/18 23:33 08/11/18 23:51 Initial Call Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop CFS # 2018062520 2018062525 2018062535 2018062563 2018062652 2018062686 2018062692 2018062696 2018062698 2018062703 2018062704 2018062706 2018062707 2018062710 2018062717 2018062726 2018062733 2018062737 2018062738 2018062858 2018062979 2018062983 2018063002 2018063037 2018063087 2018063091 2018063105 2018063223 2018063231 2018063236 2018063241 2018063252 2018063258 Final Incident Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Case Number Codes How Reported TS WCSOP18024 TS TS TS WCSOP18025 3 TS TS WCSOP18025y, WCSOP180250T5� TS TS TS WCSOP18025 5 TS TS TS TS TS TS TS WCSOP18025Q17 TS WCSOP18025 7 TS WCSOP180251�, TS TS TS WCSOP18025 TS TS TS TS TS WCSOP18025�02 TS WCSOP18025 1 TS Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer ZUERCHER Page 31 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/12/18 00:21 Traffic Stop 2018063265 Officer TS 08/12/18 11:11 Traffic Stop 2018063326 Officer TS 08/12/18 11:18 Traffic Stop 2018063330 Officer TS 08/12/18 11:53 Traffic Stop 2018063342 Officer TS 08/12/18 15:33 Traffic Stop 2018063388 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 T6S8 Officer 08/12/18 15:52 Traffic Stop 2018063396 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 T7S1 Officer 08/13/18 00:04 Traffic Stop 2018063533 Traffic Stop WCSOP180254352 TTS Officer 08/13/18 08:28 Traffic Stop 2018063571 Officer 08/13/18 08:37 Traffic Stop 2018063573 Officer TS 08/13/18 08:45 Traffic Stop 2018063576 Officer TS 08/13/18 08:51 Traffic Stop 2018063580 Officer TS 08/13/18 08:58 Traffic Stop 2018063582 Officer TS 08/13/18 09:46 Traffic Stop 2018063593 Officer TS 08/13/18 09:56 Traffic Stop 2018063597 Officer TS 08/13/18 10:00 Traffic Stop 2018063598 Officer TS 08/13/18 10:21 Traffic Stop 2018063608 Officer TS 08/13/18 10:27 Traffic Stop 2018063610 Officer TS 08/13/18 10:31 Traffic Stop 2018063612 Officer TS 08/13/18 11:11 Traffic Stop 2018063628 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025455 TITS Officer 08/13/18 11:32 Traffic Stop 2018063638 Officer 08/13/18 12:03 Traffic Stop 2018063648 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 T6S6 Officer 08/13/18 14:51 Traffic Stop 2018063689 Officer TS 08/13/18 14:59 Traffic Stop 2018063690 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 T8S8 Officer 08/13/18 15:42 Traffic Stop 2018063706 Officer TS 08/13/18 16:44 Traffic Stop 2018063727 Officer TS 08/13/18 16:50 Traffic Stop 2018063731 Officer TS 08/13/18 17:04 Traffic Stop 2018063737 Officer TS 08/13/18 17:19 Traffic Stop 2018063743 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025Y Officer 08/13/18 22:30 Traffic Stop 2018063825 Officer TS 08/14/18 02:22 Traffic Stop 2018063866 Officer TS 08/14/18 06:01 Traffic Stop 2018063879 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 TS1 Officer 08/14/18 08:25 Traffic Stop 2018063906 Officer TS 08/14/18 11:43 Traffic Stop 2018063958 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 T7S6 Officer ZUERCHER Page 32 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/14/18 12:06 Traffic Stop 2018063964 Officer TS 08/15/18 13:03 Traffic Stop 2018064263 Officer TS 08/15/18 19:08 Traffic Stop 2018064371 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 Officer T5S1 08/16/18 02:11 Traffic Stop 2018064462 Officer TS 08/16/18 16:43 Traffic Stop 2018064638 Officer TS 08/16/18 16:53 Traffic Stop 2018064644 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 Officer T6S7 08/16/18 22:58 Traffic Stop 2018064745 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025Y Officer 08/16/18 23:00 Traffic Stop 2018064746 Officer TS 08/16/18 23:17 Traffic Stop 2018064750 Officer TS 08/16/18 23:33 Traffic Stop 2018064755 Officer TS 08/16/18 23:44 Traffic Stop 2018064759 Officer TS 08/16/18 23:49 Traffic Stop 2018064762 Traffic Stop WCSOP18025 Officer T2S2 08/17/18 02:11 Traffic Stop 2018064772 Officer TS 08/17/18 16:31 Traffic Stop 2018064942 Officer TS 08/17/18 21:39 Traffic Stop 2018065023 Officer TS 08/17/18 21:45 Traffic Stop 2018065025 Officer TS 08/17/18 21:51 Traffic Stop 2018065030 Officer TS 08/17/18 22:46 Traffic Stop 2018065052 Officer TS 08/17/18 23:31 Traffic Stop 2018065067 Officer TS 08/18/18 00:24 Traffic Stop 2018065079 Officer TS 08/18/18 00:28 Traffic Stop 2018065080 Officer TS 08/18/18 01:04 Traffic Stop 2018065093 Officer TS 08/18/18 01:11 Traffic Stop 2018065095 Officer TS 08/18/18 01:26 Traffic Stop 2018065096 Officer TS 08/18/18 01:40 Traffic Stop 2018065100 Officer TS 08/18/18 01:43 Traffic Stop 2018065101 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T5S1 Officer 08/18/18 01:50 Traffic Stop 2018065102 Officer TS 08/18/18 07:53 Traffic Stop 2018065139 Officer TS 08/18/18 07:58 Traffic Stop 2018065141 Officer TS 08/18/18 08:04 Traffic Stop 2018065143 Officer TS 08/18/18 09:09 Traffic Stop 2018065151 Officer TS 08/18/18 13:06 Traffic Stop 2018065199 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T9S6 Officer 08/18/18 13:13 Traffic Stop 2018065202 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 33 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/18/18 18:52 Traffic Stop 2018065269 Officer TS 08/18/18 19:09 Traffic Stop 2018065278 Officer TS 08/18/18 19:19 Traffic Stop 2018065282 Officer TS 08/18/18 20:34 Traffic Stop 2018065314 Officer TS 08/18/18 21:41 Traffic Stop 2018065335 Officer TS 08/18/18 21:49 Traffic Stop 2018065337 DUI WCSOP18026T5S6 Officer 08/18/18 23:02 Traffic Stop 2018065349 Officer TS 08/19/18 00:35 Traffic Stop 2018065368 Officer TS 08/19/18 01:05 Traffic Stop 2018065371 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T7S0 Officer 08/19/18 01:20 Traffic Stop 2018065374 Officer TS 08/19/18 10:30 Traffic Stop 2018065428 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 TS Officer 08/19/18 12:11 Traffic Stop 2018065445 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 0 TS 08/19/18 13:01 Traffic Stop 2018065453 Traffic Stop WCSOP180262V 08/19/18 13:27 Traffic Stop 2018065461 TS 08/19/18 16:27 Traffic Stop 2018065502 Officer TS 08/19/18 16:56 Traffic Stop 2018065514 Officer TS 08/19/18 19:14 Traffic Stop 2018065548 Officer TS 08/19/18 22:41 Traffic Stop 2018065604 Officer TS 08/19/18 23:02 Traffic Stop 2018065611 Officer TS 08/19/18 23:34 Traffic Stop 2018065622 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T7S4 Officer 08/19/18 23:49 Traffic Stop 2018065625 Officer TS 08/20/18 00:00 Traffic Stop 2018065629 Officer TS 08/20/18 00:10 Traffic Stop 2018065630 Officer TS 08/20/18 00:34 Traffic Stop 2018065632 Officer TS 08/20/18 00:38 Traffic Stop 2018065635 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T7S6 Officer 08/20/18 01:08 Traffic Stop 2018065640 Officer TS 08/20/18 04:15 Traffic Stop 2018065649 Officer TS 08/20/18 04:19 Traffic Stop 2018065650 Traffic Stop WCSOP180262?5 Officer 08/20/18 04:56 Traffic Stop 2018065655 Officer TS 08/20/18 04:59 Traffic Stop 2018065656 Officer TS 08/20/18 05:06 Traffic Stop 2018065657 Officer TS 08/20/18 05:13 Traffic Stop 2018065658 Officer TS 08/20/18 05:27 Traffic Stop 2018065659 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP18026 T8S8 Officer ZUERCHER Page 34 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 08/20/18 05:28 Traffic Stop 2018065660 08/20/1810:58 Traffic Stop 2018065719 08/20/1811:38 Traffic Stop 2018065729 08/20/18 12:42 Traffic Stop 2018065741 08/20/1816:21 Traffic Stop 2018065802 08/20/1817:56 Traffic Stop 2018065825 08/20/18 21:39 Traffic Stop 2018065890 08/20/18 22:57 Traffic Stop 2018065906 08/20/18 23:22 Traffic Stop 2018065909 Traffic Stop 08/20/18 23:37 Traffic Stop 2018065913 08/20/18 23:45 Traffic Stop 2018065915 08/21/18 01:16 Traffic Stop 2018065931 08/21/18 01:51 Traffic Stop 2018065934 08/21/18 04:28 Traffic Stop 2018065943 08/21/18 09:22 Traffic Stop 2018065968 08/21/1810:01 Traffic Stop 2018065974 08/21/18 10:45 Traffic Stop 2018066037 08/21/1810:51 Traffic Stop 2018066038 08/21/1811:00 Traffic Stop 2018066039 08/21/1811:55 Traffic Stop 2018066047 08/21/1813:38 Traffic Stop 2018066072 08/21/1819:01 Traffic Stop 2018066158 08/21/1819:21 Traffic Stop 2018066165 08/21/1819:32 Traffic Stop 2018066168 08/21/1819:38 Traffic Stop 2018066172 08/21/18 20:03 Traffic Stop 2018066181 Traffic Stop 08/21/18 22:41 Traffic Stop 2018066218 08/21/18 22:58 Traffic Stop 2018066221 Traffic Stop 08/22/18 09:47 Traffic Stop 2018066312 08/22/18 12:06 Traffic Stop 2018066355 Traffic Stop 08/22/1813:29 Traffic Stop 2018066376 08/22/1816:22 Traffic Stop 2018066424 08/22/18 23:21 Traffic Stop 2018066557 Case Number Codes How Reported TS Officer TS TS TS TS TS TS TS WCSOP18026 9 TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS WCSOP18026 TS TS WCSOP180264V4 TS WCSOP18026 4 TS TS TS TS Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer ZUERCHER Page 35 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/22/18 23:48 Traffic Stop 2018066564 Officer TS 08/23/18 00:14 Traffic Stop 2018066569 Officer TS 08/23/18 00:28 Traffic Stop 2018066573 Officer TS 08/23/18 01:04 Traffic Stop 2018066579 Officer TS 08/23/18 01:15 Traffic Stop 2018066583 Officer TS 08/23/18 07:25 Traffic Stop 2018066617 Officer TS 08/23/18 07:53 Traffic Stop 2018066620 Officer TS 08/23/18 13:20 Traffic Stop 2018066702 Officer TS 08/23/18 15:21 Traffic Stop 2018066761 Officer TS 08/23/18 23:13 Traffic Stop 2018066909 Traffic Stop WCSOP180267? Officer 08/23/18 23:49 Traffic Stop 2018066921 Officer TS 08/24/18 15:34 Traffic Stop 2018067077 Officer TS 08/24/18 16:27 Traffic Stop 2018067098 Officer TS 08/24/18 16:37 Traffic Stop 2018067103 Officer TS 08/24/18 16:47 Traffic Stop 2018067108 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 05 Officer TS 08/24/18 17:29 Traffic Stop 2018067122 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026Y Officer 08/24/18 19:59 Traffic Stop 2018067171 Officer TS 08/24/18 20:27 Traffic Stop 2018067176 Officer TS 08/24/18 20:57 Traffic Stop 2018067186 Officer TS 08/24/18 23:10 Traffic Stop 2018067223 Officer TS 08/25/18 00:31 Traffic Stop 2018067238 Officer TS 08/25/18 02:49 Traffic Stop 2018067265 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026$r6S1 Officer 08/25/18 09:46 Traffic Stop 2018067309 Officer TS 08/25/18 20:30 Traffic Stop 2018067456 Officer TS 08/25/18 23:20 Traffic Stop 2018067511 Officer TS 08/25/18 23:24 Traffic Stop 2018067517 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T6S1 Officer 08/25/18 23:49 Traffic Stop 2018067519 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T6S3 Officer 08/26/18 00:52 Traffic Stop 2018067535 Officer TS 08/26/18 01:22 Traffic Stop 2018067542 Officer TS 08/26/18 01:41 Traffic Stop 2018067549 Officer TS 08/26/18 02:07 Traffic Stop 2018067554 Traffic Stop WCSOP18026 T7S1 Officer 08/26/18 02:20 Traffic Stop 2018067557 Officer TS 08/26/18 02:36 Traffic Stop 2018067559 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 36 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/26/18 03:10 Traffic Stop 2018067562 Traffic Stop WCSOP180269rs Officer 08/26/18 10:49 Traffic Stop 2018067616 TS 08/26/18 19:56 Traffic Stop 2018067762 Officer TS 08/26/18 20:22 Traffic Stop 2018067766 Officer TS 08/26/18 21:21 Traffic Stop 2018067784 Officer TS 08/26/18 21:28 Traffic Stop 2018067786 Officer TS 08/26/18 23:12 Traffic Stop 2018067808 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027Y4 Officer 08/26/18 23:28 Traffic Stop 2018067811 Officer TS 08/27/18 00:00 Traffic Stop 2018067822 Officer TS 08/27/18 00:09 Traffic Stop 2018067824 Drugs WCSOP18027Y Officer 08/27/18 01:34 Traffic Stop 2018067837 Drugs WCSOP18027 T9S5 Officer 08/27/18 02:11 Traffic Stop 2018067846 Officer TS 08/27/18 13:01 Traffic Stop 2018067946 Officer TS 08/27/18 14:12 Traffic Stop 2018067969 Officer TS 08/27/18 14:24 Traffic Stop 2018067975 TS 08/27/18 14:37 Traffic Stop 2018067980 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 TS 08/27/18 18:32 Traffic Stop 2018068048 Officer TS 08/27/18 19:27 Traffic Stop 2018068069 Officer TS 08/27/18 20:24 Traffic Stop 2018068085 Officer TS 08/27/18 22:36 Traffic Stop 2018068122 Officer TS 08/27/18 23:53 Traffic Stop 2018068139 Officer TS 08/28/18 00:38 Traffic Stop 2018068146 Officer TS 08/28/18 00:48 Traffic Stop 2018068148 Officer TS 08/28/18 01:35 Traffic Stop 2018068152 TS 08/28/18 01:48 Traffic Stop 2018068154 Officer TS 08/28/18 07:00 Traffic Stop 2018068175 Officer TS 08/28/18 11:50 Traffic Stop 2018068224 Officer TS 08/28/18 13:07 Traffic Stop 2018068238 Officer TS 08/28/18 13:19 Traffic Stop 2018068243 Officer TS 08/28/18 13:27 Traffic Stop 2018068245 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 TS2 Officer 08/28/18 15:25 Traffic Stop 2018068262 Officer TS 08/28/18 15:58 Traffic Stop 2018068277 Officer TS 08/28/18 17:06 Traffic Stop 2018068293 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 37 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/28/18 17:23 Traffic Stop 2018068307 Officer TS 08/28/18 20:33 Traffic Stop 2018068366 Officer TS 08/28/18 21:13 Traffic Stop 2018068375 Officer TS 08/28/18 21:17 Traffic Stop 2018068379 Traffic Stop WCSOP180272?52 Officer 08/29/18 02:57 Traffic Stop 2018068446 Officer TS 08/29/18 07:40 Traffic Stop 2018068474 Officer TS 08/29/18 08:23 Traffic Stop 2018068481 Officer TS 08/29/18 10:45 Traffic Stop 2018068516 Officer TS 08/29/18 11:23 Traffic Stop 2018068529 Officer TS 08/29/18 12:10 Traffic Stop 2018068541 Officer TS 08/29/18 12:33 Traffic Stop 2018068546 Officer TS 08/29/18 13:00 Traffic Stop 2018068552 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 TS7 Officer 08/29/18 13:20 Traffic Stop 2018068559 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027�55 ITS Officer 08/29/18 13:44 Traffic Stop 2018068563 Officer 08/29/18 14:17 Traffic Stop 2018068570 Officer TS 08/29/18 14:43 Traffic Stop 2018068578 Officer TS 08/29/18 15:03 Traffic Stop 2018068585 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 T6S0 Officer 08/29/18 16:03 Traffic Stop 2018068603 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 T6S6 Officer 08/29/18 21:13 Traffic Stop 2018068706 Officer TS 08/30/18 04:31 Traffic Stop 2018068770 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 TS Officer 08/30/18 08:27 Traffic Stop 2018068799 Officer TS 08/30/18 08:51 Traffic Stop 2018068805 Traffic Stop WCSOP180274P Officer 08/30/18 10:26 Traffic Stop 2018068824 Officer TS 08/30/18 11:10 Traffic Stop 2018068843 Officer TS 08/30/18 11:43 Traffic Stop 2018068858 TS 08/30/18 14:47 Traffic Stop 2018068903 Officer TS 08/30/18 19:24 Traffic Stop 2018068983 Officer TS 08/30/18 19:29 Traffic Stop 2018068987 Officer TS 08/30/18 19:46 Traffic Stop 2018068994 Officer TS 08/30/18 19:49 Traffic Stop 2018068995 Officer TS 08/30/18 19:57 Traffic Stop 2018069000 Officer TS 08/30/18 20:12 Traffic Stop 2018069005 Officer TS 08/30/18 20:38 Traffic Stop 2018069010 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 38 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/30/18 22:12 Traffic Stop 2018069040 Traffic Stop WCSOP180275256 TITS Officer 08/30/18 22:30 Traffic Stop 2018069044 Officer 08/31/18 08:06 Traffic Stop 2018069112 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:06 Traffic Stop 2018069113 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:13 Traffic Stop 2018069115 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:20 Traffic Stop 2018069118 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:23 Traffic Stop 2018069119 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:36 Traffic Stop 2018069125 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:37 Traffic Stop 2018069126 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:45 Traffic Stop 2018069128 Officer TS 08/31/18 08:58 Traffic Stop 2018069132 Officer TS 08/31/18 10:39 Traffic Stop 2018069151 Officer TS 08/31/18 11:13 Traffic Stop 2018069157 Officer TS 08/31/18 12:00 Traffic Stop 2018069170 Officer TS 08/31/18 19:48 Traffic Stop 2018069310 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 49 Officer TS 08/31/18 21:37 Traffic Stop 2018069338 Officer TS 08/31/18 21:41 Traffic Stop 2018069339 Officer TS 08/31/18 21:52 Traffic Stop 2018069344 Officer TS 08/31/18 22:51 Traffic Stop 2018069360 Officer TS 08/31/18 23:01 Traffic Stop 2018069369 Officer TS Traffic Stop ; Pursuit Total: 1 08/22/18 00:41 Traffic Stop ; Pursuit Training Total: 3 08/06/18 08:33 Training 08/08/1814:19 Training 08/13/18 08:50 Training Transport Total: 1 08/08/1814:34 Transport Unwanted Person Total: 8 08/05/18 00:33 Unwanted Person 08/05/18 17:15 Unwanted Person 08/05/18 17:56 Unwanted Person 2018066248 Pursuit 2018061581 2018062273 2018063579 2018062277 2018061263 Unwanted Person 2018061419 Domestic Disturbance 2018061432 Civil Complaint WCSOP18026499 Officer TS; PURSUIT TRAINING TRAINING TRAINING TRANSPORT WCSOP18024 UNWANTED WCSOP1802456NWANTED Phone WCSOP18024 UUUNWANPho e ZU=RCHER Page 39 of 40 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 08/05/18 22:09 Unwanted Person 2018061506 Unwanted Person WCSOP1802459,fWANPh 08/18/18 10:53 Unwanted Person 2018065176 Unwanted Person WCSOP18026084 Phone 08/20/18 18:26 Warrant - Arrest 2018065837 Warrant - Arrest UNWANTED 08/23/18 16:51 Unwanted Person 2018066792 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18026695 911 Warrant - Attempt 2018069289 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18027 WATTEMPT UNWANTED 08/24/18 18:52 Unwanted Person 2018067151 Unwanted Person WCSOP18026823 9911 UNWANTED 08/28/18 08:02 Unwanted Person 2018068185 Unwanted Person WCSOP18027218 911 UNWANTED Warrant - Arrest Total: 4 08/02/18 21:53 Warrant - Arrest 2018060660 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18024 56OTicer 08/16/18 15:19 WARRES08/07/18 16:20 Warrant - Arrest 2018061984 Warrant - Arrest cer WCSOP18024 W8ARRESTffi 08/20/18 18:26 Warrant - Arrest 2018065837 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18026VV5ARRESOicer 08/28/18 03:01 Warrant - Arrest 2018068162 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18027 Officer Warrant - Attempt 2018069289 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18027 WATTEMPT WARRES Warrant - Attempt Total: 4 08/11/18 15:58 Warrant - Attempt 2018063124 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP180252`44ATTEMPT er 08/16/18 15:19 Warrant - Attempt 2018064604 WATTEMPT 08/30/18 13:42 Warrant - Attempt 2018068889 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18027473 Officer WATTEMPT 08/31/18 18:52 Warrant - Attempt 2018069289 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18027 WATTEMPT Total Records: 1146 ZU=RCHER Page 40 of 40