Parks Commission Agenda Packet 01-17-2002 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 17. 8. 9. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. :. AGEND PARKS COM .ISSION January _17,200 -4:30 p.m Call to Order. Approve Minutes of December 20, 2001 P rks Commission meeting. Consideration of adding items to the age {:'~,,\ , ':'. ,\ ., ,~\J:, ,\. Citizens requests. Pioneer Park - Progress Report Hockey Rink Maintenance - Copy of Ag eement of tJnderstanding SE Area Developments - tJpdate. P~lfk Donations - Policy lJ pdatc - IW"'/ _ .o_-...cJ<_S2.. Entrance Signs - tJ pdatc Park Maintenance Items. Listing of permitted volunteer activities on park land Review of park land for development Park Superintendent Replacement - LJ date Adjourn \AW"l . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA January 7,2002 ITEM # 5. Pioneer Park _ At the last meeting Larry No an was directed to talk to Fred Patch about whether there are any state exemptions for the requirenent of restrooms for food preparation facilities. If there is any new information on this it can be presented by Mr. Nolan. 6. Hockev Rink Maintenance ~ This item wen before the Council on January 14,2002. The approved agreement of understanding is for le Parks Commission information. 7. SE Park Development - At tbe last meetio' JcffO'Neill presented information on two proposed developments in the southeast area ofthc cit . The Parks Commission made certain recommendations that .lefT O'Neill was to bing back to the developers. Jeff O'Neill will update the Parks Commission on the response ofth developers to the Parks Commission recommendations. 8. Park Donation l)olicy _ A draft of the poli y for park donations which is based on what the Riverside Cemetery Committee drafted wi I hopefully be ready by the meeting. 9. Entnmcc Sign _ Nancy McCat1i'ey can up ate the Parks Commission on any contacts with Paul Kangas regarding the signs. . 11. Listing !If crmittcd activities for volunt 'ers on ark land - This was tabled Crom the last meeting. John Simola is reviewing the Sc nie River portion of the ordinance and will be coming up with recommendations. ] 2. Review of nark land for development - 'his handoot was presented at the last meeting and it was indicated that further discussion of this would take place. 13. Park Sn perintenden t Replacement - In ervi ews were conducted J an uary 9- I ] . 2002 and n i oe applicants were interviewed. Larry Nolal ,John Simola and JetTO'Neill were part oCthe group conducting the interviews and can provid an update to the Parks Commission. . . MINUI ES REGULAR MEETING - P RKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 0,2001- 4:30 p.m. Memhers Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Rick Traver, Earl Smith, and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson. Members Absent: None Staff: John Simola, Tom Grossnickle, co Sehroden, Tom Pawelk and Jeff O'Neill. I. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.nl. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes ofNovemher 15 2001 Park' Commission meetinJ. The Parks Commission discussed the minutes. here were some items that were clarified: 1) Whether the Parks Commission or any other sta f minutes had received copies of the Hockey Association newsletter; 2) Whether Earl Smith I ad been in contact with the Lions Club on Pioneer Park. There were also some typographical error' noted. . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE MI LfrES OF NOVEMBER 15.2001 wln.( THE TYPOGRAPIIICAL CORRECTIONS NOTED. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED 'rHE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU 'LY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the aeenda. Jeff O'Neill asked that a discussion of general p rk plan development for the southeast area be added to agenda. Fran Fair also added the plant'ngs for West Bridge Park to the agenda. Rick Traver also asked that an update on the Cemeter Committee be added. Tom Grossnickle reported that the Parks Depart1ent stat1has been trimming the trees at Riverside Cemetery and are about 2/3 done. Earl Smith as oed that the Parks Commission keep in mind f<Jr future discussion the need for a recreation direct r. Added Item - Park Southeast Area: . JcffO'Neill asked for Parks Commission directi)n and guidelines on park development in the southeast area of the city. He presented prelimil ary layouts for the proposed residential develoPll1ents on the James Shultz and Kenneth .'hultz propert~He noted that the properties lie within 1/4 mile of the Rolling Woods parle Th developers are proposing a park within each development which they are proposing to be a p ivate park for use by the residents within the development. The developer is proposing to ha e the park constructed immediately and utilize it as an enhancement to aid in the marketing of the lots. A trai I was proposed in the interior of the Park Commission Minutes-12/20/0 I . development, along the gas line easement, tha would connect to water tower park. Two key issues that Parks Commission direction was rquested on was 1) Location of the trail and 2) Public or private parks. In the review and discussion of the proposed developments, the Parks Commission felt that rather than a separate park in each development ther should be one larger park serving the area. The Parks Commission was concerned that anum er of smaller parks took more maintenance time. The Parks Commission also felt that the parks should be public rather than private although they discussed the developer constructing the park nd then turning it over to the City as a public park. The Parks Commission di~cusse? the ,pr~?s~ trail layout. J~}~n Simola noted t~at g~s lin~ casement extends 25' on eIther side 01 the mat and the ga~ runs through the mtenor 01 the proposed development. The Parks Commissi n felt it was important that the pedestrian traffic from the development be directed to the Scho I Boulevard/County Road 18 area. If the trail is constructed along the gas line then sidewalk 0 additional trail would need to be constructed to get the traffic to School Boulevard/County Road 8. The general consensus of the Parks Commission ~I" was to have the trail aliglllnent eloser to the road rather than in the interior of the development. 4:J<.:'c.~ ~arl Smith asked if an~thing was being plann d for the townshi.p road: Jeff O'~eill i~ldi.e~t~d that .s;:~. ' II.npr~)Vements were be,mg plann~d. Larry Nol:m stated that whIle he lIked the Idea 01 utIlIzmg the .~ ~ ~........... gas lI~le easement, .he. felt the,.tratl should be al ~ned ?I,oser to the, road,. I~ was noted th~t, there are ~ '?> no pnvate parks wIthm the City at the present tune. I he Parks CommIssIOn stated that It the .:s ~~_ vel opel's wanted to install a park in their de elopment, it must be a public park, must meet ADA ~ requirements and meet all the park dedication equirements of the ordinance. Earl Smith felt that maybe the Parks Commission should change t leiI' philosophy and look at larger parks in this area or maybe ball fields. The park guidelines spec fy the 1/4 mile requirement. The Parks Commission discussed the problem with havi g numbers of small parks to develop, especially since the city is behind with park developmen , Rick Traver liked the concept of having the d veloper install the park since the Parks Commission didn't have funds to develop it immediately. here was some general discussion of the topography of the proposed developments wh t would be the best alignment for the trail. Jeff O'Neill will take baek to the developers that t e Parks Commission will accept two parks, only if they are contiguous and are developed along t e trail and the developer can build the park so that it is in immediately and can be used as a market ng aid but that it would be turned over to the City and be a public park. .lefT UNei II indicated that the developers wer delayed in their planning so that the City could complete a study on the southeast area sanitar sewer capacity. This report has now been completed and the developers are planning th, t the developments will be ready to proceed by spring. Jeff O'Neill left the meeting at this tile. . . Citizens rNluests. Park Commission Mi nutes-12/20/0 I Leo Schroden and Tom Pawelk from the Parks Oep rtment were introduced at this time. 5. Presentation - Paul Kan as from Loucks Associa es. Nancy McCaffrey introduce Paul Kangas a landseap architect from Loucks Associates who was going to present signage information. The Parks C mmission has discussed entrance signs to the city as well as signage for the city parks. Mr. Kanga presented information on factors to consider in sign design. He noted that the budget was a prin ary hlctor but that there were other factors such as what is the purpose of the sign, who it is dire ted to, site factors and design concerns including thcme, lighting, colors, materials, that need to be considered as well. Mr. Kangas also brought sketches of signs for the Parks Commission t review. The Parks Commission discussed whether entrance signs or one centrally located sign hest achieved their goals. In the past the discussion had al ays focused on entrance signs with signs to be located on cast and west County Road 75 and nort! and south TII 25. There was discussion on the specific sites fiJr the signs and it was felt that the J arks Commission should focus on a theme and select a design for the signs and let the landscape planner recommend specific sites for the placement of the signs. Paul Kangas said once a then c was selected it could ah\ ays be adjusted to fit the specific site. . Earl Smith asked for a ballpark figure fix the cost ofa design study. Paul Kangas stakd their firm could C0111e up with three design options for the Parks Commission to consider at a cost ot ahout $] 500-$2000. The Parks Commission discussed fun ing f()r this study. r.'ran Fair slated that the MCP had funds available and that she would contact I em about funding the study. The Parks Commission discussed setting up a commit ee to work on the signage. Paul Kangas stated that if a C0111m illee was set up it works hest if th yare given authority to make decisions as it saves time and costs as f~lr as numher of meetings re juired. EARL SMITH MOVED TO HA VE NANCY MCCA FREY CHAIR THE COMMITTEE ON TIlE SIGNS AND TO HA VE FRAN FAIR SERVE 0 IT ALSO. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED L NANIMOUSLY. In discussing the sign design, the Parks Commission fe t the City's logo should be incorporated and they liked the fCncing element as shown in the desi'n f()l." the City of New Brighton shown in thc brochure. John Simola will provide information to the committce regarding state highway requirements on signagc and topographic and aerial ph tos. Nancy McCam.cy will be the contact person f()r Paul Kangas. . .. ., . 6. . . Pioneer Park - Progress Report. Park Commission Minutes-12/20!Ol John Simola reported that the roof for the shel er was to be put on this Friday and Saturday. IIi~ Tech Roofing is installing a steel shingle roof nd the firm also manufactures a steel cupola which would be less expensive that what the Parks epartment had bcen looking at. John Simola said the Parks Commission would have to makc a lecision on the color. Thc green of the cupola doesn't identically match the green of the roo so thc company suggested going with a contrasting color such as white or tan. Parks Commissio suggested that a cream or light beige color should be used. John Simola indicated that over the winter the would work on the design for the restrooms. lie noted that neithcr the City Council nor the Li ns were too excited about the requiremcnt that restrooms be made part of the shelter. While he Lions were not in a position to finance the addition of the restrooms they did not want to waive the food preparation capability of the shelter. The Parks Commission discussed whether the restroom requirement could be waived. If the restrooms are required the funds would have t come from the 2002 budget which means some other improvement would have to be delayed. The Parks Commission directcd Larry Nolan to talk to Fred Patch the building official about this I' quirement and ask if he would check with the state to see if there werc exceptions for this require 11ent. Tom Grossnickle reported on some tree clearing work that was done at Pioneer Park. 7. Rink Maintenance. John Simola reported that they had not yet ha their mceting with the hockey association. Based on minutes and other file documents there wa nothing that committed the city to flooding the hockey rinks. It was John Simola's feeling tl at the city should do snow removal and help prepare the rinks for use but that the Hooding of the ri lks should be the responsibility of the hockey association. After the meeting with the hock y association this issue will bc revisited by the Parks Commission. John Simola also reported that he city's snowplowing policy had the pathways on a 36 hour cycle and the skating rinks on a 24 h ur cycle. lie felt that this should be revcrsed citing the fact that many children use the pathways 0 get to school. He will be bringing this item to the Council in January. There arc currently thrce rinks, two hockey and one general skating. The Parks Depmiment have been flooding all thre of them as well as brooming and blowing them. Tom Grossnickle stated that he didn't feel th water truck worked as well for flooding the rinks as the hoses did. The truck left a ripple cfTect a d they didn't think it was time efficient. Earl Smith felt that they should try to meet with the hoc ey association and that the hockey association should be responsible for flooding the rinks. When t 1C meeting with the hockey association is set up, John Simola will contact Larry Nolan and Ea 1 Smith. 8. Memorial Plan/Donation Acknowled men - Parks. Roger Carlson noted this came up at the last _~ouneil meeting. ^ bench that was donated to the parks was not marked. When something is d nated to the parks, they felt it should be . 9. . . Park Commission M inutes-12/20/0 I acknowledged by marking it with a tag. The P irks Commission felt a plan similar to that adopted by the Cemetery ComlniUee would be appropr ate. The Parks Department would determine what kind of benches, or trees, etc would be accepta Ie. The individual could select from the items listed and donate the funds but the actual purcl ase and installation would be done by the Parks Department. The donation would be aeknowl dged by a tag or plaque. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ACCEPT TI rE GlIDELlNES OF THE MEMORIAL PLAN ADOPTED BY THE CEMETERY COMMIT BE TO USE FOR DONATIONS TO THE CITY PARKS. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTrON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. John Simola stated they will prepared a list of items that donors could select from. Park Maintenance Items. Tom Grossnickle submitted a list of work itel s that were completed in November. He noted that snow removal presented some problems since the ground was not frozen and as a result of a lot of sod was turned up by the plows. Earl Smith a ked about the fencing on Mississippi Drive. Tom Grossnickle reported that the fencing is a tem orary solution not a permanent one. The fencing did accomplish keeping people away from th swans and off private property. The Parks Commission felt that if trespassing was the c ncern then maybe the property owner should look at signage7 0'-"- ~ ~ 10. Listin of ermitted volunteer activities on ark land. John Simola asked that this be tabled until th next meeting. 11. Review of park land for develooment. John Simola outlined the park dedication for he Groveland development. 'rhe Parks Commission discussed the use of the park but felt that the rea should be toured before setting up a development plan for the park. John Simola .loted that area marked along the roads was sidewalk and the area marked at the back oflots was tr il. The Parks Commission also discussed possible sites that could be utilized for ballfields. .10111 Simola noted that commercial land does not count towards park dedication and excluding that tl e Groveland development met the IO(XI requirement of the ordinance. Larry Nolan suggested tha there be a meeting to look at the park lands to be developed and to prioritize the list. 12. Park Su erintendent Re laccment - lJ da e. John Simola stated that over 60 applications lad been received and they are in thc process of reviewing them. Out of the applications rec ived it will be narrowed down to approximately ten candidates that will be interviewed. When tl e interviews have been sct up John Simola willlct Larry Nolan know. Rick Wolfsteller, John ,'imola, Larry Nolan and .lefT O'Neill will conduct the interviews. 5 . . . Park Commission Minutes-l 2/20/0 1 13. Park Commission Members Term Ex irati n. It was noted that terms of Earl Smith and Riek Traver expire in 2001. Both Riek 'Traver and Earl Smith indicated their willingness to serve anot leI' term. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO RECOMMEND T THE CITY COUNCIL THAT EARL SMITH AND RICK TRA VER BE APPOIN'TED FO ANOTHER TI fREE YEAR TERM ON THE PARKS COMMISSION. NANCY MCCAF REY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Added Items: 1) Pedestrian Bridge: Bret Weiss, City Engineer, sta ed that the bridge is done except for fencing and that was supposc to erected this week. The only thin not completed is the railroad crossing which is the responsibility of the railroad. Larry Nolan suggested a ribbon cutting ceremony for the pedestrian bridge. John Simola raised the issue of gates f<Jr the bridge. 9" is permitted but the city's equipment would not be able to fit through that so they will have to go to s me kind of system where the gates could bc removed. John Simola stated that signing will be re'llly important so that snowmobilers realize that this a pedestrian pathway and not a snowmobile route. .To n Simola will get an idea from the contractor as to the completion date so that a ribbon cutting cercmony can be planned. 2) Plantings for West Bridge Park: Fran Fair stated the group doing thc plantings at East Bridge Park would considcr doing the plantings at West Bridge P'-rk as well. They asked ifthcy could get thc areas for the plantings so that they know how much to orde. The group will submit a plan or list of species to be used. Tom Grossnickle and John Simola explaine a way to get the watering system set up for them. 3) Cemetery Committee: Larry Nolan thanked the C ~mctery Committee 11)1' the work they did and felt they did a goodjob on the rules and regulations. Earl Smith encouraged the Park Department to follow through on renlOving items from the cemetcry grounds. Rick Traver presented the long term plan for cemetery maintenance. These projects and priorities hould be kept in mind during the budget process. Earl Smith asked if Hillside Cemetery and Riversideemctery could be treated the same. .Tohn Simola stated that becausc no burials took place in Hillside, aintcnance for that cemetery was in the parks budget. Riverside Cemetery is supported by cemeter lot sales. It was noted that every year, the parks department replaces a number of stones in Hillside C metery. 14. Adjourn. Holiday wishes were cxchanged. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED 'TO ADJO JRN AT 6:55 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . MONTICELLO PARK DEPARTMENT WORK LIST DECEMBER 2001 . . ~ Flooded and maintained all City ice skating r' nks Resumed tree trimming in West Bridge and ast Bridge Parks Assisted Water Department with meter readi gs Staff made current building inspections off a I park related buildings as well as the Deputy Registrar Building and the Library Maintained and serviced snow removal equi ment Policed cemeteries and parkland for litter a er meltdown and warm temps Serviced lighting at Deputy Registrar buildi g Installed even more "No Snowmobiling" si ns Sliding hill inspections completed and blew now adjacent to East Bridge Park onto sliding hill with blowers Attended safety seminar at Public Works 0 confined space training and safety practices Assisted Public Works with transportation fbicycle park equipment from storage in Industrial Park to storage location at WW P. work will begin tentatively on bike park in April Currently clearing out cold storage bay at ublic Works to better accommodate mowing equipment and trailer Broom and plow pathways and sidewalks hen needed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C:IOFFICElP^flKSIMISCIWRKlSTI2.01 ; 011171<002 AGREEMENT OF lJ DERSTANDING . This agreement, executed between the City of Monti ello (hereinafter referred to as the City) and the Monticello Youth lIockey Association (hereinafter r ferred to as the YIIA) sets out provisions for the use of the building facilities in Fourth Street Park. he City and the YHA do hereby agree as follows: 1. The City shall assume responsibility for rout ne maintenance and repairs. The YHA will assist with labor, if necessary. 2. The City shall pay for all utility (fuel and el ctricity) costs; 3. The City will continue to provide a rink aUe dant during the specified hours of operation; Hours of Operation ~ The warming house will be open Monday through Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday from 3:30 p.m. t 10 p.m.; Saturday ii'om 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday from noon until 9 p.m. and Christm's/holidays from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The warming house attendant will be given explicit instru tions to lock the facility after closing hours. No use of the facility will be allowed by the 1-10 key Association after closing. 4. The City will supply to the YHA two keys 1)f the f~lcility. 'rhese keys may not be duplicated without City authorization. . 5. The City will be responsible for removing s 10W in accordance with the snow removal policy. 6. The YHA will have use of the storage faeili ies at the 4th Street Rink throughout the year. 7. The YHA shall assume full responsibility f( r the opening and closing of the hlCility during the period of time specified in provision #6. 1'1 is shall include turning off lights and securing all entries. 8. The YIIA will exercise substantial responsi ility in supervising the activities of the YHA in the facility. 9. The YHA, while the building is being used primarily by them, will assume the responsibility f()r reasonable care and maintenance of the f~lcility; including clean up. 10. The YHA will notify City Staff as soon as s feasibly possible of any repair and/or maintenance problem that may require ('it attention. 11. The City will be responsible for flooding b th the hockey rink and the open skating area with the assistance of the YI-I A volunteer group. 1-3oth skating areas should receive equal priority in terms of tlooding. . 12. The YI [A has exc\ usive use of one ofthe t 0 rinks during scheduled practices, with supervision, however one of the rinks sho let always be available for the general public. . . . 13. When it is a Monticello Youth Hockey orga ized event, the coaches will be in charge of enforcing safety rules and regulations for th se YHA members participating in the event. When it is not an organized event of the YJI ,the skating rink attendant will have full authority to enforce safety rules and regulati ns. 14. The Wright County Sheriffs Department will be directed to enforce the parks schedule. No one will be allowed to use the f~lcility after lours; This agreement is made and entered into this of 2002. For the Association: D^ WN/WORD/I';\RKS/YIIA;\(.iR 2 For the City: Mayor of Monticello City Adrninistrator DATE: January 17,2002 TO: Monticello Parks Commissioners . FROM: Sign Committee Members Nancy McCaffrey - Parks Commission Fran Fair - Parks Commis ion Pam Canipbell- Design visory Team Susie Wojchouski - Cham er of Commerce SUBJECT: 1/16/02 Sign Committee Meeti g Report, Pam Campbell, Fran Fair and Nancy McCaffrey et to discuss Monticello welcome signs. Susie Wojchouski was unable to attend the co ittee meeting and so shared her thoughts with Fran Fair prior to the meeting. Using a similar format as Paul Kangas' Introduc ion to Sign Design. page 3 of the booklet he provided at our last Parks Commission meeti g, and knowing that additional details are still to be determined, our committee submits th following recommendations. Intended Use: City identification/welco e at the 4 main entrances of Monticello. Expected Audience: All Monticello residents and visitors. Visible distance may vary at each site. Available Budget: . Design Theme: Site Selection: . Options and life expect cy determined by budget. Funding Possibilities t onations do not imply inclusion of logos.) . Monticello Commu 'ty Partners . Local Companies . Lions International · City Council . Knights of Columbu · Parks Commission . Rotary Club · HRA Block 52 Redevelopment . Hospital District . Construction labor . Other . Brick and/or Bould r side posts . Existing city logo a d 'Welcome to Monticello" on rails . Sized to fit site loca ions (1 vs. 2 rails per sign) . Link with Broadwa fence rails and Bridge Parks boulders . Trumpeter swans? Finalize 4 locations, vis bility, and supporting elements at each site. Suggested Locations . North - Southwest orner of River Street & Hwy. 25 on city easement . South - Vicinity of o. 106 and Hwy. 25 . East - Vicinity ofC . 39(River Drive) and Hwy. 75 -OR-- water treatment plant? . West - Southwest c mer of River Street and Hwy 75 by Excel Training Center ~ Design Specifics: . # of existing bridge rails: · Dimensions of bridge rails: 8' x 4' (?) · Durability/life expectancy · Height and width of each completed sign · City to provide existing city logo & color info on disk · Determine font size of <Welcome to Monticello" . Lighting · Is back side of sign viewed? · Landscaping and maintenance.(Spreading Junipers front & back) · Set on concrete footings or slabs? · Might the signs be moved if Monticello boundaries change? . Assumotions: · City staff can provide photos, topols and specific site locations for consideration · City staff can provide information about ordinance set backs, sign permits, etc. · City staff can assist with construction. Considerations: · Do we already have enough information and local design talent to erect the 4 welcome signs without hiring an outside firm? · Do we wish to engage Loucks Associates to create 3 design options for consideration at a cost of$1500-2000? . . " . ~~._-' i ___~_. Welcome to Monticello Welco e to Monti ello Welcome to Monticello . ", Welcome to Montie 110 Welcome to Montice 10 -- MONTICELLO Welcome to Monticello .