Parks Commission Agenda Packet 02-21-2002 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. . 1 n. 11. . AGEND PARKS COM February 21, 200 -4:30 p.m West Prairie Room Call to Order. Approve Minutes of January 17,2002 pa ks Commission meeting. Consideration of adding items to the age da. Citizens requests. Introduction of Adam Hawl{inson, Park _'uperintendent. Entrance Signs - Update Park Maintenance Items. West Bridge Parl{ - Swings Listing of permitted volunteer activities n park land (Carried over from last meeting) Selection list of items for park donation' (Carried over from last meeting). Adjourn . . . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA Fcbmary 1, 2002 ITEM # 5. New Park Superintendent: Adam Hawkinsol will be present at tbe meeting. The Park Commission had indicated earlier that when tl e new Park Superintendent was in place they wanted to spend some time with him looking t tbe work that needed to be done and setting some priorities. This meeting is probably not he time do that but it might be appropriate to set some time at future meeting or perhaps have orkshop to look at current and long term goals. 6. Entrance Sil!ns: If there is additional infonmtion to present, the Sign Committee can update the Parks Commission. Miscellaneous: Attached is a survey of communities as hu a park de ication fees. This survey was done 1'01' the Minnesota Park and Recreation Group by Ingraham Associates . MINlJTE ' REGllLAR MRETING - PA KS COMMISSION Thursday, January 17,2 02 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy Mc _~atTrey, Rick Traver and Earl Smith. Members Absent: Council Liaison, Roger Carlson. Staff: Tom Grossnickle and Leo Schroden. Jeff O'Neill arrived at 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of the December 20 2001 1> Irks Commission Meetin '. T yp in g co rreeti ons on pages I 2 & 4 were note . On page 2 in the discussi 0 n of the trai I al i gument for a proposed residential development. l.arry Nola 1 added that the reason he felt the trail shoold aligned closer to the road was safety concerns lor those individoals who use the trail to walk to the schools. On page 5. "andlor fencing" was added to tile I st sentence onder )'ark Maintenance Item'!, RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE TilL MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 20.2001 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING WITH T E CORRECTIONS NOTED. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end . ^ discussion of the DNR grant application We s added to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests. None. 5. Pioneer Park - Prol!ress Report. Tom Grossnickle reported the work on the r oling at the shelter had slowed down due to a family tragedy lor the firm doing the roofing work. The roof is papered and protected from clements hut the roofing work is uot complete. Larry Nolan 10ted that he had oot had ao opportonity to reach Fred Patch, the building ofticial, to discuss ifther are exemptioos from the restroom requirements for food preparation facilities. . . 6. . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/17/02 Hocke Rink Maintenance - A Jreement of Jnderstandin . Torn Grossnickle reported on a meeting with epresentatives of the Monticello Youth I-Jockey Association. As a result of this meeting an A 'reement of Understanding was prepared which outlined the responsibilities for rink maintenance. Th Agreement of Understanding has been approved by the City Counci I and has been signed by the Y out 1 Hockey Association. The Parks Department feels comfortable with the agreement since the tlooding work is done under city leadership with the hockey association providing volunteer labor. IIavin the city employees do the work is cost effective and reduces the liability issues. Ton1 Grossnickl and Leo Schroden reported on the tlooding work done to date. They noted the problems the weather has created and stated that when the ice is not suitable for skating. the rinks arc closed. 7. SE Area Developments - Update. Since JeIT O'Neill was at another meeting. th s item was delayed until his arrival. 8. Park Donations - Policy Update. John Simola. Public Works Director. was wo king on a list of iterns for the Parks Commission to review that donors could select from \vhen In lking a donation to the city parks. Ho\vevcr. since John Simola was ill and unable to attend this meet ng, the item was tabled until tbe next rneeting. The Parks Commission did discuss tbe park bench that I ad been donated in memory of .lack Maxwell and directed the Park Department staff to place a )Iaque on the bench as acknowledglnent of the donation. Tom Cirossnickle also indicatcd that there w' s recently a tree donated and they would place a plaquc on that as well. 9. I'~ntrance Signs - lJ pdate. Nancy McCaihey reported on the Sign Com littee meeting held on January 16, 2002 and submitted a report with preliminary recommendations of the Committee. She noted that additional information is needed in order to proceed. Some of the are" s the Committee covered included: budgeti ng; design tbeme, site location and design details. After the presentation, the Parks Commissio discussed the various items the Committee covered. One item of discussion was whether there w' s a need for an consultant for the sign design. It was noted that there were local people who had one signs for the city and Larry Nolan indicated that one of the candidates interviewed f()r the Park SL perintendent position had designed signs for the comrnunity he worked for soit was felt that he consultant was not the only resource available for designing the signs. Jt was felt that before t le design part could proceed there were some design specifics that had to be known such as what 11aterials does the city have on hand or are readily accessible such as the boulders; how many s ctions of bridge railing were left and would they be available for use on the entrance signs; did tl e city have the logo design on a disk that would be 2 . . . arks Commission Minutes - 1117/02 available to the party doing the design. On the ite locations, Nancy McCaffrey felt that John Simola would have to provide a map showing what site' were available. The Parks Commission felt that once the sign design was determined it would could e adjusted to accommodate the site. Earl Smith felt that if the Parks Commission di engage Loucks Associates fCll' a design study it would show the Parks Commission is committed to th project. Rick Traver agreed with Earl Smith and stated that a consultant would establish a cost e _ timate for the design as well. Rick Traver questioned whether anybody in the Park Department or an Parks Commission member had the time to take on getting cost information on materials for any si 'n design that was approved. Fran Fair stated she had talked to Susie Wojchouski about the MCP fUl ds that would be available for this and was told there was between $2,500-$5,000, which would be nough to fund the study. Earl Smith felt that the Parks Committee could find it in their budget to fum the study and ifthe city funded the project it would sho\\ their commitment to it. The MCP funds could always be applied to the construction costs. The Sign Committee was directed to talk with John Simola regarding the site locations for the entrance sign. It was also suggested that maybe they Cl uld come up witb some pictures of signs that the Parks Commission could review. They would also ork on filling in some of the gaps as br as the specifics ofthe sign design. The information would th ~n come back to the Parks Commission. 10. Park Maintenance Items. TOIn Grossnickle submitted a list of work tha was done in December by the Park Department. He indicated that while the weather was not con ucive for flooding it did allow them to do other work in the parks. Rick Traver questioned the fencing at the Ea t Bridge Park by the sliding hi 11. lie noted that there bad been injury there when someone had slid un er the fence. 11 was suggested that they berm up snoW at the base of the rence. Another suggestion w s placing straw bales along the base of the rence. This is something the Park Department will look at .urther. Earl Smith noted that at the River Mill sliding hill the people were parking right at the foot oft1e hill. Tom Grossnickle report that they had put up signs but someone had removed them. Tom Grossnickle updated the Parks Commi 'sion on the status of the pedestrian bridge and noted that "No SnO\vmobiling" signs were placed on tl e bridge but there are still prob\cms with the snowmobiles. He also discussed the gates that would be p aced at the bridge and pointed out that because they have to be handicap accessible and of sufficient -idth to accommodate the snoW removal equipment they probably would not be very etTective in det rring snowmobile traffic. Tom Grossnickle informed the Parks Coml1ission about the proposed bike park that will be constructed in the spring in the area betwe n the Community Center, the existing skate park and the Fire Hall. '" _1 arks Commission Minutes - 1/17/02 . 11. Listin of ermitted volunteer activities on )' rk land. This item was tabled until the next meeting bec, use ofthe absence of John Simola. Some of the Parks Commission did express a concern about the an ount of the area being cleared and how much mowing would have to be done by the Parks Departmen at that location. 12. Review of park land for development. It was noted that in March the Parks Commissi ))1 will tour the areas noted on the development list. The Parks Commission was informed that the ark dedication fees for the Mike Cyr development had been reduced to 50% by the City Council. At his point .IeffO'Neill cntered the meeting. .IetfO'Neill indicated that the City would be looking at an . dditional 2 acre park in this general area so he questioned whether the park dedication fees should have been reduced. 13. Park Su erintendent Re lacement - lJ dat . Larry Nolan stated that 58 applications had be 'n received for the park superintendent position and 9 candidates had been interviewed. Larry Nola1, Bruce Thielen, John Simola and Jeff O'Neill conducted the interviews. Three candidates ill be interviewed again on Tuesday, January 22. 2002. . 7. SE Area Developments -Update. At the last meeting, the Parks Commission J" viewed a pre! iminary drawing for parks and trai Is for two residential developments in the southeast are of the city and had made recommendations that Jeff O'Neill was to relay to the developers. Jeff 'Neill reported that the developers had responded favorably to the Parks Conunission's recoml endation but had some concerns. One ofthe developers sti II wants the park to be located near the ent 'ance to the development for the aesthetic effect it would have and he is intending to come before the arks Commission to make a presentation on his proposal. Jeff O'Neill noted that the density for this p oposed development is higher than what is normally allowed but the housing will be upscale. .Ie 'O'Neill went over the preliminary drawing showing the trail alignment and park locations. He note the developer had some problems with taking the trail to the water tower trail because of the topogra hy of the property. They also had reservations about aligning the trail closer to the roadway beea ISO the road will likely be improved and widened in the future. Since the developer is still proposing to eOI stroct the park as part of the development, there was a brief discussion on how the cost would be handl d, whether it would be as a credit to his park dedication requirements, etc. Earl Smith felt that becaose the housing de ,sity was higher in this development it was important that the city receive 10% \and for park dedication. What was shown on the preliminary sketch was less than lm'-;l. The developer stated that the park ill be the number one asset for the development. Jeff . 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1117/02 O'Neill will check further with the developer a 1d report back at the next meeting. The developer on the south \ivas acceptable to the Parks Commis. ion recommendations and will be incorporating them into their plan. Added Items: The Parks Commission was informed that the deadlin for the DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant was March 31, 2002. As part of the grant application the city would be required to conduct a public hearing on the proposed improvements and would also have to submit their pr posal to the ONR and/or Corp of Engineers to make determination whether a permit was needed Cor the w rk. The response Crom the ON R_ and/or Corp of Engineers would be incorporated into the grant applic tion. In reviewing the files that could be found, statTwas unable to locate any drawings or design or any detailed cost figures for the project. The question was whether the Parks Commission wanted to pursue getting the g -ant application submitted for 2002 or wait until the new park superintendent was in place and pursue the gran at that time. Because ofthe rather tight time frame and the absence of any detailed design information, the P rks Commission felt it was probably not feasible to submi a grant application at this time. It was also noted that the house on the Carlson property will be removed in the near future and that possibly the development of this Jortion of the park could be ineluded in the grant. It was requested that a discussion of placing swings t the West 8ridge Park be added to next month's agenda. 14. Adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:55 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. -..-..---.-."..-.-. -.-..--...-.-.-'''--'- Recording Secretary 5 I . . . '8 0 M:s! I ....D "" 0 i6 iii :2: "- 158 . ~ 8 :c:~ .... t;; c:: N I ~ go j~1 9 .- 0 ~ 8 0 !e .- 0 g CD g :2: ....:2 ~ 0 ~ 8 ! .;! ~~ U; ~.D '66E 0 q ~ ri N $"" .. 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To enhance commUnil}' pri Ie through developing and mainlaining city parks lFil a high standard (lquality . . -- MEMOR NDUM MONTICELU) TO: John Simola, Public Works Director FROM: Beth Green, Public Works Secretary DATE: February 19,2002 RE: Surface Markers versus Flat Markers in verside Cemetery As you know Bill Kearin has brought this irregular mar er size issue to our attention and you had asked me to check into the situation to see what the standard p ctice is in other cemeteries. The following is an overview of my research. . Surface markers vary in thickness from 2" to 8" (see d awing below). They are not consistently a certain thickness size throughout the marker, one side may be 2" and one side may be 4", etc. From the research I have done it is the consensus that this is a past histo product. When they used to cut the granite these would be end pieces from the chunk of granite. Accord g to most, these are not the norm and are not used or sold on a regular basis by most monument companie . What I have been told is that when you get below 3" to 4" in thickness, the marker cannot withstand the eight of heavy objects such as machinery, and can break or crumble, so it is really in the best interest oft e monument company to not promote or sell these type of markers as the customer isn't happy when they on't withstand the test of time. I was also told that most cemeteries have it written in their regulations to 0 y accept markers of a standard thickness of at least 3" consistent throughout the marker from one side to he other. In St. Cloud, Elk River and Minneapolis these irregular markers are not allowed according to el11etery regulations. I was not able to make any confirmations with Becker, Big Lake or Buffalo on tl.s issue. The people to ask were not available and nobody else seemed to know what I was talking abou. There is, however, on monument company that consistently sells these irregular markers on a regular b sis and that was Empire Memorials out of Melrose, Minnesota. They precast these markers and believe tl at there isn't a problem as long as the markers are precast in cement. . The companies that I receieved my information fro were Hamlet Monument from Elk River, Empire Memorials from Melrose, Dare Funeral Home in Elk River, Kohlman Monuments from 8t. Cloud, and Braham Monument Company. SIA~FACE "iRRc6V.tAR." t...-.~~kE~, 1r .---31 .-( ~ (~ 11 .1_ FLAT }C MARKf:'(. .."~~--~""~--'-_.,.,_.,-'''--_.. --- T II Consi s~en+ 11f\+1l\'ckl1eSS V(Jfj in' +hickV1ess a()~wheY'e froM 9-11 t'o \0" Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello MN ')5362-~:-n] . (763) 295-27 J ] . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . MONTICELLO P S DEPARTMENT Work list January 16th, 2002 December 20th tbru January 16th, 2002 · Flooding of rinks and re- flooding 0 rinks due to warm weather · Cemetery duties - grave locations, ontractor coordination · Aiding in the supply of boxes for p cking up the old library · Sweeping of sidewalks · Cleaning of front street woods · Painting of 4th street warming house · Add garbage from storage site to d pster at ball fields to help with clean up of storage area. ( by compo t site) · General park maintenance · General equipment maintenance · Routine cleaning of restroom faciliti s · House keeping and cleaning around hop · Making of snow for the sliding hill a East Bridge · Pruning of park trees · Re~numbering of vehicles by depart ent · Playground equipment inspections · Light replacement at 4th street · Rink maintenance · Fixed pulley on the flagpole at Hillsi e Cemetery · Unloaded and stored City ofMontic llo signs