Parks Commission Agenda Packet 03-21-2002 . . . AGE DA PARKS CO MISSION March 21, 20 2-4:30 p.m Wcst Prai ie Room "To 1'I/IIIII/cI' (,Ol/BI/I/I/i~r pri Ie l/iflll/l(lt d<'l'e/opil/I( al/d lIIail/lail/il/l( ci(r parks willt /iil(lt slal/dard ol'll/alilY" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes of February 21,2002 Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a enda. 4. Citizens requests. 5. Entrance Signs - Update 6. Review and discussion of ballfield use lI1d maintenance issues including contributions from baseball and softball associations. 7. Review of t.'xisting ATV ordinance all( discussion of changes to the ordinance. S. Pal'k Maintenance Items. 9. West Bridge Park - Swings 10. Review IUlI1dout on clearing/cutting 0 park lands. II. Selection list of items for park donations. 12. Modification to Riverside Cemt.'tery I ules and Rq~ulations regarding markers. 13. Adjourn ~')() \ \~ '(" ( \ \ 4' ~.'." .',.;:1. + - ?D-_Y'\(__ I C,tJ \" l {:i f., \Vl)' , , ? \If t':" ) "S . . . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA March 21,2002 ITEM # 5. The Sign Committee can provide an update to the full board on the progress on the entrance signs. At the last meeting the COll1mitt(:e \vas asked to 11eet with Adam Hawkinson, the Park Superintendent on the entrance signs. 6. Adam ]--Iakwinson has been looking at the ballfield use, the maintenance eosts and other maintenance issues as well as revenues generated by ballfi ld use. ]--le will be updating the Commission on his research and I believe he has recently met witl representatives of the softball and baseball associations regarding the ballfield use. 7. At the last Council meeting, the Council (hrec ed the Parks Commission to look at the City"s ordinance relating to all terrain vehicles. Attached is the City's present ordinance, state statute relating to ATV's and some sample ordinances from other coml1 unities relating to AIV's. The Commission should make a determination whether or not they feel the current ordinance adequately covers ATV operation. Ifnot they rnay want to suggest arnendments t the ordinance that they feci would alleviate some of the concerns about ATV use in the city. 9. At the last meeting, a location for swings at B idge Park. Larry Nolan and Earl Smith were to work with John Sinwla and Adam I lawkinson to c( me up with a location. 10. .John Simola is prcparing a handout for clearil g/cutting on park lands, which if not included \vith the agenda packet would be available Thursday a the mccting. 11. Adam I-Iawkinson at the last meeting indicate he would try to have pictures/samples of items that would be permitted fi.)r donation to the park s 'stem. 12. A modification to the Riverside Cemetery Ru es and Regulations governing marker thickness is being prepared for Commission review. . . - - M IN JTES REGULAR MEETING PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Februa 21,2002 - 4:30 p.m "To enl1ance conunllni~)1 p'de tl1rollgll del'e/opillg (lnd lIIl/intl/ining ci~1' pl/r!.,l' wit": I/l1igl1 stlll/{II/rd olqll(lli~l' '.' Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fai , Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson Members Absent: Nancy McCatJrey and Earl Smith Staff': Public Works Director John Simola and Parks Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson. Deputy ity Administrator, Jeff O'Neill arrived at 5: 1 O. 1. .{~'all to Ordcr. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m and declared a quorum present. Chair Nolan welcomed the students in attendance at the meeting. 2. An rovc minutes of Janua.' 17 2002 Park Commission mcetinJ. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO APPROVE TIt "MINIJTl:S OF TIlE JANUARY] 7,2002 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING WITl-J A -:LARIFICATlON ON PAGE 4, ITEM #11 THAl THE AREA IN QUESTION WAS TH BATTLE RAPIDS PARK. FRAN FAIR SEC'()NDED THE MOTION. MOTION CAR lED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda John Simola added a discussion of the markers t Riverside Cemetery to the agenda. 4. Citizens reQuests. None. 5. Introduction of Adam Hawkinson Park Su crintendcnt. Adam Hawkinson the new Park Superintendent as introduced to the Parks Commission. Adam I Iawkinson provided a brief summary of his war experience in parks. 6. Entran('c Signs - Update. Nancy McCaffrey was not present to update the P rks Commission on the progress of the design i()r the entrance signs. Larry Nolan noted that the ne park superintendent had some experience with Park Minutes - 2/21/02 . sign design in his previous position and the P Irks Commission at this time updated Adam llawkinson on the entrance sign project. John Simola rei orted that he submitted inhnmation to the sign c0l111nittee relating to types and amounts ofs'gn materials available. There were also some sign locations suggested including: I) 'rhe southw~st corner of the intersection at Bridge Park; 2) The School Boulevard intersection with Tl I 25; 3 On cast CSAH 75 in the area of Liberty Bank; and 4) On the pathway going west on CSi\H 75 i the area oUhe Otter Creek Park. Larry Nolan will contact Nancy McCaffrey and ask her to mee with Adam J-Jawkinson prior to the next meeting regardil'lg the entrance signs. 7. Park Maintenance Items. Adam llawkinson sUlnlnarized some of the ork completed in the past month which included the closing down of the ice rinks for the season, ree cutting/pruning in various areas and assisting the Sewer and Water Department who will be slnrt on personnel until the two vacant positions are filled. Larry Nolan complilnented the Parks Depart1ent on the good job of snow removal limn the pathway. John Simola stated that because of' the soft ground they were not able to plow the cemetery road after the last snowl~dl because it would 'ause ruts. Fran Fair pointed out for those students present that the City maintained Riverside C metery. . s. West Bridge Park - Swin2s. It was noted previous plans for the park did 10t include any swings but the Parks Commission felt that may be this should be reconsidered. .101 n Simola stated that before a decision was made on installing swings at the parle a determinatiol needs to be made on where the ice rink should be located. John Simola and Adam Hawkinson will study this further and bring it back to the Parks Commission. Earl Smith and Larry Nolan ill work with John Simola and Adam llawkinson on coming up with a location. The Parks ComJlission briefly discussed area needed for the swings, surface material and ADA requirements. 9. Listin J of ermitted volunteer activities 0 ark land. . John Simola reviewed the city ordinance c]e- ling with shoreland management which specifics allowable activities within the shoreland are of the river. Cutting and removing of vegetation within the building setback from the normal high ater mark (75 feet for unsewered areas) is restricted. John Simola stated there was a violation of his ordinance since the area of the Battle Rapids Park had been clear cut. John Simola felt the infonm tion about the restrictions should be put into booklet form so it could be distributed. He also felt that, permit should be issued for any group or individual doing work in any area along the river and that the work should be supervised by the Park Department. Larry Nolan suggested that the party who h, d been doing the clearing work be advised that no additional clearing was to be done. John S'mola will try to have the handout on clearing/cutting prepared for the next meeting. . 10. Selection list of items for park donations. Park Minutes - 2/21/02 John Simola did not have a selection list of it - illS for park donations. In discussion of what type of items should be on the list, the Parks Commi. sion felt that the park benches should be of a durable, vandal resistant design. Adam Hawkinson hIs been reviewing vendor catalogs and he felt that giving donors a choice of two benches should be suf lCient. The tagging and placement of any donated item would be at the discretion of the Parks Departnent. Adanl Hawkinson will try to have examples of the type of benches and donor tags available at the next meeting. Both JO'hn Sill10la and Adam Hawkinson 1elt that similar to what was done 'or Riverside Cemetery, a plan for placement of benches and other donations for each park could bc dn wn Up. Other hems. Larry Nolan wanted to express his thanks to Tom Gro snickle for his work as interim park superintendent. John Simola submitted a mcmo to the Parks Conuniss on regarding irregular size markers in Rivcrside Cemetery. It was noted that the cemetery rules and rc' ulations recently adopted by the City Council did not specify marker thickness. The cemetery caretaker, Hil Kearin, lelt the markers should be uni/C)f]11 in thickness and suggested 4" as the standard. John Simola will prepare a modification to the rules and regulations governing marker thickness for the ncxt m - eting. . Adam Hawkinson stated that the Parks Department hac adopted a mission statement which he submitted to the Parks Commission. The mission statement reads, "1"0 enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." rran fair explained that group doing the plantings at Ee st Bridge Park would also be doing the plantings at West Bridge Parle They arc looking at planting some g 'asses and a mix of perennials. They will review their planting plan with the Park Superintendent. Larry Nole n explained the Adopt-a-Park program that is in place noting that the Ellison Park, Otter Creek, Bridge ark and a segment of the pathway were areas that were adopted by various groups in the past year. Adam Hawkinson talked about thc capital improvcment program and the money set aside for the irrigation system at West Bridge Parle He would like to see the ir igation system designed before too much other work is done because it could impact the layout of what else is done at the park. He noted that the park staff is also looking to do something dificrent as far as mowing the b nk at the park such as may be planting ground Cover. It was also suggested that plantings be looked in-ast Bridge Park so that in the winter people didn.t slide towards the river. Larry Nolan stated that it appear d that snowmobiles had driven over the plantings at East Bridge Park and asked if staff could look at that and see if there was some way to prevent it from happening again. 3 . . . Park Minutes - 2/21/02 11. Ad i!!!!!]h RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN Al 5:25 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. _._. __......__.",u_.._..'.._""_'.._."'__...". Recording Secretary . . . -'3IFt /-YL F I"'. A. .) Cl..A:0---r-.- Meetings for Montie no Welcome Signs Jan. 25, '02 - with John Simola Jan. 29, '02 - with Beth Green & Roger Mac Feb. 7, '02 - with Jeff O'Neill Feb. 20,02 - Phone discussion with Randy Sal , Monticello Signs Feb. 28, '02 - Emai] & phone contacts with D ve Wisten (Xcel) Mar. 4,'02 - Phone contact with Bill Cordell( r. Co. Hwy). Intended Use: City identification/wel orne at the 4 main entrances of Monticello. Expected Audience: All Monticello resident and visitors. Visible distance may vary at each site. A vailable Budget: Options and life expectancy determined by budget. funding Possibilities ()onations do not imply inclusion of logos.) . City Council . Parks Commission . MCP Design Theme: . Brick and/or Boulder side posts . Existing city logo a d "Welcome to Monticello" on bride rails . Sized to fit site loc tions (I vs. 2 rails per sign) . Link with Broadw fence rails and Bridge Parks boulders . Trumpeter swans, ut hesitate to add another element. John Simola suggested consideration be given to the locations listed below. Comments and insights also provided by Jeff O'NeilL Only necessary to be in the vicinity of the 4 cit entrances, not at the city limits. Need to consider visibility as well as sup orting site elements such as electricity. Signs must be 42 feet off center of ro d or traffic lane, as determined by county and/or MNDOT. Jeff O'Neill erceives no problems re: easements and ordinances. Site Selection: SU22ested Locations See photos) . North - SW corner Hwy. 25 on River Street on boulevard. Considerations are: ]) inform building owner Kathy Fros]ie of project. 2) review sign eIev tion, and 3) angle of view from the bridge. . South - Option #1 referred: NE corner of School Blvd. & Hwy 25. Considerations are: I) intersection likely to have traffic light soon, 2) design sign to be m veable for future south location (see Option #3). Option #2: SE cor er of School Blvd. & Hwy. 25 (surrounding clutter). Option # 3: E side t County Rd. 106---consider asking developer Gold Nugget to set aside area for welcome sign.. . East - Opi/on #1: icinity of Co. 39/Riverview Drive and Hwy. 75 on strip ofland betwe n Hwy. 75 and Hart Blvd. (busy/cluttered location, future road constru tion). Option #2: In front of water treatment plant. 1) a better choice a sthetically, 2) should be coordinated with the location of sanitary sewer force main upgrade. . West - Option H 1: E corner of Jerry Liefert Dr. Land is county-owned property on the str et side (no sig~s on county property) and Burlington Northern owned R track and wofcr have to contact BN for their set- backs. Need to con act Virgil Hawkins Asst. County Engineer (682- 3900) and fInd out he nrocess for nermission to nut a siQn. and how far Design Specifics: back from the Cty 75. Was referred to Bill Cordell, Wright County Highway (763-682-7391) and was told that no signs are allowed on county right ofwaY",_uJ L_ ._.1 l.t~ Am now awaiting a reply re: county rules and guidelines from:Mr. Cordell. Options #2: Triangular piece Of. scrap land at Orchard and Cty. 75 is owned by Xcel and once was considered for a welcome sign, but does not have access to electricity. Xcel's Dave Wisted (295-1458) is following up with Laurie Pagel, Manager of Xcel's Real Estate Division re: possible use of this piece of land. Materials available for consideration: · 10 existing arched bridge rail section are reserved for Broadway replacements. · There are 8 available cross-hatch bridge sections (9'1" X 14"). See photo "Railing Style #2. The cross-hatch sections were cleaned and painted; side posts, cross bars and finials were purchased, and the fences were then assembled by Monticello city workers. · Additional miscellaneous inventory includes a few historic building key stones and several old brass lamp posts that were models for the new lights on Walnut. St. . Existing city logo available electronically. · Consider using city staff labor when appropriate (pouring base, footings). · Easements/Ordinances: Will meet w/JeffO'Neil @8am, 2/7/02. Design considerations: . Height and width of each completed sign is determined by site. 1 or 2 rails per sign, depends upon space available at sites. Would have to purchase additional bridge rails. Baked on powder coating recommended for endurance (10-15 yrs). If cross-hatch bridge rails are used, consider designing signs so that rails can be removed for future maintenance. Determine font & size of text ("Welcome to Monticello", "Monticello Welcomes You" legibility needed at each site. Text and logo be made of vinyl? Metal? See sample oflogo on Public Works Building made of aluminum and vinyl by Sign City in Annandale. Should text and logo be printed and hung together or separately. If brick is used, recommend high quality dense brick because of moisture and freezing. No boulders in stock-would have to be purchased. ~ Pre-formed brick/boulder patterned posts is very expensive alternative. ~ Better choice for fake rock is "cultured stone" which isseal coated. Masonry base with footings 42" into the ground. Inexpensive, simple lights front base.. Is back side of sign viewed? Landscaping and mainten'lnce (spreading Junipers front & back) Is city changing city boundaries a consideration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost examples: "Buffalo, Welcome Home" sign on south end of town, lake Approx $5,000 for 8' x 55', 2 color, plywood . Monti Public Works sign (logo wllO" vinyl letters) a rox.$900 . . ~~j:-.z;::''''''-::::f".~;.~-".~ -." ,-:-.-;;.~r:;::~'",'_,':'.':~('.ST: "'\ j {;ilt:'1\ "~~~Jjf ( ;~'<i ~,,'] ~r ~~ ,--' -~ '~ ~'4 k~~' ,<_N_M !iiWe, ,W'" R ib-# "7j..~'~":~ ',;~> ,(..p;' '"," !~ ~~~~l ::'ih~{ll <' e;,:~', '".,,', ;~,r,.,~',:,;" ~-;iV:'P ,~- - ~,~ " F~ ,. ~ y~ Q ~i \~~~~........-=-.,.,..__,..4'U..,...,;>..;lm~,'~:;""/ ......... Z ~;: ~:,';~ ~, ! , , >. 1 ~ .., c Q) E Q) - W "'0 o o ~ Q) c .- 0.. l~_, : --'":, ~ ~1 g~"f"l'~ .- f/) c: ~ I: "'0 >. ~ ~ a:: ii l .- ~ ..J u ~r-...'" ,.-.....;. ;"'?'..........,. !~1 gi ~i, r,,,.,t', .., ;'~::~~ .c :J a.. l ~ i;~; J' ;" .' :~".! I ~;;;:; . _ --= c -' :~ I /:,_ <. ---==- -====~- ,J," -------.:- ::.~. _'3"0.1' _~JQI _.~,~,.1 ,~I U_C-r""-_." - _~r-=-~rj~ G, ~g, ,IS ~1 - ~~J 1 p~ !('~4 ...f'~_:' (-;.' ,-Y;"--- l " /,( ,,.-,_ //.1" ~, '/ ~ J::;'< << .;' c~ ;;;=~ ~~";2i , I -"",~ [,f4 {,7j frgJ \ CL Q " . o "'" -,~ ---.~ o o L U V) ~.--- '- m +-' c Q) E (l) uj c ii3 +-' C ~ o z: o o L U V) >--- '- m +-' c Q) E Q) ClJ o o L U (.f) _.c _S:O I o (]) ;> u -,> (l) +=' Q) t::: c;: +:::; it~1 . . . 3//"1/ ' / j ,"( I........-..J-- SU22ested Locations (See map w/photos) North - SW corner Hwy. 25 on River Street on boule ard. Considerations arc: I) inform building owner Kathy Froslie of project. 2) review si n elevation, and 3) angle of view from the bridge. South - Option f-/- J preferred: NE corner of School BI intersection likely to have traffic light soon, 2 location (see Option # 3). Option if2: SE corner of School Blvd. & H Option #3: E side at County Rd. aside area for welcome sign. d. & Hwy 25. Considerations are: 1) design sign to be moveable for future south . 25 (surrounding clutter). er asking developer Gold Nugget to set East - Option it I: Vicinity of Co. 391R.jverview Ori e and Hwy. 75 on strip ofland between Hwy 75 and Hart Blvd. (busy/cluttered locat on, nlture road construction). Option #2: In front of water treatment plant. ) a better choice aesthetically, 2) should be coordinated with the location of sanitary sew r force main upgrade. West - Option # J: SE corner of Jerry Liefert Dr. La d is county-owned property on the street side (no signs on county property) and Budin on Northern owned RR track and would have to contact BN for their set-backs. Need to contact Virgil Hawkins Asst. County Engineer (682-3900) and find out the proces for pennission to put a sign, and how far hack from the Cty 75. Was referred to Bill C rdell, Wright County llighway (763-682- 7391) and was told that no signs are allowed on county right of way; and to contact. Am now awaiting a reply re: county rules and gui elines from Mr. Cordell. Options if2: Triangular piece of scrap land at Orchard and Cty. 75 is owned by Xcel and once was considered for a welcome sign, but does not have access to electricity. Xce!'s Dave Wisted (295-1458) is following up wit Laurie Pagel, Manager ofXcel's Real Estate Division re: possible use of this piece fland. Option #3: I asked about the pathway that ru s from River Street parallel to the Xcel Training Center and was told that would not e considered by Xcel for security reasons. I did not pursue. Info gathering phone discussion: 2/20/02 Randy Salo Signs Plus (763-878-2142) . Samples: (used "sign foam" ((Xllyurethane foam) for durability Monticel1o Floral Jala Penos Sunny Fresh Loch Jewelers Cedar Street Garden Center Chamber of Commerce marquee and bldg sign Park signs: Otter Creek, Ellison, Ballfield, Hillcrest Worked on Brainerd, MN (log-style, sign foam) welcome sign, which cost approx. $25,000 No cost for thumbnail sketch $1-500 for concept design Prefers to meet individuals separately at first, then together to understand project. Bridge rail/stone posts / Monti logo / Welcome to Monti concept. Would like to include a swan Believes bridge rail would be lost using the stone pillars. Block work would be done by sub contractor he often uses Reconunends pil1ars should be stone vs. brick Use of molds for fake rock is vel)' expensive and needs color, texture, etc. Cultured rock is a better choice and is scal coated. Example of cultured rock pillar sign in Ba~1er, MN Has good contact person if need to purchase matching bridge railings. Powder coat, glossy surface recommended for durability for bridge rails. Sign foam (polyurethane) recommended for durability Approx. $15,000 per sign includes block work, excavation, footing, 10 ft long, 10" copy & logo. . . . . . CITY OF MO N' ICELLO ANNUAL EXCEL ENERGY e ALLFIELD EXPENSES 2001 2002 DESCRIPTION COSTS COSTS MOWERS (2 @ 50,000 X 25% /5 YEARS) - SALVAGE JALUE $ 2,100.00 AERATOR (7,000 X 25% /8 YEARS) - SALVAGE VAL UE $ 187.50 FERTILIZER SPREADER (3,000 X 25% / 8 YEARS) - S \LVAGE VALUE $ 78.15 STRIPERS (800 X 25% / 5 YEARS) $ 40.00 CHEMICAL SPRAYER (1,200 X 25% / 5 YEARS) $ 60.00 TRACTOR/SKID STEERE (INFIELD/PARKING LOTS & OPERATOR) $ 1,600.00 AG LIME $ 2,000.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE (TIME AND MATERIALS) FERTILIZER/HERBICIDE $ 3,500.00 BASES (YEAR 2000) $ 1,200.00 STRIPING PAINT $ 500.00 IRRIGATION RE-SEEDING/SODDING FENCING (450' - ONE FIELD NEEDS NOW) $ 1,175.00 LIGHTS (REPAIR - BULBS, ETC.) BLEACHERS ($795 - $1 ,OOO/EACH) LABOR (28 WEEKS X 16 HOURS X 2 MEN = 896 X V AGES) $ 14,336.00 VEHICLE TRANSPORTATION (GASIVEHICLE MILE. IDE PRE CIA TION) $ 600.00 BUILDING SUPPLIES (TOILET PAPER & SOAP) $ 650.00 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS $ 28,026.65 ared By: Adam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent 03/08/ 002 - ,,- Prep MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax~ (612) 295-4404 Mr. Mark Banyai 2119 159th Street NW Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 1993 Men's Slo-Pitch Softball Income Repo ~' December 8, 1993 Dear Mark: . Mter reviewing the income report that you suppli d to me previously, I had a few questions concerning the concession stand income and expenses that we should discuss prior to the report being presented to the City Co cil. In my review of the report, it appears that at a 'nimum the Association has incurred expenditures totalling $16,900+ for operation of t e concession stand, but income is shown at $15,635. From this brief review, it ag' appears that the Association has lost money in operating the concession stand for the s cond year in a row. I thought maybe we should discuss this further before this inform tion is brought before the City Conncil as I feel there may be a lot of questions on the C nncil's mind concerning how the operation is run. Generally speaking, I believe st council members are going to feel that a properly run concession stand should gene ate more income that expenditures. As you may recall from last year's COWlcil review of he income and expenditures of the Association, there was a general consensus that i the Softball Association was not able to show a profit, possibly the city would allow some other organization to run the concession stand to generate more income. In reviewing the report, the cost of the liquor license, dram shop insurance, and all of the food and bev rage supplies along with the concession stand help total $16,900. In addition, I also ass e some of the miscellaneous expenditures for propane, ice, and other items m y also apply to the concession stand, further increasing the loss. . Softball Association Letter December 8, 1993 Page 2 .,~.. Prior to this information being given to the Council, please let me know if you wiSh to add any additional information or want to discuss the report in more detail. At this point in time, I will wait until January to place this item on a council agenda.. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO fE/:!F City Administrator / cc: Parks ~ softball file . . INCOME 2001 INCOM REPORT . League Entry Fees 33 Teams @ 450 EARLY BIRD TOURNAMENT 18 & Under Tournament Of Champions Men's Class D Districts Girls 18 & Under State Slowpitch Misc Income Concessions GROSS INCOME EXPEN ES Dahlheimer Distributing Lindenfelser Meats Viking Coke Marties Cub Foods Maus Foods Sam's Club (concessions) Trophies--League & Early Bird Softballs Concession Help (Tournaments & Leag e) Umpires Dragging & Chalking Fields (Tournam nts & League) Tournament Directors . CITY OF MONTICELLO Liquor License Tournament Field Fee Team Fees 33 Teams @ 125 Final Payments on Old Agreemen Electric Bill Light Usage MSF Dramshop League Sanction Fees Tournament Sanction Fee MSF Materials District & State Entry Fees Capitol Campaign 14,850.00 3,638.00 1,677.00 6,199.74 1,245.15 1 302.40' (i4~0i1f70~ . 52,931.59 6,179.16 2',345.11 5',215.25 153.36 142.95 566.61 1,875.03 409.21 2,149.79/ 6,337.41V- 7,503.00 2,775.00 600.00 137.50 250.00 ...4,,125.00 ('..,0__1,/ PDQ.. 00 2,808.17 1,052.60 495.00 50.00 203.00 960.00 980.00 Costs of Moving Tournament from City Fields to SchoOl Insurance Sanitation Field Use Cooler Repairs ..-.. DONATIONS National Child Safety Council Monti Town Team (Field Material Monti Youth Football (Concessio ,.... ) Supplies) Fields 200.00 479.25 375.00 180.09 95.00 170.00 500.00 S~ EXPENSES CONTINUED Misc: Propane, gas, tourney supplies Times ad, postage, & other purchases 1,620.62 TOTAL EXPENSES 51,933.11 INCOME LESS EXPENSES 52,93(.59 51,933.11 998.48 2001 NET INCOME Note: It cost the League $1054.25 to move Tournament of Champions Tourney from City Fields to School Fields due to scheduling conflict. LEAGUE MONEY PUT BACK INTO FIELDS 4 Field Grooming rakes & 1 Field Water Roller Diamond Dry 4 Double Safety Bases @ 152.00 each Shipping & Handling of above purchases 307.00 437.00 608.00 221.30 Total 1,573.80 PURCHASE OF NEW KAWASAKI MULE TO DRAG FIELDS Insurance Down Payment *3 Payment ~ 146.07 200.00 1,000.00 438.21 *payments .... are up to Nov 1 which begins the leagues next fiscal year. -r tJ fO( I 1'1 L( I r: I'VI. rc h. aJ fJ I 'r,-c (? leg- 000. cJ(J (ff-- . . . s~ . . 2000 MONTICELLO MEN SLOWPITCH INCOME REPORT INCOM~ League Ent~y Fees 28 Teams ~ 450 Ea~ly Bi~d Tou~nament Men's Class C Districts State D CO-Rec NO~th Girls State 18,16,14 & Under S Owpitch Concessions Misc; 12,600.00 3,609.00 2,818.20 4,836.90 1,508.65 17,679.20 2,430.78 GROSS INCOME EXPENSES CITY OF MONTICELLO Liquor License Tournament Field Fee 8th Annual Light Installme t Field Fee 28 Teams ~ $125 Electricity fo~ Lights MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATION D~am Shop Dist~ict & State Ent~y Fees Tournament Sanction Fees Team Sanctions 28 Teams @ $ 5 Junior Olympics Donation MSF Capitol Campaign Donati n Field Dragging Balls fo~ League Viking COke Dahlheimer Distibuting Lindenfelser Meats Maus Foods Ma~ties Sam's Club--Candy & Concession Su Plies Trophies___ League & Early Bi~d T urnament Concession Help Umpi~es Youth Football_ Donation Concessi n SUPPlies Mise: P~opane, new grill, tract r repairs, postage, gas, Times ad, & other purchases 45,482.73 137.50 425.00 500.00 3,500.00 1,298.50 1,165.00 450.00 180.00 420.00 100.00 895.00 2,032.50 1,489.11 4,345.87 5,697.39 2,050.09 505.26 138.30 2,437.70 744.12 5,321.53 7,492.00 150.00 TOTA.L EXPENSES 1,509.41 GROSS INCOME FOR 2000 LESS EXPENSES FOR 2000 42,985.28 NET INCOME FOR 2000 45,482.73 42,985.28 2,497.45 ~ ~ . lIE '(if\BS ,l)1oJV+'cc/1o &Jd! dSi'<' JOVe) - 5";C?J '-/200, <.'0 Cf>-' drc"~v ~ c I~ pr'e l~5 1110/ - 5.' <J 0 v<- r I POD, 00 1,_ fA _ 'S C t.w--c t t'>",v-.P S (..VIr' I 'iN r/c.........-' S--.. nqq - G.t '-f <,(1-. d bop;J5 _/J n n 0_ (j;Jr-ve. (Y~w.Lf0/ bf');C/~ . _ :~/,+ ;Jc~,-J5 -/0 kl}{m... ) ~ ~ 5'00-.00 _ h",;I+ J"t.Js -1()OO, ~o _ ()N 0.- st -!o lA S e -/0-1- 'vII;; -J j}) ~ 2 ! V 3'&t~ / Lj ,{:v/ We'-ft:f / (/ )-Y v~ ~(~~ rtfi I ~ t y'" . tJt _ 2-,-,-"d<- cO.v(f'?S." w dWF''''Y r~ . r n ~ e 0 v-V c0--C~j Ii J ,A' f) Co (; ( eX- flV"~ LA/ I~ c.~ . ~ Lv e hM/C o..l.v / $ / I z.1.eJI.-'1 c:Lffcy 0 wy'se IJ e ~ ~ . /Jfe~ >: -H)s J(~ dado - -0- ./i '\.BrtJt:( fL-l.- .~~ ("d5~ lAS Cc...LIL - spa" 00 191'1- /,<lc;;-I~se/ ~e_ (- /wfr-c,-c-tt C~$I-~ _'~ tA-/\~Ji:t. e~ , " / Ire ./kfq{.\. ../ '\ e - f'-' i /IU,\ ~ / I .~ _' ~~l~ t:1'-~j vo-z,/ c ~', I 't! jt.c/t1Y"c-,;- I }YO:; >- "f'. / j 'ie CoV\,/C e'~S IO...-J <;> ~ _---~-,,,r . .:........._"".._._"',.,._-~,-_..~._~.....-----.--'~~-- J1 111,<t.0 C1/C~ --- rJ/-UJ ' tI w( e tll"J d- ?: 0-4- (If- ~ Jff s: A- i.V~ C Ie- );.. /lr;! _;11.) 4uj +-jtl~TGw0'55 /1>..-5 cJ( <;:u.-m_. S. ,< S cl-e_ef2~ __ c.7 C J'V\ j-J ~ltc... ire;) ~ <.J I ft- ~D r? e...rJ I tA1^.IW.. jf,. > Y t'1'- V ..(...vv 011-<' v S I I I) J-. .' . / Iz",J -- /l ~/ ;J I C:1--~rC> Jl~ '..t- fry c/lj; ~ t->~4.-V' ~ /I/O / 'fo /~/Vt.r( A- )n~ 5> . . ~ ~ SECTION: 9-3-1: 9-3-2: 9-3-3: 9-3-4: 9-3-5: 9-3-6: 9-3-7: 9-3-1 : 9-3-2: CHAPTER 3 RECREA TONAL MOTOR VEHICLES Purpose and Intent Definitions Operation of a Recreational otor Vehicle Designation of Public Areas or Use Hours for Use Vehicle Equipment Require ents Operators Required Equipme t PURPOSE AND INTENT: he purpose of this ordinance is to provide reasonable regulations for the use of recr ational motor vehicles on public and private property in thl city of Monticello. It is inten ed to protect life, property, and to prevent public nuisances. No section hereaft r shall be construed to minimize regulations set forth in Minnesota State Statutes 168 Motor Vehicles Registration), 169 (Motor Vehicle Operation), (Driver License R gulations), and 84.8 (Snowmobile Regulations). DEFINITIONS: RECREA TIONAL MOTOR EHICLE: Any motor vehicle designed for, used, or capable of use for sport, amus ment, or recreation other than motor homes or pickup campers, snowmobiles, or the ike, whether or not eligible to be licensed for use upon streets and highways, includin but not limited to motor bikes, motor scooters, trail bikes mini bikes, motorcycles, go-k rts, hovercraft, all-terrain vehicles, or dune buggies, but excluding motor vehicles desi ned for commercial, industrial, or agricultural use. PUBLIC PROPERTY: Lands wned by the United States, the state of Minnesota, or any political subdivision thereof. PRIVATE PROPERTY: AlII ds other than public property. PERSON: "Person" means eve natural person, firm, co-partnership, association, or corporation. OWNER: "Owner" means a pe son, other than a lien holder, having the property in or title to a recreational vehicle en itled to use or possession thereof. DRIVER-OPERA TOR: "Drive -Operator" means every person who drives or operates and is in actual physical control of a recreational vehicle. COMMISSIONER: Commissi ner of Natural Resources, State of Minnesota. COMMISSIONER: Commissioner of Public Safety, State of Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IXlChpt 3/Page 1 . . . 9-3-3: 9-3-4: STREET OR HIGHWAY: "Stree or Highway" means the entire width between the boundary lines of any way or plac when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular traffic. ROADWA Y: "Roadway" means t e portion of the highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel RIGHT-OF-WA Y: "Right-of-way' means the entire strip ofIand traversed by a highway or street in which the public owns he fee or an easement for roadway purposes. OPERA TION OF A RECREA TIO AL MOTOR VEHICLE: It shall be unlawful to operate a recreational motor vehicl within the city of Monticello: (A) Within one hundred fifty fe t (ISO') of a residence, or within one hundred fifty feet (150') to three hundred eet (300) of a residence at speed in excess of ten (10) miles per hour, except whe loading, unloading, or testing the recreational vehicle on the owner's property, an further excepting operation on an owner's property where the owner lives imme iately adjacent to property on which it is lawful to operate recreational vehicle. (B) On publicly owned land, inc uding school, undesignated park property, playgrounds, recreation area , and golf courses. (C) In a manner so as to create a loud, unnecessary, or unusual noise which disturbs, annoys, or interferes with th peace and quiet of other persons. (D) On a public sidewalk or wal way provided or used for pedestrian travel. (E) While under the influence of an intoxicating or alcoholic beverage or narcotics or habit forming drugs. (F) At a rate of speed greater tha reasonable or proper under all existing circumstances. (G) To operate or halt in a careles , reckless, or negligent manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any per on or property or to cause injury or damage thereto. (H) On any city street, state or co nty highway, or right-of-way without a,Y,<l:lid, vep-icle license to operate on aid city street, state or county highway, or right-of- 'Y-?Y, except to cross said stre t, highway, or right-of-way at rig tang es (I) To intentionally drive, chase, n over, or kill any animal, wild or domestic. DESIGNA TION OF PUBLIC AREA FOR USE: The Council may designate areas for use of recreational vehicles by appro v I of a majority of the members of the City Council upon public notice being given. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE ___ TITLE IXlChpt- . 9-3-5: 9-3-6: . 9-3-7: The areas designated may be chang d from time to time by the City Council. Any area designated shall be published in th official newspaper of the City in a conspicuous place after such approval. If an area is c anged, such change shall be published in like manner in the official newspaper of the Cit . An up-to-date map of designated park areas open for recreational motor vehicles shal be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk; and the City Administrator shall provide, 0 request, a copy of such map together with the applicable rules, regulations, and th's chapter to each person requesting such information from the City. HOURS FOR USE: Hours for use re seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. to ten o'clock (10:00) p.m., except that on Friday d Saturday nights and evenings preceding all legal holidays the hours shall be between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and one o'clock (l :00) a.m. VEHICLE EQUIPMENT REQUI (A) Standard mufflers which are properly attached and in constant operation and which reduce the noise of 0 eration of the motor to the minimum necessary for operation. No person shall se a muffler cutout, bypass, straight pipe, or similar device on any recreational otor vehicle, and the exhaust system shall not emit or produce a sharp or popping r crackling sound. (B) Brakes adequate to control t e movement of and to stop and hold under any conditions of operation. (C) At least one clear lamp attac ed to the front with sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a dis ance of at least one hundred feet (100') ahead during the hours of darkness under ormal atmospheric conditions. Such head lamp shall be so aimed that glaring ray are not projected into the eyes of an oncoming vehicle operator. It shall als be equipped with at least one red tail lamp having a minimum candlepower of s ncient intensity to exhibit a red light plainly visible from a distance of five hund ed feet (500') to the rear during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric c nditions. This equipment shall be required and shall be in operating condition wh n the vehicle is operated between the hours of cne- half (112) hour before sunris or at times of reduced visibility. OPERATORS REQUIRED EQUIP ENT: Helmets: Persons operating a recreational vehicle within the city of Monticell , on private or public property, shall wear helmets which meet the specifications applic ble to helmets approved by the State Commissioner of Public Safety for use by motorcy Ie operators and passengers. I) U:,e.5'" -4 ~\Je-,," -\--ow'r-D- c. ~ \. .;> J S, n.o" \ II ~,\(._ \Y"C>l. y ,~ .3>) No f' ~V\C\. '4 . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IXfChpt 3/Page 3 Minnesota Statutes 2001, 169.045 !\-linl1csOW Sta1utes 200 L Table of C:haptcrs . 'fable oC contents Cor ('haptcr 16<) 169.045 special vehicle use on roadway. :3utxU'qj ~;iOll I. Designation of roadway, permit. 1JY2 qC).:0LQi~lq body. oJ ",-ny cO\ln~y, h we rule cha r.er or :~tatutocy ~~~;~:;fi~~~,~~I;~~~r~~~:;~~{~I~~.~on . Authori."al'.JOn to ope,rate ,.'1 motoeJzed golf cart ()r:' '-r(-)l~ir-,-^7heeT'--' al1-teera'ul \1cohicle i:~ by Ilcnnit onLy. Fo pIUPOSC:o of this ,-;ection, a l'ouc-whcoeL o.Ll-terc,cod n vehicle's a Inor.ori:>:ed floto.tjon-tLred vehicLe with foul' Low-pres ;uee tjres that )s L__in\i.tt:d irl enqinco, d'I.,,:;pLace!1\\::nt. of: l,o,c;,-' j'.ha 1 8()CI cubic .:~I,,'r,t i.lflei'.er:': and r.otaJ dry wlciqht Le,"':~ than 600 pound,:;. . :-;ubd. '2. Ordinance. The ordinance shall de:=:::ignate thet'lJi]c!i/Javs, p:esccibe the fen'w of U,e application for U,e per[[lit, require evjdence of .in:=:urance comrJyLnq w::ith tlF'O PCovi',1 n:=: ot :iec.tioll C1::;B.'1 , ~;ubdivi5ion ':) and may pre:ocriblc c:undjtie)[):=;, not i.ncuI,,~i.,,-;t('Ont with the pro i~;ion~; of this ,sect Lon , cinder v-ihLch a P('OITCl it IndY he qran .eel. 'I)enn::it:~ Hlay be qranteJ for a pf.CriCld o'i nut'L pyceed OIle year, ;:'IIld may be anlnJd.1ly reneHed. A. pennit way be re'vokei at any Lime if th'''Te .',.,,; 'evidence l.hd',~ the' pc.'rm.i.ttec cannot :~af'__Jy operate t.he rnotorizcd 'luli' cart or fouc-whcceL alL-terain vehLe:le on the ,-k,sj(~ln,:jt("'d t:uadway:c;. The OLCUndIlce HldY r'OquLTe, as d cOIldLtion j.l) obtai n i. n'] a [>.'nn', t, that the appLicant :~ubmit a certi [j ca.te _. \~)'/ a phV:::ician that I.~he appLicant ,:1,':; able to ,,:;ately operate a motocJzed golf cart or four-wlleJ aJl-terrain vehLelp OIl th e road'tia y ,'0 de :=; ~i (J Ckt t ed. :3ubd. 3. Times of operation. Moto .jzed ']olf Cdrt:~; and fOI.n-wheeJ (.::.1 l-tecrain vehic I.c,s IndY n Ly be op'-~rated on de'3i'Jlktte~,d roadway:o i rOIn :~uIlci.~;e to :3un:=: ot. Thc'y sha L\ not be operal:ed jn jnc:I'2mc~nt: weathlo,r ell' when vi~ibit::ity is Jmpaired r',y 1'IC.,ather, smoke, [:0'] or oth(~r conehtions, or at: any time when th,-~re is in:c;uf I'i (~,ienl'. l'LCJht to cledTLV s,ec, pc,coons dnd vehicLp~; on thf. roadv,ay at a dL~;tance of 1)00 teet. ;:.; ubc\. Il. cart:~; :~haLl in sect Lon I Slow-moving vehicle e:mbl m. \\10torizwi qolf d [''-'pi a y tlv" s Low-Inovin'] vehj c Llc emblem P rov ickd Cj. wilen operated on de.".i cJnated roadv-lays. for :-:;ulxi. I). Crossing intersecting hi hways. The oper"'-tor, under perm:i t, of a motorJ zed .101 f ea rt or four'-whee.1 dlL-terrajn veh:icLc, may cro:=;~; any strec" or hjeJl'l'JJay iIltersectirvJ a de:3icjIlated roadWdY, . :;ubd. 6. Application of traffic aWS. Eqc~r'y per~;on oper('"tin'l a moLoL'I:'e,-1 ']cd f caLl'. or four-wheel aU ,-terr'ai Il vehic:J e undJ"Or F,eLlnit on de:o i.eJlvlted loa ';-1 ay '-; has, all the rielht:~ and dul.::ie:~ cq.:,pli.cabJe to U\e drivcr of any othcr\7ehi.cle under the provjsions ot thj~ cllapter, except when those provLsions Cdnnot t'l-,a:~oIlilbly be appJ ied to motol:ied go] I cart~; O[ fOIH-'whep] ,.:dl-tcrrai.n vehicJes and ex::.epl:. a:~ otherwL~;e http://www.reVisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/169/045.htm1 . ~o- - 3/5/2002 . . Minnesota Statutes 2001, 169.045 specifiedlly provided in subdivision :-;ubd. Nonapplication of certain aws. The provi.:':ion::: of c:haptpr .1/1, ,:Jre n t :_lpr<li,_::_L-,le 1:0 persun:3 e:perdtincJ mol :-ized ']u.l f e,jr'ts or 1: ur-\dl c1 all-terrain v eh i c: -I ('":': u ride r THe' rmi \.. on de ,'3 j q no. t eei iJ':,'-.1 eil-l,', y::: pu r: :3uan t: t u t hi :': seeti on. S:.:c:cpt to r- the requirernenl:3 of ,'eel i on 1 C9 ./0, I he prov1.'.;jun:': (Oil thi:': ch,epter rcJdtinq to ('Cjliprnent on vehi(:le~; l,'.; flot: d icaL-,Ie 10 lllul_orj/.ed qolt carls or fOllI-'^,h(~el all...terrdin \Tehic lc:_; cpcrd r_irllJ, under permi 1.., on de~; i FEI I pd Toadwd y~;. ~:;\lbd. R . Insurance. In the c'venlp 'r:::on,s opera tinq 0. mul~ori;~(~d g()),f cdrt or fOljr-\~t1eel, all-l:e-y"ain vehicle under I.. h i.'.; ,,:pc:t i:)n Cdnnot obtdtn .I iabil ity insu 'ance in to_he private In.arkel_, i.1,,~t_ per:30n may purchase auturnob_il e insurance, includj nc;; nu-fau 11._ :::uvpr"lCJe, trom the tJl i.nnesota 7\l1t Jl!lobi -j e Assic;;ned 1'\i.:':k 1').Lan :-.\1.'. a rate 1_0 b(:) dctprndrled by th,;, cOTllni,s~;ioner at conulIPrec. fll :,: l' : 1 9ij / -~ -19H (-.: S;} ..:\ _" -121,172; ; 19H6 c 452 s 19; lSp1986 c 3 art 2 s 12; 1991 c 1~9 arl.. ~ s IS C:O[lyr-iqt'/- .z007 thi:.; ()ff..ic:2-? uf Ec:vi..'-.;ur o.t ,':-::tat,ur.es', StlJte ()r f.vl.!IJll(_~.'3(.lt,-:'1. . http://www.rcvisor.lcg.state.mn.us/stats/169/045.ht111 Page 2 of2 3/5/2002 3850.-'2 .- D rtL jJ~ t \-p"WA-'l rtV'd I q1 If' . ORDINANCE NO. 4 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF SNOWMOBILES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HOYT LAKES, MINNESOTA; ESTABLISHING A SNOWMOBILE TRAI ; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AN REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 54 AND 26. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOYT AKES DOES ORDAIN: section 1. The following words nd phras~S, when used in this ordinance, have the meanings as set 0 t therein: B. operate means to ride operation of a snowmobile. propelled vehicle designed tural terrain steered by A. Snowmobile means for travel on snow or ice wheels, skis, or runners. or on and control the C. Operator means every P rson who operates or is in actual physical control of a snowmobile. D. Public road right of w Y means the entire right of way of a public road, includ'ng the traveled portions, banks, ditches, shoulders, and edians of a roadway, that is not privately owned. . E. Owner means a person, security interest, having a pr to a snowmobile, and entitled the vehicle. than a person with a interest in or title use and possession of F. Register means the ac number to a snowmobile. of assigning a registration G. Snowmobile trails mea the property designated and posted for use by snowmobiles hich approximately surrounds the platted portion of the Cit of Hoyt Lakes. Specific boundaries and a map of such trails are available for inspection at the Hoyt Lakes ity Clerk's office. Section 2. It shall be unlaw ul for any person to operate a snowmobile within the boundaries 0 the city of Hoyt Lakes, except as herein perm~tted: A. On private property f another with the express permission to do 50 by the ower or occupant of said property. B. On the posted snowmo ile trail. . c. Those areas outside of the snowmobile trail, that is, the area on the side of the aid trail furthest away from the inhabited portion of the Cit of Hoyt Lakes. "....~"-"i<"<.."m....... We th~nk the City which supplied thu; material through the Friends of the Library Program, _ _..,."..."'_" .---.J . Section 3. It shall be unlawful f r any person to operate a snowmobile in the city of Hoyt Lakes un er the following circumstances: A. On private property of an ther without the express permission to do so by the owner 0 occupant of said property. B. On puplic school grounds, park property, playgrounds, winter recreational areas, golf courses, cemetery, or any other public places, except where poste trails exist, unless the operator has the express permissi n by the proper public authority. C. No snowmobile shall be 0 or boulevards. A boulevard is de public roadway lying between the of the right of way of any public motor vehicle traffic. . D. On the portion of any pu for motor vehicle travel, or on t County State Aid, or County highw may be used only to gain access t restricted by this ordinance. Ex Statutes, or other provisions of may also be operated upon the dit Trunk, county State Aid, and Coun highways lie within the corporate Lakes. E. No snowmobile shall ente yielding the right of way to any the intersection, or so close to constitute an immediate hazard. erated on public sidewalks ined as that area of the idewalks and that portion street or road used for lic road right of way used e roadway of a State, Trunk, y, except that a City street and from those areas not ept where prohibited by State his ordinance, snowmobiles h bottom or outside of y Highways where such limits of the City of Hoyt any intersection without ehicles or pedestrians at he intersection as to Section 4. It is unlawful for an person to operate a snowmobile: A. At any place, while under the influence of alcohol or of a controlled substance, as defined in or referred to in Minnesota Statutes Section 169.121, as may be hereinafter modified, which Statutes are her by incorporated herein by reference. B. At a rate of speed grea er than 10 miles per hour on city streets. . C. In a careless, reckless heedlessly in disregard of the r in a manner so as to endanger, 0 cause injury or damage to any pe or negligent manner or ghts or safety of others, or be likely to endanger, or son or property. . D. So as to tow any person or highway except through use of the rear of the snowmobile. r thing on a. public street rigid tow-bar attached to E. Except on posted trails, within 200 feet of: 1. The outer perimeter platted portion of the city that said area may be crosse approximately 900 to the out line for the purpose of gain those areas not restricted b 2. Established outer p established residence, excep egress to those areas not re ordinance. property line of the f Hoyt Lakes, except at an angle of r perimeter property ng access to and from this ordinance. operty lines of any to gain.access or tricted by this 3. The established pro erty line of any winter recreation area or ch rch property. 4. Where the operation would conflict with the use of property or endan er persons or property. . F. In a manner so as to cre te loud, unnecessary or unusual noise so as to disturb or interfere with the peace and quiet of other persons. G. Unless the snowmobile ha been registered as provided by law. H. Without fully complying Minnesota Statutes 84.81 to 84.91 amended or supplemented, and all promulgated thereunder, and all 0 such activities, which statutes a hereby adopted and made a part he Section 5. No snowmobile shall b operated within the City of Hoyt Lakes unless it shall have the fo lowing equipment: . A. Mufflers which are prope are in good working order, and wh into the overall snowmobile noise operation to prevent excessive or required by law, and the rules an Commissioner of Conservation pert person shall use a muffler cut-ou or any similar device on a snowrno ith the provisions of , inclusive, and as hereafter ules and regulations her State Statutes regulating d rules and regulations are eof. ly attached, and which ch blends the exhaust noise and is in constant unusual noise as is regulations of the ining thereto, and no , by-pass, straight pipe, ile motor. B. Brakes adequate to contr 1 the movement of and to stop and hold the snowmobile unde any condition of operation. . C. A safety or so-called "dead-man" throttle (kill switch) in operating condition; a safety r "dead-man" throttle (kill switch) is defined as a device wh'ch, when pressure is removed from the accelerator or throttle, causes the motor to be disengaged from the driving track. Section 6. A. No person shall operate snowmobile upon the roadway, shoulder, or inside bank or slope of any Trunk, county State Aid, or County Highway in the Cit . 1. The crossing is mad at an angle of approximately 900 to the direction of the ighway, and at a place where no obstruction prevents a qu'ck and safe crossing. irect crossing of a street or vided: B. A snowmobile may make highway at any hour of the day . 3. The driver yields t e right of way to all on- coming traffic which constit tes an immediate hazard. ought to a complete stop or main traveled way of the 2. The snowmobile before crossing highway. 4. If the crossing is made between the hours of one-half hour after sunset 0 one-half hour before sunrise or in conditions of reduced visibility, only if both front and rear lights are 0 . 5. The operator of a nowmobile shall make every effort to be visible to on- oming traffic from any direction. te an snowmobile in violation Minnesota State statutes. obile to permit the the provisions of this Section 7. No person shall oper of the age requirements established b It is unlawful for the owner of a sno snowmobile to be operated contrary to section. Section 8. Notwithstanding any ordinance, a snowmobile may be operat an emergency during the periods of ti where, snow upon the roadway renders impractical, or in other emergency si reasonable. rohibitions in this d on a public thoroughfare e when, and at locations ravel by automobile uations where necessary or in . Section 9. All provisions of t e Highway Traffic Regulations Act, Chapter 169 of Minnesota Statut s, and all ordinances of the City of Hoyt Lakes regulating traffi , shall apply to the operation of snowmobiles upon streets and high ays, except those which by their nature have no application. . . . Section 10. It shall be unlawfu park a motor vehicle on the snowmobil snowmobiles, and emergency vehicles i for any person to operate or trail, excepting an emergency situation. Section 11. Parents or guardian shall be held responsible for all damages or wrongful acts cond cted by a minor operating a snowmobile within the City of Hoyt La es. Section 12. If any provisions 0 adjudged or deemed void or of no effe such decision shall not affect the va provisions of this Ordinance. Section 13. Any person violatin shall be guilty of a petty misdemeano thereof, be fined a sum not to exceed within twelve (12) calendar months sh and upon conviction thereof, the pers exceed $ 700.00 or shall be imprisone both. . Section 14. Ordinance NO. 54, e REGULATING THE USE OF SNOWMOBILES WIT OF HOYT LAKES, MINNESOTA, AND PROVIDI THEREOF.", and Ordinance No. 126 enti THE USE OF SNOWMOBILES AND ALL TERRAl LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HOYT LAKES, MIN SNOWMOBILE-ATV TRAIL; PROVIDING PENAL THEREOF.", are hereby repealed. this Ordinance shall be t, for any reason whatsoever, idity of any of the other the terms of this ordinance , and upon conviction $ 200.00. A second offense 11 constitute a misdemeanor, n shall be fined a sum not to not to exceed 90 days, or titled "AN ORDINANCE IN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE G PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION led "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING VEHICLES (ATVs) WITHIN THE ESOTA; ESTABLISHING A IES FOR THE VIOLATION Section 15. This ordinance shal take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. PASSED BY THE C~TY COUNCIL OF THE GlT DAY OF 1l.1. , 19 If f, OF HOYT LAKES THIS It( ATTEtJv-/}zf~ RICHARD BRADFORD, CLERK . Published in the June 6 Range Facts , 19~. on , . (i". .LT,' " ).ll '. Ul~ ~ ~~~ I'j~O S H rJ) ~ ~ ..E-iZ .~ ?-i Z C) O~. .:r: ~ , I ~ "i~- v ... ~~~t ...:.a 't, . v .: \..L:.. : . 81!1C!199~ 15:03 5075244535 eH' MAPLETO~4 PAGE 10 . .ggSA3 o lti..Cha../T\ C~<' CIll'Y 01' UP (rlaf)u.;,m~ or~in.no. 2 J c?-J q)) An Ordinance requlatinq the use f snowmobiles, raer.ational vehicl.. and all-terrain vehicl.. in he city of Hapleton. NO~, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORD INED by the City Coul'\cll for the city of Mapl.ton, Minnesota: 2101.01 Purpose I The purpose of this Ordina oe i. to provide reasonable regulations for the use of snow= biles, reereational vehicles and all-terrain vehicles Oft publ c and private property in the city o~ Hapleton. 2101.02 Definitionsl For the purpo... of this rdinanc::., the terms listed b.low ahall be defined aa follo Subdivision 1: "All-T.r ain' Vehicle" ahall mean a lIlotorized floatation tired ehiele ot not less than 'throe (3) low pressure tires, but not .ore than six (6) tire.. Subd. 2: "City" ahall mea the city of Kaple~on, Blue Earth County, Minneaota. Sub4. 3: "Council" ahall ean the City Co~ncil of the City of Kaplaton. Subd. 4: "Deadman Thrott e or Safety Throttle" shall meAn a devioe which when r.csure is removed from the enqine accelerator or thro tle, cause. the motor to be disengaged from the dr1vln mechanism. Subd.!: "Operate" shall ..an to ride in or on, and cont.rol the o~.ration of a .ngwmobile, recreational vehicle or all-terrain veh ele. . Subd. 6: "Operator". all mean every peril on who operates, or i. in act al physical control of . snowmobile, recreational v hicle or all-terrain vehicle. Subd. 7: "Person" .hall 1118 n an individual, partnership, corporation, the state and ts agencies and subdivisions, and any body ot persons, wether incorporated or not. . Subd. 8: "Public Property shall mean property that lIlay be us.d by the public subje t to reasonable regulation by a qovernmental body. Such property includes city parks, Ci ty parking lots and p lie sohool parking lots and ground.. 0!!18(1~94 15:03 5075244535 C ITV MAPLETON Pf'lGE 11 . (. ""4 Subd. 9: "Reoreational Vehicle" ..an any .elf-propelled vehicle and any vehicle propelled or drawn by a selt- propelled vebicle used for recreational purposes. including but not limited to trail bike, hovercraft. or motor vehicle licen.ed for highway operation whioh i. beinq used for oft-road recreational purpo.... Subd. 101 "ROadway" _hall mean that portion ot a street or hiqhway im.proved, designed or ordinarily used tor vehicular travel. Subd. 11: "Semi-Public Property" shall mean private property generally toru.. by the public but not owned or maintained by a qov.rnmental body. Such property includes, without limitation: church property, ahoppinq center property and other property generally u.ed by patrons ot a commercial or private business establishment. Subd. 12: "Snowmobile" shall mean a self-propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice steered by 8kis or runner.. ( Sub~. 13: "Street" or "Hiqhway" shall mean the entire . width between bound.ary line. of any way or place when any part thereof 1. open to the use of the public, as a matter of riqht, for the purpose of vehicular traffic. 2101.03 Liaitation of operation... Subdivision 1: Snowmobiles, reoreational vehioles and all-terrain vehicles may be operated only in the following locations within the City: &. On the operator'. property subject to the provisions ot this Ordinance. b. On privately owned property it the operator has in po...ssion written permission from the property owner, or, on privately owned property it the property owner ha* posted a clearly visible notice indioatinq "Snowmobile., aecreational Vehicles and All- Terrain Vehicles Allowed" or words substantially similar. c. On public trails specifically de.iqnated by counc::il ro.olution which are subjeot 'to t.he jurisdiction of the City. . (., : 2 iJ 1.1/,'3'34 15:03 5075244535 ~ I rl MAPLETOH PAGE 12 . d. On trunk hiqhwa s, county and .tat. aid road. or county road as regulated by the state ot Minnesota or th County at Blue Earth. e. On city street necessary t.o ga private prop. S1:atut.es, may recreational v.hicles. only when .ueh operation 1- n ace... to desiqnated ~rail., or areas which, by Minnesota be used by snowmobiles, vehicl.. and all-terrain t. On public or semi-public property only it clearly posted ith signs designating the araa or apecitic ar a8 a8 snowmobile, recreational vehicle or all- errain vehicle operating areas or trails. . SuPd. 2: Hour. of Opera No snowmobile, recr ational vehicle or all~terrain v$hicle may be operated at an place in the city during the following time periods: 11:00 p.m. sunday t 8:00 a.m. Monday 11:00 p.m. Monday t 8:00 a.m. Tuesday 11;00 p.m. Tuesday 0 8:00 a.m. wednesday 11:00 p.m. Wednesda to 8:00 a.m. Thursday 11:00 p.m. Thursday to 8:00 a.m. Friday 1:00 a.m. satur4ay to 8:00 a.m. saturday (com=only referred to aa Friday night/Saturday llorn1ng) 1:00 a.m. Sunday t 8:00 a.m. Sunday (commonly referred to a8 Sat rday night/Sunday morning) ( 2101.04 Per. on. under 18 an operation ot .nowmobiles: . I:"',.', \. .~.: Subdivision 1: No perao under the age of .ixteen (16) may operat. a .nowmobile on a y city street. Subd+ 2 t A person aixt.. n (16) years o~ age or olger but 1... ~an eiqhteen (18) year may operate a snowmobile on a city .treet only if the parso has in immediate posse..ion a valid snowmobile cafety cert! ica~e issued by the commissioner of Natural Resource.. 3 01'118/1994 15:133 51375244535 CITY MAPLETON Pi-,G',. .L J (: .' SUbd. 3: A person tourteen (14) years ot age Qr older but less than 8ixteen (16) may make a direct crossinq of a City street only if the person haa in immediate possession a valid snowmobile safety certificate iSliued by the COlDlD18sioner of Natural a..ources. 2101.05 city an4 Stat. Trattic Ordinanc..t city and State. laws 8hall apply to the operation. of snowmobiles, recreational vehicle. and all-terrain vehicles upon .treats and hiqhway. in the City. 2101.06 To"hag I It is unlawful for any person ~o operate a snowmobile, recreational vehicle or all-terrain vehicle so as to tow any person or thing in a pUblic street except through the Use ot a rigid tow bar. 1101.07 MaDdatory .quip..nt on Snowmobil... ( It 1. unlawful for any person to o~.rat. a snowmobile any place within the limits of the city unless it i. equipp~d ~ith the followinq: Subdivision 1: Brakes adequate to control the movement ot, and to stop and hold, the snowmobile under any condition at operation. Subd. 2: A satety throttle Or deadman throttle in operating condition. Subd. 3: When operated between the hours ot one-hal f hour ~.for. sunrise, one-halt hour after sunset, or at any ti=_ ot reduced Visibility, snowmobile. ahall have at least ona (1) clear la:mp attached to the tront, with 8ufticient intensity to reveal per.ons and vehieles at a distance of at least One hund.red CIOO) teet ahead. durin~ the hour. of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. Such head.lamp shall be 80 aimed that glaring ray. are not prOjected into the eye. of an oncoming motor vehicle operator. It ahall alao be equipped with at least one (1) red tail lamp having a minimum candle power ot sutficient intensity to exhibit a red light plainly visible from a distance at at least one hundred (100) feet under normal atmospheric conditions. SUbd. 4: SnOwmobiles must have reflected material of at least sixt.en (16) aquare inohes on each side forward of the handlebars, so as to refleot light. at a ninety (90) degree anqle. 4 . . . . (:,.. " ... . ll/1S/1994 15:03 , , 5075244535 C TV MAPLETOt'l PAGE 14 Subd. 5: standard muttle . which are properly attached and in constant operation an which reduce the noi.. of operation of tho aotor to the m n1mum necessary for operation. No per.on shall use a snuffIer e tout, bypass, .traight. pipe or 8im.iIar device and the exhau t 8yatem. .hall not emit or produce a .harp poppi'n9' or era king sound. 2101.08 Penalty. Any person convicted of a violation of any ot the provisions ot thi. Ordinanc. .h 11 be guilty ot a .isdemeanor. 2101.' .ff.c~i"'. D.~.. Thi. ordinance shall bo .ffective trom and after the date of it. official publioat.ion. P..sed and adopted by a IOO~!1 vote of all of the members of th~City council for the city of K platon, this 1~~ day of v< ('o.f". bt.-- ,1993. ATTEST: . ( C.l~,..J ;. &,~rt~,J Elmer I. Brocker, City Clerk . t.:.", , . 5 -~ ,tMC lPg"1l of Minnl$ofo. Citil$ Cifiu promoting -nllnCll Research and Information Servic ~"".,. (".~ ' : . . ~ ' ~'",.':"'" '. j . . City of Olivia Ordinance No. 267 AN ORDINANCE' AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 216 REGULATION SNOWMOBILES AND ALL- TER- RAIN VEHICLES WITHIN THE CITY OF OLIVIA, MINNESOTA, PLACING RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE AND OPERATION OF SNOWMOBILES AND ALL-TERRAIN 'VEHICLES I WITHIN THE CITY OF OLIVIA AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OLIVIA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: " SECTION 1. The laws of the State of Minnesota as set forth in Minnesota Statutes Section 84.81 through Section 84.928 and Chapter 169 are adopted in full. The detinitions of "snowmobile" and "all-terrain vehicle" for purposes of this ordinance shall be t~e same as those set forth in Minnesota Statutes Sections 84.81 and 84.92 respectively. SECTION 2. The following regula- tions shall apply to the operation of all snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. operated within the City of Olivia: 2. I Speed. Unless posted otherwise, no snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle shall be operated at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour. ' 2.2 Operation of Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles. It shall be unlaw- ful to operate a snowmobile or all-ter- rain vehicle in the City of Olivia upon any streets, avenues, sidewalks, boulc+ vards, parks, golf course, parking lots, alleys, school' grounds, airport property or othcrpublic or private property, except as providfd in this subdi~ision. Classification Municipality Date 2.2(a) Sno mobiles. When the oper- ation isin com liance with all other pro- visions of this Ordinance, snowmobiles may be operat d. (1) Betwee the hours of 8:00 a.m. , and 10:00 p.m. on streets and specially i designated ro tes in the City of Olivia I and on priv te property with the' Owner's perm ssion, given specifically to thc operator of the snmymobiIe. (2) Betwe n 10:00, p.m. and 8:00 a.m. only for p rposes of leaving abusi- I ness establish ent or residence at which " the operator as located at 10:00 p.m. and proceedin directly to the operator's residence by t e most dircct street route. 2.2(b) AlI- errain Vehicles. When the operation s in compliance with all other provisio s of this. Ordinance, alI- I terrain vehicle may be operated: (1) Betwee the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m' on private property with the Owner's ermission given specifi~ cally to the 0 erator of the all~terrain vehicle. (2) When the all-terrain 4-wheel vehicIeis bein driven from the normal place of domi ile to work locations uti- lizing the m st direct route on City' streets during aylight hours for purpos- 'es of: (a) plowin or blowing snow (b) mowin an9 fertilizing lawns (c) sprayin weeds (d) other. scs, when used as the power unit ~ '3f?s-/l3 ~.1 .' . . -~./ ~~d7d./ ~~~ '," . , ,. .,...1.....,' "-"" j,' ~,. l,~." ~ ' "J_'oj;,., ,',', ,'<. 'T:';(.,' :,,", '. '.-' ,.""",',,,,.,,.., ". ".' ,., ., ',' . ... -,. b tMC I.,MgUII of Minnuofa Citiu Citiu promoting excJ!"nC<l I Classification Municipality Date Research and Information Service These exemptions shall apply only when specially designed equipment is mounted on, or towed by, the all-terrain 4-wheel vehicle utilizing a rigid hitch system and the all-terrain 4~wheel vehi- cle is used as the power unit on the job site. The vehicle must be insured, regis- tered and equipped according to law. The owner must apply for an annual per- mit, issued by the City_ of Olivia and the :.- operator must be at least 18 years of age ,', '<!, .' and use proper safety equipment as required by law. . .2.3 Single File Traffic' Only. Snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles traveling in the same direction must . travel in single' file. It shall be unlawful . . . for two or more snowmobiles or all-ter- rain vehicles to travel abreast on any city street. 2.4 Rigid Tow Bar Required. It shall be unlawful for any snowmobile to tow a sled, wagon, toboggan, skier or any other object or person except by means of a rigid tow bar affixed to the rear of the snowmobile. SECTION 3. Itshall be unlawful for, the registered owner of a snowmobile or alI-terrtlin vehicle to be operated con- trary to this ordinance or governing state law. The registered owner of the snow- mobile or all-terrain vehicle may not be prosecuted and punished if: 3.1 the snowmobile 'or all-terrain j vehicle was reported as stolen to the ':'1 Commissioner of Natural Resources or ! a law enforcement agency at the time , the alleged unlawful conduct occurred or . 3.2 the regis ered owner demon- strates that the s owmobile either was stolen or was not in use at the time of the alleged unlawful onduct or 3.3 the registe ed owner furnishes to law enforcement officers upon request the identity of the person in actual phys- I jcal control of the snowmobile or all-ter- rain vehicle at t e time of such lawful conduct. ! This section hall not apply to ~ny , person who rents or leases snowmobIles or all-terrain ve icles if such person keeps a record 0 the name and address . of-the person or ersons renting or leas~ ing the snowmo i1e or all-terrain vehi- cle, the registrati n number thereof, the departure date a d time and expected, time of return. . The prosecut on of the owner of a . snowmobile or a I-terrain vehicle under , this section shall not operate to limit or ' bar the prosecut on of the snowmobile operator for viol tions of this ordinance or applicable Mi nesota statutes. . SECTION 4. violation of this ordi- : nance shall be a isdemeanor, subject to the maximum pe alties provided by law for misdemeano s. 4.1 A viol tion of Section 2.1 (speed), shallb a petty misdemeanor, I' subjecHo the pe alties provided bylaw for petty misde eanors. I 4.2 A violati n of any other se~tion of this ordinance shaJl be a mIsde- meanor, subject to the pfmalties provid- ed for misdeme nors. . Ordinance 216 shall not apply to, law enforcemen agencies, and fire and rescue personn 1 while in the perfor- mance of their fticialduties; Dated this 2 d day of January. 290L /s/ William . Miller, MaYQf . . /s/ Micha 1 S. ' Funk', i:~ity' Administrator . .,; ,<:~,; : (Pub. January 8,2001) 885A''31 J ," "_ ";\_'., ..t\~~~ ':, :', I""'" "'.r- ."i~;",~:,~ ';;<?, ~.'" t ~ ":." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONTICELLO P A S DEPARTMENT Feb. 21 to March 20 Work list - Accomplishments Excel Ballfield rules and regulations sign re ainted and up dated West Bridge fully cleaned, floors scrubbed nd ready for summer use Remounted the sign at East Bridge sliding ill Light replacement at Deputy Register Temporary "no motorized vehicle" sign at illard trail 72" mowers are ready for summer use Tree trimming in Riverside Cemetery com leted Replaced West Bridge outdoor light Began tree and shrub removal at Front Stre t lot Several snow removal operations Tree trimming lessons at the shop Further tree trimming in other Parks General maintenance of equipment as nee Held a ballfield association meeting Assisted Water Department with painting d the annual Resevior cleaning Aided the Street Department with snow re oval efforts Meetings with personnel to discuss goals a d objectives of department New wiring at 4th 8t so power box does no need to be opened for lights Park amenities up date for City Hall hando t Caught several snowmobilers on park pro erty - notified sheriff MAR- 4-02 MON 1:24 PM MN. W1PLAYGROUND . . . (1 ..,.; .J ~.....f"'l('.,.,';":... <.':';~ ?".' ~,',:'" \. -- I ""='-.0 '- Fax To: FAX NO. 7635465050 P. 1 . 'fl.'. P.O. BOX 27328 · G LDEN VALLEY. MN. 554.27 763.546.7787 . r .800.6 25425 · FAX 763.546.5050 E-MAIL tod@mnwiplay.COm City of Mont~ Phone: 1a3-271~3276 F.1<< 763~27t-3272 Ro: swlng Proposals Attns Adam Hawkinson D.... March 4, 2002 'at..., 5 ceo CJ U...nt CJ 'or Rm.w CJ PI.. COmment [J Pi.... Reply 0 PI.... ReGycI. .Comments; HI Adam, Please find attached the pricing for the Sw ngs you requested. I have included two options, 1. PowerScape Arch Swing 2. P erScape Single Post Swings. Should you have any questIons, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank You! ~ mnwlplay.com MAR- 4-02 MON \:24 PM MN.WIPLAYGROUND FAX NO. 7635465050 P '2 Game7ime>> Enriching Childhood Through Play.. Minn ota/WI Playground~ Inc. P.O. ox 27328 Golde Valley, MN 55427 Phone- (800)622-5425 Fax: ( 63)546-5050 Email: todd@ronwiplay.c-om Contac: Todd Lehman Ship Zip: 55362 - Emai1: . Date: 3/4/2002 Quote #: 220106301 City of Monticello Attn: Adam Hawkinson 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN S5362 Phone: (763)271.3276 Fax: (763)271-3272 Qt& eM! pescrivtion Ex.tended Weillht Unit Price Extended Price 1 10847 Two-Place Swing Freestand 404.00 $1.31~.OO $1,315.00 1 10848 Two-Place Swing Add~A.Bay 250.00 $885.00 $885.00 2 1468 2958 Belt Seat Pkg 5" ad 34.00 $139.00 $278.00 1 1464 8521 Enclosed Tot Scat Pkg 5" ad 21. 00 $182.00 $181.00 1 9802 Handi~Swing Pkg. 8' Ht. 2 3/8" Toprail 38.00 $530.00 $530.00 2 1463 5" 0..0. Swing Hanger 8.00 $37.00 $74.00 End 0 Lin~ Items Totals for Quote #: 220106301 755.001b!;>. Sub Total: Freight: Taxes: Total : $3,264.00 $374.40 $236.~O S3.S74.90 . To order: Please provide 8 signed quotation and/or pO nurober, i11ing and shipping address, shipping site contact person with phoneJfax and color selections. Unless otherwise noted, prices shown are materials only and DO NOT include taX. assembly, installation, edging, safety surface, removal/disposal of any existing CQlldi tions, surf: ce preparation, landscaping or bond. pJices are nrol for 30 days. Orders will ship within 4~6 weeks er. receipt of order entry - Acceptance of this quott indicates your Elgroomcnt 'th G toeTimc's terms. Customer Date .3.1.2'z.o2.02.28.3.l.l c:\vgt\reports\R.3Q. rpt 220106301 1 of 1 City of Monticello . . . MAR- 4-02 MON 1:25 PM MM. WI PLAYGROUND I ~ . _ . I ; i ~.' l" .'. ~ .......J' I :', IfIoDuLAR CoMPoNIIm FoIrr PA""" Au..... GiiiiiiiIi~ FAX NO. 7635465050 P, 3 10847 TWO..P LAC E SWING hItdIl"l (MWlItM 'I1uwuIIlI ,.,. Rev'$~o: 8f 14/0 1 NOTE: SWING SEAr PACKAGri$ Nor INCLUOEO. SHOWN ~OR ILWSTRA nON ONL Y. INSTRUCTIONS ,. BoforQ asslOlmb1ing this equipment, read the enclosed INSTALLER IHSTRVCTlO~lI in tha lntltallatlon booklet: follow 1111 thy Instruotlons during jn"tliill~tian. 2. Assemble part6 IilS lill1awn in the ASSEMSLY DRAWING. R.$fer tt) the 8asembly d81alls for the epeclfic hardware required In each connQction. NOTE: 10847 FREES!(iNOING 10848 ADD.A-BAY .OWNri:R/OPERATOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTA"4 PROTEctiVE SuR~ACIN(l WITHIN tHE Ua&;! ZONE (U.S.) OR PROtECTlV" SURF"CINU ZONE (CANADA) OF All PL"Y EaUIPMENT to COMPLY WITH ASTM F1292 ~Jill. ASTM F~1487 (U.S.) (ill. CAN' CSA-Z614 (CANAO"). -SOLlD OutSlol! BORo!" RE!>Ml!lU-:NtS MINI~IUM REaulREo ASTM UsE ZONI! AND CSA PROTECTIVE SURFACING ZONE FOI'I: SWIN(,l FRAME SHOWI~- .DASHED LINES RE"!l.l!$ENT C$A.No-ENCROAGWMIiNT lONe (C.I,tIIADA ONI.V), ../:;"CH ADDITIQNAL CONNECT"\> SWlt4~ FRA.M~ a"" INCRIiASES TilE Ul)1i ZONI!- SURFACING, IIND No ENCROACl-llAl<NT ZON~ DIME;tlSIONS 9.,. 10'.5" [3,18 M} r-----'".........-~ I I I L 6'-0" RADIUS [1.83 MJ (TYPICAl,) .,or"s" [3.5Q MJ-..{ f- 6'-0" (1.aa M) '----'(' ! N()oENI;"OJl.ct<IoI~'" Z()/'/~. 10847 SHOW/i WITH DASI-IED LiIlIiS r---~~~ l 4'-6" [1-37 M) f 25'.-4-13116" [7.74 M]~ 10848 ~ ~ TOP VIEWS (NOT TO BeAU) SCAlE; 1 ''=10'.{)'' 11:1201 Minn sota/WI Playground, Inc. P.O. ox 27328 Golde Valley, MN 55427 Phone' (800)622-5425 Fax: ( 63)546-5050 Emai1: todd@mnwiplay.com Conta ; Todd Lehman Ship ZiP'. 55362 Emaif: MAR- 4-02 MON 1 :25 PM MM. WIPLAYGROUND . Game'7ime8 Enriching Childhood Through PlaYt~ Date: 3/4/2002 Quote #: 220106302 City of Monticello Attn: Adam Hawkinson 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 FAX NO. 7635465050 p, 4 Phone: (763)271-3276 Fax: (763)271-3272 QOC. ~ Description Extended Wei/l.ht Qnit Pri,cc: Extended Price 1 9802 Handi-Swing Pkg. 8' Ht. 2 3/8" Toprail 38.00 $530.00 $530.00 1 1469 2684 Enclosed Tot Seat 23/8" Od 16.00 $172.00 $172.00 2 1481 2954 Belt Seat 2 3/8" Od 24.00 $118.00 $236.00 1 10740 Single Post Swing FIS 223.00 $505.00 $505.00 1 10741 Single Post Add-A-Bay 133.00 $325.00 $325.00 End of Line Items Totals for Quote #: 220106302 . 434.00 Ibs. Sub Total: $1,768.00 Freight: $215.22 Taxes: $128.91 Total: $2,112.13 To order: Please provide II signed quotation and/or PO number, illIDg and shipping address, shipping site oontact person with phone/fax and color selections. Unless otherwise noted, prices shown are rnaterials only and DO OT include tax, asselrtbly, installation, edging, safety surface, removal/disposal of any existing conditions, surra e preparation, landscaping or bond, Prices arc finn for 30 days. Orders will ship within 4-6 weeks er receipt of order entry. Acceptance of this quote indicates your agrCCltnent with eTimc's tem\s, ----- Customer .3,I.22,{)2,OZ.28.3.t.t c: \vgt.\reports\R3Q. rpt 220106302 Ciw of Monti~no Date 1 of 1 MAR- 4-02 MON I :25 PM MN. W1PLAYGROUND . -~,",?,,"",>-/.....- -+""\-I--~-:- . t . I ,... . . ,. ~ I . ,_ ".... J ..., / ~~ \, , MoouLAIt ~EH1 Fotrr PA YH6. ALA-..* GiiiDiiilii'iiB: Ellllddlll dIIlIh.... ....... ...,. . 10740 SHOWN 10741 SIMIt.AR N9ff.: SWING SEAT PACKAOE8 NOT INCLUO!O. SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. 1 1'..11.1IT ~" OJ -~ 0'-5" [.13 MJJ 10741 Aoo,A-SAY TOP VIEWS SCALE: 1"S110'.O" (1:120) . FAX NO. 7635465050 P. 5 10740 5" 0.0. SINGLE POST SWING NOTE: 10740 rR~TAJlIOING 10741 Aoo-.A-BAy ~ INSTRUCTIONS Before assembling thIs equ1pmQnl, rllad he tJrlclosed ImiTAl1fH Ir'iSfItUC'/'IONS in the stallatlon booklet: follow alllhe instructions urlng Inslall9tion. . Aesemble pollts ~ shown In the ASS5MBLY t1AWtNG. Refer to th8 ~8~fT1bfy details for the pfeifle hardware required in each IlOnnectlon. .., , , .""No-ENCIt~'l' ZoN~9 r- -/- SHoWN WITH DA311l!l> l~l!' I I [: 6'-0" RADIUS [1.&3 M] (TYPICAL) .. ; 16"-D' [4.66 M] ~ 6".0" [1.83 M) ""r f-'- I ~--- '13'-1--61&" (4.00 MJ ~ I " I . , II' FREESTANDING ') NOT To SCALE '1:IOPf~~fO~ SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN P/lofECTlVIii SUfi.JiACINC1 )Hi! USE! ZONI! (U.S.) OR PROTEctrVE. Sultl',,"CINfJ ZONE (CANADA) ",'LAY EQ ,PUI!NT TO COMPLY WITH ASTM F-1292 ANI) ASrM F.1487 t CAN' SA-Z.tH4 (OANADA). _ : OUTSt I! BOffOI!R REPRESENTS MIN//-IUM REQUUtEO ASTM Uu .,0 CSA PROTE.CTIVE SURfACINIJ ZONE. fOR SW/NlJ Ff/l.AMI< 3/o10WN. ;0 Llrfe3 RSPR/lSl!.NT CSA NO-~/'ICROACHMENT lONE (CANAOA ONL 'f). . I AOOIfI NAL CONNECTeo SWING FRAME BAY /NCRE'-SU TH~ U~e ~ONlii ;IIG, ANO No ENCROACHMENT ZoNt D'MeNSION! Sr S'.5-5W 1258.1~ eM], 10710 }I i . .' . (c) The size of cl ar-cut blocks, patches, or strips shall be kept at the mInImUm ne essary. Where feasib e, all clear-cuts shall be conducted between September 1 and May 15. If natural regeneration will not result in adequate v getative cover, areas in which clear-cutting is conducted sh 11 be replanted to prevent erosion and to maintain the aesthetic qua ity of the area. Where feasible, replanting shall be performed in the same spring or the following spring. (d) 3. Grading and filling i of the natural topography which is not accessory to a permitted or condi ional use shall not be permitted in the land use district. 4. Grading and filling in of the natural topography which is accessory to a permitted or conditi nal use shall be performed in a manner which minimizes earth mo ing, erosion, tree-clearing, and the destruction of natural amenities an shall be controlled by the local ordinance. 5. Grading and filling n of the topography shall also meet the following standards: (a) The smalles amount of bare ground is exposed for as short a time as feasible. (b) Temporary round cover such as mulch is used and permanent ground cov such as sod is planted. (c) Methods to revent erosions and trap sediment are employed. (d) Fill is stabil zed to accepted engineering standards. 6. Excavation of mate ial from or filling in a recreational river or construction of any permanent structures or navigational obstructions therein is pro hi bite unless authorized by a permit from the Commissioner pursuant to Minnes ta tatutes, Section 105.42. 7. No state or local a thority shall authorize the drainage or filling in of wetlands within th recreational river land use district. [D] VEGET A TIVE CUTTIN , GRADING, AND FILLING (Other Public Waters): The removal of na ural vegetation shall be restricted to prevent erosion into the public wat rs, to consume nutrients in the soil, and to preserve shoreland aestheti s. Removal of natural vegetation in the shore land overlay district sh 11 be subject to the following provisions: 1. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 27/8 SEWERED AREA GENERAL DEVELOPMENT WATERS Lot Area (feet): . Water frontage and lot width at building line (feet) 80 Building setback from ordinary high water mark (feet) 50 [C] VEGETATIVE CUTTING PROVISIONS AND GRADING AND FILLING (Recreational River): 1. On lands within the building setback from the normal high water mark, the Mississippi River, and the portion of Otter Creek within the recreational land use district: (a) Clear.cutting except for any authorized public services such as roads and utilities shall not be permitted. (b) Selective cutting of trees in excess of four (4) inches in diameter at breast height is permitted provided that cutting is spaced in several cutting operations and a continuous tree cover is maintained, uninterrupted by large openings. In cases where the existing tree . cover has been interrupted by large openings in the past, selective cutting should be performed so as to maintain a continuous tree cover in the remaining wooded areas. (c) The above cutting provisions shall not be deemed to prevent: 1. The removal of diseased or insect infested trees or of rotten or damaged trees that present safety hazards; or 11. Pruning understory vegetation, shrubs, plants, bushes, grasses, or from harvesting crops or cutting suppressed trees or trees less than four (4) inches in diameter at breast height. 2. Clear-cutting anywhere in wild, scenic, or recreational river land use districts is subject to the following standards and criteria: (a) Clear-cutting shall not be used as a cutting method where soil; slope, or other watershed conditions are fragile and subject to Injury . (b) Clear-cutting shall be conducted only where clear-cut blocks, patches, or strips are in all cases shaped and blended with the natural terrain. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 27/7 .,., BRUSH AND TREE REMOV IN CITY RIGHT- OF- WAY & OTHER PUBLI PROPERTIES 1. City Training Required - Right to Know - Safety Classes ~Chains w operation - Person protective equipment (PPE) ~ Proper runing and cutting techniques - First ai -CPR 2. City Liability . 3. Supervision Required - Need acco tability . "A vi "'" ~ j ].s .....~ ~ OJJ :i . 8 a'j ~ .s ~ j ] ~ .8 ] o j ~ .... .~ ~ g ] ~o .5 0., "0 CI.l 8. U"O Q)4-0 * =.....;5 ~ ~~ > 0 OJJ Q) "'" , ..c~~ ~ u ~ ~ "'" Q) .5 ~ .... OJJ u - el:l <: a .... ~~ e ~ CI.l~:E ~ ~ ~ c 0 Q) U fj ~.~ .8 0 a'j el:l Q) ~a'j"O .~ ~.B "'" :2 .~ .... .S- ea tb"5 a ~ t:: OJJ ~ ~ ~] Q) o ~ - ~"O ~ ~ .5 c.. ~ ..s "'" . E "0 &! .~ ~ ~MO ...."O~ 0 ,- IltJ '-' =4-0 0 __00 ~ 1:1 U .s ~ ~ ..,aoJ:J .s OJJ a"O -5 el:l .s~..d .g ;.;;: ~~ Vi .....~ el:l ~ .~ Q) c..~u - el:l~12 .... e 4-0 0., j el:l . Q) - 0 c.. ~re4-0 ] - "'" el:l "",J:J "0 8 ~ ~ U S ~ S ~ ~ Q) ~~ MCI.l4-0 =- ~ 0 ~ 0 U U Q) ~ ;:::; e 0 0 ~<.l:l ~ ~ ~OQ) ~ .... I ~ ~ ~ OJJ "'" ~ "'" 8~ ~ it: ~f el:l 0., ] ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ > ;: = ilJ Z 8 ~ Z ts IltJ a:l ~~U Z Z o Q) 1:1 0'\ U .; -= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ;:sf = .e Q) e.b .Q "'" ~ ~] ~ ~ .5 1a 0 8. .:e~ .... 0 U E ~E .... ~l o ~ .! .~ 8. . . ~ 0 800>' a~~ - 0.,';::: ....... ~"O ~ 0 "0 I "0 t o~ .... ..d:.B ~ I~ ~ CI.l CI.l ~] ! 4-0 -:~ 1a 5 = 'S: 0 o ~.B ~ "0 g o "'" ~ ~ j.J o M 0 ea 0 ~ .;::: 0 ~ 0 ~.a ~ a . o.,~ o as -: dd 1 l.~~ ~ ~ s ~ ft ~ o ~ ~ - .8 ~'"", .~ ~ "'" .... ~ ~ ilJ ~ "'" l..l ~ U 0., ~ 0., ~ 0 s ~ ~ 5'73 8 d' rO)J .S j~ QI'.I . .i~ ~ ~ ~ = 0.,0.,0 ~ ~~j 0 .~~j Q.,.- .... 0.. Vi ..c I .- ~ ~ 0 .~ "O~ ~ '1:; - a C" f jilJ "'" a ~ ~~~ ~ ~ CI.l~ o S ..;; ~ 0 ~ 3"~r::f ~ ~ l] ~ Q) ~~c./:l =- ~ 8- 0 .... OJJ 0 .... U vi ~ .~ ilJ ~ Q) ~"E ~ ~- vi oCl.l~ ~~~ el:l ~. :1 ....... Q) ~ 0..-5 it: ~ CI.l 0 ~ .... o. g ..,a ~ a CI.l ~..c S = .~ 8 ~~ 0 '1:: ~~ Ob CI.l 0 <'~ ~ = >-I 0., ll. ~ ~ UQ 0 .- = .c:::l ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 1. Ladders: I. ., 2. J. 4. 5. Defective ladders or non-OSl-l rated ladders shall not be used. All ladders shall be inspected nnually and before use f(Jr warping, cracks, loose rungs, sharp projections, nd general condition. Only one person shall occupy r ladder at a time, except for firefighters. Metal ladders shall not be used lear electrical power lines. A non-conductive fiberglass ladder shall bc used. I ,adders shall be maintained in 'ood condition by being stored on supporting racks or in a specially designat d area. .I. 'free 'rrimming Operations: 1. 2. ') J. 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. . The area immediately around th trimmer shall be arranged in such a manner as to prevent public access. All tools and equipment shall b maintained in good condition. Safety hats, goggles, gloves, eh ps and ear protection shall be worn. Ropes shall be kept coiled whet not in use and shall be inspected seasonally and before use. Sa\'ls shall be secured from fallit g while used fortree trimming purposes and being used from bucket truck. Only authorized personnel shall operate power tools and equipment. Outrigger stabilizers shall be positioned on ground prior to operation of lift device on aerial or bucket truck. Chain Saw: Partially sayved-through limbs sl all not be allmved to remain in a tree. a. Before operations begin, t 1e operator should check the condition of the chains, chain brake, blade, and muffler. Repair, replace, or report defective parts immediately. b. The engine shall be turned off and allowed to coo] sufficiently to reduce the possibility of fi el ignition. c. The chain saw shall be he d with both hands during use. SAFETY2.MAN: 6/29/94 Page 20 of 39 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY M MORtAL FUND PLAN EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2001 The purpose of this plan is to provide a venue for anyo who wishes to endow through their resources, a memorial or dedicated monument to anyone interred at 'verside Cemetery in Monticello, Minnesota. Memorials shall be purchased through the City Parks De artment. The Following is a list of items that may be purchased and supplied in a timely manner, to be pIa ed in Riverside Cemetery. A small plaque will be placed with the words "IN MEMORY OF ... name of de eased...". The cost of the plaque is included in the prices listed below. MAPLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX BIRCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................................. $XX.XX EVERGREEN .... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX WILD CHERRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX FLOWERING PLUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX OTHER . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. $XX.XX FLOWERING SHRUBS LILAC ...... _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - $XX.XX RHODODENDRON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX FLOWERING ALMOND . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - $XX.XX OTHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX . BENCH STYLE 1 BENCH STYLE 2 . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " , . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . " " " " . . . . " " . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . $XX.XX $XX.XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .. . . . . . . . ... + . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .'. .' . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . LARGE URN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX SOLDIER ........................................................................ $XX.XX DOVE ........................................................................... $XX.XX OTHER . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX All memorials shall be placed or planted by the City Parks Department. Once memorial placement is completed the donor will be notified. An memorials shall be maintained by the City Parks D artment. . Other items may be added in the future to the above I st as the Parks Department or City Council deems needed. For example, flagpole, shed, fencing, etc. . . . . . ,\~'~ I ,~ \ \ t \ \ ", ,\ l j. .. \ " , , t.w" MEMORIAL HORIZONTAL, LACK BACKGROUND, SINGLE BORDER 2 HOLES FOR OUNTING, "CLARENDON" LETTERING POLISHED SAND-CAST BRONZE PLAQUE WITH RAISED BRON E LETTERING PLAQUE OST:............................... $85.00 COST PE LETTER ............................ $0.50 NOTE: 0 L Y 2 LINES AVAILABLE FOR LETTERING "In Memo Of... Deceased Name" *ALLOW WEEKS FOR DELlVERY* Dinn Bros. Contact: Lisa in Special Services P.O. Box 111 (800) 628-9657 Holyoke, MA 010 1-0111 Reference Plate #Z2472 RENA SSANCE BENCH: ALUMI UM FRAME GUARANTEED TO NEVER RUST PRE-FI ISHED WHITE OAK SLATS 2 %" X 3/4" WITH ROUN ED EDGES BLACK FRAME 48" ST NDARD 2 LEG BENCH: ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . $298.00 60" P NTATION 3 LEG BENCH ............... $409.00 SHIPPI G COST PER 48" BENCH (IF 4 SHIPPED) . . $25.00 SHIPPI G COST PER 60" BENCH (IF 4 SHIPPED) . . $40.00 CEME T FOUNDATION: (NC. LABOR & MATERIALS): . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 . It is our understanding that the City will maintain the hard scape, such as the stairway, the railing, the benches and the curbs. The City will collect debris iled in the parking lot if it is too big to fit in the on-site garbage can. It is also our understanding th t if the City will provide wood chips, MCP will provide the labor to distribute it in the garden bed . Below is a list of items needed for 2002 with an stimated cost. In an effort to streamline record keeping we will use Cedar Street Garden Center a our primary supplier. EAST BRlDGE PARK - surrounding the parkin lot, lining the stairway, and along the River 21 flats of annuals /12 packs ea = 252 packs @ $ .49 ea $375.48 2 pints Round-up weed killer @ $16.00 $32.00 2-Soil amendments (Peat Moss, Compost) 2.2 cU.ft. bags @ $7.49 $14.98 5# Miracle-Gro plant starter $11.99 2-20# Fertilizer @ $7.99 $] 5.98 2-20# Weed Preventer (Treflan) @ $]6.00 $32.00 4 - 2 cU.ft bags cocoa mulch for Hostas @ $7.99 $3] .96 4 - 6 shrubs to replace dead or damaged (ifnecess ry) $100.00 2 - Gas powered hedge trimmers for fall pruning $25.00/day $50.00 20 bags red cedar mulch @ $3.00 $60.00 $724.39 . EAST BRIDGE PARK - hillside plantings 4 - flats annuals / 12 packs each = 48 packs @ $1. 9 1 - 20# Fertilizer @ $7.99 2 - 20# Weed Preventer (Treflan) @ $16.00 10 bags Red Cedar mulch @ $3.00 1 - 5# Miracle -Gro plant starter @ $] 1. 99 $71.52 $7.99 $32.00 $30.00 $11. 99 $153.50 WEST BRIDGE PARK - within rock walls, un er the trees 3:J.;- Perennial Grasses @ ,.y. If-( .f-..v--' 4 flats annuals / 12 packs each = 48 @ $1.49 2 - 20# Treflan @ $16.00 2 - 20# Fertilizer @ $7.99 3 - 2.2 cU.ft. Soil amendments (Peat Moss, Compost) @ $7.49 20 bags red cedar mulch @ $3.00 East Bridge Park Hillside plantings West Bridge Park Grand total . \ 12(J~, I)A $71.52 $32.00 $15 _ 98 $22.47 $60.00 ,( 0\'1 /1) 0 II \ $724.39 . $153.50 111/, q 7