Parks Commission Agenda Packet 04-18-2002 . AGE DA PARKS CO MISSION April 18, 200 -4:30 p.m West Prai ie Room "To ellha"ce CO"",lIl1li(I' prii throllKh developillK alld lI/aintaillinK ci(1' pil1ks with a high Itilll/lard of '1liali(I'" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes of Mareh 21, 2002 Par s Commission meetin~. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a~e 4. Citizensrequesh. 5. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Developmen Director - Update on Hans Hagen Development along Front Street. 6. . 7. 8. 9. Review and discussion of tree planting p licy. Pathway and steps at East Bridge Park Park Maintenance hems. Updates, if any: A. Entrance Si~ns B. Subcommittee on A TV Use 10. Adjourn . . . . NOTES TO PARK C MMISSION AGENDA March 21,2002 Information: At the April Wh meeting, a presentation was made h the Council regarding locating an ice arena facility on City owned property on ?h Street. The Point Group w rking with the MYI IA is looking at sites in Becker and Clearwater as well as sites in Monticello. The Cit was asked to consider donating the land (or doing a long term lease with minimum Icase payment) and possi ly reducing or waiving some of the development fecs such as sewer, water and storm sewer trunk charges. Th City Council indicated that they were not advcrsc to the donation of city owned land for this use but did not gree to waiving of fees at this time.. They did howcver indicate that once the total amount of development ees were known, the City would consider negotiation on the fees but they did not make assurances that therc auld be a reduction in fees. 'fhe Parks Commission will be updated as this project progresses. . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - ARK COMMISSION Thursday, March 21, 2002 - 4:30 p.m. "TII ellhallce ('Olll/lll/Ility pride t/mlll!:h dew/llpill!: alld nwilltaini,,!: ci~1' parks with a li!:h stalldard II/lfllality" Members Present: Larry Nolan. Fran Fair, Nanc McCaffrey, Earl Smith, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Roger Carls n Members Absent: None Staff: Public Works Director, John "imola and Parks Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to ord rat 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. He acknowledged those students attending the 1eeting. 2. A rove Minutes of Februa 21 2002 Parks Commission meetin RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE l'l-IE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 21,2002 PARKS COMMISSION MI.:ETING. FRA FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a Larry Nolan asked that a discussion of Wa k and Roll and the pathway dedication be added to the agenda. A discussion of the plantings for the West Bridge Park was also added to the agenda. Far! Smith stated he would like to see a di 'cussion with the new park superintendent about the direction he is proceeding with the parks. 4. Citizens Requests. None. 5. Entrance Siens - lJodate. . Nancy McCaffrey submitted a summary c l' meetings and telephone contacts she had relating to the entrance signs. The summary listed possible sites for the entrance signs and factors to be considered in selecting the sites. Nancy cCaffrey bad pictures for the Parks Commission showing the various locations. After l' viewing tbe potential sites for the entrance signs with the Parks Commission. Nancy McCaffre then went over design criteria. She noted the types of materials used in various signs and co -ts. Sbe had also met with John Simola and Adam Hawkinson to see what materials the Ci y had on bane1. From a number of sources she had selected pictures of various types of entr nce signs which she submitted to the Parks Commission. Adam Hawkinson present~d a preliminary sign idea which would utilize a lattice . . . Park Minutes - 3/21/02 section which the City has on hand and thel design an add-on that could be mounted onto the lattice with the City's logo located on the si e. The sign would be done in colors of the logo. He will try to have a more detailed sketch o' a model for the next meeting. Nancy McCaffrey will continue to meet with city staff and other entities to get additional infi.mnation on locations and designs. 6. Review and discussion of hallfield use an maintenance issues includin eontrihutions from hasehall and softball associations. Adam Hawkinson reported on his meeting ith representatives of the various softball and baseball groups to discuss use and mainten" nce of the ballfields. After reviewing the revenue generated by concessions and the expenditl res for ballfield maintenance. it was determined that for 2002, the groups would increase from $ 25 to $150 per team the contribution made to the City with the understanding that this amour t would be increased again in 2003. There will also be an increase to $75/per field/per day for t urnament use. In addition the City will be asking that a monthly financial report be submittec rather than an annual report. The associations were given forms for tracking inventory. The c neessions operation is run by the softball association except for a two week period when it is or rated by the youth baseball association. Earl Smith asked about the City having SOl eone to coordinate/schedule ballfield use. Adam Hawkinson indicated that he had talked to onticello Community Center staff about this. In addition a person has been hired by the Public Works Department to assist the Public Works staff so that person could possibly be utilized fln that purpose. Adam Hawkinson discussed some of the cI anges that were taking place with the mowing operations. The department is looking at s ~lling some of the existing mowing equipment and replacing it with lighter more maneuverabl pieces. They arc also looking at landscaping some areas that were previously being mowed an j will be utilizing spraying as well. The mowing routes will be coordinated and the operatio s will be conducted using procedures similar to mowing contractors. They anticipate mowing the fields twice a week and all other areas once a week. The Parks Commission discussed st ffing needs. Adam Hawkinson felt the four full-time employees and the seasonal help should be adequate. 7. Review of existin A TV ordinance and d'scussion of chan es to the ordinance. As directed by City Council, the Parks Co mission reviewed the present ordinance governing ATV use in the City. The City's ordinan e prohibits ATV use in the parks or on the trails within the City. A copy of the ordinance h s been given to the SheritTs Department so they are aware of the restrictions on A TV use. The Parks Commission discussed those areas that were off-limits as far as ATV use and also discu.. sed what areas, if any, could be designated for ATV use. Fran Fair asked if designating specific areas wouldn't opcn up some liability risk fi.x the City. It was pointed out that the DNR is tr ing to deal with the issue of ATV use in state parks and yet rninimize the environmental impac they have. 2 . 8. 9. . . Park Minutes - 3/21/02 Earl Smith suggested that a committee be set. lp to review and. if needed, make changes to the City's A TV ordinance. Larry Nolan, Earl ,'mith and John Simola will make up the committee and the Monticello Police Commission will b contacted to see if they want to have a representative on the committee or provide input on the ordinance. The Parks COlnmission discussed whether the issue of ATV use cam up because there were inadequacies in the ordinance or deficiencies in the enforcement )1' the ordinance. It was suggested that perhaps the conunittee would want to look at the snowmc bile ordinance also. Park Maintenance Items. Adam I-Iawkinson submitted a list of the wor<_ completed by the Parks statT and complimented the staff on the work they had accomplished. Although the Parks Commission had no questions on the work list, Larry Nolan asked about si nage to keep the snowmobiles from going over the plantings at the park. Adam l-lawkinson st - ted that in the spring staff will try to put up some split rail fences in a location to direct snowr obilc traffic away from the plantings. West Bridge Park - Swine;s. The recent spell of bad weather delayed the 'taff in making a decision on the location of the swings. Adam Ilawkinson did contact som playground equipment vendors regarding the cost of the swings and he noted that one finn had a 1,000 price increase from last year. Adam Hawkinson had a preliminary sketch that sh )wcd the swings on the east side of the ship structure. The swings need 6' on the side and 12' front and back. Earl Smith asked about locating a small tot lot at the parle The Parks Commission < Iso talked about the area where the skating rink is located. Adam Hawkinson suggested puttir g in a hard court with hoops and then nood the court in the winter. With the general layout prop sed all the recreational activity would be on one side of the park and the more passive activity su h as walking would be on the other side. The Parks Commission would like to do a physical in. pection before the final decision is made. John Simola indicated that some storm sewer work needs to be done in the park. The Parks Commission also noted that Bridge Park is showcase park for the city and would enhance the development proposed to go in along Front Street. lO. John Simola reviewed the inf(Jfmation pre iously submitted about clear cutting along the wild and scenic river designation. It was noted hat the clearing work done in the Battle Rapids park area was probably a violation of the ordinalce. In preparing guidelines for clearing, John Simola and Adanlllawkinson considered safety at d liability issues as well as the time involved to have staff mark the trees fl1f trimming/removal. All things being considered, the most sensible course of action was to not allow volunteers to be clearing trees on city owned propeJ1y. Ifvolunteers wanted to help they could assist in removi g c\eared trees but safety concerns made it too risky to have them do the tree cutting. 11. Selection list of items for lark donation . Adam Hawkinson brought catalogues sho ing the various type of benches which ranged from ^' -) . . . Park Minutes - 3/21/02 metal benches with the plaque inserted in the ench. to plastic to wood. The cost of each type of material was discussed. The placement of an benches or donated trees would be determined by the Park Superintendent. Adam Hawkinson uggested that in lieu of individual plaques on each donated tree or bench, in the area of the flagp Ie a stone could be placed listing the names of those individuals in whose memory the donati n was made. A list of acceptable donation items and their prices would be available for donors to review. 12. Modification to Riverside Cemete Rules nd Re uhltions re ardino markers. The Parks Commission discussed the proposed modification to the recently adopted rules and regulations for Riverside Cemetery which wo lid designate a 4" thickness as the standard for markers. RICK TRA VFR MOVED TO AMEND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR TI IE RIVFRSIDE CI,:METERY TO REQUIRE M RKERS TO BE 4" IN THICKNESS. EARL SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOT ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Walk and Roll: The Parks Commission discussed ncorporating a ribbon cutting ceremony fiJr the new pedestrian bridge as part of the Walk and Roll Celeb ation. A number of ideas were discussed. The Parks Commission will do the ribbon cutting cerem( ny Cor their part of Walk and Roll. The Parks Commission felt that scheduling the ribbon cutting, t 9:30 would be a good way to kick off Walk and Roll. John Simola noted there is still some work to e done on the project by the contractor. Earl Smith asked about the trail in the River Forest developme, t and wh(~n that would be completed. W cst Bridlle Plantinlls: Fran rail' submitted a skeH1 of the proposed plantings for West Bridge Park and a preliminary budget. The cost of the perennial' was estimated at $1,300. She questioned whether there would be adequate funds in the budget for it. 'he draft budget document showed $2,500. John Simola will check with Rick Wolfsteller and then Ie fran Fair know the budget amount. Upon hearing from John Simola, Fran Fair will order the plants. here was also a brief discussion on where to get the other materials needed and the cost of the materials 13. Adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO AD] )URN AT 6:30 P.M. RICK IRA VER SI.:CONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------ -,,--,,- Recording Secretary 4 . . . NEWEST, UNWANTED NEIGHBORS: INVAsIVE SPECIES ,:.to, Mary Maguire Lerman Shade Tree Short Course March 26-27, 2002 'like rude guests, they arrive early, stay late and trash the house." "Conservationists now estimate that in the last 10 years alie invasives have destroyed more habitat than<'- development has." Sara stein, 1996 Let's tak:e a look: at some of these rude gue ts: Woody Plants: Arnur Maple Norway Maple Japanese Barberry Si berian Peashrub Russian Oli ve Honeysuckles (Tartarian) Mulberry (White and Red) Common Buckthorn Glossy Buckthorn Black Locust Siberian Elm Grasses: Smooth Brame Amur Silver Grass Reed Canarygrass Annuals: Finely-divided Ragweed Giant Ragweed Queen Anne's Lace Biennials: Garlic Mustard Burdock, Cocklebur Hoary Alyssum Musk or Nodding Thistle Spotted Knapweed Bull Thistle Grecian Foxglove White Sweet Clover Yellow Sweet Clover Acer innala Acer platanoides Berb 's thunbergii Cara ana arborescens Elaea nus angustifolia Lonie ra tatarica, maackii, morrowii, x bella Morn at ba, Moros rubra Rham us cathartica Frang la alnus (aka Rhamnus frangula) (Tall hedge/ColumnarfFemleaf) Robi . a pseudoacacia Dlmu pumila Brom s inennis Mise thus saccharifloms Phal . s arundinacea Ambr sia artemisifolia Ambr sia trifida Dane s carota Alliaria petiolata Arcti m minus Berte a incana Cardu s nutans Centa rea maculosa Cirsiu vulgare Digita is lanata Melil tus alba Melil tus officinalis Perennials: Creeping Bellflower Canada Thistle Crown Vetch Leafy Spurge Creeping Charlie Dame's Rocket Orange Hawkweed Yellow Flag Tris Oxeye Daisy Butter and Eggs, Common Toadflax Birdsfoot Trefoil Purple Loosestrife White Sweet Clover Yellow Sweet Clover Wild Parsnip Japanese Knotweed (Bamboo) Sow Thistle Common Tansy Cow Vetch- Hairy Vetch Others: Shepherd's Purse Mullein Dandelion Mustards Carnpanula rapunculoidcs Cirsium arvense Coronilla varia Euphorbia esula Glechorna hederacea Hesperis matronalis Hieracium aurantiacum T ris pseudacorus Leucanthemum vulgare Linaria vulgaris (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum) Lotus corniculatus L ythrum salicaria Melilotus alba Melilotus officinalis Pastinacea sativa Polygonum cuspidatum Sonchus arvensis Tanactum vulgare Vicia cracca, Vicia villosa Capsella bursa-pastoris Verbascum thapsus Taraxacum officinale . """", . Mustard Family: Numerous Mustards, Hoary Alyssum, Shepherd's Purse, Penny Cress Horseradish, Dame's Rocket, Garlic Mustard Wherever yoU go, the ET's will be there. 8e prepared to help. Examples: Califomia- Pennisetum grasses and Fennel SW- Tamarix Rorida- Melaleuca Europe- Wild Black Cherry Resources: Minnesota Invasive Non-Native Terrestrial Plants, Mn. DNR 2002- an i.d. guide Invasive Plants: Weeds of the Global Garden- Brooklyn Botanic Garden series, 1996 . ///,;::::::::~~~''\.. l .' '\". 'II.,. t ! .;''-.....' ,/' it,... ",~;; ,;,\, l l =~, ...:~\ ,; I -- 7";""'''' l / . . '1<", '1" .,t' /. "':;\;~~'" .c', 'i'I' ~~~ ./' I" l:..,.:~ T~~::~~~.\ " . "" ~,\,. 1/ " ',' \\ 'I,.':. ,.:~. '.~, :;'1, '\ '~., l .~~ ";~ ;/1 'i,\\ '\ \ ;j,' l " '\'\ ;/ ~':::--. \ \ I. / i./i -...~...." \\ r/ /i \ \"\'0 /1 (.(19 \ I ~&l' "'~ ,/ \, / iv~:t-I / I \ .I -......." ,",,' I I. \~.." ,,/ ~- -..:............... ~ ........."... ~ ,"": - , , "...... --, .<l:l ........ '........ "'~ ~. . ~ ":,,",, ,...\- r= "- ~" . "". ~~.,,: -S,.,., . . '^ Jr,..- ~ l ~ ~ '.~. .... 'i'. ...... ,. ...t. . "" ~ ~ . ~" ,.... / l , J' ~.-i l ~, ~ /.1" Go e"" "~I. '~" .~\~\!< .'1....1. '~>C>-'tr '^ "-~~..~ ....'I!-;,'''I ~ , \-. ....... a- ... ,~~ .~ ':t:.1 ", ~ ~ . by: EARL F. ANDERSEN 952 884 5619; r~ ^~, . P,OPOS ,L f~'~(r b-?j:Z~] L ';;I- :/Jt7) - . QL:OTE TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCTSPAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST., SUITE) MONT/eEI.LO. MN 55362 ATTN: ADAM HAWKJNSO~ 763-271-3276 PHONe: fAX: 76:3 --;l1/- .3~7~ QTY ITEM NO 1-00 1 00050 A 03/21/02 16:48; ~#748jPage 1/2 PROJECT: CITY OF MONTICELLO 90 J GOLF COURSE ROAD MONTICELLO MN 55362 DESCRIPTION 5"" Arch Belt Swing, 4 Place w/COIlled Cn in 2 BAY ARCH BELT SWING wi (2) BEL SEATS, (1) FULL BUCKET (TOT) SEAT, (I) MOLDED B CKE'l" SEAT. SEE ORA WING FOR ARCH aEL T SW/ G. A IT ACHED. . ->;~ /lJk- < ALTERNATE: $1.885.00 SWING CHAIN IS PVC COATED ON EI HER OPTION. # ] 228370 (p. 124) 2 BAY SINGLE pas SWING wi (2) BELT SEATS, (l) FULL BUCKET,(I) M tOED BUCKET SEAT AI.. TERNA TE OPTION I: DELETE PVC COATED CHAINS - ADD GAL V ANlZED CHAINS. DEDUCT -$28 .00 EQUIPMENT BY LANDSCAPE STRUC RES, INc. PROPOSAL DOf:S NOT INCLUDE INS AI..LATION. Jlre c,5~,+ r ? vUltl ~~"v . .~;~.~ ~" f ~~.r II <luotation is flIlid for 30 clau Please cAli for COlllirmatlon after .h date. Prices are NOT based on prev.ilinc wlees. I)JSCl.AIMlZR FOR lINI'NOWN CON01TJONS: The rollowid! di~claillll:f applRsQnly w inslallatioll is qootelJ. This qltOlation q b&IICd on the ..-ca bcin8. fiat of all debris slMlh "", bUI "'" IimiWd W Ihc tollowi !: *CCIIlCtelc loolinss \If bllx:kll of allY type. .acdlock (If Tacky condilions of ally 1)lp8. "Tret .Iump., 1rt:C$, CI/IS. boule. metal or My othet debri., 'Utiliti03 reqlllrlng any 001" lei be dUI by hand. 'Ifarca is nOI aCCGSsible to a bnbl,:WIIlIId otbcr equipment lIectSiaty for irtliWIb,lion "Ifwatr:r exists in $lle area or footmgs al\er they life du&. "Or My olber unknUwn coodlllQM not Imeld or isiblt FQB: FACTORY TERMS: NET30DAYS Shipment llpprox. 3-4 weeks llpon receipt of ord~r and subject to crodit ap oval. Do you require a 24-hollr d(llivvry Rotlce1 0 Yes 0 No ~llge: ENTERED BY: PDE QUOTE NUMBER: 0047374 QUOTE DATE: 3/21i02 . ~, PRICE EACH EXT. PRICE . 3,540.00 3.540.00 --' SUBTOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT ,40.00 230.]0 107,33 'rOT AL 3~71.43 - Signed by: ;J ~VuJ#IV/1f DAVlU UWt;N / .proved by: CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM ALL QUANTITIES 9701 Penn Ave S, #100. Bloomingtol1. MN 55431 · Phone: 9 2-884-7~~OO. 1.800-862-6026 · Fail.: 952-H84-5619 www.efa-mn.colll · e-maiL parkamJreci..fo@cf-mn.comORtrafficint.o@efa-mll.com EEDI AA Date: . . . by: EARL F. ANDERSEN 952 BB4 5619j .-- -. 4 - 03/25/0212:20j 1tifBL-#911jpage 1/3 SMITT AL SHEET Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 9701 Penn AI/e S, #100 Bloomington, MN 55431 952-884-7300. FAX 952 884-5619.800-862-6026 E-Mail: PAl:kandmdnfu@eia.- CillD Or n:llfikintb@~fa~'Qw ,,^ , ., DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ,,~W~. V'L Total Number of Pages ( Sheet); ~s You Requested ~r Your Information o For Your Approval o Review and Retunl o Other o Hard Copy to follow If you do not receive all pages sent or if they are not legible, l)lease c~J1 ~ende,. il'\"I.mcdintoly t 9~2-884-7300_ EEO/AA . .. .. - by: EARL F. ANDERSEN 952 BB4 5619; 03/25/02 12:21 j ~#911 jpage 2/3 SAFETY NOTE ell_ . P'OOOOM IUrlO."l!Ill'lll""'" '''a, ~ . CIIOCUl H~l VliIuo of il hiSS! lhoo ~~I of the Hig/l.:il At.......bIo l'anIF.1I HOlgtlI o'llMIll<li_ "'I"'""",,"" lAif.ASl'M ;>1.81. SI;Ci/ON ~.l II C.rllll.d H-01 13329000 NOTE: DETAIL GaJ\I~ni;md Chlin BO' ';r LIN Only. Insert SpaC$r6 ... K 86tw"n Chain Chai071- ~-~' Link & Bolt Link ".. / %" )l 1 1// Hex.Pin Limited Thread 8 I I.. I ~+..., ~ Boll (Head Faces User) ot In ; L.n_,,. '__ . . -a:::j) 't \. 2~ ) t~../ / " ,.~\ . ~'[,./ , _~~fJ~ ?J<." ...-"-" ___'rfP1>. (4) 5" Half clampfwl 3/." x 'I." Hex.Pin Cap Screws wi %" Tee Nuts ~~l~-t~ , DETAIL ~./~ BACK TO BACK SWING BEAM ATTACHMENT -- '-, " (4) ~/!" x , '/a/l, '\ Hex-Pin Cap .'!J' Screws ,Awing Beam (4) J"~' Standard H{J)( Nl..lls wi JJ~" SAE Flat Washers ~ .><-- ./ (2) 'I: x ~f6" Drive Rivets DETAIL 511 O~O. ......r~------"""-.., Posts II'G" l 2 7/,/ Hex-Pin l.imited ThrGad 80lt , ";::;;= Options: TenderTutf Cl'Iated Chain or Galvanized Chain Double " Clsvis Chain I :-~/J 'l," x 1 'I/Hex-Pin lil'nll~d Threao Boll ",I n Use j "~ ' DETA BOLT LINK /- ''''', I ( BQlun~ Belt Seat DETAIL loose Fill CONCRETE FOOTING I Proteetl"~ ,. L'-.Surfaoing '- Post "'10.\\, ~~~~iT, " . .'~ ~i _, e' ~ei91 I " / -' Subgrad~ ~/a. x, '/"- Hex.Pin limited Thread Bolt (Head Face! USlilr} TenderTuff Coated Chain ,; PLAN VIEW/FOOTING LAVa -I:'. ..... Protective Surfa.cing ~._---~----~--_.~----~.~-----~~--~-~ I , , I I I . , ,/-.-~~ , "" "" co ~ Co 5 Place ~' :, 1829 ' , . , , ,-. ,'.- ... - , 1~" 140. 3556 140" 3556 ~. <0 T""" 0...... ;::. '<t;! reU ,~ 'I"~ -, -., , I'-- Minimum Use i ~ Zone Lnn _n_U _~ _. _ u_-~n_~Ln_w____ .. ~ Concrete Footing ~ 24" 610 &wi II Ellrl F. Andersen I Inc. ~701 Pent'l Ave, $.. SUite 100 Bloomington, MN 55431 (952) 864-7300 FAX ~95.2) 884-5619 , -800-862-6026 I . 02001 Ill' ~~Illl SlruCUIIIInl:. "" "&I'M ....rwd. Post , 4-02 MON I :25 PM MM. WI PLAYGROUND . Game7ime~ Enriching Childhood Through Play.~ Date: 3/4/2002 Quote #: 220106302 City of Monticello Attn: Adam Hawkinson 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, :MN 55362 rAJ. NU. IlJjJ'tOJUJU Minn ' otaIWI Playground, Inc. P.O. ox27328 Golde Valley, MN 55427 Phone' (800)622-5425 Fax: ( 63)546..5050 Email: todd@mnwiplay.com Contac: Todd Lehman Ship Zip: 55362 Email: !'hone: (763)271-3276 Fax: (763)271-3272 r. 't Qtt;. ~ DescriDtion Extended Weill.ht lJnit PO,2e Extended Ptice 1 9802 Handi-Swing Pkg. 8' Ht. 2 3/8" Toprall 38.00 $530.00 $530.00 1 1469 2684 Enclosed Tot Seat 23/8" Od 16.00 $172.00 $172.00 2 1481 2954 Belt Seat 2 3/8" Od 24.00 $118.00 $236.00 1 10740 Single Post Swing F/S 223.00 $505.00 $505.00 1 10741 Single Post Add-A-Bay 133.00 $325.00 $325.00 Total! for Quote #: 220106302 . End of ine !tentS 434.00 Ibs. Sub Total: Freight: Taxes: Total: $1,768.00 $215.22 $128.91 $2,112.13 To order: Please provide a signed quotation and/or:l:'O number, b' ling and shipping address, sbjpping site contact person with phone/fax and COIOT selections. Unless otberwise noted, pxices shown are material$ only and 00 or include tax, asselublYj inslll.llationj edgingj safety surface, removal/disposal of any existing conditions, surra prepat'ation, landscaping OT bond. Prices are finn for 30 days. Orders will ship within 4-6 weeks . receipt of order entry. Acceptance of this quote indicates your agreen'lent with eTime'g terms. ------ Customer ." . c:\vgt\reports\R3Q. Tpt nOl06302 CitV of Monticello Date 1 of 1 LANDSCAPE STRU TURES INC. . .". SuperScoop ~ . Designed with oil'impregnated bearings that allow 3600 pivotal rotation . Sturdy frame with cast aluminum bucket . Choose any powdercoat color and a brown TenderTuff'coated seat 123831A SuperScoop $590 53 Ibs. Minimum Area Required: 8' radius (2,44 m) .". Wheelchair Accessible SuperScoop~ . Also works well from a standing position . Choose any powdercoat color and a brown TenderTufhoated seat 123832A Surface Mount SuperScoop $600 35 Ibs. 123832B Direct Bury SuperScoop $575 39 Ibs. Minimum Area Required: 3' radius (914 mm)' I(t 'At a 1600 rotation in front of user . ..... Stationary Cycler . Handles and pedals move independently, building coordination, and can be installed separately . Rotates on oil-impregnated bushings for years of maintenance-free use . Choose any powdercoat color for posts and handle/pedal bars 123517C Stationary Cycler (Pedals and Handles, with Aluminum Posts) 5960 Bllbs. 123517 A Pedals Only, with Grab Bar and Aluminum Posts 5760 79 Ibs. .1235170 Pedals Only, with Grab Bar and Steel Posts 5745 1531bs. 123517E Handles Only, with Steel Posts $640 1421bs. 123517F Pedals and Handles, with Steel Posts $945 15Blbs. Maximum Fall Height 57" to 63" (1,45 m to 1.60 m) ..... Accessible Stationary Cycler . Includes just one set of handles for kids limited to upper body mobility 123517B Accessible Stationary Cycler, with Aluminum Posts $660 691bs. fl) i f, ((,' Minimum Area Required: 16' x 13'3" (4,88 m x 4,04 m) Maximum Fall Height 38" to 40" (0,97 m to 1,02 m) 110 " ,,- . MONTICELLO PAR S DEPARTMENT Work list - Accomplishments March 2.1 thru April 17 . · Cemetery preparation for funeral · Auto body work on street departmen ford and park dept Chevy van · Worked on swat van to get srnnmer r ady · Attended Shade Tree Short Course · Accepted bids for portable toilet unit for the parks · Snow removal from trails, sidewalks, and parking lots · General equipment maintenance · Modification of swat van - made mo e work friendly · Met with part-time summer staff to g over this years changes · Finished clearing front street · Removed trees (Siberian elms) from tter Creek pathway · Performed playground inspections ,. _ · Sign work - ballfields and logo sing for shop- Commerce left over · Assisted Softball Association with sp ing cleaning at Excel fields · Picked up branches at Riverside Cern tery · Took down sliding hill safeguards at ast bridge · Picked up bedding at E. Bridge · Painting of equipment · Put trash barrels out in the parks · Fixed garage door opener in cold stor ge · Restored basketball hoops at Par West · Remodeling at Deputy Register · Removed barricades at Otter Creek · Started irrigations and turned on water to buildings · Working on ballfields · Tree removal - - <I"I'~' '" ~ ,. '>j. ~ . ..c ...,... "\ " ~ ...,<,~\ "'.'1,"'\...... l,l'l, e""'. 'I,. '.. .., . ~ ....... } '::)- ~ f M( "'t' "Ii.. (.4 ... 'q;; ~ l --- ~......... '^ -..,. ..........~ c::i":;.,.. .-......,...".. -~ ..................., ............"" I~ I J /' '\ I .~ //~\\ /1...'/ i (~ 4-,~. \, i ! i' ~. ~ ,) / ,~'''' ; ~q '... "'''. "".'~ ~"'~.. ,._-...... I . "'\ i I..J / l A' l #: If! /'7r'~ J ! l/ Ii l ,,} / ..r 1/ l l j' ,} 1/ /./ .' ," - ,....,., / '''.. ......,.- "._-~..,.,,,,..-~ ,/ .."",.""~.",..,,,,,,,,,,,",,_..._,,....- -,., !' I~ ... 'jj~ G.'l 1 "..~"...-",-- -., " . '.. .'"....'.,,",,-. "... """, .,'~/ , ",' .', '"<;', " '\. 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Be Active - ~ Minnesota .www.beactiveminnesota.org Board of Directors Murray Harber Cl-Iair MIrI{If.:;::()!(~ CU:J,I;(.,/ Oli r1'jf.fu,i Act!',';I)' h/,(j Sporll: Christine Kimber Vlce,Chair Ikr:nUJilc;; !.)r.ni..:,r!!(Cli! (/ Hhl!!il Ford Watson Bell. DVM Secretary ITreas u rer r.{r;in~bpo/iS f-!f.[;rl !ri,,:'!,,-{!}ie FOi/nd,itiCin Jill Birnbaum. JD AmerlCi::n H(~[:r! A:':,C;CiCic;.!iO:'i Daniel Dunn. MD ;,..~,:i.;",,"'/ //:)ti/.':w";~:!€n; (!osc/tal .~,t~I~:~ g~.~~V:Ji~;,!, .. Groul) Thomas Kottke. MD C;;rdi(:,"/;Si(;i: :':"(i>:; Nico Pronk, Ph.D. f-;'f:-;i;!il.:r::'[;r!(',:ers . (,""; April 8, 2002 Dear Professional: ....f. A stakeholder, in public health term ,is defined as any person, representative group or organization having an interest in a shared responsibility for or affected by an identified issue or problem. We hav identified the issue as physical inactivity and would like to invite you and your coli agues to participate in a Stakeholders Workshop to learn more about, and hare your perspectives on, what is recognized as one of our most significant public health problems today. The program, titled Promoting Health through Physical ctivity, will be held on Wednesday, May 15th, 2002 from 1 :00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at he Radisson South Hotel (Atrium #6) in Bloomington, Minnesota. Support f r this program is being provided by the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation and the Minnesota Department of Health-Cardiovascular Health Progr m. (-.- Our featured speaker will be Mark F nton, former editor of Walking Magazine, author and current host of America' Walking on PBS Television. Mark is a nationally recognized expert on the 'mportance of routine physical activity for health and well-being, and the importance f creating more walkable, healthier and livable communities. He will provide an en ertaining and thought-provoking, interactive discussion focused on the impleme tation of various strategies to promote physical activity within communities with an mphasis on specific policy and environmental approaches and the building of inte isciplinary partnerships. Mark will also share his insights into the critical elements of success for any community, large or small, and otter his recommendations for enerating positive change throughout Minnesota. l..~ .: We will also use this opportunity to i troduce Be Active Minnesota, a new Minnesota nonprofit organization established i improve the wellbeing of Minnesotans through the support and promotion of physi I activity, and provide you an update on its development and intentions. To register for this exciting worksho ,please complete the attached form and return it by mail with payment (check or cr dit card) or by FAX (credit card only). We encourage your prompt reply, as sp ce is limited. Please contact George Kroeninger, Executive Director, at ( 12) 863-7848 or loll free at (877) 483-4333 with any questions or for more informati n. C/.: Thank you for your interest in this e citing opportunity. We are looking forward to your participation and input. Sincerely, {f" Be Active Minnesota Attachment Established through a collaborative effort fJetween tli Minnesota Council on Physical Activity and Sports, the Minnesota Depat1ment of Health and I e Minneapolis Hearl Inslflule Foundation. ANDERSEN 952 884 5619; 04/12/02 10:13; J~#310;Page 2/3 Page: 1 ..- PROPOSA ..., EF~" ENTERED BY: PDE QuarE NUMBER: 47653A QUOTE DATE: 4/11/02 Earl F. Andersen QUOTE TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST., SUITE I MONTICEllO, MN 55362 ATTN: ADAM 763-271-3276 PHONE: FAX: PROJECT: CITY OF MONTICELLO 90 1 GOLF COURSE ROAD MONTICELLO MN 55362 . -r,A QTY 12.00 ITEM NO SBR52E PRICE EACH 140.00 EXT. PRJCE. . 1,680.00 QTY. DISCOUNTS: I - 4 RECP. yOU COST: S165.00 EA 5 -7 RECP- $ 148.00 EA., 8 OR MORE 140,00 EA. . NOTE: This a.olation is valid for 3() dl\lll. J"lease call for conOrm.tlol after hat date. Prices are NOT based on prev,iIIac wates. DISCLAIMER FOR UNJ(NOWN CONDITIONS: The following disclaimer applies onl when inswlation is quoted. This quotalioll is hued on lbe area being free of all debris sooh as. but not lirniled w lhe foil wing: '"c:oncrett; lbotings or blocks of any type. '"Bedrock or rocky conditions of an)' type. fTree slumps, trees, cans, les, metal or any other debris. .Utilities requinng any holes to be dug by hand. flf Mea is not ac;:essible to II bobcat and other equip eRt necessary for installation. +Ifwllkr exists in site lIRa or foottngS after !hey lItC dUll. fOr any ottler unkflo",n conditions not Iiste or visible. SUBTOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT 1,6S0.00 109.20 159.70 TOTAL 1,948,90 FOB: FACTORY TERMS: NET30DAYS Shipment approx, 4-6 weeks upon receipt of order and subject to credit Do you require 111A-laOU delivery notice'!' 0 Yes 0 No Approved by: .. D~ ~ONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM ALL QUANTITIES 9701 Penn Ave S, #100. Bloomington, MN 55431. Phone 951-884-7300. 1-800-862-6026'" Fax: 952-884-5619 www.efa-mn.com . e-mail: parkandrecillfo@fa-mn.comORtrafficinfo@efa-mn.com EEO/ A Signed by: ~/~ DAViD OWEN HEAVY DUTY, GAL~ NIZED STEEL STREET OR PARK BASKET · See-through design excellen for airports & high security areas · Rugged construction to with tand harsh weather conditions · Rein orced curled edges Ion capacity ~ ~,' ill~' ;. "'=', '" ~ !I" ~":':':~':"I ,. "'r- . .- ... "'~""'if]"",', ' 'iI"', "1 ". " .,; ../...,,:',; 1..jJ_". '~~I~: teel lack oss Green s 11 S~~ + shipping Shipping Weight: 35 Ibs. PERFO TED STEEL BASKETS · Vandal resi tant and easy to maintain · Retainer b ds neatly secure bags inside · Bottom dr n holes prevent water accumulation · WalIJpole ount models include strapping kit for poles up to 12" in diameter - lack poles or locking bracket kit optional (see page 18) . Free standi g models feature chain holes to secure receptacle · UV stabi1iz d, environmentally friendly Uni-Koat'" powder coated finish Colors: E pire Green. Black. MODEL # DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS CAPACITY UH1N all/Pole Mount 12" Dla x 24" H 10 gallon UH9N all/Pole Mount 15" Dia x 30" H 22 gallon UH3 ree Standing 18" Dia x 35" H 34 gallon UH55E ree Standing 23' Dia x 36" H 63 gallon UHPSM Su face Mount Pole 2" Dia x 46" H UHPIG I Ground Pale 2' Dia x 64" H ~ D SHIPPING WEIGHT 15/bs. 22 ibs. 281bs. 47/bs. 151bs. 171bs. PRICE $103.18 $136.28 $138.62 $258.72 $107.96 $107.96 + shipping · Thermal-fused, plas ie-coated expanded metal receptacle · Spring-loaded, c10si · UV protected · 3 pc, set includes re eptacle, black liner & gray Ii -PC SET (UDAND UNERINClUDED) #32EXPGDMGlN $32500 3-pc set + shipping Receptacle Colors: . Black . Blue . Brown . Green . Red . Orange Black Liner ~D model #32EXPGDMGLN (shown in Block) model #PCF 1 022 (Dome Top) Block only Dimensions: 21" diameter x 33" high receptacle 42" overall hei ht Shipping Weight: 45 Ibs. model #PCF 1021 (receptacle) Shown in Red STIC -COATED TRASH RECEPTACLES, · E panded steel construction UDS AND LINERS · 32 gallon capacity · UV sta ilized · Dome t p in Black only Blue . Red . Brown . Evergreen . Black DIMENSIONS SHIPPING WEIGHT 24" dla. x 30" high 66 Ibs. 24" dia. x 11.75" high 10 Ibs. PCF1023 Flat"'; p 24" dia. x 2 " high 20 Ibs. PCF1024 P/asti liner for PCF 1021 (not shown) Sibs. ~D 19 ~3~ Barco Products PRICE $187,00 ea. $ 80.00 ea. $ 90.00 ea. $ 35.00 ea, + shipping I.~ =me IIJ. To Order Call: 1-800-338-2697 "'-'-'-~~,,~.~..~- ~_.~,.."'~~-,.,--'~."...............~-"~,,,.,-~,~...........--..__. - - -'. - - '. ". .._~...............~............---.....-.-.........-..............".~----..... -. -"'.n . .................--'-~---_..._........,......".,~"~~., -.. ,. ~ - . ash Receptacle Accessories shown with rash Receptacles are sold separately. ~. ., Dome 32 Colors: Gray Blue Red Yellow Black Brown Beige . Liner 32 Colors: Gray Blue Red Ye llow D me 22 Colors: Gray Blue Liner 22 Colors: Gray Blue Standard Style '* MODEl DESCRIPTION WT/LB. TR55 55 Gallon Trash Receptacle 120 TR32 32 Gallon Trash Receptacle 70 TR32TAPER ,,4 32 Gallon Tapered Rece tacle 78 TR22 he 22 Gallon Trash Receptacle 45 TR10 10 Gallon Trash Receptacle 18 ASHURN 11" Sq. x 24" Tall Ash Ur with Stainless Steel Tray 35 "Complements Standard, Regal and Ma na Styles Innovated Style MODEl DESCRIPTION TR321NNV 32 Gallon Trash Recept cle, #10 Punched Metal TR221NNV 22 Gallon Trash Recept cle. #10 Punched Metal ASHURNINNV Ash Urn To Match Inno ated Style Tables and Benches Perforated Style MODEl DESCRIPTION TR32PERF 32 Gallon Trash Recept cle. Punched Steel TR22PERF 22 Gallon Trash Recept cle, Punched Steel ASHURNPERF Ash Urn to Match Perf rated Style Tables and Benches Avenue Style MODEL DESCRIPTION TR32AVEPERF 32 Gallon Trash Recept cle. Punched Steel TR32AVEEXP 32 Gallon Trash Recept cle, Expanded Metal '< '''''''' , . ~"~.}",..,.....,..,...'......'.' " .. '\', ,,::~, TRINGRD ~/-<. ....----/....-- /'.</// :.d... . ~, ~ ~ \ : . '" ~ ,.,. TRSM WT/LB. 78 53 WT/LB. 75 50 WT/LB. 75 75 ,n 43 ., 40 jj"1Rl 0 POLE AND MOUNTING HARDWARE NOT INCLUDED .. , . , , . ':' " . I ",","_ . ..- ~ ...... . I, ~1!!;,:;..:"~:t?,:~,.\'.,, "d." ,:,,,.<r;.::,, "i \,~.I.tt'.........,......,...........'N'Si ,\'''..... .',.. ....../,. ,.\\'.......,......'...'...............,.'S '.\,/,.......:..,.................::.,1/.1 ...h..............'I..,. .'.\~~N..........,.................'.'.',I!:. ~lt,\.....t...t..... '~'.'...'.'.'.'.,',"; I,,:,'.'...'...'.....:.............,.,../.:' ',~"I~,\.t..t........:.................'N., \II.\\..................PI" , .I.IWNJ.!~II,'I,'.'" , ~T~"".c.: ' ~ f ..! -'-"[;'OME2'2" (t