Parks Commission Agenda Packet 05-16-2002 . AGENIA P ARKS COM ISSION May 16,2002 4:30 p.m West Prairi Room "TOCIIIIII//cc co//u7IlI//i(1' pride lllrollt" dc"e/llpi//t 11//11 IIIl1i///lIi//i//g ci(1' fllIl'/.;,I' WillI II' itlll/II//dlll'd of '11I1I1i(1''' 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes of April IS, 2002 regu ar Parks Commission meeting and April 25, 2002 special meeting. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. 9. . Consideration of adding items to the ag mla. Citizens requests. Discussion of Rolling WoodslWildwood Ridge Arca Park plans. Pionecr Park Shelter Pathway and steps at East Bridge Park - Pathway Alignment Park Maintenance Items. Discussion of designating represcntativ s to attend Planning Commission/Council meetings. 10. Updates, if any: A. Entrance Signs B. Subcommittee on A TV Use C. Planning Commission action on Carriage House development and Bruggeman Homes. D. Walk and RolIlJpdate - Rihbo Cutting for Frceway Bridge 11. Update on Amendment to Comprehen 'ivc Plan - Parks invited to joint meeting of Commissions to review plan. 12. Adjourn . . . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA May 1 ,2002 Information: Bruggeman Development - The Parks Commission evicwed this preliminary plat at the last meeting and some of the members questioned the drainage in the rea. The individual who farms the land was in the office on Monday. May 6th. He noted that there is a drain ti e in the area that helps drain the property but the area is still wet. Groveland Park - At the present time no ark land as been deeded to the Citv for this devclopment. Groveland 1 st Addition and Groveland 2nd Addition I ave been approved and recorded and the Council at their May 13th meeting approved the final plat and rezonin .. for Groveland yd Addition but the plat has not yet been recorded. Included in the agenda you will find maps showing the trail/park as presented at the time the preliminary plat for the entire development was appr ved and copies of the approved plats for the 1 st. 2nd and yd Additions. As you will note there have been chan "es in the lot layout from the preliminary sketch to the recorded plats. Since at this time no land is actually n the City" s name other than an outlot that is utilized for storm water ponding. it may be best to hold off on pa k planning and development until the Parks Commission knows what they are getting and that it has actually b en deeded to the City. . . . i\1I:\ 'TES REGULAR MEETING PARK COMlVlISSION Thursday, April I , 20()2 - ":3() p.m. "To I'll 1/1/11 no' COlllllllllli~\' pr'dl' t1lroll;:11 del'elopillg /llId lII/1illfllillillK d(r pllrk~ with /I high I'tlllld/lrd (~l (1"lIli~\''' Members Present: Larry Nolan. Earl Smith and Rick Traver Members Absent: Fran Fair. Nancy McCaffrey and Council Liaison. Roger Carlson Statf: Parks Superintendent. Adm Hawkinson 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to or er at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of March 21 2002 Par 'S Commission meetino. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 21. 2002 PARKS COM1\IISSION tvIEETING. EARL SMIT I SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANlivlOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addinu items to the aoe da. The following items were added to the agel da: a) Review of proposed Shultz and Bruggeman property' developments for park dedication 'equirements: b) Budget: c) West Bridge Park: d) Walk and Roll Update: e) Be Active Minnesota n eeting: t) Correspondence received by Park S u perin tendcnt. ... Citizens requests. Adam Hawkinson informed the Parks Commission of a letter he had received from an individual who frequents Ellison Park \vith her dog. 'hile in Duluth she noted that the city had a dispenser with hags to use to clean up pet droppings nd she suggested the City of Monticello look into somdhing similar. Adum Hawkinson subl itted pictures of the dispenser set up and showed a sample of the bag which is biodegradable. lie indicated that the dispenser and bags 'overe rather costly and if the City decided to go this rou e they \\ould need to budget for it. It \vas noted that the person making the suggestion was not' resident of the city. Rick Traver offered to send a Jetter of responsl.? to the indi\idual. Park Commission Minutes - 4/18/02 . 5. Ollie Koronchak. Economic Develonment Director- - Update on Hans Hagen Develonment 810n2: Front Street. Ollie Koropchak updated the Parks Commission on the Hans Hagen development along Front Street noting there was a change from the original proposal from two story structures to one story. Ollie Koropchak stated even though the I-IRA was somewhat disappointed by the change, they still felt the end product would be good. The developer indicated that market was not there for two story dwellings which was the basis for their making a change. The price range for the ten row houses is $200,000-$225,000. A public hearing on the project relating to density and possible impact of the scenic river ordinance on the development is scheduled for May. The development contract with Hans Hagen calls for construction to begin July I st with the City providing a finished building pad for the developer. The contract states the Carl sons can remain at the site until July 31, 2002. The HRA then has until August 31, 2002 to demolish the structure. The property should be ready to be deeded by the end of September. Ollie Koropchak informed the Parks Commission that the area needs to either be seeded or sodded a responsibility that she [elt would fall to the Parks Department. Earl Smith asked whether the Locust Street right of way \vas included in the plat. She indicated that the Carlson property was part of the plat but not the street right of way. There was also a brief discussion on the Block 52 development. Adam Hawkinson asked about the alignment of Front. Street. Ollie Koropchak responded stating that just a few feet at the corner of Locust and Walnut would need to be realigned. There was some concern about how the street realignment would impact the utilities located in the area 6. Review and discussion of tree planting nolicy. Adam Hawkinson submitted pictures he had taken of trees planted in the boulevard area. He was concerned about the maple trees being planted in such close proximity to the power lines because they would grow into the power line. He pointed out that at the community center site the trees were planted too close and overmulched and that should be corrected. The ordinance requires the property owner to plant trees in the boulevard area between the sidewalk and curb. Adam Hawkinson felt that was not ideal and that either the sidewalk should be placed further back in the right of way or move it to within 2' of the roadway and have the trees planted behind the sidewalk. It \vas noted that the joint trench utilities are usually placed between the sidewalk and curb. The area specified in the ordinance for planting is also an area of stress for trees which is another reason the ordinance should be revievved. Larry Nolan agreed that the ordinance should be reviewed but felt that before any changes are made it \\'as important to get the documentation in place to support a change. Adam Hawkinson also felt that the ordinance should contain some language about multiple plantings and how closely one species of tree could be planted to another t!'ee of the same specie. There was discussio~1 on enforcement of the tree ~Ia.nting polic~ and it wa.ia. felt that you would have to deal separately with new developments and eXlstmg propertIes. . 2 . . . Park Commission ?'v1inutl.?s - -J./18/()2 7. Path"a\' and stens at East Brid2c Park. Adam I la\\kinson statl:d hI.? kit that l:ithl.?r th steps or tlw IXlth\\ay at East Bridgl.? Park should be mU\l:u, lie nutcu thl: stl:pS are in bad shape '- nd arc \ery steep, I Ie suggested taking out the steps and pa\ing do\\n thl: hill using it as a pathwa'. Larry Nolan asked about ADA requirements and the Parks Cummission discussed coming up \ iith a path\\ay alignment that would not be so steep, Adam Hawkinson will look at some possible alignments and bring it back to the Parks Commission. The Parks Cummission felt the steps should e remowd and replaced with a patl1\',!JY but were uncertain as to \\hat would be the best alignn ent. In coming up \",ith an alignment. impact to the existing plantings and the sliding hill would I ave to be taken into consideration, s. Park Maintcnance Items. Adam I lawkinson submitted a list of maintet ance \vork completed by the staff. He noted that the staff had v,orked on the backboards at Par W'st. Earl Smith suggested that something be done about the sign at the Par West park. Adam Hawkinson suggested that in the long term instead of 3 hole frisbl.?e golf at this park it could be enlar 'ed to 9 holes with the trees along the park edge sel'\'ing as a butler for the residences. In kee ing \\ith the theme of the park. Adam Hawkinson suggested that a ne\\ park sign contain a fris ee in its design. The Parks Commission noted that at one time there \\as a group who had express heir interest in and support of frisbee gal f at this location. Adam I lawkinson responded that 1e did have a contact for that group, 9. Undates. A. Entrance Signs: Adam HiJ\\kinson submitted drawings for the proposed entrance signs, I Ie reported he had met v,ith Nancy McCaffr 'y and discussed her concerns about having a consultant brought in, The).. also discussed tl e need to get cost estimates for the sign. The tentative dra\\ing shows boulders at the bOll m of the sign \vhich would raise the sign height by 15", In addition there would be 18" bet\\'cen the oulders and the sign. The sign could be lighted. Adam Hawkinson stated they moved the nM ' which had been located on the side to the interior which would make it more vandal proof. he Parks Commission felt the yellow' lettering did not provide enough contrast but they did likc the message, nMonticello welcomes you:' The Parks Commission directed that a more formalized drawing be prepared along \-vith cost estimates. Then this cOldd be presl:nted to the City Council. CP and others. Earl Smith said they had talked to John Simola about placing one sign out at the Xccl Training Center \\here there is presently a n\\ildlil'c" sign. John Simola \\ill check \\itl the county on this. Adam I-Ia\\kinson said a machinist \\ ould need to be cont:lcted about making SOlIe of the elements of the sign. Once the clements \\ere complctl..'d. it \\mild take Park Departn ent starr about a week to assemble and install the sign. ;\s I~lr:ls lighting Ill!' the sign Xcd could bri 19 the po\\cr down the pole but an electrician would be needed to take it rn)111 there to the sign. The Parks Commission commended Nancy McCaffrey and ;\dam lla\\kinson on their work thus Llr. .... -) Park Commission Minutcs - 4/18102 _ B. Subcommittee on A TV Use: Thc subcommittee looking at ATV usc in the City mct earl. in the day and concluded that there was not any property vvithin the City that they could suggest for an ATV track. They also felt that the ordinance may need to be revised to address A TV's going in and out ofto,>vn. John Simola ,>vill be looking at state statutes as to where ATV's are able to go and whether there are any A TV clubs in the area. It was also noted that the ordinance covercd more than just ATV's which was something they felt should be looked at. They also felt there could be something in the newsletter concerning A TV use. John Simola will check with the Sheriffs Department about the number of complaints received relating to A TV use. Added Items: Adam Hawkinson presented information from a shade tree course which listed species of trees, shrubs and grasses not be planted. It was discussed whether this list should be made part of the ordinance. West Bridge Park: Adam Hawkinson submitted a sketch of West Bridge Park and where a swing set and digger could be located. They tried to locate the equipment some distance from the boat structure. Cost estimates for the swing were presented. The single pole swing was $ I .885 and the double pole was $3.500. It was suggested not to go with the galvanized chains because it did not allow for accurate gauging of wear and tear. The swings come invarious colors and the Parks Commission felt they should go with a color that. would not detract from the boat. Adam Hawkinson will check with the manufacturers and get thcir recommendation. Adam Hawkinson also proposed installing 3 diggers for the area, one of which would be handicapped accessible. The price range for the diggers was $575~$590. The Parks Commission okayed proceeding with the installation of the swings and diggers. Adam Hawkinson also informed the Parks Commission that the existing boulder wall may need to be rebuilt. It was suggested mulching the area around that and putting in some picnic benches so that parents could have the sun to their backs when they are watching their children. The Parks Commission then discussed the hard courts being proposed. The hard court area will be made as big as possible without disturbing the trees. Adam Hawkinson had measured out an area 35' x 50' but he indicated that it could made wider and at least 10' longer. This area would be blacktopped. painted light gray and lines would be added. It will have a dual use, skating rink and hard court. Besides the dual use it ,>vould also eliminate the need to re-establish the turf in that area each spring. There was some discussion on how the area behind the hard Court could be utilized. Larry Nolan mcntioned that Walk and Roll is coming up soon (June 1 SI) and the park should be spruced up for that event. Adam Hawkinson suggested that irrigation for the park be delayed until development of the park was complete. Waste: Adam Havvkins(~n su~mitted pictures an,d price. s 1,01' new trash receptacl~s. He recommc.nded Model :rR 32. tapered because 11 casler to remove the full bags from the receptacle. 1 he receptacle WIll be placed 111 a 4 . . . Park Commission i\,linutes - 4/1 ~/02 concrde pbtl()rJll_ S-1-.()()() is in the hudget and appn\:imately half this amount would be used. There \\as also discussion on the hig green dumpsters located '11 the parks. The Parks Commission felt the dumpsters \\ere obtrusiw and some\\ hat unsightly. It was su 'gcsted that a dog eared fence be constructed as an cnclosun:: for the dumpsters including those at the allfields as well as those at the parks. Special iVleeting: -rhe Parks Commission set a special meeting for n ursday. April 25. 2002 at 4:00 to tour Wildwood Ridge Park. East and \Vest Bridge parks. Par West and S' Iboul parks. Adam Hawkinson informed the Parks Commission that they were looking at purchasing s me soccer goals for use at Balboul park. He also noted they are working on getting the contractor to complete the rooting at the shelter at Pioneer park. Miscellaneous: Larry' Nolan noted that he will he attending a meeti 19 of the Be Acti\'e group \vhich emphasizes health and activity concerns. Larry Nolan has also been in contact with a represe ltatin: from WSB. the City's engineering firm. concerning the dedication for the pedestrian bridge and patlmay. The Parks Commission discussed the ice arena pro osal presented to the Council. Earl Smith noted that at one time there were plans for additional fields in th ~ Th Street area but if the ice arena goes in it was felt that there wouldn't be adequate space for the fields and the parking needs. P~lrk DcdicHtion - Dcvclopments The Parks Commission revie"ved a plan for the Car iage House development showing the trail layout and park land, The Park Commission did not have a taorable response to the proposed layout. The drawings stated that Out lots A. B. C and D were being desigl ated as park land. The Parks Commission felt that this \vas just a number of small fragmented parcels that the City would have to maintain and that there \vas not sufficient area for development of a park. The sm III parcels would be difficult to develop for park. The Parks Commission discussed the concept of a neigl borhood park. In reviewing the drawing. the Parks Commission felt the park should be more centrally located and suggested that the park be located in the area of Lots 3 and 4. Block 7 on the drawing. In addition this area would be bordered on t\VO sides by a street \\'hich they felt \\as better. The Parks Comm ssion also discussed bringing the trail closer to the gas line and e\:tending the lots out. I-Itmever. they did lot feel the trail location was as big an issue as not having a park site, Rather than hm'e the City o\\n and lllai ltain the smaller outlots. the Parks Commission felt it \\'Ould be better to just ha\e a trail casement for 20' 30' in the area shO\\'n. The Parks Commission also felt that the ek\ation of 9R2-9S-.t in the area of Lot 3 and -.t. Block 7 \\'ould be suitable for park. Adam Hawkinson stated that "hik the trail need not be a solutely straight. the meandering of the trail should be kept to a minimulll. The Parks Commission \\as < dalllant that they did not want the outlots as park land. Park Commission i\linutt's - ...J./18/02 The Parks COlllmission kit someone li'om the Parks Comlllission should attend the Planning commissitlt meeting \\hen this plat \\as being considered to make certain the Planning Commission \vas aware of the Park COlllmission' s position. Discussil)J1 of the concepts of neighborhood/community parks made the Parks Commission feel that the wmprehensive plan should revisited. The Parks Commission then discussed a preliminary layout of the Bruggeman development. Adam Hawkinson stated he did not like havin!l the trail run between residences notin!l that it !.!enerates a ne!!ati\'e .... ................. response from homeowners and can create problems. Earl Smith questioned the drainage in the area noting since there was no outlet the area could be too wet. The Parks Commission also questioned having to construct a trail across what appeared to be ponding areas. They noted that again the trail and open space \vere placed within UP A and Northern Natural Gas easements. The Parks Commission felt the only reason the trail/park land was being given was that the developer was unable to utilize it for anything else. The Parks Commission had serious reservations about the suitability of the land proposed for park/trails and again emphasized the need lor the Planning Commission to know the position of the Parks Commission on this. 10. Adjourn. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:30 P.M. EARL SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C^RRIED UNANIMOUSl Y. . Recording Secretary . 6 . . . Special Parks Commissio Meeting April 25, 2002 Parks Commission M, eting, April 25,2002 Members Present: Earl Smith, Fran F iI', Nancy McCafJl-ey Members Absent: Rick Traver; Coun il Liaison, Roger Carlson Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent A special Parks Commission Meeting as held to visit two new parks that need to be developed and one park in t e process of being developed. The following comments were made during the visit: Groveland Park · It was not clear if our copy was oft e final plat drawings for the park. We should have it available for the ext meeting so we can make sure that we know the details. What is th area of the park property? · This park has 13 homes that abut thr e sides and a road on one side with a 345K V power line on one corner. he configuration could create an access problem in the future similar 0 what we have experienced in River Mill Park. The property lines etween the 13 homes and the park will need to be clearly defined to mil imize the problem. · How much park dedication money is available for this park at this time? Can this money be used for the parki g lot? · We do not have money in the current year's budget for this park. We should consider doing the planning ald budget this year so we can start the park next year. This should prob bly include a public meeting of the people in the Groveland addition. · The area in and around the park is a 1 ess with construction materials (i.e. paper, plastic scraps of wood ) layin about. This should be cleaned up. Is the developer responsible for this? · How will the developer leave the stolIn drainage reservoir across the street? Who will be responsible for maintaining it in good condition? The city? · Should we have a sign put up saying omething to the effect "Future site of Groveland Park"? This may help enerate interest and comments from home owners. Special Parks Commission Meeting April 25, 2002 . Wildwood Park . Same comment as above with respect to an updated plat drawing. The lots that are built do not appear to be located as shown on the drawing we were using. Need to check on this. At the present time there is a road on one side of the park, houses on one side, drainage area on one side and a wetland/ponding area on one side. Is this the final configuration? . Construction materials scattered about. Needs to be picked up. . We should consider a sign for this park also. . The land will need to be leveled and top soil brought in to grow grass. The city compost pile could be a source for this. . This park has money in this year's budget for development. This should be one of our top priorities for the year. The budget has the following: . Playground equipment $15,000 . Landscaping & Grading 7,000 . Picnic Tables, Benches & Garbage Cans 2,000 . Open Air Shelter 9,000 . Trees 4,000 . Pioneer Park . Will the Lions be providing money for the bathrooms for the shelter? We need to continue to make progress on the shelter. . Adam would like to complete the parking lot this year to the point of paving. Fill is being hauled in this spring. Should boulders be used for the edge of the parking lot? . The northwest corner of the park will be leveled this year to make for a level play area for informal neighborhood use. . There is $47,000 in this year's budget for park improvements. We need to finalize the details and develop a schedule for this. Larry Nolan, Parks Commission Chair . 2 G:,I( () ,-' Q \ I d ~ v'~\ ,....... \ Y '" "7-" "- . ~ - ~.... ~... ..-..-1 ~ ~""''''~''.:....~ . ~-~---...~ -~ ;~.:~~~~... 'j i, II, /I,!I If I /1 /i ill p';}'. / fi' ,/ /',6/ /1 'J) ,,;/' %t' If);' //$' /~p., /// - ' . .mlll!. CO;<;<lIlO'I- ili ~ I; ff /f // // ,f I WALK ROLL .JUNE ,2002 MONTICELLO DATE: May 13,2002 TO: Mayor, City Council, John Simola Adam Hawkinson, Parks COlnmission, Kelvin I 10wicson/MnDOT, and SB & Associates FROM: I,ori Kraemer RE: Pedestrian Bridge rihhon cutting/d dieation The Parks Commission, along with WSB & Asso'iates, has scheduled the ribbon cutting for the new pedestrian bridge for Saturday, June 1,2002 at 9:30 a.m. This date coincides with the 7th annual Walk & Roll pathway celehration. . Sue with WSB & Associates has been working w th the Parks Commission on planning this event and have invited you to attend. Please mar' your calendars. Thank you. . Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello MN 55362-8831. (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticell , MN 55362 · (763) 295-3170 · Fax: (763) 271-3272 Neighborhood - Park .11709 Aluminum Uprights Price: $18,194 Minimum Use lone: 51 '5" x 48'6" (1 5.7m x 14.8m) Child Capacity: 55.60 Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 ADA: Eievated; 8 Accessible: 8 Ground: 3 Types; Thcr~pl!!utic Rings Turning Billr v. .':.1,",' , :(: Neighborhood" Commons (pictured) .11708 Aluminum Uprights Price: $14,586 Minimum Use Zone: 46'6" x 34'3" (14.2m x lOAm) Child Capacity: 40.45 Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 ADA: Elevated: 6 Accessible: 6 Ground: 3 Types: 2 ~\ \ \ -( Runs !-';'i;, ladd.. Wildlili~~,;;,:,::::L'~>1}~:'~ . ,3',',."' ' z~, Il 90 o. ,ee Funnellrldg. wI B.arril!!r~;llll1. l' Ttllnsition Step Link Anc"QfSAYiay Panel Pistor'l Pamll (Below) Wavl!! Climber Att~c1~~lit 1 /0;. . \ I \ I! I ~ r I, il ii II Neighborhood" Center .11707 Aluminum Uprights Price: $8,615 Minimum Use Zone: 26'8" x 39'6" (8.1m x 12.0m) Child Capac;ity: 20.25 Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 ADA: Elevated: 3 Accessible: 3 Ground: 1 Types: 1 Att~~~er:,~nt 1'TransitiOI'l Stl!!P unk Twist!!!r Climbtr --'r,,,",.~,,.L.,,.. .~_.;: ;.~~;;-.;;:8 .J6', '-:--:::;0 " . P1ayPaIette Colors: Coastal P1ayPalette Colors: Pavilion (Extreme) #11238 Aluminum Uprights Pri<:e: $17,574 Minimum Use Zone: 41 '3" x 46'6" (12.6m x 14.2m) Child Capacity: 50- 5 5 Recommended Ages: 5 to 1 2 ADA: Elevated: 4 Accessible: 4 Ground: 2 Types: 2 Transition Step Lil'lk MlIIg~ro(k Cliri1bter . Mountain - Peak (pictured) (Complete) #11237 Aluminum Uprights Price: $14,145 Minimum Use Zone: 34'4" x 45'9" (l0.5m x 13.9m) Child Capacity: 40-45 Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 ADA: Elevated: 3 Accessible: 3 Ground: 2 Types: 2 Ml!llIroc:k Climl)eor Wlsl1bolit Slide Mountain - Ridge (Basic) #11236 Aluminum Uprights Price: $7,634 Minimum Use Zone: ]4'3" x 28'4" (10.4m x 8.6m) Child Capacity: 25-30 Recommended Aps: 5 to 12 ADA: Elevated: 2 Accessible: 2 Ground: 1 Types: 1 ,. I I, I Tht!rilpeutic: .,.. ~lnll I~. MeClIrock Clirnbct .. .i :11 22 P1ayPalette colors: Forest PlayPaIette colors: Woods :\ I . I I I' 1 'I II Team GT . Stadium (pictured) (Extreme) "11259 Aluminum Uprights Price: $26,830 Minimum Use Zone: 34'10" x 58'5" (10.6m x 17.8m) Child Capacity: 80-85 Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 ADA:. Elevated: 14 Accessible:" Ground: 6 Types: 5 Accl!ssibility Pal'1tl wI c;T Crapnics 36~ HilndhQld w;:I~~~':t~ T.I~ Tubt!' " Ovt!'rhud Tr@e (ll!",b~r IOiild StO(lI CUIT'I~r fll.lmble 'N' ~(I11 Tlc-lll(:.Toe Slide Panel Tl'iUlsition Funnel Bridge Step Ul'Ilt w/Billrrler Rail Team GT. Country Club (Complete) "11258 Aluminum Uprights Price: $20,211 Minimum Use Zone: 32'7" x 44'S" (9.9m x l3.5m) Child Capacity: 45-50 Reeommended Aps: 5 to 12 ADA:. Elevated: 7 Accessible: 7 Ground: 3 Types: 3 O<<orltlV!! Atch P.nll!l Poly In!li.rt Wi!lihbol"le Slid. Team GT . Playing Field (Basic) "11257 Aluminum Uprights Price: $11,341 Minimum Use Zone: 34'10" x 42'11" (10.6m x l3.1m) Child Capacity: 35-40 Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 ADA:. Elevated: 5 Accessible: 5 Ground: 5 Types: 4 Single Seat '1t, .!Therapeutlc '-,.J ~In'ls L Flip Slid. w/Endoal.lre 20 ~' , 1 ) P1ayPalette Colors: Patriot P1aypalette Colors: Parade [ij 1 Single / PlayPaIette Colors: Arctic I ~~ ~ '" g '" ! -1'1 .~~ "'.... ~:~ ""'c ~! ~~ '" '" '" :c !.,o I! ~ dJ -W -& ~ ~ ii g ~~ .'= ;;<0 <;( 1-.1,1 c::a ....,. ,~+ ~o ---\- ~~ " A ..~ ~t ~- .' -"I ~ ::- OJ V) V) ::- "0 o ::- ro 0: .~ ..c:::. ........ C :::J ...... 0\ .~ 0\ c:; ~ ro ..c:::. u ...... o V) "C o e.. OJ OJ I- ..c:::. ........ ..c:::. ....... ~ I OJ :::J ro > >- .!E! e.. E :::J E 'x ro E :5 o~ V) :E:! .::.c; V) OJ "0 'S: o l- e.. OJ L.. :::J ....... U ::J L.. ....... V) >- ro a.. o ....... V) >- rc 3: ....... ..c:::. 0\ o a:; OJ L.. ro OJ L.. OJ ..c:::. t- Vi c:: o +:; e.. o ...... o ........ ::J o c:; ::;J L.. L.. OJ > CJ.J c:; >- CJ.J ..c:::. ........ "C c:; fO OJ :E:! i7i ..c:::. V) o o 3: V> OJ :c ::J o o Cli c:: c:; rc ..c:::. u b 3: ....... 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OJ E N E 'iii '<:t 0 1J .c () = "t:l OJ ~ >- OJ 1J ..'E C1J ..... c:: 0. en :::l OJ E cr E ::J "0 ~ -- OJ E E OJ en ..... +-' C1J C1J 0 'x > CU QJ () C1J QJ ..... ~:E iIj <( c:a . . . . a 'f '" o. '" " '" '" "O~ ~'" " ... ,!; ,'i;! .... I:: ~ct'i '" ... it (l, - V- J V '" ~ ....:.,' ~ PLAYSENS PRICE LIST Effective an 1,2002 ,,.....1"". I, INSTALL PLAN COLOR T PRICE Design 30 Blue 1,037.00 Design 32 Green 723.00 Design 33 Red 1.,746.00 Design 34 ~ Complete Blue 2,461.00 Design 34 - Phase I Blue 1,688.00 Design 34 - Phase II Blue 859.00 Design 300 Green 944.00 Design 301 Red 2,218.00 Design 302 Blue 2,368.00 Desi n 304 - Com Red 3,699.00 D Design 306 - Complete Green 2 34 Ibs. 3,991.00 () Design 306 - Phase I Green 1 45 Ibs. 2,711.00 . Design 306 - Phase II Green 9 1lbs. 1,302.00 Design 307 - Compl~te Blue 3 01 Ibs. 5,031.00 Design 307 - Phase 1 Blue ,,2 71 Ibs. 3,556.00 -" Design 307 - Phase II Blue 6 3lbs. 1,009.00 Design 307 - Phase III Blue 3 1lbs. 544.00 Terms f Sale To those with established credit: Net 0 days, 1.5% per month thereafter. Freight charges are prepaid and added to t e invoice. Prices do not include taxes or delivery and are subject to change without notice. Earl F. And rsen, Inc. 9701 Penn A e S #100 Bloomington, M 55431-2976 (952) 884-7300 F (952) 884-5619 E-Mail: parkandrecifo@efa-mn.com c. Excel: u :/Word/Fo rms/pricelists/P laysense Revised: 1/2/02 . . . t" .. ) . . . ~~(};tl "-" MAY 09 '02 01:11PM RUSSELLS LOCK & KEY 7 3-682-0139 .' ... j"- 13 2nd street NW P.o. 115 Buffalv, MN 55313 (763) 682-1253 (763) 44'-4471 FAX: (763) 682-1MO' (J, '3'1 FAX To: .4 Company: C; Subject: ~ "'1""\00 Phone: Fax: P.l/3 From: Date: - CJ -z; d.- Pages: o Urgelllt 0 For R8view 0 PI... . COlllments~, A"t~ -=r t?'^^"'-- ment 0 PlMH Mapl!, o PIe..., Recycle &;..e..,*~OJ l,p! ~ 7j~ ""055'""7'-+90 ~ ~ . K &: KEY / 63-682-1211 3 ._- -- - ~..:.. -- -. R~P RP ......- I........... QTY - - UNLOCK CKUP DBI WHILE nM,AN G. ..--- ---- II11""U- -- 81 -. MAY 1219 '1212 12I1:12PM RUSSELLS LOC RUSSELL'S LOCK AND KEY, INC. 13 SECOND STREET N.W. P.O. BOX liS BUFFALO, MN 55313-0115 GI2-6112~12S NAME/ADDRESS ONncELw-" 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 pARKS DEn A T1: ADAM l_ . DESCRIPTION TIM'hR SYSTEM TO AUTOMA TICALL V LOCK AND RESTROOM DOOR. ut J~ll2 DEAD-LATCH LOCK PUSH TO LEFi PAD:OL~ ALUM FINISH POWER SUPPLY WJTIi CABINET AND BA l'TER't' aA 12V 7AH BACKUP BATTElty LCD PROGRAMMAaLE TIMER 6.24VOC (WILL BB MOUNTED IN THE POWER SUPPLY CABINET) 12VbC HES ELECTRIC S11UKB. FAlL SECURE ORA HVY DUTY HES 1003 oniON KIT (STAINLESS) 11.3/4 lATCH GUARO. STAINLESS STEeL l1V RELAY TO SHUNT THE DOOR ALARM sWITCH TIlE TIMER IS IN mE UNLOCKED MODE. MlSC HARDWARE AWO WIRE LABOR TO INSTAll. THE COMPLETE SYSTEM NO'J"E.' I llOV OUlLET IS REQUIRED FOR TIDS SYS ELECTRICIAN IS REQUIRED POR ANY 110V WlR1N SAL~ TAX . 39 P.2/3 Estimate 8_... DATE _ 519J2002 ,......' PROJECT COST TOTAL 1 60.58 60.'8T 1 67.28 67.28T 1 14(>-00 140.00T 1 28.95 2fl.95T 1 125,00 12HJOT 311.00 311.00j 1 28.80 2&.80T J 20.58 20.S8T 1 13.95 13.95T 1 35.00 :}S.OOT 8 50.00 400.00 6.50% 54.0Z ..._...,,~ .L~ -- $1,285.16 GNATURE . .f . . r1A'r' 0'3 '02 01: 12Pt1 RUSSELLS LOCK & KEY 63-682-0139 P.3/3 ~~ ftrrl( .,.~.." The Flexi-TIm Series of programmable timers provides a line of multiple event timers designe using the technology of the watch make~ to fill the needs of the alarm inCl uy. Fast. easy programming and visual English language display makes this most versatile tim€! of it's type within the industl)'. Up to 12 intemal timers coouol a maximum of 84 events within a week, programmable by indMdual r block periods, with st!lectable modes cff single pulse, double pulse or Inte al time. First person In (FPl), a unique feature on the FT-2oo, compensates fi r Holiday Programming. An on-board lithium battery Is provided on most mode to retain programming in the event of system power loss. and. cabinet mount or flush mount versions are a~ilable. :,', DIMENSIONS Board SiZe .. 2.7S"Lx3.SO"Wx 1,62-H. 7.<XXmx8.9cmx4,11c:m MoLnting Mate (fT-200) · Two Gang fJectric:al Single PulWMdth Double InteNaI Flush Pulse Ad" Pulse Time I\.fQIn: . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIFICA nONS FEA lURES · Silt or Twelve A-ogrammab1e tvent timers · Block Programming · Single plllge Mode · Double Pulse MOde . Interval rime Mooo · large Uquld Cryst.'ll Display · Large Finger S1'l:c Bl.ltWns · Quartz Timing · SnllpTrock Compatible TYPICAL USES . AlJtot'na[ic Art\1lVisarm · Digital Dialer Test Timer · Indl.lStril;l1 Process Control · b'ceptiol1 Reportlng · RF Communicator 1'e~t · School Bell TlfTlff · Sreak Timer . Access Control Timer · Time;! Zone Shl.JntIng · Heat Control · Air Corlditloning lockOut · I.iQntinq Control FUNCTIONS Single F'IAle A mol11\lntaly rfII$y c;1oIi...e wiil oU.a when !h(, ON 1'imQr activates. Ync (/U of me CIOSUfB is e<8\1$\.'Jble lTom 1 wcond tll OllR m;"utQ by m4nnS of a potcntlomotilf a.c(iustment. OfF Time.. will hlive no ef'fUl;t in thili mode but bIr pto9r~m"""'ll to r~.~ ttlG: clock ror tt'lC ~Xt cycle. Daub. PuR A muml!r'Q] Mil, (Ioue ~I occur wh0n tno ON Tlroor and OFF TIITICl" activalCS. The dmtiOl1 01 thQ clQWre is adjlJStabbJ /'rom 1 Sl!tond to WIll rrlir Il by means of a potentiometl3f ~jVSf,mP,nt. ImBvaI Tme A relay cl05ure will occrx tit the aaiuelion of any ON rll1ler and rem:1Jin unl,fl lfIe uctlvatlo.-l 0( Dny OFF T1r1'1cr, elode Programming A~1e blTUng bl<<k:; a~: l:I\I8Y dirt. Monctly u.ough Friday, S;)lurclay Dna Sl.Intfay. MQnWy VTOUftl SiltlJrday Fnt ....n In tmJ A uniQlJ1l circuit to delay [no ~O!\ of an Off Too until enabled t)y 3fl OUl:lioo actiOrl. This provideslhc ability [() lASe automatic ArmIDlsarm 00 un alil'nl ~:il.Qtn Wllt10lJl. tlaYing to WOO)' ooout unwanted disarmIng lbing hofidilyS Of in tm lMlnt ~ f:rllployoe lam arrivals. i :;j ! .. AlarmSaf G5A Indulitrj~l Wuy. Wilmington, MA 01887.3499, USA, 'f; epI'1oofl; 9'e.6~8-67'7, fax 978-6M-1IG38, www.;)lm'm&f.c:om . . . MONTICELLO PA SDEP AR TMENT Work list - May 16, 2002 April IS thru May 16 . Responding to brushing requests . Seeding and top dressing at pionee . Seeding and fertilizing of parks an recreation fields . Start up of irrigation systems · Continued work on Westbridge · Aeration of parks and athletic field . Excel field lights were maintenanc d . Mowing and weed eating . Mulch has been delivered and is bing spread at East Bridge · Installed drain tile at West Bridge 0 aid in drainage of the south side . Replaced lights at W. Bridge build ng and waJ11ights . Garbage runs and opening buildin s for public use (bathrooms) . Put out garbage cans . Rebuilt boulder wall at W. Bridge . Picked up debris in parks before m wing began · Ballfield work - leveling, moving ases, etc. . Cemetery maintenance · Equipment maintenance and repair . 'raking down winter fences and pu ting up fourth street fence . Materials hauling . Removing excess picnic tables fro parks . Moving trees for community cente . Inspection of play equipment . Building maintenance at the librar I ~I . I CD 001 I I ~, I' I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ mi ~ ~ _C\J I co .. ..q. 1 CO .! 001' it~ "i8 .-::: 'il / II 1M I "V / --J ~ cIS / d I · <fc9~ I I / ~/'*'''C:; , \/ Q O.ob)q;s \ "A ""<2"0. ~~(9 ~1l ... /p" ~,,~g(\~~) ~ \ ~ / ~. o~ ~ \ Iw)/ ..~ ~ a I V) ~ \\ [), Q / rv o..-n:.,) o . U~ co / rv 0 /?1'5> 'b <]/-J I --t~- I I I I I I , I . r') o (J) 00 (f) ~I . CD aJ O~ O~ o Q) . ,.., /Il) - 0) " C\Jll:' ,,' ~ r;p v- ...rv ""v. /0........ II ~ ....,..... ? oi"', .... '" ~ '" ,')l" ~" ~ ~ <;:) CIf'\ \i ~ ,x · l"~ ~ , V) \) . .... ~ ~ ~ ~ , r- ,., t/) o w >. -- ~ .- .- +I :::J 'U C o Q) 01 ., o (I) C ::J .- ..c O+J L- a I U>l_---J -----, I I I I --1 N1 I I v 0 en...... en ..c-Oo ......0- -0 ........ .- .. ....,.'U ~ ~.~ Q) cc...... c._.- 0 .- - 0 0 .~.- ...... >. "0 "0 Vooe Q) ~ .- '+- "0 ""lc~ - 0 0 .- O'1..c ~ c .....,...... Q) . - .l: "0 ..c Q) Ol. - ...... CD'C . 0 0 0\ +-' ::J (I) C c- c 0'- o~ o-..c L- '- a.~ CJ'l -+-' .- U .- ~ c: C -+-' .- 0 .- Q) e .r;+-' ..c '"0 E o Ul o ..c LO L- ev C 0 c+-,m 0 :J E .- 0. .- .- 0 u C :J ..q- ..q-~<D~ 0 C - OL() - ...... E 0 m x~vio ~ x..co c ........ . .- to ..cQ)~Q) 0 c ..c~- '- 0 0 o.oo::-+-' ..... c . c 0 .- 0) ~ . - ""0 "'0 0"'0 C -+-' "" en...J N-+-' Q)~ ::J en .................~ ...........-+-' 0.0 0 0 E '+- () C C '- f/) Q)"'O (I) Q) 0 0 f/) f/) Q) E Q) Q) E...... Q) Q) Q.) ...... :J a. ...... (f)>. -+-' -+-' 0 E o :J 0 0 c c C C 0'1 Q.) C C 0 0 Q) E1;) Q) 0 ~ c Q.) Q) (:) oEo..o 0 Cl 0 . . @ <..