Parks Commission Agenda Packet 07-18-2002
July 18,2002 4:30 p.m
West Prair e Room
"To enhllnce wmmlini~y prid throllgh developing IInd
mllintllining ci(v plllfis with (I ligll Itl/fulllrd of qllllli~v"
l. Call to Order
2. Approve Minutes of .June 20, 2002 regul r Parks Commission meeting.
3. Consideration of adding items to the age da.
4. Citizens requests.
5. Scheduling of Meetings for August - If ny meetings will be held in addition to the
regular meeting.
6. Park Maintenance Items
7. Pathway and steps at East Bridge Park - Pathway Alignment
Updates/Reports, if any
I. Autumn Ridge - Park Dedication
9 Rolling Woods Park - Informational Me ting - 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
10. Adjourn
July 18, 2002
Budget Information - The worksheets for the 2003 b ldget will be going out to the Department Heads during
the week. The preliminary budget must be certified to the County by September 15th. Unless a special
meeting is held to work on the hudget, the Parks Com ission would only have their August meeting date for
budget preparation.
Autumn Ridge Townhome Development - This dev lopment has supposedly undergone revision and will be
going back to the Planning Commission at their Augu 't meeting. I don't know if there will he a revised
drawing for the Parks Commission to consider at their July meeting.
Ice Arena Facility - There was a special meeting ofne City Council on July 8, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss
an ice arena facility in the 7th Street area. Ilopefully, f no Parks Commission members were in attendance at
this meeting, there will he a copy of the unapproved inutes of that meeting availahle for the Commission to
Walk & Roll - The original purpose of Walk & Roll was to highlight the City's pathway/trail system. After
this years celebration, there was discussion of possihl emphasizing a different trail and park area. Preliminary
discussions focused on the Pioneer Park. Although e erything is just discussion at this point, it was felt that
this is something the Parks Commission should be a arc of.
Gillard Avenue Pathway - The City has received bid. for the construction of the segment of the Gillard
Avenue pathway. At the July 81h meeting, the Council set an assessment hearing for July 22nJ. They also
determined that 25% of the project costs will be asses,ed the remaining 75<Yo will he taken out pathway funds.
Of the total project costs of$77,028, 75% or $57,771 ill come from the pathway funds. At a previous
meeting the Parks Commission had discussed doing s me trails, just keep in mind that the $57,771 will be
taken from the pathway funds.
#5 - Schedule of Parks Commission Meetings - Th s was discussed at the last meeting and the schedule
was set up for the month of July only. The Parks Con mission may want to look ahead to August to see if they
want to schedule any additional meetings.
#7 - Pathway and steps at East Bridge Park - Path ay Alignment - This was tabled at the last meeting
because Fran Fair was absent. There was some conce n on her part about the plantings if the pathway and
steps at East Bridge Park was changed.
#8 - Updates/Reports - If John Simola and Naney M Caffrey are present they can update the Commission
on their meeting with DAT and the City Council regal' ing the entrance signs.
Thursday, June 20,2002 - 4:30 p.m.
"To enhance community prill through developing aml
maintaining city park~ with a ligh standard (~lquali(v. ..
Members Present:
Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffre ,Earl Smith and Rick Traver.
Members Absent:
Fran Fair and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson.
Parks Superintendent, Adam I [awkinson
Public Works Director, Johns imola
1. Call to Order.
Chairman Larry Nolan called the meeting to 0 del' at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
2. A rove Minutes of Ma 16 2002 re ular arks Commission meetinu.
Consideration of addin items to the a end .
Earl Smith added a discussion of priorities for projects and a discussion of parks, particularly the
parks in the area of the Shultz property. Larr Nolan added a discussion of the budget for 2003.
Adam Hawkinson added a discussion of requi ing a damage deposit for organizations who reserve the
4. Citizens comments:
5. Monticello Youth Football Association - Ge e Emanuel
Gene Emanuel and Gregg Engle representing he Monticello Youth Football Association came before
the Parks Commission to request the continue use of the ballfields for the youth f()()tballleague.
Gene Emanuel gave a brief presentation on th youth f()otball league and their use of the Gelds. The
league has experienced considerable growth g ing from 90 participants initially to over
l50participants last year and they expect the g owth to continue. They are planning on doing fund
raisers to supplement their fees which are set t $75/person. The football league is geared for
students in grades 4-6 and the league consists )f teams from Monticello, Becker, Big Lake, Milaca
and Princeton. .lohn Simola asked if the progr m has insurance coverage. Mr. Emanuel indicated it
The Monticello Youth Football Association as requesting to use the three lighted softball ficlds again
this season. The league plays on Tuesday an Thursday nights with two games each night and on
Saturdays. Last year the league used two softball fields and the baseball field. The fields are used for
games only and not for practices. The league. starts in September shortly after Labor Day and runs
through the first week of October with playors following. Gene Emanuel indicated that were times
when there were games on all three fields but here were also many times when only two fields were
used. Gene Emanuel stated that the Monticello bcility was nice because they have three lighted fields
in one location. The Monticello Youth Footb II also runs the concession stand during the season.
Because of the size of chi Idren and number 01 children playing Gene Emanuel didn't feel there would
be much damage to the fields. The Monticello Youth football Association was requesting the use of
the three fields and the lights and access to th concession stand. The Association did not want to
start the games earlier because with a starting inle 01'6:30 there is already a lot of pressure on families
to make it to the games.
A subcommittee made up of Earl Smith, Rick Traver and Adam Hawkinson examined the fields to
determine whether they should continue to be used for multiple purposes. Gene Emanuel stated that
since the players use rubber cleats he didn't feel there would be damage to the fields. Rick Traver
noted the biggest concern was the baseballfiell where the turf was rather thin. lie was okay with the
use of the softball fields. The use of the light. was discussed and while the association had not yet
received a bill from the City, their cost for lig ts in the past ran about $200. The subcOlnmittee was
not aware that all three fields including the ba eball field were used. Because Becker's bcilities
were under construction last year, they ended lp using the city's facilities. Earl Smith asked about
their schedule for this year. Gene Emanuel fe t they would need to use all three fields. The
association was asked if there were any schoo fields that could be used. Gene Emanuel repl ied that
the junior varsity uses the field at the middle ..chool and the youth football league practices at
Pinewood Elementary so they felt the school as providing adequate support for the program. In
addition only the main football field at the sc 001 has lights. Adam Ilawkins stated that there was
some miscommunication as he was of the und rstanding that only one ballfield was being used but
they now indicate that three fields are used. Ie was told that the fields didn't have to be lined but
now it was being indicated that the City waul have to do that. He was also told that the schedule
was already set but the association is now say'ng that it won't be set until July. Greg Emanuel stated
again that in his opinion the fields would not e damaged by this activity since the number of times the
fields are used are limited and the activity is IDt that extensive.
Adam Hawkinson felt that the City should est blish some kind of fee fl1r use of the fields and he
questioned whcther the Parks Department sta 'would have time to stripe the fields. The
subcommittee felt that the fl10tballleague sho dd not be using the baseball field. They would prefer
that the Icaguc use the two softball fields and he City would put effort into constructing another field
that would be available for use next ycar. Ear Smith has contacted Xcel Energy regarding additional
land for field use. John Simola asked what 1 vel of quality the field should be constructed to and
what their lighting needs would be. Gene En anuel stated lighting one side of the field with lights of
the right wattage would be sufficient. As far' s field quality Greg Engle noted the field at 4th Street
was adequate and that could be used as a desi Tn standard. Earl Smith noted that it may take some
time before Xcel responds on the land use req lest since it involves some paperwork. However, the
Parks Commission was committed to having n additional field.
John Simola stated that the sollball and baseb II associations and youth hockey association have
signed agreements of understanding that spell out responsibilities for the facilities heing used. He felt
there should he sOll1ething similar for the foot. all association and the soccer association. This would
cover items like who pays for the lights, supplies and what maintenance would be done on the fields.
John Simola also mentioned that the City is c( nsidering taking over operation of the concession stand
and any revenue generated from that would gl back to the parks.
The field use was again discussed and Earl Sl ith asked how often the other communities used our
fields. Gene Emanuel stated that I110St 'fues ay and Thursdays the Monticello fields were used
because of the lights. Although most games i volved a Monticello team there were instances where
neither of the teams using the field were from Monticello. Gene Emanuel stated if different
procedures or processes are going to be imple lented, it should be presented to the entire association.
There was discussion on the numher of fields hat would be used. The Parks Commission felt
Monticello Youth Football should limit play 0 two fields and not use the baseball field. The football
association wanted three fields and would, wlrn they meet to set their schedule, try to limit the
numher of games scheduled on those fields.
In further discussion Adam Hawkinson felt th re should a fee charged to the association. In additional
discussion it was determined that a fee policy or 1~lcilities should be prepared to go into effect as of
1/1/03 governing all activities on city f~lcilitie . "I'here was also a discussion of requiring a damage
deposit to ensure that all groups using the taci ities kept them cleaned up.
Gene Emanuel will submit a certificate of ins rance to John Simola. As far as an agreelllent of
understanding for youth lootball, Gene Emam el asked that the City prepare a document that they can
present to the association. Also they would Ii <.e a plan of action from the City regarding the
develoPl11ent of the fields which they would a so present to the association. The association can then
dctennine what assistance they can provide. l' was suggested that Gene Emanuel, Adam Ilawkinson
and a representative from youth soccer meet I' garding field needs. Adam Hawkinson pointed out
that the associations are requesting help from he City but city funds and staff are limited and the
associations need to help out. He added thatMonticello Youth Hockey and Monticello Youth
Softball are fairly self-sufficient. It was gene ally felt that the development of the fields will be an on
going eft()rt. Earl Smith felt pressure should e placed on the Council to budget appropriately. There
was additional discussion on area needed for t elds with Rick Traver asking if there was any chance of
getting sufficient land area to accommodate m )I"e than one field. If additional land was acquired, it
would not mean that all the area would have t be developed immediately. Rick Traver asked Adam
Hawkinson to go out and look at the area to see if 3-4 fields could be laid out ineluding room for light
Earl Smith noted the fee schedule should be established and that they need to work with Conununity
I':dueation and MCC on ballfield scheduling. Presently all the scheduling is being done through Public
Works. Earl Smith and Rick Traver will be tle Parks Commission representatives on the ballfield
Befc)re leaving flW a previous commitment, J hn Simola provided an update on the A TV
subcommittee. There are many obstacles to g tting a route established for ATV's that would allow
them to get out of the City limits. The only p ace you can ride is in the ditch. If an A TV is on the
road, it must be a licensed motorized vehicle. Even the DNR is working to find places for ATV use
that would not damage the environment. Jo n Simola indicated the city could designate a portion of
the street as an A TV trail and mark it accordn lly then the ATV's could travel on city streets. John
Simola didn't feel striping would be feasible. He noted that he was informed that A TV's can cross
the freeway at bridges which was new inform tion hom previously. John Simola felt the ordinance
should stand as it is.
John Simola also added as an update to the et trance the signs, that there were discussions on
providing electric service to the sign at the w st entrance to the city. Xccl Energy will submit a cost
estimate to the city.
Shawn Weinand - Townhome Develo men Review Autumn Rid ~e .
The Parks Commission reviewed a preliminar sketch of Autumn. Ridge. No representative from the
developer and no City staff was present to dis 'uss the preliminary sketch. The Parks Commission
noted that the drawing submitted to them was an undated prelilninary landscape plan. The Parks
Commission noted the following objections t the plan as submitted: 1) There is no parking near the
play area; 2) The play area is too small in size 3) Proximity of the play area to the Amoco casement;
4) Concerns about drainage and 5) No street a 'cess to the play area. The C0l11prehensive Parks
and Pathway Plan requires access from two st eets. The Parks Commission felt that cash in lieu of
land was desirable fix this development. Th Parks Comrnission noted that since this development is
self-contained, including private streets, they uestioned why the City would want to place a public
park there and especially one that did not mee the requirements of the comprehensive plan. Adam
Ilawkinson telt the trails should be constructe to an R' width in case the City ends up having to
maintain them.
Discussion of Rollin Woods Area Park PI ns.
The Parks COlnmission discussed having an it f'(mnational meeting fl)r the residents in the area. Adam
Hawkinson indicated that he would likc the P rks Commission to meet every other week during the
summer and that way hopefully within the ne, t couple of weeks they could schedule a meeting with
the Rolling Woods residents. The Parks Con mission discussed development plans including the
playstructure for the area which would run ap roximately $8,000. Adam Hawkinson will be getting a
spec sheet for the structure. lie also noted tha the manufacturer's inspector was out to check the
playstructure at West Bridge Park but he has ot heard back with what the inspector fl)und. He
reported on an incident that occurred on the st ucture and whether the child was of an appropriate
age to be on it. Adam Hawkinson stated that if there was an age restriction for use of the structure
the manufacturer should be providing signage so noting that. There was also discussion on looking at
development of the Groveland area park and e erting pressure on the City to take the necessary
action to acquire the land. Earl Smith felt th Parks Commission was not ready yet f(Jr a meeting
with the Rolling Woods residents. I Ie felt th Parks COInmission should be presenting their plans for
development and not having the residents tell he Parks Commission how the park should be
developed. Rick Traver concurred with that. Adam Ilawkinson stated that in his layout there would
be one unit housing all the equipment rather tl an multiple units. This would allow for case in
rnaintenance as far as mowing. I':arl Smith th ught the purpose in separating the units was to separate
users of different ages. Nancy McCatTrey, F an Fair and Adam I/awkinson will meet on July 3rd to
work on the layout of the park and the infonndional meeting will be scheduled as part of the regular
Parks Commission meeting on July 18,2002..
The Parks Commission set a subcommittee meting f(Jr July 3'd and kept the July 1 gtil regular meeting
date. 'fhe balance of the summer meeting sc edule will be reviewed at the July meeting.
as tabled until the next meeting. Adam Hawkinson is
ps will be removed. I Ie will have a sketch f()[ the next
Because of the absence of Fran Fair this item
proposing to move the flowers to where the st
10. Discussion of Planters on Walnut Street.
The Park Department with assistance from Ed na Realty handled the plantings for the Walnut Street
project. There are some annuals that would I' quire regular maintenance. The balance of the
plantings are perennials and shrubs.
II. Discussion of County Road 18 Trail.
Adam Hawkinson suggested that some of the '128,000 in park dedication/pathway funds be used to
make improvements to the pathways in the C( unty Road 18/Meadow Oaks area. There was general
discussion of the condition of the trails in that area. Earl Smith suggested that the Parks Commission
looking a getting a list of trails to be develope as well as trails that need to be redone and then
prioritize the work. The Parks Commission l irected Earl Smith to work on this listing.
Park Maintenance Items:
Adam I lawkinson submitted a list of work co 1pleted. There was some discussion on staffing level
and summer help. Adam Hawkinson stated t at they are discussing plans fl1r new equipment which
would include a f()llr wheel drive pickup and 11aybe a skid loader. There was discussion on
development of future parks once Pioneer Par' is completed. The Parks Conunission felt that
Groveland would be the next park for developn1ent, provided the City had acquired title to the land at
that time. Earl Smith asked why the City mo s Hillside Cemetery and contracts out the mowing of
Riverside Cemetery. Why didn't they contrac it all out? Adam Hawkinson will check with John
Simola on this matter. Adam Hawkinson rep lied the staff had sprayed the parks and athletic fields,
except for those that were newly seeded, whiel generated a discussion on the recently adopted
ordinance prohibiting the usc offeliilizers eO! laining phosphorus. The Parks Department also painted
and varnished all park signs and will be makir g a new sign for Par West park over the winter.
Adam Ilawkinson also submitted a list of prio ities f()r the summer season. The Parks Commission
reviewed the priorities. Earl Smith wanted th City's entrance sign for the west entrance to be
included in # 1 priority list. He felt there was dequate right of way for placement of the sign but the
right of way area does need to be staked and t ere is some prep work that needs to be done. The
fecling was that they would like to get at least one sign done this year and the remaining signs could be
completed next year. The additional football reld was also included in # I priority list and again there
was a general discussion of design standards r the field as well as discussion of expanding the
parking lot and correcting the erosion problen on the north side.
13. Updates/Reports if any:
Entrance Signs - Nancy McCatlrey n ted that there was still some question on the location
of the north and south entrance signs. She reported on a meeting with John Simola and
Adam J Iawkinson regarding the west ntranee sign location. 'fhe design was reviewed and
it was felt that the river should be bigg r. l'he design for the sign needs to be submitted to
DA T and to the City Council. Adam lawkinson will see that a mock up of the sign is done.
Added Items:
Earl Smith noted his concerns with the park develop ent plans on the Shultz property. He felt instead of land
the City should take money to use in developing the ater tower park and only have trails in the Shultz
development. The Parks Commission discussed the eighborhood park concept and perhaps moving away
from that philosophy. The Parks Commission is concerned about getting too many small parks and the
amount of maintenance they require.
It was also discussed that budget preparation for 2003 will be taking place soon and the Parks Commission
will need to look at what improvements they antieipa e being done in 2003.
The Parks Commission also discussed representation t the Planning and Council meetings. They are
concerned that the recommendation of the Parks Commission are not being passed on to these entities.
14. Adjourn.
Recording Secretary
JULY 18,2002 - 6 P.M.
The Parks Commission of the City of Mon icello will be holding an informational
meeting after the regular Parks Commission meeti g on Thursday, July 18, 2002. The
informational meeting will begin at approximatel 6 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m. and will provide
residents in the Rolling Woods developments an 0 portunity to look at the proposed
development plans for the Rolling Woods Park.
It is hoped that you will take advantage of his opportunity to see what is being planned
for your park
Work list - Julylsth , 2002
June 21st thru JulylSth
. General park maintenance
. Watering ofplantings at city hall and transplanted trees
. Preparation for Riverfest
. Aeravation of Ellison after Riverfest
. Aeravation of ball fields and West Br dge
. Fertilization of parks and ballfields
. Transplanted donated trees - spruce p to the water tower. Ash tree to
city hall.
. Irrigation repair
. Ballfield maintenance
. Moving of soil donated from Front s. project/ to Groveland and 7th s1.
. Installation of memorial benches at iverside
. Working on Otter Creek
. Elm removals/ Front s1. and Otter Cr ek . \ \ . h._ ...h _ (L ,.
lJl.-v,c....... (JY)~
. Add fences for MBA (youth baseball . ~ .~-l ~
. Pulled forms on W.B. hard court. As halt bids are in ~ Buffalo
bituminous will be paving asap.
. Bench improvements at Ellison
. Playground inspections
. Fresh mulching around trees at Ellis n
. Removal offence at Swan park
. Flail mowing high grass areas
. Play structure Maintenance
. Vegetation management of play area
. Other dead tree removals from parks
__._~~, __.___._.._.., _.J,,,'~~~.. ._~"""--_ __~_ ~,-""-""""""...,,.:.........,~_.~,._.~,,-,,~_.-'-_"'. --.-. -- ---.
We would like entrancelwalkway to park fro
6 Deer Street
16 Troy Marquette
3 No preference
Number by importance the following major mponents (#1 most important, etc.):
1 -37 playground
2 -66 walking pathltrees/benches
3 -76 basketball court
5 -96 picnic shelter
4 -80 open playing field
Play equipment: (please list by importance, 1 most important, etc.)
1- 32 swings
2 - 60 slide
5 - 91 tunnel
4 - 88 monkey bars
6 - 105 sand diggers
3 - 80 climbing ro es and ole
Any additional comments/suggestions/reque ts: sand, rather than mulchlbark as a
ground cover around swings, slides, etc. , t nnis courts, sand or pea rock rather than
mulch/wood chips, path around park, flower garden, play area away from back and
side yards of those homes surrounding pa, sand volleyball court, "Children at Play"
sign up along Bakken or Troy Marquette, fa ce to protect kids from getting to the road
or the playground set back away from the ad, pet play area and garden maze,
benches looking over the trees in the SE
Number of kids/ages of kids in Rolling Wo s neighborhood: (approx.)
6 0-1 year old
8 2-3 years old
9 4-5 years old
11 6-8 years old
7 10-12 years old
6 12-15 years old
--~_........~~,--. --