Parks Commisison Agenda Packet 10-17-2002
October 17, 2002-4:30 p.m
West Pr irie Room
"7f) I'UIIlIllCf! C()ul1llllui~1' ride tllrouKIl developiug IInd
I)/Oillllli!ling ci~l' pllrkS wit III higll .ltll!ldard of Ifllali~l'''
J. Call to Order
2. Approve Minutes of September 19, 20 2 regular Parks Commission meeting.
Approve Minutes of September 25, 2002 Spechtl Parks Commission meeting.
. 7.
Consideration of adding items to the a
Citizens requests.
Development Plan - Grovcland Additio
East Bridge Park Pathway Plan
Development Plan - Ballfield
Sports Association Policy
Park Maintenance Items
Review Pathway/Sidewalk Plan - Jeff 0' eill
- Cedar Street South between K,iellberg's East & Chelsea Road
- Chris Klein/Loren O'Brien Connection
11. Updates, if any
12. Adjourn
Parks Commission
eeting September 19, 2002
eting, September 19, 2002
Members Present: Earl Smith, Ri k Traver, Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy
McCaffrey, Council Liaison, Roge Carlson
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, arks Superintendent
Others Present: David Maures, M nticello Youth I-lockey
1. Call to order
Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and
declared a quorum present.
2. A rove Minutes of Au ust 1
Nancy McCaffrey moved to
2002 meeting as written. Fra
carried unanimously.
2002 re ular Parks Commission
pprove the minutes of the August 15,
Fair seconded the motion. Motion
3. Consideration of Addin
4. Citizens Req uest
5. Monticello Youth Hocke
Dave Maures was present to review the Agreement of Understanding
between the City of Montice 10 and the Monticello Youth Hockey
Association concerning the se of the 4th street hockey facility. The
present agreement, signed 0 14 January 2002 was satisfactory last
year and he recommended th t it be used again for this 2003. Earl
Smith moved to use the 200 agreement in 2003. Rick Traver
seconded the motion. Motio carried unanimously.
Adam Hawkinson presented a proposed sketch of the pathway
alignment. He has discussed comments with the Project Engineer to
eliminate the double curve a the street end of the pathway in order to
line it up better with the stre t crossing. The Parks Commission
agreed With this and had no ther comments. Adam noted that the
lower level pathway could n t be paved due to its location in the 100
year Hood plain. A path coul be put in, but not paved. Nancy
McCaffrey made a motion to Ccept the pathway layout as proPOsed
by Adam Hawkinson. Earl S, ith seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
Parks Commission eeting September 19, 2002
7. -Parks Maintenance lte~
Adam Hawkinson submitted a ist of the Work completed during the
past month. Adam noted that a number of question have arisen
concerning who has the responsibility for mowing along the pathway
in Some areas. It was determine that the original agreement at the
time of development needs to be reviewed in Some instances to make
this detennination. This will req ire some additional follow-up. The
next couple of weeks will see so e further work in Pioneer Park as
the Water and sewer is scheduled to be brought into the new shelter.
Also the siding should start On th shelter.
8. !!Pdates/Renor~
A. ~Ubcornrnittee Meetinl! _ FieI~
No Report. It Was the gener I concenus that the City should
Work with Xcel Energy to Se if additional land can be obtained
next to the present ba1l fields to be Used for laotba1l and SOCcer.
This has been discussed at ea lier meetings and is still felt to be
a good option.
B. Entrance Sifln~
Nancy McCaffrey updated the Parks Commission. John Simola
attended a DA T meeting wher the sketches of the signs were
reviewed. They liked sketch # 1 the best. The DA Tasked if any
of the old bridge railings could be Used along with the signs. It
Was felt the they would detract rom the signs and would
"clutter" the limited space that i available. John Simola is to
get estimates for the electrical w rk for the signs. John Simola
recommended that the City Cou cil be updated on where We are
on the signs. Larry Nolan will update Jeff O'Neill on the sign
planning and ask if this could pia ed On the City Council
Agenda for the meeting two wee s from next Monday. Nancy
and Larry wi1l present this to the ity Council when scheduled.
Parks Commission Meting September 19,2002
C. Groveland Concept Plan
A plan has not been dev loped at this time. It was decided that
the Parks Commission sl ould have a special meeting on
September 25, 2002 at 1 :30 at Groveland Park to look at the
land and discuss possibl options. Larry Nolan will notify Jeff
O'NeiIl to see if a special meeting can be held on that date.
D. Sports Association Policy
The agreements with var' ous sports associations that were
attached to the meeting ackage were discussed. It was noted
that there are a number of formats, level of detail and different
charges for the organizaf ons. It was determined that this area
wiIl require more review and thought before we can come up
with a more uniform and standard policy for the various sports
associations. Adam Ha kinson will continue to assemble
information in this area. This item should be carried on the
next meeting agenda.
9. Ad iou rn
Earl Smith moved to adjourn at 6:00P.M. Rick Traver seconded the
motion. Motion carried unani ously.
Larry Nolan, Parks Commission Chai
Parks Commissi n Meeting September 25,2002
Special Parks Commis ion Meeting, September 25, 2002
Members Present: Earl Smith, ick Traver, Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Adam Hawkinso , Parks Superintendent: Jeff O'Neill,
Deputy Administrator
Others Present: None
1. Call to order
Chair Larry Nolan called t e meeting to order at 11 :30 A.M. and
declared a quorum present t the Groveland Park, Monticello.
2. Review of Pro osed Chan es 0 Groveland Addition # 4.
Jeff O'Neill presented the p oposed changes to Groveland Addition
#4. The impact of the changes would be to change an out lot under
the power lines to commerc1al property. This would eliminate a
section of pathway that pro ides access to the trail around the
wetland. The land on the ea t side of the out lot is already commercial
property. The trail would still have access tl'om the street that would
go though the proposed comnercial property. The new road segment
would also provide another Ccess the Groveland addition. The Parks
Commission did not object t the proposed changes, as long as the
money gained by the change would be part of the Parks Dedication
3. Discussion of Develo ment Possibilities of the Groveland Park.
The Parks Commission asse! bled on the Groveland Park property in
order to see the lay of the Ian , adjacent homes, out lot land under the
345KV power lines, park acc ss from the road and the parking area.
Adam noted that three section of roof trom the state rest stop had been
obtained tt)}' park Use and wer on a 11at bed trailer in the park. The
plan is to use two of the roof s ctions as pmi of the shelters for the
Groveland Park. Adam noted 1at many truck loads of soil from the
Front Street project have been brought to the site to be used as top soil
when leveling the area. Adam 'tated that, in general, he felt that a
baseball tield with just a back top should be located in the back of the
park, perhaps two Soccer/tooth II fields toward the center, and a large
play area near the parking lot. here also could be a basketball hard
court toward to power lines. T e commission noted that this is the
Parks Commission eeting September 25, 2002
only park in the Groveland a dition with about 300 homes. It,
theret(xe is more like an are park, as opposed to a neighborhood
park. It will need more development that a small tot lot type parle
Adam was asked to bring a preliminary sketch, to scale, if possible,
showing suggested areas for fields, play area, hard court and parking
lot to the next Parks Commission meeting.
3. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned t II :45A.M.
Larry Nolan, Parks Commission Ch II'
Work list - October 16 , 2002
September20 thru October 17, 2002
· Striping football fields
· Moving trees and overseeing ity Hall landscaping
· Chipping orders
· Meadow Oaks trail - Buffalo ituminous
· Poured footings for West Brid e hardcourt
· Formed and poured Rolling W ods hardcoUTt and set footings for Rball
· General park maintenance
· General equipment maintenanc
· Fourth street roof done!
· Routine cleaning of restroom fa ilities
· River Mill spring rider fixed
· Chainsaw training for Parks Per onnel
· Installation of Rolling Woods p rk equipment and ADA mulch swings
by the end of the week
· Mulching leaves in parks - by m wing crew
· Installation of new garbage cans
· ADA chips added to West Bridg
· Changed furnace filters at Dep. R g., and Library
· Pruning East Bridge
· Playground inspections
· Work on and modify City Comm ce landscape
· Pumped out West Bridge
· MUlching at East Bridge
· New head stones mounted at Hills de Cemetery
· Bored and poured footings at City all for statue
· Split rail fence along HWY 25
· Hauling more soil to Rolling Woo s
· Sewer and water installed to shelte at Pioneer
· Start winterizing park and ballfield acilities
Lori Kraemer
Jeff O'Neill
Wednesday, October 09, 0027:53 AM
Lori Kraemer
RE: These are exerpts fro the PC minutes - let me know if I should forward on to Parks, etc
that would be good _ tanks
-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Kraemer
Sent: Tuesday, October 08,200211:01 AM
To: Jeff O'Neill
Subject: These are exerpts from the PC minutes - let m
know if I should forward on to Parks, etc.
Chair Frie asked staiT if they were aware ofth
Shores for the past few months. Someone fro
for approximately 5 months now. StafI was u
to follow-up on this matter.
There was further discussion by Dragsten tha he did not feel that there should be sidewalks on both sides ot
the road. O'Neill advised that the Parks Comnission would need to be involved in that decision and that
may not be particular to this site. O'Neill su gested that this request be brought back at a future meeting,
apart from this item. There was no further di cussion. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
There was a recommendation from the Planning Commission to direct the Parks Commission to review the
issue on sidewalks within this area, and the r suits to be brought back to the Plani1ing Commission at the
next meeting.
R V that has been parked in the parking lot of Mississi ppi
the audience stated that this R V has been parked in the lot
aware of this and Frie asked John Glomski or other city staff
It was suggested to focus on multi tenant bus nesses, put together a table of options, and schedule a
workshop prior to a Planning Commission meting. It was the consensus of the members to hold separate
meetings, one being an open house with a iii ited time from 7 pm to 9 pm, headed by Steve Grittman and
staff. This will be open to the general public and staff will advise the Chamber of Commerce also.
It was stated for the record that the homes w uld be 888 sq. 1'1. to 912 sq. 11:., averaging 900 sq. n. finished.
Rod Dragsten asked that staff work with Ste e Grittman to discuss the Planning Commission start looking;
square foot averages in the future, and to pia e that discussion on the November agenda.
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tt MkwidAW--, cn,uwu
{)-tYLe:t Z
ucsuay - Octoher 1, 2002 ,.
7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Dick Frie. Robbie Smith. Richard Carlson. Rod Dragsten and Lloyd Hilgart
Council Liaiso 1 Clint Herbst
Jeff O'Neill. .I hn Glomski and Steve Grittman
1. Call to order.
Chair Frie called the meeting t order at 7:05 p.m.
2. A roval of the minutes of the rel.!ular Planninl..! Commission meetin!! held Se tember 3.
Consideration of add in!..! items t ) the al..!enda.
Chair Frie asked staff if they \vt.:re aware orthe RV that has been parked in the parking lot of
Mississippi Shores for the past ew months. Someone from the audience stated that this RV
has been parked in the lot for apJroximately 5 months no\\.. Staff \vas unaware of this and
Frie asked John Glomski or oth I' city statfto follow-up on this matter.
Citizens comments. None.
~ 5.
Public Hearing - Consideration
Glen Posusta.
Steve Grittman provided the rep rt regarding the request to expand the Amax Mini Storage,
advising that the lots meet the zOling standards. although a proposed driveway extension
from Cedar Street into the eXP<in ion area was not part of the original review and would
require separate PUD approval. rittman advised that the subdivision appears to be
appropriate for apprO\.aL \vith COI ditions.
Grittman advised several issues.ith the application such as the need for easements. grading.
drainage and utility plans. althou< h he did note that the applicant had dropped of preliminary
grading plans earlier in the day th t need to be reviewed by the City. Engineer. Grittman
stated sidewalks/pathways \vere n )t shown on the plans. phasing was unclear. conveyance of
land rrom the City to the applican would need to be finalized and there are non-conforming
signs and ~(hcrtising clemcnts \\i hin the boundaries of the project and staff' \\ould expect
Planning. Cl)l11lllissil)n Minutes - 10/01/02
that any nlln-Cllnf(lrl11iti~s III be climinatcd. lirilll11an cbrilicd thc ~ll)J.til)n of the ROV,,' that
the City \\nulc\ be \'acating as part ofthl,' I-ligh\\ay 2:" pn),iect.
Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Glen Posusta, applicant. commcntcd that side\\alks
are sho\\"l1 on both sid~s of Cedar Street and h~ docs not see th~ nced l'or that in that an.~a at
this juncture. Grittman stated it \vas common to ha\'l~ a signilic.lI1t amount ofpedcstrian
access in commercial areas for pedestrian circulation. O'Neill stakd that was added to the
Cedar Street project by the City Council. \\hich includes development from Dundas Road
and south to Kjellberg's, due to the magnitude oftraflic in that arca. lk added that the City
is trying to develop, over time, a policy requiring side\valks on both sides of roads. rather
than forcing people to cross to get 10 side\\alks. Frie asked if this sic.kwalk is an island by
itself or connected and O'Neill stated it would be connected. Posusta added that there is an
existing pathway on one side of Hv/)'. 25 and he felt this was redundant. that this \vas an
added cost. not only to himself. O'Neill stated there is room in the bouleqrd and would not
be taking anv additional Iand. and that the Citv Council could re-Iook at this v..'hen l.!oinl.!
"- ~ -' '-- k.r
over plans and specifications, as it would be up to them to take out the sidewalks if they
wish. Posusta added that another developer in that area, ShU\vn Wcinand. was also not
happy \vith adding the sidewalk. Dragsten asked if there was a sidewalk north of Chelsea
Road on Cedar. and it was stated only on the one side. I-Ie stated he docs not feel there
would be a lot of pedestrian tramc. Frie suggested to add this as a condition if they wanted.
O'Neill added that there is another development of appro:\imately 170 homes in that area
that \\ill need to use the future side\\alks. and that they ar~ 1'0110\\ ing patterns of other \:ities.
Fric added that they arc pre\cnting rather than treating, by adding side\\'alks at this time.
Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. Smith asked Posttsta if hc \vas aware of the
conditions listed in E:\hibit Z and did he have any concerns with them. Posusta stated he
understood the City's issues with his signage and he said his plan is to eventually put a sign
on the corner. but he has to acquire the property first. lie added that it is his goal to put up a
conf'orming sign and remO\'e any and all other signage, and anticipates ha\'ing this done by
next spring. O"Neill added that he \",'ould need to gct another approval I"or the sign as this
would be an off site area for signage. Smith stated he wanted Posusta to understand that the
signage issue needs to be taken care of regardless of the outcome of this item.
There "vas further discussion by pragsten that he did not feel that thl:rc should be sidewalks
on both sides of the road. O'~eill advised that the Parks Commission \\ould need to be
involved in that decision and that may not be particular to this site. O:Neill suggested that
this request be brought back at a future meeting. apart from this item. There was no further
There was a recommendation from the Planning Commission to direct the Parks
Commission to rcvic\\ the issuc on side\\ulks within this area. and the rcsulb to be brought
back to the Planning Commission at the next meeting.
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