Parks Commission Agenda Packet 12-19-2002 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. AGE DA PARKS CO MISSION December 19,2 )02-4:30 p.m West Prai ie Room "J,) el/I'III/ce C()I/Ulllllli~I' pl'id' fl/mllKh developing IIl/d mllinfllinil/K ci~l' pllni,I' with II /iKh sflll/dlll'd O/qIlIlWI'" Call to Order Approve Minutes of November 21,2002 egular Parks Commission meeting. Consideration of adding items to the age da. Citizens requests. Play structures Ideas - Groveland Devclo ment Park Maintenance Items l]pd~ttcs, if any, A. Grant Applications B. Information on costs for lights - Hi h school hallfields C. Update 1-94 Interchange - Impact n Athletic Fields 8. Ad.iourn . Mcmbers Prescnt: MINt TES REGULAR MEETING - ARKS COMMISSION Thursday, November J, 2002 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance COllJllJunity prid through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of qU:llity" Fran Fair, Nancy MeCaftj-ey Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Roger Cou eil. Members Absent: None Statf Present: Adam Hawkinson, Parks Sup 'rintendent; Jeff O'NeilJ, Deputy City Administrator. 1. hall to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present 2, A rove Miuutes of October 17 2002 reuular I'arks Commission meetin . Nauey MeCafJrey questioned the expiration d, te oltho agreement with the baseball assoeiation_ The minutes stated the expiration date was thought to be 2004 or 2005. Upon checking it was determined to be 2005. Lan-y olan noted tbat the location of the parks seminar was not Rochester as was stated in theninutcs. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPRO /7,2002 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION NOTED. RICK TRA VER SECONDED THE UNANIMOUSL Y. E Tf-IE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER EETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS OTION. MOTION CARRfED 3. Consideration of adding items to thc a2:cnda. None 4. Citizcns Request& None. 5. .Garv Revenig - Ballfields at Hi~h School. Gary Revcnig was unahle to be present at the meeti 19. Mike Jacobsen spoke to the Parks . Parks Commission Minutes - 11/21/02 Commission regarding the ballfield at the h'gh school on behalf of Gary Revenig. Jeff O'Neill stated that Gary Revenig was SUppose to be putting together a packagc of ini{xmation for the Parks Commission that outlined the plan fo the use of/he high school balliield and the cost of lighting for the field. Mike Jacobsen statcd that the baseball association was approach cd by Gary Revenig about using the iield at the hi h school. At this time there are no lights at the ballfield and it is the intent to borrow mone from the City or have the City bond for thc cost of installing lights at the field. Once the lights are installed the Polecats, Legion, and high school varsity bascball team would use that field. ikc Jacobsen stated that at this time since everything is in preliminary stages, they are seeking the Parks Commission's blessing in going forward with this and ultimately presenting t leir request to the City Council. Mikc Jacobsen stated that presently the base all teams play at the city's ballfield complex. If the baseball teams would play at the high school it would free up the balliield complex to be used entirely for softball and little league pIa. It would also allow the fencing, which he understood was going to be replaced soon, to be extended. ] Ie also indicated because it is an athletic complex, it is more difficult to contn I entrance to their games thus making it more difficult to collect admittance fees. - Larry Nolan asked about the cost of the I ights and how thcy thought it could be funded. Mike Jacobsen indicated that thc estimated cost is b tween $125,000 and $150,000 but this would include maintenance of the lights by the contI' ctor. It is anticipated that the VFW and Amcrican Lcgion will make a financial comm tment but it would be the City who would be asked to upfront the costs either by bonding for the improvement or lending the funds to eover the cost of the lights. The various organizations involved would pay back thc funds over a 10 or ] 5 year period. There was som.e question whether the City could fund improvements that were made on property not owned by the City. Earl Smith pointed out that the association has an existing payback obligation covering the lights at the Xcel ballfield complex which runs through 2005 and would have to be honored. The Parks Commission felt there were a lot of tems that had to be resolved bet"()I'e this could go beforc the City Council. Earl Smith felt th t a committee should be set up to work on this but Rick Traver felt that until information was eceived about the lighting plan and the estimated cost, setting up a committee would be prematur. Larry Nolan asked whether the school district would be making any financial Commitllent. Mike Jacobsen stated that the revcnue from the signs on the ballfield could be utilized. However at this time, there is no inf"(>r1llation on the amount oflinancial contribution fi'om any o'the organizations that would be involved. It was pointed out that if the City would fund su 'h an improvement, there would need to be agreements in place to ensure that the public wodd be allowed use of the facility. It was 2 . ~ ,., Parks Commission Minutes - 11/21/02 generally felt that not only did the group n "ed to present cost infl)[mation hut there would also have to be an operating agreement in place Il)r the hlCility. Rick Traver stated that the baseball groups would want to make sure they have a finn commitnlent for use of the school field since it would he likely that the field used at Xcel complex would be converted f()f softball use. Jeff O'Neill asked about parking at the high seh )01 field. Mike Jacohsen stated this had been discussed and there was the possibility ofp rking in the area along the out1ield fence. Mike Jacobsen stated that the time frame is to ha e the lights installed so that the teams could be playing at the high school field in 2004. 01 cc the lights are installed they would he requesting to host a regional or state basehall tournament. The consensus orthe Parks Commission wa . that they needed to see more in11)rmation on what is being proposed, cost of construction, fund'ng by the various groups and also some type of agreement on use of the hleility. 9, Review of pathway/sidewalk nlan. Because Jeff O'Neill was committed to attenI another meeting, this item was moved up on the agenda. Jeff O'Neill updated the Parks COllmission on various cOlnmercial and residential developments that were either proposed or in the process of taking place within thc City. ^ commercial development is being proposed it the area bordered hy Cedar Street, Dundas Road, Oakwood Drive (CR 117) and Chelsea Road. Since there arc a number of residcntial developments in fairly close proximity it was felt to be important to get sidevvalks constructed in this area. Since Dundas Road abuts an indus rial area it was qucstioned whether sidewalk was needed on both sides orthe road. ^dan1 J Ia kinson Ielt that a pathway should be provided on Oakwood Drive to School Boulevard. Sin'c it was proposed to improve Oakwood Drive the pathway or sidewalk could be installed as art of the improvements. The general feeling of the Parks Commission was that they preferred pathway to sidewalk as Llr ,~pedestrian usc. Based on discussion it was felt that Chelsea R ad should have sidewalk, Oakwood Drive should have a pathway, and Cedar Street wouII have sidewalk on both sides. Jeff O'Neill updated the Parks Commission on the recent court ruling on the orderly annexation agreement and the impact that would have on tle development. He noted the areas that the City has received annexation petitions for as w II as other properties that are poised lor development. It was IClt that the pathway development should continue to extend along Oakwood Drive and TI-! 25. It was noted that s'gnals lights are proposed for School Boulevard and TH 25. The Parks Commission felt it was important for safety reasons to have pathway/sidewalks on both sides of major road.. such as Cedar Street, School Boulevard, etc. The Parks Commission also discussed the path ay hy the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital and .., -) . Parks Commission Minutes - 11/21/02 whether the drainage problems affecting the River Forest/River Mil] area had been corrected. There was also some discussion on how nDot's plans Jor realigning the road would impact the placement of the trail in the River Mi ] area. The Parks Commission Jelt the trail should be eO/npleted and then if the realignment inDaeted the trail, it would be MnDOT's responsibility to repair or relocate the trail. 6. Dcvelo ment Plan for Groveland Addiion - Schedulin . 8. Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson, , tated that this park is one that they are applying for an Outdoor Recreation grant to help fund the improvements. He wiI! be preparing a plan fIx the play structure, which he feels will run about $60,000. Previously the Parks Commission had okayed a general development plan J( I' the Groveland park. The Parks Commission set the neighborhood park meeting J()r JanuaJ 16,2003 at 4:30 p.m. with the regular Parks Commission meeting to J()llow at 5:30 p.1 7. Spo."ts Association Policy - Discussion. lhe Parks Commission received copies of the current agreelllents with the various associations. Adam] lawkinson was going to verity that payment of lllonies due on the agreements had been made. I-Ie will also be Illeeting with the as 'oeiation to go over the financial report on the concession stand revenue. The City is]o king at the possibility of having the Community Center oversee the financial reporting for t Ie concession stands and the Parks Department wil] hire people to run the concession stand. Fr n Fair felt like it was a lot more oversight to do it this way. Ear] Smith asked how this wou] be handled as long as the associations are operating under an agreement. The City is trying to md a balance between getting the necessary funds li'om the associations that adequately cover maintenance costs but yet not totally depriving the associations of their source of revenue. Park Maintenance Items. Adam Ilawkinson submitted a list of the nl( intenance work completed by park staff. He reported that Rolling Woods park is operati nal but the basketball court has not yet been paved. This will be done in the spring befo e the area is seeded or sodded. Work on the Pioneer park shelter will continue over the inter. 10. Updates - Grant Anplications. . Adam lIawkinson reviewed with the Parks ':ommission a list of the grant application requests that are being submitted. Upon receipt of tl e grant applications forms, they wiU work to get 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 11/21/02 the applications cornplcted and submitted by February 1. Added Items: A copy of the revised park reservation pennit for n was reviewed by the Parks Commission. 'rhe changes to the policy were lnade to minimize ifl ot eliminate problems encountered with the park reservations. The problem areas were individua s not picking up the key for the facility and individuals not cleaning up the facility after the event. The arks Commission also discussed music in the park and adding the Pioneer Park shelter to the list of ren1:-: I t~lcililies when it is completed. t 1. Adiourn. EARL SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN T 6:30 P.M. RICK 'rRA VER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJ ANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . . . XCEL BALL IELD PROPOSAL 1. The city would take ov r the concession stand with the help of the organizations that u e the facility. Organizations would be asked to help staff the c ncession stand and monitor the gate for spectators bringing in f( od and beverage. 2. Associations would be r sponsible for any light usage on the fields they are using. As well as any other costs associated with running their leagues. 3. City would provide all aintenance of the fields, striping, and chalking. 4. City would give back to ach association $3,000 dollars per year from concession stand re enues. Youth Baseball association would have use of the co cession stand for their annual tournament and would sh re a percentage with the city for extra employees used. This is all contingent on the acceptan e from Parks commission and the city manager. Also, the feasibility of the ayout to associations is also based on the figures provided by Mark Banyai fthe Softball Association. ~~~~. >, '7". ~.~ ~~ .... ~ '~tf~/!f/!lf!t~ ~ 5&~ ~ !4Z~fff!~Il~iJ~~ r """" ~~~~~~'tcr~~~~~I'~ . ~ ~7 rqj!iIJ!!Z~{fJlifllJlt~;:~c:r 16. ". ~~I~ r=B:.~8'~~~~Q~~ ~ l + ': ~ ~'-- "1i~ ~~O~a Q ~ < !!:t!lt. ~I~~~~ ~ ~rr l\\::~ '\~iI~ ~~ 5f _~ __~~II>-- ~ ~ /f1; V Irfll~ :I L.-------- "<3~ @ '- - :: II ~ .;>/ 'f'i - " H I ~ ~~ ~~ ,'F Inlffl' ~N~t1;i{/ ~~ '5] ~\ ~:: ~ 7)~:?:: 1& ~I bJ. ' " - 11'4 :,~); '2 11 '!iff.. I Yo, 't ~; I I ~~ /A9{~~:,:\; ;'~/;. + 0 ~~ I ~9 ~ ,\ - C ~" ~ " ~ '~O .,\" .';.' ',":' bolO 4. ~ I ~ ,t~'~'::.: "~Q.;: h I 0 + s + - T", f- II L U I~ 11<.cJ ~<:'>/ -., ~ \ I I I ~ ~k~ ~/~r' ,~:)X \~ I ~~r ~ H ~ j l '---, ~ ] nil I ~ 2627 (R-1) Approved 60.60 Ind Approved by Ordinance or Jo nt Resolution po tential new MOAA Agreement 0 r completion of necessary studies/p t '/ / . -l \ \ Im~ 0FrTII [I- . Pt.!:. i ~ 10",\ 'S 1, 10 Approx. Acreage IT] MW Johnson 1 [,'c+ 'I Shermer 2 [L] Farr 3 ~ Jim Shultz 4 ~'i~':1 Ken Shultz 5 I~" I Ken Shultz 6 /)v-j>k.WCc\.J ~"'.j Future 7 Wf~J] Future 8 I [(L] Future 9 [Q:J Chris Klein 10 [!] Loren O'Brien 11 ..~-QJ Gold Nugget 12 ! IRtf:::! Gold Nugget 13 Q:J Gold Nugget 14 .---C:U Grove/and IV __ 15 i QJ Chadwick 16 i ~ + = Proceed with anneX3tion -- 0: WJit for development of 27,06 21.47 3896 39,78 1739 34,55 107.40 39,60 67,55 37.96 56,72 39.96 40,35 31.03 I I ANNEXAT ON CRITERIA Comp Plan 3uided Concept Plan Preliminary Plat Utilities (R-1 ) (R-l) (R-lA) (R-1A) Approved Approved Pending Pending Approved Pending Need Study i\vailable A.vailable I\vailable !\vailable ~vailable Approved Approved Pending Pending Pending /Pending Not Conttguous Yet Not Contiguous Yet Med. Den, A ach (R-1 A) Ind I R~1 (R-1A) (R-1 ) (R-1) (R-1 ) (R-l ) (R-l) Ind Not Cont .guouS Yet None Available None Available Available None Available, None Available Available Under Develo~nt I Under Develo~nt ~t Avail. I ~t Avail. I Approved ~vailable I Pending ~vailable larmim ". ilI<5....1 All. f',,_ Puff' lJ..uiJ...., ~. ;dcwud;~ C.j~ c",o",<: I A..'.....q 0 . . . MONTICELLO P S DEPARTMENT Work list December 19th, 2002 November 21st tbru December 19th , 2002 . Prep and help with installation of sp it rail fence at Mississippi Dr. . Fixed silt fence at Rolling Woods . Chipping orders . Meadow Oaks light had a new balla t installed . Pioneer Shelter enclosed, plumbing, electric rough-in and floor poured . Flooding rinks . Install signs at Miss. . Changing out equipment from sum er to winter. . Picking up front street and trimmin trees . Installed no snowmobile signs at las years sites . Installation of snowmobile club sig s and added our map with city route on the sign . Gates installed out at Otter Creek . Changed oil on equipment . Graded cemetery roads again . Add garbage from storage site to d pster at ballfields to help with clean up of storage area. ( by comp st site) . Some brooming of pathways . Prep of all rink facilities . Wrapped trees around city . New tables at West Bridge . General park maintenance . General equipment maintenance . Routine cleaning of restroom facilif es . Installation of timed lock at West B idge . New hydrant at West Bridge . House keeping and cleaning aroun shop ----] Chadwi ~ [._-- Chris KI In [~ Farr -----; Gold N gget er t,__,._ J Harold herm t.- ':..""."1...:.'.: (. '.~...... ..~ Jim Sh Itzlt """'1"" Sh z """"'~~':.J;,* ---;"'">",, Ken ,tfi1~~YI Loren 'Brien [..~ NW Jo nsotnannexation.ShP III Subseq en . . . o CJ)...J I-...J ~w ...J() ~i= ClZ wO >:2: Ou.. C::o ~ ~>- ~t: u . ~ M ("') 0 Z 0 - 0 0 - (") 0 N ("') 0 N i= -0 0 0 -0 0 N Q) ~ Q) N Vl ~ Vl -0 Vl Vl -0 Q) OJ Cl Q) Q) Vl Vl Vl Vl C Vl Vl W Vl Vl 0 Q) ~ 0 <( -0 OJ ~ Vl ?J Vl ,~ Vl :::.::: Q) Vl ~ <D "<T ,:2: ~ :::J N c:: X (1J 0- X ~ (") U ~ 0 $; CO <( l.CJ ~ 0) X X l.[) l.CJ Vl Q) l.CJ -0 l.CJ r-- "<T Q) c <( <( (") C ("') ..- N OJ <( 0 CO (1J CO "<T ffl u.. 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E -Q) Q) Q) Q) :::J ..::.::: > > ~ -0 C C Q) .0 OJ 0 e c l- E :J (1J 0 0 0 ,:2: c l- I- N <( 0 c.9 c.9 ~ :2: :2 0:: f= :> ----- AUTUMN RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT . 25. PARK DEDICATION AND TRAI S. A. The Park Dedicatio for the fi rst phase is $835 x * 43 which equals $35,905.00. How ver, Developer shall be assessed or shall pay a cash contribution of $1 ,575.00 which represents the net amount required after credits for De eloper construction of 1,335 feet of Trail C and 0 and 525 feet of Tra" B. The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay $9,460.00 in satis action of the City's pathway requirements. The pathway charges w re calculated as follow s: 43 units $220.00 per unit. B. Developer is responsible f r the installation of the pathway identified as "Pathways Band C and 0" on Plan G. C. Pathway C shall be campi ted no later than the completion date of the First . Phase of the development. D. The portion of pathway not constructed with the first phase shall be constructed by Developer with the See nd Phase. At the time of development of the Second Phase, the Developer shall recei e a park dedication credit equal to length of the trail (371 ft) times the prevailing trail cons ruction cost per foot. E. Trail A along County Road 117 shall be constructed incrementally following construction phasing for the developmen. The City shall have the option of having the developer build trail A and provide a credit to the developer for the expense, or the City can construct the trail and provide no credits to the developer. The general public is granted permission to use roads and trails internal to the PUD. Maintenance of trails is the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. The City is in no way responsible for . maintenance of roadways or trails within t e development. I02776()~ MKB IO/2ll/20112 10 . '. I,....<~ '" ". '.,.... ""'. ""-. () l I '.J i 0 r I.. r.... \.r' .......,.. -...\......, L,..... '., .~ -...... .....~,....- .......,......... .--... ~-.'n_"..,..,~..~,_.~ ... . .., _ , '_.u.........~~._.~"'.._.......". .......__, " . ".~,~ '.'~_..." .~ .~- -;S'-- ;'- il 0-0 L . 8- 0(;/-- ~~ /:.. - V ,;.".. '.. J:: rr - " ...l.. Features . Cargo Net . Spiral Climber . Aluminum Spiral Slide . Pyramid Roof . Activity Panel · ADA Access Transfer Station . Arched Bridge . Suspension Bridge . Double Hoop Loop with Ladder . Double Slide . Railing with Steering Wheel . Spiral Tube Slide . Straight Tube Slide · (2) Chinning Bars . "S" Horizontal Ladder . (2) 900 Crawl Tubes . (2) Track Rides · Cargo Nets . Spiral Climbers . Aluminum Spiral Slides . Pyramid Roofs . (2) Arched Ladders . Figure 8 Climber . Horizontal Loop Ladder . Horizontal Rings I I , I i I I . I I L I T~ba-_. :!Il11plillllMr "' Phase 1 only Approximate Area Requir d: 88' x 51' Capacity: Up to 85 child en 5 to 12 years Weight: 5,000 Lbs. Model APS51101-P1 Pice $31,100.00 ($58,4~ Approximate Area Requir d: 88' x 72' Capacity: Up to 125 c i1dren 5 to 12 years Installation: Approximate y 300 hours Weight: 9,800 Lbs. INSTALLATION MUST BE MADE OVER A APPROPRIATE SAFETY SURFACE 25lf jf Features . ADA Ramp Access . Aluminum 900 Slide, 36" Deck · Figure 8 Climber . Horizontal Loop Ladder · Horizontal Oval Ladder . Railing with Steering Wheel . Double Stainless Steel Slide · ADA Transfer Station . Aluminum Spiral Slide, 60" Deck · Aluminum Spiral Slide, 84" Deck . Arched Ladder · Cargo Net . Deep Rung Arched Ladder · Horizontal Ladder . Horizontal Rings . Horizontal Loop Ladder · Sliding Pole . Double Stainless Steel Slide Phase 1 only Approximate Area Required: 44' x 36' Capacity: Up to 74 children 5 to 12 years Weight: 3,800 Lbs. Model APS50026-P1 Price $19,300.00 I "nn Aroflea L_, A1umn.m 5ptrtll!ldlll Approximate Area Required: 63' x 44' Capacity: Up to 120 children 5 to 12 years Installation: Approximately 120 hours Weight: 8,500 Lbs. With the addition of the following pieces for $1,200 (not shown), this unit is compliant with the latest ADA guidelines: ~ . Underground Tele . Tube Panel · Choice of (3) Play Panels ~ ($42,900) N APPROPRIATE SAFETY SURFACE * 1~ __ I ~'~I:t:l[IJ.:.'~~".:.':{~;I::I'.;I:f~'~l*,'i'JI~[e Jre 3h d s rm j, g II 15.00 35.00 t legs )fS Arched Swing Features: · Made from 5" 0.0. Schedule 40 pipe . Includes 8-11 swing hangers · Includes choice of seats from pages 64 and 65 . Includes choice of powder coat finish from page 1 , J I MQQu SEATS TOP RAIL HEIGHT GROUN E PROTECTIVE AREA WEIGHT PRICE 88082 2 8' 5' x 12' 32' x 24' 420 Ibs. $ 1,300.00 88084 4 8' 5' x 23' 32' x 35' 682 Ibs $ 1,950.00 Blue, 88086 6 8' 5' x 35' 32' x 47' 992 Ibs $ 2,600.00 1. 88082-TS 1 SEAT S8084-TS 2 SEATS Optional MODEL TS200 Tire swing seat. One tire swin per bay. Seats available in yellow, green or blue. Requires 15 foot top beam per bay. 5' x 18' 32' x 30' 5' X 35' 32' x 48' 8' 8' 476 Ibs 794 Ibs $ 1,540.00 $ 2,420.00 AMERICAN PLAYGROUND 1-800-541-1602 55if jf 1, ~~ .~ '. -eS~ a-e~ ~:E UJ~ ~.g ZB:~~ ....-I"'C '" ~ ,~~ :~~:; ~~;~ 5 "'.~ ii~ -~~'~-'-- --- \ -~-a - ~ ~ '" o '" c c ~~ ~,s j~ ;;:;.==- "- "- -,. ~ 0:-:; ~ - :::!IE I-- V> """ E V> m m <0 c: 0- ~ N .2 c::: ..... ..... -0. :g x -ti ...... Q. 0 ..... E '-0 !::i. V> Q) Q. c: E ..... N ~ U'") :5 .2 m v; b '" N "'" c: Q) ~ c ;>. ;>. 0 c: :> Q) "'" Q) "'" '" c: Q) c: Q) Q) '" N 0 ~ 0 :0 '" C <0 Q. Q. '" E 'Vi "'" Q) ...... E '" ,~ '" x 0 ill <> ill E e w '-' u '-' '" Q. ;>. '-' d; '-' co c: e M '" """ """ ~ '" a:: 11 :> 11 <=> ..... '-0 ill <=> :;;;, ;;; '" c: -....J c: 0 U'") 0 ~ ill '" Q) <0 ;:f :- .,; e '" c: c: c::: ...... '" ... '-' ''3 :> 0 :;;;, 0 :c: :- <n '-' c::: ill Q. e Q. .;2 '" ~ IT L:J ~ E 0- ~~ Q) <.!)