Parks Commission Agenda Packet 02-20-2003 . 1. 2.A B 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. AGE DA P ARKS CO MISSION Fehruary 20, 2 03-4:30 p.m W cst Prai ie Room "Tol'nllllncl' C(1I11I1I1IIli~1' pri I' throllgh developillt al/(l maintaining cit)' parns ",itl, I llith standard ulqlluliO'" Call to Order Approve Minutes of January 15, 2003 s ecial mccting. Approve Minutes of .January 16,2003 r gular meeting. Consideration of adding items to the ag nda. Citizens requests. Review of park and trail layout - Wild eadows Developmcnt Park Maintenance Items Review of estimated 2003 costs for Rive. side Cemctery Openltions and consideration of fee ad,i ustments, if any. 8. Wildwood Ponds/Hermes Property - A. Identify need for park B. Identify trail corridor 9. Genentl and specific discussion on Sout east area park and trail development concepts. 10. Ballfield use for youth football - Altern tives 11. Consideration of providing input on go Is and pro,jects for the City. 12. Adjourn. . . . . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA February 20, 2003 Agenda Item # 5. Wild Meadows Development - The develo ers will be present at the meeting to review trail layout for their proposed development. 7. Riverside Cemetery Fees - This was discuss d at the last meeting and the Parks Commission requested inJi.mnation from other eommunitie' as far as the Cees they charge. If this information is available, this item can be discussed. 8. Wildwood Ponds/Hennes Property - This as tabled fi-orn the last meeting because JefC O'Neill and Adam Hawkinson had not had an opportunity to meet on this. 9. Southeast Area Park and Trail Developme t - This was also tabled 1i:om the last meeting. 10. Ballfield Use for Youth Foothall- At the las meeting it was brought that the ballfields should not continue to be used [clr youth football but it w s felt that the Parks Commission should discuss what alternatives are available for use by youth foot all. Since Earl Smith will not be present at this meeting, the Parks Commission may want to table this t) the next meeting. 11. Goal Setting - Attached is a memo outlining he goal setting process that the City currently undertaking. If time allows, the Parks Commi 'sion may want to formulate some goals Cor the City Council to consider. . . . MIN J'rl~~S REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pri Ie through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" Members Present: Fran Fair, Larry Nolm, Earl Smith and Rick 'fraver. Members Absent: Nancy McCaffrey and Council Liaison, Bruce 'l'hielen Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Pa ks Superintendent and Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to ordc' at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of December 19 2002 re ular Parks Commission meetin . EARL SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE TH ; MINUTES OF THE DECEMBr~R 19.2002 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEET G. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en Greg Schlink of Bruggeman Homesrequeste to be on agenda for review of the plat of Wild Meadows for park and trail layout. Adam He wkinson. Parks Superintendent added review of changes to Groveland Park layout and sites f r ball fields to the agenda. At this point the Parks COI1Hnission determin ~d to deal with those agenda items where individuals were present to make presentations. Wild Meadows. The Parks Commission ha looked at a plat for this area previously. At that time the Parks Commission expressed their concens about the park land being within utility easements and the park land and trails encroaching in wetlan areas. The developer redesigned the plat and was bringing it back again for Parks Commission eview. Greg Schl ink stated that the design of the plat was driven by the location of wetlands and ut lity easements. The proposed park is located in the northeast corner of the plat bounded by Gi lIar and 95tl1 A venue and would be a public park since, according to Jeff O'NeilL this area is under s rved by parks. The park area is approximately 6 Yl acres including the area of the gas line easem nL The park area was sketched out to show a soccer/ballfield area, play structure, shelter, h I'd court and open area. It is the City's policy not to accept land within utility easements as park d dication. Adam Hawkinson stated that if the City were to place any equiplnent or play structure within the easement area, it would have to be removed and . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/16/03 replaced should the utility company to any ork or repair to their lines. In addition there may be restrictions as to how close to the line a stru lure could be placed. The developer felt the layout of the park provided good access to the wetlan s area. An 8' bituminous trail is proposed within the development. Jeff O'Neill stated that if the rail is internal, the developer picks up the cost of the trail. Tfthe trail serves area outside of the developnent. pathway credit is given. Rick Traver asked about elevation of the park land area noting that th area appeared fairly flat and could easi Iy aeeomnlOdate hallfields. The elevation of the trail area We s also discussed and the Parks Commission was concerned about the trails close proximity to the wetlands area. JeJTO'Neill stated that the plan has not yet been reviewed by planning staff. Lar"y Nolan asked about sidewalks. Greg Schlink replied there are 5' sidewalks on at least one side of 111 streets within the development. Mr. Schlink stated the streets will be public streets but the right of-way will he narrower than the typical street. . Larry Nolan questioned whether they would 'ant parking area for a park of this size. Adam Hawkinson responded that it would probahl only be 10-12 stalls. Earl Smith asked about accepting easement area as park land as he as concerned about the City getting land that they may not be able to utilize f()r parks but would have to maintain nevertheless. Adam Hawkinson suggested that if Lots 12-18 located southeasterly from the park be ineluded in the park area it would provide the park with sunicient area not impacted by the utility easement. Greg Schlink stated that was too much area to give up for parle It was sugges ed that perhaps the westerly area of the proposed park where the sketch showed plantings and play tructure could be utilized for lots. The developer did not think that would be appropriate since it woull require those lots to have driveway access olT of 95th A venue instead of fro In the streets within the plat. The Parks Commission again expressed their concern about accepting land under an casement for park dedication and noted that would be an i-sue they would l~lce again when looking at the development of the Ken and James Shultz pI' lperty. This development will contain approximately 280 homes and consists or approximately 94 teres. Based on 10(% of land area, the park dedication for this developnlent should be about 9 acres. Greg Schlink stated that the property owner. Gene Bauer had been gi yen park dedication creditor an casement he had given and that amount had been deducted from the 9 acres of park dedication 'or this area. . The Parks Commission needs to respond to t 0 issues on this proposed plat; 1) Whether to accept land within utility casements for park dedicat on and 2) Whether the layout f("Jr park and trails was acceptable. Rick Traver liked the layout 0 It better than the previous plan but did not feel credit should be given f("Jr the easement area. Sine they could not huild in the easement area, it would make the placement of play structures and otl er faci I ities more difficult. It was not known how much or the park land area was easement. The dev'loper stated he did not believe the City would be prohibited from placing the trail in the easem nt area. Jeff O'Neill stated that irthe Parks Commission was eomfortahle with layout it could go forW' I'd to the Planning Commission and city staff would work out the park dedication fees. Earl Smit 1 stated that he didn't feel the area proposed was adequate in size to meet the 10% land area de -lieation and he didn't feel the casement area should be accepted as park dedication. However, he We s comfortable with the concept plan. Larry Nolan felt 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/16/03 the land within the casement area could be considered green space but not park dedication. Earl Smith asked if the land was accepted as gr en space how would it be handled and who would maintain it. Adam Hawkinson stated he Ii ed the idea of including Lots] -3 on the west side ofthe proposed park as part of the park. This wo tld make the area more open. Earl Smith also recommended that the developer stake the rail and park out immediately as that shows residents where trails and parks arc going to be locat'd and they know ahead of time which lots abut trails. It was noted that with the combination of trai s and sidewalks that are proposed all areas of the development can access Gillard Avenue. reg Schlink said they woulellike to get some credit for the trail if it is put in up front. EARL SMlnl MOVED TO ACCEPT THL CONCEPT PLAN rOR WILD MEADOWS WITH SUPPORT FOR LOTS 1,2 AND 3 BECO ING PART OF 1'1 IE PARK LAND WITlI THE TRAIL LAID AS SHOWN BEFORE RESI ENTIAL CONSTRUCnON OCCURS SO THAT RESIDENTS KNOW WHERE THE TRAL AND PARK IS LOCATED. .Jeff O'Neill asked about the Ianel along the asement. Parks Commission stated land along the easement would not be part of the park or pc rk dedication. .JeJTC),NeilI stated that if the land in the easement area is not taken the amount of th park dedication fee paid in cash is greater. If the City accepts the land as green space (not park) th ~ City would still have to maintain it which would be a cost for the City FRAN FAIR SEC()NDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8.-9. Review u dated ark and trail Ian for H'lIside Farms and S irit Hills subdivisions. Mario Cocchiarella and Robert Pearson wer present to discuss the development plans f()I" Ilillside farms and Spirit Hills (property owned by J. Ines and Ken Shultz). Jeff O'Neill reviewed the proposed trail layout for these developments. Portions of the proposed elevdoplnent abut Fenning Avenue and stafT feels there is a need for trai along this road. However, at some future point it is proposed to improve Fenning A venue so no trail would be added until the improvements to the road arc complete. It was felt that this trail along Fenning A venue should be shown on the plat even though it may not be built for some time. In tddition to the trail along Fenning A venue, the SpiritlIilb development shows another trail coming bet een Lots 7 and 8 as shown on the sketch and extending through Ken Shultz property (10 acre parcel), to the City water tower site and ending at an open area adjacent to the water tower site and behind th ~ Methodist Church site. The developer of lIillside Farms changed their layout so that the trail di I not run along back property lines. lhere will be sidewalks that wiIl provide the access to the tails. There was discussion of the trail connection oint between the two development. The drawing fl.)r Spirit Hills showed a trail connection to the e st between Lots 12 and 13. It was suggested in lieu of that connection. there should be a trail runnin r between Lots] 0 and 11 which would align more closely with Outlot ^ of Hillside Farms. ,., -) . . . Parks Commission Minutes - ]/] 6/03 Larry Nolan asked whether park land woul. be dedicated as part of this developrllent. There is currently the 5 acre Tower Park and when tl e Parks Commission previously reviewed development for this area, they stated they did not want s nail parks within each development. Based on that no park was proposed for Hillside Farms. In he Spirit Hills development there is a knoll in the gas line casement which is the high point of the arc". Since this spot would provide a nice view of surrounding area, there might be interest in having this a' a passive public parle Earl Smith and Rick Traver felt that this knoll area should be public park sil ee it was abutting the existing Tower Park. Larry Nolan concurred. Mario Cocchiarella emphasize that it should be a passive park and the consensus of the Parks Commission is that it should be a pas, ive park. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ACCEPT T E P ATHW f\ Y DESIGN FOR THE SPIRIT HILLSII I1LLSIDE FARMS DEVELOPME T WITII THE CONNECTION POINT FOR TilE 'TRAIL BETWEEN SPIRIT HILLS AND 1I LLSIDE FARMS BEING ON TilE EAST SIDE. EARL SMITH SECONDED THE MOTH) . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. lJ date on Hos ital District Planned Unit Dcvelo lment re "est - Trail Devclo mcnt Planning. Normally the Parks Commission would not review an expansion to a planned unit development but the Planning Comrnission moved to get Parks Conllnission input on this expansion. Since the hospital area is at an entrance to the City, they fell th re should be appropriate landscaping and adequate trail access. There is a proposed 10' trail along t le Broadway side of the property. There is also suppose to be a pathway along River Street t the river. The hospital will give a 30' easement which will extend at least to Mississippi Shores. The Parks Commission was satislied with th alignment of the trail along the River Street side of the property. Adam Hawkinson asked if the hos ital would be paying for the pathway and .leffO'Neill indicated that would be required. Larry Nolal asked when the pathway gets to Mississippi Shores will it connect with the pathway coming dowl from Mississippi Shores and .TeffO'Neill indicted it would. The trail along Broadway may be ouhde the right of way and in that case the City would necd to get an casement f'Jr the trail location. There was discussion on the amount and types of landscaping proposed. The consensus of the Parks Commission was that additional landscaping and more variety of landscaping materials was ne ded. EARL SMITH MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO 'rHE PLANNING COMMISSION THE FOLLOWING ITEMS RI::LA TING TO EXP NSION OF THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE MONTlCELL HOSPITAL:] ) THAT EASEMENT RIGfrrS BE OBTAINED FOR THE P A THW A Y ALONC THE BROADWAY SIDE OF TI IE HOSPITAL PROPERTY; AND 2) TI IA T ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING BE PROVIDED TO BUFFER THE PARKING AREA FROM TIlE PUBLl . ROAD AND TO INCREASE THE VARIETY OF LANDSCAPING M;\TERIALS AND ALTE NATE THE SPECIES OF TREES PLANTED. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTIO . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 . . . 5. Park Maintenance Items. Parks COIl1mission Minutcs - 1/16/03 Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of the wo -k cOlnpleted by the Parks StaIr It was noted that a considerable amount oftil11e was spent with ilooding the rinks, making snow for the sliding hill and clearing the area by Front Street. Parks Con mission was also updated on the status of work at the shelter at Pioneer Park. The bloek is in and they will bcgin laying the block next week. 6. Review of estimated 2002 costs for Rivers de Cemeter 0 lerations and consideration of fee adjustments. 7. Adam Hawkinson submitted a report outlini g projected revenues and expenditures for Riverside Cemetery. The rcport noted that with the pI' sent operating revenues they have not been able to generate funds to put into the capital improv ment fund for the cemetery. The purpose of the capital improvement fund would be to take care ofl1e cost of inlprovements such as blacktopping the roads, new fencing and other improvements to the emetery. The report recommended an increase of $50 per grave. It was questioned how it was det rmined that $50 should be the amount to increase the fees by and how the price of a lot in Riverside Cemetery cornpared with other cemeteries. The Parks COll1mission felt that this item should be tabled until additional information is obtained concerning lot prices at other cemcteries, such 8t. Ilenry's, umllo, Big. Lakc, etc. Wildwood Ponds/Hermes Tabled. 10. General and s lccific discussion on Southe' st area ark and trail dcvelo mcnt conce ts. 11. This item related to development of the wate tower area and the Hermes property. Adam Ilawkinson and JelT O'Neill were to meet on this and because they had not done so, it will be brought back at a future meeting. ark develo ment lanninu in extraterritorial area. The Parks Commission felt that the Compreh nsive Park Plan should be updated since it was last done in 1998. There was some question onhether guidelines existed that made recOll1mendations as to number or size of facilities need to serv a given population size. JelTO'Neill will check into what funds arc available for updating the Con prchensive Park Plan. Other Items: Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson, brought up iscussion of possible sites for consideration for ballfield development. Thc Parks Commission feels a 40 acr' parcel would be the appropriate size. There was discussion where the ballficlds should be located, cos of acquiring the land and time Ji-all1e for developing the 5 . . . fields. Parks COlnmission Minutes - 1/16/03 Adam Hawkinson submitted a drawing showing the revised layout for the Groveland Parle Because the grant aprl ication that is being sought for this park'equires that a r1ay area not be located under utility I ines, it necessitated some changes to the layout for the pare Basically the location of the r1ay structure and rarking lot have been switched with a portion of the parkin] lot now encroaching in the utility casement area. There was also discussion on whether the ballfieH. can continue to be used for youth f(Jotball. It was felt that this was an issue that should be discussed further a xl that some alternatives to using the ballfields should be provided. 13. Adjourn. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO ADJOURN T 7:25 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. Earl Smith informed the Parks Commission that he will not be in attendance at the february meeting. ~.-._.''''''''.._'' '--"'--.".'-""'--'"--"'.--'.'. Recording Secretary 6 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - lARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, .January 15, 2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pf"ide through developing and maintaining city parks with l high standard of quality" Members Present: Fran Fair, L,arry Nolan, Earl ,'mith and Rick 'fraver. Members Absent: Nancy McCaffrey and Coune'l Liaison, Bruce Thielen. Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Parks Sup rintendent 1. Call to Order. Chair [,arry Nolan called the meeting to orde' at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. He noted the purpose of the special meeting was to conduct public hearings on grant applications the City is pursuing for funding of various park i nprovements. 2. Publie lIearino - Outdoor Grant A ment Parks Superintendent, Adam IIawkinson outlined the scope of the project stating that the City had received approximately 5 acres of land to fulfill park dedication requirements for the Groveland development. The park is proposed to inclu e a play structure, hard courts, ballfield area, three shelters and a parking lot. There has becn ch U1ges to the proposed layout because of the grant requirement that the play area be as L1T as po sible from utility lines. Adam Hawkinson submitted sketches showil g various play structures frOIH different vendors. At this time no decision has been made on whic structure will be lIsed in the park but it was noted that all structures met ADA requirements and NR (National Recreation Association) requirements. The prices for the play structure ranged Ji'om '35,000-$40,00. Adding the wood chips and the swing equipment would bring the cost up to 50,000-$60,000. The grant application request is for $60,000 and the City has budgeted $60,000 il the 2003 budget. Tfthe grant is received it would allow for completion of the park improvements to be done in one year. Adam Hawkinson noted that after completion of the project, the City could expect to spend about $3,500 a year in general maintenance for the facility. The City is not roposing to assess any of the improvement cost. Chair Nolan opened the public hearing for co 11l11ents. Heidi Seiclenkranz from 40 I 0 [Iampton Court, asked about the layout of the park and he time frame for making the improvements. The Parks Commission informed her that there wi I be a meeting of the neighborhoocllater in the year (May) to provide residents in the area an opp rtunity to give input on the layout of the park. The public hearing tonight was for the purpose of eceiving input on proceeding with the grant application for the parle Chair Nolan then closed the pu lic hearing. . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/15/03 EARL SMITH MOVhD TO PROCEED ITH THE SUBMITTAL OF THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE GROVEIANI PARK. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. The Parks Cor11m ission discussed the ineichlt of a contractor removing 600 yards of material from the park site and how the City was handlin T the matter. 2. Public Hearin Trail Connections Grant A Iication - Pathwa from East Brid Je Park to West Bridge Park. This grant cover the connection of the trai I 'ronl East Bridge Park to West Bridge Park with the exception of the trail segment under the bri Ige. The trail would meet ADA requirements. There will be terraced areas along the trail that trail us rs could use tl)f rest areas. Park staff will be helping with removal and replanting of materials. dam Hawkinson stated that regardless of whether or not the grant was received, the existing steps w uld have to be removed this year because of their deteriorated condition. The existing steps re not in compliance with ADA requirements. The grants are awarded in early summer. No w rk can be done prior to that time since the grant funds cannot be used to reimburse costs incurred rioI' to the signing of the grant agreenlents. None of the cost of the proposed improvements wi II be assessed but wi II come from budgeted park funds. Adam IIawkinson stated one of the conditio 1S of the grant is that trail would have to be maintained year round. This segment of trail is import nt as it allows for crossing of TII 25 in a safe manner. The Parks Commission discussed the locati n of the terraced areas, height of the walls and type of plantings. It would also noted that there a e some irrigations lines in the areathat would have to be relocated. Chair Nolan opened the public hearing. Th re was no one present who spoke for or against proceeding with the grant application proccs'. Chair Nolan then closed the public hearing. EARL SMITJI MOVED TO PROCEED WI rH THE SUBMITTAL OF THE GRANT APPLICATION FRO TI-lE EAST BRIDGE ATHW A Y. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. Earl Smith stated that with the number of gn nts the Parks Department is applying for and the number of new and ongoing projects, he wolld like to get at a future meeting, the Parks Depaliment priority list for these projects. 4. Public Hearin Trails Connections Grant ) lication - Coun Road 18. The bed for the pathway was laid when impr vements were made to County Road 18. The trail would run from the Wildwood development 0 the County Road 39/County Road 18 intersection, or about 2,185 feet. The estimated cost for t e trail is $40,000 and the trail is proposed to be 10' 2 . . . Parks COllHllission Min utes - 1/15/03 in width which would correspond to the trail width of the School Boulevard segment and Fallon A venue segnlent. Earl Smith suggested th' t crosswalks also be included. Under this progranl any grant funds received would have to be usec by 2004. A ward of the grant would not be made until October. If grant funds are used fl1f the trail improvements, the City would be required to maintain the trail year round, Adam I lawkinson has applied t<.x both the Federal Trail Grant and the Local Trail Grant. Earl Smith asked about the ro:\d from the water tower to the Ralph Mack property and whether there were any erosion problells. Adam Hawkinson will be checking with the county to see whether a culvert will be needed in t at area. Chair Nolan opened the public hearing No one commented for or against proceeding with the grant application. Chair Nolan then closed the public hearing. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO PROCEED ITH SUBMITTAL, OF THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TI-IE COUNTY ROA 18 PATHWA Y IMPROVEMENT. EARL SMITH SECONDED 'rHE MOTION. MO ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Public Hcarin - DNR Pro ram for Fishi Pier Grant for West BridJe Park. It is proposed to situate the fishing pier in th area the City recently acquired along [<ront Street. The City is working with the DNR to detern ine which fishing pier style would be most appropriate. Adam Hawkinson explained the various styl s for the fishing pier and indicated that they may go with something similar to what was installed at Montissippi Parle A fishing pier was recently installed at Maria State Park which was anot1er model that could be looked at. The final design would be detennined by the DNR and the Ciy. The trail by Front Street is ADA accessible and the City could come off that for access to the Jishingpier. The area from the trail to the pier would be a wood chip trail. In the grant applicatiol the City states they will be providing manpower and equipment for the improvement. It was no ed that there is no dollar amount listed because the DNR funds it 100(1'0, The fishing docks arc built by the Minnesota Department of Corrections. The Parks COl1unission discussed whether th proposed location fIX the pier was a good fishing spot. To their knowledge people had fished that area and Adam Hawkinson indicated that the DNR had the capability of determining whetl erit was a good fishing location. An alternative location that was suggested was Ellison Parle Chair L,arry Nolan opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak for or against proceeding with the grant application. Larry olan stated that he had received an unsigned letter 1[om a resident that questioned whether the p oposed location was a good fishing spot. The Parks Commission acknowledged receipt of the leU I' and indicated that the DNR would be able to make a determination on the location of the pier at, goodlishing spot. Earl Smith felt that Battle Rapids would be a eUer second choice location than Ellison Parle The embankment is not as steep and the fishing pi I' would need to meet ADA requirements. The Parks 3 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/15/03 RICK TM VER MOVED TO PROCEED ITI I SUBMITTAL OF THE GRANT APPLICA'rION FOR THE COUNTY RO D 18 P A TI-! WAY IMPROVEMENT. EARL SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MC nON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Public Hearin - DNR Pro ram for Fishi Pier Grant for West Brid e Park. It is proposed to situate the fishing pier in tIe area the City recently acquired along Front Street. The City is working with the DNR to deten ine which fishing pier style would be most appropriate. Adam llawkinson explained the various styes 1<:)r the fishing pier and indicated that they may go with something similar to what was installe at Montissippi Parle A fishing pier was recently installed at Maria State Park which was ano her model that could be looked at. The final design would be determined by the DNR and the C ty. The trail by Front Street is ADA accessible and the City could come off that for access to th fishing pier. The area from the trail to the pier would be a wood chip trail. In the grant applicati n the City states they will be providing manpower and equipment 1(Jr the improvernent. It was n ted that there is no dollar amount listed because the DNR funds it 100%. The fishing docks are uilt hy the Minnesota Department of Corrections. The Parks Commission discussed whether tl e proposed location for the pier was a good fishing spot. To their knowledge people had fishe that area and Adam Hawkinson indicated that the DNR had the capahility of determining whet leI' it was a good fishing location. An alternative location that was suggested was Ellison Park. Chair Larry Nolan opened the public hearing No one was present to speak for or against proceeding with the grant application. I,arr Nolan stated that he had received an unsigned letter from a resident that questioned whether the p oposed location was a good fishing spot. The Parks Commission acknowledged. receipt of the let er and. indicated that the DNR would be able to make a determination on the location of the pier at good fishing spot. Earl Smith felt that Battle Rapids would be a etter seeond. choice location than Ellison Park. The embankment is not as steep and the iishing pi r would. need to meet ADA requirements. The Parks Commission stated that there would. need to e more study done if the l3ridge Park site was determined not to be feasible. Chair Nolan tlen closed. the public hearing. EARL SMITH MOVED TO PROCEED WIT SUBMITTAL OF TI-IE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TIIE FfSI-IlNG PrER. RAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI,y. Larry Nolan suggested letting the DNR the Pa ks Commission preference for an alternative site if one was needed. 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1115/03 The Parks Commission recessed the meetil g fl.)r a brief break. The meeting was reconvened at 6:05 p.m. 6. Public Hcarin - Environmental Partnershi s Grant -East Brid e })ark Arboretum. With the existing steps being removed and pathway installed, the existing plantings will need to be relocated. As part orthe pathway construct"on there will be terraced areas along the pathway where the plantings wi II placed. The type of plantings and layout wi II be determined by the Park Departlnent and the Bridge Park Gardeners. There was some discussion whether this should be called the East Bridge Park Gardens ratherlan East Bridge Park Arboretum because of the limited area of plantings. The proposed terrace wal s will complement what is already existing in the park and it was pointed out that there may be sec. ions where it would require engineered wall material. The trail is proposed to be 10' in width and he laterals running off hom the trail would be 6' or 8'. The grant funds, if received, would be avail, ble in July or August. It is proposed to start construction in June and continue it into the fall. The Parks Commission also talked about taking precautions during construction to not adver"ely impact the root system of the existing large oak tree at the parle Larry Nolan suggested talking 0 the U of M arboretum to see if there would be a student who would be interest in working on this. Chair Nolan opened the public hearing. No me was present to speak t()r or against proceeding with the grant application. Chair Nolan the 1 closed the public hearing. lUCK TRAVER MOVED TO PROCEED rTH THE SUBMITTAL OF THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR TIlE EAS'r BRIDGE ARK ARBORETUM. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. 7. Adjourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN A 6:30 P,M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANrMC USLY. .'---'__.'_n,.._...__._..._.___..._."... Recording Secretary 5 . . . Parks Commission Agenda - 2/20/03 II. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In Septell1ber of 1997 the City Council ado ted a COl1uTIunity Vision and Governing Policies. As part of this plan, the City Council and vari us commissions of the City participated in prcparing a list of projects flJr thc City Council to unde take. These projects were then prioritized by the Counci I. The Council on January 27tl1 held a worksh p meeting to review the Community Vision and Governing Policies document and to set for h procedures for updating not only the document but also the list of projects that the City should e focusing on. Again the Council is asking the various boards and commissions for their input. Attached is the information submitted to the Council at their workshop 111eeting. If the Parks Commission members could come up with t leiI' list of projects, these can be discussed and prioritized at this meeting if tilne allows. lease review the Community Vision and Governing Policies document as well and comment on hether you feel the document is still accurate or if it needs revision. Attachments; Community Vision & (Jovernilg Policies Project Listing . CITY OF MON COMMUNITY GOVERNING ICELLO ISION & OLICIES "/(f ~Qp; ~ .., ~ . . SEPTEMBER 8 1997 - As Ado ted Bv Citv Council The Monticello City Council is an elected body re resenting the citizens, businesses and other taxpayers within the City of Monticello. As such, t is the intent of the Council to provide representative leadership to the community and d.rect the resources'" of the City toward achievement of an intended vision (goals). Boards and Commissions serve in an advisory role to he City Council, assisting the Council to make broad decisions and support the City Council by focusing on the details required to accomplish the intended Vision. The EDAIHRA also act as independent political subdi isions working in partnership with the City Council to achieve the shared vision. * RESOURCES-- Direct resources of the City include but are n t limited to its personnel, budgets, boards, commissions, consultants, machinery, building , public works, utilities and other capital improvements. . Indirect resources of the City include its citize s, businesses, community groups (i.e. IDC, MCP, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, etc.), aftiliated governmental agencies (i.e. Wright County, Monticello School District, ECFE, Head Start, C, etc.). I. VISION: (A definition of ends not The following statement of values and related policies e adopted by the City Council for the purpose of providing a foundation for Council leadership and dire ion to the City Administration. These community visions will be the basis for. th City Council in making policy to achieve intended results. A. Values and Intended Resu1ts _ Aesthetic!Environmental 1. The image of our city will be as a friendly, thriving, and proud community that has retained its small town charm and identity. . 2. The City will support paced gro h and development so as to provide diverse, comfortable urban neighborhoods while preserving natural amenities for public use and enjoyment. GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 Page 1 l?- 3. The City will support mainte ce and reinvestment in existing owner occupied and rental housing and business p operties so as to discourage blight. Blighting influences on existing housing and busin sses must be controlled. . 4. Our city will have abundant p ks and recreational spaces for its citizens. Its streets and neighborhoods should ret 'n a park-like ~tmosphere that takes advantage of the city's location on the river an our developing pathway system. 5. As "quality begets quality", p blic facilities and spaces should reflect pride by their construction and maintenance. Monticello should be clean, safe, well forested, and visually inviting. We will sup ort pride in the place we call home. Social/Community 1. The City will create and encou age opportunities for people to become involved and cormected to their community n all levels (i. e. civic, church, community organizations, government, et .). 3. The City will seek constant ren wal through community volunteerism and celebrations that reflect our history, our cu ent accomplishments, and our vision of the future. 2. We will encourage civic and c mmunity organizations that provide welcoming opportunities for people to bec me actively and cooperatively involved with their neighbors. . 4. The City will promote partners 'ps with other communities and governing agencies to share a broader view of comm nity. 5.' The City will strive to gain regi nal recognition as a desirable place to live and work (<<Our kind of place") Cultural 1. The City will encourage and su port frequent and diverse opportunities to celebrate as a community so citizens may e erience the unique and historic aspects of our community culture. 2. Our history and the fine arts, in luding music and dance, will be promoted and facilitated in our city. They de ewho we are and what keeps us here. Economic 1. The City will adapt arid respond to the regional marketplace and direct our resources to stimulate the development of onticello as a destination community that is self- sustaining and self-sufficient. . 2. The City will take economic adv ntage of our attractive regional location that provides ready access to transportation s stems linking us with larger economic communities. GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 Page 2 I?-- 3. Our support of economic development will be directed toward the creation of jobs that are not just "liveable" but prosperous, stimulate the local economy, and capable. supporting our families and community. . 4. The City will encourage reinvestment in our community and support with our resources the economic efforts oflocal businesses. 5. The City will save through dedicated reserves, be prudent in its investments and expenditures, and strive to maintain affordability of services to its citizens. Recreational 1. The City will promote, build upon, and take advantage of our public, private, and natural recreational amenities. We will seek to increase cooperative progranuning of the community recreational facilities (civic, township, county, and school). 2. The City will seek to expand public and private recreational opportunities in the civic core to increase downtown vitality. In providing for accessible recreation, opportunities must be provided for people during normal leisure time. We will provide for evening and weekend opportunities for community activities. 3. The City will maintain and promote pride in our existing recreational facilities while continuing to develop new recreational uses and facilities which take greater . advantage of the river and our city/country setting. We will strive to link pathways and trails to recreational destinations. 4. The City will promote "user ownership" of recreational facilities through volunteerism such as "Adopt-A-Park". 5. The City will maximize year-round opportunities for organized and unplanned recreation for families and persons of all ages. Spiritual 1. The City of Monticello must appreciate and celebrate the diversity of our faiths while recognizing the oneness and diversity of our moral and ethical beliefs. 2. The City will respect diversity in faiths and facilitate cooperation to make our community a place that protects the vulnerable and helps those in need. 3.. In governing our city, officials will uphold the highest moral and ethical standards that reflect the values of our caring, compassionate community. . GOVERN3.PCY: 91S197 Page 3 B. Intended Recipients -The intende recipients of our efforts will be: . Citizens Taxpayen Institutions (schools, churches, hos Penons in Need VisitorsfTravelenfTransients (free Businesses The Natural Environment itals, governments, civic groups, etc.) ay traffic, temp. residents, business traffic, etc.) C. Intended Costs D. . The monetary costs of accomplishi g these visions/intended results will be reflected in the creation of budgets and capital improvement plans. Action plans developed by the City Administrator and City Conn il will be tested against this Vision to determine priorities for allocation of resource . General Responsibilities -_ 1. The City Council will at least ually review the Conununity Vision for the City of Monticello and performance m asures toward attaining the Vision. This evolving Vision will be the governing fo ndation for strategic planning. It will provide for the aesthetic/environmental, social cultural, spiritual, recreational, and economic character, vitality and growth fthe city. 2. In the exercise of the privileges rights, and obligations of their elected positions, City Council members will uphold t e Constitution ofthe United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and the City's Comprehensive Plan. Each Council member must act within the law, profes ionaIly represent the City and diminish neither public confidence nor personal integri . 3. The City Council will represent the Community Vision and the interests of the city before those of other govemme tal agencies. . 4. City Council meetings are to be conducted in an orderly manner. The City Council will ensure that each member 0 the Council is encouraged to freely communicate and express opinions. 5. The City Council will ensure op' n representative local government, maintaining the public trust by respecting and re ecting the needs and desires of the community at large. 6. City Council members must not ermit personal conflicts of interest, nor tolerate any apparent or real conflict of inter st, that may interfere with the freedom of the Council to carry out representative gove ent. . 7. GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 The City Council will define the oles and responsibilities of its boards and conunissions, support those role and responsibilities, and maintain a communication plan to ensure cooperation and aximum utility. Page 4 1;< BudgetlFiduciary Responsibilities - 1. The City Council must maintain its fiscal responsibilities and direct resources toward . the Community Vision. The Council must prohibit misdirection or waste of municipal resources. Personnel -- 1. The City Council and its City Administrator will be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 2. Concurrent to adoption of the annual budget, the City Council will consider and approve or deny an annual pay plan for city personnel as recommended by the City Administrator. 3. The City Council will consider and approve or deny changes to the organizational structure of the City as recommended by the City Administrator. ID. ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY POLICIES - BOUNDARIES & LIMITATIONS FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR: General Responsibilities -- 1. To achieve the Vision, the City Council authorizes the City Administrator to manage the direct resources of the City. . 2. The City Administrator is responsible for the effective and efficient use of direct resources provided by the City Council and to develop and maintain productive channels to available indirect resources. 3. The City Administrator will uphold the ordinances and poliCies of the City of Monticello. 4. The City Administrator must not tolerate unlawful acts of any kind, by any person. Bud;etlFiduciary Responsibilities - 1. The City Administrator must uphold the 'fiduciary responsibilities of the City. 2. The City Administrator is authorized sole authority to manage and direct/redirect monetary resources within the annual budget approved by the City Council. The City Administrator must gain approval from City Council to exceed the annual budget approved by City Council. 3. The City Administrator will make or cause to be made sound investments of municipal funds. . 4. The City Administrator shall not permit waste of City assets and resources. GOVERN3.PCY: 918/97 Page 5 . . . IV. MAN GQVERN3.PCY: 918/97 Personnel -- L The City Administrator must a t in compliance with all federal, state, or local laws as related to the management of ersonnel resources. 2. Prior to making changes to the organizational structure of the City, the City Administrator must obtain the pproval of the City Council. 3. The City Administrator shall b permitted to independently make changes to job descriptions, compensation, te s of compensation, and carry out disciplinary actions with the exception of job termi ation. Effective and efficient use and management of personnel resources shall be at he sole discretion of the City Administrator. 4. Though the City Administrator may advise, the termination of any City employee shall be as provided by Minnesota L w at the sole discretion of the City Council. 5. The City Administrator will att mpt to retain qualified staff and strive to maintain good employee morale and ope communications. Staffwill be treated with respect, understanding, and fairness. 6. The City Administrator wiII ens re that employees are provided feedback on and are accountable to clearly-defined erformance criteria. 7. Staffwill be provided opportu . ies for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as r lated to job performance. 8. The City Administrator will not allow alienation between staff and City Council. An envirorunent of trust and cando shall exist to support open communication between staff and the Council. General Responsibilities -- 1. The City Council will lead the C ty and provide strategic guidance by governing according to its Community Visi n, Governing Policies, and Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council wiII not manage Ci business and operations. City administration and operational management are the esponsibility of the City Administrator. The City Administrator may request the p icipation of City Council members in certain administrative matters. 3. All items brought to the Council or update, consideration, recommendation, direction or action must be brought throu h the City Administrator who wiII present his recommendation/s to the City C uncil with appropriate dissenting opinions and views. 4. The City Council wiII take action with one voice. Individual Council members are not to direct staff Council instructio s to staffwiII be directed through the City . Administrator. I;;) Page 6 BudgetlFiduciary Responsibilities - 1. The City Administrator will provide sufficient information and reports to the City Council to permit the Council to evaluate the allocation of its resources toward accomplishing the intended results. . 2. As part of annual budget development, the City Council will annually evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of City efforts to accomplish the Community Vision. The City Council will redirect its resources as necessary to attain intended results. Measurement and reporting policies will be determined by the City Administrator in cooperation with the City Council. Personnel -- 1. The City Council will at least annually conduct a performance review of the City Administrator and ensure that the City Administrator is provided feedback on and be accountable to clearly-defined performance criteria as established by the Council. . . GOVERN3.PCY: 9/8/97 Page 7 City of Monticello -- 2003 Update Project Priority Listing and Compl tion Record . I c.\T[(;()/{Y Key A - Urgent, B - Very High Priority, C - Pr ority, 0 - Mild Priority ,c\ [) UtSIIlI' Rnk Ot'i:,:inal 1(1)N PI'io,'ir~' (",ll1lpll,.'li(ln R...(tH'd I'nljl'l"f Ih'~l'l-ipl'lllI Ave Ave PrOject HI Tm 1."'ilclCI' I I I I I HE ITE~IS IN THIS GROt''' 0:'\ PROJECT IDEAS - DO YOU H,.\ \' SOME TO ADD? \J1l11n \ \- '\c\\ .\dlllll\ \.\ - \~" ..\dl11in :\..\ 7 ,~\\ .-\dl~lII'1 ,:\. \:1.:'\\ D" Sc" ED~,HRA '\A- \~\\' De\ S~i\ ED.-\ HR..\ \..\ ~ !\t:\\ D" Ser\ O,d ,:\~,~\\ " SO" Pbm. -\dlnll \.,\ . \e\\ eo' Scr\ PI~I1. .-\chnn \,\ - ~C\\ .. St:n 111.10. :\ dl1l 11 '\.-\ - ;..:~\\ " Sel\ PI~ll. Adlllll \.~ - \:C'w <I S!:f\ Plan .\drilll '\..\ - :\C'\\ Sl:n Pbn. ..\Lfmll '\.-\ . l\'~\\ " Sc-r\ Plan -\,jIlHl \":\ - :\1.:"\\ "' '\t'f\ PI;1I1 -\dmll \ -\- \c\\ ~C'n I'lall -\dlllll \.'\ . \c\\ " St"I'\ PI ,Ill -\dnHl \ \-:\\..." C' St'I\ Pi'lI1 .\dt'1l1l '\.\ - ,~\\ "' SL'J'\ rl1l11 .\dllln :\..\ - ,~\\ "' Sl:I\ I'l,ln. .';dmn _,..\ - 'C\\ C' S!.:I\ rJill1 .\dlllll \.'\ - ,~\\ :=;~f\ I'Ji1B :\ dill 11 \.-\- '1,.'\\ ." PI"n~,II"" '\\ - ,...." Sll'c...'I.~ P;llh~ ,\.\ - ''-'\\ Slj't't::!~ P:lIh;:; \-\ - \"c\\ P\\ SIJL'~'l~ P;nh:- '\..\ - ~<I,.'\\ r)\\ .)lfl,;C'b P:-Jlh.. \\ . \;~\\ 1'\\ ~ln:el~ P;ith.. \.\ . \;1.:'\\ 1'\\ ~ll~'t,'!~ hull:- :\.-\ - \"c" P\\ ~lJ'l..'el:;' P;l,h~ :\'.-\ - \."..:\\ 1'\\ SlfeCIS P:llhs \A. ~I...\\ p\\' Slfcel!\ 'P:;Ilh~ '\\ . \"~\\ P\y Sln~t:l... P:!:b~ '..\ ~ ;\C'\\ IJ\\ 'LlilillC'~ :\,,-\ ~ ';'..;C\\ P\\ l'[ililit:'~ :\A. ;\cw P\\ 'l;ldillC'S. /'\.-\ ~ r..:e\\ I ,\;lnl!JlI..' (,.'u:\l S~l\ Ill'::,", In "~I."'lIrl'S on ;\ tkpannh.'nt 1"1\ l,.kl':lrtl11..'!lt ":\."\1;,\ I. \P~Ill~JPIl ur rl...'llhl...k'!1I1 ' Ill' 1 )\,;plJt~ Rlgl.,,'I:-.lr;.lr ( )lfl\..'I.: 1.llhall~~ em Hall 11\"" I;~~r'llg E.'I'all~Il'" pfll~\\ I,hra, ," f\lur4u~1I~ Ill~'Il"Hl R,'J,', d(lpln~lll of Illo~ ~2. St~\ e .Iohll~\)1l I'rol"" R~J~, dOrlll~1ll of nl,,~ _,6 - Bar!"'. I'lllth - ~'''nrkt~ h"l"'IlS Simplll\ sign llrdil1~lIll:(, for cOll1mcn;lal r('l~ll1 Jl'\ cI or 111 l'll ( SurrMt of ..\lhlclI~ (olllpk.' d~\c1"rlll~llt. i:llh'lI1~~ lilllllll~5' alld '1 allahilit, of HllrOr1alll J"l11osrar'"'' IllI<lI"Ill'"IPIl alld '''O,,'~IIOI1' Cnorl..illl;HI.: GIS/rn}rl.,,'n~' d~llah~sl..' dc\ l.,.'ll"lrnh_'nt \\ ith C()urll~ JL'\ l..-Iprlllcnt 1-::\{a~II:-.IHnl:nt 01'1)1..'\\ t\1 )..\:\ ~lgfL'L'ml.,,'IH. I-"nr\\ard I.i.)i.lhln~ \ :rJ'Il~ '';Irl; 1'''''' III sro' Ih ar~(IS CUI11r'kl~ imrnn I.'l1h.'llt:-. nl'Lc~sm'Y 10 surron n..'t~lil d~\ 1.:1 Or"lll l,.'lll pn.'ssurl.,,' Inl...'fI,.'IllI..'l1lal r~lrh Jl'\ clol U1nl.:'nl :.,H \ ~lrl(HI::; s~lhJj\ hI un InC~ltli,'Jh f in~lIl1...'Ii.11 pl~lnl1ing ~lnd 1..'~HlSlrllt.:lI011 \I( lhl..~ F~ill{)n (\ \ l'l1l1t.~ P\ l'rp;,lSS Il11pr~)\ il1g r~ltjo or stl'l"'~lt housing to 1..'l1l,: k'\ d hOllslng 1:"J"It.'dlliotls pro'-'I..'ssing 0 '~t1hJI\ ISll"Hl fl.''-!lIl,..'sts L.s{abllsh 1()1...~1tiol1 ji,.J( jiUI '11lii.l] J()(.;~d fI\ \,;r ",;rn~sIl1g Cf{ J S II1t~rl.,,'kIl12l:' pl~1I11lIl1g. t'1I"1~1l1l.:lI1g :lIh.J dc\ 1,.'1 or III l.'nI ('i.llllIlHlnll;alinn ond i.:our 11"I;.1\1011 ufCl1~ ~Il1J SdHHl1 J~\ I.: I l'!",IlH.."IHS ~lIld progr~lln:\ I'rdlll1lll~lry dl'sign. C:ost ~still1~Hf.' i.Il1J (lllldi!l~ r1uIl (or ()r'.;h.lrJ r~O;lJ jl1ll.,."rl:h~1I12I..' I:"labl"h lo~,,"oll "" h,1I1 i'leld "r~a '11i'i'll"I~1H 10 h"IlJk Ilc'\\ J~Ill:II1J, R,.:lul,,:~IlJ~1I1 \11' Re~H.i~ i\ll, I'I~lI1t C\llllllllll1ll..'atioll anJ l.:Opr 1111i.111011 ot'('lt~ allJ ('()UIlI~ I{()~ld lI11rn1\f."1T11..'IlIS il~ Ill'l'tk.J 13uilci r1l<'r ",ilk ~"nnc'clioll i'rom :\1", Jr lhmu~h \.V hlllll',I.,,, oi' Irc'"lllc'I1II'I:1Il1 C"llll'kIIOIlOI"CS..\11 7~ r".I""1 halrc' R"adiCS,.\H 75 Inl ",'~lion IIllprm c'il1cn!S Ph~l:-'l. I Or~\lrL'l'l n:t;Ollstru 'lInn rrogram 1:\ll"nSllOll nJ'COlllH: I S I ~Id l'asl uf I"l..'llIl1ng DC'\ dl"lpmCllt ora s:.lh.' p;lll\\a~ cornJor for L1SI )q r('dL'stri~ll1\ ~llld hl~l'f.S [\I"n"oll I1i' 7th Str""1 \\.~,t f.:\h;."IlSiOIl orChelsc~1 Roa \\~st to \\'CSl COlll1t~. 3l) l'lc'llsil1n oi' 7th StrCc'l ~a GrO\ dand lif( station d", /OpIllCIlt ,\-kudo\\ O"l;es B,'pass Construction of a nC\\ \\at 'r to\\ Cr A c:~& -,tl c./\C. \ :r &.~ OS . 1-1".> f c:.loe..;J e {--- h; .' .2 '- L....v ~ err I ., t~ ~,_ f ',/1._(. f 1'1 \~f ;.7r7d fo(j (.c Worklisl2003: 01/24/2003 Page 1 J::< City of Monticello -- 2003 Update Project Priority Listing and Completion Record LL\I)f:RSIIII' L\TEGOln Key A - Urgent, 8 - Very High Priority, C - Priority, 0 - Mild Priority I~n~ Original 1998 Pl'iltt'i~ Ci.lIl1pl~fiUlI H.et:Oi'll I'mjl.'\."' Ul":'O&:l'iplilln I I I I I THESE PROJECTS \\'ERE '\OT COi\lPLETED - TO BE REPRIORITIZED WITH '\E\\'. I P\\ Slfn'l.' \Llinl 21 [)\."\ S~r', U, d P,1I J...~ 6 D':=T Sen EDA HR.-\ Ollsin); \ Ie 20 PW P"r~s P,uh 14 Dt,,~\ Sen Ol'd .-\nnc\ 18 De, Se" EI),ITltt,~ ~ICP 11 r\\'ir3r"~ Progrjlll 12 ..\dl'nln:('lI~1 S~f\ S(.'n'i,e' 13 Admin:Fin;uh.:t= T;:I1\ Rc-\ 15 Dc, SI..'r\ ED,.\ IIR:\ Olllm \1[ 17 -\dmin OI'~lln 36 [k\ ~~'r\' FD.\ IIR.-\ ul' rel<Hil~n 42 .l,.d1'r'l11l 'P~1~llnnel G<.'n,,'ral 25 P\\",'Pali..!' \lailll 28 P\\" [1..'11"1.:... PM'" 24 l)~\ <";t..'rI Ol'd \lCP 33 D~\ S~["\ (hll .\cllmB 65 \dmin Or~:m 64 1'\\ SlJ,~,,,'l~ \I;litll 48 [)l,;\ SC1"\ \dmll' 45 p\\' 'rM~$ 1)(11 ~ 68 Dt::\ ~~r\ ED:\ IIR,~ (\I.l~in~ \Ie 46 (Jr,:, Sl'l"'\ \,imlll 62 n~'\ St,:r\ Ord I h'U~lIl~ 60 1),,\ S~r\ Onl Indll~t 81 .\Jt.~ill (\I~l S.,;-~\ St,:rl iL'I,.' 91 .\dl1ll:d'uiit Ser\ Or~<11l 86 .\Jlllil1 ("!Iii! SI!'t"\ :';\;'I'\i..::\.' 90 I~S PLJIIL''': J'L']i..:l: 88 De\ St:f., ED:\ I fR.), Housing 71 Adnlln,CIISl ~;:'"r\ Or~.Hl 72 -\.;llllin :\IIS PlIh Rd 73 PS 'Fir~' Fir!.: 83 JJ\\';L~tilitie5 lOrm \Vate 75 ..\d'~llll O'1::;all 111 .-\dmin,'\llS B1JI1~ Imp 26 rS,l'olice rolice 116 De\ Soi::r\ AdmIn 28 Admin.'\IIS rub. ReI. 76 PW,'$ueels Rede\"elop_ 90 r\\",.Slr~e'l5 :'\1aim 98 D<I s.". O,d. Bldn~ Insp 12 1'\\':1'"" I'a,h 47 Admin ';\ II S ...\dlnln 37 .-\.drrtin:rust, SeT\. Or!;!an 122 r'\\'lrar~~ ~l"inl 1 03 ,~dl1lill'Record:; Fjlin~ 89 .-ldOl;n .\l.nd.l< 106 P\\ Parl\:;. Path 42 P\\ 'I';HI..:~ \Iain! 32 r\\' .L1,ditit.'\; San Se\~ 83 Worklist 2003: 01/24/2003 .-1 .1 -I ,A A .A .-1 .A .A 13 fl . B fl fl [l C (" C C (' C C Dr:.lfl Lom pn..'hl,.'n:; 1 \ ~ sign ll)~lln\l..\n;IlH,:l,,' ~1l1J r('r'lL..lcl..'ml,.~m rr\'gr:,Hll lrl.'~ orJin:.lni:\.' llrd~ll(" :Jlld lillpknH_'nUthHl bn~lIc\ ~Ird rlallt1l1g rrn~ral1l Ip"..all D~\dop a loan progr:J1ll and gLllddll1\,;s ~ncollrjgill8 r~moJ~llI1g of aging h~)lIsl Palhway ConstrllCth)n along ri\~r - f.\lisslssippl Dr. to Ellison P"r~ DIJ111.." 110\\ n:dl\ Arnt:ndmc:nts 10 Clty,Township Urb:.miz:ltinn ..\gre~m~llt &.: I'll;]!=' o,.,,,,,llomplet Land acqLlisnion as :1\ ailabl~ to carr,- OLlI d(nmtmm mcr(ront r~d~, doplllcnl ESln~_lish SUlllmer n:'Tr~atioll rrngram and US~ 5~ stt:m for ~il~ f~l.:ili,th,!~, Dcvelop priorities for sen"\Ce dell\erY - Identll\. m~a"rr~s o(s~" ice P0l1i,,1 Pr~pare capitalltnpro\"cm~nl pl,m (<:il> ",d~ I for 5 - I (I \ cars. E.~labli$h cOll1mcrLI~d :r~tail rc\ nh lllf! lo~ln rrogr~ll1l Continuing educati(\n pl"n-- Council. commISSions. &. sla(( D~\. rrroacll\e mrltg nd"or~ - eleclcd ,\ITlclals_ rc'ailors. build~rs. mJuslland" Pal11<11 E \ :tIU:lhl pt'rformall(:e ~lprr:Jis:J1 sySl~lll l."n~ure ESl::lolish compr~h(,llsi\ ~ piJrk ll1~lInlL'l1~lI1C~ rri)J;r~"lIl1 raw rink at 4th Slr~~1 p"rk to ;tllo" r"lkr h"ch. Ordin~"lll~~ ~Hnl..'11Jl1h.:-1lt ~ Si~I1~lgl.: 111 \,..o1i(~r1 \\ 11h i\'lCP lOfllng Cod(' r~(.;oJi(i(~Hinll cOllsiJtratll.l1l Clani\. '\I\d dc\ .:1,,1' <:1'rICi""1 rurc'ha""~ ['(\lle\ D~\.c1op cOI"i'lprl,,'h~11Si\ l..' maim. rn)J;r~\1l1 &.. pridrlli~s for str~l:'tsL~1pC 1~llh.bl,,'~lrl1lg. f'r"par~ Annu~1 Plailil"'!' Report. n,,\elop ".Oler I(\""r .,1\<: Il1t(. p~r.. D~\'d\."')p a pro,SraJn ;.111d glIIJdll'h.~s for ~l ..\)I~lnl\.'I.T a(l..llli~ili\l1l progr~lIn - hllg/lh: P;1I1 i..11 I mrro\'~ 1..011lng '01..k~ l.:11 l"n rC(.'!11 l"!H ~ r"l'rh~lr~ 111 rc' IIlIL'rll D~\dop ;:lI1d in\rlel1l~1l1 r~lltal hOllsin~ LPd\.:' ~lnJ llccnsmg. pn..\g.r~1m ScreC'ning fc..'I1C't" ~1:'lIlJards - impr<HI...' Jd'tllltlOn ol'mlll SHlIH..i~lrds. for <.:nrlll...'r \ iSlh In-hou::.e SI...'f\ il.'l.,.' hlldjin~ Ll)tllr:IL'IOl"S ')I"'L~n hlIU~\'" Establish pOll" ror SI,l1f lil\ 01 ,,'m c'il I 111 pr"fc's"onal (>rg~l1lzallons (\IRI'/\_ f.\1ll In.hoLJse scn ic(' ;i.c..'minar (7\lomil..'l'lln ~lr~:J r('altors) Ct)J'5Id~r Cod~ Ellfnr<..:~m~nt Officl..'r C~)mllllll1lt> S~n IC~. Olrl(,;~r Po~lti\ln. D~\'('lop ~ l1l;lrk\.~liI1g program \\'hich markl.?ts !\'10ntlct'llo's hOl..lsil1g. pro:;ral1l~. Deline prop~r Incll\flDC suppon rrom Clt\ slarr l'an,,1 Ass.emble dato lor 1111~rnet applications De\elop Frre i'rc,i'l3n i'rogr~m I,,, COl11m~rCtul. Indust"al buildings Install high "."ler signs 111 slOrag<: p"nds DOCldod no Consider mergll1g EDA/HRA. De\elop pl3n for COI11Plllerization oJ" buildtl1g perllllts Begin_lo'.'g .term pl(lnnll1g lor local police di'punmelll Parti~jpa(c in regional plCllllling illillati\ es. .organi;!:e. internel d_e\elopl11~nt - process lor updating da~a De\-~ll)p s_cope and sch~dule for \Vest Ri\er Street meet &. SIO!111 sewer impro\e __9bt!,in NSP fundingfor con\ersioll orlrarll~ lights 10 LED. Sta~~rdize address s\.stcm. Bridge o\'er storm se" er at MissisSippi Shorcs palll\\uy. System f.>e\c1oflmem . Parks Schedul rng ESlablishpoliey for SI:lIT tI1\ohel11elll in ci\ ic organizations (.Lions. J:l\"Cees, Chal11ber) Install cedar rail posts at \'O"O"S flar. 1(\1 e,orners (Oak Ridge. elc.) In\ entory records at publIC" orks. De\.elop loc~1 performance oid p"'gral11 to l11"et Slate reqlllr~mCIllS lor LGA. De\.dop SUmmcr path".a\ l11a""Cn;II1<:" progrmn Iv conform \\Ilh "JvIN/DOT stds Do:' eIo11and Il11plel11~1ll pond \ ~g"I:ll""1 pilot swd\ Tree pluming, bllildtl1g floor. and elllr. "'ads on btosollds slle. D J) D D D D D D D D E E E E E E E F F F F F F F F F . Ave Ave Project H.t "I'm l.t';lIh.'r - \ IS :-; I' I II 10 ~ S ; -l OK :-': I S ,IS ~ (I I S ,1Cl S -l I" 0" " = ~ .IL) ~ , I' R II. ~ 11 R \\ SII ;c, (ll( IS In\ I>S .,~ Ok , [. FII ! -l ~:-:.I1 ) 2.l 1<) =" 1"1' (, (I ~ II .I ( ) ('11 1-Iln\ \, I' :: I, .IS ::: (, ,10 ~ :-.; I '! .It J . " " ", Of., ;' I'"~ /, :: :: ~ .I{) , < I' II' -1 ! I ~ s FI' '" ,< Inl -I ~ I ,\ (I .10 -l S -17 JO , , -'" ()f., , S "RII' , , : s ,1() , , -' . ,.00 ,,, .1",1S . ,1 ,3,10 - N I. 1'1' :;:; :" S RW 7 ~ .1 (, ,10 ('.0 2) JO ; 0 39,1S ,< 30 JS FP ,10 ,10 RI\' R~I ~D RW JO .10 ,IS . Page 2 . \f)E1lSl I II' C\TEGOln City of Monticello _w 2003 Update Project Priority Listing and Campi tion Record Key A - Urgent. B - Very High Priority. C - Pri rity. 0 - Mild Priority l.tllh. OriJ!in,al 1 ()()foi ()rilli'i'~ ComplClitJU RC""jlrd f1\~ I';}! k ~ THE ITE:\IS Ii' THIS GROl'P WERE CO:\JPLETED OR ,-\R[ 0:\ Pr"jlTI Ih'''ff''1l1iun ()\..'", 5L'r-, Or ~l -\dmin rll1,;II1I.:': 01..'\ SI,'f'\ Ord P\\ SU~~I~ Dc\' Ser\ Prc'jl,'(! Dc\ Set\ ED.;' IR..-\. .\dmin .\drnlll. ril1an~~ -\dilllll "e"S~'llnd [)~\ ~L'1'\ ~nA 11":\ De\ St::r\ r.f)-\ HR-\ .\dmin rm,H\L~ p\\' Pal'k~ rk\ '=.1,'1"\ ()ll1 DL'\ SI.'I'\ I';,lle'.'! ~.)c\. Sl:'~'\ 01 ii nC\ ..;....r"\ ED.\ I!R.\ 0('\ S,-',"\ (JI..J D~\' SI,.'r\ EDA J If.:.-\ -\dllllll Cll~i "1:"1" r")e'L Sell Pr,.IIo.....'! .\lS"""" \\ -.,t1......::r~ .\1.:1"\ EU.\ IlR \ 1'\\ 1';111..:- -\dnlin R~L"(1l'd~ \Chlllt'l r,h:iJl1l!,,'~ j1\\ P;tl:", nt'\ S<..:r\ (Jr(l ()~\ St:'n 01 d l)~\ S'-'r\ (lr,; De\ SL'n I::U -\ HR \ De\ S~T\ .-\dlllin:'Pej'!o\'lnlll,,"! -\dll'lin. Pl,.'r~\'\nllel De\ Set"\ Ord P\\' PiH).;~ P\\ ,'ParJ.:~ PW/ParJ.:.:;. D-e\ Se!', Ord De\ Sci'\ Ord P\\ 'Patl...~ D., S." CIH HR.,\ De\ Ser\ (" U~l Set\ De\ S\..'f\ Ord A,dmin F<I.:iJiltl:'~ Dc, Scn ED-\ I-fRA Ul:'c SL.:r\ lira Del S~'r. Ord \\' l Iii 1!1t"~ ."f..c,;,,;"_ 1 1 II ill~~ 1',llh 23 P;lI"~ 8 De, Re, 16 Antle'\ 19 \lCP 2 10" 5 llllllll \Ie 9 O!'~;;I11 10 D~\ RI,,'\ 4 Sli\ffin~ 3 IndU~It'I."d 7 InJlJ~ll'i,l' 22 T.1'\ Re\ 1 1'"" 32 \1(1' 30 R" 29 Cllll1J\1 39 \ll1:.ll1= \1(" 40 \1('1' 37 \1(1) 38 0,,;0" 35 I"" 31 ""."," 27 \I;jlll! 41 \Jrjll11 26 \l.llJ1t 49 Filill~ 54 ..I.,d:l111l 51 Pi'" 66 Bldllg lll";p 53 S"bd 6 7 Ill)ll~iJ1~ 56 l'l11lll \1(. 52 .-\dnlll1 69 Sfi'lffing 57 Slaftiny. 63 Ind"" 44 Par, 55 Par, 50 Path 59 HOllsing 61 (ol'"n 47 Park 58 om," '~IC 43 ub, .<lotion 70 H01l511l,!; 80 L,b"", 77 ~'lu~jng'I\~[ 78 Illdusl 84 IndUSl 74 S{llid \\'a.sl~ 82 Llql,J(lr Sfr 89 \I'a1e' 85 Worklist 2003: 01/24/2003 A -\ A ..; ,\ ,.; A ,.; ..; .; A .; ..\ 13 B R 13 B i3 13 B 13 B H 11 C C C l C l l C C C C C C C C C C C C o o o [) [) D D D D \,.\Il~tlll1g OIl1::'!t1jrl~ Done Done l)OllL' Dt~IH: DOI1~ DonI;' Done Done Dcme D\)ne Done Don~ DOlle Done Dol'< - Cub Oon. Done DI..IIlC Done Done Done U(lne D~\n,;" DOlle Dt\lI~ Dt.11lt;., DOlle D(lll~ DOlle Dfllle Dt."'II\c DOlle Done Donr: DOI1~ DllllC 1)'\11(: D\)'h' D(ll1l' J)tllll.." D\llll..:' D(\l1c DIJIll.:: Done- [)01)L> Dnnt: Djl'~~ f)(\llr.: Done [)~11h.: [')\11);.: Iln l,..'Sllg;HI.: rl'.nrl,.'11111!; p lIh\\~I~ I~)r \\ lllk'r lhl,,' ~Iln\\ munlk' ordln~IIlL'I,.' ~ Il1I.,.'nJnh..'IH,:-; Pr~pare sune~' oll!'>l!; pcrlllit rdated costs f IWI\~up chgs. aCC"SS,1\ ~ chgs. "IC,) Subllltt COlllp pbn I() \ll ..\A 1<1f flllal I;lI,f,eal"\I1 Del"rmille desigll 1<" CSAIl 7S - Sl~p~ to t,th' III ma."lg" lrarf,,, Nallollal G;lurd Tralllll1g Cemer del elopm"lll d"" III 0 " 11 '" al high school E'pl()re Ihe pot"lllial pur-hase of B'" I\U\\' III Core cll\ a'''a. E'plllr~ ,harc'J usc Dl'fllle proper klel ofC, \' CO'''KII 8; Comll1fSS'OIl suppon 1''''111 t-ny Staff Direct Cit~ staff In sun 1".. l'Hh~r 'onHllllIlIlJ~S. Ol,..'\ dUrnH..'llt k'-'"5 - R~\'i.s~ leC"s D~t~rn,in~ ncccc,,'"ssary .:;tJll supron - park 3dministratiol' and m;lil1h..'n~IH."l1 ESlabllSh a res"n e (ulld Illr a"lu"1I101l 01' iIlJuSlrlalland D~\ dop :lnd cnC'ouro.gt.' lISill~SS r I." I I: 111 III 11 ~1I,J t...'.\P~lllS'OIl Rcs~arch finnncial "l1pac of Iran Sill on frnm NSP III 1l01l.NSP u, base Deldop rvller bbd~'sbl' h",,,d park 1'''''11\ ACt On fUlUr~ ivlCf' ""llelll""S, K.lL'lIhcrg \\.......st $~)n SC\\ C l..'uIHh.'clI(Jrl 111aJl' COl11ln~rclD.l ZOIHIlJ; dlstri ls ~ prorl,,"r llli\ of llS,-"S Id\.-'ntifil,J"1 TIF proJt:'ct r OSSiSl u(,\ I.~I( rm~llt o( lIp~cal~ hl~h JI...'nsil~' r1\ ,-'f" district Ihlll~lI1g OrJIIlI.m~e arnelldllll...'llt - ~ clk'ral ~lI"dllll...'l:lllr;j1 stds & t(.r J(l\\ Ilhl\\ 11 reJI.'\ \.:lnpm :\ct on futurc f\lel' illltlal I es - R~ek, "Iopm,"ll 01"111 1\\ Odin" propcr kl ~I of i\1 I' SlJI'P"fl frolll C ill slalr Resoh e POSI olr,ce JCces. pr.'hle'llls, Dr~l"t ne\\ SIl(l\\'r1u\\ il1~,'s l('\\\ H.'l1hH ~1I pUll\..'\ ,101111 I "Illllrc "lIh Bun,,,,, &. Uk 1\1' ,', (or hl\llIl1I1Hlll~ clllJ pIJllc'r allachl1lC'nl DCldop TIF al'l'l"al;on ~uiddll1c's I\,'huild 1'. lead"" (l;rk pat "aI, Rl.'dm::(..' al'nt of fl'C('Ird slllr' ~'-. 'lI..'l,..'dl'J--JllII.:rl.l(ILh~ rroct.'ss CII\ Hall plannlllg balll to "pl"~I1S IllclllJIIl~ 1""cI""" ,,1'~1'''qlJelle rl;lI1k Dl,,'ll..Tlllmc: loc~ltl('ln of Cil~ 11.1011:1 Cluh r~lrk LiL"\ \,;Iuplnent Urdill:JIlI.;C ;)nh..'ndllh:1H ~ h Ii/ding codl.:'s &;. n..'lall..'d urJillallCI."S SlIhdl\islOn deSign slanda ds - e"""",,, 1(1I p"s"hle JmelldmenlS Ordin:.lI1Ct" UI1l~lldIlH:r1I r Jl( t1SiI1g. E'plnrc pOlenlia)' reloc,,"ol of.lM nil. RI\ e'sldc' O,l. alld Ferrellgas, ReI ic\\ & rc\;se sile del d pmcnl clll<:>rc'"1llC111 (as-blllllland ~uf\'ey rcquired), Delernllne_ addlllonal cierI "I Slatrsuppnn ne"ded, Dctermmc_neccssary taffs Ippon - plannln!; 8; hurldmg dcpt Adjust bU~I~_ess ca.'l1pus - c lange namc - r~ducc 30% requirement Freellay Park - Outlot A Iv eadoll Oak h"ske'tball _Upgrad~ 4~~ s.tre.e.I_park \\'a ming hOllse. elll"lIlm~eleclriC heat -add wlndow- Momissipl'i Park/NSI'/DN Pmhway - Park and Prairie dc\'e1opment. De\'. of low densily housin standards> 12,000 sq t't/lot" & street section stds 2R PZM ~Istrictldowlllo\\'n de Ignalion - pOSSible amendmemsalollg. Ril'er St. Ril er ~i!.l P~rk d_e\ e10pmc t. . bplor_e_ other rede\ elopme t aelililics such as Cohens, mall and hotel. Enhanc.e5ommercialiandus rIal big p"rm It info design standards/process, Analyze multi-famil\' - pos i!'>k zuning ordinance amendmcnts to map Illcrcase library progralnml g budgct. Tl F project. mid densin' ri 'er dIStrict 0" ner occup,cd scnlor hOUSing (Holllcsle Olltside storage - R~gs lunl IIlg OlltSld~ slOr~I~l.:':Js a ~~I ofprinClpalll~e ESlablish Archllcclllral deSI Il standards (F;lclng malcfIal rcg"l;llionSI RClise rec~'cllllg progr:lIn \\'lIh SuperIor Senlces Llqlll.,1f Store Impro\'c:m~nt - ("\t('rlof \l\\'llIllgs front wall clllurge/9X26 aJditl()J1 Complele fencing of ~(J(J,()O gallonah", c-grolllld lI'alcr t,,"k Ave Ave Project H.I 1'111 LL'IHlcr ~ .~ : s .1{) )\. R\\ sn 14 .10 1<1.10 :-;n O(} Ill.lO s ~ n s 4 I " .10 :l' Of..: III Rw III .10 10 ~q; 1\ n :.-; ~ ...jll U!-.:. :" Of..: ,,, 1<\\' : S .Ill 11(\ , . - 4 : I! .1(1 -II! 10 7n ,'0 . S Of..: 7" ::1') HI .1 : (, Of..: 1 ~ I':: \\ ,. : ~ R\\' I .;, .IS e, .~ 2(' ,IS 2" Of..: IS (,() t. . :/\ ~D " 4 1<1\" .' ,It) H :: 0 FP 1 ~ I .10 l\!) {j,i :" .10 .1/,1 OJ....: (, . q ~ : ~O ! ~ FP =" R \\' ,,() .10 "6 : 0 .10 ~ 8 .IS : s .IS )0 .10 : S ,10 18 .10 3:! .10 ,;0 Of..: ) 0 FP ;" FP ! (, R\\' .3 Uf..: FI' I,' FP :.. .IS ~" 66 6' " ' ~6 6~ ^ r, ." 8 :'-1 l;,() :. b " --l; ....1 4.. ,;. R\\' !" ,IS ':;jj Page 3 }~ City of Monticello -- 2003 Update Project Priority Listing and Completion Record U:..\D[I~SIIII' C.-\T[(;()I~Y IJ\\'..r<lrl.... \laml 76 .\dll1in '\IIS .\JIl1Ill 40 P\\" rad,~ \1.11111 100 .\~1I11jn. Rl,:'';lud:- R~"~.'lll>ln 52 1'\\ 1'.111..:- P.lIk 34 j"dli1in'\IIS :\ (tin; n 43 .-\dll1in '\IIS EltUL.l1j~)tl 17 P\\ PilTI..,S l'illh 64 P\\' rarl..:~ \I,linl 102 .-\dmin,'FaC'ililie:i'. SI ('lil":l 119 P\\": Parks Pild":II\~' 25 P\\',trt'e:'i TI'L''':!i. 20 .-\dlUin.'Facililie:o ~r ("111('1 117 IJ\\':F,h.:1I111CS ("":1l1~h~f\ 1 08 Admin/Facilities l.ihlilf\ 46 .-\drnill.'FjI(,:ilities SI' rllll.:l 118 .-\di1\il\!Fl\cilllit;~ \c111l111 112 1~\\.;Pi'lr"'s 1\\1'1.. 60 -\rlmili. Fat',]lIles SI Cnll..'l" 120 .-\dllllll'Fa(lIllle~ SI llll!;.'r 121 -\dmin:rll~1 Ser\ Or~;1I1 109 rW,Parks 1',lIh 2 -\dmin'Cus! S~f\ SI:"I\ILl' 115 1)\\,.;StI'telS \lai'H 105 p\\' l'ulIIlCS ~l)ll,1 \\ .l~IL' 76 p\\"IPark:o [':ul 69 1'\\':Fa.;ilitll.:~ \\'II..~ BId 69 Dc\ ~cr"'\'. Proj~cl Ih'~iJ~'1l1jal 21 -\dmin'\IIS ,\d1llin 2 ,-\dmin'F3c:ilitrt'j I.,hlill"\ 71 .l,.drnill:~udgcl Planlll11~ 104 P\\"Sll'el:l.~ l:qUlI1 82 P\\' PaT",~ \I,Iint 101 1-'\\ l 'Iililil:~ ~iln ~I,.." 66 [J\\', Slrl."C'I" r::qulp 78 D~\' Sct\ PrOll.:ct CllI1111H.'H.:r;l] 50 \ Ser'\" Projr:'l [:: HR (\'1l1l1l1/..'r~'ii\J 31 Admill:'FilHln,C' e\ fC\Cthl 1 De\' Ser\ Project R~!iiiJL']lll:l1 26 PWiLilililfes \\"i1I~f 96 Admjn/F.1C'ililies 1\lolof \'dl 6 . .. t?e\' SCf"\ Projett Commercll\1 52 Admin/RC'l;o~d:!i Relellliol1 93 P\\','Parb Parl.i.ri\'C'r 62 PW/L'lilities \\'ater 60 Admin:Facililic:.; Liquor Str 17 P\\',.StreelS \lainl 75 \' Sen.', PrQJe,1 E,'HR :\drnin 5 P\\,.'L',ililies Sulld \\'ajlc 63 Adll1m'Fa,ili\le'~ Liquor Sir 13 r'\\.'SlfeelS \Iainl 79 De\ S~rl Ord s~\\ cr 10 De\', S~r\', PrOlCCI K.1.::~idi:nllill 24 ,-\clmrn'i\IIS ,\dl'l\ln 44 ,.\dmln Fih.:illll<.';" \drlllll 9 Admlll \lIS ,\dl111n 3 Worklist 2003: 01/24/2003 Key A - Urgent, 8 - Very High Priority, C - Priority, 0 - Mild Priority Rnl... Ori~in.d t l~I)~ Pl'itJI'if~ D ~il'lll~~\ l'l~l...'ln~ ~h'IIl,,'-'\I1~~llll::: [)\\IlL'-(\lIgl\lll~ I.h\Il'."l'll~l"lltl;; ()",lnr.~~l\llgniI1Y l)l'I1C"-~'IJlg",llng D~lna,;~\II~::~\ltl~ 1)(\n\,;'.I,,'1n~l,il1~ ( ~llUpll',illn H,t..Ot..'iil'd Prujcl'f Dl:':'>l'l'ipliUI1 D1111~ AdJust mo\\ It1g practic.::~s. IIllroduce l'l~ltl\ I:' ~r~!:\~,-'s \\ h\"'rl.,~ ~Ipprl"rnjll.," J~'lh,:.rll1;h\lIl!:! S~.stC'm De\'t:'I(lrlTl~nl- Ir'l\C'rn~t ,'\rplic:;ltlons d'\lh.'~I\I1~i\ll1~ Pla~ g.rolllld l'qu1r1rll".'nt . :1l.,iditHl11 of h~lIlli1L~lr ~ICCI...'S:-'lhk' .....qu1rm\,,'llt n,,'n~~\lll~\II"~ Cr~J,h: :lIld illlrh~Il1l.'nl rt.:(,,'prd~ m~\Ilag("lll("nt rl.;m D"lh:-llll~\'llIg Dt.:\ dllp :.JnJ IInpkml,;'l1l i.m ":.H.lupl ~I r~lr~ II rn):;r~lll1 D"'\lh:.~\ngl\lI1g Sy.stem Den~lorn'lent - Geogruphic Infonn:.l1inn Syst~ms D...11l1.,~t1ll.~"lng Computer trallllng for ~larr. D"lh~.\\n~hwlg Use pa1h\\"LlY maim~J'l~\I"Ice funds 10 finance patll\\'J~ ;slde\\~lI" sno\\ rl.'mo\'al .....qlllpIlH...l1\ D~'JII';.~II~~,\ill~ Pla~'gr('lun~ eqlliplllC"lllll'l3lntenancc, D'''I< Add Oftlce/\Vork Space mlhe Scnlor C elllCr D,'''. Complcle Bridge Park ill1pro\"cmellls as rccommcndcd h\. Parks Comm 'lI1d ~.IC D'\lh: De\'e1I.)p dutch dill clIlling guiddine for limd~' ~omrlelion lISl11g City &. 1;\.J1HrJct 1),,"< AddilOnal parking allhe Senior Ccnlcr 1),,"< HIIlsldc Ccmclcr: '....I1Cll1g prO.lCCL search oul additional funds ,'r gr'ltllS 1>\)lh,' rllrch~se in1ernet \Hwk ~a~llions.. 1...hLlir~. ()\ \?rh~ad rrOI~ctOr, piCllh.: t~lbk 1)",,< Add "lichen f,lcihllCS at Sc'nior CClllcr 1),,"< Impr(nc lighung ," Cm llall in CoopCnl\IOIl" Ith "SI' 1),,"< Frcc\la\ Park . ~.kado\\ Oak. Outlol'-\. r,,,kll'~ I," n~\n~ Addi10n:.l1 11l('et11lg. rOom :;It the ~\.'nl~H C\..'nll,."r l),'1I11: Addllitlll:J.1 halhroom 1ncilltles at the S~I,i(Jr Cl.:nl,~:r I)\llk' Di..'fint.." proper I~\~I orCh~H'nhl..'r slIprOrl fnHl1 Cil~ ~t~llr f)~1II1: DC\t,,"I("lp nonh/south ~md c:ast/\\'\.."Sl srU)\\mOblk r'HIlI..') ( nu\\ Jmrk'm\..'111) 1),,"< Estahlish polic\" ror liS': OfCI1).1.0GO - \\.110 ,'anll>': and rour c,)lor ICesUS 1\10 (' f){lIh.' I)bn. d~\"(~lop plans K spc:cs for parking IOl ('1\ erl~l~ ~ III do\\ 1\\1,,)\\ n r;'lrk 111~ I~H.s U\1I1r.' Imc:grate 30-g~lIon g.Jrhag~ c:Jrt 11110 n~\\:;I\.'tll..'r 8.; ~:Jrhagl' pH..'h.UP S~ st~m 11~' Fre~\\j,)y Park - concessioll are;l, 1)\1I1L' l'nmplete rl'IlCiI1g. lighung, anJ sl:r~'\"'nll'g ~11 P\\ (;H.;dn~ 1)",,< C1os~ ,HII Riwr ivllil project. n(ln~ COlllplltr.:r L.. illk fnlll) l\1ntor \\:llIck D~m(' Interior Jl'\aint~n\.11KC ~ c.i..lrpct. IlHHI]Jill~S. rall1l. hLlthroom tile. sh~l\ Ill);. \\aljr~lI")\,.'r, dl; I>\HI\,... BlIdg~t rc:\"ic\\ procc.ss - :J.s~t:mMk hlldg~t d:Jt~1 '-'<: gl\ (' to Coullcil f).."" Purc-1,asc ami II1s1allll,hL' rack all'W shop l),,,,< Cleall up Banle R~p,ds Park IJI'II11: \\.':.ISh....\\"a1~r trt:~Hllll!I't pl~\I1t construCtitH' pr\'1jt"Cl 1)",,< Spcclrications. hids. &. purchasc ncl\' p~lI11 Slrlpe'r Do,,< Grllnsmo/Pclcrson funeral HOIll.: . I'rocess Cl'l', I ar,ances &. ordIl1anc,:am.:nUI11~nl Do,,< Dund:1S Road/Hlgh\\'av 25 rcal ignm.:nt. 0."" Tracking systcm for propcrties Ol\"lng lItil fces. hookup chgs. defcrrcd usmlS, ar~a eh~s Dm.. Replat Mcado\\" Oak 1015 inlO EUSl\lood "noli dc, dopmL'nl. I)"". Leak delectionlesllI1g of \"arious I\'ater mains Do,,< Interior paintll1g/upkeep :11 motor I.chlcle otricc O"n. Reloca~e Commuter Parking Lot Onn< Records destruction for 1997 (cily hall l. Oon. Conlra~t for additional PO\\"er al gazeho at request of Lions Club. D,.n. Specitic;alions, ~ids, and refurhlSh \\'ell #2, D"n< Rep:1iL !econnecl. or get ne\l. air condillonll1g SISlem tar Itqunr SlOre Don< Plan, sp~cs. bids or quOteS on pUI'emelll replacement on some 77.3 InlerseCtlons. 0,,,,< Finalize the preparation ofbuildll1g pCrmlt and su~ relic\\" process malerlUls Don< Develop contracl \lith Elk Rl\w Landfill. 1),,"< Inslall ne\l. nuoresccllllJghl S\"Slcm aI I'ljuor ,1Ore D"n< Inspection and repuir of dO\\"Ilto\l11 I,ghllng S) stcm 1),,,.< RCllse on-Slle se\lug~ Ireutmelll ord''''lI1CC I USSlst 13t1i1dlllg ufflciUlj 0011< Close OUI Mcadol\' Oak ..lth Il11pro\~mClll prol.:cl 1),,"< System Developmenl - Buildiug Inspcellon [Jour.' Remo\'al/replnc:::ement Cll~' hull mr l:;onditlOlh.'i" (~ncl{'lsllre- D,,,,. Com pUler Mallllel1unce ~nd I'C r.:placcmClll program and implementalion . Aile Aile Project HI "l"m I..l':HI~I' ~ {l .10 ,1() R\! !' ~ :p{1t111 ,.. .I() .10 s: I. ,1() ,IS R\1 ., JO I" JS , S .IS .' HI -I ~ J .I S ~ I) R \\' ""... .In ,~ \ 1 ':'() .s n .. n "" ~ .\1 . .. '" rp :s ~ \. -I(l.1ll .' .In '" I" R\\ q~ " R\\ J() :. ,IS .IS . , . ..jS I''": .IS .10 CS ,IS 1<\\ ,IS H\I .IS .IS .10 .10 CS JO "T FP JO 1-.:0 JS JS .lH .IS FP JS JIl JS IP J() .10 '.1' . CS Page 4 City of Monticello -- 2003 Update Project Priority Listing and Comp etion Record . I .".\Ill:R'iItIl' CU[(;Oln ,-\dmin R!:Ll1rd;;; "L:[L'rl.I~)1l \ S~r\ rr(~.il:"1 E 'HR \d!l1Ill \Jrlllll Facllllll,.'~ lli]ll\11 1.,11 , Scr.. J1J',11';';~ E IIR I!1JII~tll.d -\JlillB K('~\""1(d~ hllll::: A,dmin "ers\)nllel Ac!t)\," P\\ ~1rC'I,'l~ \lallH .-\dmin F'aLilili~s ~dllllli Dc\' Ser\ PrOICCI C,mlmerci.ll \ .sCI'\ '~]{~IC'.;t E fiR HliU:;lIIS Jl\\" Str~eI:I. "-lain! P\\ F,I~llille:> CL'mC'ff;T\ , -'cn Pt('l.iC'1 E HR \dmitl A.dlllin Rec('rd~ RL'Il:nliutl \dlllill Fa..:dJlIC:-: -\dlllin p\\ l !i1itJt:~ \\ m~r .-\Jllllll \IIS \dmtll P\\ l'lIlf1it'... \l<linl Adnllll ("lJ~( S~n ()Jgill1 D\."\ ~L'r\ PI(lle.:-! ('~l!l1ll1l,'r,ii1t De\ ;...!.:I". Pr\lll,,'';:I In~ti(lnl\)n Dl.:\ S(,,"II. Pr~'il~';l 111.~lihlll\\11 .-\UlTllIl rlJi;:\Il,I,' I)i;\ K.e\ .\dlllil\ r u~t ~(:r\ ~('(\ I":i;" I,.~\ St:r', f'lt1Il'.,:1 Rl:'.~h;lC'1\11l11 .'i.11 F(I('ill!J~'" Liqll\)l SIr '~.;r'. "r.lle.;! f{l:~jdC"tlJl<t1 SI..'I., 111\']\:,(."1 111~1j\L1tillll \djJlll~ I-',I,"..:~.:d.; r-illll~ P\\' l1l1111l:'~ Sail S...,\\ \.:flllil1 \IIS .,\dlllin DE;'\ )1..'1'. PI1,i...-u C\nlll1cj~i:11 ..\dI11in J{'::'0rd~ FdJT\~ De\ Sl,:'n 01 d Genel'(l! , Se-r\ Prll!l'"C'[ E Ilk Inl!lI:;\1 ial Dr." S~r~. Prlllecl C\)1l11lll:J'Clill \ SCf"\ Proie"t E;HR -\dmin De\' S~r\ Prol.::cl Residt:ntial Admlll Re'ord~ filill~ De\ Sen Pr(1.1&::CI Reside'llIiaJ r\\':SlreO;::I~ Eq~lip Ad,."in'FaC"i1ilie~ .. Liql,l.~r SIr F_dmin/FaC"ililic=!r. Pub, Safe p\\, Str~eIS ~1.'Iinl :\dmin.lfa('ilili~s Lib~,!,}' -\dn';in Firi~l'}'1i! De\ Rc=\ Admin .\Ialldale D~y .sen Pr,-~ieI;1 Reside'n1ial DC'\ S~f"\ Proi~ct InSliU..Ition Del. StJ' PrOI;:-CI Rc~iQenli,,1 P\\' "ar~~ .\taim A dill III KC';l1rdj Relenlion D~\ Ser. Pr(l.'cCI Slfc=t'ts .'e~,_(. 'u!ll St:f"\ uh 1'('1.'l!ion .... Pr l '1~-1,'1 111::,li 1I..l\i~)j] :-'1:"r'" I'r\,j":'::l Rc~jdenllal Worklist 2003: 01/24/2003 87 109 14 97 86 105 77 4 54 99 80 110 107 92 8 61 41 95 123 53 38 30 58 7 18 15 23 34 88 65 45 55 94 11 98 56 108 20 85 22 81 16 73 72 70 74 68 19 36 27 84 91 28 33 51 25 Key A - Urgent, 8 - Very High Priority, C - P iority, 0 - Mild Priority 1{lIk Ori~ill;d )tJI)S Pr"i(lI-it~ f f f f f f f f f C"'IIlIJlletiul\ I.t....('ord n("'In~ 1)\"'11\.:- DOI1~ DOlle DOlle- lJl)llC' D",ln~ D('lJl~ Oun~ DOlle Done DO!l~ DOIl~ Done DOIlI: DOlle! D~II. Done Done Done Don~ Done DOI1~ Dnll~ Done 0\111<..' Don~ Dn"". I'rHjl:'~". 1lt..;".....ipli"lI Hc'glll records destrllCll '" ;]1 public '\orb De, dop 0 COSt OCOlliltll g SlSlem for TII' DI>trtCl" Purcha~e hUllllJor (0 ;l~ .("\mlllod~H(, inl,:rl:a'::;'II',=; clg:lr s~lk'~ :llll"'lutlr ::.tprl.' .l'IIlJlizc' Lakc.Tool. I'ro, rt.: \\.c'SI 'lI1dF,,~ -\"'r pn'.lc',IS ("rl."alt" t.'COIlOIllIC dl." L'll pm~m filing s: Sh:1ll l.'pdale personnel pollc~ to reflect ClIrrent "1"!llleS/lawS Ruilroad crosSing up!'ra e JI WeSI Co. Rd. .19 Jlld \\.alilul Remodeliupgmde Cil\. h II garage - big insp 'eh,cle, Ruff Auto Planned l.'nlt Del elopmc'lll- Complete Ihe pm!"ct De,'e!oplllent of second hJSC of MissISSippi Shores. Regrade and reStore W" t Co. Rd. 39 ditch Jt!'\\. fucillt~ DOlclop specs for SC"tor for RilerSlde Cemeler' Jild "d,enlse 'lIld hire COlllrJctor D~, clop a COSt JCCOlll1li1 S ,'-Slcm I,,, (j \IFF LMIlS Re,earch d'lla prl\ ac, 3cl--dlStrioutc il1l" tLl cleflc,,1 sU~'ron ,t;lIY G'lln compliance \\ I1h A )" gUld~I"lt's Complete watcr to\lcr p lining prO.lect S'sl<:m De,e1opment - omputcr..\ Idcd DC'Sll!!) Rlock rcpair 10 pump hO\I>e;; I Fstahlish Poll(:~ fur ~llpp lrl or~ld"Jsnry 1;rnups ~ I'i.lll ap0i1lllh..'d. .\ICI' 11)<..' Dale Peter,on rvlontlcd~ Ford c"pansILln - !'roc"ss Cl 'I' Illgh School huildlJlg ~n\ IrIl1111lt.'tll~d as";CSSl11l.'nt and Ct. P rnH;l,.'.":S. IIlgh School bUilding C"lJ SlrtlClion prowel Rt..'sol\~ storm se\\~r lrun fe-t..' rr()g.r~ll1l - Fnllo\\-up D.:-\ dop ClIstom",r :-.~n H": ft"t.'JhiH.:i slIn t..'~ shl,l!'( ..\n HI/I" .jO-Jcrc' r<'"dc'n IJI de, ~lol'nlL'nl TV ll1011ilOr for llq~ldr SlQ e tn l11ak:l,;~ (.;lI:-.lnllh..'rs ~l\'arl' thl..'~ ~Ir,-' nil film Urrin Tholllr~OIl - .sU-acr rl,."sidcnll~d pn...1,II..'!..:( I !('spnal platupd;ll<' Jl1d "cord. RcorgJllizc I.IRA J"d ED. l"c'Cllrds COlltlJHle S~'l1il:J") SI.."\\er II 11tH\' ~lt1d IIlfillr~ltlon 1.:lrons prior to ,\rn1 ]9Y7 Computer S, stcm .-\ppllc. tllln Dc" clllpmenl . 0, crolll!'I""""1;! Gould Bros. C\r"n,")I1 . I'roces.' CI d' RCI ie\1 all records 1'(om (SM US OO\C")nCOp~ those ncededn1'i/c' COl"C', TI.."I~cOI1111l1lIlic::Hion to\\'~r ordillanc~ ~llll~ndlll~nts. De, clop J s"slcm I \I orbh elJ 10 CJlcuiJlc del dC'pmCI1l f.:es lor ",d,,'tfl"/ prospecls F"'allze f\1onlicello SClS'" ss Ccntcr pl.ll Define Ielel of slaff suppo neccssJ" to 'UppOrl Econon"c De, c10pmem office f"nclion John Le~rssen - IO-acre re Idenlml proiccl Combine. basemcnt adrnini trati,e rccurds il1lo one s\'stom (JlIsldc-tJb). CI()se ()_ut B!.'.ar Oak~ EstJ. e II improlemel1l project SpecilkallOnS. bids. and p rchase new Jir Compressor ror strcel depl. Rebuild.~llr !!arba!!eJen~.e at liquor SlOre. Build an~ relo':llledog.pou d. Sealcoat program ~ 1998 Maintenllllce to lib~a0~ ~uil ing extcrior - lights. signage. resurface parkrng lot Draft ne~. ral~_Stru~ture. an ord""lI1cc l'or SUniIJ". se\l.cr uSer charge. Reorganize safely cll!,,~ll e and cOnlin\le programs and .iob ha"ard analYSIS Close out Klein Farms Esta es. " -" - 5t Hen,,"S - detefllllfle min. for 7th St . CUP and puolic IIllp. process Klein Farrns III - Plat approal und Pllolic ImprOICment proc"ss Specifications. bids. &: purc 'as" sm"lIlo"dcr Jnd tr3ilcr for parkS dept Add specific record categories to retention schedule Parking along CR 75 across Irom "'ne\loud School De, "lop consistent admlnlst alII c p"IICIC' &. c"d~ appllcalJons R~sllrrccti()n Church - site r \ l('\\"\lr"llh..'\al JOll'rl,,;'/.:on II1g rroccss K.lcllberg East sanlla" selic "onnc'ctlo" - cOlnrlcle the prOI~CI Dl.l11~ D....lII~ Don~ l)(ll1C' Oone D(,"'II1~ Done [)OI1~ Dpn~ DOll I; Dt'lle D('IJl~ D..."'Illc DIII1I.." f)l\llc? OIJnt.' /)01lL' DOll.::' D01l~ D~\I1'-' DDIl': /)\'nc- Dt'll~ [)(lI1;:; O~ml..' D...\n~ Ol)!lC [)(\II,,' Ave Ave U.I Tm Project l....:lll(.r "I) R\\. .11\ I.'" "I) RI\ .IS fr JO ll" .IS R\\ HII "I) 1'1' .IS .Ill \/"1 I! II .IU .10 .IU .IU 1'1' III .III III III U, .IS III .II) 1>:1) /T 0" .10 R\V .10 "D .If) .IS JH J$ .IS .IS JS .IS .10 .10 .Ill .IS U) .10 .III .!() .I() Page 5 \:2 City of Monticello -- 2003 Update Project Priority Listing and Completion Record Key A - Urgent. B - Very High Priority, C - Priority, 0 ~ Mild Priority LL\I)f:ItSllll' Rill... Ori~ill;al ("(Ul1111i.."tiOIl C.\TEGOln 1'..-)8 P,'iudf) lolL'curd ..\dl1\in/~IIS \d!lllll 39 D('I1~ ,.l,dmin:Rccords R~I~tHi(l'l 90 D~'lh':: p\\, 'FacillIi~~ \\'rl...~ BId 67 f Don~' DO' S~I\' '(liSt s....r\ ub I'Clallllll 59 , D,mC' -\J1lI1Il F<'Ic:dlll"'~ l.lhlar:-- 87 In pn.)i.:~SS 111 pn)~~ss .-\dmin:Cust Ser\'. S~lyi,C' 79 ()ngo1l1g dt'nC~ongl)lng: Do, St=r.... P!'oje"::l C\ll11ll1\ifl;:j~1 57 Don~ PWiPad...$ Path 35 Dllne l'\\"/Pllrl.:s 'lath 29 Dl,'l\~ PW/Parks Pad1 46 D,mc P\\'IP,,~, Pi'lth 48 Done: Worklist 2003: 01/24/2003 1'r'njt'I.;1 Ih'sl.:ritHiun !:;\'stem De\ elopmen! - ;-.Je!\\ork \~rsllS AS ..Uno, Cominue i""emo1" of ba,em.:m records, SpecifiCatiOnS & obwlI\ qUO!", ror roof repair to Offic" or rubl ic \\'(lrks Enhance clIstomer Hprllc~tions_ forJll:'!. rl..'r.."ords. [lrochurc-s &. ;jJ:1p!lcntl(lllS E~pand LIbrary Participate in Cil)kOl11lTIunily ''''''ces e,<po, H\\')' ~5/Chcl5ca Rd ill1pro\ eIl1CIH~ and 311 ~S5oC,"led I~nd lr~n~aCl1ons, Complele ISTEA prolect/pedestn~n o\erpa~s ~l County Rd II g Dc\c1op Pr~lne Creek Park. ISTEA. Path\\'~\' Construction rrom ~hJdle Schoolw Meado\\ q:lk, ISTEA - r~th\\~y ConstructIOn along CS..\H 118 connectlllg 5chool RhJ In CSAII 75 ~- . Ave Ave Project I{, Till Llt:ull"r .10 KD .I~ .Ill . ~ H' R\\ q 1 ~ R\\' .10 .10 JO .10 .10 . . Page 6 . . . CEMETERY Ft 'TE SURVEY 20t3 PUBLIC OR FUL -SIZE % INC. CREMATION CEMETERY CITY OR NAME PRIVATE GRAV COSTS RESlNON-RES GRAVE COST ANOKA PUBLIC $ 550.0( $ 750.00 36% N/A N/A (RESIDEN ) (NON-RESIDENT) BIG LAKE PUBLIC $ 700.0C N/A N/A N/A BUFFALO PUBLIC $ 500.0C N/A N/A N/A CHAMPLIN PUBLIC $ 500. DC $ 600.00 20% N/A N/A (RESIDEN ) (NON-RESIDENT) EPIPHANY PRIVATE $ 500. DC $ 1,000.00 100% $400 N/A (MEMBEF ) (NON-MEMBER) MONTICELLO PUBLIC $ 500.00 $ 550.00 10% $225 N/A (NEW SECTIO/I ) (OLD SECTION) MORA PUBLIC $ 375 N/A N/A N/A MORNINGSIDE MEMORIAL PRIVATE $ 1,145.00 $ 1,745.00 52% N/A N/A MOUND PUBLIC $ 600.00 $ 850.00 42% $300 $400 (RESIDEN (NON-RESIDENT) RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT NEW ULM PUBLIC $ 300.00 N/A N/A $125 N/A ORONO (ELK RIVER) PUBLIC $ 450.00 N/A $225 N/A PRINCETON PUBLIC $ 400.00 $ 500.00 25% N/A N/A (RESIDENT (NON-RESIDENT) ST. ANDREWS (ELK RIVER) PRIVATE $ 450.00 $ 650.00 44% $225 $325 (MEMBER (NON-MEMBER) (MEMBER) (NON-MEMBER) ST. JOHN'S (ELK RIVER) PRIVATE $ 500.00 $ 600.00 20% N/A N/A (MEMBER (NON-MEMBER) BUT aiUST EIE RELATED TO ~ ST. STEPHEN'S PRIVATE $ 450.00 $ 500.00 11% N/A N/A (MEMBER (NON.MEMBER) SUMMA RY: LOW: $375 AVG. RESIDENT OR MEMBER: $580 AVG % INC. AVG. CREM. HIGH: $1,745 AVG. NON-RES. OR NON-MEMBER: $775 36% GRAVE COST: $278 (RES VS. NON-RES) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CITY OF MOP TICELLO GRAVE COST INCREASE: FULL. SIZE GRAVE COST RESIDENT) (NON-RESIDENT) CREMATION GRAVE COST NEW SECTION (FLAT MARKERS) $650 $850.00 CREMATION GRAVE; RESIDENT $300 OLD SECTION (MONUMENTS) $700 $900.00 NON-RESIDENT $400 Prepared by Beth G een 2/20/2003 Page 1 --. -- -..... _no.. --..- -- -.... - ,.... _n._ .- . ~ ~ ~ I~ gf}2:g ii) ~ ~ ffi ~ S' ~ In fi ~ fi i. ~ CD ~ (i" 5" '" en " ~ iJj 9 ~ en c: ." .... ,... ;;; en ~l ~ ~ ~ IS ~ ~ ~ a 0 ., ~ ~ !8 g; $ ~ 0 0 ~ i:; is 8 ~ .... iil -0 . ". G) iil CD OJ '" i;J S S i ~ ~ ~ I;; $ i"g t:l i ~ 0 ~ t g: 8 ['.l ~ ~ '" ClO o <:J ill 8 8 ! ~ '" ,.. :-' '" ~ I; ~ g ~ ... '" ... ::: ~ 0 (j t4 ~ g ~ ... ~ ~ 0 ~ i:: ~ 8 ~ i l!l 1:1\ ~ 8 8 i3 8 . .... CD '" CD i g: 1:1\ ~ 8 is 8 8 :I: CD CD ~ !!: a iii .... ? ~ ~ ~ if ::Ill " III OJ o ~ ~ In m ~ o m III :;:: -n .... ~ ~ ~ ~' (') )> iil g ~ g ~ ~ s: s [ .,. ~r 05' g Ul ~ iil ~ ~ ~ ~ :r:.. ::.. 8 8 o 0 ~ ~ o 0 ... '" g: ~ ~ ~ N i:; ~ ~ ~ ~ ... '" ~ ~ e:; gj '" !::l !ll ~ ~ ill ~ ... '" lG :;l '" !?l g: ~ fg ~ ~ $ ~ ~ e3 ~ !S ~ ~ !!l ~ ~ 8 en en ." CD CD m .11 ~ " .~ ~ ~ tIJ ::t :!:j m ~ ~ ~ o '?, llll ~ ~ ~ :". ~ l3 0 o ~ ~ g o m ~ ~ ~ ~ p ;:; ~ g ~ '"~I~- '0' '8 ~ !l! .- r- atm I ~n~1 :: I~ ... 1il c: ... t ~ ~ i '~ Il'l ~ ~ ~ ; :;<t~: ~ ... '" 0 Il'l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ g ... ~ ,I!o. UI ~ ~ i ~ m -\l'l ~~~~~~ i ~ '" 0 '" 0 ~ I~ ~ ~~~i:3&lis"l~2 i Ul "" ;;; '" p ill 8 i3 i3 ill 8 i ~ ~ N ill i3 is 8 ~t ~ m Z o '" p ~ ~ ~ &l88g:S ~ I . ~ ~ ~ @ i ~ ~ t ~ @ - \'? \'? .:, ~ ~ i11 (n ok I1'J ~ ~ ~ -:: . c:; c:: 0 ...... ~~.~~~ ~ ~ is ~ ;:: IE >: ~ :0- :0- .. ;; g g 8 ~ ~ ~ ...... I'\) '" ~ ill ~ ~ III \'? ~ ..... ~ CIl ::;! a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ . ~ c;:: Q ...... .0 "~ ~ ~ r.o a. }o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }>. }>. ~ :;w:; is is 2!!J >: >: .. '" '" :::\ ~ ~ ~ \'?~ ~ ~ w ~ ...... , '. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ co " ~ - ~ a )i ! ~.P?::::l' '\l - 0 ~ ~ ~ >: ~ ~ ~ ': '" 0 C) ~ ~ :0- j is >: ill ;; :; ,OJ '" C) ~ " !i1 '" ~ ~ if ~ ~ ~3g.~~ .. S ~ ~ ~ ~ ljj ~ a 3 3 ~~l~'~' !!: "T1 " '" '" CD ;f ~ -a 3 n 3' Dl ii' iil !Ii ~ <" ill ':', ~ l8 ~ii'~ l1t 3. et t ~ ~ 5' m :J ... I ~ ~ a ~ 11: ill ~ " CD -a l o '" iil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ Rl '" o '" '" t !r !r f;l f;l < < CD .. g g :0 :0 o (') "'" ". CD '" '5l .a .. m en C CD m .. III g 2!! Gl .... ~ :;;l ~ i ~ :!l ~ ~ ~ i i ~ '" - g ", ~ <:J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ I~ ~ 8 8 is 8 8 8 8 8 g 8 8 ~ i ... tl 0 :" I)> ~ ~ 8l'g:'" 0 .00 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 Q ~ g ~ - ~ 8 8 8 8 ~ 8 8 8 8 8 ~ ! ... ~ ~ (III ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 888 8 is 8 8 g '"~ ~ Il'l ... lJ; >" c! ... ~0l8~i I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i Ii i ... '" '" ~ @ 0 g 8 8 '" ~; Il'l <:J008~8~~c!~ 8 is 8 8 is 8 8 g ~ g ... ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 g 8 is .~ .'" .~ I)> ~oS8~iilll:~g!l! 8 g 8 g 8 g 8 8 F ~ ... ~ ~ m ~ i 0 ~ 8 ~ ~ i ~ I~ ~ & 8 8 ~ is 888 is 8 8 ~ 5 ~ .- .- ..., 5 p ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ $ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ~ fA 0 ~ 8 8 is '" c:. ~og~@I;;'~~ 8 8 8 is is 8 is is I c: ::Ill ::Ill '" ::: ~ .~ ~ ~ i ~ m Z o ::Ill ~ ~ II tit ~ z < i ~ S!! c m o m 3: m ..... m ~ -< ::Ill ~ m Z c: m < !/I ~ "V m Z (II m (II .... CO co .... > o ~ c: > 6 CO co .., "V ::Ill e m o iil o . . . Wild Meadow Park Original Pro osed Plan Alternate A and Trail Calculations Drawing Site Area 93.84 93.~ 4 93.84 Less Bauer 20.16 20. 6 20.16 Net Site Area 73.64 73.( 4 73.64 Park Dedication 10% 7.36 7.3l 7.36 Park Shown 6.47 7.1~ 7.59 Trail Shown* 0.57 0.9~ 0.96 Gasline Easement 2.06 2.0< 2.06 Net Park Shown 4.98 6.0~ 6.49 *Including trail within 95th St. NE right ofwa' Wild Meadow Park Original Prol osed Plan Alternate A and Trail Calculations Drawing Site Area 93.84 93.~4 93.84 Lot Area 32.72 31.~ 8 31.51 Right of Way 16.71 13.CO 13.00 Total Open Space 44.41 48.S 6 49.33 Park Shown 6.47 7.1'1 7.59 Internal Trail 0.57 0.58 0.57 Gasline Easement 2.06 2.0S 2.06 Other Open Space 37.37 41.21 41.17 Park Frontage 316ft 496 ft 538 ft -... - .--- --. _n._.__ . ~~~~ ~~ 8" r-<:~:li; o!llloffi c;:;- ill:;z: S~~~ -(~:lI"'" lijtlis8 ~iS!t): 1l....,)>~ ~m~!ll !Il~~:i! "'lo"'lll ....1lI_'" 0 ~:;;~~ lilCl~rn H;~~ rntJ!Il'< :;Z:~!ll~ ~'<illfi! 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MONTICELLO P s DEPARTMENT Work list February 20, 2002 January 16th thru February 20th, 2002 . · Flooding of rinks and maintenance · Pioneer building preparation and co struction · Aiding in the supply of boxes for p cking up the old library · Sweeping of sidewalks and pathwa s · Cleaning of front street woods · General park maintenance · General equipment maintenance · Routine cleaning of restroom facilit. s · House keeping and cleaning around shop · Inspections of sliding hill and other ark equipment · Pruning of park trees · Cleaning sidewalks not done by 0 ers (they are charged) · Put up safety fence at Mississippi D . · Personnel evaluations · Done with supplying boxes to the li rary · (Note - Leo was out with appendici is, he is back as of today.) · Snow event .