Parks Commission Agenda Packet 03-20-2003 . AGENDA PARKS COMMIS,'ION March 20,2003-4: 0 p.m West Prairie R lorn "To enh/lnce conlfllllni~v pritle hmllKh developing /lnd nlllint/lininK d~v parl.:s with /I h Xh st/lndard of Ifllali~v" I REVISED I Note: If weather permittin~, the Parks Comm.ssion had planned a tour of the Hermes property. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Call to Order Approve Minutes of February 20,2003 n gular meeting. Consideration of adding items to the a~er da. Citizens requests. Gold Nugget -Review of park and trailla out. Carlisle Village - Review of park and trai layout. Park Maintenance Items Alternative areas for use by youth footbal Final location layout for Well #5 and pumphouse at Fourth Street Park Brook Park Realty - General review of th area Wildwood Ponds/Hermes Property - General and specific discussion on South' nd Southeast area park and trail development concepts. 13. Consideration of providing input on goals and projects for the City. 13. . 14. Updates, if any. A. Grovcland Grant B. Land sale - area west of Village Ap s - Possible park site Adjourn. . . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA March 0, 2003 Agenda Item # 5. Gold Nugget - Attached is a layout of the Gold Nugget development plan. 6. Carlisle Village - Attached is preliminary in ormation relating to the development. 8. Ballfield lJse for Youth Football- At a pre ious meeting it was brought up that the balliields should not continue to be used for youth football but it was felt that the Parks Commission should discuss what alternatives are available for use by youth fo tbal!. Since Earl Smith was not present at the last meeting, the Parks Commission tabled the it m to the next meeting. 10. Wildwood Ponds/Hermes Property - This as tabled from the last meeting because Jeff O'Neill and Adam Hawkinson had not had an opportunit to meet on this. 11. Southeast Area Park and Trail Devclopm nt - This was also tabled from the last meeting. Goal Setting - At the last meeting the Parks Commission brietly discussed goals, specifically noting updating the Comprehensive Plan and ballfi ld acquisition and development. Attached is a listing of items which was taken from the old priority heets and those that were discussed at the last meeting. Please review the list and add or delete any i ems you feel appropriate. One of the items on the list is development and utilization of the website. ancy McCaffrey has met with Adam Ilawkinson and Dawn Grossinger relating to this item and c< 1 update the Parks Commission. Attached is the printout of the website. It should be noted that under Parks Commission, Parks Agenda and Parks Minutes has been added since these were printed. 12. . . MINlJ ES REGULAR MEETING - ARKS COMMISSION Thursday,February 0,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community prid through developing and maintaining city parks with high standard of quality Members Present: Fran Fair, Larry Nolan, Nanc McCaffrey, Rick Traver, Mayor Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Earl Smith 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to ordc at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Chair Nolan welcomed those students present who ere attending the meeting as a class assignment. 2.A A rove minutes of Janua 15 2003 s ec al meetin . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE T E MINUTES or THE JANUARY] 5,2003 SPECIAL MEETING. FRAN FAIR SECON ED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. A rove minutes of Janua . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE I'll MINUTES OF TilE JANUARY 16,2003 REGULAR MEETING. FRAN FAIR SECO DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda. None. 4. Citizen Requests None. 5. Review of ark and trailla out - Wild Mead )w Develo ment ~ Mark Gergen representing MW Johnson was pr sent at the meeting to review the park and pathway layout for the Wild Meadow developm nt. Mr. Gergen noted that this had come bef()re the Parks Commission at their last meeting. B sed on feedback from that meeting certain changes were made to the plat. The Parks Commission ad requested the elimination of three lots adjacent to the proposed park in order to open the park ar a and give it more street frontage. For those students present it was noted that the developme 1t was located in the area of Gillard and Haug A venues. The developer in the revised plan did eliminate two lots and that resulted in a better "lIII!!l"'" . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 alignment of the trail cOllling into the park. The developer is proposing to change the lot frontages from 80' to 76'. The park frontage would be 498 teet instead of 530 feet. The developer stated that 75' lots are common in many cities and s ill could accommodate a nice size house. The developer stated they had met with MnDOT .egarding any impact to their property by the realignment of the interstate. 2.09 acres of the proposed park land lies within a gas line easement. Although a structure could not be placed in the easement area, it would still e usable for ball fields or open space. The developer was requesting partial park credit for the land under the gas line casement. If credit was given for the area in the gas line easement, the total pa k dedication would be 8.4 acres. The developer pointed out that there will be a trail running a ong 9yh Street. Adam Hawkinson asked about the pathway from the wetland areas and whether 't would be an easement or owned by the city. The developer stated that has not yet been determ'ned. Adam Hawkinson indicated the City would prefer to have it as an easement. The trail will be 10' in width. Fran Fair asked with the new configuration 0 . the park land, would there be adequate room for the placement of the play structure. The gas line easement is approximately 100' in width so the question was if there was adequate land outsi e the easement area f<Jr placing the play structure. In viewing the drawing, the Park Commissio recommended squaring up the lots adjacent to the park (Lots I &2, Block 1). The developer als. pointed out that the park land extends down to the wetlands area. At this time .leff O'Neill ente ed the meeting. lie reported that the city staff had reviewed the plan earlier and was okay with t 1e concept. Jell O'Neill stated that even with the changes the developer was able to keep the s' me number of lots in the development, approximately 280. City Planner, Steve Grittman, had sugg sted transferring some of the park land back to the developer so that the developer could have 8 'lot frontages. Bruce Thielen stated that from a Council perspective they would prefer to see 0' lot frontages. The City has had some diniculties with small lots and slllall homes and for that eason would I ike to see larger lots. .leff O'Neill recommended that enough park land be given back so that the developer could have SO' frontage. Larry Nolan liked the trail alignment and felt hat it was an overall better layout, however he still had concerns about the park land within the gas Ii 1e casement. Mayor Thielen at this time brieily eXplained to the students the City's park dedi 'at ion policy. There was sonle discussion on the amount of street frontage needed for the park area. Presently it is proposed to be 496 feet and Larry Nolan was not in favor of reducing the hmtage because they need maxinlum space for the play structure. The developer stated that lots taken out of the single Em1ily area were replaced in the townhome area. They did not lose dens it but more of the units were in townhomes. Mayor Thielen stated he was not as concerned with I t frontages as he was with the quality of the homes in the development. . . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ACCEPT Till, PROPOSED LA YOUT fOR WILD MEADOW WITIIOlJT CIIANGING THE LOT FRONT GES FROM 76' AND SQUARING OFF THE LOT ADJACENT TO THE PARK. NANC MCCAFFREY SECONDED TilE MOTION. 2 . J efT O'Neill mentioned that the en gi neer had questioned the grad i ng in the area. There is a 4 to I slope coming into the park and the engineer w' nted to know if that was acceptable to the City as he had concerns about the water being directed to the park. With the grading proposed the watcr will be directed towards the park but the devcloper 'tated the water will not be standing in the park but will drain away, Larry Nolan stated that the P' rk lands needs to be lairly flat lor the play structure and also noted that any trails would have to me t ADA requirements, In rcsponse to how Jar the trail should be extended into the park, Larry Nolan felt it should be brought up to the point where the play structure and ballfield would be locate Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 RICK TRAVER AMENDED HIS MOTION T INCLUDE ADDING THE TRA.IL PROM THE SfDEW ALK INTO TIlE ENTRA NCE OF TIlE PARK SU BJECT TO APPRO VAt BY THE PARKS SUPERINTENDENT AND cn STAFF. NANCY MCCAFPREY SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MO nON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Park Maintenance Items. Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of the work co npleted. It was noted that the Iloor was poured at the Pioneer park shelter and the electricians woul] be out within the next week or so. 7, Review of estimated 2003 costs for Riverside C mete 0 eratioos and consideration of fee adiustments. if an)'. This item had been discussed at the last meeting a d the Parks Commission directed stafT to get additional inlormation 00 what other cemeteries eI arged, Adam Hawkinson submitted the survey inlormation and the recommendations of John Sir ola, the Public Works Director, regarding the tee Increase. If the fee increase is approved, Riversi e would have higher lot costs than most of the other cemeteries. It was noted that the increase wa necessary to take care of the capital improvements which arc needed but have not been done because of lack of funds. Bruce Thieleo stated any fee increase would have to approved by :ouncil but he felt that if the understanding was that the increase in revenues would bc used lor capital improvements that would make it more acceptable. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ACCEPT TfIE REC MMENDATIONS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND TO FORWARD THE ECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL POR APPROVAL. PRAN FAIR SEC NDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y 8. Wildwood Ponds/Hermes Property. Jelf O'Neill stated that he and Adam Hawkinson had not yet met regarding development in this area, It is thought that a concept plan of this area wo lid be coming belore the Planning Commission in April. JelIO'Neill explaioed to the students wher this property was located. Tile Hermes ') -, . 9. Parks Commission Minutes - 2120/03 property is approximately 80 acres and some of it heavily wooded. It was suggested that if weather permits, prior to the next meeting, the Parks Commission should walk the area. General and s ecific discussion South cas area ark and trail dcvelo ment conce ts. This will be brought back at the next meeting. 10. Ballfield usc for outh football - Altcrnat ve 0 tions . . At the present time youth football uses the oftball fields for their games. The Parks Commission committee set up to study the fields felt tha the use of the ticlds for football was too damaging to the turf and they were recommending that yout football not be allowed to use the fields. However, they wanted to have some alternatives in place. Since Earl Smith was not present at the meeting and Adam Hawkinson had left earlier. it was fc t this matter should be tabled until they were present. Rick Traver will contact Earl Smith and ^ amllawkinson and try to meet prior to the next regular meeting to discuss alternatives. 11. Jeff O'Neill explained the previous goal s tting efforts. A number of tasks noted on the list had been accomplished. Since it had been several cars since the first goal setting session and with the change in Mayor and Council it was felt it was a good timc to look at this again and refresh the list of goals and priorities. The Council and staf was in the process of gathering input from the various boards and committees. One of the items oted by the Parks Commission was to update the Parks Comprehensive Plan. Rick Traver sugges ed instead of saying "establish" ballfield locations they should say "acquire" ballfield locations. e felt it was important to actually acquire land and start developing the ballfields since the deman is so intense. The Parks Commission had talked about this prcviously and felt that 40 acres was ceded for ballfield development. It was noted that O'Brien/Klein property which is 90 acres is nearing development and perhaps should be looked at. The original city plan showed a complex 'n the area of the Schluender gravel pit but that area is not ready for developmcnt yet. Growth is tak ng place in areas where no large parks have been established and the Parks Commission fe t that was another reason why it was important to get the comprehensive plan updated. Larry Nola felt another itcm that should be considered is an annual tree planting program. Bruce Thielen C01 curred, stating that if Walk and Roll could be conducted annually then so could a tree planting program. Jeff O'Neill pointed out that some trce planting is done as part of residential development. Ie also felt that tree planting should be put in as part of public improvement project contracts so hat the trees get planted right away but the Public Works Department feels that is a more costly w. y of doing it. Adam Hawkinson had submitted a list of various project the parks staff was worki 19 on or had completed but these were more in the range of short term goals. Prioritization of goa s will be on the March agenda for the Parks Commission and it is hoped that the Council will get in April. 4 Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 . Other I terns Larry Nolan noted that Adam Hawkinson had the g ant applications ready for submittal. The City is apply for five grants covering trail improvements on Cou ty Road 18 and East/West Bridge Park, removing of the steps in East Bridge Park, landscaping in the park a 1d construction of a fishing pier. Bruce Thielen announced that Robbie Smith will b the council liaison to the Parks Commission. The Parks Commission also discussed the resignation of Earl :'mith who will he leaving after the March meeting. 12. Adjourn. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ADJOURN AT :00 P.M.. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN IMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . . 5 I """" ~ \--- f------ ~~~- \ c=\\ \ \ \ \ ) ~m~\I1 I I /V v~ ~ I ~<C . ~\ Y ~ I II: r \ P \ J -. ~ 1 I: ~I J,) J1. 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(JS) The City has completed its search for a water upply on the north side of the freeway which would yield a reasonable supply of water free of arse I ic. Of the three locations drilled, the NSP ball fields, 4th Street Park and Freeway Fields, only the 4th St eet Park site looks promising for the installation of a well. Tests on the water quality pumped from the 2" test well are promising with no arsenic whatsoever. You can see by the enclosed map that the prop sed well and pumphouse will occupy a portion of the basketball court but should not interfere with t e ballfield, skating areas or parking lot operation. Our next step is, with the Parks Commission's appr val, is to move ahead with plans, specifications and bids for the installation of the well itself based n the finding that Parks Commission is comfortable with the placement of the well and pumphouse at th.s site. Since the building will occupy most of the bas etball court, water and trunk funds could also be used to construct another basketball court at 4th Street ark or to use the funds for other hard surfacing or other items at the park. The City Administrator, Public Works Director Water/Sewer Superintendent and Park Superintendent support the use of a small porti n of 4th Street Park for installation of well and . pumphouse #5. . o (J) o 01 o 0 ro ,:"" Z~. is o v ..~ ~- ~- (l) o Wright S. RO'~';< _ --- l I I ^ I 330 ->- ~ 0 I I ~ ~ ~ , ... (j) ':r lT1 I ~. U> I lJ\ .... ...,.. v I :J . lC I -0 N .1 0 .'" 1-0 -, :0 ~ 0 ICD c-:;:jolT1 :J -, -0 13 "< 0 g ~. lC r CD oO'fl~ r Vl I~ 0 c ... to _. (: 0 ? ~ =r -, (J):J . ... I~ to to -.0 <., to ~3g. ~ 13 0: ~g ICD :II :J I- I I ^ A ^ -.S U!daUU9H ~ " ~ ! ~ C~-,L.l.) - ClTO 9 I -'--.S aS~'Du~, ...... 9 =--e 1 - v 0.: " ...: <3 -(.0 I (I) -_u-,-lS..~ !JM=I>- .... <J'~ aT:> 9 It - II II o ~ ~ II "0 - 0 o ~ III +-= CJ) "E v tt) I I Lb..-..S....MVN-<.. I --,Tr - r. ! C~ -,L.l.) CfTO II 9 << << err:> ,,9 . < cc ,.... if; en J: z ~ 1 . It) a.: ; .. ...: ~<.S rt)= . en cD 1: Z I- , ~- ? - v ~ .. r"- ....,.: UJ _ _C/) ~ r- - I I I I ~' .. ---------- ---------------------- " "- '-. r ;. < CfT:>1I9 I ..x:: 11-' 0: CL I ^ i 01 41 01 ,51 Ci;! 0:::1 lL Ul Z m ~----..........----.........-----.~~~ \ \ 01 c: "Vi o u Qi ~ (J)_ ." - - 101 -0) It-... 'O- Il') C::ITOll9 . ~I--' ~-~ T ---.--.---..... --< . " eTa .9 (J ~: ,.... . MONTICELLO PA KS DEPARTMENT Work list March 20th, 2003 February 20th, thru March 20th, 2003 . . Flooding of rinks and maintenance . Pioneer building preparation and c nstruction . Aided moving the library . Sweeping of sidewalks and pathwa s . Cleaning of front street woods . General park maintenance . General equipment maintenance . Routine cleaning of restroom facilit es . Organized park shop with used cab nets from the library . Inspections of sliding hill and adde bails to fenced area and posted a sign stating which hill we wish the to slide down. . Pruning of park trees (Crabs and 0 s) . Cleaning sidewalks not done by 0 ers (they are charged) . Several snow events . Box is being installed on the Dodg . Spring clean up of parks . Helping with library building needs . Irrigation class . . 2003 Goal for City of Monticello Update Monticello's Park & Pathways Pages I. Use existing format 2. City staff acts as Web master(s) 3. Parks Commission sub-committee ap ointed · Review other cities Web pages · Update current infonnation · Suggest additions & links · Bring to Parks COmmission for conside ation & approval · Other approval needed? · Gives printed updates to City Web mast r · Future updates will be approved by the arks Commission and presented to Web master in printed format · While important park events can be upd ted as needed, individual park narratives will be reviewed and updated bi-annually by arks Commissioners. Printed changes will be given to the Web master to enter. . 4. Suggestions: · Update park names and locations · Update park narratives in a consistent fo at, i.e. acres, amenities. · Add mission statement · Add map of parks & pathways · Add park photos · Add Adopt-a-Park infonnation with link t fonn · Add park rental information (rules, regs, ) with links to photos and fonn · Add email link and printed phone # to rep rt maintenance and residents' concerns · Add educational page (to be updated mon hly or quarterly by Parks Superintendent, assisted by local master gardeners) re: loc garden ideas and materials, initial planting and caring for trees; F AQs, with links to eb resources such as UofM:, DNR and nursenes. · List new park openings, pathway connecti ns, and other events on Monticello's home page, "News/Events". Nancy McCaffrey Parks Commission . March, 2003 . . . PARKlPATHWAYS GOALS & PRIORITIES GOALS Update Comprehensive Park and Pathway PI n Acquisition and development of land for ball ield complex Annual tree planting program Development and utilization of the website fo park information Extension of County Road 18 trail east of Fen ling Avenue Development of pathway corridor for East Co nty Road 39 Pathway construction along river - Mississippi Drive to Ellison Park Acquisition of land for cemetery use Establish summer recreation program for city acilities Pave rink at 4th Street park to allow roller hockiey Bridge over storm sewer at Mississippi Shores pathway Instal cedar rail posts at various park property ( orners Investigate opening pathways for winter use RANKING