Parks Commission Agenda Packet 04-17-2003 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . AG NDA PARKS C MMISSION April 17,20 3 - 4:30 p.m. West Pr irie Room "To el/hl/I/ce COl/lfll1l11i(I' p ide through del.e1oping 1/1/11 maintaining d(r park.l wit a high stll/ull/rll of qlll/li(y" Call to Order Approve Minutes of March 20, 2003 r gular meeting. Consideration of adding items to the a enda. Citizens req uests. Carlisle Village - Review of park and t ail layout. Park Maintenance Items Alternative areas for use by youth foot all Sliding Hill - Bridge Park. Groveland Park Plan Country Club Park Parks Commission Vacancy Review of park land issues - Wild Mea ow Adjourn. . . . NOTES TO PARK C MMISSION AGENDA April 17, 2003 Agenda Item # 5. Carlisle Village - At the last meeting Dave Nash indicated that they would be ready to come back at this meeting with a layout showing parks/tr ils based on his discussion with the Park Commission at tha' meeting. 7 . Ballfield Use for Youth Football- At a pr vious meeting it was brought up that the ballfields should not continue to be used for youth football b t it was felt that the Parks Commission should discuss what alternatives are available for use by youth fo - tbal!. The Committee was to meet prior to this meeting. If they have Rick Traver can update the Con mission. 8. Sliding Hill - Bridge Park: At the last mee ing Adam Hawkinson requested that this item be placed on the next agenda. 9. Groveland Park - Adam Hawkinson has so e preliminary information on the park equipment and the development of the park. 10. Country Club Park - This was requested to be placed on the agenda by Adam Hawkinson. 11. Parks Commission Vacancy - The open po ition was listed on the website and was advertised in the local papers. To date we have had two inqui ies but only one application was received. The closing date for submitting an application is April 11,2003. Does the Parks Commission want to intcrview the candidate(s) or just make a recommendation 0 the council. 12. Review of Park land issues - Wild Meado . Although the Parks Commission approved the park land layout at their February mecting, some i sues have come to light since that time that need to be presented to the Parks Commission. Adam 1 awkinson will inform the Commission of these concerns. Other At the last meeting the Parks Commission discussed ark dedication fees. Attached is information relating to fees charged by other communities. .IcffO'Neill in icated that he will be preparing an agenda item on this thw will probably go befcJre the Council at their April 14t or 28th meeting. . . . MIN TES REGULAR MF:ETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, March 0,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pri Ie through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy eCafhey, Earl Smith, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Robbie Smih. Members Absent: Fran Fair Staff Present: Parks Superintenden , Adam Hawkinson and Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to ord rat 4;30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of Februa 20 2003 r ular meetin . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 20,2003 REGULAR MEETING WITH A TYPING :ORRECTION. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a c da. Updates on the entrance signs, Walk and Roll and the city ball fields at Xcc/ Energy were added to the agenda. 4. Citizen ReQuests. None. At this time Chair Nolan acknowled ed Robbie Smith as council liaison to the Parks Commission. 6. Carlisle Villa e - Review of ark and trai la out. This item was moved up on the agenda bee a Ise the representative for Gold Nugget was not yet present. Dave Nash from MFRA submitted preliminary plans for the Carlisle development on the Hermes property. The property is located to the east and south of the Wildwood Ridge and the Rolling Woods development and contains a. proximately 78 acres. Jeef O'Neill presented some background information concerning the dev lopment. Since this area is outside the scope of the Comprehensive Parks and Pathway plan, the e are no guidelines indicating where parks or trails should be located in this area. . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 ./eff O'Neill located on a map those areas tha were being considered for annexation so the Parks Commission could see where the new deve\o ment was taking place. Existing parks and trails near the new developments were located. From th"re the Parks Commission analyzed where appropriate sites were in the new developmel t area for parks. Earl Smith asked about a connecting road in the new development area and Jeff 0' eill responded that there would be a connecting road in the location of 85th Street. . Looking specifically at the Carlisle developm nt, Dave Nash noted that the site contains old growth woods which the developer was trying to pres'rve as much as possible. The more heavily wooded area is towards the back of the site. The dev loper will be present at the next Parks Commission meeting to provide more detailed informatio on the development. The purpose of being at this meeting was to get direction from the Parks C mmission as to location of parks and placement of trails. .lefT O'Neill stated that the developmel t should have a connection to existing trails that have been brought up to the development site. ./effO'Neill suggested a trail meandering through the wooded area. Dave Nash stated that there are sidewalks included in the devclopment. Adam Hawkinson asked if the sidewalk would be ex ended to where the park is in the Rolling Woods area. Adam Hawkinson felt if there was not g ing to be a park in the Carlisle development there should be a sidewalk extending to the park in oIling Woods so that residents from Carlisle Village could access the Rolling Woods park. At this time there was general discussion on t e overall new development area and where parks should be located. It was pointed out that Water Tower Park is a passive park and the park at Rolling Woods is only about I 1;2 acres so the arks Commission felt there was a need of acquiring additional park land and that the area should b active park area. Since this area is not in the Comprehensive Park Plan there is nothing to t II the developers what type of park is needed in their area or where it should be located. Part of the discussion tonight is to provide stafTwith infl.mnation that can be used in updating the Comprehensi e Park and Pathway Plan. Earl Smith stated there is a need fl.)r ballfields as well as play area and th t would require larger tracts of park land. The Parks Commission is looking for a site for a b,-llfield complex because the need for that is great and will continue to grow. The fecling of the Par's Commission is that the park dedication fee is not generating enough revenue for the City to pure lase the larger sites needed for a ballfield complex. While the ordinance allows the City to take 10 () of land area of a development for park land, most developments were not large enough where 10 0 of the land value would yield the 40 acres needed for a ballfield complex. The Parks COll1missi n also raised the question of the number of townhouses being developed and whether that ype of housing was being overdone. JcffO'Neill stated that 3 units per acre was the deJinition il the comprehensive plan for low density housing but the Council will be considering a policy settin a ratio of detached and attached units in a subdi vision. . The Parks Commission felt another park was n eded to serve the Shultz/farr/Holker area. The Parks Commission looked at whether the Rolli g Woods park could be expanded to serve a larger area. Because of the topography of the site and the presence of wetlands expanding that park 2 . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 would not be feasible. Earl Smith stated hat until the Comprehensive Park plan is brought up to date he does not see how the City could p an for development. /-Ie also felt that until the Comprehensive Park plan is changed, the )arks Commission should continue to take land dedication rathcr than cash. The Parks C nunission felt that the City Council should be made aware of the Parks Commission feeling th t the park dedication fees should be increased. The Parks Commission felt that if they take caJ1 in lieu of land, the cash value is not sufficient to buy park land. The Parks Commission also re isited the qucstion of having fewer small parks because of the maintenance issucs. . After considerable discussion, the consens IS of the Parks Commission was that an active play area i()r the Shultz/Farr/Holker area should be I cated somewhere in the approximately 120 acres of the Holker property. Anothcr activc play arc' should be considered for the O'Brien/Klein area. Also in this general area there was consideration for trying to acquire] 5-20 acres for ballfield development. Rick Traver suggested that dam Hawkinson and .IeffO'Neill should work on this and bring it back to the Parks Commission. This will bc the basis for the update to the Comprehensive Park plan. The Parks Commission discussed the area needed for a ballfield complex. They ieIt at least 40 acres would be needed and the site should be away from residential developmcnt with major roads to the site. he most likely area would be in the Kjellberg/Hcllman/Schluender area. The P rks Commission felt the complex should serve the needs t(n at least 20 years and that becausc fthe immcdiate nceds for ball fields this should be a priority. Robbie Smith asked how the Parks Commis ion would determine how mueh the park dedication Jee should bc increased. .IetT O'Neill respOI ded that the fee should be set based on the cost to acquire and develop park land. Dave Nash it dicated that the developer would not be opposed to putting a park in the Carlisle development. 5. Gold N U Jet - Review of ark and trail la J lorst Grazer was present to review the park a 1d trail layout in the Gold Nugget development. Jeff O'Neill provided background noting that in I 98 a plan had been approved for the Gold Nugget development. The developer has now come. ack with a plan that has received concept approval by the Planning Commission and City Counci contingent upon Parks Commission revicw. . Horst Grazer stated that the Gold Nugget plan that was approved in 1998 was t()r 220 acres of residential lots. Since that time the comprehel sive plan has changed and so has the proposed developmcnt. Now 70 acres of the parcel is d signated t()f commercial/industrial use and the remaining 150 acres will be developed as resid ntiallots. He submitted a sketch dated 3/20/03 which showed the larger park parcel along 85th Street and then extending up to a smaller park area midway through the plat. It was thought the p, -k site abutting 85th Street could possibly be used for bal/iields sincc it abutted three streets. The pI' osed development consists of 197 single family lots, 67 quad units and 48 row units. florst Grazer f It that unless there was a lot of space between the '"l _J . . . 9. Parks Commission Minutes ~ 3/20/03 rear yard and the trail, homeowners did no like trails running along the hack yard. Host (i-razer stated that rather than concentrate all the p rk land in one area they extended the park land to be a corridor extending through the plat. Ada Hawkinson stated that the City requires the park property corners he marked. The park lay ut shown is irregular and would require a number of markers. The experiencc has been that hOlleowners tend to encroach on park land if it is not marked. Horst Grazer stated he has contI" cted with a fence company who would install 4" white posts to mark the park land location. The ark markers would go in as the development goes in. Mr. Grazer is planning on doing a planting along the park boundary line using a specific tree species which should help to delineate what is pub ic property. EARL SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE TIE GOLD NUGGET TRAIL AND PARK LA YOUr AS SHOWN ON THE ORA WING REVIE ED DATED MARCH 20, 2003. RICK TRAVER SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. lefrO'Neill stated that ifthe trails are inter al they are installed by the developer. Iftheyare external they are installed by the city. Hors Grazer stated there are sidewalks on all streets except the cui-dc-sacs. It was discussed whether xtending the trail to the edge of the Gold Nugget property was an internal or external trail. It was suggested leaving the trail out of the middle section of park because there was access to the park by sidewalk. This plan will go befixe the Planning Commission in May and it is anticipated th, t home construction would begin in September. There was some discussion on number of townho es heing constructed in the City and if too many town home units are heing developed. 7. Park Maintenance Items. Adam I Jawkinson updated the Commission Hl the maintenance work completed. The Parks Commission complimented park staff on the clean up work that was done in the park area by the Ilans Hagen development. 8. Alternative areas for use b outh footbal . The committee of Adam Hawkinson, Rick T aver and Earl Smith had not had an opportunity to meet regarding youth foothall. Although it as the feeling that the softball fields should not continue to he used for youth f()otball, the Parks Coml ission did feel that some alternatives should he provided for youth football. Adam Hawkins n stated that there is a liahility issue to consider when you change the use of a facility. The ballfielc s are not city owned parks but rather land leased from Xcel Energy. The Parks Commission want a Ian to help youth fiJotbal1 find alternatives and also clearly defined reasons why youth foothall Ci. nnot continue to the use the softball fields. Final location la out for Well #5 and urn house at Fourth Street Park. The inf()rmation from Public Works Director. .John Simola, concerning the layout for proposed well 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 and pumphouse #5 at the Fourth Street Park w s reviewed. EARL SMITII MOVED TO APPROVE THE LOCATION PROPOSED FOR THE WELL AND PUMPHOUSE TO BE LOCAI'ED AT" 'liE FOURTH STREET P ARK. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was no information available on agenda item # O. Agenda items #11 and #12 were covered as part of the review of Carlisle Village. 13. The Parks Commission reviewed a list of goal and projects to be submitted for Council consideration. They selected four goals as priorities: I) Update Comprehensive Park and Pathway Plan; 2) Acquisition and development of land 'or ballfield complex; 3) Development and construction of pathway far Bridge Park; and ) Annual tree planting program. 14. Updatcs. if any. Groveland Grant Application: Adam Hawkinson had a copy of the grant application available fl.)r Parks Commission review. Land Salc: Adam Hawkinson was approache ahout the City at one time wanting to purchase a one acre parcel of land by Minnesota and Vin Streets in the area of Ruffs Auto site. This area is being proposed for development in the near fu ure. Adam Hawkinson also stated that the park equipment at the Country Club park should be removed or replaced. Earl Smith stated that the plan was to take the fence down and make this a pa'sive park with a tot lot. Entrancc Signs: Nancy McCaffrey showed a 'ketch of the proposed location for the entrance signs. Adam Ilawkinson and .lohn Simola arc in charge of the installation of the signs. Xeel Ballficlds: Earl Smith infarmed the Park COlnmission that Lori Pagcl is the contact person at Xccl Energy f(Jr lease of additional land for bdlfields. She is awarc of what is proposed but is reluctant to act on leasing the land until hdl si ce it is currently being fanned. Xcel also has concerns that a portion of the land will be taken for the 'reeway ramp. Parks Commission is asking for an additional 150 yards adjacent to the present b -11 ficld boundary. Earl Smith suggested regular contact with Lori Pagel. The Parks Conuniss on felt that this site provided the quickest and least expcnsive way to get additional ballfields. If he City could acquire the land, they should considcr trying to seed it yet this fall. Walk & Roll: The Parks Commission felt th It they should have an updated park and trai I map for distribution to Walk and Roll participants. 5 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 3/20/03 Other: There was a brief discussion on he website and how it could be improved. This will be an ongoing project for staff. Parks Com ission also discussed the need to have the Park Superintendent involved at the staff leve in reviewing developments when they eo me in. Recol!nition of Earl Smith: This is the ast Parks Commission meeting for Earl Smith who will be leaving the area. The Parks Commissio presented Earl Smith with a certificate of appreciation for his service to the Parks Commission an to the City of Monticello. 14. Adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO DJOURN AT 6:57 P.M. RICK "I'RA VER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTlO CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~"_."--'-"'.'~-'~-'- Recording Secretary 6 . . . --~---------'------ -------.---.-.---.-.-- PARK AND TRAIL FEE INV NTORY OF MONTROSE AREA ------ ------__Jebr~~003_~_______ ______ Single Family Residential Commercial/Industrial - Park Dedicati~!_Jpe,-:_~!.nit)~ _~--Eark Dedication__. Land Cash Land Cash ---,- ----~_. ---------., '---.----- -"--'~.-._,~, 1 0% $ 1 ,500 10% $5,000 per acre Cit ---~-- Albertville _~Lak~ Buffalo ---"-'-" Clearwater __pay ton_ Delano -------.'-~~- Iloward Lake Maple Grove --'.-"-.'-"- Medina -"-----"-- Monticello Montrose --'-'-'-'. _....2tsego_ __.!1ynlout~ Rogers St. Michael 10% --'- One acre per 75 persons 2l~,-~J20~ 10% 10% --'--. 10% --._"- 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%, 10% ._-._'~,- 10% -'--'- 10% 10% '---'-'-- __$1,400__ $1,000 -~"-._~~ Estimated value of I 0% land dedication '-'-"-.-.--- $1,500 ~-'._"-"--. $1,000 -'---'-'- Estimated value of 10% land dedication -'-'-.-'-'-- $2,600 -"--"-'--"-'-'- I 0% of pre- developed land valuc or $3,300 per un it whichever is "reater -~---- $875 --,.~-_.,',,- Fee eqUld to value of land dedication -'--'-'-"-' $2,085 ._"-'---'- ___~600__ $825 -'--'-'0_'- $2,000 -'--"--, -"_.._'--,-"'-~-,-- None -- None .~~-.- None -'_..,-,-.._~ Nonc 10% -._~.~.'- 10% Estimatcd value of 10% land dedication ~'-~,--- -..J3,000 Eeracr~_ ~OOO pcr acre Estimated value of 10% land dedication -..--.-.-----, Commcrcial $6,500 Industrial $5,000 __per ac~_ 10% of pre- devcloped land value 10% ~~ 10% .~._~- 10% 10% Trails as required by plan, dedicated from nark fees ~-----I:::....::_._,_~, None -'---.-.,- Sidewalks on one side of street ._~'~_._~"- None '-~-,-- None ~"-'-~~-'- None .------.._'------.._~ None ~._._~..._..- .---'.---'-'-'-. None None None ---".--.'--"- --.---'.-'-. $250 plus sidewalks 011 one side of street _..._.._-.-._-~-_..-.._,- Fee eq ual to Sidewalks on one value of land side of street dedication .~._--._.~ .-"-'--.-.- _~3,500 per ac~ $6,50(L12.er acre. Commerc ial $5,000 Industrial $2,500 _~r acre _ Commercial $3,000 Industrial $2,000 __~ aCI~_ ______._. 10'% 10% 10% 10% 0% Source: Northwest Associated Consultants Inc., Pcb, 003 ~--'-~.-.- $200 for residential / '\" "'\ \~;'1I' '-( I ~ I~ .. "'~''''~b/ ~ ~ / "- Iii ~ '~)_~,{ / I~~~ ~ Ii! U/,} '~1~~::,,~~ ~/ -\ '\ It -r II '... . I a '1/'103 Ir.:~ " ""~ / I ..1'- f''''(~ . _~ ; ; ; ~IJJlr";:l' '~';:"( / ~ ) /1/ I I l>->- ~ 'H 111:WI- 1'1' ,~, "e.{/- -./( I /( i:,\ ) )11!~rrJ]\--liJI ~. 0. ~: ~" 0.} J< \ \ '- \,' ~'v <"f- 1""J'Q'~fllS! .~ ". ~ ~,~ / /, --; '-"'r\,*,'-- I.. 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I!:;:: il; I! li!mj:il !li!i -) .'~~.;/;jt-~.~.~ ~.i. ~r ~~fl)~)\0 (~' i~f!~ ~~ i i !dt;~ ~li~ ~a?; it: ('" .~a~~~ '\~ .~';:tf ~I · "'. .......1) " '" 8~";!~ ~!l!~ ~ m ::l ~n;J~F~ j!G U J t ) r....~ '!(~?-.v't.i". A'~ III '" N\., _.... ' . ~f/'-;1I ~~~ X b~ ~~~~ I;j ~~ GO I';..-...Ny ./~,.._'~\i ... ~ .. I / liiW !:l d lii::i,!: ~~ill ~,,->') g~-e -d'" ~-= .- "_' ~": ~~" '"\,JJ: "r ~<li1Q~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~h~ fS.. I~.. rn<l 'Q ()' /;L,- - ;1JS;~ ~ " . '-_ .~"'.......:-. J_ ---,--,- . -~ ~, ~I! }I ' -;;:r , J WI; ~ 'i II i .11 \~ ,',\ \ \ a!:J ;~ ' -q . ?id ~ :1' :/ ! .. it ., '; " ........, ~, ~~ ~ j ~~ ~- s L,-;~ gj g o z t.\L. ('\ or ~ "'f'- ~ ~ ~~ ... J ) ;J . Parks COmmission Meeting - 04/17/2003 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: ild Meadow. (I.S.) At previous meetings, the Parks COmmission ha considered taking portions of the open space in Wdd Meadow for parkland or green space. That POrtion of green space in the northeast Comer of the plat at the COmer 0 fHang Avenue and 95Th Str et is generally lower sloping land and has two ga<; lines running diagonally through the property. T e size of the area is approximately 5 acres. It is believed to be drained by a portion of a drain tile hich is the beginning of County Ditch 33. The property drops from an elevation of approximatel 944 SOme] 6' to the east to an elevation of928. Access to the park is from an internal roadway and here is a 14 percent grade a<; you enter the park. Access from any other direction other than back y ds is extremely poor a<; there are no shOulders whatsoever on 95th Street or Haug Avenue. . Much of the area is low and wet while the rest 0 the property is sloping. It Wa<; recently noted during an on site inspection that a culvert exists acr ss 95Th Street approximately 600' west ofHaug Avenue. This culvert drains many acres of the TyI East Plat which would keep this area wet for all but the driest times of the year. A POrtion of the n w streets for this development pIaee significant amounts of Iill OVer the gas line. However, it is beli ved that the gas company would not allow 10' to ] 5' of Iill across the entire section of this open spa e containing the gas line easement, so it would be difficult to fill this property. Approximately three weeks ago the City Engineer an myself attended a County Board Meeting in hopes of the County removing this green space from t e Ditch 33 assessment rolls. This was before we knew that severa1acres of the Tyler East Plat dr in into this area We requested the County exempt this area as the City was taking the major po ion of this Wild Meadow development and draining it into a stonn sewer that goes down Gillard the Mississippi River, thereby eliminating a great deal of water from reaching Ditch 33. We were old quite 1irmIy, however, by COmmissioner Pat Sawatzke that they Would not exempt this roperty from any future assessments for improvements to the ditch which is badly in need of repa s. Mr. Sawatzke also infurmed us that most of the assessments for Ditch 33 were for lands that we e "drained by the ditch" which would mean this green space would most likely be assessed in its ent' ety. It is POssible that portions ofT yler East may not be assessed eVen though the water drains fro there and flows into this basin. Ditch laws are vel}' complicated and difficult to deal with as they are outdated, difficult to change, and often little pieces of property have big assessments while large acre of liumIand discharging into the ditch have few assessments. Since this new infonnation came to light regarding the ulvert draining a Portion of Tyler East and the fuet that the County Would not exempt this property om assessments for future improvements to Ditch 33, we fult it necessary to bring back this it m to the Parks COmmission for further consideration. AdditiOnally, there is also another Portion f wetland down in the fur southeast Portion o fthe property which is a similar situation. However, that POrtion is a delineated wetland and cannot be filled either. Parks Commission Meeting - 04/17/2003 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Since I do not bave all of the background on how this open space or parkland was originallY accepted by the Parks Commission, it is better to discuss the alternatives at the meeting rather than try to state them here. A. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is clear that this 1and is really a drainage pond with drainage swales and low wet 1and that rarely dries up. In addition, it is crossed by a double gas line and very IittIe of the property is fit for use as a park, and it would not meet the definition of acceptable park based upon the Parks Commission's policies. Add to that the possible future liabilities fur this land in paying assessments for downstream improvements for Ditch 3 3 (while still baving to accept drainage from Tyler East) make this property questionable as baving any benefit to our park system. Therefore, it is the Public Works Director and the Parks Superintendent's recommendation that we thoroughly discUSS any alternatives or other uses fur this propertY and look at ways to remove the City from the liability path for future assessments and continued maintenance of this area. SUPPORTING DATA: . B. Copy of the latest plat with wetland mitigation plan; Copy of the latest wright County aerial photos of the area; Minutes of past meetings dealing with this issue. In addition, Dawn Grossinger will also bave some comments in regard to its past history as told to her by a local furmer. Pictures of the area taken by Adam Hawkinson. . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING - ARKS COMMISSION Thursday, February 20,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pri e through developing and maintaining city parks with high standard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Larry Nolan, Nany McCaHrey, Rick Traver, Mayor Bruce Thielen. Memhers Absent: Earl Smith 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to ord rat 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Chair Nolan welcomed those students present who were attending the meeting as a class assignment. 2.A A rove minutes of .Janua 3. Consideration of addin RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE T E MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 15,2003 SPECIAL MEETING. FRAN FAIR SECn DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . H. A rove minutes of Januar . RICK TRA VER MOVED TO APPROVE T IE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 16,2003 REGULAR MEETING. fo'RAN FAIR SEeO OED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. None. 4. Citizen Requests None. 5. Review of Mark Gergen representing MW Johnson was . resent at the meeting to review the park and pathway layout for the Wild Meadow develop lent. Mr. Gergen noted that this had come hefore the Parks Commission at their last meeting. ased on feedback tram that meeting, certain changes were made to thc plat. The Parks Co 1mission had requested the elimination of three lots adjacent to the proposed park in order to open he park area and give it more strcet frontage. For those students present it was noted that the dev lopment was located in the area of Gillard and . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 I-faug A venues. The developer in the revis d plan did eliminate two lots and that resulted in a hetter alignment of the trail corning into the park. The developer is proposing to change the lot frontages from 80' to 76'. The park frontage would e 498 feet instead of 530 feet. The developer stated that 75' lots are common in many cities and still could accommodate a nice size house. The developer stated they had met with MnDO regarding any impact to their property by the realignment of the interstate. 2.09 acres of the proposed park land lies wit in a gas line easement. Although a structure could not he placed in the easement area, it would still be usable for hallnelds or open space. The developer was requesting partial park credit for the Ian under the gas line casement. If credit was given f(x the area in the gas line casement, the total p< rk dedication would be 8.4 acres. The developer pointed out that there will he a trail running long 95th Street. Adam Hawkinson asked about the pathway from the wetland areas and whethe it would be an easement or owned by the city. The developer stated that has not yet been deten ined. Adam Ilawkinson indicated the City would prefer to have it as an casement. The trail ill be 10' in width. Fran Fair asked with the new configuration f the park land, would there he adequate room for the placement of the play structure. The gas line easement is approximately I no' in width so the question was if there was adequate land outside the easement area for placing the play structure. . In viewing the drawing, the Park Commissio recOlllmended squaring up the lots adjacent to the park (Lots 1 &2, Block I). The developer als poi nted out that the park land extends down to the wetlands area. At this time Jeff O'Neill ente 'ed the meeting. He reported that the city staff had reviewed the plan earlier and was okay with tle concept. Jeff O'Neill stated that even with the changes the developer was able to keep the s'me number of lots in the development, approximately 280. City Planner, Steve Grittman, had sugg'sted transferring some of the park land hack to the developer so that the developer could have 8 'lot frontages. Bruee Thielen stated that from a Council perspective they would prefer to see 0' lot frontages. The City has had some difficulties with small lots and small homes and for that I' ason would like to see larger lots. Jeff O'Neill recommended that enough park land be gi ven; back so that the developer could have 80' frontage. Larry Nolan liked the trail alignment and felt hat it was an overall hetter layout, however he still had concerns about the park land within the gas IiI. e easement. Mayor Thielen at this time briefly explained to the students the City's park dedi ation policy. There was some discussion on the amount of street frontage needed for the park rea. Presently it is proposed to be 496 feet and Larry Nolan was not in fi1Vor of reducing the f ontage because they need maximum space for the play structure. The developer stated that lots I akcn out of the single family area were replaced in the townhome area. They did not lose densit but more of the units were in townhomes. Mayor Thielen stated he was not as concerned with }( t frontages as he was with the quality of the homes in the development. . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ROPOSED LAYOUT fOR WILD MEADOW WITHOUT CHANGING THE LOT FRONT GES FROM 76' AND SQUARING OFF THE 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 2/20/03 LOT ADJACENT TO THE PARK. NAN Y MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. .IefrO'Neill mentioned that the engineer h questioned the grading in the area. 'fhere is a 4 to 1 slope coming into the park and the enginee wanted to know if that was acceptable to the City as he had concerns about the water heing directe to the park. With the grading proposcd the water will bc directed towards the park but the develo er stated the water will not he standing in the park but will drain away. Larry Nolan stated that th park lands needs to be fairly flat for the play structure and also noted that any trails would have to meet ADA requirements. In response to how far the trail should be extended into the park, Larr Nolan felt it should be brought up to the point where the play structure and ballfield would be located. RICK TRAVER AMENDED HIS MOTIO TO INCLUDE ADDING THE TRAIL FROM THE SIDEWALK INTO THE ENTRANC, OF THE PARK SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PARKS SUPERINTENDENT AND ITY STAFF. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TI-IE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Park Maintenance Items. Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of the wo k completed. It was noted that the /loor was poured at the Pioneer park shelter and the electricians ould be out within the next week or so. 7. Review of estimated 2003 costs for Rivers de Ccmete 0 erations and consideration of fee adjustments, if any. This item had he en discussed at the last mee ing and the Parks Commission directed staff to get additional information on what other cemete ies charged. Adam Hawkinson submitted the survey information and the recommendations of .Iohn Simola, the Public Works Director, regarding the fee increase. Irthe fee increase is approved, R verside would have higher lot costs than most of the other cemeteries. It was noted that the incre -se was necessary to take care of the capital improvements which are needed but have no been done because oflack of funds. Bruce Thielen stated any fee increase would have to appro v ' d by Council but he felt that if the understanding was that the increase in revenues would be used fi l' capital improvements that would make it more acceptable. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ACCEPT TH RECOMMENDATIONS OF TI IE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND TO FORWARD THE RECOMMENDATION TO TilE COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. FRAN FAI SECONDED 'fI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. Wildwood Ponds/Hermes Property. .lefT O'Neill stated that he and Adam Hawkin on had not yet met regarding development in this "l -, . . . / Purk Commission Minutes - 4/] X/02 meeting when this plat was being considered to nuke ccrtain the Plullning Commission wus a\vure or the Pmk Commissiun's position, Discussiun or the oncepts ell' neighborhoud/commullity parks made the Parks Commission Il'C] that the comprehensive pi III should revisited. The Pmks Commission then discussed a prelimine ry luyout orthc Bruggeman devclopment. Adam II,hvkinsoll stuteel he did nut like having the trail lUll between residences noting tlwt it generates a negative response rrom humeo\\iners ~tnd can create probleJ lS. Earl Smith questioned the drainage in the area noting since there was no outlet the area could be too we. The Parks Commission also questioned having to construct a trail across what appeared to be pondil g areas. They noted that again the trnil and open space were placed within LJ P A and Northern Natural Ga' easements. 'fhe Parks Commission felt the only reason the trail/park lanel was being given was tha the developer was lJnable to utilize it ('or anything else. 'fhe Parks Commission had serioLls reservations at out the suitability of the land proposed for park/trails and again emphasized the need for the Planning Comn ission to know the position of the Parks Commission on this. 10. AdjI)UJ'n. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI Recording Secretary T 7:30 P.M. EARL SM]TH SECONDED THE OUSL Y. 6 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Janua 16,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community I) ide through developing and maintaining city parks wit a high standard of quality" Members Present: Fran Fair, Larry Nola ,Earl Smith and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Nancy McCaffrey an Council Liaison, Bruce Thielen Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Pa ks Superintendent and JetfO'Neill, Deputy City Adm inistrator. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of December 19 2002 re ular Parks Commission meetin . EARl, SMITI I MOVED TO APPROVE TH ~ MINUTES Or: 1'1 IE DECEMBER 19,2002 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEET! G. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en Greg Schlink of Bruggeman Homes requeste to be on agenda for review of the plat of Wild Meadows for park and trail layout. Adam Ila kinson, Parks Superintendent added review of changes to Uroveland Park layout and sites fo ball fields to the agenda. At this point the Parks Commission determin d to deal with those agenda items where individuals were present to make presentations. Wild Meadows. The Parks Commission had looked at a plat f(Jr this area previously. At that time the Parks Commission expressed their cone en s about the park land being within utility easements and the park land and trails encroaching in wetlan areas. The developer redesigned the plat and was bringing it back again fiJr Parks Commission r view. Greg Schlink stated that the design of the plat was driven by the location of wetlands and uti ity easements. The proposed park is located in the northeast corner of the plat bounded by Gillar and 95'11 Avenue and would be a public park since, according to Jeff O'Neill, this area is under se ed by parks. The park area is approximately 6 Y: acres including the area of the gas line easeme 1. The park area was sketched out to show a soccer/ballficld area, play structure, shelter, ha d court and open area. It is the City's policy not to accept land within utility easements as park de ication. Adam Hawkinson stated that if the City were to place any equipment or play structure within the easement area, it would have to be removed and . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/16/03 replaced should the utility company to any ork or repair to their lines. In addition there may be restrictions as to how elose to the line a stru ture could be placed. The developer felt the layout of the park provided good access to the wetlan s area. An 8' bituminous trail is proposed within the development. Jeff O'Neill stated that if the rail is internal, the developer picks up the cost of the trail. If the trail serves area outside of the develop nent, pathway credit is given. Rick Traver asked about elevation of the park land area noting that th area appeared fairly Hat and could easily accommodate ballfields. The elevation of the trail area w s also discussed and the Parks Commission was concerned about the trails close proximity t( the wetlands area. Jeff O'Neill stated that the plan has not yet been reviewed by planning stafr. La ry Nolan asked about sidewalks. Greg Schlink replied there are 5' sidewalks on at least one side oi'all streets within the development. Mr. Schlink statyd the streets will be public streets but the right-or-way will be narrower than the typical street. Larry Nolan questioned whether they would want parking area for a park of this size. Adam Hawkinson responded that it would probabl only be 10-12 stalls. Earl Smith asked about accepting easement area as park land as he as concerned about the City getting land that they may not be able to utilize for parks but would ha e to maintain nevertheless. Adam Hawkinson suggested that if I,ots 12-18 located southeasterly fron the park be included in the park area it would provide the park with sufficient area not impacted b the utility easement. Greg Schlink stated that was too much area to give up for park. It was sugge 'ted that perhaps the westerly area of the proposed park where the sketch showed plantings and play structure could be utilized for lots. The developer did not think that would be appropriate since it wou d require those lots to have driveway access off of 95th Avenue instead of from the streets within th plat. . The Parks Commission again expressed their concern about accepting land under an easernent for park dedication and noted that would be an ssue they would face again when looking at the development of the Ken and James Shultz p'operty. This development will contain approximately 280 homes and consists of approximately 9 acres. Based on 10% of land area, the park dedication fi:)[ this development should be about 9 acre. Greg Schlink stated that the property owner, Gene Bauer had been given park dedication credit! for an casement he had given and that amount had been deducted from the 9 acres of park dedicatiOl for this area. The Parks Commission needs to respond to wo issues on this proposed plat; 1) Whether to accept land within utility easements for park dediC-lion and 2) Whether the layout for park and trails was acceptable. Rick Traver liked the layout ut better than the previous plan but did not fecl credit should be given for the easement area. Sin e they could not build in the easement area. it would make the placement of play structures and () her facilities more difficult. It was not known how much of the park land area was easement. The d veloper stated he did not believe the City would be prohibited from placing the trail in the case ent area. JellO'Neill stated that if the Parks Commission was comfortable with layout it could go for. ard to the Planning Commission and city staff would work out the park dedication fees. Earl Smlith stated that he didn't feel the area proposed was adequate in size to meet the 10% land area edication and he didn't feel the easement area should be accepted as park dedication. However, he as comfortable with the concept plan. Larry Nolan felt . . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 1/16/03 the land within the easement area could be onsidered green space but not park dedication. Earl Smith asked ifthe land was accepted as gre n space how would it be handled and who would maintain it. Adam Hawkinson stated he Ii ed the idea of in eluding Lots 1-3 on the west side of the proposed park as part of the park. This wolld make the area more open. Earl Smith also recommended that the developer stake the t ail and park out immcdiately as that shows residents where trails and parks arc going to be locate and they know ahead of time which lots abut trails. It was noted that with the combination of trail and sidewalks that are proposed all areas of the development can access Gillard Avenue. G eg Schlink said they would like to get some credit fi.x the trail if it is put in up front. EARL SMITH MOVED TO ACCEPT THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR WILD MEADOWS WITH SUPPORT fOR LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 BEeO ING PART OF THE PARK LAND WITH THE TRAIL LAID AS SHOWN HEFORE RESI ENTIAL CONSTRUCTION OCCURS SO TIIA'r RESIDENTS KNOW WHERE THE TRAIL AND PARK IS LOCATED. ./elHrNeill asked about the land along the e sement. Parks Commission stated land along the easement would not be part orthe park or pa k dedication. Jeff O'Neill stated that if the land in thc easement area is not taken the amount of the _ ark dedication fee paid in cash is greater. If the City accepts the land as grecn space (not park) the City would still have to maintain it which would he a cost for the City FRAN FAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION. OT'ION CARRIED lJNANIMOlJSL Y. 8,-9. Review u dated ark and trail hm for Hi Iside Farms and S irit Hills subdivisions. Mario Cocchiarella and Rohert Pearson were _ resent to discuss the develoPlnent plans for II illside Farms and Spirit lIills (property owned by Ja es and Ken Shultz). Jeff O'Neill reviewed the proposed trail layout for these developments. Portions oFthe proposed development abut Fenning A venue and stan feels there is a need J(W trail 'llong this road. However, at sOlne future point it is proposed to improve Fenning Avenue so no tr il would be added until the improvements to the road are complete. It was Felt that this trail along eIming A venue should be shown on the plat even though it may not he built for some time. In a ldition to the trail along Fenning Avenue, the Spirit Hill~ development shows another trail coming betw en Lots 7 and 8 as shown on the sketch and extending through Ken Shultz property (10 acre parcel), 0 the City water tower site and ending at an open area adjacent to the water tower site and behind the Methodist Church site. The developer ofllillside Farms changed their layout so that the trail did not run along back property lines. There will be sidewalks that will provide the access to the tr ils. There was discussion of the trail connection point between the two devclopment. The drawing for Spirit I hIls showed a trail connection to the ea" t between Lots 12 and 13. It was suggested in lieu of that connection, there should be a trail running between Lots 10 and 11 which would align more elosely with Outlot A of Hillside Farms. 3 . MONTICELLO piS DEPARTMENT Work list April17lh ,2003 March 21"1, thru April17lh , 2003 . . Pioneer building . Sweeping of sidewalks and pathwa .. s . General park maintenance . General equipment maintenance . Routine cleaning of restroom facilit es . Playground inspections . Pulled in all the winter signs and sli ing hill protection . Pruning of honey suckle along Co. d. #25 . Core aerated ballfields . Box is being installed on the Dodg 1 ton (still) . Spring clean up of parks . Salvaging what we can from the lib ary . Start setting up irrigation . Ballfield preparations . Skidsteer tryouts ( employees can ick what they like) . Painting library letters and Pioneer oors . Setting up vehicles for summer . Maintenance of vehicles (AI is gon , he had surgery - doing good) . Chipping orders . Sealed block on Pioneer building . Started pavers at Otter Creek . Mulching trees and planting beds . . Monticello aseball Lights Pr posal High Scho I Field Cost: $100,000 - $120,000 Company: Musco Lighting Teams: Monticello Polecats, Legion, Program s us to be in an ideal location for s, press box, and a fenced in area SSlOn. W teams, and High School Why: We have a quality field that enabl baseball. We have concessions, restroo that makes it convenient for charging ad . City Fields: If we get lights, the fences ere could be moved in for another softball field and the Sandy Koufax tea s could use the field as well. This would leave us with 2 regulation baseba 1 fields in town. Funding: The baseball program can ma e a $10,000 down payment. We will be able to make annual payments 0 $5,000 to the city over a ten year period. Our money would corne from th signs on the field. This would bring our contribution to $60,000. We are asking the city to appl for a bond to help get the project done sooner and to save interest. We fe I the financial commitment from the city would be minimal considering t e use the field would get by all the teams and members of our community. Scheduling: The high school coach wou d meet with all the teams to set up a master schedule. Concession money: Would help make i provements on the field. Tournament profits would go to the tea nmning the tournament. . ~ ~~~r~t~~~f:. ~.~;::;,.; ~~':"'''~,~>-~~':.f:',~~~~.~''~.'.'~':'' '. )'" ,_:.... ' .. . !Ui,,--i"{ .-=.___:-':k~1~~.~tIF _ :.1._\ ..'.,}~ t __. _ . ,..,'~, ,:~,~ . PARK DEDICAi ION FEES SURVEY 0 4/15/03 Albertville 763-497-3384 $1,500~ nit for residential/ $5,OOO/acre for comm. & indo $875/p r unit; 10% land value - Council makes determination Becker 763-261-4302 on cas land Big Lake 763-263-2107 $1,400/ er lot residential; no charge on comm. or indo One ac of land for each 75 people. A single family lot is 3.5 people; a-family lot is 6 people; Cash in lieu of land is $250/si gle family lot, $500 for two family lot; $125 for a one bed roo unit plus $75 for each additional bedroom. In addition there is a $250 surcharge per unit which is above and Buffalo 763-682-1181 be ond nd land or cash dedication $2,200/ nit residential; $10,OOO/acre commercial/$8,OOO/acre Champlin 763-421-8100 industri I $1,615/ nit residential; $3,000/acre commercial; $2,OOO/acre Elk River 763-441-7420 industria . $2,600/unit residential; $5,OOO/acre industrial; $6,500/acre Maple Grove 763-494-6000 freeway. ommercial $800/pe unit; on apartments $800/unit plus $50 for all Rockford 763-477-6565 bedroom over one No com ercial or industrial park dedication $825/uni residential; $2,500/acre commercial; $5,OOO/acre Rogers 763-428-2253 commer ial $2,000/u it residential; $3,OOO/acre commercial/ $2,000/acre St. Michael 763-4997-2041 industrial $2,000/acre public/institutional . P.Ol/0Z F-058 T.Z80 ~. +7634975306 FROM-CITY OF ST ~IKE APR.07"03 11 :04 3150 Lander Avenue NE pO Sox 337 St Michael, MN 55376 Phone: 763-497-2041 (X104) Fax; 763-497.5306 clT\Olil: cbeall@d.st.miehaGl.mn.us City of t. Michael Fax Carol Beall. City Clerk To: Dawn Grossinger 2, induding cover Fax: (763)295-4404 April 7, 2003 Phone: CC= Park Dedication Fees Re= o Fot' Review !:I Please Comm t 0 Please Reply !:I pl..- Reeycle o Urgent . Dawn: Here are our latest park de ication fees - Call if you have any questions. . . . . APR-07-03 11 :04 FROM-CITY OF ST ~IKE +7634975306 T-290 P.02/02 F-059 ORDINANCE 0.0101 City of St. Mithael, County of rieht, State of Minnesota The City of St. Michael ordains: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CODE OF 0 INANCES 2001 FOR THE CITY OF ST MICHAEL, MI NESOTA SECTION 1: ~ lS4.091(A)(1) of St. Michael C de of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 2001 . is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Any person requesting subdivision or rep dedicate to the public use, a percentage of such I nails or open space. The city, in its discretion dedicated. or a combination of land and cash.P development are as follows: . ning of land shall convey to the city. or for the public use as parks. playgrounds, may require cash in lieu of land to be k dedication requirements for residential Subdivision Density De . cation % or Cash Amount o to 1.00 units/acre 1.01 to 3.49 units/acre 3.50 to 5.99 units/acre 6.00 units/acre or more Commercial development Industrial development Public/semi public1i1lstitutional development of land or $2,000 per unit of land or $2,000 per unit 12 of land or $2,000 per unit 14 ~ of land or $2,000 per unit 10 rI of land or $3,000 per acre 10 Il'.I of land or $2,000 per acre 10 rI of land or 52,000 per acre SECTION 2: fi 155.009, MOTOR FUEL ST TION, is hereby amended to add to the definition as folldWS: For the purposes of this defi 'tion, the tenn automobiles shall mean any motor vehicle not exceeding twenty-six thousand (2 ,000) pounds gross weight. S~CTIQN 3: This Ordinance shall take effect units passage and publication according to law. Passed by the City Council of St. Michael on Decen ber II, 2001. CITY OF ST. rCHAEL .) .' By'. '. / . 1 .. ., / .' "1.--' _ //' /. -Wayne essler,lts Mayor ATTEST; By: " ....,... - .. ,.. ~ , . '/ ~-. _, . i I' ._- L '-.(,{..'-<.....~.......I.:.<( Carol Beall, City Clerk - ~...C..-_. t..kfjSW 0/'" J./-O z.. {Ro-07'03IMONIIO:49 . CITY OF ROCKFORD TEL:6124774393 P. 001 SMITTAL .1 City ot A ckfard 6031 Main treet Rockford, 55373 763-477-6565 F : 763-477-4393 E-Mail: m h ci frockford.org TO: Dawn Fax # 763.29 4404 Mary HUettl' TOTAL # 0 PAGES: 4 (Incl. Cover) FROM: DATE: April 7. 2003 . REGARDING: Park Dedication Fees For your Infonnation For your Approval Other x Per your Request FOT Review & Response COMMENTS: Have a good day!!! Mary . APR. -07' 03(MON) 10:50 CITY OF ROCKFORD TEL:6124774393 P. 003 '. .............. and in many ways improves the he 1 th, safety I welfare and morale ot the citizens of the City of Roc ford. In order to facilitate such improvements, the City of Rockfo d finds that parl< land, playground areas, green and open spaces are necessary in all new developments, lot divisions, subdivisions of and within the city. In order to provide uniform benefit to all r sidentlS of said areas, the City of Rockford requires subdivider and evelopers of land to dedicate land to the city or at the city'3 opti n, to make a cash donation for the city to acquire land and park equipment and for other related purposes. The city requires that a reasonable portion of any proposed subdivision be dedicated to the p blic or preserved for public use as street, roads, sewers, electric, 9 water facilities, storm water drainage and holding areas or and similar utilities and improvements. land, or any combination thereof) il upon recommendation of the Park upon need and conformance with the The form of contribution (cash 0 ::lhall be decided by the city and Recreation Commission and city's Comprehensive Plan. The amount of land/cash shall be d termined as follows: . TYPE OF USE! SUBDIVISION (Land ded'cation ; 10% of gross land area) Cash Cedicaeion: "-' Single family: Townhouse: Apartment: ~800.00 !;i800.00 per unit $800.00 per unit ($50.00 per bedroom above the first bed.room) TYPE OF USE: NEW CONSTRUCTION/PREV OUSLY PLATTED Cash Dedication: (Amended by Ordinance 02-09, $800.00 $800.00 per unit $800.00 per unit $800.00 pax unit ($50.00 per bedroom above the first bedroom) assed May 28, 2002.) Single family: Two family: Townhouse: Apartment! Subd. 4. Re ired Developers shall be responsible for making certain im rovements to their developments for park, playqround, and public open pace purposes: . (1 ) Developers all park, development must provide fi ished grading and ground cover tor playgxound, and public open ~paces wichin their contract or si e plan approval responsibilities. '-..,- APR, -07' 03(MON) 10:51 CITY OF ROCKFORD TEL:6124774393 p, 004 . fo~ fg~k, playg~o nd, public open spac~ (ur cash concributions in 1 eu of such dedication) be ,reduced by an amount not to exceed 20%. \~ (4 ) The c1ey may perm't easements to be dedicated for trail corridors wh' ch are identified in the city's Trail Corridor Plan thereby allowing the developer to include the land ar a in the determination ot setbacks and building dens ty on the site; however, park dedication credit ::; all not be given in such cases to the easement. (5) Exceptions to these provisions shall be reviewed and recommended by the Recreation Commission. . Subd. 3. Residential De ication Re uirements. A person who desires to 5ubdiv~de property for p rposes of urban development shall, as a preraquisite to approval of 10 division or final plat, dedicate to the public for use as a par, playground, or open space, a percentage of the land being pla ted or aeveloped as hereinafter specified. In the alternative, the subaivider shall at the option of the city, pay to the city a sum of money based upon the fair market value of the undeveloped land in lieu of dedicating p,raperty, which 'the city shall use in the acquisit on, development or maintenance of public parks, playgrounds or debt etirement in connection with the public Space. Any such cash payme t received shall be placed in a separate fund maintained by the cit and used only for those pUrposes. In establishing the percen~aqe of ana to be dedicated, or 'the cash value to be donated, the city council shall take into account the open space, park, recrea'Cional or corom n areas or facilities which the subdivider proposes to reserve to the subdivision. These parks, playground and open space areas sha 1 be independent of and distinct from the areas dedicated to the p blic for U!e as streets or for utility easements, sewers, water acilities, storm water drainage, holding ponds, run-off improvements, trails or other similar utilities or improvements. -'--' 'I'he city may choose to accept an e uivalent amount in cash from the applicant for part or all of the portion required to be dedicated to such public uses or purposes based on the fair market value of the land no later than at the time of inal approval. Any cash payments received shall be placed in a speci 1 fund by the city and used only for the purposes for which the money was obtained. In establishing the reasonable portion to be ded.icated, the regulations may consider the open space park, recreational or co on areas and facilities which the applicant proposes to reserve for th subdivision. The city reasonably determines that it will seek to acq ire that por~ion of land for the purposes stated as a result of appro al of the subdivision. The City of Rockford find~ that pa ks, playgrounds, green areas and open spaces improve the value of property in the city, provides 4It amenities and outlets for citi2ens preserves natural environment, ....- -432 APR, -07' 03(MON) 10:50 CITY OF ROCKFORD TEL:6124774393 p, 002 . 1008 . Par DedL:a clan 1008.01 \.- --,' SUbdivision 1.. Intent. The c1 ty council recognizes that the health, sa.fety a.nd welfare of all people depends greatly on the quality and character of thei~ environment. Thus, preserving and enhancing the quality and importa ce in the pla.nning and development of the city, Dedicating a portion of land to t e city for parks, playgrounds, and pUblic open spaces at ths tim of residential, commercial and industrial development is an esse tial means to provicie and. maintain ehe hi9"h quali 'Cy environment toda 's ci ti zens demand and to en5ure that it will continue to exist for uture residents. . Furthermore, the city council ecognizes that new residential, commercial and industrial developme ts contribute to increased de~and$ for parks, playgrounds and pUblic open spaces by new residents, workers and visitors and that the e demanda are directly related to the density and intensity of deve opment which is permitted in any district. Therefore, it is the pol'cy of the city that the following standards and guidelines for th ded.ication of land for parks, playgrounds, and public open spaces, or cash contributions in lieu of such dedication, shall be direc ly related to the d.ensity and intensity of each subdivision and ev&lopment which occurs within the city. "-'" $ubd. 2. Public Purposes. Dedication ot Land for (1) Land proposed to shall meet identif Comprehensive ~ark dedicated for pUblic purposes needs contained in the city IS Trail Corridor Plans. (2) To be eligible fa park dedication credit, no less than 1000 of the land dedicated shall be located outside Of drainwa s, flood plains or ponding areas after the site ha been developed unless specific purposes for land propo~ed to be dedicated tor pUblic purposes shall be i entified in the city Comprehensive plan for ParKs and Trails Corridor Plan. (Amended by Ordinance 88-8, pas ed June 28, 1988.) (3 ) In those cases wh re subdividers and. developers of land provide significant amenities, such a.s, but not limited to, swimmi 9 pools, tennis courtS, handball courts, ball fields etc., within the development for the benefit of tho! residing or working therein, and where, in the jUdqm nt of the city adrniniserator, such amenities si9nif~ca tly reduce the demands for public ~ecreational facili ies, he may recommend to the city council that the required amount of land to be dedicated. ,,'. '-" -43 - Dawn Grossin er To: .Ubject: Adam Hawkinson RE: Draft Parks Agenda -----Original Message----- From: Adam Hawkinson Sent: Monday, April 07, 20034:17 PM To: Dawn Grossinger Subject: RE: Draft Parks Agenda I din't know if I should add Groveland park or not I have a ock up of what I think the park sign should look like. I also have a recent bid for the playground structure and we need to decide on a plan for the citizens so we can invite them to the meeting There may be enough there for an agenda i em. What do ya think??? ( Other than I shouldn't become a writer.) -----Original Message----- From: Dawn Grossinger Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 10:22 AM To: Adam Hawkinson; John Simola; Jeff O'Neill Subject: Draft Parks Agenda Attached is a draft of the parks agenda for the April 17t meeting. Because there is also a council and DA T agenda going out this Friday, please get your additions nd revisions to me as soon as possible. Thanks Dawn << File: DraftAgenda.wpd >> . . 3: o z~ ~1J (\'\< ..~ ~ ~o - ~~ g~ ~ =- PJ!~ cnZ . ..)It ... -(I). ~)It "z . . . . , , , , , , -- " , - " \\...." 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