Parks Commission Agenda Packet 06-26-2003 . AGE DA PARKS CO MISSION SPF:CIAt. EETING .June 26, 20 3 - 4:30 p.m. West Pra. rie Room "To enhllllce conUlUllli(I' p 'de thmllgh developinK IIlld IIlllintllinillg ci(I' pllrli.S with II high stllndllrd (!lqlllllity" 1. Call to Order 2.A. Approve Minutes of May 15, 2003 reg Iar meeting. B. Approve Minutes of June 12,2003 spe ial meeting. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. . Consideration of adding items to the 11 enda. Citizens comments and requests. Wild Mcadow - Review of park and tr iI plan. (If revised plan is available) Park Maintenance Items Consideration of setting criteria for h ilding berm on park property. LJpd11tes, (if any): A. Ii;ast Bridge Park - Trail Issues B. Pioneer Park Shelter C. Update on Comprehensive Pia D. Ballfield Use for Youth Footha I 9. Ad,journ . . . NOTRS TO PARK CO MISSION AGRNDA .June 2 ,2003 Agenda Item # 5. Wild Meadow - The developer is working 01 the revised plan and at last indication from them, the intent was to have the revised plan for the.lm e 26th meeting. ^ copy of the Parks Commission minutes were sent to the developer so they ar. aware of what the Parks Commission discussed. 7. Request for building a berm on City prope ty - This was brought up at the special meeting and the Parks Commission members were going to vi w the site prior to making a determination on whether to allow construction of a berm. So Updates: A. East Bridge Park Trail - Staff was tr ing to contact the adjacent property owner (Tom Link) to address his concerns about the prop )sed trail layout. Also Larry Nolan was going to schedule a meeting with the Mayor to eview the improvements fix East Bridge Park. B. Pioneer Park - The Lions Club has sc eduled a dedication of the new shelter at Pioneer Park. The dedication is scheduled for ./uly 1 .2003 starting at 5 p.m. There will be refreshnlents and entertainment. The Lions Club would ppreciate any financial contribution the City may be willing to make and they are also requ - sting the presence of the CounciL Commission members and staff at this dedication. C. Comprehensive Plan - At last discuss'on there was to be a meeting between stall and the consulting planner about the update to he Park and Pathway Comprehensive Plan. Is there any progress to report on this? D. Ballfield Use for Youth Football - Wile it was the feeling of the Parks Commission that the ball fields should not be used for youth aotball, the Parks Commission was going to develop a list of alternatives sites for youth tootb -11. Has anything further been done on this? NOTE: Since the Parks Commission has changed th ir meeting date to thefourth Thursday l?fthe month, you should be aware that the meetings will h ve to he concluded by 6p.m. as there are other groups scheduledfor the meeting rooms. . . . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, May 1 ,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pri Ie throu:;:h developing and maintaining city parks with high standard of quality." Mem bers Present: Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, ~arry Nolan and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Council Liaison, Robbie Smit 1. Statr Prescnt: Parks Superintendent. Adam awkinson 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of A ril17 2003 re ular meetin . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE INUrES OF THE APRIL 17,2003 REGULAR MEETING. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECa DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANTMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end . Chair Larry Nolan informed the Parks Commi sion that the committee had met with thc two candidates who were interested in filling the v cancy on the Parks Commission left by the resignation of Earl Smith. The committee felt both were xcellent candidates and were recommending Ben Hitter to the Council for appointment to the Parks Co nmission vacancy. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT BEN HITTER BE APPOINTED TO FILL THE VACANCY N THE PARKS COMMISSION LEFT BY THE RESIGNA TION OF EARL SMITH. FRAN F IR SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Parks Commission discussed Walk and Ro I which is scheduled for May 31. 2003. Because the other members of the Parks Commission will n t bc available. Larry Nolan willman the Parks Commission booth. There will not be a free th ow contest as in previolls years. Instead there will be some handouts on the parks system and website as well as somc giveaways. 4. Citizens Requests. None. 1 . . 5. Wild Mcadow - Review of ark and trail a out. Parks Commission Minutes - 5/15/03 Review of the Wild Meadow park and trail I yout was removed at the request of the developer. The developer is planning to bring the matter to t e Parks Commission at their June meeting. 6. Review of Groveland Park Plan. Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson, sub litted a plan for the proposed development of the Groveland Park. The park is approximately acres in size and it is proposed that there will be field areas set up for pick up games of soccer, foo ball or baseball. In addition there will be a playstructure, three shelters, a hard court bas etball, parking lot and plantings. Adam Hawkinson also submitted sketches of a climbing maze hich he felt could be used in the Rolling Woods and Groveland parks. The estimated cost of the c imbing maze is $4,300. The Parks Commission questioned the liability for the City if that eq ipment was installed. Adam Hawkinson stated the structure was only 8' in height and required a 25'x23' protective area around it so he did not feel there was any greater liability risk to the City than here would be with any other type of equipment. The Parks Commission discussed the time fr me for the park development. Adam Hawkinson stated that the grading, seeding and play area would be done this year and the rest of the improvements would be done in phases. The parking area hown contains approximately sixty spaces and it was felt these would be used not only by residents in the development but also by cmployees of the nearby busincsses who would come to thc park durin their lunch hour. Rick Traver askcd about the pathway and Ad, m Hawkinson showed where the trail connections werc. Nancy McCaffrey asked about the area under the power line. Adam Hawkinson stated that there would be plantings in that area. There i . $60,000 in thc 2003 budget for the Groveland park. The estimated cost of the play structure is $47000 which includes installation. Adam Hawkinson showed a drawing of the play structure which ncludes, 6 swings and a number of slides. The play structure is grcen and brown. The Parks Depa tment also showed a preliminary design for a park sign which would complement the play struct reo The Parks Commission discussed the format for the neighborhood meeting with the residents o. "the Groveland development. 7. U date on amendment to Com rehensive P rk Plan. Adam Hawkinson stated that Steve Grittman fi om Northwest Associated Consultants will have the amendment to Comprehensive Park Plan cove ing park and trail considerations in those areas that will be annexed into the City at some future point. Other Hems: . -. Adam Hawkinson stated that Jeff O'Neill felt that the arks Commission should move their meetings back a week so that there is a better time frame fix developer' to get the information ready for submittal to the Parks 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 5/15/03 Commission for their review. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO CHANGE T E REGULAR MEETING DATE OF THE PARKS COMMISSION FROM THE THIRD TIIURSDA Y F THE MONTH TO THE FOURTH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH STARTING WITH THE JUNE FETING. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Parks Commission then addressed three items th t were on a memo submitted by Jeff O'Neill. Item #1 related to discussions with a property owner for possible acquisition ofland for a ballfield complex. Rick Traver, Adam Hawkinson and either Larry Nolan or en fTitter would f()fm the committee to work on this. ftem #2 in the memo was the IDC's reaction to colle ting park dedication fees on commercial and industrial properties which they were not wholly supportive of. Larry Nolan felt the Parks Commission should reaffirm the Parks Commission strong support of the park de ieation fee increase and for applying the park dedication fee to commercial and industrial land. He noted tha the Parks Commission recommendation on the park dedication fee increase was not out of line but was c nsistent with what was done in other communities. Fran Fair reported that someone had removed some ydrangeas from East Bridge Park. Adam Hawkinson will report it to the Sheriffs Department. Fran Fair asked when work would start on the East Bridge Park. Adam Hawkinson indicated that the park staff is fini hing up their work at Pioneer Park and then their efforts would be concentrated on the Groveland and East Br dge parks. The Parks Commission also discussed when the entrance signs would be installed. Adam Hawkinson reported that the Public Works Director felt the entrance sign by River Street should be the first 0 e installed because it is more visible. Larry Nolan stated that with County Road 75 under construction, lot of the traffic is diverted to River Street so they should be careful about not impeding traHic on Rive Street when doing the sign installation.. Adam Hawkinson stated they need to determine the locatio of the right of way in that area before they could start installation of the sign. Nancy McCaffrey asked ift e sidewalk that leads pass the back door ofa business at the River Street intersection would have to be altere. Adam Hawkinson stated that if the sidewalk alignment needed to be altered he was not sure how t at would be funded. Larry Nolan asked about setting up a park tour. He f lt the tour should be done as a special meeting. After checking their schedules, the Parks Commission set. tentative date of June 19, 2003 at 1 :00 for the park tour. Groveland Park Neighborhood Mcetine: At 6:00 p.m. the Parks Commission conducted an in ormational meeting f()r the residents of the Groveland development concerning the park in their area. The ark Commission members introduced themselves and then Adam Hawkinson gave a presentation on the de elopment plan for the Groveland park. Adam Hawkinson covered what was being proposed for ins allation in the park, the cost of the improvements and the time frame for getting the work done. He noted that although ballfields were being proposed they would more likely be used for pick up games rather than or anized play. The meeting was then opened to comments 3 . and questions from the residents. Parks Commission Minutes - 5/15103 Michelle Brant asked what it meant on the sketch by "sand area and future access to be provided by owner?" Adam Hawkinson stated that a different firm will be roviding the diggers for the play structure so the City will be doing the installation of that portion which include the sand. Julie Spears asked about the phases. Adam Hawkinsul replied that it is the plan to have it done in two phascs. [fthe City receives the grant they applied for 90% of the work could be funded and done this year. Without the grant it may take 2-3 years. The $60,000 in this years budget would cover the grading, seeding, play structure and shelters. Michelle Brant asked about bathroom maintenance. dam Hawkinson stated the bathrooms would be cleaned on Monday and Friday. She also asked if the estrooms would be connected to sanitary sewer and Adam Hawkinson indicated they would. Rick Traver sked about locking the bathrooms. Adam J [awkinson explained the keyless system that they are currently using at thc other parks. Felicia Doyle asked if there would be a handicapped sing. Adam 1 lawkinson stated that there was area allotted flJr six swings but it had not been determined I ow many would be tot swings or handicapped swings. She also asked if there would be grills in the park. Ad m Hawkinson indicated that would be a possibility down the road. Felicia Doyle asked ifthere would be basketball hoop. A full size hard court is proposed for the park. . Greg Mains asked about the fields that were proposed. It was explained that the City is short oftields to meet the demand and the City has tried to find land are- so that additional fields can be added. It was felt that these fields would be used primarily for pick up ga Julic Spears asked that news about the park be put on th City's website. The Parks Commission indicated that keeping the website updated is an ongoing projcct. Adam Hawkinson also encouraged residents to call or e-mail him with their concerns. Natasha Liesh asked when they would be starting. Wh n the Parks Department finished their work at Rolling Woods park, then work would commence on Gr veland and it was added that bad weather could impact the time frame for the park project. Felicia Doyle asked if the SherifT" s Department would b patrolling the park. Adam Hawkinson stated that the Sheriff s Department does patrol the area but he didn't know if having a park there would increase the number of patrols. He added that community involvem nt is very important in helping curb vandalism. Ben Hitter asked about lighting. Adam Hawkinson state that there would be lights around the shelters and in . the parking lot. Greg Mains asked if there were going to be additional pI ntings. Adam Hawkinson indicated that in addition 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 5/15/03 to the trees that were recently planted their plan is t add some other plantings as well. Adam Hawkinson explained the adopt-a-park program and encouraged residents to consider that option. Donna Jannett asked if they would consider a skatin r rink for the park. It was noted that the hard court at West Bridge park was flooded and used for a skatin rink and that it could possibly he done at the Groveland park as well. Chair Larry Nolan thanked the residents for attendil g and for their comments. 8. Adjourn. RICK TRA VCR MOVED TO ADJOURN T 7 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary . . . MINlJTES SPECIAL MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, .June 12,2003 - 3:30 p.m. "To enhance community p ide through developing and maintaining city parks witl a high standard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nane McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Robbie Smith. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Public Works Director, Joh Simola; Park Superintendent, Adam Hawkinson 1. Call to Order: Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to or er at 3:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Review of Wild Meadow Development: John Simola indicated that the developer c ntacted him this morning stating they wished to withdraw their request to have the Parks Commissiol review their development at this meeting. 'rhey stated they don't have the final configuration oftl e ponding for County review nor do they have permission from the gas company to fill the easement rea. John Simola reviewed the latest drawing with the Parks Commission. There are two areas eseribed as proposed park; one is 4.63 acres, which includes the gas line easement and the othe park is 1.94 acres. The developer indicated he wanted credit for the park land under the utility eas ment. The gas company will be reviewing the revised plan to determine whether they would allo the developer to fill in the gas line easement area. John Simola noted the developer is picking up t e storm water in a series of basins in the park area along 95th Street. John Simola and Adam Hawkinson would like to see the basins moved further way from the park if possible. The basins waul be I' deep and 50'-75' in diameter. Staff noted that the basins would making mowing difficult. The drainage plan will be going back to the County for their approval. There is some question wh ther the ponding proposed is adequate. Parking area for the park would likely have to access onto a internal street rather than on 95th Street and there will need to be screening between the park and he Tyler East development. John Simola stated that the Bauer property was given credit for park dedication and storm sewer trunk fees because they had provided land for the storm sewer outlet th t drained the Mcadow Oaks area. Larry Nolan asked about the trail system and who would be m intaining it. The Park Board reiterated that it wants 5 ac es of good usable park land and added that they would consider park credit for any land in excess fthe 5 usable acres. The Parks Commission was not enthused about the proposed 1.49 park trae and would prefer to see that area owned by the developer. John Simola stated that the gas company does not own the land but only has an . . . Special Parks Commission Minutes - 6/12/03 easement over it so the gas company may e amenable to the developer's proposal to fill in the casement area. Nancy McCaffrey felt ther were still too many unanswered questions about what is being proposed. Larry Nolan asked ifth re were any comments the Parks Commission felt should be relayed to the developer. The P rks Commission noted the following: I . The drainage basins should be moY d further from the park area. 2. Park land must be at least 5 acres 0 good usable land not including gas line area. 3. The peninsula of park land (1.49 a'res) should be retained by the development association. John Simola stated that the amount of par land credit is something that the Parks Commission should consider. Larry Nolan asked about the width of the pathway and whether the pathway would be public or private. John Simola i dicated the width would be g'-10'. Rick Traver asked about the elevation ofthe area. John Simo a replied that with filling, it would be 93g~940. 2. East Brid1!e Park Trail: John Simola has been trying to contact To Link about Mr. Link's concern with the proposed trail in East Bridge Park. Mr. Link felt the pro osed trail would be too close to his driveway. John Simola felt, after inspecting the site, that tl ere is enough room to provide some screening between the pathway and the driveway. Fran Fair tated that the MCP (Monticello Community Partners) had some concerns about the proposed im rovements to East Bridge Park but did donate $2,500 for tree and shrub replacement. Fran Fair felt there was no consensus in the community that this project should be done. Rick Traver indic ted that he was approached by an individual who also had concerns about the project. The Par s Commission discussed the concerns and stated there needs to be a better explanation of the project to the public. John Simola suggested getting a cost estimate to replace the existing steps as th t way there is a comparison between the cost of putting in the trail or replacing the steps. Parks Cm mission noted that even if they did not get the grant they applied f()r the condition of the steps is su h that the steps needed to be removed. There is $25,000 in the 2003 budget for this project. The p imary reason for removing the steps is safety. Other: John Simola presented a request from a property wn to allow building of a berm along the City's bike path. The berm would be on park land that lies under tl e power line easement. John Simola submitted a sketch of the lot in question and its proximity to the trail. John Simola suggested the Parks Commission look at the site and then make a determination on what th y would allow. Because this would be in the area of the power line casement, approval would also be nee ed from the power company. Robbie Smith informed the Parks Commission that vehicles sometimes u. e the bike path and asked that the Park stafflook into doing something to correct that. John Simola lei for another meeting at this time. On Monday, June 16, 2003 the Parks Commissiol will conduct a tour of the parks, looking specifically at Pioneer Park, the driving range as a possible hall! eld site and the trail on Eastwood Circle. There was some 2 . . . Special Parks Commission Minutes - 6/12/03 discLlssion on the driving range as a ballfield site. It is a 26 acre parcel with about 20 acres of usable land. Although the Parks Commission is looking f(x a 0 acre site, this parcel plus the park land from the Gold Nugget property would give theln close to 30 acre '. Adam llawkinson noted that if the driving range site was acquired. they would have to do grading to th site. replace the turf and also replace the irrigation system. The Parks Commission diseLlssed preparing a list l' the pros and cons for the trail development in East Bridge Park as they felt there were some misconc"'ptions about what is being proposed and why it is being proposed. Some items to consider in the list inc ude: 1) Bridge Park is an entrance park to the community; 2) The trail will provide a connection between East and West Bridge Park; 3) The improvement would allow fl.)r more arboretum space; 4) The ste s need to be replaced regardless; 5) The trail would allow 1'(.)r easier access, even though it would not I eet ADA requirements and 6) The improvements would make the park better aesthetically. Adam Hawkinson will get costs for replacing the steps and a copy or the grant application to Larry Nolan. Larry Nolan will meet with Mayor Thielen regarding the improvements. Adam I lawkinson submitted a map of the Wright :ounty trails which was briefly discussed. 3. Adiourn: rRAN rAIR MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:00 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OLJSL Y. Recording Secretary ., ,J L' 166 -----" I 066 ,'Z66 <; 066 6116 ._.__ '..as.. --- I, l66 CQ=~ O',c;p \ "'\ \ \ ~,~" \ O. '''' \ \ (l \ -h~~6 0; 1\ ~ I~\ r~ _ o'p~,G T_L; "0 cr, I' Ob6 )/1 ['v66 ,:Y$iJ S Nt'V 'u//,).)I/UOt'V 6/ , xoa 'Od J,OMpDOJf-7 -M it t': .:JN/~--iC/o)"311C/ns ONv1 C/O 7)" ."J. I _I -11 -TfOlI1[ pOD~T .J["'U LH.--&-S'~OT \ .ft> I - I -. I I I ~ I I - -"t 1 U> .J.." ti~-;J;;,---"--- -~, ~ ~ ,+( '-" 31>117 M)ISSITPf"'I '-- ~ rl. -- ~-- -- --- J "'""~ . ~. -, "X" ~ i\ "" ~ ~) \ II lI-l00l~ i ""I ~ \ ~i " ~ I 0, ':~I _ n_ _ -r!.1 ~~ \ ~~ \ ~ 1071 '- -, --'....... 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Pioneer building: hillside graded, Ions finished exterior, working on parking lot and raising a manhole, umping out the pond area, and extracting materials from the site. . Watering of plants and trees . General park maintenance . General equipment maintenance . Routine cleaning of restroom facil' ies . Old library gone. Letters ready for the new building as soon as they match the paint correctly . Ballfield maintenance . . Chipping orders . Mulching trees and planting beds . Paved Rolling Woods! Hurray!!!! !! . Seedlings planted at Hillside and iverside Cemeteries and Rolling Woods . Grading at Groveland , Smoothed out and ready for final grade with black soil . Tree inspections for residents . New fence at Xcel ballfields, Fie1 one . Spraying for noxious weeds . Chamber of Commerce concrete alk way installed . Planted 6th and Walnut planters . Landscaped north side of liquor sore . Font street graded and seeded . Park tour . City sign installation in process . . . . JUN 25 '03 08:55AM CITY OF MONTICELLO P.2/2 MI/ln. Stat. ~ 519.05 A.G. Op. 901l-1 (Dec. 9, 1971/) Minn. Stat. ~ 363-03, gubll. 1(2) Also see Part IV - C- F(1...uly c/mneclll)H$ Minn. Sl)t- a 15.054 MUlII. Stat. ~ 15.054 1.6 Under existing law, spouses are iable for each other's support for necessities. If a spousc who COD acts with the city uses the earnings from the contract individually and not to upport the family, the contract probably would not be invalid simply bec use the spouse is a councihnember. However, if the facts tend to sh othelWise, the legality ofthe contract will be doubtful. Tbl.'l attorney gener 1 has advised local governing bodies to avoid the suspicion and critieis that may result from such contracts. Although a prohibited interest' contracts does not necessarily arise when the spouse of a city employee is elected councilmember, the opinion carefully avoids any statem.ent bout furore action of the council on the existing employment relations p. It should bl;: noted that the Mi esota Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination in employment ased upon marital status. As such, cities should exercise caution when aking inquiries into the marital status of employees or applicants for po itions with the city. 4. Sale of govern ent-owned property a. In general Officers and em~loyees of the state 0"1" its subdivisions are prohibited from selling government-owned pr perty to another officer or employee of the state or its subdivisions. This awappe3.ts to probibit the sale of any city- owned property to <U:l)' officer or employee. b. Exceptions There are exceptions to this p ohibition. pcrsonal property owned by the state or its subdivisions and no 10 er needed for public purposes can be sold to an employee (but not to aJ;l oftio r) under certain conditions. These conditions arC: . there has been reasonab e pllblic notice and the property is sold at a public auction or scaled id. . The employee is the hig est responsible bidder; . The employee who buy the property must not be directly involved in the auction or scaled respo e process. The law docs not apply to e sale of items acquired or produced for sale to the general public in the or inary course: of businesS. .There is no exception that allows the sale of city- wued real estate to a city officer or employee. _~ The law allowS an employ or officer of a state or subdivision to sell public property if the sale is in the normal course of the employee's duties. Lel1~ue otMinnesotll. Cities , _ ~_ &. _.. u. n.~__"__' \I, I In ~ CI) .t3 I- I- l<t ffi s: 2 let: ...J o 0:::.:J ...J b!:! wit( :2: r-.... S o...Z W co o :::!IZ :::s::: ~ :j ~io:: ::2 ,..!.. ~ :Ji ~ ~ ~ en !z1~'O~ ...J w, 0 CI) Q') ...J 21 Z et: ill S ~ 2 ~ Z <.9 :1i a I- ~ Z U!..I 0:: 0 CL ~ ~ ~ ~ et: ]J w Z <.9 tJ... z 8 a n: <( z l- t-. m._. a I i II i II I ::ie~ . JIll ~ r'-'-'-'-'- I I I I I I I I I I ~ Ul <( W ~ ./ ~ <>& C;y V\Y. ;,.t. ~ % '<". f'.. t N ~ 1.fI~ :.;. ~ % tt> <YO' CD N <> 0; ." '" I\I()/s ~ S ~ LD N n..... i3~ b~ n I eliil ~ ~ I! Ii :II ex \Y <YO' ~ ~i:! It'~ ....2i ~~ :5~ "" "- I. C o W I- <{ II ,7 tna- ex .:; is 15 '~i~i ~8 "'" o,?i"':;- "" . . -s~- ) \ - \ ,. \ <YO' N ~ '" II > ;;:; ~ \ } b:' II!:~ / \ " :jt; I ~ "" '\ '-- \ \ \ \" \ \ \ ~ ~'\ \ . ~ ~ \ \ g~ 4"'- "'"'\ \ \ ~~. l:l ~ e- \ \ \'. ~ ~ '\ ,,\ \."-l~.... o \ \ \ \ ~ 1 \ \ \ ~ 1\ ~I 1 \,. t!,~ ~'_ ~ . ... . ~~ !lliif\-I \ IhWW~ ,... ~ II > ~~ ~ ~~ ('.1;;:; <> ~ ~ l <YJ d /+. LJ '"1s> . <: ~=rj II ~ l1)- OJ ~ (f') ~r.nr.nr.nr.n~ <(wwwwu 00:::0:::0:::0:::<( uuuu <(<(<(<(<(1'-. W N O:::NOtDCJ) . <(O:"!~~tD N~ON :::.::: --.l 0::: <( ;i:~Nt")~1-- o I-- I--'~____-- _____-...,___ I I I I I I I I I ~ "'i.- t: % r----.. "1- I ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ - - - I I I I I I I- I I I ill N i i I I I i !1;D;S I S* ~ ~ ~~,! I ~ " J \" cA \~ 'lL -- ( " ~_. C' - \ ~ C,,') za Zz -0 ;5 a.. , r. . . . ,. OR ...no._ ,.___ _" .~' ,. ,. - .__ ~_ ~_~..~ - '''--,,~ -_.~-_.- ,"'-" ._.n." ___ .,,_~,___.,..'. ...r ___~_' _... .~.___.n.. ". , PRIVATE EVELOPMENT By a d Among I-lOUSING AND REnE ELOP.MENT AUTHORITY IN ND FOR THE CITY F MONTICELLO Dateo as of: THF: CITY OF 1'10 TICELLO, MINNESOTA 'd..:L,2002 ; ~~'~_..=-..... ,.""-...=&:,~~=--:;:;;:__=::.:;:':;::;,::,.=:=.-:-~~=.;;:;:;~~~~=""..-~~~7~"~'~::"7...,." .~.'-,. ":..., This docul1lent \\as dralkd lw: KCNNEDY & CiRA V[N. Chartered -no Pillsbur\ Center 200 Sowh Sixth Street i\'linl1capolis. [\.Jinncsola 55-+02 TclcpllUl1c: (612) .137-9300 1)1{ ;"~fl7S'''\ r, \ I" I ""-'I"i A1l1tlSlf uletwlfiOlurog iP~rel3ls:<e na~L!lfri to: Colonial Title Company I llC 1600 IPsli'klawn AVeJL'lIPJ8 #26e Edina, ~~N 55435 81166~:i MA~ 0 '7 L002 . . . y' i may by tbe giving of Wlitten notice to the oth r, tenninate this Agreement, upon the receipt of which this Agreement shall be null and void an neither party shall have any liability hereunder. The Authority shall have no obligation to tak any action to clear defects in the title to the Development Propeliy, other than the good faith ffOlis described above. Section 3.5. Soil Conditions. The Autho'ity shall, prior to closing, grade the Development Propeliy at the sole cost of the Authority accordi! g to the grading plan attached here to as Exhibit F (the "Grading Plan"). The AuthOlity shall provid the Developer with a soils engineer's repOli that verifies the condition of the soil shall pennit th Developer to construct all ten TOWlIDouses and install driveways, alleys, and sidewalks without y cost to the Developer to correct soil conditions on the Development Property. The Authority heeby represents and warrants to the Developer that the Authority has not caused or pennitted, an does not have any knowledge of any storage, disposal, or dumping of hazardous substances on the Development Property in violation of federal or State law and the Authority further agrees to i denmify the Developer, its successors or assigns, including all persons hereafter acquiring an 0 ership interest in any part of the Development Propetiy, from and against any and all liability, I ss, costs, damage, and expense resulting from or due to the release or threatened release of hazar ous substances, hazardous wastes, pollutants, or contaminants which were or are alleged to have b en deposited, stored, disposed of or placed on the Development Propeliy by any person prior to th conveyance of the Development Property to the Developer. Tllis indemnification shall be bindin upon heirs, personal representatives, successors Jnd assigns of the Authority. Section 3.6. Pa ment of Administrative osts.' The Developer agrees that it will pay upon demand by the Authority, Administrative Costs (as hereafter defined). For the purposes of tIus Agreement, the term "Administrative Costs" me s out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Authority and attributable to or incurred in connection with he negotiation and preparation oftrus Agreement and other documents and agreements in connecti n with the development contemplated hereunder. Out-of-pocket Administrative Costs shall be evid nced by invoices, statements, or other reasonable written evidence of the costs incurred by the A thority. As of the date of this Agreement, the Developer has deposited $5,000 witIl the Authorit to be applied toward Administrative Costs. The amount by which this deposit exceeds the Auth rity's actual Admilustrative Costs, if any, shall, upon demand by the Developer, be returned to th Developer, but no earlier than the date on which tbe Developer receives a Certificate ofCompletio pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. Section 3.7. Constmction of 1m rovem nts. (a) In order to make development of the Minimum Improvements economically feasible, he City and the Authority will complete, at the Authority's sole cost and expense, the following improvements: (i) a project to upgrade, replace, and otherwise improve the street, sewer, and wate infrastructure serving the Development Property; Oi) demolition of an existing house and any other existing structures on the Carlson Property, such demolition to occur no later than August 31,2002 and seeding and sodding of the Carlson Property by no later than September 30, 2002, subject i both cases to receipt by the Authority of all necessary approvals from the State Department f Natural Resources and any other agency with properjurisdiction; (iii) construction of 10 new w ter and sewer stubs designed to serve the Parcels; and (iv) construction of one pad on each of le 10 Parcels, such pads designed to petmit constru<:tion of a Townhouse thereon and COl1stn tion of such pads to be completed no later than July 25, 2002. . i).lG .]OW)51'6 MN 190.97 9 '{C')..,;r ,\"-; '1''' t.....,.! }, ,,\ t. 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