Parks Commission Agenda Packet 09-25-2003 . . . AGEND PARKS COM ISSION SPECIAL ME~'TING September 25, 200~ - 4:30 p.m. West Prairie Room "To I'n/wnel' eOlllnumi/y pride / rough developing IInd mtlin/llining d(I' parks wi/II II /I( /I.~/IIIU/II/"1/ ofqulI/i(v" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of August 21, 2003 regu ar Parks Commission meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the age da. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Consideration of locating lift station on P rl{ property and accepting parking lot amenities in exchange for allowing the liti station on park land. (Tabled from 8/21/03 meeting) 6. Groveland Play Equipment 7. Park Maintenance 8. Updates; if any A. Hunter's Crossing Development B. Possible land acquisition for ball eld complex C. Removal of berm from park pro erty 9. Adjourn ** NOTE: There was a special meeting of the P irks COlnmission held on August 11,2003 at East Bridge Park. No minutes from this meeting ave been submitted or approved. Since it was a noticed meeting, there should be minutes as par of the City's permanent records. . . . MINUES RF:GULAR MEETING - ARKS COMMISSION Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community prid through developing and maintaining city "arks with a igh standard of quality." Members Present: Ben II itter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Fran Fair Staff Present: None I. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4: 0 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of the Jul 24 re ular p. rks Commission meetin " Nancy McCaffrey noted some typing errors f I' correction. Robbie Smith asked if the Parks Commission had given M1'. Posusta a time fr me in which to remove the berm constructed on park property. Larry Nolan stated the Parks =ommission had directed Public Works Director John Simola to send Mr. Posusta a letter spec Jying a date for the removal of the berm. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPR VE THE MINUTES OF JULY 24, 2003 WITII THE TYPINU CORRECTIONS. BEN HIT FR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a None. 4. Citizens Comments and ReQuests. Jay Roos representing Bison Developlnent cane before the Parks Commission to discuss the park location in the proposed Hunter's Crossi1g development. In their initial review of the plan. the Parks Commission selected a 5 acre site which abutted 85th Street and was located in the southwest corner of the easterly portion 0 the development. The Parks Commission was unaware of an existing home in the location 0 . the proposed parle M1'. Roos presented overlays depicting possible layouts f(n the pak that worked around the existing home. '('he Parks Commission indicated which overlays t 1ey felt could be considered and suggested that another possible location for the park could b the southeast corner of the easterly portion of the developlnent. This location would stiJl h lYe access to 851h Street. Mr. Roos indicated that the developer will work on these options ()I" park area. 'nle consenSLlS of the Parks Commission was that if the park abutted two 'treels. was 5 acres in size and was reasonably rectangular in shape. they would be satisfied. Jay ({oos asked about the tinle frame 1()r the . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 8/21/03 park development. Larry Nolan indicated tb, t usually witbin a year or two of tbe development going in, tbe park development takes place. Jay Roos verilied wiili the Parks Commission that of the 9.4 acres of park dedication due, ~ acres would be in land and 4.4 acres of cash dedication. 5. Considcration of locatin ~ lift station on amenitics in exchanJe for allowin ~ the lif This item was tabled until the September m ding. 6. Eas~ Bridl,::c Pathway. The Parks Commission reviewed infonnati n suhmitted by Park Superintendent, ^dam Hawkinson regarding cost estimates for re lacing the existing sleps at East Bridge Park witb new steps or installing a pathway in lieu of the existing steps. it was pointed out that because of the substantial footings needed 'or the steps, the cost to replace the steps was bi gber than putting in tbe palb way. Tne cost tn replace tbe steps ranged from $ II ,000 to $16,000, Tbe estimated cost l'or the East md West Bridge pathway and retaining walls is between $10,000 and $11,000. The Park' Commission felt tbat because of the installation cost and the greater accessibility the path ay afforded, they would prefer to see the pathway put in, Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffre preferred the second sketch of the pathway alignment because it was less disruptIVe iI the plantings area and it was further away from Ihe Tom Link property. In the revised drawiI g the terraces and theftnger pathways would remaln. The Parks Commission reviewed the quo es received fnr the work. Robbie Smith asked ifMr. Link had reviewed the revised pathway p an. The Parks Commission was not sure if Adam Hawkinson or John Simola had met with Mr. Link, They did feel that since the revised plan moved the pathway further away Itom hi. property, Mr. Link would be satislicd but they did want Mr. Link to have an opportunity to "eview the proposed alignment. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPRO V E PLA N B fOR THE P Af1JW A Y ALIGN MENT AND THE PAVING OF THE EAST A. D WEST BRIDGE PARK PROVIDED THAT MR. LINK IS COMFORTABLE WITH THE NEW PLAN. N^NCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THY MOTION. MOTIO CARRIED UN^NIMOUSLY. 7. Groveland Plav Euuipment. The Parks Commission reviewed a revi. edlayout of the Groveland park area. Ben Hitter asked iftbe area was going to be seedec yet this fall. The Parks Commission was satislied with thc park layout and did not recomIlcnd any changes. Larry Nolan suggested Ihatthere he some kind of neighborhood celebration 'vvhcn the Clroveland Park is completed. 2 . . . 8. Park Maintenance. Parks Commission Minutes - 8/21/03 Included with the agenda packet was the lis of work completed by the Parks Department. There was a discussion orthe work on the entrance signs and if the entrance sign proposed for the cast side of the city would be impacted y the proposed County Road 18/I-94 interchange. 9. Budget. The Parks Commission reviewed the preHn inary budget that had been submitted for the Parks Department and in particular reviewed the apital outlays proposed for the park. It was noted that there is a budget workshop scheduled fH August 25,2003 at 5 p.m. The Parks Department requested a report showing the alanee in the park dedication/pathway accounts be available at the next meeting. 10. Updates on developments. Inf(mnation was provided to the Parks Com llission on possible sites for the location of the ballfield cOlnplex. The Parks CommissiOl felt the area suggested was good as it was in close proximity to major roads like TH 25. The arks Commission will individually view the sites and pass their comments on to Adam Hawk nson. The Parks Commission directed that Adam llawkinson, Park Superintendent and City staff proceed with negotiations with property owners in this area f()l' possihle land acquisi ion. II. Other Updates: Larry Nolan noted that the construction in tl. e Spirit lIills development has disrupted the pathway along County Road 1 X. The unde 'standing is that the developer will be repairing the base and paving that segment of the patl way. Robbie Smith brought up the issue of motor zed vehicles using the pathways. It was suggested that since the "No Motorized V cl ides" sign c1idn't seem to be deterring them, the Parks Department should look at other options. 12. Adjourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN T 6 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDFD TIIF M(JrION. MOTION CARRIED LJN NIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary ^I .J .~ . . l(id,s Jove tociJimb ;of bOLIJd\ering to ;a,d"d the sport Q;ur p,arl{s~ .. \Vehher Recreational Design, Inc. 1...J-...J-2 BWllkc' CIHln I-Li\lllliC" \1:-": .~5(),).1 \11111, \\'c'hhc'ITc'l' ,cl 1/11 1',d'I\;I'11 \lilllk"lld \\\~,kJ'l1 \. IlIlIlc'\\lld Twin ('ilic;" ,\I\'~l ,'.;II(),ft i7.5 I.';' ,-\1)llj7ft 1...J-25 (,,~ I -...J-J N 3h,,(j ,,' if"". '''',/''" ,:"' )11 d;,? EI Kap Bflulcilet-iltg Wall. . Reinforced fiberglass construction . w x W x 2' ground space . 25' x 23' protective area . Over 160 square feet of surface area . One piece for easy installation · 50 traditional hand holds provided · 3 year manufacturers warrantee . UV and weather resistant · Over 18 linear feet of climbing . 80 different hand hold mounts . Touch-up kit provided Monticello Parks, Pathwa & Recreation Listing . . The intersection of Highwa 25 and Interstate 94 was used to identify locations of Monticello's parks and pathways. . For more detailed informat on, click the area on the map that is of interest to yo · (Insert city map with park & pathway locations. Bold intersection--nm) . Links to Park & Rec eation Locations Northwest No theast West Bridge Park Eas Bridge Park Hillcrest Park Elli on Park Balboul Park 4th treet Park Par West Park Fan n Ave Park Otter Creek Park Riv r Mill Park Country Club Manor Bat Ie Rapids Park The Meadows??????? Mi sissippi Drive Park Southwest Freeway Fields Meadow Oaks Park Oak Ridge Trails/Area Wildwood So theast Pi neer Park C dinal Hills Park C dinal Hins Tot Lot Or veland Park Community Recre tional Resources Community Center School Plav2rounds County & State Parks Youth Soorts Associations Ball Fields Adult Soorts Associations Private Fitness Centers Golf Courses & Tennis Courts Additional eb site links Pr02ram Pathway System Wrieht County Parks Deot Park Rentals Adoot-a-Park . " \, PARK DESCRIPTIONS & PHOTOS . Northeast Area Parks Insert map of northeast area parks with links East Bridge Park Pine Street (Hwy 25) & East River Street East Bridge Park is a 2 ~ acre community park with a hillside arboretum and flower gardens that overlook Browns Island on the Mississippi River. The grounds and gardens are maintained by community volunteers. The park has a popular winter sliding hill. There is off-street parking and a connecting pathway to West Bridge Park's picnic, playground and restroom facilities. Ellison Park: East River Street & Dayton Avenue Ellison Park is a 4.2 acre community park located on the easterly end of the City along the Mississippi River. Facilities include a log shelter and gazebo that can be rented, rest room facilities, a creative play area, tot lot recreational equipment and swings for physically challenged patrons. Ellison Park has a passive atmosphere with several park benches and barbecues, a boat launch, and plenty of parking. This park is host to Monticello's annual Riverfest celebration. Click here for more infonnation about renting the picnic shelter, or call city hall 763-295- 2711. . 4th Street Park East 4th Street & Wright Street This 2.6 acre community park features a softball field, two hockey/skating rinks, a basketball court, a playground area, and off street parking. The Monticello Youth Hockey Association has adopted this park. Fallon Park East 7th Street & Fallon Avenue Fallon Park is a small space with an open view at this time. Mississippi Drive 121 Mississippi Drive This passive mini-park overlooks the Mississippi River and provides an opportunity to observe a variety of water fowl, including ducks, geese, pelicans, eagles and SWans. Battle Rapids Park County Rd 30 & Gillard Avenue ??? This 2 acre scenic area is located on the banks of the Mississippi River. River Mill Park . .., / . River Mill Drive & Mill Trail Lane ??? Located between Interstate 94 and CSAH 39 0 the east side of town, this 7 acre park provides a playground, ball field, soccer field, 2 open air shelters and a lighted sliding hill. Northwest Area Parks Insert map of northwest area park with links West Bridge Park Pine Street (Hwy 25) & River Street West West Bridge Park is an active community park n the Mississippi River. This 3 acre park has a boat-shaped play structure for children, h d court, gazebo, barbecues, picnic tables and gazebo, rest rooms, as well as a communit room available for rent. A warming house with rest rooms is available for children and U 'lies to use while skating on its ice rink during the winter months. There is off-street p king and a connecting pathway leading under the Hwy 25 bridge to East Bridge Park. lick here for more information about renting the picnic shelter, or call city hall 763- 95- 2711. The Meadows ??? (location ?) This 3.3 acre park is all wetland and is utilized s open space. . Hillcrest Park West River Street and West Broadway (Hwy 7 ) Hillcrest is a 1.9 acre park that include a play I t, picnic facilities, ball diamond and a lighted skating rink. Balboul Park Hedman Lane & Balboul Circle Much of the 2.7 acres of the park is limited du to the wetland located on the site. This mini-park is bordered on the south by Interstat 1-94 and serves the neighborhood with picnic and play facilities. Par West Park Kevin Longley Drive & Prairie Road Five acres provide room for a 3-hole disk golf ourse, playground, basketball court and pICnIC area. Otter Creek Park West Broadway (Hwy 75) & Prairie Creek L e Adopted by the Rotary Club, this picturesque reek side park highlights native prairie plantings, a gazebo, and parallels the city-wide walking trail. . Country Club Manor (PARK?) \ Fairway Drive & Eagle Circle This 1.5 acre park is surrounded by neighborhood homes and has picnic tables, a playground, a volleyball pit and a ball field. . Southeast Area Parks Insert map of southeast area park locations with links Cardinal Hills Park Martin Drive & Fallon Avenue NE ??? Cardinal Hills Park is approximately 3 acres located across the street from Little Mountain elementary School. There is a volley ball court, picnic and skating areas. Cardinal Hills Park Tot Lot Mockingbird Lane & Oriole Lane A tot lot play area is constructed on a small public park within the Cardinal Hill Development. Meadow Oak Park: Meadow Oak Drive & Meadow Oak Lane This scenic 6.5 acre neighborhood park is designed for passive use. It hosts a playground, basketball courts, nature trails and a picnic area by a pond. Oak Ridge Park & Trails Area (? Is this Wildwood) 2700 Oak Ridge Drive This neighborhood park, composed of approximately 13 acres, is mostly wetland and provide open space amenity for the homes that surround it. . Pioneer Park School Boulevard & Fallon Avenue NE With the assistance of the Lions Club, the City has designed this 16 acre community park with off street parking, a trail system, playground, sand volleyball, picnic area and an open-air picnic shelter that is available for rent. Click here for more information about renting the picnic shelter, or call city hall 763-295- 2711. Southwest Area Parks Insert map of southwest area parks with links Groveland Park Innsbrook Drive & Savannah Drive Groveland Park is a 5 acre community park being developed south ofI-94 and west of Hwy 25. This new park currently has a playground and off street parking. At completion, it will also have a basketball court, 2 ball fields, picnic shelters and skating rink . ~ . Other Park & Recreation FaciIiti City Ball Fields 2171 River Street West Three softball fields and one baseball diamond cr ate the 14-acre City Ball Fields. Two of the 4 are lit for night games. With its bleachers, s ehers, a restroom and concession stand, it hosts many tournaments during the season. Freeway Fields 2331 Meadow Oak Avenue This active 5.5 acre community park is located 0 the east side of town with a soccer/football field, a basketball court, a little Ie gue field and a softball field. City Pathway System (with link) Monticello has over nine miles of paved pathway for hiking, biking, roller blading or walking the dog. These pathways link the city fro east to west. Click here to view a pathway map. . School Playgrounds (BETTER DESCRIPTIO Monticello Middle School location? (track, tennis courts) Eastview Elementary School location? Little Mountain Elementary School location? Pinewood Elementary School location? (tennis courts, Magic Kingdom playground, ball e1ds) County Parks Montissippi County Park County Road 75 and River Street This is a 170 acre Wright County park on the we edge of town between Co. Rd. 75 and the Mississippi River. It offers paved trails. It's a ot spot for picnickers and anglers alike. It has a boat launch and fishing pier, a large play round and rest rooms. An airport for model airplanes is nearby. A sliding hill and groo ed cross country ski trails provide winter fun. Click here for more information or c I the Wright County park superintendent at . " State Parks Lake Maria State Park . Located 7 miles west of Monticello off County Road 39, the State Park is a favorite spot for hiking, horseback riding and cross-country skiing. It has a network of trails, plus trail center, lake shore picnic area and a limited number of back pack campsites. The park also has a group campsite facility. In the winter, Anderson Hill is a popular place for sliding and several log cabins with wood heaters are available for rental. In conjunction with Monticello Community Education, the park offers interpretive programs throughout the year. Vehicle permits are needed to drive into the park and can be purchased on a daily or seasonal basis. Other Communities Recreation Resources Community Center Youth Sports Associations Adult Sports Associations Private Fitness Centers Golf Courses & Tennis Courts . . '7 '.~. ......... -I""-I""\~____""", -.~----- ...-...,- .:=-:~-- I_-...'t_-:-::'~.~_ ---- ~----- ..~ ~"~---I'- ~"'._-......,..,.."......... --IIIWIIT.~" "-"""tuk-- . .....::- --"-- -"'--'11- ---..--""'-'--....-. 'I '~ \ \ '\ , .=1..:1'" "9 \ 'I' I \ I '...;/ '--- .~ .~..... -~ ............,.-., -......,.... -.... -, ........--- '.. "" ".-., ". ~- ".". n, ... '*" ./..- .~~..- ," -. '~,.,I ~. -? tG J( , "",~ I I J ....... ",,.,,m 'I , " , '.... . "" -J" f' 'o,\. ; ~\ -~ \ \. .....\, , L'--'-'.- 1'-- l__~ _11""""""_',1'1"'l1li_'" '. ~""--../ ,- I ___ '-- -- I J ,L- -- -----<: \ -:::- ~-' \-~.-'" 3^\~ ..,... ) ~ ~ ~ ~ --T-+--8-.. \ , i ~ /' 1\ 0, / 'v .,.;' 1 '},j .. " , I r "It" ~: Tr>- \, l .::11__ -, I , ......... 7" .' { d^l , , ~17Z /' 40~ . I I ., . ...- i ----~- , \ " \. 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MONTICELLO P S DEPARTMENT Work list September, 2003 August 21 ot thru September 24th, 2003 . · Fall seeding and fertilizing of fields · Groveland - some soil returned, see ed and blanketed park boarder, raked up sticks and rocks, starting to work on final grade and seeding · Beginning East Bridge trail and terra es · Getting locates for excavations and s gns to be installed on trails and in parks · Installation of City of Monticello si #2 West of town - Which next? · Groveland installation of drain tile . Watering of plants and trees . General park maintenance . Ballfield striping · General equipment maintenance · Tree moving - East Bridge · Routine cleaning of restroom facilitie · Working on irrigation . Chipping orders . Riverside Cemetery maintenance · Meadow Oaks - waterway enhance nt · Installed free new ramps at Ellison - t added on 15 feet · Installed new head stones at Hillside emetery · Aeration of fields and parks . . . . Park pictures in order: Pg. 1 & 2 - Cardinal Hills Tot Lot Pg. 3 & 4 - Ellison Pg. 5 - Rolling Woods Pg. 6 - 4th Street Pg. 7 - Pioneer Pg. 8 - West Bridge Pg. 9 & 10 - Meadow Oaks Pg. 11 & 12 - Hillcrest Pg. 13 - Par West Pg. 14,15,16, & 17 - Country Club . r ....' '",J .. . J ,.,;t ~-' ,'" .' ... ' ..J , ,. ;..'~ r J~'I" ...~ :;it. ' ': . . ,t ."~ . . . . ~ . . . . . . . /' .' . . . ,,..J ,... . . " . . . . . . . '~?f~.f.;~',1'I~~~'!;.~J:r:~lI'l~\":-;o' . ..J" . . . . ...;.-:.....-1*",'. I -! ...:' "-.... . ", ;.. .'-41,- ,,:.,- ........... ",.' ,'': .'''';,....."., .- _.I\'~ :-...- -. , ... ..".."!,. ... ._.-l- r.- I ",j;" I """~~~% , I ~ ." .:,.5~.:~,.,~; " . "_ _ . . ", ' . ;"d;!1~ . _,,~~ \ "~, ' - ~:' - . - , 'i', l~" " . _ ~ !. . ~. ~.' l<k Ji. ~4~::~ft~1A~! ' ~ ;i:~ ~)ft~~'>> II.:"~'I \,~.; I .~ M~r: ~ L~:P-,,, Q"i'~'" '~~r., ".r ~- .""'4. w '~~;~;'.I'; /. ,~~::", i',. ~'",~r':'::';' !' 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