Parks Commission Agenda Packet 10-23-2003 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. . AGE DA PARKS CO MISSION SPECIAL ~=ETING October 23, 2 03 - 4:30 p.m. West Prai ie Room "To en/liUla commlllli(v pri l' throll!:/I developing and maintainin!: ci(v park~ Wilh high SIi/IllIi/rt! of 1/IlI1Ii(I'" Call to Order Approve minutes of September 25, 200 regular Parks Commission meeting Consideration of adding items to the ag nda. Citizens comments and requests. Preliminary Discussion of Update to Co prehensive Plan/Ordinances Park Maintenance Community Tree Planting - Areas desig ated for spring planting event. Updates; if any A. Meeting Dates for November an Ad,journ . . . . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA October 3,2003 5. Preliminary Discussion of Update to Comp chensive Plan/Ordinances. It has been discussed for some time that the C ty's Park and Pathway Comprehensive Plan needs to be updated. Hopefully over the Llll and winter meetings, the Parks Commission schedule will allow time f()[ a review and update of both th comprehensive plan and the park dedication portion of the subdivision ordinance. A couple of decisions need to be determined y the Parks Commission which include: 1) How should the review of the Comprehensive Plan 'end ordinances be conducted? - Should a committee be formed to make revisions and s bmit the revised document to the full Commission or docs the full Commission want to participa e in the review? 2) Should the revised document be done in-house or by the consultant? Havi g the document done in-house would allow for easier updates and should be less costly. '1'h s would be especially true of the text portion of the document. The maps would be a little mo e difficult to do in-house at this time so perhaps this portion of the plan would have to be done by the City Engineer or City Planner. 'The Comprehensive Plan is broken into the it) lowing sections: Inventory - This is definitely outdated. Ho ever, most of the information needed to update this section is available from city staif, it may e more ellicient to have this updated by the City. This is the same information regarding park fa 'ilities and park sizes that we would use on the City's website and in the Community Guide. Policy - In reviewing the policy portion, the P rks Commission needs to determine whether changes in the growth of the community has I ade it necessary to make changes in the policy? In previous Park Commission meetings, especially when Earl Smith was still on the board, it seemed there was some question on the park c assification system and whether the type and number of improvements installed in a park changed its classilication. Park System Plan - Again since the Compreh nsive Plan was done in 1998, there is some updating to be done with the section. Implementation - Areas the Commission m' y want to look at in this section is the park priorities which should be updated, the park de ication fees, user service fees and the capital improvement process. List of Maps - Like the inventory this section s in need of updating. One issue that I'm not aware is addressed any lace is park dedication and plan review for redevelopment projects. For example existing ity lots have been developed into townhome developments and I'm not sure if the Parks Co lmission had an opportunity to review these developments to see ifthere was an opportunit to acquire park area. In the Comprehensive Plan the lack of parks in the developed area of own is noted but I'm not certain if the Parks Commission had an opportunity to review rede elopment projects such as Drake's Court, Vine Place Townhomes, Elm Street Crossing Townl omes, etc. Maybe because redevelopment tends . . . to deal with smaller land areas, it may not be 1 asible to look at acquiring park land and the Parks Commission may not even want to look at red velopment projects. Also attached is the section of the subdivision ordinance relating to park dedication. One change that is recommended is in the last paragraph 0 ' 11-6~ 1 B. The $200 figure is not accurate and rather than specify a dollar rate language shou d be used stating that the park and trail surcharge is in an amount specified by the City Council. That way even though the rate may change it docs not require a public hearing and amendm nt to the zoning ordinance. 11-6-1 D perhaps should be discussed. According to the Count Surveyor land can be dedicated for park land at the time it is platted. It has happened that th park land deeds have not been prepared at the same time as the plat and it has happened that he City ends up paying taxes on these lots in order to get a deed recorded. Ideally to have the Ian dedicated as park at the time the property is platted eliminates some of those problems. T e disadvantage is thatifit is dedicated as park land in the plat it is very difficult to change th use from park land. 7. Community Tree Planting Event - The Par s Department was suppose to have come back with areas designated f()r the spring tree planti g event. I have pulled the file from the previous tree planting and have talked to Wanda Kraem r on it. She felt that because the previous event covered tree planting in a wider area it was eas er to get involvement from various groups. If only a couple of specifIed areas are being ident'fied as planting sites, she felt the event may need to be handled difTerently. 8. Meeting Dates - The Park Commission meet'ngs for November and December fall on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Do you want to e-schcdule these dates or cancel the meetings? I would like to know as soon as possible so we can make sure we have a room for any re-scheduled date. . . . MI N JTES REGlJLAR MEETING PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Septemb r 25,2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy cCaffrey and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Larry Nolan and Council Lia son, Robbie Smith. Staff Present: John Simola, Public Works. irector, Adam Hawkinson, Parks Superintendent Leo Schroden, Parks Depart! ent. 1. Call to Order. Acting Chair, Riek Traver, called the meetin to order at 4:30 p.m and declared a quorum present. 2A. A rove minutes of Au ust 21 2003 re u ar Parks Commission meetin . NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APP OVE THE MINUTES OF TIlE AUGUST 21, 2003 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION EETING. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH fR N FAIR ABSTAINING. 28. A rove minutes of Au Just 11 2003 s eci I Parks Commission meetin FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE INUTES OF THE AUGUST 11,2003 SPECIAL PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. RICK TRA VER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en Rick Traver added an update on Wild Meado sand Parwest Park. Nancy McCaffrey added an update on the website. Fran Fair added a dise Ission of the spring tree planting. Adam Ilawkinson added an explanation of the Web er bill and information regarding the Xccl ballfields. 4. Citizens comments and reQuests. Michelle Brandt spoke to the Parks Commissi n regarding concerns about the Groveland Park including the proposed placement of the shelt r. Their house is adjacent to the area of the park where the play structure is located. The origi al plan proposed a shelter being placed between their house and the play structure. She felt th t the placement would be too close to their house. She noted that older children are hanging out around the play structure. These children ride their skate boards down the equipment, a noisy, use foul language and are a disruptive presence at the park. She was eoncerned if a helter was placed by the play structure the . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/25/03 children will be congregating at the shelter hich would make their activities less visible to observation by the sheriff's patrol and reside1ts. She wanted to know if there was any possibility of the shelter location being chan ed. Parks Commission member, Benl-Iitter, who lives in the Groveland development concurr~d with the situation as described by Michelle Brandt. Since the shelter has not yet been placed at the park, the Parks Commission advised Adam Hawkinson to look at other possible l( cations fe)r the shelter. The Parks Commission also discussed getting the neighborhood invo ved in policing the activities at the park. It was also suggested that the Parks Department 100 at some foliage or plantings be placed to screen the park from the residence. 5. Public Works Director, John Simola reviewe the grading plan for Sunset Ponds (formerly Wild Meadows) noting that a small portion 0 the proposed park land would drain into ditch #33. The balance would drain to the wetland rea. No park land below an elevation of936 would be accepted. The grading plan showed a portion of the park land at the east end of the park graded for a Soccer field and on the west nd an area was graded for ballfield use. The lift station f(w the development was proposed to b placed on Lot 20. The developer submitted a drawing showing a parking lot design to serve the park and the lift station. The lot showed 17 stalls, 3 short of what is required by the zonin ordinance. The drawing showed the lift station located adjacent to the pathway. This Ian was reviewed by the city staff and found to be unacceptable. The City Engineer was aske to come up with a plan which he did. The plan submitted by the City Engineer has 19 parking 'paces and a connection trom the pathway into the parking lot. This plan had the lift station 10 ated at the southeast part of the parking lot. John Simola explained that if the City was wiling to situate the lift station on park land, the developer would build the parking lot and sere n it. The lift station would take up an area approximately 50' x 50'. John Simola asked if he Parks Commission was willing to trade a 50' x 50' area of park land for a finished parking 10 . Rick Traver asked if there would still be sufficient room to locate a play structure. Th Parks Commission also discussed access from the pathway. John Simola suggested using the rea marked on the City Engineer's plan as handicapped parking le)r the access and move the handicapped parking stalls about midway up in the parking lot. John Simola asked if the Pa ks Commission wanted a connection to the pathway trom the north. The Parks Commissio indicated they did. The Parks Commission discussed screening. It as felt the proposed screening which consists of two rows of evergreens 20' apart on the west. ide between the parking lot and houses was adequate. Adam Hawkinson suggested Black If lis spruce and white spruce be used as the planting materials. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE GRADING PLAN WITH CONTINUED DISCUSSION WITH THE DEV :LOPER ON CHANGES TO TIlE PLAN RELA'flNG TO TlIE LOCATION OF THE STC RM SEWER STRUCTURES. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR ED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/25/03 FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE LOC TING THE LIfT STATION ON PARK {,AND IN EXCHANGE FOR THE DEVELOPER C NSTRUCTING THE PARKING LOT AND SCREENING. BEN HITTER SECONDED liE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. The Parks Commission discussed suggested hanges to the grading plan which included: 1) moving the handicapped parking stall to mid ay in the parking lot; 2) add access to future play area; 3) design landscape plan to include Bla k Hills spruce and white spruce 8' in height on the west side of the parking lot; use lower height vegetation at the north entrance to the parking lot; 4) I ighting for the parking lot and lift station 0 be provided; 5) install trees around the lift station with some additional plantings staggc ed along the pathway and parking lot. No landscaping is required on the east side bee a se of the play structure. Landscaping is proposed for around the lift station and there as discussion on the type of planting materials to be used. Adam lIawkinson will submit a pIa for the plantings to John Simola. John Simola also suggested adding that the developer utili _.,e the existing storm sewer to drain the parking lot so that the parking lot will not drain into the - treet. This may require the installation of an additional catch basin. 6. Groveland Play Equipment. This had been discussed under citizens comt ents portion of the agenda. Adam Hawkinson did report that the horder for the play structure w II he installed in the next few days. 7. Park Maintenance. Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of the wor items completed. He noted the entrance sign has been installed at the west entrance to the Cit and asked which sign the Parks Commission felt should he installed next. The Parks Commis ion felt the next sign installed should he the one at School Boulevard and TH 25. Adam Hawki son eXplained some drainage work that was done in the Meadow Oaks area and also noted that ramps obtained from the DNR had been installed. 8. Updates. if any: Ballfields: Adam I Iawkinson updated the Pa ks Commission on his contact with Xcel Energy regarding the ballfields. lIe noted that it was unlikely that anything would be done this year. The area being requested would allow f<Jr tw additional fields and some area for parking. Park Bill Question: Adam Hawkinson resp nded to a question raised at the Council meeting concerning a $4,000 hill from Webber Recre tional Design, Ine. The bill was for a c1imhing wall which had been ordered and the qucstio now was which park should the c1itnbing wall be located at. Adam Hawkinson submitted picures of possible site fl1r the climbing wall. The discussion centered on Ellison and West Bri ge parks. The consensus of the Parks Commission was to locate the climbing wall at West Bridge Park. " -, . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/25/03 Berm: It was reported that the berm located 0 park land had been removed but vegetation had not yet been established. Rick Traver also a ked about getting "No motorized vehicle" signs for the pathway at that location. Adam Haw inson will check into this. Added Items: Parwest: Rick Traver asked about the Park Departm nt's plans for the Parwest. He felt this is a park that the City should be looking at updating. He note that Xcel has cleared the trees in the area but the equipment and landscaping at the park needs work. e also felt Hillcrest is another park that needs to be updated. What work is needed in these parks w s discussed. Wehsite: Nancy McCaffrey updated the Parks Comt ission on work that the Parks Commission wants done on the website. There was discussion on the di ectional designation given to the parks and the listing of other recreational resources. Nancy McC' iTrey asked the Parks Commission to look at the proposed narrative and comment. Fran Fair felt the omprehensive plan should also be updated since that includes a listing of parks and amenities. Adan Hawkinson suggested at the next meeting, the Parks Commission look at verbiage in the ordinance and the comprehensive plan on usable land for parks -vs- dedicated park land. ~\pring Tree Planting: Fran Fair asked about plan' f()r tree planting. She noted that the MCP (Monticello Community Partners) had donated $15, 00 for tree planting. She felt if something was going to be done in the spring, trees would need to b~ ordered soon. The Parks Commission discussed where the trees were needed and the plann'ng process needed to get the planting event done. The Parks Commission directed staff to make a list f areas where trees are needed and bring it back at the next meeting. It was also discussed whether to g) with bare root trees or potted trees and it was noted that if they went with bare root trees they WOll d also have a refrigerated truck for storage. Ballflelds: Adam Hawkinson updated the Parks Co mission on the land options for the site of the ballfield complex. He stated that the Our Back Yar site is very cost prohibitive. The City has been in contact with property owners along County Road 10 - regarding possible land acquisition. The City has reviewed other possible area for a complex site. 9. Adiourn. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:25. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM HJSL Y. Recording Secretary . . . SECTION: 11-6-1: 11-6-2: 11-6-3: 11-6-4: 11-6-5: 11-6-1 : CH PARKS, OPEN SP CE AND PUBLIC USE Dedication Requirement Cash Contribution Delayed Dedication Payment Purchase or Condemnation of Land Location and Configuration of Oed' cation DEDICA TION REQUIREMENT: (A) Pursuant to Minnesota Statu es 462.358, Subdivision 2, the City Council of Monticello shall require all evelopers requesting platting or replatting of land in the city of Monticello to co tribute ten percent (10%) of the final plat gross area to be dedicated for use as ei er parks, playgrounds, public open space, or linear park and trail systems or to ontribute an equivalent amount of cash based on the conditions outlined below. he form of contribution (cash or land, or any combination thereof) and th specific area in case of land contribution shall be decided by the City Council based upon need and conformance with approved City plans. (B) The cash payment in lieu of and shall be a fixed amount established by the City Council based on the prevailing average cost per residential unit to acquire land and develop parks and trails in accordance with City plans. This provision is to also apply to residential dev lopment on unplatted property and to multi-family construction on new plats 0 existing lots of record. A portion of the parks and tr ils cash dedication paid by subject residential areas is intended to assist in fundi g collector pathways connecting such residential areas to points of destinatio outside of the subj ect residential area according to the City's Parks and Trails Ian. Pathways and sidewalks internal to subject residential development are are a portion of the basic street improvement. A park and trail surcharge 0 $200 shall be paid at issuance of a building permit for single family homes con tructed on 'lots of record in existence as of September, 1999. (C) Park dedication credit shoul not include a power line easement, wetland or ponding area necessary for e drainage plan of the particular subdivision. (D) Land dedicated for-paIl<. pu oses should be transferred to the City of Monticello by warranty deed. (#93, 3/9/81 ;#331, 9/13/99) TITLE XIIChpt S/Page 1 . . . 11-6-2: 11-6- 3 : 11-6-4: 11-6-5: CASH CONTRIBUTION: All moni s collected from cash contributions shall be placed in a special fund from which only th se public uses as listed in (I) above may be constructed or improved or land for t ose same uses may be acquired. DELA YED DEDICATION P A YM NT: Upon petition by the developer, the Council may approve a delay in the actual de ication of the cash required in lieu of land until such time as development occurs on the p operty being platted provided that a proper legal agreement is executed guaranteeing uch dedication. Delayed dedication payment shall include eight percent (8%) interest p r year. PURCHASE OR CONDEMNA TIO OF LANDS: Where a proposed park, playground or other recreational area, proposed s hool site, or other public ground that has been indicated in the official map and/or aster plan is located in whole or in part within a proposed subdivision, such proposed public site shall be designated as such and should be dedicated to the City, School District or other proper governmental unit. If the subdivider chooses not to dedicate area in excess of the land required under this section hereof for such proposed pub ic site, the Council shall be required to act to approve or disapprove the plat of the subdivision for a period of ninety (90) days after the subdivider meets all the provisions 0 the subdivision title in order to permit the Council, School Board, or other appropriate g vernmental unit to consider the proposed plat and to take the necessary steps to acquire, ough purchase or condemnation, all or part of the public site proposed under the offici map or master plan. LOCATION AND CONFIGURATI N OF DEDICATION: In such cases where the developer is required to dedicate Ian area, the City Council of the City of Monticello shall have the right to determine the eographic location and configuration of said dedication. -- TITLE Xl/Chpt 6/Page 2