Parks Commission Agenda Packet 11-20-2003 . . . AGENDA PARKS CO MISSION SPECIAL EETING November 20,2 03 - 4:30 p.m. West Praiie Room "To enhance comnUllli(1' pril~' through tlelleloping anti mailllllilling ci(l' pllrks wirh II ligh stllntlllrtlollJllali(I''' 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of October 23, 2003 re ular Parks Commission meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the age da. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Park Maintenance 7. Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan reI ting to acquisition policy (Page 18) and revisions to the overall park/pathway pI n. * 8. Country Club Park 9. Ellison Bathrooms 10. Adjourn * John cS'imola and Adam Hawkinson are recom ending that the Parks Commission in their update of the comprehensive plan focus on updat ng the acquisition policy first. With the recent annexation petition and the current growtl in development there is concern that nothing is passed through that does not meet the ntent f?f present ci(y standards. . . . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, October 3, 2003 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pri e through developing and maintaining city parks with high standard of quality." Members Present: Pran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy eCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Robbie Smith. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Ad 1inistrator 1. Call to Order Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present. Cathy Shuman from the Finance Department was present and briefly explained the format of the financial report for the park department f tmis. 2. A rove minutes of Se tember 25 2003 r ular Parks Commission mectin FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE INUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. BEN ITTER SECONDED TI-IE MO'l'ION. MOTION CARRIED WITH LARRY NOLAN ABSTA NING. 3. Consideration of addin None. 4. Citizen comments and requests. None. 5. Prelimina Discussion of U date to Com ehensive Plan/Ordinances. Jeff O'Neill updated the Parks Commission 0 City Council action regarding annexation of approximately 11,000 acres of the township. He cited the difIiculty in doing long term planning when only being able to annex 60 ac es at a time. Jeff O'Neill noted the challenge of looking at 11,000 acres and trying to plan t e layout of open space and park land. He addressed the need to do both long term plann ng and short term planning. Jeff O'Neill stated that it would be about a year before the etermination is made on the annexation boundary. He noted there is development on he perimeter of the City which requires short term planning. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the statL s of current developments such as Carlisle Village and Hunters Crossing. Jeff O'Neill al 0 noted that the Parks Commission may want to refine their definition of what is acceptable ark land and what is not acceptable park land. Parks Commission Minutes - 10/23/03 . JefT O'Neill reviewed with the Parks Comm ssion the longer term land use plan. Development concerns and land use issues ere discussed. . Jeff O'Neill updated the Parks Commission n the balltield complex development. There has been preliminary discussion relating to the d velopment of the Schluender property. It is proposed that approximately 29 acres of par would be the result of the development of this property. This would be sufficient area for baseball field, softball field and several regulation size soccer/football ti.elds. A po ion of the proposed park area is under the power line easement. JefTO'Neill noted that the d nsity of units for the development would be relatively high but the off<;et would be that it was a high quality development. It is proposed that construction of the park would take plac in 2004 and it could be utilized in 2005. Jeff O'Neill noted the property is in the conteste annexation area and would have to be exempted and annexed under the 60 acre rule. Fran Fa r suggested the Parks Commission tour the proposed development area. Larry Nolan flIt the City should still be looking to acquire at least 40 acres for the ballfield complex but h did like the idea of using the area of the power line casement for parking If the area could e used for parking the Parks Commission may consider giving partial credit for the land arc. There was some discussion on what could actually be done within the power line case ent area. Par West park was cited as an example of the limitations the power line easement pI ces on park development. JefT O'Neill stated this development may put on hold further di eussions with property owners in the TH 25/CR 106 area. .lefT O'Neill felt the push for a ballfield should be in this area especially if it could be developed in 2005. Larry Nolan asked if ~helsea Road could handle the traffic generated by the ballfield complex. .Jeff O'Neill brought up park dedication fees. He stated that the proposal to collect park dedication fees on commercial/industrial Ian was presented to the IDC and they were not in favor of it. The IDC had wanted some rese rch done in this area but staff did not have time to do it. It was felt that although the City C uncil would not charge industrial land for park dedication fees, they would consider collecti g park dedication fees on commercial property. BEN HITTER MOVED TO DIRECT JEFF 'NEILL TO SEP ARA TE THE COLLECTION OF PARK DEDICATION FEES AGAINST COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LAND AND TO GO FORWARD WITH COLLECTING ARK DEDICATION FEES ON COMMERCIAL LAND. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TilE MUl'lON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Going back to the discussion on the comprehensive plan, the Parks Commission addressed some of the revisions needed and the proced re to be used in updating the plan. The City will try to get electronic version of the docm ent from the consulting planner. Each Parks Commission member will take a section oft e document for review and the Parks Commission will discuss each section and th suggested revisions. Nancy MeCafTt'ey will review the inventory section; Larry Nolan th policy section, Rick Traver the park system plan and Fran Fair and Ben II itter the implementa ion section. 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes-9/25/03 6. Park Maintenance No list of maintenance work was submitted. 7. Communi The Parks Commission felt the spring tree pi nting should be city wide and not limited to a particular area. The trees would be planted i boulevard areas, parks and on other city property. There was some discussion on wh ther the city had enough sta1Ting to coordinate a city wide tree planting event and whether it could be done by spring. The interest is there but the resources may not be available to pull it iT. 8. U pdates. if any Nancy McCaffrey requested approval from t e Parks Commission to designate parks based on quadrants made up by the intersection ofI-9 and TH 25. Parks Commission felt that was acceptable. Since the normal meeting dates of the Parksommission in November and December fall on holidays, the Parks Commission moved their meeting date to the third Thursday for those two months. 9. Adjourn RICK "rRA VER MOVED TO ADJOURN l' 6:35 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. . 10. 11. . AGE PARKS CO SPECIAL December 18,2 West Prai DA MISSION EETING 03 - 4:30 p.m. ie Room "To enhonce COllllllllfli(JI prit e through developing allll lIIailltaining city parks with a high standllrd of qllllli(JI" Call to Order Approve minutes of November 20, 2003 regular Parks Commission meeting Consideration of adding items to the ag nda. Citizens comments and requests. Park Maintenance Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan - ontinuing discussion on plan update. Updates, if any Park Commission Appointments - Reeo mendation to Council Identifying goals/pro,jects for 2004 focus Ad,journ . . . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING - ARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Nov mber 20, 2003 West Prai ie Room .'To enhance community pri e through developing and maintaining city parks with high standard a/quality. " Members Present: Fran Fair. Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver Members Absent: Council Liaison, Robbie S ith Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, and Jef O'NeilL Deputy City Administrator (0' eill attended 1'\ 15 minutes only) 1. Call to Order Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to oder and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of October 23 2003 r ular Parks Commission meetino. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 23. 2003 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. NANCY tvlCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. .... ..'- Consideration of ~lddino items to the a nda. Jeff O'Neill updated the Parks Commissio 1 on the Hunters Crossing plat. The developer has. at the request of the Parks Commissio 1. included a 5 acre park that will be located in the southeast corner of the development b rdered by Fallon and School Boulevard. The plat will now go on to the Planning Comm ssion for approval. Jeff O'Neill suggested that the Parks Commission give consideration t creating a mirror park when future development happens across School Boule 'ard. 4. Citizens comments and requests No citizens were present hut Adam Hawkinson and Ben Hitter said that a t1yer was heing circulated in the Gron~land neighborhood < bout creating a neighborhood \\ateh group to discourage vandalism and abuse of the pia.. equipment (mostly kids \\.ith skateboards). The abuse usually takes place when the sk. teboard park is closed. Adam Hawkinson will talk with Kitty Baltos about keeping the sk teboard park open longer. . . . 5. Park Maintenance Adam Ha\vkinson distributed a list of maintenance items. The installation of the yd welcome sign at Hv,y 25 and School Blv . is still scheduled to happen before the end of the year. There was a brief discussion of vehicles riving on the pathways. It was agreed that a letter to the editor in this week'.s the Mon icello Times encouraging people to report any such sightings to the police is the appropiate thing to do. Parks Commissioners approved the samp cs of"Master Mark" corners that Adam I-Imvkinson will use to mark the corners f park land. 6. Nancy McCaffrey said that the parks inventory list is almost complete. but needs to meet \vith Adam Hawkinson to clarifiy some it'ms. The updated inventory list will be used 'while updating the 1998 Comprehensive Ian. Recommended revisions to the City Or linanee Section 11-6-1 Adam Hawkinson distributed John Simol ' s recommended list of items to consider when requesting park land. John Simola asked 11at the Parks Commission review the list and add these specitic items to the City Ordi anee, Section 11-6-1, C & D. The Parks Commissions also made these ecommcndations: Paragraph C should read: "Park dedicati n credit should not include any utilitv easements, wetland or ponding area neces ary for thc drainage plan of the particular subdivision .. Changes to Paragraph D are as follows: and dedicated for park purposes should be transferred to the City of Monticello by w rranty deed. Thc deed must be clear with no encumbrances, with all taxes and assessm nts aid and acee ted at time the lat is dedicated to the Cit\', and submitted ti.)f ocessin!! \vithin two \\'ccks of lat a roval. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO ACCEPT J HN SI~IOLA'S RECOM~vIENDATIONS, TI-IE ADDITION OF THE PARKS COM IISSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS AS STATED ABOVE CHANGING CITY 0 DINANCE 11-6-1. SECTIONS C & D. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. I'vl )TION CARRIED. ~ . . . 7. Park Updates CountrY Club Park Adam Hawkinson stated the changes to b made include moving the play area about 40 feet from it current location so it will be a out 60 feet from the nearest property: shortening and painting of existing swing set, install new play set \-vood fiber and border; remove the fence and possibly the backst p: retain the volley ball area using grass rather than gravel. Renamin 1 ark land ad' acent to Meadow ak Park There is a strip of park land located by the Meadow Oak Park parking 10tlPark & Ride that is called Parkside Park. Adam Hawki son requested that the name be dropped and the area be joined to the existing Meadow Oak Park. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO DROP THE P RKSIDE PARK NAME AND TO INCLUDE Tin:: AREA WITH THAT IN THE AD] CENT MEADOW OAK PARK. BEN 'HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. Ellison Park There is $60,000 budgeted in 2004 to rebl ild the bathrooms at Ellison Park. A new building to coordinate \-vith the existing 10 J structure will be placed on the same site. new concrete slab will be poured around the ex' sting plumbing slab. Adam Hawkinson \vill bring the plans to the Parks Commission f r review. The goal is to have the bathrooms completed before Riverfest 2004. West Bridge Park The $4.800 climbing \-vall \vill be installed in Spring 2004. Adam Hawkinson brought documentation of other climbing \valls tha were far more expensive than the one chosen. Balli Athletic Fields There was discussion about the slow progr S5 in obtaining an additional site for ball fields. :\n increased need for ball fields be 'an in 1992 with temporary fixes to date. and the need has been demonstrated and docul ented. Adam IIawkinson \\ill request that the City Council direct the city planner to wor' to identify and purchase property so ne\-v ball tields are completed for the 2005 season. 3 . . . Adam Hawkinson stated that Xcel Energy h s brushed out the buckthorn and wild gro\\'th in the back area of the park and city works ave removed accumulated trash. A plant screen will be installed. Grants Adam Hawkinson announced that the grant ubmitted to create a fishing pier in West Bridge Park has been approved. Two of the five grants submitted in 2003 have been approved. The first grant received is to red the path along County Road 18. In 2004 Adam Hawkinson plans to apply fo grants to pave the pathway at the top of the River Mill sliding hill and another grant to complete the bathrooms at Groveland Park 8. Adjourn RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN T 6: 1 0 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSL Y. , Nancy McCaffrey, Acting Recording Secretary 4 . . . NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA Decembe 18,2004 7. Revisions to Comprehensive Plan At the last meeting, the Parks Commission di cussed changes to the park dedication portion of the ordinance. The recommendations of the arks Commission did not go forward to either the Councilor Planning Commission. Jeff O'N ill felt this item needed to be discussed at the staff level first and since there were no plats comi g up for immediate consideration, he felt there was time for statT to address this. 9. Park Commission Appointments The term of Pran Fair will expire on Decemb r 31,2003. If Fran is interested in continuing on the Parks Commission, the Parks CommissiOl should recommend her re-appointment. 10. Identifying Goals/Projects for 2004 Focus If time allows, this might be an opportunity It r the Parks Commission to communicate with Adam and his staff what things the Parks Con mission would like to see accomplished in the next year and likewise Adam can outline the prioriies of the Park Department.