Parks Commission Agenda Packet 01-22-2004 . . . AGEN A PARKS CO MISSION SPECIAL EETING January 22, 20 4 - 4:30 p.m. West Prai ie Room "To enhance community pri. through developing and maintaining city parks with a! high standard of quality" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of December 18, 2003 egular Parks Commission meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the ag nda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Park Maintenance 7. Country Club Park Diagram 8. Tree Planting 9. Review sketch plan of the Insignia Resi ential Subdivision featuring 25-30 acre athletic complex. 10. Updates, if any A. Grants - Set Public Hearing B. Grants -Draft Agreement for do k at West Bridge Park C. Update on park dedication for c mmercial development 11. Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan - ontinuing discussion on plan update. 12. Adjourn . . Parks Commission Minutes - J 2/ 18/03 MIN TES REGIJLAR MEETING -PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Dec mber 18, 2003 West Prai ie Room "To enhance community pri e through developing and maintaining ci(V parks with c' high standard ofquali(v. " Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, aney McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver. Memhers Absent: Council Liaison, Robb e Smith I Adam Hawkinson, Par Superintendent Jeff O'Neill, Deputy C~ty Administrator (for portion of the meeting) StatT Present: 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order t 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of November 20 2003 re T lar Parks Commission meetin T. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE TJ-J' MINUTES or THE NOVEMBER 20, 2003 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. rRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda ^ request hy TDS for an casement in the Sunse Ponds development, information on the dock that will be installed at West Bridge Park and pay equipment fix Country Club Park was added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. None. 5. Park Maintenance. Park Superintendent. Adam Hawkinson, submitt 'd a list of the work completed hy staff for the month. Two skating rinks, West Bridge Park at d 4th Street, will be operated this year. Rick Traver suggested looking at a skating rink in the jroveland area or at least to serve that side of the city. Groveland and Pioneer parks wcre suggested as possible sites for the rink. There was some discussion on the use of the sliding hills an safety measures installed hy the Parks stan. Adam Ilawkinson stated that with Bill Kearns, the caretaker for Riverside Cemetery not returning in 2004, the Parks staff will have more nput and duties relating to the Riverside Cemetery. . . . 6. Parks Commission Minutes - 12/18103 Revisions to the Comorehensive Plan. A copy of the park inventory was provided to the Parks Commission members. Nancy McCaffrey reviewed the contcnts of the in entory. Some additions and revisions were made. The Fallon Avcnue Park was discussed. T is is a small park oflimited use. Because it is not suitable fl)f development as an active park, it was suggested that Adam Hawkinson and Jeff O'Neill look into the possibility of selling he land. The Mississippi Drive Park (Swan) was al 0 discussed. Because of the increasing interest by people in the swans this park is attracting lore visitors. Nancy McCaffrey noted that the park is listed in thc DNR brochure. Since the p rk is commonly referred to as the "Swan Park" there was some discussion on whether the name, should be changed to reflect that. Chair Larry Nolan suggested that the Park Commission mem . ers consider this matter and bring it back at the January meeting. Battle Rapids Park was Iso mentioned as a viewing area for the swans. There was discussion on the use of the Batie Rapids park area. Nancy McCafTrey felt the park should be a passive park with the primary' ocus the view of the river. The Parks Commission felt this park might be a possibility for a g ant application. With the revisions to the park inventory tl at phase of the Comprehensive Plan update will be complete. At the November meeting, the arks Commission made recommendations for changes in the city ordinance to clarify wi at is acceptable land for park dedication. Larry Nolan asked if this matter had been taken forward to the Council for consideration. Jeff O'Neill stated that since there are not any subdivisions immediately coming up. he felt this item should he reviewed by staff before it wen any further and added that as ofthis date it had not yet come up at site review. This will be rought back at the next meeting so that the Parks Commission can consider staff comment on the proposed changes. The Parks Commission also discussed th need to update the maps in thc comprehensive plan. Although the maps will he done by the eiher the planner or engineer, the Parks stall will need to identify the locations of parks that hav been added since the comprehensive plan was prepared. An update will be brought ba k at the next meeting. Jeff O'Neill stated that a developer is 100 ing an area east of the proposed Carlisle Village. This area was identilied as a site for a ne' ghborhood park. Adam lIawkinson raised a qucstion about when park development is initiate . lie questioned whether a certain numbcr of lots in the development had to be built on bcflw the park is developed. Larry Nolan stated he did not believe there was anything in writing tha, specified when park development takes place. Adam Hawkinson felt that by developing the paks earlier before the development is extensively built up, you eliminate the issue ofresidcnts l1)t knowing how close they are to thc park site or what type of park is in their development. Th offset to that is that there may be some residents who would question why a less built up dcvelopment would get a park earlier than a development that is built up and would have a greatcr need for a park. 7. Updates. JcffO'Neill stated that at an earlier Pari's Commission meeting there was discussion of applying park dedication fees to comme cial property. Jeff O'Neill stated he would try to get this issLle before the COLlncil in January. 2 Parks Commission M inules - 12/18/03 8. Parks Commission Appointment. . The term of fran Fair expires on December _ 1, 2003. She indicated her willingness to serve another term if the Parks Commission was illing. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO RECOMME D TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPOINTMENT OF FRAN FAIR TO A TI REE YEAR TERM ON THE PARKS COMMISSION COMMENCING JANUAR 1,2004. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED tIN NIMOUSL Y. Adam Hawkinson and the Parks Commissi n discussed upcoming projects and priorities for 2004. The following are items that were fc t to be priorities: I) Acquisition of land for ballfield complex; 2) Completion of the Ea. t Bridge Park trail and arboretum; 3) Completion of the Groveland Park; 4) The construction of he pathway along CSA H 18 and 5) The restrooms at Ellison Park. 9. Identifvine eoals/proiects for 2004 focus. . Another item that the Parks Commission fe t deserving of focus was the development of a park and recreation department. At the present ime the City's role in park and recreation is primarily on developing and maintaining p' rks. The recreational aspects are handled by a number of different groups such as the sch 01. the associations, etc. It was felt that a centralized focus on developing recreation"I programs and scheduling use of city facilities would be more efficient. The question wa how to accomplish the mergi ng of various programs operated by a number of differen groups into one governing body for all recreational programs. The complexity of developing n entity to handle the recreation programs made it questionable whether this should be a goal for 2004. Jt was felt that at least there should be the beginning steps of meeting with the various groups operating the existing programs and starting discussions on how to set this up. It was uggested that perhaps having someone at the meeting from a community who had set u a recreation program would be helpful. Another possible resource would be a representativ> from the Minnesota Parks Association. Adam Hawkinson stated that the question of cha ging for the use of the fields is something that is being considered. JeffO'Nei\l stated tha a decision like that should come from Council and not staf!". . .lefT O'Neill brought up the issue of cross alks along major highways. At the last Council meeting discussion came up on the need fhr a crossing at CSAH 75 and Prairie Road and discussion on whether a pedestrian crossi g should be located on TII 25 between ih Street and CSAH 75. Fran Fair cited Gillard Avenu and County Road 39 as another location that should be considered. Larry Nolan stated that t e Parks Commission could discuss it but because it was an area relating to traffic and public afety he didn't know if it should be a primary focus of the Parks Commission. Nancy McCa fi-ey asked if sites were identified as meriting a pedestrian crosswalk who would pay for he cost of constructing them. Jeff O'Neill indicated that it would be likely that the City woule pick up most of the cost. It was pointed out that since CSAH 75 and TH 25 arc county an state roads and the City could not do anything in their right-of-way without obtaining appr )Val. Larry Nolan felt that perhaps lowering the speed limit might also need to be consid recl. 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 12/18/03 . Adam Hawkinson raised the issue of staffill J. With the continuing increase in park land acquisition it may be necessary to increase tailing in the parks department to handle it. While the Parks Commission acknowledged that ith the City's growth, the demands on the park staff continue to grow, they felt that staffing ne ds would be more in the realm of the Parks Superintendent with the Parks Commissio supplying support for obtaining budgeting for the staff. The determination of how much ad itional staff is needed and whether staff should be full~time or part-time should be that of the ark Superintendent. Nancy McCatTrey asked how often park i spections are done. Adam Hawkinson responded that they try to do them 3-4 times a year. I e added that another factor in determining how often inspections arc done, is the amount l' use the equipment receives. AdamIlawkinson stated that his staff, although small, has m ny talents. Because ofthe heavy load of routine work that must be done, staff docs not hav the opportunity to fully utilize their talents. A list of the goals for 2004 will be prepar d and brought back at the next meeting. Added] terns: Adam Hawkinson submitted a brochure s lowing the type of dock that will be going in at West Bridge Park. The dock will be located 0 f of Front Street on land that was acquired as part of the Riverwalk development. The dock i a result ofa grant application made in 2003. The Parks Commission felt it would be nice i installation was completed in time for the River Fest activities and if so then mayhe some kin of event or aetivity could he done focusing on the dock. . TDS is requesting an easement for land i1 the proposed Sunset Ponds development for placement of equipment needed for their utilities. The casement area would house a 6'xS' pad with cream colored cabinets containing t e equipment. The area would be screened and landscaped. At this time who will ulti ately own the site is not certain. The Parks Commission has stated that the land wo ld not be accepted as park land because the gas line easement makes it unusahle. It was felt that if this was to be considered open space or common area then ownership should be by the developer. Although the ownership question has not been resolved, TDS was asking 'or easement approval if the city should end up oWl1ing the land at this time as this would allow additional time for planning. The Parks Commission discussed this at length. They were fir in their position that they did not want the area in question as park land or for any other u e. However, if for some reason it did end up being owned by the city, the Parks Commissi n was not adverse to allowing the easement to TDS as shown on the attached drawing with th conditions that the area be screened and landscaped and that the structure be placed at least 12' olTthe property line to allow mowing with the city's equipment. Adam Hawkinson presented drawings' nd price quotes from Flanagan Sales, Game Time and Earl F. Anderson for play equipment f(f the Country Club Park. The price estimates were in the $20,000 range. The bids were to i elude the material, edging around the entire play area including the swings, playstructure an installation of playstructure. The swings from the existing site will be used with the new playstructure. $20,000 has heen set aside in the park hudget for this improvement. After r viewing the various sketches, the Parks Commission consensus was to go with the Earl F. nderson structure, which included a digger. . 4 . . . Parks Comm ission Minutes -- 12/18/03 Adam Hawkinson updated the Parks Commis ion on grants that he will be considering applying for in 2004. At this time Sunset Poids would not be included in any grant application for 2004. i I The restrooms in Ellison Park will not be do . e nntil after the River Fest activities. The staff is trying to determine iIthe existing building e uld be retrofitted or utilized in any way. It is proposed that the new restrooms will also ha e an electronic lock. Rick Traver asked if Par West and Fli\Icrest arks could be looked at and have statT come up with a revitalization plan. Even if work doe n't take place immediately having a plan will help keep focus on what needs to be done. 10. Adjourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN T 6:45 p.M. NANCY MCCAI'FREY SECON DED THE MOTION. MOTION" ARRIED UNANIMOtlS L Y. -,-------,---,--,----~--~---- Recording Secretary 5 . . . :Sa. (>lu'lo E-< .. (J)Orl ><u'l (J) .. >'I 'OH >'Irl<': <': '"' H (>l Uo)O ~go. :<:040 H' 0."'>'1 rl'" ""> U",,,, <':rl>'l Orl >'I >'I '" U H'" HCJ :<:<': 00, :>: '" 0.", o '" ><0 H> U~ o N "' >'I CJ 0) o o N o 0) :> ~ ;I: B o I>: <lJ;I: "'"' -rl rl <lJ0) 'tJo -rl 0 ,"N (') <lJrl ,"0 <:: ~~ <lJ~ I>: (J) o o H I>: '" 0, '" ;I: H I>: o ". o N ::> '" ;I: H , , , , , , , , ti 0, mmoooo~~~mooooo~oo 0 ~m O~mM ~ ~ 0'\ r-10'10"1t--l 0"1 0\ 0\0\ 0\ I t I I I I rl~OOOOO~OOOOOOOOOO ~ OO~OOOOO~OOOOOOOOOO rl (') :<: r>l HU ~~ <(>'I :>:<': "'01 '" ~~OOOO~rlO~OOOOOOOO or-- NC'lOO"l 0 0 ~"f f""'!oo;j'I~/"fl l""" r-I 00) '" 0) 0) N 0'" "'''' H'" (J)U 00 "'''' 0, o E-<:<: ><H mr--OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO rl~OOOOO~OOOOOOOOOO O'I~OOOO~rlO~OOOOOOOO rl["-. 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Just a note: On February It\ have the day off and won't be available. 0.-.--. CY;Vr; . ITEM 9- PUBLIC HEARING CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PROCESS - PUB IC HEARING REQUIREMENT A minimum of one public hearing must be held to 0 tain citizen input on this proposed Outdoor Recreation Grant Application. A regular p k board, city council, town board or county board meeting is not considered a public hearing unl ss the meeting, or a portion of the meeting, was specifically noticed and identified as a public he 'ng. The hearing must be held prior to the submission of t e application. Notice of the public hearing must follow the normal public hearing notice require ents for YOllr local community. A copy of the public notice and the minutes frOni the hearing must be submitted with your application. The minutes should reflect that the folIo ing information has been provided at the . hearing: . . - Project scope and the type of activiti s involved - Implementation schedule - Overall cosfand the proposed financ ng for the project - Costs to be assessed to community r sidents .- Other associated project costs such a maintenance expenses, etc. . c) tlG (:if/1 (J \L L, ~ P 5-1' ~11 .e ' ~ Adam Hawkinson FVr ragt: 1 U1 1 ~ From: Ann Zimmerman To: Adam Hawkinson; Cathy Shuman; Carol Firkins Cc: .bject: FW: Updated Park abbreviations - Attachments: Sent:Wed 11/12/200311:28 AM -----Original Message----- From: Ann Zimmerman Sent: Monday, November 10, 200310:25 AM To: Adam Hawkinson; Cathy Shuman; Carol Firkins Subject: Park abbreviations Thank you for reviewing the abbreviations & making s ggestions. The following are abbreviations for the city's parks. These abbreviations will be used in the descriptions f r AlP. . SCFLD Soccer Fields Impr PKADA Park ADA/Structure Impr WBPK West Bridge Park Impr EBPK East Bridge Park Impr POCPK Prairie/Otter Creek Park Imp CHTL T Cardinal Hills Tot Lot Impr PNRPK Pionee Park Impr RMPK River Mill Park Impr PKSPK Parkside PKlM.O. Impr (this park ma no longer exist-will forward info when obtained) 4thPK 4th Street Park Imp RWPK Rolling Woods GRVPK Groveland Pk Impr TVVPK TowerNalley View Pk Impr ELLRR Ellison Restrooms WWDPK Wildwood Park Imp CCPK Country Club Park Imp PWA YO Pathway Dev . http://mail.ci.monticello.mn.us/exchange/adam.Haw.sonlInboxIFW:%20%20Updated%20%20park%...11/12/201 ~. . Park Commission members, This is something that John Simo a asked me to add to the agenda. We have had some issues at the cemete that have needed clarification. As you know we inherited the Riverside C metery and some things were done incorrectly by the previous owns. Bec se of this, there has to be some variations allowed in order to keep so order in the cemetery. These are the latest recommendations. If these c anges have already been through Parks Commission they will then need 0 go to council. T~~dJ~ Adam Hawkinson Park Superintendent . . . . . -~. dlJ~f 9. MONUMENTS MARKERS AND F UNDA TIONS: 9.1 I Every marker must be placed in t e space reserved therefore, as shown upon the plat of such grave, or as directed by the ity. 9.2 Monuments will be allowed in the old section of the cemetery only and are limited in size to a maximum of 36" for a sin Ie grave and a maximum of 72" for a double grave, including the 3" concrete border. 9.3 Monuments will not be allowed i the new section of the cemetery. Only flat markers of sizes specified by the City will be a lowed in the new section of the cemetery. Marker size shall not exceed 2' x 3' for a singl grave, 2' x 4' for a double grave, and 12" x 18" for a single baby grave, including the 3" concrete border. All markers shall be uniform in thickness and a minimum of 4" tick with the exception of the brass veteran markers. Markers embracing more than wo graves will not be permitted, unless otherwise approved by the City. (Updated 3/25/02. City Council) 9.4 No monument or marker, nor ny part thereof, may be constructed of limestone, sandstone, or any artificial materi 1. 9.5 A foundation of concrete is requir d for monuments/markers. There shall be a minimum of 3" concrete border set at gra e level. Setting of all monuments/markers shall be performed by the City or its appr ved contractor, or an accepted monument company. The City requires that all abov ground monuments/markers must be attached to the foundation by setting it ino the wet cement, pinning it into the cement, or adhering it to the foundation u ing exterior adhesive for stones such as PL400. 9.6 C'(r)tcl\ to see it ctV'\ese \h"nLb (\\11 \oolc&) \A:JL.h~ l--D --:?o.. v~ 0 0 nil rIA. '/ /1 AJ c) \) o (N C. - ~+. ~~v\ \cV\Ow Prior to any monument/marker pI cement t contacted in order to stake the ar a and su~ 9.7 For all graves there will be a staki g fee pay , City's current fee schedule. 9.8 The City requires that all flush arkers in the new section of the cemetery shall be set at the head end and face eas Furthermore, all monuments/markers in the old section shall be set at the head e d and face east unless existing conditions warrant placing elsewhere. Such varian es will be approved in writing by the City prior to monument/marker placement. 9.9 Only one marker will be permitted n anyone grave in the new part of the cemetery with the exception of a veteran marker hich may be placed at the foot end, unless otherwise approved by the City. 9.10 A maximum of three monuments ill be permitted on anyone grave in the old part of the cemetery (e.g., a family name mon ment, an individual monument or marker and! or a flat veteran's marker). Veteran mark rs are to be placed on the grave of the veteran only and not centered between the gaves of a husband and wife, for example. C:BETl-I\WORDPROClRrvl'RSIDIRUlES.FRM: EFFl'CTIVl' 11/01/01 - PAGE 4 OF 8 - . . . Park De artment riorities for 2004 1. Land acquisition for sports complex -,Jt>1-1. ;2 (I ;2 0(;1'( IJ~ 2. Complete existing projects at Grove and, East Bridge pathway, and Co. Rd. 18 pathway. 3. Remodeling of Ellison Park bathroo s. 4. Research the strategies of what the ositive effects of having a Park and Recreation Department would be d how it would be accomplished. 5. Par West and Hillcrest upgrades in equipment and grounds Maintenance. Address the issues surrounding san pedestrian crossing areas of major road ways in our community and identi those areas in a prioritized order. Eg. Otter Creek, 7th and Broadway, Gil ard, and Pinewood school. 6. 7. Review Park Department staffmg. relation to increased development parks and pathways. 8. Preliminary plans for City View P k, Sunset Ponds Park, and Hunters Ridge. L)",~ . MONTICELLO P S DEPARTMENT Work list January 21"t, 2003 December 18th, 1003 tbru January 21"t, 2004 . . Rink maintenance . Remove steps at East Bridge . Prepping swing set from Country lub Park for painting . Chipping orders - some of our 0 . Riverside Cemetery - several loc ; es made . Dodge 1 ton is back and everyth' is done right . Sliding hill- straw bails added . General park and building mainte ce . Installation of bathroom partitions at Pioneer . New 328 Toro is in with a snow b ower attachment - for sidewalks and rinks . Equipment maintenance and repai . Cleaning of shop and vehicles . Hand held radios were serviced - etter communication . Marking and inventory of tools . Sent the men to training at MLPS onvention Center - Green Expo - learned more about turf managem nt, efficiency, and irrigation . Working on grants for 2004 . Organizing the shop so all resourc s can be found . Spring animals from Country Club park are repainted and look great! . . . . I-;/I~q IJ.~ Park Commission members, I have prepared two options for lacement of the new play equipment at Country Club Park. The concerns I ave are that it is not too close to the volleyball court and the there is still su lcient open field area for people to play. There is also some room availabl on the North West side, with the only problem being ADA accessibility. The pathway is on the East side of the park at this time. Another altemati e is to install the equipment off the 60-foot easement on the South West si e. The play area dimensions for the equipment is 64' 4" x 52' 4", so it wou d fit. Our mowers are 7ft wide, so it would be advantageous to set it off to ne side if that option was chosen. If an alternative location is chosen, feel e to use a copy and draw it in the new location. Thank. you'dJ.1 h"/;Z /' J7 .., ~;~.,.,t:.~ Adam Hawkinson Park Superintendent ..... ~ uiii;! i~ll;il ;I;ti~!1 lll:!!1 unu; .11~u ~ !i~I!~; 1~1I!! ..... .d' .___ ~". ,.., .__, ",,". .. -. u_ ~ 52'-4" ,.., >< n Vi \JI ~ ; e ~ .. ' . ' , ' :~. ~_, ._~. _... .,~_ n".. .._~. .'''', ~_ ~.,~. ~"' ...., .~'_ ~ ."_ _ _~ .~. ~~. ..~ '..... ,~1 ! I '" .. " ~ <2 ..." ;J I !C: co . ,.., ::<l co ~ <::l ,.., ::c I """, >< N, >< """, De I 0, ,.., ;>> ill~; l'li! I~ ill..= ill ~I!! ~i . .;:; I" . jil~~ !!!1~ i ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~~ ~ ~ .; g ~f!! i as~." I II II f ~ ~~ ~ = 1/1 80 .. = -a "",,~1'T1 o - II j:!i;IJ O"i ;' ~ :H~ t;3 :tl~ ~ ~~- )> ~~i5 "'~. ~i> '-+-- ~ '. ~Ii :if '" ... <Q ~ ~ liIo l::I 10' ;r. .,. It .. ~ ~ :Hti iH 11fi t I ~l .-111 : 11. Hi)! ~t i -I hll~!l ~ ~ Ii iH !ii1t 8' ~ 'n !I'-. J: , 1J tKht I ~~ ~~ !! J.! J.! Ii;; -- -~ I< t ,.!...! .!.! ~ ;:l t o ~ ~ t:a '!'; ........-n.... O,~ . Iii o 0.11 -. . .., ..... "'K1"T ~O~ .. I.n e- -.' .- t. .. " III. ... ". m .j>. ,- .j>. . ~u~n~ ~ n;gi ~ ! 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G) ~-8 . , ~- ~ - " ~' " (.~.otX) '~'~""~'~'~"-."'--'''~'''~ "-"~~--"~"Y'\ ,_,__.,'__~, Q.'!O/ . Q\\ 1.,1 .. 1'1. r \. \ , \ \\ \'\ \ "'.'., \ '- \ ' \ \ \ ~- .. ~ Q '170 I . -T ~ . .:21 J ;;J..C'G"{ 11<--- . Park Commission members, If by chance I am unable to att nd the meeting on time I would like to address some of the items on the age da by letter. In regards to the tree planting this spring and summer. We have $15,000.00 in the budget in 2004. I had an idea that we could sp it up the planting between a spring and fall planting. This may not be so int' idating for people to volunteer, there wouldn't be so many trees to handle nd by fall we may have more sites that will require trees. I am unsure as to t: e full intension of the donation for trees made by the MPC and if only p rk plantings were what they had in mind, or if only for citizens or a com ination. I'm looking to Fran's guidance at this point. I do know that we can use 20 trees along the Groveland pathway. At this time there are 60 bare root tre s on order from Baileys. They are a variety of sizes of Maple, Ohio Buck ye, Marshall's Ash, Snow Crab, White Swamp Oak, and Japanese Tree Lilac We will need to add to this order. I would like to suggest that we order s me ball and burlap (B&B) trees as they are easy to handle and hold up t wind better than the bare root style. Another suggestion is to invest some f the funds into fertilizer pellets for the trees and some mycorryhizal inoc ant. This would give the trees the best chance for survival. When they et stressed, these additives will help them greatly. The total cost of the ad itives are as follows, inoculant is about $120.00 to $250.00, depending n how many tablets per tree and fertilizer would be about $175.00, at ne pack per tree. . The cost of the B&B trees is be een $80.00 and a $150.00 per tree. The large container trees are less exp sive and would still be easier to handle as well. I have sent four sourc s along for you to look at and research. These are my only books d I will need them back. Some are two years old but the prices have not hanged much. We also get a 10% discount because we belong to the Mi esota Nursery and Landscape Association (MNLA). Thank. you, .-7 / ~.. .~ ~~~ Adam Hawkinson Park Superintendent . /_J.i-tJ'{' a.......-- . Park Commission members, This is the agreement we would e ter into with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) with regards the fishing pier. You will note that John Simola has already made sam comments on the document. I have brought this before you to see if there ar any other comments or concerns. I feel honored that the DNR has t en such an interest in our site and that they have helped us so much alread with the extension of our boat launch at Ellison Park. I think that we eed to continue good relations with them and that this project is a great opp rtunity for the city, its citizens, and visitors. Tryg Hanson the DNR represe tative is a wonderful person to work with and will look at any items that con em us on the contract. Thank you.,. /7. . / / ./ ~~%~.. Adam Hawkinson Park Superintendent . . . Minnesota Departme t of Natural Resources DNR, Trail & Waterways 940 Industrial Dr S #10 , Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 320-255- 279 ext.228 January 8, 2004 Adam Hawkinson Monticello Public Works Director 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN. 55362-8831 Re: Draft Agreement for Mississippi River, est Bridge Park Fishing Pier Dear Adam: . Enclosed is the draft agreement that will allow the Department of Natural Resources, Trails and Waterways Division, to place a floa ing fishing pier on the Mississippi River in the city's West Bridge Park. Please review this draft agreement with the ap opriate city officials and let me know if there is anything in the agreement that the city as qnestions, comments or concerns on. As we discnssed on the phone, after reviewing e draft, please return the document with the supporting park commission/city council re olntion. Once I have received this infonnation, I will then pnt together a fonnal a eement with all the necessary attachments and return it to you for final signam es. Please don't hesitate to contact me if yon have y qnestions regarding this agreement. Sincerely:g /, ~ ~ TrygtWanson Area Technician DNR Information: 651-296-6157 · 1-888-646-6367. Y: 651-296-5484 . 1-800-657-3929 An Equal Opponunity Employer Who Values Diversity o Printed on Recycled Paper Containing a Inimum of 20% Post-Consumer Waste FISHING PIER/SHO FISHING AGREEMENT . This Agreement, between the State ofMinn sota, acting by and through the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, herei after referred to as the "State" and the City of Monticello, hereinafter referred to as the "Ci y" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Natural R sources has the authority, duty and responsibili ty under Minnesota Statutes Secti n 97 A.l4 I to provide public access sites on lakes and rivers where access is inadequate; a d WHEREAS, The State and City are authorize under Minnesota Statute Section 471.59 to enter into agreements jointly or cooperatively 0 exercise common powers; and WHEREAS, the State and the City have dete ined that a fishing pier site on the Mississippi River at West Bridge Park, hereinafter referred to as the "Fishing Pier" is of high priority under the state water access pro gram; and . WHEREAS, plans for the Fishing Pier have be n developed and approved by the State and are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and shall be eferred to as the "Plan"; and WHEREAS, a Fishing Pier site location on the ississippi River has been selected by the State and City as shown on the attached map he eto as Exhibit "B" and is legally described as follows: Lots 1,2,3,4,5, of Block 64, Monticell , together with the North 40 feet of the vacated street known as River Street, lyi immediately South of said Block 64, according to the plat and of record in the illce of the County Recorder, in and for the County of Wright, State of Minnesota WHEREAS, a resolution or copy of the City co cillboard meeting minntes authorizing the City to enter into this agreement is attached heret as Exhibit "C"; and WHEREAS, the State and City desire to cooperat in the installation and maintenance of the Fishing Pier on the Mississippi River at West Brid e Park. NOW, TIfEREFORE, in consideration of the mut al benefits to be derived by the public bodies hereto and for the benefit of the general pu lic, the parties agrees as follows: 1. INSTALLATION Installation of the Fishing Pier struc re itself shall be the responsibility of the State, however, the City shall Provid personnel and equipment when feasible to assist with the installation. The C ty will construct and pay for a concrete footing and approach at the shoreline connecting the Fishing Pier gangway to the shore. The City will also constru t and pay for a hard Surfaced, accessible OPERA TION OF THE F SHING PIER The City shall operate the Fishing Pier in the following manner: a. The City shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, re!,'Ulations, rules and ordinances hicb may apply to tbe management, operation and ., "- maintenance of said pr mises. . (" /" ,<~,C b. The Fishing Pier may nly be used for fishing, observation and other ,t<P , compatible uses. (] of V ':(" .' ".. c. The Fishing Pi er and r lated facilities sball be free and open every da~/ C\ i) t-' ;:, f' ) between tbe bours of 6: 0 a.m. and midnight or in conjunction witb " 0C, ..I/' existing and establisbe City bours for use of its park facilities. The City 'O'~ II may close the Fishing P' er for emergencies, or for other reasons, without .-<<> ~ prior written consent of the State. The City shall notifY the State within 48 \ () hours of the closing oft e Fishing Pier for emergency reasons or if the 5"'0 v'l' k ..~ facility will remain clos d longer than 24 hours. "'-, I> <t' S'\ . d. Free and adequate parki g in tbe vicinity will be provided for tbe F isbing ~ 0'<<>.0\ Pier including at least 0 e (1) designated accessible parking space for ~. ,/'\,. persons with disabilities. ~-,. \'~J (i"<,\ ~\h'i:'T s"'f' 1>" (t!l1 "'" ~{0 / ~....> e. The State reserves the ri bt to inspect the premises at all times to insure . ..' Q ~ ,.0.../ that the City is in compli ce with tenus of this Agreement. ,,"- '::~"':;. / f. The City sball provide. p lice protection and patrols for the Fishing Pier in 0/ accordance Wlth the CIty s estabbsbed pobce department pobCles for a facility of this type. g. The State will provide an install the appropriate signage, which indicates that the Fishing Pier is co peratively provided by the City and the Department of Natural R sources. h. The State shall retain ow ership of the Fishing Pier and retains the authority to relocate and! r remove the Fishing Pier if the site (Exhibit "B") is determined to be i adequate of if the City fails to comply with the terms ofthis Agreement. efore such removal or relocation, the State shall consult with the City 1. The City shall maintain th facilities and keep them in good and sanitary order in accordance with e City's established practices for maintenance of City park facilities. Ad itionally, the City shall provide all necessary routine maintenance and inor repairs including but not limited to the repair of replacement deck ng and railing. The State shall assist the City with major structural repai s subject to the availability of funding according to the provisions of Article III. J. The City shall obtain any p nnit or license to the State which may be required for the Fishing Pie. . . . (~ C[ N '~J 'l r. " / r ~~" D ~. '. '\~~ /j,...-',,--/ .-( v /. ('J '1. ........'. n "'-' 'I:, '0 ,> \'2;; \ \\ \ I'\.:r' ",_: t;,~ r.;-v'; '~~. . sidewalk/path, which me ts ADA requirements ofless than a 5% gradient, 1 % cross slope and 1 % taler nee connecting the Fishing Pier to an accessible parking space. The City grees to complete their portion of the project within one year of the effective ate ofthis agreement. II. . III. IV. . , .~:: \ ~..., '" ltJ" :f'" ~ f"..., 1_':" ,.../~p5 ,,'..'.. ;;..,\' -,'"' ~ (;~>'"; ,,~ {r'..'I".... \' \C. ~~ ~ "~' :' , \\V , 'f- !"~,'~ J k. The City shall take n cessary action no earlier than October 15th of each year to protect the Fis ing Pier from damage caused by ice action. Additionally, ifneces ary, the City shall return the Fishing Pier to its original location Exhi it "B" no later than May 1 st of each year. FUND lNG The State shall provide t e Fishing Pier structure in accordance with the Plan, Exhibit "A". The cost of the Fishing Pier structure shall be borne by the State. The cost of the required s oreline footing, accessible sidewalk/pathway and parking area shall be bo e by the City as provided in Article I. The total obligation of the State fo it's responsibilities under Article I shall be limited to the amount of funds Ie islatively appropriated and administratively allocated to this project. he obligation ofthe State for the repairs and improvements beyond th initial installation costs shall also be limited by the amount of funds legislati ely appropriated and administratively allocated to this proj ect. No addition I funding will be provided, unless agreed upon by all parties and an amend ent to this Agreement is completed and executed. LIABILITY Each party agrees that it ill be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent auth rized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts ofthe other party and the esults thereof. The State's liability shall be governed by the provisio s of Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736, and other pplicable law. The Local Unit of Government's liability shall be goveme by Minnesota Statutes Sections 466.01 - 466.15, and other applicable law. V. TERM This Agreement shall be ffective on the date it is approved by the Department of Administr tion and shall remain in effect for a period of twenty (20) years except as othe ise provide herein or agreed to in writing by both parties. The Agreement all renew at the end of the term for an additional five (5) year period unles a party gives three (3) months written notice to the other party to terminate t e Agreement. The Agreement shall continue to automatically renew at th end of each five (5) year period unless the required written notice is given. VI. AUDIT Under Minnesota Statute Section 16C.05, sub. 5, the books, records, documents and accountin procedures and practices of the City relevant to the Agreement shall be subje t to examination by the Commissioner of Natural Resources, the Legislativ Auditor and the State Auditor for a minimum of six (6) years from the end of his agreement. . VII. ANTITRUST . who executed and app oved the original agreement, or their successors in office. XII. OTHER TERMS AN CONDITIONS NOTICES: Any notic , demand or communication under this Agreement by either party to the othe shall be deemed sufficiently given or delivered if it is dispatched by register d or certified mail, postage prepaid to: The State The City Mn. Department ofNa ral Resources City of Monticello Trails and Waterways ivision, Area 3C Sup. Office of Public Works 940 Industrial Dr. S., # 03 909 Golf Course Road Sauk Rapids, MN. 563 9 Monticello, MN. 55362 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the Agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RES URCES By: . Title: Date: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Title: Date: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATI N Delegated to Materials Management Di ision By: Title: Date: . CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Title: Date: r I ! j I I i ~ ~ W UJ a ~ tf;5c... ~ ""'" w.. . ~Cl .. ~_2: r..; l:d ::c: <: C'"\I Cl ~ ~ CJ ~ tLu I- ~ 0... E!5 Co u... L5 ~ _ .. -1st w C'"\I ~ u... z ~ <.. _ -.I ::c: C"\J -J _ fT"l ~<~ W gs -gz I- 2: :k<: <: <C =- - ~ ""'" . ~ ttl t-- ..- l"\i .~.. ~ rrJo.. ~ - - ~ ~ ""<- 1- .~ .j - ~ tIC.) - -::J: UJ :x :~ tu J- 1 , i OJ rri -- -~ .'. I"'} ,,~ rs1 ,~ .... 6' cr: oC/) LLr- (J):r: U)C!J 1.LJ:J Cl::'a.. QO Of--. <(U) ~ ~ () - - a) U .- ...... r;: i q.. '0 - - I;!.\ ... .. f- l- \,) !U ;J "::s V1 tIC :i: X Lu . . . January 21, 2004 Parks Commission members, I have reviewed the Insignia site proposal. I have made some comments on the plan. What I woul like to see is a full softball complex with a concession stand area and at east two full size soccer fields. The Soccer fields would be multi use and all fields would have lights in the future. You will also note someone ad added that more parking is needed. I also added to move the parking lot so more fields can be added to the plan. I believe that it is just a matter of re rganizing the site. One other thing to note is that there seems to be a lot 0 space in either marsh/swamp and under power lines. The power line area m y only receive partial credit and the swamps none. If this development i 400 acres then we should be getting a total dedication in the range of 41 0 a res. We need to make sure we add area for space not acceptable under ityordinance. I believe this could be a good tart to the field relief the city needs in the athletic field area. I hope that we spend some time examining this plan to really get what we want and not b tentative about our city needs. I still am in contact with Xcel about the e a land by the existing Xcel Ballfields. I am in the process of sending inform tion to Lori, the contact person at Xcel. Thank,Y ou, , .-r.//~ :")/'/ ~" ,/,/ L~~:< "~,~,<" Adam R. awkinson Park Superintendent ~ lOCI-I t""''A ~ l~ :1 ~i- ~-t } ~ ! \II ~~? ..f:-, all' ., ;\0 V\C" ~t:~- \ r .."'" - ~ "- va \'C" '<.:" ('- "'(' \-'1 -,?\: s c) 0\-1>- ~'I '(\0 {) ~ o -'-- , t .,.,~._,.,~.~ cPo eo JI" ,"8- .-' .- (-.....-s.1..rtl! .t-r . I. Iklt.fl."""".o,.f C fhl:\ Ql;'\ I ().A J Uo'\el-_" If t.",..j utI...... 1;Jc.t't~ ? . ( /-\ t_J c. OT~AIl. o .I J;'. ~ ... .P J "" ~., ~