Parks Commission Agenda Packet 04-22-2004 . AGEN A P ARKS COM ISSION April 22,2004 - 4:30 p.m. West Prair e Room "To enhance community pride through developing and muintaining city parks with a igh HIlIldard of quality" l. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of March 25, 2004 reg lar Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the age 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Wri2ht County Health Representative - o Smoking Environment 6. Review of proposed ordinance amendme t relating to park land Title XI, Chapter 6. 7. Park Rental Fees . 8A. East Bridge Park Rctainin2 Wall Constr ction B. Plantings 9. Park Maintenance Items 10. Park Regulations Sign 11. Loss of park land through Wetland LC action 12. Park Signs 13. Updates: A. Swan Park B. Walk and Roll 14. Adjourn . . . . 6. 7. NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA April 004 Attachcd is a copy of the proposed ordinan e amcndment rclating to park land dedication (this has heen revised since last meeting). Attached is information on the park rental. The Parks Commission is being asked to consider establishing a rental fee for the Pi neer Park Shelter as well as reviewing the other fees. tl. The City of Monticello acts as the local gov rning unit in administering the wetlands act. In a recent LGU review of the proposed Ti ber Ridge III development, the LGU determined that the Balboul park land wo Id be utilized as a storm water runoff pond for the proposed Timber Ridge III developme t. Two points of concern with this development include: 1) The Parks Commission was not notified that the LGU consideration would impact park land and 2) there was no reim ursement in cash orland for the loss of the existing park land. Attached is a copy of the police commissio minutes of their April 14lh meeting where the Groveland Park survey was discussed. . . . Park Commission Minutes - 3/25/04 MIN TES PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 25, 20 4 - 4:30 p.m. 'To enhance community pri if through developing and maintaining city parks with high standard of quality. " Members present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, ancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Council Liaison, Robb e Smith Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Par s Superintendent 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to orde at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. A rove minutes of Februa 23 2004 s e ial Parks Commission meetin . Fran Fair indicated the committee on the par ing lot for Mississippi Park had met. Adam Hawkinson added that a property owner adja ent to the park site did express some concern about having a parking lot situated there so there n eds to be an additional meeting before anything is decided. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE INUTES OF TilE FEBRUARY 23,2004 SPECIAL PARKS COMMISSION MEETINT. LARRY NOLAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 2B. A rove minutes of Fehrua Chair Nolan asked if the City had heard anytl ing further from Xcel Energy on additional land for ballfield use. If the City is able to acquir the additional land for ballfields it would not be until later in the summer. It is hoped that in he fall the City could do the seeding of the land. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APP OVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUAR Y 26, 2004 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION EETING. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. Nancy McCaffrey asked that the Comprehen ive Park Plan be added to the agenda. Fran Fair asked that a discussion of the drawing of the plantings and terracing of East Bridge Park be added. Adam Hawkinson added a revision 0 the ordinance relating to park dedication and also changing of the wording on the park regulati n signs. 4. Citizcns comments and reQuest. Michelle Brandt, a resident of the Grovelanddevelopment, asked about the results of the survey. Adam] lawkinson stated that at the public he ring on the grant application for the Groveland park, residents had said that before the City oes further development in Groveland park they Park Commission Minutes - 3/25/04 . should find out what the residents want. '1'h Parks Department sent out a survey basically requesting residents to identify what ameniti s they would like to see in the park, how often they use the park and any other concerns relating 0 the park. The results of the survey was presented to the Parks Commission and a copy was gi en to Ms. Brandt. Out of 187 notices, 56 responses were received as of this date. Based on the responses received, a basketball court and picnic shelter were the most requested items. Adm 1 Hawkinson noted that some residents responding to the survey noted their concerns with som of the activities that are taking place at the park. These comments were tabulated as part oft e survey results and Larry Nolan suggested copies of this be sent to the Police Commission an the Wright County Sheriffs Department. Adam Hawkinson reported that they had cat ght an individual on a ATV that had been tearing up the seeded area and he will be charged for d mages incurred. Michelle Brandt reported that they are having their first meeting ofthe Cri e Watch group tonight. She read and submitted a letter stating that the park in Grove\and is a iolation of the City's noise ordinance and is an invasion of their privacy. The letter closed ith a request to move the park to a location that is sufficiently located away from people's ho es and property. Chair Nolan acknowledged receipt of the let er and indicated that at this time the Parks Commission was taking no action on her let er. Michelle Brandt replied that she has been contacted by Councilmember Glen Posusta nd will be addressing the City Council on this matter at the Apri I 12, 2004 Co unci I meetin . . 5. Park Maintenance. Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of work completed for the month. Nancy McCaffrey asked about the pathway construction by Front Str ct. Adam Hawkinson indicated that they are putting in a wood chip path in the area that I ads down to the landing where the dock will be installed. He indicated that the dock should be coming in Mayor June. 6. Re ort on surve of Groveland arca resi cnts. Although this topic was cover under citizen comments, the Parks Commission felt that if the Groveland park was going to be discussed b the City Council, they should have background information on it. Larry Nolan will meet wi h Bruce 'rhielen and discuss the Parks Commission position and submit the minutes of the infor 1ationalmeeting and public hearing as background. Nancy McCaffrey felt that the point John Si 10la made to Michelle Brandt that this is a democratic society where the good of the w ole should not be sacrificed for the wishes of the individual should also be expressed to Robie Smith, the Council liaison and Mayor Bruce Thielen. The Parks Commission discussed the noise issue and questioned whether additional plantings would aid in muff1ing the noise. dam Hawkinson stated that approximately 45 trees were planted 3 feet off of the park property ine arollnd the perimeter of the Grove land park.. This was done to help delineate the park area so residents know where the park boundary runs. . The Parks Commission also discussed Ms. randi's suggestion that the park be moved away from residences. It was noted that Minneap )Iis parks are enclosed by streets. Rick Traver stated that the City's ordinance does require park frontage on two streets. Larry Nolan felt that the Parks Commission and City stafT needs 0 be more conscientiolls of making sure dedicated 2 Park Commission Minutes - 3/25/04 . park land has frontage on two streets. As far as Michelle Brandt's comment about the light from the park shining into her window, it wa noted that there are no lights in the park and the light she was referring to was the street light. The Parks Commission has no control on where those lights are placed. The Parks Commissi n felt the Groveland park points out the need to mark park land before any homes are built in a development. 7. Review of ro osed ordinance amendmen relatin to ark land Title XI Cha ter 6. Adam Hawkinson submitted the proposed or inance amendment prepared by the City Planner to the Parks Commission. Since the Parks Commission just received the information at this meeting, it was decided to table consideratio of the amendment until the April meeting. The Parks Commission asked that thc City Plann r be present at that meeting so any questions on the ordinance amendment could be addressed. 8. Updates and added items: Comprehensive Plan: Nancy McCaffrey an Adam Hawkinson met concerning finalizing the inventory portion ofthe comprehensive plan. She submitted a draft of the inventory section to the Parks Commission. When the draft park omprehensivc plan is completed it will be reviewed by the Parks Commission and then forwarded to the city staff and city planner for their review and then to any other entities who ne d to review it. It is the hope of the Parks Commission to have the draft document com letcd in June. . Ea!l't Bridge Park: Adam Hawkinson state that when thc ground is thawed, they can begin work at the park. Fran Fair asked if any dra ing has been completed showing the location of the terraces and the type ofplantings proposed. - dam Hawkinson indicated that has not yet been done. 'fhere was some discussion on advelii 'ing for vendors who donate materials for city parks and how that should be handled. The Parks:ommission suggested contacting other cities to see what they do or contact the League of Minne 'ota Cities. Rick Traver asked if the Parks Department h d been contacted by the Y outhFootball League. Adam lIawkinson indicated they have not b t the City has meetings scheduled with the softball and baseball associations. Adam Hawkinson stated that there is $65,00 in the budget for improvements to Groveland park and hc would like continue with park develo ment for that area especially getting the basketball court in. The Parks Commission suggested ot doing anything until after the April 12th Council meeting. . Park Regulation Signs: lt is proposed to c ange the wording in the park regulation signs to language that is more positive. Adam Hawkinson went over the language that is currently on the signs and presented revised language. The r gulation signs contains information on the hours the park is open but the Parks Commission uestioned whether those hours should apply to the pathway since many peoplc use the pathway early morning or late evening which is outside the hours the park is open. Other items on the s gn include: 1) No motorized vehicles; I) No destruction of public property; 3) No shooti g mechanisms; 4) No golf activities allowed; 5) Pet waste must be picked up and disposed ofpr perly; 6) No rollerblading or skateboarding and 7) No alcoholic beverages. Another provision iscussed by the Parks Commission dealt with no 3 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 3/25/04 foul language or indecent behavior and it wa pointed out that not everyone agrees on what "indecent" means. It was also suggested tha language stating "Please respect the parks" be added. Adam Hawkinson will review the ch ges with the Public Works Director. Adam Hakwinson reported that the painting fthe hard court at West Bridge Park will be done in May. Larry Nolan asked about the 4th Str et Park and if the Public Works Department was going to replace the hard court there. It was uggested that maybe the hard court could be placed inside one of the rinks as there is limited spa'e at the park and it is questionable where else a hard court could be placed. Adam Hawkins n will talk to the Public Works Director and Water Superintendent about this. Adam Hawkinso 1 also added that his staff has been making some repairs to the building. Larry Nolan brought up Walk and Roll whic 1 will be held on May 22,2004. The Parks Commission would like to be located in the arking lot at East Bridge Park since that will be the site of a new trail. At a future meeting the P rks Commission will discuss what activity they will provide for Walk and Roll. There was a brief discussion on the irrigatio box at East Bridge Park and how to landscape around it. 9. Adiourn: RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN T 6:45 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN ... NIMOUSLY. ~, Recording Secretary 4 . CITY OF MO TICELLO 505 Walnu Street Suitell Monticello, N 55362 763~295.. 711 PARKRESERVA ION PERMIT ALL RESERVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO THE RESER ATION POLICY CONCERNING MONTICELLO'S PARKS. PLEASE REVIEW THE CONDITIONS BEFO PROCEEDING FURTHER. ~------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------~ Name: Resident: Non-resident: Organization: Address: City: State: Zip Co e: Phone: Desired Date: From: a.m./p.m.) To: (a.m./p.m.) . Check Facility Desired: ( ) Ellison Gazebo ($40 for 4 hours, non-resident-$l 00) ( ) Ellison Log Shelter ($40 for 4 hours, non-resident-$100) ( ) West Bridge Shelter Building ($45 for 4 hours, non-residen -$100; Enclosed with sink and sm fridg) ( ) West Bridge Open Building ($40 for 4 hours, non-resident~$l 0) A $200 clean-up fee is due upon key pickup. This fee will be r turned to you provided the facility is cleaned per the park instructions. Refund Fee Retain Fee (Date) (Date) The clean-up fee can be picked up no earlier then three days after e event and no later than seven days. After seven days, we will be required to deposit your money. Payment: Check#: Cash: (Make checks payable to the City of Monticello) Amount: Key for community room, restroorns, electricity: Key#: .'"" Agreement: I have received, read, and agree to abide by all pa k ordinances, rules and regulation, as well as all conditions on this application. Signature of applicant: Date: Issued by: FOR PARK DEPARTMENT USE The above organization has been approved for use of the specifi d facility /park without paying a fee. . YES NO SIGNED: dam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent I I I L______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________J . PLEASE TAKE PRIDE IN ONTICELLO PARKS PLE AS A ~fc LJ~. .. .. (J (J (J a Cl (J 4tl VIJfJ/II"" . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. 10. II. 12. CITY OF MON ICELLO 505 Walnut Stre t, Suite 1 Monticello, M 55362 763-295-2 11 P ARK RESER A TION rOLIe} s City residents and non-City residents may make reservati ns for the shelters beginning January 1 of each year. ations will not be aeee ted. A fee of $40/4 hrs.-(residents) and $100/4 hrs.- (non-resid nt) will be charged. For Cancellations, a 30 day notice is required for refund 0 fee. A $200 clean-up fee will be due upon key pickup. The fee will be returned to you upon inspection of the facility and finding it in satisfactory condition. A copy of the permit must be brought to the facility as proof of I' servation. No alcohol is permitted at the City parks. YOllmust be 18 years of age to reserve a facility and responsibl adult supervision must be provided at all times to insure that the pavilion and surrounding grounds are utilized in a safe and 0 derly manner. Law enforcement oftkials have the authority to ask uncooperati e offenders to leave the park. Any violation of park rules or other City Ordinances may result in loss of reservation and futur access to park facilities. All motorized vehicles must be left in designated parking areas. The park opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m.. unless oth rwise authorized. It is necessary to pick up a I<ev for the Community Room/Re troom/ Storage Room@ West Bridge, a key for Ellison Park Restrooms, and also, a key for electrical power. Water is always available at both parks. If you do not pick up a key and someone is needed to pen the facility or turn on the electricity, you will be charged $55 to have a city employee come in to assist you. At that time. the check is to be made out to the City of Monticello. Another separate check for $200 for a clean up fee is also due at that tim . 13. You are responsible for keeping the park clean by leaving fa ilities and grounds free of litter. Patrons can help by wiping their picnic tables & cleaning spills on shelter floors. (This may include excessive litter, messes/spills left on shelter floor or picnic tables, damage to pavilion or picnic ta les. or other dam~lge directly related to the rental use). 14. A k~y to the locked electrical box and restrooms may be checke out on the last business day prior to the event. The key must be returned to City Hall on the first business day after the event. or put in the utilities drop box in the Community Center foyer. 15. The City tries to keep the park and its facilities in good conditio . Other users sometimes vandalize facil ities or litter the grounds. Please report such conditions so that you are not h Id accountable. I have read and agree to all of the above park policies. . Sil!natllr Date .., omkdlu <:oOlmunily non.prolil organizations lhat are using the park tlJr an e,.~nlto h~1 dilth~ community tJr a qualilied ~harilllhle organization \\ill nOI hc charged a facility fec. "l'hi, mUSI he clc.lrcd hy the Parks department SupenislIr or 'ou \\ill h~ ~harg d to res.:n~ a fn~ility/park I'lensc turn in your permit apli.:atillnat least I Illllnth in nlhan~~ lIrthc datd,) and it \\ill h~ scntlothe parks lkpartmcntlll[ nppn".nl. Y HI will h~ nlltitied as III \\hclh~r or not you hnv~ hecn npprov.:d. . PLEASE TAKE PRIDE I MONTICELLO PARKS CLEAN-UP C ECK LIST o LITTER o EMPTY SMALL GARBA E CANS IN DUMPSTER o CLEAN OFF PICNIC TA LES o CLEAN OFF COUNTER OP o REMOVE ALL PARTYD CORATIONS o TURN OFF ELECTRICI Y tP DROP CHECK LIST IN ROPBOX PLEASE LEAVE THE P AK AND SHELTERS IN AS GOOD OF CONDITIO AS WHEN YOU ARRIVED, IF NOT BETTER THANK YOU, CITY OF MONTICELLO . . City of Montice Wright Ordinance 10, Minnesota ounty o. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 11 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANC , BY PROVIDING FOR CHANGES TO STANDARDS AND PROCESSING RELATED PARK DEDICATION, FINAL PLAT FILING, AND SUBDIVISION DEVELOPME REGULATIONS. The City Council of the hereby ordains: 1. the following Section 11-3-3 is hereby amended subsections: 11-3-3: (C) . . RECORDING FINAL PLAT: b the Cit Council, th with the Count Recorde after said a roval. I record the final lat, considered void, unless is submitted in writin Council rior to the ex (100) da eriod. The u on recordin , furnish and re roducible tracin evidence of recordin . let for construction of said lat until the Cit lat bein recorded b lat is a roved shall record it an structure has received he Count . (D) RECORDING OF MULTIPLE-P ASED PLATS: If a reliminar lat is final latted i sta eSt unless otherwise rovided for in the dev 10 ment contract, all sta es must be final latted i to lots and blocks (not outlots), within three (3) ears after the preliminary lat has been a roved the Cit Council. If the final lats are not a oved and recorded in accordance with this ti e frame, the preliminary plat a roval shall be consi ered void, unless a re uest for time extension is s bmitted in writin Section 11-6-1 (A) is rior to the ex iration a . 2 . read as follows: 11-6-1 (A) Pursuant to Minnesota Stat the City Council of Montie developers requesting plat the City of Monticello to for ublic ark and trail land shall be at the discr amount of said land shall the Cit For acre . . ~, or linc~r park and tr~il Section 11-6-1 (B) lS read as follows: . . (B) In accordance with ta Statutes, where the Cit Council determines e ark dedication re uirement shall be aid in a ntribution, the amount of said contribution shall d on the market value of the land no later than at the time of final lat. The Cit ma re uire that the subd'vider rovide an a raisal to determine the market valu. In the alternative, the Cit ma , b Ordinance, establ'sh a fee er residential unit that will meet the cash d dication re uirement. The determination of the a r riate fee calculation shall be made by the City Council. The Cit Council shall no acce subdivider's ark dedicat'on re following: read as follows: Section 11-6-1 (C) is (C) for credit a ainst a uirement an of the 1. 2. 3. t 4. other land . open space purpose. 6 . . The Cit ma, at its above cate ories for the dedication to be be Section 11-6-1 is hereby amended t add the following subsection: (F) In addition above, each newl for ark and will be at a Council. . Section 11-6-1 (E) is read as follows: (D) Land dedicated for park pu the City of Monticello by said land shall occur at t final lat. For multi le- ark dedication land shown plat shall be transferred of the first final lat, i shall not be shown as "Par U on the Develo ment A reement ma transfer. In addition, th rant the subdivider a lic dedication land for the seeding, or other work a 7 . Section 11-5-3 is hereby amended to add the following: . (M) SUBDIVISION ENTRANCE Monuments shall anI subdivision Entrance in conformance with Title . 10, Section 10-3 of the Mo ticello Zonin Ordinance, and shall be re uired to meet he followin standards: 1. No such Entrance Monume ublic ri ht of wa of be located within the street. 2. Entrance Monuments shal association of homeowne the le al and financial of the monument. be ermitted onl where an s has been established with res onsibilit for maintenance 3. In the 8. Section 11-4-1 (B) is add the following: . 12. A surve of roperty, including location, size, and s ec'es. Deciduous trees that are is diameter at a oint five rade, or trees that are of udin Po lar, Boxelder, or this survey. to read as follows: Section 11-4-1 (B) 11. lS 11. . . . . and reserves existin tees, wetlands, and other natural features. Section 10. This Ordinance shall take effect nd be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Dawn Grossinger, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: . . . Dr'" ---: T i Ii - ... ... MINU ES QUARTERL Y MEETING - MONT CELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Slais. John Hoff and Brad Fyle Members Absent: Dave Gerads and Bri Stumpf Others Present: City Administrator, R ck Wolfsteller; Patrol Division Lieutenant Dan Anselment and Sgt. ike Evan. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was call to order at 7 p.m. and a quorum was present. 2. Approve minutes of November 19.2003. MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK SLAIS ND SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TIlE NOV:MBER 19,2003. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Review and discussion of Groveland Par Commission members and Sheriffs Departr ent representatives were presented with a summary of the Grovcland Park survey resu ts that noted some of the concerns neighborhood residents had expressed on the development and activities in Groveland area parks. Commission members discussed that recent y concerns had been raised by an adjoining property owner that questions the developm nt plans the City had for recreational facilities in the Groveland Park due to fears of excessiv noise and unruly behavior of kids activities in the park. Sheriffs Department representatives oted that they had not received any serious complaints from area residents on park acti ities, but noted they typically will try to monitor a location if they receive a number of complaints. 4. Review of enforcement activities done b Sherifrs De artment in con .unction with state snowmobile ~rants. Lieutenant Anselment presented commissio members with a summary of the 2003.2004 recreational activities that Sheriff s Departn. ent personnel have done throughout Wright County regarding snowmobile and A TV enf rcement. Mr. Anselment noted that approximately $769 in labor costs were exp nded in the Monticello community for snowmobile enforcement activities. The Sh riff's Department planned on using the remaining funds from a $1,000 grant towar s purchasing additional equipment, such as a snowmobile trailer for transporting snowm biles next season. . . . 5. 6. Police Commission Minutes- 4/14/04 Review of A TV use in city parks. SherifT's Department representatives noted t commission members that ATV usage by juveniles and adults have increased substanti lly throughout Wright County and also in Monticello. It was notcd that there had bcen oncerns by some deputies that it was difIicult to deal with juveniles who operate A TV s unla ~ully as it is normally difficult to actually cite or ticketjuvcniles under the age of 11 for opera ing ATV s without a license. The Sheriffs Department and County Attorney's office ha supportcd ticketing parents for allowing minor children to operate A TVs without a license a an altcrnative method to actually ticketing the driver. Overall, it was noted that the City's c rrent ordinance prohibiting recreational vehicles in park locations was an adequate prevention tool that the Sheriff's Department will use in the future. Sheriff's De artment on activifes for last uarter. Sheriff Department representatives provided to commission members a copy of the annual report for the year 2003 showing calls for se vice, including number of accidents, traffic citations and various crime activities. Sheri . Department representatives felt that with the recent increase in the patrol hours contracted for, the current 48 hour daily coverage scems to be beneficial in providing a good level of ser ice and also in keeping the response time at an appropriate level. Depending on how annex tion proceeds with Monticello Township, the City may have to look at additional hours be ng addcd to the coverage for the 2005 budget year. 7. Adiourn Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. .. Recording Secretary . . . Carlson Cotta2:es: Richard Carlson has submitted an application f r preliminary plat and development stage PUD for a residential development in an R-2 di trict. The development consists of 3 townhome units near Vine St. Carlson will be ontributing $3600 toward the park dedication fund in lieu of land dedication. Swan River Montessori School: The City of Monticello, Sunny Fresh Foods and representatives from a proposed charter school have been working on a concept to place the Methodist Church on the Community Center's north lot. The concept would require moving the Nationa Guard storage facility to an area previously proposed for parkland. l-Iowever, as part of the Swan River charter school concept, it would be recommended that a publi park/playground facility adjoin the school. ..-, MONTICELLO P A S DEPARTMENT Work list April 22, 2004 Mar h 261\ 2004 thru April 22od, 2004 . . Chipping orders . Riverside Cemetery - grave locates . Xcel Ballfields - shingling roofs on . Xcel Ballfields - building enclosure . Irrigation is on . One boulder wall at East Bridge is d ne . General park and building maintena ce . Ordered truckster for Ballfields and emetery work . Fence bid for field #2 at Xcel has be n awarded to Authority Fence . Irrigation of West Bridge is in the be inning stages of planning . Equipment maintenance and repair . Replacement for orange van is order d and should be here early next month and two more weeks for box i stallation . Cleaning of shop and vehicles and se ling some equipment we don'tneed any more . Sod repair and pick up along trail sy tern . Put away winter gates from Otter Cr ek . Sent out adopt-a-trail/park forms . Some blading of Co. Rd. 18 to keep eeds down and get it ready to pave . Core aerator purchased for parks an Ballfields . Staking of cemetery lot corners . Tree planting along Groveland trail ( bout 50 trees) fertilized, Mycorryhizal inoculation and mulch d . Spaded trees at city hall and moved t em to new locations . Pruned islands at City Hall . Removed sliding fence and bails at . Seeded sides of trail in E.B. and W. . Cleaned city library . Fertilized Ballfields d headstone locates ugouts round dumpsters (done) . .' .~ . . . Repair on irrigation systems . Seedlings handed out at Little Mounain and Pinewood Schools . Silt fence installed at E.B. . Baseball and softball contracts reneg tiated . Gas will be installed in Pioneer 2nd eek in May