Parks Commission Agenda Packet 05-27-2004 . . -. "To enhance communit 'pride through l!el'eloping om! mailltaillilll( ci(v parks ith a hil(h stalldard of I/utl!i(v" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of April 22, 2004 r gular Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Hunters Crossing - Wetlands contai ed within proposed park area. 6. No Smoking Environment for City 1. Policy -vs- Ordinance 2. Phasing Plan 3. Results of Public Comment P riod 7. Review of proposed ordinance amen ment relating to park land Title XI, Chapter 6. (May be an up te on this) 8. Park Maintenance Items 9. Updates: 1. Report on Walk N Roll 2. E-Mail on tree planting reque t 10. Adjourn . NOTES TO PARK OMMISSION AGENDA M y 2004 5. Hunters Crossing _ .Iay Roos represenfng the developer will he present at the meeting concerning the park land in the Hunte s Crossing Development as set out in his attached e-mail. No Smoking Environment for City Pa ks - At the previous meeting a presentation was made requesting the designation of Ci owned parks/trails as smoke free. There was discussion on enforcement of the "No moking"regulations. Generally when the city adopts an ordinance it includes terms r provisions for enforcement of the same. Most 01 the ordinances carry misdemeanor pc alties. In the information that was handed out, it is noted that the communities of Plymou h, New Brighton, etc. had adopted policies rather than ordinances. policies general do not carry penalties and the burden of enforcement is not as defined as with ordinances. T is is brought up to clarify whether the City is proposing to adopt a policy or an ord nance. Phasing _ At the last meeting it was d seussed that if the City did proceed with the "No Smoking" in City parks/trails it woul he phased in over a period of time. Perhaps initially beginning with EasttWest Bridge pa k. Is this something tbe Parks Commission is still considering and if so, should a committee be set up to estahlish a phasing plan or does the Parks Commission as a whole want t come up with this document. If so this should be included with any draft policy that ould be submitted to the Council for approval. Public Comment Period _ After the I st meetiug a notice was put in the paper stating that the Parks Commission would be ace pting public comment on the proposed "No Smoking" policy. The public comment period is open until May 27,2004. Commeuts received thus far are attached to this agenda. An received after the agenda is sent out will be distributed at the Parks Commissio meeting. 6. . 7. Ordinance amendment _ Jeff O'Nei I and Steve Grittman are supposed to meet regarding this item. It is uncertain whether t ere will be a revised document for the Parks Commission to look at but there m Y be a verbal update. . . . . NUTES PARKS OMMISSION April 22 2004 - 4:30 p.m. West rairie Room "To enhance commu i(V pride through developing and maintaining ci(v park with II high standard of quality" Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben TTitter, Na cy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Council Liaison, Robbie mith. Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Parks Superintendent, JefT O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator and Bruce hielen, Mayor. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to rder at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of March 25 2004 r ular Parks Commission meetin . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPRO E THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 25, 2004 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION METING. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. 3. Added Items. Adam Hawkinson added an item rclatin to the pathway in the Meadow Oaks area. 4. Citizens comments and reauests. Cory Doyle, 10040 Somerset Avenue pr sented a petition signed by residents in the Groveland development who wanted the Parks Co mission to continue with the development of the Grovelal1d Park according to the plan. r. Doyle stated in going door to door he found wholehearted support for the park and h was pleased with the response to the petition. Mayor Bruce Thielen stated that he and arks Commission Chair Larry Nolan met with the two residents living adjacent to the Grovelan park who were in opposition to the park development. This meeting resulted in a proposal to I) plant trees between their residences and the playstructure; 2) installation of the b sketball court would be delayed for at least this year and 3) construction of the restrooms wo Id be delayed. Bruce Thielen stated he didn't know if he agreed with having permanent restroo s as he felt they were places for individuals to loiter. He felt portable toilets would eliminate he problem of questionable activities and loitering. Bruce Thielen stated it was not his intent to micromanage the parks but he did feel the situation with the residents in Groveland park nee ed to settle down. Chair Larry Nolrnl thank Cory Doyle for petition and the support of the esidents. . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 4/22/04 5. Allison Hortzman from the Wright Cou ty Health Services and the Monticello Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATD) were present to r quest the City tconsider adopting a "No Smoking" policy for the parks, pathways and entra ces to city owned facilities. The group gave a presentation outlining some ofthe goals and activities they are involved in. Their primary goal is to educate young students not to start 'moking. There are 41 cities in the State of Minnesota that have adopted a "No Smoking" poli y for their parks. No WrIght County cities have as of yet adopted a "No Smoking" policy. Si ce Monticello initiated the "Great American Smoke out Day" the group felt it would be fitti g that the City of Monticello be the first Wright County community to adopt a "No Smoking" p licy for its parks/pathways and public areas. The group noted that some ofthe comI unities that have adopted a "No Smoking" policy have exempted certain facilities or events. S ould the City go with a "No Smoking" policy, the signs designating the no smoking area would be provided at no cost to the City. Bruce Thielen stated that Brittany Myers had made a present tion to the City of Coon Rapids and the Coon Rapids has gone with a "No Smoking" policy or their parks/public facilities. Kitty Baltos noted that they were proposing that the area arou d the Community Center be designated as a no smoking area and she pointed out that because 0 the weddings and other adult events held at the Community Center the no smoking de ignation might not be practical. The group stated that while cities may wish to exempt certai facilities or events, doing so would give a mixed message about smoking so they would prefer a total ban on smoking. The Parks Commission discussed wha should be exempt, like adult oriented activities such as the softball leagues, River Fest at Ellis n Park, etc. Parks Commission also discussed enforcement of such a policy. Brittan Myers stated that enforcement of the policy was not the main issue but rather education about he dangers of smoking. Roger Pribyl stated that he is a smoke and he does not believe his smoking infringes on the rights of the non-smokers ofthe wod. He suggested that the ordinance against smoking start at the school and ALP since that is were a lot of smokers hang out. He did not believe every park should be smoke free. Adam H wkinson asked about events such as Riverfest or tournaments at the ballfields where p ople are coming in from outside the area. Bruce Thielen stated that some state athletic organiz tions such as the state soccer association support the smoke free effort. Larry Nolan state the Parks Commission needs to study this more and bring it back at the next meeting. This will give staiTtime to check with other communities who have adopted the smoke free pol cy. Bruce Thielen suggested a period of ublic comment (15-30 days) with a notice being put in the paper that the Parks Commission is 1 oking for public input on a "No Smoking" policy for City parks/trails/facilities. Bruce Thielen indicated it may be difficult for the City to get the ordinance in place for this year. Fra Fair said the efforts of the group may not change the attitude of those people who do smo e but it might encourage people to not take up the habit. Rick Traver felt it was good to open his up f()r public comment. Parks Commission 2 . . . 8. Parks Commission Minutes - 4/22/04 commended the willingness of the yo g people to get involved with this issue. Rick Traver suggested that if a "No Smoking" poli y be adopted that it could perhaps be phased in and the Parks Commission felt there was merit in that suggestion. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO SET UP A MOKE FREE POLICY FOR CITY PARKS, P A THW A YS AND PUBLIC F ACILI IES AND TO HAVE A PHASING PLAN FOR THE POLICY AND TO HAVE A PERIOD F PUBLIC COMMENT RUNNING UNTIL MA Y 27, 2004. RICK TRAVER SECONDED HE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Roger Pribyl asked Bruce Thielen why oon Rapids exempted the golf course. Bruce Thielen stated it was exempted because it was a enterprise fund. Roger Pribyl questioned whether there wasn't political pressure to exem t the golf course because it generated revenue for the city. He asked if Monticello would ex mpt the ballfields since that does generate revenue for the city. Brittany Myers stated that so e of the communities that adopted ordinances with exemptions for various facilities have g ne back and eliminated the exemptions from their ordinance. 6. Review of ro osed ordinance amendment relatin to ark land. JeiT O'Neill reviewed the proposed cha ges to the ordinance. There was considerable discussion on the three methods for dete mining park dedication fees; 1) 10% of land value at time of platting; 2) a set fee as establish d by Councilor 3) land area based on density. It was not clear whether the three methods pro ided more benefit to the developer or to the City. JefT O'Neill stated this would be discussed a site review and perhaps some clarification made in the language. It was also suggested that th language in Section 8 be changed so that instead of listing specific tree species, it would ref ence any species that are on the invasive species list. JctfO'Neill stated that the language req iring park land to be I' above the high water mark was taken out. 7. Park Rental Fees. Adam Hawkinson reviewed the current fi es and park rental policy. It was noted some facilities have more amenities than others and per aps could support a higher rental fee. It was suggested that for residents the fees be se at $50 for the Ellison Gazebo and the West Bridge Open Building and $75 for Ellison Log Seiter, West Bridge Shelter and Pioneer Park. For non- residents the rental fee would be set at $150. East Brid e Park Retainin Wall Cons ruction and Plantin s. Adam Hawkinson asked if the Parks Con mission wanted to continue with the boulder walls or do something different. The Parks Com ission felt they should stay with the boulder walls. Adam Hawkinson indicated the lookout ea by the spruce tree would need a block retaining wall. Larry Nolan asked what kind of sur ace would be utilized for the pathway laterals. " _J . . . 12. Parks Commission Minutes - 4/22/04 Adam Hawkinson suggested trying di ferent patterns such as a herringbone or cobblestone. Adam Hawkinson will meet with the'ast Bridge Park gardeners and go over the plantings and go through the stuff that was removed last year. Fran Fair stated they will be purchasing potted materials and noted that some of the s ecimen originals that were planted are gone. 9. Park Maintenance Items. Adam I-Iawkinson slUllmarized the wo k that was completed and informed the Parks Commission about new equipment tha: will be coming in. He reported they burned the grass along Prairie Road to the Xcel training facility and planted trees in the Groveland area. Fran Fair asked about getting compost mate ials for one of the beds at East Bridge Park. Adam Hawkinson is getting bids on the iITiga ion system lor West Bridge park and the fishing pier should be installed in May. Fran Fair sked about using funds from Adopt-a-Park for the plantings. 10. Park Regulation Signs: No changes were made to the park reg lation signs. 11. Loss of ark land throu h Wetland GU action. Adam Hawkinson explained that a port'on of the Salboul park had been taken for use as a storm water holding area. This determi ation was made by the City in their capacity as the LGU to administer the wetlands act. Al hough it was noted that this particular piece of land was not the most ideal land for park pu oses, the Parks Commission was concerned that the land was not only taken without compe sation but that the Parks Commission was not notified that the land was being considered for s orm water use. It was felt that a letter should be written stating that the land in question was ded cated for park use and there should be compensation to the park system for loss of that land. It as felt it was a condemnation of the land by the LGU. This will be brought back at the next me ting. Larry Nolan asked if there was any document showing the designation of the land. A am Hawkinson indicated there was not. Park Silms. The Parks Commission discussed what k'nd of signs should be placed at East and West Bridge Park and Par West park. The Parks Co mission prcferred the sand blasted style that is in place at Ellison Park and Otter Crcek P but did question if there was a more durable material that could be used. Adam Hawkinson w'lI check into this. The Parks Commission also discussed the designation for East and W st Bridge park. They felt by designating it East Bridge Park and West Bridge Park it ma e it sound like they were separate parks in different locations. It was suggested designating t em as Bridge Park-East and Bridge Park-West which would make it clearer that it was just one park. There was some discussion on the possibility of getting electric service to the evergreen tr e so it could be lighted. 4 . . . 13. Updates: Parks Commission Minutes - 4/22/04 Swan Park - It was noted that the a jaeent property owner had some reservations about having a parking lot next to his property, e committee is working on revisions to the parking plan to accommodate the property owner, Walk and Roll - Parks Commission ants to be located in the parking lot of Bridge Park-East. There was some discussion on what 'terns to hand out. Added Item: Adml1 Hawkinson stated that the 2004 Core treet Project would cover certain streets in the Meadow Oaks area, It was suggested that at the smne time this project was taking place, that some work be done on the trail in this area. It is proposed 0 remove the 6' section and replace it with an 8' section, Admn Hawkinson reported that he will be us ng rubber mulch instead of wood mulch for the climbing wall at Ellison Park. 14. Adiourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED T ADJOURN AT 7 P.M. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRlEI UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 5 Dawn Grossin er From: Asent: Wro: Cc: Subject: Jay Roos [jroos@isd.net] Thursday, May 13, 2004 1 Jeff O'Neill; Dawn Grossin Angela Schumann; Adam Re: Hunters Crossing :23 PM er awkinson Thank you for scheduling this for the Fa k Commission meeting; I plan on being there in attendance. I wanted to ill you in on the details of what we know to date and a little background feel free to include this info. in any memos to the Commission. Sorry to b The wetland in question is along the wes ern boundary of the park dedici'ltion for Hunters Crossing. Some of the wetla d is within the park i'lnd some falLs within the right-ai-way of Fallon Avenue. The entire wetland is approximately 7,600 squi'lre feet in size; however, the portion that is within the park boundary is approximately 4,800 square feet (equivalent to .11 i'lcres, or an area that is 69' x 69') At the time of the de.l ineation, the deli whether or not this Wi'lS i'l natural wetlan blocked outlet somewhere. However, when questio ed by the Soil and Water Conservation Dist. (the LGU at the time) we did not pursue this theory .~rther. At that time the park dedieati n had not yet been decided and - assumed that lots would be located in th area. The wetland in question would be in the far rear of the lots and affect the street/lot layout, nor did i.t .impi'lct the proposed b pads; therefore, it wasn't a big dei'll i'lnd we decided not to pursue it further since it rei'llly didn't impact the plan. It was late[ that it w s decided to hi'lve a park ill this raised suspicions about or i'l wet area created by i'l area. Sometime after the delineation was compl ted, we learned from the Township that therei.s a 12" culvert just south o. this wet area. The culvert goes under Fallon Avenue and slopes away from our property. The inlet i'lnd outlets of this culvert were completely uried by years of farm field work, erosion, i'lnd road grading - obviously th culvert wasn't i'lble to carry water. WSB Engineers saw some things on our pIa s (ground elevations and the culvert) that made them also question wh ther or not this is a ni'ltural wetland. I understand that the City is ow the LGU. WSB suggested that we have our delineator look at it again Slnee we now know about the culvert. Their suspicision is that the wet area i. created by the blocked culvert and it is not a true wetland. We arc having our delineator research further eack. in time, which will hopefully give. orne indication 0 [' t.he OndJt.lons present before the culvert became burLed. I'm not sure if the delineator 1 s .(Ri9ht. now "lnd 1/2 cash) agree that pilrk. Our us to maintain thE) proposed park boundilrie and just make up fOe the wf'tland area by increasing the amount of our ca h dedication accordingly? If it is classified as wetland, we also may be a Ie to fill a portion and reduce the amount of wet Lo something even less th n 4,800 sq. feel. wi.ll hilve this infocmatLon prLor lo th If the new info. shows thilt this is no becomes a moot point and the entire pa our decU cation requi rements However, if it finds that it we will not get park credits question then becomes: will Parks Commission mef'ting. a Wetland, this whole request kland area is Worthy of credit. consist of approxJmately 1/2 land is a Wetland, we understand and for the "wet" portion within the the CLtY/Pilrks Commission allow may permLt the filling of up to 2,000 square feet, but 1 need to conEi.em that.. Thanks, Jay Roos Bison Development COmpilny Wetland laws Original Message _____ From: ",Teff O'Neill" <cJeEf.OneJIJ@ci.mon Lcello.mn.us> To: "Dawn Grossinger" <Dawn. Grossinger@c' .montice Llo .mn. us> Cc: "Angl'la Schumann" <Angela. Schumann@c' . mont.iceJ 10 .mn. us>; "Adam HawkJ.nson" <Adam. HawkinsonCdci .monticello.mn.us>; "Jay Roos (F:-nlilil)" <j roosCdisd. net> Sent: TuesdilY, May IJ, 2004 4:36 PM .ubject: Hunters CrossJng > Dawn and Adam > > Jay Roos may attend the Parks Commissio about the park situation. with the park wilJ lhe after subt.racting out for a small wel:land arf'a. > He says that he wLIL hilve the latest pJiln along meeting on May 20 to talk areil calcuJation and the wetland areil calculatLon. Pilrks Commission accept a park a ea with less lhan > Jeff > . Quest ion I.S .5 acres 2 s - ~ .q; .q; '<(. '<( 0:)(0 CO CO CO ..- .- ...... ..- ...... .~~~~~ ~~~~~ -J-J-J-J-J (I)[D CD CD lD ~~~~~ ggggg .. 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Tobacco Free survey: The results are as follows: Yes for all = 23 ..J ;). ~ p~ No=8 05/27/2004 Ok for buildings but not for pa hs or parks = 5 ( most stated they felt it was co stitutionally wrong, hard to enforce, legal problems, and w can't exclude people from these amenities since they are pen to the public) Smoking only in designated ar as = 1 . . . . . Page 1 of2 Dawn Grossinger From: Lisa Johnson [Lisa.Johnson@monticello.k12.mn. s] Sent: Thursday, May 13, 200410:12 AM To: Dawn Grossinger Subject: TOBACCO FREE PARKS To: Monticello Park Board From: Lisa Johnson, Resident and Monti ello High School Activities Director. I am writing to you today to ask you to nact a tobacco..free policy for our entire park system. I feel that this is vi al to our quality of life. I find it ironic that smoking coincides with par s.. walking trails.. recreation. Smoking is deadly.. People in recreatio environments are working out and taking part in nature" meaning clean ai . Why should I have to put up with another person"s bad habit that ~ire_ctl affects me? Why should I have to ~I:t~ndon the use of parks because som one else is trying to phYsicaljy-.bur1 ~t!? In any other regard, this would no be tolerated.. people physically hurting other people are ARRESTED. F r some reason, smokers are allowed to carry a loaded firearm (ciga ette), taking aim at innocent bystanders. Again, the gun carrying la is very clear" One can"t carry a gun with them at all times. I ask you hat is the difference between a cigarette and a gun? They both kill. One just does so quicker than the other. Now if people want to use toba co in their own home and hurt themselves, that is up to them. But, hen people are allowed to hurt others in 1W~lic, I feel that as a societ we need to take a stand. I plead that you take a stand on this d adly issue. In working with teens, we promote ""no tobacco use or drug use"", yet going out into the real world they see tobacco being promoted. St dents going to play or hang out at an ion~~en,j ~;tr~ are constantly dealing ith this pressure. Where can our youth go to hang out safely? I know t at you may say that you don"t agree with smoking.. many people ~@Y this. BUT, as an educator, I have learned that ~c!ions __ !!peal!, not the words. L tis act on this proposal! I am very proud of the leadership role that the onticello students have shown. People always say that the students re our future! Well, this group of students already recognizes the dangerous nuisance of tobacco use in parks. Let these students be our voi e and action of our future. Please enact a tobacco..free policy in all par I will be unable to attend the meetin on May 27th to verbally state my \0 5/13/2004 Page 2 of2 belief in public. It is my hope that this Ie ter can serve as my silent voice . in my absence. Thank you very much for your time in de ling with this very serious situation. Let our parks be MAGICAL.. m aning tobacco free! If you should have any questions, you ca reach me at MHS at 271-0358 or at home at 295..1889. . '. lo 5/13/2004 SI&(OLf Dian? L.. Farm-Franks pO 8we '310 MontiOOlIO, MN oaaea e '~._~:~ ..~ ....~ ti ~.~. ...~ ............-- _n.~.~.~ .....,......~~n. 'u.. . *~m ..~.i~....~ .. ~ ~ ~...~--~.....-_.._--- D - (j cJ' .M~J1 ~, 5D~W~ . M~ ~W 5530 ~ / .... .. _ ~.. W~W~. ~:n_---~--- ~. . - - ...:. . .~ ~ ~~/ _ - 'y CWA4-- e- . . ~ [h.. . .. ...Ct!'A- ...- .. - - - . .rv~~1 ~tyL' ~ ~ .~~ ~1-~Ot ~ 'ik ~ ( . ~ ~I._.. /A~k M&- ~~ ~CYF~ ( '~~~~cr ~uJt ~ ~ ~." - ~.. rage 1 or 1 Adam Hawkinson From: Brian Ely [love1y7@tds.net] To: Adam Hawkinson aC: .bject: smoking ban Attachments: Sent:Tue 5/25/2004 12:48 PM Hello Adam! Just wanted to give our thumbs up for a smoking ban in our p rks. I realize it may be hard to enforce, however, any way to give kids the message that it's not okay to hang around parks nd smoke is better than turning away from the truth that way too many are doing it! I'm sad what our park has experienced and the only way we c n help is to get involved and keep our presence at the parks. Let me know any other way we can help... Thanks! Sheila Ely . . http://maiLci.monticello.mn.us/exchange/adam.Hawkins n/Inbox/smoking%20ban.EML ?Cmd=open OS/25/2004 . . . May 18, 2004 Monticello Park Board 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Park Board Members: Please vote to pass the tobacco-free policy that ou are considering for our Monticello city parks. I think that the policy should cover all of Monti ello's park property, and that we should have the policy in place all the time, even during city ev nts like the River Fest celebration. Since we were the city that started "Don't Smoke Day" s long ago, I think it would be wonderful for our city to welcome visitors to our city celebration y providing them with clean air and clean parks. I think we have many beautiful parks in Montie 110 and we are polluting them with all the cigarette butts that are thrown on the ground. T is tobacco-free policy would also help get rid of that problem as wel1. Thank you, ~~ Elizabeth Meyer 739 W. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 . . . ~D~~ ~ 04 . ."~~~3., .___.__. ....___._.._ ._..__._m.___m_.__.__ ~Dj~'t~c\~Q'u ~C:) th~-) " ~c>\?~.~.0--~-.-1-D-H----.- -'=-'b<dD)-:-_~ID_~RLDi~:-UU ... h~.Lllil~ ~CLUr0L- A 'ttC\-b'2:,-J:.L't;:~~t<dL1-~hr - J:l.L&i.k.2\!.-_1~'L,l'2i.L __l~L~...~'lCL'C:~L\eJ.........~~..-.-'.-... ~.. __.~LB-~1CJ.-~~b-.--..- ... .L\'l-'ik'U4~\ U' .M---::Lh~_-~ ~cCR..'LlLwr7 tfJ..J.-,l~_~c 'tl.Ll.D__D.'\d:;t.ll'JL 0__ ..~~~~r..Q_CJL'2_J_.D51QL).m~~7'<LCC _ !l-c.}.:~'___~-H.......\-~-SILD-_.~~L\;J.."}~-m. " v ~ b ..m.J.El.Ll.- .\'.(L~..\'~:t-j':.z51...1LC\. ttL____l~._.l:~ Um...~\"J~~~U. ~__CL ~~~Q~'CJ::t0_C{-cCD~1J>n~UlU . :th-'h-nQ,-':Lo- .;jh't.;L~ . 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'v, ," 1\ ""'- ,....) '\ .J.i \;) ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ..) ~ ~ d -+ Vl ~ ~ -' ~ ~ gJ ~~ V} a u ) Vj ~l :4- d <:::L ~ ~ ~ ~ -0 ~ j6..cJ I c-' -'60 ~ o !.() f.~ - ~ ~ ~j q$ -r 8 . , \--~ GJ ~ .~' . '~~ "., ::::\ ~ ~""'-~ "~~',,~ t -->" . . . ~ o J ~ r}\ ./ ~ --1- \~ L;s \ , ~~ \) ~ ~ '-.:$ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~~ <:$ ::::t: ~ \ ". -{ I~ . ,"-S: v ..J ~ \J 'J C\;. ~ "t-' )-\ B ~ l~ .~ ~ ~ \J ~ ~ i ~ dl' ~) ,,,- 'k " .~ o ~ 1-\ ~ ~ \J ~ .--- "" ~ !~ " .---- ~ 8- ~ page 1 or 1 .tty Baltas From: scott and krisie garvin [farmer_7@charter.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 25,20041 :52 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: smoking ban Kitty, Since I'm not a smoker, it doesn't hurt my feelings one little bi . It's just less smoke that I have to breathe in. Enteries in some facilities or so strong of smoke that you can hardly breathe. Thank . Krisie Garvin . . 5/25/2004 ~ Ki Baltos .rom: Sent: To: Subject: Boner, JUliana [Juliana.Boner@m dicalartspress.com] Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11 :22 AM Kitty Baltos FW: Proposal to make MCC Toba co Free Hi Kitty, I would greatly appreciate if you would implem nt this policy. Obviously the stale tobacco smell that lingers where distasteful, and personally, I would rather Even more important, however, MCC is a place where eople are working to become more healthy and providing places for people t smoke contradicts the message and goal of your organization. I vote for the tobacco-free policy. pIe gather to smoke is have to smell that. Thank you, Juliana Boner, MCC Pass Holder -----Original Message----- From: Amy Dean [mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello. n.us] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free 4IIls Monticello Community Center input on the following proposal that facility users, we are asking for your is under review. TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked t e City of Monticello's Park & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco-free polic for the following recreation facilities/areas: Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts, rinks and parks Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above mentioned locations Please direct all input regarding this policy to Kitty Baltos, Center Director. kitty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us . 1 .. Ki Baltas &rom: ~ent: To: Cc: Subject: Bill. Thompson@sungard.com Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11 :35 AM Amy Dean Kitty Baltos RE: Proposal to make MCC Tobacc Free Although I don't smoke, I feel that no governme t agency has the right to ban smoking outdoors. A question of smoking outdoors is no longer a question of health concerns involving second-ha d smoke. (Especially because to be fair you'll have to ban all of th other outdoor pollution as well.) I would support fines for littering (dropping cigarette butts), but as long as there is no littering, s oking SHOULD be allowed outdoors. (punish the few litterbugs, not all f the smokers.) I feel it is just as important for teens to tru y understand the 'US Constitution', and the 'Bill of Rights' as it i for them to abstain from tobacco. Where do you draw the line? Hip Hop music makes me just as ill as the smell of smoke does. I know othe s that feel the same way. Should we start a movement to ban Hip Hop. Bans don't discourage, they do just the opposit TATU's efforts would be better spent using positive and proactive ta tics. Thank You for showing interest in my opinion. -Bi11- 411L----Original Message----- From: Amy Dean (mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello.m .us] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free As Monticello Community Center facility users, e are asking for your input on the following proposal that is under r view. TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked th City of Monticello's Park & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco-free policy for the following recreation facilities/areas: Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts, rinks and parks Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above menti ned locations Please direct all input regarding this policy t Kitty Baltos, Center Director. kitty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us . 1 page 1 or 1 f flY Baltas From: Amy Dean Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11 :42 AM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: FW: proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free ----~Original Message----- From: Terry Kilian [mailto:irishtk25@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:38 AM To: Amy Dean Subject: Re: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free I think a smoke-free policy for the Monticello Community Cen ;er is a good idea. So many children utilize the place and also many seniors. Please implement the policy as soon as pos:; ble. Thanks Terry Kilian senior Amy Dean <Amy.Dean@Ci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: As Monticello Community Center facility users, we are askin for your input on the following proposal that is under review. ATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked the City of onticello's Park & Recreation Board to adopt a acco-free policy for the following recreation facilities/are s: Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts, rinks and park Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above mentioned locations Please direct all input regarding this policy to Kitty Baltos, kitty .baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us I Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. IryJhe all~newYaboo!Messel!.9El[ . 5/25/2004 ,~ ':ttY Baltas From: Amy Dean Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11 :43 AM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: FW: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free -----Original Message----- From: Griggs8sidd@cs.com [mailto:Griggs8sidd@cs.com] Sent: Monday, May 24,20048:43 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Re: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free Go for it. It is a positive move for our Community Center!!! Sandra Theros . . 5/25/2004 Page 1 ot 1 ... Ki Baltos -rom: ~ent: To: Subject: Rob Turner [robtathome@charter.n t] Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:27 AM Kitty Baltos RE: Proposal to make MCC Tobacc Free You might want to phase this plan in, perhaps s art with all areas mention being tobacco free except designated areas like parking lots. ROB.T. > > > > > > > As Monticello Community Center facility users we are asking for your > input on the following proposal that is under review. > > TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked he City of Monticello's Park > & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco-free po icy for the following > recreation facilities/areas: > > . -----Original Message----- From: Amy Dean [mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free mn.us] Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, court , rinks and parks Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above men ioned locations > > Please direct all input regarding this policy to Kitty Baltos, Center > Director. > kitty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us . 1 ::SfQ.Oke tree polley Page 1 of 1 itty Baltos Tony White [twhite@ruan.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:30 AM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: Smoke free policy Good Morning Kitty! I've missed seeing you in the hallways of your fine establishment I tely. You and your staff, as always, are doing a fabulous job there at the center. I really appreciate the top-notch facility you are r nning; especially the recent upgrades to the equipment up in the fitness area. I believe that the proposal to make the entire facility smoke-free is i keeping with the mission of a facility such as yours- it's all about fitness, good health, and smart lifestyle choices. I believe that we as adults and those who are leaders in the community should exemplify these good choices and set an example for our yo ng people. I believe we need to change the old adage, "do as I say, not as I do" to "do as I do, not as I say"! I want to thank you and your wonderful staff for providing and main aining the wonderful facility that you have to not only the members of your community, but for those of us who live in communities that do not have the foresight or the means to provide such facilities to their own citizens. Thank you for opening your door to those of us who live outside your community. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Tony White . . 5/25/2004 ,.. Page 1 of 1 itty Baltos Amy Dean Sent: Monday, May 24,20042:31 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: FW: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free -----Original Message----- From: Hula5612@aol.com [mailto:Hula5612@aol.com] Sent: Monday, May 24,20042:27 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Re: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free Entrances to the Monticello Commu ity Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts, rinks and parks Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the ab ve mentioned locations . I agree, if there's an event going on..... however, thes are the cities parks, playgrounds, rinks and so on... they're available for the community to use them. If a family comeS to enjoy our city with a picnic or such, they should be allowed to smoke if they chos . coming from a non smoker. . 5/24/2004 .. Ki Baltos .rom: ent: To: Subject: Felber, Teresa [teresa.felber@td telecom.com] Monday, May 24, 20042:42 PM Kitty Baltos FW: Proposal to make MCC Tob Kit t Y , Making the Monticello Community Center Smoke ree is a great idea. There are so many of our youth that use your facili y and to have it be non smoking is such a great example for them. My hope is that this would be the case. Sincerely, Terrie Felber-Sauser -----Original Message----- From: Amy Dean [mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello. n.us] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean SUbject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free As Monticello Community Center facility users, we are asking for your input on the following proposal that is under review. TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked t e City of Monticello's .ark & ,ecreation Board to adopt a tobacco-free polic for the following recreation facilities/areas: Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that mentioned locations rinks and parks Hiking, re a part of the above Please direct all input regarding this policy Director. kitty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us o Kitty Baltos, Center . 1 , Ki Baltas .rom: ant: To: Subject: Jenn Pike [jenn@pikesporch.com] Monday, May 24,20042:14 PM Kitty Baltos Proposal to make MCC Tobacco ree Ms. Baltos: I believe making the MCC tobacco-free is a fa ulous idea, as well as extending that ban to other areas where child en frequent, such as parks and trails throughout the community. I shouldn't have to hold my breath while entering a building because some rude person r people have gathered there to smoke their cigarettes. My children don't to cover their mouths or hold their breath and I don't want them expos the smoke either. Thank you for considering banning smoking fro the MCC premises and entrances. I hope this will go through. -Jennifer Pike . . 1 .. Ki Baltos 6:rom: Wkent: To: Subject: ann_burns@cargill.com Monday, May 24,20042:14 PM Kitty 8altos FW: Proposal to make MCC Tob Kitty, I support most of the smoking restrictions re uested by TATU. Certainly entrances to the MeC should be smoke free, as should the public facilities that the Park & Recreations Board supports (rinks, playgrounds, athletic fields, tennis courts, etc.) where people gather. I do not support making parking lots smoke fre believe that it will be very costly and nearly smoking ban in these areas. The trails are no second hand smoke is of minimal concern becaus runners, and walkers generally aren't smoking In addition, I suspect that people who are smo their own vehicles while parked in lots adjace facilities, are probably legally protected. Thanks for the opportunity to comment! Ann Burns Sunny Fresh Foods 206 West 4th Street .onticello MN 55362 /63-271-5608 1517 West River Street Monticello MN 55362 763-271-3334 , nor the trails. I impossible to enforce a "gathering" places; bicyclers, skaters, hi Ie using the trails. ing while sitting in t to Park & Rec -----Original Message----- From: Amy.Dean@ci.monticello.mn.us [mailto:Amy. ean@ci.monticello.mn.usJ Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy.Dean@ci.monticello.mn.us Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free As Monticello Community Center facility users, e are asking for your input on the following proposal that is under r view. TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked th City of Monticello's Park & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco-free policy for the following recreation facilities/areas: Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts, Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above menti _lease direct all input regarding this policy t irector. itty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us rinks and parks ned locations Kitty Baltos, Center 1 Page 1 of 1 Kitty Baltas ...... ......,.om: Mark & Amy Eggert [maeggert@copper.net] ~ent: Wednesday, May 19, 20043:09 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: Tobacco Free Yeah! Thank you for considering making these public places sm ke free. Second hand smoke is dangerous and causes so many health problems that I think that smoking should definitely be ban ed especially in places where there are children! Amy Eggert -. -. ~ 5/24/2004 Page 1 of 1 Kitty Baltas _ ~om: Jenny Bridgeman [jenbridgeman@msn.com] .nt: Monday, May 24, 2004 4:33 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: tobacco-free GREAT idea! I would like to see ALL of the community cente tobacco-free! Learn to simplify your finanges and youIlife in StIl;;;lmline Yo r Life.Jrom MSN Mona -. -- -. 5/24/2004 Ki Baltos From: Sent: To: .SUbject: Dawn [aurora301@tds.net] Monday, May 24,20045:31 PM Kitty Baltos To make MCC tobacco free Hi Kitty, I have been a non smoker for 8 1/2 years. I smo that. I don't think that outdoor areas should b would like doorways smoke free I can see that b smoke free is stretching things in my opinion. (even if it's unhealthy). If smoking is banned that aren't good for you should also be banned. Hope all is well with you! ! ! ! Dawn Muscala -. -. -~ ed like a chimney before smoke free. If you t to make out door areas smoker has rights too hen pop and other foods Okay, I've said enough. 1 Page 1 of 1 Kitty Baltos __ J!om: Alexandra Parr [alexandraparr@msn.com] ~nt: Monday, May 24, 20046:51 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: MCC non~smoking I am a non-smoker, but this proposal seems too all inclusive. I think all indoor areas should be non-smoking, and doorways, etc. However, the walking paths, and parks shoul not be. These are outdoor areas, and making them non- smoking will discourage usage by legal, smoking adults. Learn 19 simplify your financs:,s and your lit(::_.iJ,1 Streamline YwLife from MSN Money. -. -. 5/25/2004 Ki Baltas From: , Sent: _eTa: Subject: .-. The Webers [b_mweber@charte .net] Monday, May 24, 2004 7:26 PM Kitty Baltos FW: Proposal to make MCC Tob ceo Free Please consider this our vote in support of m mentioned park and recreational facilities sm think we need to send a positive message to 0 make their parks and recreational areas safe involved! king all of the below ke-free/tobacco-free. We r children and youth and nd healthy for all Thanks for your support of this tobacco-free Melinda and Bradley Weber MCC Passholders / Residents of the Monticello Big Lake area -----Original Message----- From: Amy Dean (mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello. n.us] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free As Monticello Community Center facility users, we are asking for your input on the following proposal that is under eview. TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked t e City of Monticello's Park & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco-fre policy for the following recreation facilities/areas: -- Entrances to the Monticello Community Center --ell playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts rinks and parks iking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above ment, oned locations Please direct all input regarding this policy 0 Kitty Baltos, Center Director. kitty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us -. 1 Page 1 of 1 Kitty Baltos From: Mark Royseth [cmarkr@earthlink.net] - eent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:59 PM To: Kitty Baltos Great idea! I'm all for it. Mark Royseth cmarkr@earthlink.net Why Wait? Move to EarthLink. -. -.. 5/25/2004 -- Kitty Baltos -- .-com: Amy Dean _nt: Monday, May 24,20042:10 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: FW: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free -----Original Message----- From: Joelwins@aol.com [mailto:Joelwins@aol,com] Sent: Monday, May 24,20042:08 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Re: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free hi amy Page 1 of 1 thanks for the email. As a parent and former smoker im in the air hen it comes to smoking on premises. j guess if i had to pic no smoking on premises. such as the monticello community center. B t, as to the parks and walking trails no. but thats my opinion. well this is my 2 cents worth!! sincerly yours joel scott -. -. 5/24/2004 Ki Baltos From: Sent: -a!o: ~ubject: O'Brien, William J. [William.O'Bri n@nmcco.com] Monday, May 24, 20042:05 PM Kitty Baltos RE: Proposal to make MCC loba co Free .- I'm all for banning smoking inside buildings, but I don't see how we could ban smoking outdoors. Bill O'Brien -----Original Message----- From: Amy Dean [mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello.mn.usJ Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free As Monticello Community Center facility users, we are asking for your input on the following proposal that is under eview. TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked t e City of Monticello's Park & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco-fre policy for the following recreation facilities/areas: Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above ment rinks and parks oned locations -- .p~ease direct all input regarding this policy lrector. itty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us o Kitty Baltos, Center -,. 1 Ki Baltos From: Sent: alo: W'ubject: Amy Dean Monday, May 24, 2004 1 :59 PM Kitty Baltos FW: Proposal to make MCC Toba 0 Free ~~-~-Original Message----- From: Nordberg, David [mailto:David.Nordberg@a Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:47 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: RE: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free I believe the government should not force free; each customer has a choice if he or she services from any particular business. I, the into places and purchase goods where people t choice, and I cast my vote through my dollar. On the other hand, the MCC is subsidized by ta buildings are held to a different standard. S capitol buildings, and the like should be smok accessible to the entire public. oka.k12.mn.us] te businesses to be smoke ants to purchase goods or efore, choose not to go nd to smoke. That's my money, and public hools, town halls, state ~free to make them It would be virtually impossible to enforce su h a rule on walking paths, however. They should be looked at diff rently. - . From: Sent: To: Subject: Amy Dean Monday, May Amy Dean Proposal to 24, 2004 1:32 PM > > > > > As Monticello Community Center facility user input on the following proposal that is under > > TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked Park & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco~fre recreation facilities/areas: > > > > > > > Please direct all input regarding this polic Director. > kitty.baltos@ci.mo0ticello.mn.us > > > make MCC Tobacco Free Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, cour Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above me -. , we are asking for your eview. the City of Monticello's policy for the following s, rinks and parks tioned locations to Kitty Baltos, Center 1 ~tty Baltos = ~om: Travis & Kari Hoy [hOYfamily@worldnet.att.~et] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1 :56 PM To: Kitty Baltos We agree with smoke-free plan! . ~. 5/24/2004 Page 1 of 1 ! -- Ki Baltos .rom: ent: To: Subject: jkuta@adamsnutandbolt.com Monday, May 24, 2004 1 :34 PM Kitty Baltos FW: Proposal to make MCC Toba co Free That's a great idea!! 'Jennifer Kuta ~~---Original Message----- From: Amy Dean [mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello. n.us] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free As Monticello Community Center facility users, we are asking for your input on the following proposal that is under review. TATU (Teens Against Tabacco Users) has asked th City of Monticello's Park & Recreation Board to adopt a tobacco-free policy for the following recreation facilities/areas: 411antrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts, rinks and parks Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above menti ned locations Please direct all input regarding this policy t Kitty Baltos, Center Director. kitty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us ************************************************************************ **** ******************************************** This email has been scanned for virus by the WUR H ADAMS NUT AND BOLTS AntiVirus team. For details contact mis@adamsnu andbolt.com . 1 Ki Baltos .rom: . ent: To: Subject: Snell, Carrie A (Heinrich) [CASnelll heinrichenvelope.comJ Monday, May 24, 2004 1 :33 PM Kitty Baltos FW: Proposal to make MCC Toba co Free Hi Kitty, I received this email from Amy regarding the n smoking proposal. I am in agreement with the tobacco-free policy. I think it is a great idea. Carrie Snell (763) 543-3082 -----Original Message----- From: Amy Dean [mailto:Amy.Dean@ci.monticello.m .us] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:33 PM To: Amy Dean Subject: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free As Monticello Community Center facility users, e are asking for your input on the following proposal that is under review. TATU (Teens Against Park & .ecreation Board to ecreation facilities/areas: Tabacco Users) has asked th City of Monticello's adopt a tobacco-free policy for the following Entrances to the Monticello Community Center All playgrounds, youth athletic fields, courts, inks and parks Hiking, walking, and biking trails. Parking lots that are a part of the above mentio ed locations Please direct all input regarding this policy to Kitty Baltos, Center Director. kitty.baltos@ci.monticello.mn.us . 1 Ki Baltas -- .rom: Sent: To: Subject: Jennifer Van Dyke [mustangsrus6 @msn.com] Monday, May 24, 2004 1 :37 PM Kitty Baltos Yes - make MCC tobacco free! Hi Kitty, I am all for making MCC tobacco free!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Jenny Van Dyke . . 1 Page 1 of 1 --Itty Baltos From: john bjorback [kraniac@msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1 :50 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: smoking ban I believe indoor areas should be smoke free. I believe ou door areas such as bleachers or confined areas should be smoke free. I am a non-smoker and find smoking offensive. I believe hat people have the right to choose for themselves. I believe the teens should focus on making good choices for themselves rather than controlling the choices of everyone. If this were to happen these problems would v ry quickly disappear by themselves. Thank you for the chance to comment on this issue. John Bjorback . -. 5/26/2004 Ki Baltos Arom: ~ent: To: Cc: Subject: Shawn Hannah [shannah@fsisolut ons.com] Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:48 A Kitty Baltos 'shannah@tds.net' Tobacco Free? Hi Kitty, I am not a smoker, and whenever I go out I req est a seat in the non-smoking section. I appreciate the right to do that. also appreciate what the kids are trying to accomplish with their reque t, however, I disagree with making our parks, trails, playgrounds etc. tob cco free. I would rather see a parent that smokes come to their childs even , or bring their child to the park, and step away to smoke, than to not com at all because of restrictions. If we begin with these restrict ons, where do they end? We can educate people on the risks, but we are a ree people, so far, in this country and we need to maintain the rights of eople who are not breaking the law. We can't force people to do what may e best for them. As non-smokers we can choose to frequent or not f equent places where smoking .s allowed. Let's keep the decision making in the hands of citizens, ot government. Thank you, Shawn Hannah FSI Promotion Development Specialist shannah@fsisolutions.com 763-271-1259 . 1 Page 1 of 1 __ ~ Baltos From: Sundberg [Iarryandsherry@usfamily.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 25,20043:16 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: proposed smoking policy Kitty, I am writing in response to Amy Dean's request for input on the pr posed smoking policy. We, as a family have spent countless hours enjoying the great faci ities and parks in the Monticello area over the past ten years. I don't recall ever having a problem with smokers or second-hand s oke. I think it is noble and good for the students to become active in pol tical and environmental issues. However, I think that ratifying this policy is needless and cumbersome. Most people have heard hat second-hand smoke has been proven dangerous, but the counter argument has just as much support from scientific researc . I think the city should leave well enough alone. Amy mentioned th group "Teens Against Tobacco Users." I don't know anyone who would be willing to argue the benefits of smoking. By the sam token, I certainly don't know anyone who form an alliance against fellow citizens because of their smoking preference. The only tangible benefit that I see in passing a non-smoking polic would be the civics lesson that the "Teens" would gain. .he record, both my wife and I are non-smokers. Larry Sundberg ------ LLSFamily.N~t - Unlimited nternet - From $8.99/mo! ------ -. 5/25/2004 Page 1 of 1 _ .tty Baltos From: Jeff & Barb Tidd [tiddbj@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 26,20048:38 AM To: Kitty Baltas Subject: smoke free please Sounds good to me. In fact, I thought MCC was already sm ke free. . . 5/26/2004 Page 1 of 1 .~ Baltos From: Laura Nielsen [anamatkatgab@charter.netJ Sent: Wednesday, May 26,200412:20 AM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: Tobacco poilcy I personally don't like tobacco smoke, and would love to see a ba on it in the mentioned areas, but who would enforce this and would fines be enforced? I don't need an answer, just thought I'd put in my two cents! -. . 5/26/2004 Page 1 of 1 .u:.tty Baltos From: JAMeierhofer@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:02 PM To: Kitty Baltos Subject: Fwd: Proposal to make MCC Tobacco Free I strongly support making MCC and the area around it tobacco fr as proposed by TATU. We use the MCC at least weekly dnd this is a good idea. Jeff Meierhofer In a message dated OS/24/2004 1 :31 :04 PM Central Daylight Tim ,Amy.Dean@cLmonticello.mn.us writes: I kitty.baltos@cLmonticello.mn.us ..-... "..., ~ 5/26/2004 ~/""'~J......^^.... _::"'-~f..~~l" < . Publicizing Your Tobacco-Free Policy Tobacco-Free Youth Recreation (TFYR) recommen s that you communicate your new tobacco-free policy to your community. A well-publicized poli y informs recreational facility users about the reasons why the policy has been adopted and help reduce policy violations. The most important way to publicize your to acco-free policy is by posting signs. If you have not done so already, contact TFYR t order metal tobacco-free signs. The following locations are suggested places for posting your t bacco-free signs: fencing around playgrounds and fields, backstops, picnic shelters, restrooms, oncession stands, parking lot entrances, beach entrances, lifeguard stands, hiking trail entrances, nd skating rink warming houses. In addition to posting signs, park and recreation di ectors have used a variety of means to educate citizens of their communities about their tobacco-f e policies: . Staff notification of the new policy and settin procedures for how they should handle any violations that arise. . Cards explaining the policy distributed by par staff members to park users. Sample cards, p.2. . . Stories in the local newspaper or in a regional newspaper, as the result of a news release or reporters' coverage of city council meetings. raft news release, p.3. . Park and recreation department and city new letters. . Recreation program brochures, catalogs, and nnouncements. Sample program brochures from Eagan Park & Recreation and Richfield Recreation Services, pp.4- . . Rulebooks or policy statements that are distri uted to sports league administrators, coaches, officials, parents, and participants. Sample noti ation letter, p 7; Sample team schedule, p.8. . Other fact sheets or educational articles abou tobacco and secondhand smoke distributed at coaches' meetings, in mailings, or through ne sletters. Sample articles, pp.9-J J. . Postings on the park and recreation departm nt's or city's web site. . Public service announcements on local radio ations or public access cable channels. Sample announcement, p. J 2. . Kick-off celebration or community event with obacco-free pledges, activities, etc. Potential dates for this event: April 3-Kick Butts Day; May l-World No Tobacco Day; Thursday prior to Thanksgiving-Great American Smoke Out. Sample pie ges, p. J 3; Sample community events, p. J 4. . . Contact TFYR at (651) 646-3005, your local t bacco-free coalition, or your local public health agency to assist you in publicizing your tobac o-free policy! Please note: computer graphicfiles are availa lefrom TFYRfor the tobacco-free sign image 1 ~ .2 +- t:l ~ ~ 1.. ~ U 1.. ~ ~ a "U S ::I ~ U O..s:: 0 l..)+-..t:J +-E~~ lI)eof ~ ~ ~ > ..s:: t:l .- +- 0 en +- > ~ u NO..t:Jt:l o1.._..s:: o ~'v ~ N 0 ~ 0 . ::J...... .........s::o- ~ :!: l..) ~ ~ :i: >..- ::J +- :!: 5 1J~l..)"U en~"U ~ ~ E ._ +- ::J en ~ 0 .- ~1.._t:l ._ a l..) 0.. en 0.. . E ~~+-a C!l Cl II) u . ~ .2 +- a ~ ~ 1.. ~ U 1.. ~ ~ CL. "U S ::J ~ U o ..s:: a r \ +- ..t:J ..., 0 vi +-E+-~ lI)~a+- ~ ~ ~ > ..s:: a .- +- a en +-u > A\ o ..0 a N1.._..s:: o 0..'- +- o 0.. u ::J N a ~ 0 . ::J >. -..s::oen ~:t:::l..) ~ ~ :i: >..- 2+-.-= 5 .,/ ~l..)"U en~"U ~ . ~ +-E ::I en ~ 0 '- ~1.._Cl ._ Cl U ~ en 0.. . s:; ~~+-Cl C!lClII)u ~ ..s:: +-..s:: E ~ ,.:.. ~ ~:: ~ >. u ~ ~ Cl '0 a ~ t.. en"U ~ ~ ~ ~ .- +- 1.. 1.. 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For Immediate Release [Date] Contact: [Name] [ Agency] [Phone number/email] [City Name] PROTECTS YOU G PEOPLE'S HEALTH BY MAKING PARKS OBACCO FREE On [Date], the [City name] City Council voted in favor of the health of the children of [City name] by making [list parks and facilities here] tobacco free. Ef ctive [date], no person will be allowed to use any form of tobacco under this new policy. The [City ame] Park Board and [other supportive groups or coalitions] support this policy and brought it to the ity Council for final approval. [City name] City Council members adopted this policy because they believe that tobacco use in park areas is detrimental to the health of everyone using the ark system and can be offensive to those using recreational facilities. They also feel the tobacco-free olicy provides the opportunity to change community norms around tobacco use and will help to educe youth tobacco use. "Our goal is to demonstrate to youth that tobacco use i not a part of a healthy lifestyle, and we believe that this policy can playa part in reducing youth tobac 0 use in our community, which will eventually save lives," said [park board member or city council m mber], [City name] City Council member. "_ % of ninth graders in [County name] County us at least one form of tobacco. By adopting this policy, the City of [City name] is helping reduce the ra e of tobacco use in our community and is demonstrating their belief that tobacco use and second and smoke just don't belong in park areas where people go to improve their fitness and enjoy na re," said [citizen/coalition member], [name of affiliated group]. Council member [name] supports the tobacco-free pol cy because it now complements the [school district name] school district tobacco-free grounds pol cy. "The city policy will create a consistent tobacco-free policy among all the recreational facilitie in our community, which eliminates confusion. " The [name of coalition or group] assisted the City of [ ity name] in the policy development process and will be working with city officials to communicat the new tobacco policy, including posting signage and distributing materials describing the polic and other tobacco prevention resources to all youth leaders, coaches, and parents. Enforcement oft e policy will come via the signs and community awareness measures. The Tobacco-Free Youth Recreation (TFYR) progra , a statewide tobacco prevention program, is providing [City name] with metal tobacco-free signs ee of charge. "Weare pleased to add [City name] to the growing list of Minnesota cities with tob ceo-free park policies," said Brittany Meyer, Director ofTFYR. Currently, [insert number] cities i Minnesota prohibit tobacco use in their park areas. ### 3 . ~ l.! ~ I "0 I ; 1 ~ ..l! tl ~. ~..~.] ~. ..~ l "'2. ''''.1' ...... l.::.. u..... l1 "Ii l> ..!l:-t::>"-e ,l!L;l-= ll~!i]~~ ~.i::'.~,. ~....~. l:'j1 .~....i.,.. i.. .:.;. !:l" ... ~;:_.., .i! ll.$ ,[ l!! :.,~ i. g-@.!f i~ to...! i '~',~,~'!'.g~..~:.,~ ~ .~. 012 ,.. ..;l.-5 t! ~... " '" 1:: ~ I 51:. !;l'j; !!.:s!'g - E.I~':' .' e 11 l....9.''< '0 .'..... " .lj,.. ..-g,;l:;. P. :t:" :2.:8'. ~: "" l: 1:: :'~'.,. .' :a"'g .it I"- E -5 l'l :::> '. ../t.,.. =. '. "1!:. -=. g.: s......::..... U.:....:.. 0.: ~ ,~":e '.1' ....... ..' , , i I I \ \ . ~]~ ~g I::.oLA '^Lt1 c.so t'-ot':l ..::.:2~!::: 1,;... U)..J. "s; a '0 1l .io~ _ .......l;l......::...~.....~ J~ . 4 . . . 1 . lilt I 1. I I- II.. .....1.1.. ... i. a JI l! "I Iz I: -! tl"f & t II . 1: J I L ~ ." 1 ;! :1...1 I III . ....1.; .".. ~. I t .e- = aB - It..! J h i I; ! i. ~ '5... ..11 f 1..1.. ~...I... 1. i. '.. II it !. i IJ: -$ tilt. n l'li:' ttHhptt ~ I) ! u~~n !f.ltll I nHullh i - '...ll.s s .s s ~.. e. .~. . I. ...,....... ;.. is ...... Jal'1S J '81~1, . ! e ~I -0 , GJ .,.. 1.1- .c u .~ '-"~. '--'.. ~ .-- 11:;i · :ii ..c: 1;" ........ .: <1_ ..c: .2ii +-'- :::s - ~ 5 . ~.I~ ...1. .1 t-< J _a:I z~ ~1~ll :E ffi I o ~ I v ~ f . F '!. i I I ~ ~ ~ .! Ii 1 ~ _ ii ~ ~. ; << j -I. I .= ..1'.. .5 "9E J::. :ii ... 1ii 8' .~ ~ ,_ '0; v '0 ] In S ~. ~ }.; ~ i .s lL! i.i ~..... J. .; -I ii ~ i ~ ~i ... Ie::; ~ gt-; f~ j e.. !! e .,~ ~~ ..,~ ~p'~ ~ i~ l~~~~. 11 -= -;;; ~ . 0 e ~ ~.fl j] ~! It il. es ...-.c;; .n.., J\ '&1 ~..t: aJ aJ - ~ Co 8 ~ u gt....; .1J.o ::)c..;.... ~~o~ ....-'= ~~'W cv c: QJ u::::lc. ceE ~. ra 8 ~. e"C _uc:. 5.8 ~ g. S E IV c1l tQ .!:::! :3 01 c: vi C'l .t-'Q,.l o c: v v 0 .- ~ 0 tI .. c: lD Co -6 ra 8 ~ :E fi~ ~lf] ~tE~l t= A <~ ~~ '"-J . tJ ! il t:V ...'0 j]... -5U'\'Il Hi ~i~~ l tj~. ~ IJ 1 gj. ~j~ Is~ ill ~.., ';1 :sl .:!l !! j II " 11 If I ~ it !' Iii ~ ! i ij f ~ if h i! j ill U 11 i ~!i H H J ~Ir. H H ;! c ;'e I Jt S :!u hi L 1 HI ~j1 II ! lil Hi h i fll If= Jifl ,I II I III ! IH Iii If i .. 6 . . . Sample Policy Noti Ication Letter [Date] Dear [Sports Association Name]: Every day over 3,000 young Americans decide to sta smoking. Consequently, over one-third of high school students and over 12% of middle school udents in Minnesota are current smokers. The decision to remain tobacco free may seem obvio s, but it is often a very difficult choice for many of the youth involved with your programs. Ho ever, the City of [City name] is attempting to help make this decision easier by implementing a tob ceo-free policy for [list parks and facilities here]. The City of [City name] adopted this tobacco-free po icy because we believe that tobacco use in park areas is detrimental to the health of everyone usi g the park system. We also believe that creating a tobacco-free recreational environment will e1p change our community's norms about tobacco use. Finally, the City of [City name] also fee s that parents, leaders, and officials are role models for youth and can have a positive effect on th lifestyle choices they make by being tobacco- free role models for them. Enclosed is a copy the City's new tobacco-free polic for our park areas. Please distribute it to members of your organization. If you'd like addition I tobacco prevention information and materials, please contact the Tobacco-Free Youth Re reation program at tfyr@ansrmn.org or (651) 646-3005. If you have any questions about the new olicy, please contact me at [phone number/email] . Sincerely, [Name] Recreation Coordinator [City name] Park & Recreation Department 7 . ! ~~~ ?4 . . . . E Q) a ~ a Q) Cl ... OJ:) OJ);:::::::: =...... Q)...... Q) Q) Q) II .9 .9..... Q) O..c: 0 C .D ... OJ) I-< ~..t3 ~ .; r' ~ "0 ::s en --= t;:: = o~Cl]:.c:Q)~ =0.. uUc(I)en ~oo '~I-<Q)(I)'" ..... (I) 0 ::s.D.1-< U o c Q) u o..c:......~ ... 0 ~ I-< >-.... 0 ~ :::..... o;::l c; u Q) o~uo.s(l)~ >-'.~ u " ..c:..c "'=~s~~.s a c ~ 0 00 ..... _ ........c: 00 ~ OJ)... ~ ~ ... OJ) c.E "0 (I) ~ 15 (I) ~ c; 'S.9 ~ s-fi Q) l-;..c ... 0 >-. !:: u ~ ~::So]Q).D;S~(I)O ;;>O.......D~en..c:oou o 00 lli""" ~ ~ o s...... 00 ...... "0 .~ ="0 ~ a ~ o = OJ) ::s .9 0"0 ~ '5 ~ ~" c..-. u O.:@ Q) 2 ~ g o...a OJ)~0c.E 1:: U (I) oU..c: 0.. ~ ... S 0 C ."""" ........ ........ Q) 00 0 ~ 15 u 00 ... u E " ~ ~ (I) 1::1J.g;;:. sS (I) ... (I) ~ ~ OJ) l-; Q) c;::l ..... 0 ~=~gp c: ~ s'g 0...0"0 ~ ~ 00 ~.;3s::::1J 0.. 'a.:@ ~~o en 00 Q) l-; <~l-;o.. . OJ) 1:: c o ..... 0..Q) 0..(1) ;::l en 00 0 l-; ... S"Een >-'~E cS ~ ~ ;::l t8 ~ o~::s >-. 0 0 ~..9 ~ ~ ... ~ ~ [ 8 . . . " ~~ '~j&g "Smoking Deflates Teens' Sports Performance" by Christin Pick Tobacco-Free Yout Recreation Jennifer, a high school junior, flops down on the be ch next to her teammates, exhausted. Her chest is burning and her lungs are frantically gaspin for air. Jennifer is a dedicated volleyball player, so it's not the workout that has left her so e austed. Jennifer is experiencing firsthand the effects of smoking. Smokers, like Jennifer, lose heir breath three times as fast as nonsmokers. Smoking hurts young people's physic I fitness in terms of both performance and endurance. It reduces the amount of oxygen availab e to the body, hampering an athlete's energy stores and impairing their sports performance. Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide (the sam lethal gas that is released by motor vehicle exhaust). When inhaled, the carbon monoxide foun in cigarette smoke is absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream. As the level of carbon monoxide i the blood increases, the level of oxygen decreases, leaving less oxygen available for the bod to use. These high levels of carbon monoxide not only cause shortness of breath, but als have a significant effect on the heart and other muscle cells that demand high amounts of oxy en. High blood levels of carbon monoxide caused by smoking impair physical fitness in other ays as well: distorted time perception, and impaired psychomotor, visual, and cognitive skills. f a young athlete cannot think, see, or make good decisions, he or she will certainly have a more ifficult time participating in sports and recreational activities. Smoking among young people can also hamper thei rate of lung growth and the level of maximum lung function. In fact, smoking is respon ible for coughing and an increase in the frequency and severity of respiratory illnesses a you g person may experience. Smoking can also cause chronic swelling of mucous membranes, hich causes teen smokers to cough up twice as much phlegm as nonsmoking teens. All of these smoking-related symptoms cause young athletes to feel sick much more often than their tobacco-free teammates, making it difficult for mokers to compete at everyone else's level of physical fitness. Coaches and parents, talk to you young athletes about the effects of tobacco use on physical performance and help them remain ealthy for years to come. 9 . . . " "Do as I Say, A 0 as I Do: Coaching Tob ceo Free" by Christin Pick Tobacco-Free You h Recreation Athletes are often seen looking to the sidelines for irections from their coaches during games. The coach guides them through the high-pressure s tuations of the game with encouragement and instruction. Athletes, however, not only look to th ir coaches for direction on the field, but off the field as well. Coaches and recreational leaders are important rol models for young athletes. Since recreation provides a setting for young athletes to bond to get er as a group, youth feel compelled to follow the standards set forth by their leaders. They have powerful influence on youth, and can positively use this to promote healthy lifestyles to heir team. One such healthy behavior is refraining from tobacco use. By supporting young people's decision to be tobacco free and modeling a tobacco-free lifestyle, recreational lead rs also help youth choose to remain tobacco free. Many times through the words, actions, and exam Ie they set, coaches influence the way their players think about the choices they will make in I fe. To help their athletes perform their best, coaches often talk to them about the importance 0 good sportsmanship, nutrition, and refraining from alcohol use. They should also discuss the ne ative physical effects of tobacco use and the importance of being tobacco free. Coaches must emphasize to athletes that tobacco u e hinders physical fitness in both performance and endurance. Tobacco use lowers e level of lung function and reduces the amount of oxygen available to the muscles used d ring recreational activities. Also, athletes who use tobacco will suffer from shortness of bre th almost three times as often as teens that don't smoke. By talking to athletes about living a tobacco-free I festyle, coaches show that they care about the health of young people and want them to choose h althy lifestyles. Coaches must not only communicate with their athletes about refraining om tobacco use, but must live tobacco-free lifestyles themselves. By being tobacco free, coa hes and leaders model positive, healthy lifestyle choices. 10 . . . / "Smokeless Doesn't. ean Harmless" by Christin Tobacco-Free You The crack of the bat, the roar of the crowd, the ove helming aroma of hotdogs fills the air...ah, baseball. Unfortunately, baseball has developed a f: r worse association-spit tobacco. Many people see spit tobacco as a normal, routine part of aseball. This needs to change-fast! Recent surveys of major and minor league baseball layers show that 30-40% of players use spit tobacco. Baseball players are role models for child n, and they send powerful messages to young people. By using spit tobacco, athletes are s nding the wrong message. They are telling young people that this is an acceptable behavior. The reality is spit tobacco is not any safer than ciga ettes. In fact, spit tobacco users consume on average more than 10 times the amount ofnitrosimi es-one of the substances in tobacco believed to cause cancer-than cigarette smokers. urthermore, it takes only a few months of regular use to develop mouth problems like leukopl kia, ugly white patches or sores that can turn into cancer. The truth is that 87% of oral cancer cas s are directly linked to spit tobacco. Users also risk health problems such as high blood pressu ,gum recession, tooth decay and decreased sense of taste and smell. Youth who participate in recreational activities are t higher risk to start using spit tobacco. In addition to baseball players, young people who participate in hockey, wrestling, hunting, rodeo events, and many other youth activities use spit toba co. The tobacco industry is targeting these sports and recreational activities with ads and prom tional items because they know that athletes have a strong influence on children. The National Spit Tobacco Education Program (NS EP) was established to break the strong link between recreation and smokeless tobacco. Throug NSTEP's partnership with Major League Baseball, they have been able to help more and mor coaches, players, and parents learn about the devastating effects of spit tobacco by showing at smokeless tobacco is not a substitute for smoking. To find out more information about the d ngers of smokeless tobacco and NSTEP's available resources, visit their website at <www.nst p.org>. 11 . . . / Sample Public Se ice Announcement "As part of our effort to promote health lifestyles in our community, the [City name] Recreation Department would like to a nounce that all city park and recreational facilities are now tobacco free! Chewing toba co and smoking are not only deadly, but they also decrease lung power and weaken m scles, which leads to poor athletic performance. $0 stay in top physical condition by enjoying our tobacco-free parks, and make the choice to be tobacco free!" 12 . . . /' Example Team & Player Pledges Tobacco-F ee Player's Pledge I, a pl~.&:f e<..m know that tobacco us my physical performan those around me. I pi because I care ab health of ' my health, hinders and is dangerous to e to be tobacco free y health and the und me. Tobacco- ree Ye..... Pledge knowing that tobacco use physical performanc d i to be tobacco free b and the hea arms our health, hinders our dangerous to others, pledge , < , 're about our health around us. player rllIl''''' ploy.. play"" rlay"'" P~Yl.."1.'" play<< 1'1"l'4" r/""4" play"" "'are< ~~~ (,:I.'lit.d, Recreational organizations can help prevent youth tobacco use b asking individual players and teams to sign tobocco-free pledges. 13 ~ . rc8ACCO - 'RlI YOU1'lIlCRIAnOl INWW.ansnnn.org Examples of Com unity Events Attending or hosting your own community events is a great way to promote healthy lifestyles to young people and the entire community. Tobacco-Free Yout Recreation (TFYR) has compiled ideas for local activities to help raise awareness around the har ful effects of tobacco in your local community. Each idea can be combined with an existing event to e hance it, or it can stand alone as its own event. Remember to be creative and involve your loca youth in planning your event. TFYR has banners, posters, tobacco-free pledges, signage and 0 her resources that can help add to your event. If you would like any additional help planning your eve t, contact TFYR at (651) 646-3005. Tobacco-Free School Assembly Conduct sports-related anti-tobacco assemblies with I cal elementary, junior high and high schools to raise awareness about the danger of tobacco use and he benefits of living a tobacco-free lifestyle. Ask young athletes to talk to their peers about why the don't use tobacco or invite high profile athletes to discuss how remaining tobacco free has he ped them reach their athletic goals. . Striking Out Tobacco Work with a local junior high or high school to host a st dent/faculty softball game (or other sporting event) where the theme of the event will feature a toba co prevention message. Work with local youth to develop the slogan that will be used for the ev nt or use an existing sports-related anti- tobacco slogan. Feature the slogan on banners or t-s irts, or think of other ways to promote the tobacco-free message at the event. Tobacco~Free Olympics Work with local recreational organizations and school istricts to recruit young people to participate in your own local youth Olympic-style event. Youth can ompete in various activities including relay races, the 100-yard dash, and a punt, pass and kick c mpetition. You can work with the local media to promote the event and raise awareness around the armful effects of tobacco. During the event you can promote the tobacco-free message to those i attendance and ask participants to sign pledges to remain tobacco-free. Kids Kicking Their Way to a Healthy Lifestyle Have kids get their parent's permission to look for old agazines in their home and remove tobacco ads found in the magazines. Ask them to bring the ad to school to construct a mural that would fit the dimensions of a soccer goal (22' by 8'). Invite pee and high-profile soccer players to the event to remind the children that to be a champion on the field, ou must remain tobacco free. The day of the event, ask the young soccer to fans kick the soccer ba Is through the mural, destroying the ads and freeing the goal for play. This is a great way to illustra e to kids how they are targeted by the tobacco industry. Tobacco-Free Tailgating Event Holding a tailgating event at a local park is a great wa to recognize organizations that have worked to make the youth recreational facilities in the community tobacco-free. Invite the local media and present the local park and recreation department with certificate for their great work. . Adapted from World No Tobacco Day's Turnkey Idea Kit and the .S. Department of Health and Human Service's Kids Kicking Their Way to Health. 14 . MONTICELLO PA S DEPARTMENT Work list May 27, 2004 Apri 23rd, 2004 thru May 27th, 2004 . . Welcome Tom Pawelk into our dep ment . Swept pathway system . Cleaned up E.B. construction mater'als and started to landscape . Chipping orders . Riverside Cemetery - grave locates and headstone locates . Irrigation repairs . General park and building mainten nce . Boulder walls are done at East Brid e . Fence at Xcel, field #2 is done . Irrigation of West Bridge bids are t . Equipment maintenance and repair . Core aerating of parks and Ballfiel s . Fertilized Ballfields and parks . Roofs at Groveland have been mov d - 1 saved . Gas will be installed in Pioneer 2nd eek in May - done need to do inside work . Spraying of broad leafs . Aiding City Hall (Kitty) in their la dscaping efforts around the new patio . Cemetery preparation for Memori Day - Seeding, flags, and mulching . General ballfield work, installed cl y bricks at batter boxes to cut maintenance and they seem to be orking very well . Hauling boulders from Gillard A v . site for future use . Installed fake rocks to cover irrig tion pipes at Ellison Park . Climbing wall and rubber mulch i stalled at W.B. - very active . Concrete work at both W.B. and cel Ballfields . Weed pulling in planters and plan replacement (trees and shrubs) . Meadow Oaks pathway upgrades nd tree removal on the way . Removal of Xcel fence, Field #2 Steal recycle = $137.60 - ~ ~ ~ . Tree inspections ~, . Liquor store landscape - removal f dead plants - new design on the way . . . . . . . . . . . ..., o ..., :t- ic' wwwwwwwwwwwww~www~ ~~~mmm~~~p~~W~~~~N N~~N~NN~~~~~~~OOO~ OO~~~W~~~~~~O~W~~ W~WOOOO~ON~O~O~~~ . ." ;:; ~ """"o~~n~o"'~."...,~",~~~." ~~~~~~~~;:;~~~~~g~~;:; ZZt;lgt;l...,t;lt;l~ic'ic'~t;l ~~~>: ~~~eO~~~~~O."~~~a~.,, t;lt;l~~"'~~gt;lt;l."t;l~H C""S ~~=~n~"";:;~~=~6~~aiga ~~n~~O~G'll!=(')C/] n I ~t--3 ~~~~~~~~.,,~ ~>...,~~ <:c'" H t;ln Otl:t- ic' OQt;l:d~, Z"lt;lt;l ~ ><<:0 ...,t;lZ~o QO~~ ...,<::t-~ ~~~I~~~~ ~ ~ SI ~I<I t<:I"'~ ~ 0 0 '" > ~>-J<: t;l Z 1<1 t;l>-J ~~I:"' ~~~ ~ ~ I ~~ g z Q <: >-J ~~ ~ ~ '" '" ~ ~ ~ ..., lJ1 ..., \C o lJ1 '" '" '" o o o o o t\J 0 U1 00 o t\J 0 0 ~ Oooaoo~oooOOOOOOU1 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 ..., lJ1 ..., '" o o '" o lJ1 '" '" o l:'0 0 l,n CD o r0 0 0 -...J OOOooornQOOOOOOOO~ 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 o o .... '" '" 00000000000000000 oo~oooooooooooooo oo~oooooooooooooo , . 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DJ AFT CITY OF MONTICELLO TOBACCO-FlUE PARK POLlCY Subject: Prohibition of tobacco product u.e in the City ofMomicello's park and trail system. Purpose: In order to protect the health and velfare of the citizens of Monticello and thc people who use the City's parks ald trails, the City of Monticello prohibits the use of tobacco products on City OWne park land, recreation facilities, trails and open space. Policy: No person shall use tobacco produ 'ts on City owned park land, recreation facilities, trails and open spaces ex'-'ept for the following: 1. At the Xcel Ballfields, except during exclusively youth activities. 2. At the Monticello Community Center designated smoking areas during private events. 3. At Ellison Park during the F iverfest celebration. · Phasing Plan: A phasing plan for establishing all :ityowned park land, recreation lacilities. trails and open space as tobacco fre is as follows: 2004 - East/West Bridge Park 2005 - El1ison Park/Pioneer Park 2006 - All remaining parks Implementation: The emphasis on enforcing the Toba co-Free park policy is through voluntary compliance. ]. Signs shall be posted at all Ci y owned parks, recreation facilities, trails and open space. 2. City staff will make periodic (bservations of recreation facilities and park land to monitor for complianc . 3. A community education progJ" m will be implemented to assist in enforcing this policy. 4. Athletic associations that utilize city owned lacililies must commit to en1()J"cing this policy during all scheduled activities. Adoption date: