Parks Commission Agenda Packet 06-24-2004 . . . AG NDA PARKS C MMISSION .June 24, 20 4 - 4:30 p.m. West Pr irie Room "To enhance commlll/i(y p ide throllgh developing and maintail/inK city parks wit a high standard of Ifllali(y" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of May 27, 2004 reg lar Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a enda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Hunters Crossing - Wetlands eontaine within proposed park area. 6. Lynn Dahl (Design for Print) - Park C mmission support for park map/brochure 7. Park Maintenance Items 8. Ryan Properties - Pathway proposal 9. Nathan's Court - Concept Plan 10. Concept Plan - V.P. Development 11. Updates, if any 9. Adjourn . . . Parks Commission Minutes ~ 5/27/04 M NUTES PARKS COMMISSI N - REGULAR MEETING May 27, 004 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhunce communi y prille through developinf: llIld maintaining city parks ith a high standard ofquali(y" Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben I litter, Nan y McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison Robbie Smith Members Absent: None Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Parks t. Call to Order. Chair I,arry Nolan called the meeting to 0 del' at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of the A ril 22 2004 e ular Parks Commission meetin . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE T E MINUES OF TIlE APRILL 22,2004 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING WITH COR ECnON TI-IA T THE CLIMBING WALL IS LOCATED AT WEST BRIDGE PARK. RICK TRAVER SECONDED '1IIE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a Rick Traver added an update on Balboul ark. Adam Hawkinson added park sign information. Fran Fair added the plantings at East Brid e Park and Larry Nolan added an updated on the pathway along County Road 18. 4. Citizens comments and requests. No one was present under the citizens co ment portion of the meeting. 6. No Smokinl! Policy. Chair Larry Nolan informed those present hat there would be ajoint meeting with MeC Advisory Board to discuss the proposed" 0 Smoking" policy for city parks/pathways. Larry Nolan stated that the Parks Commission di not want to make a recommendation on anything outside their jurisdiction. At this point, M 'C Advisory Board Chair Harvey Kendall called the MCC Advisory Board meeting to order. he commission members were given copies of the comments received during the public com lent period. There was general discussion on the comments received and Fran Fair asked if he respondents were aware that the City was proposing a policy rather than an ordinanc . Parks Commission Minutes - 5/27/04 . Allison Hortzman, Wright County He Ith Department stated that approximately 49 communities in Minnesota have adopt d "No Smoking" regulations and that 5 out of the 49 communities have adopted ordinances. She felt that education is the primary means of compliance to the "No Smoking" poli y and noted that most communities that had adopted "No Smoking" policies had received positi e comment. Larry Nolan felt that a policy rather than an ordinance was the way to go. Harvey Kendall and Kitty 8altos explained how the proposed "No Smoking" policy would impact the MCC especially since the M X: is rented out for private events. Harvey Kendall indicated his belief that if signs are pos ed people will expect that they are enforced and it is not realistic to try to enJorce this policy. T ere was some discussion on the sign content of the T ATU sign that would be installed if a 'No Smoking" policy is adopted. Adam Hawkinson suggested rather than having another set of signs in the park, the "No Smoking" policy be listed on the parks rules and regulations signs. Fran Fair felt the T A TU signs should be used because listing the "No Smoking" policy on the ules and regulations sign would not be as effective. In discussing the wording of the sign, the P rks Commission felt that "Smoking is discouraged as it is known to cause cancer" gives a diff rent connotation that "No Smoking is allowed." It was klt that "No Smoking is allowed" ight be offensive to some. It was also suggested placing the "No Smoking" signs only th area around the playstructures. . Harvey Kendall stated that personally he idn't like the idea of government telling him what habits are good and what habits are bad. -Ie didn't feel smoking had the impact on outdoor activities the way it does indoors or in a confined area. Kitty 8altos noted there would be difficulty in trying to enfiJrce this policy i any of the parking lot areas. Richard Quick telt it was good to go torward with the policy a d stated his belief that education about the efJects of tobacco would bring compliance. The va idity of setting out a regulation that is not going to be entorced was questioned. It was generalI felt that the policy was making a statement regardless of whether it was enforc~d or n t. Nancy McCaffrey concurred stating there are a number of good health messages out there The Parks Commission reviewed a draft 0 a "No Smoking" policy. Fran Fair questioned why The draft included exemptions. Since ther" is no penalty Jor non-compliance, there is no reason to have exemptions. A number of c anges were made to the draft policy as t(JlIows: I) "Recreation facilities" was deleted from the proposed policy; 2) an exemption for the MCC was deleted; 3) The phasing plan was delet d; and 4) In discussion on the section dealing with implementation of the policy, it was felt th t limited staff and budget would keep the city from implementing an community education pro 'ram. The language was changed to: The City will SUpport those education programs" Also c anged in the section on implementations was item #4 which was changed from "Athletic asso iations" to "Youth athletic associations". Ben Hitter questioned the City establishing a "N ) Smoking" policy when cigarettes are sold at the liquor store. He felt that activity seemed to ly in the face of the policy. . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO RECOMMEND 0 THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE NO SMOKING POLICY DRAFTED BY l' E PARKS COMMISSION AS AMENDED. 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 5/27/04 RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE OTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. Jay Roos from Bison Development an Bob Schmidt from Sylvia Development came to the Parks Commission concerning a wetla d area that encroaches into the designated park area in the plat of llunter's Crossing. Previo sly the Parks Commission had approved the designation of a 5 acre tract in the southeast corner of the proposed plat for park land. The balance of the park dedication for the 94 acre tract w uld be in cash. When the park land had initially been located in the southwest corner of the lat it was not impacted by the wetland encroachment. Had the park remained in the southwes corner, the wetland would have encroached into the back yards of a couple of lots. Howeve , when the park land was switch to the southeast corner it was impacted by the wetland. The e croachment is approximately 4800 sq. ft. Jay Roos stated he did not expect the ity to give him park credit for the wetland encroachment but he was asking the Parks Commissi n to consider cash in lieu of the 4800 sq. ft. orland lost to the wetland encroachment. He indicated that redrawing the plat to add 4800 sq. [t. to the park would mean the lost of possibly 1 2 lots. Because they are so far along in the platting process they would prefer not to go thr ugh the additional time and expense to redraw the plat. Adam Hawkinson stated that he would prefer not to have wetlands adjacent to park land as residents expect the City to maintain th wetland area. Jay Roos noted there is a culvert in the area which may be plugged and this is . omething they are investigating further. If this is the case, the developer could make a reque.t for exemption to the LGU. He indicated that according the wetland regulations, the could fill 2000 sq. f1. of the wetland. Adam Hawkinson asked if there was enough xcess soil to bring the park area to a 958 elevation. Mr. Roos indicated there was. Since it is st 11 under investigation as to whether this area is actually a wetland, the Parks Commission aske that this matter come back at their June 24, 2004 Parks Commission meeting. The developer i planning to bring their preliminary plat before the Council on June 28,2004 so they shoul be able to bring baek to the Parks Commission and still make their time line. Rick Traver felt s'nce it was a small area it was not necessary to have the developer redraw his plat. Bob Schmid stated that wetland categories # I, #2 and #3 arc tillable. lIe stated they will have the in ormation for the Parks Commission for their next meeting and emphasized thcy will wor with the Parks Department to gradc the park land to an acceptable elevation. 7. Review of ro osed ordinance amen ment relatin J to ark land Title XI Cha ter 6. Tabled until the next meeting. 8. Park Maintenance I terns. Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of th work completed. Thef\~ was discussion on whether the old shrubs at East Bridge Park should b rcmoved. Adam Hawkinson will meet with the gardeners of East Bridge Park and deter line what materials should be removed. Adam 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 5/27/04 . Hawkinson suggested filling in some of the rock area with dirt and planting ground COver there. Nancy McCaffrey asked about the st tus of the remaining cntrance signs. Adam Hawkinson indicated the sign proposed east Cou. ty Road 75 is being delayed until MnDOT's plan for the 1-94/CR 18 ramp are know. There ha been some discussion among staff as to the location of the sign on Tf-I 25 and it was finally d termined that the sign will be located at the northeast corner of School Boulevard. It is anti 'ipated that the sign along TII 25 would be installed yet this summer. 9. Updates. I. Walk and Roll: Larry Nolan updated the Parks Commission on the turnout for Walk and Roll which they felt was v ry good considering the weather. They noted that they had received a number of com liments about the park. They also discussed the plantings by the Link residence and the need to have some kind of signage on thc pathway at East Bridge Park be aUse of its steepness. Fran Pair asked about the installation of the pier at West ridge Park. The DNR had indicated it would be installed but Adam Hawkinsonclt it would more likely be sometime in June. 2. Tree 1)lanting Request: The arks Commission had received an e-mail regarding tree planting. Larry Nolan suggcste i that with the next tree planting activity, planting trees along the City's pathways shoul be looked at. Adam Hawkinson will respond to the e- mail request. . Added Items: County Road 18 Pathway - Larry Nol n questioned when the pathway would he paved. Adam I-Iawkinson stated the Spirit} fills - cvelopmcnt created some problems which the contractor is SUppose to correct. The gra 1t for the pathway in the amount of $20,000 needs to he used in 2004. Balboul Park: Rick Traver asked if the ark area was going to be used fl)!" wetland since the Prairie Road improvement was not going in. Adam Hawkinson said he would check with John Simola, Public Works Director on that. Ihe Parks Commission felt if the land was taken for wetland, the Parks Department should be ompensated 1lJr that taking. Park Signs: Adam J lawkinson submitte some pictures for the Parks Commission to review. These would be for replacement signs for he various parks. The signs are sandblasted wood and have a cost of between $3,000-$5,000 The Parks Commission directed Adam Hawkinson to proceed with contacting vendors to get esign proposals and cost estimates. Council Update: Council Liaison, Robbi.. Smith provided a brief update on some of the items that havc recently come before the Council. . . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 5/27/04 10. Adjourn: RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOLJ N AT 6:30 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOLJSL Y. Nancy McCat1l'ey indicated that shc will not be present at the June Parks Commission meeting. -'.~-'.~~~-~ Rccording Secretary . . . 10. NOTES TO PAR COMMISSION AGENDA .J ne 24, 2004 5. Hunters Crossing - Jay Roos represc ting the developer will be present at the meeting concerning the park land in the Hun ers Crossing Development. At the last meeting they indicated that they expected some ki d of determination as to whether there was any encroachment of the wetlands into the designated area. 8. Ryan Properties - Pathway/sidewalk ill run from 7th Street to County Road 75. 9. Nathan's Court - The proposed devel pment consists of81ots adjacent to the Klein Farms Development. Since there is little ar a involved that would be suitable for park use, it is most likely that park dedication will e cash. lJ.P. Development - This is a propose development on the Ruff property. As noted in the drawing there is some open space pro osed. Again it is questionable whether there is area in the proposed plat that is suitable fo park use. Note: Nancy McCaffrey will not be present a this meeting. .Jeff O'Neill will be at the Heartland Express/River Rider meeting being held at th same time. Dawn Grossinger has election training at the County Courthouse and will need to Ie ve early. S60B~ 'H 'PP!^"P 'Wd 6HI'ZO ~OOU~lI90 '6Mp'lJ3^O:J-~ ~ W W :r: Vl --' o ~ t-- Z o U Z o Ui o 0; t.l Z ~:5 01l.. ~ ?:;:: tJQ~~=:i >t::--.Jn:::j.:U1 o;01l..0::::>--' ::>z ;;: VlO>->->->- >-()~~~~ ?i"~~~---I f5~~3SSi5 >~~wwwa: gg[;5g::UU:: L~' - , _.-...1jjT~ .....__.,~. 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