Parks Commission Agenda Packet 08-26-2004 . AGEN A PARKS COM ISSION August 26, 2004 - 4:30 p.m. West Prairie Room "To enhance community pride through developing ami maintaining ci(y parks with a I igh stumlard aflfutlli(y" 1. Call to Order 2A. Approve minutes of July 22, 2004 regula Parks Commission meeting. B. Approve minutes of July 13,2004 special Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the age da. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Budget - Specifically as it relates to ballfields Budget - Long term planning - Steel Pric s 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. . Tree Planting Event UP Development Park Maintenance Diseased Tree Program Update Determination on parking improvement for Swan Park Other Updates, if any A. Ryan Properties Status B. East Bridge Park 12. Adjourn . . . 6. 7. 9. 10. NOTES TO PARK CO MISSION AGENDA August 2 , 2004 5. Budget - Adam Hawkinson will be diseussi g two specific issues relating to the budget. One relates to the Xcel ballfields and the ot er is the financial impact the cost of steel will have on the park budget. This was requested to be placed on the ageD; a by Fran Fair. If there is going to be a community wide tree planting event for nex year, discussion and planning should be started. UP Development - Carried over from the la t meeting. Diseased Trees - There may need to be revis ons to the City's tree program and related ordinances to reflect an expanded array of t ee diseases. Adam Hawkinson will update the Commission on what action should be taken Swan Park - Larry Nolan asked that this be included with the agenda. Since we are pretty far into the construction season, it needs to e determined what improvements will be made at the Swan Park and a time frame for com leting them. . . . MIN TES P ARKS CO MISSION July 22, 200 - 4:30 p.m. West Prairie Room "To enhance communi~v pri Ie through developing and maintaining ci~v pllrh with high stllllllard of lJuali~v '.' Members Present: Fran Fair, Nancy Me 'affrey and Rick Traver Members Absent: Ben Hitter, Larry Nol n and Council Liaison, Robbie Smith. Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Pa k Superintendent I. Call to Order Rick Traver called the meeting to order at 4: 0 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of June 24 2004 re ular Parks Commission mectin . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE INUTES OF THE JUNE 24, 2004 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. RICK rRA VER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin None. 4. Citizens comments and reQuests. None. 5. Mississi Susie Wojehouski was present to report on t e parking plan f()r Mississippi Drive Park. The main issue is vehicle traffic and its f10w and he limited parking area. She estimated that last year 8000 people came to view the swans. he initial parking plan was opposed by the adjacent property owner who felt it devalued his prop rty and spoiled the view from his residence. It was suggested that head in parking be utilized fo this area. Allowing for a handicapped parking stall, this would result in 7-8 parking spaces. Susie Wojchouski noted the need to address signage for the area so visitors were clear on where to park and where to turn around. The Parks Commission questioned Susie Wojchc uski on the number of parking spaces needed and the time of heaviest use. She indicated that there was a maximum of 30 cars there at one time and noted that many of the visitors to the sit are the elderly and handicapped. Because of that it was felt that a hard surfaced pathway from the parking area to the viewing area should be installed as well as a pad at the viewing area for wheel chair users. Adam IIawkinson stated that head in parkin is not by allowed by ordinance and would need . . . . Park Commission Minutes - 7/22/04 Council approval. He noted that the head in arking would only add 1-2 spaces over what already exists. He suggested making a ramp and a pathway to the viewing site. Fran Fair asked ifplantings or fencing could be used t screen the parking lot from the residence. It was pointed out that in the winter because of the now, the cars can't park as close to the curb which restricts the t10w of traflic. 'rhe consensus as that parking would need to be restricted on one side of the street. Adam lIawkinson suggested with the handic pped space that there should be a pathway right behind the curb so that the individual ends u disembarking from their vehicle directly onto the pathway. Adam Hawkinson indicated he h s been approached by an Eagle Scout who is looking at doing this as a project. The Eagl Scout would do the prep work and the City would do the paving. Susie Wojchouski cautioned hat the pathway installation should not adversely impact drainage. Nancy McCaffrey asked about the using the ul-de-sac area. John Simola had indicated that because that area is adjacent to the wastewat r treatment plant there would be some security concerns. Also utilizing the cul-de-sac arc would mean that parking would be a block away from the viewing area. After discussion it was determined to restrict parking to one side of the street; install the pathway and ramp for the handicapped and ork on better sign age for the area. Susie Wojchouski stated it was a bad location for' park with an activity but they will make the improvements noted and monitor how it goe this year. The final plan for parking would have two handicapped stalls with two additional n n-handicapped stalls on either side on the park entrance side and allow parking on the north side of the street only. Susie Wojchouski will work on this with John Simola and also kee the neighborhood informed of what is happening. 6. isition. Ccmete Adam Hawkinson submitted a summary of r commendations that the Cemetery Committee had proposed for long term improvements. It w s suggested that money be budgeted for the acquisition of land for future cemetery use. Since there is not land available at the present cemetery site for expansion, the City would ave to look outside that area for land. The Parks Commission discussed the monic that were available in the cemetery funds. Since these funds are very limited it was felt that f nding for major improvements such as land acquisition would have to come through the ark funds. The Parks Commission discussed whether the City should continue to operate cemetery with the feeling of the Parks Commission being that cemetery operation i ' more of a church function than a city function. The Parks Commission suggested getting ad itional information on how many cities operated cemeteries. Fran Fair suggested getting the linisterial association involved in this process. Rick Traver suggested going to the church g oup with specific numbers as far as lots available at the present cemetery, annual burials and a estimate of when the cemetery would be fi lIed. Adam Ilawkinson will review this with Joh Simola, the Public Works Director. Rick Traver . . . Park Commission Minutes - 7/22/04 also suggested that different fee schedules 1'0 residents and non~residents be established. Since River Street is proposed to be improve as part of next years Core Street Reconstruction area, John Simola asked that the Parks Coml ission look at making certain improvements to the cemetery as part of this project. One of the p oposed improvements is a pathway along the cemetery which would be connected to the si ewalk proposed for West River Street. Normally part of the pathway cost would be assessed b t in this case since the cemetery is city owned, the funds for the pathway would need to come fr m the parks/pathway fund. Parks Commission also felt that the entrances and exit from the emetcry should be paved as well. 'fhere was some discussion on the condition of the exist ng fence and what options to consider for replacing it such as a hedge or plastic fencing. 7. UP Develoomcnt Tabled until the next meeting. 8. Acquisition of land- Ballfield Complex. It was briefly discussed whether any progress had been made in acquiring land for a 40 acre ballfield complex. Possible sites that were d'scussed were Schluender, Gold Nugget and Our Backyard. Rick Traver suggested getting th various softball and baseball groups involved in the selection process. Adam Hawkinson updated the Parks Commi sion on the City's request to obtain additional land from Xcel Energy for ballfield use. 9. 2005 Bud!!et Discussion. Adam Hawkinson stated that some items tha had been proposed as part of the 2004 budget had been c1iminated due to budget cuts. Items t at were going to be considered for 2005 included replacement of the Bolcns tractor, fence at th Xcel Ballfields, ADA structure upgrades for the playgrounds and $30,000 for land purchase f r ball fields. Adam Hawkinson also noted changes in the budgeting process and how th t would impact the Parks Department. 10. Park Maintenance Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of the wor completed and noted some improvements being proposed for the Park West Park and the Car inal Hills Tot Lot. He also reported that the pathway along CR 18 has been paved. 11. Uodates. if any Fran Fair asked that tree planting be placed on the next agenda. ,., .) . . . Park Commission Minutes - 7/22/04 12. Adiourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJ URN AT 5:35 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 4 . . . Special Parks Com ission Meeting July 13,2004 Members Present: Rick Traver, Larry olan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey Members Absent: Ben Hitter Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Parks Superintendent: Others Present: None 1. Call to order Chair Larry Nolan called the mee ing to order at 3 :OOPM and declared a quorum present at City Hall. Th Commission boarded a van and proceeded to tour several Montic 110 parks to inspect and discuss possible plans. No decisions wer made. The parks visited and comments are noted below 2. Brid2e Park. The committee noted the progres made since last year in redoing the arboretum on the hil1 in East Brid e Park. Looks good! Adam noted that it is planned to put pavers ar und the spruce tree at the top on the hill and add a bench. The fishing ier for East Bridge Park is expected to be installed later this month. 3. Country Club Park. Adam noted that the outfield bas bal1 fences will be removed, but the back stop wil1 remain so the pick up games can be played by the neighborhood children. The outfi ld fence is in bad shape and is not needed in this small park. The pI y ground equipment will be replaced with equipment that meets the A A requirements this year. Corner posts will be installed in this and several other parks to better define the park property. 4. Groveland Park. It is planned to pave the parking ot this year and to put in the planned basket ball court. It was noted th t the Parks Commission received a petition from a number of Grovel nd residents for the basket ball court. During the drive to and fro the park it was noted that about Special Parks Com ission Meeting July 13, 2004 . 50% of the boulevard trees have ied. Adam attributes this to the trees being planted to deep. 5. Schroder Gravel Pit The Parks Commission had a brie tour of the Schroder Gravel Pit area as this has been discussed as possible location for athletic fields when the land is developed. The rea under the high voltage line is a possible location for parking. 6. Autumn Ride:e. It was noted that the pathway is i progress. 7. Pioneer Park. . The turf in the north end of the pa k looks very good. It is planned that the wooded area at the south end f the park will be cleared of brush this year and a path put in the nea future. 8. Hunters Crossine: Park. The Parks Commission looked at he location of the proposed park and the area that was considered a wetland. It has been reviewed and a determination made that it is not a wet land. The development has not been started. 9. Jason Avenue Pathway. The pathway is in progress and sh uld be paved later this month. In the long term, we should consider extending this pathway to meet the S1. Michael pathway. 10.Rollinf! Woods Park. It was noted that some of the shru s have died and need to be replaced. . 2 Special Parks Com ission Meeting July 13, 2004 . I1.Meadow Oaks Pathway. The pathway on the east side of eadow Oaks is being replaced this year. It was one of the first pathw ys installed in Monticello and is in need of replacement. A short new section is being planned so that the pathway connects to the street in ront of Meadow Oaks Park. Adam noted that a section of the Meado Oaks pathway under the power lines was replaced by a contractor who damaged it during a construction project. 12.Sunset Ponds. The development is just starting, ut we could see the roughed in pathway along the road and the p rk area. The developer is giving us the boulders they dig up during gr ding and we will use them in the park. The developer will put in th curb, gutter and paving for the parking lot for the park. . 13.River Mills Park. Adam noted that the soil in this pa k is very compacted and was aerated three times this year. 14. Swan Park. It was noted that the Parks Commi sion has not received a recommendation from the citizens committee concerning a parking lot for the park. One option that has b en discussed is to have about seven head-in spaces just off the street. J we want to do something this year, we need a decision soon. IS.Rvan Property Development. As discussed at earlier meetings, t is area is planned for commercial development and will include a pa h connecting to the existing paths on the east and west sides of the d velopment. The Commission is very interested in providing this a pecial path with some amenities such a landscaping with trees, shru s and flowers, benches, small shelters etc. It needs to be more th n a walking path. . 3 Special Parks Co missionMeeting July 13 2004 . The committee concluded it tour oft e parks and adjourned at 5:30PM. Submitted by Larry Nolan . . 4 . MONTICELLO PA S DEPARTMENT Work list August 26'\ 2004 uly 23rd, 2004 thru August 26'\ 2004 . . Bridge Park East - wall and paver i stallation around spruce tree . Chipping orders/ Dutch Elm trees in the parks . Excavate for new Country Club pIa ground equipment - dismantled old equipment and timber retaining area . Installation of Park Rules signs . Riverside Cemetery - grave locates nd headstone locates and cremation burials . Playground inspections completed d maintenance completed . Co. Rd. 18 pathway back filled with black soil and seeded . General park and building maintena ce . Irrigation of West Bridge - Done a d is running - rolled trench ridges down . Equipment maintenance and repair . General ballfield work . Pioneer woods - continue to pull ou old wood and go after buckthorn . Ellison Park - submitting applicatio for shore rip-rap project . Eagle Scout - asphalt and concrete icked up at Ellison's river edge . Irrigation work -Ellison - vandals icked off some heads in the park . Flail mowing - second time around or those we are responsible . Picked up screening for Bridge Par East 2-6' and 25.5' cedars -tallest available . Re-mulching trees in our parks . Moved boulders from Gillard to Ell son for river rip-rap project . Added ADA mulch to play areas . Installed new toilet at Bridge Park est -vandalism . New water fountain at Xce1 fields . Pruned Ellison Goldmound Spirea . Root fed all new trees planted this ear and Community Centers ash . Pulled out old equipment that was a hazard at Balboul . . Orl H H '" U H'" ~" Z.o: 00. :.: o 0.'" o '" >;0 ~:> H' U~ o N '" H " . . " Z'" HU ;:;:ij ~~ "'<ll ~ '" o o N r< ,., ~ g ~ OJ;>: ..~ -rl r< OJ'" 'do -rl 0 "N " OJr< "0 .. ~~ OJ'":> '" Ul o o H '" '" 0. '" i'1 ~ o 0. o N ::> '" ~ E-< :.:'" "''"'" ~ .. Ulror< >;'" Ul .. H OOH H .0: .0: ~ H '" U,"O :ij;;o. 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