Parks Commission Agenda Packet 10-28-2004 . t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . AGENU P ARKS COM ISSION October 28, 2004 - 4:30 p.m. West Prairi Room "To enhance community pride t rough developing and maintaining city parks with a hi h standard of quality" Call to Order Approve minutes of September 23, 2004 r gular Parks Commission meeting. Consideration of adding items to the ageD a. Citizens comments and requests. Tree Ordinance Park Maintenance Cemetery Long Term Goals & Priorities Fencing for Tower Park/Cemetery Tree Planting Event Meeting Date Change for November Other Updates, if any Adjourn . . . MIN TES PARKS C MMISSION September 23, 004 - 4:30 p.m. West Pr irie Room "To enhance comnllllli(y p ide tltrouJ:h developinJ: 111111 maintaining ci(ll pal'k~ wit a high stllndard ofquali(p" Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy eCalTrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Council Liaison, Robbie Smi h. Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Park Supe intendent; John Simola, Public Works Director; and Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Ad linistrator. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4: ,0 p,m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of August 26 2004 re.. u ar Parks Commission meetin . RICK TRA VER MOVED TO APPROVE l' IE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 26, 2004 REGULAR MEETING WITII A TYPING - ORRECTION. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. Fran Fair was asked if she had met with Ma r Thielen regarding the bathrooms for Ellison Park. Fran Fair indicated that the Mayor was not i favor of having permanent restrooms in any parks except the mqjor parks. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. Jeff O'Neill asked if the order of the agenda tems could be changed as he had to leave at 5 p.m. Adam Ilawkinson added to the agenda diseu sion of establishing a ponding area in Hillcrest Par~ 4. Citizen comments and requests. No one was present under citizen comments. 9. Insil!Dia Development. Paul Quarberg representing Insignia Develop lent was present at the meeting. Jeff O'Neill stated this project is identified in the park plan as h ving a fairly large park which is intended to be a regional or central park. The proposed deve opment is one of mixed uses including single f~lmily homes, townhomes and some comme cial uses. The park land area per Paul Quarberg is 41.3 acres and according to the recently amended park dedication ordinance the park dedication is c Iculated to be 29 acres. John Simola asked how much of the 41 acres was not encumbered by easement. Of the 41.37 acres the area under . . . 10. Parks Commission Minutes - 9/23/04 easement is 17.55 acres and the area directl under wires is 6.67 acres leaving a net park area of 23.82 acres. The Parks Commission would ikc to get sufficient park area Jor necessary parking and to buy land so that a ballfield complex e uld be built. Amount of land needed for parking would be 4.25 acres. Larry Nolan asked if any wetlands or ponding areas were included in the proposed park land. Paul Quarberg indicated that ponding area as included in the park land numbers. 28.07 acres includes wetlands and ponding area. JerrO' eill said they arc short of park area for what this development demands. Larry Nolan asked bout tot lot and open playground area. Paul Quarberg indicated that was sketched in to s ow how it could be accommodated. Jeff O'Neill noted two soccer fields are out ide the wires but not outside the easement area. Does the Parks Commission feel the dimensions ork? Adam Hawkinson asked if ballfield dimcnsions were deep enough. These fields are propos d be used for sollball. Although the City ballfields are 280'-285' deep, Adam Hawkinson noted lost fields are 320 feet deep.. Jeff O'Neill stated that in order to have tournaments you need to ha c a certain number of ball fields within your complex. Adam Hawkinson felt onc of the biggest con ems was lights and added that lights do not work out well when a ballfield complex is adjacent to esidential development. He felt the fields should be located closer to the commercial uses. Adan Hawkinson presented some sketches showing layouts for four full softball fields and socce fields. The sketches were discussed. In presenting information to the Planning Co lmission and developer it is being recommended that: I) The ballfields be moved to abut the c - mmercial area because oflighting concerns; 2) Need enough room for four international size soce r fields. Fields would be 320' with 50' spacing. Jefl O'Neill noted that 330' is considered internat onal size. 3) Need for a play area; 4) Parks Commission is okay with parking beneath th power lines noting poles are located at either end of the parking lot. The question is whether the 29 acres is suHicient space to provide for four ballfields, four soccer fields, parking and pia area or whether additional land would need to be purchased. It is proposed that the soccer tiel s be separate from the ballfie]ds. Fran Fair asked if additional land was needed where would it be coming from. Jeff O'Neill indicated that it would have to be adjacent to the existing site. Adam Hawkinson noted that there would have to be some berming and screenin T around the athletic area. JeflO'Neill will present this information to the Planning Commission when they consider the development. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE ARK PLAN SKETCH AS LAID our 13Y ADAM IlA WKINSON FOR THE INSIGNIA DEVE OPMENT WITH THE STIPULATION THAI' THE CITY WOULD 13E LOOKING TO BUY AD ITIONAL LAND TO MAKE A COMPLETE BALLFIELD COMPLEX COMPRISING FO JR INTERNATIONAL SOCCER FIELDS, FOUR SOFTBALL FIELDS, PARKING AND PLA AREA WITH THE PARK DEVELOPMENT BEING INCORPORATED WITH THE INITATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Jentor Development This redcvelopment project is adjaccnt to the 'edar Crest Apartmcnts in the area of Cedar Street . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/23/04 and the railroad tracks. As part of this proj e t it is proposed to vacate Palm Street. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the preliminary sketch of the proje t with the Parks Commission. With this development it is proposed to have park dedication of casl in lieu of land. This development is relatively close (three blocks) to the Fourth Street Park. Th park dedication fee would be based on 11 units at $1500/unit. 5. UP Development. This development is located at 6th and Th Str ets and Elm Street. Previously the development consisted of 45 units of detached townhomes. There is no alley parking so parking will have to be developed along the perimeter of the site. 'he nearest park to this area is Country Club Manor. Outlet A of Country Club Manor is owned b the City and perhaps could be developed as park land. JefT O'Neill recommended taking mo ey for park dedication to develop the 7\h Street park. He indicated there is also another 8 acres on he other side of Elm Street that could be taken for park land. John Simola suggested keeping a 'rossing for access to the park as it is on the other side of Elm Street. John Simola felt the de elopment was too tight as far as space. The Parks Commission felt the 8 acre site should be co sidered. 7. Riverside Cemetery. John Simola provided information on this ite n and submitted the long term plan that was set up by the Riverside Cemetery Committee. Alth ugh the committee listed long term goals and improvements for the cemetery there was no funding set up for implementing these goals. The cemetery operations is now under the jurisdi tion of the Parks Commission which was why this item was being presented to them. John Sim )la was asking the Parks Commission to review the long terms goals and make recommendation.' to the City Council. 'fhe Street Reconstruction Project for 2005 i proposed to be in the area of the Riverside Cemetery. The street in this area is 32 feet wide and th y would want to allow for an 8' bituminous pathway or a 6' concrete sidewalk on one side of the s reet which would more than likely be the cemetery side. John Simola suggested that the pathwa be taken up to the entrance of Montissippi Park since there are no other crossings of CSAH 75. The Parks Commission will need to look at the placement of the pathway as well as look at tle other recommendations of the Cemetery Committee. John Simola asked the Parks C mmission to review the list and decide which ones they want to work on and how they should b funded. Larry Nolan asked if anything was budgeted for this in 2005. John Simola indicated nothing had been budgeted. John Simola suggested that perhaps Park Commission rec mmendation on pathway alignment could be incorporated into the Core Street Project design. The Parks Commission discllssed the capacit of the cemetery and when future expansion would be anticipated. In 2001 there 1227 grave sit s available and approximately 30+ sites a year were sold. Based on that information it was estin ated that by 2040 the cemetery would be filled. However, as the community continues to gro that date may corne sooner. There was discussion on whether the City should continue to opera e a cemetery once Riverside was filled. [t was suggested that may be a survey should be do e of other cities who operate cemeteries. .., -) Parks Commission Minutes - 9/23/04 . Added J tern: Ponding at Hillcrest Park. John Simola reviewed the area in question. He note the sediment ponding area needs to be extended from the pond to the creek and then to the river. The ponding area would run through the park. Drainage in the area was discussed and it was indicated that th proposed ponding work would be done next year. John Simola felt a survey ofthis area with establishe elevations would be necessary. Adam Hawkinson said the softball association would have to be notifie since these field are used at least twice a week. He also noted that there has been discussion on re-establ shing the skating rink at Hillcrest park. Nancy McCaffrey felt the parking situation at this park nee s improvement. Staff would like to get this project out for bid in January or February. 6. Park Maintenance. . Adam Hawkinson answered questions relatin to the maintenance work done by staff for the month. I Ie noted that a trail for cross countr meets had been completed through the woods by Pioneer Park. The Parks Commission also discussed the Eagle Scout project to re-Iandscape the TH 25 side of Hillside Cemetery. The plans or the landscaping project will be approved by the Parks Commission. Nancy McCaffrey asked ifthere was anything new on the remaining two entrance signs. Adam Hawkinson had nothil g new to report on the entrance signs. Larry Nolan asked that an update on the CSAH 18/1-94 in erchange be added to the next agenda. Larry Nolan asked about the paving of the Groveland par ing lot. Adam I lawkinson reported that he had received some information from the City En ineer on this and noted that according to the ordinance 24 parking spaces are needed. A am Hawkinson will discuss the locating of the parking lot and keeping it as far away as pos. ible from the homes adjacent to the park. Adam Hawkinson suggested using $10,000 fthe budgeted funds for Tower Park for a split rail fence and then use the rest of the funds for a ence at Riverside Cemetery. Adam Hawkinson will research the cost for the fence and bring it ba k at the next meeting. Wetlands encroaches into the back yards of .everal property owners in the Meadow Oaks area. It is proposed to fill in this wetland area and esta lish replacement wetland area by the Meadow Oaks park wetlands. The wetlands created at the ark will be double the area that is tilled in. 8. Review of wetland re lacernent a RICK TRA VER MOVED TO APPROVE T E CITY COUNCIL'S RECOMMENDATION ON fiLLING THE DESIGNATED WETLAND AREA IN MEADOW OAKS AND ESTABLISHING REPLACEMENT WETLAND IN THE AR A OF T1TE MEADOW OAKS PARK. FRAN fAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Tree Planting Event. . Adell1 I lawkinson reported that a decision n eds to be made on what species to order. The trees available include lindens, oaks and hackberr s. For a I '12" diameter tree the prices would run from $21-$34 for a bare root tree. Adam II wki nson asked if another meeting was needed for the 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 9/23/04 Parks Commission to decide what type oftre is needed and what areas would be designated for planting. Once the sites arc selected, they will need to be checked for location of cable boxes and other utilities. It was also questioned who w uld be responsible for the locates. Other questions were who is going to do the actual planting, here classes are going to be held and who is going to teach them, staging area for trees and activiti s and publicity. Fran Fair asked that information relating to the money donated by the MCP fo this event be obtained and reviewed. Adam Hawkinson indicated that at the fall planting eminar sign up sheets for the spring planting could be made available. Fran fair also suggested ontacted Susie Wojchouski at the Chamber of Commerce for her assistance. Larry Nolan suggested setting up a subcomm ttee to help Park staff with some of these issues. Fran Fair and Rick Traver volunteered to be n the subcommittee. This item will be brought back at the next meeting. There was additional di'cussion on number of trees needed and other expenses that would be incurred for the tree lanting event such as rental of special equipment, etc. Other Items: Adam Hawkinson showed a sketch of the Pi neer Park parking lot consisting of 30 space and how they were calculated. Adam Hawkinson submitted a draft of a revi ed tree ordinance which would update the existing ordinance and expand the diseased tree progr m to include other diseases besides Dutch Elm. Adam Hawkinson suggested thc Parks Coml ission read through the revised ordinance and discuss it at the next meeting. Adam Hawkinson noted that the amended su division ordinance states that outlots used for park purposes should not be designated on the pIa as "parks". He questioned why that language was included as he felt identifying areas as parks ould ease problems with home owners not knowing they were located adjacent to park areas. Adam Hawkinson submitted someinformati n on fees collected from ballfield concessions, park rental and team fees. There was discussion on parking improveme ts at the Mississippi Park (Swan Park). It was felt the pathway to the viewing area should go in this year. John Simola said the proposed parking lot improvement would not work since there would be no increase in additional parking space. It was noted that you can't do diagonal parking on esidential streets. 13. Ad iourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJ( URN AT 7:10 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED TlIE MOTTON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM lJSLY. Recording Secretary 5 . . . SECTION: 8-3-1: 8-3-2: 8-3-3: 8-3-4: 8-3-5: 8-3-6: 8-3-7: 8-3-1: 8-3-2: 8-3-3: 8-3-4: PROPOSED CHANG :s TO ORDINANCE CHAP R 3 TREES Purpose Prohibited Trees Order to Treat or Remove Regulations for Planting in Public PI ces Requirements Applicable to Trees in ew Subdivisions Dutch Elm Disease Abuse or Mutilation ~(Q)~1f PURPOSE: It is the purpose ofthis hapter to protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the pea Ie of the city by regulating the planting and maintenance of trees in order to prot ct trees and to prevent and abate hazardous and nuisance conditions within the city. PROHIBITED TREES: It is unlaw I to plant any species of elm trees within the city. (Until such time a DED resistant va iety is developed, proven and approved by the - City.) (#29, 5/9/77) ORDER TO TREAT OR REMOVE: The City may order the trimming, treatment, or removal of trees or plants upon pub Ii or private property when they shall determine that such action is necessary to the p blic safety or necessary to prevent the spread of disease or of insects harmful to trees d shrubs. REGULATIONS FOR PLANTING PUBLIC PLACES: (A) No tree shall be planted or pI ced on public property or right-of-way without the approval of the City En . eer. (B) Permits: 1. No person shall plant r remove trees or shrubs in public places without first filling out an app ication and obtaining a permit from the City. 2. The following provisi ns apply to the issuance of permits where required for planting i public places. (a) The application required herein shall state MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page the nmnber of trees or plants to be planted or set out, the location, and specific name of each tree or plant. -. (b) Standards for Issuance: A permit shall be issued if it is found that the proposed plantings will be in the best interest ofthe community. 8-3-5: REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO TREES IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS: (A) In new subdivisions, on lots with frontage on a single right-of-way, it is required that two (2) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. For lots with frontage on more than one right-of-way, it is required that four (4) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. Two (2) trees must be planted in the boulevard adjoining each yard having street frontage. (They must be two tfifferent varities and be planted in accordance with specifications set by City Forester or Building Inspectors.) (#287,3/24/97) (#267,3/27/95) (B) In subdivision plantings, not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of . the same species. Only trees listed in Section 8-3-2 of this chapter shall be planted. (C) Required trees shall be planted in the boulevard at a location ranging from 4 ft to 10 it from the curb. Precise location within this range to be determined by the City. (Is this a good environment for a tree to establish itself and grow with minimal stress?) (#287,3/24/97) (#267,3/27/95) (D) Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter of at least two inches (2") at one foot (1') above the ground. (E) Required subdivision trees must be protected and 5tlp!-,ortc.d by tree guards of approved type. (F Trunk flare must be visible for proper planting depth.) (G) No required subdivision tree shall be planted in soil too poor to ensure the growth of such tree unless twenty-seven (27) cubic feet (3'x3'x3') of soil is removed and replaced with suitable loam. (-,Who is checking?) . 8-3-6: DUTCH ELM DISEASE: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page e' e . (A) Forester: Duties: The powe s and duties of the City Forester as set forth in this code are hereby conferre upon the Park Inspector. It is the duty of the Forester to coordinate, under the direction and control ofthe Council, all activities of the municipality relating to the control and prevention ofButeh Elm dioSc.aoSc. (tree diseases). e shall recommend to the Council the details of a program for the control of (tree) disease and perform the duties incident to such a program a opted by the Council. (B) Program: It is the intention fthe Council of Monticello to conduct a program of plant pest control pursuan to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 18.022. This rogram is directed specifically at the control and elimination of Dutch Elm di ease fungus and elm bark beetles and is undertaken at the recommen ation of the Commissioner of Agriculture. The City Forester,shall act as coo dinator between the Commissioner of Agriculture and the Council in the condu t of this program. (Future tree diseases will be addressed in the same man er.) (C) Nuisances: The following th'ngs are public nuisances whenever they may be found within the city ofMon icello, Any living or standin Elm tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Dutch Elm . sease fungus Ceratocystits ulmi (Buisman) Moreau or which har ors any of the elm bark beetles Scolytus Multistriatus (Eichh.) or Hylurgopinus rufipes (Marsh). 1. 2. Any dead Elm tree or part thereof, including logs, branches, stumps, firewood, or other El material from which the bark has not been removed and burned r sprayed with an effective Elm bark beetle insecticide. 3. (Any living Oak or p rl there of to a degree in which it may spread the fungus through ypsy Moth. It is unlawful for any person 0 permit any public nuisance as defined in t-and 2:-(1 - 4) to remain on any p mises owned or controlled by him within the city of Monticello. Such nuisanc s may be abated in the manner prescribed by this chapter, Inspection and Investigation: The forester shall inspect all premises and places within the city as often as pr cticable to determine whether any condition described in (C) exists there n. He shall investigate all reported incidents of infestation of Dutch Elm fun us, elm bark beetles (oak wilt or Gypsy moth mats.). (D) (E) Entry on Private Premises: he forester or his duly authorized agents may enter upon private premises t any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page out any ofthe duties assigned him under this chapter. .. (F) Diagnosis: The forester shall, upon finding conditions indicating Dtlt,h DIm inJ:,st<rtion,(a diseased tree) immediately scnd appropriate specimens or (take) samples to the Commissioll'! of Aglkultme for analysis or take such other steps for diagnosis as may be recommended by the Commissioner. Except as provided in (H), no action to remove infected trees or wood shall be taken until positive diagnosis ofthe disease has been made. (Too time consuming ~ as determined by a Minnesota Certified Tree Inspector.) (G) Abatement of Nuisances: In abating the nuisances defined in (C), the forester shall cause the infected tree or wood to be sprayed, removed, burned, or otherwise effectively treated so as to destroy and prevent as fully as possible the spread of Dutch Elm disease fungus, elm bark beetles, and: (Dutch Elm Disease, Oak Wilt or other diseases). Such abatement procedures shall be carried out in accordance with current technical and expert opinions and plans as may be designated by the Commissioner of Agriculture. (H) Procedures for Removal of Infected Trees and Wood: 1. Whenever the forester finds with reasonable certainty that infestation defined in (C) exists in any tree or wood in any public or private place in the city, he shall proceed as follows: . (a) If the forester finds that the danger of infestation of other elm trees is not imminent because of elm dormancy, he shall make a written report of his findings to the Council which shall proceed by (1) abating the nuisance as a public improvement under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, or (2) abating the nuisance as provided in 2 of this section. (b) If the forester finds that danger of infestation of other elm trees is imminent, he shall notify the property owner by certified mail that the nuisance will be abated within a specified time, not less than 5 days from the date of mailing of such notice. The forester shall immediately report such action to the Council; and after the expiration of the time limited by the notice, he may abate the nuisance. 2. Upon receipt of the forester's report required by 1, part (a), the Council shall by resolution order the nuisance abated. Before action is taken on such resolution, the Council shall publish notice of its intention to meet to consider taking action to abate the nuisance. This notice shall be mailed to affected property owners and published once not less than . one week prior to such meeting. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting, the streets affected, action proposed, the estimated cost of the abatement, and the proposed basis of assessment, if any, of MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VITI/Chapt 3/Page e' e e costs. At such hearin or adjournment thereof, the Council shall hear property owners with reference to the scope and desirability of the proposed project. Th Council shall thereafter adopt a resolution confirming the origin 1 resolution with such modifications as it considers desirable d provide for the doing of the work by day labor or by contract. 3. a record of the costs of abatements done under this section and shall eport monthly to the City Clerk all work done for which assessments ar to be made stating and certifying the description of the land, lots, and arcels involved and the amount chargeable to each. On or before Septem er 1 of each year, the Clerk shall list the total unpaid charges for ea h abatement against each separate lot or parcel to which they are attrib able under this ordinance. The Council may then spread the charges or y portion thereof against the property involved as a special assessme t under Minnesota Statutes, Section 420.101, and other pertinent statut s for certification to the County Auditor and collection the followi g year along with current taxes. 4. The City Council of Mont ice 10 has determined that the health of the Elms, (Oaks or other) trees within he municipal limits is threatened by a fatal disease know as Dutch Elm( utch Elm Disease, Oak Wilt or other) diseases. It has further determined that the loss ofEhn (diseased and dying) trees growing upon public and pri ate property would substantially depreciate the value of property within the ity and impair the safety, good order, general welfare, and convenience of he public. It is declared to be the intention of the Council to control and preve t the spread of this disease, and this ordinance is being enacted for that purpos . It is declared to be the intenti n of the Council to establish a policy for sharing the cost of abatement of (tree) disease nuisances with the property owners. The municipal shar shall be 50 percent and the property owner's share shall be 50 percent. ($ 25.00 maximum contribution by the City.) (I) Spraying Elm Trees: Whene er the forester determines that any Elm (diseased) tree ithin the city is infected with Dutc.h Elm ftlllgtl5, he may spray all nearby high value Em trees with an effective :Elm balk bCGtk destIoying (pesticide) conce trate. Spraying activities authorized by this section shall be conducted in accordance with technical and expert opinions and plans of the Commissio er of Agriculture and under the supervision of the Commissioner and his agent whenever possible. Transporting (Diseased) El Wood Prohibited: It is unlawful for any person to transport within the city y bark-bl,;,d.1ing DIm (diseased) wood without having obtained a permit fro the forester. The forester shall grant permits (J) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page only when the purposes of the chapter will be served thereby. (K) Interference Prohibited: No person shall prevent, delay, or interfere with the forester or his agents while they are engaged in the performance of duties imposed by this chapter. 8-3-7: ABUSE OR MUTILATION: No person shall (A) damage, cut, carve, kill, or injure the bark of any tree or plant on any public property; (B) attach any rope, wire, or other contrivance to any tree or plant on public property; (C) dig in or otherwise disturb public grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area or public property; (D) cause or permit any wire charged with electricity or any gaseous, liquid, or solid substance harmful to trees or plants to come in contact with them. patti/wordproc/adamlordinances/proposedordinancechangetitle8chapt309-0 1-04 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page 'e . e .' . . RIVERSIDE CEMETERY L NG TERM PLAN OUTLINE AS PRESENTED AND APPROVED BY TH RIVERSIDE CEMETERY COMMITTEE NOVEMB R 21,2001 The Lon Term Plan is itemized below in orde of 1. Landscaping main entrance area and al ng path towards flagpole The Committee would like to see the City work with a landscaper in developing a plan for this. The Committee was not aware of w at expertise the parks staff had in this area and doesn't know whether the Park Departme t could do the work or whether they would have to go to an outside source. The Park Dep ent has indicated that they did the plantings at Ellison Park and that firms such as Steve' Nursery and Cedar Street Garden Center would help in preparing layouts and planting list . 2. Sprucing up the entrance area including better lighting for the area The Committee feels the brick columns b the entrance are deteriorating and agree that the lighting should be incorporated in the Ian scaping plan (item #1). 3. Entrance monument with Riverside Cem, tery name on it The Committee wants recommends that the monument has enough clearance for the contractor equipment to pass under. Ther fore, the monument would be incorporated with the archway at the entrance (item #7). 4. Paving and widening of road This may be an expensive item to budget ut the Committee feels it is necessary. 5. New fencing The fencing would be across the front but t is also suggested that fencing be considered on the east side where the cemetery abuts pri ate residences. 6. Planting 3' shrub hedge in areas without encing The Committee recommends some section where the shrub hedge should be planted, along the east side and a section along the west si e. The shrubbery is being suggested as the cost of fencing can get rather expensive. Howe er, it is felt that areas where the cemetery abuts private yards it should be fenced. The Co ittee feels the Public Works Department can determine the height and type of fencing to be used such as 4' chain link or 4'+ wrought iron fencing. The location ofthe shrub would e from the side entrance going to the east and it is suggested that an evergreen hedge be pI ted. At the present time nothing is there. 7. Archway at the entrance The Committee feels Bailey Station on C unty Road 14 at Big Lake is very attractive and that something such as this would work w n. It was felt that this should be done as part of the entrance monument (item #3). C;IBETHIWORDPROCIRIVERSIDllong-lerm-cemetery-plan-2001.wpd ; 12/07/01 - PAGE 1 OF 3 - 8. Water/irrigation improvements · .. The Committee suggests the City incorporate additional irrigation as the cemetery expands to the west. 9. Clean up secondary growth area along the river The Committee recommends cleaning up this area along the river bank to deter problems the City has had in the past with individuals parking in the cemetery and climbing down the bank to go fishing, as well as the dumping of leaves, garbage, mattresses, etc. It was felt that clearing out the area would make any activities taking place there more visible to the public and law enforcement personnel. 10. Planting of some flowering trees This could be covered under the landscaping plan (item #1). The Parks Department has recommended the dwarf variety flowering trees are not planted. 11. Placement of benches along river and the pathway This would be incorporated in the memorial fund plan. The Committee suggests offering maintenance free benches such as recycled plastic materials to be set on cement pads. 12. Replace existing shed The Committee recommends that when the shed is replaced that it should be moved to a more remote location towards the back of the cemetery for aesthetic purposes. . 13. Suggestion to chain of/the other entrances to the cemetery The Committee is not in complete agreement on this item. One member feels that for safety and security reasons, chaining off all other entrance/exits other than the main entrance should be considered. The member feels that if you force people to use the same entrance and it is well lighted, it is less likely that they will go into the cemetery for other purposes. Other members feel that chaining the entrance/exits that are used would make it seem unwelcoming. It should be noted that at the present time the main entrance does not stand out that much and it may not be obvious to people visiting the cemetery for the first time that this is the main entrance to use. Upon completion ofthe entrance area improvement, it will be more of focal point and this item can be looked at again at that time. Other Considerations and Items for Future Concern: 1. Acquisition of land for future cemetery development The Committee feels this is something that needs to be accomplished within the next five years. The Committee suggests that it will be important for the Public Works Director to initiate setting aside funds each year in the budget so that when a suitable site may become available, the funding will be established for this purchase. It is preferred and recommended that the City acquire an open flat parcel of at least 10 acres for a future cemetery. The City would then be able to landscape and plot the site, as well as incorporate a pathway or walkway throughout the cemetery. . C;\BETH\WORDPROC\RIVERSID~ong-ter",..cemetery'plan.2001 ,wpd : 12/07/01 - PAGE 2 OF 3 - .' . . 2. Mark walkways The Committee feels that planting shrubs etc. would help better define what is considered a pedestrian walkway and what is a driv way in Riverside Cemetery. This could also be incorporated into the landscape plan (ite #1). 3. Tree maintenance/care/trimming trees The Committee feels that the City should e trimming trees in the area especially on the west side where they are so thick. The Parks epartment should be in charge of determining if any trees need to be removed. 4. Level/compaction of graves/jill in sunke graves The Committee the City should make s the excavating contractor is backfilling graves properly and it is important that the co tractor compact in layers as the grave is being backfilled. This should help with the curre t problem of sinking graves throughout Riverside Cemetery. The sunken graves need to e filled in because they cause problems when . I mowmg. I I 5. Look at caretaker position for future sys em The cemetery may be something the Park Department may end up handling and possibly this may not continue to be a contract po 'tion. The Committee feels there are many pros and cons of a contract caretaker versus a ity employee caretaker. One member feels that a contract caretaker position would not se, to the seeding, watering and other maintenance on the grave sites. Other members feel tie contract position could cover that work but it would require monitoring by City staff to ee that it was enforced. One member noted that with City employees they would generall be off from Friday at 4:30 p.m. until Monday at 7:30 a.m. and this could create a pro lern. If the City considers taking over this responsibility, a rotating shift is suggeste . for items that would come up on the weekend. i I Find a program to ensure seasonal mai . tenance plan The Committee would like to see snow re' oval at the main entrance and exits be done in a timely manner and not just when there is funeral as there are many individuals who visit the cemetery in the winter months to plac holiday wreaths, and ornaments, etc. 6. 7. Plant grass and get it to grow The Committee feels that regardless ofw ose responsibility it is (the City or a Contractor) there has to be a greater emphasis on gettin the new grave areas seeded and maintained until the grass grows. It is felt that from this p , int going forward the City should see to this, but I it may not be feasible for the City to re-see' old graves as they are too numerous. The Parks Department has suggested that the use of fiber mat to hold the seed and moisture in might be utilized in getting the grass started. It s ould be cautioned that there are some problems mowing around the fiber mat but once he grass is established the mat could then be removed. C:\BETHIWQRDPRQCIRIVERSID\long-term--cemetery"plan-200 1.wpd : 12/07/01 - PAGE 3 OF 3 - . MONTICELLO PA S DEPARTMENT Work list October 28t\ 2004 September 24th, 2004 thru October 28th, 2004 . . Bridge Park East - paver installatio complete, parking lot cleaned up . Ellison Park - shore is rip rapped!! Big thank you to the Boy Scouts, Darin and his father Bill! They put lot of time and energy into the project. Area compacted and distur ed from the project has been aerated and re-seeded. . Memorial plagues installed and a be ch installed at Ellison . Irrigation blown out at Ellison, Brid e Park East and West, and Riverside Cemetery . Bathrooms at Ellison shut down, re oval of interior amenities will happen soon . Chipping orders . Country Club playground equipmen is installed and finishing touches are being done . Riverside Cemetery - grave locates nd headstone locates and cremation burials . General park and building mainten ce . Preparation of Front St. / Bridge Pa k West pathway for paving . Poured concrete pad for fishing pie . Prepared comer posts for the parks they are ready to be installed . Equipment maintenance and repair . Country Club pathway prepared an ready for paving . Fourth St. Park - sidewalk replaced at entrance to building and handicap entrance to play area added . General ballfield work . Painted lines for Youth Football As ociations . Aerated ballfields after Youth Foot all League season . Watering of trees planted last mont for the park and ride and Groveland Park . . · Black Hills spruce (s) {7} planted a Groveland to screen Michele Brandt home from play set - (Note: she di call and thank us for the tree planting) · Retaining wall at Meadow Oaks - rst 4' course completed · Installation of posts for sliding hill t Bridge Park East · Boulder hauling to Ellison, clean u , and boulder removal at the end of the project · Removal of cranberry viburnum fro the library and moved to Fourth St. Park and planted as a deterrent b r the children climbing on the roof . Heaters started in buildings · Door locks installed in pioneer - el ctric needs to be installed yet · Planting of shrubs at City Hall Co unity Center - barberry to keep the children from trying to slide under e fence into the court yard · Annual tree and shrub seminar 10-21-04 . . . . . 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