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Parks Commission Agenda Packet 11-18-2004 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. "To enhance cO/ll/llllni(v prhl throug" tlel'doping 11IIt! /lIllilltaillillg city purks with a liglt stll/ulllrtl of Ifnlllity" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of October 28, 2004 re ular Parks Commission meeting. (If Available) Consideration of adding items to the age da. Citizens comments and requests. Tree Ordinance Park Maintenance Other items, if any. Adjourn *Since the office is closed on ThursdllY beclluse 0 Veterlln '05 the llgenda is being sent out on Wednesday. I was not present at the last meetin and I am not sure who took the minutes but they were not llvllilable as of this date. . . . . Park Commission Minutes - 10/28/04 MIND ES PARKS CO MISSION October 28, 2004 W cst Prai . e Room "To enhance community pri e through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Rick Traver, Ben Hitter, Fran Fir, Nancy McCaffrey Members Absent: Commission Chair, Larry Nola ; Council Liaison, Robbie Smith Staff Present: Adam Hawkinson, Park Superi tendent; John Simola, Public Works Director 1. Call to Order. Vice Chair Rick Traver called thc meeting to 0 der at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of Se tember 23 2004 re lar Parks Commission meetin . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE M UTES OF THE OCTOBER 28, 2004 REGULAR MEETING WITH A TYPING CO RECTION ON PAGE 3, #5 "OU'fLOT A". NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE M )TION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ _J. Consideration of addin items to the a end . Adam Hawkinson added to the agenda discuss'on of replacing the swing set at Ellison Park. John Simola requested if the order of the agenda ite s could bc changed so the Cemetery Long Term Goals & Priorities and Fencing for Tower Par Cemetery could be addressed first. 4. Citizens comments and requests. Jo Havel, Chair the former Cemetery Commit ee was present to speak in support of Agenda Item #7, Cemetery Long Term Goals & Priorities. 5. Cemetery Lont! Term Goals & Priorities. John Simola reviewed the plans to rebuild the treet fronting Riverside Cemetery in 2005, which will provide an opportunity to save money on eeded repairs and updates to the cemetery as documented three years ago by a designated co mittee. Some of the recommended improvements included replacing the fence, plantings/hedges, upgrading the roads and the entrance to the cemetery. There are no funds to cover improve ent costs at this time and City employees have not been charging their time to cemetery work. Ad m Hawkinson stated that there is approximately $2.000 a year of city workers' time that is spe t on cemetery projects. It is suggested that the City Council make this a priority in the next budget session. It was also noted that the cemetery is getting filled and additional land will be neede . Park Commission Minutes - ] 0/28/04 Funding is an issue since Riverside Cemetery. It is not included as a line item in the Parks budget, and the perpetual care funds do not cover expenses. It was suggested that improvements be prioritized and that low cost improvements could be made in 2005 by reallocating $10,000 of a . designated project within budgeted Parks funds. Hedges will be started along the mobile park and east border, the roads can be paved and a new fence and entrance monument installed in 2005. It was suggested that other cities be contacted to understand how they deal with similar issues. Adam Hawkinson will investigate how much time/salaries are actually spent at Riverside. Tasks performed by staff at the cemetery include mowing and rebuilding monuments. John Simola and Adam Hawkinson will work to accomplish prioritized items. Citizen Jo Havel, chairperson of the cemetery committee, acknowledged the frustration and disappointment that the volunteer committee members felt after three years of inaction. Rick Traver, also a committee member, assured her that the issues have been discussed by the Parks Commission but that there were no funds available to act on the recommendations. After further discussion, it was thought that John Simola and Jo Havel would work together to lobby council members next August and September to put cemetery funding into the City budget. Ideas to obtain additional funds include contacting churches for assistance about acquiring additional land, as well as inform the public of the need through the City newsletter and mailing letters to families members who have loved ones buried at Riverside Cemetery. 6. Fencing for Tower Park/Cemetery Adam Hawkinson brought a white vinyl fence sample along with three estimates of $26/ft, . installed, (American Fence), $25/ft, installed, from Authority Fence, and $31/ft., not installed (Jaroth fence). John Simola and Adam Hawkinson will visit other fencing projects and obtain other color samples. It is estimated that it would cost $26,000 to fence the front side of Riverside Cemetery. Parks Commission recommendations are to install a split rail fence only where necessary in Tower Park (estimate of $2,(00) and reallocate $10,000 of Tower Park funds for the fence and gates at Riverside Cemetery, and a remaining $8,000 to pave cemetery roads. John Simola will bring these estimates and recommendations to the City Council. It is the consensus of the Parks Commission that a line item be developed in the budget flJr Cemetery Improvement Funds and that with the filling of cemetery space, it becomes a priority of the city to explore raising public funds for additional land the maintenance of cemeteries. 7. Tree Ordinance Proposed changes to the tree ordinance were reviewed. John Simola reported that the Council made it very clear that there will be no oak tree program. Adam Ilawkinson will re-write the last paragraph of Section H to reflect capping the municipal share of disease tree removal cost to a maximum of $400 and bring changes to John Simola, the Parks Commission and then to the City Council. . 2 . . . lJ pdatc: Park Commission Minutes -- 10/28/04 8. Tree Plantin2 Event Subcommittee members Fran Fair, Rick Trav I' and Adam Hawkinson met to develop a preliminary plan. Tasks were listed, 400 trees will be ordered (365 trees cost $12,000). There is $1,500 donated by the former MCP group res rved for a celebration. Once 365 tree sites are found, letters will be sent to homeowners asking to t em to participate and care for the trees. Susie Wojchouski said the Chamber of Commerce ill help get volunteers from business organization, Boy Scouts, Lions and other service organiza ions. Leaders will be picked from these groups to get the trees to each site, put in at the correct dept and followed by a water truck. This should be a Saturday event, rain or shine with tagging do e on Friday and planting on Saturday. A good variety of medium size trees have been chose . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ACCEPT THE N MBER AND TYPES OF TREES AS DESCRIBED BY PARKS SUPERINTENDEN-r. BEN HIT ER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Ellison Park Swing Set Adam Hawkinson reported that the swing set earest the gazebo is not in compliance with ADA regulations and is no longer safe. He would Ii e to replace it at a cost of $990 and relocate the new swing set near the larger play area, noting that it will not interfere with Riverfest activities. BEN I-liTTER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ECOMMENDA'rION TO REMOVE THE ADA NON-COMPLIANT SWING SET AND REP ACE IT WITH A NEW SWING SFr AI' 'IlIE LOCArlON NEAR 'fHE PLAY AREA. F - N FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Chan2e in Parks Commission Meet Dates Due to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holid ys, the next Park Commission meetings will be November 18 and December 16. Public Works Director, John Simola reported hat the Monticello "Welcome" sign will soon be placed at the northwest quadrant of Highway 5 and School Boulevard. The location for the sign on the east side of town has not been determined but one possible site would be along the north side ofI-94 near the Sunset Ponds developme t and across the freeway from the City's dredging project. 11. Adjourn FRAN FAIR MOVED TO AJOURN. NANC MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Alternate Recording Secretary (Nancy McCaffrey) ~ ,J . MONTICELLO PA S DEPARTMENT Work list November 181\ 2004 October 281\ 2004 thru November 181\ 2004 . . Chipping orders . Country Club playground complete Pathway installed - Added sand (for diggers), 3yds of ADA chips and rub er wear mats to play area . Riverside Cemetery - grave locates nd headstone locates and cremation burials . Removal of tree and moving of trees for the new water building site . Shop cleaning and organizing for wi ter . General park and building maintena ce . Front S1. / Bridge Park West pathwa done (Dock) . Helped City Hall with new flag pole . Equipment maintenance and repair nd change over for winter . Xcel Ball fields new fence installed n field three . Xcel and Freeway shut down for the year . Meadow Oaks - New drainage culv rts installed and dredged soil spread out on open area creating a more ele ated area . Installation of posts for sliding hill t Bridge Park East . Given OK to set City of Monticello ign #3 on School Blvd. . Heaters started in buildings . Door locks installed in pioneer - Co pleted . Swan park - Pathway installed -hel from Street Department - Thank you! . Small path connection made to Mea ow Oaks pathway to connect Co. Rd. 18 pathway for crossing purpos s .