City Council Minutes 04-11-2001 InformationalINFORMATIONAL MET'."PING WALNUT ~TItEE'I' IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 2000-17C April 11, 2001 - x:30 p.m. City Officials Present: Mayor Ko~~cr l~clsaas and Councilnlenlher Ro~~cr CaI-lso-1 Staff I'resent: Mikc Nielson, City I•:n~incel- Mikc Nielsoll hI-ielly reviewed the location and scope of the proposed hrgjccl. The fi)Ilowil)~, p--oherty owners were present: Yarn Campbell, I~.llisc Lamb alld MOITI I IOlthaus. Mikc Nielson addressed questions raised ~:lbout driveway approaches in the area where the sidewalk waS hclll~ pl-(lpl)SCd llotlll~ tllilt Cil'IVCWay ahpl'oaC11C:S w'oUICi be a(ilustcd SO that they would bC: In Ilne with the elevation ol`the sidewalk. I Ic also indicated that while the pl-clinlinary leasibility report indicated a cost of $7.>1/It loI- sidewalk, the final cost would he determined by 11C1w tI1C hlds COllle 111 un the project. "Mhe City's current policy is that the ('ity hicks (ll7 75`%, Ot the slciewalk cost and the property owner picks up 2>`%,. The property owners had q(estions on who was responsible lin- maintenance of the sidewalk incl(.ldin~ snow rcnu)val and who was liable il`sonlcone was injured • because the sidewalk was not II1a111ta111eCi. (:)thcr questions included: 1) Itu)r is !/7r cr)s! r)f the s~rcc! /i,t~~lr/s~ ~u he crsscsscc(> -Mile Nielson indicated that. the stl-cet li~htin~ cost would he picked up the City. ?) dVuulcJ urry c)f the frees in the hr)rrlc)~cn-c/ urc>u lurrc~ tc) /~c r'c~rrrr)vccl~ Mike Nielson indicated that they ha(i IlOt 111aCiC that deleI'n1111~1tI0I1 VCt. }IUWtVL'I-, ifthe trees do need to be removcct. it could be done without injury to the trees. 3j 6d'lrer7 )ruulc/ ~hc~ c•r)rrs~ruclrc)r~ s~lcn•I:~ Mike Nielson stated that construction would talc place this year, likely in collj(.mction with the developnlcnt of the Town (:cntre site. "Mhos(; present were inl~n"nlcd that the public hcarir)~ on this project would be }lcld un npril ?>, ?001 and 11 111C1'e ~VCI"c ~lny addlllOllal Clll(;StlOlls, t11eV C:OLIICi he addl'esscd at that 11I11C oI- they COllld C'C)lltact the Cite I~:n~~ineer. Recording secretary