EDA Minutes 10-10-2018 (Workshop Meeting)MINUTES
Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 — 5:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Commissioners Present: Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and
Jim Davidson
Commissioners Absent: Steve Johnson and Jon Morphew
Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Jeff O'Neill, and Jim Thares
1. Call to Order
Bill Tapper called the workshop meeting of the Economic Development Authority to
order at 5:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call
3. Background Knowns of Block 52
A. History Context
B. Current Plans — Small Area Study Guidance
C. Scope of Completed Public Investments
D. Marketing Efforts -Stakeholder Feedback
E. Available Financial Tools
Jim Thares provided the background history of Block 52. He noted that there was a shift
of focus from Block 34 to Block 52 as the City wanted a larger focus on the areas near
the parks. Lloyd Hilgart noted property owner's unwillingness to sell and City wells as an
issue with Block 34 as well. Bill Tapper asked if there were any restrictions on Block 52
for parking. Thares noted that there was a deed restriction for public parking, but would
be something that a developer and the City may be able to work through. Thares also
explained the properties that the EDA has recently acquired.
Angela Schumann reminded the EDA of the importance of the Small Area Study when
they consider development proposals for Block 52. Staff would provide the plan to
developers and would require that any deviation from the plan be approved by the City
Thares provided the discussion for available financial tools efforts. He explained the
redevelopment TIF District possibility and that there may be a possibility to apply for a
redevelopment grant through MN DEED.
Thares identified that Block 52 has a consistent branding. He also noted stakeholder
Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — October 10, 2018 Page 113
feedback in the downtown through the "Downtown Rounds" discussions with the
property owner and business owners.
4. Directions to Move Forward with Redevelopment of Block 52
A. Preferred Desired Outcomes (most desired)
B. Interim Uses/IUP— allow or not allow
C. Right of Reverter - Background
D. RFP Process or Solicit Offers via continued Marketing
E. Additional Interim Investments
F. Additional Property Acquisitions
G. Overhead Utilities
Angela Schumann explained that she anticipated that the direction of the EDA was to
focus on the outcomes of the Small Area Study. Schumann summarized the outcome of
the "Downtown Rounds" meetings. Questions about the vision and concerns about Block
52 were asked at these meetings.
Schumann explained interim uses including better pedestrian access to West Bridge Park.
She also explained some of the other interests of the Downtown Rounds included more
events in the downtown, underneath bridge improvements connecting to the parks
(lighting and colors), and wayfinding signage. Schumann also stated that the preliminary
budget included a widened curb by the intersection at Walnut/Broadway and bump outs
at this intersection to make crossing safer.
Jim Thares inquired as to EDA interest in renting out buildings that it wwns in the interim
time period. The EDA was hesitant on having external users rent the space.
Thares explained the importance of having a "Right of Reverter" in any development
contract with a future developer. This would be in place to protect the EDA if a developer
does not follow through with the EDA's intent of selling their property.
Thares looked for feedback on current marketing of the properties.
Staff asked if additional properties become available on Block 52, if the EDA would be
Thares warned the EDA that there are overhead powerlines that would also need to be
addressed with redevelopment.
5. Block 34 and Cedar Street Site Review
A. Small Area Study Guidance
Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — October 10, 2018 Page 2 13
B. Scope of Completed Public Investments
C. Update on Marketinp_ Efforts
6. Other
7. Adiournment
Recorder: Jacob Thunander
Approved: November 14, 201
Economic Development Director
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