HRA Agenda 03-07-2001 . . . AGEN A MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RE EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 7 2001 - 7:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street Bridge Room MEMBERS: Chair Darrin Lahr, Vice Chair Dan rie, Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, and Bob Murray. COUNCIL LIAISON: Brian Stumpf OFFICERS: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executi e Director Ollie Koropchak, and Recorder Lori Kraemer. GUESTS: Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Service /Barry Fluth, Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. Sheri Harris, Central Minnesota Ho sing Partnership, Inc. Steve Budd, Intergrated Recycling echnologies, Inc. Gene Chase, Consultant for Red Wi. g Foods, Inc. Tom Feaski, Tricon, Inc., Builder Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Assoc. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the HRA minutes fFebruary 7, 2001. 3. Consideration to add or remove items from he agenda. 4. Consent Agenda. 5. Continued - Consideration to hear progress elative to research of purpose/objective and funding for a scattered housing program, ex lanation of MHF A funding, and authorization to enter into the Preliminary Developmentgreement. 6. Continued - Consideration to extend the effi ctive date of the Preliminary Development Agreement with Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. ' r to solicit other developers. i 7. Consideration to hear a presentation for use! f TIP assistance for an industrial facility and authorization to enter into the Preliminary d velopment Agreement. Steve Budd, Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc., Ap licant. 8. Consideration to hear a presentation for use fTIF assistance for a packaging/roasting facility plus industrial space for lease and auhorization to enter into the Preliminary Development Agreement. Gene Chase, Red Wing Foods, Inc., Applicant. 9. Consideration of update and action relative t TIF District 1-22 North Anchor. 10. Consideration to discuss industrial land acqu sition options and to develop an action plan to address the shsort and long term need for industrial land including acquisition ofland. . . . 11. 12. Consideration to authorize payment of the ontWy HRA bills. Consideration of Executive Director's Repo 13. Committee Reports: MCP - Steve Andrews. 14. Other Business. 15. Adjournment. . MINU ES MONTICELLO HOlJSING AND R DEYELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 7,2001 - 7:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Members Present: Chair Darrin Lahr. Vice Ch< ir Dan Frie. Brad Barger. and Steve Andrews Absent: Bob Murray and Council Li lison Brian Stumpf Officers: Trcasurcr Rick Wolfsteller, ,'xecutivc Director Ollie Koropchak. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill and Recorder Lori Kraemer. 1. Call to Order. Chair Darrin Lahr called the mccting to order at 7 pm, . " J. 4. 5. 6. . 2. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BA GER AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO APPROVE THE MINUT S OF THE REGULAR HRA MEETING OF JANUAR Y 3. 2001. Motion carried 3 to o with Dan Frie not yet present. Consideration of addin!! or removino a!!en a items from the consent aoenda. None Consent Aaenda. Consideration to address items added or reI loved from the consent a 'enda. N/A. Consideration to hear u date and to consid I' extendino the effective date of the Prcliminarv Develo ment Aoreement bctw en Masters Fifth Avenue Inc. and the I--IRA. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director. provi cd her report regarding the agreement the HRA and Barry Fluth entered into on AUgl st 2. 2000. a ] 20-day exclusive right agreement. which was effective through December 2. 2000. At a prior meeting another developer presented a rehab plan for an ower/occupied project on the Amoco site. The HRA elected to enter into the preliminary a freement with F1uth based on the concept presented. On December 6,2000, the HRA extended t e effective date of the Preliminary Development Agreement to February 6, 20 ]. Brad Johnson asked to update the l1RA on their process and based on the update, the RA would need to consider whether to extend the effective date or to seek other interested developers. Mr. Johnson was not able to attend the meeting. Koropchak asked the HRA to consider que tions for Johnson such as if he has purchase options on any of the properties, has he tal ed to effective property owner. and what role can the HRA play to expedite the process 0 to fill the gap? - 1- HRA Minutes - 02/07/0 I . Koropchak was contacted by another local developer \\"ho has been requested to prepare proposals for redevelopment of a couple of lots along Walnut Street and abutting Brad's concepts. Although interested in the idea of a community parking lot. he prefers this project to be a stand alone. This developer is also interested in TIF assistance. At this point. the rIM financial consultants have not been asked to run TIF cashllow numbers. Pending on the TlF cashflow numbcrs. the level ofTIF assistance will be determined and the financial method determined (pay-as-you-go or up front), keeping in mind the four and five year rules and a target date fl.)r demolition of the Amoco site. no later than June 30, 2001. The effective date of the preliminary agreement means concepts. plans, and level ofTIF assistance arc in place for execution of the Contract for Private Redevelopment. Johnson advised Koropchak that he does have a restaurant interested in 3,000 to 4.000 sq. 1'1. He also has a concern with the City's requests for parking. Johnson advised that he was looking for a preliminary agreement regarding parking, getting together with the property owners adjoining this property as a joint parking venture. O'Neill states as long as the developer conforms to the ordinance it is not a planning issue until site plan is submitted. Costs would be the issue. O'Neill also stated that the City can't determine amount of parking until they know exactly what the developer wants . to build. Johnson is looking for the City to pay for the parking lot and having the HRA help in acquiring the parcels. O'Neill states the City can provide at least half of the parking lot if Johnson would pay the $1 AOO per parking stall. O'Neill states the HRA should set up a list of items that Brad would have to answer by the next meeting before the HRA can makc a decision. The members stated that they need Brad Johnson to tell them what he wants to do and submit a site plan and parking. and to let the I-IRA know what Johnson needs from them to make this project happen. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR 30 DA YS. IF NO PLAN IS SUBMITTED A T END OF 30 DA YS. THE HRA OPENS IT UP TO ANOTHER DEVELOPER. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consideration of update and action relative to TIF District 1-22. North Anchor. 7a). Consideration of update relative to execution of the Purchase and Lease AQreement between the HRA and the Carlson's. Koropchak provided her report stating at the January HRA meeting. the commissioners reviewed the prepared Purchase Agreement outlining the HRA's counter-offer 01'$275,000 and acceptance letter from the Carlson's attorney. In January, the lIRA also approved the Lease Agreement. The agreements were forwarded to the Carlson's by their Attorney. . -2- . . . HRA Minutes 2/07/01 Koropchak noted that Mr. Carlson had app rent]y contacted Ken Helvey stating he would not be signing the agreement as he was up,et over the relocation benefits. Koropchak reminded the members that Mr. Helvey ini ially contactl:d the Carlson's relative to their relocation rights and benefits and asked to neet: howewr. the Carlson's elected not to meet. Mr. Helvey called the Carlson's attorney on January 26 for an update. As of January 30, he had not heard from the attoIlley. Koropchak stated that based on the lIRA's motion to hold offviith the appraisal of the raw land of the Carlson propel1y by Rod O'agsten until execution of the Purchase Agreement by the Carlson's. the appraisal as not been ordered. Koropchak received information from Atto ney Greensweig on Tuesday which she provided to the members regarding request by the Carlson's for revisions to the purchase agreement. The HRA members discussed ach item and determined their response, advising Koropchak to make the changes a 1d present back to Attorney Greensweig. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO ACCEPT TilE PURCHASE AND LE SE AGREEMENTS WITH THE NOTED CHANGES: Purchase Agreement change: closing date from A pri I I, 2000 to Apri I 1, 2001. Lease Agreement changes: term of lea e July 31,2002: Paragraph 9: replace "in any event" t "ifdue to gross negligence of the City". Paragraph 12: do not delete "01' perlll t any other pel's to use the house", but can add "landlords consent shall not be unreas nably withheld", AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAIR AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE OTHER MINOR CHANGE AND EXECUTE DOCUMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. 7b) Update on Bostic and O'Connor. O'Connor - Mr. Helvey was informed ofth HRA's January 2001 motion: A counter- offer in the amount of $130.352 package d al to Mike O'Connor, possession date not later than April 15.2001 and to extend the ull and void date to two weeks from date counter-oiler presented. Counter-offer pre ented after execution of Purchase Agreement by the Carlson's. HRA noted acquisition ffer based on one of the highest offer by percentage. Koropchak advised that Mr. 0 Connor had called Mr. Helvey to ask what's going on. Mr. Helvey has not proceeded p r the HRA's direction. Bostic - Mr. Helvey was informed of the H 's January 2001 motion: A counter-offer in the amount of $1 09.400 package deal plus enalty to the Bostic, possession date not later than April 15.2001. and to extend the null nd void date to two weeks from date counter- offer presented. Counter-offer presented a tel' execution of Purchase Agreement by the Carlson's. Wolfsteller has estimated the p e-payment penalty at about $2.834. -3- HRA Minutes 2/07/0] . 7c). Hans Hauen Undate. Koropchak provided a copy of an e-mail to and from 1-1ans IIagen. as well as provided estimates for improvements along Front Street. It \\as discussed whether the City would be installing the stubs on the sanitary sewer line at that same time - City is still discussing. Wolfsteller stated they had discussed assessment policies last fall but no decisions at this time. Iloping to not have to assess for streets. did not talk a lot about utility replacements and still gathering information from other cities. Wolfsteller noted that in the next month he \vmild like to see the Council come up with some direction. noting that the I--:lRA would have to approach the Council and petition for a feasibility study - a 90 day process. Members asked if it would be most cost effective to have the same contractor put in the approximately 10 stubs at the same time. If the City is to replace the line, payment for services may be directed to the developer or the HRA at that time. No action necessary at this time. 7d). Consideration to authorize Desiun Concept Drawin!!s for Block 52. Koropchak noted that as we appear to have some interested developers for Block 52 and . perhaps the same developer may not develop the entire designated area. it is very important that a concept be developed that maximizes the goals of the liRA and the Revitalization Plan while meeting the demands of the market. The concept would include housing. office. commercial. and/or restaurant options. The preliminary design concept drawings would consider necessary parking. landscaping. street development. and its relationship to the other areas of the downtown/riverfront. Koropchak stated that although one developer approached her for lot sizes to do some preliminary drawings, she thinks it's in the J-IRA's best interest to have our City Planner Consultant prepare the drawings. This to avoid misleading anyone developer and keeps the window open for the HRA as to their choice of developers and concepts. The cost of the concepts would come from TIF District No. I -22. This will help to keep us on track for the June 30. 2002 date. An area/property the members discussed included the Froslie property. as well as there being room for housing back on River Street. Koropchak states that it is encouraged to have drawings, etc. of these areas and to keep them updated noting what options they would like to see done. Darrin asked if it was up to the developer's to do the drawings, and possibly the HRA should do an RFP. Brad thought perhaps land should be purchased first before going out for RFP's. Another item that was advised to Koropchak was to have pictures available and keep property owners involved. Darrin stated perhaps we should talk to the property owners first before doing any drawings. . O"Neill advised that perhaps the City could define square footages. parking. things the -4- . . . I-IRA Minutes - 2/07/0 I City \vould like to see done in certain areas. It \\as asked if there are any interested developers at this time and KoropchQk stat d that there is at least one. as well as Brad Johnson. Perhaps the HRA would like to I ave Steve Grittman advise where a good parking area \vould be in the City and \vor the plan backwards. Steve Andre\\s stated that the Mep has a plan that is somewhQt I ke what the I-IRA members were discussing. Barger asked about some concepts that had been submitted previously that perhaps the City could look back at. Koropchak asked if the members were con mitted to expending the TlF dollars by 2002? Dan Frie felt that the HRA should define aeas in the City and go out for RFP's. if this is what has to be done by July of 2001. O'N ill again stated we should find out what the City would do for parking. Perhaps vacati, g that pat1 of River Street and using part of the park is another option regarding parkin . Koropchak states that the demand for the market is what is going to drive the project Barger stated the developer would know this as well. Dan Frie asked if the RFP could b done just in concept. then forward it on to the Parks Commission and City Council. he members felt that they should first talk to the property owners. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE . ND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO BEGIN DISCUSSIONS WITH PROP RTY OWNERS AND DRA W UP A DRA.FT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. Motion Cal 'ied unanimously. Continued - Consideration to hear ro!!ress relative to research of fundino for a scattered housin' ro 'ram an a motion to a use of TIf assistance. 8. Koropchak provided the report stating staff and the HRA targeted sites within the older part of Monticello for the proposed scattere housing program for the purpose of replacing the current housing stock with hi her valued homes. Previously. the area of 61h and Minnesota was identified as a sub stand rd area; however. the area does not qualify for a redevelopment district because 70% 0 the parcels did not contain at least 15% improvements per parcel. As we began to work with Sheri Harris at tl e Central Minnesota Housing Partnership, Inc. (CMHP) for possible funding options t 1rough the Minnesota Housing finance Agency (MHfA) and with the funding appl cation submission deadline offebruary 9, 2001. the area of61h and Minnesota Street as targeted because ofa preliminary concept and an interested builder. As it turns out tl at particular builder is not interested; however. he would sell his vacant parcel. Sheri HarTis was unable to attend the meeti g due to the weather. Jeff C)"Neill provided some information from a meeting he recently attend with Koropchak and Harris, advising that to make the numbers work for this proj ct without the CMHP's grant money, the density would have to be increased. -5- HRA Minutes. 2/07/01 Koropchak advised that the J--lRA is asked to consider T1F funds to go toward this development. Goal is not to replace blight with junk. The proposed project is to build I ] 00 sq ft structures with 2 car garages \vhich would possibly sell for approximately $1 ] 5.000. which is considered affordable housing. Money is coming from MHF A. Sheri would complete the grant application and be the agent purchasing the properties. Community revitalization fund is what the HRA would be looking at for affordable single family housing. equal to or less than 80% of states median income. Funding being applied for is $500.000 - 0% interest loan. Time line for expenditure of funds is 20 months from the time program documents are executed. The City Council waived permit & WAC/SAC fees. It was noted that there would be 9 houses on Minnesota Street and one on 6th Street. In order to fill the gap. the HRA is requested to create a TIF district. Koropchak states they can only get this project going with upfront financing. Koropchak also advised that the HRA consider waiving the $5,000 deposit fee as this is a non-profit organization. Lahr asked what would be the investment per unit from the City. As there were some questions that could not be answered. the HRA would like to get clarification from Harris before making a motion. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO TABLE ANY ACTION UNTIL THE MARCH MEETING. WITH NO ENDORSEMENT AT THIS TIME. Motion carried unanimously. . 9. Consideration of a request from Soringsted. Inc. to make a presentation to the I~RA. Koropchak reported that she had met with Paul Stcinmcn and a co-worker of Springsted, Inc.. and reminded the members that some years ago the company served as the City.s financial consultants and thereafter. the City joined with the HRA in use of Ehler.s & Associates. About a year ago I requested consultant fees from three firms. one being Springsted. The HRA elected to stay with Ehler's because of the value of knowing the City and HRA's history. hearing no expressed dissatisfaction and comparative fees. Springsted. Inc. has gone through some changes and have a new focus. they request an opportunity to market themselves to the HRA. The members advised Koropchak to invite Springsted to the March meeting. ] O. Consideration to review for input and approval the 200] Economic Development Work Plan. Koropchak provided a copy of the first draft of goals of the 200] Economic Development Work Plan. The EDA provided input on January 30 and the Marketing Committee reviewcd it on February 2. 200]. Korpochak stated she would be evaluating the merits of the downtown revitalization plan for the next EDA meeting. also stating that they may also like to add to the goals that the Planning Commission look at the Comprehensive Plan again regarding annexation. -6- . . . . HRA Minutes - 2/07/01 Koropchak asked the members what they hought about the possibility of making the Industrial Development Committee an ad\ isory committee and Darrin Lahr stated he was not in favor of this as people complain air ady that there are too many committees. Koropchak advised that she would like to'csearch further. also noting the possibility of combining the HRA \vith EDA and would do some comparisons for pros and cons. Koropchak asked the members for their fe'dback. Dan Frie advised that he would like to mo 'C up the time frame for Gold Nugget to pursue this as industrial land. Brad Barger added information from the Marketing Committee stating their desire to purchase property tt. r industrial use. The members stated they would like to di cuss the Gold Nugget parcel in greater detail at the March meeting. 11. Consideration to authorize avment of the 1110nthlv HRA bills. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRI. AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF TI-IE ONTHL Y HRA BILLS. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of Executive Director's Rc Koropchak provided a report on the folio 'ing: a) GMEF No. 010 (Vector Tool) - The m difications to the Loan Agreement and other documents were drafted and executed by Ippropriate individuals at the closings on November 29. 2000. b) GMEF No. 017 (Twin City Die Castin's) - Invoice for costs associated with UCC filing on equipment. LJCC not filed. c) EDA Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 24.2001 * attached a copy of minutes 1'1'0111 a budget workshop of the city coun il on November 16. 2000. Relative to the DMRF - will research a few parcels whi h received DMRFs for a comparison of increased market val ue over the years to ,ce if the EDA investment is paying off. d) Integrated Recycling Technologies. In . - The Prospect Team visited this Rogers company. They are a auto catalyst refine with 3 FT and 2 PT employees. He's looking to perhaps build a 10.000 sq ft metal buil ing on a 2-acre parcel along Fallon A venue. He would add an additional 3-4 FT work rs within 2 years. Wages between $35,000 to $50,000 annually w/o benefits. Looking or funding. c) Barger/Harwood - Looking to constru t another 15.000 sq ft metal building behind Vcctor Tool. This resulted after C. H. lit It Company called my office for the need for another 5.000 sq ft and B&B Metal Stam ing need for additional space. Space may also accommodate a St. Cloud and Big Lake ompany. f) Red Wing Foods - Met with Charlie P 'fTer. company. staff, and builder relative to construction of a 50.000 sq ft precast bui ding on 6 acres ofland to the west of Twin City Die Castings. Red Wing Foods would ta'e 20.000 sq ft and the remaining for lease. Red HRA Minutes - 2/07/0J Wing Foods is a packager and distributor of gourmet f()ods with contacts to Byerly's, Lund's, Target etc. Price of land now $43,560 per acre. Plan to request TIF assistance. g) Old St. Henry's site ~ Preliminary new concept for redevelopment of this site. h) HRA housekeeping - Will notify St. Bens in March of need 1c)r evidence relative to low/moderate income and rent levels for the qualified housing district. Next month will present the estimated market values for payable 200 I on the Prairie West redevelopment area. Plan to write an article in the city newsletter on the success of that and the River Mill project as public/private partnerships. Mississippi Shores reported their annual income and rental level report. Pay-as-you-go payments were mailed for February I, 2001. Attended the Ehler's TIF Seminar on February 1. i) Legislator Alert - Relative to pre~1990 TIF districts. I've written in opposition of the proposed file to League of Minnesota and our representatives. j) Copy of letters to RDL Aroplax, and news articles. k) Lake Tool - still have not received any money. I) Info provided at the meeting regarding Wright Co Cities interest in doing countywide housing plan, would be specific for the City of Monticello by the MHF A _ would cost about $500 per City for a plan - which is broader projects with different resources for affordable housing. The members stated no interest at this time. 13. Committee Reports: MCP - Steve Andrews - annual meeting was delayed, no set date at this time. ] 4. Other Business. None 15. Adiournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:45 P.M. Motion carried unanimou~ly . HRA Chair Recorder -8- . . . . . . 5. Continued - Consideration to hear ro and fundin for a scattered housin ro authorization to enter into the Prelimina A. Reference and backeround: BRA Agenda - 3/7 lOt At the lIRA meeting in February, the lIRA as requested to adopt of resolution supporting the use of TIF and the prelimina scattered housing concept for the purpose of the Community Revitalization Fund Grant application due February 9, 2001. Due to inclement weather, Sheri Harris was unable t attend the February HRA meeting. Although a sources and uses of funds analysi with TIF and without TIF was submitted, the lIRA had questions of which staffwas u able to answer. The lIRA elected not to indorse the use of TIF at this time and tabled any action to the March meeting. The Monticello grant application was submit ed for the February 9, 2001 deadline with the use ofTIF pending. Sheri has a meeting wit O'Neill, Wolfsteller, and Koropchak at 3:30 p.m. on the 7th of March. Sheri will be at th lIRA meeting to answer your questions and to update you on status of the award proces . After which, the lIRA should compare the TIF application against the TIF policies prio to considering the preliminary approval for use of TIF and authorization to enter into th Preliminary Development Agreement. As suggested previously, it is recommended tha the $5,000 deposit be waived as the applicant is a non-profit housing agency. · Clarification of how MHF A funding orks - Sheri Harris · Comments from Mark Ruff · Compare project and TIF policies an TIF Cashflows PROJECT: 10 single family housing units. 9 homes on Minnesota Street and 1 home on 6 Street, 1,060 sq ft ofliving space, double ga age, lots 36 ft wide, home 24 ft wide, vinyl siding, some brick and porch in front. Selling price - $120,000. $115,000 plus $3, 00 closing costs and $2,000 packaging fee. Annual targeted income level, $28,000 to $3 ,000. HOUSING TIF PURPOSE: To provide affo dable housing to meet the job growth needs of the community. TIF USE: Assist with acquisition and demoli ion costs. FINANCE METHOD: Request up-front. hat is the security? Private Redevelopment Contract with MHF . AMOUNT OF TIF ASSISTANCE: $125,00 NPV 1 . BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 If the lIRA finds the proposed housing proj ct and finance structure is compatible with the TIF policies, consider the below alternative ctions. If you approve the preliminary concept for use of TIF, then the preliminary concept will be presented to the City Council on March 12, 2001. Although the BRA is equested to authorize entering into the Preliminary Development Agreement, the e ecution of the Agreement will take place only if the grant is awarded and purchase agree ents executed. Remember, the MHFA funds must be expended 20 months from the date the MHF A documents are executed. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the prelimin concept for use of TIF for the scattered housing project and to authorize en ering into the Preliminary Development Agreement. _ Waive the $5, 00 deposit. _ Do not waive the $5,000 deposit. 2. A motion to deny the approval oft e preliminary concept for use ofTIF for the scattered housing project. 3. A motion to table any action. . c. Recommendation: With the question "Does it make more sen e for the City of Monticello to finance the gap?" unanswered, no recommendation is iven. Security is a must for the up-front financing. What if the property taxes paid by the home owners becomes delinquent? D. Supportine Data: Copy of uses and sources of funds from S eri, copy of design concept, and TIF cashflows (may be presented at meeting). . FEB-07-01 11:22 AM CENTRAL MN HOUSING PTNSP 1 320 259 9590 P.02 . ACQuisition/Demolition 5 Properties Environmental Assessment it $96 ea. Legal at $500 ea. Title Insuranee Filing Fees Demolition Platting & abstracts Site Preparation Permits & Fees Real Estate Taxes Insurance Subtotal New Construction (9 homes) Subtotal Total COlt for Acq./New Construction Permlta waived (city contribution) TIF Total cost of Development Sales Price of 9 homeS(115,OOO) . With Tax Increment inanclng Total cost 300,000 1QO 2,500 1,'50 750 20,000 8,000 87.500 42,750 2.750 2.500 448,610 758,000 761,000 $1,202,680 $42,710 1125.000 1,O~4,Sl"O 1,035,000 Sources MHFA City HRA Total Acquisition/Demolition 321,890 125.000 448,890 Construction $178,310 42,750 221.080 Home Sales/Contractor $535,000 $1,035,000 ~,Q \A- ""-'" Q ^ " ...... \\<;,tlOb 1>. It · .. L\O<' ,'",,0.;..- ';l. . "" 1l ".....J\.. "'lo ~ 28,000 Income.. $13 per hour \?-S. 000 Mortgage 88,000 '4J_f\SO GMHF 15000 !~ HAF 1 .1Jiii q I b Total Source. 111.899 JF I ~)' C; 0 30,000 Incom' -14.60 p.r hour Mortgage 95.000 GMHF 15000 . l-IAF 14999 Total Source. 124,899 5A FEB-07-01 11:22 RM CENTRRL MN HOUSING PTNSP 1 320 2S9 9S90 P.03 Without Tax Incremet Financing . Acaulaltlon/Oemolltlon 5 propen.ies Environmental Assessment at $95 ea. Legal at $500 ea. Title Insurance Filing Fees Demolition Platting & abstracts Site Preparation Permits & Fees Real Estate Taxes Insurance Subtotal New Construction (9 homes) Subtotal Total Coat for Ac:q./New Construction Permits waived (city contribution) Total cost of Development Sales Prlce of Q homes(129.000) . source. Acquisition/Oemolition Construction Home Sales/Contractor Home Price Closing Costs Packaging Fee Total Price 28,000 Income. $13 plr hOLlr Mortgage GMHF HAF Total SOLlrces 30,000 Income.. U.50 per hour Mortgage GMHF HAF Towl Sources . 1,161940 1,181,00 MHFA City 44&.8~O $53, 10 42,750 56S9, 40 $1,169140 12 ,000 ,000 00 13, ,000 8 .000 15000 49 11 ,999 HFtA Total 446.890 98,060 I , I I I I ; i " . I , i I I . Ii : I , I I i I I I ~ ' I, \ ..... ", \ - I ,1. .' i 1 " "1 } 1" , II' I~ " \ (~I '\ , ( }11: ' I l'j ," 1 ' " tH i{ ~ ; I I \ ..i I ~ I , , ' , \ ' , I i , I I I I I I ;1 I I I I , i I I , I I 1 , , I I' I , I I i I I I ; i : l V l' '. \ I .1 1 ! " , I j , , I , , I I fl. 'I I I . I : 'I:' '-1.1 I . 1'1 .~ 1;' i .., ~ I t -r1' I~,j.~. '. 'r~l.~ l~.' ~ t 1 " ~ 1 r :~ 1'1 ~ 1 , I ~. j ~' ~ 1 I 1 : 1 "' ~~. -)~'1 t~ t, I'..... :"""....;-1.1~..,.."! ......' . ,it"( )....1;' r; " r~ ~, .- r ; .- ,; . ~ ~ . ~ r.I..... ....... ....." rl .: i~ ~'1 ~~ r'-~ r 1 ,. 'I t-i '. j r ~ I ~ '1 11 , - ~ 1 I"' f; ~. '-1 H r I ~- i. . ~ , . ; '. It, "1 . , r' · 'I .. ,- t .... ,-, I' ~ I I" " , .. ~ I- 1 r' f' . 1 r' " t . r'" , . . I r" 'I ',,""'-' ~ "- 1..1 W ...... ~ .;.J ""- I...... i...... i.J ~ ~ I t, .I- I !r t~ I :. . I! f' I _ - -!l I 1'~1' ~i ~ r I~ ,-~; , i ~: ;.~ l; f JU.J f: t ''1 1 '.... , 1 . j I I '; r I r~ t - t-:, ..;- , :L: o ~ f-... <: , i fl 'I fr , f~ ~ I ' ,: I I : '. ~ i n Plrj'; ]!!lj':~ ",WI! pq~_:_ .1 c..... I.. ,I I.. 1I. ~, ~11. J .. ,. ., __ ,_ -1:' I -'_I , , 1 . I' .... l>'"" ~ ~ l-LJ f-. ~ o ~ ~ t',,. . l :!; ii; '. m_~f-~ - ~i ---r' -1' r- ..tit 'r' ml- , I, I iii, ! ~! l- ill; I r: ill ~ 1 t I pi I ll.. ill. 'to. . )1" II 1- ~!. If f 'I" Jf'i jj rll I' 01, I I' I I [f , , 'I ! ~ I ,f'. I '.-, ',I : I I, I,'. , ; I I I ' ~ If l 't ~ .LI.lil, .1L~lr,LJ 1 I , t 1 , , /11 " 'I- ~ Jr-' , ' ---r I I i I"i t:... . , . I " , , . , 1 ' 'f' '" II: ,,...... ,~ "I': , :i1:L i . I I ~ ' ,1 I 0 It! I : , . 1 t.. ~ . 'I r' . Ml1I1 11. ~~OU , i ~I N, I I I I I I I '-- ~! t:1 ~. il I I J' - - ~- - - .. .. .,. -~ .. .. - .- ; L. . .. - .- --I" ..' j t I n.JJ' 1 ....I.I.4.n ,ilY\' I :o.~~ , <::> ;.... "I " 15 .. .. .. ~ '" .. E .. '" .. I I I I L _ _, I 01 I ~ i I I I I.. to; ~'~ · Ir!~~:~'" .h'[ :_, I :1]- -] ~I lli:: . ~ '" \. . :iI :~ -; II C " - I .lJ!J j .! ~ i; I II ~i ,t I I 91 ~ ~ = ' L::~:: ,1 .. ' . :- 8 .. .. :I ;' n l( f)] 'U/ II II! ~, - "__~-1' I~l 11," I I.. If .... I .~ '1 LJ ~i I.. : :~ i " i: 1 ... ~ ,I: 'I' ~ l .' I g .. ~ rJ .. f .0.cL '~'I~Ir.,' :J;' y f f-:. ~.-.... " "1....- :( -.."'.......;:" -~~ ) \,;'. "'- ~.4 . j, \" I,{ ..t ~.\ >. I - ~. ~. 1 I i , , I oj I cD \[) , !. I I .J , I . , , ;. ~ ? I :~ ~r:: ':1 I" " , .. ,.. ri 1- ~ ',j II I~' .C!1. ~OOG ;;L),;,,,,';'L) C';"3'1~3/(l p,"~ O' . If ~ I' , -. r: '(> ~ ~ , ,(>: .. . ,- . " , ~I " ,r j [' (' ...1 a,...N*'W IV '" l- I): n >0' ~ o :z: ;J < ..J 10' 1 ui J, ". 'j-) ~.; r;"" 3~'1'I " ~t., - ~~~3N' ~ :3.m.;~o~ ~1;'''1l~1w ~ 1. ' ..', :. . " '" .:1 ~! . t, :t ~!'". " ::x: ..... ..( dl '-....,.,":""/ II~~ ail a r.,.r ~/! ~ ... 4- I 1.1 ., T ). I ~ .a, ~ I r " ... ,0 ~' ) .. . ~ '-" I o i5 ~ o - - .;I,r '1; \0 .. p;:j C:l < a:: < o .',l. ( . ~ .... Il 1:: . Ii' 1-; r , - .9,~ , - . - .. Ill,') , '0' I- I , , , I -< . p;:j a:: < w , 0 '''. -, , < (..d a:: 0 ... CI'.l .\:\ n l' jl'I.. .'t-". .a' - .-':: a:: o I%l a:: W l- e.<) < - ~ '1 I ..... "" ::s > 0 0 " . , a:: _J . III' ~ 0 ?,: :' p;:j , ~J W: l:Q :.. I " ,0 ~ I:' ..~..,! I . ,., , I -- ..o_'-~ l, ...----::--I-o~~ , .'1., .I].~ ('.~,(:, I~ ,,'!n & C00'1t31J;-'''~ I"~ tl:a~~ ,; ...,.... m' ~I 0', u' I , .",~ it I 1 ' \ 1:: 'k N : I~) , ~' ;.. ;".)i I - 1- '1 : '" .1 ... ;~: '" ~ i :.~ .~t i - ," l..-, . , '., ~L' ''].' ilJ: i};:' W: ~j :' .' 10 m _ :.':1 5'.' 0:<1: .9.t "' . ~ ,I. lr. UI Cl ' :J ... \$) ~~ ~: '. -: "J. 1:: ': 't N ~ '~;o '" n V l' " I,' , '.(.,1 ~ -~~. '" n ..J ... :C~;I . -, z w ::r: u !:: Ilod .... err t ':j' ~ ~I .\..' I 1: ,i-.,,.....,. _ I 'j' 'l'l-'j.J) \-; : ~ . .n II ";J ji ' . fJ,. '''' -:.,"! --i ; ~ ' _ ., 1-: ~, ~ t , ,105 . ~ :J ;, t- - .~ ~ J-) '~=t ~"O ,(~ I. 1 '-" 19i z <. ~_9 A..~ ~":t, 0,,1 ., u" ...J'" ~ > , 0' . . . HOUSING ISTRICT MIIF, Parccls - For taxes payable 2001 155-010-009030 EMY $33,700 TC $337 Land $19,000 Improvements $14,700 155-010~009040 EMY $38JWO TC $388 155-0 I 0-009050 EMY $56.100 TC $561 155-0 10-009060 EMY $17.1 00 TC $171 155-010-009061 EMY $44,400 Te $444 $19JlOO Improvements $14,800 $19.000 Improvements $37.1 00 1 7,! 00 20,300 Improvements $24.100 Redevelop fl.)!' construction of 10 single f~ltl1i1y OWl er-occupied homes with attached garage. Selling Price $115.000 Construction costs $ 4.000 EMY $95,000 Proposed as a Housing District MARK, PLEASI': RUN TIF CASH FLOW Preliminary TI F assistance offer - $125,000 NPY Give your recommendation it)r HRA. MHFA wants for upfront financing? What is the IRA's long term security? Other ideas. 5G . . . BRA Agenda - 317/01 6. Continued - Consideration to hear an u redevelo ment of the Amoco site and aut of project area. A. Reference and backeround: At the HRA meeting in February, the commi sioners extended the effective date of the Preliminary Development Agreement to Mar h 7, 2001. Ifno plan and TIF direction within 30 days, the HRA will open the site u to other developers. The HRA is looking for: This is the redevelopment project area pI , we need this from the HRA to fill the gap. The parking stall issue is not the role 0 the HRA. Met with Brad and Bar 3/2/09 - 12:30 Plans for Phase I: Includes acquisition of Amoco site (A) and b ck-half of sites (E, F, G.) Estimated costs to acquire and demolition Sit A $210,000 Estimated costs to acquire E,F,G. $41,000. ( as not talked to property owers) Will construct 5,700 sq ft first story of which restaurant will occupy 3,500 sq ft. Second floor 6 apartments. One carriage unit with 6 garage stalls. Request: By their estimates they are requesti g $146,900 TIF generated by Amoco site project and $110,000 additional gap from . They desire the HRA acquire and demolish the Amoco site (they negotiate) unt I such time they obtain a mortgage from the bank. Question: What BRA's security or uarantee of develop? Additionally: In order for this site to work ith a restaurant, the sites A, E, F, G can accommodate 51 parking stalls. The require amount parking stalls for the restaurant only according to the city ordinance per the devel per is 75. Leaving a balance of24 additional stalls. This without other retail. uestion: What about street parking? Additionally, they are requesting from the cit $24,000 for parking and $45,000 for WAC/SAC fees in order for the project to w rk? At this point I have not confirmed TIF Cashfl w numbers? Will provide at meeting. Phase II later in 2001 or 2002. Mar 02 01 10:44a Lotus Realt~ Services,Inc (952J934-5472 p.2 . R.~Of/l\""l: t> A"'" I Polf A., #1,0 s,t"~ AMOCO AWAY P )OJECT MONTICELLO, MN DEVELOPMENT ALl ERNATIVE 03/0212001 ~{ ~ PROFORMA J Alternate 1 PROFORMA Alternate 2 ~e~~I~~~~Joo s.f. @ $15/s.f. ~f $-05,500.00- Ret~ iiioffice8125 s.t. @ $15Js.f~-- $~-12"f,875.00 .:Wapt. units 5700 s.f. tal $7.20/5.1. J $ 43.200.00 8 a . units 8125 s.f. @ $7.20/s.f. $ 58.500.00 ~ -- - ,- .--- ---~ ---------:---.--- 1 carriage units BOO S.t @ $7.20/5.1. $ 6.912.00 8 carnage units 1800 sJ. @$7.20/s.f. $ 21,600.00 TOTAL INCOME $ 135,612.00 I $ 201,975.00 Less vacancy 5% _ $ (6,780.60 Les: vacancy 5% $ (10,098.75) -- TIF ANALYSIS-'---~---- .---~~ i $ 11,200.00 Re ail taxes @ $2:50/S.f. -~~0.312.09_ ~:-~064.Q~._ Ap ~xes $50,000 x 10 x 2.4~1~_: L-E.~O.~ _ $ (3,408.00) Le~ s current base - $ (4,400.00) $ 15.856.00JJIF AVAILAB~--- $ 29,352.00 J' ( frRAIClty provide parking for Restaurant required of site ~ Total Spots = 75 for Restaurant I' 1 3500 sq. feet of Restaurant I / HRAlCity pay Restaurant SAClWAC $4,i:999 4C:; (\il l'l...... '= NET INCOME ---- TIF/year $ $ $ .____~ __ I $ TOTAL INCOME WITH TIF Less TIF note - 9% 20 years Less mortgage at 9% - 25 years - ~ INCOME . SOURCES ~rtg~ge @ 80% of C<?st Equity TIF f;o.... 8_jJ HRA GA~ FinanCing ~ TOTALSbuRCES ~onstruction costs: , Retailloffice 5700 s.1.-@ $100/5.1. Apt. 5700 s.t. @ $90/sJ. Caniage House Total Constructioil - Soft Costs @ 15% TOTAL USES ---~-- TIF ANALYSIS Retail taxes @ $2.50/sJ. x 5700 ~axes $50.000 x 6 x 2.4 x 1.12 Less current base TIF AVAILABLE . ~ f"1<? ~ \ - '.). L\ ~ !$ '$ 128,831.40 NE INCOME _______~~1,876.2~ 15,864.00 TIF ~ear to yield 11 % return $ 26,693.00 144.695.40 " TO AL INCOME WITH TIF (15,864.00) es TIF note - 9% 20 years (104,280.00) .as mortgage at 9% - 25 years 24,551.40 1 E INCOME $ 218,569.25 $ (26,693.00) $ (159.917.00) i~_ ~1,959.25_ o JRCES $ 1 ,079,200.00 ~otgage @ 80% of cost $ 1,588,OOO~ $ 122,900.00 :qLity $ 148,000.00 $ 146,900.00 IF for Gap $ 249,000.00 $ 110,000.00 0 AL SOURCES $ 1.985.000.00 $ 1,459.000.00 - ~. --,~-------------_._--- ..-------.- _ _~____ US S _ __ _._____ $ 211,000.00 AccuisitionlDemo/Site prepA,E,F.G i $ 280,000.00 I --- , -- Cor struction costs: _ _____.______ R tail/office 8125 s.f. @ $90/sJ.$ 738,000.00_ Apt. 9925 S.f: @ $75/s.f. $ 745.000.00 $ 570,000.00 $ 456.000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 1,086,000.00 Tc tal Construction $ 1,483,000.00 $ 162,000.00 So Costs @ 15% $ 1,459,0'0(1)0 T0' AL USES $ 222,000.00 $ 1,985,000.00 --~- -.----- ,--,--- --~------- Page 1 MONTICELLOAWAYP!<-l_XLSPl'c/"..... {P.A Mar 02 01 10:44a Lotus Realt~ Servi es,Inc (952)934-5472 p.6 . -:#.-z.- . A- 111 fU,uL ~ - 'L I~ 16-t;;' .. '" t('\ C &\ .. ~,~ , 0. ~\iI. .. .. <' ~.. --- : \() ~ 1).\,1 i 1,.,.,.... ~ e. .. ~ ... <<'\ 0 40V} 't\ \t)\ ~ ~ '" t- ':. 1 . .. ~ \\\ . " /17Ju1l1W 6Cift4...: ./rf,MX I"~ ~tJ I fl,A ft- ~ ' (SJ tr>>.W "~/III(; ftJu.A~M Tit/I! REDG,VI;LOl)M NT CONCEPT Monticello, MN July 2& 2000 ~ 1b t Jrt. IJ fA~ Iti"e ~ : I PfJ, q ()() ~ . 1.'5 ~s: f'f.,I~ : 81,..,JC.. II PbUc.rn.'WV'TJ" *Jl'6c? t"tJ ~~/rI1) JoIWfoN ?1f-PI1 C/ry 't' 111011/17 ~ f.A:J (tJ 'tV ell. t. ) 1'JWt- j; jh"J~l.T JfTJM": '9/),11 I ~ ,e15' ~ . ,~;'~""; .>;. .,' ..;' .: ;:.:.",' :'";:' . .t~.<;': .,; - '"'\ ,"~'- ". -, "... . . : ~ -' . . ".,'.. ..:. - . :" .10\..... . . ~ ..: , -. .'....t,'". ~~,~.:,,:(';".: .' '... , J ~ t1.. .' .!~ ." lJ)~, .:........ , ...' r.' ': ::.:-.: :,:..,....:.... ~:' '....~ .~:~J.. ~'.' 'p:"~ ;.~..':~ :".:' ~.',;i~;0if.~J.;i~(~~ii?j:~.;,'.,';X;~i1~:.'F L;;/;iih:it;,; .... ...... . '7 \." .;' :' . '. Mar 02 01 10:45a Lotus Realt~ Services,Inc (952)934-5472 p.10 ~~~ ~u yu u~.,,~ ~.1 . " I l..;G' ~ I +tJ' 1 if' i )0' VD ~ (,/) .I - ~.~- \t ~ r -~- ,.,. I -.......... ~ ." ~'~".J . t -.. :f _""':'_-, : ,." II \oJ ~ i I ~ ~ I ~ ~ '" I j ~ I I , , -;"'-:~T ~. ; . ! -.1:___j . . . NArrel' /[~J / - - .~ t... . I:rdl;}1$ /iliuM 1D I'r1!IIAtN A#A 1Vu.,p~ /- fDP. ~117UP.E / ""A..~ ~ t4" ~ ~ , J Nott: ~fUntf Xift,t., to ~ I'~ 6tJ'; Att.. P/t11INS/WS Afll!. .5l1eJUT Ii> lSevIJIQ/'I fl.-A 1'1. 3 (f) TPNN 'utNN/~ c.uAt1tJ;t4TN~ REDEVELOPM T CONCEPT for Legacy Communities, LLC and BBf l'ropcl1ics Montic 110, MN Jul)':2 . :2000 fltf,-U M M/ ltfJ-y {JP.Kf7 mArtsT~ pvAN - /ill- 1'tfA/lf,W ~ f)/rC!A r fl.tJ"" OIV/;y. . ,,' ~'.' "..," LD~,'" .,,,. om . . ".'" :"-,,,,::-~~'~,\,,-'..,.,;: , . . ".:, ."..: '. ~~-~.-:7.'-~-.'. - - '.....~,~:-:~r",.:-..; - .~~;.. "..", : "'~:'~'-:"~.':"':..-.\:.. . '. ,,' , , '-". . ~ .~"';..' Mar 02 01 10:44a . . . Lotus Realt~ Services,lnc [S52JS34-5472 AMOCO "AWAY" PROJECT MONTICELLC). MN ACQUISITION COSTS SQUARE. EET 1633 1089 1089 1089 4900 ) ESTIMATED COST $ 160.000.00 $ ~- 100,000.00 i $ . $ 100,000"00 , $ $ 100,000.00 $ $ 460,OOO.0t! $ COST/SQ.FT. 9.79 9.16 ._-~ 9.18 9.18 9.39 SileA _-L c o TOTAL ACQUISITION =""".. DEMOLITION TOTAL ---- -~ -. $ 4900 $ 10.00 30,000.00 490,000.00 $ ALTERNATE FOR PARKING Site E F --cr-- TOTAL --- ---- ..---.-,.-'-- .~-_._---,-- -.-------,----.- - 272 $ 13,610.00 $ 5.00 . .---,-:- 272 $ 13,610.00 $ 5.00 -, -----'--- 272 $ 13,610.00 $ 5.00 81-64 $ 40,830.00 $ 5.00 I .,...-------~.- -,,--- -- ,---,-- ----.---.-.--'----.-.---- TOTAL WITH ALTERNATE 5717 $ 530.830.00 $ 9.28 f-- -'--- Total TIF All. 1 $224,341 .------ -- $125,000 $349,341 Amoco site . ~ Housm~ site Tota ,--- -'-' Total TIF All. 2 .- '----.-- :::'.- Amoco :tile Housing site Tota ~--,-_.- - $365,000 $341,000 $706,000 p.4 -- page 1 AWA YPR-2XLSAcquisition Costs -- -- - -=-==-----~=----...:...=---_.,. -- ..- - -- -- --- --1--- --~---- (y,j) ,B"j~T,q>c,s l~lill-"~tc~= ~=------=-=1 16 . . t r ~ZG' ---{;" 1- .-.- ) 1 1 1 "I i 1 1 I 1 I 1 i I 1'. ~ ~ ..:: t -I: G c- ~ c~~.. ~~~ . Bedrooms Bathrooms Main Floor Area Total f.irrished Floor Area dio Accessory Unit ~ Second Storey, Above Parking Tarage Type V -1 @ rftt. ~E <. '-"-"-"'~'~'~"--~-'" -~~"------"-'---~"----'- ......- '-- --- 1...- 1...- ft'................ .-- -- -- "".,,-- :. . ~ildiI~rypes Illustrat':,d - T( =- =--:-:--.-----""..----..-~---;;--.-1 14 r-n ----.- ".---- '''Oi''F~l)j ) ~\\ *-. IlFf)I~()I)M #1 )'. <.. nEDiooM I() 1)11[1-1 )1 (:~EI\l ~()()\l _.-:~.'- -I .. ____ XLi!':. :f+~r=l~ A~= '''EM I<U>A "\... .....=---._. .1"/' Lower Unit Bedrooms 1 Bathrooms 1 Total Finished Floor Area 900SF Upper Unit Bedrooms 1 Bathrooms 1 Total Finished Floor Area 900SF eo-F Townho use - Three Storey Stacked Flat, E pandable Type IV-D ~~.....::.......--==c-....::::=-------"---~~=_.__._.,_.". '--.--.------;--....--.-----,-----=J @ rfk.. . . . BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 7. Consideration to hear a resentation for facili and authorization to enter into th A. Reference and back2round: Mr. Steve Budd, President, Integrated Recya ing Technologies, Inc., is requesting TIF assistance for land write-down. The Prospec1 Team of Fred Patch, Mayor Belsaas, Kevin Doty, Ron Hoglund, and myself visited the e isting plant in Rogers. Contractor Tom Feaski, Tricon, Inc. was also present. The c mpany recycles platinum group metals from spent auto catalyst. The owner recently pur hased a home in Monticello. The company proposes to purchase 2 acres 0 1-1 property along Fallon Avenue to the immediate north of Pipeline Supply. The 10, 00 sq ft steel structure consists of production and office space. The company pans to create 5 new jobs for the City of Monticello within two years. See attached age and job goals. Based on the preliminary TIF estimates, the ount of estimated TIF assistance recommended is $40,000 NPV over 9 years ( eimbursement) and the City makes the up- front local match of $9,000 (estimated utility onnections). Remember, the TIF Cashflow ran by Ehlers are done after execution of the reliminary Development Agreement and $5,000 deposit. Please review the proposed project against th TIF Criteria for compliance. Steve Budd and Tom F easki will be present to answer que tions. If the HRA approves the preliminary concept for the proposed project, the Council ill review the concept at their March 12 meeting. Please consider the following altern tives. B. Alternative Action: I . A motion authorize entering into the P eliminary Development Agreement subject to council preliminary approval and au horizing preparation ofTIF District No. 1- 28. 2. A motion to deny authorization to ent into the Preliminary Development Agreement for the following reasons. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The proposed project meets the job creation a d wage levels, job creation is appropriate with the building size, young business owner r sident of Monticello, creates spin-off . BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 business. Does the proposed project creat the highest possible ratio of property taxes paid before and after development? The es imated $290,000 market value of the building is based on my conversation with the City/ ounty Assessor whose current value is $29 per sq ft for a steel building. This compares to 32 per sq ft for pre cast. This is for building only. The company plans to add another 1 ,000 sq ft in about five years. Note the total estimated project costs is $565,000. D. Supportine: Data: TIF Criteria, TIF Application, wage and jo goals, "but for" test from lender, contractor proposal, preliminary building design, preli . nary TIF estimates, and Estimated Uses and Sources. . . 2 . . . HRA Business Subsidy Criteria, (2) The proposed subsidy must result in improvements to public infrastructure or public facilities, including without limit tion. sewers, storm sew'ers, streets, parks, recreational facilities. and other City fa ilities: 01" (3) The proposed subsidy must re 1(we physical impediments to development of land. including without limitation poor oils. bedrock conditions. steep slopes, or similar geotechnical problems. 4:07 For any business subsidy that does notleet the requirements of Section 4:06, the recipient must create or retain jobs as d termiried by the l-Iousing and Redevelopment Authority. and must meet the minimum ,-,'age thresholds described in Section 5:03 C or 0 (whether or not the source of the subsid is tax increment financing). 5. TAX INCREMENT PROJECT EV All AlION CRITERIA 5:01 The Housing and Redevelopment Auth, rity \viIl utilize Tax Increment Financing to suppol1 the community's long-term eco 10mic. redevelopment. and housing goals. 5:02 Eaeh Tax Increment Financing subsidy ill be analyzed and evaluated by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Each pI' jeet shall be measured against the general criteria in Sections 1 through 6 and the pecific criteria in this Section 5 applicable to tax increment tinancing business subsidies. 5:03 FollO\ving are th evaluation criteria tl n \-vill be used by the I-Iousing and Redevelopment Authority. A. All business subsidy requests shall meet the "but fi)r" test. The "but for" test means that the project would no develop solely on private investment in the reasonable future. The develop I' shall provide findings for the "but for" test. B. Business subsidy requests shoul:l create the highest feasible number of jobs on site from date of occupancy wh re deemed appropriate. C. F or manufacturing and warehou ing business suhsidy requests. at least 90% of the jobs created must pay a \vage at the higher of $9.00 per haul'. or at least 160% of the federal minimum wage requ rement for individuals over the age of 20. Annual v"Tittcn reports are requi 'ed until termination date. Failure to meet the job and \vage level goals require pa tial or full repayment of the assistance with Interest. For other business subsidy requ sts. jobs created must meet as a minimum the federal minimum wage requiren ent. Annual written reports arc required until termination date. Failure to me t the job and wage level goals require partial or D. 3 ,-,4 . . . full repayment of the assistance with interest. HRA Business Subsidy Criteria ~ E. All business subsidy requests should create the highest possible ratio of property taxes paid before and after redevelop lent. F. Business subsidy requests should fac'litate redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted" areas wi ere deemed appropriate. G. Business subsidy requests should fac litate the "clean-up" of environmentally unsound property where deemed app opriate. H. Business subsidy requests should inc ease moderate priced housing options for area residents where deemed appro pI' ate. r. All business suhsidy requests should e deemed to promote additional desired "spin-ofT' development. 1. All business subsidy requests should :lemonstrate "community involvement" including demonstrated degrees ofth various factors: a) Local residency of the compa! y's owners and employees. or b) Local residency of the contractors involved in the project. or c) Membership in local business organizations. or d) Other similar factors. 6. PROCEDURES * Meet with appropriate Staff to discus, the scope of the project. public participation heing required, and othe inflmnation as may be necessary. * The request shall be reviewed by Staf on a preliminary basis as to the feasibility of the project. * The project concept shall be placed 01 the Housing and Redevelopment Authority agenda Cor concept review. The appl i ant \vi II make a presentation of the project. Statl will present its findings. * I f the Housing and Redevelopment AL thority' s concept review is positive. Staff \vill provide tht: City Council with an nformational concept review. * The applicant \vill execute and submit the Preliminary Development Agreement accompanied by a non-refundable fee f $5.000. * Building and site plans submitted to tl e Chief Building Official. 4 . HOUSING AND REDEVE OPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND fOR THE CITY Of ONTICELLO, MINNESOTA APPLICANT: Steve Budd i es I nc . PRELIMINARY AP LlCATlON FOR TAX INCREM NT FINANCE FIRM OR TRADE NAME: I nte BUSINESS ADDRESS: 20005 Hw 81 CITY/STATE: Ro ers MN TELEPHONE: (Bus.) 763-428-1954 FAX: 763-295-1956 (Home) 763-295-3830 E- AIL: INTREC@EARTHLINK.net TYPE OF BUSINESS: Sole Proprietorshi S Corporation _ Partnership Start Up ---1S..... Expansion/Relocation Expansion TYPE OF PROJECT: Manufacturing Office Housing Warehousing ~ Other Industrial Retail Commercial BRIEFLY DESCRIBE NATURE OF BUSINESS R PRODUCT LINE/SERVICE: . IRT recycles platinum group metal from spent auto catalyst. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: 10.000 TOTAL SQ. FT. OF BUILDING. BREAK DOWN BY SQ FT OF AREA sue AS MANUFACTURING, OFFICE, AND WAREHOUSING AREA. OR SQ FT PER OUSING UNIT: ESTIMA TED SQ FT COST OF CONSTRU nON $433; 000.00 EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIAL ste 1 brick OUTSIDE STORAGE REQUIRED AMOUNT NUMBER OF ACRES 2 ESTIMA TED LAND COST 80.000.00 PARTICIPATING LENDER State Bank of Ro ers.. i ~ ~ _ PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR Tricon In. JOB AND WAGE LEVEL CREATION: COMPL TE ATTACHMENT . AMOUNT OF TIF REQUESTED: 80 000.00 '114:1~ - ..., '2 k -? ~ ';2 "'J.. 10 . . . GOALS OF BUSINESS ECEIVING ASSISTANCE Please indicate number of employees at each I vel and indicate the corresponding benefit level. Number of jobs created is over the first two ye rs. Job Creation Full-time ,. J / / Part-time Hourlv Wage Hourlv Value Level of Voluntary Benefits (S) (ExcL Benefits) Less than $7.00 $7.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 $ IO. 00 to $11. 99 $12.00 to $13.99 . ]!'} $14.00 to $15.99 /,3S- $16.00 to $17.99 / '/~/ $18.00 and higher From: 02/27/2001 11:07 #390 P.OOl . s-r ~E BANK OF ROGERS Monticello City Hall Economic Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 February 27, 2001 To Whom It May Conoern: Our customer, Integrated Recycling Technologi s, is applying for TIF funds to facilitate their move from the Rogers area to Monticello. . In response to the TIF :Process fonn you provid our customer, our bank is responding to the "but for" means test. At this time, Integra ed's request for financing fi'Qrn om bank doe5 not meet our loan underwriting guidelines. It is our understanding that with the TIP nmds, we should be able to $truct~U'e a loa..ry, to th m to facilitate their move to Monticello, Final bank loan approval would be subject to re iew of the final, specific TIF terms. If you have any further questions, please fool to ontaet me at 763-428-2222, ~elY'1 # J (f~~ Tim Melrose Vice President . 12911'5 MAIN STREET · P.O. Box 127 · ROGERS, N 05374.0127 · www.6tatebankofrogers.com 763.428.2222 Member FDIC FAX 7e3.4~8.ee,O ~ , """ . .... .~"._"._..._.M,..._,.. . .........1' ..._.._ . fl--G . Trieo , Inc. Constru.ctiDn DeOelopment F~brwuy 19,2001 Mr. Steven Budd Integrated Recycling Technologies P.O. Box 455 Rogers, Minnesota 55374 Dear Mr. Budd: We are pleased to provide a qUote for .~ lIutle pre-<mgineeredsteel bui/Ping sy~ for ~ proposed new facilitY in Monticello, Minnesota,' is consists of a 1O,00Q square foot building,' . with an eave height of20'0". This provides a mini urn under~structuralcleamnce of 17'9", ' . .' ; L B~DING . 1\. STRUCTURAL.~ The proposed building is a structural steel building. system engineered and fabricated by Butler Manufacturin . The roof is a double slope roof arid has.a' . 1/4": 12" roof slope. The roof structurals are-design d for a 30pOund. per square foot sno'wload and a 3 pound per square foot collateral load.. r e interior sidewallcol~. are straight, riot. tapered, to allow for easy pallet racking installation. B. ROOF - The roof system will be the utler MR-24@ standing seam roof system, . which is constfU,cted of 24 gauge ALZN panels. Th roof has a UL' Class 90 windu~lift rating; thereby allowing for possible insurance reductions. he roof is designed to expand and' contract. " Roofclips hold the panels to the supporting structu s with no fasteners to penetrate the panel. Gable and~ave trims are provided for full roof pan l/waU panel closure. Gutter and downsPouts are provided on the eaves.- , , c. WALLS - The walls will have natural col red roclc faced concrete block toalieight of 3' 4"and 10', with Shaaowal)@ panels above,. as per he preliminary architectufal drawings.' The block walls are insulated, above and below grade, wi h a core.filled foam which provides a R-19 insulation value.. These new ShadowaUpanels are finished with a Butler-Cote 500FP paint, . which has a 70% KyOaf fInish. There are two colors fpanel beilIg utilized 0'; this building, shell gray. and hunter green. 'The gutters, downspouts, and ave trims are hunter green.. , ., ., \ '."" , , . . D~. INSULt\TJON ~.11ie roof will he'insula -with'lO" ofsctimfoill~inatejDsulation having aflcune spread of 25 or less. TItiS',willp ovide ~n insulation.value of-R-3L The S~3I1Qw.U panels ,will have 6" of s(;rim foiIlaminate . nsul~tion,providing an insulationvalueof ,.R~1.9,Withthe sam~ characteristics as theroofinsulatio . ,. ::::2185-::<-"" I ". " ',.' , . .,0'1 .... ."," ., 1 - Laundry tub with faucets '1 .;. 6'gidlon ~lectric water heater , 2 .,. FloQr drains in bath I ..Electric watercooler. . Sanitary se\Ver stUb intofuitIrespace,. ';'". , . .,. .; I, .<,.,:.1','. . vn~ , Sl-..RfNKLER~. ..... ...... ...... ."" '..... "'\,' " Sprinklers are excluded' Tr~lIlthis"ProPo~".':.';We'~li'prrividea water line' ,sized to . . accommodate a sprink:lersyste~..ir~equiredfoi'iliei! ture IDcp8nsion,::"" " ~ . " ',' '.',. , ,,". .. ,.,' '.: ,," ":.::,. ',." . . VJIl." F~SHES .: . Sh9PJ\r:~ : '.Floors ." Exposed concrete '.' , ,', CeilLng~ EXPosed'insulation, . WaH~ - ,Exposed. insulation . ' Batht.' " 'F1Qors'- Ceramic tile' " CeiHng..Acoustical Ceiling tile. 2'x4'. scored 0 appear 2'x2' i, , ., " Wans - Sheetrocked. sanded) primed 4nd pmp ed; ceramic tile to a height'of4' , . .' ;. ", ~unc~r9oq) , . . , ,... , ", .. ',' ' , ,~ ' . FIOqrs:' Vi~yJ floor tile with vinyl base . , ", , ' , '., . ' " Ceil~tig ~ Acoustical Ceil~g tile. 2'x4', scored 0 apPear 2'x2'. ' '" .' , '. .:. 'W~ls,:' Sheetrocked. san.(:fed.prinied aIKi~in d, :. .:';9ffj~esan4,R~ellti9n Area'::;, i . .... . .., flOQ~CarPetwith carpet base ' -.".', .,'", . .Ce;il~ng ~Acousti~al Ce'ilim: tilef2'X4'.' scOred:tapPe~~'X2",. . ~ans - Sheetrocked. saride~ prim~d and paint d , ' " " MiS(i~llJpequ!f' ., ,\ \. '., , ','". , '.Pl:YWQ9d meZUUUne above offices designed f()r;75 PoWldJSquar~'.foOt 'Ioad,' " , . :' 'Mi.~rtor,dOQrs ~o he $olid core oak'dOQrs.s 'n~aI)d:sealed"\ 'f' ..' .' .' '", ""~ ',' i~"t<)J~~~9'cAbinets, and co~tertops in)ul1ch'roo '.. " ',' "," ': , '><'+;':.~<;(' J: ..: , "', " ',;' ", , , " ,. IX. '.. J)1ji~,)' AND COMPI.ETION ,,' , " . . '. , ' .,',' ", . . , , DeliveIy IIf steel will be 10 - 11 weeks after receipt orcanttactproject compl!'iioniis. ~~}niOllt\l$ after delivery of steel, contingent pon' _nab Ie , ayailiibilily of IaboraridL. niaterials~ ..':" . .\' ,.' '. .' ., x. I1tJMS, .....,. . ..'," ", ,,' " Five ~r cent (5%) of the c;'~ amount u nreceipt of tile co~ti<lCl'S~ltobepaid " five clays lJfterdelivery. Balance of ~ontractmadea'monthly interV~ls a,s progress: payments; . final payment within five days after completion ofproj ct. .- . . '.. ' , ' :, ,.' 1.... , ". ': " " ' BASE BID COST for this project inCluding deli; ery;treigbt) 'applicable taxes) erection;, steel, co.ncrete lUld masonry, art;hltectun~l an~ structural' wing$,:si~plan~and'everything specified in " this proposal: FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY , ETlIOUSANDEIGHTHUNDREDS~TY, EIGHT DOLLARS(S4331868.00), ' .,' :, " ' . ALTERNATES " " Alternate # 1 Replace 1200 Amp sen1cewith 160Q Amp Service ' ALLQWANCES . An allowlUlce is a nwnber included in the' base bid, contrtict willQe adjusted once the actual costs are , ' , \. '. ~ ~ ;'., " , , 'AddS2,500.pO . "'/ The Allowance #1.,. Landscaping , Allowance #2 - Utility Connections $ 5,000.00 $10,000.00 XL EXCLUSIONS , Utility hook-up charges, building pennit, I d purchase cost~ unforseen local governing body requirements and anything not specifically men .oned in this proposal. " " , , , '. I . We are certainly looking forward to working with y u onthisprojectAny furth~r que~iionscaIl be dirCfptlftfto me or to Travis Rippie at (763) 295.,.11 1.' , \ RespeCtfully, Tl:1o~a$ N. Feaski:t"" President , .1' . " . ,\.",\ , . ;) ~~ ~ , / I~ ;UI '~ f ," ,k E t.~ I " ~" f i , ~"f',," ~; ~' ~~ ~~ 8 ( , fJ' ij, \ \ ] r---~ ~ L ~~ 8 ~ ) ~ ~ .1) -.......--...--......------- -~_..__._- /~<., _.......... .................... ',,- "- ", '... ". '-....,...', "-" '~'. r - --) -~.-............._~----- ............_~ -~--.Y""-f--~---~_, .....~_~_ -.---- ---"'''--~ ,OOI----~--- '8 t ", ' \ \, '\ , \, \ "\ , , I ' ,,\' \.'-- \ \ \ ' "' \' .. ", . " \', \ , ~\. [ ,\. \ '.' ''- , " , ... '-3-' \' ., \. ': q., \ \ ... \. \ .r:.,. . " \ I \ \, \ '-. \ \ "Ii. \k " './' ,". \ ,?\~r}' \,. ... ", ' .' '. \ l \ ~ . ' 'j , \. " \ \ . -flk ,,,) ,"', \ " , ,\ ' , , \ . )\~ )\;.-- I , \ ", \. \ <.) \ ~ ...-.,'\'\' \\"\ \ .~' , \~ : , '\ \ \ \, \, \ \ \). ". \ \~ , \ \ '\ \ iX.'\ \ \ '. ' \\' I' '\, \ \, \ . "I ",' \ \ \, \~\ \ \. \ \ \ I '. \ ' \ \ \ a \' , \ \ \ \ '. I \,. ., \. \ \~\ \ \ \ '. \ \ I \ . \ \', \ \, ~ 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ,\' ,\\ \j:~,.\ \\ . \1 .1 \: I I I I I I lii : -..J ~ I I) <!J .d'.1. I ~~ ~ I I I I I I I 'WI II . I I I i I I I I I [!j- ;-- ~ :1 - . . -- ~ I I; (' I 'I '. ----~.. - l. . .)., ~ T .,of'.." f I . , ~ - i I . I I , \"1 , , , I ! . ( I i t . . .' ,- i .- '.- ~; ~ ~,,~,:. . "$"- o!.6>-1 L. ..,,\..P.e . , ~I I I .1 :1 '. " :j ,I d _? I 12,,';;' I;' ",1..1. PX\L I ~-,----i J 1 ,-----, I I -,IIr....l"'.O\-l.~1 I I 1 I -~-----I ,.'o<S' '-""',....___ III ----- "-~-----~--~-~-----U-"------~------! / I ' -~-l' I I .... I -2 ) -,.. '-,7''''~ .~,_. , ~,... ~~ ............ , ' f i, ",i. I i I i \ ; , .\".,' j ,.--:- J ' ' ' I J , i- t v I j v ~ d {) I \ $ '~ 1 \ , , , ~ I ,. rP ~' I u ~ : i \ \ r- ,.......;-, i I ,Q ,/; -,1- !,I , -2 ? ~.;'j ,_, 1- HJ' ,~_J.J ~-_. II \ / \ I I I ! I I i ( , I I ,"-, j ~- ~ i .;J J I ~ I ~ I , , \ ~ \ ! ., I I . PRELIMINARY T ESTIMATES INTEGRATED RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. February 2 ,2001 ASSUMPTIONS: 10,000 sq ft steel manufactu ng facility with small office space 2 acres of industrial land zon d I-I. Five new jobs (does not indu e owner) See attached Land costs $1 per sq ft or tot estimate $87,120 10,000 sq ft @ $29 per sq ft assessed value per cou ty assessor. EMV of building $290,000 TC = $8,360 2001 Tax Rate = 128% Estimated annual tax increment = $10,700 Estimated tax increment over 9 years = $96,300 . Less 10% admin over 9 years = $9,630 Estimated tax increment over 9 years less admin = $8,670 ~ ..., Suggested TIF assistance of $40,000 NPV for land write-down and City $9,000 Local Match for utility improvements. I-P . . . IRTI PROPOSED USE AND SOURCES March 1, 001 ESTIMATED USES OF FUNDS Construction Costs Estimated Utility Connections Estimated Trunk Fees Land Costs Contingency TOTAL $424,868 $ 9,000 $ 17,800 $ 87,120 $ 26.212 $565,000 ESTIMATED SOURCES OF FUNDS TIF reimbur ement finance method $40,000 NPV Lender City GMEF (City Loan) Equity 20% TOTAL $393,000 $ 9,000 $ 50,000 $113.000 $565,000 ESTIMATED SOURCES OF FUNDS TIF upfront nance method Lender TIF (Equity) City GMEF (City Loan) Equity TOTAL $393,000 $ 40,000 $ 9,000 $ 50,000 $ 73.000 $565,000 lG . . . BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 8. A. Reference and backS!round: Gene Chase, consultant for Red Wing Foo s, Inc., will be present at the HRA requesting TIF assistance for land write-down. Due t an illness in his family, I have not received the TIF application in time for submission. Mr Chase requested being on the March meeting agenda. The Prospect Team of Tom Lindquist, Ron Hoglund, and myself did visit the company's facility in lower northeast Minneapolis. Ad itionally, Tom Feaski and Janice DeMars were present. City staff and Charlie Pfeffer did have an initial meeting with Chase and Feaski. Red Wing Foods distributes and p ckages gourmet foods and coffees to Byerly's, Lund's, etc. I believe a pending contract th Target Super Stores exists. The company would relocate it's coffee roasting and gift ox packaging departments to a Monticello facility. This would require either a 10,000 or 20,000 sq ft building. Additionally, Tom Feaski would like to co struct an adjoining 30,000 sq ft to the facility for leasing of three 10,000 sq ft bays. Ho ever, as you know, lender's request <<letter of intents to lease" prior to bank commitment. With the potential ofa 50,000 sq ft building, the amount of acreage discussed with Pfeffi r is six acres. The six acres is located to the immediate west of Twin City Die Castings. This area is zoned I-IA requiring the four exterior walls consist of at least 50% of a aterial other than metal. At this time I'm not sure ifthere will be on or two owners, number of jobs and wages, or size offacility. More at the meeting. 1 . . . 9. Continued - Consideration of u North Anchor. HRA Agenda - 3/7/01 ction relative to TIF District No. 1-22 A. Carlson Purchase Agreement and Leas Agreement status. B. O'Connor and Bostic status. C. Financing for Front Street acquisition nd demolition. D. Accept letter of termination for the H House Lease Agreement. E. Request for Proposal for North Ancho . Draft Copy Need for Survey Utilize redevelopment specialist at F. Hans Hagen Update. G. Front Street Improvement Update. 1 . . . 9A. Carlson Purchase A reement and Lease reement status. BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 9C. Upon returning from vacation on February 6, HRA Attorney Greensweig informed me that he had just spoke with the Carlson Atto ey Peterson who responded his client agrees to the changes of the February HRA meetin . Attorney Greensweig felt the HRA could proceed with the acquisition of the O'Conn r and Bostic properties. Contacting the lIRA Chair and based on the HRA's strategy relat ve to the counter-offers for the O'Connor and Bostic properties, the lIRA Chair sugge ted to wait with moving forward on the counter-offers to O'Connor and Bostic until the Purchase and Lease Agreements are executed by the Car]sons. It is planned that Attorney Greensweig will e-mail the agreements to me today, February 26. The A officers executed the Purchase Agreement with attached exhibits which was mailed on February 28 to Attorney Peterson. As you recall, the Purchase Agreement state a closing date of on or before Apri] 1,2001. Attorney Greensweig has requested the upd ed abstract be submitted to him in anticipation of the closing. In a cover letter 0 Attorney Peterson, I tactfully highlighted the proposed closing date to expedite gettin the executed document returned. 9B. O'Connor and Bostic status. O'Connor cal]ed my office on February 26, a king again where things were at. I've requested Ken He]vey give him a courtesy ca I. Ken did talk to Bostic yesterday. He suggested because of the delayed process an change in market that an update on the comparable housing be completed. I gave hi the go-ahead on February 26. The seller by rights has 90 days to find comparable hou ing. He]vey indicated we can meet the June 30,2001 date by giving notice between Marc 15 and 30. Helvey will be contacted immediately to proceed with counter-offers u on receiving the executed Carlson document. Financin for Front Street ac uisition and demolition. A couple of months ago, Mark Ruff suggeste the HRA finance the acquisition and demolition of the Front Street properties thro gh a loan from the City. This appears acceptable to Rick Wolfsteller and perhaps aft r redevelopment of Block 52 commercia] area, a bond may be issued. In conversation ith Mark and with the anticipation of the closing on the Carlson property prior to the A ri] lIRA meeting, he suggested a resolution relative to financing the acquisition be drafted. y Kennedy & Graven for adoption by the lIRA. In conversation with Attorney Bubul, h suggested a Loan Agreement between the City and HRA for $275,000 at ~ % for a erm of _ years be approved. After Ju]y 31, 2002, the HRA will hold a public hea ng and sell the property to the City for $35,000. Because the parcel lies within the I O-year flood plain, the parcel can not be built upon. The Loan Agreement will be on th City Council agenda March 12. In anticipation of the Carlson closing, please cons"der the following alternatives. I -, . Alternative Action: BRA Agenda ~ 3/7/01 1. A motion to adopt a resolution appr ving purchase of certain property and a Loan Agreement between the City and 2. A motion to deny adoption of a reso ution approving purchase of certain property and Loan Agreement between the Ci y and HRA. 3. A motion to table any action. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative no. 1. Intere t rate and term length to be determined. Supportine Data: Copy of resolution and Loan Agreement. . . 2 . . . HOUSING AND REDEVE OPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CIT OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCH SE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AND A LOAN AGREEMENT BE EN THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MO TICELLO WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopm nt Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority") is administering its Redevelopment P'oject No.1 ("Project"); and WHEREAS, within the Project the Aut ority has created Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-22 (the "TIF District") in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the downtown area ;and WHEREAS, to carry out the Project, and specifically to eliminate blighting f~-l.ctors created by an existing structure, Authority has determined to acquire the property described as Lots 1, 2, ;:3, 4, and :5, Block 64 Townsite of Monticello, Wrig t County, (the "Pl'Operty"); and WHEREAS, to finance the cost of acqu sition of the Property, the Authority has determined to enter into a loan agreement with he City (the "Loan Agreement") in the form substantially on file in City Hall; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Ionticello as follows: 1. The A.uthority appl'Oves acquisitio of the Property for a purchase price of $27:5,000 pursuant to a purchase agreement on fi e in City Hall, and also approves the Loan Agreement. 2. The proper Authority officials are au horized and directed to execute the purchase agreement and the Loan Agreement on behalf of th Authority and to cal'l'y out on behalf of the Authority the Authority's obligations thereunder. 3. The propel' Authority officials are a Ithorized to execute any deeds any related certificates or documents necessary to carry out th real estate transaction contemplated under the purchase agreement and the loan described in th Loan Agreement. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of t e Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello this 7th day of March, 2 01. ATTEST: ._----------._---,~ Executive Director SJB-19.jIO.jvl MN 190-90 Chair . . . LOAN AG THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as f the __ day of , 2001 by and between the City of Monticello ("City") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority"). WHEREAS, the Authority has underta en a program to eliminate and prevent the emergence or spread of blight and blighting condi ions in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), and in this connection created Redevelop ent Project No. I (the "Project") in an area (the "Project Area") located in the City and Tax In rement Financing District No. 1-22 (the "TIF District") within the Project Area. all pursuant to innesota Statutes. Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Act") and Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.1 4 to 469.179; and WHEREAS. to further the objectiv s of the Project and the TIF District including removal of blight the Authority has proposed to a quire property in the City described as Lots I. 2, 3, 4. and 5, Block 64 Townsite of Monticello. right County (the "Property") for a purchase price of $275.000; and WHEREAS. the City is a state public bod' that is authorized under Minnesota Statute, Section 469.041, clauses (I) and (8) to make loans f( I' the Project; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that i is in the best interest of the City to loan the Authority cel1ain funds in aid of the Project under th temlS and conditions of this Agreen1ent. NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of tie premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto. each orthem does hereby covenant an agree \vith the other as f()IIO\vs: I. The Loan Amount. Subject to and up n the terms and conditions of this Agreement City agrees to loan to the Authority the sum of T '0 Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand and nollOOths Dollars ($275.000), or so much thereof a is disbursed to the Authority in accordance with this Agreement (the "Loan') The Loan shall be evidenced by a Tax Increment Revenue ("Note") payable by Authority to City substantially i the form attached to this Agreement, which shall be delivered to the City and dated as of the Loan Closing Date as defined in Section 3. 2. Repavment of Loan. The Loan shall b repaid with interest as tallows: (a) Interest at the simple rate of % per annum shall accrue from the Loan Closing Date (as hereinafter defined) unt'1 the Loan is repaid in full. (b) Principal and interest on the Lo n amount will be payable solely from and to the extent of the "A vailable Tax Increment.' which means 90% of the tax increment generated by the TIF District and received b the Authority from Wright County. after payment or provision for payment of all prior obligations secured by such tax increment. The Authority hereby ilTevocably assigns and p edges to payments on the Note all Available Tax Increment. The pledge of Available Tax Increment hereunder is subordinate to any outstanding contracts, notes or other obligatio I s secured by tax increment generated from I SJ 13-1 <).j()99v I MNI90-9() . . . the TIF District. The Authority may issue additional obligations secured by Available Tax Increment on a parity, superior or subordin. te basis to the Note. 3. Disbursement of Loan Proceeds. The City will disburse the Loan amount to the Authority upon closing on the Authority's acquisition of the Property (the "Loan Closing Date"). IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this Agreeme t has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the da. and year first written above. SJB-1670XI MNI(1)-XO CIT't OF MONTICELLO By Its M )lor By Its Citv Administrator HOU~ ING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTl- ORITY IN AND FOR TILE CITY OF MON- ICELLO By Its By Its Exe utive Director 2 . . . UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STA TE OF M NESOT A COUNTY 0 WRIGHT HOUSING AND RED EVE OPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CIT OF MONTICELLO No. R-I $275.000 TAX INCREMENT EVENUE NOTE SERIES 1999 Rate % Principal Amount: $275.000 Registered Chvner: City ofMomicelh Minnesota Date of Original Issue .2001 The Housing and Redevelopment Authorit, in and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota (the "Authority"). for value received. certifics that i is indebted and hcreby promises to pay to the registered owner specified above. or registered assi ns (the "O""ner"). but solely from the sources. to the extent and in the manner hereinafter identifie . the principal amount speci lied above together with interest on the outstanding principal sum from imc to time at the interest rate specified above. payable on each February I and August 1 ("Payme t Dates"), commencing _~_ 1. 20_ and continuinl..( throu~h 1. 20 in the amou ts set forth in Attachment A hereto. ~ '- - Payments arc payable by mail to the addre s of the Ovvner or such other address as the Ovvner may designate upon 30 days' written notice t the City. Payments on this Note are payable in any coin or currency of the United Sates of America which, on the Payment Date. is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. Interest at the rate stated herein shall accrue on the unpaid principal. commencing on the date of original issue. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest and then to unpaid principal. date. This Note is subject to prepayment in whole I' in part at the option of the Authority on any This Note is issued to aid in financing cer ain public redevelopment costs of a Project undertaken by the Authority pursuant to Minnesota St tutes. Sections 469.00 I through 469.047. and is issued pursuant to a Loan Agreement between the Authority and the City dated __ 200 I ("'Loan Agreement""). and pursuant to and in ful conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of l'vlinnesota. including Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.174 to 469.179. This Note is a S.I B-Il)-H)l)'}v I r..IN I')().l)() . . . limited obligation of the Authority which is payabl solely from Available Tax Increment as defined in the Loan Agreement. This Note and the inte est hereon shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or an political subdivision thereof. including, without limitation, the Authority. Neither the State of Minlesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on t is Note or other costs incident hereto except out of moneys pledged thereto under the Resolution. a' d neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State oflVlinnesota or any political su division thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs i cident hereto. The Authority shall pay to the Owner on eo eh Payment Date the lesser of (i) the scheduled amount due on such Pavment Date as shown in At achment A. or (ii) the amount of Available Tax Increment available to the Authority as of that Pay llent Date. To the extent that. on any Payment Date. the Authority does not have on hand suf lcient Available Tax Increment to make the scheduled payment. the amount of deticiency shall e deferred and paid, without interest thereon, to the extent possible on the next Payment Date on 'hich the Authority has received Available Tax Increment in excess of the scheduled payment al ount on such Payment Date. If any amount payable under this Note remains unpaid atter the tinal scheduled payment shown on Attachment A the unpaid amount shall be forgiven and the Auth rity shall have no fut1her liability with respect thereto. This Note shall not be transtClTed to any pers n without written consent of the Authority. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts. conditions. and things required by the Constitution and Imvs of the State of Minne ota to be done. to exist. to happen, and to be performed in order to make this Note a valid an binding limited obligation of the Authority according to its terms. have been done. do exist. ha 'e happened. and have been performed in due f0l111. time and manner as so required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and tl1r the City of MOl ticello, Minnesota has caused this Note to be executed with the manual signatures of its Chair uld Executive Director. all as of the Date of Original Issue specified above. Executive Director SJB-I 1>70X I MNI9()-XO OUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT UTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF ONTICEllO, MINNESOTA 2 . . . ATTACH~ tENT A Payment S 'hedule Payment Date Interest Principal Total Payment - ,,". -'~- -. -. .~--- SJ 1l-19-to99\ I I\IN191)-90 ..--.-,,--- 0..____ . BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 9D. Consideration to acce t letter oftermina ion for House ease located at 3 Walnut Street. A. Reference and backS!round: Sometime ago Brandon Link, tenant, was co tacted relative to the HRA plans for redevelopment of the area. Periodic updates were related to the tenant. Brandon informed me on February 26, he would be s bmitting a letter of termination with an effective vacating date of March 31, 2001. As you recall, the monthly rent was $650 an the first month rent was forgiven in lieu of repairs and paint. In addition, the Lease Agr ement called for the tenant to deposit a $500 security deposit and the last months rent. T last month rent of $650 will be applied toward the March rent and upon vacating th property, the $500 security deposit will be returned to Brandon. . Brandon mentioned his roommate may wish 0 rent if the HRA is not planning to demolish right away. He was informed the roommate ould need to fill out an application for review and would be required to pay the first and last months rent and the $500 security deposit. I have not heard anything further. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to accept the letter oftermi ation from Brandon Link for the House Lease located at 3 Walnut Street. 2. A motion to deny acceptance ofthe Ie ter of termination from Brandon Link for the House Lease located at 3 Walnut treet. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative no. 1. D. Supportine Data: Letter of termination. . 1 . . . , l~f1)K,-..v;'~i 27 I 200 1 1 .10 II-t Crry Or- VViON-nCE.u.o / I f~V1.~ ~Jp.nJ~G TO iNF)('J.t..... 'I" He f\E\\J'~\L. PrZ(J{>8<,)~ All . GJi'J ':0 I OE'( TH I:' 01'1 5:J- ) ,7' ,I"" -, j,r ~,-.- A' ,. "') . W"7"':'~)t: /\J\JKCt:\I\(\.t:t,/I. w, I . PE.:t--J'1' p~ /()K T(j (l10'JIN(., ,Dc' Pkl.{ o'v(-; ~tvrr' R-J<<- OF 1f'v1Y [f'SIRE 10 V4~TE 3 V.)ALNLAT J. "-{ NOli Cf.) AS yif"'T: !) / i'v CM z I P;<i. i 0 FI R 01' A tv!) uJ sr W()NT!-.! '5 //v LA::)T ~f.f(j.).A('U--;) So T V.J iLL /\JCiT /IV7I) G 71. ,,1 ~..jiLL bE n'Y)'vED OlA-r I'VD '~AJE ,NO LAT8'( JH^t~ /YV)I-Jry.y J AP /L 2 . ,ALL OF WMiCi-l i Exft'c.J 1- 5Att V:./\) .....,'" 0 ...-, I,' ) ,..., IuD C""'- Ni. / ;, ,0:) 1 L -r-L - ...)\. V\J K2,.{~ REiLAf2...iv ED ! CJ:) /v\y $50Cj i - OCibSil) 6c vV7..t i L[-; [) TO: yV)o, T i ceLw (V1l'y ) t.-['-" ,., . 0.;; -'Y, ",' '--\.'.J~_ . -.' I i riA; NIE.Lf-M ~ cg~:~~ b/li"()"J'c [iN,\' . HRA Agenda - 3/7/01 9E. Request for Proposal for North Anchor. 1. Draft Copy - At the HRA meeting in February, the BRA enied the request for Steve Grittman, City Planner Consultant, to prepare design cone pt sketches (drawings) for the North Anchor (Block 52, Lots 7 through 15 with some fie "bility). Estimated costs was $2,000 to $3,000. The purpose to develop a vision, p t goals into words and pictures. Instead, the HRA requested city staff prepare a draft co y of a request for proposal for the North Anchor. 2. Survey . Grittman, O'Neill, and Koropchak met and egan to define the project for the RFP. What is the project area? What are the boun aries? What are the mixes of uses? Parking is determined by use? It was determined in rder to draft the RFP, the project and boundaries need to be defined. Once the bo ndary is defined, a survey is needed in order to supply to developers. Upon contacting th BRA Chair for authorization to proceed with Taylor Land Surveys to prepare a surve at an estimated costs of $1,500, the Chair preferred BRA action and further discussion. At the February meeting, the BRA also suggested meeting with property owners of lock 52 should begin. At this point a meeting between Steve Johnson, Lahr, and K ropchak is set for March 9, 10:30 a.m. Have talked to Kjellberg and Springborg, nee to call back. Two voice messages with Froslie. 3. Consultant. Do to the state of confusion relative to redev lopment of Block 52, Mark Ruff will talk a little about direction and the use of Jim Proffe , Ehlers & Associates, to guide us through the process. Remember, we need to re-run c shfIow numbers for TIP 1-22 based on the EMV as of January 2001. The City/County ssessor has promised me the EMVs for Sunny Fresh, Locust Street Plaza, and Funer Chapel in March. Farrell Gas closing date not set and no Preliminary Development Agre ments with Hans Hagen or Fluth. Decisions be make: 1. Define boundary and mix of uses desir d? Would you rather hold a workshop wit Council invited to define boundary and mix of uses? Would you like Jim Proffer to draft an P based on your input or hold a workshop with he as leader? Is there merit to a survey and authorize ordering the survey? . June 30, 2001 ~ Parcels with no redevelopm nt/improvement action or public 1 . BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 improvements will drop out but can be r -instated up until June 30, 2002. They are re-instated at the market value of 2001 a d not the market value of 1997. In most cases this means a lose of tax increment s most market values have increased. June 30,2002 - Tax increment from Dist ict No. 1~22 must be spend. Otherwise debt will be retired and district decertifi d. The tax increment from projects like funeral chapel, Marquette Bank, First M'nnesota Bank, Locust Plaza, Sunny Fresh, and proposed Farrell Gas would not be aximized and is unlikely you would be able to create another large redevelopment di trict because of legislative changes and the parcels have been improved. Worse cas scenario, 25% of the tax increment from a Redevelopment District can be spend ou ide the district. . . 2 . . . 9F. HRA Agenda - 3/7/01 Hans Ha~en Update. At this point, Hans Hagen has not contacted me as per his e-mail. I thought I'd wait until after the March meeting, since the HRA doe not have control of the sites. It is planned that Mark Ruff, O'Neill, and myselfwill me with him. 9G. Front Street Improvements Site review staff sat a workshop date ofMa ch 8, 5:00 p.m. with Council for establishing an assessment policy for street improvement and infrastructure replacement. This for the areas of East 7 Street, Cedar Street, and Fr nt Street. However, Council was not requested to call a special meeting. Instead, staff meeting March 8, noon to 2:00 p.m. 7 Street and Front Street Reconstruction Feasbility Study for Council March 26. Would be nice to have for meeting with Hans Hagen. 1 . . . BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 10. Consideration to discuss industrial land c uisition 0 tions and to develo an action Ian to address the short and Ion term n ed for industrial land includin acquisition of land. A. Reference and backe:round: At the HRA meeting in February, the commi sioners reviewed the HRA Economic Development Plans for 2001. One goal liste was to explore the idea to request the Planning Commission to address the Gold N gget parcel as industrial zoning. At that point, the commissioners requested this issue be on the March HRA agenda. Chair Lahr and Barger attended a Marketing ommittee on March 2 and will report on those discussions and future direction. It ap ears the HRA and IDC have a common goal to develop an action plan to address the sho and long term need for industrial land including the acquisition ofland. 1 . . . 11. Recommendation to authorize payment. 1 BRA Agenda ~ 3/7/01 BRA bills. Kennedy & Gra en, Chartered 200 South Si th Street Suite 70 Minneapolis. N 55402 . (612) 3379300 February 1 ,2001 Statement N . 36586 City of Monticello ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through January 31, 2001 MN 190-00041 Redevelopment - General MN190-00090 Acquisition of 225 Front St./Carlson Expenses . I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. . OKro PAY?_{)fr(U COde:_'J-13. l((,,'3o\. ?'c''/( Initial ~-::L- - 108.50 0.00 30.15 Total Current Billing: 138.65 Kennedy & Gra en, Chartered 200 South Si th Street Suite 70 Minneapolis, N 55402 . (612) 337 9300 41-1225 94 February 1 ,2001 Invoice # 6586 City of Monticello ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 M N 190-00041 Redevelopment - General Through January 31, 2001 For All Legal Services As Follows: 1/16/2001 SJB Telephone conference with 0 Koropchek regarding various TI F matters. 1/29/2001 SJB Telephone conference with 0 Koropchek. To al Services: . For All Disbursements As Follows: Photocopies Postage Corrine H. Thomson; mile ge expense To al Disbursements: 12/6/2000 . Tot I Services and Disbursements: $ Hours 0.50 0.20 $ Amount 77.50 31.00 108.50 $ 0.60 0.34 25.08 26.02 134.52 Page: 2 Kennedy & Grav n, Chartered 200 South Sith Street Suite 4 0 Minneapolis, N 55402 . City of Monticello January 31, 2001 MN190-00090 Acquisition of 225 Front St./Carlson For All Disbursements As Follows: Fax Postage Photocopies . . Tot I Disbursements: Tot I Services and Disbursements: $ $ 3.00 0.33 0.80 4.13 4.13 . . . MC100-01 GENERAL Montie 110 HRA 505 Walnut A enue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 February 10, 2001 Tl c; \ - '?- ~N(J' cJ2 Invoice # 18066 Professional Services ').\?"L{ ~S'-.):).,'?;\99 1/3/01 MTR Meeting with the HRA Total Due This Month: Status of Account: .~urrenL_ .__ _-.lO~9~___._._----EO Da~.__ $250.00 $656.25 $0.00 Hours Amount 2.00 250.00 PLEASE KEEP WHITE COpy FOR YOUR FILE A D REMIT PINK COpy WITH PA YMENT TO: . EHLE S & ASSOCIATE INC -"'-'."..._"~"'.- 200 $250.00 90 Days 120+ Davs Total -$0.00 -----$-O'OO----u~.9lffi:"25 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55 13-1105 651.697.8 00 . . . 12. BRA Agenda - 3/7/01 Executive Director's Report. Report given at meeting. Ran out of time. . . . I I ! I d PAY TO THE ~ ,\ ORDER OF ~~ ~~ ..~~._-~ ._~--.. ~~"-"-"~-"-~'~'-'-'~~-'-"-.""--- --_.,--~,~-- ~.- CUSTOM CANOPY, INC. 219 DUNDAS ROAD PH. 612-295-0060 MONTICELLO, MN 56362 City Of Monlicel1o Two 'I'b.ou.Md Four HIindn:d. Tweuty-Six -.l ~100"-""""'r""""-- City OfMonticeno P.O.Box 1147 Montic;eUo. MN ,55362 MEMO 1m TlF AGiUlEMENT .....- 11"0 21;8 ~?II" I:Oli ~liO 3Q 3 ~I: --........--.......:...~,~ ""~~"""~'~~~:'_"'''''''''''''''''"''"'_.,,,--,,,,,--,,:.,............~,.~ CUSTOM CANOPY, INC. City Of MonIicello 6320 . BuildWg Rent 1999 TlF AOREEMENr Cll8h in BlWk 1999 TlF AGREEMENT 1,."._.._ -\ --- -~~~~ ------- .--O~~68~~-1 76-36H19 ~1 1 I; J ~ . ....2,4~.S!l ......................................................... o 8q~~J -..,.,---. -. ,.............."'..~.._,"'....._.,.........,,_- DOLLARS j j J J 0026817 2,426.59 -'.' -------". -- ._~,--,-",- '-. '-,-',.-- -.-" '--,-' ._--,. --- .--. "-'. "-', .. -- '-""..,.- -- 2.426.59 / C / 11212001 "