HRA Agenda 01-28-1998 Special . . . AGE MONTICELLO HOUSING AND Special Meeting - Wednesday, City A DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY anuary 28,1998 - 7:00 p.m. all MEMBERS: Chair Brad Barger, Vice Chair Stev Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Bob Murray, and Dan Frie. COUNCIL LIAISON: Brian Stumpf. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and GUEST: Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & Grav . 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS THE P TENTIAL PURCHASE OF THE LAND ALONG WALNUT STREET CURRENT Y OWNED BY ARVE GRlMSMO. 3. OTHER BUSINESS. 4. ADJOURNMENT. . . . HRA AGENDA JANUARY 28, 1998 2. n ider tion to discuss the owned by Arve Grimsmo. A. Reference and Background: This special meeting ofthe HRA was calle by Commissioners Steve Andrews and Dan Frie to discuss the potential purchase ofth land along Walnut Street currently owned by Arve Grimsmo. The public notice posted nd submitted to The Monticello Times on January 23, 1998. The proposed acquisition of the said raw I d would be for the purpose ofredevelopment. The parcel lies within the boundaries of T Redevelopment District No. 1-22 and the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Rev' alization Plan. The parcel is currently owned by Arve and Jean Grimsmo. The parcel consists of 1.25 acres or 54,450 sq ft. The County Assess's EMVpayable 1998 is $32,000. The remaining balance of the two special asses ments are $718.36 and $1,031.80. The legal description is Lot I, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 1 , City of Monticello. It has been the practice of the HRA to first obtain an appraisal on a parcel prior to making an offer to acquire. If the HRA is intereste in acquiring this parcel, it is suggested to follow the past practice. The HRA Atto yalso suggests an Environmental Phase I Assessment be obtained for this property. fthe current owner, Mr. Grimsmo, has a recent completed Environmental Assessm t, the HRA may wish to consider requesting a copy for review prior to moving ahead wit authorizing preparation of a second assessment. At this time, it is unknown if ere is a willing seller; however, Mr. Grimsmo did indicate at the public infonnation meet" g for the National Guard/Community Center that he hoped a decision would be made so n on the proposed project. Questions to ask: With no approved proje t for the parcel, is there a risk to the HRA? Is the HRA purchasing the parcel on speculat on? Can the HRA afford to purchase the parcel? HRA SOURCES OF FUNDS: Cash Balance ofHRA General or TIF Fun s: Under preparation by Rick WolfstelIer to distributed at the HRA meeting. HRA USES OF FUNDS: Approved or committed 1998 expenditure not included in the WolfstelIer's report Schleif property: $83,000 CFD ($20,000 c sh, amortized over 30 years, balloon 4 years) Hawkins property: $55,700 Purchase Agre ment. I . . . HRA AGENDA JANUARY 28, 1998 H-Window - $10,000. Hoisington - $30,000. Industrial Reserve Fund - $75,000 Carlson: $130,000 Purchase Option (5-year option, $1,000 annual option fee) TIF revenue projections are being recalcula ed following the 1997 reduction in CII classification rates to determine the long-t effects on existing TIF Districts. Additionally are the concerns for future TIF revenues with the proposed additional reduction in CII classification rates by Legis tors: From 4% to 3.65% in 1998, to 3.5% in 1999, with a reduction goal of 3%. Mark ff, Ehlers and Associates, will have the projections ready for the meeting with sugg stions for financing. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion authorizing an appraisal tir the parcel described as Lot 1,2,3,4, and 5, Block 13, City of Monticello and to equest a copy of the Phase I Environmental Assessment from the current owner. 2. A motion to make an offer of obtaining an appraisal. for the said parcel without 3. A motion of no interest in acquiring e parcel described as Lot 1,2,3,4, and 5, Block 13, City of Monticello. 4. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: No recommendation is given. It is my und standing that the City has a recently completed Phase I Environmental Assessm t for this parcel. D. Supporting Data: None. To be distributed at the meeting. 2 , . .., I~ . ~fii t ~ · }r' ItWf1t ~ ~=.Kil~f"U.~ , ~. i S'\1~ A'.r ~ ~. r~ I "', . +to ~",:} ~ .~() ; r.o'- I ~..! . , ,~ . . 'r' ". : .~.. ",,; <.. / . . " '.' t" " ~<~. ~< ~::. ~ ?;..,~ - ---........-.-=--: . ~-:----..-----:~~---~,. -', ..:----~..... " '-........~~ ---~~':.:>, . lIRA S December 31, 1997 Cash Balance $528,892 Less: TIP Debt Service for Bonds $209,450 HACA Penalty for Chelsea Road $ 37,500 Adjustment (public notice) $ 401 Subtotal $247,351 $281,541 Less: TIP Pay-as-you-go (Jan '98) Nawco (H-Window) $ 10,000 Standard Iron $ 32,197 Russ & Sharon Martie $ 2,500 Custom Canopy $ 7,427 ~ssissippi Sl10res $ 2 479 Subtotal $ 54,603 Funds Available $226,938 Less: Commitments Scl11eif ($83,000CFD) $ 20,000 . Hawkins $ 55,700 Nawco $ 10,000 Hoisington $ 30,000 Subtotal $115,700 $111,238 Less: Industrial Reserve Fund $150,000 Carlson Option ($130,000) $ LOOO Subtotal $151,000 <$39,762> . ..... . . . REQUEST FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO HRA TO: EXECUTIVE DIRECI'OR, MONTICEllO H SING AND REDEVELOPMENT AU1HORITY FROM: STEVE ANDREWS, DAN FRIE DATE: 01122/98 Ollie: Please call for a special meeting of the Monticello BRA to discuss possible purchase of land for the proposed co nnity center by the HRA SteVe Andrews ~ Dan Frie G~/f U"]L~