HRA Minutes 01-28-1998
Special Meeting - Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 7:00 p.m.
City Hall
Chair Brad Barger, Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Bob
Murray, and Dan Frie.
ST AFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak.
Attorney Dan Greenswieg, Mayor Bill Fair, Arve Grimsmo, Bob and Barb Esse,
and Bob Harwarth.
1 . Call to Order
Chair Barger called the special meeting of the HRA to order at 7:00 p.m.
Consideration to discuss the potential purchase of the land along Walnut Street currently
owned by Arve Grimsmo.
The special HRA meeting was called by Commissioners Andrews and Frie to discuss the
potential purchase ofland along Walnut Street and the public notice posted three
working-days in advance.
Some commissioners inquired: Why the rush to purchase Lot 1,2,3,4, and 5, Block 13,
City of Monticello, without a project? And the need for a special meeting? Chair Barger
felt the HRA's focus of the Revitalization Plan was the redevelopment ofthe north and
south anchors and/or the development of commerciaVindustrial. Andrews, Frie, and
Murray expressed the need to move the project along in a timely fashion and the intent of
the meeting was to discuss the potential purchase.
Lahr inquired if the price of the Grimsmo parcel was in the community center budget?
O'Neill responded yes; however, the price is only an estimate. Some did not understand
why the HRA was involved as the City Council had not requested the HRA purchase the
parcel. Lahr preferred the HRA purchase the parcel as one project package, as part of the
Lease Revenue Bonds. O'Neill informed members there was no rush to purchase the
parcel as transaction within city hall are still on-going. Murray felt: Whether the city or
the HRA acquires the land for the lease revenue bonds, an appraisal is necessary now or in
the future.
JANUARY 28, 1998
Grimsmo informed HRA members that he and wife, Jean, purchased the parcel one or two
years ago for the purpose to construct a new mortuary for the growing community of
Monticello. Roger and Sonja Carlson have no ownership in the parcel. Grimsmo being 61
years old said he would like construct a new mortuary to meet the needs of the community
for the next 20 some years. For obtaining funding for the proposed mortuary along
Walnut Street, an environmental assessment was ordered taking four months to complete.
In the meantime, the option to purchase the existing city hall arose. He suggested the
community center/training center project move ahead with construction in phases. The
phased approach allows time for a portion ofthe project to go to the voters. As for his
time-line, Grimsmo's funding is in place and the zoning is legal to proceed to construct
along Walnut; however, he remains open to the option to purchase city hall. It is not a
time-line issue, he prefers to trade the Walnut Street parcel for the city hall.
Frie felt the HRA should purchase the land up-front for purpose of redevelopment. Darrin
Lahr made a motion of no interest in acquiring the parcel described as Lot I, 2, 3, 4, and
5, Block 13, City of Monticello at this time. The motion in order to allow the process to
evolve. Ifthe motion was to table any action, the agenda item would continue until action
was taken. Brad Barger seconded the motion stating there is a seller willing to trade the
properties. Frie again stated: The future value ofthe parcel is a critical piece to the
redevelopment of downtown. Stumpf sees the need for city hall expansion and felt
direction will be forthcoming with the Friday small-group meeting. City Council decision
to occur February 9 or 23. With no further discussion, a vote was called. The motion did
not pass. Yeas: Lahr and Barger. Nays: Andrews, Frie, and Murray.
Dan Frie made a motion that the HRA is interested in the described parcel for
redevelopment and interested in the results of the HRA/City/NG group meeting. The
motion included the small group proceed quickly to accommodate the seller. Steve
Andrews seconded the motion. With no further discussion, the motion passed. Yeas:
Frie, Andrews, and Murray. Nays: Barger and Lahr.
3. Other Business.
Koropchak informed HRA members that other business than posted in the public notice
may be discussed at a special meeting if all commissioners are present. Information and
the modified Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and BBF, Inc. had been
distributed to the commissioners. Koropchak asked if the commissioners would like to
discuss the modification now or at the February 4 meeting. No comments have been
received from Mr. Fluth. The HRA commissioners agreed to discuss the modifications at
the February 4 meeting.
JANUARY 28, 1998
With the establishment of a small group to study the design and financing of the
community and training center and the small group to consist of two council members,
two HRA members and one NG representative; Barger as Chair ofthe HRA volunteered
and Darrin Lahr also volunteered. MCP Chair Barb Esse felt for consistency it was
important that Andrews, the HRA representative to the community centerING task force,
be on the small group. HRA committee/task forcce representatives are generally selected
through a volunteer and motion process. Bob Murray made a motion to appoint Chair
Barger and Commission Andrews to the small task group. Dan Frie seconded the motion.
With no further discussion, the motion passed 4-1. Yeas: Murray, Frie, Andrews, and
Barger. Nays: Lahr. Small group meeting scheduled for approximately 2-hours on
Friday, January 30 at 2:30 p.m., city hall.
4. Adiournment.
Dan Frie made a motion to adjourn. Bob Murray seconded the motion and with no
further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.