Monday, October 22, 2018 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd
Absent: None
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts Pack 272 led
the Pledge of Allegiance.
B. Approval of Agenda
Councilmember Fair moved approval with the addition of 2Q — Nordic
Brewing Co. LLC. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
C. Regular Meeting Minutes from October 8. 2018
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of
October 8, 2018. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried
D. Citizen Comments
• None.
E. Public Service Announcements
Rachel Leonard, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator, provided
information on the following:
• Fall Leaf Pick -Up will be on Saturday, November 3. This is a free service
for residents, however, they are required to use a compostable bag.
• General Election — November 6, 2018. The polling place is located in the
gym of the Monticello Community Center. Absentee voting is taking place
right now. City Hall will be open Saturday, November 3 from 10 a.m. — 3
p.m. for direct balloting.
• Veterans Day Hours — City Hall and Public Works will be closed on
Monday, November 12. The MCC, DMC, and Liquor Store will have
normal business hours. The City Council meeting will be on Tuesday,
November 13.
• Construction Update — Matt Leonard provided an update on the
1. The bridge deck was poured for the Fallon Avenue Overpass project.
This week they will be pouring sidewalk and rail on the bridge. The
7th Street curb has been poured. The 7th Street and Washington
roundabout is substantially complete with one lift of asphalt on it.
The bridge is expected to be open for traffic on November 23.
City Council Minutes — October 22, 2018 Page 1 1 6
2. The final lift of pavement was put on Chelsea Road. Final striping is
planned for next week. Four way stop was installed at Chelsea and
Cedar Street.
3. The Chelsea Road and Washington Street lighting project is
F. Council Liaison Updates
EDA — Councilmember Davidson commented on the EDA meeting. They
voted in favor of supporting the Arts Program and Comprehensive Plan
Update in 2019. The also reviewed signage for Otter Creek and discussed
Block 52.
G. Department Updates
• Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, gave an update on the following:
1. The decorative street lighting is being replaced on Broadway.
2. Projects relating to the I-94 improvements are being completed ahead of
schedule. Corridors of Commerce project of six lanes to Albertville is
moving forward. In addition, there is a reconstruction of roadway planned
between Monticello and Clearwater in 2020. Originally MnDOT planned
to install a temporary third lane, however, they are installing a permanent
third lane.
3. There was discussion at the County level about moving responsibility of
Ditch 33 back to the County. This item was tabled.
4. Update on Integrated Resource Plan stakeholder meeting. City is confident
that the nuclear plant will operate until 2030 but will find out more in the
next few months.
5. Rachel Leonard read a letter addressed to City Council and staff from
Shawn Weinand commending city staff on their excellent service.
• Wright County Sheriff s Office Quarterly Update — Lieutenant Eric Kunkel
presented the quarterly updated which was included in the agenda packet.
• FiberNet/Arvig Quarterly Update — Mark Birkholz, Arvig, provided the
FiberNet quarterly update which was included in the packet.
2. Consent Agenda:
Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding items H, K,
and P and the addition of Q. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved
the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,676,372.18.
B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved
hires for MCC, Liquor Store, and DMV/LS and departures for Streets, MCC
and Liquor Store.
C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property.
Recommendation: No report this cycle.
City Council Minutes — October 22, 2018 Page 2 16
D. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling
permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce for
their Annual Banquet on December 7, 2018. Recommendation: Approved the
application for charitable gambling permit.
E. Consideration of approving an application for a charitable gambling permit for
fundraising activity to be conducted by the Veterans Support Brigade on
December 8, 2018 at the Monticello American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street.
Recommendation: Approved the charitable gambling permit.
F. Consideration of approving a Therapeutic Massage Enterprise license for
Massage Revolution located at 315 Walnut Street. Recommendation: Approved
the license for Massage Revolution.
G. Consideration of approving adjustments to the MCC part-time pay schedule to
meet minimum wage requirements. Recommendation: Approved the
adjustments to MCC part time pay schedule.
H. Consideration of waiving penalties on monthly utility bills for customer at 4602
Cobblestone Court. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE
I. Consideration of approving the annual Snowplowing and Ice Removal Policy for
the 2018-2019 snow season. Recommendation: Approved the 2018-2019
Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy.
J. Consideration of approving purchase of a new sidewalk/pathway snow removal
tractor through the state contract from ABM Equipment Supply for $150,046,
funded through the Central Equipment (Internal Service) Fund, and declaring the
1999 Trackless MT as surplus property. Recommendation: Approved the
purchase of the new sidewalk/pathway snow removal tractor and declared
the 1999 Trackless MT as surplus property.
K. Consideration of approving a request to contribute to the Downtown Parking
Fund through waiver of requirement to provide on-site parking for addition of an
outdoor patio seating area. Applicant: Rustech Brewing. Recommendation:
L. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 11 for an eight day contract time
extension for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006.
Recommendation: Approved Change Order No. 11.
M. Consideration of approving application for a 2018 FEMA AFG matching funds
grant to replace the fire departments radios, with the city match not to exceed
$10,000. Recommendation: Approved the matching funds for the FEMA
AFG Grant application with the amount not to exceed $10,000 and funds
would need to come from other areas of the budget or fundraising efforts.
N. Consideration of authorizing purchase of a Fire Department utility truck from
Buffalo Ford for $37,000 (+/-) and accessories from various vendors with total
truck and accessories costs not to exceed $50,000, as financed through the Central
City Council Minutes — October 22, 2018 Page 3 16
Equipment (Internal Service) Fund. Recommendation: Approved the purchase
of the utility truck.
O. Consideration of adopting a memorandum of understanding between the City of
Monticello and Wright County for the installation and maintenance of two
Dynamic Speed Limit signs along County State Aid Highway 74.
Recommendation: Approved the memorandum of understanding.
P. Consideration of approving a three year contract with Monitor Productions, Inc.
for the in-house Video Information Systems. Recommendation: ITEM WAS
Q. Consideration of approving an application for an on -sale taproom license and an
off -sale growler license for Nordic Brewing Co. LLC, 530 Cedar Street.
Recommendation: Approved the liquor license.
2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion:
H. Consideration of waiving penalties on monthly utility bills for customer at 4602
Cobblestone Court.
Councilmember Gabler removed the item to comment that the resident is in the
audience and requested to speak. Councilmember Gabler also noted that she will
be abstaining from voting on the item due to a personal relationship she has with
the resident.
Mayor Stumpf invited Amanda Nelson, 4602 Cobblestone Court, to address the
Council. Ms. Nelson questioned the current policy for ACH accounts in regard to
the process the city follows when the ACH is declined. Wayne Oberg responded
that when there is a declined ACH the city does call the resident with the
information. He also noted that the city collects dollars for NSF funds and staff
call to the resident to let them know they will be charging their account $35, but
when a credit card is declined the city doesn't collect anything. Councilmember
Gabler questioned whether the city could treat both of these payments types in the
same manner and call when it is declined. Councilmember Hilgart commented
that residents receive a bill every month and there would be information that the
account was not being paid. Wayne Oberg concurred. They are notified by mail of
their late payment. Mayor Stumpf commented that perhaps the city should be
contacting the resident by phone or some other measure to let them know their
card was declined. Wayne Oberg noted that staff is looking at sending out a
postcard that would notify the resident about information on their account.
Councilmember Fair commented that it is the resident's responsibility to pay their
Councilmember Fair moved to deny waiving the penalties on monthly bills
for customer at 4602 Cobblestone Court. Councilmember Davidson seconded
the motion. Motion carried 3-1 with one abstention. Mayor Stumpf voted no
because he would like staff to review the policy.
K. Consideration of approving a request to contribute to the Downtown Parking
Fund through a waiver of requirement to provide on-site parking for addition of
an outdoor patio seating area. Applicant: Rustech Brewing.
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Councilmember Gabler removed the item for clarification on if there have been
past waivers. Steve Grittman, NAC, responded that a waiver has been provided at
least once. There was conversation on the public parking spaces available, paying
into the fund, and support of business expansion.
Councilmember Gabler moved approval Resolution 2018-86 approving the
Rustech request for parking waiver/payment to Downtown Parking Fund in
the amount set by ordinance, based on findings that there is an adequate
supply of public parking in the immediate area. Councilmember Hilgart
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
P. Consideration of approving a three year contract with Monitor Productions, Inc.
for in-house Video Information Systems.
Councilmember Gabler removed to question the type of content that will be on
the system. Rachel Leonard responded that it will a combination of content
including city news, events, and notifications and advertising from local
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of a three year contract with
Monitor Productions, Inc. for in-house Video Information Systems.
Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Public Hearings:
A. Public Hearing — Consideration adopting Resolution 2018-88 approving the
assessment roll for delinquent miscellaneous accounts to be certified for 2019
payable tax vear.
Wayne Oberg presented the assessment roll for delinquent miscellaneous
accounts. The total assessment amounted to $1,207.08. Mayor Stumpf opened the
public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing.
Councilmember Fair moved Resolution 2018-88 approving the assessment
roll for delinquent miscellaneous accounts as listed with the addition of a $75
processing fee for each item. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
B. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-89 approving_
assessment roll for delinquent utilities to be certified for 2019 pavable tax year.
Wayne Oberg presented the assessment roll for delinquent utility accounts. He
noted that the total of delinquent utility accounts is $252,966.14 as more
payments have been made. The amounts shown on the delinquent utilities list do
not include the additional $75 administration fee. The amount being certified is
more than the amount certified last year for the same time period. The monthly
compounding of late charges affected the average. Discussion ensued among the
Council in regard to the amount of penalty to charge. The Mayor commented that
in his opinion the penalty should be an amount that covers the administrative cost.
It was consensus of the council that residents have responsibility to pay their bills.
Wayne Oberg stated that the goal would be to have residents sign up for ACH.
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Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Stumpf closed
the public hearing.
Councilmember Gabler moved Resolution 2018-89 with adjustments to the
assessment roll for the delinquent utilities as presented. Councilmember Fair
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-87 approving
assessments for the improvements to 7th Street, Chelsea Road and Washington
Street as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, Citv Project No. 16C006.
Shibani Bisson, WSB Engineer, gave a presentation on the assessments for 7th
Street, Chelsea Road, and Washington Street improvements as related to the
Fallon Avenue Overpass Project. Presentation included a project overview,
information on assessments, estimated costs, assessment payment methods, and
the assessment appeal process. The street improvements consist of 7th Street (west
of Washington Street), 71h Street (east of Washington Street), and Washington
Street. Assessment rates are based on the city assessment policy. The
sidewalk/trail improvements are for 6 -foot wide sidewalk extension along 7th
Street, Washington Street, and Chelsea Road and 10 -foot wide bituminous trail
along Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue. Assessment rates are based on the city
Assessment Policy. The project consists of non-residential properties and the total
amount being assessment is $164,283. Property owners can pre -pay full
assessment by November 26, 2018 without interest or pay assessment over a 10 -
year period at 5.0% interest starting in 2019.
Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. Brandi Brandstrom, rental manager of
the Bluffs in Monticello addressed the City Council to confirm their receipt of
their letter objecting to their assessment. Mayor Stumpf noted that the city did
receive the letter objecting to the assessment. Mayor Stumpf closed the public
Councilmember Gabler moved Resolution 2018-87 approving assessments
for the improvements to 711 Street, Chelsea Road, and Washington Street as
related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006.
Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Adiournment:
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
City Council Minutes — October 22, 2018
Attest: A7
City Administrator
Page 6 16