Planning Commission Agenda 01-02-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, January 2nd, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — December 4, 2018 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 4.5 Signs, Section 19 Dynamic Displays Applicant: City of Monticello B. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapters and Sections relating to the Central Community District Applicant: City of Monticello C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development, Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Vehicle Sales & Rental for a Recreational Vehicle Dealership, and Preliminary Plat for Groveland Fifth Addition Applicant: Monticello RV — Scott Kunz D. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for Oakwood Industrial Park Fourth Addition Applicant: City of Monticello E. Public Hearing - Consideration to review for adoption the 2019 Monticello Official Zoning Map Applicant: City of Monticello 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of election of Planning Commission officers and appointments for 2019 B. Consideration of review of Capital Improvement Plan — City Engineer/Public Works Director C. Consideration of 2019 Planning Commission Workplan D. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson Council Liaison Present Staff Present: 1. General Business A. Call to Order Charlotte Gabler Steve Grittman (NAC), Ron Hackenmueller Brad Fyle called the Regular Meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6 p.m. B. Consideration of approvin� minutes a. Joint Meetin� Minutes — November 5, 2018 MARC SINIPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE JO1NT MEETING MINUTES — NOVEMBER 5, 2018. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. b. Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — November 5, 2018 JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES — NOVEMBER 5, 2018. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. C. Citizen Comments ��. None. D. Consideration of addin� items to the a�enda N/A. E. Consideration to approve a�enda SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 2. Public Hearin�s A. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for Map Amendment (Rezonin�) from A-O (A�riculture — Open Space) to R-1 (Sin�le Familv Residence) District, Development and Final Sta�e Planned Unit Development, and Preliminarv and Final Plat for a 24 lot sin�le-familv development Applicant: Novak-Fleck Inc (Horst Graser) Steve Grittman explained the request for a 241ot single-family development. Grittman explained that the property was previously approved (in the early 2000's) for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The developer has requested to proceed with the single-family concept of the original plan, requiring an Planning Commission Minutes — December 4, 2018 Page 1 � 6 amendment to PUD because of expiration dates identified in the original development agreement. Grittman showed the Planning Commission the proposed plat. He noted the streets that were proposed and that they would abut the Monticello Township. He noted that the City and developer would need to understand the road and utility improvements and financing over time. Grittman explained that the proposal would meet the standards in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, but asked for PUD to meet the architectural standards (meeting the old zoning code that was applicable during the original approval of the PUD). Staff recommended approval of the application with comments identified in Exhibit Z. Sam Murdoff was concerned the size of lots 3 and 4 on Ebben Circle especially for future road improvements. Grittman explained the right-of-way was already accommodated for and would not be affected by any needs for 85th Street. Charlotte Gabler asked how many more acres of parkland were needed with this development since a park was just constructed at Featherstone. Grittman responded the proposed dedication was a little over three acres. He explained the parkland was intended to be an oversized linear parkway connection to a future larger parkland across the street. It would be a green space area with pathways. Gabler asked if there were any other sidewalks or trails throughout the development. Besides in the greenway, there would be sidewalk on both sides. Gabler asked if the original PUD guidelines for sidewalk still apply. Grittman confirmed. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Paul Cherne, Pioneer Engineering, represented the developer. Fyle asked if the developer had any concerns with the Exhibit Z comments. Cherne declined. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Decision 1. Rezoning SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PG2018-031 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE REZONING FROM A-O, AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE TO R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT, BASED ON THE FINDINGS 1N SAID RESOLUTION. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Decision 2. Development Stage PUD SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PG2018-032, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD FOR FEATHERSTONE 4TH ADDITION, SUB7ECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED 1N EXHIBIT Z OF THE STAFF REPORT, AND BASED ON THE Planning Commission Minutes — December 4, 2018 Page 2 � 6 FINDINGS 1N SAID RESOLUTION. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Decision 3. Preliminary Plat SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PG2018-033 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR FEATHERSTONE 4TH ADDITION, SUB7ECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED 1N EXHIBIT Z OF THE STAFF REPORT, AND BASED ON THE FINDINGS 1N SAID RESOLUTION. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD for Featherstone 4t'' Addition PID 155-246-000010; 155-500-232200 Outlot A, Featherstone 3''d Addition � 1. Lots on curves or cul-de-sac streets are re-notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extension for 86th Street NE is constructed to its full extent in the platted lot area. Rename the cul-de-sac street as "Ebben Circle" to be consistent with the County street name grid. 4. Park dedication for the phase shall require the dedication of Outlot B as proposed and pathway, sidewalk, utility and grading details subj ect to comment of the Parks Superintendent. Park dedication requirements for the full Featherstone project are reiterated and included in the updated Development Agreements and recorded against the current and future phases. 6. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated November 28, 2018. 7. Compliance with other staff comments as submitted. B. Consideration of a request for Amendment to Monticello Zonin� Ordinance Chapter 4.5 Si�ns, Section 19 Dvnamic Displavs Applicant: Citv of Monticello Steve Grittman explained the request to amend the Monticello Zoning Ordinance to allow dynamic displays in residential districts for civic and institutional uses. He explained that a few uses in residential districts have been approved for Planning Commission Minutes — December 4, 2018 Page 3 � 6 dynamic displays through PUD. Staff understood the benefits of new technology, but noted concerns with flashing and light emitted in residential districts. Brad Fyle explained that he would be okay with dynamic displays along collector roads, but was concerned for those in the middle of residential areas. Charlotte Gabler asked if illumination was identified in the sign code. Grittman confirmed. Gabler asked if a lighting plan would be required for such signs. Grittman noted that the photometric that cities are use to seeing are changing as LED is more commonly used in signs. Grittman stated that LED have more of a linear light spread, than a down cast. Grittman explained the photometric regulation was not applicable to new sign technologies. He noted there are other ways to control lighting such as requiring dimmer control and shielding. Grittman explained that staff thought a 100 foot setback would be adequate. Gabler asked about how the 100 square foot maximum signage allowance was determined. Grittman explained the current code allows that size signage in commercial districts. John Alstad asked if there were any studies that correlated distracted driving with dynamic signs. Grittman responded there have been studies completed, but staff have not seen consistent findings at this point. Gabler asked if dynamic displays would be allowed in the CCD district. Grittman confirmed because it is considered a commercial district. Brad Fyle asked for the size for the Liquor Store signage. Staff did not know, but offered that they could research sizes of dynamic displays in the city. Murdoff asked if the intent was to not have dynamic displays for residential houses. Gritmann explained the intent of a setback was to avoid any impacts. Gabler requested a smaller size of the display for the proposed ordinance. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Rod Presser, a member of Community United Methodist Church, explained the churches need for such signage. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING DYNAMIC SIGN DISPLAY FOR CIVIC AND 1NSTITUTIONAL USES BASED ON DIRECTION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PLANNING CONINIISSION AND TO LEAVE THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN UNTIL THE JANUARY, 2019 PLANNING COMMIS SION MEETING. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Planning Commission Minutes — December 4, 2018 Page 4 � 6 C. Continued Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zonin� Ordinance Chapters and Sections relatin� to the Central Communitv District Applicant: Citv of Monticello Steve Grittman explained that staff reviewed the CCD ordinance revisions at the last Planning Commission meeting. Staff collected further information from downtown property owner — Steve Johnson and revised the proposed ordinance. Most of the changes made the language clearer, but there were some substantive changes that were reviewed. Items that were revised or added included transitional features with buildings adj acent to single family, the option for planned unit development, performance standards including single-story buildings, and parking space requirements. Brad Fyle invited the public to speak at the continued hearing. Steve Johnson, downtown property owner, had concerns with the technicality of some of the language in the proposed ordinance. He created a list of bulleted items of proposed changes to the ordinance that staff could review. Sam Murdoff explained that he would not like see an overabundance of parking in the downtown. He was in favor 1.5-1.7 parking spaces, rather than 2 per dwelling unit. Staff explained that they would continue to look into parking. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REQUEST, PENDING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS IDENTIFIED BY THE PLANNING CONINIISSION AND STAFF REPORT AND STEVE JOHNSON' S COMIV�NTS. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 3. Re�ular A�enda � � A. Consideration of 2019 Plannin� Commission Workplan Steve Grittman explained Angela Schumann asked the Chair to table action to the January meeting on the 2019 Planning Commission Workplan due her absence. The Board was in consensus. B. Consideration of the Communitv Development Directors Report The Community Development Directors Report was provided. Brad Fyle asked staff about a new solar development south of city limits. Grittman confirmed the development and explained that it was out of Monticello's jurisdiction and the orderly annexation area. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adiournment Planning Commission Minutes — December 4, 2018 Page 5 � 6 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:10 P.M. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: January 2, 2019 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — December 4, 2018 Page 6 � 6 Planning Commission Agenda - 1/02/19 2A. Continued Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 4.5 Signs, Section 19 - Dvnamic Displavs. Applicant: Citv of Monticello (AS/NAC) Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Ordinance amendment for dynamic sign display for civic/institutional uses in residential districts NA Places to Live "R" Districts, Civic/Institutional Uses A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission tabled action on the proposed amendment at the December meeting, seeking clarification from staff on illumination and maximum size requirements for the proposed signage amendment. In that regard, staff has added language to clarify maximum size allowance, shown in red italics below and added to the proposed ordinance. Illumination requirements were proposed in items #5 and 6 of the proposed ordinance. 1. Dynamic displays are limited to inclusion on existing or proposed monument signage as allowed by Section 4.5(J) of this ordinance; the total of all monument signage shall not exceed 100 square feet. 2. Dynamic displays shall not exceed twenty-five (25%) of the allowable sign area. 3. Dynamic sign displays must be setback a minimum of fifteen (15) from any public street and one hundred (100) from the property line when adjacent to residential uses or residentially zoned property. 4. Dynamic sign displays must have an automatic dimmer control to produce a distinct illumination change from a higher illumination level to a lower level for the time period between one half-hour before sunset and one half-hour after sunrise. S. Dynamic sign displays shall not exceed a maximum illumination of 5000 nits (candelas per square meter) during daylight hours and a maximum illumination of 500 nits (candelas per square meter) between dusk to dawn as measured from the sign's face at maximum brightness. 6. Dynamic sign displays may only be illuminated between the hours of 7 AM - 10 PM. The staff report from the December meeting follows below. Planning Commission Agenda - 1/02/19 Staff has prepared a proposed ordinance amendment relating to dynamic display allowances for civic and institutional uses for the City's consideration. A local church inquired as to the limitation on the allowance and requested that the City consider the issue. Currently, dynamic displays, also known as electronic message boards, are not currently allowed in residential zoning districts. This regulation therefore limits the ability for civic or institutional uses located in residential districts the ability to utilize this form of signage. This restriction applies to schools, hospitals, places of public assembly and public buildings to utilize electronic message boards when in a residential zoning district. Relevant excerpts of ordinance are attached for reference. Included for the Commission's reference is a map illustrating the locations impacted by this regulation. The map is attached and illustrates that Pinewood Elementary, the Monticello Middle School, Mississippi Shores, the wasterwater treatment plant, various religious facilities, and the Monticello High School Campus (including the high school, Eastview and Little Mountain), are all impacted by the ordinance. Currently, within this grouping, the Monticello High School site and Middle School site are the only two entities with dynamic displays. The displays are considered as part of the approved PUD in the case of the High School, or lawful non-conforming in the case of the Middle School. Some of the community's institutional uses are within residential districts due to long- standing zoning classification (as in the case of Pinewood Elementary and the Middle School), or the removal of the Public/Semi-Public zoning District from the zoning ordinance and map during the 2019 zoning ordinance re-codification. In its evaluation of the ordinance amendment, the Commission should consider the impacts of dynamic display for civic and institutional uses on neighboring residential uses. For example, LED technology allows for illumination which can be intrusive on residential properties. However, civic and institutional sites are often located on collector routes with multiple access points, and are often on parcels of significant size. As such, these signs have a great amount of visibility, and signage can be sited and regulated to minimize the impacts. Staff has therefore proposed an ordinance amendment which would allow dynamic displays for civic and institutional uses subject to the following: • Dynamic displays are subject to the regulations of Section 4.5(H) of this ordinance. o Limits the mcrximum area to 25 square feet. o Requires compliance with all standards for dynamic display. o Requires compliance with illumination requirements. • Dynamic displays are limited to inclusion on existing or proposed monument signage as allowed by Section 4.5(J) of this ordinance. • Total area of free-standing signage shall not exceed 100 square feet as allowed by 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 1/02/19 Section 4.5(J) of the ordinance. • Signs must be setback a minimum of one hundred (100) from the property line of any adj acent. • The signs are subj ect to limited hours of illumination. • Dynamic display shall be required to maintain dimmer control. The Planning Commission may also wish to consider whether such signs should be reviewed an authorized only under a conditional use permit given the potential for impact on neighboring residential uses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to approve the ordinance amendment allowing dynamic sign display for civic and institutional uses as proposed. 2. Motion to table action on the ordinance amendment allowing dynamic sign display for civic and institutional uses based on direction to be provided by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion to deny the ordinance amendment allowing dynamic sign display for civic and institutional uses based on findings to be made by the Planning Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff defers to the Commission on this item. While the allowance for dynamic display with the regulations as outlined will provide for changing non-commercial messaging opportunity for civic and institutional uses, there is the potential for impact to neighboring residential uses. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Ordinance No. 7XX, Draft, Revised B. Ordinance Excerpts C. Aerial Image — Civic/Institutional Uses (Residential Zoning) ORDINANCE NO. 7XX CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDING REQUIREMENTS AND USES IN THE "CCD", CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT, AND RELATED REFERENCES THERETO. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: Section 1. Section 4.5(H) is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) Regulations governing Dynamic Sign Displays (i) Dynamic sign displays shall have messages that change instantaneously, and do not fade, dissolve, blink, or appear to simulate motion in any way. Prohibited blinking signs shall include signs which are displayed as continuous solid messages for less than the time required by subpart (iii) of this subsection below. The exception to this regulation is the allowance of inessages that appear to scroll horizontally across the sign, but are otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including the definition of "scrolling signs". (ii) With the exception of dynamic sign displays for civic or institutional uses, cl�ynamic sign displays shall not be permitted in any Residential zoning district. (iii) Dynamic sign displays shall be permanent signs. (iv) No dynamic sign display shall change more than one time per three (3) second period; time and temperature displays may change as frequently as once every three (3) seconds. (v) Dynamic sign displays shall be no brighter than other illuminated signs in the same district. (vi) Dynamic sign displays shall be designed to freeze the display in the event of malfunction, and the owner shall discontinue the display immediately upon malfunction, or upon notice from the City that the display violates the City's regulations. (vii) Applicants for dynamic sign displays shall sign a license agreement supplemental to the building permit agreeing to operation of a sign in conformance with these regulations. Violation of these regulations shall result in forfeiture of the license, and the City shall be authorized to arrange disconnection of electrical service to the sign display. (viii) With the exception of dynamic sign displays for civic or institutional uses, n�Fo dynamic sign display shall be permitted to be located in a yard or on the side of a building which abuts a residentially zoned parcel. (ix) Dynamic sign displays for civic or institutional uses adjacent to or abutting residential uses or residentially zoned property shall be subject to the requirements of Section 4.5(H) of this ordinance and the following additional requirements. 1. Dynamic displays are limited to inclusion on existing or proposed monument signage as allowed by Section 4.5(J) of this ordinance; the total of all monument signage shall not exceed 100 square feet. 2. Dynamic displays shall not exceed twenty-five (25%) of the allowable sign area. 3. Dynamic sign displays must be setback a minimum of fifteen (15) from any public street and one hundred (100) from the property line when adj acent to residential uses or residentially zoned property. 4. Dynamic sign displays must have an automatic dimmer control to produce a distinct illumination change from a higher illumination level to a lower level for the time period between one half-hour before sunset and one half-hour after sunrise. S. Dynamic sign displays shall not exceed a maximum illumination of 5000 nits (candelas per square meter) during daylight hours and a maximum illumination of 500 nits (candelas per square meter) between dusk to dawn as measured from the sign's face at maximum brightness. 6. Dynamic sign displays may only be illuminated between the hours of 7 AM — 10 PM. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: ��, �� � � X W . � �� �� y�.,:._ ] ,., w'�.,- ,pl �a Sxf t, -ti '-4 — — �wr .ar�t� i� � � � � � � � .� � o � � � � � � � � � � �. r.. .4- �'s' "E�� � x-�i'� `wr fes ,u.' �a r.�.� F �C • � r "� , ,.-. `- Fx x a'7': � � � {_{ i . F • y `n �3g �'k�� �;� �. �. � �! a:n :.:.-� �t ����4°k } �'� � r � .ta � � � ffi "r ' 'N�`'�•r�} ,,._..� ��.����r�},. IY S �•p � � ',j��E� - X }f.��J�' �.�. � 'f �y y 1 �Y � .�� f�� t y� S a.� S���YIP'i�. ' � + f S � y r�� T �� �.i� � � �. 1 � � ,�, � ��' �� 'a"� `�,'�, �a��:R I . � `.�. . . #.� ? -a.. L`. i*: � � I � '� . � _ ■ .. y �'F� �� `.� - I r.i ' - e ' � �'' "� � e`�- t � � .i .• . .•_� � � ��� . .#� 1�-�- � - � y' �k� � -�' j f � �, ' � ��� • 4 .Y �' ! 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LR`Zl.:�� �'^�f'. � ' � �y ' [%. � � � � =.fi.�,._. . . - � � � � � � � r -� �. .. w. � ir. � �. � �..rr � r. r. � � � ' � � t ' •1 ��.�:�*r;:q6}ttt�-+��ly� � p+t�� �:� - � I `� y I. j - - � , _ ��;.",', , ` ;; '��1�� ��i^ a7..AP ..R� r � 1 4' � j{ �. �' 1�'?S ,, 0.r��� � �(i `F: PYiWe�TO��� �����?�.#�h .��l+'� Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions (17) Time and Temperature Signs Within commercial and industrial zoning districts, an area not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet within a freestanding or wall sign shall be allowed for display of an electronic time and temperature sign subject to the sign provisions for the zoning district in which the sign is located. (18) Projecting Signs Projecting signs may be allowed in commercial districts provided that: (a) There is a minimum of eight (8) feet of clearance under the base of the sign to the ground below. (b) The sign does not project more than five (5) feet beyond the wall to which it is mounted, may not project over any vehicular drive aisle or traveled portion of a public or private street and except in the CCD, Central Community District may not project over a public right-of-way. (c) The area of the proj ecting sign is not more than fifty (50) percent of the maximum area allowed for an individual wall sign in the respective zoning district in Section 4.5(J). (19) Dynamic Displays (a) Findings Based on studies related to the use of dynamic sign displays and driver distraction, the City finds that dynamic signs, as defined by the zoning ordinance, have a unique potential to create driver distraction, a major cause of traffic crashes. As a result, the City has adopted special regulations that relate to such signs. These regulations shall apply to all proposed dynamic signage in the City, whether new or existing, conforming or non-conforming at the time of adoption of this ordinance. (b) Regulations governing Dynamic Sign Displays (i) Dynamic sign displays shall have messages that change instantaneously, and do not fade, dissolve, blink, or appear to simulate motion in any way. Prohibited blinking signs shall include signs which are displayed as continuous solid messages for less than the time required by subpart (iii) of this subsection below. The exception to this regulation is the allowance of inessages that appear to scroll horizontally across the sign, but are otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including the definition of "scrolling signs". i�a�� ���� City e�t iYiontice�ta �onrng �rdinanee �����"�,� �#o �6�i�s►���`� �`��IY�i����� Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions (ii) Dynamic sign displays shall not be permitted in any Residential zoning district. (iii) Dynamic sign displays shall be permanent signs. (iv) No dynamic sign display shall change more than one time per three (3) second period; time and temperature displays may change as frequently as once every three (3) seconds. (v) Dynamic sign displays shall be no brighter than other illuminated signs in the same district. (vi) Dynamic sign displays shall be designed to freeze the display in the event of malfunction, and the owner shall discontinue the display immediately upon malfunction, or upon notice from the City that the display violates the City's regulations. (vii) Applicants for dynamic sign displays shall sign a license agreement supplemental to the building permit agreeing to operation of a sign in conformance with these regulations. Violation ofthese regulations shall result in forfeiture of the license, and the City shall be authorized to arrange disconnection of electrical service to the sign display. (viii) No dynamic sign display shall be permitted to be located in a yard or on the side of a building which abuts a residentially zoned parcel. (20) Design and Materials Standards for Signs in Commercial Districts, Industrial Districts, the CCD District, PUDs, and Performance Based Enhancement District Development (a) In General The design and materials of any sign shall be consistent with the building materials requirements of the district in which the sign is located, and shall be the same as, or compatible with, the materials and design of the principal building(s) on the property. (b) Specific Materials for Pylon Signs All exposed pole or post structures must be wrapped or faced with stucco, architectural metal, brick or stone consistent with building architecture. City �� tvi�e�ticeiia ��nrng {�Pc�sr�c��c� ����; t:� W �i-��i����i 4: �i��S���� ����:����� Section 4.5 Signs Subsection Q) District Regulations (6) Temporary signage may be located on a vacant parcel adj acent to a parcel occupied by an active and permitted principal use, when such properties are held in the same ownership. (� District Regulations In addition to the signs allowed by Section 4.5(C) and Section 4S(�, the following signs shall be allowed within the specific zoning districts: (1) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations apply: (a) Except for the uses specified in Sections 4.5(J)(1)(b) and 4S(J)(1)(c) below, not more than one (1) sign shall be allowed provided that: (i) The area of the sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet. (ii) Freestanding signs shall be limited to a maximum height of four (4) feet. (b) In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(1)(a) above, residential uses shall be allowed one (1) monument sign per collector or arterial street access. Such sign shall meet the requirements of this ordinance and shall be constructed at the time of plat or phased plat development adjacent to the collector or arterial access. (c) Civic and institutional uses shall be allowed two (2) monument signs per lot meeting the requirements of this ordinance. 2 Within business and industrial zonin districts see table 3-1 the followin TheF'"ee'"avBonus �� g � �� g Sign Overlav District additional regulations shall apply: allows for addtttonal si�2aQe in speci�ic commercial and (a) Total Area of Signs tndus�tal areas The total area of all signs (with the exclusion of freestanding signs as may be �se��on 3. ��G) I allowed by this code) displayed on a lot shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total building facade fronting not more than two (2) public streets. (b) Freestanding Signs (i) Unless otherwise specified in this section, one (1) sign is allowed per lot. The area of a freestanding sign may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty-two (22) feet. (ii) If a monument, rather than pylon sign is utilized, an additional one hundred (100) square feet of area beyond the total area calculated in i�`��� ���`� �i�y c�j 1Vic�n�iceiio tonfng iJrc3inanc� �'HAPTER 5: USE STAIVDARDS Section 5. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation o f Use Table Structure � � . .- . � -. � .. . . . . -. -. • . -. Residential Uses 5.2(C1(I1 Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(Cl(21(al - Duplex p C 5.2(Cl(21(bl - Townhouse C p 5.2(Cl(21(cl - Multiple-Family C P C C 5.2(Cl(21(dl Detached Dwelling p p p p p p None Group Residential P P P P P 5 2(C1(31 Facility, Single Family Group Residential C C C 5.2(C1(31 Facility, Multi-Family Mobile & Manufactured C C C P C 5.2(C1(41 Home / Home Park Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None (public) Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P 5 2(D1(11 (private) Assisted Living Facilities C P C C P 5•2(Dl(21 Cemeteries C C C C C C C 5•2(Dl(31 Clinics/Medical Services C p p C None Essential Services p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p None Hospitals C p p C 5.2(D1(41 Nursing/Convalescent C C C C C C C C C P P 5.2(D1(51 Home Passenger Terminal C C C C None Passive Parks and Open P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Space Place of Public Assembly C C C C C p C 5.2(D1(61 Public Buildings or Uses C C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5•2(Dl(71 Schools, K-12 C C C C C C I I 5•2(Dl(81 Schools, Higher Education None C Utilities (major) C C C 5.2(D1(91 O�ce Uses Offices P P P P P P P 5.2(El City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 325 Planning Commission Agenda —1/02/19 2B. Continued Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zonin� Ordinance Chapters and Sections relatin� to the Central Communitv District Applicant: Citv of Monticello NA( C/AS) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Ordinance amendments in support of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan's Downtown Small Area Plan goals. Deadline for Decision: NA Land Use Designation: Downtown Zoning Designation: CCD (Central Community District) The Planning Commission tabled action on the proposed ordinance amendment at the November and December regular meetings, requesting revisions to further clarify various sections of the text. Staff have made changes to address the comments of the public and Commission from the meetings, which are now ready for Commission review and discussion. Changes to the ordinance from the November meeting are highlighted in yellow in the draft ordinance; changes and clarifications requested at the December meeting are shown in redline. Staff would note that hyperlinks will be added to the digital version. These links appear in a sidebar within the ordinance, both print and digital versions. These links provide code sections referred to within the text and point users to the appropriate code section. The analysis from the prior November agenda report is included below. ANALYSIS In 2017, the City adopted an amendment to its Comprehensive Plan for inclusion of the Downtown Small Area Plan. Changes in the retail marketplace, as well as an understanding of more recent investments in downtown and the challenges present in implementing the prior downtown plan "Embracing Downtown", impacted the desire and ability to implement that plan as it was originally intended. Therefore, the authorized an update to the Embracing Downtown Plan, focusing on the core downtown area. The resulting plan, the Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan focuses on the core downtown area and includes the following goals: Improve Pine Street for all users. Planning Commission Agenda —1/02/19 2. Shift the center of town to Walnut & Broadway 3. Encourage small and medium sized investment 4. Become a Rivertown While the Downtown Small Area Plan set a vision and these broader goals for the downtown, revision to the City's CCD zoning district language and requirements is necessary as it is the Zoning Ordinance that is the regulatory tool for implementing the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning regulations establish a consistent framework for applying the City's goals as stated in the Comprehensive Plan, and in this case, the Small Area Plan for downtown. Additionally, the current zoning ordinances require update in order to address language referencing the prior downtown plan, "Embracing Downtown". The draft amendments proposed therefore focus on the Central Community District (CCD) zoning regulations. The CCD is the zoning district in which the Small Area Plan is geographically located and centered. To help provide direction for the ordinance update, the City created a small group consisting of Council members, Planning Commission members, EDA members, and representatives of the public, including property owner interests in the downtown area. The group reviewed the Small Area Plan objectives, the existing CCD language, and how the old and new plans differ in goals and scope. From those meetings, a set of recommended changes to the CCD land use regulations was developed in draft form. The recommended changes were then brought to the Planning Commission and City Council in two joint worksessions, held in August and September of 2018. The Planning Commission and Council provided further direction to staff on the ordinance, particularly in the areas of level of ordinance flexibility and parking requirements. It was understood from these worksessions that the ordinance should establish a set of baseline zoning regulations which while accommodating flexibility (versus a guide-only approach). Staff's understanding of the Planning Commission and City Council feedback on parking was to incorporate an approach resulting in greater building utilization of individual property, and a reliance on combined, shared, and public parking areas to enhance overall density and intensity of downtown uses. While utilizing some of the existing ordinance tools for managing parking the group strongly supported monitoring of parking supply more actively to allow the City to know where and when it was necessary to impose additional parking requirements, or develop additional parking to serve uses in a particular locality. This monitoring would also help the City Planning Commission Agenda —1/02/19 promote additional density and activity when it is clear that parking will be adequate. Clarification on these elements provided a foundation for the draft presented. The ordinance draft presented for review and hearing also includes the following elements: 1. Reorganization of the subdistricts to reflect the Character Area sub-districts as provided in the Small Area Plan. 2. Provides for an additional "General" sub-district for areas outside of the Small Area Plan's core geographic area. 3. Attention to the preferred uses in each subdistrict, based on the intended use of each. 4. Flexibility within each sub-district to expand the potential uses, provided the project is consistent with the intent of the Small Area Plan objectives. 5. Flexibility across sub-district boundaries to accommodate for projects that are not confined to a single zone. 6. General performance standards that attempt to address conditions by use as well as character area. 7. Overall applicability of the general performance standards currently in the ordinance, unless the new CCD language states otherwise. 8. Additional attention to existing building parking allowances and requirements. 9. Continued use of the current parking supply requirements, with a new requirement that permits reduction (and contribution to City public parking fund) only with a Parking Analysis related to available parking with a 400-foot distance. 10. Attention to transitional requirements (primarily height) at the edges of the CCD where it abuts single family housing — limiting height to a standardized level equivalent to the horizontal distance to the single-family home. 11. Standardizing building setbacks across sub-districts and uses to simplify proj ect building review, and accommodate change in use over time, minimizing future non-conformities due to evolving downtown conditions. 12. Addition of a site plan review component as directed by the Planning Commission and Council in worksession feedback. 13. Sections which repeal or amend existing code language where it is inconsistent with the Small Area Plan. The Planning Commission will note that in addition to the ordinance language, a Central Community District (CCD) sub-district zoning map has been prepared for review and adoption. Although the Small Area Plan focuses on a core section of the larger Central Community Planning Commission Agenda —1/02/19 District, the ordinance and map encompass the full CCD for consistency in regulation within the full downtown zoning district. The CCD sub-district map proposed to follow the recommended Character Area boundaries for all areas within the Small Area Plan boundary. For those parcels outside of the Small Area Plan boundary, the map either 1) provides for a fifth sub-district "General" or 2) extends the Character Area boundary based on the types of permitted or conditional uses in the area. The map is proposed to be adopted as part of the Official Zoning Map. Planning Commission should further note that no changes to Accessory Uses for the CCD are proposed at this time. Staff believes that the full draft ordinance is ready for review and public comment at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to approve Resolution PC-2018-029 recommending approval of Ordinance No. 7XX for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapters and Sections relating to the Central Community District. 2. Motion to deny Resolution 2018-029 recommending amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapters and Sections relating to the Central Community District. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the Planning Commission and staff report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative #1 above. Revision of the zoning ordinance in support of the land use and performance standards of the Small Area Plan is a necessary step in achieving the vision set by the plan. In addition, outside of the metropolitan area, it is the city's zoning ordinance which prevails in land use development. As such, zoning ordinance which reflect the Comprehensive Plan's Downtown Small Area plan is critical. Further, the ordinance presented is reflective of the feedback received both the CCD Zoning Work Group meetings and the joint Planning Commission and City Council sessions. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC 2018-029 B. Ordinance No. 7XX — Draft, Revised for January C. Public Comment Letter, Staff Response D. Aerial Image — Downtown Planning Commission Agenda —1/02/19 E. Official Zoning Map, CCD Sub-Districts - Draft F. Excerpts, Monticello Zoning Ordinance — Current CCD Regulations G. Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan, and excerpts CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2018-029 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDING REQUIREMENTS AND USES IN THE "CCD", CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT, AND RELATED REFERENCES THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has adopted a zoning ordinance including regulations for the uses and development of its downtown area; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has adopted an amendment to its Comprehensive Plan entitled "City of Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan", which document describes a development and redevelopment plan for the downtown area; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has found that certain amendments to the zoning regulations affecting the downtown area will benefit the intent of the regulations and the process for application under such regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments have been developed and reviewed by members of the public, including open meetings of a Zoning Ordinance Workgroup and two joint sessions of the Monticello Planning Commission and City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on November Sth, 2018 to receive public comment on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The amendments are consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and specifically the Monticello Downtown Small Area Plan. 2. The amendments will facilitate the City's goals for land development within the downtown Central Community District. 3. The amendments will direct applicants in preparing applications and proceeding through development in the "CCD", Central Community District, review process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as presented. ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 2018, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. CITY OF MONTICELLO : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director ORDINANCE NO. 7XX CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TTTLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CTTY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDING REQUIREMENTS AND USES IN THE "CCD", CENTRAL COMMUNTTY DISTRICT, AND RELATED REFERENCES THERETO. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Mixixiesota: Section 1. Section 3.5(G) is hereby deleted in its entirety, and amended to read as follows: Section 3.5(G) CCD — Central Community District The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello area, and parkicularly to implement the goals, objectives, and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the 2017 Downtown Monticello "Small Area Plan" Comprehensive Plan Amendment and its design and performance standards. All proposed development or redevelopment in the CCD shall be subject to the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and other standards identified in the Small Area Plan report. It is not the intent of this chapter to abrogate any general Zoning Ordinance requirements in the CCD, and all such requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance apply fully within the CCD unless addressed separately by a more detailed CCD zoning regulation. Dr^;�^*� ,�^*'� ^„'�';^'"^a;^^ proiects that benefit from public investments and/or Formatted: No bullets or numbering subsidies will have a ereater burden to provide hieher levels of both private and public amenities. Sub-Districts. The CCD is hereby divided into five subdistricts, four of which comprise the study area of the Small Area Plan and are known as: (1) Riverfront, (2) Broadway, (3) Walnut and Cedar Streets, and (4) Pine Street. A fifth "sub-district" shall be any area within the CCD that is not identified as being within one of the four named sub-districts. The CCD regulations shall apply uniformly across all sub-districts unless specific sub-district requirements apply. The City Council shall, in accordance with the process providing for zoning � ". � - ,�i,. •� e ���_ � , � y , �: � � .��.:��� +�,p�.� ' '+ � .. -�', .�.�. ,�i '� /. I � V `� y � �.�, a'� ��� �'-� � � � �1! r �� � � � C.y:� xs�,� // � � �f �./ J �!. , 7 , `s, ��'� rr `*� � �� � ` ,���`� ,'� �� I � ;- ������� ='*-� . �`�"'� � ii^�;, �'." t� � •�j�' /�ri' � '� ��`� '�� ;: � r '�t,�� � r►. r����, �. X � f,� ���� �. �*�!n e map amendments in the Trpiral [[U Lot [anfiguranon Monticello Zoning Ordinance, adopt a zoning map far the CCD area identifying the subdistrict boundaries. Base Lot Area • No minimum Base Lot Width • No minimum 1. PROCESS REQUIREMENTS: a. New development projects within the Central Community District shall require a site plan review by the Planning Commission. b. At the proposer's option, any proposed project may combine the required site plan review as a part of a concept plan review before a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council. c_Existing buildings shall be subject to the permitted and conditional use allowances of this ordinance. s-d.Proiects which do not meet the requirements of this ordinance mav utilize the Planned Unit Development (PUD�process. 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: a. Character Areas. The Central Community District shall be further regulated by four character sub-areas: Pine Street, Broadway, Walnut/Cedar and Riverfront and shown in the Official Zoning Map. b. Proiects across sub-area boundaries. By conditional use permit, uses and standards may eatend across sub-area boundaries (but not into other zoning districts) a maximum distance of up to one-half block for project purposes, provided the majority of the project square footage lies within the permitted character-area, and the intent and chaxacter of the downtown plan is maintained. c. Where projects ea�tend across character area boundaries, projects mustEk show compatibility to both character area standards relating to adjoining districts and uses. �-d.Private joint-parkin� use. All non-residential parking areas shall be designed to accommodate cross-access and joint use throughout the CCD zoning district to minimize the need for parking infrastructure. �=e. Accessorv Service/Appurtenance Uses. Building mechanical, waste-handling, and delivery service areas shall not face the public street or public spaces (with the exception of public parking lots), and shall be screened from view of adjoining property with materials equivalent to those of the principal building. g-f`. Buildin�s adjacent to sin�le family. Building side walls adjacent to single family residentially �oned properties, or directly across a public street from such properties, Formatted: No underline shall have side wall heights of no greater than the horizontal distance to the nearest single_ family structure. Buildings abutting single family residentially oned Formatted: No underline properties shall have roofs sloping toward the abutting single family use�-or shall emplov at least one of the transitional features in Section 4.7 of this ordinance. �-�.Buildin� materials. Building materials for all uses shall be predominantly glass, brick, natural or cultured stone, or equivalent masonry materiaL Materials for lapped siding, board-and-batten, or shake eateriors shall be composite, maintenance free materials, and shall be limited in overall eaterior use to: o Residential structures, no more than 30 percent of building ea� terior. o Commercial and other structures, no more than 15 percent of building eaterior may be comprised of architectural metal, which shall be integrated into the building design. o Mixed use buildings shall comply with the commercial building requirements. e Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", No bullets or numbering 3. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS a. Character Area Standards i. Broadwav • All buildings should have a storefront or entrance on Broadway. • Buildings shall be oriented toward the front of the lot, with a ma�num 10' setback. Setbacks may be increased to accommodate outdoor seating or activity spaces approved by City Council. Such spaces shall be improved with enhanced paving and landscaping materials and other elements. • Storefronts facing any public street shall consist of a minimum of 50% window/door transparency on ground floor. • Buildings shall be between 2-4 stories, additional stories may be authorized by conditional use permit. Single-story buildings may be approved by the City Council where multiple stories are impractical for the specific use. In such cases, the building architecture should incorporate a fa�ade that mimics multiple stories through additional window openings or similar features. • Buildings shall have a ma�num width of 60 feet, or shall be articulated by setback, materials or window treatments roofline variation, or other design methods to reflect the appearance of separate buildings, in approximately 30-60' increments. • Ground floor commercial buildings which front on public streets or open space shall not be entirely comprised of office uses, but shall include other retail, hospitality or entertainment uses. , „ai,,,-�o.,,;i c„io�,,,,a co,-.,;,.o� > > • Sidewalks and/or pathway connections shall be provided for all development projects. ii Walnut/Cedar • Features such as upper balconies, dormers, courtyards, porches and dooryards shall be incorporated for residential uses. • Buildings shall be between 2-� 4 stories; additional stories may be authorized by conditional use permit. Single-story buildings may be approved by the City Council where multiple stories are impractical for the specific use. In such cases, the building architecture should incorporate a fa�ade that mimics multiple stories through additional window openings or similar features. • Buildings shall be oriented toward Walnut and Cedar Street and toward front corners where applicable. iii. Pine Street • Buildings shall be between 2-� 4 stories; additional stories may be authorized by conditional use permit. Single-story buildings may be approved by the City Council where multiple stories are impractical for the specific use. In such cases, the building architecture should incorporate a fa�ade that mimics multiple stories through additional window openings or similar features. • Buildings shall be oriented to Pine Street with secondary entrances located on side ar interiar facades. Corner properties shall have dual orientation. b. Ilse Tvve Standards i. Residential • Single/Two Family: Where permitted, the requirements of the R-2 District will apply. • Townhouse o Permitted where the subject property has no direct frontage on Broadway or Walnut/Cedar. o Must preserve open space to coordinate with public spaces. o Building heights up to 25 feet or 2 stories above grade. o Setbacks —15 feet from abutting single family, minimum of 8 feet from public street. Interior side setbacks may be zero.. o Variable roofline and front building walls. o Classic row-house; living space to front no garage-front design. o All parking in attached garages. o Parking ratio of 2.0 spaces per du, off-street. • Multi 4-12 du o Only allowed where the subject property has no frontage on Broadway, Walnut/Cedar. o Must preserve open space to coordinate with public spaces. o Building heights up to 35 feet or 3 stories above grade. o Setbacks —15 feet from abutting single family, minimum of 8 feet from public street. Interior side setbacks may be zero. o Variable roofline and front building walls. o Garage entrances may not face a public street. o Garages which face a single family residential zoning district must screen the garage entrance from the eye-level view of the abutting property. o All parking in attached garages within building footprint (no surface parking). � o Parking ratio of 1.�7 spaces per du, off-street, or a minimum of no less than one space per bedroom, off-street, whichever is greater. The City Council may impose a different (higher or lower) standard where the nature of the use supports such standard. • Multi 13+ du o Only allowed where the subject property has no frontage on Broadway, Walnut/Cedar. o Must preserve open space to coordinate with public spaces. o Building heights up to 50 feet or 4 stories above grade. o Setbacks —15 feet from abutting single family, minimum of 8 feet from public street. Interior side setbacks may be zero. o Variable roofline and front building walls. o Garage entrances may not face a public street. o Garages which face a single family residential zoning district must screen the garage entrance from the eye-level view of the abutting property. o All parking in attached garages within building footprint (no surface parking). o Parking ratio of 1.�7 spaces per dwelling unit including adjacent on-street parking, � , . or a minimum of no less than one space per bedroom, off-street, whichever is greater. The City Council may impose a different (higher or lower) standard where the nature of the use supports such standard. o Multiple family housing lnnited to seniors may reduce parking supply to .5 spaces per dwelling unit, off-street. The City Council may impose a different (higher or lower) standard where the nature of the tvpe of senior livin� use supports such standard. • Ground Floor Residential Units o When allowed, subject to: o Common areas, lobbies, eta (if any) should be oriented toward street. o Street levels should include additional window and doorway glass exposure toward streets. o Residential units on upper, non-ground floors of buildings in the Riverfront Character Area are permitted as a part of miYed- use buildings. ii. Commercial and Mixed-Use, generally • Uses adjacent to single-family residential zoned properties which include dining/drinking service spaces shall have 1 outdoor areas facing public open space use areas. • Building heights of up to 50 feet ar four stories shall be permitted. • Buildings heights exceeding 50 feet ar four stories may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit. • Residential units in mixed-use commercial buildings shall include balcony spaces. • Building setbacks shall be 15 feet from abutting single family homes, minimum 8 feet from public streets. Interior side setbacks may be zero. c. Landscaping Site improvements in the CCD shall include landscaping consistent with the requirements of the zoning ordinance, Section 41 — Landscapin� and Screenin�. P�edestrian, plaza/patio, and bicycle spaces on the property shall inte�rate alternative pavement materials, desi�ns, ar features consistent with the surroundin� streetscape. d. Parking Off-street parking areas shall be developed and constructed according to the requirements of the zoning ordinance, Section 4.8. Parking supply shall be as identified in this chapter, or where not specified herein, as in the ordinance Section 4.8 — Off-Street Parkin�. A commercial use which propose to vary from the requirements of this section by deferring its required off-street supply and contributing to the public parking fund shall be accompanied by a Parking Study, subject to review and approval by Community Development staff, which illustrates an adequate amount of available unused public parking within 400 feet of the establishment's primary entrance. "Adequate amount" shall be established by the City on a case-by-case basis in review of the applicant's individualized parking study, but shall include the following elements, as a minimum: (1) an examination of the public parking supply commonly available for use by the proposed business during its peak usage hours; (2) the likely demand placed on said supply by the proposed business based on contemporary resources for parking utilization; and (3) an estimate of competing demand on said supply. An existing business, as of the date of this ordinance, which has a parking supply which is substandard according to zoning ordinance Section 4.8- Off-Street P�, shall be considered a legal non-conformity. The business may expand or change to another business that increases the parking supply deficiency only by participating in the parking fund, according to the requirements of this Section and Section 4.8 (E)(4)(c) for such deficiency. e. Other Performance Standards • All other performance standards as identified in Chapter 4 of the zoning ordinance shall apply, unless otherwise addressed in this section. • Maximum Residential Density = 25.0 dwelling units per gross acre. • Building Height • Minnnum Height = 18 feet • Maximum Height = 60 feet o Buildings may exceed 560 feet in height by conditional use permit, with enhanced site improvements, architecture, and building materials. • Lot Coverage, Buildings o Mixiimum Building Lot Coverage = 20 percent o Maximum Building Lot Coverage = 90 percent • Floor Area Ratio = Maximum Floor Area Ratio — None • Accessory Structures o Trash handling equipment shall be located within buildings wherever practicaL If located in a structure attached to, or detached from, the principal building, such structure shall screen the trash handling equipment from the view of all neighboring property and public rights- of-way, and shall be constructed of materials which comprise the principal building. Gates and/or doors shall be constructed of permanent opaque materials, matching the principal building in color, and shall be kept closed at all times other than when being used for access. Roofs for such structures are encouraged, but not required when the screening wall of the enclosure is at least eight (8) feet in height. Any other accessory structures allowed in the CCD (see Table 5-4= Accessorv Uses bv District) shall meet all requirements of the CCD district applicable to principal buildings. �� F `r. � ��� nf Monticello � ��E�� , >> v , `�w� r �,i � � � . , : a ib-District y. s + , w , . , r�, � �a;. ' x . ` � e, � . E R �i �'ri� \�l � �,� / ' . ^;f t !. ���� � � ` .` /�, . �y �, Y. .: i_n=Jo�t�: r�" r �� � ' ' /�♦. �.ti T f I � �u � 3 ,'r �� � _ -- � � ;: t �: . s r .Aa ,• r �� H � ��-f f'�� - r � � /, � � ;' . . � � x ti: .� yui M � t. � . ;'3 r f�1y � _ � ` L, � .w . � � . �� � � . � � " i �y c i 'p.i, 4,� K �� � �s. ��'�/C f � "��y� F. t ��. ,, � ' .. .a�_�ur .rz! � r � � � .��- e v „� —' f v, .�^ + � ,. ` �, ;9 �'� , r �; ����� �� � ''.Y + � . ,( � �tv i, Y ^��Vi ,:�.[ S 9 j �,�, , �s, s q t ` �4 �, r * �, ���td .�. a� .Y��<• s,`i. �� f.yj •�.. r i .. fs'.r r,'�"�� t I�i f_ im.; s�—. ic, h _�" o''a�'� �ie <;�F:° ������':`� 3 `�� � � ���� e� 3'�ry M �1� ��a,:rY'. ti _ n , : .. .. g 2 . eA .. .,^ .. �' �'.t`,�.. , � � � 4 . � N4c �y . . � � ry __ � E !,^"� .� �,zA, . } .q�F �, r C ..._._... " C .,��- �Y � . r �' ' R, �'CS,.'4 �,:,�iy p (,y..� _� _ � �_. � ,�. + �� Y���. CC� S b 0 vlcl - _�— ,_ i , „e. --.� __ _ I.�, i/� � .a'1f . ra ..,5 �� // _ �»� .,ra - 4� I ` � `'� � � , . o. `��; �.� �. � � _ „���. d � �� �:� , — � .�. _.... � _ _„e,.����,., Section 2. Ordinance Section 2. Table 5-lA Table 5-lA is hereby deleted in its entirety, and is amended to read as follows: Micro Distillery/Cocktail P P P P Room Professional Office -Services CUP* P P P P and Retail Commercial Office CUP* - not P/CUP* on P/CUP* on P Upperfloors allowed on ground floor ground preferred ground floor floor Financial P P P P Drive thru by CUP Restaurants, Bars <10,000 sq. P P P P CUP ft. Restaurants, Bars >10,000 sq. CUP P CUP P CUP ft. Retail Sales <10,000 sq. ft. P P P P P Retail Sales >10,000 sq. ft. CUP CUP CUP P CUP Retail with Service CUP P P P P Specialty Eating P P P P CUP Establishments <10,000 sq. ft. Vehicle Fuel Sales CUP Veterinary Facilities <10,000 CUP CUP CUP CUP No outdoor uses sq ft Industrial Uses Industrial PUD PUD Only PUD Only Civic & Institutional Uses Clinics/Medical Seroices CUP CUP P P Public Buildings or Uses (incl. P CUP P CUP CUP public parks) Schools Pre-K-12 CUP CUP CUP Section 3. Ordinance Section 3. Table 2-1, Summary of the Roles of Decision-making Bodies. Table 2-1 is hereby amended to add the Planning Commission for site plan review role. Section 4. Ordinance Section 4. Table 2-1, Summary of the Roles of Decision-making Bodies. Table 2-1 is hereby amended to add a Joint Concept Review Meeting, and designating Planning Commission and City Council in this role Section 5. Ordinance Section 5. Section 2.4, Specific Reviews and Procedures. Section 2.4 (F)(2) is hereby amended to add the following: (c) Site Plan Review shall be required for all new development projects in the CCD, Central Community District, which substantively change the area and/or bulk of any building or use. Such Site Plan Review shall be conducted by the Planning Commission, but shall not be formal Public Hearing. The Planning Commission may choose, at its sole option, to provide for and consider public comment. (d) In lieu of Subp. (c) of this Section, an applicant may choose to request a Concept Review joint meeting between the Planning Commission and City Council, in accordance with the process identified in Section 2.4 (0)(9)(a.). Section 6. Ordinance Section 5. Table 3-2, Overly Zoning Districts The "CCD-R", CCD Residential Overlay Zoning District is hereby deleted. Section 7. Ordinance Section 6. Section 3.7(.�, CCD Residential Overlay District. The "CCD-R", CCD Residential Overlay Zoning District is hereby deleted in its entirety. Section 8. Ordinance Section 7. Section 5.2, Subd. (F)(9), Convenience Retail Subd. (F)(9)(1)(i) is hereby amended as follows: (i) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the a��..~��~' "�'~�'�~��:~�- r`�.. ~'�.. ~ T`��~':��"� "�'omprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan". Section 9. Ordinance Section 8. Section 5.2, Subd. (F)(18) Medical/Clinical Services Subd. (F)(18) is hereby amended as follows: (18) Medical / Clinical Services. In the CCD, �' '���, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the� "�'~~hr^^;^^ T'^,�^�+^,�^� T`�^^+;^���^ "�'omprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan". Section 10. Ordinance Section 9. Section 5.2, Subd. (F)(19) Offices (Commercial) Subd. (F)(19) is hereby amended as follows: (19) Offices (Commercial). In the CCD, �' � ����a��*^^*, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the� ' omprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan". Section 11. Ordinance Section 10. Section 5.2, Subd. (F�(20) Offices (Professional) including Financial Institutions. Subd. (F)(20) is hereby amended as follows: (20) Offices (Professional) including Financial Institutions . In the CCD, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the� ' omprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan". Section 12. Ordinance Section 11. Section5.2, Subd. (F')(22). Places of Public Assembly. Subd. (F)(22) is hereby amended as follows: (22) Places of Public Assembly In the CCD, �' � ����a��'�-�^*, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the� "�'~~hr^^;^^ T'^,�^�+^,�^� T`�^^+;^���^ "�'omprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan". Section 13. Ordinance Section 12. Section 5.2, Subd. (F�(28). Specialty Eating Establishments. Subd. (F)(28)(d)(i) is hereby amended as follows: (i) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the a,,,.,,,,,o,,. «�,,,h,-,,,.;,,,. r,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,, ra,,,,.;,.oii„ » Comprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan". Section 14. Ordinance Section 13. Section 5.2, Subd. (F�(31). Veterinary Services. Subd. (F)(31)(h)(i) is hereby amended as follows: (i) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the a,,,.,,,,,o,,. «�,,,h,-,,,.;,,,. r,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,, ra,,,,.;,.oii„ » Comprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan". Section 15. Official Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to include the CCD Sub-District Zoning Map as attached in E�iibit A. Section 16. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 17. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available oriline and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator I�•/DI.`� I�/�Y.91 Pending Monticello CCD Ordinance December 4, 2018 Comments on details of the proposed ordinance 1. Section 1: Reference should be considered to give the alternative of a PUD in lieu of the design criteria enumerated in the CCD vision a. Incorporated 2. Section 2§ c: What does tis mean? It appears vague. Should you consider deleting this item. a. Revised. 3. Section 2§ g: What is the definition of "Zoned properties vs properties non-conforming in the CCD. Please explain the distinction. a. Revised. 4. Section 3§ a-i - Bullet #3 : A 50% coverage of the front of a building may be to restrictive. Interior wall space is at a premium for a retailer. Example is the Current Walgreens that has covered the windows to allow interior merchandise display. There are arguments on both sides of this issue. a. No change. 5. Section 3§ a-i Bullet #6 : Uses listed should include "Hospitality" which would include the strike thru in the draft. a. Revised. 6. Section 3§ a-i Bullet #8 : Expand on this in regards to sidewalks along Pine ( Hwy 25) as snow removal and the speed of traffic makes current use intimidating to pedestrians. Note Pine sidewalk on Block 35. a. No change. 7. Section 3§ a-i Bullet #7 : Define or explain what this means. It seems unclear. a. No change — staff was unclear what this comment references. 8. Section 3§ a-ii Bullet #2 : Why was the building height reduced from 5 to 4 stories? a. The reduction in height was made for consistency with ordinance and plan. No change from December. 9. Section 3§ a-iii Bullet #3 : Again, Why has the height limit been reduced from 5 to 4? a. The reduction in height was made for consistency with ordinance and plan. No change from December. 10. Section 3§ a-iii Bullet #4 Buildings with non-corner locations would have difficult access due to the conditions on Pine street making the rear entrance primary. The question is how to treat fronting locations on Hwy 25. a. No change. Providing connections between pathways is a Park & Pathway policy priority for the City. 11. Section 3§ b-i Bullet #3 Sub point #9 The reading of this seems to allow a parking density of 1.7 spaces per Dwelling unit (DU). Clarify the need for 2 spaces per DW minimum or 1 space per Bedroom. a. Subject to Commission direction on desired count; some revision made for clarity of language. 12. Section 3§ b-i Bullet #4 Sub point #9 Parking for dwelling units should NOT include on-street parking. Consider deleting this allowance as it is not permitted for other residential structures a. Subject to Commission direction; some revision made to section for clarity of language. Note: deviations from these parking requirements may be considered with a parking study as described 13. Section 3§ b-i Bullet #3 Sub point #10 Parking for senior housing at 0.5 per DU may not be appropriate given the surrounding environment. Consider redefining this ratio. a. Subject to Commission direction; some revision made to section for clarity of language. 14. Section 3§ b-i Bullet #4 Sub point #4 Eliminating ground floor residential may not be appropriate particularly on the west end of block 52. The question then arises as to which level is the ground floor? River street or Parking lot level. This item may unnecessarily limit the efficient design of this sub-area. a. No change; can be addressed through PUD. 15. Section 3§ c Consider hyperlinking Sec 4.1 to this section of the ordinance. a. Hyperlinks will be made throughout the document. 16. Section 3§ c: Second paragraph. Is this necessary? It seems limiting. 17. Section 3§ d: Consider hyperlinking Sec 4.8 to this section of the ordinance. a. Hyperlinks will be made throughout the document. 18. Section 3§ e: Consider hyperlinking Sec 5.4 to this section of the ordinance. a. Hyperlinks will be made throughout the document. 19. Table 5-1A : Describe the difference between Professional Office uses and Commercial Office use as it pertains to restrictions on the ground floor of a building. a. These are defined in the Definitions section of the ordinance. No change from December. Thank you for your consideration of these issues. Steve Johnson 612-987-6688 w ti O N •� � �a; ryc r � w ��� � , , i � . �`�-�►�� �,,,,���-fM�F .�.fio`s�r �� _ .x / �,q�`�� I�x �,.� ,� r�.`y� tie� +��, r '`,,� r��;� �i� N � �..� ,_ �`y _� rra _�.' ���'�;,.1 �J :C'�,,r .ti�,���°,= �y '� F;r c�? >. � � ^ E� _ . ' �� �- g •.Ni` i� y, �% �„'� ��;q�� u� r ` }v,� T� � f v� y� . 3� ,�s'�y��. .,;1 � Q O O , , ,� g ' / $v � � ��� �• f !r �°` jt � ��,; Z � -%� . �� ��K N �� �' / k� �.t�.4„� 1��1`�"�'y�'�� ;, :..,. * _ ` a �,w-r �,�,� T � �� "��� I I � 4 � � .d'�+ a � �. i �k,. � � � �. � •.� t ". �w�, �`'�,�. � �g •. `�pk / ��'� r �+6 �.h �t �'� �. Iy '�o v E � '° • � / r . ' y '$-'�' —O , - ,: _ �`�' ", , "br. 4 fs 8�' i � / 'y �� . � B h b `i A !�` � C ��` + �"� 4 r-I � ti• r► .-1,�• � �i -v' �rN �:� i'�.'a..�'�,� �04 ' �. �"�.��P` ai'r'A � ° � o '" '�,, �� �,F. � a'" �� �, ! �F:� 'e''� .`,�� � � �"__ �Z ,, +� � � �: � �[ �'ryF y�. y�+e w . � �,� � ' � ` �(� ;�� / / e� t'�-% ����'�'Ra � � 1:z4"�' j� , �9 ��J� -.v �� ��qw � \ . F'�: � �. . 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O N R, y'° a�' id v .p° a, �� Ca v y�.v N � N� y ^ 3�^ a' o m � o � � �a � -a v ,x a.'c�n �a m �' �, � o ," �, '° > 0 .o +�' �' v � .� - � v � o v o 7 " °' � v � '� � � y > � 3 q " �, > � ..' N v y v ai � c� � v B �d d v m��� +'�.' 7� p-' <y �' ��� p0 � N a) � cd m 3 y. � oaavymBy °Q°O�'�' �� a�i N c�. � o v'C � o� b �� 6 v°' 0 "��° �mro ov��v.�=�,�,m v 00o`�7ovv �°����°�v� N9 � � G' ^ b-0 b-0 � � p v> 3� b N o ��' .� 7.�' o�' ^d ^d .ti v v m, � a, in w m e4 0�' � j�'i. N y' � ii N .�—i c�tl 'N GL c�tl V ctl P-i V t^ i�. V N i�. p t" P-i ctl ���' �l��)r, j; ;j` y�l� '�, v \�! \v C � ,�.�. ..., , `� � � � ��/ O n�� % �7�" % � � R w � . �' .. � � �. ��' Q°' mAa J �� / ` . ` ` y�i � 1� a �' � �� <, /� �/` � (h \ {•� � �`,, I ' ' . ,�! � S;n`�M � � /,� I P: � Section 3.5 (G) C CD Central Community District The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello area, and particularly to implement the goals, objectives, and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the Embracing Downtown Monticello report and its Design Guidelines. All proposed development or redevelopment in the CCD shall be subject to the requirements of the Design Guidelines and other standards identified in the Embracing Downtown Monticello report. It is not the intent of this chapter to abrogate any general Zoning Ordinance requirements in the CCD, and all such requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance apply fully within the CCD unless addressed separately by a more detailed CCD zoning regulation. Sub-Districts. The CCD is hereby divided into sub- districts, including three Flex Areas (F-1, F-2 and F-3), and eight , Landmark Areas (L-1 through L-8). The City Council shall, in accordance with the process providing for zoning map amendments in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, adopt a zoning map for the CCD area identifying the sub- � district boundaries. 1 Base Lot Area • No minimum Base Lot Width • No minimum �'P-�km4� � �� .�. d i1tiV�m�v�s ii��� i ���. � ;� :.��=ction 3.5 Business Base Zoning Districts w�;absection (G) Central Community District r' � `'� k�l".' ;`� /, • A I� �� ` ,. " � �, . .�I ` * ,`e ,� ' / . � i �',�.�%�.h' ' ;j., `��., .. � � �;�`���,�� ` �. r � ; � �:� � �;e i .;, rf'.* � ��}: �+'. e � �� �� �� �� �� � ��� � �`/� p.�'` t* � ,�� �� ��' -'` Typical CCD Lot Configuration - p�- � �' �� t�" r��,� ,. ..,, Ci�r c�� tvi��tice�ia ��nrng t�Pc�br�c�r�c� I����; � 2 I Cf-i�PT�� 3: Zf3Piit�6�` L7iST�tiCTS Section 3.5 Business Base Zoning Districts Subsection (G) Central Community District West 25 East 25 and �I DeveloPment and Walnut Cedar Transition Cargill Standards F-I, L-I F-2, L-2 F-3 L-3 Buildings Buildings Buildings should gain should face should face Provide TH 25 as major access and Building exposure Primary roadways, exposure to from TH 25, Orientation or from exposure, minimize streets; provide exposure to accommodate major access to district pedestrians roadways Minimum Building Setback Maximum Street Setback Setback from Private Property w/in CCD Setback from Private Property Zoned other than CCD Signage Buffering parking boundary TH 25: 10 feet Broadway: 10 feet 20 feet Other streets: None 80 feet from None Hwy 25 I 5 feet None only None � None 15 feet I 15 feet Freestanding Freestanding signs shall signs shall be of be of monument monument design, no design, no more than more than 22 feet in 22 feet in height, and height, and no less than no less than 5 feet in 5 feet in width at width at base base Exempt Exempt from from buffering buffering generally. generally. Where Where directly directly abutting abutting single family single family residential, residential, per Section per Section W 4. I(Gl 4. I(Gl 5 feet 20 feet 25 feet 40 feet Community Public Open Center/Liquor Space L-4, L-6 L-5, L-7 None None None None None None 15 feet 15 feet Freestanding Freestanding Freestanding Freestanding signs shall signs shall be signs shall be of signs shall be be of of monument monument of monument design, no design, no design, no monument more than 16 more than 22 more than 16 design, no feet in height, feet in height, feet in height, more than 6 and no less and no less and no less feet in than 5 feet in than 5 feet in than 5 feet in height �,�,idth at base width at base width at base Buffering required at the edge of the CCD per requirement of Zoning Ordinance Section 4. I (G) Buffering required at the edge of the CCD per requirement of Zoning Ordinance Section 4. I (G) Buffering Buffering required at the required at edge of the the edge of CCD per the CCD per requirement of requirement Zoning of Zoning Ordinance Ordinance Section 4. I (G) Section 4. I (G) Freeway Commercial L-8 Buildings should maximize exposure to local streets, preserve pedestrian connections 20 feet None 5 feet 25 feet Fol low exi sti ng freeway bonus district allowance (32 feet height) Buffering required at the edge of the CCD per requirement of Zoning Ordinance Section 4. I (G) Page I 22 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance ��-i�il�i`E� 3a ZC}�i�fC� �ISi�IC7'5 ��ction 3.5 Business Base Zoning Districts ��:sbsection (G) Central Community District Maximum Residential Density = 2,420 square feet per unit (18.0 dwelling units per gross acre). Base Density = 3.000 square feet of lot area per unit (14.5 units per gross acre). The number of dwelling units may be increased up to the allowed maximum for projects which provide at least half of the required parking underground or in above-grad structures such as ramps or decks (including covered at-grade parking areas). Building Height • Minimum Height = 18 feet • Maximum Height = 60 feet Buildings may exceed 60 feet in height by conditional use permit, with enhanced site improvements, architecture, and building materials. Lot Coverage, Buildings • Minimum Building Lot Coverage = 20 percent • Maximum Building Lot Coverage = 90 percent Floor Area Ratio = Maximum Floor Area Ratio — None Accessory Structures • Trash handling equipment shall be located within buildings wherever practicaL If located in a structure attached to, or detached from, the principal building, such structure shall screen the trash handling equipment from the view of all neighboring property and public rights-of-way, and shall be constructed of materials which comprise the principal building. Gates and/or doors shall be constructed of permanent opaque materials, matching the principal building in color, and shall be kept closed at all times other than when being used for access. Roofs for such structures are encouraged, but not required when the screening wall of the enclosure is at least eight (8) feet in height. • Any other accessory structures allowed in the CCD (see Table 5-4) shall meet all requirements of the CCD district applicable to principal buildings. Framework Plan Zones • Refer to Figure 3-3 — Design Guidelines Use Area City a� i��nt�eeiio Coning'ir�inc�ne� I����; i.t,z eHaPrER a: zorvnvG DisrRiers Section 3.5 Business Base Zoning Districts Subsection (G) Central Community District Figure 3-3: Design Guidelines Use Area ! 1w 1..�-'!""'_,--r*-=}-:.,�. _•.�P�'_ '+ ^--•___��: �� � ���..r�.�___,.� � � � J � � _ . _ � _ C-, . - �_ � 4' �1� L-8 L-$ '` � 30 � `; �f �---� - - - , �, - _- _- _ -_ \�•,\ • ��r�s~� \\. � -__ �- �_,_� � ,/ , — � �� � �� r . � - - �' =�', �i , _ % ___ _- _:. - - � ,;ll - -- - � t _ i' Landmar€c Areas: [orridors: L-� Pub6c Parking Aamp 1 Broadway Street L�2 RiverOriented5liopging 2 Walnul5treet L-3 Cargi€I Site 3 Highvr�y 251 Pine Stree[ L-4 Communiry Cen[er Site L-5 Riverfront Park L G Future Public Open Spaee L-7 Permanen[ Riblic 6pen S�ace L-8 Freeway Retail ��-4 Zoning Standards} F'�xA�eas: DESIGN GUfDELINE ZONES F-1 Shopping Area Wesc a€ Flwy �5 F-� Convenicnceand5ervices F�TT� ZONING DISTRICTS F-3 Transition Page I 24 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Industrial Uses (continued) Machinery/Truck Repair Recycling and Salvage Center �;�i�i�7"E� 4: ��i+11S�-fli+1� Si"�i�f��i�C35 Section 4.8 Of�street Parking ;�.k�section (E) Standards Applicable to All Uses See Parking Schedule #I [Section 4.8(H)(2)] See Parking Schedule #I [Section 4.8(H)(2)] I.0 space per 100 lockers/units on the inside of the fenced area and at least five (5) spaces outside the fenced area Self-Storage Facilities ■ If a caretaker's quarters is provided on-site, at least one ( I) covered parking space for exclusive use by the caretaker shall be provided (iii) Unusable space (e.g. entries, halls, service areas, bathrooms, etc) within uses may be excluded from floor area calculations when applicable. (iv) Required parking spaces may be reduced through alternative development types (e.g. Planned Unit Development, utilization of Performance Based Enhancement Overlay District provisions, etc) as permitted in this ordinance. (c) CCD District Exceptions Property owners in the CCD District shall comply with the parking supply requirements as listed in Table 4-7 ofthis ordinance. However, property owners may be granted flexibility from a portion of their required parking supply under the following conditions: (i) Where the City finds that there will be adequate opportunity to provide public parking in the vicinity of the subj ect property, and at the City's option, the owner shall pay into a"CCD" Parking Fund an amount as established by City Council Resolution. Said fund shall be used for the acquisition, construction, and/or maintenance of publicly-owned parking in the "CCD" district. (ii) The City may, in addition to, or as an alternative to, the option listed in Section 4.8(E)(4)(c)(i) above, and at the discretion of the City, offer the property owner the opportunity to choose to supply parking at a rate which is si�ty (60) percent of the requirement listed in Section 4.8 provided that the owner grants an easement to the public for automobile parking use over the subject area. The owner shall retain responsibility for maintenance of said parking area. (iii) Location: Parking shall not be located on a parcel between the front building line of the principal building and the public street, except where expressly provided for by the City Council after recommendation from the Planning Commission. City a� i'i�-nt�ee�io �onsng'rvir��ne� ����; t'�` W er-IA�rE� s: usE sr��aAa�s Section 5. I Use Table �ubsection (A) F�cplanation of Use Table Structure � � . .- . � -. �.. . . . . -. -. • . -. Specialty Eating C P P P 5.2(�(28�. Establishments Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2(�(29�. Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2(�(30�. Veterinary Facilities C 5.2(�(31 �. (Rural) Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(F�(31 � (Neighborhood) Wholesale Sales P P P None Industrial Uses Auto Repair — Major C P P 5.2(G1( I 1 Bulk Fuel Sales and p p 5 2(Gl(21 Storage Contractor's Yard, � � � 5 2(G1(31 Temporary Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2(Gl(4l General Warehousing C C P P 5.2(Gl(51 Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2(Gl(61 Industrial Services C P None Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(G1(71 Light Manufacturing P P P 5.2(Gl(81 Machinery/Truck Repair & Sales P P 5'2(Gl(91 Recycling and Salvage Center C C 5.2(G�( I 0� Self-Storage Facilities C P 5.2(G�( I I� Truck or Freight C C 5.2(G�( I 2� Terminal Waste Disposal & Incineration C 5.2(�(13� Wrecker Services C P 5.2(�(14� City of Monticello Zoning Ordinanc� Page 327 eHAPTEft S: USE STAfilDL1RDS Section 5. I Use Table Subsection (A) F�cplanation of Use Table Structure . . . • � � . .- . � -. '.. • .-. • • . • -. -. -. Commercial Day Care C C C C none 5.2(�( I I� Commercial Lodging P P C none 5.2(F1(71 Commercial Recreation: Indoor P P C C none 5•2(Fl( � 2� Commercial Recreation: C C 5.2(�( I 3� Outdoor none Convenience Retail C P* C C *F-2 Drive Through by CUP 5.2(Fl(91 Funeral Services C C none 5.2(�(15� Medical / Clinical Services C p p p L-2: NA first floor, 5 2(�( � 8� CUP upper floors Personal Services P P P P L-3: CUP 5.2(�(2 �� Places of Public Assembly C C C C none 5.2(�(22� Production Brewery or Micro- Distillery with Taproom or C C C C none 5.2(�(23� Cocktail Room Professional Office-Services L-2: NA first floor, 5.2(�(14� Including Financial Institutions P P P C CUP upper floors 5.2(�(20� Restaurants, Bars < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(�(26� Restaurants, Bars > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(�(26� Retail Sales < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(�(27� Retail Sales > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(�(27� Retail with Service P C C L-2: NA first floor, 5 2(�(27� CUP upper floors Specialty Eating Establishments P,� P� C* P* *Drive Through by CUP 5.2(F�(28� < 10,000 SF Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C* L-8 only 5.2(F�(29� Veterinary Facilities C P C C none 5.2(F�(31 � Residential — Upper Floors P P P P L-2: NA Residential — Street Level C C L-2: NA Residential — Multiple Family C C L-2: NA Residential — Townhouse C none Residential — Single Family C none Industrial PUD L-3: PUD Only Public Buildings or Uses C C C P none Page 328 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 2C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a repuest for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development, Development Sta�e Planned Unit Development for Vehicle Sales & Rental for a Recreational Vehicle Dealership, and Preliminarv Plat for Groveland Fifth Addition. Applicant: Monticello RV — Scott Kunz (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: Legal: Outlot D, Groveland Addition PID: 155125000040 2018-047 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Preliminary Plat, Rezoning to PUD, Development Stage PUD Permit February 3rd, 2019 Places to Shop Zoning Designation: B-3 Highway Business The purpose of the `B-3" (Highway Business) district is to provide for limited commercial and service activities and provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Project Description: Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District Vacant Highway Commercial (RV Dealership) Self-Storage Commercial Single Family Residential Vacant Commercial The site is currently zoned B-3, Highway Business. For this area, commercial development is anticipated that takes advantage of highway-related businesses that include those selling and servicing motor vehicles, as well as hospitality uses that specifically serve traveler business, e.g., hotels and restaurants, in addition to local customers. Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 Common commercial building and site planning requirements apply in the B-3 District. Under the proposed PUD District, there is an expectation that the City will consider flexible development plans that incorporate design which may not meet the specific requirements of a typical zoning district, but which because of the design elements, exceed the City's planning and zoning objectives for the location in question. The proposed use is a Recreational Vehicle sales and service facility, an allowed Conditional Use in the B-3 District. The service aspect of the use is expected to be limited to minor repair and cleaning of used vehicles, along with pre-sales prep of new units prior to sale. In review discussions, the applicants have raised consideration of an RV sewage dump station, a common component necessary for the operation of their business with previously used vehicles. The site plan and narrative is expected to be revised to identify the operational aspects of this facility. In this case, the applicants are seeking PUD approval to avoid the building size/ratio requirements that are otherwise applicable to motor vehicle sales facilities. The commonly applicable standard would be 9% of the lot area, or 20,000 square feet, whichever is greater. For the subject 6 acre site, 9% would be more than 23,000 square feet. The applicants propose a building area of 18,000 square feet, as well as an optional mezzanine storage and small office area of about 2,400 square feet. The applicants note that this proposal is made in lieu of two smaller separate buildings on smaller parcels that would have a lesser (7%) building size requirement. Comments relating to various aspects of the proposal are highlighted below. Preliminary Pla� The proposed plat consists of a subdivision creating the proposed RV dealership parcel on the east half of the subject property (Lot 1), a parcel of approximately 6.09 acres in area. Lot 1 includes a small extension that divides the single family neighborhood to the south, and which would continue to be the responsibility of the RV owner for maintenance. This extension had originally been included in the Groveland plat to accommodate pedestrian connections between the residential neighborhood and Chelsea Road. Since the time of the original Groveland plat, that connection has been found to be unnecessary. At this time, no other use or owner for the property has emerged. As a result, it will be attached to the subj ect property, but not available for commercial uses or other occupancy. The outlot comprises the remaining 5.76 acres of the land, extending west to the intersection of Chelsea Road and 90th Street. This parcel will require 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 replatting prior to its development. The plat appears to meet the requirements of the City's subdivision ordinance, subj ect to detailed civil and engineering comments made by the City's engineer. Those comments are included as an exhibit to this report. Site Planning and PtID. The site plan relies on a single access point from Chelsea Road in the northeast corner of the site. This access point would serve customer and employee automobile traffic, as well as larger recreational vehicle traffic in and out of the site. The building is located near the access drive, and is shown with a row of customer parking adj acent to the building in front, and an additional row of what is likely to be employee parking adjacent to the rear of the building. The layout of the building itself includes the main customer entry on the north side of the building (facing Chelsea Road), which serves the main sales lobby, offices, and parts sales. This portion of the building is approximately 9,500 square feet in area. As noted above, an optional mezzanine level is accessible from this area, totaling about 2,400 square feet. The south (rear) portion of the building consists of service area, with five overhead doors on each side (east and west) of the building providing interior access to vehicles for service. This portion of the building totals about 8,500 square feet in area. The proposed site plan anticipates a field of display vehicles to the west of the building encompassing the entire property, with the exception of a stormwater pond along the west boundary of the site, and the raised landscaped berm separating the property from the residential neighborhood to the south. A row of recreational vehicles would extend along the entire east boundary as well as the full frontage of the property along Chelsea Road. At the concept review for this PUD project, staff noted the City's interest in ensuring that commercial buildings such as this one were prominently exposed to the street. As shown on the site plan proposal, the building would be separated from the street by the row of display vehicles along the Chelsea Road frontage. Staff would recommend that the applicant consider replacing the row of RVs directly in front of the building along Chelsea Road with the rear passenger vehicle parking. As a part of this change, building could be shifted slightly (about 20 feet or so) toward Chelsea Road. In this way, the display vehicles could be located along the south boundary line as a result (where there are Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 currently no vehicles planned). The sketch below illustrates this idea, including a slight rotation of the building (although the rotation is not critical to the concept). With this change, the building would be more visible from the street. While it is understood that the applicant's business relies on display of their sales product, it does not seem likely that there would be any confusion as to business activity that would result from the small changes proposed in the sketch. Without the proposed change, the view of the property to passing traffic would appear to be little more than a storage lot. The City's business environment depends on attractive, inviting commercial property, and it is believed that building visibility can be an important aspect of that environment. ---------- --____� ----------------- ---------- ------------,�-------___________________ _ •,T,D "CC� > , , � � � — Re lacate pa r� from ,�ocx- rear ta frant �fl ���-�� � gpcK � � ! � �,,y�c k1J �, J z ;.,J ra;' 7 ;�_r -� f.: �.�F• ... R�t�te B ilding elaekwis shift toward st eet -- 20"+ ${�'� ;n r G �_ RoeK N ���i��. �C�, �p"C�,r — h�tUt` � �CG Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 Staff understands that the applicant is not favorable to this change, citing the imperative of maximizing exposure of the display vehicles. Instead, the applicant suggests that location of the freestanding sign in the display area along Chelsea Road will replace one or two of the proposed vehicle spaces, increased visibility that is provided via the driveway curb cut. Parking. As noted above, the building includes nearly 10,000 square feet of office, parts sales, and customer lobby area, along with 3,000 square feet of mezzanine storage and 8,500 square feet of vehicle service floor area. Indoor storage and vehicle service area creates a parking supply requirement of 10 spaces at one space per 1,250 square feet. Vehicle sales parking requirements are 8 spaces for the first 1,000 square feet, plus one space per 800 square feet of additional floor area. This yields an additional requirement of 18 spaces, for a total site requirement of 28 parking spaces. The applicant's site plan shows 20 spaces. There is more than enough paved area to accommodate the requirement — the applicant may stripe fewer spaces if their need is less under PUD flexibility, with the understanding that an increase in parking space demand would require additional parking lot striping. The applicant notes that many customers drive into the sales/display area of the lot and park temporarily to view specific models, rather than utilize the standard parking area. There is adequate space for this to occur, and it has the effect of reducing the demand on the striped parking lot. Landscaping. The applicant has submitted a landscaping plan that generally follows the pattern established by the adjacent self-storage development. The plan includes a double-row of Black Hills Spruce along the southern boundary supplementing the berm and existing tree planting which screens the site from the residential property. It should be noted that overstory trees (Burr Oak) along the south boundary will likely be moved back from the curb line to accommodate recreational vehicle movements in the display area. The applicant's plan includes a summary of the City's landscape quantity requirements, and shows that the plan will meet those requirements. It is noted that the applicants do not propose any fencing at this time. The applicant's project narrative states that any future fencing would match the style constructed as a part of the self-storage proj ect. One note relates to the existing fencing along the border between this site and the neighboring self-storage business. The applicant proposes a curb line approximately 20 feet from the boundary, along which the self-storage owner 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 constructed a boundary fence. The current applicant proposes to cover this area behind the curb with rock mulch, over which recreational vehicles would extend. The applicant indicates that a revised site plan will eliminate the seed proposed in favor of the rock mulch over the entire area. No new trees have been proposed in this area. Moreover, there is no specific buffer zone required between similarly zoned commercial property. As such, the proposal does not appear to be counter to any specific zoning objectives as now proposed. A retaining wall is proposed for the west side of the site, along the proposed infiltration pond. The applicant shall provide detail on the materials for the proposed wall. Lighting. The applicant's lighting plan relies on only a few lights (seven total) in the sales/parking lot area along the north boundary of the paved area, and seven wall-pack fixtures on the building, only one of which would be on the south side of the building. These fixtures all appear to be design to cast light downward, and the photometric plan shows zero foot-candles of light spread well within the boundaries of the site. Signage. The applicant notes that they are located within the freeway bonus sign district and expect to install a freestanding sign consistent with these allowances along the Chelsea Road frontage. The ordinance accommodates one 32 foot tall sign with a maximum square footage of 200 square feet. With the original plan set, no free-standing signage details were provided — an amended final stage plan should detail the proposed location of the freestanding sign. The applicant further notes that wall signage will be prepared, along with the freestanding sign, that is consistent with the allowance of the base zoning regulations without need for PUD consideration. Building Design. The proposed building materials consist of composite insulated panels, with an exterior which simulates a stucco or EFIS finish, and cultured stone accents. In discussing the design aspects with the applicants, the building is proposed to be 28 feet in height at its highest point. The architectural design shows sidewalls with parapets that will appear as a flat- roof building. For rooftop mechanical equipment which extends above the parapet, the applicant will utilize a painting scheme that is consistent with the colors used in the building architecture. All of these elements are consistent with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. � Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 Grading and Drainage, and tltilities. The City Engineer has provided a separate report addressing these and other engineering aspects of the proposal. Accessory Use Requirements Trash Handling. The applicants intend to provide an exterior trash enclosure. This facility should reflect materials and/or colors used in the principal building. Moreover, staff would recommend that the enclosure is located so as to screened from both the street and the residential areas to the south. An amended site plan should identify location and construction details. Accessory Buildings. No accessory buildings are proposed for the site. As previously noted, the applicant has indicated that only minor repair and servicing of vehicles will occur and be limited to the interior of the principal building. Rezoning The PUD zoning will apply to the proposed development parcel, legally described as the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Groveland Sth Addition. The applicant should verify this is the intended zoning consideration. Final rezoning to PUD consideration occurs concurrent with the final stage PUD. A draft ordinance has been prepared for the PUD zoning. Final Plat and Final Stage PtID Pending decision on the current application submittals for development stage PUD and preliminary plat, the applicant will be required to submit for final stage PUD and final plat documents which demonstrate compliance with Exhibit Z conditions. The City Council will consider those applications, along with final rezoning action and development agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1— Preliminary Plat of Groveland 5th Addition Motion to adopt Resolution PC-2019-001 recommending approval of Preliminary Plat for Groveland Sth Addition, subj ect to Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution PC-2019-001 based on findings to be identified by the Commission. 3. Motion to table action on the Preliminary Plat, subject to submission of additional information from applicant or staff. 7 Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 Decision 2— Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development 1. Motion to adopt Resolution PC-2019-002 recommending approval of a rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to PUD, Planned Unit Development for Lot 1, Block 1 of Groveland Sth Addition. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution PC-2019-002, based on findings to be identified by the Commission. 3. Motion to table action on the rezoning subject to submission of additional information from applicant or staff. Decision 3— Development Stage PUD Approval Motion to adopt Resolution PC-2019-003 recommending approval of a Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Lot 1, Block 1 of Groveland Sth Addition. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution PC-2019-003, based on findings to be identified by the Commission. 3. Motion to table action on the Development Stage PUD, subject to submission of additional information from applicant or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proj ect, subj ect to the conditions found in Exhibit Z. The proj ect is consistent with the land use expectations for the site based on existing zoning (B-3) in most aspects. The request for the application of PUD sets an expectation that the City will consider flexible development plans which may not meet the specific requirements of a typical zoning district. That flexibility is intended to be balanced by other plan or design elements which exceed the City's planning and zoning objectives for the location in question. In this case, the applicant seeks to vary from the building size requirements set out for vehicle sales and display uses. To balance this flexibility, staff's recommendation is to revise the RV display area along the Chelsea frontage between the street and the building to increase building visibility. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC-2019-001, Preliminary Plat B. Resolution PC-2019-002, Rezoning to PUD C. Resolution PC-2019-003, Development Stage PUD D. Ordinance No. 7XX, Draft : Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 E. Aerial Site Image F. Applicant Narrative G. Preliminary Plat H. Final Plat I. Site Development Plans, including: a. Title Sheet b. Details c. Existing Topography d. Grading Drainage & Erosion Control Plan e. Utility and Paving Plan £ Landscape Plan J. Building Floor Plans K. Building Elevation Plans L. Photometric Plan M. City Engineer's Letter, dated 12/18/18 Z. Conditions of Approval � Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 EXHIBIT Z Preliminary Plat, Rezoning to PUD, Development Stage PUD Lot 1, Block 1, Groveland 5th Addition Site plan revised to reduce RV display along the Chelsea frontage between the street and the building to increase building visibility. 2. Shift the building to the north to replace RV display with passenger vehicle parking to increase visibility of the building (optional). 3. Ensure east boundary will not create concerns over interference with existing adj acent property improvements. 4. Maintain lighting compliance with code, ensuring that lighting levels will minimize impacts on adj acent property. Prepare and submit sign plans that demonstrate compliance with Sign Ordinance regulations. 6. Noise Ordinance compliance — including no outdoor paging/speakers that are audible from adj oining residential areas. 7. Limit use of extended parcel to the south to landscaping and revise the landscaping plan to identify plantings and maintenance. Provide materials detail for proposed retaining wall. 9. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer's report dated December 12, 2018. 10. Execute a Development Agreement for the plat and Planned Unit Development. 11. Comments and recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission. 10 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-001 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR GROVELAND 5TH ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop property legally described as Outlot D, Groveland Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into a single lot and one outlot for commercial use; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Places to Shop" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 2"d, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by continuing the development plans for commercial use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a commercial area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Groveland Sth Addition, subj ect to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-001 Site plan revised to reduce RV display along the Chelsea frontage between the street and the building to increase building visibility. 2. Shift the building to the north to replace RV display with passenger vehicle parking to increase visibility of the building (optional). 3. Ensure east boundary will not create concerns over interference with existing adj acent property improvements. 4. Maintain lighting compliance with code, ensuring that lighting levels will minimize impacts on adjacent property. Prepare and submit sign plans that demonstrate compliance with Sign Ordinance regulations. 6. Noise Ordinance compliance — including no outdoor paging/speakers that are audible from adjoining residential areas. 7. Limit use of extended parcel to the south to landscaping and revise the landscaping plan to identify plantings and maintenance. Provide materials detail for proposed retaining wall. 9. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer's report dated December 12, 2018. 10. Execute a Development Agreement for the plat and Planned Unit Development. 11. Comments and recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 2"d day of January, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-001 Brad Fyle, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-002 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM `B-3", HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT TO "PUD", PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone a portion of Outlot D, Groveland Addition (being replatted as Groveland Sth Addition) subj ect to its platting into developable lots; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property suggested by the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the original preliminary plat for the area commercial uses for the subj ect area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 2"d, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The rezoning is an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site. 2. The use of the site for commercial development is consistent with the City's economic development objectives. 3. The amendment results in a zoning designation that more closely achieves the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan than would the current B-3 zoning. 4. The amendment results in the potential for development that would be compatible and consistent with the expecting surrounding land uses in the area. 6. The resulting land uses will have impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the subj ect property as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council adopts Ordinance No. rezoning the subj ect property from `B- 3", Highway Business District to "PUD", Planned Unit Development District. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-002 ADOPTED this 2"d day of January, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-003 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR GROVELAND 5TH ADDITION, A COMMERCIAL PLAT CONSISTING OF ONE DEVELOPMENT PARCEL AND ONE OUTLOT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone its property with PID No. 15512500004 from B-3, Highway Business to PUD, Planned Unit Development District; and WHEREAS, the applicant concurrently proposes to develop the property for commercial uses under the proposed Planned Unit Development zoning process of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Places to Shop" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 2"d, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The PUD provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site. 2. The use of the site for commercial uses is consistent with the City's interest in promoting the long-term planned land uses in the area. 3. The proposed improvements on the site under the Development Stage PUD are consistent with the needs of the PUD in this location. 4. The improvements will have impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 5. The PUD flexibility for the project, including incorporation of original building size standards and other zoning requirements, are consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-003 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Development Stage PUD, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: Site plan revised to reduce RV display along the Chelsea frontage between the street and the building to increase building visibility. 2. Shift the building to the north to replace RV display with passenger vehicle parking to increase visibility of the building (optional). 3. Ensure east boundary will not create concerns over interference with existing adj acent property improvements. 4. Maintain lighting compliance with code, ensuring that lighting levels will minimize impacts on adjacent property. Prepare and submit sign plans that demonstrate compliance with Sign Ordinance regulations. 6. Noise Ordinance compliance — including no outdoor paging/speakers that are audible from adj oining residential areas. 7. Limit use of extended parcel to the south to landscaping and revise the landscaping plan to identify plantings and maintenance. Provide materials detail for proposed retaining wall. 9. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer's report dated December 12, 2018. 10. Execute a Development Agreement for the plat and Planned Unit Development. 11. Comments and recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 2"d day of January, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-003 : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director ORDINANCE NO. 7XX CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE GROVELAND 5tn ADDITION MONTICELLO RV PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT TO GROVELAND 5t'' ADDITION MONTICELLO RV PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: LOT 1 BLOCK 1; GROVELAND 5t'' ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(P) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (XX) Groveland Sth Addition — Monticello RV PUD (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Groveland Sth Addition — Monticello RV PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subj ect to the District for multiple family residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Groveland Stn Addition — Monticello RV PUD District shall be vehicle sales and rental uses uses as found in the B-3, Highway Business District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subj ect to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated , 2019, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to vehicle sales and rental uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Groveland Sth Addition — Monticello RV PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the B-3, Highway Business District, shall apply. ORDINANCE NO. 7XX (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from B-3, Highway Business District to Groveland Stn Addition — Monticello RV PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lot 1, Block 1, Groveland Sth Addition Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this l lth day of February, 2019. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 0 � a . � f . ' . - .r. . � , � J � y+ I..?'� . F iLg.I�rl;i1!'� il I i�[F.I' � �F . ��. f'6 � �` � � o � : � �� _ �y . 4., i u � ` � • y >_� c'6 . � � �� � � � � �a � ' � �`, ` a � � `° � ��� � ,� c�v •� U � ` �� � � � � � - L rn ts ; � a r� � � � � '�` � � . _ . ,� � � d �� �S � � '; v � �� � �, ; f � ��, t � � a� o � . � t�.A o w r>;, �-s ��S' � - �� o� � � > '� '�_��[ k � ��'�� ` o � � � cn � �� r pY�= r � . � ,t' �' ` �� � +� ' t : v� � �. �: t ` " r 2 ��,`, � C�1 : 'f �� v3. � � : T' r �. . 2 � r—I r ^+�� iC7� � � ,� �� � ,�r � � � � � � � N� E � r � �, . ,�,�' . � � I�CY .. � �" � :. uryi� � r !'�_ _� r �� t . ,^{+- � ,. 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Q�r � L ..: � � -.. � .� r ' .' r' � /'` F :`�`� F�%�df°4'�/�/ . � .. ... _ ._... • � a{ � � � , � ,�r . �� r V Q - T'�1 � ��� y� � t +i. � r � M �--� .., . _ � . � r' * �6 0 O � �� '� ,! �• "�' • �� � = �;,,�, �� `_ � � . b� �. • ��. � O � � � �"� � ~° Y�� � December 14, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Replat of out lot D Groveland addition and PUD for DSB Ventures (Monticello RV Center) narrative OCello and DSB Ventures has entered into a purchase agreement to sell DSB ventures 5.98 acres on the eastern portion of outlet lot D Groveland addition PID # 155125000040, 260,488 square feet. This would be the West border of Affordable Storage presently is zoned B3. The applicant DSB Ventures (Monticello RV Center) will purchase the raw land and are contracting with Kinghorn Construction to build the building. It would be the intention of DSB to develop the site into a second location for Monticello RV Center. They desire to do this by requesting to rezone from B-3 to a PUD which will allow some flexibility with building size. It would allow one larger facility be built in 2019, versus 2 smaller buildings to be built over a period of time. Total square footage for the building is an 18,OOOSF foot print with an option for a 2400SF mezzanine. The portion of the berm that is on the commercial property is approximately 40 feet by 640 feet (25,600) square feet of buffer space that is not usable for parking or lot development. Ocello did plant pine trees at the top on the residential property that have developed into a very nice buffer between the residential and the commercial properties. It would be our intention to continue with pine tree plantings and mulch just as affordable storage has done to extend the buffer and the continuity to the projects. It is our understanding that Affordable Storage is doing a decorative fence on the East border of this property. It would be our intention to do rock landscaping on this border. On the West border we would landscape a long shallow filtration pond to tie into one of the hookups provided to this site on Chelsea road that ties to the regional pond. Across the front Boulevard on Chelsea road we will have landscaped green space divided by the regional trail. The overhead door finish on the building is as follows: The OHD closest to Chelsea will be aluminum and glass construction similar to a storefront system. The remainder will be an insulated metal panel with embossed finish these will have windows across 2 panels. Currently we anticipate only one entrance in and out of the site. The front part of this lot falls under the highway sign designation, so are plans are to put a sign the complies with those requirements. We have not finalized our other signage plans, but do not anticipate any extra sign requirements. As the signage portion of the project develops we will communicate with the city. We understand we will need a CUP to operate. Should we decide to fence any portion of the property we would continue with the decorative design of the metal on the East border or similar product. We feel our project is a good fit to the neighborhood. It's a acceptable use in a B3 zoning with a CUP. The property is presently zoned B3. There is a good buffer between uses and very little impact to the area, low traffic and a quiet operation, and brings a good tax base to the city while adding numerable well-paying jobs. It is understood that there will be development, SAC/WAC, trunk, building permit, etc. fees that will be associated with this project. / / � = E � z� / / �/�//V�%/ � � a� � _ - £; £� w� �p;';� /V �l�j�oo�' w �m ���- � � � � �� -o� � - _ _- a� � °s - z,�` � ���, � �� � ='z i z�`Wo s --� � -a �� ; o� �°a�sq � w� F� w � � � °��>< C� -��ti m / 3 � oaa ? c�x a O � l N3rv��,3,o eJ `\ Y � I Zot71ie5 _ a £ _- �6 � / % // Nn3�yNboS ` �'��` a// �In O o � o� �E o= O / // �� \`�`�)p O� � !^ p r � • O oU O � l � O O /E / ��_ / t� l� l � II � O � / _ � � � 4 0/ ary�� I I I I � N m Z Z �� �n � >�?/ r O V W / / � OZ � v J / / � Q r � ��� !W^ � �ry� !�^ � / I � � �2/ VJ � W VJ / \ \ \ �, w / /eo � / � � Q �oer ; �_ ,=a i , Qw � � /04� rn � QU � d / T% v/ 2 � %i w� �/�, � � , � � � � � i ; �Qw���, � � � , � � � , ;` � � Q o =� �� ; � Qo� � � ; � o o � wo �;�1 �o Z �' ; � � �O " /_ %c � X� / �� � � Z m Q �I � �'��3 QQ o� \\� � wz o; � Q a�a ����� � G a � * � �� w o g i / I /�: � 2 rn N� Q� � � </� / vN i I � j� �� O / / � � � Z J � � � � ;' o � % owo � � ' Q W � � ��� � ' o % >�_ �� ��i � e i / / / a�z zn � � Q ; , ���0 �� % . , / x� � � O / GJ pfr,ko � � � � Zl W� �" S S�� ,,, �� �; Q � N'- � �o�o/ o ,; .; , �_ �% � ,- �, � ; �� � O O� � �� ' �'' : `� ' `' ��_e��� �(�Q m"i � b' .,, / /''w;,�.<,< � - $°�Eose O !7 rv�/ � �� � ��� �r;ovNiao� N � � � �j-/ / C�v i �4{��'3 � / ed. ��� e •-_ � \//R' ) '� i o � �� 3,y o � % V Q\ CJ� o �eN b\� � j � z J� syys � J z. � `` / W ' / �9� / `� / �/ � a—Z � � � `` � � \ � a � � � / ��; / `\` \ �, j � \ �t / \ � I� � � �'"r / � vroi 5 � � / � IZ \ / / � � �� �� ��p / � /� � \� �I / �Ja � � / / � / O 0 �O O \ � / � ' � z � � z� �7 � , , � � ,V Qo � � ;';� M � ���, � � �, � w � o z�z �, � M;, zm Q�w ���� ;: x� > �� ��- a�Q y ��� ; l� wz o � C�� oY= / pm� � ���e � � h� �� � �� � ���� j i;e�z Q � � � e``'�� �� \� ��� >�. _ p=� ' � U Ln � °' ^/ Q � r � ' i � / i � Q N � �z � Z� Q � �''�'`. �_� �� I i, �O `° w� � �i� � �w � � � �z� }z � � ��� I� O�N �a� �� ti� Q� � r�- I�, Q Q � o� � � m� � ~I �I � ��� �� % ����" �°m�, � � � o�z � �m�� ����'� �` ' � � ` � � � w �o � V �� � ¢¢ � � w 0 ��� w '� o J m �� � W 0 �� � o9��ry � � � � � � Q � r �� �� §� � � � � `¢ "' / / /l � \ e \ WY \\ / - V / � �('y \ 06 � \ N w /� �� � �4 g � � � / LL \ _ �� �bry \ 8 LL m �I O r " \ �" N QK \ / / �n � I � � \ � ���� �� �bAh \� =Q \� �� - o� O _ \ � K �\ >`o � 6 , �o y � �� � , � -_ o �� 2, � � z �� � o ��� � o xz �w �w ,� o -z � r wo �� � �o��Y � � - � �m �� i � � � , Z O � � 0 a _ � � 0 Z � W � 0 � C� � � � E - � _ � Q; a � - � � � � �„ o ,`, ,, _ - _ / a _z, _ ��` , _- E � ; � ��` �,��°�° ��", i� � _ � � ;_ � ; � Meao � � - i � o h o � o - / ; .__, ,>� . o �� � ; / �� � � �� � � _. � � ,� ` - � �_ � , � �� �= I y �W � r /� r /�� r Z � �� ���� / `_� `� ,e� , ��Q O __ ,=a � � �e� , ,�a , ,. , � � � ` ����,, , � , � , , _, , E, �, , �, 0 � -��� o o �; , � � , � � � , �� ��,,, r J a � 7 N m 3 g � a l N / o^ / �- ` r� .. � � a � �� 2 -� ����, _ , � / �' — " , , � � °� � _ � , , , , , I..L � / � � �_� ` �� 1 °, , Q�0 � l l � < / LL � / %��1�� `_� , ,,�;� 0 � �� �� /� ,ej � �����— __ � ' �� / Z _ � , , � �� etos� � J / ��/ . ` m 3� ��1� oN �'f2�� � J �/ �\M�\z�b�eN �'9 "-�"y✓yp\�.N ��L3b ,� W � ��� ,' , h,� ��a�,�e�� � �; � � � _- ���,�% . � ,' � � //� / 0 � 5 ; , ,a" �� / ��� / ; ; �� a���� / � ,� , � , ,�� � � / � � � , � ,, / "� � �� - - � C� ; ;� �_, _ , / � ; � - , �� � � ,� _ � / ' � � ��� " � � / ,, , ; , � - �, � M /�/ ,, �� _ \� o / '�, � � O , 6Ah ��i'-_ .,. 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Extend the drainage and utility easement over the entire infiltration basin on the west side of the site. Existinq Topoqraphv and Removals Plan 2. Expand the view of the existing contours for the property to the east to show the drainage patterns and how the proposed site will tie into the existing contours within the property. Gradinq, Drainaqe and Erosion Control Plan 3. Consider adding a separate site plan sheet to the plans depicting the drive aisle and parking areas dimensions, entrance width, and RV circulation patterns and turning templates. 4. The location of the proposed access appears to have adequate spacing from the existing accesses along Chelsea Road, based on the current uses. 5. The EOF for the infiltration basin should be reviewed. The EOF is shown through the parking lot at an elevation of 955.56; however, the top of wall elevation for the basin in the northwest corner is at elevation 953.5 and appears as though the EOF would flow off site to the west. It is recommended that the EOF be directed to Chelsea Road. 6. Grading in the northwest corner appears to be off the site. Please identify if permission from the adjacent property owner has been obtained for this. 7. Roof drainage and downspout locations should be shown on the grading plan. 8. Show the existing private utilities where grading is proposed to occur in the drainage and utility easement along Chelsea Road. Address any impacts to private utilities. 9. Add inlet protection on the north side of Chelsea Road. 10. Include silt fence along the south side of the trail to prevent sediment depositing on the trail. K:\012967-000\Admin\Docs\Ltr-a-schumann Lakes Region RV Review-121818.docx Lake Region RV December 19, 2018 Page 2 11. Retaining walls over 4 feet in height require a railing at the top of the wall and shall be designed and certified by a licensed professional engineer. 12. All rip rap needs to be grouted and hand placed, per City specifications. 13. Grading, drainage, and erosion control shall comply with the City's zoning ordinance. See Chapter 4, Section 4.10 related to grading, drainage, stormwater management, and erosion control and the City's Design Manual, updated May 2017, located on the City's website, Engineering Department. Sanitarv and Water Utilitv Plan 14. The applicant shall verify that a 6-inch watermain extension will provide adequate pressure and fire flows to serve the building. 15. The building department will provide comments related to hydrant location for fire protection. 16. Provide an as-built utility plan once construction is complete. Stormwater Manaqement Plan 17. The proposed stormwater management for the site includes rate control at an offsite regional pond. Water quality/volume reduction is proposed through an on-site infiltration basin and underground infiltration trench. Pre-treatment is required for runoff entering an infiltration device. Pre-treatment is not provided for runoff that enters the basin in the concrete flume. It is recommended to move the location of the concrete flume to prevent short circuiting in the basin. 18. Both the infiltration basin and infiltration trench utilize the inlet as the outlet. This system is a short-circuiting design. It is recommended to separate the inlet and outlet pipes to prevent short circuiting. Additionally, all pond outlet structures are required to include a skimming device. 19. Depth to groundwater and bedrock must be confirmed in the proposed infiltration areas to ensure infiltration is not being proposed within 3 feet of the seasonally high-water table or bedrock. This information should be obtained from infiltration testing. Soil classifications from the investigation can be used for preliminary design purposes. Soil borings should extend to a minimum of 5 feet below the bottom of the infiltration basin. The lowest (i.e. most restrictive) infiltration rate within 5 feet shall be used for design purposes. Confirmation infiltration testing of the constructed systems will be required. 20. Soils that have infiltration rates greater than 8.3 inches per hour must be amended to slow the infiltration rate below 8.3 inches per hour, per the CSWGP. 21. An infiltration rate of 0.7 inches per hour has been assumed, which equates to an infiltration depth of 2.8 feet in 48 hours but should be verified with soil testing as described above. The basin depth of 1.9 feet will drawdown within 48 hours. The infiltration trench with a depth of 3.02 feet will not drawdown within 48 hours, therefore not meeting the City requirements. Lake Region RV December 19, 2018 Page 3 22. For the outlet elevation of 951.9 in the infiltration basin, the pond stage storage calculations indicate a volume of 13,634 cubic feet; however, the narrative indicates 13,859 cubic feet. Please correct this discrepancy. The volume of 4,546 cubic feet for the infiltration trench is consistent in the narrative and calculations. According to the calculations, 18,180 cubic feet of volume reduction is provided, which does not meet the required volume of 18,348 cubic feet. 23. Provide rational method calculations confirming adequacy of the storm sewer design for the 10-year storm event and connection to the existing storm sewer system. Calculations should adhere to the following guidelines: a. The rational method runoff coefficient (c) is designated by land use and should be assigned a value no less than 0.7. b. Minimum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 3.0 fps c. Maximum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 12.0 fps 24. An NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 25. A stormwater maintenance agreement will be required. A template will be provided to the applicant. HvdroCAD Model 26. Provide modeling calculations for the 10-day snowmelt (7.2 inches) event and adjust HWL in ponds if needed. SWPPP 27. Sheet C4 seed mixes are permanent seed mixes. Include temporary stabilization measures and the estimated quantities (including temporary erosion control blanket and/or mulch) for all exposed areas. 28. Include erosion control blanket and/or mulch to seed stabilization measures (temporary and permanent). 29. Ensure areas to be stabilized with seed/fertilizer have either erosion control blanket or mulch application (with rates) associated with the stabilization measures. OTHER 30. Add a note that all construction shall conform to the City's General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction, dated April 2017, located on the City's website, Engineering Department. 31. A geotechnical report was provided to the City on December 18, 2018 and will be reviewed with the re-submittal of the plans. Lake Region RV December 19, 2018 Page 4 Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612-360-1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB � � ,�� ��s� Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager 7 =: � � 0 J J W V � z � °� N � i " �sa G� R... . . ----� ��i r; ; � F V C _ 4Q _ _ �3z _- ;�N J _ p� _ �?a - -_- wsw -- �� 3a -- _ � z�sW �3a� W ag=_ 6� -,��- a _ � - a n _ �? o�w o�N =_a � u=-_z;o g _ -_ - _ _ _ m>;�zwti _ yn _ _ _-�3 0� s� _ � a��NU��� - <5� _��w� _ _ - - �o��d us� <a� � �_«M < �e � m�p �Q�oO ~O � E e� w 0 � � W " Z a � Z P� � U � "�ni` m G G � O w o z a � z � i � O �� � z O � V Z O O N � ¢ � � w O � U 0 0 x � > � ¢ o z oS ca � � o w � Y 1 s� Y U O O C°o� N t o n e N � �a�a `o C � Qsy C e CCme ��' �worL oi:Cvy __ � S � i0 S6£f\31tlAlild\'�N �b - 9lOZ 'DO �a0 � Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 Public Hearing — Consideration of a reauest for a Preliminarv Plat of Oakwood Industrial Park 4th Addition. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: Legal: Portions of Lots 1 and 2, Oakwood Industrial Park PID: 155018001012; 155018001020 2018-050 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Project Description: Replat to relocate an existing lot line to accommodate construction of a new fire station N/A Places to Shop (Commercial) B-4, Regional Business The purpose of the `B-4", regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. NA Community Recreation/Vacant Commerci al/Industri al Industrial Commerci al/Industri al Commercial The City proposes to construct a new fire station on the east portion of the subject property. The westerly portion is occupied by an existing building (formerly a bowling center), but which is now utilized by a local soccer club. The property line would be moved to the west, preserving the bulk of the existing parking area for the soccer club building but add space for fire station construction and circulation. There would continue to be a total of 2 parcels. Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 ANALYSIS The platted area currently consists of two lots, Lots 1 and 2 of Oakwood Industrial Park The westerly lot (Lot 1) currently has approximately 392 feet along Chelsea Road, and approximately 2.66 acres in area. The easterly lot (Lot 2) currently has approximately 360 feet along Chelsea Road, and approximately 2.47 acres in area. The replat would shift the dividing lot line approximately 87 feet to the west, decreasing Lot 1 to 2.05 acres, and increasing Lot 2 to 3.07 acres. The B-4 zoning district requires no specific minimum area or lot width for commercial parcels. The plat includes 12 foot wide utility and drainage easements along the perimeter lot lines, and 6 feet wide easements along either side of the shared internal lot line, in accordance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. Other existing easements, including a 60 foot wide gas line easement that extends through Lot 2, would not be affected by the plat. As noted below, the gas line easement is a factor in the need to shift the existing lot line, in order to create adequate buildable area on Lot 2. Site Plan Review: The proposed fire station use is a permitted use in the B-4 District. The following notes are a summary of staff site plan review of the proposed development. While these comments do not affect the technical aspects of the plat proposal, they relate to the use of the new property for fire station purposes. The Commission should note that as a permitted use, site plan review is an administrative process, but the staff review of the plans is provided for Commission reference. Access/Drive Aisles/ The fire station site plan shows an exit apron from the station building to Chelsea Road. While the apron is wider than the code allowance of 24', wider curb cuts may be allowed by the City Engineer. The Engineer has reviewed this aspect of the project, and due the need for emergency exiting, the proposed width is considered acceptable. The drive aisle on west side of site is located within the required 6' side lot line drainage and utility easement. Encroachment into this easement is noted and allowed given the public use and ownership. No encroachment agreement would be necessary, until that westerly parcel is eventually sold to a private party. For the easterly driveway access to the fire station parking area, two-way traffic is allowed to provide both access and egress to and from the east parking lot. The required 24' drive aisle meets requirements. The circulation changes to allow for one-way traffic through northerly parking and drives of the site. Signage and/or pavement markings are recommended to notify vehicles of the changed condition. 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 1/02/2019 Parkan� The site plan illustrates compliance with dimensional requirements for stalls and circulation drives. For the proposed use, parking space count should be adequate given the use and square footage calculations. It will be important for the station to provide full off-street parking quantities necessary to account for all personnel as there is no reasonable parking supply on Chelsea Road, a collector roadway. The site plan shows all parking and drive aisles to be surrounded with concrete curb and gutter, as required by zoning regulations. Li�htin� The submission package includes a photometric plan showing light spread and intensity on the property. The plan is compliant with city standards with the exception of the west side of the fire station site, where the proposed lighting is higher than that allowed at the property line. However, City code allows for deviation for security purposes per Chapter 4, Section 5(G). In addition, given that the City owns both parcels (and both are zoned B-4), this lighting pattern is both common and acceptable. Detailed fixtures plans illustrate full-cut off fixtures for wall and pole lighting as required. Poles are required to be no greater than 25 feet in height. Landscapinp Perimeter buffer yard landscaping is required. The city is required to install '/z of the required perimeter buffer to supplement the buffer already in place on the east property line, which is considered a"D" level "opaque" buffer between civic/institutional and industrial uses. This landscaping is required in addition to the landscaping proposed. The City Engineer's office has provided comment on the relocation of the proposed landscaping to avoid easement conflicts. The balance of landscaping proposed is acceptable in terms of species, size and quantity. The landscaping plan should be revised to address the additional buffer planting materials. Gradin�, Draina�e, Erosion Control & Site tltilities City Engineer's office has reviewed and provided comments in a separate letter included with this staff report. Accessorv Structures The trash enclosure is located at the northwest corner of the northerly parking lot. The enclosure is required to be constructed of the same or similar building materials as the principal building. 3 Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 Screenin� The rooftop mechanical is proposed to be fully screened per ordinance requirements. Buildin� Materials The building materials, which are proposed as pre-cast concrete panels with variation including smooth, sandblasted and exposed aggregate, with prefinished metal and aluminum accents. The architect should verify that the metal accents are a maximum of 15% of the building exterior. Si�na�e Plans illustrate wall signage only. Wall signs are within the 15% of allowable square footage of faced fronting a public street. Based on the Chelsea Road fa�ade, the building is allowed 716 square feet of wall signage. The proposed plan illustrates approximately 370 square feet. Staff understands a monument sign may be proposed. The site plan shall be updated to illustrate the location of the sign, which must meet total allowable area of 100 square feet and a maximum of 14' in height, as well as setbacks of 15' from the right of way and 6' from interior side property lines. Placement of any monument sign should be carefully considered to avoid visibility obstruction for emergency vehicles entering Chelsea Road. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2019-004, recommending approval of the Preliminary Plat for Oakwood Industrial Park 4th Addition, based on the findings in said resolution, and contingent on the conditions in Exhibit Z of this report. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2019-004, based on findings as identified by the Planning Commission following the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the Preliminary Plat, subj ect to additional information from staff or applicant. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat as proposed, as well as the companion final plat to be considered by the City Council. The conditions identified in Exhibit Z technically relate to development of the site rather than the plat, however, compliance with the recommended conditions are important to demonstrate the ability to use the property as intended. � D. SUPPORTING DATA Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 A. Resolution PC-2019-004, Preliminary Plat B. Aerial Site Image C. Preliminary Plat D. Final Plat E. Site Plans, including: a. Exiting Conditions and Removals b. Details c. Grading and Erosion Control Plan d. Utility Plan e. Site Plan £ Surfacing Plan g. Architectural Site Plan h. Landscape Plan i. Building Elevation Plan F. City Engineer's Comments Z. Conditions of Approval 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/2019 EXHIBIT Z Preliminary Plat for Oakwood Industrial Park 4th Addition Parts of Lots 1 and 2, Oakwood Industrial Park PIDs: 155018001012; 155018001020 1. Signage and/or pavement markings required for one-way circulation at the north end of the site. 2. Landscaping plan shall be revised to illustrate required perimeter buffer yard planting. 3. Trash enclosure is required to be constructed of the same or similar building materials as the principal building. 4. The architect should verify that the metal accents are a maximum of 15% of the building exter�or. The site plan shall be updated to illustrate the location of any proposed monument sign, which must meet total allowable area of 100 square feet and 14' in height, as well as setbacks of 15' from the right of way and 6' from interior side property lines, to be located to ensure no visual obstruction. 6. Grading drainage and erosion control and utility plans shall be revised to meet the comments of the City Engineer's office. 7. Sign permits are required per sign ordinance regulations. 8. Comments of other staff and Planning Commission. C� CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-004 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK 4TH ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop property identified by PID Numbers 155018001012 and 155018001020;and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to replat said property into two lots commercial and civic uses; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Places to Shop" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial and institutional uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 2"d, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by continuing the development plans for the area. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a fire station and for retaining commercial uses in the area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 5. The plat facilitates improved public safety through development of a new fire station. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-004 Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Oakwood Industrial Park 4tn Addition, subj ect to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: Signage and/or pavement markings required for one-way circulation at the north end of the site. 2. Landscaping plan shall be revised to illustrate required perimeter buffer yard planting. 3. Trash enclosure is required to be constructed of the same or similar building materials as the principal building. 4. The architect should verify that the metal accents are a maximum of 15% of the building exterior. The site plan shall be updated to illustrate the location of any proposed monument sign, which must meet total allowable area of 100 square feet and 14' in height, as well as setbacks of 15' from the right of way and 6' from interior side property lines, to be located to ensure no visual ob struction. 6. Grading drainage and erosion control and utility plans shall be revised to meet the comments of the City Engineer's office. 7. Sign permits are required per sign ordinance regulations. 8. Comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 2"d day of January, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : ATTEST: 2 Brad Fyle, Chair CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-004 Angela Schumann, Community Development Director o, � • � � 0 � f� � 0 � T � -o ' � � j i F f u r +; f� !� � Q U'} � � � � �4 �J�- • , �� �, � � � !1 � • uz e� � � �°` . 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Built to last, the housing is rugged cast aluminum with an integral, weathertight LED driver compartment. Versatile mounting configurations offer simple installation. Its slim, low-profile design minimizes wind load requirements and blends seamlessly into the site providing even, quality illumination. The'B' Input power designator is a suitable upgrade for HID applications up to 250 Watt, and the'K' Input power designator is a suitable upgrade for HID applications up to 400 Watt. Applicatians: Parking lots, walkways, campuses, car dealerships, office complexes, and internal roadways Performance Summary NanoOptic° Precision Delivery GridT"' optic Assembled in the U.S.A. of U.S. and imported parts Initial Delivered Lumens: Up to 17,291 Efficacy: Up to 136 LPW CRI: Minimum 70 CRI CCT: 3000K (+/- 300K), 4000K (+/- 300K), 5700K (+/- 500K) Limited Warranty': 10 years on luminaire/10 years on Colorfast DeltaGuard° finish 'See http://lighting.cree.com/warrantyforwarrantyterms Accessories Field-Installed Backlight Shield Hand-Held Remote OSQ-BLSMF XA-SENSREM - Front facing optics - For successful implementation of the programma6le multi-level option OSQ-BLSMR a minimum of one hand-held remote is required - Rotated optics Ordering Information Fully assembled luminaire is composed of two components that must be ordered separately: Example: Mount: OSQ-AASV+ Luminaire: OSQ-A-NM-2ME-B-40K-UL-SV Maunt (Luminaire must be ardered separatelyl* OSQ- OSQ-AAAdjusta6leArm ColorOptions: SVSilver BZBronze OSQ-DADirectArm BKBlack WHWhite * Reference EPAand pole configuration suita6ilitydata 6eginning on page 7 DA Mount 19.0" (482mm) :�;.«°,�sy9 . �, _�___'_". � �' - , _. - 25.0" (635mm) m) NEMA° Photocell Receptade location (ordered as an option) � %��AI�!I I �I `� ��I � . ������ ' I�ip�— —��i\� Weight 26.51bs. (12kg1 Luminaire (Maunt must be ardered separatelyJ OSQ A NM Input Calar Praduct Versian Maunting Optic Pawer CCT Valtage Optians Optians Designatar OSQ A NM Asymmetric B 30K UL BK DIM 0-10V Dimming Q9/ab/Q5/Q4/Q3/Q2/Q1 NoMount yME* 4ME* 86W 3000K Universal Black -Control6yothers FieldAdjustable0utput Type II Type N K 40K 120-277V gZ - Refer to Dimminq spec sheet for - Must select Q9, Q6, Q5, Q4, Q3, Q2, or Q1 Medium Medium 130W 4000K UH Bronze details -Offersfullrangeadjusta6ility 3ME* Z 57K Universal 5y - Can't exceed wattage of specified - Refer to pages 9-10 for power and lumen Type III 53W 5700K 347-480V Silver input power designaror values Medium - Availa6le WH F Fuse - Availa6le with B& K Input Power with B& K �yhite - When code dictates fusing, use time Designarors only Input Power delay fuse R NEMA� Photocell Receptade Symmet�ic Designarors - Availa6le for U.S. applications only - Intended for downlight applications with 5ME 25D ���Y PML Programmable Multi-Level, maximum 45� tilt Type V 25� Rood up to 40'Mounting Height - 3-pin receptade perANSI C136.10 Medium 40D - Refer to PML soec sheet for details - Phorocell and shorting cap 6y others 55H 40� Rood - Intended for downlight applications RL Rotate Left Type V bOD at 0� tilt - LED and optic are rotated ro the left Short 60� Rood PML2 Programmable Multi-Level, 10-30' - Refer to RR/RL configuration diagram on WSN Mounting Height page 2 for optic directionality Wide Sign - Refer to PML soec sheet for details RR Rotate Right 15D - Intended for downlight applications - LED and optic are rotated ro the right 15� Rood at 0� tilt - Refer to RR/RL configuration diagram on page 2 for optic directionality * Availa6le with Backlight Shield when ordered with field-installed accessory Isee ta6le a6ovej C UL US � � v� US: lighting.cree.com T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 ' Rev. Date: V16 OS/13/2018 r�� Canada: www.cree.com/canada CREE= T (800) 473-1234 F (800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Product Specifications CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS • Slim, low profile design minimizes wind load requirements • Luminaire housing is rugged die cast aluminum with an integral, weathertight LED driver compartment and high performance heat sink • Convenient interlocking mounting method on direct arm mount. Mounting adaptor is rugged die cast aluminum and mounts to 3-6" (76-152mm) square or round pole, secured by two 5/16-18 UNC bolts spaced on 2" (51mm) centers • Mounting for the adjustable arm mount adaptor is rugged die cast aluminum and mounts to 2" (51mm) IP, 2.375" (60mm) O.D. tenon • Adjustable arm mount can be adjusted 180� in 2.5� increments • Designed for uplight and downlight applications • Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuard° finish features an E-Coat epoxy primer with an ultra-durable powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. Silver, bronze, black, and white are available • Weight:26.5 lbs. (12kg) ELECTRICAL SYSTEM • InputValtage: 120-277Vor347-480V, 50/60Hz, Class 1 drivers • Pawer Factar: > 0.9 at full load • Tatal Harmanic Distartian: < 20% at full load • Integral 10kVsurge suppression protection standard • When code dictates fusing, a slow blow fuse or type C/D breaker should be used to address inrush current • 70VSaurceCurrent:0.15mA REGULATORY & VOLUNTARY QUALIFICATIONS • cULus Listed • Suitable forwet locations • Enclosure rated IP66 per IEC 60529 when ordered without R option • Consult factory for CE Certified products • Certified to ANSI C136.31-2001, 3G bridge and overpass vibration standards • 10kVsurge suppression protection tested in accordancewith IEEE/ANSI C62.41.2 • Meets FCC Part 15 , Subpart B, Class A standards for conducted and radiated emissions • Luminaire and finish endurance tested to withstand 5,000 hours of elevated ambient salt fog conditions as defined in ASTM Standard B 117 • MeetsBuyAmericanrequirementswithinARRA • DLC and DLC Premium qualified versions available. Some exceptions apply. Please referto https://www.designlights.org/search/ for most current information • RoHS compliant Consult factoryforadditional details • Dark Sky Friendly, IDA Approved when ordered with 30K CCT. Please referto http://darksky.org/fsa/fsa-products/for most current information /e1e\uGniiii �,^�/'�'� k,�. � ^.� ., � '�.--_._:-,.:. `""�r.._ " � __�". 19.0" (482 m m ) Weight 26.51bs. (12kg1 27.b" (701mm) Electrical Data* Total Current (A) Input Power System Watts Designator 120-480V 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V 480V B 86 0.73 0.43 0.37 0.32 0.25 0.19 K 130 1.09 0.65 0.56 0.49 0.38 028 Z 53** 0.46 0.26 0.22 0.19 N/A N/A * Electrical data at 25°C 177°FI. Actualwattage may dlffer by+/- 10 % when operaCing between 120-480V+/-10 % ** Availa6le with U L voltage only OSQ Series Ambient Adjusted Lumen Maintenance' 75Khr 100Khr Initial Z5K hr 50K hr projected�/ Projected�/ Ambient Optic LMF Projected Projected Calculated3 Calculated3 LMF LMF LMF LMF Asymmetric 1.04 1.02 1.01 1.00' 0.99' 5�C[41�F1 Symmetric 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.03' 1.02' 10�C Asymmetric 1.03 1.01 1.00 0.99' 0.98' [50�F1 Symmetric 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01' 1.00' 15�C Asymmetric 1.02 1.00 0.99 0.98' 0.97' �59 F� Symmetric 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.00' 0.99' 20�� Asymmetric 1.01 0.99 0.98 0.97' 0.96' �b$ F� Symmetric 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99' 0.98' 25�� Asymmetric 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.96' 0.95' ��� F� Symmetric 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.98' 0.97' ' Wmen malntenance vaWesat 25°C 177°FI are calculated perTM-21 based on LM-80 data and In-sltu Wminalre tesCing. Luminaire am6ient temperature factors ILATFj have 6een applied to all lumen maintenance factors. Please referto the Temoerature Zone Reference Document for outdoor average nighttime am6ient conditions. �In accordance with IESNA TM-21-11, Projected Values represent interpolated value 6ased on time durations that are within six times I6Xj the IESNA LM-80-08 total test duration lin hoursj for the device under testing IIDUTj i.e. the packaged LED chipj 'In accordance with IESNA TM-21-11, Calculated Values represent time durations that exceed six times I6Xj the IESNA LM-80-08 total test duration lin hoursj for the device under testing IIDUTj i.e. the packaged LED chipj NEMA° Photocell Receptade location (ordered as an option) �1����!���.�i� I��u�-- - �����%I� RR/RL Configuration �muuy � � 'mm�-:. .) �ili� 1 � �ill � ►111��►�;��� �����,��III�. �. �ii,,'I��� � �'''li�� � � =,11'1i�� �,�/, - - `1������(Ilr.: _:....... _ _ ........� . RR US: lighting.cree.com T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada RL CREE= T (800) 473-1234 F (800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Photometry All published luminaire photometric testing performed to IESNA LM-79-08 standards by a NVLAP accredited laboratory. To obtain an IES file specific to your project consult: http://lighting.cree.com/products/outdoor/area/osq-series 2ME RESTL Test Report #: PL08877-001 OSQ-A-* *-2M E-B-30 K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 10,381 CESTL Test Report #: PL07700-001A OSQ-A-**-2ME-U-57K-UL w/OSQ-BLSLF Initial Delivered Lumens 22,822 3ME RESTL Test Report #: PL08876-001A OSQ-A-* *-3M E-B-30 K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 10,421 CESTL Test Report #: PL07699-001A OSQ-A-**-3ME-U-57K-UL w/OSQ-BLSLF Initial Delivered Lumens 23,601 US: Lighting.cree.com OSQ-A-* *-2M E-B-40 K-UL Mounting Height:25' �7.bmJ A.F.G Initial Delivered Lumens: 11,424 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-**-2ME-B-40K-UL w/OSQ-BLSMF Mounting Height: 25' �7.bmJ A.F.G. Initial Delivered Lumens:8,779 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-* *-3M E-B-40 K-UL Mounting Height:25' �7.bmJ A.F.G Initial Delivered Lumens: 11,424 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-**-3ME-B-40K-UL w/OSQ-BLSMF Mounting Height: 25' �7.bmJ A.F.G. Initial Delivered Lumens:9,019 Initial FC at grade Type II Medium Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Ratings" Ratings" Ratings" Designator Delivered Pe Delivered Pe Delivered per Lumens' TM-15-11 Lumens' TM-15-11 Lumens' TM-15-11 B 10,738 B2 UO G2 11,424 B2 UO G2 11,648 B2 UO G2 K 16,022 B3 UO G3 16,959 B3 UO G3 17,291 B3 UO G3 Z 6,481 B2 UO G1 6,896 B2 UO G1 7,031 B2 UO G1 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tilt Type II Medium w/BLS Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Ratings" Ratings" Ratings" Designator Delivered Pe Delivered Pe Delivered per Lumens' TM 15 11 Lumens' TM 15 11 Lumens' TM 15 11 B 8,251 B2 UO G2 8,779 B2 UO G2 8,950 B2 UO G2 K 12,312 B2 UO G2 13,032 B2 UO G2 13,286 B2 UO G2 Z 4,980 B1 UO G1 5,299 B1 UO G1 5,402 B1 UO G1 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tilt Type III Medium Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Ratings" Ratings" Ratings" Designator Delivered Pe Delivered Pe Delivered per Lumens' TM 15 11 Lumens' TM 15 11 Lumens' TM 15 11 B 10,738 B3 UO G3 11,424 B3 UO G3 11,648 B3 UO G3 K 16,022 B3 UO G3 16,959 B3 UO G3 17,291 B3 UO G3 Z 6,481 B2 UO G2 6,896 B2 UO G2 7,031 B2 UO G2 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tilt Type III Medium w/BLS Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Designator Delivered Ratings" Delivered Ratings" Delivered Ratings" Lumens' TM�-15-11 Lumens' TM�-15-11 Lumens' TM�-15-11 B 8,477 B1 UO G2 9,019 B1 UO G2 9,196 B1 UO G2 K 12,649 B2 UO G2 13,389 B2 UO G2 13,650 B2 UO G2 Z 5,117 B1 UO G1 5,444 B1 UO G1 5,551 B1 UO G1 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tilt CREE= T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada T(800) 473-1234 F(800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Photometry All published luminaire photometric testing performed to IESNA LM-79-08 standards by a NVLAP accredited laboratory. To obtain an IES file specific to your project consult: http://lighting.cree.com/products/outdoor/area/osq-series 4ME RESTL Test Report #: PL08878-001A OSQ-A-* *-4M E-B-30 K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 1Q230 CESTL Test Report #: PL07692-001A OSQ-A-**-4ME-U-57K-UL w/OSQ-BLSLF Initial Delivered Lumens 22,793 5ME RESTL Test Report #: PL08534-001 B OSQ-A-* *-SM E-B-40 K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 10,519 55H CESTL Test Report #: PL10754-001A OSQ-A-* *-SSH-U-40 K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens 25,679 ■■■■■■■■■■■II ■■■■■�_.�■II■ ■■■�i�a�\s A■■ ■■�iric�-■�►:ari■■ ■■��ui«�a�►�ui��i■■ ■■�II�II�� %�11�111I■■ �\\L\/J//,il■■ �����LJ������ ■■■■\i..i�■�1■■ ■■■■■■■■■�1■■ OSQ-A-* *-4M E-B-40 K-UL Mounting Height: 25' �7.bmJ A.F.G. Initial Delivered Lumens: 11,424 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-**-4ME-B-40K-UL w/OSQ-BLSMF Mounting Height: 25' �7.bmJ A.F.G. Initial Delivered Lumens:8,779 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-* *-SM E-B-40 K-UL Mounting Height: 25' �7.bmJ A.F.G. Initial Delivered Lumens: 10,867 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-**-SSH-B-40K-UL Mounting Height: 25' �7.bmJ A.F.G. Initial Delivered Lumens:11,478 Initial FC at grade US: lighting.cree.com T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Type IV Medium Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Ratings" Ratings" Ratings" Designator Delivered Pe Delivered Pe Delivered per Lumens' TM-15-11 Lumens' TM-15-11 Lumens' TM-15-11 B 10,738 B2 UO G2 11,424 B2 UO G2 11,648 B2 UO G2 K 16,022 B3 UO G3 16,959 B3 UO G3 17,291 B3 UO G3 Z 6,481 B2 UO G2 6,896 B2 UO G2 7,031 B2 UO G2 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tiltt Type IV Medium w/BLS Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Ratings" Ratings" Ratings" Designator Delivered Pe Delivered Pe Delivered per Lumens' TM 15 11 Lumens' TM 15 11 Lumens' TM 15 11 B 8,251 B1 UO G2 8,779 B1 UO G2 8,950 B1 UO G2 K 12,312 B2 UO G2 13,032 B2 UO G2 13,286 B2 UO G2 Z 4,980 B1 UO G1 5,299 B1 UO G1 5,402 B1 UO G1 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tilt Type V Medium Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Ratings" Ratings" Ratings" Designator Delivered Pe Delivered Pe Delivered per Lumens' TM-15-11 Lumens' TM-15-11 Lumens' TM-15-11 B 10,232 B4 UO G3 10,867 B4 UO G3 11,056 B4 UO G3 K 15,063 B4 UO G4 15,999 B4 UO G4 16,277 B4 UO G4 Z 5,257 B3 UO G3 6,086 B3 UO G3 6,192 B3 UO G3 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tilt Type V Shart Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial B�� Initial B�� Initial BUG Designator Delivered Ratings" Delivered Ratings" Delivered Ratings" Lumens' TMr1511 Lumens' TMr1511 Lumens' TMr1511 B 10,806 B4 UO G2 11,478 B4 UO G2 11,678 B4 UO G2 K 15,909 B4 UO G3 16,897 B4 UO G3 17,191 B4 UO G3 Z 5,552 B3 UO G1 6,428 B3 UO G2 6,539 B3 UO G2 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lum ** For�more information on the IES BUG IBacklight-Uplight-Glarej Ratingvisit https://www.ies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TM-15-11 BUGRati ngsAddendum.pdf. Valid with no tilt CREE= Canada: www.cree.com/canada T(800) 473-1234 F(800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Photometry All published luminaire photometric testing performed to IESNA LM-79-08 standards by a NVLAP accredited laboratory. To obtain an IES file specific to your project consult: http://lighting.cree.com/products/outdoor/area/osq-series 75D CESTL Test Report #: PL07689-001A OSQ-A-**-15D-U-30K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens 23,254 25D CESTL Test Report #: PL07687-001A OSQ-A-**-25D-U-30K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens 23,265 40D CESTL Test Report #: PL07697-001A OSQ-A-**-40D-U-30K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens 22,943 US: Lighting.cree.com OSQ-A-**-15D-B-40K-UL Mounting Height:25' 17.bm1 A.F.G., 60° Tilt Initial Delivered Lumens: 11,478 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-**-25D-B-40K-UL Mounting Height:25' 17.bm1 A.F.G., 60° Tilt Initial Delivered Lumens: 11,478 Initial FC at grade OSQ-A-**-40D-B-40K-UL Mounting Height:25' 17.bm1 A.F.G., 60° Tilt Initial Delivered Lumens: 11,478 Initial FC at grade 75° Flood Distribution 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial Initial Initial Designator Delivered Delivered Delivered Lumens' Lumens' Lumens' B 10,806 11,478 11,678 K 15,909 16,897 17,191 Z 5,552 6,428 6,539 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lumens 25° Flood Distribution I3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial Initial Initial Designator Delivered Delivered Delivered Lumens' Lumens' Lumens' B 10,806 11,478 11,678 K 15,909 16,897 17,191 Z 5,552 6,428 6,539 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lumens 40° Flood Distribution 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial Initial Initial Designator Delivered Delivered Delivered Lumens' Lumens' Lumens' B 10,806 11,478 11,678 K 15,909 16,897 17,191 Z 5,552 6,428 6,539 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lumens CREE= T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada T(800) 473-1234 F(800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Photometry All published luminaire photometric testing performed to IESNA LM-79-08 standards by a NVLAP accredited laboratory. To obtain an IES file specific to your project consult: http://lighting.cree.com/products/outdoor/area/osq-series 60D CESTL Test Report #: PL08100-001 B OSQ-A-**-bOD-B-30K-UL Initial Delivered Lumens: 10,079 WSN CESTL Test Report #: PL07695-001A OSQ-A-* *-W SN-U-30K-U L Initial Delivered Lumens 23,116 US: Lighting.cree.com OSQ-A-**-bOD-B-40K-UL Mounting Height:25' 17.bm1 A.F.G., 60° Tilt Initial Delivered Lumens: 11,478 Initial FC at grade ����n����� ����������� ��� ��.������� ■�/%i7\\\■■■ ��il��<��I������ ����������������� �����1�����1�1���� �����<Q��������� ����,������ ��� �i������� ����������� ����������� 1 ! � : 1 .� �� 60° Flood Distribution 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial Initial Initial Designator Delivered Delivered Delivered Lumens* Lumens* Lumens* B 10,806 11,478 11,678 K 15,909 16,897 17,191 Z 5,552 6,428 6,539 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lumens Wide Sign Distributian 3000K 4000K 5700K Input Power Initial Initial Initial Designator Delivered Delivered Delivered Lumens' Lumens' Lumens' B 10,806 11,478 11,678 K 15,909 16,897 17,191 Z 5,552 6,428 6,539 * InlCial de0vered Wmens at 25°C 177°FI. Actual producCion yield mayvary between -10 and +10 % of Initial de0vered lumens CREE= T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada T(800) 473-1234 F(800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Luminaire EPA Fixed Arm Maunt - OSQ-DA Weight: 26.51bs. (12kg1 Single 2 2 180° 2 2 90° 3 2 90° 3 2 120° 4 2 90° -. ■-■ i' 'i' .�. '�' 0.74 1.48 1.19 1.93 1.63 2.38 AdjustableArm Maunt- OSQ-AA Weight: 26.51bs. (12kg1 Single 22180° 2290° 3290° 32120° I 32180° I 42180° I 4290° Tenan Canfiguratian (0�-80� Tilt); If used with Cree tenons, please add tenon EPAwith Luminaire EPA � �- � �� � � � � PB-1A*; PT-1; PW- PB-2A*; PB-2R2.375; PB-4A*(901; PD-2A4(1801; PB-2A*; PD-ZA4(901; PB-3A*; PD-3A4(901; PB-3A*; PT-3(1201 PB-3A*; PB-3R2.375 PB-4A*(1801 1A3** pT-2(1801; PW-2A3** PT-2(901 PT-3(901 PB-4R2.375; PD-4A4(901; PT-4(901 0° Tilt 0.74 1.48 1.19 1.93 1.63 3.33 4.66 2.38 70° Tilt 0.75 1.48 1.49 223 2.15 422 5.84 2.98 20° Tilt 1.12 1.48 1.86 2.60 2.85 5.31 7.32 3.72 30° Tilt 1.46 1.48 220 2.94 3.56 6.34 5.68 4.40 45° Tilt 1.96 1.96 2.69 3.43 4.54 7.83 10.68 5.38 60° Tilt 2.33 2.33 3.07 3.81 5.11 8.94 12.16 6.14 70° Tilt 2.49 2.49 323 3.97 5.11 9.43 12.80 6.46 80° Tilt 2.58 2.58 3.32 4.06 5.11 9.71 13.16 6.64 Tenan Canfiguratian (90� Tilt); If used with Cree tenons, please add tenon EPAwith Luminaire EPA PB-1A*; PT-1; PW- PB-2A*; PB-2R2.375; PB-4A*(901; 1A3** PD-2A4(1801; PB-2A* PB-3A* PB-3A*; PT-3(1201 PB-3A*; PB-3R2.375 PB-4A*(1801 pg_4R2.375 PT-2(1801; PW-2A3** 90° Tilt 2.61 2.61 4.44 6.05 I 5.11 I 979 1328 I 10.39 * Specify pole size: 313"j, 414"j, 515"j, or 616"j for single, dou6le or triple luminaire orientation or4 14"j, 515"j, or 616"j for quad luminaire orientation ** These EPAvalues must 6e multiplied 6y the following ratio: Fixture Mounting Height/Total Pole Height. Specify pole size: 313"j, 414"j, 515"j, or 616"j US: lighting.cree.com T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada CREE= T (800) 473-1234 F (800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Tenon EPA Part Number EPA PB-1A* None PB-2A* 0.82 PB-3A* 1.52 PB-4A*(1 S01 222 PB-4A*(901 1.11 PB-2R2.375 092 PB-3R2.375 1 b2 PB-4R2.375 2.32 PD Series Tenons 0.09 PT Series Tenons 0.10 PW-1A3** 0.47 PW-2A3** 0.94 W M-2 0.08 WM-4 025 WM-DM None * Specify pole size: 3 13"1, 4 14"1, 5 15"1, or 6 I6"1 for single, dou6le or tri ple luminaire orientation or414"j, 515"j, orb lb"j forquad luminaire orientation ** These EPAvalues must 6e multiplied 6y the following ratio: Fixture Mounting Height/Total Pole Height. Specify pole size: 3 13"j, 4 14"j, 5 15"j, or 6 I6"j Direct Mount Configurations Tenans and Bracketsx (must specify calarl Square Internal Mount Vertical Tenons [SteeU - Mounts to 3-6" [76-152mm] square aluminum or steel poles PB-1A*-Single PB-4A*[901-90�Quad PB-2A* - 180� Twin PB-4A*[1801 - 180� Quad PB-3A* - 180� Triple Square Internal Mount Horizontal Tenons [Aluminuml - Mounts ro 4" [102mm] square aluminum or steel poles PD-2A4[901 - 90� Twin PD-3A4[901 - 90� Triple PD-2A4[1801 - 180� Twin PD-4A4[901 - 90� Quad Wall Mount Brackets - Mounts to wall or roof WM-2 - Horizontal for OSQ-AA mount WM-4 - L-Shape for OSQ-AA mount WM-DM - Plate for OSQ-DA mount x Referto the Bracket and Tenons soec sheet for more details Round External MountVerticalTenons[SteeU - Mounts to 2.375" [60mm] O.D. round aluminum or steel poles ortenons PB-2R2.375-Twin PB-4R2.375-Quad PB-3R2.375 - Triple Round External Mount Horizontal Tenons [Aluminuml - Mounts to 2.375" [60mm] O.D. round aluminum or steel poles ortenons - Mounts ro square pole with PB-1A* tenon PT-1 - Single NerticaU PT-3[901 - 90� Triple PT-2[901 - 90� Twin PT-3[1201 - 120� Triple PT-2[1801 - 180� Twin PT-4[901 - 90� Quad Mid-Pole Bracket - Mounts ro square pole PW-1A3**-Single PW-2A3**-Dou6le Ground Mount Post - For ground mounted flood luminaires PGM-1 - for OSQ-AA mount Campatibility with OSQ-DA Direct Maunt Bracket Input Power Designator 2 2 90° 2 2 180° 3 2 90° 3 2 120° 4 2 90° 3" Square B, K& Z N/A ✓ N/A N/A N/A 3" Raund B, K& Z N/A ✓ N/A N/A N/A 4"Square B, K & Z ✓ ✓ ✓ N/A ✓ 4" Raund B, K&Z ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5"Square B, K & Z ✓ ✓ ✓ N/A ✓ 5" Raund B, K&Z ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6" Square B, K & Z ✓ ✓ ✓ N/A ✓ 6" Raund B, K&Z ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ US: lighting.cree.com T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada CREE= T (800) 473-1234 F (800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Field Adjustable Output (Q9/Qb/Q5/Q4/Q3/Q2/Q1j Option Description: The Field Adjustable Output option enables the OSQ area luminaires to be tuned to the exact needs of a particular application through multiple levels of adjustment. When ordered with the Q option, the luminaire will be shipped from the factory at the selected Q setting and will be fully adjustable between the nine settings. Q Option Power & Lumen Data - Designator B System Lumen Values Optics Qualified on DLC QPL Q Option Watts Setting CCT 120-480V Asymmetric 5ME 55H & 2MEw/ 3MEw/ 4ME Standard Premium Floods BLS BLS w/BLS 30K 10,738 10,232 10,806 8,251 8,477 8,251 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q9 40K S6 11,424 10,867 11,478 8,779 9,019 8,779 (Full Powerl N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 11,648 11,056 11,678 8,950 9,196 8,950 30K 9,449 9,004 9,509 7,261 7,460 7,261 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q6 40K 77 10,053 9,563 10,101 7,726 7,937 7,726 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 10,250 9,729 10,277 7,876 8,092 7,876 30K 8,913 8,492 8,969 6,848 7,036 6,848 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q5 40K 72 9,482 9,020 9,527 7,287 7,486 7,287 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 9,668 9,176 9,693 7,429 7,633 7,429 30K 7,731 7,367 7,780 5,941 6,103 5,941 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q4 40K 62 8,225 7,824 8,264 6,321 6,494 6,321 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 8,387 7,960 8,408 6,444 6,621 6,444 30K 6,550 6,241 6,592 5,033 5,171 5,033 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q3 40K 53 6,969 6,629 7,002 5,355 5,502 5,355 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 7,105 6,744 7,124 5,460 5,610 5,460 30K 5,476 5,218 5,511 4,208 4,323 4,208 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q2 40K 45 5,826 5,542 5,854 4,477 4,600 4,477 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 5,940 5,639 5,956 4,565 4,690 4,565 30K 4,188 3,990 4,214 3,218 3,306 3,218 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q1 40K 34 4,455 4,238 4,476 3,424 3,517 3,424 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 4,543 4,312 4,554 3,491 3,586 3,491 US: lighting.cree.com T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada CREE= T (800) 473-1234 F (800) 890-7507 OSQT"' LED Area/Flood Luminaire - Medium Field Adjustable Output (Q9/Qb/Q5/Q4/Q3/Q2/Q1j Option Description: The Field Adjustable Output option enables the OSQ area luminaires to be tuned to the exact needs of a particular application through multiple levels of adjustment. When ordered with the Q option, the luminaire will be shipped from the factory at the selected Q setting and will be fully adjustable between the nine settings. Q Option Power & Lumen Data - Designator K System Lumen Values Optics Qualified on DLC QPL Q Option Watts Setting CCT 120-480V Asymmetric 5ME 55H & 2ME 3ME 4ME Standard Premium Floods w/BLS w/BLS w/BLS 30K 16,022 15,063 15,909 12,312 12,649 12,312 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q9 40K 130 16,959 15,999 16,897 13,032 13,389 13,032 (FullPowerl N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 17,291 16,277 17,191 13,286 13,650 13,286 30K 14,099 13,255 14,000 10,835 11,131 10,835 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q6 40K 117 14,924 14,079 14,869 11,468 11,782 11,468 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 15,216 14,324 15,128 11,692 12,012 11,692 30K 13,298 12,502 13,204 10,219 10,499 10,219 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q5 40K 110 14,076 13,279 14,025 10,817 11,113 10,817 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 14,352 13,510 14,269 11,027 11,330 11,027 30K 11,536 10,845 11,454 8,865 9,107 8,865 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q4 40K 93 12,210 11,519 12,166 9,383 9,640 9,383 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 12,450 11,719 12,378 9,566 9,828 9,566 30K 9,773 9,188 9,704 7,510 7,716 7,510 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q3 40K SO 10,345 9,759 10,307 7,950 8,167 7,950 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 10,548 9,929 10,487 8,104 8,327 8,104 30K 8,171 7,682 8,114 6,279 6,451 6,279 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q2 40K 67 8,649 8,159 8,617 6,646 6,828 6,646 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 8,818 8,301 8,767 6,776 6,962 6,776 30K 6,249 5,875 6,205 4,802 4,933 4,802 5ME 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN Q1 40K 51 6,614 6,240 6,590 5,082 5,222 5,082 N/A 2ME, 3ME, 4ME, 5ME, 55H, 15D, 25D, 40D, 60D, WSN 57K 6,743 6,348 6,704 5,182 5,324 5,182 �O 2018 Cree, Inc. and/or one of its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. For informational purposes only. Content is subject to change. Patentwww.cree.com/patents. Cree°, NanoOptic°, and Colorfast DeltaGuard° are registered trademarks, and the Cree logo, Precision DeliveryGridT"and OSQT"are trademarks of Cree, Inc. The UL logo is a registered trademark of UL LLC. NEMA° is a registered trademark of the National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation. The DLC QPL logo and the DLC QPL Premium logo are registered trademarks of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Inc. US: lighting.cree.com T(800) 236-6800 F(262) 504-5415 Canada: www.cree.com/canada CREE= T (800) 473-1234 F (800) 890-7507 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Corey, An�ela Schumann Thursday, December 13, 2018 4:30 PM Corev Brunton Jeff O'Neill; Matthew Leonard: rvan melhouse; Dan Klein Monticello Firestation Comments SKM_C75918121311330. pdf Please find below City staff comments on the revised Fire Station drawings. Grading and Drainage 1. Since more than 1 acre will be disturbed an NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required. 2. Show drainage arrows and percent slope on East edge of existing pavement of the bowling alley site to confirm existing parking lot. 3. Show or make note that driveways can have a max slope of 2% where the trail runs. Utilities 4. Catch basins are to have a minimum depth of 4' per the Cities design manual. 5. Show slopes for all storm sewer. 6. Show sanitary manhole details. 7. Add sanitary cleanout max spacing is 70'. 8. Add note that storm casting needs updating in the driveway to a driveover casting. 9. Add note that the contractor must obtain a utility excavation permit prior to connecting to city utilities. 10. Watermain is to have a maximum 45 degree bend. Landscaping 11. Move trees that appear to be directly over the Northern Gas main to a different location. 12. Consider moving the 3 trees in the NW corner, these are right next to the snow storage area and may get damaged in current location. 13. Consider adding a vegetative barrier along West property line to prevent soccer users driving over curb during the winter. 14. Revise landscaping plan to include %z the required amount of perimeter buffer requirement plantings. Plan may include a notation that planting is to be completed by others. Please see standards attached. 15. The City Engineer/PW Director may recommend a native seed mix on the yard portion of property east of the gas easement. More detail to follow on that item. General Comments 16. Confirm all requirements of Northern Natural Gas have been met. 17. Add all applicable city detail plates to the plans including but not limited to erosion control and trail. 18. Add note that all construction shall conform to the City Specs and Detail Plates. 19. Show ramps on front sidewalk to the Handicap stalls. 20. Contractor to coordinate with City on timing of changes or improvements to the leased parcel to the west, proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park Fourth Addition. 21. Sign plan subject to separate permit and review. 22. Proposed site lighting photometric compliance per City Zoning Ordinance 4.4(G). Please call or email with any questions. Thank you. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello www. ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices act and may be disclosed to third parties. Planning Commission Agenda - 1/02/19 2E. Public Hearin� - Consideration to recommend for the adoption the 2019 Citv of Monticello Official Zonin� Map. (AS) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The Planning Commission is asked to review the proposed City of Monticello 2018 Official Zoning Map and consider recommending the map for adoption by the City Council. The map included for review reflects rezoning actions which have occurred since the adoption of the last official map in December, 2017. The map proposed includes those rezoning amendments adopted in 2018, as follows: • Ordinance No. 701 - Rezoning from CCD, Central Community District to Rivertown Suites Planned Unit Development The map also includes a correction to Parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, the City-owned parcels along Chelsea Road also known as the former bowling alley and future fire station property. The 2018 Official Zoning Map incorrectly illustrates this area as B-2. The parcels were rezoned to B-4 in 2014. As, such, the proposed map corrects the map error. Ordinance No. 589 for rezoning is included for reference. In recommending adoption of the Official Zoning Map, the Planning Commission will also recommend adoption of the Shoreland Overlay District and Floodplain District map, the boundaries for which are in accordance with requirements of both State statute and the Zoning Ordinance. There are no changes to either at this time and therefore staff is recommending adoption of the current map with no amendments proposed. At the time FEMA and the DNR notify the City that the pending floodplain hazard maps for Wright County are approved, the City will amend the Shoreland Overlay District and Floodplain District map. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2019-005 recommending the adoption of Ordinance No. 705 for the 2018 City of Monticello Official Zoning Map, including Shoreland/Floodplain companion map, based on the findings in said resolution. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Staff recommends adoption of the City of Monticello Official Zoning Map as proposed. Planning Commission Agenda - 1/02/19 This draft represents Monticello's zoning based on a review of a�ailable records and ordinances. The City Attorney has advised that the City adopt an official zoning map each year. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No. PC-2019-005 B. Ordinance No. 705, Draft C. 2019 Official Zoning Map, Proposed (dated 12//18) D. Shoreland and Floodplain Boundary, City of Monticello (dated 2/12/14) E. Ordinance No. 701 F. Ordinance No. 589 � CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-005 RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP IN ITS ENTIRETY WHEREAS, the Zoning Map of the City of Monticello requires amendment; and WHEREAS, the proposed map would accommodate and further the intentions and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed zoning would be consistent with the City's land use plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello finds that the proposed zoning map will be consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive land use plan and proposed zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on January 2"d, 2019 to review the requests and receive public comment on the zoning map amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the proposed zoning map has met the requirements for adoption as found in the zoning ordinance and state law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the zoning map amendment to be identified as Ordinance No. 705. ADOPTED this 2nd day of January, 2019 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLAN1�lING CONIN�SSION I: ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director ORDINANCE NO. 705 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND ADOPTING THE 2019 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. The zoning map amendments attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" are adopted as the Official Zoning Map under Title 10, Section 3 of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Monticello. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall upon request. ADOPTED AND APPROVED FOR PtIBLICATIONBYthe Monticello City Council this 28th day of January, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING 1N FAVOR: VOTING 1N OPPOSITION: ORDINANCE NO. 705 EXHIBIT "A" Following are the approved amendments to the Official Zoning Map Ordinance No. 701 — Rezoning from CCD to Rivertown Suites Planned Unit Development for Lot 1-3, Block 36, Original Plat of Monticello Ordinance No. 589 — Rezoning to from B-2 to B-4 for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Oakwood Industrial Park E ' � : � 2� �. _ � � i :.... __-- --._. r � � j � �' � � � � 4 1 4_ �� � ,I, ��'"�� � � F � . ` .V � ,;� , ...m,'. � I �'�_� �C`�.. +' ' � ' 1 "TM �� �,._ -� _ ,.� . , � � � l �s r�, � r � � �� '� •. �f � :���i�� = �i�` �� . : - , ��; _� � ;� _ ��,�� � / �� � 3 : i ��,� � � � �:'Y- r �1�� ,!r�.� � ,�. 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ORDINANCE NO. 701 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE RIVERTOWN SUITES PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM CCD, CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT TO RIVERTOWN SUITES PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: LOTS 1-3 BLOCK 36; ORIGINAL PLAT OF MONTICELLO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(P) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (XX) Rivertown Suites PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Rivertown Suites PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for multiple family residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Rivertown Suites PUD District shall be multiple family residential uses as found in the R-4, Medium-High Density Residential District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated , 2018, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to residential uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Rivertown Suites PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the R-4, Medium-High Density Residential District shall apply. (e) Amendinents. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner ORDINANCE NO. 701 of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from CCD, Central Community District to Rivertown Suites PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lots 1-3, Block 36, Original Plat of Monticello Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this tiine. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 23'�d day of July, 2018. Brian Stumpf, May r ATTEST: � � Jeff Administrator AYES: Davidson, Fair, Gabler, Hilgart, and Stumpf NAYS: None. 2 •1'1 1 ;� CITY (.�F 1l�Q1�TTICELLO W12IGH�' COUNTY, MINNE50TA AN t.�ItTDIIaTANCE IYEZOl°�TIN� A POi2TION OF LOTS 1 All`TTD 2, �I,OCI� 1 O%' �AK�V�.IOLI INDUSTIBIAL PARK FROM B-2 (LIlbIITED BUSINESS) TO B-4 (REGIONAL BUSIl'vESS) PID 155-418-001020 t�Nli 155-018-001012 T�IE �`dTY COUNCIL OF T�IE C�T`Y OF1I�ONT�CELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. The following lots are hereby amended to rezone from B-2 (Limited Business) to B-4 (Regional Business}: Ali of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, according to the recorded plat and survey on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds, In and for said County, Less and except, the North 300.79 feet af said Lot 1, Biock 1 and Less and except the foilowing described parcel, to wit: Commencing at the Southwe�t Corner of the North 300.'79 feet of said Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, thence in a Northerly di�ectron apan the W�stzrly li�e of �aid described parcei 75.00 feet, thence Easterly at a right angle 100.00 feet, thence Southerly at a right angle 75.00 feet, thence V6lesterly at a right angle 100.00 feet to the point of beginning on the West Line, AND The South half of Lot 2, Block 1, ��kivood d�dust�iai Park Secti�n 2. The Official Zoning map under Title 10, Section 3.1 of the Zoning Ordinance sha11 be amended accordingly by adoption of Ordinance #5$9 to be approved by the Monticello City Council on January 13�', 2014. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Of�icial Monticello City Cade, Title 10, Zoning i7rdinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect af this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 4. This Ordinance shail take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Ha11. axn�v�vcE No. ssg ADOPT'ED BYthe IVlonticello City Council thisl3th day of January, 2414. ATTEST: Jeff C!'1�eiI1, City Adiiunistratar CITY OF MONTICELLO , R; ,� �"�� ' ry�p_ � :.� Clint Herbst, Mayar ��.:�,�� ,�� .����,--. VOTINC� IN FAVOR: Herbst, Hilgart, Perrault, Posusta, Stumpf VQTING IN C?PPOSITIC7N: None 3A. A. Planning Commission Agenda: O1/02/19 Consideration of election of Plannin� Commission officers and appointments for 2019 (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission is asked to take action to elect for positions of Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission for 2019. At present, the City code for Planning Commission requires that the Commission elect a chair from its appointed members for a term of one year, and other officers as it determines. The Planning Commission has in the past elected a Vice Chair, in addition. The Vice Chair has fulfilled the duties of the chair in the event of absence. Currently Commissioner Fyle serves as Chair of the Commission. Commissioner Sam Murdoff currently serves as Vice Chair. Unless otherwise directed by the Commission, staff will continue to serve as Secretary. The Commission is also asked to recommend appointment or action for commissioner positions whose terms are expiring. Commissioner Katie Peterson's term ends 12/18. Commissioner Peterson is asked to provide the Commission with information on her willingness to serve another three-year term. As such, Commission is asked to make a recommendation on the appointment. Current terms for the Commission are as follows. COMMISSIONS/BOARDS NAME Planning Commission Katie Peterson (3-year staggered terms) Brad Fyle Mark Simpson John Alsted Sam Murdoff TERM 3 yr 3 yr 3 yr 3 yr 3 yr Charlotte Gabler Council liaison EXPIRES 12/2018 12/2019 12/2019 12/2020 12/2020 Commission recommendations on appointments will be considered for ratification by the City Council on January lOth, 2019. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Chair Position Motion to nominate Commissioner Planning Commission for 2019. as Chair of the Planning Commission Agenda: O1/02/19 2. Motion of other. Decision 2: Vice Chair Position L Motion to nominate Commissioner as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission for 2019. 2. Motion of other. Decision 3: Term Appointment 1. Motion to nominate Commissioner for a three year term to the Planning Commission, effective 1/1/2019. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff defers to the Planning Commission on matters of appointment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. City Code Title 2, Chapter 1- Planning Commission SECTION: 2-1-1: CHAPTER 1 PLANNING CONINIISSION Name of the Commission 2-1-2: Authorization 2-1-3: Membership 2-1-4: Term of Office 2-1-5: 2-1-6: 2-1-7: 2-1-8: 2-1-9: 2-1-10 2-1-11 2-1-12 2-1-1 Attendance Vacancy Officers Meetings Quorum Duties of the Commission Amendments Compensation NAME OF THE COMMISSION: The name of the organization shall be the Monticello Planning Commission. 2-1-2: AUTHORIZATION: The authorization for the establishment of this commission is set forth under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462, Municipal Planning Enabling Act. The planning commission is hereby designated the planning agency of the City pursuant to the Municipal Planning Act. 2-1-3: MEMBERSHIP: The Planning Commission shall consist of five members appointed by the Council. All members shall be residents of the City of Monticello and shall have equal rights and privileges. 2-1-4: TERM OF OFFICE: (A) Appointments. All members shall be appointed for three year terms ending on December 315t of a given year; however, said term may be terminated earlier by the Council. Terms shall be staggered so that no more than two members' terms shall expire in a given year. Said terms are to commence on the day of appointment by Council. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take an oath that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties of office. (B) Renewals. When an expiring member's term is up, such member may be reappointed by Council with the effective date of the new term beginning on the first day of the next year following the expiration. MONTICELLO CITY CODE TTTLE 2/ Cl�apter 1/ Page 1 2-1-5: ATTENDANCE: It is the City Council's intention to encourage Planning Commission members to attend all Planning Commission meetings. Should any Planning Commission member be absent for more than three meetings in a calendar year, that member may be subject to replacement by the City Council. 2-1-6: VACANCY: Any vacancy in the regular or at-large membership shall be filled by the City Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. 2-1-7: OFFICERS : (A) Elections. The City Planning Commission shall elect at its January meeting from its membership a chair, vice chair, and a secretary who shall serve for a term of one year and shall have such powers as may be prescribed in the rules of said Commission. (B) Duties of Chair. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the Planning Commission and shall have the duties normally conferred and parliamentary usage of such officers. (C) Duties of Vice Chair. The vice chair shall act for the chair in his absence. (D) Duties of Secretarv. A secretary may be appointed who is not a member of the Planning Commission but can be employed as a member of city staff. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Commission; and with the assistance of staff as is available shall prepare the agenda of the regular and special meetings for Commission members, arrange proper and legal notice of hearings when necessary, attend to correspondence of the Commission, and handle other duties as are normally carried out by a secretary. 2-1-8: MEETINGS: (A) The Planning Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. This meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday. Regular meetings shall commence at 6:00 p.m. Hearings shall be heard as soon thereafter as possible. The Planning Commission shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, and findings, which record shall be a public record. The meeting shall be open to the general public. (B) In the event of conflict for a regularly-scheduled meeting date, a majority at any meeting may change the date, time and location of the meeting. (C) Special meetings may be called by the Chair or two members of the Planning Commission together, as needed, and shall be coordinated with MONTICELLO CITY CODE TTTLE 2/ Cl�apter 1/ Page 2 city staff. 2-1-9: QUORUM: A majority of all voting Planning Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2-1-10: DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION: The Commission has the powers and duties assigned to it under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462, Municipal Planning Enabling Act, by this Code, and state law. 2-1-1 L AMENDMENTS: This ordinance may be amended as recommended by the majority vote of the existing membership of the Planning Commission and only after maj ority vote of the City Council. 2-1-12: COMPENSATION: Compensation of inembers of the Commission shall be as set forth in City Code for Fee Schedule. (#336, 11/22/99) (#337, 1/10/11) (#593, 3/10/14) (#607, 1/26/15) MONTICELLO CITY CODE TTTLE 2/ Cl�apter 1/ Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/19 3B. Consideration of review of Canital Improvement Plan A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Engineer/Public Works Director Matt Leonard will be present to provide an overview of the recently adopted Capital Improvement Plan, including both an introduction to the purpose of the plan, as well as proposed 2019 improvements related to land use, transportation and parks and pathways. Mr. Leonard will also be able to answer questions on projects listed beyond 2019. City Council adopted the CIP as part of its 2019 budget and levy considerations. Except as noted within the resolution for adoption, CIP items are required to come back to the City Council for review and authorization. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS No action is required by the Planning Commission. The CIP is presented to the Planning Commission for review as it relates to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Strategic Plan documents. MN Statutes provide for the Commission's review of the plan as related to the comprehensive plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Capital Improvement Plan 2019-2028 B. NIN Statute 462.356 C. 2019 Budget and Levy Report — City Council, December lOth, 2019: https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/vertical/sites/%7B46185197-6086-4078-ADDC- OF3918715C4C%7D/uploads/4A_2019 Bud�et_CCA.pdf m 0 m � � o m � o O �A U � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O O O I� LL� LL� LL� O O LL� LL� LL� N LL� O LL� O O O O (O O� (O M m oJ N��(O V M N� O I� N LL� V O O O O O O LL� O LL� V N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LL� O O V O � O N o m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ui o o iri o 0 v o co ro v r� ni r O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O I� N O N N N V M N f0 c N O O O O � � � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O v o o c c u� co 0 0 0� mvu�corn�Nmu�rm �rcou� N N N N N N O O O O O O O p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LL� M M� CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS d(D (D (D �j Y Y w d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d � a a cn > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > C:' L% !.�'� �; C� C Q��:' � � � ��� � 0 � � � o � .� o m �,� a 3 a�s �'- Q V � O T N l0 tp ,�� � Ym� m �Y� Y�� Y 3 m � 3 a � 2 Y Y m� y 2� i. `m �-°�o N�� `o o�'�� � �a�n �cncn� m �cn � m��- o a� m�� o L° � L° �n Y Y o � � m L° o� o U o F o C9 �� C9 m m a _��� Y U� y 3� 3 � a� m�� p � > � l0 a in a d C� O� m m U m a O in �n d�����n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LL� O O O I� O LL� O LL� O N��(�p O� O O LL� O� O O O� � O I� O� � N � m� N O � � � � � � N M � O O O O O O O O O O It� It� LL� O O N oJ I� O O O O O O O O O O O O It� It� LL� O O N oJ I� O O LL� O O O O O O O O O O It� It� LL� O O N oJ I� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O It� It� LL� O O O O N oJ I� O O O O LL� LL� O O O O O O O O O O O O O It� It� LL� O O O N oJ I� O O LL� LL� O O O O O O O O O O O O It� It� LL� O O O N oJ I� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O It� It� O O O O O O LL� O N oJ O O LL� LL� LL� O N LL� ro u� v 0 0 0 0 0 0� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iri iri o 000 00 000uio N oJ LL� O LL� LL� O LL� O LL� O N LL� v r u� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It� It� O O O O O O O O O LL� O N oJ LL� � O O O LL� O LL� O N O O� O O O O O O� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O iri iri o000 0 o r o uioui ni ro o o u� u� o o N co m u� N o � m N o � vcoomrnmv �NNv � � O O O O O O O O O O O O O a o5 05 05 05 05 05 u5 u5 cb cb r' r' 05 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ;� :� � O :_;' f3 � � � � 0 o� �� o� � �° 'e � � � Y o � .- � ,� �m eL� o �, a� � � � a����� � ����� > � � m s���a� o g���� �n m � d d � a �� � � U o m � � o 'e � 'e �� w� Q Q-o � 3�n o m a�-� m �� E a E o� m '' Y m 3 �. o a�� E .-�. �t o in .T 2- a�i o o L o� E 10 �m `o .�' � > T�n �0 3 U� ��oo������,3�a���� � =aac��� � U � � T�n T�n T< o � -o d � � -o .- ¢= K> o� m m�� °� r>� a i. � K t o d� m ��� m m o =Q � K K � � � �'Q� �-�'ou� �m o a? 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N .� 3.� � 2- o��' �_ o y U� o � m m.o o� ���� -o m � o m m�`m._ m� 10 m m o o U m o m m m m m � �Uwz�U�U��>�a ��LL����ain3oUU_ V MINNESOTA STATUTES 2018 462356 462.356 PROCEDURE TO EFFECT PLAN: GENERALLY. Subdivision 1. Recommendations for plan execution. Upon the recommendation by the planning agency of the comprehensive municipal plan or sections thereof, the planning agency shall study and propose to the governing body reasonable and practicable means for putting the plan or section of the plan into effect. Subject to the limitations of the following sections, such means include, but are not limited to, zoning regulations, regulations for the subdivision of land, an official map, a program for coordination of the normal public improvements and services of the municipality, urban renewal and a capital improvements program. Subd. 2. Compliance with plan. After a comprehensive municipal plan or section thereof has been recommended by the planning agency and a copy filed with the governing body, no publicly owned interest in real property within the municipality shall be acquired or disposed of, nor shall any capital improvement be authorized by the municipality or special district or agency thereof or any other political subdivision having jurisdiction within the municipality until after the planning agency has reviewed the proposed acquisition, disposal, or capital improvement and reported in writing to the governing body or other special district or agency or political subdivision concerned, its findings as to compliance of the proposed acquisition, disposal or improvement with the comprehensive municipal plan. Failure of the planning agency to report on the proposal within 45 days after such a reference, or such other period as may be designated by the governing body shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of this subdivision. The governing body may, by resolution adopted by two-thirds vote dispense with the requirements of this subdivision when in its judgment it finds that the proposed acquisition or disposal of real property or capital improvement has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. History: 1965 c 670 s 6 Copyright U 2018 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. Planning Commission Agenda — 1/02/19 3C. Consideration of 2019 Plannin� Commission Workplan A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Staff have prepared a draft 2019 Planning Commission Workplan for Commission's consideration. The draft is based on the feedback received to-date from Commissioners. No additional comment was provided by the Commission since the time of the December meeting and therefore the workplan stands as presented in December. Based on the Commission's input on items of interest, staff intends to provide an update or research item at least every other month as part of the regular Planning Commission agenda in 2019. A calendar of tentative topics and dates is included for Commission reference. Also included for Commission's reference is the 2018 Planning Commission Workplan with a summary of year-to-date activity per the plan. Staff has also provided the 2017- 2018 City of Monticello Strategic Plan for reference. It is anticipated that this document will be updated in early 2019. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to adopt the 2019 Planning Commission Workplan as prepared. 2. Motion to adopt the 2019 Planning Commission Workplan with the modifications as recommended by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. 2019 Workplan, Draft B. 2018 Workplan Summary C. Commission Worksheets D. 2017-2018 City of Monticello Strategic Plan E. Planning Commission Research and Reference Schedule - 2019 CITY ���OF —� ��� Monticello Monticello Planning Commission 2019 Goals & Obj ectives Workplan DRAFT The Monticello Planning Commission is established to advise the Mayor, Council and Community Development Department in matters conceming planning and land use matters; to review and make recommendations regarding the Monticello Comprehensive Plan, subdivision and zoning ordinances and other planning rules and regulations; to establish planning rules and regulations; and to conduct public hearings. 2019 Statement: The Planning Commission will support the efforts of the City Council to achieve the 2019 City of Monticello Strategic Plan and will review its long- and short-term planning framework for necessary updates or amendments which address the changing land use needs and goals of the community. The Planning Commission will work collaboratively with other City boards and commissions in its work to achieve the strategic goals of the city. Comprehensive Plan General • Support and participate in the community-wide strategic planning component of the 2019-2020 Comprehensive Plan process. • Review and hold the required public hearing for the Subdivision Ordinance in conjunction with overall City Code recodification. Land Use • As the City's primary planning agency, actively lead and participate in 2019-2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use update process. o Evaluate Places to Work/Industrial land area inventory and site development challenges in support of increasing and diversifying the tax base and providing living wage employment opportunity. o Develop recommendations for residential density identification, including lot size and configuration, within the City's growth area in support of Comprehensive Plan goals. o Analyze and recommend land use planning designations for Silver Springs and Interchange planning areas. o Review in more detail the commercial land inventory and recommend zoning classification in support of the City's long-range goals. o Evaluate impacts of advancing technology, including driverless vehicles, on land use. 1 � .;�.t�� Transportation • Receive an update on the City Capital Improvement Plan - the City's guide to capital investment within the community; determine any required actions steps associated with priority capital projects. • Provide input in anticipated 2019-2020 Transportation planning initiatives, including planning for the northwest interchange and the transportation network to serve annexation area, including collector routes such as Fallon and 85th. • Respond to the TH 25 Corridor Study as necessary and directed by the City Council. • Develop an understanding of Complete Streets policies and potential for integration into site planning and development. Park & Pathway • Evaluate development proposals for consistency with the adopted Pathway Connection Guide Map in support of the City's goal of a more walkable and bikeable community. • Provide necessary support to an anticipated 2019-2020 Comprehensive Plan update to the Park & Pathway plan, with specific detail on the downtown park and open spaces. Economic Development • Develop an understanding of and support the EDA's role in redevelopment, housing and economic development, including: o Marketing of vacant property and redevelopment sites o Affordable housing o Rehabilitation of housing o Downtown development/redevelopment programs Zoning Ordinance Complete a review of the City' s home occupation ordinances. Complete a review of the City's noise ordinances. Research £� Cit�y Department Update Topics As resources and time allow, the Planning Commission will consider research and information related to the following topic areas, which are listed in priority order. To ic Understand Cit and EDA-owned ro ert inventor and industrial land anal sis U date from De artment of Buildin and Code Enforcement on rental ordinance 2019 Commission tour of vacant arcels within Cit limits and the MOAA area Other: � CITY ���OF —� ��� Monticello Monticello Planning Commission 2018 Goals & Obj ectives Workplan 2018 Summary Report The Monticello Planning Commission is established to advise the Mayor, Council and Community Development Department in matters conceming planning and land use matters; to review and make recommendations regarding the Monticello Comprehensive Plan, subdivision and zoning ordinances and other planning rules and regulations; to establish planning rules and regulations; and to conduct public hearings. 2018 Statement: The Planning Commission will support the efforts of the City Council to achieve the 2017/2018 Strategic Plan and will review its long- and short-term planning framework for necessary updates or amendments which address the changing land use needs and goals of the community. The Planning Commission will work collaboratively with other City boards and commissions in its work to achieve the strategic goals of the city. Comprehensive Plan Staff has proposed a Strategic Planning and Visioning component for the community prior to moving into the formal Comprehensive Planning Process. This effort, which is included in the proposed budget for 2019, would allow the community to address larger issues with long- range implications for future growth for the city. These include: Xcel Energy Nuclear Generating Plant relicensing, river crossing and interchange planning, utility and infrastructure system planning for the annexation area, and the land use items noted below. The goal is to discuss a scenario-based response and outline a community vision to guide the Comprehensive Planning process. The Strategic Planning and Visioning is proposed to occur in 2019, with Comprehensive Planning to following 2020-2021. The items below are therefore still applicable in terms of Comprehensive Plan items to be addressed with a 2020 update. General • Review Implementation Strategies (Chapter 1- Framework) for items remaining to accomplish. o Update of Subdivision Ordinance in conjunction with overall City Code recodification. Codification drafting has begun and is expected to continue through 2019. Planning Commission will be asked to review the draft revisions to the subdivision ordinance in late winter and hold a public hearing in 2019 as required. 1 � ���age Land Use As the City's primary planning agency, actively lead and participate in 2018 Comprehensive Plan Land Use update process. o Evaluate Places to Work/Industrial land area inventory and site development challenges in support of increasing and diversifying the tax base and providing living wage employment opportunity. o Develop recommendations for residential density identification within the City's growth area in support of Comprehensive Plan goals and increasing residential lot inventory and development. o Analyze and recommend land use planning designations for Silver Springs and Interchange planning areas. o Review in more detail the commercial land inventory and recommend zoning classification in support of the City's long-range goals. Support the implementation of the Downtown Small Area Plan o Participate in zoning ordinance amendments corresponding to plan goals. All items above are still applicable considerations for Comprehensive Plan effort. Transportation • Receive an update on the City Capital Improvement Plan - the City's guide to capital investment within the community; determine any required actions steps associated with priority capital projects. NOT COMPLETED. Report provided in January 2019 to Planning Commission after final budget and levy adoption by City Council. • Respond to the TH 25 Corridor Study as necessary and directed by the City Council. IN PROGRESS. The TH25 Corridor Study has introduced the concept of future river crossing analysis as a potential mechanism for alleviating traffic pressure on the TH25 Corridor. Additional discussion and planning as part of the Strategic Planning and Visioning process will help the community frame the issue and provide input. Planning Commission invited to attend public meetings related to this study held to-date. Park & Pathway • Consider for adoption an appendix to the System Plan to include needed pathway corridor connections to strengthen the City's goal of a more walkable and bikeable community. COMPLETE. Attached Pathway Connection Guide Map provides guidance on CIP and infrastructure planning. 2 � ���age Economic Development • Develop an understanding of and support the EDA's role in redevelopment, housing and economic development, including: o Marketing of vacant property and redevelopment sites o Affordable housing o Rehabilitation of housing o Downtown development/redevelopment programs NOT COMPLETE. Discuss update altematives. Zoning Ordinance • Complete ordinance updates in support of the Downtown Small Area Plan, focusing on zoning strategies to support use and redevelopment of underutilized properties. IN PROGRESS. Small group completed its work in providing general direction on the ordinance revision Information was provided to the Planning Commission and City Council in two joint workshops. With Planning Commission and Council feedback, the draft ordinance will be reviewed and public hearing held in November, 2018. Complete a community evaluation for purpose of evaluate and recommendation on performance standards, including: o General site landscaping standards o Dynamic display standards o Noise COMPLETE. Planning Commission tour in summer, 2018. No resulting recommendations. • Analyze industrial use standards, including building material and landscaping requirements. NOT COMPLETE. Direction requested. • Pending the adoption of new flood hazard determinations, adopt an amendment to the Floodplain Overlay District which provides consistency with State regulations. COMPLETE. DNR has certified. 3 � ���age Research £� CitU Department Update Topics As resources and time allow, the Planning Commission will consider research and information related to the following topic areas, which are listed in priority order. To ic E-cigarettes/vapor lounges, zoning and state regulations - COMPLETE, no additional action unless directed by Commission. E-cigarette uses treated as retail activity. Complete streets planning - City Engineer/PW Director and Community & Economic Develo ment Assistant are researchin ro rams and strate 'es at this time. Zonin for medical mari'uana Zonin for "air bed and breakfasts" Land use im acts related to driverless vehicles Review the current permitting process and categories for Home Occupations - January worksho endin land use a lication activit . 0� CITY'�OF -� I�Vlanticello Monticello PTanning Commission 2019 Workplan Woxksheet Q�� ��s��,� Ta assist in the development of a 2019 Planning Commission Workplan, please provide input on the follawiz�g areas: Conz��ehensive P1ct�i Please Iist bel�w any specific carnprehensive plan topics for which you believe additional long-range study are needed_ (Examples: identification of residential density in specific area of the annexatian area, %denfification of ad�itional industrial land area, fin�l idenfifieatian of interchange locafions and supporting collector ro�tes, etc) . ����'Giq�I� i"1G�.�L1`z�� • '�a��.�.� ����er�� d- r�c���et�����n-� Zanin Cade 5ectio�xs 1'lease list be�av�.� any areas witliilz the zonin� code far �vhich you would like additi.anal i��formation/study in 201.9. (Exainples: 11Dise ordinance, cammercial landscaping, specific term definitions} v •,�b i 5 e s�c�n �a�'� S-- Q�'� ��,a1Z �.en �thet• Please Iist any ather areas c�f focus for the workp�an which interest ydu (Examples: EDA h�using activity, Cit� rental program, etc,) • C��� { V`L�"['I �\ ��{���•n f� ' ��n. �c-�"s b� �ei�� ��' �v��. '�1 e����f:s� � I'lease e mail yraur responses to Angela Schumann by November 26t�, 2018 at an�eIa.schumann��ci.manficeIlo.mn.us. 1����e Angela Schumann From: Charlotte � Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 10:10 AM To: Angela Schumann Subject: Re: Reminder - 2019 Workplan Feedback Hi Angela! **Transportation Planning...we need to look at the west end interchange, eastern development and 95th, and Fallon south/85th, that southern area. **Driveway angle...can we review what other cities have? I know we changed it but for some it still a spot of ��WhY�� **Largerlots? Charlotte From: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 10:04 AM To: Brad Fyle; Council Charlo. Gabler; John Alstad; Katie Peterson; Marc Simpson; Samuel Murdoff Cc:Jacob Thunander Subject: Reminder - 2019 Workplan Feedback Commissioners, Good morning! Just a quick reminder that we are looking for feedback on the 2019 PC Workplan. Your suggestions and ideas are encouraged! If we could get your thoughts by Tuesday of next week, that would give us time to prepare a draft for the upcoming December agenda. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving! Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us City of Monticello, MN �'� ��`� � CITY OF �� Monticello Monticello Planning Commission 2019 Workplan Worksheet To assist in the development of a 2019 Planning Commission Workplan, please provide input on the following areas: Coanprehettsive Plan Please list below any specific comprehensive plan topics far which you believe additional long-range study are needed. (Examples: identification of residential density in specific area of the annexation area, identification of additional industrial land area, final identification of interchange locations and supporting collector routes, etc.) [='pG ( �G� �I�' OI�G� '_ ��� ��/'� �O ��LC� � Zoning Code Sections Please list below any areas within the zoning code for which you would like additional information/study in 2019. (Examples: noise ordinance, commercial landscaping, specific term definitions) (�i(-�� �l� � � �Y � Other Please list any other areas of focus for the workplan which interest you (Examples: EDA housing activity, City rental program, etc.) o�h��{ f r� o�r �- 7 � Please e mail your responses to Angela Schumann by November 26th, 2018 at angela.schumann� ci.monticello.mn.us. �p ^ %'��C� G'iJ� ' ` ��n d � �� r�'�e�' � �in� � �� /� ��u,r� a� � ���op�� ��:r� �'.���' 1�5"�/`� , 1 � F a,�eZ_� ����5 (_�� v � � v N � 3 � T N � - � � ,� � � U U Vl JT� 4J Y � u L v� Q O � 3 � �o � on �n °� �� 'u .� � Q � C C O � � � � � L i C to v O to > v � U fl- '3 a�6i p T-6 Y U N T v t6 t6 U v � � T � O to � to 4J �n -6 pp > � O � T � 4J � . � � � � v N � � C Q C � � C � � O � � C o `n 2� °' v '�n t U � QJ QJ J-� Vl N � Y Q .� J� O � 4J U i � � � � � v � L O � O 4J U Q b� �+ � � 3 � . 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Q ` x � � Y O � � � � � '� U '\ N � � N N � Q C � > � N i-'`+ to N i�-+ � vo�v�ov � � � � � to O � to C > Q � � Y N U Q O � i � U � � U � N N � N C E ��=��vv ���o N� � _� � � � s v � � � � u Y � � � � E '° `m -6 O v m v a m m m � � t � oQ Q Q v�� 0 0 0 � v N U O N N N �� N > 0 0 0 � � t� T T T T T T T City of Monticello Planning Commission Research & Reference Calendar 2019 anuar City Engineer/Public Works Director Matt Leonard Capital Improvement Plan March Chief Building & Zoning Official Ron Hackenmueller Rental Ordinance Mav Economic Development Manager Jim Thares EDA Housing Strategies & Policies � Planning Commission Tour - Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Se�tember Tentative: Complete Streets & Safe Routes to School November City Planning Staff Home Occupation Ordinances Planning Commission Agenda - 1/02/19 3D. Communitv Development Director's Report Council Action on Commission Recommendations • Consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment from `Places to Shop' to `Places to Live' and a request for Zoning Map Amendment for Rezoning from B-4 (Regional Business District) to R-4 (Medium-High Residence Density Residence District) for a 125 unit senior living development. Applicant: Headwaters Development - Michael Hoagberg Council motioned to deny the Comprehensive Plan amendment 3-2 and to deny the rezoning 4-1 on December IOth, 2018. Action to adopt findings of fact and potential for action to reconsider the motion(s) is pending for .Ianuary 14th, 2019. The updated staff report presented to the City Council on December IOth, 2018 is available for review here: https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/vertical/sites/%7846185197-6086-4078 ADDC- OF3918715C4C%7D/uploads/4B Headwaters_CP Amend - R- 4 Rezonin C�CRpt (ASREV,�pdf • Consideration of a request for Map Amendment (Rezoning) from A-O (Agriculture - Open Space) to R-1 (Single Family Residence) District, Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary and Final Plat for a 241ot single-family development. Applicant: Novak-Fleck Inc (Horst Graser) Council acted to approve the preliminary plat and development stage PUD for Featherstone 4th Addition on December IOth, 2018. Decisions for fznal plat, final stage PUD, rezoning and development agreement are tentatively scheduled for .Ianuary 14th 2019. Zoning Decisions Information A memo from the League of Minnesota Cities regarding land use decision-making is attached for the Commission's reference. INFORMATION MEMO Zoning Decisions Zoning decisions are the source of controversy and confusion in many communities. Understanding a city's zoning authority and the standards associated with various zoning tools is important in navigating controversy and dispelling confusion. This memo discusses the nature of a city's decision- making authority and the legal standards associated with variances, conditional use permits, and nonconformities. RELEVANT LINKS: Learn more about zoning decisions in LMC information memos Zoning Guide for Cities and Planning and Zoning 101. I. Level of authority Zoning is a method of establishing a land use pattern by regulating the way land is used by landowners. A zoning ordinance, comprised of text and a map, generally divides a city into various districts and sets standards regulating uses in each district. A city has considerably broader authority when creating its zoning ordinance than it does when administering the same ordinance. Consequently, it is important for a city to be aware of what authority it is acting under whenever making a particular zoning decision. When adopting or amending a zoning ordinance, a city council is exercising so-called "legislative" authority. The council is advancing health, safety, and welfare by making rules that apply throughout the entire community. When acting legislatively, the council has broad discretion and will be afforded considerable deference by any reviewing court. City councils are ultimately accountable to the voters for legislative decisions. In contrast, when applying an existing zoning ordinance, a city council is exercising so-called "quasi judicial" authority. The task is to determine the facts associated with a particular request, and then apply those facts to the legal standards contained in the zoning ordinance and relevant state law. A city council has less discretion when acting quasi judicially, and a reviewing court will examine whether the city council applied rules already in place to the facts before it. In general, if the facts indicate the applicant meets the relevant legal standard, then they are likely entitled to the approval. Variances and conditional use permits are two commonplace zoning tools that are quasi judicial in nature. This material is provided as general information and is not a substitute for legal advice. Consult your attorney for advice concerning specific situations. 145 UniversityAve. West www.lmc.org 11/15/2017 Saint Paul, MN 55103-2044 (651) 281-1200 or (800) 925-1122 O 2017 All Rights Reserved RELEVANT LINKS: See Appendix A: Pyramid of discretion. LMC information memo, Land Use T�ariances. Minn. Stat. § 462.357, sub. 6 The amount of discretion a city has when making legislative versus quasi- judicial decisions is represented by the planning and zoning "pyramid of discretion." The bottom of the pyramid is where a city has the most discretion—when creating a comprehensive plan and corresponding land uses ordinances, such as a zoning ordinance. A city has less discretion when making quasi judicial decisions as represented by the middle of the pyramid—the city is constrained by the ordinance and law that make up the foundation below. II. Variances Variances are an exception to rules laid out in a zoning ordinance. They are permitted departures from strict enforcement of an ordinance provision as applied to a particular piece of property if enforcement would cause "practical difficulties." Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Variances are generally for dimensional standards (such as setbacks or height limits) and may not be used to allow a use that is prohibited in the particular zoning district. Essentially, variances allow the landowner to break the dimensional rules that would otherwise apply. A. Practical difficulties "Practical difficulties" is a legal standard set forth in state law. Minnesota cities must apply the state statutory standard when considering applications for variances. The statute provides that requests for variances are heard by a body called the board of adjustment and appeals; in many smaller communities, the planning commission serves that function. Generally, the board's decision is subject to appeal to the city council. Under the statutory practical difficulties standard, a city may grant a variance if the facts satisfy the three-factor test for practical difficulties. 1. Use property in a reasonable manner The first practical difficulties factor is that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. This factor means that the landowner would like to use the property in a particular reasonable way but cannot do so under the rules of the ordinance. It does not mean that the land cannot be put to any reasonable use whatsoever without the variance. For example, if the variance application is for a building too close to a lot line, or does not meet the required setback, the focus of the first factor is whether the request to place a building there is reasonable. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 2 RELEVANT LINKS: 2. Circumstances unique to the property The second practical difficulties factor is that the landowner's plight is due to circumstances unique to the property not caused by the landowner. The uniqueness generally relates to the physical characteristics of the particular piece of property; that is, to the land and not personal considerations of the landowner. The statute further notes that economic considerations alone cannot create practical difficulties. 3. Maintain essential character of the locality The third practical difficulties factor is that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. This factor generally contemplates whether the resulting structure will be out of scale, out of place, or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. B. Granting variances If the facts surrounding a variance application satisfy all three of the statutory factors, then a city may grant the variance. State statute further provides variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance, and when the terms of the variance are consistent with the comprehensive plan. So, in addition to the three-factor practical difficulties test, a city evaluating a variance application should make findings as to: • whether or not the variance is in harmony with the purposes and intent of the ordinance, and • whether or not the variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Whatever the ultimate decision on a particular variance application, a city should carefully consider each of the three factors of the statutory practical difficulties standard. While past practice may be instructive, it cannot replace the need for analysis of all three of the practical difficulties factors. Cities should review their zoning ordinance for provisions relating to variances to be sure they are consistent with the state statutory standard for practical difficulties. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 3 RELEVANT LINKS: Minn. Stat. § 462.3595. LMC information memo, Land Use Conditional Use Permits. Learn more about land use issues in the land use section of the League's website. If a city finds it is issuing many variances to a particular standard, then the city may wish to consider the possibility of amending the ordinance to change the standard. In other words, if a city is consistently allowing landowners to break a particular rule, perhaps the need for the rule should be revisited. It could appear that the properties' plight was not particularly unique, or even that there is not an underlying reasonable basis for the rule. City councils have broad legislative authority when writing the rules, but when evaluating a variance application cities are limited to the quasi judicial role of applying the state practical difficulties standards to the facts before them. III. Conditional and interim use permits Conditional use permits are authorized under state law. Whether to grant or deny a conditional use permit application is another zoning decision that is quasi judicial in nature. A conditional use is a use that is generally compatible with a particular zoning district but because of hazards inherent in the use itself or because of special problems that its proposed location may present, the use is allowed by permit only if the special concerns are addressed as set forth in the zoning ordinance. The zoning ordinance typically details both the general standards that apply to all conditional uses, and the specific conditions that apply to a particular conditional use in a given zoning district. The conditions must be reasonable and practical. Unlike a permitted use, which a landowner is generally entitled to as a matter of right, a conditional use is allowed only after a statutorily required public hearing. Reasonable conditions may be attached to a conditional use permit based upon factual evidence contained in public record. City councils sometimes misunderstand the level and the nature of discretion they have when reviewing applications for conditional use permits. If a proposed conditional use satisfies the conditional use standards set forth in the zoning ordinance, then generally the landowner is entitled to the conditional use permit. The city made the legislative decision about the appropriateness of a kind of use in a zoning district when the council adopted the ordinance providing for the use as conditional. When considering a conditional use permit application, the city is tasked with the more limited quasi judicial role of considering whether the facts of a particular application satisfy the standards set forth in the ordinance. If the belief is that a kind of use is unacceptable in a given zoning district, then consider not listing the use as a conditional one in the district in the first instance. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 4 RELEVANT LINKS: Minn. Stat. § 462.3595, subd. 3. A.G. Op. 59-A-32 (February 2�, i99o�. Minn. Stat. § 462.3597. A conditional use permit is a property right that "runs with the land" so it attaches to and benefits the land and is not limited to a particular landowner. The state statute provides that a conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions agreed upon are observed. The attorney general has opined that time limits such as sunset provisions or automatic annual review to include possible termination are not consistent with state law. The attorney general explained that cities may not enact or enforce ordinance provisions for conditional use permits which allow the city to terminate permits regardless of whether or not the conditions agreed upon are reserved. However, a city can certainly revoke a conditional use permit if there is not substantial compliance with conditions, so long as the revocation is based upon factual evidence, after appropriate notice and hearing. If a city wishes to place time constraints on particular uses, then the appropriate zoning tool is an interim use permit, rather than a conditional use permit. A state law passed in 1989 authorizes interim use permits for a temporary use of property until a particular date, until the occurrence of a particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it. Cities may wish to employ interim use permits for uses that are not consistent with the city's long term plan and vision for the particular area, or where the use itself has a limited lifecycle. Interim use permits should be provided for in the city's zoning ordinance. A public hearing is required prior to issuance, and the land owner generally enters into an agreement with the city. Cities should periodically review their zoning ordinances to determine whether the conditional uses listed are uses that remain appropriate for the particular zoning district, and to make sure the conditions under which the uses will be allowed are specifically set forth. Cities have broad legislative discretion when establishing uses and conditions in their ordinance. But when administering conditional uses set forth in the ordinance, cities are acting in their more limited quasi judicial capacity and are constrained to applying the standards in the ordinance to the facts of a particular application. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 5 RELEVANT LINKS: LMC information memo, Land Use Nonconformities. Minn. Stat. § 462.357, sub. 1 e. IV. Nonconformities Nonconformities are uses, structures, or lots that do not comply with the current zoning ordinance. A. Legal nonconformities Legal nonconformities are those that were legal when the zoning ordinance or amendment was adopted, in that they complied with preexisting ordinance and law. The rights of legal nonconformities are often referred to as grandfather rights. Legal nonconformities generally have a statutory right to continue unless: • the use is discontinued for more than one year, or • the structure is destroyed by more than 50% of its assessed market value, and no building permit is applied for within 180 days. Legal nonconformities may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement, but not including expansion. There is a limitation to the continuance rights for nonconformities in National Flood Insurance Program (NFII') floodplain areas. Despite their right to continue without complying with the current zoning ordinance, it is important to keep in mind that all legal nonconformities must generally comply with other city ordinances, such as a nuisance ordinance or a licensing ordinance. B. Non-legal conformities In contrast to legal nonconformities, non-legal nonconformities are those that were not permitted when established and they do not have the rights associated with legal nonconformities. Before assuming a particular nonconformity is entitled to the statutory right to continue, it is important to consider whether the nonconformity ever complied with existing ordinance or law. Historically, the theory behind legal nonconformities was that the property would eventually comply with the zoning ordinance. The statutory right to continue was more limited, and cities could phase out nonconformities over time through a process called amortization. Furthermore, the nonconformity could not be upgraded or replaced, and nonconforming rights would cease if the nonconformity was discontinued or destroyed. But in 2001, the legislature prohibited amortization, except for adult uses. And in 2004, the legislature both altered the rule about destruction and afforded nonconformities the right to replacement, restoration or improvement, but not expansion. Cities should review their ordinance provisions concerning nonconformities and make sure they are consistent with the current state statute. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 6 RELEVANT LINKS: Minn. Stat. § 15.99. LMC information memo, Zoning Guide for Cities, Section V-A, The 60-Day Rule. LMC information memo, Zoning Guide for Cities, Section V-C-2-b on conducting a public hearing. Minn. Stat. § 462.357, subd 3. V. Creating a record Whatever the nature of or standard for a particular zoning decision, a city should create a record that will support it. If the city action is challenged, courts will review the decision on the public record. The record must demonstrate the city exercised the appropriate level of discretion and applied the relevant standards in a reasonable fashion. It may not matter that the city acted reasonably if the city is unable to prove its actions through the public record. When creating a record to support a zoning decision, every city should be aware of Minnesota's 60-day rule. Under state law, a city must either approve or deny a written request related to zoning within 60 days of the time it is submitted to the city. The city may extend the time period for an additiona160 days, but only if it does so in writing before expiration of the initia160-day period. Under the 60-day rule, failure to approve or deny a request within the statutory time period is deemed an approval. So it is vitally important that cities scrutinize applications as they come in the door to first make sure all required information is present, and then to process those applications in an expeditious manner. A. Public hearings Holding a public hearing is an important component in developing the record. Public hearings are generally required before the adoption of any zoning ordinance or amendment, and before the granting of variances, conditional use permits, or re-zonings Under state law notice of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing must be published at least 10 days prior to the day of the hearing. If the decision affects an area of five acres or less, mailed notice may be required to property owners within a 350-foot radius of the land in question. Public hearings should include a complete disclosure of what is being proposed and a fair and open assessment of the issues raised. A public hearing should include an opportunity for the general public and interested parties to hear and see all the information and to ask relevant questions, provide additional information, and express support or opposition. In order to help the public hearing process run well, it is helpful for the city council to develop a written set of policies and procedures to follow at each public hearing. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 7 RELEVANT LINKS: LMC information memo, Taking the Mystery Out of Findz�ngs ofFact. Jed Burkett 651.281.1247 800.925.1122 jburkett@lmc.org Neighborhood opposition is perhaps the most challenging issue for any city council or planning commission to deal with when considering the merits of a particular zoning application. Case law holds that the views of neighbors should not be the sole basis for a particular city action. In this regard, it is helpful to distinguish between what might be termed the "quantity" of the comments, as opposed to the "quality" of the comments. For example, well- supported testimony that brings forth relevant facts is the kind of information upon which a city council can rely. On the other hand, unsupported and unsubstantiated emotional opposition to a particular project should not be the basis for a decision. B. Written statements After a public hearing the city should make findings to support its decision. In the case of a denial of a particular zoning application, Minnesota's 60-day rule requires the reasons for a denial be put in writing and those reasons be adopted within the statutory timeframe. Failure to do so may result in the city council decision being overturned. Even where the application is approved, a written statement explaining the decision is advisable. The written statement explaining the reasons for the zoning decision is particularly important for quasi judicial decisions such as variances and conditional use permits. The League recommends the city adopt written findings of fact and conclusions of law whenever a city makes such decisions. The document should identify the relevant legal criteria such as statutory standards or code provisions, explain the relevant facts relating to the particular application, and then apply those facts to the legal criteria. The document should provide a court with everything needed to uphold the zoning decision. VI. Further assistance Zoning decisions can be controversial and confusing and this memo is by no means a comprehensive discussion of all issues that may arise. If you have further questions relating to zoning decisions, please feel free to contact the League's Loss Control Land Use Attorney. When dealing with particular issues, it is also important to seek specific legal advice from your own city attorney. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 8 Appendix A: The pyramid of discretion The pyramid framework illustrates how much discretion the city has to make land use decisions based on the role it is playing. � ��� � �.� �1d �¢'► �� �'�rmits ��, � �lan � '� , � �� F���i�� � � V�ri���es� �v , . `�' ,�'� ����dli��+��al � @� lJs� ��rmit� �t�' �ub�div►isic�n A�pprli�+ca��c��ns ��r� i�����5ubdiv�s�i�n �3rd�r���nc�� �c����re��r����� Pl�h �� League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 11/15/2017 Zoning Decisions Page 9