City Council Agenda Packet 10-08-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 8, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center JOINT MEETING — PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL 5:15 p.m. (North Mississippi Room) 5:15 p.m. Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Proposal for 136 -unit Senior Living Facility Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from September 24, 2018 • Regular Meeting Minutes from September 24, 2018 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • Fall Leaf Pick -Up • Riverside Cemetery Clean Up • Construction Update F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC • Parks and Recreation Commission • Planning Commission • BCOL G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update • Introduction of Dan Klein, Emergency Services Coordinator — Fire Marshal • Senior Center Update — Pam Loidolt 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-82 approving the issuance of a lawful gambling off-site premise permit to Monticello Lions Club at the VFW Post 8731 on November 3, 2018 E. Consideration of appointing an additional election judge for the 2018 General Election F. Consideration of appointing Elizabeth Calpas as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry representative to the IEDC with a term expiring December 31, 2018 G. Consideration of approving an On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Northwoods Entertainment LLC, dba Emagine Monticello Theater, 9376 Deegan Avenue H. Consideration of approving a full-day closure of City Hall and Public Works facilities on Monday, December 24, 2018 I. Consideration of authorizing the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Trident senior living development J. Consideration of approving Change Order Nos. 4-10 resulting in a reduction of $7,392.60 for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006 K. Consideration of approving a request for Planned Unit Development (PUD) adjustment to accommodate directional signage at the Monticello High School Addition site. Applicant: Monticello Public School District 882/Monticello High School L. Consideration of approving the purchase of new fire rescue/wildland gear from Emergency Response Solution in the amount of $16,200 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-83 approving assessments for the Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements, City Project 17C001 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of approving lease agreement between the City of Monticello Parks Department and the City of Monticello EDA for 349 West Broadway (Fred's Auto) B. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for Public Use in the F-3 sub -district of the CCD — Central Community District. Applicant: City of Monticello C. Consideration of authorizing staff to request proposals for purchase and rehabilitation of the Ellison House for single family, owner occupied us 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 8, 2018 — 5:15 p.m. North Mississippi, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5:15 p.m. Consideration of Request for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Proposal for 136 -unit Senior Living Facility 3. Adjournment NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS. INC. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Ste. 320, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.957.1100 Website: www.nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Angela Schumann Mayor Stumpf and Monticello City Council Monticello Planning Commission FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: October 2, 2018 RE: Monticello — Trident/Mielke PUD — Concept Review NAC FILE NO: 191.07 — 18.30 PLANNING CASE NO: PROPERTY ID: 155-500-123300; 155-115-001010 Concept Submittal and Proiect Description. This memorandum reviews the elements of a proposed concept plan for a Planned Unit Development on the "Jameson" property, a parcel along the Burlington Northern Railroad line, west and north of the St. Henry's Catholic Church. The parcel is approximately seven acres in size and is currently landlocked, but for an access to its aging single-family home from Washington Street via a driveway easement over the "Rand House" (Busch) property to the west. With the construction of the Fallon Avenue overpass and roundabout, the City acquired a parcel from the St. Henry's Church to provide the potential for a street access to the subject property. The applicants will seek construction of a public street over this parcel, and have included a second portion of property from St. Henry's as a part of what they propose to be a two -building senior housing project encompassing the Jameson property, the new extended public street, and the additional church property. The proposal is made by a combined venture of Trident Development of St. Cloud, and local company Mielke Development. The project consists of independent, assisted and memory care units in two buildings as noted, a 70 unit assisted living project in the easternmost section of the property, and a 66 unit senior apartment building to the south, nearest to Fallon and 7t" Streets. Both buildings are proposed to be three stories. The independent senior building would have one level of underground parking. The properties are both currently zoned R-1, Single Family Residence District. However, the "Jameson" parcel is guided for "Places to Live", a residential land use category, while the St. Henry's parcel is guided "Places for Community", a public/semi- public institutional category. The total property is approximately 9 acres in area, a gross residential density of approximately 15 units per acre. For the project to proceed, there are a series of City approvals that will be required: PUD Concept Review (the subject of this report). The project requires a PUD as it proposes to plat a parcel that will have no direct frontage on a public street, and certain aspects of site design may require flexibility; Concurrent with this review, the applicants have applied for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). The EAW is required due to the Historic classification of the property (not the existing structure). Further approvals would include the following: o Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment reguiding the current Church parcel from "Places for Community" to "Places to Live"; o Preliminary and Final Plats incorporating the Church and City parcels, dedicating the appropriate right of way, and resubdividing the property for the proposed buildings; the City would be required to participate in the plat o Rezoning to PUD, with reference to underlying standards of the R-4 Medium and High Density Residential District; the PUD would require cross -access agreements as part of any approval given the proposed lot configuration; o Conditional Use Permits which would have been required in the R-4 District would be considered instead as part of the PUD rezoning of the development parcels. Any Accessory Use requests would also be reviewed and considered as part of the PUD rezoning consideration. The current proposal is for a PUD Concept Plan review, which is not a formal zoning application, but is intended to provide the applicant an opportunity to get City feedback on a potential development proposal prior to more formal zoning review and the extensive supporting materials that such reviews require. The Planning Commission and City Council will have the opportunity to review the project, ask questions of the proposer, and provide comment as to the issues and elements raised by the project. The neighboring property owners have been notified of the meeting, but it is not a formal public hearing. This memorandum provides an overview of the project, and will serve as an outline for the discussion. No formal approval or denial is offered for a Concept Review. However, it is vital that Planning Commission and City Council members engage in a frank and open discussion of the project benefits and potential issues. The Concept Review process is most valuable when the applicants have the opportunity to understand how the City is likely to look at the project and the potential issues it presents. In this way, the subsequent land use and development details can be more finely tuned to address City policy elements. PUD Concept Review Criteria. The Zoning Ordinance allows for a first stage of PUD consisting of an informal Concept Plan review which is separate from the formal PUD application which will follow the Concept Review step. The Ordinance identifies the purpose of Planned Unit Development as follows: (1) Purpose and Intent The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district is to provide greater flexibility in the development of neighborhoods and non- residential areas in order to maximize public values and achieve more creative development outcomes while remaining economically viable and marketable. This is achieved by undertaking a process that results in a development outcome exceeding that which is typically achievable through the conventional zoning district. The City reserves the right to deny the PUD rezoning and direct the developer to re -apply under the standard applicable zoning district. PUD Concept reviews are to proceed as follows: (a) PUD Concept Proposal Prior to submitting formal development stage PUD, preliminary plat (as applicable) and rezoning applications for the proposed development, the applicant may, at its option, prepare an informal concept plan and present it to the Planning Commission and City Council at a concurrent work session, as scheduled by the Community Development Department. The purpose of the Concept Proposal is to: 1. Provide preliminary feedback on the concept plan in collaboration between the applicant, general public, Planning Commission, and City Council; 2. Provide a forum for public comment on the PUD prior to a requirement for extensive engineering and other plans. 3. Provide a forum to identify potential issues and benefits of the proposal which can be addressed at succeeding stages of PUD design and review. The intent of Concept Proposal review is to consider the general acceptability of the proposed land use, and identify potential issues that may guide the City's later consideration of a full PUD application. The Concept Proposal review 2 includes notice to area property owners, but is not a public hearing. The City Council and Planning Commission meet in joint session to provide feedback to the developer, and may include an opportunity for informal public comment as they deem appropriate. Staff Preliminary Comments and Issues. For this proposal, the primary considerations evident at this point in the process would likely include the following elements: Land Use. The proposed land use is considered to be generally consistent with the directions of the Comprehensive Plan, noting the change required for the Places for Community area. Higher density housing is most appropriate in this area which is dominated by other high density residential, institutional, and commercial land uses. In addition, the property's proximity to both the collector -status 7t' Street and its proximity to 1-94 would suggest that lower density uses would be inappropriate. Parking. Parking supply is shown at 156 parking spaces (1.15 spaces per unit). This total supply is likely adequate, giving the senior focus of the project, and the assisted living nature of the larger building. The R-4 District requires that no more than 1.1 spaces per unit are uncovered, which this proposal meets. iii. Building Height and Architecture. The applicants have not provided details relating to building design at this stage. Staff would note that the R-4 zoning district encourages certain specific elements related to roof line, building materials, and overall design. In addition, PUD design is expected to exceed the basic district standards in exchange for the flexibility offered under the PUD process. iv. Site Planning. A preliminary site plan is provided as a part of the PUD Concept plan. Staff notes that specific requirements for open space and extensive setback regulations apply in the R-4 District. If the applicants propose to vary from the base zoning standards, they should provide rationale that supports the variation, and note the additional amenities or elements of the site plan that balance the proposed flexibility. The Parks Commission will review the preliminary plat and make a recommendation to the City Council on park dedication requirements. V. Access and Circulation. As noted, the applicants proposed to utilize the City parcel as right of way for a new public street extending from the Fallon Avenue roundabout. The street would therefore be dedicated as right of way as part of the platting process. The senior apartment building would gain its access from this public street. From the terminal point of this street, a private driveway would extend to the assisted living building in the northeast corner of the property. The applicants also show the potential for an extension of 3 this roadway to the northwest across the "Rand House" (Busch) property to Washington Street. The new street would provide additional direct frontage to both of the properties west of this site that currently gain access on the west via a short loop of Fallon Avenue. It will be important to understand how the new street would be constructed and paid for, including the cost of the City's land acquisition in this area. With regard to the extension to Washington Street, it is not clear that this roadway would be necessary. Moreover, to implement it, an agreement would be required from the neighboring Busch property owners. The intentions for this roadway should be identified and resolved, if possible, during the ongoing PUD process. vi. The City Engineer makes the following additional notes relating to ongoing plan development: The extension of the public street for the proposed development will require a petition from the owners of at least 35% in frontage of the property bordering the proposed public street per MN State Statute Chapter 429. A feasibility report is required to be prepared, which will address the special assessments for the public improvement to the benefitting property owners. Assessments to be considered will include the City land acquisition cost along with street, pathway, utility and other infrastructure costs. It should be noted that the new street name will need to be approved by the City and Wright County and will likely not be named Fallon Avenue since that street name exists to the west. Sanitary sewer and watermain services noted as primary services on the concept plan are being extended to the 7t" Street right of way with the Fallon Avenue overpass project in order to serve the proposed development. It is preferred that the site be served from these service locations and not from the potential connection for Lot 2 as noted on the concept plan, however that will be determined with the preliminary plat/PUD stage of the project. • The watermain extension will likely need to be a looped system. • Below are the general stormwater requirements for the site: o The applicant will be required to submit a stormwater management plan for the proposed development in accordance with the requirements in the City's Design Manual 12 o No regional infiltration or ponding is provided for the development downstream, therefore it will need to be provided onsite. o The City's water resource management plan identifies the need for new outlet pipes under the railroad tracks. o The implementation of this improvement has yet to be determined. With the preliminary plat/PUD submittals, the applicant shall provide topographic survey of the site including the area along the railroad corridor to define the drainage system. • Required easements for drainage and utilities will be reviewed with utility and storm water plan review. Summarv. As noted, the Planning Commission and City Council provide comment and feedback at the Concept Review level. There is no formal decision made as part of this submittal. City officials should identify any areas of concern, as well as any elements of the concept that the City would find essential to the proposal. Specific comment should address the following potential issues: 1. Overall Land Use. 2. Density. 3. Building Height. 4. Parking Supply. 5. Building Materials and Architecture. 6. Landscaping, green space, setbacks, and other site plan improvements. 7. Circulation and Access. 8. Street Construction and location. 9. Engineering comments and recommendations. The notes listed above acknowledge that a significant amount of detail will be added as the project proceeds to a more advanced stage of review. Supportinq Data Applicant Narrative Legal Description and Project Information Applicant Concept Plan Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Map Official Zoning Map 5 R1, 11 JN Development, LLC. 3601 t 8th Street South • Suite # 103 • St. Cloud, MN 56301 Phone: 320.258.4438 • Fax: 320.252.3603 September 24, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 VIA Hand -delivered and E-mail Dear Ms. Schumann: Trident Development, LLC and Mielke Development is please to submit the enclosed application materials for a PUD — Concept Proposal for a proposed senior housing development. This letter is intended to provide a narrative description of our proposed development, the objectives of the PUD and address a number of check -list items requested. LOCATION The development site consists of approx. 9 acres located north of 7th Street, east of Washington Street and west of the St Benedict's Senior Center. The site is bordered on the north by the BNSF rail line. The local street address is known as 511 Territorial Road. The property, commonly referred to as the Marion Jameson property is approximately 7.1 acres. In addition to the Jameson property, we are negotiating with St. Henry's Catholic church for a 1.91 acre portion of vacant land. The total gross land area is approximately 9 acres. All of the land is currently zoned R-1 Low Density Residential. PUD OBJECTIVES There are a number of unique characteristics and development challenges presented with this property. We believe the PUD process offers the best avenue to accomplish our development objectives. The development objectives include: • Manage steep slopes and dense tree vegetation on the north and east portions of the site. • Combine multiple buildings and multiple uses within a single development. • Provide for public street and utility extensions to serve the development and potentially neighboring property • Create a continuum of care, senior housing campus that fills an unmet need in the Monticello community. • Offer a complimentary transition to the neighboring church property. • Generate increased tax base on property that is currently underutilized. ENVIRONMENTAL Because it is believed is Jameson property has some historical and cultural significance, we have made a written request to the City Council to authorize an Environmental Assessment Worksheet ("EAW"). We anticipate this request to be presented to Council on the October 8 meeting agenda. ACCESS The development site is not currently served by pubic street or public utilities. The Jameson property currently operates with an unrecorded access agreement allowing access from Fallon Ave, through the neighboring Busch property. The concept plan proposed a new public street to be extending north from the new, 7th Street round -a -bout, together with public utilities. The plan shows two alternate street designs: 1) terminating in a cul -du -sac or 2) continuing on to Fallon Street. With either design, the new street is anticipated to public rather than private. The exact street alignment and design to be worked out with the City. PUD CONCEPT CHECK LIST Together with this narrative letter we are including the following check list items: • Completed City of Monticello Land Use Applications — 1 for Jameson and 1 for St. Henrys • Application Fee of $200 and Escrow Deposit of $1,000. ($1,200 total.) • Five (5) full-size plan sheet of the Conceptual Land Plan. • One (1) electronic file of the Conceptual Land Plan, sent via e-mail. • Full legal description of the property (Jameson only) • Contact information • Site data summary, including general project information and calculation of proposed density • Preliminary development schedule • Layout of proposed lots and uses, including parking areas and existing and proposed streets. • Proposed location of public streets and utilities. Please contact us if there are any questions of if additional materials are required. I can be reached at 320.258.4438 (office) or 612.242.6097 (cell). Regards, 'ent Developrr�L--� F eft- RoeFink� Sr. Vice President Enclosures C: Dan Mielke File No: 1490566 (SKL) LEGAL DESCRIPTION - JAMESON PROPERTY Parcel A: The Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, also described as: Commence at a point on the west line of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, a distance of 534.5 feet North of the southwest corner thereof, thence East at right angles to said west line 318 feet; thence North 11 degrees 00 minutes East to the center line of the old Territorial Road as now laid out and traveled; thence North 14 degrees 20 minutes West along said existing center line 40.5 feet to its intersection with the northerly line of said road extended northwesterly and its actual point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing on same course along said center line to its intersection with the southerly line of the G.N.R.R. right of way; thence South 74 degrees 23 minutes East along said southerly right of way line 979.17 feet; thence South 2 degrees 22 minutes East to the northerly line of said old Territorial road; thence North 68 degrees 50 minutes West along said northerly line to point of beginning. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 24 minutes 50 seconds East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 534.50 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 318.00 feet; thence North 12 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 292.79 feet to the south line of Old Territorial Road being the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 67 degrees 59 minutes 57 seconds East along said south line, a distance of 989.48 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest quarter; thence North 1 degree 24 minutes 40 seconds East along said east line, a distance of 70.50 feet to the north line of said Old Territorial Road; thence North 67 degrees 59 minutes 57 seconds West along said north line of Old Territorial Road being distant 66.00 feet north of and parallel with said south line of Old Territorial Road, a distance of 1012.57 feet to the intersection of a line bearing North 13 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds West from the point of beginning, said line being on center line of Old Territorial Road and its southerly extensions; thence South 13 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds East along said center line and its southerly extension, a distance of 81.54 feet to the point of beginning. TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION Proposed Use: Senior / assisted living apartment housing in a continuum of care campus Number of Residential units: 136 total residential dwelling units, as follows 66 units of independent senior apartments 49 units of assisted living apartments 21 unit of memory support apartments Ancillary Uses: Commercial kitchen for congregate dining Beauty salon Assisted Living: 70 -unit, 3 -story building, wood -frame building, approx. 79,023 square feet with surface parking for 65 cars. Indep. Sr. Apts: 66 -unit, 3 -story, wood -frame building, approx. 85,551 square feet with underground parking for 66 cars and surface parking for 60 cars. TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 SITE DATA Property Address: 511 Territorial Road Monticello, MN Legal Description: See attached Current Zoning: R-1 Low Density Residential Parcel Size: Total development land area 9.01 acres (388,926+/- sf) 7.10 acres (309,326+/- sf) Jameson property 1.91 acres (84,041+/- sf) St. Henry Church property Undevelopable Area: Approx. 60,782 sf (1.40 acres) is believed to be undevelopable due to steep slopes. Net Land Area: Approx. 7.61 acres (331,585 square feet) Proposed Density: Gross: 15 dwelling units per acre / 2,860 sf of land per unit Net: 17.9 dwelling units per acre/2,438 sf of land per unit Lot 1: 66 -Unit Senior Apartment Total Gross Lot Area: 4.82 acres +/-, 210,121 sf +/- Total Net Lot Area: 4.06 acres +/-, 177,007 sf +/- Lot 2: 70 -Unit Senior Assisted Living/Memory Care Building Total Gross Lot Area: 4.18 acres +/-, 182,246 sf +/- Total Net Lot Area: 3.55 acres +/-, 154,578 sf +/- TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Entitlement/Gov. Approvals - Construction of Public Street - Financing/Construction Pricing - Construction Term - Initial Occupancy, Bldg. 1 - October 2018 to March 2019 April 2019 to June 2019 March 2019 to May 2019 May 2019 to July 2020 May 2020 Initial Occupancy, Bldg. 2. - July 2020 MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 LIST OF CONTACT INFORMATION: Owner of Record: Marion K. Jameson (deceased) C/o Suzanne L. Jameson Kramer 136-15 01h Street River Falls, WI 54022 612.817.4499 Developer/Applicant: Trident Development, LLC / Mielke Development Roger D. Fink, Sr. Vice President 3601 — 18th Street South St. Cloud, MN 56301 320.258.4438 612.242.6097 (cell) Architect: Cole Group Architects Norm Cole 216 Park Avenue South Suite 102 St. Cloud, MN 56301 320.654.6570 Survey/Civil Eng: Carlson McCain Joseph Radach, P.E. Thomas Balluff, L.S. 3 890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE Suite 100 Blaine, MN 763.489.7916 Title Company: Tri Count Abstract and Title Guaranty, Inc. Adam Schad, Title Examiner 122 — 12th Ave. No. St. Cloud, MN 56303 320.253.2096 Legal: Siegel Brill, P.A. Josh Grossman 100 Washington Ave. S. Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.337.6100 Lam_ AREA W/ SLOPE / i \ P / GREATER THAN 18% / \ \ EXISTING HOUSE TO / \ \ one EM \ /\I BE REMOVED Lv POSSIBLE EXTENSION \ z OF PUBLIC STREET \ \ WASHINGTON ST TO WASHIN. I \ � /.e \ I \ \ I CUL-DE-SAC � (PUBLIC) \ \ \ /vn\ M AZ - e. z cD mQPUBLIC STREET ` EXTENSION Z 0.0 Z Z PROPERTY BOUNDARY Qa co (TYP) I a � D Q LV � Z � o\ \ PRIMARY WATER Lit \ SERVICE LOCATION PRIMARY SANITARY SEWER \1 \ SERVICE LOCATION 1 POTENTIAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LOCATION _ FOR LOT 2 AREA W/ SLOPE GREATER THAN 18%` ---<�-<--- <--- <--- I / \ z 1 \ H H J � Q OV) H c W 2: o O@ J J c: W 0 N H z I NG 40AF i JMo W z a� M Ln O U �°n --- — — -Z3 W 0 U-) U I z � 0000 W no �rn Qj 7 Z � > _� 0010 • � I O kO In z X w � Z L Z o AREA CALCULATIONS w N a) N TOTAL PARCEL AREA: 392,367 SF - 9.01 AC J 18% SLOPE AREA: 60,782 SF - 1.40 AC Z W 00 �i NET AREA: 331,585 SF - 7.61 AC Z LOT 1 AREA: 210,121 SF - 4.82 AC 18% SLOPE AREA: 33,114 SF - 0.76 AC Z a NET AREA: 177,007 SF - 4.06 AC W O all O i LOT 2 AREA: 182,246 SF - 4.18 AC 00 M 0 - 18% SLOPE AREA: 27,668 SF - 0.64 AC ..�� ...�. ,CA C-70 CC — Z CC, Ar' mQPUBLIC STREET ` EXTENSION Z 0.0 Z Z PROPERTY BOUNDARY Qa co (TYP) I a � D Q LV � Z � o\ \ PRIMARY WATER Lit \ SERVICE LOCATION PRIMARY SANITARY SEWER \1 \ SERVICE LOCATION 1 POTENTIAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LOCATION _ FOR LOT 2 AREA W/ SLOPE GREATER THAN 18%` ---<�-<--- <--- <--- I / \ z 1 \ H H J � Q OV) H c W 2: o O@ J J c: W 0 N H z I NG 40AF i JMo W (n a� M Ln O U W > -Z3 W 0 U-) U I z � 0000 W no \ m SIDEWALK CONNECTION \ REVISIONS TO ST. HENRY \ CATHOLIC CHURCH 1. o ul 2. 10 3. m 4. .� v 5. 6. qj DRAWN BY: JTR DESIGNED BY: ITR o ISSUE DATE: 09/21/18 c 0 E a 0 NOTES i y a U 0 30 60 120 1 C of ( IN FEET ) 1 L FA ILA Birch Lake ° a North 106 e E' Lake 0 Cc 0 0.25 0.5 1 s Miles ► ° a Data Source: MnDNR, Sherburne County, Wright County, and WSB & Associates. June 9, 2014 Amended by City Council Resolution 2014-062, June 9, 2014 Legend Places to Live Lake Qr) + Places to Shop i Places to Work Places to Recreate - L 'p + Places for Community ?r Lake�) + Downtown Mixed Use o Interchange Planning Area a Urban Reserve Infrastructure 0 0� ^- Rivers and Streams iPublic Waters Inventory Wetlands (National & Public Waters Inventories) D root Potential Greenway Q J Potential Interchange ° Future Bridge *%a* Existing Arterial or Collector Road 1 'j*,* Proposed Arterial or Collector Road ^�� Powerline Monticello City Boundary Orderly Annexation Area c "' I I NE � 1�, o Land Use Plan Legend L ty Ut 1v1U11t1Lt!LLU IS, I ia Zonin a 0 C I I M 9 P \ \ o I I \ m , \ s I \ m I \ I \ , I \ I � I — — — — — — — — — — — —I \\ ram H� W E NX \ - , , 414 \ = as • , \ \ 1\ e — I \ c I \ I l BASE ZONING DISTRICTS \\\ \ y Residential Districts Business Districts -- Low Residential Densities B-1 pa w3�S ��♦,�. \•� \ � � s,, moi►' . � � \ A-0 R -A R-1 Medium Residential Densities TI R-2 R -PUD --High Residential Densities R-3 R-4 OTHER M -H Water B-2 B-3 B-4 CCD Industrial Districts IBC 01; Swan River Monticello High School Mills Fleet Farm Red Rooster PUDS ;--�--; Spaeth Industrial Park Camping World Affordable Storage M$ Autumn Ridge OVERLAY DISTRICTS Performance Based Overlay District Special Use Overlay District ;Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Rec Overlay District Shoreland District Freeway Bonus Sign District ANI W aw, ► r��' sir,•,;, �i�� ' � \ . 18 8 <t D �3 ELIELIED ANEW Al \ 11 II -- --------------------------- - - - - -- I I _ I I I I -_________- z a 95th S, 11F 1130-171 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 24, 2018 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Ann Mosack, Matt Leonard, Shibani Bisson, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Tom Pawelk, Tracy Ergen, Tom Moores, Angela Schumann, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. Ellison House Update Jeff O'Neill provided a brief history of the house and the committee that was tasked with providing a recommendation on how to proceed with the property. It was recommended by the committee to list the property for sale. Mr. O'Neill provided the options of selling the house with restrictions or selling without restrictions. There was minimal discussion of the council. Restrictions mentioned were standards for rehabilitation and requirement of being owner occupied for at least first ownership. Mayor Stumpf state that he thinks it should be sold with restriction. Councilmember Hilgart noted that demolition and redevelopment should be also recognized as an option. Councilmember Fair motion to add decision on Ellison house recommendation to the October 8, 2018 agenda. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Walnut Street Corridor Plan Angela Schuman, Community Development Director, introduced Andrew Dredsner, Cunningham Group, to provide an overview of the Walnut Street Corridor Plan which can be implemented in phases. Connectivity was a prominent issue addressed in the plan. There was discussion on elements of a family path, narrowing the road width, a ramp at the end of River Street leading to the park, and parking. There was some discussion on the timing of each of these elements and there was a consensus that the ramp and crossing at Broadway should be a priority. Mayor Stumpf questioned what was included in the 2019 CIP budget. Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, responded that the plan was to install improvements identified in the corridor plat at Walnut and Broadway which include the curb -bulb outs at the intersection as well as creating the sitting/eating space on the north side of Broadway. Additionally, an accessible pathway from Broadway to River Street along Walnut Street will be installed. This will involve the removal of a couple of parking stalls. The city will be requesting proposals for engineering services and potentially bidding in the spring of 2019 for summer of 2019 construction. The council thought it would be beneficial to list the timing of each of the projects along with associated goals. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — September 24, 2018 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — September 24, 2018 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 24, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Special Meeting Minutes from August 27, 2018 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the special meeting minutes of August 27, 2018. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from August 27, 2018 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of August 27, 2018. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements • Color Me Fall Event — Saturday, September 29 from 11 a.m. — 2 p.m. Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. • Fire Department Open House — October 6 from 11 a.m. — 3 p.m. at the Fire Station. • Construction Update — Matt Leonard provided an update on the following: 1. Staff and contractors looked at opening Chelsea Road earlier than anticipated, however, the decision was made to not open it to through traffic. Opening the road would delay the project and there are safety concerns. The road is expected to be open in mid- November as planned. Mayor Stumpf does not agree with Chelsea Road remaining closed. Staff will continue to have conversations with the contractor regarding opening Chelsea Road, including looking at waiving any penalty or late fees if it is open and the project is delayed. City Council Minutes — September 24, 2018 Page 1 1 4 2. Forms for the bridge deck are being installed for the Fallon Avenue Overpass project. In addition, the roundabouts are also being finalized. F. Council Liaison Updates • Library Board — Councilmember Gabler noted that the board reviewed their Riverfest activities, the fine forgiveness week, and defined a room policy. • EDA — Councilmember Davidson stated that the EDA approved a contribution for the arts program and there was discussion regarding signage for Otter Creek. • I-94 Coalition — Councilmember Gabler noted that the coalition will be in Washington D.C. this week. There will be a groundbreaking in Albertville for the I-94 extension on October 12. G. Department Updates • Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, gave an update on the following: 1. There is a regional LMC meeting being held in St. Cloud on October 4. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Mr. O'Neill. 2. Staff met with the Monticello School District on building a connected community. 3. Christmas lights will be installed along Walnut. 4. No petitions were received for reverse referendum on the Fire Station bond. • Human Resources — Tracy Ergen presented an update on the new NeoGov software. • Monticello School Superintendent Eric Olsen addressed the City Council on building relationships with the city and community. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding item H. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $2,450,996.68. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved hires for MCC and Fire and departures for MCC and Liquor Store. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of authorizing an amendment to liquor license for Rustech Brewery to allow for a temporary outdoor patio. Recommendation: Approved the amendment to liquor license for Rustech Brewery. E. Consideration of establishing a date for the Truth -in -Taxation Public Hearing. Recommendation: Set the public hearing for the 2019 property tax levy and budget for December 10, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. City Council Minutes — September 24, 2018 Page 2 1 4 F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-80 awarding the sale of General Obligation Tax Abatement Bonds, Series 2018A, in the original aggregate principal amount of $5,000,000; fixing their form and specifications; directing their execution and delivery; and providing for their payment. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-80 approving the sale of $5,000,000 G.O. Tax Abatement Bonds, Series 2018A. G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-81 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing on October 22, 2018 to adopt assessments for the 71h Street, Chelsea Road, and Washington Street improvements as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018- 81 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing on October 22, 2018 to adopt assessments for the improvements to 7th Street, Chelsea Road and Washington Street as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006. H. Consideration of authorizing purchase of a 2019 Vactor 2100 Plus through the state contract from MacQueen Equipment for $44,290 and declaring the 1999 Vac -Con truck as surplus property. Recommendation: ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. I. Consideration of changing the Public Works Business Hours. Recommendation: Approved the modification of the Public Works Business hours to 7 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Consideration of accepting final design selections, authorizing award payment, accepting quotes and awarding banner preparation for the 2018 banner project on Walnut/Broadway/Pine. Recommendation: Accepted the final banner design selections, authorized award payment to eight individuals totaling $1,800, and accepted quotes and awarded banner preparation for the 2018 banner project on Walnut/Broadway/Pine to Main Street Designs, Inc. at an estimated cost of $13,575, plus costs for artwork conversion. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion K Consideration of authorizing purchase of a 2019 Vactor 2100 Plus through the state contract from MacQueen Equipment for $44,290 and declaring the 1999 Vac -Con truck as surplus property. Councilmember Gabler removed the item for questions including the timing of ordering the truck and where the funds will be allocated from. Mat Stang responded that by ordering the truck now the hopes is that it be completed by Spring of 2019. Wayne Oberg noted that the funds would be allocated from the sewer fund. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of specifications and to authorize purchase of a 2019 Vactor 2100 Plus from MacQueen Equipment Inc. for $442,290 based upon the state contract pricing and approval of declaring the 1999 Vac -Con as surplus property. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes—September 24, 2018 Page 3 1 4 3. Public Hearings: None. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of authorizing the distribution of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Haven Ridge development Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, presented the item which is providing an overview of the Haven Ridge development project and the required Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) that was completed and the next steps. Ms. Schumann provided the concept plan for the project which included the acreage, units, utility and roadway extensions, phasing plan, development review, and annexation process. Andrea Moffatt, WSB & Associates, presented the EAW. The purpose of the EAW is to identify environmental impacts, determine whether and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is needed, and to help inform future permitting. An EAW does not approve or deny a project. The EAW evaluates such items as traffic, air and noise, stormwater, habitat, water and sewer infrastructure, land use, parks/trails, erosion, historical resources, and wetlands. The EAW process requires that the EAW be distributed to specific regulatory agencies and interested parties. The distribution of the EAW will start a 30 day comment period. Once comments are received and addressed, the EAW will come back to the City Council for decision on the need for an EIS. Shibani Bisson, WSB & Associates, presented the traffic study and utility components as part of the EAW. The study reviewed the anticipated traffic impacts surrounding the area of the proposed development. The traffic recommendations were then identified. Following the traffic recommendations, Ms. Bisson reviewed the water demands, and wastewater generation/treatment. There was also some discussion on the SE Area Sewer Study. This study will be brought to City Council, however, input from the developer is requested before finalizing the study. Councilmember Hilgart moved to authorize the distribution of the prepared Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Haven Ridge development. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — September 24, 2018 Page 4 1 4 City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 2A. Consideration of avvrovin2 pavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,289,104.84. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 10/01/2018 - 1:09PM Batch: 00215.09.2018 - 215.09.2018 Xcel Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 09/30/2018 5843395-4 - DMV 16.98 09/30/2018 217-41990-438100 09/30/2018 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 16.98 09/30/2018 101-42700-438100 09/30/2018 5806932-9 - Parks 16.98 09/30/2018 101-45201-438100 09/30/2018 5821009-5 - Fire Station 57.72 09/30/2018 101-42200-438100 09/30/2018 5804618-6 - Parks 16.98 09/30/2018 101-45201-438100 09/30/2018 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 18.23 09/30/2018 101-41941-438100 09/30/2018 8000015233-2 - WWTP 1,087.17 09/30/2018 602-49480-438100 09/30/2018 5799425-3 - Public Works 60.01 09/30/2018 101-43127-438100 09/30/2018 5799427-9 - Public Works 16.98 09/30/2018 101-43127-438100 09/30/2018 5820786-1 - Public Works 23.77 09/30/2018 101-43127-438100 09/30/2018 5837384-6 - Public Works 62.27 09/30/2018 101-43127-438100 Check Total: 1,394.07 Vendor: 1593 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH Check Sequence: 2 August August Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor 52,621.26 09/30/2018 609-00000-208100 August August Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor -0.26 09/30/2018 609-00000-362900 August August Sales Tax - General 114.78 09/30/2018 101-00000-208100 August August Sales Tax - General 0.22 09/30/2018 101-41310-443990 August August Waste Tax - General 100.46 09/30/2018 101-00000-208120 August August Waste Tax - General -1.46 09/30/2018 101-00000-362900 August August Sales Tax - MCC 5,981.70 09/30/2018 226-00000-208100 August August Sales Tax - MCC 0.30 09/30/2018 226-45122-443990 August August Sales Tax - Water 2,607.03 09/30/2018 601-00000-208100 August August Sales Tax - Water -0.03 09/30/2018 601-00000-362900 Check Total: 61,424.00 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Retums Check Sequence: 3 September 2018 Wells Fargo account interest earnings -609.83 09/30/2018 101-00000-362110 September 2018 Wells Fargo account bank charges 1,561.51 09/30/2018 101-41520-443980 September 2018 MCC CC Fees (WF - Front Desk - 0997) 1,158.67 09/30/2018 226-45122-443980 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2018 - 1:09 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference September 2018 MCC CC Fees (WF -Online - 0996) 48.22 09/30/2018 226-45122-443980 September 2018 MCC CC Fees (iAccess -Fmrs Mkt- 1476) 79.41 09/30/2018 226-45127-431992 September 2018 Liquor Store CC Fees (WF - 0990) 7,017.76 09/30/2018 609-49754-443980 September 2018 City Hall CC Fees (WF - 0999) 221.66 09/30/2018 101-41520-443980 September 2018 Utility CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,108.03 09/30/2018 601-49440-443980 September 2018 Utility CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,108.02 09/30/2018 602-49490-443980 September 2018 Utility CC Fees (AmEx) 74.30 09/30/2018 601-49440-443980 September 2018 Utility CC Fees (AmEx) 74.31 09/30/2018 602-49490-443980 September 2018 MCC ACH Returns 09/2018 385.00 09/30/2018 226-00000-115031 Check Total: 12,227.06 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 9/30/2018 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 7/4-8/2/18 12,321.10 09/30/2018 602-49480-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505905-0 - WAter 7/3-8/2/18 9,208.81 09/30/2018 601-49440-438100 9/30/2018 51-0395766-0 - Pumphouse Ramsey 7/3-8/4/18 4,285.98 09/30/2018 601-49440-438100 9/30/2018 51-4271112-2 - Llbrary -8/4-9/2/18 1,153.68 09/30/2018 101-45501-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots auto protective ligl 69.73 09/30/2018 101-43160-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 7/4-8/2/18 93.99 09/30/2018 101-43160-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505909-4 - DMV & Food Shelf 271.62 09/30/2018 217-41990-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 7/3-8/4/2018 2,189.10 09/30/2018 609-49754-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 1,990.20 09/30/2018 101-41940-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505911-8 - MCC 9,014.45 09/30/2018 226-45126-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 468.28 09/30/2018 101-45175-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505911-8 -- National Guard 234.15 09/30/2018 101-42800-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505912-9 -- Animal Shelter 7/4-8/2/2018 188.96 09/30/2018 101-42700-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505913-0 -- Fire Station 7/4-8/2/2018 592.90 09/30/2018 101-42200-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505915-2 -- Parks 7/4-8/4/2018 507.74 09/30/2018 101-45201-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505915-2 -- Water 7/4-8/4/2018 23.40 09/30/2018 601-49440-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505915-2 -- NSP Ballfield Lights Consc &', 62.09 09/30/2018 101-45203-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505915-2 -- NSP Ballfield Lights Softball A 334.17 09/30/2018 101-45203-438100 9/30/2018 51-6505916-3 --Street Lights 12,082.96 09/30/2018 101-43160-438100 9/30/2018 51-0371645-4--SwanCam 18.65 09/30/2018 101-45201-438100 9/30/2018 51-7780310-4 -- Bldg. Inspec. Garage 37.96 09/30/2018 101-41940-438100 9/30/2018 51-9391437-3 -- 118 W. 6th St. 7/4-8/2/2018 430.59 09/30/2018 101-41941-438100 9/30/2018 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM-51-6505908-3 - Civil Defen 17.84 09/30/2018 101-42500-438100 Check Total: 55,598.35 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2018 - 1:09 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: 130,643.48 Total of Number of Checks: The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/8/18 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2018 - 1:09 PM) Page 3 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 10/03/2018 - 1:13PM Batch: 00202.10.2018 - 202.10.2018 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 2925 1 ST LINE/LEEWES VENTURES LLC 130763 Flavored Syrups for Concession (2) Check Total: Vendor: 5087 ALL CITY ELEVATOR INC 47441 Install New Door Operator Board in Elevator Check Total: Vendor: 1018 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY 2629 (172.40) gal. @ $3.45 Road Oil Check Total: Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3293511 10/09/2018 resale - beer 3293848 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 4502 ARVIG 281981 August 2018 expenses - Calix; Rath; Clearfield; Check Total: Vendor: 4786 PATRICK BAUMGARD 145 Sept - Dee Programs (4) Check Total: Vendor: 1064 BECKER SOD LLC 11284 (75) yds sod; pallet core Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 1 200.75 10/09/2018 226-45125-425410 200.75 Check Sequence: 2 1,15 7.00 10/09/2018 101-41941-440100 1,157.00 Check Sequence: 3 594.78 10/09/2018 101-43120-422400 594.78 Check Sequence: 4 73.50 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 90.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 163.50 Check Sequence: 5 40,057.54 10/09/2018 656-49877-421800 40,057.54 Check Sequence: 6 100.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220150 100.00 Check Sequence: 7 148.00 10/09/2018 101-43120-422500 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 148.00 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 66071400 resale - liquor 1,646.60 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 66071400 resale - wine 192.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 66071400 freight 36.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 66262800 resale - liquor 1,091.65 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 66262800 freight 18.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 98281700 freight 0.67 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 98281700 asst. bags 146.90 10/09/2018 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 3,131.82 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 533005 resale - beer credit -619.30 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 62848 pop for parties 26.00 10/09/2018 226-45123-421460 62848 resale - pop, Gatorade, 119.30 10/09/2018 226-45125-425410 62849 resale - soda pop credit -18.26 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 62850 resale - beer credit -49.52 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 62851 resale - soda pop 112.93 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 62851 resale -juice 32.80 10/09/2018 609-49750-425500 62852 resale - beer 1,251.30 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 66514 resale - soda pop 148.62 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 66514 resale -juice 32.80 10/09/2018 609-49750-425500 66515 resale - beer 2,510.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 66646 resale - water, juice 71.30 10/09/2018 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 3,617.97 Vendor: 5025 BEVERAGE LINE SERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 1274 Cleaned Tap Beer Lines (2) 46.00 10/09/2018 226-45123-431990 Check Total: 46.00 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 59207 UB Sept 2018 Invoices - (3,773) Print, Fold, Stu 721.95 10/09/2018 601-49440-431800 59207 UB Sept 2018 Invoices - (3,773) Print, Fold, Stu 721.95 10/09/2018 602-49490-431800 59207 Color Me Fall Bertram Insert for UB Billing (38, 81.37 10/09/2018 226-45122-434990 59207 Color Me Fall Insert UB Billing (3800) (1/2) Du 81.36 10/09/2018 101-00000-115030 59221 UB Delinquent Invoices - (579) Print, Fold, Envi 178.55 10/09/2018 601-49440-431800 59221 UB Delinquent Invoices - (579) Print, Fold, Envi 178.55 10/09/2018 602-49490-431800 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 3 Check Total: 1,963.73 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 1080861869 resale - wine 416.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 1080861869 resale - liquor 2,753.94 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 1080861869 freight 38.92 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 1080861870 resale - beer 156.60 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 1080861871 resale - mix 90.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 1080861871 resale -liquor 1,630.12 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 1080861871 freight 25.38 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 1080865369 freight 62.70 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 1080865369 resale - liquor 2,915.74 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 1080865369 resale - mix 37.65 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 1080865369 resale - wine ( credit Fetzer Chard, $-52) 556.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 8,683.05 Vendor: 3233 C.J.'S LINEN SERVICE Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 34668 Table Skirts (3) 22.50 10/09/2018 226-45123-431990 Check Total: 22.50 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G 193 201821 - IRT Plat - August 2018 232.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 193 201833 - Carlisle Village 6th Addition - August : 48.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 193 Planning & Zoning - August 2018 112.00 10/09/2018 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 193 General Legal - August 2018 1,826.44 10/09/2018 101-41610-430400 Check Total: 2,218.44 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 2163571 resale - beer 15,064.35 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 2163571 resale - beer n/a 176.90 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 2166975 resale - beer 34,347.80 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 2166975 resale - beer n/a 22.35 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 49,611.40 Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 617-0137 resale - beer 157.10 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 157.10 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Vendor: 5085 MAIA CARNICOM 144 Sept - Dec Programs (4) Check Total: Vendor: 3932 JULIE CHENEY 10/1/2018 10/09/2018 Mileage Reimbursement - MNGFOA Conferenc Check Total: Vendor: 4861 CORE & MAIN LP 7535220 (2) adj. valve box riser; (2) riser casting Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1369143 10/09/2018 resale- beer n/a 1369143 resale- beer 188192 resale- beer 188192 resale- beer n/a 188722 resale- beer 188722 False resale- beer n/a 188847 10/09/2018 resale- beer 188894 resale- beer 189064 resale- beer 189071 resale- beer 189537 resale- beer 189538 True resale- beer credit 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 4010 MARILYN DIRKSWAGER 147 10/09/2018 Sept - Dec Programs (11) Check Total: Vendor: 4543 JUDY DOTY 146 Sept - Nov Programs (3) 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 633434 10/09/2018 201838 - Headwaters Development PH - Ad# 85 633435 17C001 - Chelsea Road Assess PH - Ad# 85890, Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 140.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220150 140.00 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 96.03 10/09/2018 101-41520-433100 96.03 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 161.00 10/09/2018 601-49440-422220 161.00 Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 52.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 3,020.60 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 24,730.75 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 158.05 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 29,838.78 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 140.10 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 40.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 187.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 234.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 2,115.67 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 190.40 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 -126.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 60,581.35 Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 385.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220150 385.00 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 105.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220150 105.00 Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 110.76 10/09/2018 101-41910-435100 230.75 10/09/2018 400-43300-459019 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 341.51 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 10/1/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/27/18 118.00 10/09/2018 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 118.00 Vendor: 5033 ENTERTAINMENT PROTECTION GROUP, L Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 15088 Security Coverage - 9/8/18 123.97 10/09/2018 226-45123-431992 15122 Security Coverage - 9/16/18 134.75 10/09/2018 226-45123-431992 Check Total: 258.72 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 0296058 1 T10 Meter ECDR Usg L/T/P 542.86 10/09/2018 601-49440-422701 0296058 LF 3/4 T10 Meter V4 R900I Usg 602.86 10/09/2018 601-49440-422701 0302826-1 2T10 Meter ECDR Usg 732.35 10/09/2018 601-49440-422701 Check Total: 1,878.07 Vendor: 4821 FIRE GATT, LLC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False MN -6949 (8,185) ft. Fire hose testing 2,373.65 10/09/2018 101-42200-440440 Check Total: 2,373.65 Vendor: 1179 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 115933 TNT 40" RAM standard couplers 1,750.00 10/09/2018 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 1,750.00 Vendor: 5086 FLATOUT TIRE SERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 15274 material- #103 Loader - (2) o -rings; (5) outer sea 148.75 10/09/2018 101-43120-440500 15274 labor #103 Loader - service call dismnt; clean of 265.00 10/09/2018 101-43120-440500 Check Total: 413.75 Vendor: 4051 MICHELE FORSMAN Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 143 Sept - Nov Programs (4) 140.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220150 Check Total: 140.00 Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 10/1/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/27/18 43.00 10/09/2018 226-45127-431992 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 43.00 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 10/1/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/27/18 15.00 10/09/2018 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 15.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 8090587 Sept 2018 (175) Tickets - 1/2 Water 115.43 10/09/2018 601-49440-432770 8090587 Sept 2018 (175) Tickets - 1/2 FNM 115.42 10/09/2018 656-00000-202099 Check Total: 230.85 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 9907636105 Shaft Collar Set Screws (4) 18.88 10/09/2018 226-45127-421720 9910900555 Bi Fold Rectangle Tables (2) - for Childcare Are; 262.40 10/09/2018 226-45127-421730 9916022701 Hot Surface Ignitor 123.62 10/09/2018 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 404.90 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 4360168 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP 6,376.64 10/09/2018 602-49480-421990 Check Total: 6,376.64 Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 191 resale - beer 788.15 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 788.15 Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 09182018 Fuel slips Fire acct. # 1400-017-223-399 - 8/19-! 505.19 10/09/2018 101-42200-421200 Check Total: 505.19 Vendor: 1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 180910051 Pool Chemicals 429.15 10/09/2018 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 429.15 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False Nov 2018 November - Health Insurance 53,276.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-217061 Nov 2018 November - Health Insurance - Union 17,360.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-217061 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Check Total Vendor: 1263 Check Total: Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 2866345 resale- beer 2866345 resale - beer n/a 2866345 freight 2866367 resale- beer Check Total Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1105926 resale - liquor 1105926 freight 1105927 resale- wine 1105927 resale - wine n/a 1105927 freight 1105928 resale - beer 1107106 resale - liquor 1107106 freight 1107107 freight 1107107 resale - wine 1107107 resale - wine n/a 1107108 resale - beer 1109552 freight 1109552 resale - liquor 1109553 resale- wine 1109553 freight 1110216 freight 1110216 resale - liquor 1111179 resale - liquor 1111179 freight 1111180 freight 1111180 resale- wine 1111180 resale- mix 1111181 resale- beer 1112353 freight 1112353 resale - liquor 1112354 resale- wine 1112354 freight 1115229 freight 1115229 resale - liquor 1115230 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 70,636.00 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 7 Check Sequence: 40 1,854.60 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 21.50 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 3.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 1,862.46 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 3,741.56 Check Sequence: 41 6,611.71 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 63.72 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 1,069.09 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 105.35 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 24.58 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 45.98 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 5,722.15 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 63.56 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 24.09 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 972.62 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 53.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 72.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 55.13 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2,619.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 338.30 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 11.92 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 26.82 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 1,830.43 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2,337.97 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 27.52 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 37.26 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 982.76 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 32.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 22.99 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 70.18 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 3,337.88 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2,159.60 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 56.62 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 10.43 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 807.95 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 397.05 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1115230 resale - wine n/a 41.35 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 1115230 freight 7.45 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 501725 resale - liquor credit inv. #1104167 -226.99 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 501725 freight credit inv. 41104167 -1.49 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 501971 resale - beer credit inv. #1105928 -22.99 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 502242 freight credit inv. #1105926 -1.49 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 502242 resale - liquor credit inv. #1105926 -227.99 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 502723 resale -liquor credit inv. #1109552 -102.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 502723 freight credit inv. #1109552 -1.49 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 29,454.02 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00101 General EDA Matters - August 2018 247.00 10/09/2018 213-46301-430400 MN325-00006 General - August 2018 513.00 10/09/2018 213-46301-430400 MN325-00031 Conveyance Fred's Auto Property - August 2018 665.00 10/09/2018 213-46301-430400 MN325-00039 Bondhus SCDP Loan - August 2018 855.00 10/09/2018 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 2,280.00 Vendor: 5078 KILLMER ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False Pay Voucher 2 18C002 - 2018 Street Lighting Improvements - I 34,508.75 10/09/2018 245-43162-453010 Check Total: 34,508.75 Vendor: 5024 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False Pay Voucher #4 17C001 - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improve 156,378.78 10/09/2018 400-43300-459019 Pay Voucher #4 16C004 - CSAH 39 @ Gillard Ave - Pay Vouche 2,792.24 10/09/2018 400-43300-459017 Check Total: 159,171.02 Vendor: 3829 STEVE LANGANKI Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 1142 (24) Porta Toilet rentals 8/19-9/15/2018 1,244.50 10/09/2018 101-45201-431901 1142 Creative Arts Event 8-25-18 - Reg Unit; Handice 95.00 10/09/2018 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 1,339.50 Vendor: 2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 9/26/2018 EDA Meeting Recording 9/12/18 60.00 10/09/2018 213-46301-431990 9/26/2018 City Council Meeting Recording 9/10/18 & 9/24 120.00 10/09/2018 101-41110-431990 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description 277292 Payment Date 2018 Regional Meeting (10/4/18 JO) 277292 2018 Regional Meeting (10/4/18 WF) 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 15773 10/09/2018 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP 266254 resale - cigarettes 266254 resale - tobacco; barware; soda pop ACH Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC 1584 utx - Business Cards (RJ) 1584 AP Envelopes (5,000) 1584 Block 52 Sign Revisions Check Total: Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 20975927 10/09/2018 (792) gal. unleaded @ $2.63 20975937 (534) gal. diesel @ $2.88 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC 93752 (4) straw Check Total: Vendor: 2272 MBPTA 10/2/2018 True 2018 Fall Seminar Registration 10/25/18 (DC) 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 5057 MICHELS POWER CORP 283499 10/09/2018 FiberNet Facility Relocation for Fallon Ave Ove Check Total: Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 45.00 10/09/2018 101-41310-433100 45.00 10/09/2018 101-41110-433100 90.00 Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True 126.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425200 126.00 Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: True 1,092.14 10/09/2018 609-49750-425500 291.72 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 1,383.86 Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 97.00 10/09/2018 609-49754-421990 592.75 10/09/2018 101-41520-421990 45.00 10/09/2018 213-46301-434990 734.75 Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 2,087.41 10/09/2018 101-43120-421200 1,538.50 10/09/2018 101-43120-421200 3,625.91 Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 30.00 10/09/2018 101-45201-421650 30.00 Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 110.00 10/09/2018 101-42400-433100 110.00 Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 161,568.26 10/09/2018 656-49877-431990 161,568.26 Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 292118-3 resale - wine 348.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 348.00 Vendor: 1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 400451002379 August 2018 - Monti Pawn Transactions (211) 189.90 10/09/2018 101-42100-431990 Check Total: 189.90 Vendor: 1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False Qtr 3 2018 Comm. Water Supply Serv. Conn. Fee Qtr 3 201 6,891.00 10/09/2018 601-49440-443750 Check Total: 6,891.00 Vendor: 5000 GEORGE MOILANEN Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 9/20/2018 Tai Chi Classes (3) - Sept 2018 300.00 10/09/2018 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 300.00 Vendor: 4188 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, INC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 8656 Myers Influent Pumps (1-100HP, 1-5 OHP) for NN 46,765.00 10/09/2018 602-49480-440440 Check Total: 46,765.00 Vendor: 4662 NORTHERN LIGHTS DISPLAY LLC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 4379 Walnut St.Holiday lights - (2) 500/cs LED; 1000 2,118.00 10/09/2018 101-43120-421530 Check Total: 2,118.00 Vendor: 4472 NOVAK FLECK INC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 10/1/2018 17D003 - Escrow Refund/Featherstone 3rdAddi 25,566.02 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 25,566.02 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 13488 (3) AC Fines mix 245.64 10/09/2018 101-43120-422400 13495 (2.1) AC Fines mix 164.58 10/09/2018 101-43120-422400 13507 (3.01) AC Fines mix 246.46 10/09/2018 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 656.68 Vendor: 4139 PAULA PAULSON Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 9/27/2018 Draping for Mississippi Room - 9/16/18 Event 425.00 10/09/2018 226-45123-431990 Check Total: 425.00 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 24465 resale - wine 238.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 24465 freight 5.25 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 243.25 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 2424250 resale - liquor 1,789.60 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2424250 freight 24.84 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2425091 freight 27.07 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2425091 resale - liquor 2,098.99 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2425092 resale -wine 1,170.50 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 2425092 freight 37.25 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2426982 freight 1.49 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2426982 resale - liquor 108.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2426983 resale - wine 182.75 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 2426983 freight 8.94 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2427428 freight 40.83 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2427428 resale - liquor 3,320.58 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2428049 resale - liquor 1,686.58 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2428049 freight 15.50 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2428879 freight 16.51 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2428879 resale - liquor 1,190.50 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2428880 resale - wine 1,537.25 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 2428880 freight 40.23 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2430788 freight 1.49 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2430788 resale -juice 84.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425500 307306 freight credit inv. 9 2425091 -16.39 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 307306 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2425091 -982.95 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 307557 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2427428 -217.13 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 307557 freight credit inv. # 2427428 -2.09 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 12,164.34 Vendor: 4991 BERNARD PIATZ Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 10/1/2018 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/27/18 93.00 10/09/2018 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 93.00 Vendor: 5050 RAY'S ABBEY CARPET SALES INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 5689 Remove & Replace Carpet Tiles in Mississippi B 675.00 10/09/2018 226-45126-440100 Check Total: 675.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 462903 Food for Concession Resale Check Sequence: 68 Check Total: Vendor: 2987 RETAIL RESOURCE LLC 199575 226-45125-425410 utx -(6) write -on signs 199575 freight Check Total: Vendor: 4781 RUE 38 LLC 3983 Check Sequence: 69 resale - wine 3983 False freight 10/09/2018 609-49754-421990 Check Total: Vendor: 5010 RUM RIVER CONSTRUCTION CONSULTAN 124 609-49750-433300 Contract Inspection Services - Sept 2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Oct 1 st Semi Monthly Contract Payment Check Sequence: 70 Check Total: Vendor: 4261 KRYSTLE SAMUELSON 09/26/2018 (3) 8x10 Session - B.N; J.F; M.C. Check Total: Vendor: 2568 PATRICK A SAWATZKE 9/19/2018 Farmers Market Sign Rental (8/26 - 9/14/18) 268.50 Check Total: Vendor: 1481 ANGELA SCHUMANN 10/1/2018 Mileage Reimb - MNAPA Conference - Rochest, 10/1/2018 Enabled: Parking at Conference 624.00 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 4572 SARAH SEELEY 149 Supplies for Programs Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 397.25 10/09/2018 226-45125-425410 397.25 Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 71.94 10/09/2018 609-49754-421990 38.74 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 110.68 Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 264.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 4.50 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 268.50 Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 624.00 10/09/2018 101-42400-431990 624.00 Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 1,593.75 10/09/2018 101-42700-431200 1,593.75 Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 106.26 10/09/2018 101-42200-431990 106.26 Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 96.50 10/09/2018 226-45127-431992 96.50 Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 136.25 10/09/2018 101-41910-433100 7.50 10/09/2018 101-41910-433100 143.75 Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 541.02 10/09/2018 101-00000-220150 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 541.02 Check Total: Vendor: 1485 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC 741879 ACH Enabled: True Commercial Monitoring Services - 10/1/18 - 9/3, 10/09/2018 101-41310-431990 Check Total: Vendor: 2192 SERVICEMASTER OF ST CLOUD INC 133978 Cleaning Services - Sept 2018 - MCC 133978 ACH Enabled: False Cleaning Services - Sept 2018 - City Hall 133978 226-45126-431100 Cleaning Services - Sept 2018 - Head End 133978 10/09/2018 Cleaning Services - Sept 2018 - Prairie Center 133978 606.38 Cleaning Services - Sept 2018 - Library 656-00000-202099 Check Total: Vendor: 5089 SHERBURNE STATE BANK 10/3/2018 10/09/2018 16D004 - Escrow Refund for Landscaping 7,823.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON 965225 Check Sequence: 79 Sept 2018 cleaning 23,538.00 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 5067 SOLAR TRAFFIC SYSTEMS 18-4957 break -a -way pole coupling Check Sequence: 80 Check Total: Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. 1731554 100.00 resale - liquor 1731554 freight 1731555 Check Sequence: 81 freight 1731555 10/09/2018 resale - wine 1734499 105.60 freight 1734499 resale - liquor 1734500 Check Sequence: 82 resale - wine 1734500 10/09/2018 freight 15.63 Check Total: Vendor: 4672 SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS LLC Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 541.02 Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 180.00 10/09/2018 101-41310-431990 180.00 Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 4,193.00 10/09/2018 226-45126-431100 718.00 10/09/2018 101-41940-431100 606.38 10/09/2018 656-00000-202099 536.00 10/09/2018 101-41941-431100 1,769.62 10/09/2018 101-45501-431100 7,823.00 Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 23,538.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 23,538.00 Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 100.00 10/09/2018 101-42200-431990 100.00 Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 105.60 10/09/2018 101-43120-422600 105.60 Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 1,884.05 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 15.63 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 8.40 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 386.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 31.78 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 2,990.04 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 2,189.98 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 33.25 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 7,539.13 Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference I48067 (49) 50 lb bags Eco Thaw 438.38 10/09/2018 101-43125-421700 Check Total: 438.38 Vendor: 1516 TASC Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False IN1340422 11/1/18 - 11/30/18 - Admin Fees 69.75 10/09/2018 101-41800-413500 Check Total: 69.75 Vendor: 4984 THE LUMINAIRES GROUP U.S.A Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False F00217389 18C002-CONSTR - (58) lights- Final 40,406.00 10/09/2018 245-43162-453010 Check Total: 40,406.00 Vendor: 4859 TRIO SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 482683 cs. plates; (4) can liners; (4) cs. urinal screen 270.85 10/09/2018 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 270.85 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 9/20/2018 PI 42 - UB Delinquent Billing (578 pcs) (1/2) 132.36 10/09/2018 601-49440-432200 9/20/2018 PI 42 - UB Delinquent Billing (578 pcs) (1/2) 132.36 10/09/2018 602-49490-432200 Check Total: 264.72 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L. Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 90164264 April - June 2018 Cargill Lab Testing 4,634.17 10/09/2018 602-49480-430800 90165231 Nov 2018 WWTP Operations & Maintenance 55,145.50 10/09/2018 602-49480-430800 Check Total: 59,779.67 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: True 2223641 resale -soda pop 475.45 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 2223770 resale -soda pop 568.85 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,044.30 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 0215703 resale - liquor 630.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425100 0215703 resale - wine 200.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 0215703 resale - mix 120.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425400 0215703 freight 18.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 0216206 resale - wine 488.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 0216206 freight 14.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,470.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4008 SANDRA WELTON 142 August - December Programs (35) 1,225.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4766 SUSAN WESTLEY 09/28/2018 Mosaic Artist/Sculptor Workshop- reimbursment 2,740.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY 83854 resale - wine 83854 freight 2,740.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC 4202337 freight 4202337 resale - wine 7200682 resale - wine 7200682 freight 7200894 freight 7200894 resale - wine 722646 freight credit inv. 97200682 722646 resale - wine credit inv. #7200682 10/09/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 001160-61187 Traffic Engineering Study - August 2018 001494-780 32 MS4/SWPPP Services - August 2018 002596-010 44 General Engineering Services - Phase 7 - Augusl 002596-010 44 General Engineering Services - Phase 7 - Augusl 002596-010 44 General Engineering Services - Phase 7 - Augusl 002596-010 44 General Engineering Services - Phase 8 - Augusl 002596-030 32 Maps - August 2018 002596-260 13 16C002 - Spirit Hills Trail Improvements - Augu 002596-300 14 16C004 - CR39/Gillard Ave Intersection Improv 002596-360 23 16C003 - 2017 Street Improvements - August 2C 002596-400 19 16C006 - Fallon Ave Improvements - August 20 R010149-000 8 17D004 - Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition Replat —A Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,470.00 Check Sequence: 95 273.00 Check Sequence: 91 1,225.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220150 1,225.00 10/09/2018 101-43111-430300 2,740.00 Check Sequence: 92 195.00 10/09/2018 101-45204-433100 195.00 601-49440-430300 2,740.00 10/09/2018 Check Sequence: 93 780.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 8.40 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 788.40 101-43111-430300 633.00 10/09/2018 Check Sequence: 94 11.18 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 689.62 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 680.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 8.94 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 1.49 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 88.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 -1.49 10/09/2018 609-49750-433300 -105.00 10/09/2018 609-49750-425300 1,372.74 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 15 Check Sequence: 95 273.00 10/09/2018 101-43111-430300 56.00 10/09/2018 101-43111-430300 2,740.00 10/09/2018 101-43111-430300 2,740.00 10/09/2018 601-49440-430300 2,740.00 10/09/2018 602-49490-430300 86.50 10/09/2018 101-43111-430300 372.00 10/09/2018 101-43111-430300 633.00 10/09/2018 229-45202-453910 1,680.00 10/09/2018 400-43300-459017 45.00 10/09/2018 400-43300-459016 134,894.25 10/09/2018 400-43300-459018 492.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number R010438-000 14 17C001 - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improve 56,586.50 10/09/2018 400-43300-459019 R010663-000 4 201835 - Carlisle Village 6th Addition - August: 652.00 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 R0Ill 21-000 8 2018 Economic Development Services - August 750.00 10/09/2018 213-46301-431990 R011357-000 3 2018 WCA Services - August 2018 765.50 10/09/2018 101-43111-430300 R011473-000 8 18C001 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements - Augu 244.50 10/09/2018 400-43300-430300 R011673-000 6 201808 - Brigg's Properties Plan Review - Augu; 244.50 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 R011744-000 5 16C001 - BCOL Phase 1 Design - August 2018 19,740.25 10/09/2018 229-45202-453011 R011770-000 6 XSESWR-XSTUDY - SE Service Area Sewer E 1,464.50 10/09/2018 602-49480-430300 R012098-000 5 18C002 - 2018 Street Lighting Improvements -1 3,702.50 10/09/2018 245-43162-453010 R012157-000 4 18C003 - Oakwood Industrial Park 4th Addition 403.00 10/09/2018 400-43300-452010 R012297-000 3 18C004 PRELIM - Pioneer Park Splash Pad Stu( 1,686.50 10/09/2018 229-45202-431990 R012471-000 2 18D002 - Haven Ridge EAW - August 2018 17,346.75 10/09/2018 101-00000-220110 R012658-000 1 2018 Pavement Management Services- August 2 2,807.50 10/09/2018 101-43111-431990 Check Total: 253,145.75 Total for Check Run: 1,158,461.36 Total of Number of Checks: 95 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/8/18 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2018 - 1:13 PM) Page 16 City Council Agenda 10/8/2018 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Hailey Loff Guest Service Associate MCC 9/18/2018 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Crystal Lee Voluntary MCC 5/25/18 PT Ben Broderick Voluntary Liquor Store 8/11/18 PT Joseph Schultz Voluntary MCC 8/16/18 PT Lauren Vernick Voluntary Liquor Store 8/19/19 PT Dongtiph Leutbounsou Voluntary MCC 8/29/18 PT Amanda Walker Voluntary MCC 9/16/18 PT Alexis O'Malley Voluntary MCC 9/22/18 PT Jamie Forstie Voluntary MCC 9/25/18 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2018.xlsx: 10/2/2018 City Council Agenda 10/08/2018 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus Citv property (WO) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 2D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-82 approving the issuance of a lawful gambling off-site premise Permit to Monticello Lions Club (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff has received an application to conduct Off -Site Gambling from Monticello Lions Club to conduct a raffle and bingo at the VFW Post 8731, 713 Cedar Street on November 3, 2018. There is no fee for this application, however, the application must be approved by the City Council before the association may submit the application to the Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED). Al. Budget Impact: NA. A2. Staff Workload Impact: NA B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-82 approving Monticello Lions Club application to conduct off-site gambling at VFW Post 8731, 713 Cedar Street on November 3, 2018. 2. Motion to deny the resolution at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Draft Resolution B. Application 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-82 APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR OFF-SITE PREMISE PERMIT FOR MONTICELLO LIONS CLUB AT VFW 8731, 713 CEDAR STREET WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has received an application for an off-site gambling permit application of the Minnesota Lawful Gambling Permit filed by Jeanne Kordell/Monticello Lions Club; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Lions Club will be conducting off-site gambling at the VFW 8731, 713 Cedar Street on November 3, 2018; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the for the Monticello Lions Club to conduct off-site gambling at the VFW 8731, 713 Cedar Street, Monticello, Minnesota on November 3, 2018. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 81h day of October, 2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 6/15 Page 1 of 2 No Fee Organization Name: M o yl t' =[. � Ww 5 L.-{ ab License Number: �` / /'�,} Address: G i t % , City: I d`if j t -C� if + MN Zip: } Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Name: 1 °'� � � 'i s/,, t Daytime Phone: �3 Gambling Manager Name: IJ -cul a Y #J Daytime Phone: GAMBLING ACTIVITY Twelve off-site /events are allowed each calendar year not to exceed a total of 36 days. From !�f to Check the ype of games that will be conducted: X Raffle Pull -Tabs FX13ingoFipboards Paddlewheel GAMBLING PREMISES Name of location where gambling activity will be conducted: V a 10 ; 93 i Street address and ° y / * ) # City (or township): '713 & E'' "t � � �`)}?71 ' e', #33\) Zip: '5 36A.County: ����.i • Do not use a post office box. • If no street address, write in road designations (example: 3 miles east of Hwy. 63 on County Road 42). Does your organization own the gambling premises? FlYes If yes, a lease is not required. r___71 WNo If no, the lease agreement below must be completed, and signed by the lessor. LEASE AGREEMENT FOR OFF-SITE ACTIVITY (a lease agreement is not required for raffles) Rent to be paid for the leased area: $ D (if none, write "0") All obligations and agreements between the organization and the lessor are listed below or attached. • Any attachments must be dated and signed by both the lessor and lessee. • This lease and any attachments is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization conducting lawful gambling activities. • Other terms, if any: Lessor'Signature: s Print Lessor's Name: �_&Vv 10Y'e C4 CONTINUE TO PAGE 2 Date: 4/ ` 212r LG230 Application to Conduct Off -Site Gambling Acknowledgment by Local Unit of Government: Approval by Resolution CITY APPROVAL for a gamblin remi located witcitym City Name: Date Approved by City Council: Resolution Number: (If none, attach meeting minutes.) Signature of City Personnel: Title: Date Signed Local unit of government must sign. COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township County Name: Date Approved by County Board: Resolution Number: (If none, attach meeting minutes.) Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date Signed: TOWNSHIP NAME: 6/15 Page 2 of 2 Complete below only if required by the county. On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minnesota Statutes 349.213, Subd. 2.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Date Signed: The person signing this application must be your organization's CEO and have their name on file with the Gambling Control Board. If the CEO has changed and the current CEO has not filed a LG200B Organization Officers Affidavit with the Gambling Control Board, he or she must do so at this time. I have read this application, and all information is true, accurate, and complete and, if applicable, agree to the lease terms as stated in this application. Sigfiature of CEO (must be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Date Mail or fax to: No attachments required. Minnesota Gambling Control Board Suite 300 South Questions? Contact a Licensing Specialist at 651-539-1900. 1711 West County Road B Roseville, MN 55113 Fax: 651-639-4032 This publication will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process your organization's application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to: Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Department of Public Safety; Attorney General; commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor; national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. An equal opportuity employer Consent Form Organization A listed below consents to Organization B conducting electronic gambling and/or bar bingo at the premises. Organization A: / Organization B*: Name and Address of Permitted Premises: 1)13 &dwr47- Premises Permit Number: Effective Date of Consent: Circle One or Both: Electronic Pull -Tabs and/oBar Bin Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Signature, Organization A AM/1 Print Name 1r � Date: * Organization B: Provide the signed written consent to the Gambling Control Board with your premises permit application. This form is provided for convenience, but any written consent is accepted. Minnesota Gambling Control Board 711115-4 City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 2E. Consideration of avvointin2 an additional election iud2e to serve for the 2018 General election (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes Chapter 204B.21 requires cities to appoint election judges to serve at primary and general elections and on the Absentee Ballot Board. A total of 40 judges (including election staff) was approved by Council on June 25. As a couple of judges are unable to help with the general election, we are appointing one additional judge. We won't have as many judges this year, but feel that we have good quality judges that will be able to handle the voter demand. Al. Budget Impact: Election judge compensation is included in the 2018 budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: NA B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint Mary Rausch to be an election judge for the 2018 General Election. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • None. City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 2F. Consideration of appointing Elizabeth Calpas as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry representative to the IEDC with a term ending December 31, 2018 (JaT/JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Per the IEDC's Organizational and Membership Guidelines, members approved for appointment to the IEDC are to be ratified by the City Council. On September 12, 2018, staff received an email from Marcy Anderson, Director of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry indicating Jason Kisner's resignation from the IEDC Board due to the success and demands of his business. Understanding the importance of the Chamber being involved in the IEDC meetings, the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry voted to nominate Elizabeth Calpas, Owner/Office Manager of the Monticello Dental Center as their new representative. Ms. Calpas submitted an application (see attached supporting data) for review by the IEDC. The IEDC then considered Ms. Calpas' application at its September 25, 2018 meeting and took action to recommend City Council approval of the appointment as a replacement for Jason Kisner. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is minimal staff impact due to considering appointing Ms. Calpas to the IEDC. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is likewise no budget impact from an appointment of Ms. Calpas to the IEDC. Meeting stipends are not being paid to the IEDC members at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend appointment of Elizabeth Calpas to the IEDC Board 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. With Jason Kisner's resignation, the IEDC's current membership stands at 13 and will rise back to 14 with the appointment of Ms. Calpas. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Marcy Anderson's Email Correspondence B. Elizabeth Calpas Application C. IEDC Enabling Resolution D. IEDC Ordinance — Title 2, Chapter 10 From: Jim Thares To: Jacoh Thunander Subject: FW: IEDC Chamber Rep Date: Thursday, September 20, 2018 3:08:54 PM Attachments: imaae001.ona Here you go. From: Marcy Anderson <marcy@monticellocci.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 9:02 AM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: IEDC Chamber Rep Good morning Jim, I had a board meeting yesterday and brought to their attention that we need to have a Chamber representative present for IEDC meetings. Jason Kisner, Ausco Design & Marketing is unable to continue on as our representative effective immediately. His business moved into a new location and has grown faster than he even expected. The board voted to nominate Liz Calpas, owner of Monticello Dental Center as our new representative. Here is her contact information: 763-263-7100, caloase000@vahoo.com. Sincerely, Marcy Anderson Director 763-295-2700 office 763-272-3310 direct 763-295-2705 fax r – — ----141 UPPI monticello Chamber of [om MA APPLICATION FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Name Elizabeth CalpaS Address Home Phone Cell Phone E -Mail If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the following boards. Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving. Industr al andEconomic Development Committee Does not require residency) City Planning Commission Library Parks and Recreation Commission Economic Development Authority (May not require residency) Transportation Advisory Committee Education Highest Level of Education BA, Business EmDlovment Current Employer, if applicable Monticello Dental Center Position/Title Office Manager Dates of Employment (starting/ending) 9/2004 -Current Former Employer, if applicable Northeast Dental Position/Title Office Manager Dates of Employment (starting/ending)1991-2003 Other Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello. I have been active with the Chamber for a little more 10 years now. First as a volunteer/member, then an ambassador and now also, a member of the board. When there was an opening to represent the Chamber on the IEDC, I volunteered. It was not only the chance to represent, but the opportunity I had for learning something new. That is always what will peak my interest. Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service) Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry/ Ambassador & Board Member 2010 -current Monticello Community Theater/ Board Member 2005 -current GREAT Theatre 2013 -current Habitat for Humanity 2010,2013 Salvation Army (at least a dozen times over the last 15 years) List your qualifications for this appointment: I have more than 20 years of management experience. Along with that comes an ability to communicate effectively, accept change and when necessary, to play devil's advocate to consider the decision from all sides. I understand that I would be representing the chamber and with that, make sure I obtain input on their behalf. References Please list three non -family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this volunteer positon: Name Jon Tennesson Phone Number Name Marcy Anderson Phone Number Name Mary Gregory Phone Number Please read the following carefully before signing this application: I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. 1 certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of Monticello or m termination a of steer. Signature Date r Return C mple ed Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)295-4404 E-mail: HR@ci.monticello.mn.us CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION NO. 2008-44 RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to create advisory boards for the City as deemed necessary for the proper management and operation of the City by Minnesota Statutes Section 412.111, and; WHEREAS, in 1982 an Industrial Development Committee was formed to operate as an independent organization serving as an advocate to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, and; WHEREAS, on February 11, 2008, the City Council of the City of Monticello adopted Resolution No. 2008-16 recognizing the Industrial Development Committee, and; WHEREAS, in May 2008, the purpose of the Industrial and Economic Development Committee was amended and restated to operate as an independent organization serving as an advocate to influence and assist industrial and economic development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota with an emphasis on industrial, and; WHEREAS, the mission of the IEDC was amended and restated to increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage -level jobs in Monticello by promoting industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment, and; WHEREAS, the City Council and the Industrial and Economic Development Committee have determined it mutually beneficial to more formally recognize the IEDC's importance and role in promoting and maintaining industrial and economic development and job creation within the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello: The existence and continuation of the amended and restated IEDC is hereby recognized by the City Council. The IEDC as an independent organization shall make recommendations, advise, and assist the City Council, the Economic Development Authority, and other City boards and commissions on matters relating to industrial development and job creation and retention. The IEDC shall select and confirm all committee members by a majority of vote of its membership for recommendation to the City Council for Council appointment. 4. The City Council shall appoint the Mayor and a Council Member to the IEDC as non-voting members and shall appoint the Economic Development Director as the Executive Director of the IEDC as a non-voting member. The Executive Director is under the direction of the City Administrator and the City Administrator may assign other support staff to the IEDC as needed. 5. The IEDC shall hold regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello Community Center. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson and Executive Director. 6. The IEDC committee size, make-up of the committee, officers, length of membership term, and attendance shall be governed in accordance with the Monticello Industrial and Economic Development Committee Organizational and Membership Guidelines. ADOPTED this 27th day of May, 2008, by the City Council of the City of Monticello. ATTEST: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk 2 Clint Herbst, Mayor TITLE 2 - CHAPTER 10 INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SECTION: 2-10-1: Name of Committee 2-10-2: Authorization 2-10-3: Membership 2-10-4: Term of Office 2-10-5: Attendance 2-10-6: Vacancy 2-10-7: Officers 2-10-8: Meetings 2-10-9: Quorum 2-10-10: Duties of the Committee 2-10-11: Amendments 2-10-1: NAME OF THE COMMITTEE: The name of the organization shall be the Monticello Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC). 2-10-2: AUTHORIZATION: Duties are delegated to the IEDC by the City Council of Monticello by this ordinance dated June 28, 2010, and by Resolution No. 2008-44 approved the 27th day of May, 2008. 2-10-3: MEMBERSHIP: The Monticello IEDC shall consist of sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) regular members to be appointed by the City Council of Monticello. Said Committee members shall consist of Monticello business representatives or residents of the City of Monticello. One Council member shall be appointed annually to serve on the IEDC. The Director of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall be an ex -officio member of the IEDC. (Ord 637 4/25/16) 2-10-4: TERM OF OFFICE: The term of the regular members shall be for three (3) years and shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in a given year. All regular terms shall expire at the first City Council meeting of the new calendar year. 2-10-5: ATTENDANCE: It is the City Council's intention to encourage IEDC members to attend all IEDC meetings. It is desired that IEDC members attend at least 75% of meetings in a calendar year. Members may be subject to replacement by the City Council in the event attendance does not meet this standard. 2-10-6: VACANCY: Any vacancy in the regular or at large membership shall be filled by the City Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/CHAPTER 10/PAGE 1 2-10-7: OFFICERS: (A) Elections. The Monticello IEDC shall elect at its Annual meeting from its membership a chair, vice chair, and a secretary who shall serve for a term of one year and shall have such powers as may be prescribed in the rules of said Committee. (B) Duties of Chair. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the IEDC and shall have the duties normally conferred and parliamentary usage of such officers. (C) Duties of Vice Chair. The vice chair shall act for the chair in his absence. (D) Duties of Secretarv. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Committee with the assistance of City Staff. 2-10-8: MEETINGS: (A) Regular meetings shall be held on a date established by the IEDC. In the event of a conflict with a holiday or special events, a majority at any meeting may change the date and location of the meeting. The meeting shall be open to the general public. 2-10-9: QUORUM: A majority of the total IEDC members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2-10-10: DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Committee, with staff assistance, to advocate and make recommendations to the Economic Development Authority and City Council, relative to and including influencing industrial and economic development in and for the City of Monticello, with an emphasis on industrial land, increase tax base and number of livable wage -level jobs by promoting industrial and economic growth, and working to maintain a desirable business environment. 2-10-11: AMENDMENTS: This ordinance may be amended as recommend by the majority vote of the existing membership of the IEDC and only after majority vote of the City Council. (#519, 8/23/10) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/CHAPTER 10/PAGE 2 City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 2G. Consideration of approving an application for an On -Sale Liquor License for Northwoods Entertainment LLC, dba Emagine Monticello Theater, 9375 Deegan Ave., Monticello, MN (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Northwoods Entertainment LLC, dba Emagine Monticello Theater submitted an application for an On -Sale Liquor License at their location at 9375 Deegan Avenue, Monticello. The fee for the liquor license is $3,950. Following approval of the City Council, the application will be forwarded to the State for licensing. Al. Budget Impact: Annual license fees cover cost of processing licenses. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time involved in processing application. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for Northwoods Entertainment LLC, dba Emagine Monticello Theater, 9375 Deegan Ave., pending a favorable background check and approval of the State. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. License applications B. Liability Insurance Certificate Minnesota Department of Public Safety } Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Telephone 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License, 3.2% Liquor license, or Sunday Liquor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: 1) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License East Bethel License Period From: To: Circle One: New License License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (check all that apply) ❑X On Sale Intoxicating ❑X Sunday Liquor ❑ 3.2% On sale ❑ 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ Sunday License fee: $ 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: Northwoods Entertainment, LLC DOB Social Security # (corporation, partnership, LLC, or Individual) Zip Code 55362 County Wright Business Phone 763-434-7256 Home Phone Business Trade Name Emagine Monticello Business Address 9375 Deegan Ave. City Monticello Licensee's Federal Tax ID # 81-2886442 (To apply call IRS 800-829-4933) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/officer: Home Address 6632 Telegraph Rd #193 City Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 Licensee's MN Tax ID # 4639637 Jon Andrew Goldstein 04/25/70 215-80-0390 850 Harsdale Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Lauren Fenton Goldstein 10/258/73 379-84-3724 850 Harsdale Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: 1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. ❑ Yes ❑X No During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: Technology Ins. Co. Policy # TWC3571518 I Certify that this license(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-201-7504, or visit our website at www.dps.state.mn.us. CITY OF MONTICELLO County of Wright INFORMED CONSENT Date: Ol -7 11 The following named individual has made application with this agency for (3.2 Percent Malt. On -Sale. off - sale, Wine) Liquor License: Last Name of Applicant (please print): Goldstein First Name (please print): Jon Middle (full) (please print): _Andrew Maiden, Alias or Former (please print): Date of Birth: 04/25/1970 Sex (M or F): M Month/Day/Year Social Security Number: 215-80-0390 I authorize the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension/Wright County Sheriffs Office to disclose all criminal history record information to the City of Monticello, MN, for the purpose of employment with this agency. The e i tion of this a thorization shall be for a period no longer than one year from the date of my signare. / C? Signatcre _ican Date MINNESOTA DATA PRIVACY ACT/TENNESSEN WARNING The City of Monticello asking you to provide information which includes private information under state and federal law. The City of Monticello is asking for this private information so that the Township can assess your suitability for a liquor license. You are not legally required to provide the information the Township is requesting and you may refuse to provide the information requested. However, the Township may not be able to consider you for a liquor license if you do not provide sufficient information. Documents: Template — Liquor License - Criminal Background Check ® DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) AC"#V" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I 08/13/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED ASA MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONTACT Cheryl Hamilton PRODUCER I NAME: Brown &Brown of Detroit I PHONE (586) 977-6300 I FAx (586) 977-6780 (A/C No. Ext): (A/C, No): ADDRESS: chamilton@bbdetroit.com 35735 Mound Road I IINSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # Sterling Heights MI 48310 INSURER A: Zurich American Insurance Company 16535 I Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674 INSURED INSURER B: Northwoods Entertainment, LLC I INSURER C: PO BOX 841 I INSURER D: INSURER E: Troy MI 48099 I INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: CL1841307363 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUBR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED 1,000,000 CLAIMS -MADE OCCUR PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ 10,000 A X Liquor Liability Y CP01071613-00 10/01/2017 10/01/2018 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PRO- LOC POLICY � JECT PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG Emp Ben $ 2,000,000 $ 1MM/3MM OTHER: LIMIT $ 1 000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (Ea acccideDt51NGLE X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ A OWNED SCHEDULED CP01071613-00 10/01/2017 10/01/2018 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ _ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED I PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) X UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 25,000,000 B EXCESS LIAB H CLAIMS -MADE ZUP81M67556 10/01/2017 10/01/2018 AGGREGATE $ 25,000,000 DED I XI RETENTION $ O $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER H XI STATUTE I I ER AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N I $ 500,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE /A WC107129300 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT 04/01/2018 10/01!2018 [_—]N A OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? 500,000 (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT 500,000 $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) RE: Emagine City of Monticello, 9375 Deegan Avenue, Monticello, MN 55362. City of Monticello is included as Additional Insured as required by written contact. The Liquor Liability policy is continuous until cancelled. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Monticello ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 505 Walnut Street AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Monticello MN 55362 � Brian pil Plla'skl I © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD City Council Agenda: 10/8/2018 2H. Consideration of avvrovin2 a full-dav closure of Citv Hall and Public Works facilities on Mondav, December 24, 2018. (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve a full-day closure of City Hall and Public Works facilities on Monday, December 24, 2018. Per the adopted 2018 Schedule of City Facility Business Hours both City Hall and Public Works are scheduled to be open the morning of Christmas Eve but since Christmas Eve falls on a Monday this year, the Personnel Committee is recommending a full-day closure of both facilities. Employees would be required to use PTO or take the time unpaid to cover the 4 hours of lost time. The Community Center, Hi -Way Liquors, and the DMV would remain open per the adopted 2018 schedule. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload: None. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a full-day closure of City Hall and Public Works facilities on Monday, December 24, 2018. 2. Motion to deny approval. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 to approve a full-day closure of City Hall and Public Works facilities on Monday, December 24, 2018. C. SUPPORTING DATA: • 2018 Schedule of Facility Business Hours Monticello 2018 SCHEDULE OF CITY FACILITY BUSINESS HOURS Public Works 2018 Standard Hours City Hall Office DMV Liquor Store MCC Monday - Thursday / Friday Sam - 4:30pm 7:30am - 4pm 8am - 4:30pm 9am - 10pm 5am - 10pm / 5am - 9pm Saturday / Summer Hours Closed Closed . .' 8am - 12pm 9am - 10pm 7am - 9pm / 7am - 8pm Sunday / Summer Hours Closed, Closed Closed• ` 11am - 6pm 7am - 8pm 17am - 4pm Public Works 2018 Holiday Hours Holiday falls on: City Hall Office DMV Liquor Store MCC New Year's EveSun 12/31/2017 Closed Closed Closed Standard Standard New Year's Day Mon 1/1/2018 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 10 pm Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Mon 1/15/2018 Closed Closed Standard Standard Standard Hi-Way Liquors Inventory Sun I 2/11/2018 Closed Closed Closed Closed Standard Presidents Day Mon I 2/19/2018 Closed Closed Standard Standard Standard Easter Sunday Sun I 4/1/2018 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Memorial Day Mon 5/28/2018 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Independence Day Wed 7/4/2018 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Labor Day Mon 9/3/2018 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Columbus Day Mon I 10/8/2018 Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Veterans Day Sun 11/11/2018 Closed Closed Closed Standard Standard Day After Veterans Day Mon 11/12/2018 Closed Closed Standard I Standard I Standard Thanksgiving Thu 11/22/2018 Closed Closed Closed I Closed I Closed Day After Thanksgiving Fri 11/23/2018 Closed Closed Standard I Standard I Standard Christmas Eve Mon 12/24/2018 8am - Noon 7:30 - 11:30 am Standard I 9am - 4pm I 5am - 2pm Christmas Day Tue 12/25/2018 Closed Closed Closed I Closed I Closed New Year's Eve Mon 12/31/2018 Standard Standard Standard Standard I Standard New Year's Day Tue I 1/1/2019 Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm I 7am - 10 pm Policy: Modifications require City Council approval. Decisions to close facilities due to inclement weather (or other reasons) to be made by the city administrator after consultation with the department head and mayor. FiberNet Monticello hours are available at www.fibernetmonticello.com. City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 2I. Consideration of authorizing the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Trident senior living development. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The developer of a proposed senior living development located along 7th Street East has requested that the City proceed with authorization of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). The proposed development is an approximately 9 acre development located north of 7th Street on property known as the Mealey/Jameson parcel, as well as a portion of property owned by St. Henry's Catholic Church. The developer's concept plan proposes a total of 136 dwelling units, to be split between a 70 -unit assisted living building and a 66 -unit senior apartment building. Due to the Mealey/Jameson property's status on the National Register of Historic Places, an EAW is required. Other land use approvals will be required in addition to the environmental review. The City Council and Planning Commission will be holding a joint workshop session for a concept stage planned unit development review on October 8th, 2018, prior to the regular meeting. The concept application is not a formal application and is intended to provide feedback to the developer in working forward. A scope of services, timeline and cost estimate for the EAW are attached for Council reference. This scope has been provided to the developer. The authorization of the EAW is contingent on the submission of the required deposit, in the amount of the proposed project cost, by the developer. Al. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact to the City. The developer is required to submit a deposit based on the estimated cost as detailed within the scope of service for the EAW. A2. Staff Impact: Staff, including the City Engineer/Public Works Director and Community Development Director, will be involved in the review and processing of the EAW document. As the city's designated consulting engineer, WSB has previously prepared the City's required EAW documents and assists the City with their RGU duties related to environmental permits. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Trident senior development, subject to a deposit in the amount of $31,959. 2. Motion to deny authorization for the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Trident development, based on findings to be made by the City Council. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 above. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet is required and the City may not approve a land use application until such time as the document and required environmental process has been completed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Request Narrative B. Concept Plan C. Scope of Services 2 R*IiN Development, LLC. 3601 18th Street South • Suite #103 • St. Cloud, N1N 56301 Phone: 320.258.4438 • Fax: 320.252.3603 September 17, 2018 The Honorable Brian Stumpf and Members of the Monticello City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 VIA U.S. Mail Dear Mayor Stumpf and Council: Please allow this letter to serve as a formal request to authorize and prepare an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Jameson property located at 511 Territorial Road in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, which contains approximately 7.0 acres (approximately 304,920 square feet +/-) and having a Parcel ID number of 155-500-123300. We are also in negotiations with St. Henry's Catholic Church for the acquisition of approximately 80,000 square feet of additional land. The additional church property will increase the project land area to 384,920 square feet +/- (approx.8.83 acres). The proposed concept for this property is to develop and construct a 70 -unit assisted living building and a 66 -unit senior apartment building for a total of 136 dwelling units. A copy of the concept plan is included with this letter. The current concept proposes surface parking for 90 cars and covered/underground parking for 66 cars. The assisted living building will be staffed 24 hours per day and have approximately 45 employees. The plan contemplates preserving the existing tree vegetation to the greatest extent possible. A copy of our preliminary concept sketch in enclosed. The development team recognizes that certain costs and/or escrows are required as part of an EAW and is prepared to make such expenditures. Please feel free to contact us should there be any questions. Sincerely, t Devel ment, LLC Zoger D. Fink Sr. Vice President Enclosure C: Dan Mielke r� CONCEPT PLAN C MONTICELLO SITE Monticello, Minnesota i 4 v%adisam McCain ENVIRONMENTAL• ENGINEERING• SURVEYING 3890 Pheasant Ridge Dr. NE #100, Blaine, MN Phone: 763-489-7900 Fax: 763-489-7959 --------� /---------------------- \ ~ 0; TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC. o 3601 18th Street South, Suite 103 St. Cloud, MN 56301 r s :1 CONCEPT PLAN C MONTICELLO SITE Monticello, Minnesota i 4 v%adisam McCain ENVIRONMENTAL• ENGINEERING• SURVEYING 3890 Pheasant Ridge Dr. NE #100, Blaine, MN Phone: 763-489-7900 Fax: 763-489-7959 A WVB — 701 Xenia Avenue South I Suite 300 1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 1 (763) 541-4800 October 1, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Work for EAW Trident Development, LLC (Jameson and St. Henry's Church property) Dear Ms. Schumann: Outlined below, please find a scope of work for a proposed residential development at the Jameson and St. Henry's Church property. It is our understanding that the approximate 9 -acre site may be developed into a 70 - unit assisted living building and a 66 -unit senior apartment building based on the concept plan dated September, 21, 2018. The project has impact to structures listed on the Register of Historical places and requires environmental review under MR 4410.4300 subp. 31 Scope of Work Task 1 — Collect and Analyze Background Information Background information from the developer and City will be collected and reviewed. This will include the concept plan, site history, and any engineering -related studies for the area. Additionally, data from various agencies such as the DNR Natural Heritage Database, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, County, and Minnesota Historical Society will be obtained. Task 2 — Describe Land Use and Geology Items 9 and 10 in the EAW relate to Land Use and Geology. Background information collected in Task 1 will be used to complete these sections, as well as any geotechnical data that may be available. Task 3 — Water Resource Analysis In the EAW, Item 11 covers analysis for surface water, groundwater, wastewater, stormwater, and water appropriation. To complete this section, a planning level stormwater analysis will be prepared for both existing and proposed conditions. For groundwater, existing soils mapping and groundwater information from the USGS will be used to analyze impacts to susceptible groundwater features in relation to proposed land use. Estimates of water use for municipal use will be developed based on proposed land use and residential units. For the wastewater analysis, estimates of wastewater generation will be developed and impact and need for infrastructure will be included in the EAW. Task 4 — Review of Contamination / Hazardous Wastes If a Phase I or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is available, this information will be used to complete this section of the EAW. If this information is not available, WSB will review the MPCA's "What's in My Neighborhood" database and available information about past uses and potential existing contamination. Information from the developer and the concept plan will be used to determine if there is potential for hazardous waste generation from the project. Task 5 — Review of Fish and Wildlife Information from the DNR Natural Heritage Database will be obtained and a review of the site will be used to describe and evaluate wildlife impacts to the area. This will be incorporated into the EAW. Task 6 — Review of Historic Properties, Visual Impacts, and Parks The project is located on an historic property. The historical report prepared in 2006 for a past proposed project will be used in the development of the EAW. Additionally, information from the State Historical Preservation Office, as well as the City's and County's Comprehensive Plans, will be used to determine if there are impacts Building a legacy —your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer I wsbeng.com KA012895-000\Admin\Docs\LTR - 100118 - aschumann final.docx Ms. Angela Schumann October 1, 2018 Page 2 to historic properties, parks, or if there will be visual impacts. If as part of the EAW process the SHPO requires additional information, it will be discussed with the City and developer. Task 7 — Traffic Analysis As part of this task, WSB will prepare a Traffic Study documenting the impacts the proposed project will have on the study area's adjacent roadways. Available data will be collected from the City, Wright County, MnDOT and other impacted agencies. The surrounding roadways are currently under construction therefore, no new traffic counts would be collected to conduct the analysis. Historic traffic volume data and projections will be used as the base condition for the proposed development area. The study will include a traffic generation analysis and traffic forecasts for the study area for up to three build years including the 2040 conditions. Traffic analysis will be conducted based on the forecasted traffic volumes on the impacted roadways. This will be conducted using the Synch ro/Si mTraffic modeling software and will include a capacity and Level of Service (LOS) Analysis at each impacted intersection and a Queuing Analysis showing the required length of queues at each intersection for each analysis year. A safety analysis will also be completed to document any safety issues within the study area. If mitigation is needed, it will be noted in the EAW. Task 8 — Air Quality and Noise Analysis A general level analysis of the air quality and noise impacts from the project will be included in the EAW. Air quality and noise monitoring or modeling are not expected to be required. Should additional information be requested by an agency, we will discuss the amended scope with the City at that time. Task 9 — Review of Cumulative Potential Effects WSB will work with City staff to determine if there were recent past developments or known proposed future developments in the area to address cumulative effects. This will be compiled into Item 19 of the EAW. Task 10 — Complete EAW Document and Submit for Comment Period A draft EAW will be prepared and reviewed with the City and developer. This task includes one round of revisions, based on staff review. Once final, the EAW will be provided to City Council and attendance at one City Council meeting is included with this task. The document will then be submitted to the agencies for the 30 - day comment period. Task 11 — Respond to EAW Comments and Prepare Final Documents Once comments are received, WSB will prepare responses to comments, a Findings and Conclusions document, and decision documents for the City Council. The purpose of an EAW is to determine whether an EIS is needed and to inform permitting decisions. These decision documents will be prepared based on the results of the EAW for the City Council to consider as part of this task. It is difficult to scope out the level of effort needed to respond to comments since comments are currently unknown. A typical level of effort for past EAW's is included with the cost, including a second meeting with the City Council. However, if significant comments are received, we will discuss amending the scope with the City. Cost Estimate The costs to complete the above work plan for the EAW is $31,959. We can develop a detailed timeline once the scope of work is authorized. Typically, the full EAW process can be completed within 3.5 to 5 months. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at (763) 287-7196. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. �weh� Andrea Moffatt Principal/Manager K:\012895-000\Admin\Docs\LTR - 100118 - aschumann final.docx 2J. A. B. C. City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 Consideration of approving Change Order Nos. 4-10 resulting in reduction of $7,392.60 for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Proiect, Citv Proiect No. 16CO06 (SB) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Contract changes are common for federally funded projects based on the manner MDOT requires it to be documented and for MnDOT auditing purposes. It was staff's intent to assemble these items in one agenda item instead of presenting them as multiple agenda items at multiple meetings. These items have occurred in the field and are summarized below and in the supporting documentation. Change Order No. Description Cost 4 Salvage Light Fixtures and deliver to $3,431.44 Public Works : ................................................... 5 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Watermain services for future irrigation $9,724.00 at roundabouts ' ................................................... 6 ................................................................................................................................ Mining on-site select granular borrow -$38,157.00 from City water reservoir site 7 Revise concrete median barrier type -$11,023.50 8 State patrol hours during bridge beam $1,794.86 .................................................... placement ................................................................................................................................. $14,221 for unknown watermain gate valve and service line replacement and 9 relocation work and $1,616 for Fibernet $15,837.60 relocation work with payment deducted from city contract with Michels Corp..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................ Irrigation lines and valve box installation for 71 Street roundabout 10 splitter islands and boulevard areas to $10,546.60 set it up for future landscaping and .................................................... irrigation contract work in spring 2019. :..................................................................................................................................................................................... :.................................................................................................................. Total -$7,846.00 MnDOT and the contractor have concurred with these revisions. Al. Budget Impact: The total cost decrease for Change Order Nos. 4-10 is $7,846.00. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impact is included with management of the project. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consideration of approving Change Order Nos. 4-10 for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006, for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16CO06 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Change Order Nos. 4-10 rM STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 CHANGE ORDER 222-101-009. 222-104-002 SP(s)` MNP 'e��No' 8TPF8G18(1Q�\ (�hmng�<�rdmry�o 4 222-113-003. '~v '' ` ' ' 222-116-001 Location ��aUonAvenueendTHS4inPWontoe|kz.K8N __- - Local<J�yofyNonUoaUo Loc�Pr�ectNoJC�P10�0OO - -- -- - ---- | - -- -'- Contractor Eureka |Con�usctNn. i — ------ - - - - .Addres.stCity/State­/­Z`­JP| | 2D141 Icanic Trai|, Lakeville, MN 56044 /Total Cha�g�O�d��Am���nd$ �3�31�4 ^ In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work ooaltered bythe following provisions. The Engineer has determined the in-place light fixtures will need tobesalvaged and delivered inthe City of Monticello. The Contractor has requested additional compensation for this work. The Engineer has agreed this constitutes extra work under 14O2and therefore the contractor imentitled to additional compensation. This Change Order covers the known and anticipated costs. |talso covers the contract time adjustment attributed to the work covered by this Change Order. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount orcontract time in accordance with MnOOT 1402. ^*Guoupmmume+«'- " UemnNo. +or- Description Unit Unit Price Quant ' ' Amount$ 2 -- 2104.502 Salvage Light Fixture Each $31I.95 8 02,495.60 3 2104.502 '- Salvage Light Fixture Euoh' $311.95 3 $935.85 Not Change This Change Order $3/431.44 "Groupflunding category is required for federal aid projects (}() |oNOT changed |( ) May barevised omprovided hlK4nDOTSpecification 1808 ( ) Is Increased by Working Days ( ) Is Increased by Calendar Days ( ) Is Decreased by Working Days |( ) Is Decreased by Calendar Days Approved byProject Eng|naecle Q/P/ Date: gJJ';P110 Print Name: r'Ff 6,66 M -14 Phone: 411-34 0'- 13 AV Approved by[) �� Date: «����, ' Print Noma Phone:ZA0 Z6�v4i6 Page 1oy2 Mik STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 ,0=25,01p- CHANGE ORDER 222-101-0091 SP(s) 222-104-0021 MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 222-113-003, 222-116-001 Approved by City of Monticello: Date: Print Name: Phone: DSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: Page 2 of 2 4 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 20/8 DmmMEm0 CHANGE ORDER 222-101-000. 222-104-002� SP(s)���_11�_003' IVINproy� Project STPF8818/1g4\ Change Order No. ! � 222-116-001 | //u Fallon 94|n NYonUoeUo. MN !--'- -=---- - ' ---'-- - - --- Lmcall Agency _City oyMonticello Looe No. OP16CO00 / Contractor Eureka Construction Con�ac�No. � --- — | --' '�O1�1IcenicTrail, Lakeville, IVIN55U44___ Total Cbange_Order Amount $ $8,724.00 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work ooaltered bythe following provisions. The Engineer has determined the future landscaping of the 3 round -a -bouts and boulevards will require an irrigation system for which water service lines are needed. It is more feasible to install the aomioe lines during the roadway construction phase. The Contractor has requested additional compensation for this work. The Engineer has agreed this constitutes extra work under 1402 and therefore the contractor is entitled to additional compensation. This Change Order covers the known and anticipated costs. Italso covers the contract time adjustment attributed to the work covered by this Change Order. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount or contract time in accordance with IVInDOT 1402, | 'Gm�nmmumm |ten\No. Description ' '+cx- Unit Unit Price Oum� +ur- i cu�uu� ' _ m/ Amount$ 602 2l�^TyyoocCop»��p* LF $28.00 137 $3,836.002 2504.602 -- 1.5" Corp Stop,and SaddkmCuuono to6r\mM Each $550o0-- 3 *1,650.00 2 2504.602 1.5" Curb Stop Each $600.00 3 ' $1.800.00 3 i.5rType }cCopper p LF - - $28.00 46 | Qo�88��` � 2504.602 /.�"Co� ��aod�addb�Conu�o m6"\V�[ �uu6 $550.00/' ^- $550.00 ' 3 2s04�0z . } �5rCu,h��` -TEaob $6O0�8 1 � $6on�0- |-'- - Net ��^-Change - Order� $9.724.00 cmtegoty1mrequired for federal aid projects '^ Due to this change, the contract time: (check one) X ) Is NOT changed May be revised as provided in MnDOT Specification 1806 ) Is Increased by Working Days Is Increased by Calendar Days ) Is Decreased by Working Days Is Decreased by Calendar Days W1Approved by Project Engineer: Date: Print Name: EV6 Page 1of 2 MI STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 Otl'A/TM/NT OF CHANGE ORDER T/AN/►O INTO N 222-101-009, SP(s) 222-104-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 5 222-113-0031 222-116-001 Approved by Contractor:- - ;r..-� Date:' Print Name: /GA*1e Phone: _ ?�? "`, ► Approved by City of Monticello: Print Name: Date: Phone: DSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer Is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: Page 2 of 2 I MI STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 OANSPOINIA Os CHANGE ORDER 1�ANlf011lAf10N 222-101-009, SP(s) 222-104-0021 MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 6 222-113-003, 222-116-001 778Project Location Fallon Avenue and TH 94 in Monticello, MN Local Agency City of Monticello Local Project No.! CP16CO06 _ Contractor Eureka Construction Contract No. AddresslCltyJStateg1,p 20141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044 Total Change Order Amount $ -$38,157.00 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. " Per 1405 the Contractor has requested the use of materials found on the projeuc meeting the Select Granular Borrow and Select Granular Mod 10% spec. The Engineer requested a change to bid price per yard for both materials. The Contractor has agreed this constitutes a cost savings and has agreed to adjust the price of these materials. If sufficient material is not available on the project, the remaining material will be paid at the original bid prices. The Contractor has also agreed they will grade the borrow site back to the new contours that will be provided, at no cost to the department. This Change Order covers the known and anticipated costs. It also covers the contract time adjustment attributed to the work covered by this Change Order. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount or contract time in accordance with MnDOT 1402. **Group/funding Item No. Description Unit Unit New Ir Unit Quantic + or— r—Category Category Price Price Y Amount $ 1 2104.507 Select Granular Boirow Cu Yd $13.50 $10.50 3,252 -$9,756.00 2 2104.507 Select Granular Borrow Cu Yd $13.50 $10.50 6,600 -$19,800.00 3 2104.507 Select Granular Borrow Cu Yd $13.50 $10.50 975 -$2,925.00 4 2104.507 Select Granular Borrow Cu Yd $13.50 $10.50 892 42,676.00 1 2104.507 Select Granular Borrow Mod 10% Cu Yd $20.50 $17.50 1,000 -$3,000 Net Change This Change Order -$38,157.00 **GroupAunding category is required for federal aid projects change,Due to this the contracta (X ) Is NOT changed J( ) May be revised as provided in MnDOT Specification 1806 ( ) Is Increased by Working Days ( ) Is Increased by Calendar Days ( ) Is Decreased by Working Days ( ) Is Decreased by Calendar Days Page 1 of 2 X11 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2098 rMA1�ruE21ME T01 oe►sHror CHANGE ORDER 222-101-0091 SP(s) 222-104-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 6 222-113-0031 222-116-001 Approved by Project Engineer: Date: _. q q/ X18 Print Name: 36,f iFG� Phone: 444-160`134 Approved by Contractor: .. Date:.' l Phone: 6A,- Approved by City of Monticello: , Date: Print Name: Phone: DSAS Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: , Date: Page 2 of 2 M1 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 0ANSPOEIAtIG CHANGE ORDER t11AN710111At10N 222-101-009, SP(s) 222-104-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 7 222-113-003, 222-116-001 778Project Location Fallon Avenue and TH 94 in Monticello, MN Local Agency City of Monticello Local Project No. CP16CO06 Contractor Eureka Construction Contract No. Address/City/State/Zip 120141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044 Total Change Order Amount $ -$11,023.50 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. Due to differing site conditions found after construction commenced, it was determined by the engineer and the contractor that existing field conditions would require the Concrete Median Barrier Type AA to be replaced with a Concrete Median Barrier Type A. This change order will also cover the cost of removal of the existing barrier necessary for the construction of the bridge pier. The Contractor has agreed this constitutes a cost savings and has agreed to adjust the price of these materials. This Change Order covers the known and anticipated costs. It also covers the contract time adjustment attributed to the work covered by this Change Order. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount or contract time in accordance with MnDOT 1402. Estimateaccount **croup/funding Item No. Description Unit Unit Quantity + or— Category Price Amount $ I 2104.501 Remove Cgncrete Median Barrier Lin Ft $25.18 390 $9,568.40 l 2105.507 Select Granular Borrow (CV) Cu Yd $13.50 -124 -$1620.00 1 2521.518 6" Concrete Walk Sq Ft $9.30 -653 -$6,351.90 1 2533.503 Conc Med Bar & G1 Scr Des 8309 Type AA Lin Ft $140.00 4 -454 - $63,560.00 1 2533.503 Conc Med Bar & GI Scr Des 8309 Type A Lin Ft $283.00 180 $50,940.00 Net Change This Change Arden -$11,023.50 Group/funding category is required for federal aid projects ( X ) Is NOT changed 1 ( ) May be revised as provided in MnDOT Specification 1806 ( ) Is Increased by Working Days { } Is Increased by Calendar Days ( ) Is Decreased by Working Days ( } Is Decreased by Calendar Days Approved by Project Engineer: Date: Q1�► Print Name:`f"i. f F ILGG it yt Phone: * p • 3 ) Page 1 of 2 MI STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2098 OL►ARTA1RiM�a� CHANGE ORDER 1RANRT0.4"I OF 222-101-009, i SP(s) 222-104-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 7 222-113-003, 222-116-001 Approved by Contractor: �--�- Date: ` Print Name: Phone: /z:5 Approved by City of Monticello: Date: Print Name: Phone: DSAS Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: Page 2of2 iiM) STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 O[N/TMtM70■ CHANGE ORDER RAHIOR1AilON :222-101-009 SP(s) 222-904-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 8 222-113-003, 222-116-001 778Project Location Fallon Avenue and TH 94 in Monticello, MN _Local Agency City of Monticello Local Project No. CP16C006 Contractor Eureka Construction Contract No. Address/City/State/Zip 20141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044 Total Change Order Amount $ $1,794.86 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. State Patrol was necessary for the lane closures needed for installation of the bridge beams over Interstate 94. In accordance with MnDOT 2563, the contractor will be paid these costs incurred in accordance with MnDOT 1904.4A. This Change Order covers the known and anticipated costs. It also covers the contract time adjustment attributed to the work covered by this Change Order. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount or contract time in accordance with MnDOT 1402. Estimate Of Cost: (Include any increases or Jecreases it? contract items, any oegottated of, foice accaunt items.) "Group/funding Item No. Description Unit Unit Quantity + or - Category Price Amount $ I 2563.610 Police Officer ,Hour $104.05 17.25 $1,794.86 L Net Change This Change Order 1 $1,794.86 --Grouplfunding category is required for federal aid projects { X ) Is NOT changed I ( ) May be revised as provided in MnDOT Specification 1806 ( ) Is Increased by Working Days ( ) Is Increased by Calendar Days ( ) Is Decreased by Working Days ( ) Is Decreased by Calendar Days Approved by Project Engineer: Date: Print Name:_-ZJF'fF 6ra'1 t144' ..... Phone: 9 1 Approved by Contractor: - '� -- Date: ,/ a Print Name: i .. l' � ��,�r— Phone:_44e Page 1 of 2 MI STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev, February2018 q[►►ATM�M7 Oi CHANGE ORDER TQKFART I"I or 222-101-009, SP(s) 222-104-0021 MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 222-113-003, 222-116-001 Approved by City of Monticello: Print Name: Date: Phone: DSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: Page 2of2 M'1 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 RANSPO`ATIO CHANGE ORDER rOCMrroRunow 222-101-0099 SP(s) 222-904-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 9 222-113-003, 222-116-001 Approved by City of Monticello: Date: Print Name: Phone: DSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: Page 2 of 2 M1 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 °RIIANT"011 Or CHANGE ORDER TRAMP►ORTATIOM 222-101-009, SP(s) 222-104-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 9 222-113-0033 222-116-001 778Project Location Fallon Avenue and TH 94 in Monticello, MN Local Agency City of Monticello Local Project No. CP16CO06 Contractor Eureka Construction Contract No. Address/City/State/Zip 20141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044 Total Change Order Amount $ $15,837.80 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are Hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. Underground utility conflicts were found during construction operations that required relocation. The utility owners failed to relocate or adjust their facilities as required by the department. In lieu of incurring a delay to the project, the engineer and the contractor agreed that it was in the best interest of the project for the contractor to adjust the facilities in the field. The engineer and contractor agree that this is extra work, and the contractor is due compensation. It was agreed upon to use an hourly rate of the crew for the work performed. If additional conflicts occur, this same hourly rate will be acceptable to the Engineer and the Contractor. This Change Order covers the known and anticipated costs. It also covers the contract time adjustment attributed to the work covered by this Change Order. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount or contract time in accordance with MnDOT 1402. **oroupifundin9 Item No. Description Unit Unit Quantity + or — Category Price Amount $ 6 Ut, ility Conflicts t-Inur $68$.60 23 $15,837.80 .., .__......_ . Net Change This Change Order 1 $151837.80 'Group/funding category is required for federal aid projects (X) Is NOT changed ( ( ) May be revised as provided in MnDOT Specification 1806 ( } Is Increased by Working Days ( ) Is Increased by Calendar Days ( } Is Decreased by Working Days ( ) Is Decreased by Calendar Days Approved by Project Engineer: Date: --- Print Name:w 1EC4i&'J Phone: Approved by Contractor: Date: 4 f//.5 r Print Name: ' .a / !-7 .� " ''`— Phone: A? C z Page 1 of 2 M1 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 °"A"�'"'°' rnANePanAna+ CHANGE ORDER 222-101-009, SP(s) 222-104-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 222-113-003, 222-116-001 778Project Lactation Fallon Avenin and TH 94 in Monticello, MN Local Agency City of Monticello !Local Project No. CP16C006 Contractor Eureka Construction Contract No. Address/City/State/Zip 120141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044 Total Change Order Amount $ $10,546.60 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. During construction of the project, it was determined that additional irrigation systems should be installed for a future landscaping project. Due to the median infill being colored, stamped concrete, it was determined that it would be beneficial to both projects to install the irrigation before concrete was placed. The engineer and contractor agree that this is extra work, and the contractor is due compensation. The contractor will also be due additional time to complete the work, as the irrigation addition will halt the concrete median placement until the irrigation is completed. It was determined that this work would be three days' worth of time, and therefore the contractor is entitled to a three-day contract extension. This Change Order covers the known and anticipated costs. It also covers the contract time adjustment attributed to the work covered by this Change Order. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount or contract time in accordance with MnDOT 1402. Estimate Of Cost: (Includeift any increases or •items,•• -• or • "Group/funding Item No. Description Unit Unit Quantity + or— r—Category Category Price Amount $ 2 2021.501 Mobilization LS $1,000.00 l $1,000.00 2 2504.602 2" PVC with 1" Poly LF $8.69 515 $4,475.35 2 2504.602 9" Valve Box Each $36.88 25 $922.00 2 2504.602 Jumbo Valve Box Each $43.32 19 $823.08 2' 2504.602 2'. x 3' Vault Each $561.17 5 $22805.85 2 2504.602 12" x IT' Valve Box Each $43.36 12 $520.32 Net Change This Change Order 1 $10,546.60 "GroupJfunding category is required for federal aid projects ( ) Is NOT changed (X) May be revised as provided in MnDOT Specification 1806 ( ) Is Increased by Working Days ( X ) Is Increased by _3 Calendar Days ( } Is Decreased by Working Days ( ) Is Decreased by Calendar Days Approved by Project Engineer: Date: 10-3— Print 0-3~Print Name: 3G( -r' f,a 0 4uf Phone: 41.1. 3 6 © 3) d Page 1 of 2 M-e STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February 2018 OIFAfiMfN10F CHANGE ORDER 991-AIMAS"T Of .. ........... . 222-101-0091 SP(s) 222-104-002, MN Project No.: STPF 8618 (194) Change Order No. 222-113-003, 222-116-001 r , Approved by Contractor. Date: Print Name:(�C� Phone: ,% ,,_ ,/� Zei,7, Approved by City of Monticello: Date: Print Name: Phone: DSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: Page 2 of 2 10 City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 2K. Consideration of approving a request for a PUD (Planned Unit Development) Adiustment to accommodate directional signage at the Monticello High School Addition site. Applicant: Monticello Public School District 882/Monticello High School. (AS) Property: Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello High School Addition Planning Case Number: 2018-043 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: PUD Adjustment for addition of directional signage to previously approved Planned Unit Development October 29th, 2018 Places to Live Planned Unit Development M Public school, Monticello High School Mixed Use — Commercial/Industrial East: Eastview Early Childhood - Civic/Institutional (part of the Monticello School PUD) South: Single Family Residential West: Little Mountain Elementary — Civic/Institutional (part of the Monticello School PUD) Project Description: The applicant received a PUD approval in the summer of 2016, which included a new athletic complex, reconfiguration of existing athletic space, an addition to Eastview, and an expanded gymnasium space at the High School. The applicant is seeking an Adjustment to the PUD to allow for additional directional signage on the High School portion of the PUD. ANALYSIS The City Council approved the Final Stage PUD for Monticello High School Addition Campus PUD in 2016. The School District received approval for a plat and PUD consolidating the parcels of the campus including the Little Mountain, Eastview and High School parcels, and the construction of a gymnasium addition to the High School. The next phase of these approved PUD improvements was an addition to the Eastview School and the construction of an athletic complex including a football, soccer and lacrosse stadium, and a track facility, including a soccer field. The athletic complex includes buildings for concessions, restrooms, storage, and team meeting space, as well as bleacher seating for both fields. City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 The applicant has completed the expansions and additions in accordance with the PUD approvals and has met all conditions of those approvals. At this time, the School District is seeking a PUD Adjustment to accommodate the placement of three new directional signs for the High School facility, including the new athletic complex area. The signs are proposed at the west and east School Boulevard entrances to the High School facility and at the west entrance to the High School from Chelsea Road. The High School currently has only one free-standing sign on the site, which includes both a static and dynamic message display. This sign was in place prior to the 2016 PUD and is therefore incorporated as part of that approval. Other signage on site includes a wall sign at the stadium ticketing entrance at approximately 100 square feet. (Scoreboards are not included as part of sign calculations.) It should be noted that the sign ordinance does allow 2 monument signs of up to 100 square feet each on institutional sites versus the limit of one free-standing sign for commercial or industrial uses. In addition to base free-standing and wall sign allowances, the zoning ordinance also allows up to three signs with an individual square footage maximum of 10 square feet, not to exceed 30 square feet total. Such signs are not to exceed 3' in height. The applicant's proposal is for three new signs, each 20' in total area, for a total of an additional 60 square feet on the High School site. The signs are mounted on steel posts, bringing the total height of the sign to 7.5'. The applicant is requesting flexibility from the dimensional requirements for the three signs via the PUD adjustment process. Staff believes that the institutional use and scale of the site support signs of this nature. The High School site area, including the buildings, parking areas, athletic stadium and including the soccer files to the west and the ball fields to the east, totals over 61 acres. The proposed signage includes the following types: o Building Identification o Athletic Field Identification o Parking Lot Identification A school campus facility is not specifically addressed by the City's sign ordinance. In this regard, staff considers the application of a PUD upon the property to be an appropriate means to process the submitted sign plan. In review of the submitted application, signage plays an important role in the efficiency of the institutional use and is not overly excessive such that it would establish an undesirable precedent. With the existing 100 square foot free-standing sign, the proposed additional 60 square feet is still under the allowable 230 square feet of free-standing signage allowed by the ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No.2018-84, approving an Adjustment to the PUD for Monticello High School per the conditions as identified in Exhibit Z. Oil City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2018-84, based on findings to be adopted and identified by the Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to additional information from application and/or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Resolution as noted in Alternative 1, subject to those conditions in Exhibit Z. As noted above, the site is compliant with approved plans to -date, and the proposed signage provides an acceptable allowance for the scale and nature of the use. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2018-84 B. Aerial Site Image C. Applicant Narrative D. Site Signage Proposal E. Existing Site Signage Z. Conditions of Approval 3 City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 EXHIBIT Z Monticello High School Addition PUD Adjustment Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello High School Addition 1. Signage shall be required to meet a setback of 15' from the property lines per the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 2. Any sign lighting shall be verified and shall be in compliance with City ordinances. 3. The applicant shall enter into an amendment to the Development Agreement reflecting the conditions of the PUD Adjustment. L! CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-84 APPROVAL OF AN ADJUSTMENT TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT LOT, 1, BLOCK 1, MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant, owner of the property at the above-named location, has requested an adjustment to an existing PUD; and WHEREAS, said adjustment will accommodate a land use that is consistent with the existing allowable and interim uses on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed uses, together with the recommended conditions of approval, will constitute a use that is consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the requirements for PUD Adjustment in the Monticello zoning ordinance have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello make the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. Signage plays an important role in the efficiency of the use and is appropriate given the scale and nature of the use of the site. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance of the City of Monticello; 3. The proposed uses in the PUD justify the adjustment under the PUD as proposed; 4. The PUD will not be detrimental to the reasonable use and development of surrounding property; 5. The PUD will not create negative impacts on surrounding public roadways or other public facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Monticello City Council hereby approves the PUD Adjustment, subject to the following conditions: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-84 1. Signage shall be required to meet a setback of 15' from the property lines per the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 2. Any sign lighting shall be verified and shall be in compliance with City ordinances. 3. The applicant shall enter into an amendment to the Development Agreement reflecting the conditions of the PUD Adjustment. ADOPTED this 8t' day of October, 2018, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL M. 2 Brian Stumpf, Mayor Subject Site October 3, 2018 �. a City Boundary Bryan Pittman CITV OF � Monticello i inch = 752 feet Map Powered by DataLink from WSB &Associates Monticello High School eject Narrativc 5225 School Blvd. Monticello, MN 55362 P: 763 272 3000 httDs://mnOl8O9626.schoolwires.net/Domain/8 MHS Directional Signage Project Monticello High School recognizes the role that signage plays in making sure that our stakeholders and visitors have a positive experience. Large, clear directional signage helps in alleviating confusion and frustration that can be experienced by those who are familiar and not familiar with our school campus. Further, proper signage can help in ensuring school safety as people are clearly directed on where to enter the building and grounds. Our campus has multiple entrances and parking lots for a variety of events and we find it necessary to clearly direct patrons and visitors as they spend time on our school campus. MHS has partnered with Art by ASI httDS://artbvasi.com/ to create high quality outdoor signage to be installed at the three high school entrances/exits - see site plan. This project includes no alterations to parking lots or building structures. The only impact of open space would be the footprint of the signage which are listed on the site plan. This is stated because much of what is required on the PUD adjustment is not applicable to this application. Monticello High School Signage Project • Sign dimensions 4' wide by 5' tall. • Signs will be mounted on steel posts 26" above ground • Total height of the signs is 90" • All signs will be placed 25' from the curb Installation locations High School West entrance from School Blvd. Incoming side of entrance. High School East entrance from School Blvd. Incoming side of entrance. High School West entrance from Chelsea. Incoming side of entrance. NTICELLO NOR 1 sa i City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 2L. Consideration of approving the purchase of new fire rescue/wildland gear from Emergencv Response Solution in the amount of $16,200 (MM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The 2018 budget included money to purchase approximately 18 complete sets of structural turnout gear. This gear that is to be purchased is different from that structural turnout gear and will replace the wildland gear that only about half of the firefighters have. The gear it is replacing is averaged at over 20 years, which is way past due for replacement. An adequate supply of gear sets will be ordered so that all firefighters have the appropriate gear. The gear will be used not only as wildland gear but also as rescue gear. This will significantly help minimize the wear and tear on our new more expensive structural gear which will be paid for through the efforts of the Fire Departments events and donations. Three bids were completed in order to comply with the Cities purchasing policy. Al. Budget Impact: None. Fire Department will be purchasing this with Fire Relief Association donations and proceeds from golf tournament. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal, Fire Department officers will oversee the purchase of the gear. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: Invest in People: the new gear will protect our firefighters with up to date equipment to maximize safety and also extend the life of our structural gear. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the purchase of new/wildland gear from Emergency Response Solution in the amount of $16,200. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Quotes CITY OF MONTICELLO VERBAL/WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name: l 0.V—h. 6 i Signature of Person Obtaining Item/Service Requested: (7k Dept: 171 i2G Phone: Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. # Date Vendor Name EME/CbENG`P I�SRAQb .SOGLTiAvS 2 /1'/9 APW1?7us 3 �l�//8 AQE SA-Ge-lY Ush 4 F-1 Selected Vendor: E -&S Contact Person M.lT -rdpRpsa n/ Cof-y A-1YW ZfNkC/L Phone Number 612-dy0 Jjrg ?t41 -2f,4/- a-sav ,Cb 7--,s-9-S4tVV Total $ Amount Quoted aa/ SCc? l -7 C,� (-i(--) (If you are selectine other than low auote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section(: Notes/comments: Approval Acknowledgement: Attach this form and written quotes obtairfed to invoice Finance Department. Quote Summary Sheet 10/27/2015 Date: A hr ' Questions may be directed to the 5N rNVMVVrReSPOJWZSOLUTI0IVS 4817 Viking Blvd NE East Bethel, MN 55092 651-464-1010 Name /Address Monticello Fire Department 505 Walnut Street- Suite I Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Item Description ****INTERCEPTOR PACKAGE - FIRE DEX IS OFFERING TECGEN51 +H41 +FXR=Reduce heat stress and exposure to carcinogens, bundled in one budget friendly package**** Fire Dex FX -R Gear Already Ordered TEC PPE LEVEL ... TECGEN LEVEL COAT AND PANT, CHOICE OF TAN OR BLACK - PER MONTICELLO GEAR SPEC, ATTACHED FIRDEX H41PSN... Fire-Dex H41 Quilted Interceptor Hood with Nomex Nano Flex Particulate Barrier, Size Large (Head circumference 22.1" - 24") ****DOES NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING CHARGES**** TAank VjfT the 8tortumty to offer you our quote ,note a i for � ays Quote Date I Estimate # 9/26/2018 I 3956 Project Qty Rate Total 36 352.00 12,672.00 36 9800 3,528.00 Total $16,20000 BILL TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN 11897 Co. RD 87 SE QUOTE Alexandria, MN 56308 Date Customer PO Phone: 800-264-2320 Fax: 320-763-9077 8/1/2018 Email: orders@oalexairapparatus.com Web Site: www.alexairapparatus.com SHIP TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN S.O. # ( Promise Date Terms Sales Rep N30 1 Corey Thorson STOCK P.O.# QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE ORDER (Each) (Extended) I 30 Monticello Spec Veridian Tech Rescue Dual Certified Coat $325.00 $9,750.00 30 Monticello Spec Veridian Tech Rescue Dual Certified Pant I $300.00 $9,000.00 Reinforced knee pads and elbows $0.00 I $0.00 Official Spec TBD I $o.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Shipping to be added I I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 *CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE NOT PROVIDED TAX EXEMPT SHIPPING: FORMS WILL BE CHARGED APPLICABLE SALES TAX Tax Rate SUB: $18,750.00 *FREIGHT PREPAID & ADDED TAX: $0.00 *F.O.B SHIPPING POINT TOTAL: $18,750.00 *THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Authorized Signature of Approval QUOTATION SHIP TO ADDRESS: Monticello Fire Department 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 IQTY ITEM DESCRIPTION 30 5805975 I PGI Dual Certified Coat, Tan Nomex & Trpl Trim 1 30 7805975 IPGI.Dual Certified Pant, Tan Nomex &'Trill Trim 1 30 1 95 -FL 1PGI SQUISH FR Silicone Elbow Pads (Option) 1 1 30 1 88 -FL 1PGI SQUISH FR Silicone Knee Pads'(Option) 1 30 1 FH911HR 1Bullard Full -Brim Wildland Helmet, Ratchet Susp 1.'. 30 1 834-6383 IThorogood Eirestalker Elite Wildland Boot 1 30 1 804-6379 1Thorogood Power EMS/Wildland Boot 30 1 PT-8W/PT-8WDB IProTech 8 Wildland Glove, Reg or Debris Blocker FIRE SAFETY USA, INC. 3253 19TH ST NW ROCHESTER, MN 55901 PHONE: 507-529-8444 FAX: 507-529.8111 DATE: 8/8/2018 PRICE EACH I PRICE EXTENDED 260.001 7,800.001 230.001 6,900.001 43.001 1,290.001 50.001 1,500.001 4.7:0.01 1,410.001 240.001 7,200.001 235:001 7,050.001 31.001 930.001 TOTAL 1 $34,080.001 Sales Rep: Nate Zenker Phone: 651-308-3658 E-mail: nate@firesafetyusa.com City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 3A. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-83 approving assessments for the Chelsea Road Utilitv and Street Improvements, Citv Proiect No. 17CO01 (SB, ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the September 10, 2018 meeting, the City Council declared costs to be assessed, ordered preparation of assessment roll, and called for the assessment hearing for October 8, 2018 for the Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements. The Chelsea Road Utility and Street Project is substantially complete, with the exception of the final lift of pavement, roadway striping and other minor items. The final lift of pavement is scheduled to be placed in mid-October, when the contractor from the Fallon Avenue overpass project substantially finishes hauling material from the City reservoir site, as they are utilizing Chelsea Road as a haul route. A public hearing was held for the project on February 12, 2018 prior to final design, bidding, and construction of the project. A preliminary assessment roll was presented at the public hearing for the project in accordance with Minnesota Statute 429. Now that construction is substantially complete and an estimate of final costs can be provided, a final assessment roll is being presented at this time for consideration. It should be noted that publication and mailing of notices informing property owners of the assessment hearing and amount was provided to satisfy the requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. Wright County requires that assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2018 for collection with 2019 property taxes. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 8, adequate time for certifying the assessment is provided and it also allows time for the 30 -day appeal period should any property owner object to their assessment prior to certification to the County. The assessment methodology proposed is the same as described at the public hearing for the project. Special assessments to the benefitting adjacent property owners are proposed for street improvements based on property front footage, storm sewer lateral improvements based on contributing drainage area and trail and sidewalk improvements based on property frontage and land use. Trail and sidewalk assessments are based on 25% assessed to residential and industrial properties, 50% assessed to commercial properties and 100% assessed to undeveloped properties. These methods are in accordance with the City's assessment policy. The rates identified with the preliminary assessment roll included with the feasibility report and presented at the February 12, 2018 public hearing, are proposed to be reduced by approximately 6% to 23%, depending on the improvement, as the estimated final project costs are lower. City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 Below is a summary of the preliminary and proposed final rates. Type of Assessment Street Preliminary Rate 2/12/18 $105/FF Proposed Final Rate 9/10/18 $87/FF ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $13.50/FF (industrial) $9/FF (industrial) Sidewalk $27/FF (commercial) $18/FF (commercial) $54/FF (undeveloped) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._....................................................................................................................................... $36/FF (undeveloped) $13.50/FF (industrial) $9/FF (industrial) Bituminous Trail $27/FF (commercial) $18/FF (commercial) $54/FF (undeveloped) $36/FF (undeveloped) Storm Sewer $12,325/Acre $11,688/Acre The total assessment amount for all improvements compared to the total final project costs are proposed to be reduced by 16% from the amounts presented at the public hearing on February 12, 2018. Enclosed is the proposed final assessment roll. The assessment is proposed at a 10 -year term at a 5.0% interest rate based on the average coupon rate plus 2% as allowed by state statute and the City's assessment policy. It should be noted that the notices provided to the property owners identified a rate of 5.5%. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated final projects costs for the improvements total $2,410,000 which included 24% for legal, engineering and administrative costs. Assessments City Funds Total Street Reconstruction (Edmonson Avenue to Fallon Avenue) ............................................................................................................................. Nova Chip Seal (TH25 to Edmonson Avenue) ............................................................................................................................. Sidewalk and Trail Forcemain Improvements Storm Sewer Improvements TOTAL $322,160 $527,840 $850,000 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................< - $110,000 $110,000 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $80,560 $104,440 $185,000 - ............................................................._........................................................................._.............................................................................................................. $920,000 $920,000 $211,190 $133,810 $345,000 $613,910 $1,796,090 $2,410,000 Funding sources for the proposed improvements include special assessments in order to reimburse a portion of a future bond issue or use of reserves, capital improvement funds, and advancement of State Aid funds to finance the project. It should be noted that MnDOT's truck station property at 112 Chelsea Road is proposed to be assessed $107,793. Per State Statute 435.19 Subdivision 2, in summary, for properties owned by the State, the City may determine the amount that would have been assessed had the land been privately owned and the State will have final determination 2 City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 whether or not they pay the proposed assessment. The proposed assessment was calculated based on the same method as all other properties within the project area and MnDOT has received all notices per State Statute 429. MnDOT has indicated they will pay the assessment and the City is to mail them an invoice, since the assessment cannot be submitted and certified to the County. In addition, the assessment totals above include assessments to the City owned properties (i.e. water reservoir site and old bowling alley site) totaling $183,254. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are routine for this process and include the required mailings and notices to the benefitting properties. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018- 83 approving assessments for the Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements, City Project No. 17C001 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2018-83 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2018-83 B. Final Assessment Roll and Map CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2018-83 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL CERTIFYING CHELSEA ROAD UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR 2019 PAYABLE TAX YEAR, CITY PROJECT NO. 17CO01 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvement Project, City Project No. 17C001, for the reconstruction of street including curb and gutter, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water supply systems; sidewalks, pathways, traffic control, signage; and other appurtenance work; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of the installments to be payable in the tax year of the first Monday in January, 2019, and shall bear interest at the rate of 5% (percent). To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from October 8, 2018 (date of the assessment adoption) until December 31, 2019. To each subsequent year's installment, interest for entire year shall be added on the unpaid balance. The city may accept credit card payment for assessment prepayment plus a service charge of 3.5%. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time up to the end of day November 8, 2018, pay the whole of the assessment on such property to the city, with no interest. In any subsequent year, the owner may pay to the city the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with the exception of the amount assessed on the current taxes. Such payment shall be made by November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. 5. The right to partially prepay the assessment is not available. ADOPTED B Y the Monticello City Council this 81h day of October, 2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTEST: Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Draft Final Assessment Roll - Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 17CO01 WSB PROJECT NO. 10438 K:\010438-000Wdmin\Docs\Assessments\Final Assessment Roll_100818 to City PROPERTY No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY MAILING Land Use FF CHELSEA (PID) ADDRESS TOTAL CHELSEA Map ID PID Owner Name Property Address Land Use PROPOSED 1 155244001010 JOVAN PROPERTIES LLC 3394 EDMONSON AVE NE BUFFALO MN 55313 Commercial 177.3 2 155244001020 RED ROOSTER PROPERTIES INC 9495 DEEGAN AVE NE MONTICELLO MN 55362 Commercial 141.2 3 155018002011 W K PROPERTIES LLC 108 CHELSEA RD MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 331.5 4 155018002020 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 3725 12TH ST N ST CLOUD MN 56303 Industrial 520.0 5 155018002030 SCHOEN PROPERTIES LP 200 CHELSEA RD MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 408.9 6 155018002031 MJD INVESTMENTS LLC 206 CHELSEA RD MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 255.0 7 155018001050 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Public 414.7 8 155018001041 WES SPRUNK PROPERTIES LLC 3451 S 40TH ST PHOENIX AZ 85040 Industrial 350.0 9 155018001030 SMA PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 10 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Industrial 355.0 10 155018001020 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Public 360.0 11 155018001012 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Public 389.4 12 155500142104 PREMIER BANK MINNESOTA 301 CENTRAL AVE OSSEO MN 55369 Commercial $107,793.28 13 155018002040 TAPPER'S HOLDINGS LLC 3935 WALDEN LN WAYZATA MN 55391 Industrial 3.66 Note: #6 front footage has been a(.justed due to the adjacent drainage easemen $3,680.10 4bTAL 3703.0 K:\010438-000Wdmin\Docs\Assessments\Final Assessment Roll_100818 to City CHELSEA STORM TOTAL CHELSEA TOTAL STORM ROAD PATHWAY SEWER PROPOSED ROAD FF PATHWAY LOT DRAINAGE SEWER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RATE PATHWAY RATE AREA AREA RATE $87.00 177.3 $18.00 1.79 0.90 $11,668.00 $15,425.10 $3,191.40 $10,501.20 $29,117.70 $87.00 141.2 $18.00 1.88 0.84 $11,668.00 $12,284.40 $2,541.60 $9,801.12 $24,627.12 $87.00 331.5 $9.00 4.57 0.37 $11,668.00 $28,840.50 $2,983.50 $4,317.16 $36,141.16 $87.00 520.0 $9.00 7.16 4.96 $11,668.00 $45,240.00 $4,680.00 $57,873.28 $107,793.28 $87.00 408.9 $9.00 5.58 3.66 $11,668.00 $35,574.30 $3,680.10 $42,704.88 $81,959.28 $87.00 321.0 $9.00 1.90 0.26 $11,668.00 $22,185.00 $2,889.00 $3,033.68 $28,107.68 $87.00 530.0 $9.00 8.55 1.75 $11,668.00 $36,078.90 $4,770.00 $20,419.00 $61,267.90 $87.00 350.0 $9.00 4.78 0.84 $11,668.00 $30,450.00 $3,150.00 $9,801.12 $43,401.12 $87.00 355.0 $9.00 2.43 0.81 $11,668.00 $30,885.00 $3,195.00 $9,451.08 $43,531.08 $87.00 360.0 $18.00 2.47 1.65 $11,668.00 $31,320.00 $6,480.00 $19,252.20 $57,052.20 $87.00 390.0 $18.00 2.64 2.06 $11,668.00 $33,877.80 $7,020.00 $24,036.08 $64,933.88 907.0 $36.00 $32,652.00 $32,652.00 370.0 $9.00 $3,330.00 $3,330.00 5161.9 43.7 18.10 $322,161.00 $80,562.60 $211,190.80 j $613,914.40 K:\010438-000Wdmin\Docs\Assessments\Final Assessment Roll_100818 to City I /NTFRSTgTE 9 4 Q CU i r I __ _W I 941 qp � CHELSEA RD Street Improvements Proposed Trail Proposed Sidewalk City Non -Residential C TY OF Monticello Assessment Map Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements Monticello, MN City Project No. 17CO01 N A A 0 350 WSB Feet Date: 1/8/18 1 inch = 350 feet Q 9fl ,+ ?. I 1 Street Improvements Proposed Trail Proposed Sidewalk City Non -Residential C TY OF Monticello Assessment Map Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements Monticello, MN City Project No. 17CO01 N A A 0 350 WSB Feet Date: 1/8/18 1 inch = 350 feet City Council: 10/08/2018 4A. Consideration of approving Lease Agreement between the Citv of Monticello Parks Department and the Citv of Monticello EDA for 349 West Broadwav (Fred's Auto) (ML/TP/JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the City Council to consider approving a Lease Agreement between the City of Monticello Parks Department and the City of Monticello EDA for property located at 349 West Broadway. The Parks Department has identified the former Fred's Gas Station as a potential fit as a multi-purpose arts programing craft shop and storage area. The building's open garage area and large overhead doors make it attractive for creating ceramic -masonry or metal art pieces, painting them and moving them out of the building as needed. By way of background, the EDA acquired the property in 2011 for future redevelopment. The building has been considered by several prospective buyers although, none of those offers have panned out. The EDA considered the Lease Agreement and approved it at their August 2018 meeting. Under the proposed Lease Agreement, the tenant (Parks Department) is responsible for the initial repairs and utility connections to re -open the building (electric and heat have been previously disconnected) along with all ongoing operation (heat, water, sewer) and maintenance costs. Therefore, as part of the lease consideration, the Council would be authorizing the estimated costs of the initial building repairs as documented in this report. It should be noted that the EDA (Lessor) asks that the tenant seek approval for exterior improvements or alterations to the building (item 13). Parks staff have obtained quotes for required environmental (removal/sealing of lead-based paint) and estimated costs for minimal building repairs. The Lease term is proposed as a two-year time frame with the potential for a 24 -month extension. A termination clause is included in the lease, giving the lessee 45 days notice to vacate. The Planning Commission considered and approved a CUP for the usage at its August 7, 2018 meeting. Storage is not allowed in the CCD zone without a CUP. Outdoor Sales & Display is a permitted accessory use subject to the specific requirements of the ordinance. The concept of utilizing the former Fred's Auto site had not been conceived as a project prior to goal setting process that occurred recently. In determining whether or not to move forward on this emerging opportunity Council may wish to evaluate the extent to which it sufficiently moves the City forward in accomplishing general goals established during the goal setting process. The related goals as reconfirmed in December 2018 are as follows: • Create a connected community — Arts and culture programs help to build community and connections • Vibrant Economy — The initiative will bring life to an underutilized building and result in activity in the downtown area. • Invest in People — Providing this resource for creative activities is an indirect investment in people City Council: 10/08/2018 • Maintain sustainable livability - This quality of life initiative is cost effective in utilizing a vacant building at a nominal cost. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The EDA attorney drafted the Lease Agreement. Several in-house staff reviewed the document, prepared the staff report and the supporting documentation. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The funds to pay for the legal fees required to draft the Lease Agreement which are estimated cost $700.00 +/- are included in the 2018 EDA General Fund budget ("Legal Fees"). The Parks Department has funding available within the current budget for the building repairs, estimated at $6730.00, and the ongoing operation and maintenance costs, estimated at $3,000.00 annually. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-85 approving a two-year Lease Agreement between the City of Monticello Parks Department and the EDA for 349 West Broadway as presented, including funding the estimated costs of repair through Parks Department budget funds. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2018-85 approving a two-year Lease Agreement for 349 West Broadway as presented. 3. Motion to table consideration of Resolution 2018-85 approving a two-year Lease Agreement for 349 West Broadway and direct changes or amendments to the document. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. The building and property is an underutilized asset that can be affordably and creatively converted to help nurture arts and culture in the community which adds to quality of life and sense of community. Further, it is our view that the initiative supports achievement goals identified by the City Council as listed above and worthy of implementation. Executing a Lease Agreement will provide a written understanding regarding the Parks Department's use of and responsible occupancy of 349 West Broadway. The initial facility repairs and deferred maintenance expenses as well as all usual/normal operating costs will be borne by the Parks Department. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2018-85 B. Lease Agreement C. Building Repair Costs D. Photo 1 and 2 - Lead Paint Removal E. Quote — Lead Paint Removal F. Photo - Original Restroom G. Photo 1 and 2 - Front Office and Restroom Access H. 7 Good Reasons — Arts Use of Fred's PA CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-85 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO PARKS DEPARTMENT AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ("Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota ("City") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") currently administers Central Monticello Development Project No. 1 (the "Project"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082, as amended. 1.02. To facilitate redevelopment within the Project, the Authority previously acquired certain property described in Exhibit A (the "Property"), and intends to hold the Property until such time as a favorable redevelopment prospect is presented to the Authority. 1.03. In order to maintain the Property and to prevent additional blighting conditions over the short term, the Authority and the City propose to enter into a two-year Lease Agreement (the "Lease") between the Authority and the Parks Department of the City (the "Tenant"), pursuant to which the Authority will lease the Property to the Tenant for use as a multi-purpose arts programming craft shop and related storage facility. 1.05. The City finds and determines that the lease of the Property by the Authority to the Tenant is for a public purpose and is in the public interest because it will further the development objectives of the Project, prevent further blight or blighting conditions, and maintain the tax base. Section 2. Lease Approved; Further Proceedin4s. 2.01. The Council approves the Lease as presented to the Council, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by an authorized official of the Parks Department, provided that execution of the Lease by such official shall be conclusive evidence of City approval. 2.02. City staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the Tenant's obligations under the Lease as a whole. 533373v1 MNI MN190-31 I Approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota this 8th day of October, 2018. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 533373v1 MNI MN190-31 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY The South 1/2 of Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Block 50, Townsite of Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota; Said South 1/2 of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50, can also be described as follows: Beginning at the mid -point on the common line between Lots 3 and 4, in said Block; thence Southerly along said common line 82.5 feet to the Southerly line of said Block (being the Southeast corner of said Lot 3); thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Lots 3, 2 and 1 for a distance of 99 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 1 for a distance of 82.5 feet; thence straight Easterly 99 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. Subject to existing easements, restrictions and reservations of record, if any. 533373v1 MNIMN190-31 A-1 LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") is made as of August , 2018, by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a Minnesota public body corporate and politic ("Landlord") and the City of Monticello Parks Department ("Tenant"). 1. Premises. In consideration of the rents and covenants contained herein, and subject to the terms of this Lease, Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord that real property which is described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Premises"). 2. Acceptance of Premises. Tenant accepts the Premises in its present "as is" condition, but subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease. 3. Term of Lease. This Lease shall be in force from September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, and may be terminated by the Landlord or the Tenant with 45 days' written notice. The parties agree that the Lease may be extended by one additional period of 24 months upon mutual agreement of the parties. 4. Rent. No rent shall by payable by Tenant to Landlord. 5. Quiet Eniovment. If Tenant complies with all terms of this Lease, Tenant may use the Premises for the term of this Lease. 6. Use of Premises. The Premises shall be used and occupied only for the purpose of a multi- purpose arts programming craft shop and storage facility, in conformity with applicable ordinances and governmental regulations. 7. Right of Entrv. Landlord and Landlord's agents may enter the Premises at reasonable hours to repair or inspect the Premises and perform any work that Landlord decides is necessary. 8. Assignment and Subletting by Tenant. Tenant may not assign this Lease, sublease the Premises to any other party or permit any other party to use the Premises or any part of the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord. Any assignment or sublease without Landlord's written consent will not be effective. Any such consent by Landlord shall not be a waiver of Landlord's rights under this Section as to any subsequent similar action. If Tenant is a corporation, company, partnership or otherwise is not a natural person, and there shall occur any change in the identity of the parties who are the owners of such entity, or who have the power to participate in the management of the affairs of such entity, then Tenant shall so notify Landlord in writing, and Landlord may terminate this Lease by reason of any such event by written notice to Tenant given at any time within sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice of change in identity from Tenant. 9. Sale of Premises by Landlord. Upon any sale of the Premises, and provided the purchaser shall assume all obligations of Landlord under this Lease, Landlord shall thereupon be entirely freed of all obligations of Landlord under this Lease arising from any act, omission or event occurring after such conveyance. Upon such sale and the transfer of Landlord's interest under this 532501v1 Lease, Tenant agrees to recognize and attorn to such transferee, and Tenant agrees upon request to execute and deliver documentation setting forth the provisions of this Section. 10. Utilities. Tenant shall timely pay for all utilities provided to the Premises during the term of this Lease. 11. Maintenance and Rebair. Tenant shall keep the Premises, including the parking area and grounds, in reasonable repair during the term of this Lease and shall maintain the Premises in compliance with applicable health and safety laws, all at Tenant's sole expense, including without limitation repair or replacement of plumbing fixtures, water heater, furnace, and garage or entry doors. 12. Real Estate Taxes and Assessments. Landlord shall pay all real estate taxes, including installments of special assessments, which become payable during the term of this Lease. 13. Alterations. Tenant shall not change the heating, electrical, plumbing, ventilation or air conditioning or make any other changes of or alterations to the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord. Any alterations made by Tenant must comply with applicable codes and ordinances. Tenant may install its usual trade fixtures provided that they do not interfere with or damage the structural, mechanical or electrical systems of the Premises. At the expiration or termination of this Lease, Tenant shall promptly remove Tenant's trade fixtures and repair at its own expense any damage to the Premises resulting from their installation or removal. 14. Surrender of Premises. Tenant shall vacate the Premises at the expiration or termination of this Lease and all alterations, additions, improvements and fixtures (other than Tenant's trade fixtures and signs) which have been made or installed by Tenant shall remain as part of the Premises and shall be the sole property of Landlord. When Tenant vacates the Premises, Tenant shall leave the Premises in as good condition as it was when the Lease started, with the exception of reasonable wear and tear. If the Premises are not so surrendered, Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against loss, liability or expense resulting from delay by Tenant in so surrendering the Premises or failure to leave the Premises in the condition required under this Lease including, but not limited to, claims made by any succeeding tenant founded on such delay. Tenant shall surrender all keys to Landlord at the time Tenant vacates the Premises. 15. Damage to Premises. If the Premises are destroyed or damaged not due to the fault of Tenant or Tenant's guests, invitees or customers, and the Premises is unfit for use as a commercial establishment, Tenant shall not be required to pay rent for the time the Premises cannot be used. If part of the Premises cannot be used, Tenant shall only pay rent for the usable part. If the Premises are damaged or destroyed and the cost of repairing the Premises would exceed 30% of their pre -casualty value (exclusive of land), then Landlord may terminate this Lease within 30 days of the casualty by written notice to Tenant and may elect not to rebuild or repair the Premises, and the rent and other obligations of Tenant under this Lease shall be prorated up to the time of the casualty. If this Lease is not terminated pursuant to this Section, then Landlord shall proceed with reasonable diligence to repair and restore the Premises. 16. Insurance. 2 532501v1 A. Tenant shall purchase, in advance, and carry in full force and affect the following insurance: (1) "All risk" property insurance covering the full replacement value of all of Tenant's leasehold improvements, trade fixtures, inventory and personal property within or about the Premises, covering damage from any cause whatsoever; and (2) Comprehensive general public liability insurance naming both Landlord and Tenant as insureds, covering all acts of Tenant, its employees, agents, representatives and guests on or about the Premises, containing a contractual liability endorsement, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000, and written on an "occurrence" basis. B. Landlord shall purchase, in advance, and carry in full force and effect commercial property insurance for the full insurable value of the Premises. 17. Risk of Loss; Premises Liabilitv. Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant for any claim relating to injury to or loss of life of persons, or for any damage to, theft of or other loss of property of Tenant on the Premises, by whatever cause. All personal property kept, maintained, or stored on the Premises shall be kept, stored, or maintained at the sole risk of the Tenant. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord from and against all claims of other parties arising from or relating to injury or loss of life of persons, or damage to or loss of property, to the extent occurring in or about the Premises, or arising from Tenant's negligence or intentional misconduct. The said indemnification shall include the duty to pay all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by Landlord and shall survive the termination or expiration of this Lease. 18. Waiver of Claims and Subrogation. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Lease to the contrary, Landlord and Tenant hereby release one another from any and all liability or responsibility (to the other or anyone claiming through or under them by way of subrogation or otherwise) for any loss or damage covered by the insurance required by the Lease, even if such loss or damage shall have been caused by the fault or negligence of the other party, or anyone for whom such party may be responsible. 19. Condemnation. If any part of the Premises is taken or condemned for a public or quasi - public use, or any transfer made in lieu of condemnation, and a part of the Premises remains which is suitable for the use contemplated by this Lease, this Lease shall terminate only as to the part so taken and shall continue in full force as to the remaining part. The date of termination as to a part so taken shall be the date on which the condemnor takes title. The rent payable after that date shall be adjusted so that Tenant shall pay only such portion of the rent as the value of the part remaining bears to the total value of the Premises on the date of the taking. If all of the Premises is taken or condemned, or so much is taken that the use by Tenant shall be substantially impaired, Tenant may terminate this Lease by written notice to Landlord, and all obligations of Tenant shall be prorated as of the notice of termination. All compensation awarded upon any condemnation or taking shall go to Landlord. 3 532501v1 20. Default. If Tenant shall violate any covenant made by Tenant in this Lease and shall fail to comply or begin and diligently prosecute compliance within 15 days after being sent written notice of such violation by Landlord, then Landlord may, at Landlord's option, terminate this Lease by giving Tenant a written notice of termination, and in such event Tenant shall immediately vacate and surrender the Premises. A termination of this Lease by Landlord as a result of a default by Tenant shall not, however, extinguish the liability of Tenant for all rents and covenants provided for in this Lease for the balance of the term of this Lease. After any such termination, Tenant shall pay to Landlord on demand all expenses incurred by Landlord in performing any of Tenant's obligations under this Lease, re-entering or terminating the Lease, reletting the Premises, collecting sums due and payable by Tenant, and the expense of placing and keeping the Premises in good order and repair. 21. Heirs and Assigns. The terms of this Lease apply to Tenant and Landlord, and also to any heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of Tenant or Landlord. 22. Notices. All notices, demands and requests by either party to the other shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when sent by United States Certified Mail, postage prepaid (a) if for Tenant, addressed to Tenant at the address of the Premises, or such other place as Tenant may from time to time designate by written notice to Landlord; or (b) If for Landlord, addressed to Landlord at such place as Landlord may from time to time designate by written notice to Tenant. Notices shall also be deemed given if and when delivered to the other party in person. 23. Environmental Requirements. Tenant shall comply with all laws, governmental standards and regulations applicable to Tenant or the Premises in respect to occupational health and safety, hazardous waste and substances and environmental matters. Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of its receipt of any notice of a violation of any such law, standard or regulation. Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from all loss, costs, damage, claim and expense incurred by Landlord on account of Tenant's failure to perform the obligations of this provision. The obligations of Tenant under this provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease as to any such loss, cost, damage, claim and expense attributable to or arising out of activities or misfeasance of Tenant during the term of this Lease or its extension or renewal. 24. Landlord's Disclaimer of Warrantv. Landlord disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suitable for the Tenant's use. 25. Relationship of Landlord and Tenant. The Lease does not create the relationship of principal and agent or of partnership or of joint venture or of any association between Landlord and Tenant, the sole relationships between the parties hereto being that of Landlord and Tenant under this Lease. 26. Waiver. No waiver of Landlord's remedies upon the occurrence of an Event of Default shall be implied from any omission by Landlord to take any action on account of such Event of Default, and no express waiver shall affect any Event of Default other than the Event of Default specified in the express waiver and such an express waiver shall be effective only for the time and 4 532501v1 to the extent expressly stated. One or more waivers by Landlord shall not then be construed as a waiver of a subsequent Event of Default. 27. Choice of Law. The laws of Minnesota shall govern the validity, performance and enforcement of this Lease. 28. Time. Time is of the essence in the performance of all obligations under this Lease. [Remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.] 532501v1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease in the manner sufficient to bind them as of the day and year first above written. LANDLORD CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its: President By: Its: Executive Director TENANT CITY OF MONTICELLO PARKS DEPARTMENT By: Its: S-1 532501v1 MNI MN325-31 EXHIBIT A PREMISES The South'/2 of Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Block 50, Townsite of Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota; Said South % of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50, can also be described as follows: Beginning at the mid -point on the common line between Lots 3 and 4, in said Block; thence Southerly along said common line 82.5 feet to the Southerly line of said Block (being the Southeast corner of said Lot 3); thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Lots 3, 2 and 1 for a distance of 99 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 1 for a distance of 82.5 feet; thence straight Easterly 99 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. Subject to existing easements, restrictions and reservations of record, if any. A-1 532501v1 MNI MN325-31 MONTIARTS BUILDING REPAIR COSTS Estimate 1 Paint of office area and bathroom $300.00 2 Bathroom building supplies( Metal studs, Sheet rock, toliet,Door and vanity) 1,300 3 Plumbing relocate for bath room(additional wash sink) $850.00 4 Electrical $550.00 5 ADA handrails $250.00 6 Lead removal (contracted) $2,930.00 7 Tables and chairs Donated 8 Workbenches Donated 9 Furnance tuneup $300 10 Construction Disposal cost 250 Total $ 6730 oIto[•r=JWA1t=,T• Lead paint removal done by contractor Garage Area Bergo Environmental Inc Estimate 4413 Crawford Rd Hopkins, MN 55343 1111111111F- (952) 920-8938 BERG 0 bergo.env@gmail.com ENVIRONMENTAL INC www.bergoenvironmentalinc.com ADDRESS City of Monticello Attn: Jacob 505 Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 ESTIMATE # DATE 1743 08/01/2018 JOB SITE 349 W Broadway ACTIVITY Lead Encapsulation Scrap and encapsulate approx 924 SF lead paint from interior car shop building We propose to provide the labor and materials to remove and encapsulate the TOTAL following lead materials: - Lead based paint in Approx 924 SF of 2 car shop building We will perform the following work: Preclean area Poly off doors, floors, and windows. Install a HEPA 1800 and exhaust the tubing out one of the windows. This will reduce dust and help keep the air clean. All wall will be hand scrapped to remove any loose paint chips An encapsulant will then be sprayed over any lead paint that was still on the walls - All lead paint chip materials will be double bagged and disposed of off-site AMOUNT 2,930.00 $2,930.00 Accepted By Accepted Date riginal restroom Parks Dept to construct ADA accessible restroom �I lo'il a 0 1 -111 st EI&I • • rer: Front office, area m new hallway to restroom 7 Reasons using the qas station on Broadwav for art space is a qood idea: 1) New vear-round public space downtown will bring people back into the heart of their citV Montiarts is excited to create a new public space for the people of Monticello to learn about and participate in a variety of arts experiences. We have received a great deal of feedback from the community expressing an interest in having somewhere to take classes, help build public arts projects, and to gather for creative events. The importance of creatives being able to gather to work on projects together and socialize with the public can not be overemphasized. It is the gas in our creative engine for the city; where people from the community can work alongside artists on projects and discuss ideas for future projects. It will act as the incubator for the creative ideas that could shape how Monticello looks and feels art -wise as these ideas become actual plans. Having a designated space for this to happen and programming that makes this accessible to everyone will help ensure the success of this process. 2) Current space is inadequate for the proqram's needs The space will be used immediately to hold our open -to -the public community arts/open studio time known as "Montiarts Mondays" year-round, for free, for people of all ages. Currently, this is a weekly evening event being held at West Bridge Park from 5 to 7pm. This space is used for other activities throughout the year, making it difficult/impossible to store art supplies there and leave projects out to dry etc. on a regular basis. It also lacks a separate area for holding 2 activ- ities at once, which will pose a problem later this month. There is a 12 week class beginning Oct 22nd that takes place from 6:30 to 8:00 which requires a separate room as it is primarily a discussion group. The gas station space, with it's separate work planning area, offers a solution to this problem. Both activities can take place simultane- ously in one location. 3) Classes , workshops, and other activities are waitinq for a space to happen We've been hearing from artists with ideas about classes they'd like to teach. We have a local arts programming non-profit that has expressed an interest in holding satellite classes down- town. People have been asking if classes will be offered through the Arts Initiative. We have artists and citizens asking about the possibility of events like art shows & small performances. The 2 rooms available at the gas station make it possible to hold classes in addition to housing the community art projects. The space is large enough that it will be possible to hold small events like art shows, screenings, small performances as needed. I would love to extend the hours of the Montiarts Mondays program to include Monday after- noons. Having a dual-purpose space makes that possible. I'd be able to supervise the open studio time and work on other things I need to attend to associated with the arts program. 4) The space is needed for some qrant proiects The space is useful as well for some of the project grants I will be writing that involve bringing artists in to work on specific projects. These will be great opportunities for us to learn new tech- niques from creative professionals we can use to help enliven our downtown, and a space is re- quired to hold the workshops, and to do the subsequent projects. Grant projects are required to be carefully planned to avoid waste and ensue the project will run smoothly. Having a physical location for them to take place makes sense and signals to the granting agency that the organization applying is serious about completing the project success- fully. 5) Givinq the arts proqram a home builds community confidence People are excited about the Arts Initiative. They've seen some early successes in the form of the public art installed at 25 & Broadway, the Arts Day at the Farmer's Market, the Music in the Parks events, The Creative City Celebration, the Banner Contest, and the work we're doing with the schools. People were excited to see some of the things we worked on at our first volunteer art building day with Xcel Energy. The volunteers who came asked to sign-up for more. Others have asked when We'll be holding more similar events. The fact is we can't, because we don't have a space. Providing a physical space for the arts program would be a signal to the community that the City has confidence in the Arts Initiative and is fully supportive of its efforts. 6) Loqistics of acceptinq donations of materials As we plan a number of community -built art projects, we are asking the public to donate materi- als. People are eager to help. They like the idea of using surplus items for public art, and seem to automatically understand we need these items and are collecting them in an effort to be fru- gal, while at the same time being ambitious about what is possible in Monticello. Right now we have no place to collect or store these items. People are dropping them off at City Hall and Public Works for the time -being, but being able to collect them at the gas station where we'd have an opportunity to accept and organize them immediately would make this pro- cess run much smoother. This is something that seems small, but is an important way people can be part of our process, and gets people interested in what we will be doing with their donated items. It is part of our community building efforts. 7) The qas station has been empty for 10 years. (Let's use it for somethinq cool.) City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 4B. Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Public Use in the F-3 sub- district of the CCD — Central Communitv District). Applicant: Citv of Monticello. (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: PID: 155-010-050011 Address: 349 West Broadway 2018-037 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit for a Public Use to accommodate an Arts program in an existing building in the CCD (Broadway District). Deadline for Decision: NA Land Use Designation: Downtown — Broadway District Zoning Designation: CCD The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello area, and particularly to implement the goals, objectives, and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Former Auto Service Station Surrounding Land Uses: North: Vacant Parking/Residential East: Former Post Office South: Residential West: Residential Project Description: The City of Monticello Parks Department, providing oversight to the City of Monticello Arts Initiative, proposes to occupy the existing 1,500 square foot building along Broadway Street, utilizing existing site improvements, and making possible interior building modifications as necessary to support the use. The proposed use will be participatory arts activities geared toward public involvement, creating public art for use in the community. The Monticello Economic Development Authority owns the property. City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 ANALYSIS Project Background. The proposed Arts building would occupy the existing building at 349 West Broadway Street. The site is in the F-3 (Transition) sub -district of the CCD, with retailing as its primary land use focus. Public uses are allowed by Conditional Use Permit. It is noted that the use will be operated by the City of Monticello, thus the Public designation, however, the use is most aptly described as a "Personal Service" in the zoning ordinance, which if private, would be allowed as a Permitted Use on the site. The applicant has discussed site use as a mix of participatory art projects and some associated retail activities as a component of the activities. These uses are consistent with the zoning and the Comprehensive Plan recommendations of the downtown plans in place. The applicant is proposing to occupy the building of approximately 1,500 square feet to accommodate a public arts studio. The property is approximately 8,400 square feet in area, located at the northeast corner of Broadway Street and Linn Street. Conditional Use Permit Criteria. The Zoning Ordinance establishes a set of criteria for the review of Conditional Use Permits. The criteria relate generally to the ability of the use to (1) meet the intent of the zoning regulations; (2) meet the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan; (3) avoid negatives impacts on public facilities and infrastructure; and (4) fit into the character of the neighborhood. In this case, the use is (as noted below) consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance, and is not expected to create extraordinary impacts on public services. The character of the neighborhood is essentially a transition area between the downtown commercial and traditional residential neighborhoods. Maintaining a reasonable buffer between the two will help to ensure that these impacts are within expected ranges. Specific Zoning Requirements. The zoning ordinance lists the following specific standards for these uses: (7) Public Buildings or Uses: (a) When abutting a residential use in a residential use district, the property shall be screened with an aesthetic buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer Type "B") in accordance with section 4.1(G) of this ordinance. (b) Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. Personal Services are referenced in the zoning ordinance in terms of specific Use Standards, but the specific conditions for Personal Services relate only to the B-1 District, or those services that include dry-cleaning facilities. As noted above, the use abuts residential property across both Broadway and Linn. While residential uses are to the north, the site is separated from the residential area by a portion of the former post office's parking and driveway area. Currently, a fence separates the existing building from the parking area. As a result, the building is approximately 100 feet from the residential property line to the north. K City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 Parking and Site Planning. For Personal Service uses, the zoning ordinance requires one parking space per 250 square feet of building area. For this site, then, the parking requirements would be 6 spaces. City staff has developed a parking plan that would accommodate as many as 8 spaces using an entrance from Broadway, and angled parking leading to an exit on Linn Street. The parking stalls meet the dimensional requirement of 20' in length and provide for a 16-17 foot one way drive aisle. The applicant will be required to stripe the parking and provide parking lot directional painting as a condition of approval. In addition, it is recommended that the applicant remove the proposed stall located closest to the front access door. Because the previous user had paved the site to the curbline along both Broadway and Linn, the site would benefit from some treatment of the open space that is not necessary for parking or circulation. The addition of temporary buffering elements, such as planters along the Broadway frontage and the driveway exit curb cub along Linn Street nearest Broadway would better define traffic flow and enhance the aesthetics of the site, which currently would not be consistent with the intent of the City's downtown planning objectives. The Parks Superintendent has indicated that the Arts Initiative may wish to design and construct these improvements and as such, requests until June 2019 to complete. The Arts group may have additional recommendations for improving the site, as well as options to enhance the existing building. At this time, no exterior modifications are proposed, with the exception that the Parks Superintendent has indicated that the former window locations may be improved to prevent weather issues. The applicant should clarify any anticipated changes to the exterior of the building. In addition, as a condition of the proposed lease agreement with the EDA, the lessee will be required to submit any changes to the exterior for EDA review. Planning staff will review and comment on those changes per ordinance at that time. Substantive changes to the exterior of the building or physical expansion of the building would require an amendment to CUP. Staff would recommend that activities are limited to the inside of the building, or occasional activities that would occur in the spaces south or east of the building to minimize impacts to the neighborhood. The site is subject to the City zoning ordinance for noise. Outdoor display is limited to the Outdoor Sidewalk Sales and Display as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance for accessory uses. In addition, staff would recommend that the existing fence is maintained and enhanced where necessary to ensure a reasonable buffer to the north. The property is owned by the Monticello Economic Development Authority. The EDA has authorized the use of the property for the proposed use, contingent on required land use actions, environmental consideration resolution, and execution of a lease agreement with the City of Monticello for the Arts Initiative. The EDA has reviewed and approved a lease agreement for the proposed use. The lease agreement is on the Council agenda for consideration, along with budget requirements for the project. The Parks Department will be responsible for the required environmental remediation. If the Council does not approve the lease, it should act to withdraw the 3 City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 conditional use permit application, or table action on the permit until other direction is provided. PlanninLy Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed this item on August 7th, 2018 during the regular meeting, holding a public hearing on the item. Neighboring property owner Charles Ehlen of Cinco Corporation addressed the Commission on the item. Mr. Ehlen asked for confirmation that there would be some type of termination clause or lease. Planning staff confirmed, noting that the EDA is aware of the potential for reuse or redevelopment of the site. Minutes of the meeting are attached for Council reference. After discussion regarding environmental remediation and usage, the Planning Commission motioned unanimously to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a Public Use for Personal Services in the CCD District, contingent on the required lease agreement between the City and EDA, subject to the conditions included in Exhibit Z, and based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2018-026. 2. Motion to deny a Conditional Use Permit for a Public Use for Personal Services in the CCD District, based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the request, subject to additional information from staff, the applicant, or others as directed. 4. Motion to withdraw the Conditional Use Permit request from consideration. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that support the retail and related public objectives of the City's downtown development planning. The use fits the City's development objectives for downtown, and the applicant's materials support the intent of the ordinance adopted for this purpose. It is also noted that were this a private initiative, the use would be permitted under the existing and proposed zoning regulations for the site. With regard to site improvements, the applicant should plan to make the following improvements to ensure that the CUP aspect of the land use is reasonably addressed: Stripe the parking lot for 7 spaces and circulation, as shown on the staff - generated site plan and removing the space closest to the building entrance. Create and implement a landscaping/site amenities plan to treat the boundaries of the site, including the Broadway Street edge and the southern -most driveway curb cut to Linn Street. Address exterior building improvements, including paint or other treatments. L! City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 • Ensure that the existing fence will continue to create a reasonable and attractive separation buffer to the north of the building. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2018-026 B. Planning Commission Minutes — 08/07/18 C. Site Location Map D. Applicant Narrative E. Site Plan F. Building Images G. Ordinance Excerpts Z. Conditions of Approval 5 City Council Agenda — 10/08/2018 EXHIBIT Z Conditional Use Permit for Public Personal Services Use 349 Broadway Street PID 155-010-050011 Stripe the parking lot for 7 spaces, as shown on the staff -generated site plan, removing the stall located adjacent to the front door and provide parking lot directional painting for one-way routing. 2. Create and implement a landscaping/site amenities plan to treat the boundaries of the site, including the Broadway Street edge and the southern -most driveway curb cut to Linn Street, to be installed by June 2019. 3. Address building improvements, including paint or other treatments. 4. Modifications to the exterior elevations will require amendment to the Conditional Use Permit. 5. The existing fence shall be maintained to continue to create a reasonable and attractive separation buffer to the north of the building. 6. Outdoor activities or events shall occur in the spaces south or east of the building to minimize impacts to the neighborhood, except as authorized by Special Event permit by the City Council. 7. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. C CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-026 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PUBLIC ARTS STUDIO AS A PERSONAL SERVICE IN THE CCD, CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to occupy an existing building as a public arts studio, including classes, studio space, and potential retail sales; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned CCD (F-3), which allows Personal Services as Permitted Uses, and Public use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Downtown - Transition" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 7th, 2018 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD, Central Community Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The proposed arts studio facility meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-026 5. Parking is found to be adequate based on the available off-street parking on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for Public Arts Studio, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Stripe the parking lot for 7 spaces, as shown on the staff -generated site plan, removing the stall located adjacent to the front door and provide parking lot directional painting for one-way routing. 2. Create and implement a landscaping/site amenities plan to treat the boundaries of the site, including the Broadway Street edge and the southern -most driveway curb cut to Linn Street, to be installed by June 2019. 3. Address building improvements, including paint or other treatments. 4. Modifications to the exterior elevations will require amendment to the Conditional Use Permit. 5. The existing fence shall be maintained to continue to create a reasonable and attractive separation buffer to the north of the building. 6. Outdoor activities or events shall occur in the spaces south or east of the building to minimize impacts to the neighborhood, except as authorized by Special Event permit by the City Council. 7. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 7`l' day of August, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTI ELLO PLANNING MMISSION Ifs, By: Brcd le, C air 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-026 ATTEST: Z Angela Schumm ity Development Director MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Special Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting 4:30 PM — CCD Ordinance Amendments Commissioners Present: Brad Fyle, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson Commissioners Absent: Sam Murdoff Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Matt Leonard, Tom Pawelk 1. General Business A. Call to Order Brad Fyle called the meeting of Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — July 3rd, 2018 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES — JULY 3RD, 2018. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. E. Consideration to approve agenda MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 2. Public Hearings A. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Hi -Way Liquors sign height and area allowances Applicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann provided a detailed review of the request for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for the City's electronic message board sign at the liquor store at 511 Pine Street. The item was brought to the Planning Commission in the previous year, but was requested to be tabled due to ownership issues that have since been cleared. Planning Commission Minutes — August 7, 2018 Page 1 1 5 The proposal was for the digital message board to be replaced and the top cabinet to be refurbished to include the City's new logo and color scheme. The City requested 32 square feet for the digital message board (an increase of 7 feet above code allowance) with the top cabinet not changing in size. The request was made to deliver better readability of the sign and would provide City messaging. There is no other City digital messaging boards. Staff recommended approval of the request with a condition identified in Exhibit Z. Brad Fyle asked if the electronic message board would be increased 6 inches around the sign. Schumann confirmed. Fyle asked for clarification for the signage code. Schumann provided the ordinance. Marc Simpson asked if the existing sign still worked. Schumann stated that the sign was out of commission and would need to be replaced in any case. Charlotte Gabler asked if the speed of the messages on the sign would be faster than the existing. Schumann responded the City is subject to MnDOT standards for message speed and movements. Angela Schumann further explained that additional stone architectural at the base of the sign was proposed to reflect monument signage. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, Fyle closed the hearing. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC -2018-024 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO PUD FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR HI -WAY LIQUORS SIGN AREA ALLOWANCES. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval 1. Sign refurbishment is subject to applicable building code and permit requirements. B. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Professional Office Use in the L-6 sub district of the CCD —Central Community District Applicant: Arvola, Chad Steve Grittman explained that the applicant proposed a Conditional Use Permit for a professional office use in the L-6, CCD district at 532 Walnut Street. Grittman clarified the site would not be used for storage of construction materials. Grittman stated that the principal use would be administrative professional office, but minimal retail use may occur. Planning Commission Minutes — August 7, 2018 Page 2 15 Staff recommend approval of the application with conditions identifying in Exhibit Z. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Chad Arvola, Arvola Builders, introduced himself. Fyle asked if the applicant was able to review the conditions in Exhibit Z. Arvola confirmed and responded that he would comply with all signage regulations. Hearing no further comments, Fyle closed the public hearing. KATIE PETERSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2018-025, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN OFFICE USE IN THE CCD DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN EXHIBIT Z. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditional Use Permit for Office Use 532 Walnut Street PID 155-037-000100 1. The applicant completes all building permit and occupancy requirements of the City's building department. 2. Compliance with the City's sign ordinance. 3. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Public Use in the F-3 sub -district of the CCD — Central Community District Applicant: Citv of Monticello Steve Grittman presented the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Public Use in the F-3 of the CCD at 349 W Broadway. The building would be used for production, class activities, and retail of arts products made on site led by the City's contracting Arts Consultant. The item was brought to the Planning Commission because of the "public -use" component. Staff recommend approval of the request with conditions identified in Exhibit Z. Brad Fyle asked if additional landscaping would be on the property. Grittman noted that the asphalt would not change, but sculptural or other artistic elements would be added to create a buffer edge along Broadway and possibly Linn Street. File asked if there was still a fence on the north side of the building and the quality. Grittman confirmed and stated that it may need some repair. Fyle asked if the EDA would remain in ownership. Grittman confirmed. Planning Commission Minutes — August 7, 2018 Page 3 15 Katie Peterson asked if there were any environmental concerns with the property. Angela Schumann stated that the EDA completed environmental research of the property including a tank assessment and hazardous materials assessment. The EDA and the Parks Department would work through on any environmental issues inside the building. Fyle noted the parcel to the north was used as an access for the formal postal office site. Grittman confirmed and added that the remaining property to the north of the site was residential. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Charles Ehlen - 2920 Winnebago Road, Sartell — asked if there would be a lease for the building as he had interest in purchasing the property from the EDA. Schumann stated the EDA would require an agreement with the Art's Initiative and that the EDA was cognizant of the opportunity for redevelopment. The EDA would preserve the opportunity for redevelopment in the agreement with Art's Initiative. The document would be public and subject to the approval of the EDA and City. Fyle added that the value of the property may increase with any additional improvements. Charlotte Gabler asked how often the building would be used. Gabler asked about access to the site. Matt Leonard indicated access would be from Broadway and exiting onto Linn Street. Gabler asked if on -street parking on Broadway was available. Leonard declined and stated that it was mostly driveways. Simpson asked about the condition of the building. Tom Pawelk stated that the inside would need restoration. The bathroom would be remodeled to be ADA compliant. In addition, a ramp would need to be built to get into the front door. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-0269 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PUBLIC USE FOR PERSONAL SERVICES IN THE CCD DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS INCLUDED IN EXHIBIT Z. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditional Use Permit for Public Personal Services Use 349 Broadway Street PID 155-010-050011 Stripe the parking lot for 7 spaces, as shown on the staff -generated site plan, removing the stall located adjacent to the front door and provide parking lot directional painting for one- way routing. Planning Commission Minutes — August 7, 2018 Page 4 15 2. Create and implement a landscaping/site amenities plan to treat the boundaries of the site, including the Broadway Street edge and the southern -most driveway curb cut to Linn Street, to be installed by June 2019. 3. Address building improvements, including paint or other treatments. 4. Modifications to the exterior elevations will require amendment to the Conditional Use Permit. 5. The existing fence shall be maintained to continue to create a reasonable and attractive separation buffer to the north of the building. 6. Outdoor activities or events shall occur in the spaces south or east of the building to minimize impacts to the neighborhood, except as authorized by Special Event permit by the City Council. 7. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann provided the Directors Report. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:41 PM. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 2, 2018 Attest: Angela Schu munity Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — August 7, 2018 Page 5 15 NARRATIVE FOR BUILDING USE: Store all the supplies and materials and tools the Initiative would be using for Arts Initiative activities and community arts projects at this site. Workspace to make community art projects as well. The space would probably also be used occasionally for arts events such as art shows too, on occasion. Weekly public work night giving people a chance to come participate in community arts project for downtown. Frequency of use, hours, etc will all be determined as the program develops, in response to public demand. Fred's Gas Station TIF Analysis Photos: 349 Broadway West P1150752.JPG P1150753.JPG P1150755.JPG P1150758.JPG P1150756.JPG P1150759.JPG P1150761.JPG P1150762.JPG Page 1 of 6 P1150754.JPG P1150757.JPG P1150760.JPG P1150763.JPG CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (D) Conditional Use Permits (4) Review (a) Conditional Use Permit Criteria Approval of a Conditional Use Permit application requires that the City find that conditions can be established to ensure that all of the following criteria will always be met: (i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity of the subject property; (ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons residing or working near the use; (iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area; (iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided; (v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code requirements; (vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution; (vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly controlled; (viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria outlined in Chapter 5 for the proposed use. (b) Planning Commission Before any Conditional Use Permit is considered, the Planning Commission shall hold at least one public hearing after proper notice has been issued in accordance with Section 2.3(I). Following the hearing and subsequent discussion on the merits of the proposal, the Planning Commission shall adopt findings and recommendations on the general conditional use permit review criteria outlined in Section 2.4(D)(4)(a) and any specific criteria outlined for the specific use in Chapter 5. Recommendations for approval may include such conditions as are deemed necessary to ensure compliance with each of the Conditional Use Permit review criteria. Denial recommendations shall be supported by findings of fact as to why the permit request was denied. The Community Development Department may forward an application to the City Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission only if it is deemed necessary to ensure compliance with state mandated deadlines for application review. Section 5.2: Use - Specific Standards Section 5.30): Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses Section 2.3(h: Public Notification Page 28 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.8 Off-street Parking Subsection (E) Standards Applicable to All Uses Commercial Uses (continued) Day Care Centers 1.0 space for each employee plus one (1) space per five children Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial Bowling Alley 5.0 spaces for each alley plus additional spaces as may be required herein for related uses associated with the principal structure 1.0 space for each four (4) seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall; facilities as may be provided in conjunction with such buildings or uses shall be subject to additional requirements imposed by this Theater ordinance ■ If the theater is located in the original plat of Monticello, the required spaces shall be reduced to 1.0 space per five (5) seats Entertainment/Recreation, Outdoor 10.0 spaces plus one (1) for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor Commercial I area inside an associated structure Financial Institution 1.0 space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor space. 20.0 spaces for each chapel or parlor, plus one (1) space for each funeral Funeral Homes vehicle maintained on the premises ■ Aisle spaces shall also be provided off the street for making up a funeral procession Hotels or Motels 1.0 space for each rental unit plus one space for each ten (10) units and one (1) space for each employee on the maximum shift Kennels (commercial) 1.0 space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor space. Landscaping / Nursery Business See Parking Schedule #I [Section 4.8(H)(2)] 1.0 space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet of floor space Personal Services If in the CCD district, one (1) space per three hundred fifty (350) square feet of floor space Recreational Vehicle Camp Site Repair Establishment Restaurants Sit downldining area Pick-up or Counter Area Kitchen Area 1.0 space per each recreational vehicle plus one (1) guest space per ten recreational vehicles See Parking Schedule #I [Section 4.8(H)(2)] 1.0 space for each forty (40) square feet of gross floor area of dining and bar area 1.0 space for each fifteen (15) square feet of gross floor area but not less than fifteen (15) spaces 1.0 space for each eighty (80) square feet of kitchen area City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 269 CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section 5. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure �,peciaity rating C P P P 1 5.2(F)(28) Establishments wr Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2(F)(29) Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2(F)(30) Veterinary Facilities C 5.20(3 I ) (Rural) Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(F)(31) (Neighborhood) Wholesale Sales P P P None Industrial Uses Auto Repair — Major C P P 5.2(G)(1) Bulk Fuel Sales and Storage P P 5.2(G)(2) Contractor's Yard, Temporary I I 5.2(G)(3) Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2(G)(4) General Warehousing C C P P 5.2(G)(5) Heavy Manufacturing J C 5.2(G)(6) Industrial Services C P None Land Reclamation C C C C C C 5.2(G)(7) P P P 5.2(G)(8) C C C C C C C C C Light Manufacturing Machinery/Truck Repair & Sales P P 5.2(G)(9) Recycling and Salvage Center C C 5.20(10) Self -Storage Facilities C P 0 5.20(1 I) Truck or Freight Terminal i C C 5.2(�(12) il Waste Disposal & Incineration C 5.2�(I 3) Wrecker Services C P 5.2(6)(14) City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 327 CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section S. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure Commercial Lodging P P AW C none 5.2(F)(7) Commercial Recreation: Indoor P P C C none 5.2(F)( I2) Commercial Recreation: C* L-8 only C C none 5.2 F 13 Outdoor none 5.2 F 31 Convenience Retail C P* C C *F-2 Drive Through by CUP 5.2(F)(9) Funeral Services Residential — Street Level C C C C none 5.2 F 15 Residential — Multiple Family C C L-2: NA Residential — Townhouse Medical / Clinical Services C P IF P L-2: NA first floor, 5 2(F)(18) C none CUP upper floors Personal Services P P P P L-3: CUP 5.2(F)(21) Places of Public Assembly C C C C none 5.2(F)(22) Production Brewery or Micro - Public Buildings or Uses C C C P Distillery with Taproom or C C C C none 5.2(F)(23) Cocktail Room Professional Office -Services L-2: NA first floor, 5.2(F)(14) Including Financial Institutions P P P C CUP upper floors 5.2(F)(20) Restaurants, Bars < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(F)(26) Restaurants, Bars > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(F)(26) Retail Sales < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(F)(27) Retail Sales > 10,000 SF P C IL. C none 5.22(F)(27) Retail with Service P CC L-2: NA first floor, CUP upper floors 5.2(F)(27) Specialty Eating Establishments < 10,000 SF P* P* C* P* *Drive Through by CUP 5.2(F)(28) Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C* L-8 only 5.2(F)(29) Veterinary Facilities C P C C none 5.2 F 31 Residential — Upper Floors P P P P L-2: NA Residential — Street Level C C L-2: NA Residential — Multiple Family C C L-2: NA Residential — Townhouse C none Residential — Single Family C none Industrial PUD L-3: PUD Only Public Buildings or Uses C C C P none Page 328 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section S.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (F) Regulations for Commercial Uses (19) Offices (Commercial) In the CCD, F-1 sub -district, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street -level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the document "Embracing Downtown Monticello." (b) Street -level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to future use as retail land uses. (c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open pavement. (20) Offices (Professional) Including Financial Institutions In the CCD, Professional Offices and Financial Institutions shall include the following: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street -level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the document "Embracing Downtown Monticello." (b) Street -level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to future use as retail land uses. (c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open pavement. (d) Parking supply shall be calculated at the same rate as retail sales. (21) Personal Services (a) In the B-1 district, the following shall apply: (i) Outdoor lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of operation, within one half hour of open and close times. (ii) Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (b) Establishments engaged in dry cleaning shall be held to the following requirements: (i) Dry cleaning processing shall be restricted to the B-4 district. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 351 CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.S Business Base Zoning Districts Subsection (G) Central Community District Figure 3-3: Design Guidelines Use Area 1 F 3 PARK fYAi - f F-3 L -i 171 L-5 L 5 1 I { F-73 F-2 1 r'3 F-3 F-1 ` ' F z -------- ' = F-3 I . 'F ........... r p 3 L ; F ' _ F2 = -3 N L-4 F? 5 i 6 F-3 a 11 1 I -,. PUBLIC "moi Page 124 L-8 Landmark Areas: Corridors: L-1 Public Parking Ramp 1 Broadway Street L-2 River Oriented Shopping 2 Walnut Street L-3 Cargill Site 3 Highway 25 / Pine Street Lit Community Center Site L-5 Riverfront Park L-6 Future Public Open Space L-7 Permanent Public Open Space L-8 Freeway Retail (0-4 Zoning Standards) F1exAreas: DESIGN GUIDELINE ZONES F-1 Shopping Area West of Hwy 25 F-2 Convenience and Services HTTO ZONING DISTRICTS F3 Transition City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 4C. Consideration of authorizing staff to request proposals for purchase and rehabilitation of the Ellison House for single family use (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to authorize staff to prepare request for proposal materials to be provided to parties interested in the purchase and renovation of the Ellison house. At the previous workshop, the City Council indicated support for selling the property for single family use, with conditions and agreements assuring investments necessary to make it livable and an asset to the neighborhood. During the discussion it was noted by Hilgart and acknowledged by others that demolition of the property and potential resale for new development should remain an option. The proposed approach supports rehab and home ownership as a first choice, with tear down and redevelopment the option that follows in the event the city does not receive a satisfactory proposal or a buyer fails to meet the terms of sale. If Council authorizes a request for proposal process, staff will prepare the RFP and market the property accordingly. Possible elements of the RFP include but not limited to: • Single family use for a set period of time — language supporting this standard to be determined by the city attorney • Updating of electrical, mechanical and plumbing to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official • Other improvements TBD with further inspection (roof, windows, siding) • Timelines for completion of necessary items • Narrative describing proposed improvements and rehabilitation goals • Empty lot stays with the property • Default provisions identifying consequences of failure to meet timelines Based on feedback from the City Council and neighborhood, the preferred route would be to sell the property with the expectation that improvements be made within a certain time period. If the RFP and associated expectations for rehabilitating the property yields a limited response and/or low offers, Council would have the option to reject offers and demo the house for redevelopment or place the home as is on the open market. Al. Budget Impact: Assistance from City Attorney in preparing RFP documents, purchase agreement, terms of sale, etc. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Preparation of RFP and conducting tours for prospective purchasers. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: Connected Community — maintain a structurally sound home that serves to retain historic elements. Sustainable livability -- Maintains character of the area and reinforces the property values in the neighborhood. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize staff to prepare request for proposal application material to be provided to parties interested in the purchase and renovation of the Ellison Home for single family, owner occupied use. City Council Agenda: 10/08/2018 a. Under this option, alternatives 2 and 3 to be explored if alternative 1 fails. 2. Motion to place home on the open market without restrictions 3. Motion to authorize initiation of demolition of property and follow with market land for residential uses allowed in the District. 4. Motion to table or other alternative C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • None. 'OT co'. �'RI R 5 04Fti Monticello Monthly Report 2018 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 911 Abandoned Total: 10 09/08/18 18:35 911 Abandoned 09/10/18 13:50 911 Abandoned 09/18/18 11:02 911 Abandoned 09/19/18 10:58 911 Abandoned 09/20/18 17:47 911 Abandoned 09/25/18 11:53 911 Abandoned 09/27/18 12:59 911 Abandoned 09/28/18 10:43 911 Abandoned 09/28/18 11:43 911 Abandoned 09/30/18 00:40 911 Abandoned 911 Hang-up Total: 24 09/01/1819:47 911 Hang-up 09/03/18 06:46 911 Hang-up 09/04/18 12:14 911 Hang-up 09/04/18 19:16 911 Hang-up 09/06/18 13:33 911 Hang-up 09/08/18 19:58 911 Hang-up 09/09/18 08:57 911 Hang-up 09/09/18 12:59 911 Hang-up 09/10/18 15:00 911 Hang-up 09/10/18 15:27 911 Hang-up 09/12/18 00:17 911 Hang-up 09/13/18 05:01 911 Hang-up 09/14/18 14:48 911 Hang-up 09/14/18 16:33 911 Hang-up 09/15/18 15:24 911 Hang-up 09/15/18 17:57 911 Hang-up Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Joe Hagerty 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 CFS # 2018071743 2018072184 2018074448 2018074737 2018075105 2018076464 2018077102 2018077393 2018077408 2018077902 2018069616 2018070039 2018070378 2018070485 2018070983 2018071758 2018071888 2018071939 2018072194 2018072198 2018072629 2018072902 2018073335 2018073380 2018073656 2018073712 Final Incident 911 Hang-up QPpFE55I0NA�rS Printed on October1 Case Number Codes How Reported 911ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 ABANDON 911ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 ABANDON 911ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P WCSOP18028991 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP ZUERCHER Page 1 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/16/18 17:21 911 Hang-up 2018073981 911 OPEN 09/05/18 19:00 911 Open Line 2018070762 911 HAN911 GUP 09/17/18 11:16 911 Hang-up 2018074192 911OPEN 09/06/18 18:46 911 Open Line 2018071086 911 Open Line 911 HAN911 GUP 09/24/18 23:40 911 Hang-up 2018076364 OPEN11 09/06/18 21:15 911 Open Line 2018071150 911 HAN911 GUP 09/25/18 09:54 911 Hang-up 2018076441 911 OPEN 09/07/18 15:09 911 Open Line 2018071335 911 HAN911 GUP 09/25/18 21:01 911 Hang-up 2018076626 911OPEN 09/08/18 18:21 911 Open Line 2018071737 911 HAN911 GUP 09/28/18 20:37 911 Hang-up 2018077558 11 911 HAN911 GUP 09/28/18 21:22 911 Hang-up 2018077573 911 911 HAN911 GUP 09/30/18 20:58 911 Hang-up 2018078090 g 911 OPEN11 09/09/18 14:26 911 Open Line 2018071961 911 HAN911 GUP 911 Open Line Total: 39 09/03/18 15:54 911 Open Line 2018070143 911 911 OPEN 09/05/18 19:00 911 Open Line 2018070762 911 911OPEN 09/06/18 18:46 911 Open Line 2018071086 911 Open Line WCSOP180283911 29 OPEN11 09/06/18 21:15 911 Open Line 2018071150 11 911 OPEN 09/07/18 15:09 911 Open Line 2018071335 911 911OPEN 09/08/18 18:21 911 Open Line 2018071737 911OPEN11 09/09/18 05:25 911 Open Line 2018071873 11 911 OPEN 09/09/18 07:22 911 Open Line 2018071878 911 911 OPEN 09/09/18 08:13 911 Open Line 2018071884 g 911 OPEN11 09/09/18 14:26 911 Open Line 2018071961 911 911 OPEN 09/10/18 16:41 911 Open Line 2018072223 911 911OPEN 09/10/18 17:41 911 Open Line 2018072240 911OPEN11 09/12/18 08:25 911 Open Line 2018072662 11 911 OPEN 09/12/18 17:35 911 Open Line 2018072787 911 911OPEN 09/14/18 19:09 911 Open Line 2018073431 911OPEN11 09/14/18 19:25 911 Open Line 2018073434 911 911 OPEN 09/15/18 14:45 911 Open Line 2018073644 911 911OPEN 09/16/18 11:12 911 Open Line 2018073886 911OPEN11 09/16/18 21:00 911 Open Line 2018074051 11 911 OPEN 09/17/18 04:03 911 Open Line 2018074118 911 911 OPEN 09/17/18 06:06 911 Open Line 2018074124 g 911 OPEN11 09/17/18 06:13 911 Open Line 2018074125 11 911 OPEN 09/17/18 18:03 911 Open Line 2018074289 911 911 OPEN ZUERCHER Page 2 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/18/18 20:38 911 Open Line 2018074604 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP1802971�10 OPEN 09/20/18 07:19 911 Open Line 2018074952 11 911 OPEN 09/20/18 16:11 911 Open Line 2018075081 911 2018070617 Agency Assist 911OPEN 09/23/18 08:19 911 Open Line 2018075900 911 OPEN11 09/23/18 11:57 911 Open Line 2018075931 911 2018071853 Agency Assist 911 OPEN 09/25/18 10:38 911 Open Line 2018076449 911 911OPEN 09/25/18 15:32 911 Open Line 2018076511 9110PEN11 09/26/18 12:07 911 Open Line 2018076774 911 911 OPEN 09/26/18 16:20 911 Open Line 2018076844 911 09/18/18 07:01 911OPEN 09/27/18 12:26 911 Open Line 2018077094 WCSOP18029 AGASSISTone 09/19/18 09:43 9110PEN11 09/28/18 15:32 911 Open Line 2018077469 911 911 OPEN 09/28/18 18:49 911 Open Line 2018077520 911 09/19/18 13:21 911OPEN 09/28/18 23:08 911 Open Line 2018077609 Ph Phone WCSOP18029 AG7ASSIST 911 OPEN11 09/29/18 13:09 911 Open Line 2018077721 911 09/24/18 15:14 911 OPEN 09/29/18 13:43 911 Open Line 2018077731 911 911OPEN 09/30/18 23:23 911 Open Line 2018078117 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18031 61 09/26/18 11:07 OPEN11 Abandoned Vehicle Total: 2 09/09/18 13:47 Abandoned Vehicle 2018071949 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP18028ABANDVEFone 09/25/18 10:28 Abandoned Vehicle 2018076447 Motorist Aid WCSOP18030430 Phone ABANDVEH Abuse Total: 1 09/21/18 13:57 Abuse 2018075329 Abuse Child WCSOP18029963 Phone ABUSE Agency Assist Total: 10 09/05/18 03:14 Agency Assist 2018070557 Agency Assist WCSOP18028 AGASSIPhone ST 09/05/18 10:02 Agency Assist 2018070617 Agency Assist WCSOP18028 AGASSISTone 09/09/18 02:18 Agency Assist 2018071853 Agency Assist WCSOP18028 AGgPhone h ne ASSI 09/14/18 11:32 Agency Assist 2018073289 Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18029 AG2ASSIST 09/18/18 07:01 Agency Assist 2018074397 Agency Assist WCSOP18029 AGASSISTone 09/19/18 09:43 Agency Assist 2018074719 Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18029 AGpASSIST 09/19/18 13:21 Agency Assist 2018074758 Agency Assist Ph Phone WCSOP18029 AG7ASSIST 09/24/18 15:14 Agency Assist 2018076245 Agency Assist WCSOP18030 AGgASSISTone 09/26/18 11:07 Agency Assist 2018076757 Agency Assist WCSOP18030 AGASSIPhone 09/27/18 10:02 Agency Assist 2018077045 Agency Assist WCSOP18030 AGASSIST ne ZUERCHER Page 3 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Alarm Total: 1 09/03/18 23:35 Alarm 2018070277 Alarm WCSOP18028013 Officer ALARM Animal Total: 12 09/03/18 08:48 Animal 2018070047 Animal WCSOP18027942 911 Check Welfare 09/05/18 10:35 Check Welfare ANIMAL 09/05/1818:25 Animal 2018070747 Phone Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018071885 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18028612 911 ANIMAL 09/09/18 07:35 Animal 2018071880 Animal WCSOP18028609 Phone Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018074275 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18029562 Phone ANIMAL 09/12/1813:57 Animal 2018072732 Animal WCSOP18028952 Phone Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018076789 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18030547 911 ANIMAL 09/15/18 09:52 Animal 2018073571 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP18029268 Phone ANIMAL 09/15/1818:39 Animal 2018073720 Animal WCSOP18029327 Phone ANIMAL 09/17/1811:19 Animal 2018074194 Animal WCSOP18029511 Phone ANIMAL 09/20/1818:02 Animal 2018075110 Animal WCSOP18029881 Phone ANIMAL 09/23/18 05:52 Animal 2018075884 Animal WCSOP18030172 Phone ANIMAL 09/27/1815:42 Animal 2018077148 Phone ANIMAL 09/27/1816:35 Animal 2018077166 Animal WCSOP18030691 Phone ANIMAL 09/27/1819:08 Animal 2018077224 911 ANIMAL Animal - Barking Dog Total: 1 09/29/18 00:41 Animal - Barking Dog 2018077629 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP18030 hone Check Welfare 09/05/18 10:35 Check Welfare ANBARK Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 3 09/09/18 08:20 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018071885 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18028612 911 ANBITE 09/17/18 17:28 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018074275 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18029562 Phone ANBITE 09/26/18 13:04 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018076789 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18030547 911 ANBITE Assault Total: 3 09/11/18 21:19 Assault 09/15/1815:34 Assault 09/19/18 20:44 Assault Burglary Total: 1 09/02/1816:59 Burglary Check Welfare Total: 20 09/01/18 22:43 Check Welfare 09/02/18 11:18 Check Welfare 09/02/18 15:31 Check Welfare 09/05/18 10:35 Check Welfare 2018072590 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018073661 Assault 2018074866 Medical - Bleeding - 2018069879 Burglary 2018069687 Check Welfare 2018069804 Check Welfare 2018069858 Check Welfare 2018070626 Check Welfare WCSOP18028 ASSAULT11 WCSOP18029 06 PThone WCSOP18029 97Phone AS WCSOP18027 BURG Phone WCSOP18027 CHKWELFone WCSOP18027 35CHKWE9p WCSOP18027 CHKWELFone WCSOP18028 CHKWELFone ZUERCHER Page 4 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/06/18 13:26 Check Welfare 2018070981 Check Welfare WCSOP18028290 Phone CITAID 09/03/18 15:54 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 09/06/18 16:33 Check Welfare 2018071035 Motorist Aid WCSOP18028310 911 CITAID CHKWELF 09/07/18 16:00 Check Welfare 2018071350 Check Welfare WCSOP18028435 Phone CHKWELF 09/09/18 20:07 Check Welfare 2018072026 Check Welfare WCSOP18028 Phone WCSOP18028 911 CHKWELF 09/10/18 14:38 Check Welfare 2018072188 Check Welfare WCSOP18028747 Phone 2018071423 Citizen Aid WCSOP18028465 Phone CHKWELF 09/13/18 20:35 Check Welfare 2018073132 Check Welfare WCSOP18029106 Phone 09/10/18 19:17 Citizen Aid 2018072276 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 09/14/18 09:19 Check Welfare 2018073255 Check Welfare WCSOP18029147 Phone CITAID 09/11/18 23:00 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 09/17/18 00:28 Check Welfare 2018074103 Check Welfare WCSOP18029476 Phone CITAID CHKWELF 09/20/18 09:22 Check Welfare 2018074976 Check Welfare WCSOP18029830 Phone CHKWELF 09/20/18 16:35 Check Welfare 2018075087 Check Welfare WCSOP18029 WCSOP18029 911 CHKWELFone 09/22/18 15:19 Check Welfare 2018075679 Check Welfare WCSOP18030105 Phone 2018075690 Citizen Aid WCSOP18030 CITAID Phone CHKWELF 09/22/18 21:57 Check Welfare 2018075811 Check Welfare WCSOP18030153 911 09/24/18 06:51 Citizen Aid 2018076130 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 09/26/18 14:38 Check Welfare 2018076815 Check Welfare WCSOP18030558 Phone CITAID 09/24/18 17:51 Citizen Aid CHKWELF 09/27/18 13:13 Check Welfare 2018077105 Check Welfare WCSOP18030667 Phone CITAID CHKWELF 09/30/18 04:24 Check Welfare 2018077924 Check Welfare WCSOP18030981 Phone CHKWELF 09/30/18 11:35 Check Welfare 2018077960 Check Welfare WCSOP18031000 Phone CHKWELF Citizen Aid Total: 13 09/03/18 04:51 Citizen Aid 2018070029 Citizen Aid WCSOP18027 Phone CITAID 09/03/18 15:54 Citizen Aid 2018070144 Noise WCSOP18027979 Phone CITAID 09/04/18 14:01 Citizen Aid 2018070407 Citizen Aid WCSOP18028064 Phone CITAID 09/07/18 09:43 Citizen Aid 2018071260 Citizen Aid WCSOP18028 911 CITAID 09/07/18 18:57 Citizen Aid 2018071423 Citizen Aid WCSOP18028465 Phone CITAID 09/10/18 19:17 Citizen Aid 2018072276 Citizen Aid WCSOP18028787 Other CITAID 09/11/18 23:00 Citizen Aid 2018072613 Citizen Aid gTAID WCSOP18028 Phone CITAID 09/18/18 09:56 Citizen Aid 2018074428 Citizen Aid WCSOP1802962I33 911 CCCITAID 09/20/18 13:07 Citizen Aid 2018075029 Citizen Aid WCSOP18029 911 09/22/18 16:33 Citizen Aid 2018075690 Citizen Aid WCSOP18030 CITAID Phone 09/24/18 06:51 Citizen Aid 2018076130 Citizen Aid WCSOP18030288 Phone CITAID 09/24/18 17:51 Citizen Aid 2018076292 Citizen Aid WCSOP18030364 911 CITAID 09/26/18 13:29 Citizen Aid 2018076794 Citizen Aid WCSOP18030 Phone CITAID Citizen Aid; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 09/11/18 12:01 Citizen Aid; Dispatch - 2018072423 Citizen Aid WCSOP18028852 911 CITAID; DISPCAD ZUERCHER Page 5 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Citizen Aid; Medical - Sick Total: 1 09/16/18 08:21 Citizen Aid; Medical - 2018073867 Citizen Aid Civil Complaint Total: 26 Case Number Codes How Reported WCSOP18029382 Phone CITAID: MSICK 09/01/18 15:53 Civil Complaint 2018069550 Civil Complaint WCSOP180277C48 Phone 09/02/18 08:57 Civil Complaint 2018069779 Civil Complaint WCSOP180278FIV Phone 09/02/18 20:15 Civil Complaint 2018069935 Civil Child Custody WCSOP18027 CIV Phone 09/03/18 20:47 Civil Complaint 2018070233 Civil Child Custody WCSOP18028 CIV Phone 09/05/18 13:16 Civil Complaint 2018070660 Civil Complaint WCSOSRO180fIV 65 09/07/18 09:00 Civil Complaint 2018071250 Civil Complaint WCSOP18028 CIV 911 09/07/18 09:12 Civil Complaint 2018071257 Civil Complaint WCSOP180283C88 Phone 09/08/18 14:41 Civil Complaint 2018071677 Civil Complaint WCSOP18028 CIV Phone 09/08/18 16:46 Civil Complaint 2018071713 Citizen Aid WCSOP18028 CIV Phone 09/09/18 12:43 Civil Complaint 2018071934 Info WCSOP18028 CIV Phone 09/10/18 15:05 Civil Complaint 2018072195 Civil Complaint WCSOP18028 CIV Phone 09/13/18 10:56 Civil Complaint 2018072971 Civil Complaint WCSOP18029 CIV Phone 09/13/18 12:34 Civil Complaint 2018072992 Civil Complaint WCSOP180290C60 Phone 09/13/18 17:33 Civil Complaint 2018073079 Theft WCSOP18029 CIV Phone 09/15/18 12:04 Civil Complaint 2018073598 Civil Complaint WCSOP18029 CIV Phone 09/15/18 14:09 Civil Complaint 2018073631 Civil Complaint WCSOP180292C96 Phone 09/16/18 18:59 Civil Complaint 2018074010 Civil Complaint WCSOP18029 CIV Phone 09/17/18 18:08 Civil Complaint 2018074291 Civil Complaint WCSOP18029 CIV 911 09/21/18 08:59 Civil Complaint 2018075255 Civil Complaint WCSOP18029 CIV Phone 09/25/18 14:45 Civil Complaint 2018076497 Civil Complaint WCSOP18030 CIV Phone 09/25/18 16:31 Civil Complaint 2018076533 Civil Complaint WCSOP18030 CIV 911 09/26/18 11:46 Civil Complaint 2018076767 Civil Complaint WCSOP180305C39 911 09/26/18 13:30 Civil Complaint 2018076795 Civil Complaint WCSOP18030 CIV Phone 09/27/18 16:30 Civil Complaint 2018077163 Civil Complaint WCSOP18030 CIV Phone 09/28/18 17:17 Civil Complaint 2018077497 Civil Complaint WCSOP180308C28 911 09/30/18 14:10 Civil Complaint 2018077998 Civil Complaint WCSOP18031 CIV Phone Civil Complaint; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 09/04/18 22:17 Civil Complaint; 2018070527 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18028105 911 CIV; DOMESTIC Civil Complaint; Phone Call Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 6 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/01/18 16:57 Civil Complaint; Phone 2018069561 Civil Child Custody WCSOP18027753 Phone CIV; PH Civil Process Total: 65 09/04/18 10:58 Civil Process 2018070356 CIVPROCfficer 09/04/18 11:16 Civil Process 2018070365 Officer CIVPROC 09/04/18 11:41 Civil Process 2018070373 CIVPRO?fficer 09/04/18 11:55 Civil Process 2018070375 CIVPROCpfficer 09/04/18 12:07 Civil Process 2018070377 Officer CIVPROC 09/05/18 09:47 Civil Process 2018070615 CIVPRO?fficer 09/06/18 09:56 Civil Process 2018070922 CIVPROCpfficer 09/07/18 10:23 Civil Process 2018071268 Officer CIVPROC 09/07/18 10:51 Civil Process 2018071276 CIVPRO?pfficer 09/10/18 10:34 Civil Process 2018072140 CIVPROCfficer 09/10/18 10:48 Civil Process 2018072142 Officer CIVPROC 09/10/18 13:19 Civil Process 2018072174 CIVPROppC 09/11/18 10:00 Civil Process 2018072397 CIVPROCfficer 09/11/18 10:17 Civil Process 2018072400 Officer CIVPROC 09/11/18 10:49 Civil Process 2018072405 CIVPROQpfficer 09/11/18 11:43 Civil Process 2018072419 CIVPROCfficer 09/11/18 17:54 Civil Process 2018072520 Officer CIVPROC 09/12/18 08:38 Civil Process 2018072664 CIVPROQpfficer 09/12/18 09:18 Civil Process 2018072671 CIVPROCfficer 09/12/18 09:33 Civil Process 2018072680 Officer CIVPROC 09/12/18 10:55 Civil Process 2018072694 CIVPROQpfficer 09/12/18 11:09 Civil Process 2018072697 CIVPROCfficer 09/12/18 12:41 Civil Process 2018072712 Officer CIVPROC 09/12/18 12:56 Civil Process 2018072717 CIVPROQpfficer 09/12/18 15:27 Civil Process 2018072753 CIVPROCfficer 09/12/18 15:55 Civil Process 2018072764 Officer CIVPROC 09/13/18 09:54 Civil Process 2018072949 CIVPROQpfficer 09/13/18 10:00 Civil Process 2018072953 CIVPROCfficer 09/13/18 10:10 Civil Process 2018072956 Officer CIVPROppC 09/14/18 11:25 Civil Process 2018073286 CIVPROCfficer ZUERCHER Page 7 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/14/18 11:37 Civil Process 2018073291 CIVPROQpfficer 09/14/18 11:51 Civil Process 2018073295 CIVPROCfficer 09/17/18 08:41 Civil Process 2018074149 Officer CIVPROC 09/18/18 12:24 Civil Process 2018074470 fficer CIVPROC 09/18/18 12:43 Civil Process 2018074476 CIVPROC 09/18/18 12:57 Civil Process 2018074478 CIVPROC 09/19/18 09:31 Civil Process 2018074716 CIVPROQpfficer 09/19/18 10:16 Civil Process 2018074728 fficer CIVPROC 09/19/18 10:32 Civil Process 2018074732 Officer CIVPROC 09/20/18 13:31 Civil Process 2018075034 CIVPR02pfficer 09/20/18 14:31 Civil Process 2018075049 fficer CIVPROC 09/21/18 12:48 Civil Process 2018075313 Officer CIVPROC 09/21/18 12:56 Civil Process 2018075316 CIVPR02pfficer 09/21/18 13:04 Civil Process 2018075318 fficer CIVPROC 09/24/18 08:27 Civil Process 2018076153 Officer CIVPROC 09/24/18 08:51 Civil Process 2018076157 CIVPR02pfficer 09/24/18 09:13 Civil Process 2018076161 fficer CIVPROC 09/24/18 09:24 Civil Process 2018076163 Officer CIVPROC 09/24/18 09:34 Civil Process 2018076166 CIVPR02pfficer 09/24/18 11:44 Civil Process 2018076192 fficer CIVPROC 09/24/18 14:55 Civil Process 2018076240 Officer CIVPROC 09/24/18 17:17 Civil Process 2018076279 CIVPROCppfficer 09/24/18 17:38 Civil Process 2018076286 Officer CIVPROC 09/25/18 04:45 Civil Process 2018076393 Officer CIVPROC 09/25/18 11:53 Civil Process 2018076465 CIVPR02pfficer 09/25/18 14:27 Civil Process 2018076491 fficer CIVPROC 09/25/18 14:38 Civil Process 2018076494 Officer CIVPROC 09/26/18 14:59 Civil Process 2018076821 CIVPROCppfficer 09/26/18 15:10 Civil Process 2018076825 CIVPROC 09/27/18 08:54 Civil Process 2018077032 Officer CIVPROC 09/27/18 09:17 Civil Process 2018077036 CIVPR02pfficer 09/28/18 10:31 Civil Process 2018077391 fficer CIVPROC 09/28/18 13:39 Civil Process 2018077438 Officer CIVPROC ZUERCHER Page 8 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 09/28/18 13:48 Civil Process 2018077444 09/28/18 17:19 Civil Process 2018077498 Civil Process; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 09/25/18 14:10 Civil Process; Dispatch 2018076485 Commercial General Alarm Total: 20 09/01/18 21:43 Commercial General 2018069670 09/02/18 21:39 Commercial General 2018069964 09/05/18 10:30 Commercial General 2018070625 09/05/18 18:11 Commercial General 2018070743 09/05/18 23:13 Commercial General 2018070829 09/06/18 06:21 Commercial General 2018070877 09/06/18 21:38 Commercial General 2018071157 09/07/18 07:13 Commercial General 2018071234 09/07/18 16:23 Commercial General 2018071361 09/08/18 17:18 Commercial General 2018071720 09/09/18 03:05 Commercial General 2018071863 09/09/18 11:41 Commercial General 2018071926 09/13/18 00:32 Commercial General 2018072879 09/14/18 02:45 Commercial General 2018073219 09/15/18 09:30 Commercial General 2018073566 09/26/18 00:02 Commercial General 2018076675 09/26/18 20:18 Commercial General 2018076918 09/27/18 08:10 Commercial General 2018077018 09/29/18 01:23 Commercial General 2018077634 09/29/18 17:30 Commercial General 2018077797 Court Order Violation Total: 8 09/04/18 18:15 Court Order Violation 2018070473 09/17/18 18:52 Court Order Violation 2018074299 09/23/18 15:35 Court Order Violation 2018075978 09/24/18 19:07 Court Order Violation 2018076309 09/25/18 08:59 Court Order Violation 2018076428 09/25/18 11:01 Court Order Violation 2018076453 Case Number Codes How Reported CIVPR02pfficer CIVPROCfficer Officer CIVPROC; DISPCAD ZUERCHER Page 9 of 37 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18027902 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028145 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028201 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028234 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028247 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028353 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028372 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028437 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028556 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028603 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18028628 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18029013 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18029129 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18029265 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18030517 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18030605 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18030637 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18030868 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18030929 Phone ALARM Court Order Violation 8 WCSOP180280C99 Phone V Court Order Violation WCSOP180295C73V Phone Court Order Violation WCSOP180302C00V 2 Phone Court Order Violation WCSOP180303C78 Phone Court Order Violation WCSOP180304E Phone Court Order Violation WCSOP18030437 Phone COV ZUERCHER Page 9 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 09/26/18 19:43 Court Order Violation 2018076905 Court Order Violation 09/28/18 21:59 Court Order Violation 2018077585 Court Order Violation Criminal Damage to Property Total: 9 09/04/18 12:45 Criminal Damage to 2018070386 09/09/18 14:05 Criminal Damage to 2018071955 09/10/18 14:56 Criminal Damage to 2018072193 09/13/18 17:59 Criminal Damage to 2018073085 09/15/18 13:18 Criminal Damage to 2018073617 09/17/18 09:29 Criminal Damage to 2018074165 09/20/18 21:28 Criminal Damage to 2018075173 09/21/18 14:43 Criminal Damage to 2018075343 09/24/18 07:04 Criminal Damage to 2018076136 CSC Sex Offense Total: 4 09/04/18 16:11 CSC Sex Offense 2018070440 09/08/18 12:25 CSC Sex Offense 2018071655 09/17/18 09:23 CSC Sex Offense 2018074162 09/24/18 18:14 CSC Sex Offense 2018076297 Case Number Codes How Reported WCSOP18030 COV 911 WCSOP18030 COV 911 Civil Complaint WCSOP180280C522P 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180286CM Phone Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18028 CDP Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP180290C955P Phone Civil Complaint WCSOP180292C911P 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18029 CDP 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18029901 CDP 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180299C722P Phone Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180302-91 CDP Phone Suspicious- Circumstances WCSOP180280C79 Phone Indecent Exposure WCSOP18028 CSC Phone CSC Sex Offense WCSOP180294C9�5C Phone CSC Sex Offense WCSOP180303C6q Phone Disabled Vehicle Total: 1 33 09/29/18 10:55 Disabled Vehicle 2018077692 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP18030 DISABLV hone Disorderly Total: 1 09/12/18 02:32 Disorderly 2018072642 Suspicious -Person -Vehicle WCSOP18028 DISORDPhone DNR Wildlife Violations Total: 1 09/23/18 15:05 DNR Wildlife Violations 2018075970 DNR Wildlife Violations WCSOP18030215 911 DNR Domestic Disturbance Total: 17 09/01/18 17:19 Domestic Disturbance 2018069569 Unwanted Person WCSOP18027757 Phone DOMESTIC 09/01/18 18:46 Domestic Disturbance 2018069593 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18027767 911 DOMESTIC 09/02/18 08:42 Domestic Disturbance 2018069777 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18027823 911 DOMESTIC 09/03/18 22:12 Domestic Disturbance 2018070256 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP180280D0$MESTIC 09/04/18 19:44 Domestic Disturbance 2018070494 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP180280977 Phone DOMESTIC 09/06/18 12:43 Domestic Disturbance 2018070968 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18028287 911 DOMESTIC 09/13/18 09:21 Domestic Disturbance 2018072944 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP1802903033Phone DOMESTIC 09/14/18 18:33 Domestic Disturbance 2018073427 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18029 DOMESTICone ZUERCHER Page 10 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/16/18 19:18 Domestic Disturbance 2018074015 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18029444 Phone 09/05/18 16:15 Drugs 2018070709 Suspicious - Circumstances DOMESTIC 09/18/18 19:00 Domestic Disturbance 2018074581 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18029 09/08/18 16:26 Drugs 2018071707 Warrant - Arrest D33OMESTIhh-one 09/20/18 01:20 Domestic Disturbance 2018074933 Assault WCSOP18029814 911 09/17/1823:34 Drugs 2018074360 Drugs DOMESTIC 09/22/18 01:21 Domestic Disturbance 2018075546 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP1803003Ogg DMESTIC 09/22/18 15:40 Domestic Disturbance 2018075681 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18030 D9OMESTIC 09/23/18 20:13 Domestic Disturbance 2018076051 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18030256 911 DOMESTIC 09/24/18 10:25 Domestic Disturbance 2018076177 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP180303D1OMESTIC 09/27/18 17:28 Domestic Disturbance 2018077187 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP1803069g 911 DOMESTIC 09/30/18 20:44 Domestic Disturbance 2018078087 Noise WCSOP18031049 Phone DOMESTIC Drugs Total: 8 09/04/18 20:52 Drugs 2018070507 Drugs WCSOP18028 DRUGS Phone Drugs Dumping Total: 3 Extra Patrol XP 09/06/1815:50 Dumping 09/05/18 16:15 Drugs 2018070709 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18028'69R911 09/22/18 12:28 Dumping 2018075637 Lost - Found Property DRUGS 09/08/18 16:26 Drugs 2018071707 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18028 50U 911 GS 09/17/1823:34 Drugs 2018074360 Drugs WCSOP180295D90UGS911 09/18/18 10:53 Drugs 2018074444 Drugs WCSOP18029632UGS Phone DR 09/18/1816:00 Drugs 2018074530 Drugs WCSOP18029 77911 DRUGS 09/25/1800:54 Drugs 2018076373 Drugs WCSOP180303D9pRUG5S911 09/25/18 13:00 Drugs 2018076472 Drugs WCSOSRO18 DRUGS Drug Search Warrant Total: 2 09/13/18 13:08 Drug Search Warrant 2018072998 Drug Search Warrant 09/24/18 09:34 Drug Search Warrant 2018076167 Drugs Dumping Total: 3 Extra Patrol XP 09/06/1815:50 Dumping 2018071016 Dumping 09/06/1818:53 Dumping 2018071094 Dumping 09/22/18 12:28 Dumping 2018075637 Lost - Found Property Extra Patrol Total: 4 09/03/18 13:41 Extra Patrol 09/08/18 21:36 Extra Patrol 09/12/18 12:35 Extra Patrol 09/26/18 12:49 Extra Patrol Fight Total: 5 09/10/1819:05 Fight 2018070109 Extra Patrol 2018071792 Extra Patrol 2018072711 2018076787 Extra Patrol 2018072270 Disorderly WCSOCID180 9064OADRUGSER�H WCSOSIU18030307 Officer DRUGSEARCH WCSOP180283DOUMPING one WCSOP18028332MPI 9 1 UUU11 WCSOP18030 DMPIN WCSOP1802796P7 Phone WCSOP1802855$P2 Phone Phone XP WCSOP18030 4 WCSOP18028784Phone FIGHT ZU=RCHER Page 11 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 09/15/18 02:08 Fight 09/15/18 21:46 Fight 09/27/1814:40 Fight 09/29/18 00:02 Fight Fire - Electrical Total: 1 09/28/18 16:43 Fire - Electrical Fire - Gas Leak Total: 5 09/08/18 15:13 Fire - Gas Leak 09/13/18 11:07 Fire - Gas Leak 09/17/18 08:47 Fire - Gas Leak 09/17/18 19:51 Fire - Gas Leak 09/24/18 11:16 Fire - Gas Leak Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 1 09/15/18 12:31 Fire - Smoke - Odor Fire - Vehicle Total: 1 09/14/18 18:07 Fire - Vehicle Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 8 CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 2018073532 Fight WCSOP18029 247 GHT 911 2018073777 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18029 FIGHT 911 2018077132 Disorderly WCSOP18030 F7Ig8 911 2018077621 Fight WCSOP180308FIGHT 911 2018077490 Fire - Electrical 2018071684 Fire - Gas Leak 2018072974 Fire - Gas Leak 2018074150 Fire - Gas Leak 2018074309 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018076190 Fire - Gas Leak 2018073604 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2018073414 Agency Assist 09/14/18 14:25 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018073329 09/15/18 12:01 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018073597 09/17/18 14:56 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018074245 09/18/18 15:27 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018074515 09/21/18 15:23 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018075354 09/28/18 12:09 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018077420 09/28/18 13:38 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018077437 09/29/18 17:40 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2018077800 Fraud - Forgery Total: 1 09/09/18 12:11 Fraud - Forgery Fraud - Internet Total: 5 09/01/18 12:41 Fraud - Internet 09/04/18 22:13 Fraud - Internet 09/19/18 12:39 Fraud - Internet 09/26/18 16:17 Fraud - Internet Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Internet Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18030�LECTRIC WCSOP18028 FGASLEAK WCSOP18029 5ASLEAK ne WCSOP18029 FBG0911 ASLEAK FGASLEAK WCSOP18030 FGASLEAK ne WCSOP18029 FS all WCSOP18029 F 11 VEHIC9 WCSOP18029C F 2AUDHone WCSOP18029 FRRRAUDCHone WCSOP180295FRAUDCPpH one WCSOP18029C�7RAUDCH one WCSOP18029 FRAUDCHone WCSOP180307one FRAUDCH WCSOP180307ACone FFRRH WCSOP18030 Phone 2018071931 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP18028630 Phone FRAUDFORG 2018069505 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 FRAUDINT Phone 2018070526 Threats WCSOP18028' WAUDIDone 2018074749 Fraud - Internet WCSOP18029752 Phone FRAUDINT 2018076843 Fraud - Internet Phone WCSOP180305FRAUDINT ZUERCHER Page 12 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/27/18 16:32 Fraud - Internet 2018077165 Fraud - Internet WCSOP18030C�9RAUDIPh ne Harassment Total: 6 09/05/18 17:49 Harassment 2018070738 Harassment WCSOP18028VRRASS hone 09/05/18 20:49 Harassment 2018070798 Harassment WCSOP18028222 Phone 2018071865 Phone 2018070888 Juvenile - Complaint HARASS 09/07/1813:03 Harassment 2018071306 Harassment WCSOP18028411 911 09/08/18 16:41 Info 2018071711 HOSPICE HARASSp 09/13/18 00:36 Harassment 2018072883 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180291ARASS hone WCSOP180290UVCOMpone 09/10/18 10:23 HOSPICE 09/24/18 03:33 Hospice Death 09/16/1816:32 Harassment 2018073969 Harassment WCSOP18029429 Phone HOSPICE 09/11/18 17:46 Info 2018072517 HARASS 09/25/18 15:56 Harassment 2018076517 Harassment WCSOP1803046ARASS hone 09/14/18 09:26 Info 2018073257 Hospice Death Total: 5 09/06/18 21:54 Hospice Death 2018071161 hone Phone HOSPICE 09/09/18 03:12 Hospice Death 2018071865 Phone 2018070888 Juvenile - Complaint Phone HOSPICE 09/16/18 11:43 Hospice Death 2018073893 hone 09/08/18 16:41 Info 2018071711 HOSPICE 09/22/18 20:41 Hospice Death 2018075775 hone INFO WCSOP180290UVCOMpone 09/10/18 10:23 HOSPICE 09/24/18 03:33 Hospice Death 2018076118 hone INFO HOSPICE Info Total: 10 09/04/18 01:06 Info 2018070290 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO UVCOMP 09/06/18 07:32 Info 2018070888 Juvenile - Complaint Phone 09/10/18 21:49 Juvenile - Complaint 2018072304 INFO WCSOP180288 2 Phone 09/08/18 16:41 Info 2018071711 Phone 09/12/18 22:44 Juvenile - Complaint 2018072862 INFO WCSOP180290UVCOMpone 09/10/18 10:23 Info 2018072137 Phone ZU=RCHER INFO 09/11/18 17:46 Info 2018072517 Phone INFO 09/14/18 09:26 Info 2018073257 Phone INFO 09/23/18 10:38 Info 2018075918 Phone INFO 09/25/18 23:23 Info 2018076664 Phone INFO 09/27/18 15:37 Info 2018077146 Phone INFO 09/29/18 14:30 Info 2018077744 Phone INFO Intoxicated Person Total: 1 09/24/18 02:01 Intoxicated Person 2018076109 Intoxicated Person WCSOP18030276 911 INTOXPER Juvenile - Complaint Total: 15 09/05/18 11:10 Juvenile - Complaint 2018070631 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOSRO180� 8150 UVCOMP 09/09/18 10:37 Juvenile - Complaint 2018071908 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP1802866�COnP�ione 09/10/18 21:49 Juvenile - Complaint 2018072304 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180288 2 Phone 09/12/18 22:44 Juvenile - Complaint 2018072862 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180290UVCOMpone ZU=RCHER Page 13 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/14/18 08:06 Juvenile - Complaint 2018073241 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOSRO180�Ug 40 2018077637 Juvenile - Runaway Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 Lost - Found VCOMP 09/14/18 23:42 Juvenile - Complaint 2018073506 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP180292JUVCOM 11 2018070085 Lock Out - Lock In 09/20/18 08:11 Lock Out - Lock In 2018074961 Lock Out - Lock In 09/16/18 13:04 Juvenile - Complaint 2018073912 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP18029 �U4gVCOMPhone Lost - Found Property 2018074812 09/22/18 13:13 Lost - Found 09/17/18 20:24 Juvenile - Complaint 2018074314 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180296UVCOMPlcer 09/20/18 11:01 Juvenile - Complaint 2018075000 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180298 U 911 COMP 09/20/18 13:49 Juvenile - Complaint 2018075039 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOSR0180 9857 JUVCOMP 09/23/18 13:58 Juvenile - Complaint 2018075960 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP18030208 UVCOMP1 09/25/18 09:49 Juvenile - Complaint 2018076440 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOSR0180 04JUV67 OMP 09/26/18 17:27 Juvenile - Complaint 2018076864 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP18030 BU 911 MP 09/27/18 15:58 Juvenile - Complaint 2018077152 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180306T ,COnPPhone 09/30/18 21:03 Juvenile - Complaint 2018078092 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180310 0 Phone Juvenile - Curfew Violation Total: 1 09/01/18 02:00 Juvenile - Curfew 2018069410 Juvenile - Curfew Violation WCSOP18027685 Phone JUVCURFEW Juvenile - Party Total: 1 Lost - Found Property 09/05/18 22:05 Juvenile - Party 2018070815 Juvenile - Party Juvenile - Runaway Total: 1 2018069922 09/04/18 18:11 09/29/18 01:52 Juvenile - Runaway 2018077637 Juvenile - Runaway Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 Lost - Found Property 09/01/18 21:26 Lock Out - Lock In 2018069665 Lock Out - Lock In 09/03/18 12:18 Lock Out - Lock In 2018070085 Lock Out - Lock In 09/20/18 08:11 Lock Out - Lock In 2018074961 Lock Out - Lock In Lost - Found Property Total: 15 09/01/18 22:55 Lost - Found Property 2018069692 09/02/18 19:43 Lost - Found Property 2018069922 09/04/18 18:11 Lost - Found Property 2018070472 09/06/18 14:19 Lost - Found Property 2018070992 09/08/18 20:36 Lost - Found Property 2018071776 09/10/18 17:01 Lost - Found Property 2018072229 09/13/18 12:58 Lost - Found Property 2018072995 09/19/18 17:50 Lost - Found Property 2018074812 09/22/18 13:13 Lost - Found Property 2018075643 09/26/18 09:59 Lost - Found Property 2018076739 Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property WCSOP18028 JU 911 TY WCSOP180308 UVRUN hone WCSOP18027787Phone LOCK WCSOP180279 6 Phone WCSOP180298 6 911 WCSOP18027 LOSTPROP WCSOP18027T86 OSTPROP WCSOP180280 OSTPROP WCSOP18028 LOSTPROP WCSOP18028Z75 WCSOP18028 LOSTPROP WCSOP1802900STPROP WCSOP18029 LOSTPROP WCSOP180300 OSTPROP WCSOP1803080STPROP ZUERCHER Page 14 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/26/18 11:30 Lost - Found Property 2018076763 Lost - Found Property WCSOP180305LOSTPR0P 09/07/18 23:11 Medical - Back Pain 2018071539 Medical - Back Pain WCSOP1802848BACK 911 09/28/18 13:40 Lost - Found Property 2018077439 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18030796 09/13/18 10:06 Medical - Back Pain 2018072954 Medical - Back Pain LOSTPROP 09/29/18 13:26 Lost - Found Property 2018077726 Lost - Found Property WCSOP180309 OSTPROP MBACK 09/29/18 14:03 Lost - Found Property 2018077735 Lost - Found Property WCSOP1803090STPR0P 09/30/18 15:08 Lost - Found Property 2018078008 Drugs WCSOP18031016 LOSTPROP Medical - Back Pain Total: 4 09/04/18 19:30 Medical - Back Pain 2018070488 Medical - Back Pain WCSOP18028093 Phone 2018070302 09/07/18 07:51 Medical - Breathing 2018071240 MBACK 09/07/18 23:11 Medical - Back Pain 2018071539 Medical - Back Pain WCSOP1802848BACK 911 09/24/18 15:16 Medical - Breathing 2018076247 09/28/18 03:39 Medical - Breathing 09/13/18 10:06 Medical - Back Pain 2018072954 Medical - Back Pain WCSOP18029NACK 911 09/26/18 11:39 Medical - Back Pain 2018076764 Medical - Back Pain WCSOP18030538 911 MBACK Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 2 09/20/18 11:38 Medical - Bleeding - 2018075005 Medical - Bleeding - WCSOP18029 MBLEEDING 09/26/18 17:21 Medical - Bleeding - 2018076861 MBLEEDING Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 7 09/01/18 08:29 Medical - Breathing 2018069443 09/04/18 03:10 Medical - Breathing 2018070302 09/07/18 07:51 Medical - Breathing 2018071240 09/14/18 15:39 Medical - Breathing 2018073363 09/18/18 16:23 Medical - Breathing 2018074537 09/24/18 15:16 Medical - Breathing 2018076247 09/28/18 03:39 Medical - Breathing 2018077318 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP180277pBREAT,h Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18028 1018BREAT11 HING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18028:99REJAING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18029VRREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18029 MBREAT11 HING 9g Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP180303N413REATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18030747REATHING Medical - Chest Pain Total: 2 09/05/18 13:14 Medical - Chest Pain 2018070659 Medical - Chest Pain 09/07/18 00:27 Medical - Chest Pain 2018071201 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 10 09/01/18 04:31 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018069426 09/07/18 09:36 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018071259 09/07/18 18:49 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018071419 09/07/18 19:55 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018071444 09/09/18 15:26 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018071970 09/12/18 02:29 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018072641 09/15/18 17:57 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018073711 WCSOP18028 MCHEST hone 911 MCHESTP Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP1802769RALL 911 Medical -Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP180293N216ALL 911 ZUERCHER Page 15 of 37 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18028460 911 WALL 911 WALL Medical -Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18028648ALL 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18028918 911 WALL Medical -Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP180293N216ALL 911 ZUERCHER Page 15 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/17/18 06:31 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018074131 911 WALL 09/18/18 12:10 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018074467 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18029641 911 WALL 09/30/18 13:55 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018077993 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18031010 Phone WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet; Citizen Aid Total: 1 09/17/18 13:41 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018074224 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18029530ALL; CI1�ne AID Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet; Medical - Non Emergency Transport Total: 1 09/05/18 20:01 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018070781 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18028213 911 MFALL; TRANSPORT Medical - Headache Total: 1 09/09/18 15:55 Medical - Headache 2018071979 Medical - Headache WCSOP1802865HEAD911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 8 09/01/18 19:59 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018069618 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18027777 911 911 MPSYCH 09/07/18 15:32 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018071343 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP18028 MPSYCH hone Medical - Sick WCSOP18027898 911 09/10/18 09:43 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018072128 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18028 1PSYCH11 Medical - Sick 2018070580 911 09/11/18 18:05 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018072522 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP18028884 Phone 09/08/18 12:10 Medical - Sick 2018071652 MPSYCH 09/21/18 13:01 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018075317 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18029 MPSYCH hone MSICK 09/12/18 18:11 Medical - Sick 09/25/18 10:31 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018076448 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP180304311 911 MSICK SYC MM35911 09/29/18 18:32 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018077808 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18030 911 MPSYCH 09/29/18 23:35 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018077891 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18030 65911 Medical - Sick WCSOP18029 911 MPSYCH Medical - Seizure Total: 2 gg 09/06/18 10:16 Medical - Seizure 2018070927 Medical - Seizure WCSOP1802826g8EI22ZUggRIE 09/17/18 09:52 Medical - Seizure 2018074172 Medical - Seizure WCSOSRO180MMM2SSS5EOIZUR'E1 Medical - Sick Total: 11 09/01/18 10:34 Medical - Sick 2018069482 Medical - Sick WCSOP1802771g 911 MSICK 09/02/18 20:47 Medical - Sick 2018069947 Medical - Sick WCSOP18027898 911 MSICK 09/05/18 07:21 Medical - Sick 2018070580 911 MSICK 09/08/18 12:10 Medical - Sick 2018071652 Medical - Sick WCSOP18028 911 MSICK 09/12/18 18:11 Medical - Sick 2018072796 Medical - Sick WCSOP18028982 911 MSICK 09/19/18 09:12 Medical - Sick 2018074709 Medical - Sick WCSOP1802973S7ICK 911 MM 09/19/18 22:07 Medical - Sick 2018074895 Medical - Sick WCSOP18029 911 MSICK 09/20/18 13:25 Medical - Sick 2018075032 Medical - Sick WCSOP18029854 911 MSICK 09/20/18 17:41 Medical - Sick 2018075103 911 MSICK 09/24/18 12:51 Medical - Sick 2018076207 Medical - Seizure WCSOP18030 911 MSICK ZUERCHER Page 16 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/25/18 08:49 Medical - Sick 2018076426 Medical - Sick WCSOP18030 MSICK 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 1 09/13/18 12:17 Medical - Stroke Medical - Trauma Total: 1 09/14/18 02:31 Medical - Trauma 2018072988 Medical - Stroke 2018073216 Medical - Trauma WCSOP18029%TROKEI WCSOP18029M8 91 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 2 09/08/18 20:15 Medical - Unconscious - 2018071766 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP18028572 911 MUNCONSCIOUS 09/11/18 00:03 Medical - Unconscious - 2018072314 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP18028U5 911 Medical - Unknown Total: 2 09/17/18 18:59 Medical - Unknown 09/25/18 11:25 Medical - Unknown Missing Person Total: 1 09/10/18 16:09 Missing Person Motorist Aid Total: 7 09/11/1812:25 Motorist Aid 09/15/18 13:40 Motorist Aid 09/18/18 19:58 Motorist Aid 09/19/18 13:20 Motorist Aid 09/23/18 18:43 Motorist Aid 09/25/18 17:58 Motorist Aid 09/30/18 13:52 Motorist Aid 2018074301 Medical - Unknown WCSOP1802957UNKNOWN 2018076458 Death Investigation -Suicide WCSOP18030 MMUNKNOWN 2018072212 Juvenile - Runaway 2018072429 2018073624 2018074596 2018074757 2018076032 2018076564 2018077992 MVA - Extrication; Medical - Unknown Total: 1 09/04/18 23:47 MVA - Extrication; 2018070544 Agency Assist MVA - Hit & Run Total: 1 09/10/18 08:46 MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Injuries Total: 3 09/14/18 20:13 MVA - Injuries 09/17/18 20:19 MVA - Injuries 09/22/18 14:49 MVA - Injuries MVA - No Injuries Total: 22 09/01/18 13:44 MVA - No Injuries 2018072115 MVA - Hit & Run 2018073451 MVA - Injuries 2018074312 Agency Assist 2018075671 MVA - Injuries 2018069518 Agency Assist WCSOP18028 M 911 1 ISSPE MOTORAID ne MOTORAI D MOTORAID MOTORAIDicer MOTORAID ne MOTORAID MOTORAIDicer WCSOP18028114 911 MVAEX RI; WCSOP180287pVAHR WCSOP18029 PNNIAINJ911 WCSOP18029 MV911 AINJ WCSOP180301-Q3 VAINJ911 WCSOP180277 O VA ZU=RCHER Page 17 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time 09/04/18 13:44 09/04/18 16:10 09/06/18 15:41 09/08/18 13:54 09/11/18 21:13 09/13/18 10:42 09/14/18 11:39 09/15/18 15:00 09/16/18 11:51 09/16/18 16:13 09/19/18 10:53 09/19/18 19:48 09/20/18 07:09 09/21/18 12:33 09/21/18 16:43 09/22/18 17:54 09/25/18 17:35 09/25/18 18:23 09/26/18 17:14 09/27/18 11:00 09/27/18 16:05 Initial Call MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries CFS # 2018070403 2018070439 2018071011 2018071669 2018072585 2018072966 2018073292 2018073652 2018073896 2018073958 2018074735 2018074848 2018074950 2018075311 2018075378 2018075713 2018076558 2018076571 2018076856 2018077066 2018077155 Final Incident MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Agency Assist MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Neighborhood Dispute Total: 2 09/12/18 15:24 Neighborhood Dispute 2018072752 Neighborhood Dispute 09/26/18 17:40 Neighborhood Dispute 2018076866 Neighborhood Dispute Noise Total: 6 Case Number Codes How Reported MVA WCSOP18028 MVA WCSOP18028 MVA WCSOP18028V1 VA WCSOP18028 97 MVA WCSOSR018 MVA 6 WCSOP180291 7 VA WCSOP18029 02 MVA WCSOP18029 MVA WCSOP18029 MVA WCSOP18029 MVA WCSOP18029 MVA WCSOP18029�21 VA WCSOP18029 MVA WCSOP18029 MVA WCSOP18030 MVA WCSOP18030 MVA WCSOP18030 MVA WCSOP18030Ul VA WCSOSR018 306 0 MVA 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WCSOP18028WOIGHBDISPe WCSOP18030WRIGHBDISP 09/01/18 01:21 Noise 2018069403 Noise WCSOP18027681 NOISE 09/01/1814:09 Noise 2018069525 Noise WCSOP18027736 NOISE 09/02/18 01:06 Noise 2018069735 Noise WCSOP18027i3OISE 09/15/18 22:04 Noise 2018073785 Noise WCSOP18029351 NOISE 09/24/18 20:35 Noise 2018076333 Noise WCSOP18030385 NOISE 09/28/18 22:12 Noise 2018077591 Noise WCSOP18030W8ISE Noise; Check Welfare Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 18 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/27/18 13:48 Noise; Check Welfare 2018077117 Noise WCSOP18030C�73ISE; CHMELF Noise; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 09/02/18 17:16 Noise; Dispatch - CAD 2018069886 Noise WCSOP18027Vb5ISE; ghonISP8AD Off -Road Vehicle Complaint Total: 1 09/05/18 18:19 Off -Road Vehicle 2018070746 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint WCSOP180282_OR2V 911 Open Door - Window Total: 3 09/01/18 05:27 Open Door - Window 2018069430 Open Door - Window WCSOP18027 955EN 911 OP 09/09/18 01:59 Open Door - Window 2018071847 Open Door - Window WCSOP18028 OPgEN 09/09/18 02:07 Open Door - Window 2018071849 Open Door - Window WCSOP18028 OPEN Officer Ordinance Violation Total: 4 09/06/18 11:10 Ordinance Violation 2018070943 Ordinance Violation WCSOP18028?7RDINANCE 09/06/18 11:24 Ordinance Violation 2018070950 Ordinance Violation WCSOP18028278 09/14/18 12:45 Parking 2018073305 Civil Complaint ORDINANCE 09/30/18 09:48 Ordinance Violation 2018077943 Ordinance Violation WCSOP18030991 09/21/18 13:57 Parking 2018075330 Parking ORDINANCE 09/30/18 09:55 Ordinance Violation 2018077944 Ordinance Violation WCSOP18030993 Phone Call Total: 7 ORDINANCE Parking Total: 4 09/05/18 09:09 Parking 2018070609 Parking WCSOP18028 PARKINgG 09/08/1818:29 Parking 2018071739 Parking WCSOP180285P6A1 RKINgG1 09/14/18 12:45 Parking 2018073305 Civil Complaint WCSOP18029' 6ARKING11 09/21/18 13:57 Parking 2018075330 Parking WCSOP18029 PARKING Phone Call Total: 7 09/05/18 19:35 Phone Call 2018070768 Other PH 09/08/18 16:13 Phone Call 2018071704 Other PH 09/10/18 19:18 Phone Call 2018072277 Other PH 09/12/18 16:15 Phone Call 2018072770 Phone PH 09/19/18 19:14 Phone Call 2018074834 Other PH 09/27/18 21:59 Phone Call 2018077269 Other PH 09/28/18 18:12 Phone Call 2018077508 Phone PH Phone Call; Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 1 09/01/18 13:34 Phone Call; Suspicious 2018069515 Phone Call WCSOP18027732 Phone PH; SUSPCIRC Probation Check Total: 7 09/07/18 10:42 Probation Check 2018071275 PROB ZU=RCHER Page 19 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/07/18 10:55 09/24/18 06:28 Probation Check 2018071277 09/07/18 11:22 Residential Medical Probation Check 2018071285 09/07/18 12:08 2018077357 Probation Check 2018071296 09/07/18 12:14 Probation Check 2018071300 09/07/18 13:29 Probation Check 2018071310 09/07/18 13:38 Probation Check 2018071313 Prowler Total: 1 09/07/18 00:17 Prowler Repossession Total: 4 09/01/18 04:19 Repossession 09/04/1811:00 Repossession 09/05/1813:31 Repossession 09/06/1815:07 Repossession Final Incident 2018071198 Prowler 2018069425 2018070358 2018070661 2018071001 Residential General Alarm Total: 3 Case Number Codes How Reported PROB PROB PROB PROB PROB PROB WCSOP18028NOWLER REPO REPO REPO REPO 09/20/18 14:08 Residential General 2018075044 Residential General Alarm WCSOP18029860 Phone ALARM 09/21/18 06:23 Residential General 2018075231 Residential General Alarm WCSOP18029922 Phone ALARM 09/27/18 18:07 Residential General 2018077199 Residential General Alarm WCSOP18030705 Phone ALARM Residential Medical Alarm Total: 4 09/21/18 16:17 Residential Medical 2018075370 Residential Medical Alarm 09/24/18 06:28 Residential Medical 2018076125 Residential Medical Alarm 09/24/18 10:38 Residential Medical 2018076182 Residential Medical Alarm 09/28/18 08:26 Residential Medical 2018077357 Residential Medical Alarm SIA Area Watch Total: 26 09/02/18 11:57 SIA Area Watch 09/02/18 12:16 SIA Area Watch 09/02/18 16:08 SIA Area Watch 09/06/18 11:31 SIA Area Watch 09/07/18 16:02 SIA Area Watch 09/07/18 18:32 SIA Area Watch 09/07/18 20:53 SIA Area Watch 09/10/18 14:36 SIA Area Watch 09/10/18 17:29 SIA Area Watch 2018069810 2018069815 2018069867 2018070954 2018071353 2018071410 2018071477 2018072187 2018072233 WCSOP18029 81Phone ALARM WCSOP18030 85Phone ALARM WCSOP18030 15Phone ALARM WCSOP18030 62Phone ALARM SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA Officer ZUERCHER Page 20 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/10/18 18:42 SIA Area Watch 2018072261 SIA 09/27/18 09:07 SIA Business Walk 2018077035 SIA 09/11/18 11:04 SIA Area Watch 2018072411 SIA 09/29/18 15:08 SIA Business Walk 2018077760 SIA 09/11/18 14:36 SIA Area Watch 2018072462 SIA 09/29/18 15:17 SIA Business Walk 2018077764 SIA 09/11/18 15:53 SIA Area Watch 2018072487 SIA SIA 09/13/18 14:27 SIA Area Watch 2018073015 SIA 09/14/18 13:52 SIA Area Watch 2018073320 SIA 09/16/18 15:23 SIA Area Watch 2018073944 SIA 09/16/18 17:05 SIA Area Watch 2018073978 SIA 09/16/18 17:34 SIA Area Watch 2018073986 SIA 09/20/1815:50 SIA Area Watch 2018075070 SIA 09/24/18 14:46 SIA Area Watch 2018076237 SIA 09/26/1814:34 SIA Area Watch 2018076813 SIA 09/28/18 13:04 SIA Area Watch 2018077428 SIA 09/28/18 14:49 SIA Area Watch 2018077459 SIA 09/29/18 10:38 SIA Area Watch 2018077689 SIA 09/29/18 15:12 SIA Area Watch 2018077762 SIA 09/29/18 15:38 SIA Area Watch 2018077769 SIA SIA Business Walk Through Total: 4 09/04/18 15:44 SIA Business Walk 2018070432 SIA 09/27/18 09:07 SIA Business Walk 2018077035 Officer SIA 09/29/18 15:08 SIA Business Walk 2018077760 WCSOP18029224 Officer SIA 09/29/18 15:17 SIA Business Walk 2018077764 SIA SIA Citizen Aid Total: 1 09/11/18 04:28 SIA Citizen Aid 2018072342 Officer SIA SIA Door Check Total: 2 09/25/18 02:29 SIA Door Check 2018076379 SIA 09/26/18 02:23 SIA Door Check 2018076699 SIA SIA Foot Patrol Total: 4 09/02/18 21:15 SIA Foot Patrol 2018069956 SIA 09/03/18 17:52 SIA Foot Patrol 2018070177 SIA 09/14/18 20:03 SIA Foot Patrol 2018073447 SIA Foot Patrol WCSOP18029224 Officer SIA 09/19/18 18:49 SIA Foot Patrol 2018074824 SIA ZUERCHER Page 21 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call SIA Parks Total: 24 09/02/18 06:32 SIA Parks 09/02/18 10:45 SIA Parks 09/02/18 11:14 SIA Parks 09/02/18 13:31 SIA Parks 09/02/18 14:58 SIA Parks 09/02/18 17:02 SIA Parks 09/06/18 13:24 SIA Parks 09/07/18 12:45 SIA Parks 09/07/18 17:38 SIA Parks 09/09/18 11:26 SIA Parks 09/11/18 11:56 SIA Parks 09/11/18 21:19 SIA Parks 09/15/18 15:00 SIA Parks 09/18/18 18:39 SIA Parks 09/19/18 20:29 SIA Parks 09/26/18 13:52 SIA Parks 09/27/18 11:12 SIA Parks 09/27/18 11:31 SIA Parks 09/28/18 12:07 SIA Parks 09/28/18 13:17 SIA Parks 09/28/18 20:49 SIA Parks 09/29/18 06:16 SIA Parks 09/29/18 17:17 SIA Parks 09/29/18 21:28 SIA Parks Sign - Signal Repair Total: 4 09/01/18 05:30 Sign - Signal Repair 09/02/18 00:27 Sign - Signal Repair 09/03/18 16:45 Sign - Signal Repair 09/20/18 11:44 Sign - Signal Repair Squad Damage Total: 1 09/23/18 20:45 Squad Damage CFS # 2018069767 2018069795 2018069803 2018069832 2018069846 2018069880 2018070980 2018071303 2018071389 2018071923 2018072421 2018072589 2018073651 2018074574 2018074864 2018076801 2018077072 2018077080 2018077419 2018077430 2018077563 2018077654 2018077791 2018077862 2018069431 2018069727 2018070156 2018075007 Final Incident 2018076060 MVA - No Injuries Case Number Codes How Reported SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIGNREPhone SIGNREPhone SIGNREP11 SIGNREPhone WCSOP1803025� S D -DAMAGE ZUERCHER Page 22 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Stolen - Vehicle Total: 3 09/01/18 04:59 Stolen - Vehicle 2018069427 09/10/18 09:03 Stolen - Vehicle 2018072121 09/23/18 15:29 Stolen - Vehicle 2018075975 Stoparm Violation Total: 4 09/12/18 17:33 Stoparm Violation 2018072786 09/14/18 14:52 Stoparm Violation 2018073339 09/22/18 02:25 Stoparm Violation 2018075561 09/24/18 18:21 Stoparm Violation 2018076298 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 20 09/01/18 09:25 Suspicious - 2018069456 09/01/18 10:42 Suspicious - 2018069484 09/02/18 11:18 Suspicious - 2018069805 09/03/18 20:43 Suspicious - 2018070228 09/05/18 12:54 Suspicious - 2018070656 09/05/18 15:21 Suspicious - 2018070689 09/06/18 16:57 Suspicious - 2018071045 09/06/18 23:01 Suspicious - 2018071181 09/07/18 18:18 Suspicious - 2018071403 09/11/18 09:11 Suspicious - 2018072388 09/16/18 17:56 Suspicious - 2018073990 09/17/18 12:26 Suspicious - 2018074207 09/17/18 17:23 Suspicious - 2018074272 09/18/18 11:56 Suspicious - 2018074462 09/22/18 01:39 Suspicious - 2018075552 09/23/18 14:17 Suspicious - 2018075965 09/24/18 17:06 Suspicious - 2018076276 09/25/18 14:16 Suspicious - 2018076487 09/25/18 23:30 Suspicious - 2018076666 09/29/18 03:53 Suspicious - 2018077646 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 22 09/01/18 01:30 Suspicious - Person - 2018069405 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP18027 S9T4OLVEpH1h1 Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP18028 STOLVEH one Civil Complaint WCSOP180302S1TOLVEH one Stoparm Violation WCSOP18028 ST87OPAROpther Stoparm Violation WCSOP18029 S7g TOPAR Other Stoparm Violation WCSOP18030 Suspicious - Circumstances STOPAR Cher Stoparm Violation WCSOP18030 Suspicious - Circumstances STOPAR Cher Suspicious -Circumstances Phone WCSOP18027 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances pPhh WCSOP18027720SPCIRCone SSSUUUSPCI Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 Phone RC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18027 S 9 U22SPCIp1 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18028 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18028 SUSPCIRC ne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18028 SU1Phone h ne SPCIg Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18028 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18028 SUSPCIRC ne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18028 SUgPhone SPCIp Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18029 SUSPCIRCone Traffic - Complaint 91 WCSOP18029 SUOSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances Phone WCSOP18029 SUgSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances pPh WCSOP18029 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances Phone WCSOP18030 SU3SPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances gPh WCSOP18030 SUgSPCIgRC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18030 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18030 SU5Phone h ne SPCI Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18030 SUgSPCIPhone RC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18030 SUSPCIgRC Suspicious -Person -Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUSPPV hone ZUERCHER Page 23 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/01/18 10:23 Suspicious - Person - 2018069478 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18027 SUSPPV hone TH 09/03/18 23:56 Suspicious - Person - 2018070280 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18028 SUSPPV hone WCSOP1802811TTIEFT Phone 09/04/18 13:51 Suspicious - Person - 2018070405 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18028 SUOSPPVhone 09/07/1811:25 Theft 2018071287 Theft 09/07/18 06:19 Suspicious - Person - 2018071229 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18028 SUSPPV hone THEFT 09/07/18 10:26 Suspicious - Person - 2018071270 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18028 SUSPPV hone WCSOP18028727 Phone 09/07/18 19:59 Suspicious - Person - 2018071446 Agency Assist WCSOP18028 SUSPPVPhone 09/11/1812:03 Theft 2018072424 Theft 09/09/18 15:18 Suspicious - Person - 2018071968 11 Residential Burglary WCSOP18028 SUSPP V 09/09/18 23:10 Suspicious - Person - 2018072054 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18028 SUSPPV hone WCSOP18029033 Phone 09/13/18 13:36 Suspicious - Person - 2018073001 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18029 SUSPPV hone 09/13/18 10:35 Theft 2018072963 Theft 09/13/18 13:42 Suspicious - Person - 2018073005 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18029 SUSPPV hone 2018075938 Civil Complaint WCSOP1803077EFT Phone 09/14/18 04:40 Suspicious - Person - 2018073222 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18029 SUSPPV hone 09/25/1819:21 Theft 09/16/18 10:06 Suspicious - Person - 2018073879 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18029 SUSPPV hone 09/20/18 19:18 Suspicious - Person - 2018075135 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029 SUSPPV hone 2018077718 Theft WCSOP180309902Phone 09/21/18 12:44 Suspicious - Person - 2018075312 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18029 SUSPPV11 THEFT 09/21/18 20:02 Suspicious - Person - 2018075447 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18030 SUSPPV hone 09/24/18 16:30 Suspicious - Person - 2018076269 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18030 SUSPPV hone 09/25/18 18:32 Suspicious - Person - 2018076577 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18030 SUSPPV hone 09/29/18 02:21 Suspicious - Person - 2018077638 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18030 SU5SPPV 11 09/29/18 11:19 Suspicious - Person - 2018077695 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18030 SUSPPV hone 09/29/18 20:02 Suspicious - Person - 2018077836 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18030 SUSPPV hone 09/30/18 01:15 Suspicious - Person - 2018077905 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18030 SUSPPV hone Theft Total: 10 09/06/1815:15 Theft 2018071004 Theft WCSOP18028299EFT Phone TH 09/06/1815:19 Theft 2018071006 Theft WCSOP1802811TTIEFT Phone 09/07/1811:25 Theft 2018071287 Theft WCSOP18028404 Phone THEFT 09/10/1811:20 Theft 2018072151 Theft WCSOP18028727 Phone THEFT 09/11/1812:03 Theft 2018072424 Theft WCSOP18028$WFIEFT 911 09/13/18 08:33 Theft 2018072932 Theft WCSOP18029033 Phone THEFT 09/13/18 10:35 Theft 2018072963 Theft pEF5T WCSOSR0180TH0 F5 09/23/18 12:31 Theft 2018075938 Civil Complaint WCSOP1803077EFT Phone 09/25/1819:21 Theft 2018076596 Theft WCSOP18030497 Phone THEFT 09/29/1812:49 Theft 2018077718 Theft WCSOP180309902Phone THEFT ZU=RCHER Page 24 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Theft - From Vehicle Total: 4 09/13/18 00:33 Theft - From Vehicle 2018072880 Suspicious -Circumstances WCSOP18029016EFTEPhone 09/16/18 02:18 Theft - From Vehicle 2018073848 Suspicious -Circumstances WCSOP18029V, ,-?,SFT\/PHone 09/22/18 08:41 Theft - From Vehicle 2018075590 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18030058 911 09/04/18 19:57 Theft - Shoplifting 2018070497 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTVEH 09/23/18 11:43 Theft - From Vehicle 2018075928 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP1803019HEFTEPhone 09/05/18 20:49 Theft - Shoplifting 2018070797 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGAS Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 9 09/08/18 19:51 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018071755 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP1802856HEFTGA1 09/11/18 08:38 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018072379 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18028834 911 09/04/18 19:57 Theft - Shoplifting 2018070497 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGAS 09/12/18 14:20 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018072736 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18028954 911 09/05/18 20:49 Theft - Shoplifting 2018070797 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGAS 09/22/18 11:18 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018075619 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18030071 09/06/18 20:20 Theft - Shoplifting 2018071126 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGAS 09/24/18 18:40 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018076303 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18030384 911 09/09/18 13:23 Theft - Shoplifting 2018071946 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGAS 09/26/18 18:16 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018076878 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18030590 911 09/17/18 14:42 Theft - Shoplifting 2018074240 Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGAS 09/28/18 14:53 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018077460 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP180308REFTG9AlS 09/28/18 14:53 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018077461 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18030808 911 THEFTGAS 09/29/18 18:37 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018077811 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18030936 911 THEFTGAS Theft - Shoplifting Total: 15 09/01/18 16:37 Theft - Shoplifting 2018069558 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18027 THEFTSHO ne 09/03/18 06:43 Theft - Shoplifting 2018070038 Theft - Shoplifting WCSO P 1 8027YPI EFTS%ope 09/04/18 19:57 Theft - Shoplifting 2018070497 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18028 THEFTSHO ne 09/05/18 20:49 Theft - Shoplifting 2018070797 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18028 THPhone EFTSPho 09/06/18 20:20 Theft - Shoplifting 2018071126 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP1802811 43HHEFTA101 P 09/09/18 13:23 Theft - Shoplifting 2018071946 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18028 THEFTSHO ne 09/17/18 14:42 Theft - Shoplifting 2018074240 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18029,53H911 r EFT 09/18/18 15:16 Theft - Shoplifting 2018074510 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18029q, WEFTS%ope 09/19/18 13:07 Theft - Shoplifting 2018074755 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18029 5EFTSHO ne 09/22/18 18:16 Theft - Shoplifting 2018075727 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18030 T5gne HEFTSHO 09/24/18 18:06 Theft - Shoplifting 2018076295 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP1803047EFTS%ope 09/26/18 14:55 Theft - Shoplifting 2018076818 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18030 THEFTSHO ne 09/26/18 22:08 Theft - Shoplifting 2018076951 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP1803061�EFTSHOne 09/28/18 22:09 Theft - Shoplifting 2018077590 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18030$&9 FTS%ope 09/30/18 11:49 Theft - Shoplifting 2018077965 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18031 THEFTSHO ne Threats Total: 8 ZU=RCHER Page 25 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 09/06/18 12:09 Threats 2018070960 Threats ggHow WCSOP18028282TH REATS 1 09/08/1810:39 Threats 2018071632 Threats WCSOP18028513 911 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027Y6 Phone 09/02/18 19:30 THREATS 09/12/18 15:53 Threats 2018072763 School Threats WCSOSRO18028967 Traffic - Complaint 2018070189 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027 T 7 THREATS 09/15/18 23:37 Threats 2018073816 Threats WCSOP18029F1REATS one 09/03/18 20:16 Traffic - Complaint 2018070219 Traffic - Complaint 09/20/1814:00 Threats 2018075040 Threats WCSOSRO18029859 Pursuit WCSOP18028Y1 Phone 09/05/18 18:44 THREATS 09/20/1815:18 Threats 2018075065 Threats WCSOSRO18029869 THREATS 09/21/18 03:13 Threats 2018075223 School Threats WCSOP180299r1,6REATS one 911 09/25/1813:58 Threats 2018076482 Harassment WCSOP18030451 Phone Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18028587 911 09/08/18 22:24 THREATS Traffic - Complaint Total: 38 09/01/18 19:13 Traffic - Complaint 2018069599 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180277T76 Phone 09/02/18 09:42 Traffic - Complaint 2018069783 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027Y6 Phone 09/02/18 19:30 Traffic - Complaint 2018069917 Noise WCSOP18027Y3 Phone 09/03/18 18:23 Traffic - Complaint 2018070189 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027 T 7 Phone 09/03/18 20:16 Traffic - Complaint 2018070219 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18027Y5 911 09/05/18 05:58 Traffic - Complaint 2018070568 Pursuit WCSOP18028Y1 Phone 09/05/18 18:44 Traffic - Complaint 2018070753 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18028 T 6 Phone 09/06/18 11:27 Traffic - Complaint 2018070952 911 T 09/08/18 22:17 Traffic - Complaint 2018071805 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18028587 911 09/08/18 22:24 Traffic - Complaint 2018071808 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18028 T 2 Phone 09/09/18 02:55 Traffic - Complaint 2018071860 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18028Y2 Phone 09/11/18 10:39 Traffic - Complaint 2018072403 Traffic - Complaint WCSOSRO180�8840 Phone 09/11/18 13:34 Traffic - Complaint 2018072436 Drugs WCSOP18028 T 6 Phone 09/12/18 07:49 Traffic - Complaint 2018072656 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18028Y6 Phone 09/12/18 17:25 Traffic - Complaint 2018072783 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18028V7 911 09/13/18 12:57 Traffic - Complaint 2018072994 Traffic - Complaint WCSOSRO180T29062 09/14/18 00:35 Traffic - Complaint 2018073199 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP180291T24 911 09/15/18 09:01 Traffic - Complaint 2018073561 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180299764 Phone 09/15/18 13:44 Traffic - Complaint 2018073626 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029 T 4 911 09/15/18 21:00 Traffic - Complaint 2018073754 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP1802941 Phone 09/16/18 02:21 Traffic - Complaint 2018073849 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029F Phone 09/16/18 12:58 Traffic - Complaint 2018073911 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029 T 3 Phone 09/16/18 14:19 Traffic - Complaint 2018073924 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029 T 1 Phone ZUERCHER Page 26 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/16/18 20:56 Traffic - Complaint 2018074048 DUI WCSOP18029 T 1 911 2018074711 Traffic - Hazard WCSOCVL180�.9` 7AZARD one 09/24/18 16:24 Traffic - Hazard 2018076265 09/16/18 21:09 Traffic - Complaint 2018074056 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029 T 2 911 THAZARD 09/30/18 18:13 Traffic - Hazard 2018078058 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18031 Qr3gAZARD one 09/18/18 15:52 Traffic - Complaint 2018074524 Agency Assist WCSOP18029 T 8 Phone Traffic - Hazard; Animal 2018072668 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP180289r29 Phone AZARD: ANIMAL 09/01/18 19:47 Traffic Stop 09/18/18 18:08 Traffic - Complaint 2018074565 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029(95 Phone 09/19/18 12:54 Traffic - Complaint 2018074751 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029 T 4 911 Officer TS 09/19/18 13:37 Traffic - Complaint 2018074760 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18029 T 8 Phone TS 09/01/18 20:51 Traffic Stop 09/20/18 08:13 Traffic - Complaint 2018074962 911 TS ZUERCHER T Page 27 of 37 09/25/18 16:08 Traffic - Complaint 2018076523 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18030 T 7 911 09/25/18 18:36 Traffic - Complaint 2018076580 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18030 T 0 Phone 09/26/18 15:27 Traffic - Complaint 2018076831 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18030, 66 Phone 09/26/18 20:02 Traffic - Complaint 2018076915 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18030 T 3 911 09/28/18 09:24 Traffic - Complaint 2018077373 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18030 T 1 Phone 09/28/18 22:17 Traffic - Complaint 2018077593 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18030Y4 Phone 09/29/18 12:07 Traffic - Complaint 2018077704 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18030 T 8 Phone 09/30/18 19:37 Traffic - Complaint 2018078075 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18031 T 4 Phone Traffic - Hazard Total: 4 09/12/18 13:09 Traffic - Hazard 2018072721 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP1802894HAZgARDone 09/01/18 11:42 Traffic Stop 2018069493 Officer 09/19/18 09:15 Traffic - Hazard 2018074711 Traffic - Hazard WCSOCVL180�.9` 7AZARD one 09/24/18 16:24 Traffic - Hazard 2018076265 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18030353 Phone TS THAZARD 09/30/18 18:13 Traffic - Hazard 2018078058 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18031 Qr3gAZARD one Traffic - Hazard; Animal Total: 1 2018069554 Officer 09/12/18 09:01 Traffic - Hazard; Animal 2018072668 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP180289r29 Phone AZARD: ANIMAL Traffic Stop Total: 304 09/01/18 00:16 Traffic Stop 2018069394 Drugs WCSOP18027675 TTS Officer 09/01/18 11:42 Traffic Stop 2018069493 Officer 09/01/18 11:43 Traffic Stop 2018069494 Officer TS 09/01/18 12:00 Traffic Stop 2018069497 Traffic Stop WCSOP180277.4 Officer 09/01/18 16:05 Traffic Stop 2018069554 Officer TS 09/01/18 19:47 Traffic Stop 2018069617 Officer TS 09/01/18 20:10 Traffic Stop 2018069623 Officer TS 09/01/18 20:32 Traffic Stop 2018069636 Officer TS 09/01/18 20:51 Traffic Stop 2018069647 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 27 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/01/18 21:28 Traffic Stop 2018069667 Officer TS 09/01/18 22:44 Traffic Stop 2018069688 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18027 T9S4 Officer 09/01/18 22:50 Traffic Stop 2018069690 Officer TS 09/01/18 23:38 Traffic Stop 2018069703 Officer TS 09/01/18 23:44 Traffic Stop 2018069705 Officer TS 09/01/18 23:45 Traffic Stop 2018069706 Officer TS 09/01/18 23:55 Traffic Stop 2018069713 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027Y ITS Officer 09/01/18 23:58 Traffic Stop 2018069714 Officer 09/02/18 00:06 Traffic Stop 2018069717 Officer TS 09/02/18 00:19 Traffic Stop 2018069724 Officer TS 09/02/18 00:26 Traffic Stop 2018069726 Officer TS 09/02/18 00:44 Traffic Stop 2018069731 Officer TS 09/02/18 05:17 Traffic Stop 2018069759 Drugs WCSOP18027Y Officer 09/02/18 12:01 Traffic Stop 2018069812 Officer TS 09/02/18 12:09 Traffic Stop 2018069814 Officer TS 09/02/18 12:50 Traffic Stop 2018069821 Officer TS 09/02/18 13:19 Traffic Stop 2018069829 Officer TS 09/02/18 14:59 Traffic Stop 2018069847 Officer TS 09/02/18 15:20 Traffic Stop 2018069854 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027Y Officer 09/02/18 16:23 Traffic Stop 2018069871 Officer TS 09/02/18 18:22 Traffic Stop 2018069902 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 T7S7 Officer 09/02/18 18:38 Traffic Stop 2018069906 Officer TS 09/02/18 19:03 Traffic Stop 2018069910 Officer TS 09/02/18 20:48 Traffic Stop 2018069948 Officer TS 09/02/18 23:52 Traffic Stop 2018069989 Officer TS 09/02/18 23:55 Traffic Stop 2018069994 Officer TS 09/03/18 00:16 Traffic Stop 2018069996 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 TS5 Officer 09/03/18 00:55 Traffic Stop 2018070007 Officer TS 09/03/18 01:11 Traffic Stop 2018070013 Officer TS 09/03/18 01:14 Traffic Stop 2018070015 Officer TS 09/03/18 01:44 Traffic Stop 2018070019 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027 T2S3 Officer 09/03/18 10:46 Traffic Stop 2018070062 Officer TS 09/03/18 11:06 Traffic Stop 2018070066 TS ZUERCHER Page 28 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/03/18 13:18 Traffic Stop 2018070104 Officer TS 09/03/18 14:20 Traffic Stop 2018070117 Officer TS 09/03/18 16:26 Traffic Stop 2018070153 Officer TS 09/03/18 17:42 Traffic Stop 2018070172 Officer TS 09/03/18 17:55 Traffic Stop 2018070178 Officer TS 09/03/18 18:14 Traffic Stop 2018070186 Officer TS 09/03/18 19:59 Traffic Stop 2018070213 Traffic Stop WCSOP18027Y54 Officer 09/03/18 20:47 Traffic Stop 2018070234 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 TS Officer 09/04/18 02:18 Traffic Stop 2018070298 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 TS7 Officer 09/04/18 10:30 Traffic Stop 2018070348 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028Y Officer 09/04/18 10:49 Traffic Stop 2018070353 Officer TS 09/04/18 11:09 Traffic Stop 2018070362 Officer TS 09/05/18 05:37 Traffic Stop 2018070566 Officer TS 09/05/18 11:51 Traffic Stop 2018070643 Officer TS 09/05/18 12:29 Traffic Stop 2018070648 Officer TS 09/05/18 12:40 Traffic Stop 2018070651 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T6S1 Officer 09/05/18 20:50 Traffic Stop 2018070799 Officer TS 09/05/18 23:09 Traffic Stop 2018070828 Officer TS 09/06/18 00:52 Traffic Stop 2018070841 Officer TS 09/06/18 01:05 Traffic Stop 2018070843 Officer TS 09/06/18 01:56 Traffic Stop 2018070854 Officer TS 09/06/18 04:48 Traffic Stop 2018070863 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP180282F Officer 09/06/18 08:09 Traffic Stop 2018070895 Officer TS 09/06/18 12:04 Traffic Stop 2018070958 Officer TS 09/06/18 12:33 Traffic Stop 2018070965 Officer TS 09/06/18 13:13 Traffic Stop 2018070976 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T8S8 Officer 09/06/18 13:45 Traffic Stop 2018070986 Officer TS 09/06/18 13:59 Traffic Stop 2018070988 Officer TS 09/06/18 23:54 Traffic Stop 2018071191 Officer TS 09/07/18 01:35 Traffic Stop 2018071212 Officer TS 09/07/18 01:41 Traffic Stop 2018071215 Officer TS 09/07/18 07:22 Traffic Stop 2018071235 Officer TS 09/07/18 09:30 Traffic Stop 2018071258 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T8S9 Officer ZUERCHER Page 29 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/07/18 10:16 Traffic Stop 2018071266 Officer TS 09/07/18 10:26 Traffic Stop 2018071269 Officer TS 09/07/18 10:35 Traffic Stop 2018071273 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T9S8 Officer 09/07/18 12:00 Traffic Stop 2018071295 Officer TS 09/07/18 18:18 Traffic Stop 2018071404 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T5S7 Officer 09/07/18 18:45 Traffic Stop 2018071418 Officer TS 09/07/18 19:18 Traffic Stop 2018071433 Officer TS 09/07/18 19:34 Traffic Stop 2018071438 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T6S9 Officer 09/07/18 19:49 Traffic Stop 2018071443 Officer TS 09/07/18 20:57 Traffic Stop 2018071482 Officer TS 09/07/18 23:09 Traffic Stop 2018071538 Officer TS 09/07/18 23:35 Traffic Stop 2018071546 Officer TS 09/08/18 12:07 Traffic Stop 2018071647 Officer TS 09/08/18 15:54 Traffic Stop 2018071699 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 TS Officer 09/09/18 00:32 Traffic Stop 2018071827 Officer TS 09/09/18 00:33 Traffic Stop 2018071828 Officer TS 09/09/18 00:50 Traffic Stop 2018071830 Officer TS 09/09/18 01:28 Traffic Stop 2018071838 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T9S7 Officer 09/09/18 01:42 Traffic Stop 2018071843 Officer TS 09/09/18 03:01 Traffic Stop 2018071861 Officer TS 09/09/18 05:05 Traffic Stop 2018071870 Officer TS 09/09/18 10:07 Traffic Stop 2018071899 Officer TS 09/09/18 10:23 Traffic Stop 2018071902 Officer TS 09/09/18 10:27 Traffic Stop 2018071904 Officer TS 09/09/18 10:53 Traffic Stop 2018071912 Officer TS 09/09/18 21:01 Traffic Stop 2018072036 Officer TS 09/09/18 21:37 Traffic Stop 2018072041 Officer TS 09/09/18 21:47 Traffic Stop 2018072044 Officer TS 09/10/18 00:17 Traffic Stop 2018072058 Officer TS 09/10/18 07:31 Traffic Stop 2018072097 Traffic Stop WCSOP18028 T9S9 Officer 09/10/18 07:47 Traffic Stop 2018072100 Traffic Stop WCSOP180287T5 Officer 09/10/18 10:10 Traffic Stop 2018072133 Officer TS 09/10/18 11:04 Traffic Stop 2018072146 Officer TS ZU=RCHER Page 30 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/10/18 12:06 Traffic Stop 2018072163 Officer TS 09/10/18 12:53 Traffic Stop 2018072168 Officer TS 09/10/18 18:35 Traffic Stop 2018072258 Officer TS 09/10/18 20:15 Traffic Stop 2018072289 Officer TS 09/11/18 01:37 Traffic Stop 2018072325 Officer TS 09/11/18 01:52 Traffic Stop 2018072328 Officer TS 09/11/18 02:34 Traffic Stop 2018072334 Drugs WCSOP18028Y2 Officer 09/11/18 04:44 Traffic Stop 2018072343 Officer TS 09/11/18 11:50 Traffic Stop 2018072420 Officer TS 09/11/18 14:18 Traffic Stop 2018072456 Officer TS 09/11/18 14:29 Traffic Stop 2018072459 Officer TS 09/11/18 15:06 Traffic Stop 2018072477 Officer TS 09/11/18 17:39 Traffic Stop 2018072516 Officer TS 09/11/18 21:10 Traffic Stop 2018072580 Officer TS 09/11/18 21:54 Traffic Stop 2018072597 Officer TS 09/12/18 00:35 Traffic Stop 2018072630 Officer TS 09/12/18 01:09 Traffic Stop 2018072633 Drugs WCSOP18028 TS Officer 09/12/18 10:28 Traffic Stop 2018072687 Officer TS 09/12/18 10:35 Traffic Stop 2018072688 Officer TS 09/12/18 11:23 Traffic Stop 2018072700 Officer TS 09/12/18 11:37 Traffic Stop 2018072702 TS 09/12/18 11:37 Traffic Stop 2018072703 Officer TS 09/12/18 12:48 Traffic Stop 2018072716 Officer TS 09/12/18 13:12 Traffic Stop 2018072722 Officer TS 09/12/18 13:40 Traffic Stop 2018072730 Officer TS 09/12/18 14:37 Traffic Stop 2018072739 Officer TS 09/12/1817:29 Traffic Stop 2018072785 Drugs WCSOP18028T7S9 Officer 09/12/18 17:56 Traffic Stop 2018072794 Officer TS 09/12/18 21:03 Traffic Stop 2018072838 Officer TS 09/12/18 21:13 Traffic Stop 2018072841 Officer TS 09/12/18 21:24 Traffic Stop 2018072846 Officer TS 09/12/18 21:39 Traffic Stop 2018072850 Officer TS 09/12/18 21:39 Traffic Stop 2018072851 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 31 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/12/18 21:56 Traffic Stop 2018072854 09/12/18 22:11 Traffic Stop 2018072856 09/13/18 00:26 Traffic Stop 2018072878 09/13/18 02:32 Traffic Stop 2018072895 09/13/18 13:02 Traffic Stop 2018072997 09/13/18 16:45 Traffic Stop 2018073063 09/13/18 17:07 Traffic Stop 2018073070 09/13/18 18:44 Traffic Stop 2018073091 09/13/18 19:03 Traffic Stop 2018073094 09/13/18 20:17 Traffic Stop 2018073125 09/13/18 20:28 Traffic Stop 2018073129 09/13/18 20:33 Traffic Stop 2018073131 09/13/18 20:58 Traffic Stop 2018073140 09/13/18 21:02 Traffic Stop 2018073141 09/13/18 21:21 Traffic Stop 2018073150 09/13/18 21:32 Traffic Stop 2018073154 09/13/18 21:40 Traffic Stop 2018073159 09/13/18 21:52 Traffic Stop 2018073166 09/13/18 22:03 Traffic Stop 2018073170 09/13/18 22:06 Traffic Stop 2018073172 09/13/18 22:11 Traffic Stop 2018073173 09/13/18 23:21 Traffic Stop 2018073193 09/13/18 23:28 Traffic Stop 2018073194 09/14/18 01:45 Traffic Stop 2018073211 09/14/18 10:07 Traffic Stop 2018073263 09/14/18 11:06 Traffic Stop 2018073280 09/14/18 11:19 Traffic Stop 2018073285 09/14/18 13:30 Traffic Stop 2018073315 09/14/18 19:13 Traffic Stop 2018073432 09/14/18 23:37 Traffic Stop 2018073503 09/15/18 01:46 Traffic Stop 2018073529 09/15/18 09:43 Traffic Stop 2018073568 09/15/18 10:34 Traffic Stop 2018073583 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported TS Officer TS Officer TS Officer Officer Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop Traffic Stop TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS WCSOP18029 1 TS TS TS WCSOP18029 1 TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS WCSOP18029 3 TS TS WCSOP18029 TS TS Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer ZUERCHER Page 32 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/15/18 11:58 Traffic Stop 2018073596 Officer TS 09/15/18 12:35 Traffic Stop 2018073605 Officer TS 09/15/18 12:47 Traffic Stop 2018073607 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029 T8S5 Officer 09/15/18 14:48 Traffic Stop 2018073646 Traffic Stop WCSOP180292? Officer 09/15/18 16:46 Traffic Stop 2018073680 Officer TS 09/15/18 16:55 Traffic Stop 2018073683 Officer TS 09/15/18 17:22 Traffic Stop 2018073693 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029Y Officer 09/15/18 21:33 Traffic Stop 2018073767 Officer TS 09/16/18 11:12 Traffic Stop 2018073887 Officer TS 09/16/18 14:28 Traffic Stop 2018073928 Officer TS 09/16/18 15:55 Traffic Stop 2018073952 Officer TS 09/16/18 16:21 Traffic Stop 2018073960 Officer TS 09/16/18 16:28 Traffic Stop 2018073964 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029 T2S8 Officer 09/16/18 16:41 Traffic Stop 2018073971 Officer TS 09/16/18 17:01 Traffic Stop 2018073976 Officer TS 09/16/18 17:50 Traffic Stop 2018073989 Officer TS 09/16/18 22:48 Traffic Stop 2018074082 Officer TS 09/16/18 22:52 Traffic Stop 2018074083 DUI WCSOP18029T7S1 Officer 09/17/18 01:43 Traffic Stop 2018074113 Officer TS 09/17/18 16:49 Traffic Stop 2018074265 Officer TS 09/18/18 13:07 Traffic Stop 2018074481 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029 T5S3 Officer 09/18/18 13:39 Traffic Stop 2018074487 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029Y Officer 09/18/18 14:38 Traffic Stop 2018074496 Officer TS 09/18/18 23:50 Traffic Stop 2018074640 Officer TS 09/19/18 00:05 Traffic Stop 2018074645 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029 TS Officer 09/19/18 02:12 Traffic Stop 2018074666 Officer TS 09/19/18 05:49 Traffic Stop 2018074680 Officer TS 09/19/18 08:07 Traffic Stop 2018074695 Officer TS 09/19/18 08:13 Traffic Stop 2018074697 Officer TS 09/19/18 08:23 Traffic Stop 2018074700 Officer TS 09/19/18 08:40 Traffic Stop 2018074702 Officer TS 09/19/18 19:07 Traffic Stop 2018074830 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029 T8S8 Officer 09/19/18 19:24 Traffic Stop 2018074838 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 33 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/19/18 19:28 Traffic Stop 2018074840 Officer TS 09/19/18 19:31 Traffic Stop 2018074842 Officer TS 09/19/18 19:45 Traffic Stop 2018074846 Officer TS 09/19/18 20:40 Traffic Stop 2018074865 Officer TS 09/19/18 23:44 Traffic Stop 2018074912 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029 TS Officer 09/20/18 02:11 Traffic Stop 2018074935 Officer TS 09/20/18 10:00 Traffic Stop 2018074983 Officer TS 09/20/18 10:09 Traffic Stop 2018074986 Officer TS 09/20/18 11:01 Traffic Stop 2018074999 Officer TS 09/20/18 18:51 Traffic Stop 2018075125 Officer TS 09/21/18 10:12 Traffic Stop 2018075277 Traffic Stop 3S8 WCSOP180299T Officer 09/21/18 10:43 Traffic Stop 2018075285 Officer TS 09/21/18 10:58 Traffic Stop 2018075288 Traffic Stop WCSOP18029M Officer 09/21/18 10:59 Traffic Stop 2018075289 Officer TS 09/21/18 16:21 Traffic Stop 2018075373 Officer TS 09/21/18 21:07 Traffic Stop 2018075470 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030Y Officer 09/21/18 21:09 Traffic Stop 2018075473 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 11 Officer TS 09/21/18 21:37 Traffic Stop 2018075485 Officer TS 09/21/18 21:42 Traffic Stop 2018075487 Officer TS 09/21/18 22:53 Traffic Stop 2018075503 Traffic Stop 2S3 WCSOP180300T Officer 09/21/18 23:14 Traffic Stop 2018075507 Officer TS 09/21/18 23:34 Traffic Stop 2018075511 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030Q2S7 Officer 09/22/18 00:10 Traffic Stop 2018075524 Officer TS 09/22/18 00:28 Traffic Stop 2018075532 Officer TS 09/22/18 01:09 Traffic Stop 2018075544 Officer TS 09/22/18 11:49 Traffic Stop 2018075627 Officer TS 09/22/18 19:52 Traffic Stop 2018075757 Officer TS 09/22/18 20:19 Traffic Stop 2018075767 Officer TS 09/22/18 20:39 Traffic Stop 2018075773 Officer TS 09/22/18 21:11 Traffic Stop 2018075790 Officer TS 09/22/18 21:21 Traffic Stop 2018075799 Officer TS 09/22/18 21:34 Traffic Stop 2018075806 Officer TS 09/22/18 21:39 Traffic Stop 2018075807 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 34 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/22/18 21:47 Traffic Stop 2018075810 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030155 TITS Officer 09/22/18 23:54 Traffic Stop 2018075841 Officer 09/23/18 00:18 Traffic Stop 2018075846 Officer TS 09/23/18 00:30 Traffic Stop 2018075851 Officer TS 09/23/18 00:54 Traffic Stop 2018075857 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 T6S6 Officer 09/23/18 01:09 Traffic Stop 2018075860 Officer TS 09/23/18 02:13 Traffic Stop 2018075873 Officer TS 09/23/18 02:58 Traffic Stop 2018075878 Officer TS 09/23/18 13:24 Traffic Stop 2018075948 Officer TS 09/23/18 13:41 Traffic Stop 2018075955 Officer TS 09/23/18 15:06 Traffic Stop 2018075971 Officer TS 09/23/18 16:57 Traffic Stop 2018076004 Officer TS 09/23/18 19:55 Traffic Stop 2018076046 Officer TS 09/23/18 20:19 Traffic Stop 2018076052 Officer TS 09/23/18 20:27 Traffic Stop 2018076054 Officer TS 09/23/18 22:00 Traffic Stop 2018076075 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 T6S2 Officer 09/23/18 23:17 Traffic Stop 2018076093 Officer TS 09/24/18 02:00 Traffic Stop 2018076108 Officer TS 09/24/18 02:16 Traffic Stop 2018076111 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18030 T7S7 Officer 09/24/18 10:22 Traffic Stop 2018076175 Officer TS 09/25/18 02:05 Traffic Stop 2018076377 Officer TS 09/25/18 14:00 Traffic Stop 2018076484 Officer TS 09/25/18 23:36 Traffic Stop 2018076668 Officer TS 09/25/18 23:56 Traffic Stop 2018076672 Officer TS 09/26/18 00:18 Traffic Stop 2018076679 Officer TS 09/26/18 10:11 Traffic Stop 2018076741 Officer TS 09/26/18 13:03 Traffic Stop 2018076788 Officer TS 09/26/18 21:20 Traffic Stop 2018076937 Officer TS 09/26/18 23:00 Traffic Stop 2018076965 Officer TS 09/26/18 23:15 Traffic Stop 2018076969 Officer TS 09/27/18 07:20 Traffic Stop 2018077006 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030Y Officer 09/27/18 10:10 Traffic Stop 2018077050 Officer TS 09/27/18 13:10 Traffic Stop 2018077104 Officer TS ZU=RCHER Page 35 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/27/18 14:25 Traffic Stop 2018077128 Traffic Stop WCSOP1803N55 Officer 09/27/18 14:34 Traffic Stop 2018077130 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 T7S6 Officer 09/27/18 15:49 Traffic Stop 2018077151 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 T8S2 Officer 09/27/18 16:06 Traffic Stop 2018077157 Traffic Stop WCSOP180306P4 Officer 09/27/18 16:16 Traffic Stop 2018077161 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 T8S6 Officer 09/27/18 16:31 Traffic Stop 2018077164 Officer TS 09/27/18 17:00 Traffic Stop 2018077175 Officer TS 09/27/18 19:26 Traffic Stop 2018077230 Officer TS 09/27/18 23:51 Traffic Stop 2018077291 Officer TS 09/28/18 00:14 Traffic Stop 2018077293 Officer TS 09/28/18 00:27 Traffic Stop 2018077297 Officer TS 09/28/18 01:21 Traffic Stop 2018077311 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 TS4 Officer 09/28/18 11:44 Traffic Stop 2018077409 Officer TS 09/28/18 12:00 Traffic Stop 2018077416 Officer TS 09/28/18 16:33 Traffic Stop 2018077486 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030 T2S3 Officer 09/28/18 19:53 Traffic Stop 2018077541 Officer TS 09/28/18 20:35 Traffic Stop 2018077554 Officer TS 09/28/18 23:39 Traffic Stop 2018077617 Officer TS 09/29/18 09:54 Traffic Stop 2018077679 Officer TS 09/29/18 10:49 Traffic Stop 2018077691 Officer TS 09/29/18 11:14 Traffic Stop 2018077694 Officer TS 09/29/18 12:24 Traffic Stop 2018077709 Officer TS 09/29/18 12:25 Traffic Stop 2018077710 Officer TS 09/29/18 12:33 Traffic Stop 2018077712 Officer TS 09/29/18 13:06 Traffic Stop 2018077720 Officer TS 09/29/18 13:14 Traffic Stop 2018077722 Officer TS 09/29/18 13:21 Traffic Stop 2018077725 Officer TS 09/29/18 13:29 Traffic Stop 2018077728 Traffic Stop WCSOP18030Y7 Officer 09/30/18 02:39 Traffic Stop 2018077919 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18030 T7S7 Officer 09/30/18 10:09 Traffic Stop 2018077947 Officer TS 09/30/18 17:52 Traffic Stop 2018078049 Officer TS Training Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 36 of 37 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/07/18 11:28 Training 2018071290 11 TRAINING Trespass Total: 1 09/02/18 20:05 Trespass 2018069931 Civil Complaint WCSOP18027WES 911 Unwanted Person Total: 7 09/07/18 14:54 Unwanted Person 2018071329 Unwanted Person WCSOP18028422 911 WATTEMpPT 09/09/18 12:21 UNWANTED 09/09/18 12:10 Unwanted Person 2018071930 Unwanted Person WCSOP18028631 Phone UNWANTED 09/14/18 15:11 Unwanted Person 2018073353 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18029 gWANTED WATTEMPT 09/18/18 09:52 UN 09/17/18 17:06 Unwanted Person 2018074269 Unwanted Person WCSOP18029558 Phone WATTEMpPffT 09/22/18 18:02 Warrant - Attempt 2018075718 Warrant - Arrest UNWANTED 09/25/18 20:50 Unwanted Person 2018076621 Civil Complaint WCSOP18030 WATTEMT 09/25/18 00:04 UNWANTED 09/26/18 19:38 Unwanted Person 2018076903 Unwanted Person WCSOP18030�9,fWANPho e 09/29/18 23:30 Unwanted Person 2018077890 Unwanted Person WCSOP18030964 Phone UNWANTED Unwanted Person; 911 Open Line Total: 1 09/23/18 22:15 Unwanted Person; 911 2018076079 Unwanted Person WCSOP18030266 911 UNWANTED; 911 OPEN Unwanted Person; Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 1 09/30/18 01:27 Unwanted Person; 2018077906 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18030970 Phone UNWANTED; MPSYCH Walk Away Total: 1 g 09/17/18 04:33 Walk Away 2018074119 Missing Person WCSOP18029 WALKAWAY Warrant - Arrest Total: 2 09/10/18 02:05 Warrant - Arrest 2018072067 Drugs WCSOP18028%9 RRESp Ticer 09/20/18 16:53 Warrant - Arrest 2018075092 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18029 78 Officer Warrant - Attempt Total: 9 09/02/18 19:33 Warrant - Attempt 2018069918 WATTEMpPT 09/09/18 12:21 Warrant - Attempt 2018071932 WATTE Officer 09/11/18 14:45 Warrant - Attempt 2018072467 WATTEMPT 09/16/18 14:38 Warrant - Attempt 2018073930 er WATTEMPT 09/18/18 09:52 Warrant - Attempt 2018074426 WATTEMpPffT 09/22/18 18:02 Warrant - Attempt 2018075718 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18030�ATTEMP�er 09/24/18 10:50 Warrant - Attempt 2018076185 er WATTEMT 09/25/18 00:04 Warrant - Attempt 2018076367 Officer WATTEMO 09/26/18 10:48 Warrant - Attempt 2018076750 WATTEMP�er Total Records: 1069 ZU=RCHER Page 37 of 37 T Y 7856 FA O Y 2018 Review New Justice Center Construction Began May 2018 �'''1���•..-°_ ...... � �_-,�,.{err■ � i ;� New Justice Center Building will house: District Court Administration I County Attorney's Office Nine Court Rooms Probation Services Holding Cells for Courts Directly connected to Law Enforcement Center Justice Center • Building will be approximately 147,000 GSF • Cost is estimated just under $47,000,000 • Projected completion in Q1 of 2020 • County Board has approved a 20 -year bond at a rate of 3.09% 2018 County Budget 2018 budget was set at $126,252,299 2018 levy was $62,680,533 a 7.73% increase Tax capacity growth absorbed 7.07% of levy increase County Technology Wright County is strengthening management of technology projects This process identified shortfalls and areas that need to be addressed: 1.) Lack of technology staff to meet County departments' needs 2.) Lack of a cohesive platform to exchange information internally within the County. Looking at ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system County Ditch Management • In Q4 of 2017 County Board approved the hire of County Ditch Coordinator Matt Detjen • Begun the process of redeeming benefited rolls on 16 of the 43 county ditches • Decades -old ditch records have been located and are being scanned and filed in the drainage database system • 10 ditch repair projects have been started or completed in 2018 Currently Working On Future of current Government Center in downtown Buffalo I A potential partnership with the FBI and Wright County in building a Law Enforcement Training Center A compensation and classification study to address county wages and job descriptions in comparison with surrounding counties to help attract and retain talented employees Future Challenges Increase of out -of -home placements of children in Wright County due to opioid use The future of the Monticello Nuclear Power Plant Early closure or loss of re -licensure in 2030 Property tax reduction via tax court Loss of jobs to citizens in the County Increasing needs for multi-level mental health facilities and care within or near the county 2019 Budget Forecast • 2019 budget was set at $147,090,953 • 2019 levy $78,801,861 which is a 17.30% preliminary levy increase • Tax capacity growth estimated at 7.17% of levy increase Why Increase Now? Many factors driving the 2019 levy increase • Fund capital improvement projects without using reserves • Need to attract and retain employees within the County • The prior inaction on building needs within the County • Financial models show us these issues will compound if not dealt with now Growth Population forecast increase of 26% in the next 20 years Per capita spending among 10th lowest, while county is 10th largest Can't stay at the bottom for spending, and be at top for growth Growth increases tax base, yet increases needs — careful balance Be forward -thinking vs reactive - establish long-term solutions How Did We Get Here;) - 0 W Py 01 j"!CjK,.,K .a. PEJ". r..twaso • ermc B 03542754 F - i r ?54 F Y y J3. i . r use 0f Fuad Preapproved Preapproved St Er f New Debt Comp/Class Balance Wages/BeriefFts Debt Service Requests Service & fnsura€i ce Other 3,020,061 2,747,490 1,374,450 1,0460,421 2!100,000 2,500,000 53,749 1 1 1 1 F I 1 1 1 } T F R I 1 , , I ' ' ' Coun Wright County Stearns County Sherburne County Benton County How Do We Stack Up? 39.9 52.5 50.8 64.3 Levy EQ� Net Tax Capacity 44.0 51.1 48.0 61.0 o Tax Rate What Does This Mean? Proposed increase would impact a residential property with a w w taxable value of $290,000 by $120.74 Commercial property with a taxable value of $327,300 would see WWI an increase of $240.65 Apoir-A Agriculture property with a taxable value of $340,300 would see an increase of $70.65 Questions