HRA Agenda 05-06-1998 . . . AGE A MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RE! EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 6, 1998 ~ 7:00 p.m. City H 1 MEMBERS: Chair Steve Andrews, Vice Chair B b Murray, Brad Barger, Darrin Lahr, and Dan Frie. STAFF: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Exec tive Director Ollie Koropchak. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE J ARY 7,1998, APRIL 1,1998, AND ~ APPRIL 15, 1998 HRAMINUTES. \~. (b6f:.i t^ CONSIDERATION OF ADDING ITEMS 0 THE AGENDA. W\~~ ~ C 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. 3. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE ARE OLULTION ADOPTING THE MODIFIED PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND ESTABLISHMENT AND ADOPTION 0 THE PLAN FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1~23. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE RMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVEL PMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND ALLIED COMPANIES, LLC. 5. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FR M THE MCP RELATING TO THE USE OF THE HRA LOT ON WEST BROADW A . 7. CONSIDERATION OF INTEREST TO P OVlDE TIF ASSISTANCE TO DIVERSIFOAM PRODUCTS. 8. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR FOLLOW UP ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE ASSESSED VALUE AND CERTIF D REAL ESTATE VALUE FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-18. 9. CONSIDERATION OF INTEREST TO 516 MAPLE STREET. CHASE THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE L ST OF SITE LOCATORS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS FOR INVITE TO GOLF OUT G AND OTHER RELATED PLANS. 11. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ISCUSS TIF POLICIES FROM THE CITY OF SA V AGE AND APPOINT TWO CO SSIONERS TO PREP ARE A DRAFT COpy OF TIF POLICIES FOR REVIEW. . . . 12. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE P A NT OF MONTHLY HRA BILLS. 13. CONSIDERATION OF EXECUTIVE DI CTOR'S REPORT. 14. CONSIDERATION OF COMMITTEE RE ORTS: a) Small Group Community Center - B b Murray b) MCP - Steve Andrews c) Marketing - Darrin Lahr d) Golf Outing - Dan Frie 15. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Council priority list - suggest HRA dditions for 1999. b) CounciVcommissions meeting - Thu sday, May 21,6:00 p.m. c) Next regular HRA meeting - Wedne day, June 3, 7:00 p.m. 16. ADJOURNMENT. . . i. MINU MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RE EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, Aprill, 1998 M 7:00 p.m. City H MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Brad Barger, Vi e Chair Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Bob Murray, and Dan Frie. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Brian Stumpf STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Ko opchak. GUESTS: Mike Cyr and Pat Benoit, Front Pore Associates. Paul Ederers, Allied Companies Steve Krenz, Midwest Graphics Rita Ulrich, MCP 1. Call to order. Chair Barger called the annual meeting ofth BRA to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. 4 r Steve Andrews made a motion to approve e February 4, 1998 BRA minutes. Seconded by Dan Frie and with no corrections or addi . ons, the minutes were approved as written. Darrin Lahr made a motion to approve the ebruary 11, 1998 HRA minutes. Seconded by Bob Murray and with no corrections or add' ions, the minutes were approved as written. Steve Andrews made a motion to approve e March 4, 1998 BRA minutes. Seconded by Darrin Lahr and with no corrections or addi . ons, the minutes were approved as written. 3. Consideration of addini aienda items. Koropchak: added to items to the agenda: a Subordination Agreement and b) Diversifoam Products. 4. Steve Krenz of Midwest Graphics, the pro sed tenant of the 60,000 sq ft manufacturing facility, informed HRA of the pending new ontracts and need for expansion. Immediate 1 . HRA MINUTES APRIL 1, 1998 lease of the total 60,000 sq ft by Midwest aphics depends upon finalization of the new business contracts. The building may be Ie sed in two phases of30,000 sq ft each with total occupancy by Midwest Graphics in tw years. The total sixty-thousand sq ft will be constructed initially. Krenz anticipates ret ning his existing building to the south which currently employs 40-50 individuals (full-' e). Krenz likes Monticello because of the local work force and the availability of affo dable new housing for two-income families. In response to the request for the level of T assistance needed to make the project work? Ederers responded the numbers hav not been defined; however, the assistance will pass through to the tenant. Again, Alli d Companies will construct and lease the building to Midwest Graphics. The "but fo ' finding will be provided by the tenant. The project will create 37 new jobs with averag wages between $8.00 to $12.00 over two years. HRA members determined the proposed . ed/Midwest Graphics project complies with items 1, 2, 3, 7,8, and 9 of the Local TIF P licies. Having received the executed Pre-TIF Agreement and the $5,000 check, Steve ews made a motion to authorize establishment ofTIF District No. 1-23, an conomic District, for Allied Properties. Brad Barger seconded the motion. The HRA ele ed to contribute 50% of the 10% Local Match and requested the City Council at th . April 13 meeting consider contributing the remaining 50%. If the local match is made, the City is then exempt from the HACA Penalty of approximately 30% of the tax in rement. With no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. . 5. Mike Cyr of Front Porch informed commis ioners as to the project background and its development stating initially they planned t construct 7 units of twinhomes on four vacant lots. The project grew to 13 units tough the encouragement of city staff thereby creating a nice neighborhood for the city. e proposed project would have an internal private driveway system for accessibility to the rear garages. It was suggested Front Porch acquire the BN right of way and con ruct a collector pathway along the railroad, the city vacate 5 Street, and the HRA assi with acquisition of the house at the requested assistance amount of $60,000. The purcha e agreement offer between Front Porch and the seller included waiving the relocation b nefits. The proposed project area has no city utility lines along 5 Street causing an incre e in the project costs. The asking price per unit is $129,000 and targeted for empty ne ters. Cyr said he would submit a proforma tomorrow. A TIF housing district is suggested as the oject doesn't meet the findings for a redevelopment district. In a housing distri the facilities are intended to be occupied by persons or families oflow and moderate in orne. The income levels for Wright County are . 2 . HRA MINUTES APRIL 1, 1998 in the MplslSt. Paul MSA and for owner-oc pied units at least 95% ofthe units must initially be purchased by persons ofless than or equal to $60,800 (annual gross income) for two persons or 115% if3 or more perso s. Comments ofHRA members: The project ti s in nicely with Bauer's project along 4 Street. Does the lIRA have dollars availabl to purchase the parcel? With the completion of Cub and the community center, the propo ed project and area should see an increase in value making the project feasible with or wi out TIP assistance. Would like to see redevelopment of blighted areas. An assistance level of $60,000 results in 6 ore tax payers and a total of 1.7 million dollars for the 13 units. The developer stat the 13 units is not doable without TIP assistance. Frie agreed with the concept an felt the project met the local policy for housing by encouraging infill in the area su ounding the CCD. Barger had a problem providing TIP assistance for housing proje s with qualifying income levels of $60,800 for two when the median family income level fo Monticello is approximately $35,000 annually. Who would be the next residenti . developer for TIP assistance? . Wally Croudon whose son owns the home roposed for acquisition informed commissioners of the removal to waive the elocation costs from the purchase agreement until such time the entitled relocation benefi costs were established. He continued stating six months ago they had looked into redev opment of a near area and found the demolition and acquisition costs to exceed he asset of the project. Bob Murray made a motion to table any a . on until a project proforma was submitted and to call a special meeting. Dan Frie seconde the motion and with no further discussion, the motion failed. Yeas: Murray and Frie. ays: Andrews, Lahr, and Barger. Damn Lahr made a motion to deny autho' tion to establish TIP District No 1-24, a housing district, for Front Porch, Inc. Re on for denial: Lack ofHRA General Funds, unknown relocation costs, owner-occupie housing income levels outside local housing objectives, and a seven-unit project is doab e without TIP assistance. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further scussion, the motion passed. Yeas: Lahr, Andrews, and Barger. Nays: Murray. Ab ention: Frie. All lIRA commissioners were supportive of Front Porch and liked the pr ~ect. 6. n v . Rita Ulrich, MCP Manager, informed co 'ssioners as part of the revitalization plan the time has come for development of the ret I shopping district. In addition to office space, what can Monticello support? A presenta ion was made by McComb Group, Inc. to the 3 . HRA MINUTES APRIL 1, 1998 MCP-ER based on a market evaluation com leted for Newton, Iowa. The cost to prepare the study was estimated between $30,000-$ 0,000 and takes 3-4 months to complete. The MCP looks at this as a summer project d plans to solicit funding. A local government agencies may be requested to ap ly for a grant through the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund. Barger asked if the Hoisington Study did no include a market study? Rita responded they had hoped but it did not include: What kind f products? What do people shop for in St. Cloud? How will Cub change the market? drews felt the study could help the HRA and serve as a linkage for redevelopment. B ger felt the estimated $30,000 was high particularly when the HRA funded a $80,00 study. He suggested contacting a university. Lahr questioned "With the limited amount 0 rental space available in downtown or available land, where could we put retail?" Rita informed the commissioners she would be back in a month and this was meant as' oOllational and to plant a seed. 7. n r . HRA commissioners discussed their availab e time to volunteer and agreed to rotate the HRA officers among commissioners sugges ing the vice-chair move up to chair. Brad Barger made a motion nominating Steve drews as Chair and Bob Murray as Vice Chair for 1998. Damn Lahr seconded the motio and with no other nominations from the floor, the motion passed unanimously. Damn Lahr made a motion to elect Steve drews as Chair and Bob Murray as Vice Chair for 1998. Brad Barger seconded the otion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Brad Barger made a motion to appoint Ric W olfsteller as treasurer and Ollie Koropchak as secretary of the HRA for 1998. Bob M rray seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously Bob Murray made a motion to appoint the ollowing commissioners: Steve Andrews to MCP, Steve Andrews to Community Cent r Task Force, Brad Barger and Darrin Lahr to Marketing Committee, and Bob Murray to Community Center Small Group. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 8. . . I VI Fund and TIF Fund. . I HRA Treasurer Wolfsteller explained that IF-Debt Service Fund is an accountability of . 4 . HRA MINUTES APRIL 1, 1998 the bonds issued and the annual debt service, the revenues are transfers from the BRA Fund and the bond payment is made in Feb ary of each year. After the February 1, 1998, the December 31, 1997 cashflow bal ce of $297,000 will be reduced to about zero. The BRA Fund Sununary is an accountabilit of all TIF districts showing tax increment revenues and expenditures including both inemalloans and transfer to the TIF-Debt Service Fund. The December 31, 1997 cas I ow balance of $280,000 does not include the 1998 budget items totaling $200,000 plus th 1997 Industrial Reserve Fund of $75,000. In sununary, the BRA is not cash flush. Bo Murray made a motion to accept the 1997 year-end financial report for the BRA Geneal Fund and TIF Fund. Seconded by Brad Barger and with no further discussion, the otion passed unanimously. The commissioners elected not to forward the y ar -end reports to the City Council. 9. . Bob Murray submitted a copy of the certifie real estate value and the assessor's estimated market value as of March 31, 199 for TIF District No. 1-18. The reimbursement payment is scheduled to co ence in August 1998. He noted the inconsistency and pointed out the $96,500 MY of the one twinhome unit. Murray requested modification of the agreement to se the certified real estate value as the determining criteria rather than the assessed value. Brad Barger made a motion requesting city staff to contact the County sessor for an explanation of the inconsistency of the assessed value. Steve drews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed. Yea : Barger, Andrews, Lahr, and Frie. Nays: None. Abstention: Murray. 10. 'h BRA members agreed and showed interest 0 co-sponsor the golf outing with the Chamber and to invite industrial site locato s or developers to Monticello for a morning city tour and lunch prior to the 1 :00 p.m. g If outing. The BRA plans to purchase x amount of tickets for a gratis invitation to evelopers, locators, and etc. Lahr views this as promoting goodwill and Frie thought it as a great idea. Steve Andrews made a motion appointing Commissioner Dan Frie as the BRA liaison to assist with coordination of the golf outing. Seconded by Brad Bar er and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 11. n Damn Lahr made a motion to table review and discussion of TIF Policies from the City of . 5 . I. . HRA MINUTES APRll.. I, 1998 12. 13. 14. Savage. Steve Andrews seconded the motio and with no discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Steve Andrews made a motion to authorize ayment of the BRA monthly bills. Seconded by Dan Frie and with no discussion, the moti n passed unanimously. x The commissioners accepted the written rep rt. Consideration of committee re.ports: a) MCP - Steve Andrews informed co . ssioners that the ER group is working on the probability of a marketing study d expressed the need for volunteers for tree planting, Saturday, Apri125. b) Marketing Committee - Darrin Lahr ormed commissioners that Don Smith, Dick Van Allen, Brad Barger, Lahr, and oropchak met once. The group reviewed the plans of the HRA and IDC for dupli ation. Smith will summary for comments by the group. c) Community Center Small Group - U er groups are being interviewed and fine tuning of financial numbers is forthc ming. 15. Other Business: a) Subordination Agreement for BBF roperties Inc. - Koropchak reiterated Attorney Bubul concerns with the S ordination Agreement which states the BRA warrants the building and site plans ave been approved, the lIRA has no right to terminate the contract, and the can not modify the contract without the consent of the lender. Brad Barger ade a motion granting Attorney Bubul power of attorney to finalize the agreement representing the interest of the HRA. Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with 0 further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. b) Diversiform Products - lIRA co . ssioners were asked of their interest to use TIF assistance for the manufacturer f foam products. Assuming the construction ofa 100,000 sq ft tip-up panel man acturing facility, it is estimated the total NPV tax increment over 9 years is $600, 00. The company request free land. Dan Frie made a motion suggesting a consist t use of tax increment, 50% of the increment. Assistance subject to exterior mat ai, wage levels, more information, and a tour of the facility by lIRA members. B. ad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion pass unanimously. 6 . '. . HRA MINUTES APRIL 1, 1998 16. Adjournment. The HRA meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. ~~ HRA Ch QJ~-:u \(,CI\~QSL--. Executive Director 7 . . :... \ MINU S MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RE EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, April 15, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. City H I MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Steve Andrews, Vice Chair Bob Murray, Brad Barger, Damn Lahr, and Dan Frie. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Brian STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie K ropchak. 1. Call to Order. Chair Andrews called the special BRA meet ng to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Tabled. 3. Consideration of addin2 agenda items. With all members present at the special me " g, Koropchak added three items to the agenda: a) Potential housing district. b) Ha kins house demolition. c) Golf outing. 4. i r n I II within TIF District No. 1-22. Koropchak informed BRA members of a v ice mail message from Greg Hayes, Shingobee, Inc., withdrawing from the age da and apologizing for the short notice. Following a meeting within Shingobee the revious evening, the company elected to withdraw the proposed project from the agenda for a couple of reasons and expressed the need for approval of the requ sted $150,000 up-front TIF assistance. Koropchak attempted to contact Hayes to ncourage attendance giving lIRA members the opportunity to consider action for TIF assi ance. Koropchak was unable to directly connect with Hayes. Bruce Hamond, a property owner at 232 est Broadway, informed commissioners of his planned improvements to his building and fhis conversations with Hayes for a future 1 . HRA MINUTES APRIL 15, 1998 parking/driveway circulation system. As a roperty owner and neighbor, Hamond was supportive of the proposed Shingobee proje for the following reasons: a terrific addition to West Broadway, long-term impact, proje costs not overstated but not understated, and the gas station is not going anywhere. amond asked the following questions: Does Monticello want to work with Shingobee? I this project a catalyst for future redevelopment of downtown? Perhaps the s uare foot lease may be excessive? HRA members agreed to keep the communi ation lines open. Lahr questioned: How many years, ten or twenty, before the taxing .urisdictions reap the benefit of new taxes? What about the next developer and its cost? Frie expressed perhaps a larger project utilizing a greater amount ofland would red ce the gap. Murray questioned: What's the likelihood of a combination up-front and pa -as-you-go assistance? Koropchak indicated a number of funding combinations or option are available. Koropchak will continue the attempt to rea Hayes for additional information as to the withdrawal of the project and to encourage ontinuation of working with the BRA 5. . Commissioners Lahr and Murray and IDC embers Doty and Maus visited Diversifoam in Rockford on Tuesday. Murray noted two rengths of the company: excellence management and growth company. The pri ately held company is computerized, exercises quality control, recycles waste, the air emission permit is issued on a per site basis. Lahr informed members Diversifo manufactures two types of foam products. The products consume space not weight th efore the need for storage both inside and outside. With the management jobs to re . in Rockford, Lahr had concern with the unskilled wages projected for Monticello d the amount of required outdoor storage. What does Diversifoam bring to the comm . ty? If the city-owned parcel in the township is oned commercial, the company's second choice is the parcel to the west which is pr posed for industrial use in the south and west corridor amendment. A utility feasibility dy has been ordered by Council with the anticipated completion May 11. The PI g Commission will consider amending the Comprehensive Plan to include the south d west corridor on May 5. Perhaps, Diversifoam could serve as an archer for d velopment of the south and west industrial area and the TIF could be used for develo ent of the infrastructure mentioned Lahr. The IDC will discuss Diversifoam in the m ming. Three members expressed no interest to pr vide assistance and two expressed interest. After further discussion, Darrin Lahr made a motion that yes, the lIRA has preliminary ". 2 . HRA MINUTES APRU. 15, 1998 interest in utilizing TIF. Bob Murray seco ed the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 6. With no estimated costs for the site improv ments, no action was required. 7. n Properties, Inc., and US Bank Koropchak outlined the changes within the nc1osed, executed Subordination Agreement as prepared and negotiated by lIRA Attorn y Bubul. Bubul suggested the lIRA ratify the executed agreement. Bob Murray made a otion ratifying the execution of the Subordination Agreement between the BBF Properties, Inc., and US Bank. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no fu her discussion, the motion passed unanimously. een Acres" bill, informational only. 8. . 9. ~ lIRA members were informed that the acq isition price of the parcel was $50,000 (raw land) and the appraised value was $37,700. The commissioners agreed that the lIRA was interested in selling; however, they request d a proposal for development of the parcel or parcel plus adjoining parcels. No dispositi n price was discussed. 10. Other Business. a) Housing District - lIRA members ere asked of their interest to provide TIF assistance for a senior housing proj ct associated with the development of the St. Henry's campus. The concept wou d be the same as Mississippi Shores. Mr. Allan Black who marketed Mississi pi Shores is part of the team for development of the housing within the church c pus. Koropchak received a telephone call from Mr. Black yesterday requestin an interest in the use ofTIF and will be meeting with city staff next week e . plaining the proposed development project. Subject to the Housing District me ing the requirements of a "Qualified Housing District" and noting the need for m re information, lIRA members agreed and I. 3 . . . lIRA MINUTES APRIL 15, 1998 expressed an interest in project. B ce Hamond indicated the Hospital District was aware of the proposed project. Perhaps Mississippi Shores and the proposed senior housing project could share p ovided health care services. b) Hawkins House - Closing set for M y 1. It is understood the Fire Department has expressed an interest to utilize the p operty for a controlled bum or drill. c) Golf Outing - Koropchak informed members that the Chamber Golf Outing on June 10 is a fundraiser for the C ber. BRA members requested a list of potential invites as guest of the City. List available for the May meeting. The purpose of the invites is to mar et the City of Monticello for development. 11. Adjournment The lIRA meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. HRA~~~ 0J~~~~ HRA Executive Director 4 . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 4. A. Reference and Background. Ehlers and Associates distributed the TIF PI n for TIF District No. 1-23 to the taxing jurisdictions on April 24, 1998. The jurisdi ions have 30 days to make comments. You will note within the Plan, the budget and T cashflows are inflated. Ehlers elects to do so in order to prevent any future need to m dify the plan caused by expansion and it is far better to be over -budget than under -budget. As you recall, for an economic district 20% of the tax increment can be spend outside t district but within the project. Ten percent of the 20% is earmarked for administration xpense, the remaining 10% will be earmarked for public improvements. District No. 1-23 is being created as an eco omic district with a life duration of 11 years for Allied Companies LLC. The 60,000 sq manufacturing facility will be leased to Midwest Graphics with an option to purcha e. Allied Companies will submit a proforma as findings for the "but for" test. Midwest aphics may provide additional support. Midwest also agreed to a wage level of at last 160% of the federal minimum wage requirement ($8.24 per hour) for at least 90% of their employers. The Planning Commission on May 5 will c nsider approval of a resolution finding the TIF Plan to be in compliance with the Compreh nsive Plan. The TIF process is on schedule with the public hearing and approval by Cit Council scheduled for May 26. The lIRA and City Council agreed to share the 10% local match for a 50/50 split. The local match must come from non-restrictiv funds (General Fund). Making the 10% local match exempts the City from the 30% HA A Penalty. The next agenda item addresses the level 0 TIF assistance. Enclosed is a copy of the resolution for approval. The TIF Plan is at ached as Exhibit A. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve a resolution a opting the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redev opment Project No.1; and establishing TIF District No. 1-23 therein and adop ng the related TIF Plan therefor. 2. A motion to deny approval of the r solution ................... 1 . . . HRAAGENDA MAY 6, 1998 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: It is hoped the building and site plans will be submitted to the Building Department and the proforma submitted to the lIRA Office . or to the lIRA meeting. Recommendation is alternative no. 1. If the proforma has not een submitted, subject the motion to review and satisfaction of the proforma. D. StlPPortini Data: Resolution for adoption and Exhibit A., the IF Plan. A copy of the modified Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 PI is available for review in the HRA office. 2 APR 28 '98 09:31AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.7/8 . /j"'L~':" : :;:') >C::"",:!~,',,'::,,":_;.';'^,'.'~ ' , ;,:~",.,..,;F.' .. . ;01'- ~~" ", /:~~S;> ,:,1 ...:' :,1 <>>,,~~~Ltt~~N ADOYfING THE MODIFI ATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT ~>;::~N"FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO RE EVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1; AND ",:/:", ~ltABLlSHING TAX INCREMENT FIN NCINC DlSl'RICT NO. 1.23 THERIN :;,,;:;;,: . "",:'AND ADOPTING THE RELATED TA INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN '~;:ii~i;ij:1'" THEREFOR. MONTICELLO HOUSING AND R nEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF MO TlCELLO WRIOHTC UNTY STATEOFM ESOTA .II.,> . RESOLUTION N . WHEREAS. it ha<; been proposed that the Bo' of Commissioners (the "Board") of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA)" for the City of onticello (the "City") adopt the Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevel pment Project No.1 and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-23 and adopt the Tax lncremen Financing Plan therefor, (collectively. the "Plans"). all pursuant to and in confonniLy with existing law, inc ding Minnesota Statures, Sections 469.001 through 469.047. and Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, a! amended, all as reflected in the Plans and presented for the Board's consideration; and WHEREAS, the HRA has investigated the fac. s relating to the Plans and has caused the Plans to be . prepared; and WHEREAS, the proposed developments as des ribed in the Pllllls, in the opinion of the HRA, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through priv te investment within the reasonable foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is d moo necessary; and WHEREAS, the liRA has performed all action' required by law to be perfonned prior to the adoption of tht: Plans, but not limited to, notification of Wrigh County and School District No. 882 having taxing jurisdiction over the propeny to be included in Tax Incr ment Financing District No. 1.23. a request for review of ,md written comment on the Plans by the City PI ning Commission, and a request that the Council schedule a public hearing on the Plans upon publishe notice as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bo d as follows: I. The HRA hereby finds thal Tax Incl'el ent Financing District No. 1.23 is in the public interest and is an "economic development district" under Minn sOta StatuteS. Section 469.174, subd. 12, and finds that the adoption of the proposed 'Plans will advance the A's and Gty's objectives of encouraging development within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No 1. 2. Conditioned upon the approval ther: of by the City Council following its public hearing thereon. the Plans, as presented to the HRA on this d te,are hereby approved, established and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office of the City Admin straIor. . 3. Upon approval of the Plans by the ity Council, the staff, the HRA'~ advisors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to procc:ed with t e implementation of the plans and for this purpose Lo N;\MINNSU1'A\MONTICI;.L\TIFl.23\HRA.RES . . . RPR 28 '98 09:32RM EHLERS & RSSOCIRTES P.8/8 negotiate, draft. prepare and present to this Board for its onsideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and COIlD'acts necessary for thi,~. purpose. Approval of e plans does not constitute approval of any project or a Development Agl!e,~~t'With any developer. ,<'.:."" >..;,'~j::::,~.:?:.,..~ .:;. ~~.. 4, Up~:;~~provaH)f the Plan!; by the City Council, the Executive Director of the HRA is authorized to fOJW'!!9"li::!?:9.PY of the Plans to the Wrig t County Auditor and the Minnesota Department of Revenue pursu~;~9~'~n~e'sotaStatutes 469.175. subd'vision 2. .\ . ". ",<::,:~"', :",~:~,,;:):'1.Y . <:,:;;:;;;:~p~~~yed!by the :So~ of Commissioners of th Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority thiS ,.",:" :~" ~Y' of , 1998. ,(~~~,.r- \l";:':~':,:i" !' !, ~ ' :..1<: -'_"""._;'->; \..:.::.:::~;,../"'" Chair ATTEST: Secretary N:\MINNSOT A IMON"rlCEL\TIF1.23\Hl/.^.IlllS . . . . E~~"b..t aA Draft as of April 24, 1998 Draft for fiscal implications correspondence TAX INCREMENT INANCING PLAN for the estab ishment of TAX INCREMENT FINAN ING DISTRICT NO. 1-23 (an economic dev lopment district) CENTRAL MONTICELLO RED VELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 MONTICELLO HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF M NTICELLO WRIGHT OUNTY STATE OF INNESOTA Public Hearing: May 26, 1998 Adopted: Prepar d by: EHLERS & ASS CIA TES, INC. 3060 Centre ointe Drive Roseville, Minnesota 55113-1105 Phone: (61 ) 697-8500 Fax: (612) 697-8555 E-mail: info@hlers-inc.com Web Site: www ehlers-inc.com . . . , ec on 24-6. Suection 24-7. tlbsection 24-8. ubsection 24-9. Subsection 24-10. Subsection 24-11. Subsection 24-12. S u bsecti on 24-13. Subsection 24-14. Subsection 24-15. Subsection 24-16. Subsection 24-17. Subsection 24-18. Subsection 24-19. Subsection 24-20. Subsection 24-21. Subsection 24-22. Subsection 24-23. Subsection 24-24. Subsection 24-25. Subsection 24-26. Subsection 24-27. Subsection 24-28. Subsection 24-29. Subsection 24-30. TABLE OF (jor reference p rposes only) PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-1 Statement of Objectives .. ..................................... 24-1 Redevelopment Plan Overvi w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-1 Legal Description of Prope y in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-23 24-2 Classification of Tax Incre ent Financing District No. 1-23 . . . . . . . . . . . .24-2 Original Tax Capacity and ax Rate .............................. 24-3 Estimated Captured Net Ta Capacity ValuelIncrement ............... 24-4 Property To Be Acquired . ..................................... 24-4 Uses of Funds . . . . . . . . .. ..................................... 24-5 Sources of Revenue/Bonde Indebtedness.......................... 24-5 Definition of Tax Incremen Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-6 Duration of Tax Increment inancing District No. 1-23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-6 Estimated Impact on Other axing Jurisdictions ..................... 24-6 Modifications to Tax Incre ent Financing District No. 1-23 . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-7 Administrative Expenses ....................................... 24-8 Limitation of Increment ........................................ 24-8 Use of Tax Increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-9 Notification of Prior Planne Improvements ....................... 24-10 Excess Tax Increments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-10 Requirements for Agreeme ts with the Developer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-10 Assessment Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-11 Administration of Tax Incr ment Financing District No. 1-23 . . . . . . . . . . 24-11 Financial Reporting Requir ments ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-11 Municipal Approval and P blic Purpose .......................... 24-11 Other Limitations on the U e of Tax Increment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-12 State Tax Increment Financ'ng Aid .............................. 24-13 County Road Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 24-13 Economic Development an Job Creation ......................... 24-14 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-14 APPENDIX A - BOUNDARY MAPS OF CENT MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCIN DISTRICT NO. 1-23 ................... A-I APPENDIX B - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROP RTY TO BE INCLUDED IN TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 0.1-23.............................. B-1 APPENDIX C - ESTIMATED CASH FLOW FOR T X INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-23 ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C-l APPENDIX D - MINNESOTA BUSINESS ASSIST NCE FORM (MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRADE NO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) . . . . . .. D-l . . . SECTIO XXIV TAX INCREMENT FINANC{NG PLAN FOR TAX NCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-23 "), the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA"), staff and e following information to xpedite the establishment of Tax Increment Financing ct No. 1-23"), an economic de elopment tax increment financing district, located in development Project No.1. Statutory Authority in ~l} City, there exist areas where public involve ent is necessary to cause development to occur. To t a: the City and HRA have certain statutory pow rs pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ("M.S. "), Sections 469.001 through 469.047, inclusive, as amended, and .S., Sections 469.174 through 469.179, inclusive, as amended (the "Tax Increment Financing Act" or "TIF ct"), to assist in financing public costs related to this project. This Section contains the Tax Increment Financing PI n (the "Plan") for District No. 1-23. Other relevant information is contained in the Modified Redevelopme t Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. Subsection 24.3. Statement of Objectives District No. 1-23 currently consists of 1 parcel of land and adjacent and internal rights-of-way. District No. 1-23 is created to facilitate construction of a 60,000 quare-foot qualified manufacturing and distribution facility in the City of Monticello to be owned by Allied and leased to Midwest Graphics, a printing and design firm. The 1998 Legislature has enacted a law which Hows development on parcels that qualify for "green acres" property tax status in the five years before fili g a request for certification, subject to certain wage, limits. The developer will be required to comply with ch limits under a development agreement. The goals will be outlined in a development agreement to be signe at a later date. This plan is expected to achieve many of the objectives outlined in the Modified Redevelopm nt Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. The activities contemplated in the present Modified edevelopment Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plan do not preclude the undertaking of other quali ed development or redevelopment activities. These activities are anticipated to occur over the life of Dis 'ct No. 1-23 and Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. Subsection 24-4. Redevelopment Plan Overview 1. Property to be Acquired - Selected pro erty located within District No. 1-23 may be acquired by the City or HRA and is furt er described in this Plan. 2. Relocation - Complete relocation service are available pursuant to M.S., Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. 3. Upon approval of a developer's plan relati g to the project and completion of the necessary legal requirements, the City or HRA may sell to a developer selected properties that they may acquire within District No. 1-23 or ay lease land or facilities to a developer. City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for T Increment Financing District No. 1-23 24-1 . . . 4. The City or HRA may perform or pr vide for some or all necessary acqulSltlOn, construction, rel<>9ation, demolition, and equired utilities and public streets work within District,?' ." M. The Ci:'; nfrastructure faciliti s within District No. 1-23 , no additional open space within o. 1-23, no environmen 1 controls specific to District No. 1-23, proposed reuse of/po perty as a production/w ehouse facility, and continued operation of Central ~o~i~e Redevelopment Project No. 1 after the capital improvements within Central . ~lo Redevelopment Project No. 5. Subsection 24-6. Classification of Tax Increment Financin District No. 1-23 The City and HRA, in determining the need to create a tax increment financing district in accordance with M.S., Sections 469.174 to 469.179, as amended, inclusi e, find that District No. 1-23, to be established, is an economic development district pursuant to M.S., Secti n 469.174, Subd. 12 as defined below: "Economic development district" means a type if tax increment financing district which consists of any project, or portions of a project, not meeting the requirements found in the definition of redevelopment district. renewal and renovation district, soils co dition district, mined underground space development district, or housing district, but which the auth rity finds to be in the public interest because: ( 1) it will discourage commerce, i dustry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state or mu icipality; or (2) it will result in increased employ ent in the state; or (3) it will result in preservation and nhancement of the tax base of the state. District No. 1-23 is in the public interest because it w'll meet the statutory requirements in clauses 2 and 3, Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 4(c) rev ue derived from tax increment from an economic development district may not be used to provide impro . ements, loans, subsidies, grants, interest rate subsidies, or assistance in any form to developments consisting of buildings and ancillary facilities, if more than 15 percent of the buildings and facilities (determined on th basis of square footage) are used for a purpose other than: (1) the manufacturing or production of tangi Ie personal property, including processing resulting in the change in condition of the property; (2) warehousing, storage, and distribution 0 tangible personal property, excluding retail sales; (3) research and development related to the ctivities listed in items (1) or (2); (4) telemarketing if that activity is the exclu ive use of the property; (5) tourism facilities; City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax crement Financing District No. 1-23 24-2 . (6) qualified border retail facilities; or (7) space necessary f r and related to the acti ities listed in items (I) and (6) The facilities in Distn1!t~. 3'eet the conditions f Purposes I, 2, and 7. Pursuant to M.S., S 69.176. Subd. 7, (a) The authority may request inclusion in a tax increment financing distric~t unty auditor may certify th original tax capacity of a parcel or a part of a parcel that qualified,Wl .... rovisions of Section 273.111 or 273.112 or chapter 473H for taxes payable in any of the five c"~ .~ears before the filing of the requ st for certification only for (1) a district in which 85 per d . 'of the planned buildings and faciliti s (determined on the basis of square footage) are a qu acturing facility or a qualified distributi n facility or a combination of both; or (2) a qualified ho ing !sinct as defined in Section 273.1399. Subd. , (b) (1) A distribution facility means buildings and . hrovements to real property that are used to conduct activities in at least each of the following es: (i) to store or warehouse tangible personal p operty; (ii) to take orders for shipment, mailing, or d livery; (iii) to prepare personal property for shipmen, mailing, or delivery; and (iv) to ship, mail or deliver property. (2) A manufacturing facility includes space use for manufacturing or producing tangible personal property, including processing resulting in the ch nge in condition of the property, and space necessary for and related to the manufacturing activities. . (3) To be a qualified facility, the owner or operator of a manufacturing or distribution facility must agree to pay and pay 90 percent or more of the employes of the facility at a rate equal to or greater than 160 percent of the federal minimum wage for indivi uals over the age of 20. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.177, subd. 1 (j), the 0 TC will be increased each year by a factor of which represents the average percentage increase in the esti ated market value of all property in District No. 1-23 during the five year period before certification of Distri t No. 1-23 (assessment years 1992 through 1997), not including the increase in market value that is attributabl to new construction, extension of sewer, water, roads, or other public utilities, or platting of the land. It is esti ated that the County Auditor will increase the ONTC 56.27 percent each year over the life of District No. -23, based on estimates from assessment years 1992 through 1997. The actual increase will be determined by the County Auditor. ate / Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. 7 and M.S., S ction 469.177, Subd. 1, the Original Net Tax Capacity (ONTe) as certified for District No. 1.23 is based on market values placed on the property by the assessor in 1997 fortaxes payable 1998. 1992/93 EMV 5,900 1997/1998 EMV 22,500 Incr ase % Increase A vg. Annual Increase 6,600 281.36% 56.27% Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.177, Subds. 1 and 2, th County Auditor shall certify in each year (beginning . in the payment year 1999) the amount by which the 0 . ginal value has increased or decreased as a result of: City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax crement Financing District No. 1-23 24-3 . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. change in tax exempt status of property; reduction or enla~gement of the geograph' c boundaries of the district; change dqe t justments, negotiated or ourt-ordered abatements; change ifth f tHe property and clas ification; It' ." changel!t..:~tate I governing class rates; r chang~(l}:, ection with previously issu d building permits. current Net Tax Capacity val e of District No. 1-23 declines below the ONTC, no .. and no tax increment will be pa able to the City or HRA. .. al tax rate for District No. 1.23 will be the local tax rate for taxes payable 1998. al Tax Capacity and the Origirial Local Tax Rate for District No. 1-23 appear in the table below. Original Tax Capacity Va ue Percent Retained by HRA Original Local Tax Rate $608 100% 1.18645 Subsection 24-8. Estimated Ca tured Net Tax Ca, ValuelIncrement Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.174 Subd. 4 and M.S. Section 469.177, Subd. 1, 2, and 4, the estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity (CTC) of District No. 1-23, ithin Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1, upon completion of the project, will annually appr ximate tax increment revenues as shown in the table below. The City and HRA request 100 percent of the vailable increase in tax capacity for repayment of its obligations and current expenditures, beginning in the t x year payable 2000. The project tax capacity listed is an estimate of values when the project is completed. Project Estimated Tax Ca acity upon Completion of Proje t (PTC) Original Estimated Net l' x Capacity (ONTC) Estimated Captured Tax apacity (CTC) Estimated Annual Tax In rement (CTC x Local Tax Rate) $103,050 608 102,442 $121,542 Subsection 24-9. Property To Be Acquired The City or HRA may acquire any parcel within Distric No. 1 ~23 including interior and adjacent street rights of way. 1. Any properties identified for acquisition will be acquired by the City or HRA only in order to accomplish one or more of the following: storm sewer improvements; provide land for needed public streets, utilities and facilities; carry out Ian acquisition, site improvements, clearance and/or development to accomplish the uses and objec 'ves set forth in this plan. 2. The following are conditions under which pro rties not designated to be acquired may be acquired: The City or HRA may acquire property by gi t, dedication, condemnation or direct purchase from City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax ncrement Financing District No. 1-23 244 . . . willing sellers in order to achieve the objectives 0 this Plan. Such acquisitions will be undertaken only when there is assurance,pf funding to finance th acquisition and related costs. ~. Subsection 24~10. uts Currently under cons foot qualified m, of preparation have dete e stud fadli fi . " n for District No. 1-23 is a roposal to facilitate construction of a 60,000 square- and distribution facility. C ntracts for this have not been entered into at the time , but the date when developme t is likely to occur is July 1998. The City and HRA will be necessary to provide assistance to the project for certain costs. The HRA has llty of the development or redevelop ent of property in and around District No. 1-23. To lishment and development of District o. 1-23, this Plan authorizes the use of tax increment pay for the cost of certain eligible expen es. The estimate of public costs and uses of funds with District No. 1-23 is outlined in the foll wing table. Uses of Funds Land Acquisition Site Improvements Public Improvements Public Utilities Interest Administrative Costs (up to 10%) TOTAL Total $200,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 405,000 100,000 $1105,000 Estimated costs associated with District No. 1-23 are su 'ect to adjustment among the above categories without modification of this plan. The cost of all activities t be considered for tax increment financing will not exceed, without formal modification, the budget abo e pursuant to the applicable statutory requirements. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.1763, Subd. 2, no more han 20 percent of the tax increment paid by property within District No. 1-23 will be spent on activities relat to development or redevelopment outside of District No. 1-23 but within the boundaries of Central M nticello Redevelopment Project No.1, (including administrative costs, which are considered to be spent utside of District No. 1-23) subject to the limitations as described in this Plan. Subsection 24~11. Sources of RevenueIBonded Ind btedness Public improvement costs, public utilities, land acq isition, and site improvement costs and other costs outlined in the Uses of Funds will be financed primarily through the annual collection of tax increments. The City or HRA reserves the right to use other sour es of revenue legally applicable to the Modified Redevelopment Plan and the Plan, including, but not Ii ited to, special assessments, general property taxes, state aid for road maintenance and construction, proce s from the sale of land, other contributions from the developer and investment income, to pay for the estim ted public costs. The City or HRA reserves the right to incur bonded ind btedness or other indebtedness as a result of the Plan. As presently proposed, the project will be financed by a loan or pay-as-you-go note. Additional indebtedness may be required to finance other authorized activities. e total principal amount of bonded indebtedness or other indebtedness related to the use of tax incre ent financing will not exceed $600,000 without a modification to the Plan pursuant to applicable statuto requirements. City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax crement Financing District No. 1-23 24-5 . . . This provision does not obligate the City or HRA to in ur debt. The City or HRA will issue bonds or incur other debt only upon the determination that such action is in the best interest of the City. The City or HRA ,:j!" may also fina~ce the a~~viq~~to be..~ndertaken pursua t to ~he Pla~ t~rough .l~~ns fr~m funds of the City or HRA or to reimburse v~4e,~,.()n a "paY4as-you-go ' basis for ehgtble activitIes paid for by the developer. The estimated sourc ds for District No. 1-23 a contained in the table below. Tax Increment Interest Local Contribution TOTAL Subsection 24-12. Definition of Tax Increment Re Total $1,000,000 5,000 100,000 $1,105,000 Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. 25, tax incre . ent revenues derived from a tax increment financing district include all of the following potential revenue s urces: taxes paid by the captured net tax capacit , but excluding any e;l\.cess taxes, as computed under M.S., Section 469.177; the proceeds from the sale or lease of pro rty, tangible or intangible, purchased by the authority with tax increments; repayments of loans or other advances m de by the authority with tax increments; and interest or other investment earnings on r from tax increments. 1. 2. 3. 4. Subsection 24-13. Duration of Tax Increment Financin District No. 1-23 Pursuant to M.S.. Section 469.175, Subd. 1, and M.S., ection 469.176, Subd. 1, the duration of District No. 1-23 must be indicated within the Plan. Pursuant to M. ., Section 469.176, Subd. 1(b), the dumtion of District No. 1-23 will be 9 years from the date of receipt of th first increment by the City or HRA or 11 years from the date of approval of the Plan, whichever is less. T e date of receipt by the City of Monticello of the first tax increment will be approximately 2000. Thus, i is estimated that District No. 1-23, including any modifications of the Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2008, or when the Plan is satisfied. The City or HRA does reserve the right to ecertify District No. 1423 prior to the legally required date. Subsection 24-14. Estimated 1m act on Other Ta n urisdictions The estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assu es construction which would have occurred without the creation of District No. 1-23. If the construction is result of tax increment financing, the impact is $0 to other entities, until the end of the district when a ditional tax base is available for general taxation. Notwithstanding the fact that the fiscal impact on the ther taxing jurisdictions is $0 due to the fact that the construction would not have occurred without the as istance of the City or HRA, the following estimated impact of District No. 1-23 would be as follows if the "but for" test was not met: City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax ncrement Financing District No. 1.23 24-6 . IMPACT ON TAX BASE 1997/1998 Estimated Captured otal Net Tax Capacity (CTC) Percent of CTC Tax Capacity Upon Proiect Completion to Entity Total Wright County 57,211,935 102,442 0.1791 % f" f 18,427,306 102,442 0.5559% 1.5.0. No.8 2 City of 14,381,226 102,442 0.7123% IMPACT ON AX RATES 1997/1998 Percent Potential Extension Rates of Total CTC Taxes Wright County 0.308320 25.99% 102,442 31,585 1.5.0. No. 882 0.584600 49.27% 102,442 59,888 City of Monticello 0.270010 22.76% 102,442 27,660 Hospital District 0.023520 1.98% 102,442 2.409 Total 1.186450 100.00% 121,542 . The estimates listed above display the captured tax cap city when all construction is completed. The tax rate used for calculations is the 1997/Pay 1998 rate. The t tal net capacity for the entities listed above are based on Pay 1998 figures. District No. 1-23 will be certifi d under the actual 1997/1998 rates. District No. 1-23 In accordance with M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 4, a y: 1. reduction or enlargement of the geograp ic area of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 or District No. 1~23; 2. increase in amount of bonded indebtedne s to be incurred, including a determination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was ot a part of the original plan, or to increase or decrease the amount of interest on the debt to be apitalized; 3. increase in the portion of the captured n t tax capacity to be retained by the City or HRA; 4. increase in total estimated tax increment expenditures; or 5. designation of additional property to be cquired by the City or HRA, shall be approved upon the notice and after the discuss on, public hearing and findings required for approval of the original plan. . The geographic area of District No. 1-23 may be reduc d, but shall not be enlarged after five years following the date of certification of the original net tax capa ity by the county auditor. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply if (1) the only modificatio is elimination of parcel(s) from Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 or District No. 1-23 a d (2) (A) the current net tax capacity of the parcel(s) eliminated from District No. 1-23 equals or exceeds th net tax capacity of those parcel(s) in District No. I-23's original net tax capacity or (B) the HRA agrees that notwithstanding M.S., Section 469.177, Subd. 1, the original net tax capacity will be reduced by no more th the current net tax capacity of the parcel(s) eliminated from District No. 1-23. City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-23 24-7 . The City or HRA must notify the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlarges the geographic area of District No. 1-23 or Ce~~ral Monticello Redevel ment Project No.1. Modifications to Tax Increment Financing District No., 1-2 . n' the form of a budget m dification or an expansion of the boundaries will be ,.,,.. recorded in the Plan. .W' ., Section 469.174, Subd. 14, and M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 3, administrative penditures of the City or HRA, ther than: ounts paid for the purchase of land r amounts paid to contractors or others providing materials and services, including architec ra1 and engineering services, directly connected with the physical development of the real prop rty in the district; relocation benefits paid to or services prov'ded for persons residing or businesses located in the district; or 3. amounts used to pay interest on, fund a r serve for, or sell at a discount bonds issued pursuant to M.S., Section 469.178. Administrative expenses also include amounts paid for ervices provided by bond counsel, fiscal consultants, and planning or economic development consultants. T increment may be used to pay any authorized and documented administrative expenses for DistrictN:o. I 23 up to but not to exceed 10 percent of the total tax increment expenditures authorized by the Plan or the to al tax increment expenditures for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I, whichever is less. .' Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 4h, tax in rements may be used to pay for the county's actual administrative expenses incurred in connection with istrict No. 1-23. The county may require payment of those expenses by February 15 of the year following t e year the expenses were incurred. Pursuant to M.S.. Section 469. 177, Subd. 11, the count treasurer shall deduct an amount equal to 0.1 percent of any increment distributed to the City or HRA and th county treasurer shall pay the amount deducted to the state treasurer for deposit in the state general fund t be appropriated to the State Auditor for the cost of financial reporting of tax increment financing informati n and the cost of examining and auditing authorities' use of tax increment financing. Subsection 24.17. Limitation of Increment Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 1(a), no tax i crement shall be paid to the City or HRA for District No. 1.23 after three (3) years from the date of certifi ation of the Original Net Tax Capacity value of the taxable property in District No. 1-23 by the County A ditor unless within the three (3) year period: (a) bonds have been issued pursuant to M.S., Section 469.178, or in aid of a project pursuant to any other law, except revenue bond issued pursuant to M.S., Sections 469.152 to 469.165, or (b) the City or HRA has acquired property ithin District No. 1-23, or (c) the City or HRA has constructed or caus to be constructed public improvements within District No. 1-23. . The bonds must be issued, or the City or HRA ust acquire property or construct or cause public City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-23 24-8 . . . improvements to be constructed by approximately Jun ,2001. The tax increment pledge$A~~~~he ~ayment of bonds nd interest thereon may be discharged and may be termi~ated if sufficie\"~pd.s\~~;Y~<1peen irrev~ably dep sited in the debt service fund ~r other escro~ account held 10 trust for all ou dmg'bbnds to provide for the ayment of the bonds at matunty or redemptIon date. '69.176, Subd. 6: i, ~ii ~<l1/;Jjf. ears from the date of certificati n of the original net tax capacity of the tax /l, . r]1nancing district pursuant to M.S., Se tion 469.177, no demolition, rehabilitation or '?'t n of property or other site preparatio , including qualified improvement of a street Jfp.b~nt to a parcel but not installation of utility service including sewer or water systems, has } "'n commenced on a parcel located within a t increment financing district by the authority r by the owner of the parcel in accordance with he tax increment financing plan, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel and he original net tax capacity of that parcel shall be excluded from the original net tax capacity of the tax increment financing district. If the authority or the owner of the parcel subseque tly commences demolition, rehabilitation or renovation or other site preparation on that par el including qualified improvement of a street adjacent to that parcel, in accordance with the t increment financing plan, the authority shall certify to the county auditor that the activity has ommenced and the county auditor shall certify the net tax capacity thereof as most recently cer: ified by the commissioner of revenue and add it to the original net tax capacity of the tax incre entfinancing district. The county auditor must enforce the provisions of this subdivision... or purposes of this subdivision, qualified improvements of a street are limited to (1) constr ction or opening of a new street, (2) relocation of a street, and (3) substantial reconstruction 0 rebuilding of an existing street. The City or HRA or a property owner must improve p cels within District No. 1 ~23 by approximately June, 2002. Subsection 24-18. Use of Tax Increment The City or HRA hereby determines that it will use 1 0 percent of the captured net tax capacity of taxable property located in District No. 1-23 for the followin purposes: 1. to pay the principal of and interest on onds used to finance a project; 2. to finance, or otherwise pay the capit I and administration costs of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project NO.1 pursua t to the M.S., Sections 469.124 to 469.134; 3. 4. 5. to pay for project costs including as i entified in the budget; to finance, or otherwise pay for other urposes as provided in M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 4,- to pay principal and interest on any I ans, advances or other payments made to the City or HRA or for the benefit of Central Mon' cello Redevelopment Project No. 1 by the developer; to finance or otherwise pay premiums and other costs for insurance, credit enhancement, or other security guaranteeing the payme t when due of principal and interest on tax increment bonds or bonds issued pursuant to th Plan or pursuant to M.S., Chapter 462C and M.S., Sections 469.152 through 469.165, 0 both; and to accumulate or maintain a reserve ecuring the payment when due of the principal and interest on the tax increment bonds or onds issued pursuant to M.S., Chapter 462C and M.S., Sections 469.152 through 469.165, 0 both. 6. 7. City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax ncrement Financing District No_ 1-23 24-9 . These revenues shall not be used to circumvent any I vy limitations applicable to the City nor for other purposes prohibited by M.S., Section 469.176, subd. 4. n of Prior Planned I rovements ~. ter due and diligent search, ccompany its request for certification to the County Auditor or itS. ~.o 0)1' ct No. 1.23 enlargement w th a listing o. f all properties within District No. 1-23 or area of e~rS for which building permits ave been issued during the eighteen (18) months immediatel "re . approval of the Plan by the mu icipality pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 3. Th or shall increase the original value 0 District No. 1-23 by the value of improvements for whk)l" permit was issued. l uan to M.S., Section 469.177, Subd. 4, the H has reviewed the area to be included in District -/ ':23 and found no parcels for which building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding approval of the Plan by the City. Subsection 24-20. Excess Tax Increments Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.176. Subd. 2, in any y ar in which the tax increment exceeds the amount necessary to pay the costs authorized by the Plan, incl ding the amount necessary to cancel any tax levy as provided in M.S., Section 475.61, Subd. 3, the City 0 HRA shall use the excess amount to do any of the following: . 1. 2. 3. 4. prepay any outstanding bonds; discharge the pledge of tax increment therefor; pay into an escrow account dedicated 0 the payment of such bonds; or return the excess to the County Audito for redistribution to the respective taxing jurisdictions in proportion to their local tax rates. In addition, the City or HRA may, subject to the limitati ns set forth herein, choose to modify the Plan in order to finance additional public costs in District No. 1-23 r Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. The City or HRA will review any proposal for privat development to determine its conformance with the Redevelopment Plan and with applicable municipal ordinances and codes. To facilitate this effort, the following documents may be requested for review d approval: site plan, construction, mechanical, and electrical system drawings, landscaping plan, grading d storm drainage plan, signage system plan, and any other drawings or narrative deemed necessary by the City or HRA to demonstrate the conformance of the development with city plans and ordinances. The City r HRA may also use the Agreements to address other issues related to the development. ith the Develo er Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 5, no more th 10 percent. by acreage, of the property to be acquired in District No. 1.23 as set forth in the Plan shall at ny time be owned by the City or HRA as a result of acquisition with the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant 0 M.S., Section 469.178, to which tax increments from property acquired is pledged, without the City or HRA having, prior to acquisition in excess of 10 percent of the acreage, concluded an agreement for the developme t of the property acquired and which provides recourse for the City or HRA should the development not be c mpleted. . City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-23 24-10 . . . Subsection 24-22. Assessment A2reements Pursuant to M.S., Section 4 7, Subd. 8, the City or RA may enter into an agreement in recordable form with the developer of!Pto "f! District No. 1 ~23 hich establishes a minimum market value of the land and completed impl ent r the duration of Dis rict No. 1-23. The assessment agreement shall be presented to the ass ' 0 shall review the plans d specifications for the improvements constructed, review the markytt viously assigned to the Ian upon which the improvements are to be constructed and, so long a~"hy'hllp mum market value contained i the assessment agreement appears, in the judgment of the ass~~tr, ~?;1~'!l reasonable estimate, the assesso may certify the minimum market value agreement. .':'\~:>>f Subse on 24;;;23. Administration of Tax Increme t Financin District No. 1~23 ~' '~, ,.:,~jJb' y the Executive Director of the HRA of the City of ts Subsection 24-24. The City and HRA will comply with all reporting requ rements under the TIP Act. Subsection 24-25. Munici al A roval and Public Pur ose The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the ad ption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-23 as required pursuant to M.S., Section 469.17 , Subd. 3 are as follows: J. Finding that the District No. J -23 is an econ mic development district as defined in M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. 12. Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-23 is a contiguous geographic area within the City's Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, d lineated in the Plan, for the purpose of financing economic development in the City through the se of tax increment. District No. 1-23 consists of a portion of Central Monticello Redevelopment roject No. I not meeting requirements for other types of tax increment financing districts, which is in the public interest because it will facilitate construction of a 60,000 square foot productio /warehouse facility which will increase employment in the state, and preserve and enhance the tax ase of the state. 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the pinion of the City Council, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private invest ent within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that cou reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of District No. J -23 permi ted by the Plan. The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the re sonably foreseeable future: This finding is supported by the fact that the development proposed in th s plan is a manufacturing and warehouse facility that meets the City's and HRA's objectives for in ustrial development and job growth. The proposed developer (or a related party) currently 0 ns the property in question, but the cost of site improvements and storm water charges make development of the facility infeasible without HRA assistance. The developer has submitted a proforma on file in City Hall demonstrating the need for the assistance, and the developer's tenant has c rtified to the city that financing for the project would City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax ncremenl Financing District No. 1-23 24-1 I . . . not be available but for the tax increment assis ance to be provided under this plan. ., /ivalue of the site that coul reasonable be expected to occur without the use of tax incremen wuld be less than the ncrease in market value estimated to result from the proposed de 'ifter subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum d the TIF District permitte by the Plan: The City supported this finding on the grounds,th. velopment on this site is Ii ely to be industrial (given the zoning), and will have the s';lme.ry)~ ; f costs to be incurred by the idwest Graphics project. In addition, the cost of ac t~ 'Property from the current owner ould add to the total development cost. This site has eted for at least 6 years without suc ess. Historically, land and site development costs in strial area have made manufacturing de elopment infeasible without tax increment assistance. fore, the City reasonably determines that 0 other development of any kind is anticipated on this te without substantially similar assistance be ng provided to the Midwest Graphics development. Accordingly, the increased market value antici ated without tax increment assistance is $0. 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing PI n for District No. 1-23 conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the unicipality as a whole. The Plan was reviewed by the Planning Com ission on May 5, 1998. The Planning Commission found that the Plan conforms to the general de elopment plan of the City. 4. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-23 will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs 0 the City as a whole, for the development of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 by p ivate enterprise. The project to be assisted by District No. 1-23 ill result in increased employment in the City and the State of Minnesota, increased tax base of the tate, and add a high quality development to the City. Additional findings are set forth in the Authorizing Re olution of the City. Subsection 24.26. Other Limitations on the Use 0 1. General Limitations. All revenue derived fro tax increment shall be used in accordance with the Plan. The revenues shall be used to finance, or otherwise pay the capital and administration costs of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Proje t No.1 pursuant to the M.S., Sections 469.124 to 469.134; These revenues shall not be used to circumvent existing levy limit law. No revenues derived from tax increment shall be used for the acquisition, co struction, renovation, operation or maintenance of a building to be used primarily and regularly ~ r conducting the business of a municipality, county, school district, or any other local unit of go ernment or the state or federal government. This provision shall not prohibit the use of revenu s derived from tax increments for the construction or renovation of a parking structure, a commons ea used as a public park or a facility used for social, recreational or conference purposes and not pri arily for conducting the business of the municipality. 2. Pooling Limitations. At least 80 percent of tax increments from District No. 1-23 must be expended on activities in District No. 1-23 or to pay bo ds, to the extent that the proceeds of the bonds were used to finance activities within said district r to pay, or secure payment of, debt service on credit enhanced bonds. Not more than 20 percent of said tax increments may be expended, through a development fund or otherwise, on activities utside of District No. 1-23 except to pay, or secure City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax ncrement Financing District No. 1-23 24-12 . . . payment of, debt service on credit enhanced b nds. For purposes of applying this restriction, all administrative expenses must be treated as if the were solely for activities outside of District No. 1- 23. 3. At, r Five Year Litfuration ommitment of Tax In rements. Tax increments derived from District No. 1-23 shaH be,gee~,~ to have satisfied the 80 pe ent test set forth in paragraph (2) above only if the five year., t forth in M.S., Section 469.1763, Subd. 3, has been satisfied; and beginning with the sixthar. wing certification of District No. 1-23,80 percent of said tax increments that remain afte ~n.~rbres permitted under said five year rule must be used only to pay previously committed i1\1~es or credit enhanced bonds as more ully set forth in M.S.. Section 469.1763, Subd. 5. Subsec lo~ti!4-27. State Tax Increment Financin / ."t to M.S., Section 273.1399, for tax increment fin ncing districts for which certification was requested after April 30, 1990, a municipality incurs a reduction in tate tax increment financing aid (RISTIFA) applied to the municipality's Local Government Aids (LGA) rst and, Homestead and Agricultural Aid (HACA) second, in an amount equal to a formula based upon the equalized qualifying captured tax capacity (QCTC) of District No. 1-23. Pursuant to M.S., Section 273.1399, Subd. 6, the City or HRA may choose an option to the LGA-HACA penalty. District No. 1-23 is exempt from the LGA-H CA reduction if the City or HRA elects to make a qualifying local contribution at the time of approving the Plan. To qualify for the exemption in each year, the City or HRA must make a qualifying local contributi n to the project of a certain percentage. The local contribution for an economic development district is 0 percent. The maximum local contribution for all districts in the City in any year is limited to two percell' of the City's net tax capacity, after which point the City or HRA must make an additional contribution equ to the lesser of (a) 0.25 percent of the City's net tax capacity or (b) 3 percent of tax increment revenues for hat year. The amount of the local contribution must be made out f unrestricted money of the City or HRA, such as the general fund, a property tax levy, or a federal or state gr t-in-aid which may be spent for general government purposes. The local contribution may not be made, di ectly or indirectly, with tax increments or developer payments. The local contribution must be used to pay p ~ect costs and cannot be used for general government purposes. The City elects to make the annual local contributi n to the project to exempt itself from the LGA- HACA penalty. The City and HRA will pay for costs 0 the project described in this Plan, in an amount equal to 10 percent of annual tax increment for District No. 1- 3, subject to the limitations described above, in any year in which such amount exceeds 2 percent of the Cit ' s net tax capacity. Such contribution may be in form of either lump sum or annual payments (in addition to increment payments) towards costs identified in this Plan or other costs related to that development. The ontribution may also be made in the form of public improvements financed by the City or HRA or other u it of government with unrestricted funds. Subsection 24-28. County Road Costs Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 1 a, the count board may require the City or HRA to pay for all or part of the cost of county road improvements if the prop sed development to be assisted by tax increment will, in the judgement of the county, substantially increase t e use of county roads requiring construction of road improvements or other road costs and if the road impr vements are not scheduled within the next five years under a capital improvement plan or other county plan City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax ncrement Financing District No. 1-23 24-13 . . . In the opinion of the City and HRA and consultants, the proposed development outlined in this Plan will have little or no impact upon countYJpads. If the county elec s to use increments to improve county roads, it must notify the City or HR . ."thirty days of receipt of his Plan. Creation To the extent business r incl ply with M.S., Section 1161.991, which states that a te or local government assistanc for economic development or job growth purposes, ement financing, must create a net increase in jobs in Minnesota within two years of nce and meet wage level goals (See A pendix D). S secti ~ The City of Monticello is establishing District No. 1- 3 to preserve and enhance the tax base, and provide employment opportunities in the City. The Tax Increm nt Financing Plan for District No. 1-23 was prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc., 3060 Centre Pointe Driv , Roseville, Minnesota 55113-1105, telephone (612) 697-8500. City of MonticelIo Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax I crement Financing District No. 1-23 24-14 . . . -:;- BOUNDARY MAPS 0 'ENTRAL MONTICEL 0 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND 1;,."- ;:, MENT FINAN INO DISTRICT NO. 1 ~23 APPENDIX A-I I J", . I - - ... I , . ..c I .... I -, -- ;~~ L~ .~ t: I ,.;... LI_ LU ..... -, L"'-J I -, ".... r""- '=.; ..... I ...- , - LU c' ... I -~ -- ~(.. 'l.-' I ::> -' I <l: :.<- ~ C~ I "C c( ,.. . . -... C .. - I ..... .. -- JJ ...... - - '..1- I -~~ r\1 ." Ii, .. t'" L,I'Jl1'll,""'" ...~ o ,..,~ .. ,., to ,.... ,_1,..\ l/ <'J Q) ,--I m -~ I ~ I 33 I~ ~ :I~ ~- 1",00 I 3 t'") I ~::: ... 1"0 ~,.- q 1;0 ~ I~Z I - I I 17 1(:, r-~ j --: ~~ I:{ I L.'_ I I I I ! 33\ 40 Lr_ <( C_ . '" ... .. ~ ,,( ..~ ~; L:~.. l"j , _ i I..VJ ,... i,#'"J - .. .... , ..: J r- t..- J ..... ..... ..... .... ... .' .. ~-:... . i . . . , - Tax Increment Financin District No. 1-23 Central Monticello R development Project N . 1 City of Mon icello Wright County, innesota ,"" '- ~ I. .- '" 'C "1.,,,,-, . .a 1 ... - .. . - ... . .. ... --~--.. ---4bC]~-----------"-~-----: "- U'''lt ' ... Ora""'" ("_"~2 , , I W , => 12, , Z , I W 10 > 10 ~ <( &;.:- ~ ON , lfJ I I I 1%, '0 I , , L BLb , , .T 1 I I S K 2 CO ~ N 1 , A I I ,..\ \... ... \ I -. . .... 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Q) 0 "2 0...... ~ ~ U ...... ._ 0 ...... ... co.. o :E (ij ... ...... c Q) U .,,-" III ., "" III . !. (, till i .fl'I',. ....~ ~ Iii 'II ! l' ... c: III ... u E ... c.. e 0 ...-, - ... > ....... "'"0 ... ... Uti:: l~ ~ , f~~} ~'. ~... ;." t. t ,J, , . :::1 .'. . . . APPEND B ESCRIPTlON OF PROP RTY TO BE INCLUDED IN REMENT FINANCl G DISTRICT NO. 1 ~23 es all property and adjacent rights-of~way identified by the parcel listed below. B-1 APPENDIX '. . . APPEND X C MENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-23 c-t APPENDIX . . . 04120198 Ehlers and Associales. Inc. Monticello HA ,Midwest Graphics CITY OF MO IJTICELLO, MINNESOTA T.I.F. CASH FLO W ASSUMPTIONS 7.500% 1.18645 Pay 98 Estimate 0.0000% Interest Rate Tax Extension Rate: Inflation Rate: PIN 155-92-1010 Total Tax Capacity 608 Esllmllles only o 608 Estimated Pay 98 Tax Capacity Original Tax Capacity Inflation Factor: TO E DETERMINED PROJECT VAL JE INFORMATION Type 01 Tax Increment District: Economic Development Type 01 Development: Warehouse Number 01 Building Square Feet: 60,000 Estimated Market Value of New Project: Class Rate on lirst $150,000 01 Market Value Class Rate Market Value> $150,000 Estimated Tax Capacity: Estimated Taxes: Assessor's Market Value/s.l. Taxes/s.l. 2,625,000 Pay 00 2.70% 4.00% 103,050 Pay 00 122,264 $43.75 $2.04 Please be aware that the 1998 Legislature ha proposed to reduce commercial class rates Irom 4% to 3.5% Page 1 MIDWESrWK4 . I 04120/98 Monticello HR A Midwest Graphics CITY OF MO NfICELLO, MINNESOTA ,...-------- TAXINCREM E liT CASH FLOW .. Base Project Captured ... Semi-Annual Ad nln. Semi-Annual 50% Local --vears-"-' PERIOD BEGINNING Tax Tax Tax Gross Tax t Net Tax of Match at Of PERIOD ENDING Yrs. Mth. Yr. Capacity Capacity Capacl~crement 10.0% Increment Increment 10.00% Increment Yrs. Mth. Yr. 0.0 02-01 1998 608 608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.5 08-01 1998 0.5 08-01 1998 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1.0 02-01 1999 1.0 02-01 1999 608 608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 1.5 08-01 1999 1.5 08-01 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 2.0 02-01 2000 2.0 02-01 2000 606 103.050 102,443 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 0.5 2.5 08-01 2000 2.5 08-01 2000 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 1.0 3.0 02-01 2001 3.0 02-01 2001 608 103,050 102,443 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6.077 1.5 3.5 08-01 2001 3.5 08-01 2001 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 2.0 4.0 02-01 2002 4.0 02-01 2002 608 103,050 102,443 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 2.5 4.5 08-01 2002 4.5 08-01 2002 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 3.0 5.0 02-01 2003 5.0 02-01 2003 608 103,050 102,443 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 3.5 5.5 08-01 2003 5.5 08-01 2003 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 4.0 6.0 02-01 2004 6.0 02-01 2004 608 103,050 102,443 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 4.5 6.5 08-01 2004 6.5 08-01 2004 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27.347 6,077 5,0 7.0 02-01 2005 7.0 02-01 2005 608 103,050 102.443 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 5.5 7.5 08-01 2005 7.5 08-01 2005 60.771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 6.0 8.0 02-01 2006 8.0 02-01 2006 608 103,050 102,443 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 6.5 8.5 08-01 2006 8.5 08-01 2006 60,771 6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 7.0 9.0 02-01 2007 9,0 02-01 2007 608 103,050 1 02,443 60,771 6,077) 54.694 27,347 6,077 7.5 9.5 08-01 2007 9.5 08-01 2007 60,771 (6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 8.0 10,0 02-01 2008 10.0 02-01 2008 608 103,050 102,443 60,771 (6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 8.5 10.5 08-01 2008 10.5 08-01 2008 60,771 (6,077) 54,694 27,347 6,077 9.0 11.0 02-01 20q~ Totals 1,093,886 (1 9,389) 964,498 492,249 109,389 --. Present Values 677,661 ( 7,768) 609,913 304,9561 . Ehlers and Associates, Inc. Page 2 MIDWESTWK4 .....- --- .--- ...-- -- - - --. -- --.. . . . :. . APPEN IX D NNESOTA BUSINES ASSISTANCE FORM fl'MENT OF TRAD AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) APPENDIX 0-( . . . February 27, 1998 To all Minnesota state and local government age Cles: As you know, state and local governments are in reasingly responding to the need to be more accountable with taxpayer dollars. This is especi Ily true in the areas of economic development and business assistance. The legislatively-create Corporate Subsidy Reform Commission reviewed many of Minnesota's business subsidi and concluded that the reporting mechanisms should be improved to enhance accountability. he Department of Trade and Economic Development (DTED) created the Minnesota B iness Assistance Form in 1995 to assist state and local agencies in meeting the accountability easures contained in M.S. 116J.991. The form has been modified this year to respond to the Co mission's recommendations. M.S. 116J.991 requires a business receiving stat or local government assistance to create a net increase in jobs in Minnesota within two years 0 receiving assistance. The law also requires the business to meet wage level and job creation goa. s established by the funding agency. Until the wage and job goals are achieved, each govern me t agency that works with these businesses is mandated to annually report the goals and any pr gress toward these goals to DTED. If the goals are not achieved, the business must repay the ass stance to the governmental agency at the terms negotiated in the assistance agreement. "Business assistance" refers to any business gran or loan using state or local dollars in excess of $25,000 or any new business activity within a , increment district. Whil~ not defined in statute, our interpretation is that this would include gran ,loans, interest subsidies, tax increment financing (TIP) or any other public monies direc ly benefitting a business and given for economic development or job growth purposes. Please use the enclosed Minnesota Business As istance Form for each business assistance agreement signed between July I, 1995 and Dec mber 31, 1997. All financial assistance agreements signed during this period should be eported by April 15, 1998 regardless when the assistance was awarded, unless a form has been ubmitted indicating that the business has met the established wage and job creation goals. Moreo er, each year you will receive a new form from DTED to be completed and returned. Each year s form should be submitted until all wage and job goals have been achieved. Please mail or fax your completed formes) to D ED before April 15, 1998. The form does not need to be submitte if assistance has not been rovided to a business. \ \ Sincerely, Jay Nova Commissioner ,00 r-It-lro Squ.m'. I.!I Ith Plan' Fast. S,lInlPilU1, ~linnl'sol<t ;.lI()I..!I~(i I'S.\ Ii I.!..!!l I.I.!'I\ . X()()-h i I' IX ix . I",. II 1 .! ..!'lli.~ ;I.! . rn, TDD X()()-h.! 1.1l.!'1 ,,\\ \\ ,dIed sl<II\',mn.us . . . I. +\~NESOl'..., o -Trade&- Economic Developmenr 1998 Minneso~a Business Assistance Form* (PIe~ e return by April/5, 1998) 1. Funding government agency name Please type or print In dark Ink. 2. Contact name 3. Agency street address 4. City 5. Zip code 6. Phone number (area code) 8. Type of government agency _ City _County _Regional _State 7. Fax number (area code) 9. Name of business receiving assistance 11. Type of assistance. (e.g. loan, TIF. gnmt. infrasuucture, etc.) 13. Date of business assistance agreement 14. Date assistance fust provided Other (please indicate) 10. Industry of recipient (SIC code) 12. Name ofTIF district (if applicable) 15. Date project (building! machinery/etc.) was placed in service 16. Dollar value of business assistance For assistance agreements signed between July 1. 1995 and D::cember 31, 1997, complete boxes 17 through 20 or boxes 21 through 24. For all agreements signed during 1998 and future years, the information in boxes 21 through 24 will be required. 17. Job creation goals for business receiving assistance 18. Average hourly wage level goals for business receiving assistance 19. Actual jobs created since business received assistance Goals of business receiving assistance: (Please indicate number of employees at each wage level and indicate the corresponding benefit level.) 21. Job Creation Hourly Wage Level Full-time Part-time (excL benefits) less than $7.00 ,$7.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 $ 10.00 to $11.99 $ 12.00 and higher If necessary, please attach additional documents. 22. Hourly Va ue of V olunta ry Benefits ( ) 25. Last date actual wage and job creation levels documente 20. Actual average hourly wage paid to employees hired since business received assistance Actual performance since project placed in service: (Please indicate number of employees at each wage level and indicate the corresponding benefit level.) 23. Job Creation Hourly Wage Level Full-time Part-time (excl. benefits) _ less than $7.00 24. Hourly Value of Voluntary Benefits ($) $7.00 to $7.99 __ $8.00 to $9.99 __ $10.00 to $11.99 $12.00 and higher If necessary, please attach additional documents. 26. Date this Minnesota Business Assistance Form completed 27. Have all wage and job goals been achieved" U Yes - do not submit future forms for this project. o No - olease submit this form in 1999. .. This fonn replaces all previous fonns. Please comE lete one fonn for each business assistance agreement your agency signed between July /,1995 and Decembet 3/, 1997 which provided $25,000 or more in pubUcfunds. A fonn should be submitted annually for each assi tance agreement until a submitted fonn indicates that all wage andjob creation goals have been achieved. lo not submit thisfonn if your agency has not agreed to provide assistance to a business since July I, /995. (over) Please send completed fo annually by April 15 to: Minnesota Business ssistance Form - AEO Minnesota Department ofTr de and Economic Development Analysis and valuation Office 500 M tro Square 121 t 7th Place St. Paul. Mi esota 55101 . or fax eport to: (612) 15.3841 For info ation, call: (612) 297-2335 or 1.800-657-3858 . Minnesota Statutes 116J.991: A business that receives state or local gov rnment assistance for economic development or job growth purposes must create a net incre se in jobs in Minnesota within two years of receiving the assistance. The government agency providing the ass stance must establish wage level and job creation goals to be met by the business receiving the a sistance. A business that fails to meet the goals must repay the assistance to the government a ency. Each government agency must report the age and job goals and the results for each project in achieving those goals to the departm nt of trade and economic development. The department shall compile and publish the resu s of the reports for the previous calendar year by June 1 of each year. The reports of the age des to the department and the compilation report of the department shall be made availa le to the public. For the purposes of this section. "assista ce" means a grant or loan in excess of $25.000. or tax incrementfinancing. . . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 5. A. Reference and Background: Dan Greensweig of Kennedy & Graven is p paring the contract, the first draft copy is attached as Exhibit B. Much of the contract is boiler-plate and the specifics were based on a meeting between the developer and Korop hak. Specifics meaning construction commencement and completion dates, job c eation and wage levels, evidence of commitment of financing, definition of mini urn improvements, financing method, and proposed rate and term. In order to start negotiations for the level 0 TIF assistance, Koropchak requested a list and estimated costs ofthe site improvement from the developer. Enclosed is a copy of the estimates as submitted by Grady Kingh ro, the general contractor. The total request ofTIF assistance is $250,000: $125,000, sit improvements, $25,000 site utilities, and $100,000 land unpaid balance of contract D r deed. The parcel for development was purchased by Steve Krenz in 1995 on a con ract for deed. Koropchak requested the developer submit the requested amount of ssistance and a proforma. Enclosed are the TIF cashflows using the 1 98 tax rate, 1999 classification rates, five-year base value of$16,200, EMV of building $1 750,000, and an interest rate of7.5%. The projected available tax increment over the He of the district is $362,000 NPV or 50% of the increment is $181,000 NPV. Historically, the HRA has assisted industri businesses with up-front dollars as the TIF then serves as equity for the project financi g which adds creditability. Lenders and SBA like this. Although the amount of assistano may be equal to 50%, this was not used as a guide. In recent years, land acquisition has been written-down but not to $1.00. Previous TIF assistance examples are enclosed. Check list for level of assistant: 1. What is the amount of the projecte available tax increment? 2. What is the amount requested? D es the request coincide with the gap of the proforma? 3. Number of jobs and wage levels. 4. Review of historical data. Assuming the BRA goes along with the s ecifics listed in paragraph one, the HRA should determine the level ofTIF assistance and etermine if the $5,000 pre-TIF dollars are 1 . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 returned to the developer. Ehlers and Kenn dy & Graven both recommend the developer pay for the cost of preparation. This is mos typical. I believe the IDC would recommend keeping the development cost d wn for industries to encourage industrial development. It is best to have the Contract for Private R development between the HRA and the developer executed or at least agreed upon rior to approval of the TIF District by the Council on May 26. Preference is to have i, executed. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion agreeing to the specifics i. paragraph one, a level of assistance in an amount not to exceed NPV, pay-as-you-go assistance, and $5,000 pre-tax Option 1. Option 2. return $5,000 return $5,000 Option 4. $125,000 site impro ements $150,000 - $125,00 site Improvements and $ 5,000 site utilities. $181,000 - $125,00 improvements and $ 6,000 land write-down. 5 % of available increment $25,000 site utilities is 10% local match. $225,000 - $125,00 site do not return $5,000 Improvements, $10 ,000 land Write-down, and $2 ,000 site utilities from 10% local Match. Other combination. Option 3. do not return $5,000 Option 5. 2. A motion to deny TIF assistance. 3. A motion to table any action due t lack of sufficient information. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative no.1, optio 3 or 4 subject to evidence of support by the proforma. Perhaps, the HRA to receive th first 20% ofthe annual tax increment and the developer the remaining not to exceed . This would allow to decertify the district early. Remember for a economic 'strict only 20% ofthe tax increment can be spend outside the district. The estimated 'te utilities include storm sewer trunk and sanitary sewer and water trunk fees. 2 . . . HRAAGENDA MAY 6, 1998 D. Supportiui Data: List of site improvements, historical TIF ass. stance, and contract. Copy of developer's request if submitted in time. 3 . Historical TIF assist ce to industries District 1 - IXI Land write down $60,000 EMV $209,400 1982 12-15 immediate jobs District 3 - FSI Land write down $105,000 EMV $1,025,000 1984 65 District 4 - IXI HRA purchased Lots 5 and 6 EMV 693,000 1984 50-70 $154,800 District 7 - NAWCO Land write down $107,200 EMV $865,000 1987 45 Site Impr $112,898 NPV EMV $691,200 1993 60 District 8 - NSP Land write down $21,200 EMV $195,000 1989 retain 10-12 District 9 - Tappers Land write down/site $89,5 EMV$750,000 1990 25 Site impr $25,000 EMV $475,000 1996 15 $8.30 District 10 - RemmeleLand write down $120,000 EMV $806,000 1990 40 Site Impr $65,000 EMV $222,900 1995 expected . District 11- Martie Land write payg $17,500 EMV$ 1990 2ft-2pt District 12- Aroplax Land write $70,000 EMV $562,100 1991 25 Site impr $15,000 District 13 - Standard Land/site payg $311,000NP EMV $1,250,000 1993 96 $10.30 District 14 - SMM Land/site $50,000 EMV $300,000 1992 23 District 15- Custom Land $48,000NPV EMV$ 273,118 1993 14 $8-19 District 16 - Polycast Land $55,000 EMV $400,000 1994 20 District 17 - Fay-Mar Land $50,000 EMV $400,000 1994 15 Site $50,000 NPV EMV $360,875 1997 15 $8.50 District 21 - LakeTool Land/site $37,900 EMV 270,000 1997 5 $19.23 District 23 - Allied NPV EMV $1,750,000 1998 37 $8.24-12 HRA/V ector Land $63,000 1995 30 $12.00 . . . . APR 28 '98 11: 10AM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES 04128196 Monlieutlo HRA; Mi NTlCELLO,MITNNRSOTA .500% 1.18645 Pay 98 Estimate 0.0000% P.2/3 PIN lSs.a2-1010 Tu Capacity 551 Eatlmaleunt.,. o 551 Estimated Pay 98 Ta" Capacity Total 22.Sl.0 .. Ollginal Tax Capacity Intl.don Fac\Cll': 107.78% E$tlmated MllrkBt Value 01 New Project: Class Rate on fir&t $150.000 of Mark81 Valu Cless Rate MOIrket Value> $150,000 estimated Tu Capacity: Estimated Taxel: AsHsScr'6 Mark.t VaJullls.l. Taxes/s.l. 2.45% 3.50"10 1,7$0.000 Pay 00 59.675 Pay 00 70.801 $29.17 $1.18 Please be aware that the1i88 L..gialah.lre h reduced commercial clue raIN from 4% to 3.5% ihle~ and AUOClillill. Inc. page 1 UICWEST3.WK4 /1 P.3/3 RPR 28 '98 11: 10RM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES 04128196 . Base projEiCi'-' PERIOD eeGINNING Tax Tax YIlI. Mtt1. Yr. c.~!?~_~ity Capacil'/ 0.0 08-01 1998 551 551 0,5 02-01 1999 594 594 1.0 08-01 1999 1.5 02-01 2000 640 59,615 2..0 08-01 2000 2..5 02-01 2001 690 59,675 3.0 08-01 2001 3.5 02-01 2002 144 59,875 4.0 08-01 2002 4.5 02-01 2003 802 Sg.675 5.0 08-01 2003 5.5 02-01 2004 884 59,675 6,0 08-01 2004 6.5 02-01 2005 931 59,875 7.0 08-01 2005 7.5 02-01 2006 1,004 5;.675 8.0 08-01 2006 8.5 02-01 2007 1.082 59,675 Q.O . 08-01 2007 9.5 02-01 2008 1.166 59,675 10.0 Oe-Ol 200B . . EI'IeIll and Associil105, 11le. Graphics NTlCELLO,MUNNESOTA TAX INCRE ._NT CASH FLOW Captured emi-Annuiil dmin. Serni-A Tax Gro" Tax It Not T Capaeity_. ,,,l!,~""ment 1 .25% Increm 000 000 o 0 59,035 35,021 (3,590) 3 35,021 (3,5SO) 3 58,985 34,D91 (3,587) 3 34,991 (3.587) 3 SU31 34,959 (3,583) 3 34,959 (3,583) 3 58,673 34,925 (3,$80) 3 34,925 (a,sse) 3 58,811 34.888 (3,676) 3 34,&88 (3.576) 3 58,744 34,848 (3,572) 3 34,848 (3,572) 3 sa, 671 34,805 (3,568) 3 SA,80S (3,568) 3 58,593 34,759 (U63) 3 34,759 (3.563) 3 58,50lI 34,709 (3.558) 3 34,709 3,558L~~._ 3 Totals e27.813 (!4.~~}2 563 Present VaiUell 403,71.~~ J41,384) 36 50% ".. LOCsI Years -.."-,.. nnuaJ ax af Match at Of PERIOD ENDING ent Increment 10,00% IIlc;rll:ment YfS. Mth. Yr. 0 0 0 O~O' 0.5 02-01 1999 0 0 0 0.0 1.0 08.01 1999 0 0 0 0.0 1,5 02-01 2000 1.431 15,716 3,502 0.5 2.0 08-01 2000 1,431 15,716 3,502 1.0 2.5 02-01 2001 1,405 15,702 3,499 1.5 3.0 Oa-ol 2001 1,405 15.702 3.499 2.0 3.5 02-01 2002 1,376 15.688 3,496 2,5 4.0 08.01 2002 1,376 15.688 3,496 3,0 4.5 02-01 2003 1,345 15,673 3,493 3.5 5.0 08-01 2003 1,345 15,673 3,493 4.0 5.5 02-01 2004 1,312 1S,6S6 3.489 4.5 6.0 08-01 2QO.4 1,312 15,656 3.489 5.0 6.5 02-01 2005 1,276 15.636 3,485 5.5 7.0 0&-01 2005 1,276 15,638 3,48S 6,0 7.5 02-01 2006 1,238 16,619 3,4181 6.5 8.0 08-01 2006 1,238 15,61& 3,441 7.0 8.5 02-01 2001' 1,196 1$.598 3,476 7.5 9.0 08-Q1 2007 1,196 15,598 3.476 8.0 g.5 D.2~1 2008 1,151 15,576 3,471 8.$ 10.0 08.01 20011 1,lS1 15,576 3.471 9.0 10.5 02.01 2009 ,Ml2 281, 731.r'~ 62,181 .~ 2,360 lS1.l!!!> -...~- P1l9<12 MIOWEST3.wKJI :~PR-27-98 MaN 08:59 AM e CHRIS~'i & KIl'fGHOR'I, INC. :! 1 000 Rogers Drive ROQ:ers. MN 55314 F DATE: 4..27-18 a ro.cS 1(( n!j h(/'f ~ (Cft~ ~ 6f~ ~1~ - 440,j I FROM: TO: FAX #: epA,GES; (Including Cover) RE: ~: 'LJ . FAX: x l () OC)() '8' CO 0 fu 00 PAGE 1 Phone: (612)428~3201 Fax: 611/428-2101 "2./ I ALLIED COMPANIES,LLC 612 428 8395 6122954404 ~~ ALLIED COMPANIE ,LLCj l-wn:::::: 51 6:98; 9:32AM; MAY 06 '98 09:39AM CITY OF MONTICELLO . .; i , ,I . . .. / L. .__-~-. .~.---~ _.' ~ MAY 6, 1 ALLIED MCrmCELW Proposed square footage for lease Proposed.Tenant MIDWEST GRAPHICS . COST OF DEVELOPMENT: Land acquisition Construction Costs: Building @ $ 3 1 . 7 2 ~r sq ft SrteUnprove~t$- Include ArchitectFees - Included Permits - Included L% construction contingency- I n c 1 Total Construction Costs Construction Mmagcment fees - 6 % FinanciaJ construction interest and fees Legal f<<:s Project contingency Rent-up contingency if appropriate Other TOTAL COST OF DEVELOPMENT 05/06/98 12:59PM Job 422 H2 LLC 140,000 2,030,080 INCLUDED 30,000 5,000 -0- -0- 2,205,080 PROJECT FINANCING: Equity 5 51 , 2 7 0 Mortgage amount 1 . 69 8 . 81 0 Interest e 8. 50 Term 20 yr s Amwal payment of mongage 1 75 . 667 Rent per square toot 4. 00 Triple Net Lease: yes..L no Developers required rate ofretum 1 3 % REQUIRED TIF ASSISTANCE OR GAP . Monti<:elJo City Hall. 250E.. B~.y. PO Box 1141, Mo .otll Office of Pub lie Works. 909 Colt' CourA& Rd.. Mopti eUo, 250,000 Post-It> Fax Note 7671 phone ~ Fax It Page 1/1 Pcp Ca. Phone · '1:-:7 (~.,- - '/1/6- {~ FllX It Kennedy 470 Pillsbury Center 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 telephone (612) 337-9310 fax e-mail;attys@kennedy-graven.co @ DANIEL J. GREENSWEIG Attorney at Law Direct Dial (612) 337-9231 e-mail;dgreensweig@kennedy-graven.com May 4, 1998 Ollie Koropchak P.O. Box 1147 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 BY OVERNIGHT MAIL Dear Ollie: . Enclosed is a draft of the Allied development c ntract. The majority of the terms should be familiar to you, but please allow me to comment on the way the business terms of the deal are structured. 1. Allied agrees to construct a facility that ets the manufacturing and distribution criteria of the law passed by the legislature this se sion. The job and wage covenants reflect both existing law regarding these subjects and the requirements of the new statute. Because Allied is not running the facility but must by law, be responsible for the job creation, it should consider whether it wants its agree ent with Midwest Graphics to require Midwest to comply with these covenants. 2. The HRA agrees to pay up to $100,000 f land acquisition costs, $25,000 of site utility work, and $122,200 of site improveme ts. Interest at 7.50% will be paid on these amounts. It is structured as a pay-as-yo -go deal, with Allied entitled to 80% of the increment generated. 3. If the certificate of completion is not rec ived by Allied, it must reimburse the HRA for administrative costs. If the certificate is r ceived, the $5,000 previously paid to the HRA is returned to Allied. This document has not yet been provided to anyo e besides the HRA and Ehlers, as I understand you are awaiting the HRA's approval in concept of the agreement. It will therefore be a simple matter to change the draft if the HRA desires dif erent terms. In any event, please let me know . DJG142728 MN190-72 . . . Ollie Koropchak: May 4, 1998 Page 2 if you need changes, have questions, or need f er help with this or anything else. Sincerely, // Daniel J. Greensweig DJG:sms Enclosure cc: OJG142728 MN190-72 . . . BRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 6. 1 Broadway. r A. Reference and back,ifound: It is my understanding Rita Ulrich, MCP Mager, and perhaps, Barb Esse, MCP Chair, will be present at the HRA meeting to make request for use of the HRA lot on West Broadway. The overall purpose ofthe requ st is to enhance the appearance of downtown. I believe the request is to purch se some items to dress-up the lot, in exchange, the MCP will maintain the lot. Supporting data will be provided if submitte in time. 1 . . . C9 BRA LEASE TO USINESS. lIRA must hold public hearing - 10-day notice. Lease Agreement: Lease amount for raw land: $1.00 per squar 30-day notice to terminate agreement by eit r party. Lease agreement not to exceed one-year or onsistent with condition use permit. Lease agreement prepared by the BRA atto ey. Lessee: Indemnifies lIRA and City. For business display use only Maintains property at all tim . Restores property to original condition upon vacating. -t 0JtI1 ~ Proof of insurance. h 6 Q. (So ~o...u Detennines legal description f space for lease. L !:w.... :!z;) Records lease agreement an pays personal property tax. ~ erw-& "ff8^ Pays for all costs associated . th preparation and recording ofleas agreement. Estimated amo t not-to-exceed $500. OlO..OS';).oll) \ sS ~ tJ \1./':>:: /0" B~6 t.. tI ',( \J .... $I '0 ~ , ~ 0-1:) e. W\ ~,.J. <!. 0-"" \, I) 0 ~ ~-\ "1' ....~O k"" tv :\ N q b. t\b ~ ~ c:,~~ ~' C\1 ~~ "'\.~ ~ ';l . "" Ci. ... \, \<\ \., f.\; ~ " OoS." S , _ '$00. ~ ~ ~ T~ \,0 (. '" G~ C-~~ ~f, t 0 f)u C;~tca ~.~"'> ~ "^~ tJ' u.l. ';::)t · Q-~ ~ c, (.;0 . Proposed Use of Vacant HRA L at 111 West Broadway Prepared y Monticello Commun ty Partners Monticello Community Partners is concerned by the e pty space in the Broadway landscape created by the vacant lot in Block 52, currently owned by the HRA. The appearance of this lot has been a blemish on the visual landscape of our downt wn for over two years. It leaves an impression of neglect and economic blight. It has be n a receptacle for garbage and other debris since the building on it collapsed. On April 29th, MC volunteers cleared over two garbage cans full of debris off the property. As no development plans for the lot are imminent, M P proposes to turn the empty lot problem into an opportunity to create an attractive and inviting public space. The attached plan is a basic sketch of low cost improvements that will go a long w y toward making the property a place where people enjoy spending time. The front half of the lot an area of approximately 50 feet by 50 feet) would be used as a gathering and resting place for st oilers, a spot for people to enjoy a soda or lunch. A walkway to the alley will provide pedestrian ccess to the back parking areas. The proposed improvements are items which can easily b used in another location when the lot is developed. The plan also shows a fenced area for Skipper's Poo s and Spas, using the lot to solve another problem--this business's need for additional display area. We believed an outdoor display will help the business to grow. Business expansion is a important goal of the downtown revitalization . plan, as are the design and aesthetics of downtown. This proposal supports several objectives of the dow town revitalization plan: . "While it will be goods and services that dow town visitors will look for first, the aesthetics of the environment will encourage them to Ii ger, to walk over to a nearby shop, or to tell others about a place they enjoy." (p. 3:20-3: 1) . "Provide pedestrian amenities, such as ben hes and trash receptacles, at regular intervals and key locations at all downtown streets" ( .3:31) and "utilize benches that encourage lingering..." (p. 4:34) . "To facilitate pedestrian movement betwee parking areas and storefronts, connections should be developed at about the middle of each block. The recent fire presents an opportunity that follows the plan for redevel pment on Broadway and provides an opportunity for such a connection; this shou d be considered a priority..." (p.3:18) . "Work to develop streets that are comfortabl for strolling using wide sidewalk and pedestrian-scale amenities." (p. 4:25) . "Create an extension of the pedestrian ne rk at every opportunity..." (p.4:30) . As a neighbor to the property, MCP is in an excellen location to water and maintain the plantings and keep the area free of garbage. One business h s already volunteered to set up and take down the umbrellas every day. The Public Works 0 partment has arranged for the lot to be covered with a new layer of crushed granite with lim ,which will provide a comfortable walking surface. As you can see, this is an all-out effort an MCP is impressed with the cooperation it has received from all involved. SKIPPER'S POOL & SPAS STORE . Costs of Proposed HRA Lot Improvements ItA Y PARK.REC CORP. CONCR ETET AS LES (St.n Durabrite and Marbleized) OC) ,..GON TOP TABLE has a unique look that is sure to complement any s tting. Strong'f' rebar reinforced concrete provides a truly long and durable life. Top and seats bolt to legs for easy installation and assembly bolts are concealed for added beauty. You choose the top and seat colors you want with your aggregate selection for the legs. The exposed aggregate texture is washed. cured. and sealed to enhance the stone color. The smooth surfaces have color dyes throughout mixture for consistent color and pro ective sealer that prevents dustinq (AggregClte 8nd color choices are shown on the back oveL) An optional umbrella attClchment is available upon the request for areas where shad may be needed If you're in a high-vandalism area. ask about our anti-graffiti coatlllg. CTO-4S is an octagon top table With four Individual seats. CTO-4SG is the S8me. but with a ceramic tile gClmeboard insert In top. CTO.NS IS Cln octagon top t8ble with no attClched benches. (For use alone, or with sepa- rate benches CTB-23C or CPB-23C CTR.4S is a round top table with four attached benches. r- CTS 2-S ....-_._~..._-.._.__..-... 5QUARE TOP TABLES are perfect for dres - . !illl ((')I\("/ot",\ . - Ing up ~ pallo or courty~rd. Exposed aggregat ~ I _______.- legs and smooth slJrface concrete top and sea s I ~4',.i,("'r give an InViting appearance. The relnforceme t t with "R" rebar togeth"r with the strong concret i I' ITlI' make It exceptionally sturdy .'\nu assu e , lIe'gl" ,"1 many years of service. Choose the expose "'i,,~", 11.1 aggregate and smooth frnish colors from the l ",,"nl Gh selectron on the back cover. Cer,lmlc tile WPI~~lt rJ.to Ih-:; ___ __ .____~. gam"board insert is also available on thiS uni . CT5-4S "\.11 e,,''''elel ,) CT5-25 table is the 2.seat model as show 1 at right. (Has a 29" x 4[" lop size.) CT5- 25G is a 2 .se~t model With a ceramic tile gameboard insert In the top, CT5-45 table has a larger square top and seats. (Has a 38" x 38" top Size.) CT5-45G is a 4-seat model With a ceramic tile gameboard insert in the top. , ""v'- '<.:: ", ''', '\ .. ":,:,:~.' W"jlh 6fi' 1 ~Il~th G(1'. W':>Ij;~tlf WV) Ih<:, ~49 '- CTO-45 IAII Concrete) .~ "1 ..J.." 1t,:i\.1 \'''i'ilflrLl!t." 'ipJI>'~) ! t';Gir~ Helghl 29' Width 66' Length 66" W.'ght 8901bs. _",".;"r~ . _~--=-~~-'f-..\: .. ~ .. .,~ 'l~.:,! ~',:"';: :~..:. . . '-', "~ ,... ., ", '!Fj;;/I.. CERAMIC TILE GAMEBOARD INSERT is available in octagon, round and square table tops. CTR-4S (All Concrete) -<~:=2'''' ~\" .' ,/;f,;>-~~ ~\~lT\\l:!/Jo3' u J:f!> ~(5r-/ f} (, e) ~ Height 30" Width 68" Length 68" Weight 975 Ibs. (Dove Gray shown w/special polished aggregate suriace.) ROUND TOP TABLE, modern design with four surround- ing seats offers great aesthetics and practicality for patios. food service etc. It's heavily reinforced concrete construction is very durable. Choose from smooth, lightly sandblasted or exposed aggregate legs. Tops and seals are smooth suriace, available in dove gray, sand tan, lite brown and marbleize. Dedication plaques and logos also available, please inquire. CTR-4S 38" top, overall dia, 68". CTR-4SG has game board. PrICP~ and 'p"rifir,?t'(1,'" <uh/pr In rh,?nRP WIthout notir", 23 . . . \;,:.-. 64 1\\1"( TII ,\NH II IS , I I / / 7 ._.J"'" l Illll n<'llds II::" Cafe Umbrella 92" HI. \,j.,....,. (AnOdized aluminum pole only) . Umbrella Pole COlors White Anodi7erJ All .Iminum Chompounn Aluminum Umbrella Base IIOMICPI",I 11'/1)'1:;11<'11:' IIICJ)PPUIIMEfJ 1/2' Umbrella 92" lit. (Anodized aluminum and Chompagne pole only) 1/2' Bar Table Umbrella 100" HI. (Anodized aluminum and Champagne pole only) 112' Umbrella w/Aulo.Till 97" HI. (All colors availoble) 1/2' Bar Table Umbrella 105" HI. wi Aula-Till (AnorNed aluminum and Champagne pole only) 9' Mockel Umbrella 97" HI. (Wood pole only) Market Umbrella Base PARK BE CHES ~ Al MINUM CAST BENCH FRAME... This sturdy unit is well-suited for arks, resorts, golf courses, poolside, or any area that requires a light- wei ht, portable bench. The frame is constructed of cast aluminum alloy to give maintenance-free service. It may be purchased as frame only, or com- plet with 2" x 4" x 6' slats of CCA pressure treated No. 1 Southern Yell w Pine, either natural or stained redwood. GENERAL PURPOSE BENCHES for parks, locker rooms, team players, etc. Frames are fabricated of heavy 2%" 0.0. galvanized tube which will give you years of service. They are available as portable or stationary, and with or Wi. backs. Available in 6', 8', and IS' lengths, To best suit your needs, yo choose from 2" x 10" planks of CCA treated Southern Yellow Pine, alu' m, fiberglass, vinylast plastisol (PVC) coated expanded metal, or re- eye. Aastic, or choose 2" x 4" slats of CCA treated Southern Yellow Pine, aluminum, redwood, or recycled plastic.. Please see opposite page for more information, Model Descri ption WI. 0' __~_R~__~,__ 184 ACB Frame Only 35 ACB-PS Complete wlSYP Slats 60 2.j {; ~. ACB-PSR Complete wlRedwood Stained Slats 60 a 4q ~ L Y QUICK BENCH. . . is a durable yet economical bench that is suita- ble for indoor or outdoor use. The brown frame is molder! from high density pol ethelene with ultra-violet inhibitors. Slots going all the way through the en s allow five 2" x 4" x 6' or shorter slats to be pushed in. No bolts or screws req ired! If you want to discourage portability, sand or concrete may be po red into the frame to add weight. Model PQB PQB-PS POB-PSR Description Frame Only Complete w/SYP Slats Complete w/Redwood Stained Slats Wt. 20 45 45 TO -SIZE POLY QUICK BENCH... A really cute little bench similar to ab ve only sized for small children. Uses three feet long 1" x 4" slats. Specify red, blue, or yellow frame color. Model PQB- TS PQB-TS-PS Description Frame Only Complete wlSYP Slats Wt. 10 25 .. 14 Prices and specifications subject 0 chang/" without !loliC/' . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 7. n 1 A. Reference and Background: At the last HRA meeting, a motion was mad of preliminary interest to provide TIF assistance to Diversifoam Products. If the lanning Commission amends the Comprehensive Plan and the land use for the city-owned Remmele parcel is commercial, the two remaining parcel available for Diver ifoam is Pfeffer's parcel and the westerly township parcel. This is on the May 5 PI ng Commission agenda. In my latest conversation with Steve Slavik f Diversifoam, he responded the company's second choice in Monticello is the westerly arcel; however, the Monticello westerly parcel is the company's fourth or fifth choic . Their first choice overall is the city-owned parcel. Although the utility feasibility study for the outh and west corridor is anticipated completed for the Council meeting of May n, it would be nice to know if the BRA desires to submit a TIF proposal to Diversifi am for land write-down? The company requested a timely response. The next regul r HRA meeting is June 3. At the IDC meeting in April, the members d scussed the Diversifoam visit attended by Ken Maus and Kevin Doty. The response of the IDC was lukewarm, air emissions and abundant outdoor storage were the drawba s. Again, does the HRA desire to submit a T proposal to Diversifoam for land write- down? 1 . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 8. A. Reference and Background: Bob Murray requested the HRA consider m difying the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and RDI 0 use the certificate of real estate value instead ofthe assessor's value. The HRA t ok no action on the request. However, at the request of the HRA commi sioners, Administrator Wolfsteller went to the County Assessor's Office and looked at eac file card for the identified parcels. See supporting data. You will note the assessed values for 1997, payable 1998, were in line except the twinhome unit of $96,500 which as 50% complete. The assessed values for 1998, payable 1999, show the twinhome un tat 100% completion. Also, note all assessed values increased for payable 1999. The Contract reads for Phase I as of Janu 2, 1999, single family homes shall have an aggregate estimated market value of $4,00 ,000, and each single family home shall have an estimated market value of at least $95,0 O. And twinhomes shall have an aggregate estimated market value of $4,000,000 and ach twinhome building (2 units) shall have an estimated market value of at least $160,00 . The rational of the HRA was to assist with soils correction in the amount of $102,000 n exchange for housing of certain market value. Market values which support the co t of city services. One year remains for the values to reach at least $95,000 and $160, 00 respectively. The assessor's value is the estimated mark t value of the land and building as determined by the assessor for property taxes. The ce ificate of real estate value is the acquisition price of the land and building. Generally t e real estate value is higher. TIF assistance is an amount of the available tax increment w . ch is derived from the assessed value. The TIF assistance is the amount agreed upon etween a developer and the HRA and is written into the Contract for Private Rede elopment. Taxes or tax increment is not determined from the amount of the certific te ofreal estate value. F or payment dates August 1998 and F eb ary 1999, the HRA shall reimburse the developer 75% of the "available tax incre ent". "Available tax increment" means 90% of the tax increment provided that the aggre te sum of payments during each period does not exceed $76,500. City staff does not suggest modifying the ontract. Rational to promote consistency of contracts, TIF assistance is not determine from the certified real estate value, and to support decisions of previous HRA co ssioners. 1 . Resi d ntial Development, Inc. Assessor's Estimate vs Certified Value Com par i on Single Family (Typical) 1-1-97 TIF arget Assessor's Certified Assessor's Blk Lot Address V lue EMV RE Value EMV 1-1-98 1 1 155-086-001010 $1 0,000 5120,100 $136,000 $124.700 1 5 001050 $1 0,000 581,000 $104,650 96.500 1 17 001170 51 0,000 5103,200 5109,805 106.900 1 19 001190 $1 0.000 5115,600 $118,500 120.100 2 6 002060 $1 5,000 5108,300 $116,000 112.500 2 7 002070 51 5,000 586,200 $94,995 89.700 2 8 002080 $1 5,000 $87;500 $101,900 90.400 2 9 002090 51 05,000 592,600 5102,900 96.300 3 2 003020 51 00,000 $81,700 $116,500 84.800 3 3 003030 $1 00,000 5100,400 5105,000 121,600 . 7 4 007040 $1 25.000 5105,200 $121,335 110.600 Twin Homes (Typical) 43&4 155-086-004030 & 004040 51 60,000 $158,600 5173,400 169.400 4 9&10 004090 & 004100 $ 60,000 $153,200 5177,150 164.800 4 19&20 004190 & 004200 $ 60,000 5158,600 5159,800 173 . 200 5 1&2 005010 & 005020 S 60,000 $162,600 $169,300 168.600 5 13&14 005130 & 005140 5 60,000 5162,600 5172,650 17,0.600 5 19&20 005190 & 005200 5 60,000 $160,400 5164,600 166.600 2 1 3& 14 002130 & 002140 $ 10,000 5219,800 5252,000 230.100 2 1 5& 16 002150 & 002160 $ 10.000 $i 36.000 $224,650 194.000 2 17&18 002170 & 002180 5 10,000 $229,600 5270,900 239.800 2 19&20 002190 & 002200 S 10,000 596;500 5217,200 * 194.600 2 21&22 002210 & 002220 $ 10,000 $186.300 $222.9qO 194.300 * The values for 1-1-97 were only b sed on the house's being 50% completed. As of 1-1-98 they are 100% comple e. . . . . BRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 9. A. Reference and Back,ground: Blocks 11, 12, 13, and 14 of the Original P at, are proposed for redevelopment with the development of the community center. T ugh negotiations with city staff for development of the community center, Do Maser has expressed a willingness to sell his property. The property described as Lot 1 NW 4 ft of Lot 2, Block 11, Original Plat, has an estimated market value of$59,100 p yable 1999. Land: $16,000 and building: $43,000. The parcel consist of 11,550 squ e feet. PID# 155-010-011010. The parcel lies within the boundaries ofRe evelopment TIF District No. 1-22. Although Block 11 is proposed for redevelopment in hase II ofthe development of the community center, it appears to be an opportune time t acquire the parcel assuming the willing seller will waive the relocation benefit costs. In riving by the property, the small white house with detached garage appears well-maintai ed. This would be a rental property.. Since the BRA and TIF cashtlow is Iowan assuming the BRA is interested, the HRA could request an interest free loan from the City to acquire the parcel prior to authorizing an appraisal of the property. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion requesting an interest fre loan from the City for possible acquisition of the property located at 516 Maple treet. 2. A motion of no interest to acquire t e property at 516 Maple Street. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Certainly all projects can be good projects; owever, with limited funds the HRA needs to focus on their priorities Of fe-establish its p . orities. D. SuPportini Data' TIF District 1-22 and community center m p identifying the parcel. 1 " ..............- ''':''':''::::''--';~ -- -- ,~ -.--- -. - -- - .::: r---~ City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-22 --:"''::::;::~'' '- ~~~ .:::...., -~ ~ \-lI~\'\ 2. -nO~ D\)\ . I',,., ,.... !!2!...- :: : v r p ~ . . 0:: w I- ... Z w () :i. . ~ --, EZ?) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I - ~ ~ :$ i L I I I ~--D----- - - ..: I I I I I I r---- ...- - - ---, I I I r ~ -- ~J i" I I L__ _ _ __._._.__.J I I I I I ~-----~- - - --~ I I I c:J I I I --I ~ :~ ~ E8:.~ i U~I~ ~ aa:~ ~ ' 8 p. ~ ~ - r~""h" - ~- tt tt. \ f-l""-' 0 . Irf~~-'~ " -_.,-U ~ l, "" l-L LC . 3 , .. ~L::.:: [ . i:<,:i 1'::1: J> 1-0 \~ >- I- Z :J ~ -.- ~ ~ -. 0 () o ...J ...J W () I- z o ~ ,'-, L -< ...J a... lLJ . t:: to . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 10. A. Reference and Background: At the last HRA meeting, members request d a list of site locators, builders, and other for possible invite of the golf outing of June 10. I contacted Mark Ruff who referred me to Toni LeClere of the Harrington Group. To . serves as membership chair of the National Association ofIndustrial and Office Prope es and mailed a copy of their membership directory. The directory has several pages, herefore, the directory will be available at meeting for review. I will attempt to make list. Other arrangements will need to be discussed. Because the Golf Outing is a fundraiser for he Chamber of Commerce, it was decided that the HRA or City would not be a co-sponso. Not wise for a public entity to do fundraising. However, the HRA will still p rchase x amount of tickets from the Chamber for a gratis invitation of golf plus a morning tour and gratis lunch. 1 . . . GOLF OUTING PO NTIAL LIST Lenders - Marquette Bank - Kevin Doty US Bank Norwest Bank First National of Elk River - Bill Endres Firstar Bank Mark RuftlRusty Fifield - EWers Steve Bubul/Dan Greensweig - Kennedy & Graven Lenny Kirsch - Public Resource Group Paul Ederer - Allied Companies Shawn Weinand John Chadwick Gae Viet - Shingobee Duane Schultz - Winkelman Construction Vaughn Veit/Ken Barthel - Veit Companies John Gries - Attorney Merrill Busch - Busch & Partners Charlie Pfeffer - Pfeffer Companies Brad Larson - Attorney Welsch Companies United Properties Frauenshuh Towle Garfield Ryan Brookfield Opus Dunbar Griffin Companies Knaus-Anderson Adolfson and Peterson Ackerberg Construction Amcon Strack Construction - St Cloud Borson Builders Weiss Construction \ 0 f . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 11. n A. Reference and Back~ound: Again, enclosed is a copy of the TIF Polici s from the City of Savage. In order to save time, it is suggested a couple of commissio ers be appointed to prepare a draft copy of the TIF Policies or I would be happy to do so r submittal at the June meeting. If you have any comments or suggestions, please indic e or if you feel TIF Policies are not necessary, please indicate so. In meetings of the Mar eting Committee, the question arises "Is the City of Monticello ready for business?" 1 Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:25j J~ #281jpage 2 e e e. TAX INCREME ~ While taX increment fInancing is an important ancl ful tool in attracting lUld retaining business, it is essential that it is used appropriately to accomp sb the City's economic development goals and objectives. The fundamental principle which m tax increment financing viable is that it is designed to encourage development which would not otherwise occur. The Savage Economic Development Authority is responsible for ensurin that the projccJ would not occur "but tor" the assistance provided through tax increment financin . The Savage Economic Development Authority will consider taX increment financing in cases that serve to accomplish the City's targeted goals for ec nomic development as they may change over time. These goals include projects that would res It in the creation of new jobs that pay wages adequate to support households, encourage the rete . on and expansion of existing businesses, and support redevelopment of blighted or under uti.!' parcels. Projects eligible for consideration of tax increment ancina assistance include, but are not limited to, office, office/service/warehouse, industtiaJ/ ufacruring. officelindustriallcotpOrate head~ quarters, housing and retail when perfonned in con unction with the elimination of blight. Project costs qualifying for taX increment financing istance. as defined under the TlF Act. include utilities design, landscape design. arch.itectura.land gineeriIlgfees directly attributable to site work, site related penuits. earthwork/excavation, soils co tiOD, landscaping, utilities (sanitary sewer. storm sewer and water), streets md roads. streetslp king lot paving. streets/parking lot ligh~ curb and gutter, sidewalks, land acquisitioIl,speciaJ asses cnts, legal (acquisition, financing and closing fees), soil tests and environmenwstudies, surveys, p dedicationfce, SAC and WAC charges. title insurance, demolition COstS and TIF application de sit or otherwise permittd by state law. The amount of tAx increment financing provided to applicant will be based on the analysis of the following; A. Fundability guidelines for financial assis e (Attachment n An). B. Eligible project costs submitted on the app ication for taX increment financing assistiUlce (Attachment lOB"). C. Amount of increment generated. by the proje t as calculated by the City's financial advisor. Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656; 03/10/9B 9:26; Jedax #281;page 3 . . .' TAX INCREMENT POLICY Page 2 of3 The standard guideline for assistance is seventy p ent (10%) of the project's annual increment for a term deumnined by the number of poinu accum ated in the fundability guideline. The level of assistaIlce provided will be evaluated on a case by sse basis and may reflect an increase or decrease in assistance. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE: Tax: increment financing can be provided in tWO different fonns. One form is "pay as you go" wherein the Savage Economic Development Authority compensates the applicant for a prcdetennined amount for a predetermined. n ber of. years. Annual payments are based on increment generated from the project and issued to e applicant after payment of property taxes by the applicant. The Savage Economic Developm nt Authority will give special consideration to applicants applying for "pay as you go" assistanc . Another fonn is "up front" payment to the applic t wherein the Savage Economic Development Authority must issue revenue or general obUg on bonds. The increment generated from the applicant's project is then used for the payment 0 the bonds. 'The Savage Economic DevelopmcntAuthority wil require a deposit in the amount of five thousand dollars (S5.000) from the applicant for the Ci 's consultants to investigate the feasibility of providing tax increment financing assistance to the applicant. If the Economic Development Authority incurs additional expense beyond the 5,000. prior to the execution of the developers agreement. the Economic Development Auman; will notify the applicant in writing and the applicant will be required to deposit additional ds. If the project is approved and the applicant plOc with the project, the Economic Development Authority will reimburse the applicants deposit to the extent permissible under the TIF Act. If the applicant does not proceed with the project, the E nomic Development Authority will reimburse the applicant for the unused portion of the dcposi . If the project being proposed is not within an e . . g tax increment financing district and the creation of II new district is necessary. the appll;lU1t will be required to make a deposit to the Economic Development Authority in the amount often thousand dollars (SI0,OOO). This deposit will be used for the City's consultants to investiga the feasibility of creating II new district. If the Economic Development Authority incurs additi nal expense beyond the $10,000, prior to the execution of the developers agreement. the E nomic Development Authority will notify the applicant in writing and the applicant will be req ired to deposit additional funds. Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656; . . .. TAX INCREMENT POLICY 03/10/98 9:26; Jedix #281;Page 4 Page 3of3 If a new district is created and the project proce the Economic Development Authority will reimburse the applicant's deposit to the extent p 'ssible WIder the TIF Act. lfthe applicant does not proceed with the project. the Economic Develo mentAuthoritywill reimburse the applicant for the unused portion of the deposit. StJBMTTT AL OF APPUCA nON FORMS: Applicants requesting taX increment fUUUlCing assi ce within an existing district or in the creation of a new district, will be required to complete and submit the following: 1. Requests for tax increment :financing assi 2. Fundability guidelines for a financial assi 3. Appropriate deposit ($5.000 or $10,000). OTHER POLICY ISSUES: A. Fiscal Disparities: e application. Within existingwc incrementfinancingdi 'ctsand any fUture districtS. it will be the City's general policy to have the tax incremen: financing district support the fiscal disparity contribution from within the tax incremen financing district. B. LOll of Government Aid: Changes to Minnesota Statutes mandate a state to the City when new tax increment taX increment district is fonned. the appli loss or reduction in state revenues. BAS/rjl GEN-POLC.830 6.1 duction in the LGAlHACA payments from the eing districts are formed. In the event a new t will be required to reimburse the City for such Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE e e e. 6128822656; 03/10/98 9:27; Jedix #281;page 5 CITY OF S V AGE ECONOMIC DEVELOP AUTHORITY , UIDELlNES FINANCIAL Name of A plicant Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:27j Jedix #281jPage 6/17 e $ $ $ TOTAL INVESTMENT e. Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 61 28822656 j I 03/10/98 9:27j Jedix #281jpage 7/17 . . POINT VALUE +1 > 1 1S +2 > 16 30 +3 > 31 45 +4 > 46 7S . +S > 7S CURRENT NUMB OF EMPLOYEES ESTIMATED NEW LOYEES (WITHIN NEXT 2 YEARS) TOTAL NUMBER 0 CURRENT AND ESTIMATED NEW MPLOYEES . EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE CO EQUIVALENT POSITIONS. .' 2 Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656; 03/10/98 9:27; Jedax #281jPage 8/17 e POINT VALUE 0 S 2,SOO+ -+- 1 $10.000 - S 12,500 +2 7,500 - 510,000 +3 5,000 .. S 1,500 e +4 2,500 .. S 5,000 +S o - S 2.500 TIFIPUBLIC INVESTMENT S . cURRENT NUMBER OF EMPLO s . EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE CO EQUIV ALENT POSITIONS e. 3 Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:28j Jedax #281jPage 9/17 . -TOTAL NO. WEIGHTED POINT DOLLAR OF DOLLAR VALUE EMPLOYF.RS AMOUNT 0 $ 0- 14,999 S 10,000 S + 1 $15,000 M 24,999 520.000 $ +2 525,000 - 29.999 527,500 $ . +3 530,000 .. 44,999 537,SOO $ +4 545,000 - 59,999 S52,000 S +S 560,000 and over 560,000 $ -TOTAL $ WEIGHTED AVERAGE S . EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE COMPUTED AS L..TIME EQUIVALENT POSmONS. THE TOTAL NUMBER ON THIS PAGE SHO! 0 EQUAL !HE TOTAL ON P AOE 2. .' Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:28; Jedax #281jPage 10/17 e . POINT VALUE +1 +2 e +3 $ 50. O. $ 99,000 +4 +S · PROJECTED TAX REVENUES SHOULD BE BASED ON TIlE EXISTING PROPERTY T SYSTEM AND RATES PLUS LEGISLATIVE FUruRE CHANGES IF SUBJECT e. Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:28j Jedix #281jPage 11/17 . POINT VALUE +1 RETAIL +2 HOUSING +2 OFFICE ....3 OFFIC&lSERVICE (SO/SO) +3 V ALUE ADDED (RETAIL WITH SIGNIFICANT . SERVICE COMPONENT) +4 INDUSTRIAL + 1 COMP ANY/CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS - LOCATION OF UPPER MANAGE WHERE STRATEGIC MANAGE. MENT DECISIONS ARE E (ADD 1 POINT TO ABOVE VALUE) + 1 REMOVAL OR REHAB TATION OF SUBSTANDARD STRUCTURES (ADD 1 P {NT TO ABOVE VALUE) TOT At POINT VALUE e. Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656; 03/10/98 9:29; Jedix #281;Page 12/17 . POINT VALUE +1 Buildin; Ex nor Above Standard +1 Landscaping Irrigation System +1 Landscaping Above Stand.arcl +1 Expansion 0 Existing Business or Building . Bring Existing Building or Prope "ty with outdoor storage standards +2 +2 conformity with standards +2 Additional Value Factors +3 Substandard oil (FilVCompac;tion needed) Total Point Value .' 7 3ent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:29j Jedax #2B1jpage 13/17 e POINT VALUE e ~ 4.0 RETAIL ~3.5 OFFICE/W OUSE SERVICE .3.0 HI TECH - 2.0 OFFICE e. B Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656; 03/10/98 9:29;Jedix #281jpage 14/17 e POINT VALUE - 2 UP- ONT + 5 PAY AS YOU GO o e POINT V ALlIE -2 TIME PAYMENT +3 3 AL PAYMENTS +4 4 VAL PAYMENTS +5 5 AL PAYMENTS e. Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:30j Jedax #281jpage 15/17 e PAGE POINT VALUE 1 PUBLIC VERSUS PRlV A 2 3 PUBLIC INVESTMENT P R EMPLOYEE 4 PAY LEVEL OF POSITIO 5 REAL ESTATE/PROPEK TAXES GENERATED 6 SIGNIFICANT IMP ACT MULTIPLIER e 7 SERVICE IMPACT 8 ENHANCEMENT IlvfP AC 9 FORM OF T.LF. ASSIST CE REQUESTED TOTAL THE lNFORMA nON PROVIDED IN IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO TIlE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE: e. DATE: 10 Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656j 03/10/98 9:30j Jedix #281jpage 16/17 e POINT VALUE e o - 10 - OR ~ REMAINING LIFE 11 - 13 OF TIF DISTRICT. WHICHEVER IS LESS 14 ~ 16 5 .. 17 . 20 7 .. .. 21 AND OVER II " e. 11 Sent by: CITY OF SAVAGE 6128822656; 03/10/98 9:30; ~ #281;page 17/17 . (1) BUILDING SIZE: .SQUARE FOOT COST OF PROJECT: (LAND'" BUILDING) PROJECT COST PER S.F. (2) PER S.F. ALLOW ANCE 520.00 - S30.00 53.00 $30.01 - 540.00 54.00 540.01 . S50.00 $5.00 . POINTS ACCUMULA TED 56.00 (3) PERCENT OF ASSISTANCE OVER 550,01 11 - 13 30% 14 - 16 50% 17 - 20 70% 21 & OVER 100% (1) S.F. OF BLOG: $ X (2) S.F. ALLOWANCE $ X (3) % OF ASSISTANCE: 0/0 EQUALS AlvtOUNT OF ASSISTANCE $ · USE EITHER TOTAL PROJECTCOS S OR ESTIMATED MARKET . . VALUE OF PROJECT. 2 . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 12. Enclosed are the April lIRA invoices and the amount billed Charlie Pfeffer for lobbying efforts on green acres. Recommend authori 'ng payment. 1 I KENNEDY & RAVEN . 1 ~ ',"'101':""\ }~r J~ ". .,....,:< J Chartere 200 South Sixth Stre t, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337- 300 ~0P i 0 lSS3 (\4 I\. CLIENT SUMMAR April 7, 1998 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak: City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Through March 31, 1998 . MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General MNI90-00062: Fay-Mar Expansion MNI90-00066: Community Center Financing MNI90-00067: Mall Redevelopment MN 190-00068: Green Acres Legislation $ 297.48 $ 67.00 $ 2,203.94 $ 122.03 $ 502.66 $ 65.00 $ 3,173.30 $ 84.81 $ 3,258.11 . MNI90-00071: Housing TIF 1998 Services Rendered: Disbursements: Balance Due: .",..... "';t"<.<lII 1 doclal'l3, 'upd<:.r l';)' ,"'"., 'V "". . .:~i:n~:~~':I~:;t~: dl:~4J of It has be : L . . . KENNEDY & GRAVEN Charter d 200 South Sixth Str et, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 (612) 337- 300 April 7, 1998 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice # 2 554 ~ \:\<At\ Through March 31, 1998 For All Legal Services As Follows: 03/09/98 SJB Review contract re asse sment question; phone call 0.50 with 0 Koropchak re s e 03/11/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Koro chak re various TIF 0.30 proposals 03/24/98 DJG Revise model prelimin development agreement 0.80 03/25/98 DJK Intraoffice conference .th D Greensweig; phone 0.50 call with R Fifield at Eh ers; check statute 03/26/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Koro chak re housing question 0.25 Total Services: For All Disbursements As Follows: 03/24/98 03/24/98 03/25/98 03/31/98 Photocopies Postage Fax Photocopies Total Disbursements: Total Services And Disbursem nts: $ $ $ 67.00 40.20 84.00 72.00 33.50 296.70 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.78 297.48 . . . KENNEDY & Chartere 200 South Sixth Stre t, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337- 300 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak: City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MNI90-00062: Fay-Mar Expansion Invoice # 2 593 ,,~ \- ,>Y Through March 31, 1998 For All Legal Services As Follows: 03/09/98 SJB Review contract; phone all with 0 Koropchak re same Total Services: Total Services And Disbursem nts: 0.50 67.00 $ 67.00 $ 67.00 . . . KENNEDY & GRAVEN Charter d 200 South Sixth Str et, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 (612) 337. 300 ~ APriI7'19~~6"~ City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN190-00066: Community Center Financing Invoice # 3102 Through March 31, 1998 For All Legal Services As Follows: 03/02/98 DJG Attend council meeting re community center 03104/98 BMB Phone calls with D Gre nsweig; prepare reimbursement resoluti n 03/04/98 DJG Attend HRA meeting r community center 03/17/98 DJG Draft agreement for cit hall 03/20/98 DJG Draft operating agreem nts for community center 03/25/98 DJG Prepare for and attend eeting with D Delan, R Fifield and R Johnson Total Services: For All Disbursements As Follows: 03102/98 03/04/98 Travel expense (DJG) Travel expense (DJG) Total Disbursements: Total Services And Disburse ents: 4.60 1.00 3.70 3.20 4.60 3.20 483.00 13 9.00 388.50 336.00 483.00 336.00 $ 2,165.50 $ 19.22 19.22 38.44 $ 2,203.94 . . . KENNEDY & RAVEN Charcere 200 South Sixth Str et, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 (612) 337- 300 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN190-00067: Mall Redevelopment Invoice # 3103 iifry -' . ~~~ Through March 31, 1998 For All Legal Services As Follows: 03/02/98 SJB Phone call with Korop hak re K-Mart Resolutions 0.25 33.50 03/18/98 SJB Phone call with B Lars n re developer name 0.40 53.60 change; revise contract' letter to Larson Total Services: For All Disbursements As Follows: 03/18/98 03/18/98 Photocopies Postage Total Disbursements: Total Services And Disburse ents: $ 87.10 $ 27.00 7.93 34.93 $ 122.03 . . . KENNEDY & GRAVEN Charter d 200 South Sixth Str et, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 (612) 337- 300 April 7, 998 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00071: Housing TIF 1998 <(\ y:-Il:- Invoice # 3105 Through March 31, 1998 For All Legal Services As Follows: 03/30/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Kor pchak re housing project Total Services: Total Services And Disburse ents: 0.50 $ 65.00 65.00 $ 65.00 . . . Through March 31, 1998 For All Legal Services As Follows: 03/04/98 SJB Phone call with J Choi e status 0.50 03/24/98 SJB Phone call with J Choi e conference committee; 0.40 phone call with 0 Koro chak re Midwest graphics; industrial land uses 03/25/98 SJB Draft letter to Represen ative Long and Senator 2.50 Johns; phone call with Choi re same; phone call with 0 Koropchak re s me 03/30/98 SJB Phone call with R Long re bill status 0.20 03/31/98 SJB Phone call with Choi re conference committee; 0.50 zoning criteria; phone c 11 with 0 Koropchak re wage limits KENNEDY & GRAVEN Charter d 200 South Sixth Str et, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 (612) 337- 300 April 7, 998 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-92~5 MNI90-00068: Green Acres Legislation Invoice # 3104 Total Services: For All Disbursements As Follows: 03/25/98 03/25/98 03/25/98 Fax Photocopies Postage Total Disbursements: Total Services And Disburse ents: lei)'!. 5-0 50 /1, (:,-6 !?;5?g'.SO 4~ 3/15/ ~b - /J""C; 00 ,00 7 ~ <J~5r ~6 cfi~ff dt!k- U&uk c;Jf1rr 60.00 48.00 300.00 24.00 60.00 $ 492.00 $ 8.50 1.20 0.96 10.66 $ 502.66 1f1?~) . . . KEl'lNEDY & RAVEN Chartered 200 South Sixth Sue t, Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337.9 00 February 10 1998 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - Genexal.---- -~~.~ --.............--.---................. -''j // Invoice # 21579 Tltrough January 31, 1998 ~~ ------~/. For All Legal Services As Follows: ,. 01/21/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Kor pchak re various TIF questions 01/30/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Kor pchak re Green Acres; memo re same Total Services: For All Disbursements As Follows: 01/30/98 Fax Total Disbursements: Total Services And Disburse ents: . . ~ ...... ... 0.50 1.75 67.00 234.50 $ 301.50 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 301.50 .,~. ' . . .' KENNEDY &GRA VEN Charter d 200 South Sixth Str et, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 (612) 337- 300 March 9, 1998 ,.. ,..."...,f". ,-~,.....~t,} "''''-I,J \~ City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362~9245 ~----- -------" MN190-00068: Green Acres Legislation ~' r .. ~ InVOIce # 2557 Tltrough February 28, 1998 For All Legal Services As Follows: 02/05/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Kor pchak re bill; revise same; 1.00 120.00 memo to Olson 02/06/98 SJB Phone call with Choi d Koropchak re bill 1.00 120.00 modifications; review Michael memo and amendments 02/10/98 DJG Phone call with J Choi and 0 Koropchak re TIF 1.20 144.00 legislation; review 0 oropchak letter to Pappas; draft proposed amend ent to amended legislation 02/16/98 SJB Intraoffice conference ith R Long re bill status 0.30 36.00 02/16/98 RCL Phone calls with S Bu. ul and J Choi re legislation 0.30 36.00 update and strategy 02/17/98 RCL Monitor green acres Ie islation 2.50 300.00 02/18/98 SJB Phone call with R Lon and J Choi re Senate bill; 2.00 240.00 letter to Senator Hotti ger 02/20/98 SJB Review Senate bill; fa to Koropchak; phone call 0.50 60.00 with J Choi 02/24/98 SJB Phone call with Bob Lng, J Choi and 0 0.30 36.00 Koropchak re bill 02/24/98 RCL Meetings with E Olso , R Abrams and others 1.50 180.00 02/25/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Kor pchak re bill status; phone 3.50 420.00 can with Senator Stev ns office; draft revision; testify at House Co ittee Hearing 02/25/98 RCL Meetings with legislat rs; attend and testify at 3.20 384.00 House TIF subcommi ee 02/26/98 SJB Phone call with 0 Kor pchak re proposed bill 0.60 72.00 changes; phone call w th industrial park owner re same; phone call with ouse staff re bill revisions 02/26/98 RCL Prepare for House sub ommittee hearing; prepare 1.40 168.00 amendment language 02/27/98 SJB Phone calls with Choi and R Long re revised bill; 0.50 60.00 review same; fax to K ropchak 02/27/98 RCL Meetings with S Mark and D Ozment; attend 1.60 192.00 hearing Total Services: $ 2,568.00 , , . '- .- . . .. ;' I .",../ .), KENNEDY & RAVEN Chartere 200 South Sixth Stre t, Suite 470 Minneapolis, M 55402 City of Monticello Ollie Koropchak Page 2 MN190-00068: Green Acres Legislation Attorney S ary Daniel J Greensweig Robert C. Long Stephen 1. Bubul For All Disbursements As Follows: 02/27/98 Fax Total Disbursements: Total Services And Disburse ents: ,., !,""\~~,,.. J: ~\~::-:.'~' J., ).. .~ ), "t.~..... \ \. 1.20@ 120.00/hr 10.50 @ 120.00/hr 9.70@ 120.00/hr $ $ 144.00 1,260.00 1,164.00 20.50 20.50 2,588.50 . . . HRA AGENDA MAY 6, 1998 13. a) fE i 0" Shingobee - The project was withdr wn from the HRA agenda as the proposed tenants for second floor withdrew fr m the preliminary lease agreement. Mr. Hayes continues work on the propo ed West Broadway project and has resumed negotiations with the two initial ten ts. Shingobee has feelers out for other tenant leads. The project remains withdra n; however, Hayes hopes to be back before the HRA. Mall redevelopment - I talked with rad Larson, Attorney for Barry Fluth, to see how the Cub project is moving alon . The project is moving along but certainly a challenge. The new owner ofK-M property and its lender have agreed to modify the reciprocal consent agree ent. This should be executed in the next day or so and then proceed to the title" surance company and on to US Bank, the lender for the redevelopment projec. Steel is on order and arrival anticipated the third week of June. Also, it appears the original survey for the K-Mart project was incorrect so a new survey is being c mpleted including the area for the proposed motel to the west. Schliefand Carlson - no word from ither. Senior Housing Project - I sat in a eeting with Skip Sorenson, architect, Allen Black, marketing firm, and Jeff reg ding the proposed 60-bed independent living, 60-bed assisted living, and Center T wer under development by St. Benedicts (non-profit organization). The loca ion is along East 7 Street (behind the Rand Mansion) and is part ofthe St. He's campus but independently owned and managed by St. Bens. Preliminary i terest in TIF assistance would be for site improvements for the proposed 60- ed independent living facility. Hawkins - The closing was schedul d for 10:00 a.m., May 1. Two sheds and freezer to be removed over the wee end. Fire department plans to use the house for drills and control bum during th summer months. It is anticipated the burned debris can be removed in late Augu t or thereafter. This per Fire Chief Mark Wallen. After closing, I will order e utilities disconnected. Copy of letter to Ron Musich. Job eporting to MTEO and local match contribution reporting to Oept of venue completed. "0\ "- t.....~ av.... "~u<J ~ ~ b) c) d) e) f) ~'\ 1 May-O~-ga ~~:OSA 512 359 ee96 FROM IFFlTCO/MF'LS . . . * P.02 19'9B.~-t:l~ 1iItIQ.~ -..--. ---" \ ~. b. FIRST .A.MERICAN TITLE INSUE~ANCE COMPANY PAC~;JMILF. l"IlANS. I'CTAt, SIt,f;ET 1'0: Barry Fluth r;o)l.pJ\$Y: BBF Properties. Inc. E A:Ji,. NtJ),C$EJl; 295-2720 PHONt NU)GEI.: u: Monticello Mall f'II.lM: Jim Erickson DAP.: 05/01/98 TO .:AI. NO. OF "ACES INct.tmx.'\lG CO~ll.: 1 s't DU'S JlJOPDB~a: NUMIIU 59-.33~7C YO :m JlUb:li:N C! l'JUJdU: .t:J LlAC~Nr la fOil. REVIEW [J PI..l!ASE cOMMfJ 1" 0 PLEASE REPLY o PLEASE MCYCl.E NonS/CON)(~TS: Bury: This will conIirm that fOur mongage 0 U.S. Bank h.. bc.cn recorded and thaI we have bad an opportuDity Ie) viluaJly inspe :t the property U1c:laarilfy ourselves that no wOlk has been contft1ll'ftcecl. Accordingly, you may proceed to begin demoJiuon- lUO WE'tl\OPOL 'tAN C~NT)l.E :13.) SOUTH 5EVl NTH $TaEET WDlNEA,OLl&. MII"NESOTA SUU (612) l3 .5,00 (/l00) " -u:u /<". .... ..... ....'. i~' . 1'~' it .'" ~ . . . \~.b r to such previously approved Construction Plans, t e City Building Official shall approve the proposed change and notify the Redeveloper in iting of its approval. Such change in the Construction Plans shall, in any event, be deemed a proved by the City Building Official unless rejected, in whole or in part, by written notice by t City Building Official to the Redeveloper, setting forth in detail the reasons therefor. Such r jection shall be made within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. The Ci Y Building Official's approval of any such change in the Construction Plans will not be umea onably withheld. I'....,............. .' <r f' I \ Section 4.3. Commencement and Com leti n of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Redeveloper shall commence construe ion of the Minimum Improvements by May 1, 1998. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Kede- eloper shall complete the construction O1'iIl'c Mm~um Improvements by December 31, 1998 All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans s submitted by the Redeveloper and approved by the Authority. \ t''\ ~ , ;.... ,< The Redeveloper agrees for itself, its su cessors and assigns, and every successor m interest to the Redevelopment Property, or any art thereof, that the Redeveloper, and such successors and assigns, shall promptly begin nd diligently prosecute to completion the development of the Redevelopment Property hrough the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construct on shall in any event be commenced and completed within the period specified in this S ction 4.3 of this Agreement. Subsequent to conveyance of the Redevelopment Property, or Y part thereof, to the Redeveloper, and until construction of the Minimum Improvements has been completed, the Redeveloper shall make reports, in such detail and at such times as may r asonably be requested by the Authority, as to the actual progress of the Redeveloper with resp ct to such construction. I~. .. " Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion. ( ) Promptly after substantial completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with tho e provisions of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Redeveloper to constr ct the Minimum Improvements (including the dates for beginning and completion thereof), the uthority will furnish the Redeveloper with an appropriate instrument so certifying. Such certi lcation by the Authority shall be a conclusive determination of satisfaction and termination of he agreements and covenants in the Agreement and in the Deed with respect to the obligations of the Redeveloper, and its successors and assigns, to construct the Minimum Improvements and the dates for the beginning and completion thereof. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Redevelope to any Holder of a Mortgage, or any insurer of a Mortgage, securing money loaned to finance t e Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof. (b) The certificate provided for in th s Section 4.4 of this Agreement shall be in such form as will enable it to be recorded in the pro er office for the recordation of deeds and other instruments pertaining to the Redevelopment P operty. If the Authority shall refuse or fail to provide any certification in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.4 of this Agreement, the Authority shall, within thirty (30) days afte written request by the Redeveloper, provide the Redeveloper with a written statement, indic ting in adequate detail in what respects the Redeveloper has failed to complete the Minimu Improvements in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, or is otherwise in default, a d what measures or acts it will be necessary, in SJB135592 MN190-67 10 April 17, 998 -- MONTICELLO Mr. Ronald S. Musich Fay-Mar Metal Fabricators 7365 Quantico Lane North Maple Grove, MN 55369 Re: Second Amended and Restated Contract fo Private Redevelopment Dear Ron: ,~.~ As per the Second Amended and Restated Contract for Private Redevelopment between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Ronald S. Musich dated June 2, 1997, ARTICLE III, pages 8 through 11, the Authority agreed to reimbu se the Redeveloper for Qualified Costs in accordance to the terms and conditions of the contr ct. Acquisition and Conveyance of Property; Public Improvements, Section 3.9. . n in film r . (d) The Certificate of Completion was issued by the City February 11, 19 8 . (e) Prior to consideration of the Authority to reimburse the Redeveloper; "the Rede eloper must submit to the Authority a payment request certificate signed by its duly autho . zed representative stating that the Developer has paid Qualified Costs, that no Event of Default as occurred and is continuing under this Agreement, .........." . As a reminder and at this time, the Authority has n t received a payment request certificate from the Redeveloper. Upon receiving the payment req est certificate, the Authority will review the payment request certificate and terms and conditio s of the contract for compliance prior to commencing payment. Should you have any questions, please contact the ffice of the Authority at 271-3208. Sincerely, . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHO IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO CJ~ ,,<..U\~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director cc: TIF District No. 1-17 File Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170. Fax: (612) 271-3272 MONTICELLO Type of project: Developer: . TIP Plan Contract: . Building Permit: E ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT T INCREMENT FINANCING 25 East Broadway M nticello, MN 55362 o lce of Economic Development (612) 271-3208 G Hall (612) 295-2711 TAX INCREMENT F ANCE PROCESS Eligible TIF expenditures: Land ac isition and site improvements. Time: Six to eight we ks for approval Economic Redevelopment Housing Soil Condition Renovation and renewal . g and distribution) Description of project for construction, e timated project costs, number of new jobs within two years and hourly wage. Amount ofTIF requested: Land and/or s te improvements and estimated costs. Financing Method: Pay-as-you-go or fr nt-up. Executed Pre- TIF Agreement and $5,00 cashier check. HRA authorizes preparation of TIF Plan Building and site plans submitted to Chi f Building Official. Findings for "but for" test: A proforma r letter from lender. "But for" means that the project would ot develop solely on private investment in the reasonable future. Job creation: Number of new full-' e jobs to be created within two years. Hourly wage: At least 90% of the jobs eated must pay a wage of at least 160% of the federal minimum wage requirement. ual written report is required until termination date. If job and wage goals are not met, the developer must repay the TIF assistance. Level of TIF assistance. Construction commencement and comp; etion dates. Copy of purchase agreement if assistan e is for land acquisition. Copy of lease agreement when approp . ate. Certification of site improvements inc ed and paid. Evidence of construction fmancing. Proof of payment of insurance premi Building permit issued after th TIF District is approved by City Council and Contract for Private Redevelop ent executed by the developer and the HRA. Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Montice 10, MN 55362~9245. (612) 295-2711. Fax: (612) 295--4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., MonticeH ,MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 · Fax: (612) 271-3272 . . BUSINESS PR FORMA from -- MONTICELLO Date Proposed square footage for lease Proposed Tenant COST OF DEVELOPMENT: Land acquisition Construction Costs: Building @ $ per sq ft Site improvements Architect Fees Permits % construction contingency Total Construction Costs Construction Management fees Financial construction interest and fees Legal fees Project contingency Rent-up contingency if appropriate Other TOT AL COST OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FINANCING: Equity Mortgage amount Annual payment of mortgage Rent per square foot Developers required rate of return Interest rate T eon Triple Net Le se: yes _ no REQUIRED TIF ASSISTANCE OR GAP: Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticel 0, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticell . MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272