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City Council Agenda Packet 11-13-2018
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 13, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. West Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 4:45 p.m. (West Bridge Room) 4:45 p.m. Splash Pad Discussion Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from October 22, 2018 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • Winter Parking Begins November 15 • Thanksgiving Hours • Construction Update F. Council Liaison Updates • Highway 25 Coalition • BCOL • IEDC • Planning Commission G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of canvassing the returns and adopting Resolution 2018-90 declaring the results of the 2018 General Election for the City of Monticello offices E. Consideration of approving the Walnut Street Corridor Plan F. Consideration of authorizing Bolton and Menk to provide design and construction engineering services at an amount not to exceed $31,687 for the Walnut Street Improvement project G. Consideration of approving a columbarium-ossuary from Eickhof Columbarium for the sum of $52,000 plus improvement costs of $8,000 and approve the sale of 50 ossuary slots to CentraCare Health, Monticello H. Consideration of lease agreement between City of Monticello Parks Department and the City of Monticello EDA for 349 West Broadway (Fred's Auto) I. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for Public Use in the F-3 sub -district of the CCD — Central Community District 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-91 approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement of bids for Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex Phase I project 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 13, 2018 — 4:45 p.m. West Bridge Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 4:45 p.m. Splash Pad Discussion 3. Adjournment Monticello SPLASH PAD FEASIBILITY STUDY AT PIONEER PARK NOVEMBER 7, 2018 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 WSB PROJECT NO. 012297-00 ■ WSB FEASIBILITY STUDY PIONEER PARK SPLASH PAD FEASIBILITY STUDY For: CITY OF MONTICELLO NOVEMBER 7, 2018 Prepared By: WSB Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION......................................................................................................... 1 II. FEASIBILITY STUDY PROCESS............................................................................................................ 1 III. SITE VISIT, BASEMAPPING, AND ANALYSIS OF PIONEER PARK.........................................................1 IV. LOCATION SUITABILITY ANALYSIS..................................................................................................... 2 V. SIMILAR MUNICIPAL SPLASH PAD ANALYSIS................................................................................... 3 VI. CONCEPT PLAN DEVELOPMENT........................................................................................................ 3 7 A. CONCEPT PLAN #1— CENTRAL LOCATION.......................................................................... 4 8 B. CONCEPT PLAN #2 — WEST LOCATION................................................................................4 VII. SPLASH PAD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS................................................ 5 VIII. REVIEW OF CURRENT AQUATIX CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE..........................................6 IX. SPLASH PAD PROPOSAL COMPARISON — VORTEX AQUATIC STRUCTURES ..................................... 6 12 A. Cost Comparison and Analysis............................................................................................ 6 13 B. Construction Estimate Comparison.................................................................................... 7 X. PREFERRED CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE..........................................................................7 XI. CONSTRUCTION TIMEFRAME............................................................................................................ 7 XII. FUNDING...........................................................................................................................................8 XIII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION.........................................................................................8 APPENDIX Exhibit # Title 1 Context Map 2 Site Features Map 3 Location Map 4 Location Analysis 5 Municipal Splash Pad Comparison Matrix 6 Concept Plan #1 — Central 7 Concept Plan #1 — Cost Estimate 8 Concept Plan #2 — West 9 Concept Plan #2 — Cost Estimate 10 Aquatix Proposal 11 Vortex Proposal 12 Comparison of Vendor Splash Pad Systems 13 Comparison of Vendor Cost Estimates 14 Preferred Concept Plan 15 Preferred Concept Plan — Cost Estimate Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The City of Monticello requested a feasibility study to assess a splash pad at Pioneer Park to determine the most suitable location and complementary site improvements to support a splash pad. The City wishes to construct the splash pad in Spring of 2019. The Lions Club has been working with Aquatix on splash pad designs and costs and is willing to donate to the development of the splash pad. The City of Monticello expressed a desire to construct the splash pad in 2019. The proposed budget for the splash pad alone is $300,000. Additional funding for parking expansion, walkways, seating, shade, and other items have been estimated as part of this process. II. FEASIBILITY STUDY PROCESS This feasibility study includes: • A site analysis that explored several locations within Pioneer Park to determine the most suitable and preferred location for a splash pad addition. • An exploration of complementary park improvements that may be needed to successfully implement a splash pad on this site. • An assessment of the current Aquatix "plug and play" system plan and a comparison to another splash pad vendor with a similar/comparable system. • Two concept plans and cost estimates of potential construction costs along with the ongoing operations and maintenance costs associated with a splash pad of this size. • A comparison of similar municipal splash pad sites. • A site visit by WSB landscape architects, collection of background information, meetings and conference calls with City staff, preparation of various graphics, concept plans and cost estimates, along with drafting recommendations and analysis. • The exhibits referenced in this report are included in the appendix. III. SITE VISIT, BASEMAPPING, AND ANALYSIS OF PIONEER PARK WSB visited Pioneer Park and assessed its existing conditions. WSB also assembled GIS basemap information including county parcel data, aerial graphic, lidar contours and available city utilities in proximity to the site. Refer to Pioneer Park Map Exhibits #1 and #2. Pioneer Park is an approximately 19 -acre community park located at 9350 Fallon Avenue NE at the corner of Fallon Avenue NE and School Boulevard, close to Little Mountain Elementary School and surrounded by residential neighborhoods. The southern half of the park is composed of wetlands and open space. The north half of the park is used for recreation, hosts the annual RiverFest celebration, and holds most of the park amenities. The north half of the park is relatively flat with mature oak trees but the grade slopes to the south with steeper slopes to the west and south of the existing parking lot. The current parking lot on the site has 31 stalls with access from Fallon Avenue NE. There is a potential future roundabout location at Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard. Pioneer Park amenities include a concession stand within a large shelter, picnic tables, mature oak trees, restrooms with the shelter, a gazebo, open grass areas, a paved trail wrapping along the perimeter of Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 1 north and east sides of the park connecting to the Monticello trail system, two playgrounds, and a sand volleyball court. The lower playground area is dated and it is slated to be replaced or eliminated in the future. The existing large shelter is rented out to community groups or families for events. The park also hosts the annual RiverFest opening celebration in July each year including a classic car show, pony rides, and concessions using the open-air shelter and the northwest portions of the park. Another community event at the park is Movies in the Park. The trail from the west connects the adjacent neighborhood to the park. There is currently a sidewalk from the parking lot to the shelter and the central playground area. A 6 -inch waterline and a 6 -inch sanitary sewer line serve the park. There is also a high-pressure gas line running from the northwest corner of the park to the southeast through the park along with an easement. IV. LOCATION SUITABILITY ANALYSIS The suitability analysis considered the site analysis and existing conditions as well as preferences from the meetings with City staff and the Park Board. The City prefers that the splash pad does not interfere with the rental of the existing shelter or the RiverFest event and would like to minimize the removal of existing trees. WSB analyzed the park based upon City feedback and direction, a site visit, and basemapping to determine the top four locations. Refer to the Pioneer Park — Splash Pad Location Analysis Map, Exhibits #3 and #4. WSB then analyzed these four locations and compared them based upon the following criteria: • If the site has existing slopes/grades which would be conducive to splash pad development (flat grades, not steep grade changes). • If the site has south sun exposure with limited shade from mature trees and buildings. This is important because although shade is needed while visiting a splash pad, too much shade can limit use and cool the area. In addition, mature trees can drop litter (acorns, seeds, leaves, branches) onto the splash pad area and cause maintenance issues. • If the site is close to existing utilities (water and sanitary sewer). Since there are existing mainlines in the park and along School Boulevard, the utilities are close but there is a higher cost for extending the utilities farther away as well as the restoration costs associated with utility construction. Also, is a need to consider electric power as it will be required for the splash pad pump. • If the site is close to restrooms. The Minnesota Department of Health states that a reasonable distance to permanent restrooms must accompany any splash pad as well as a drinking fountain and outdoor shower. We analyzed the sites and ranked them according to the distance from the existing restrooms in the shelter. • If the construction of the splash pad and its improvements would not require mature tree removals. There are many large oak trees at Pioneer Park and we determined it was important to keep them. Therefore, we ranked which sites would least disturb existing tree canopy. • If the site is adjacent to complimentary features such as the shelter, play area, or trails. • If the site does not interfere with existing shelter rentals or the current RiverFest location. • If the site is accessible and close to existing circulation. • If the site has enough space available for the proposed splash pad (2,800 square feet minimum). Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 2 Based on these parameters, we determined a rating system including the most desired features/site amenities for a splash pad and a point system for each. WSB tallied up all the points and advised the City and Parks and Recreation Commission of the two highest ranking sites which were the West (42 out of 50 points) and Central (37 out of 50 points). WSB joined the July 26, 2018 Park Board meeting via conference call and shared the findings of the location map and analysis. Afterwards, there was discussion between the Parks and Recreation Commission and City staff and it was determined that the West site and a revised Central site would be chosen to further develop concept plans. The revised Central site was moved closer to where the current sand volleyball court sits with a recommendation to provide additional vehicular access into the park from School Boulevard. V. SIMILAR MUNICIPAL SPLASH PAD ANALYSIS WSB collected information related to 11 municipal splash pads throughout the Twin Cities metro region. Some splash pad sites were designed by WSB while some were designed by others. We compared each splash pad, its size, its estimated capacity, type of water system, whether the City charged users, type of water play elements, surfacing, operation costs, parking and any other unique features of the splash pad (Refer to the Municipal Splash Pad Matrix Exhibit #5). Based on our analysis and comparison with other municipal splash pads, the current 1,800 square foot (2,800 square foot total concrete area) splash pad design by Aquatix is comparable with other municipal splash pads in other city park systems. Most of the splash pads range from 1,000 to 4,000 square feet with the majority being around the 2,000 square foot size for a park of similar size. Throughout this comparison, we found that most communities questioned do not fence or charge fees for the use of the splash pad. It is also interesting to note that average number of daily users range from 90- 300 during hot summer months. In comparison between flow-through systems (water after being used is sent to storm or sanitary sewers) and recirculating systems, the gallons of water used are very different: between 4-10 million gallons for a flow-through and 300-400,000 gallons of water for a recirculating system. The majority of the splash pads have concrete surfacing and it is important to note that the concrete must be appropriately finished to create a non -slip surface. The current Aquatix design proposal has 18 water play features and jet sprays. It is important to note that many splash pads are located near complimentary play features such as playgrounds, fields, or beaches. Pioneer Park has a large playground and open space which would complement the splash pad but as discussed, the park currently has only 31 parking stalls, which may be inadequate for the addition of a splash pad, especially if this is the first one in Monticello city limits. VI. CONCEPT PLAN DEVELOPMENT Following the selection of the chosen locations in the park for a future splash pad, WSB developed two different concept plans based on the West and Revised Central locations along with cost estimates for each. The design of the concepts took into consideration the existing amenities at the park and recommended additional amenities for a splash pad including circulation/sidewalks, parking, accessible routes to the splash pad, connections to the existing playgrounds, a route to the existing restrooms, trash receptacles, entry kiosks, seating such as benches and tables/chairs as well as shade structures, plantings, landscaping, restorations, and maintenance of the splash pad area. We analyzed preferred locations for the splash pad equipment, its enclosure (and landscape screening) and room for the underground tank. WSB did a conceptual parking assessment and determined/reviewed options for adding parking and improving general circulation (vehicle, trail users, pedestrians, accessibility). We also considered safety and distance from the parking lot to the splash pad, views into the splash pad area and defining the area with landscaping. Options were discussed with City staff about charging user fees with Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 3 fencing or an unmanned kiosk. However, we recommend, and the City staff agrees, that the fencing and limiting access was not appropriate at this time. A. CONCEPT PLAN #1 — CENTRAL LOCATION Concept Plan #1 (Exhibits #6 and #7) locates the splash pad centrally in the park close to the site of the current sand volleyball court. An additional access and drive off School Boulevard across from Stoneridge Drive allows splash pad users an alternate entrance into the park. The parking lot is double sided with approximately 42 additional stalls (total for the site would be 73 stalls). There is a concrete sidewalk off the back of the parking lot leading to the splash pad entrance area. The parking lot also has a drop-off for buses at the main entrance to the splash pad. The splash pad is sized based upon the Aquatix plan (approximately 2,400 sf) including a five- foot -wide concrete apron/walk around the main splash pad features. At the main entrance to the splash pad is an entry kiosk and bike rack. This entrance will be completely accessible and there are also two proposed accessible parking stalls and a pedestrian curb ramp close to the main entry plaza area. The drive then connects south (shown as an alternate) to the existing parking lot below allowing for two-way vehicle traffic through the site. There is a landscape buffer between the parking lot and existing homes composed of trees, understory trees, and large shrubs. To the northeast of the splash pad, there is space for the underground tank and splash pad equipment enclosure. Utility connections (water and sanitary sewer) will be from existing main lines in School Boulevard where the proposed parking lot and drive are located. Around the splash pad are concrete pads with benches as well as tables and chairs. The splash pad connects to the existing shelter and uses this as shade as well as the splash pad being sited beneath existing mature trees. There is also a location for a future small restroom building. A five- foot -wide sidewalk connects the existing playground, shelter, and parking lot to the splash pad from the southeast. There is also additional landscaping (low growing shrubs and perennials) surrounding and enclosing the splash pad area along with seeded or sod restoration for areas disturbed by construction. The total cost for this concept including site improvements costs is approximately $832,000 (see Cost Estimate Exhibit #7). B. CONCEPT PLAN #2 — WEST LOCATION Concept Plan #2 (see Exhibit #8) locates the splash pad in the existing location of the older playground area beneath mature trees. The current play area is dated and would be removed for installation of the splash pad. This concept expands the existing parking lot to the west and the south adding approximately 34 stalls for a total of 65 stalls. The parking lot expansion (shown as a separate cost on the estimate) would require import of soil and a retaining wall with guardrail because of the steep grade. The parking lot would include a turn-around/drop-off area for buses and visitors and add approximately 34 parking stalls (total of 65 parking stalls). The drop-off and entry into the splash pad area will be accessible and a connection to the closest accessible stall and existing curb ramp is proposed. However, this connection will require the removal of a large mature tree for the sidewalk and parking lot. The existing trail will stop at the parking lot with a curb ramp as well. The splash pad entry includes a kiosk, trash receptacles and bike rack. The splash pad is sized based upon the Aquatix plan (2,800 sf) including a five -foot -wide concrete apron surrounding the water features. There are additional concrete pads for benches and shade structures. There is proposed landscaping surrounding the splash pad area with low growing shrubs and perennials. A shade tree has been added (that is litter free) to the south and additional shade structures since this is the most exposed side of the splash pad area. A five -foot -wide sidewalk connection is Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 4 proposed from the splash pad area to the existing playground, making a sidewalk loop throughout the park in this area. The splash pad equipment and underground tank are southwest of the splash pad and will be screened by landscaping. This option is also closest to the utilities (water and sanitary sewer) which run east -west through the park. The equipment is within approximately 40 feet of the splash pad and will have water lines to the various water features underground. Watermain/utility connections would run south to the existing utility lines in the park. This concept disturbs less area than Concept 1. It is closer to the existing restrooms and shelter. Concept #2 total cost including site improvements is approximately $829,000 (Refer to Exhibit #9 Cost Estimate). VII. SPLASH PAD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS Annual operations and maintenance costs are estimated to range from $25,000-$35,000 per year. This cost is dependent upon a number of factors including labor costs of staff monitoring the splash pad chemical levels and overall usage of the splash pad. Typical maintenance of a splash pad with a recirculating water system involves daily monitoring by a certified pool operator (city trained staff). This is necessary to maintain appropriate chemical levels on a daily basis and maintain the system throughout the season. Debris must also be cleaned up off the splash pad from leaves or tree litter. There is seasonal start-up and winterization labor costs associated with the splash pad. This is estimated at 20 hours of staff time twice a year. Operational costs include costs for water, sewer, part replacements, chemicals and electricity. These costs are dependent upon usage of the splash pad. It is assumed for determining the range of costs that the splash pad is operational for 80 days about 65% of the time for 10 hours per day. Monthly water usage is approximately 3,000 gallons per Aquatix. Recirculation — Maintenance Outline: 1. Clean pump strainer basket 2. Backwash sand filters or clean cartridge filters. 3. Add chemicals to dispensers. 4. Check and adjust chemical levels in water. 5. Check chemical supplies and order supplies. 6. Check and clean balancing tank. 7. Clean area of Debris. Estimated Costs: Energy Usage: Water Usage: Chemical Usage Costs: Monthly $75 3,000 gal. x .003 = $9 $ 50 Weekly Maintenance Costs: 14man/hrs. @ $50hr $2,800 Amortized Minor Equipment Repair Costs: S 150 Total Monthly Costs: $3,084 Seasonal Costs: Seasonal startup: $750 Seasonal Winterization: $1,500 Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 5 The operational and maintenance cost data breakdown listed above was prepared by Aquatix. When added up through a typical summer season, the numbers are similar to other communities on our comparison matrix, which range from $15,000-$30,000+ for annual costs. VIII. REVIEW OF CURRENT AQUATIX CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE The Lions Club in Monticello has been working directly with Aquatix, a division of Landscape Structures, which is an international play equipment manufacturing company, in Delano, Minnesota, on the design concept for the splash pad. The Lions Club has received a preliminary design and cost for the splash pad installation. This review is based upon the most current Aquatix proposal dated August 27, 2018. WSB carefully reviewed the proposal and spoke with Lindsey Fetzer, Sales Representative at Aquatix to clarify information in the proposal. City staff separately conferred with both Aquatix directly and with the Lions Club representatives about the proposal (see Aquatix Proposal, Exhibit #10). The proposal includes layout of 18 water play features, recirculating system with a 3,000 -gallon underground containment tank, a cartridge filtration system, activator, concrete pad sized 2,740 square feet, electrical and plumbing as well as installation of the products and design (stamped by an engineer) drawings of the splash pad. According to Aquatix, the overall capacity for a splash pad of this size is approximately 95 users, including the wet and dry zones. It is important to note however, that the Aquatix proposal, with an estimated cost of $312,000 does not include site improvements to prepare the site for the splash pad. The Aquatix proposal and cost estimate makes various assumptions including that utilities are existing or will be brought to the site, including sanitary, water and electric power. Currently, based upon the preferred location of the splash pad (in Concept Plan #1), these utilities are not available at that location. The Aquatix proposal also does not include an enclosure for the above ground mechanical equipment. It also assumes the site is flat and ready for excavation for the concrete pad. We would recommend including costs for a topographic survey of the area and construction plans for demolition/removals, grading, and restoration in order to prepare the site for a vendor such as Aquatix to install the splash pad. IX. SPLASH PAD PROPOSAL COMPARISON — VORTEX AQUATIC STRUCTURES We have also included a similar vendor, Vortex Aquatic Structures, an international play equipment manufacturing company headquartered in Canada with distributors in Minnesota, for comparison. We have used Vortex in the past on multiple municipal splash pad projects with great results. Vortex has provided a comparable cost estimate and design of an 1,800 square foot splash pad (2,800 square foot splash pad area), see Exhibit #11. Their proposal also included the NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance) discount for municipalities as well as the splash pad enclosure. It also did not include connection to watermain, sanitary sewer and electric power. It only includes the concrete for the splash pad itself along with a five -foot -wide concrete apron surrounding the splash pad. As with the Aquatix proposal, this one also assumes the following: that the site will be mass graded to drain appropriately, that vegetation will be removed, and that utilities will be brought to the splash pad site (sanitary, water, electric power). The proposal includes a comparable recirculating system and water play features (sprays, dump buckets, and other features). A. Cost Comparison and Analysis The costs between the two systems are comparable (Exhibit #13), but the Aquatix proposal is less expensive. However, the Vortex proposal includes an additional seven water play features. The concrete areas are similar. Vortex includes an additional activator as well as costs associated with permitting. Both proposals include a 3,000 -gallon containment tank. The Vortex Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 6 proposal also includes an above -ground enclosure for mechanical equipment, where the Aquatix proposal does not. We estimate the enclosure to cost between $20,000 - $25,000 and have added this cost to the preferred concept plan estimate. B. Construction Estimate Comparison Both proposals (Aquatix and Vortex) provide a quote for construction of the splash pad including concrete work. See Exhibit #12 for a comparison of the splash pad systems and products. Both proposals assume that utilities have already been brought to the location (within 10 feet) including water, electric power and sanitary sewer. Both also assumes that mass grading and drainage has been done and the site is prepped and ready for construction of the concrete. The detailed grading that would need to be completed prior to installation by the splash pad vendor has not been included in their construction or design costs. As stated above, we would recommend including a topographic survey and construction plans for demolition/removals, grading and restoration. X. PREFERRED CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE Based upon feedback from the City of Monticello's Park and Recreation Commission, the Lions Club, and City staff, the location of Concept #1 is preferred due to the long-range plans for the park. The splash pad could be implemented for an estimated cost of $425,000, however, we recommend developing the site with expanded parking at an increased budget to provide successful results without the need to further disturb the park in following year(s) with subsequent improvements. Refer to the Preferred Concept Plan #1 (Exhibit #14) and Cost Estimate (Exhibit #15). The splash pad designed by Aquatix has a capacity of 95 people. At this time, there are currently 31 stalls available for parking at Pioneer Park which would be inadequate for an addition of a splash pad of this size given the current use of the rented shelter space and play area. The preferred concept locates and connects the splash pad to the existing playground with a five-foot sidewalk. It also locates the underground tank and above ground mechanical equipment enclosure to the northeast of the splash pad. The splash pad is 2,800 square feet which includes the five -foot -wide concrete apron surrounding the splash pad "wet" area. The plan includes amenities such as an entry kiosk, bike racks, benches and seating, parking lot with 42 stalls, access onto School Boulevard, additional sidewalks, and road connection to the existing parking lot. There is also restoration (turf grass seeding) and landscaping proposed where areas have been disturbed and to screen the parking lot from adjacent residents. The total estimated cost to develop the splash pad, parking expansion, and site improvements is $832,000. XI. CONSTRUCTION TIMEFRAME The estimated construction timeframe for the splash pad and site improvements is 5-6 months. This assumes that construction plans/final design is completed during the winter months. Ordering of splash pad parts, materials and underground tank should occur in late winter to guarantee delivery by spring. The construction will include removals, utilities, erosion control, site grading and preparing the site for the vendor to construct the splash pad. Both vendors (Aquatix and Vortex) would require 60-90 days for splash pad construction of the underground tank, piping, concrete surfacing and splash pad elements. Other site improvements, such as the parking lot, road connection and additional sidewalks could be constructed simultaneously during splash pad construction. There are many factors that can affect the construction timeframe including delay of Department of Health permitting or other inspections, surprises Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 7 encountered below ground, or weather delays. After construction of the splash pad and improvements, it will be important to allow time for establishment of the site restoration (seeding) and landscaping to occur prior to use of the site for city residents. XII. FUNDING The Lions Club has stated that they will donate approximately $150,000 towards the splash pad at Pioneer Park, which would be raised over an estimated three-year period. There has also been interest from the American Legion of donating approximately $10,000. The City would like to construct the splash pad in the spring of 2019. Based upon conversations with City staff, we understand that the remaining $683,000 will likely come from other city fund sources. XIII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION This feasibility study has analyzed Pioneer Park for the most suitable locations for a 2,800 square foot splash pad along with complementary site improvements. Two concept plans were developed and a preferred concept was selected by the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission and City staff. In addition, this report has reviewed and compared municipal splash pads, vendors, and operation and maintenance costs to provide the City with detailed information to assist with deciding how to proceed with this plan. The preferred concept (See Preferred Concept Plan, Exhibit #14) was determined to best fit with the long-range plans for the park. The preliminary cost estimate for the splash pad development shown in the preferred concept plan is $843,000. Additional site improvements such as an additional restroom facility could be added at some point in the future if specific splash pad usage is evaluated and determined to be necessary and funding becomes available. Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 8 APPENDIX Exhibit # Title 1 Context Map 2 Site Features Map 3 Location Map 4 Location Analysis 5 Municipal Splash Pad Comparison Matrix 6 Concept Plan #1 — Central 7 Concept Plan #1 — Cost Estimate 8 Concept Plan #2 — West 9 Concept Plan #2 — Cost Estimate 10 Aquatix Proposal 11 Vortex Proposal 12 Comparison of Vendor Splash Pad Systems 13 Comparison of Vendor Cost Estimates 14 Preferred Concept Plan 15 Preferred Concept Plan - Cost Estimate Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 9 i \1 Pl kArea S'dhOOL,$LV\b ---------- 31 - = 31 \Parkrri'fj .0 )NEER PA A Shelt Trio -Awwm AP :f SpV s Shelter m f 31 Parking Stalls k 4 r ` , Existing Salary -Sewer EXHIBIT #3 LOCATION MAP Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study November 7, 2018 1 WSB Project Number: 012297-000 Z O J J u ■ I- A Pioneer Park - Splash Pad Location Analysis WSB Project #: 012297-000 Number (Criteria Rankina Scale: 1 Minimally meet criteria 3 Somewhat meets criteria 5 Completely meets criteria North I Central I East I West 1 Site has existing slopes/grade conducive for splash pad 5 5 3 2 Site has south sun exposure with limited shade from mature trees/buildinqs 5 5 2 3 Site is close to existing utilities (water and sanitary sewer) 1 3 5 4 Site is close to restrooms 2 4 5 4 5 Site would not require mature tree removals 5 2 2 4 6 Site is a close walking distance to existing parking lot 1 3 4 4 7 Site is adjacent to complimentary features such as a shelter, pplav area and trails 8 Site does not interfere with existing shelter rentals or current Riverfest location 2 4 4 1 5 3 2 4 3 4 3 9 Site is accessible and close to existing circulation 10 Site has enough space available for proposed splash pad 5 4 3 4 Criteria Total Score 32 of 50 37 of 50 34 of 50 42 of 50 Percentage 64% 74% 68% 84% Final Ranking 4 2 3 1 Summary The West and Central sites have the highest ranking based on the criteria above. Based upon input provided by the Park & Recreation Board, we will continue with the Central location (shifted to the west where the volleyball court sits) for the additional concept plan. See the Central Revised location on the map. Therefore, we recom- mend continuing with those two locations for concept plan development. CITY,() F Montic Municipal Splash Pads - Comparison Matrix Date: November 6, 2018 Pioneer Park Splash Pad Feasibility S, udy - WSB Project #: 012297-000 Total number of Size of Splash Approx. Fee ApproximateApproximate Splash Pad Municipality Population municipal splash Address Pad Avg. # of Daily Year Constructi Type of Water Type of Play Elements Type of Parking Stalls Require Annual Annual Hours Additional Notes Estimate pads in the city (approximate) Users Built on Cost System Surfacing Provided d Operation Water use Costs Typically several flow through - capture$9,000 "Aqualien" Approximately Approximatel 2893 145th St W, dozen at a time, and reuse for Ground sprays plus one - y 10 million 9:00 am 1 Central Park Splash Pad* City of Rosemount 24,344 1 Rosemount, MN 55068 3,700 sf sometimes more, 2014 irrigation (however, overhead element, one spray "Aqua Concrete 70 No $10,000 per gallons per - 9:00 depending on rapid infiltration rate) cannon, one Dome' year. year pm weather 2 Boulevard Plaza Splash City of Coon Rapids 62,656 1 11000 Crooked Lake Blvd. Coon Rapids, MN 2,800 sf 2018 $200,000 flow through overhead features and ground sprays Concrete No 10 am - 6 Picnic tables with shade umbrellas, Pad* 55433 pm concessions available inside Ice arena 3 Miller Park Splash Pad* City of Eden Prairie 64,400 2 8200 Eden Prairie Rd, 1,000 sf 2010 $150,000 flow through overhead features and ground sprays Concrete No 800,000 gallons per 10am- Eden Prairie, MN 55347 8pm year average $800- 450,000 4 Round Lake Splash Pad* City of Eden Prairie 64,400 2 16691 Valley View Rd, 2,300 sf 2012 $500,000 recirculating / treated overhead features and ground sprays Rubber No $1,000/yr for gallons per 10am- Eden Prairie, MN 55346 chlorine year average 8pm 5 Prairie Park Splash Pad City of Otsego 16,755 1 8899 Nashua Avenue 3,400 sf 90 2011 $130,000 flow through -well ground sprays Concrete 70 No $1,700 2. 5 million gallons per 9 am - 9 NE Otsego, MN water pm vear Electric= $2,000; Gas = 19 dedicated stalls $1,400 3201 Rhode Island Ave recirculating - in adjacent parking (heated 6 Oak Hill Park Splash Pad City of St. Louis Park 49,029 1 S, St Louis Park, MN 3,000 sf (75x40 300+ 2007 $350,000 filtered/treated 24/7 overhead water elements and ground Colored lot and onstreet $1 non- water); Labor= 350,000 10 am- Opens on Memorial day and closes on 55426 oval shape) with 3,000 gallon sprays concrete parking residents $7,670; gallons 8:30 pm Labor day underground tank surrounding the Chemicals=$1 park ,400; Misc. Parts = $500 $20,000 $1.1 M as (including 12,000 12000 Central Park 2,096 sf (80'x60' part of Filtered recirculating dancing water sprays (49 vertical, 16 Brushed electric , gallons 10 am - 7 Central Park Fountains City of Maple Grove 71,066 1 Way, Maple Grove, MN oval shape) 30,000 per year 2015 larger pumps with liquid arches), no toys concrete 300 (for the park) No chemicals, (recirculating/ 10 pm 55369 project chlorine staff, recycled) maintenance, water) 7200 - 117th Avenue 7.2 million am Approximate Annual Costs vary 8 Andrews Park Splash Pad Cit of Champlin 25,022 1 North, Champlin, MN 2,400 sf 100 2014 $700,000 flow through 20 water elements - Vortex brand Concrete 360 (for the ark) No $40,000 gallons 7:30 pm dependent upon days open, staffing, 55316 and concessions stand. 3965 Jefferson St NE, $19,000 -$23,000 Very popular - attracts from neighbor 9 Huset Park Splash Pad City of Columbia 20,254 1 Columbia Heights, MN 4,800 sf 250-300 2015 $515,000 flow through- Vortex brand Colored 75 (shared with No (dependent 5.5 million 11 am - 7 cities, splash pad is shut down during Heights 55421 domestic water concrete community center) upon water gallons pm rainy days. usaoe) $2,500 10 Cliff Fen Park Splash Pad City of Burnsville 61,439 2 120 Cliff Rd E, 2,000 sf unknown 2015 $170,000 flow through 12-15 water features Concrete 150 (for the park) No (excluding 4.5 million 9 am - 9 Constructed with help from Lions Club Burnsville, MN 55337 water) gallons pm $70,000 donation. flow through - capture $500,000 and reuse for Connected to sf inclusive 4,400 sf in two plus irrigation Part of a larger playground, haass two platforms Madison's Place Playground 4125 Radio Dr, different pads $100,000 overhead water elements and ground recreation complex 9 am - 9 (toddlers and older kids), dump 11 & Splash Pad City of Woodbury 69,756 1 Woodbury, MN 55125 ages 2-6:1,000 unknown 2015 for a family Water drains to sprays, flower motif Concrete so there are not No Unknown Unknown pm buckets, nozzles, flower showers, 4 sf, ages 6- restroom nearby stormwater any specific minute spray cycle, touch button for 12:3,400 sf) building Pond, then is reused designated spaces turning on, adjacent to field house. for irrigating outdoor fields at HSC * Splash Pad designed by WSB &,associates CITY OF Monticl KEY MAP CITY QF moi i 0 WSB Project., Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study Project Location: City of Monticello WSB Project No.: 012297-000 Date: 11/7/2018 IF CONCEPT PLAN #1-CENTRAL PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Estimates shown are at a concept plan level only and do not account for actual site conditions or unknown factors that may affect actual construction costs. Estimates shown only account for the work show on the concept plan (unless labeled as Future). Item No. Description Unit Est. Qty Est. Unit Price Est. Total Cost 1 MOBILIZATION (5%) LUMPSUM 1 $17,500.00 $17,500.00 2 EARTHWORK, REMOVALS AND EROSION CONTROL LUMPSUM 1 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 3 STORMWATER/DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LUMPSUM 1 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 4 UTILITY CONNECTION - WATERMAIN LN FT 500 $50.00 $25,000.00 5 UTILITY CONNECTION- SANITARY SEWER LN FT 500 $35.00 $17,500.00 6 UTILITY CONNECTION- ELECTRIC POWER LUMPSUM 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 7 5'WIDTH CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONNECTION TO PLAYGROUND SQ FT 625 $10.00 $6,250.00 8 ACCESS TO SCHOOL BLVD/CONCRETE APRON/TRAIL CROSSING LUMPSUM 1 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 9 PARKING LOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 1,800 $20.00 $36,000.00 10 PARKING LOT CURB & GUTTER (1000 LN FT @ $15/LN FT LN FT 1,000 $15.00 $15,000.00 ROAD CONNECTION TO EXISTING PARKING LOT INCLUDING EARTHWORK, CURB 11 AND GUTTER, EROSION CONTROL, REMOVALS, STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, LUMPSUM 1 $63,315.00 $63,315.00 TRAIL CROSSING AND RESTORATION 12 BIKE RACK EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 13 BENCHES/TABLES EACH 7 $2,000.00 $14,000.00 14 COMBINED TRASH/RECYCLING RECEPTACLE EACH 1 $800.00 $800.00 15 SIGN KIOSK /ENTRY FEATURE EACH 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 16 ADDITIONAL PLANTINGS AROUND SPLASH PAD LUMPSUM 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 LANDSCAPE BUFFER SCREENING(10TREES/40 SHRUBS) FROM ADJACENT 17 LUMPSUM 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 PROPERTIES 18 CONCRETE SIDEWALK ALONG PARKING LOT SQ FT 1,100 $10.00 $11,000.00 19 CONCRETE SIDEWALK/PADS FOR SEATING AND BENCHES SQ FT 2,200 $10.00 $22,000.00 20 CONCRETE SIDEWALK FOR DROP-OFF, PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP AND SQ FT 3,500 $10.00 $35,000.00 CONNECTION TO SPLASH PAD 21 LANDSCAPE RESTORATION (SEED MIX) LUMP SUM 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 SUBTOTAL $366,365.00 CONTINGENCY (15%): $54,954.75 DESIGN, ADMIN & ENG. (20%): $73,273.00 SUBTOTAL $494,592.75 22 AQUATIX SPLASH PAD RECIRCULATING SYSTEM INCLUDING ENCLOSURE LUMP SUM 1 $337,323.00 $337,323.00 CONCEPT 1 TOTAL: $831,915.75 CITY OF Mont10 KEY MAP CITY QF moi i 0 61 _77 ,� � J � • r ti a -Y101 t^ I 11 I I 1111-11 'l fi i Cr�nf��Z�nd PEI AN.) Ih-��j w � 6,iAAt L WSB Project: Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study PARKING LOT EXPANSION Project Location: City of Monticello I WSB Project No.: 012297-000 I Date: 11/7/2018 MOBILIZATION (5%) CONCEPT PLAN #2 - WEST PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Estimates shown areata concept plan level only and do not account for actual site conditions or unknown factors that may affect actual construction costs. Estimates shown only account for the work show on the concept plan (unless labeled as Future). Item No. Description Unit Est. Qty Est. Unit Price Est. Total Cost 1 MOBILIZATION (5%) LUMPSUM 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 2 EARTHWORK, REMOVALS AND EROSION CONTROL LUMPSUM 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 3 STORMWATER/DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LUMPSUM 1 $0.00 $0.00 4 UTILITY CONNECTION - WATERMAIN LN FT 140 $50.00 $7,000.00 5 UTILITY CONNECTION - SANITARY SEWER LN FT 140 $35.00 $4,900.00 6 UTILITY CONNECTION - ELECTRIC POWER LUMPSUM 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 7 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SQ FT 5,600 $10.00 $56,000.00 8 BIKE RACK EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 9 BENCHES/TABLES EACH 9 $2,000.00 $18,000.00 10 SHADE UMBRELLAS EACH 2 $9,500.00 $19,000.00 11 COMBINED TRASH/RECYCLING RECEPTACLE EACH 1 $800.00 $800.00 12 SIGN KIOSK / ENTRY FEATURE EACH 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 13 LANDSCAPE RESTORATION AND PLANTINGS LUMPSUM 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 14 BITUMINOUS TRAIL CONNECTION SQYD 60 $20.00 $1,200.00 CY 1,600 $12.00 $19,200.00 SUBTOTAL 11 $156,900.00 SUBTOTAL I+2 $404,600.00 CONTINGENCY (15%): $37,155.00 DESIGN, ADMIN & ENG. (20%):I $49,540.00 1 24 JAQUATIX SPLASH PAD RECIRCULATING SYSTEM INCLUDING ENCLOSURE I LUMP SUM I 1 1 $337,323.001 $337,323.001 CONCEPT 2 WEST TOTAL: CITY OF Mont10 PARKING LOT EXPANSION I I I I 15 MOBILIZATION (5%) LUMPSUM 1 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 16 EARTHWORK, REMOVALS AND EROSION CONTROL LN FT 1,000 $15.00 $15,000.00 17 PARKING LOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AND BASE MATERIAL SQ YD 1,850 $20.00 $37,000.00 18 PARKING LOT CURB & GUTTER LN FT 800 $15.00 $12,000.00 19 IMPORT COMMON BORROW CY 1,600 $12.00 $19,200.00 20 RETAINING WALL SQ FT 1,800 $60.00 $108,000.00 21 GUARDRAIL ON TOP OF RETAINING WALL LN FT 300 $100.00 $30,000.00 22 PARKING LOT STORM SEWER & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LUMPSUM 1 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 23 LANDSCAPE RESTORATION (SEEDING) LUMP SUM 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 SUBTOTAL I+2 $404,600.00 CONTINGENCY (15%): $37,155.00 DESIGN, ADMIN & ENG. (20%):I $49,540.00 1 24 JAQUATIX SPLASH PAD RECIRCULATING SYSTEM INCLUDING ENCLOSURE I LUMP SUM I 1 1 $337,323.001 $337,323.001 CONCEPT 2 WEST TOTAL: CITY OF Mont10 aquatix H by landscape structures Total Proiect Budqetinq Work Sheet (Budgeting Work Sheet is to aid in project design and scope of work only. Project: 1713513-2 Pioneer Park Splash Pad Recirculation Splash Pad System: Earthwork (Grading, Excay., Trenching) Concrete Pad (6" rebar reinforced) Mechanical System (installed plumbing) Electrical Hookup (equipment system wiring) **Water Play Structures, Systems, & Design Water Play Structures Assembly & Install Equipment Freight/Delivery PRICING DATA: Splash Number of Pad Water Play Total Area Structures GPM 2740 18 147 Total Construction Budget: Distance Cost of to Mech. Water Play System Struc. & Sys. 50 $ 151,188 Totals $ 14,200 $ 66,511 $ 62,400 $ 7,800 $ 151,188 $ 7,500 $ 2,724 $ 312,323.00 Total Estimated Project Budget: $ 312,323.00 Notes: All permit cost associated by owner not included in estimate described above. Budgetary pricing based on water, waste & power being available at site & brought to mechanical system area. Any additional drawings associated with project outside of splash pad to be by owner's representative. Pricing does not include any enclosures on site to house above grade mechanical system. Pricing does not include side walk accesses, landscaping, or fencing for splash pad area. Pricing based on flat area where the splash pad is to be placed and no soil corrections. ** Price includes Aquatix's Play Features, Standard Recirculation System (Filtration Skid, Feature Skid, Distribution Manifold, Control & Activation) and Design services. CITY OF Monticl Dated: 8/27/2018 Prepared For: Mike Benedetto Monticello Lions Club mbenedetna smumn.edu xxxx 612-735-5423 Dear Mike: .,1 aquatic' by landscape structures Propos Project Name: Pioneer Park Aquatix Proposal Number: 17135B-2 Aquatix by Landscape Structure is pleased to provide a quote of products for the referenced project. This proposal is based on the information provided in the bid request. Detailed product specifications are attached. It is our understanding that Aquatix by Landscape Structures is to provide the following water play features for the above referenced project. I Water Play Features QtV 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 Description Custom VersoSplash®-SS SprayStacker-SS HydroSphere-SS AquaGather Station- SS GeoMister Medium Tot Shower Dome - SS Stream Jet Stream Jet Triangle Crown Jet- Cast Bronze Junior Water Jewel - Cast Bronze Sea Crawler Unit Sales Price $ 30,000.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 16,300.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 255.00 $ 960.00 $ 830.00 $ 830.00 $ 275.00 Water play feature design notes: • All above water play features are to be the standard product of Aquatix by Landscape Structures. • All ground spray features are imbed and installed prior to concrete being poured. • Pricing reflects painted products. Brushed SS to have additional costs. Additional fees may apply for products to be powdercoated. f I1Y of M ontic Final Sales Price $30,000.00 $6,900.00 $9,800.00 $16,300.00 $7,600.00 $3,250.00 $1,020.00 $960.00 $1,660.00 $830.00 $275.00 $78,595.00 I Mechanical System Recirculation System $77,201 1 Cartridge Filtration Skid A pre -plumbed, pre -wired, integrated equipment system mounted on an epoxy skid. System to consist of main motor control panel, filtration pump, cartridge filtration system, automatic chemical treatment controller, gauges, and flow meter. System to be capable of 85 qpm filtration rates. 1 Chemical Treatment To consist of Chlorine Erosion Feeder, Liquid Acid Pump, and (1) Chemical Solution Crock. 1 Feature Skid A pre -plumbed, pre -wired, integrated equipment system mounted on an epoxy skid. System to consist of a self - priming feature pump with integral hair and lint strainer, check valves, isolation valves, gauges, and flow switch. System to be capable 170 gpm feature flow rates. 1 Distribution Manifold A pre -plumbed distribution manifold for all water activities. Manifold to be connected to feature pump discharge and have all discharge lines with manual flow control to water play elements. 1 Pre -fabricated Water Reservoir To consist of a 3000 gallon concrete vessel complete with access hatch, access ladder, venting pipes, water level control float, overflow outlet, submersible pump out system, mounting hardware and all piping and electrical connections specific to project design. Aquavator To consist of an activation bollard with touch sensor that will signal control panel to activate feature supply system for set duration of time. 0 Flower Aquavator To consist of an activation bollard with flower accent with touch sensor that will signal control panel to activate feature supply system for set duration of time. 0 Motion Sensor Bollard To consist of a structure with a motion detector that will signal control panel to activate feature supply system for set duration of time. 3 Collector Box To consist of a 18" diameter fiberglass or PVC basin with grate top. Each collector box has a nominal capacity of 250 gpm gravity supply to water containment vessel. Rain Diverting Waste Valve Box To consist of an electric solenoid valve housed in a plastic burial housing that will allow for collector boxes to drain to waste when feature pumping system is not operating. CITY OF Montic I Design Services Design & Construction drawings: $11,565 Including: All design and construction drawings for splash pad project construction to consist of construction of concrete pad, mechanical system, electrical and control systems, inbed spray fixtures / collector box installation details, water plays structure assembly / installation on concrete splash pad, equipment systems installation and hookups. Splash Pad Design Notes: 1. Aquatix by Landscape Structures design services are based on ideal site locations and conditions. 2. Aquatix by Landscape Structures design services do not include soil corrections, demolition planning, site elevation plans, utility planning / design or relocation of utilities. (i.e. based on water, waste and power being available at designed area's of splash pad by others.) 3. All permits and costs of permits are not included in our splash pad design package. 4. Design package will be prepared based on Aquatix's interpretation of Local health code. 5. Pricing includes sealed Engineer Stamp. Any additional drawings associated with project outside of splash pad to be made by others. (sidewalks, landscaoina. electrical) I Pricing Summary Total Price for Equipment as Described Above: *As of 6/18/2018 a 3% materials surcharge will be applied to all orders. Total NCPA Purchasing Program Discount: Total Project Discount Total with Discount FOB Eden Prairie Freight: *Above filtration system pricing is based on the use of cartridge filters. Sand filtration systems are available at additional costs. *Water heaters are offered at additional costs. *UV sanitization systems are recommended and offered at additional costs. *Equipment Enclosures are offered at additional costs (otherwise mechanical equipment to be stored in above ground equipment enclosure, by others). V, 1K f I1Y Clf Montic 1 $167,361 $4,674 $172,035 ($4,048) $167,987 ($16,799) $151,188 $2,724 I General Conditions *Terms of payment are 25% down with order and balance due prior to shipment. *Proposal is subject to the attached terms and conditions. *Proposal and pricing valid for 30 days. *All pricing provided is in USD. *This proposal and pricing is based on our interpretation of the sections of the RFP or specification that have been made available to us. Exceptions have been noted where ever possible. In the event of a conflict between the language in the specification and the proposal, the language in the proposal takes precedence and is the basis of the proposed pricing. Aquatix by Landscape Structures reserves the right to reject any order based on differences in pricing. Aquatix by Landscape Structures reserves the right to reject any order based on differences in interpretation of the specification, or for any reason, at the time an order is tendered. *Aquatix by Landscape Structures will not initiate work with out a fully executed contract or purchase order. Fabrication will not be initiated until complete submittal approvals have been received. *Submittals will be provided within two -three weeks of receipt of a fully executed contract or purchase order. *The proposed equipment can generally be shipped within 6-8 weeks after receipt of completely approved submittals. Lead time will be updated at the time of order execution.* *Custom equipment is subject to longer lead times. *Sales tax is not included in the prices quoted. All applicable Federal, State and Local sales or use taxes must be paid by the customer. *Freight is FOB Eden Prairie, MN. *Please note that as of 6/18/2018 a 3% materials surcharge will be applied to all orders. If you have any questions or comments concerning this information, please feel free to call me at 952-345- 6447. Thank you for the opportunity to bid on this project. Sincerely, Greg Stoks Managing Director �l. 'K f I1Y Clf Montic CITY OF M0ntic E E r 0) z E § \ 0 E % E \ \ E E / E \ \ . ; \ \ \ \ / \ / k \ » / @) a E © ( \ \ L § ) { ƒ 6 \ 3 \ \ \ § §a ) \ \ J » E % \ § 2 y E / / \ \ j } E C 3 t%_\ 7 s m u g\\ ƒ E 3 U) W w Z U O a > LL, a U > w Lu O V) J J d LU • U Z w Q o = a U Q • a Z w D Q d Lr) Q J r `Lr) i L I..L ^L^, ^W W O ^ r) C O U- CITY OF Mont10 E O 6 0 a a a COMMERCIAL RECREATION SPECIALISTS September 20, 2018 Jason Amberg WSB & Assoc. 701 Xenia Ave S, Suite 300 Golden Valley, MN 55416 RE: Pioneer Park Splashpad Design/Build Proposal The Commercial Recreation Specialists (CRS) Team is pleased to present this proposal, $197,000.00 for a turnkey Splashpad Installation at Pioneer Park in Monticello, MN. We are excited to share our many years of experience in the commercial recreation market to assist you in creating what we feel will be a very exciting and dynamic project. Scope of Work Ref # SW20180920-JC Complete Installation of a Commercial Splashpad to include the following: • Installation of Vortex Water Features & 15 -Valve Domepack WQMS Treatment System: o All Products as Noted on CRS Concent Design 1. o Artist Renderings, Spray Zone Layout & Piping & Electrical Schematics. o MN Stamped Aquatic Engineered Drawings. o MN DOH Permit/Plan Review with Site Inspection Prior to Start -Up. • Installation and Concrete to Include: o Installation to be Performed by a Certified Vortex Installer. o Excavation of Splashpad, Domepack, Debris Trap/Rain Diverter, and Containment Tank. o Concrete Subbase to be 6" Compacted Class 5. o Concrete to be 6" thick, #4 Rebar Reinforced, 12" O.C., Medium Broom Finish. o Total Concrete Supplied: 2,800 sq. ft. (wet and dry zones combined) for Splashpad. o Grey Colored Concrete o Concrete Foundations and Support Decks for Domepack, Containment Tank, & Debris Trap. o Installation of Domepack WQMS with Stainless Steel Manifold, Command Center, BFP, Pressure Regulator, Piping (to Include Schedule 80 PVC), Valves, Joints & Connections, Setting of Water Feature Foundations & Embeds & Installation of Vertical Water Features. o Backflow preventer (RPZ) to be installed by Certified Plumber hired by CRS. Product included in Splashpad Equipment. o Electrical work to include power (230V, 120V) and control wiring to Domepack WQMS & Bonding of all Water Features and Concrete Rebar. CRS to hire local State Certified Electrician. Includes Electrical Permit and Inspection prior to Concrete Pour. 1 1 A CORPORATE 887 liberty Dr, Suite 201. Verona WI SN3 i 608-848-8781 fax 608-8a8-8782 CR$4NRec.Cam CITY OF Montic( COMMERCIAL RE[RERTIOH SPECIALISTS o Provide Irrigation Enclosure for Water Meter and RPZ. Run 1" water line to Containment Tank. o Client to be Named as an Additional Insured. o Performance and Payment Bonds Included. Startup & Training • Perform initial startup of splashpad and train staff on recurring maintenance, winterization process, and pre -season startup. 2 -Day Startup Training Class to be performed by Vortex WQMS Engineer on-site. Exclusions: 0 Does Not Include City Provided Water Meter. 0 City to provide water and sewer to pad. City to provide 230V power to site. o Site to be Ready for Construction & Free of Debris or Obstructions. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this project. Please let us know if you have any questions on the above information. Thank you in advance for your consideration and we look forward to serving you and your team. Sincerely, r Jeff Corniea Sr. Account Manager Commercial Recreation Specialists Phone: 608-333-1654 SamCORPORATE 807 liberty Dr, Suite 201, Verona WI 5N3 1609-84-8781 W608-84-9782 (;Rwec.com CITY OF Monticl CITY OF Monticl National Purchasing Partners •* VORTEX Government FAQ Q. National Purchasing Partners (NPP) is a Cooperative Purchasing Organization (CPO). What is a Cooperative Purchasing Organization? A. A Cooperative Purchasing Organization is a cost savings vehicle available to public entities. Contracts are competitively solicited by a lead public agency in accordance with government purchasing regulations. The contracts include "piggybacking" language allowing utilization by government agencies. NPP is not a reseller, but rather a channel that offers publicly awarded agreements to local and state Government agencies throughout the nation. NPP members are eligible to purchase through our competitively solicited contracts saving time and money. Q. I don't understand how National Purchasing Partners works; could you briefly explain it? A. National Purchasing Partners uses a Lead Public Agency to publicly solicit and award competitively bid contracts through a Request for Proposal process. Once you are registered with National Purchasing Partners, you can purchase directly through the vendor while utilizing the savings NPP's competitively bid and publicly awarded contracts provide. Using our contracts is simple and fast. National Purchasing Partners is your procurement solution provider. Q. How does a public entity participate? A. Registering to become an NPP member is easy: Visit our website: www.nppgovernment.com. Click'Join Now." 3. Select your industry from the "Market Segment"dropdown menu. 4. If applicable, select the appropriate association from the "Association"dropdown menu. Complete the registration form and submit. 6. You will receive a welcome call and e-mail confirming your membership within 24 hours. The welcome email will include your username and password. Vendor discount information can be accessed using your login credentials to log into the NPP website. CITY CITY OF Montic National Purchasing Partners Government PIP Q. What are the NPP membership costs and obligations? A. There are no costs or user fees, no obligation to purchase, and no minimum purchasing requirements. Q. How is National Purchasing Partners supported? A. National Purchasing Partners negotiates an administrative fee with our vendors to cover operating expenses that in turn allow us to provide our service free of charge. Q. What kinds of products and services are available to my public entity and how do I access the discount? A. A complete list of our vendors and discounts is available on www.nppgovernment.com. After registering and logging into the website, click on "Our Vendors" tab. Our vendor portfolio is extensive and includes products and services such as lawn and landscape equipment, data communications and security, electric and lighting supplies, turnout gear, medical supplies, playground equipment, turf, office supplies, furniture, construction equipment, MRO products, wireless services, tires, and more. Q. Do I buy directly through National Purchasing Partners? A. No. National Purchasing Partners does not warehouse or sell any products or services to our members. We simply facilitate access to contract pricing for our members. Your public entity will purchase directly through our contract vendors. More FAQs 1110 - Q. Does National Purchasing Partners satisfy the bidding requirements of my state? A. National Purchasing Partners serves as a nationwide channel that provides awarded agreements to public entities. Our competitively bid agreements are publicly solicited and awarded through a Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by a Lead Public Agency. The Lead Agency is an independent government entity that carries out the advertising and bid procedures required by the State Public Contracts Law. National Purchasing Partners'competitively bid, publicly awarded contracts are established through the following process: • The Lead Public Agency prepares an RFP, incorporating the required cooperative purchasing (piggybacking) language that allows public entities across the nation to utilize the contract. • Suppliers respond to the RFP and the Lead Public Agency evaluates and awards the Master Purchase Agreement. • Contract documents are posted on our website. National Purchasing Partners members can review all documents online and access contract pricing by signing the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (IGA). • Our competitively bid process is consistent with AFG guidelines. Please consult your legal counsel for confirmation in your jurisdiction, or contact our legal counsel at 877.329.8847. Q. How can I obtain copies of the legal documentation associated with each competitively bid contract? A. The contract documents including the RFP, Master Price Agreement, IGA, and Synopsis are available on the vendor page that can be accessed by logging into the website. Q. In addition to cost savings, are there other benefits to using a Cooperative Purchasing Organization? A. In addition to offering significant discounts to its members, a CPO: • Serves as your purchasing solution provider in product research, obtaining quotes, writing RFPs, and facilitating vendor relationships. • Assists in accessing product information quickly and efficiently. • Provides access to purchasing options providing brand choice and variation. • Intervenes with vendors to workout misunderstandings. Q. Who is eligible? A. State, city, county, district, municipal or local tax -supported governmental agencies, including but not limited to: turnpikes, K-12 public schools, townships, parks and recreation, metro/city transits, public works, and public higher education facilities, such as colleges and universities. If you would like additional information, feel free to contact NPP at: National Purchasingnpp 877.329.8847 1 customerservice@nppgovernment.com I www.nppgovernment.com. Partners Government CITY ❑f Montic COMPARISON OF VENDOR PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS ' ■ Description AQUATIX VORTEX Number of Water Play Structures 18, painted products (additional fees for stainless or powdercoated) 25 (5 jet streams, 4 fountain sprays, 5 directional jets plus 11 water playfeatures) Customizable Product with Logo Yes Yes Splash Pad Area 2740 sf 2800 sf Flow Rate 147 gpm 213.5 gpm Includes: 1 Cartridge Filtration Skid, 1 Chemical Treatment, 1 feature skid, 1 distribution manifold, 1 prefab water reservoir (tank), 1 Includes: Domepack WQMS and enclosure, with stainless steel manifold, Mechanical System aquavator (activation bollard), 3 collector boxes, 1 rain diverting command center, BFP, pressure regulator, piping, valves waste valve box, control panel Controller Tank Size Enclosure Design and Construction Drawings Earthwork Concrete Electric Installation Company Startup Training Discounts - Joint Purchasing Program Discount Additional Vendor Discount Freight Other Costs Assumptions Not Included in Quote CITY OF Mont10 Includes 1 activator 3000 gallon concrete vessel not included Stamped engineered drawing Earthwork, Excavation and Trenching 6" concrete pad with reinforcement (rebar) 2,740 sf Electrical hookup, equipment system wiring Landscape Structures installer Does not include (4,048) (16,799) 2,724 The controller would be Vortex most advanced controller: Maestro Pro. The Maestro Pro has a large touch screen for input with LAN and cellular connections built-in. You can also use wifi hardware with the Maestro Pro if there is wifi in the park. This connection allows remote control of the splashpad for monitoring and maintenance. Includes two activators. 3000 gallon containment tank not included, irrigation enclosure for water meter and RPZ Stamped engineer drawing, permit/plan review with site inspection prior to start-up Excavation 6" concrete with reinforcement (rebar), 2,800 sf, grey color Electric power, control hiring, electrical permit/inspection and state certified electrician CRS Commercial Recreation Specialists Initial startup and training for staff on recurring maintenance, winterization process and pre -season startup. 2 day startup training class to be performed by Vortex WQMS engineer on-site. (19,342) 0 4,550 3% Material Surcharge Flat area with no soil corrections; assumes water/waste/power Flat area, free of debris and obstructions, assumes water/waste/power available at site of splash pad; assumes enclosure by others available at site of splash pad, assumes enclosure by others Sales tax, enclosure to house mechanical equipment system, concrete slab for enclosure, permit costs, water, waste (sanitary), electric power brought to mechanical system area, additional side walks, Sales tax, city provided water meter, city to provide water and sewer and landscaping or fencing, soil corrections, demolition planning, site 230 V power to site, restoration, sidewalks, fencing, soil corrections, elevation plans, utility planning/design or relocation of utilities, sand demolition planning, enclosure filtration system, water heaters, UV sanization stations, random sequencing upgrade, restoration COMPARISON OF VENDOR SPLASH PAD COST ESTIMATE PROPOSALS Estimates shown are at a concept plan level only and do not account for actual site conditions or unknown factors that may affect actual construction costs. Estimates shown only account for the work shown on the concept plan (unless labeled as Future). Item No. I Description I Unit I Est. Qty I Est. Unit Price I Est. Total Cost SPLASH PAD VENDOR QUOTES SPLASH PAD VENDOR QUOTES I AQUATIX PROPOSAL DATED 8/27/18 PLUS ENCLOSURE COST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WATER SPRAY FEATURES (18 AQUATIX STRUCTURES VS. 24 VORTEX STRUCTURES) MECHANICAL SYSTEM (RECIRCULATING SYSTEM) MECHANICAL SYSTEM (INSTALLED PLUMBING) INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE (ADDED TO AQUATIX) EARTHWORK (GRADING, EXCAVATION, TRENCHING) CONCRETE PAD (6" REINFORCED) WATER PLAY STRUCTURES ASSEMBLY AND INSTALL ELECTRICAL HOOKUP (ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING) PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM STARTUP TRAINING FREIGHT DESIGN SERVICES 3% MATERIAL SURCHAGE PROJECT DISCOUNT (NCPA/TOTAL DISCOUNTS OFFERED BY VENDOR) LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $78,595.00 $78,595.00 $77,201.00 $77,201.00 $62,400.00 $62,400.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $14,200.00 $14,200.00 $66,511.00 $66,511.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $7,800.00 $7,800.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A $2,724.00 $2,724.00 $11,565.00 $11,565.00 $4,674.00 $4,674.00 -$20,847.00 -$20,847.00 CITY,() F Montic TOTAL SPLASH PAD SYSTEM (NOT INCLUDING SITE IMPROVEMENTS) I AQUATIX 1 $337,323.00 Est. Unit Price Est. Total Cost VORTEX PROPOSAL DATED: 9/20/18 $81,994.00 $81,994.00 $109,815.00 $109,815.00 included above included above included above included above included above included above included above included above included above included above included above included above $187,000.00 $187,000.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $4,550.00 $4,550.00 included above included above included above included above -$19,342.95 -$19,342.95 VORTEX 1 $367,516.05 I \\I I I I I \1 \\ 1 - I ' I \II I / -- I I � I_ � I � 1 EXHIBIT #14 PREFERRED CONCEPT PLAN Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study November 7, 2018 1 WSB Project Number: 012297-000 VQ -__ - ARKING- STA4,tS c' I 1 1 ----------------- NDEROROUNP T/AI9K I , I - I ; QUIPMENt ENICLbSURE •-------------------- ;/ --_ ' 1 ------------------------ -------- ___ 1 I 1 1 \ -------- V-" -\ -- .. ,. -\-- \_--- \ _- - _ ----_ ------ - _ i wSB PREFERRED CONCEPT PLAN - PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Estimates shown are at a concept plan level only and do not account for actual site conditions or unknown factors that may affect actual construction costs. Estimates shown only account for the work shown on the concept plan (unless labeled as Future). Item No. Description Unit Est. Qty Est. Unit Price Est. Total Cost CITY OF Mont10 SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1 MOBILIZATION (5%) LUMPSUM 1 $17,500.00 $17,500.00 2 EARTHWORK, REMOVALS AND EROSION CONTROL LUMPSUM 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 3 STORMWATER/DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LUMPSUM 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 4 UTILITY CONNECTION - WATERMAIN LN FT 500 $50.00 $25,000.00 5 UTILITY CONNECTION - SANITARY SEWER LN FT 500 $35.00 $17,500.00 6 UTILITY CONNECTION - ELECTRIC POWER LUMPSUM 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 7 PERMANENT PARKING LOT, INCLUDING BELOW: $107,500.00 STORMWATER/DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LUMPSUM 1 $10,000.00 EARTHWORK, REMOVALS, EROSION CONTROL, MOBILIZATION LUMPSUM 1 $40,000.00 ACCESSTO SCHOOL BLVD/CONCRETE APRON/TRAIL CROSSING LUMPSUM 1 $6,500.00 PARKING LOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (1800 SQYD@$20/SY) LUMPSUM 1 $36,000.00 PARKING LOT CURB & GUTTER (1000 LN FT @ $15/LN FT LUMP SUM 1 $15,000.00 ROAD CONNECTION TO EXISTING PARKING LOT INCLUDING EARTHWORK, CURB 8 AND GUTTER, EROSION CONTROL, REMOVALS, STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, LUMPSUM 1 $63,315.00 $63,315.00 TRAIL CROSSING AND RESTORATION 7 BIKE RACK EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 8 BENCHES/TABLES EACH 7 $2,000.00 $14,000.00 9 COMBINED TRASH/RECYCLING RECEPTACLE EACH 1 $800.00 $800.00 10 SIGN KIOSK /ENTRY FEATURE EACH 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 11 ADDITIONAL PLANTINGS AROUND SPLASH PAD LUMPSUM 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 LANDSCAPE BUFFER SCREENING(10TREES/40 SHRUBS) FROM ADJACENT 12 LUMPSUM 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 PROPERTIES 13 CONCRETE SIDEWALK ALONG PARKING LOT SQ FT 1,100 $10.00 $11,000.00 14 CONCRETE SIDEWALK/PADS FOR SEATING AND BENCHES SQ FT 2,200 $10.00 $22,000.00 15 CONCRETE SIDEWALK FOR DROP-OFF, PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP AND SQ FT 3,500 $10.00 $35,000.00 CONNECTION TO SPLASH PAD 16 CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONNECTION TO PLAYGROUND SQ FT 625 $10.00 $6,250.00 17 LANDSCAPE RESTORATION (SEED MIX) LUMPSUM 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 SUBTOTAL 1 (SITE IMPROVEMENTS) $366,365.00 CONTINGENCY (15%): $54,954.75 DESIGN, ADMIN & ENG. (20%): $73,273.00 SUBTOTAL 2 (SITE IMPROVEMENTS) $494,592.75 SPLASH PAD (INSTALLATION BY VENDOR) 1 18 AQUATIX SPLASH PAD RECIRCULATING SYSTEM INCLUDING ENCLOSURE LUMP SUM $337,323.00 $337,323.00 CITY OF Mont10 Monticello SPLASH PAD FEASIBILITY STUDY AT PIONEER PARK NOVEMBER 7, 2018 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 WSB PROJECT NO. 012297-00 ■ WSB FEASIBILITY STUDY PIONEER PARK SPLASH PAD FEASIBILITY STUDY For: CITY OF MONTICELLO NOVEMBER 7, 2018 Prepared By: WSB Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION......................................................................................................... 1 II. FEASIBILITY STUDY PROCESS............................................................................................................ 1 III. SITE VISIT, BASEMAPPING, AND ANALYSIS OF PIONEER PARK.........................................................1 IV. LOCATION SUITABILITY ANALYSIS..................................................................................................... 2 V. SIMILAR MUNICIPAL SPLASH PAD ANALYSIS................................................................................... 3 VI. CONCEPT PLAN DEVELOPMENT........................................................................................................ 3 7 A. CONCEPT PLAN #1— CENTRAL LOCATION.......................................................................... 4 8 B. CONCEPT PLAN #2 — WEST LOCATION................................................................................4 VII. SPLASH PAD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS................................................ 5 VIII. REVIEW OF CURRENT AQUATIX CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE..........................................6 IX. SPLASH PAD PROPOSAL COMPARISON — VORTEX AQUATIC STRUCTURES ..................................... 6 12 A. Cost Comparison and Analysis............................................................................................ 6 13 B. Construction Estimate Comparison.................................................................................... 7 X. PREFERRED CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE..........................................................................7 XI. CONSTRUCTION TIMEFRAME............................................................................................................ 7 XII. FUNDING...........................................................................................................................................8 XIII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION.........................................................................................8 APPENDIX Exhibit # Title 1 Context Map 2 Site Features Map 3 Location Map 4 Location Analysis 5 Municipal Splash Pad Comparison Matrix 6 Concept Plan #1 — Central 7 Concept Plan #1 — Cost Estimate 8 Concept Plan #2 — West 9 Concept Plan #2 — Cost Estimate 10 Aquatix Proposal 11 Vortex Proposal 12 Comparison of Vendor Splash Pad Systems 13 Comparison of Vendor Cost Estimates 14 Preferred Concept Plan 15 Preferred Concept Plan — Cost Estimate Splash Pad at Pioneer Park - Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The City of Monticello requested a feasibility study to assess a splash pad at Pioneer Park to determine the most suitable location and complementary site improvements to support a splash pad. The City wishes to construct the splash pad in Spring of 2019. The Lions Club has been working with Aquatix on splash pad designs and costs and is willing to donate to the development of the splash pad. The City of Monticello expressed a desire to construct the splash pad in 2019. The proposed budget for the splash pad alone is $300,000. Additional funding for parking expansion, walkways, seating, shade, and other items have been estimated as part of this process. II. FEASIBILITY STUDY PROCESS This feasibility study includes: • A site analysis that explored several locations within Pioneer Park to determine the most suitable and preferred location for a splash pad addition. • An exploration of complementary park improvements that may be needed to successfully implement a splash pad on this site. • An assessment of the current Aquatix "plug and play" system plan and a comparison to another splash pad vendor with a similar/comparable system. • Two concept plans and cost estimates of potential construction costs along with the ongoing operations and maintenance costs associated with a splash pad of this size. • A comparison of similar municipal splash pad sites. • A site visit by WSB landscape architects, collection of background information, meetings and conference calls with City staff, preparation of various graphics, concept plans and cost estimates, along with drafting recommendations and analysis. • The exhibits referenced in this report are included in the appendix. III. SITE VISIT, BASEMAPPING, AND ANALYSIS OF PIONEER PARK WSB visited Pioneer Park and assessed its existing conditions. WSB also assembled GIS basemap information including county parcel data, aerial graphic, lidar contours and available city utilities in proximity to the site. Refer to Pioneer Park Map Exhibits #1 and #2. Pioneer Park is an approximately 19 -acre community park located at 9350 Fallon Avenue NE at the corner of Fallon Avenue NE and School Boulevard, close to Little Mountain Elementary School and surrounded by residential neighborhoods. The southern half of the park is composed of wetlands and open space. The north half of the park is used for recreation, hosts the annual RiverFest celebration, and holds most of the park amenities. The north half of the park is relatively flat with mature oak trees but the grade slopes to the south with steeper slopes to the west and south of the existing parking lot. The current parking lot on the site has 31 stalls with access from Fallon Avenue NE. There is a potential future roundabout location at Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard. Pioneer Park amenities include a concession stand within a large shelter, picnic tables, mature oak trees, restrooms with the shelter, a gazebo, open grass areas, a paved trail wrapping along the perimeter of Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 1 north and east sides of the park connecting to the Monticello trail system, two playgrounds, and a sand volleyball court. The lower playground area is dated and it is slated to be replaced or eliminated in the future. The existing large shelter is rented out to community groups or families for events. The park also hosts the annual RiverFest opening celebration in July each year including a classic car show, pony rides, and concessions using the open-air shelter and the northwest portions of the park. Another community event at the park is Movies in the Park. The trail from the west connects the adjacent neighborhood to the park. There is currently a sidewalk from the parking lot to the shelter and the central playground area. A 6 -inch waterline and a 6 -inch sanitary sewer line serve the park. There is also a high-pressure gas line running from the northwest corner of the park to the southeast through the park along with an easement. IV. LOCATION SUITABILITY ANALYSIS The suitability analysis considered the site analysis and existing conditions as well as preferences from the meetings with City staff and the Park Board. The City prefers that the splash pad does not interfere with the rental of the existing shelter or the RiverFest event and would like to minimize the removal of existing trees. WSB analyzed the park based upon City feedback and direction, a site visit, and basemapping to determine the top four locations. Refer to the Pioneer Park — Splash Pad Location Analysis Map, Exhibits #3 and #4. WSB then analyzed these four locations and compared them based upon the following criteria: • If the site has existing slopes/grades which would be conducive to splash pad development (flat grades, not steep grade changes). • If the site has south sun exposure with limited shade from mature trees and buildings. This is important because although shade is needed while visiting a splash pad, too much shade can limit use and cool the area. In addition, mature trees can drop litter (acorns, seeds, leaves, branches) onto the splash pad area and cause maintenance issues. • If the site is close to existing utilities (water and sanitary sewer). Since there are existing mainlines in the park and along School Boulevard, the utilities are close but there is a higher cost for extending the utilities farther away as well as the restoration costs associated with utility construction. Also, is a need to consider electric power as it will be required for the splash pad pump. • If the site is close to restrooms. The Minnesota Department of Health states that a reasonable distance to permanent restrooms must accompany any splash pad as well as a drinking fountain and outdoor shower. We analyzed the sites and ranked them according to the distance from the existing restrooms in the shelter. • If the construction of the splash pad and its improvements would not require mature tree removals. There are many large oak trees at Pioneer Park and we determined it was important to keep them. Therefore, we ranked which sites would least disturb existing tree canopy. • If the site is adjacent to complimentary features such as the shelter, play area, or trails. • If the site does not interfere with existing shelter rentals or the current RiverFest location. • If the site is accessible and close to existing circulation. • If the site has enough space available for the proposed splash pad (2,800 square feet minimum). Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 2 Based on these parameters, we determined a rating system including the most desired features/site amenities for a splash pad and a point system for each. WSB tallied up all the points and advised the City and Parks and Recreation Commission of the two highest ranking sites which were the West (42 out of 50 points) and Central (37 out of 50 points). WSB joined the July 26, 2018 Park Board meeting via conference call and shared the findings of the location map and analysis. Afterwards, there was discussion between the Parks and Recreation Commission and City staff and it was determined that the West site and a revised Central site would be chosen to further develop concept plans. The revised Central site was moved closer to where the current sand volleyball court sits with a recommendation to provide additional vehicular access into the park from School Boulevard. V. SIMILAR MUNICIPAL SPLASH PAD ANALYSIS WSB collected information related to 11 municipal splash pads throughout the Twin Cities metro region. Some splash pad sites were designed by WSB while some were designed by others. We compared each splash pad, its size, its estimated capacity, type of water system, whether the City charged users, type of water play elements, surfacing, operation costs, parking and any other unique features of the splash pad (Refer to the Municipal Splash Pad Matrix Exhibit #5). Based on our analysis and comparison with other municipal splash pads, the current 1,800 square foot (2,800 square foot total concrete area) splash pad design by Aquatix is comparable with other municipal splash pads in other city park systems. Most of the splash pads range from 1,000 to 4,000 square feet with the majority being around the 2,000 square foot size for a park of similar size. Throughout this comparison, we found that most communities questioned do not fence or charge fees for the use of the splash pad. It is also interesting to note that average number of daily users range from 90- 300 during hot summer months. In comparison between flow-through systems (water after being used is sent to storm or sanitary sewers) and recirculating systems, the gallons of water used are very different: between 4-10 million gallons for a flow-through and 300-400,000 gallons of water for a recirculating system. The majority of the splash pads have concrete surfacing and it is important to note that the concrete must be appropriately finished to create a non -slip surface. The current Aquatix design proposal has 18 water play features and jet sprays. It is important to note that many splash pads are located near complimentary play features such as playgrounds, fields, or beaches. Pioneer Park has a large playground and open space which would complement the splash pad but as discussed, the park currently has only 31 parking stalls, which may be inadequate for the addition of a splash pad, especially if this is the first one in Monticello city limits. VI. CONCEPT PLAN DEVELOPMENT Following the selection of the chosen locations in the park for a future splash pad, WSB developed two different concept plans based on the West and Revised Central locations along with cost estimates for each. The design of the concepts took into consideration the existing amenities at the park and recommended additional amenities for a splash pad including circulation/sidewalks, parking, accessible routes to the splash pad, connections to the existing playgrounds, a route to the existing restrooms, trash receptacles, entry kiosks, seating such as benches and tables/chairs as well as shade structures, plantings, landscaping, restorations, and maintenance of the splash pad area. We analyzed preferred locations for the splash pad equipment, its enclosure (and landscape screening) and room for the underground tank. WSB did a conceptual parking assessment and determined/reviewed options for adding parking and improving general circulation (vehicle, trail users, pedestrians, accessibility). We also considered safety and distance from the parking lot to the splash pad, views into the splash pad area and defining the area with landscaping. Options were discussed with City staff about charging user fees with Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 3 fencing or an unmanned kiosk. However, we recommend, and the City staff agrees, that the fencing and limiting access was not appropriate at this time. A. CONCEPT PLAN #1 — CENTRAL LOCATION Concept Plan #1 (Exhibits #6 and #7) locates the splash pad centrally in the park close to the site of the current sand volleyball court. An additional access and drive off School Boulevard across from Stoneridge Drive allows splash pad users an alternate entrance into the park. The parking lot is double sided with approximately 42 additional stalls (total for the site would be 73 stalls). There is a concrete sidewalk off the back of the parking lot leading to the splash pad entrance area. The parking lot also has a drop-off for buses at the main entrance to the splash pad. The splash pad is sized based upon the Aquatix plan (approximately 2,400 sf) including a five- foot -wide concrete apron/walk around the main splash pad features. At the main entrance to the splash pad is an entry kiosk and bike rack. This entrance will be completely accessible and there are also two proposed accessible parking stalls and a pedestrian curb ramp close to the main entry plaza area. The drive then connects south (shown as an alternate) to the existing parking lot below allowing for two-way vehicle traffic through the site. There is a landscape buffer between the parking lot and existing homes composed of trees, understory trees, and large shrubs. To the northeast of the splash pad, there is space for the underground tank and splash pad equipment enclosure. Utility connections (water and sanitary sewer) will be from existing main lines in School Boulevard where the proposed parking lot and drive are located. Around the splash pad are concrete pads with benches as well as tables and chairs. The splash pad connects to the existing shelter and uses this as shade as well as the splash pad being sited beneath existing mature trees. There is also a location for a future small restroom building. A five- foot -wide sidewalk connects the existing playground, shelter, and parking lot to the splash pad from the southeast. There is also additional landscaping (low growing shrubs and perennials) surrounding and enclosing the splash pad area along with seeded or sod restoration for areas disturbed by construction. The total cost for this concept including site improvements costs is approximately $832,000 (see Cost Estimate Exhibit #7). B. CONCEPT PLAN #2 — WEST LOCATION Concept Plan #2 (see Exhibit #8) locates the splash pad in the existing location of the older playground area beneath mature trees. The current play area is dated and would be removed for installation of the splash pad. This concept expands the existing parking lot to the west and the south adding approximately 34 stalls for a total of 65 stalls. The parking lot expansion (shown as a separate cost on the estimate) would require import of soil and a retaining wall with guardrail because of the steep grade. The parking lot would include a turn-around/drop-off area for buses and visitors and add approximately 34 parking stalls (total of 65 parking stalls). The drop-off and entry into the splash pad area will be accessible and a connection to the closest accessible stall and existing curb ramp is proposed. However, this connection will require the removal of a large mature tree for the sidewalk and parking lot. The existing trail will stop at the parking lot with a curb ramp as well. The splash pad entry includes a kiosk, trash receptacles and bike rack. The splash pad is sized based upon the Aquatix plan (2,800 sf) including a five -foot -wide concrete apron surrounding the water features. There are additional concrete pads for benches and shade structures. There is proposed landscaping surrounding the splash pad area with low growing shrubs and perennials. A shade tree has been added (that is litter free) to the south and additional shade structures since this is the most exposed side of the splash pad area. A five -foot -wide sidewalk connection is Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 4 proposed from the splash pad area to the existing playground, making a sidewalk loop throughout the park in this area. The splash pad equipment and underground tank are southwest of the splash pad and will be screened by landscaping. This option is also closest to the utilities (water and sanitary sewer) which run east -west through the park. The equipment is within approximately 40 feet of the splash pad and will have water lines to the various water features underground. Watermain/utility connections would run south to the existing utility lines in the park. This concept disturbs less area than Concept 1. It is closer to the existing restrooms and shelter. Concept #2 total cost including site improvements is approximately $829,000 (Refer to Exhibit #9 Cost Estimate). VII. SPLASH PAD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS Annual operations and maintenance costs are estimated to range from $25,000-$35,000 per year. This cost is dependent upon a number of factors including labor costs of staff monitoring the splash pad chemical levels and overall usage of the splash pad. Typical maintenance of a splash pad with a recirculating water system involves daily monitoring by a certified pool operator (city trained staff). This is necessary to maintain appropriate chemical levels on a daily basis and maintain the system throughout the season. Debris must also be cleaned up off the splash pad from leaves or tree litter. There is seasonal start-up and winterization labor costs associated with the splash pad. This is estimated at 20 hours of staff time twice a year. Operational costs include costs for water, sewer, part replacements, chemicals and electricity. These costs are dependent upon usage of the splash pad. It is assumed for determining the range of costs that the splash pad is operational for 80 days about 65% of the time for 10 hours per day. Monthly water usage is approximately 3,000 gallons per Aquatix. Recirculation — Maintenance Outline: 1. Clean pump strainer basket 2. Backwash sand filters or clean cartridge filters. 3. Add chemicals to dispensers. 4. Check and adjust chemical levels in water. 5. Check chemical supplies and order supplies. 6. Check and clean balancing tank. 7. Clean area of Debris. Estimated Costs: Energy Usage: Water Usage: Chemical Usage Costs: Monthly $75 3,000 gal. x .003 = $9 $ 50 Weekly Maintenance Costs: 14man/hrs. @ $50hr $2,800 Amortized Minor Equipment Repair Costs: S 150 Total Monthly Costs: $3,084 Seasonal Costs: Seasonal startup: $750 Seasonal Winterization: $1,500 Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 5 The operational and maintenance cost data breakdown listed above was prepared by Aquatix. When added up through a typical summer season, the numbers are similar to other communities on our comparison matrix, which range from $15,000-$30,000+ for annual costs. VIII. REVIEW OF CURRENT AQUATIX CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE The Lions Club in Monticello has been working directly with Aquatix, a division of Landscape Structures, which is an international play equipment manufacturing company, in Delano, Minnesota, on the design concept for the splash pad. The Lions Club has received a preliminary design and cost for the splash pad installation. This review is based upon the most current Aquatix proposal dated August 27, 2018. WSB carefully reviewed the proposal and spoke with Lindsey Fetzer, Sales Representative at Aquatix to clarify information in the proposal. City staff separately conferred with both Aquatix directly and with the Lions Club representatives about the proposal (see Aquatix Proposal, Exhibit #10). The proposal includes layout of 18 water play features, recirculating system with a 3,000 -gallon underground containment tank, a cartridge filtration system, activator, concrete pad sized 2,740 square feet, electrical and plumbing as well as installation of the products and design (stamped by an engineer) drawings of the splash pad. According to Aquatix, the overall capacity for a splash pad of this size is approximately 95 users, including the wet and dry zones. It is important to note however, that the Aquatix proposal, with an estimated cost of $312,000 does not include site improvements to prepare the site for the splash pad. The Aquatix proposal and cost estimate makes various assumptions including that utilities are existing or will be brought to the site, including sanitary, water and electric power. Currently, based upon the preferred location of the splash pad (in Concept Plan #1), these utilities are not available at that location. The Aquatix proposal also does not include an enclosure for the above ground mechanical equipment. It also assumes the site is flat and ready for excavation for the concrete pad. We would recommend including costs for a topographic survey of the area and construction plans for demolition/removals, grading, and restoration in order to prepare the site for a vendor such as Aquatix to install the splash pad. IX. SPLASH PAD PROPOSAL COMPARISON — VORTEX AQUATIC STRUCTURES We have also included a similar vendor, Vortex Aquatic Structures, an international play equipment manufacturing company headquartered in Canada with distributors in Minnesota, for comparison. We have used Vortex in the past on multiple municipal splash pad projects with great results. Vortex has provided a comparable cost estimate and design of an 1,800 square foot splash pad (2,800 square foot splash pad area), see Exhibit #11. Their proposal also included the NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance) discount for municipalities as well as the splash pad enclosure. It also did not include connection to watermain, sanitary sewer and electric power. It only includes the concrete for the splash pad itself along with a five -foot -wide concrete apron surrounding the splash pad. As with the Aquatix proposal, this one also assumes the following: that the site will be mass graded to drain appropriately, that vegetation will be removed, and that utilities will be brought to the splash pad site (sanitary, water, electric power). The proposal includes a comparable recirculating system and water play features (sprays, dump buckets, and other features). A. Cost Comparison and Analysis The costs between the two systems are comparable (Exhibit #13), but the Aquatix proposal is less expensive. However, the Vortex proposal includes an additional seven water play features. The concrete areas are similar. Vortex includes an additional activator as well as costs associated with permitting. Both proposals include a 3,000 -gallon containment tank. The Vortex Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 6 proposal also includes an above -ground enclosure for mechanical equipment, where the Aquatix proposal does not. We estimate the enclosure to cost between $20,000 - $25,000 and have added this cost to the preferred concept plan estimate. B. Construction Estimate Comparison Both proposals (Aquatix and Vortex) provide a quote for construction of the splash pad including concrete work. See Exhibit #12 for a comparison of the splash pad systems and products. Both proposals assume that utilities have already been brought to the location (within 10 feet) including water, electric power and sanitary sewer. Both also assumes that mass grading and drainage has been done and the site is prepped and ready for construction of the concrete. The detailed grading that would need to be completed prior to installation by the splash pad vendor has not been included in their construction or design costs. As stated above, we would recommend including a topographic survey and construction plans for demolition/removals, grading and restoration. X. PREFERRED CONCEPT PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE Based upon feedback from the City of Monticello's Park and Recreation Commission, the Lions Club, and City staff, the location of Concept #1 is preferred due to the long-range plans for the park. The splash pad could be implemented for an estimated cost of $425,000, however, we recommend developing the site with expanded parking at an increased budget to provide successful results without the need to further disturb the park in following year(s) with subsequent improvements. Refer to the Preferred Concept Plan #1 (Exhibit #14) and Cost Estimate (Exhibit #15). The splash pad designed by Aquatix has a capacity of 95 people. At this time, there are currently 31 stalls available for parking at Pioneer Park which would be inadequate for an addition of a splash pad of this size given the current use of the rented shelter space and play area. The preferred concept locates and connects the splash pad to the existing playground with a five-foot sidewalk. It also locates the underground tank and above ground mechanical equipment enclosure to the northeast of the splash pad. The splash pad is 2,800 square feet which includes the five -foot -wide concrete apron surrounding the splash pad "wet" area. The plan includes amenities such as an entry kiosk, bike racks, benches and seating, parking lot with 42 stalls, access onto School Boulevard, additional sidewalks, and road connection to the existing parking lot. There is also restoration (turf grass seeding) and landscaping proposed where areas have been disturbed and to screen the parking lot from adjacent residents. The total estimated cost to develop the splash pad, parking expansion, and site improvements is $832,000. XI. CONSTRUCTION TIMEFRAME The estimated construction timeframe for the splash pad and site improvements is 5-6 months. This assumes that construction plans/final design is completed during the winter months. Ordering of splash pad parts, materials and underground tank should occur in late winter to guarantee delivery by spring. The construction will include removals, utilities, erosion control, site grading and preparing the site for the vendor to construct the splash pad. Both vendors (Aquatix and Vortex) would require 60-90 days for splash pad construction of the underground tank, piping, concrete surfacing and splash pad elements. Other site improvements, such as the parking lot, road connection and additional sidewalks could be constructed simultaneously during splash pad construction. There are many factors that can affect the construction timeframe including delay of Department of Health permitting or other inspections, surprises Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 7 encountered below ground, or weather delays. After construction of the splash pad and improvements, it will be important to allow time for establishment of the site restoration (seeding) and landscaping to occur prior to use of the site for city residents. XII. FUNDING The Lions Club has stated that they will donate approximately $150,000 towards the splash pad at Pioneer Park, which would be raised over an estimated three-year period. There has also been interest from the American Legion of donating approximately $10,000. The City would like to construct the splash pad in the spring of 2019. Based upon conversations with City staff, we understand that the remaining $683,000 will likely come from other city fund sources. XIII. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION This feasibility study has analyzed Pioneer Park for the most suitable locations for a 2,800 square foot splash pad along with complementary site improvements. Two concept plans were developed and a preferred concept was selected by the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission and City staff. In addition, this report has reviewed and compared municipal splash pads, vendors, and operation and maintenance costs to provide the City with detailed information to assist with deciding how to proceed with this plan. The preferred concept (See Preferred Concept Plan, Exhibit #14) was determined to best fit with the long-range plans for the park. The preliminary cost estimate for the splash pad development shown in the preferred concept plan is $843,000. Additional site improvements such as an additional restroom facility could be added at some point in the future if specific splash pad usage is evaluated and determined to be necessary and funding becomes available. Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 8 APPENDIX Exhibit # Title 1 Context Map 2 Site Features Map 3 Location Map 4 Location Analysis 5 Municipal Splash Pad Comparison Matrix 6 Concept Plan #1 — Central 7 Concept Plan #1 — Cost Estimate 8 Concept Plan #2 — West 9 Concept Plan #2 — Cost Estimate 10 Aquatix Proposal 11 Vortex Proposal 12 Comparison of Vendor Splash Pad Systems 13 Comparison of Vendor Cost Estimates 14 Preferred Concept Plan 15 Preferred Concept Plan - Cost Estimate Splash Pad Feasibility Study City of Monticello WSB Project No. 012297-000 Page 9