City Council Minutes 01-08-1979MINUTES
January 8, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Philip White.
Members absent: None
The invocation for the first meeting of the 1979 year was given by the
Rev. Gerald Oas.
Oath of Office for the new Mayor, Arve Grimsmo, and new Councilmember,
Fran Fair, was given by the City Administrator, Gary Wieber.
Citizens Comments:
Mr. Herman Tews, Vice President of Arcon Construction Company, requested
that the Council reconsider lowering the retainage percentage on the 1977-3
Improvement Project. Arcon Construction had previously requested that the
retainage be reduced from loo down to 3% now that the project is over 900
completed, but the Council voted to leave the retainage at loo per contract.
Mr. Tews indicated to the Council that a state law requires that once a
project is over 90o complete, the percentage should be reduced accordingly
to match the amount of work that is still remaining. After discussion with
the City Engineer, this item was tabled for two weeks to enable the Council
to further study the possibility of lowering the percentage to Arcon Con-
Mr. Vance Florell asked that the Council reconsider their previous denial
of a variance on the height of the sign to be located at the new Standard
Oil Station on I-94 and Highway 25. Mr. Florell felt that it was vital
to his business that the sign be seen from both directions on I-94 and
requested that he be allowed to put up a higher sign similar to one that
is located at the Silver Fox Motel. The Council informed Mr. Florell that
once a variance is denied, he must wait six months before the item can
be considered again. Therefore, no action was taken by the Council at this
1. Consideration of Filling Vacancy on City Council.
Since Mr. Arve Grimsmo has taken his elected position as Mayor of the City
of Monticello, a vacancy is now opep on the City Council for the unexpired
portion of Mr. Grimsmo's term, wh"Ich is December 31, 1980.
Mayor Grimsmo nominated Ken Maus for the unexpired term. Hearing no other
nominations, a motion was made by Philip White, seconded by Fran Fair and
unanimously carried to appoint Ken Maus to fill the unexpired term on the
City Council.
Council Minutes - 1/8/79
2. Consideration of appointment of Committee Members and Various City
Functions and Duties.
Various committees, functions and duties such as the Planning Commission,
�- Business and Industrial Development Commission, consulting engineer,
city attorney, acting mayor, etc., must be appointed by the City Council.
Except in the case of the HRA, committee members whose terms are regulated
by State Statute on a rotating five-year basis, all appointments are
Mayor Grimsmo nominated Dick Martie and Ed Schaffer to fill two vacant
positions on the Planning Commission. Mr. Grimsmo also nominated
Ken Tvedt and George DeMars for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
committee. Recommendation was also made to have the current building
inspector, Loren Klein, as the new Civil Defense Director and
Phil White as acting Mayor in the absence of Arve Grimsmo.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve and appoint the following Committee Members, functions
and duties:
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Council Minutes - 1/8/79
Jim Ridgeway
Fred Topel
Dr. C. D. Bauer
Ed Schaffer
Dick Martie
Loren Klein (ex -officio)
Lowell Schrupp
Lloyd Lund
John Poirier
Lois Schoepf
Leo Nelson (Chairman) (1-1-83)
Vic Vokaty (1-1-81)
Robert Doty (1-1-82)
George DeMars (1-1-80)
Ken Tvedt (1-1-84)
Jim Herbst
Hazel Kotilinek
Gary Pringle
John Mitchell
Isabel Holker
Leo Nelson - -,,President
Harry Stokes - Treasurer
Marie Peterson - Secretary
Sheldon Johnson
Lloyd Lund
Harry Sdhaff er
Frank Thompson
Jay Morrell
Marie Bruning
Caroline Ellison
Hugh McKinnon
City - Ron Peters, Ken Maus
School - Russ Martie, Gordon Link
Fire Dept. - Lee Trunnell
City - Rick Wolfsteller
Township - Gahart Decker
BOARD OF APPEALS - Housing & Building Code
Council with Mayor as Chairperson
Rick Wolfsteller
Arve Grimsmo
Loren Klein
Philip White
Gary Pringle
Gruys, Johnson & Associates
Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates
Howard Dahlgren Associates
Wright County State Bank
Security Federal
Monticello Times
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Council Minutes - 1/8/79
3. Consideration of Approval of Additional Billing from Orr-Schelen-Mayeron &
Associates on Step I Wastewater Treatment Facilities Planning Report.
John Badalich, consulting city engineer, requested that the Council consider
approving an additional billing amount of $3,432.88 on its Step I Facilities
Planning Report. Mr. Badalich indicated that this additional work was
above the original contract amount of $102,690 for the Step I Plan, and
he indicated that this additional billing would have to be approved by
the City of Monticello before it was submitted to the Pollution Control
Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency for their consideration.
It was pointed out that an additional $423.75 which was paid by the City
for treatment plant sludge samples may also be reimburseable by the
PCA and EPA. As a result, if both of these amounts were approved for
funding, the City of Monticello would in effect receive a savings from
these bills as the EPA and PCA would reimburse 90% of these costs.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the additional billing request on the Step I Facilities
Plan from OSM, contingent upon the EPA and PCA's approval to reimburse
90% of these additional costs.
4. Consideration of Advertising for New Public Works Director.
Mike Rajala, the City's current Public Works Director, has resigned his
position effective January 15, 1979.
The Council, after discussing the vacancy, tabled any action on advertising
for a new Public Works Director to enable them to further study what
qualifications the new person should have to fill this position.
5. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Feasibility Report on Projects
Petitioned For.
As of this date, three petitions have been received by the City of Monticello
as follows:
Area 1 - Lots 3, 4 and 5 in Block 7 of Upper Monticello - This area is
owned by Land Projects, Inc. and the petition is for sewer, water,
permanent streets and curb and gutter. This extension would run
from the intersection of Locust and Seventh Street, to the westerly
platted area of Seventh Street.
Area 2 - Commercial Plaza 25 - This area is owned by Sam Peraro and when
initially platted, there was concern for the size lots being less
than 21-2 acres, which is the minimum amount of land according to
the City Ordinances that is required before a septic tank is
allowed. Mr. Peraro indicated at that time he had submitted a
petition for sewer and water and this was on file at City Hall.
Petition is for sewer and water.
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Council Minutes - 1/8/79
Area 3 - Oakwood Industrial Park - area petitioned for by the Oakwood
Industrial Park Partnership is for the improvement of Dundas
Road with sewer and water and blacktop. As you may be already
aware, this street is being improved currently with a Class 5
base and it is getting ready for the eventual improvements
planned for in 1979.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to adopt a resolution ordering the preparation of a feasibility
report for the above petitioned improvements which would be known as the
1979-1 Improvement Project, (See Resolution 1979 #1).
6. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 20, 1978 and the
Regular Meeting held December 11, 1978, were approved as read.
7. Miscellaneous.
By Council consensus, the next regular Council Meeting was rescheduled
from Monday, January 22nd, to Tuesday, January 23, 1979.
It was also noted that all regular Council Meetings will be held on the
second and fourth Monday of each Month in 1979.
Meeting adjourned.
ichard Wolfst ler
Assitant Admi istrator
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