City Council Minutes 02-12-1979MINUTES
February 12, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Members Absent: None
1. Review of Worth Brasie Library Situation.
Currently, the Worth Brasie Public Library is part of the Oakwood School
complex and since the School District is reviewing various alternatives
on the future of the school building, Mr. Shelly Johnson, Superintendent,
discussed with the City Council the City's feelings on a public library.
The Worth Brasie Library was constructed in 1928 as part of the Oakwood
School with funds left by Mr. Worth Brasie for that purpose. The problem
now facing the school district is that the future of the Oakwood complex
is somewhat affected by the future of the library building itself which is
attached to the rest of the Oakwood facility. Mr. Johnson explained that
by previous agreements and resolutions, the School would have to perpetually
maintain a library on this site, which could be a hindrance in selling the
Oakwood site or tearing down the present building.
Citizens comments were heard from Mr. Bill Sandberg, who explained the
events of 1928 regarding the legacy left by Mr. Worth Brasie for the
public library, and he also indicated that the School could not transfer
the library property nor does the City have the right to decide the fate
of the library without the voter's approval.
Mr. Bernard Kirscht, School Board Chairman, also explained that the School
would not like to see a new library attached to or made any part of a new
school building.
In order to review this situation more thoroughly, a motion was made by
Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to have the City
Administrator organize a joint meeting of the School Board Members and the
City Council regarding the future of the Worth Brasie Public Library.
2. Consideration of Extension of Sidewalk from Easterly Property Line of
Pinewood ElementarySchool to Elm Street.
In 1975, the City completed a sidewalk project from Pinewood Elementary
to the High School along Broadway. At that time, it was considered to extend
the sidewalk from the Pinewood Elementary School to Elm Street along Third
Street, but it was decided against since the permanent street improvement
project would affect the ultimate elevation of the street, and accordingly,
the elevation of the sidewalk. Now that the street improvement project has
been completed, there has been concern for the safety for the children in
City Council Minutes - 2/12/79
the area that are forced to walk on a segment of Third Street until they
come to the sidewalk owned by the School.
The estimated cost of a 5' wide sidewalk, 400' in length and 4" in depth,
was estimated at approximately $4,000. Shelly Johnson, School Superintendent,
also indicated that the School would agree to maintain this section in regards
to snow plowing, etc. since it did abut up to their sidewalk at Pinewood.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried
to solicit quotes on the construction of the sidewalk along Third Street.
It was indicated that these quotes would probably provide for construction
some time during the summer of 1979.
3. Consideration of Publication of Bills.
In 1978, the Minnesota State Legislature made comprehensive changes in the
financial reporting requirements for Cities over 2,500. As a result of these
changes in the reporting laws, Monticello is required to publish certain
financial data in the newspaper which is actually an increase from the
previous requirements. At the same time, the new law exempted those cities
using the accrual basis of accounting from the requirement of publishing
bills at the end of each month or at the end of the year.
Don Smith, Editor and Publisher of the Monticello Times, requested to be
on the Agenda to have the Council consider continuation of publication of
the bills despite the fact that it is no longer required. Mr. Smith
indicated that the publication of bills shows the government which is open
to the public and he felt it would create good public relations for the
City of Monticello. Furthermore, he indicated that the cost of the publication
of the bills, approximately $500 to $600 annually, was small in comparison
to the City's total budget, and that also a tradition has been set by the
City Council of Monticello since the bills have been published since 1963.
Although the new state laws do not require the City to continue publishing
bills, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and
unanimously carried to continue the monthly publication of bills as
previously done.
4. Consideration of Approval of Set Up License, On -Sale Non -Intoxicating Liquor
License and Off -Sale Non -Intoxicating Liquor License for O'Ryan's Restaurant.
Mr. Thomas McCauley, owner and proprietor of O'Ryan's Restaurant, formerly
the Monticello Rec, requested the above licenses for his restaurant at the
corner of Cedar and Broadway Streets in Monticello.
Mr. McCauley explained to the Council that he wanted to open up the bar on
the west side of the building for 3.2 beer and also felt that he would need
a set up license in order to have his establishment, which he intends to
serve pizza in, make a profit. Mr. McCauley also indicated that he will
be serving pizza primarilly on the east side of the building, in the
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City Council Minutes - 2/12/79
After Council discussion on whether a set up license would be appropriate
for this building, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen
and unanimously carried to grant a set up license which will expire June 1,
1979, and an on -sale non -intoxicating liquor license and an off -sale non -
intoxicating liquor license, which expires June 30, 1979. All three licenses
will be reviewed at that time, prior to reissuance.
5. Consideration of Variance on Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for
Marn Flicker's TV & Appliance Store.
Mr. Marn Flicker requested a variance from the provisions of the City
ordinances requiring the completion of the parking lot and landscaping
before occupancy of a new building takes place. Mr. Flicker indicated
that he would be ready to occupy the building in approximately two to three
weeks, and indicated that all building code provisions would be met except
for these two items. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran
Fair and unanimously carried to approve a certificate of occupancy for
Marn Flicker's building contingent upon him posting a bond for the
uncompleted landscaping and parking lot improvements.
6. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of the City Council meeting held January 23, 1979 were
approved as read.
7. Miscellaneous.
Councilman Ken Maus indicated that he would be resigning from the Business
and Industrial Development Committee due to his Council position. The
Business and Industrial Development Committee will be asked to seek a
replacement for Mr. Maus.
Council also discussed with the City Engineer, John Badalich, the recent
occurrence of frozen water service lines to individual properties within the
last few weeks. Mr. Badalich explained that because of the severe winter,
that the City of Monticello is not alone in having frozen water lines.
Mr. Badalich felt that the street improvement project of 1978 was not a
major fault of the frozen water lines, and that other communities are
having the same problems as the City of Monticello.
Hearing no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Ric and Wolf s ller
Assistant Ad inistrator
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