HRA Minutes 02-11-1998 . . . Minutes HRA/IDC Joint Workshop: 02/11/98 In attendance: From IDC: Shelly Johnson, Bob Mosford, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Torn Lindquist From HRA: Dan Frie, Steve Andrews, Brad Barger, Bob Murray, Darrin Lahr Others in attendance: Mayor Bill Fair, City Staff, Ollie Koropchak, Rick Wolfsteller, Ron Bray WSB & Assoc., Steve Grittman NAC, Charles Pfeffer of Pfeffer Company, Inc. and Kitty Baltos of the Monticello Chamber. 1. See agenda, (attachment A) 2. Darrin Lahr of the HRA gave a presentation (attachment B) on the areas that the HRA identified as areas needing attention with regard to commercial and retail growth and retention. The focus of the presentation was on "develop and encourage business retention and expansion. " It should be noted that the City of Monticello has set aside $30,000.00 to develop a marketing strategy. 3. Dick Van Allen of the IDC gave a presentation (attachment C) on the areas that the IDC identified as areas needing attention with regard to industrial growth and retention. The focus of the presentation was on "a need for a marketing strategy and an orderly industrial development strategy." 4. The HRA and IDC then looked at areas pointed out in each presentation where synergies exist, these areas were identified as, Marketing Visitations Streamline development process Land acquisition development process Web Site Investigate use of TV adv. Promotions 5. Discussion then centered on trying to develop a "Ready for business sequence" of areas to focus on, a. Comparison of various City benefits (developer friendly) b. Review to promote permit process within City c. How do we partner to market available industrial property . . . 6. Ollie was asked what process takes place when a business calls her to ask about Monticello because they are thinking of relocating or starting a new business. 1. Call is forwarded to Ollie. 2. She uses an Industrial Lead Sheet to ask questions about size of building needed, # of employees, wage paid, # acres needed, if this is a relocation, expansion or new business. 3. Informs the caller about possible financial packages the City has and what infrastructure is available. 4. Offers to send information to the caller about Monticello and financial information on a local and regional scale. 5. Tries to set up a visit between her and the caller to visit Monticello. 6. If the prospect is interested and has determined that he/she is willing to look seriously at Monticello then time is spent with the City Planner and Building Inspector to determine what is needed in the way of plans, specifications and permits. Ok building parameters. 7. Permits are issued through a reqular process. 7. After some discussion it was determined that the most important areas to focus on at this time are, a. Consistenancy (when a developer comes to Monticello today and agrees on a process he can be assured that the process will not change tomarrow.) b. Develop a Marketing Plan, talk about whats good about Monticello c. List of who has/will do what (Ollie noted that she is working with a small group on developing a marketing plan) 8. A presentation was given by Ron Bray of WSB and Associates the overview was titled "City of Monticello Transportation Improvements" (see attachment D) 9. Meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted; Tom Ollig, Secretary IDC