City Council Minutes 05-10-1979 MINU ES I SPECIAL MEETING - MON ICELLQ CITY COUNCIL Thursday, May 10, 979 - 7:30 P,M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Ken aus, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: Fran Fair, Phil wh te. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Board of Review - Assessed Valuations Mr. Bernie Mattson and Mr. Orlan Kri Monticello, were present to explain in Monticello. tlow, Wright County Assessors for he assessment procedures used Mr. William Thompson and Lester Ande about the assessed and market values explained that all of the homes in M due to rapid inflation. sen asked general questions of their homes. Mr. Mattson nticello had market value increases I Hearing no other crnnments, motion wa by Ken Maus and unanimously carried for 1979, as presented. her legal description Mrs. Laura Rowland had a question co which was answered by the Assessors, made by Dan Blonigen, seconded o accept the assessment rolls Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconde by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to adjourn. ~a)~ Ri k Wolfste r Assistant Administrator RW/ns I