City Council Minutes 05-14-1979MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL May 14, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Philip White, Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus. Members Absent: None Citizens Comments - A representative of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association asked the Council for permission to install six new mercury vapor lights at the 4th Street skating rink. The representative indicated that the new lights would be installed at their expense and his request was just for the okay by the Council to do the installation of the lights. Permis- sion was granted to the organization by consensus of the Council. 1. Public Hearing on a Variance Request from the Minimum Square Footage Requirements of a Rambler - Marvin George Builders in Balboul Estates. Marvin George Builders requested a variance from Monticello Ordinances which require a one-story dwelling to be a minimum of 1,000 square feet on the first floor. The variance request would apply only for those lots in Balboul Estates. Mr. Marvin George presented information at the Planning Commission re- questing a minimum square footage for ramblers of 912 square feet based on the following reasons: 1. Mr. George felt that a good mixture of split entries and ramblers makes a more aesthetic appearing neighborhood. 2. By allowing for a smaller square footage home, it would make it more accessible for the person in the lower income bracket. 3. Mr. George indicated that because of a loan commitment program from the Federal Housing Administration for homes in Balboul Estates, he is limited in terms of the amount of money he can spend on an indi- vidual home and felt that by lowering the square footage, he would be able to work within the scope of the program. The following citizens comments were presented: Don Christopher indicated opposition to a rambler of less than 1,000 square feet, but indicated he would not be opposed to split entries if they were less than 1,000 square feet. Daryl Tindle also indicated his opposition to ramblers being less than 1,000 square feet in the area. - 1 - Council Minutes - 5/14/79 Gordy Jacobson also indicated opposition to the variance request and also asked the Council why some type of diversity can't be required of local builders in a subdivision. He felt that the Council should look into possible ways of controlling what type of homes are built in an area so that they do not all look alike. Hearing no other comments, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to deny the variance request for ramblers to be built in Balboul Estates of less than 1,000 square feet. 2. Public Hearing - Variance to allow the Use of a Mobile Home as a Sales Office in a B-3 Zone - Scott Potato Company. Scott Potato Company, which operates a potato brokerage office during the potato season south of Monticello Ford on a parcel owned by Larry Flake, requested the following variances: A. Variance from the building code provisions since Mobile Homes do not meet current building codes. B. Variance from the hardsurfaced parking requirements for an office. C. Variance from landscaping requirements for a business. The Scott Potato Company currently leases a parcel of land from Larry Flake and operates out of the mobile home as a sales office. When the new Monticello Ford building was constructed, owner Larry Flake agreed that he would no longer allow Scott Potato to lease a parcel from him relative to the mobile home site after 1978. Scott Potato Company has indicated that they will be looking for a new site to build a building within the Monticello area, but have asked for a one year variance to allow the operation to continue at the present site. The Planning Commission recommended that the variance be granted for one year to allow Scott Potato Company the opportunity to provide a new office. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to grant a variance to the Scott Potato Company to allow them to remain at the present site until January 1, 1980, at which time they would have to move. At the present time, the hardsurfaced parking requirements and landscaping requirements would not be enforced. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance on Sideyard Setback and Subdivision of Parcel - Mr. & Mrs. Harry Benson. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Benson have requested a variance from the sideyard setback requirements of 10' to allow an existing garage to have its dripline up to the abutting property line, and also to allow a sub- division of the parcel to allow the garage to be entirely on their own property. The existing garage was built several years ago, and now it was determined that the garage is located half on the Benson's property and the other half on property owned by the abutting neigh- bor, Kevin Olson. Mr. & Mrs. Benson will be selling their property to Mr. Gene Carlson and have negotiated with Mr. Kevin Olson to purchase - 2 - Council Minutes - 5/14/79 a strip of land that is 10' wide and 135' deep to allow their garage to be entirely on their own property. In exchange for this 10' wide parcel of land, Mr. & Mrs. Benson will be giving Mr. Olson a strip that will be 30' by 66' towards the southerly rear of their property. Mr. Kevin Olson has indicated that he is agreeable to the exchange of the property with the provision that the City of Monticello go on record as indicating that they would not be opposed if some day Mr. Olson or a subsequent property owner of this parcel would like to build a garage that also needed a sideyard setback variance to the east. Mr. Olson indicated that the reason for this request is that his lot after the sale of 10' becomes quite narrow, and as a result, indicated that he may, in the future, need a variance if a new garage was built on his property. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the subdivision of land for the extra 10' and also recommended that the Council approve the sideyard setback variance. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the following: 1. Subdivision of land contingent upon obtaining a certificate of survey and proof of recording the deed at the Wright County registrar of deeds. 2. Approval of the sideyard setback variance provided the drip line falls on his own property. 3. Recommending to any future Council that if an application for a sideyard variance is requested by Mr. Olson or a subsequent property owner, that the variance be given consideration provided the new garage would be located behind the existing garage, or that the pro- per safety precautions were taken care of in regards to fire hazards if the two garages were side-by-side. 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request on a Sideyard Setback - Janet Irvine. Ms. Janet Irvine requested a variance to build a garage to within 6' of her property line. The 24' x 24' proposed garage would be located on lot 5, Block E, Riggs Addition. A letter has been presented from the abutting property owner stating no objection to the garage and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the 6' sideyard variance for the garage for Janet Irvine. Council Minutes - 5/14/79 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request to allow More than One Accessory Building on a Lot - John Kiebel. Current City Ordinances prohibit more than one garage or accessory build- ing per lot, and Mr. John Kiebel requested a variance to build a double garage on his property in addition to the present single garage that is located now on his property. Mr. Kiebel indicated that he would be using the small garage for storage, which is located in the rear of his property. The Planning Commission, at their last meeting, recommended approval of the variance. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the variance request for the new garage. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request on Rear Yard Set- back and Subdivision of Land by Mr. & Mrs. Ed Klein. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Klein, who own Lots 1 & 2 of Block 37, Upper Monticello, requested to divide their two lots equally east and west instead of north and south, as presently platted. With the change of the lot line, it became necessary to request a variance because the rear yard setback for the existing house on Lot 2 would only have 26' setback instead of the required 30' setback. At the last Planning Commission meeting, approval was recommended for this variance. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the variance request on the rear setback of 26' rather than 30', and also to approve the subdivision of land provided a certificate of survey is presented to the City and proof of recording of same. 7. Consideration of approval of Subdivision of Land - Ed Rivers. Mr. Ed Rivers, owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Kampa Estates, requested approval to sell 15' off the west side of his property to his neighbor, Mr. Dick Frie. The reason for the request was that Mr. Frie had recently sold off 20' of his property on the west side due to an error created several years ago in determining the lot line between him and Mrs. Judy Sandberg. As the result of having his lot reduced by 20', Mr. Frie would like to buy the 15' to the east from Mr. Rivers to have his property essentially the same size that it originally was intended to be. The Planning Commission at their last meeting also recommended approval of this subdivision. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve the subdivision request provided a new certificate of survey is obtained and proof of recording is completed. - 4 - Council Minutes - 5/14/79 8. Consideration of Change Order #1 on 1978-1 Improvement Project-for- Sewer rojectfor_Sewer Extension to the Monticello Country Club's Access Road. At the last Council meeting, representatives of the Monticello Country Club indicated that they desired the sewer be extended on Golf Course Road westerly to their access road. John Badalich, City Engineer, pre- pared a cost estimate for the change order which would total approxi- mately $34,313. Two methods of assessing the cost to the Country Club were discussed by the Council. If this change order was considered as a separate project rather than as part of the entire 1978-1 Project, the cost to the Country Club would be the entire cost of the sewer extension, or $34,000. This would break down to approximately a $4,035 per parcel assessment due to the fact that the other side of Golf Course Road could not be assessed, as they have already been served with sewer. Under this assessment method, only half of the street restoration would be picked up by the City. Under the second method of assessing the Country Club property, the entire cost would be lumped with the 1978-1 Project cost and spread over the entire area of Country Club Manor- and Kampa Estates. This would then, in turn, lower the assessment to approximately $2,690 per parcel for the Country Club while increasing the assessments approximately $150 per parcel for the other lots in Country Club Manor and Kampa Estates, etc. Under either method, it was the recommendation of the engineer that the additional cost of $1,100 for dewatering the area for this sewer line should be paid by the Country Club, as the area was once previously dewatered and this is an addi- tional cost. After noting that during the past years improvement projects that had change orders were all considered as one project, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the Change Order #1 to the 1978-1 Improvement Project in the amount of $28,594 with the preliminary determination that the seven parcels served by this extension would also be assessed at the lower rate per parcel by assuming the change order as part of the entire project. The assessments for the Country Club property would then be the same as Country Club Manor and Kampa Estates and those along County Road 39, except for the addi- tional $1,100 for dewatering which would be paid entirely by those seven parcels of the Country Club Property. 9. Consideration of Club On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License - Monticello V.F.W. Club , _.. .------•---• The Monticello V.F.W. Club has applied for an on -sale intoxicating liquor license for their new club. The State Statutes do allow for the issuance of an on -sale liquor license provided the V.F.W. club has at least 50 members. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of the on -sale liquor license contin- gent upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building itself and also the submission of a surety bond in the amount of $3,000 to the City of Monticello. - 5 - Council Minutes - 5/14/79 10. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids Received for Fire Department Attack Pumper. The following bids were received Monday, May 14, 1979 at 2:00 P.M., relative to the Fire Department's attack pumper. A. Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. - total bid price $35,600 with delivery within 120 working days (6 months). * B. Emergency One, Inc. - total bid price $32,650 with delivery sixty days after receipt of chassis. Mr. Paul Klein, Fire Chief, reviewed the bids received along with the specifications with the fire department members and reported to the Council that they recommended the bid presented by Pierce Manufacturing be accepted. Mr. Klein indicated that the reason for the recommendation to accept the higher bid of the two was that the Emergency One vehicle did not meet all the specifications in regards to pump capacity, etc. Mr. Klein also informed the Council that if the Council awarded the bid to Pierce Manufacturing, the joint fire board would review the bids before being presented to the Monticello Township Board for their approval. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to award the bid for the one attack pumper and chassis to Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. from Appleton, Wisconsin in the amount of $35,190, including the $410 deduct for the chassis being paid for at time of contract signing. It was noted that this awarding of bids would be contingent upon joint fire board and Monticello Township Board approval. 11. Consideration of Advertisement for Bids for Sealcoating Various Streets in the City of Monticello. Public Works Director, John Simola, presented to the Council a list of the streets, mostly surfaced in the last four or five years, that were beginning to show signs of wear and could use some sealcoating applica- tions. The nine separate sections of roads to be sealcoated was esti- mated to cost approximately $18,000 to $19,000. Mr. Simola recommended that bids for sealcoating these streets be advertised as soon as possi- ble. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the advertising for bids for the sealcoating of the nine streets listed in Mr. Simola's report. (See supplement 5/14/79 #1). 12. Review of Liquor Store Quarterly Financial Statements. Liquor Store Manager, Mark Irmiter, reviewed with the Council members the first quarter financial statements of the off -sale municipal liquor store. Mr. Irmiter noted that sales have increased approximately 19% over the first quarter of 1978 and felt confident that sales could reach $700 - $725,000 for the year. Mr. Irmiter also noted that although the gross profit percentages are a little bit lower than last year, his pricing has remained very competitive due to new discount stores located in surrounding communities such as Elk River and St. Michael. The Council accepted the report as presented. (See supplement 5/14/79 #2). *$410 can be deducted from the total bid price if the chassis portion is paid for at time of signing contract. Council Minutes - 5/14/79 13. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the regular council meeting held April 23, 1979, were approved as presented. 14. Discussion on 1977-3 Improvement Project, Public Works Director, John Simola, requested that since Arcon Construc- tion Company will be replacing small sections of curbing on Ramsey Street, near Broadway, as part of the 1977-3 Project, Mr. Simola asked that the Council consider replacing also the deteriorated sections of the curb along Broadway at the Corner of Ramsey Street. Mr. Simola indicated that these curbs are in bad shape and should be replaced with pedestrian ramps to the sidewalks, and estimated the cost at about $400. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Works Director to replace the curbing on the corners of Ramsey and Broadway and also install pedestrian ramps as part of the 1977-3 project. John Simola and engineer, John Badalich, also discussed with the Council the progress of finalizing the 1977-3 street project in relation to the raising of various manholes on the street project. They noted that the contractor, Arcon Construction, was experimenting with various methods of eliminating the bumps over the manholes. Mr. Badalich noted that the methods they have been using do not appear adequate and will result in all the manholes being within 3/4 of an inch from the surface of the street. 15, Miscellaneous. Mr. Wilbur Eck asked that the Council consider adopting a resolution against the storage of nuclear waste at the NSP Plant. After discussion by the Council, it was decided that this item will be brought up at the next Council Meeting if Mr. Eck has any information to present. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. Rick Wolfst ler Assistant inistrator RW/ns - 7 -