City Council Minutes 01-30-1980 I I I MINUT S SPECIAL MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL January 30t 1980 - 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmot Dan Blo igent Fran Fair, Ken Maust Phil White. Also Present: Arne Carlson, Minnesota tate Auditor Purpose of the Special Meeting was to r view with the State Auditor's Office the recently completed petitione Audit report for the years 1974 through 1978. State Auditor, Arne Carlson, along with his staff attorney and three (3) other staff members, reviewed item-by-i em the specific points of the Audit Report with the City Council. The City Council members and City Admin strator questionned numerous items listed in the report, and suggest d that many of the items could have been clarified further in the fina report. The following action was taken Audit report: uncil as recommended by the 1. Motion was made by Fran Fairt se onded by Phil White and unanimously carried to adopt an rdinance combining the offices of Clerk- Treasurer & Ci y Administrator, and also to appoint Gary Wieber as the Cl rk-Treasurer-City Administrator for the City of Monticello. (Se Ordinance Amendment #72 dated 1/30/80). 2. Motion was made by Phil White, s conded by Ken Maus and unani- mously carried to transfer $123, 26 from the C.O. Revolving Fund to the Sewer Fund. 3. Motion was made by Phil White, s unanimously carried to ratify al Councilmembers for the years 197 official council meetings held b Meeting adjourned. RW / n s conded by Dan Blonigen and previous monies paid to through 1978 for all the City of Monticello.