EDA Minutes 12-12-2018MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann, 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None. 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4h OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF D, E, F. AND G. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. a. Consideration of annrovint! Workshop Meeting Minutes — November 14, 2018 Recommendation: Approve Workshop Meeting Minutes — November 14, 2018. b. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — November 14, 2018 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — November 14, 2018. c. Consideration of approving payment of bills Recommendation: Approve the payment of bills for November, 2018. d. Consideration of 2019 WCEDP Membership in the amount of $2,606 ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. e. Consideration of 2019 WSB Economic Development Assistance Contract in the amount of $9,300 ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L Consideration of Approval of Facade Improvement Program Grant Agreement Template ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. g. Consideration of Facade Improvement Program Escrow Services Quote from Qualified Vendor ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. h. Consider Funding Annroval for 2019 Downtown Round Quarterly Meetings in the amount of $200 Recommendation: Approve 2019 Downtown Round meeting hospitality supplies funding in the amount of $200.00. Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 12, 2018 Page 114 4d. Consideration of 2019 WCEDP Membership in the amount of $2,606 Steve Johnson invited Duane Northagen the opportunity to speak about Wright County Economic Development Partnership. Northagen introduced himself and discussed the initiatives of the WCEDP. He invited the EDA to attend the annual meeting on January 18 at 7:30 a.m. at the Monticello Community Center. He noted that many of the discussions that WCEDP sponsored involved workforce and housing. He expected that 2019 would continue addressing those same issues. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2019 ANNUAL WCEDP MEMBERSHIP DUES IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,606.00. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7- 0. 4e. Consideration of 2019 WSB Economic Development Assistance Contract in the amount of $9,300 Brian Bourassa, WSB and Associates, introduced himself and explained that he was representing Jim Gromberg who had prior commitments. He explained the services that WSB has provided to the City of Monticello EDA which included networking, graphic design, grant writing, and responding to RFI's. Bill Tapper asked if City Staff were in favor of extending the contract. Jim Thares confirmed and added that he would like WSB to complete an Industrial Land Study as proposed in the staff report. Tracy Hinz shared concerns with actual deliverables, but appreciated the proposed Industrial Land Study. Bourassa responded that they would be willing to create a monthly report highlighting activities. 011ie Koropchak-White explained that she appreciated WSB's involvement, but thought that the City of Monticello are the best people to market themselves. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED 2019 WSB ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE SERVICES CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,300. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 4f. Consideration of Approval of Facade Improvement Program Grant Agreement Template Steve Johnson asked the Fagade Improvement Program Grant Agreement template be revised to include a section about non -completion or default of the project. Jim Thares explained that staff did not anticipate this situation and would ask the EDA's attorney to revise the agreement. Johnson asked if it could be required that the contractors submit a performance bond. Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 12, 2018 Page 2 1 4 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE GRANT AGREEMENT WITH RESEARCHING A PROVISION TO INCLUDE NON-COMPLIANCE OR REQUIREMENT FOR A PERFORMANCE BOND. CITY STAFF WOULD PROVIDE AN UPDATE AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WITH POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 4g. Consideration of Facade Improvement Program Escrow Services Quote from a Qualified Vendor Staff explained that the agenda page had an error by recommending a specific escrow service company. Thares indicated that if the EDA selected Riverwood Bank, the bank would be working with a title company to validate the lean waivers. Riverwood Bank would be providing the service to maintain a good working relationship with the EDA. Riverwood Bank would complete the service on a per draw basis ($25/draw). BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE RIVERWOOD BANK FOR ESCROW AGENT SERVICES AS PRESENTED. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-1 WITH TRACY HINZ VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5. Consideration of Discussion Regarding Process of Updating 2019 EDA Workplan Jim Thares provided a summary report to the EDA regarding the projects that have been finished and uncompleted for 2018. Thares indicated that a workshop meeting would be held in January, 2019 to determine a 2019 workplan. He encouraged the EDA to send in ideas for the workplan prior to workshop. Bill Tapper commented that there is a new light rail proposed in Minneapolis along the rail line that leads to Monticello. Angela Schumann indicated that the City would be updating their Comprehensive Plan for 2019, that the EDA should bring new ideas for that plan consideration. 6. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's report. The EDA reviewed the relocation costs associated with 103 Pine Street. The board asked Thares to look back at the contract with WSB and verify the not to exceed contract amount. Thares indicated that staff would summarize the relocation funds per person/entity and present at the next EDA meeting. Thares explained that the EDA owns a 13 -acre parcel in Otter Creek Business Park and Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 12, 2018 Page 3 1 4 has to pay property taxes annually. He indicated that staff are working on completing the paperwork to make the land tax-exempt. 7. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:54 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: January 9, 2019 Attest: l Ji Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — December 12, 2018 Page 4 14