City Council Minutes 05-12-1980MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL May 12, 1980 - 7:30 P. M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Members Absent: None 1. Consideration of Final Resolution Approving the Issuance of $975,000 in Industrial Development Revenue Bonds - Clow Stamping Co., Inc. Clow Stamping Co., Inc. requested final approval for the issuance of $975,000 in Industrial Development Revenue Bonds. The City Council, at their January 14, 1980 meeting, gave preliminary approval, and also the Commissioner of Securities for the State of Minnesota has given prelimin- ary approval. The funds will be used by Clow Stamping Co. to build a new manufacturing facility in the Oakwood Industrial Park, and it was noted that the bonds are not a general obligation of the City of Monticello and will not be charged against the general credit or taxing power of Monticello. Mr. Gary Pringle, City Attorney, has reviewed all documents relative to the issuance of the bonds, and it was his recommendation that the City could adopt a final resolution approving the issuance. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to adopt the final resolution for the approval of $975,000 in industrial development revenue bonds for Clow Leasing Co. (See Resolution 1980 #10) 2. Consideration of an Ordinance for Electric Distribution and Transmission Franchise Rights - Northern States Power Companv. Mr. Ward King, representing Northern States Power Company, informed the City Council that their present franchise to operate electric distribution system and transmission lines within the City of Monticello will expire September 5, 1980. Mr. King asked the City Council to adopt an ordinance granting NSP a new 20 -year franchise right which gives NSP the right to construct and maintain its poles and transmission lines and other fixtures as necessary on City property, streets and public ways. Although it was noted by the Council that some communities charge a fran- chise fee to the power companies for this right, such a franchise fee is still charged back to the property owners on their monthly billings. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to adopt an ordinance granting franchise rights to Northern States Power for the period of 20 years beginning May 12, 1980, without any franchise fee. (See Ordinance Amendment 5/12/80 #73). COUNCIL MINUTES - 5/12/80 3. Consideration of Rezoninq Request from R-1 to R-3 - Harold Ruff. Mr. Harold Ruff, owner of a parcel of land that lies east of Kampa Estates and west of the NSP maintenance building, between the railroad tracks and County Road 39, requested that this parcel be rezoned from single family residential to R-3, multiple family. Jack Maxwell, of Maxwell Realty, representing both Mr. Ruff and his son Tom Maxwell, indicated that a purchase agreement for the parcel is contin- gent upon the rezoning and he also indicated that his son would be planning on building an apartment complex in this 3.94 acre parcel. John Badalich, City Engineer, informed Mr. Maxwell and the City Council that, although this property has been served with sewer and water and has been assessed for such, no service stub was assessed to the property since Mr. Ruff did not want any service stubs at the time the project was put in. Mr. Badalich indicated that the City did install a service stub for sewer and water at the east end of Mr. Ruff's property on City property. It was noted that should development occur on this parcel of land, an additional amount of approximately $1,200 would be charged to the property owner as an additional cost for sewer and water hookup. Mr. Ralph Munsterteiger indicated that, if the development on this parcel of land which abuts Kampa Circle plans on using Kampa Circle for access to their development, then the Council should consider some type of reimburse- ment to the property owners in Kampa Estates since this 4 acre parcel was never assessed for any part of the street improvements along Kampa Circle. Mr. Maxwell indicated that he plans on having only one access off of County Road 39, and should not have any need for access from Kampa Circle. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning request, and felt that the subject property was well -located and suited for multiple family construction due to the commercial property to the east and the railroad tracks to the north to act as buffer zones. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the rezoning of this 3.94 acres from R-1 to R-3 contingent upon the property getting access from County Road 39. 4. Continuation of Public Hearing on 1980-1 Improvement Project to Serve Macarlund Plaza and Land Owned by Maurice Hoqlund. This public hearing was continued from the April 14, 1980 Council meeting at which time the City Council decided to defer action to give the developers and the City Engineer time to work out new proposed alignments for the improvements to the development. One of the concerns expressed at the April 14th meeting was that Maurice Hoglund wished to develop his property just north of his present residence, but was not in favor of sewer and water extensions along East County Road 39 to his other property. - 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 5/12/80 City Engineer, John Badalich, presented a feasibility report and cost estimate for improving Macarlund Plaza development with sewer and water and storm sewer drainage from Mississippi Drive, rather than along East County Road 39. The new layout for serving the Macarlund Plaza would route sewer and water between Lots 14 & 15, Block 3, Hoglund Addition, from Mississippi Drive through an easement to serve the property. The total cost for getting the improvements from Mississippi Drive into the Macarlund Plaza development was estimated at $106,100. Mr. Badalich indicated that this entire $106,100 could be assessed to the Macarlund Plaza apartment complex consisting of 30 individual townhouse lots at an approximate cost of $3,540 per townhouse unit. Another alternative discussed by Mr. Badalich was the extension of sewer and water to serve Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1 of Macarlund Plaza, south of the townhouse development, thereby eliminating any sewer and water construction on East County Road 39. The additional cost of serving these six lots in the development would amount to an additional $31,000, making the total cost of $137,100. A possible way of assessing this total cost could be based on the amount of potential benefit by each property, resulting in 30 townhouse lots being assessed $92,915 with each of the commercial lots 1 thru 6 being assessed different amounts based on front footage. After the feasibility report was presented by Mr. Badalich, Jack Maxwell, representing Macarlund Plaza, indicated that he would like more time to discuss with other partners in the development, which would be the more desirable method of serving the property. It was noted that, although it would be up to the City to decide, numerous ways of assessing the Macarlund Plaza development and other lots owned by Curtis and Maurice Hoglund could be decided in the future. It was the Council consensus to table any action on preparing plans and specifications for this project until all property owners have had a chance to review the report and be in attendance at the next Council meeting scheduled for May 27, 1980. 5. Consideration of Holding Public Hearing on Extension of Sewer, Water and Street Improvements along Prairie Road. A petition was received from Mel Wolters requesting that sewer, water and street improvements be extended approximately 330 to 360' west of its existing termination point on Prairie Road to serve lots in The Meadows Subdivision Plat. John Badalich, City Engineer, prepared a feasibility report on the exten- sions, and estimated that the total project would cost $45,480 to serve nine assessable lots. Each lot being served by sewer, water and street improvements would have an assessment of $5,053.55, and also, four unit charges would be assessed to property south of Prairie Road owned by Don Christopher, in the amount of $19,881.60. - 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 5/12/80 Although a public hearing on the proposed improvements would be held in the future, Ralph Munsterteiger, representing The Meadows Subdivision, indicated that the Christophers, at present time, are not in favor of the improvements, but Mr. Munsterteiger is working with the property owner to work out a solution to the problem. Mr. Munsterteiger felt that some type of solution would be worked out and requested that the public hearing be held on the improvement. It was also noted by Mr. Munsterteiger and the City Engineer, that if the sewer and water were extended an additional few feet to the west, one more lot could be served with sewer and water, thus reducing the total assessments per parcel, because there would be ten parcels rather than nine to be assessed. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimsouly carried to adopt a resolution receiving the feasibility report on the pro- posed improvements and calling for a public hearing on the extension of sewer, water and street improvements along Prairie Road. (See Resolution 1980 #11) . 6. Consideration of Utilization of Historical Museum. A meeting was recently held by the Monticello Historical Society, and one of the topics was the utilization of the Monticello Historical Museum at the corner of Highway 25 and Broadway Street in Monticello. Mrs. Marion Jameson, Wright County Historian, informed the Council that only one additional member besides herself attended the meeting to discuss the future of the Historical Society of Monticello. Mrs. Jameson indicated that although attendance at the meeting was poor, she would like to see something get going on the Historical Museum in Monticello. Suggestions presented included the possibility of additional display cases at the present building for such items as photographs and other items in an effort to get something going in Monticello. Mrs. Jameson indicated a willingness to spearhead an effort to organize and contact people to see if something could be started. She indicated that she would talk to some of the members of the Senior Citizens Center to see if some of the people would be willing to help and provide manhours at the Museum. It was noted by Mr. Blonigen that he felt the location of the present museum is too small to get something going, and felt that larger space would be necessary before a lot of enthusiasm for such a project could get started. Although Mrs. Jameson thought that a larger area would be nice in the future once the museum got started, she felt that the present site would be adequate for a start. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to appoint Mrs. Jameson as Chairwoman of the Historical Society to see if she can get something organized and some interest going in a museum. Mrs. Jameson indicated that the possibility does exist for the City to hire CETA workers to spearhead a historical museum if the City would be interested. Mrs. Jameson will be reporting back to the Council on her efforts to organize the historical committee. - 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 5/12/80 7. Consideration of a Variance for the Temporary Display_ of a Banner b the A.F.S. on Broadway Street. Darlene Anderson, with the American Field Service, requested a variance to allow the display of a temporary banner across Broadway Street by the Lutheran Church for a spagetti dinner to be held at the Church on May 22, 1980. She requested that this banner be displayed for approximately one week in advance of the festivity, and would be taken down immediately afterwards. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the variance allowing for the display of a banner by the A.F.S. across Broadway Street for a period of one week beginning May 16 thru May 22, 1980. It was noted that the banner should be located in the downtown area as the area near the Lutheran Church appears not to be suitable for hanging a banner. 8. Consideration of Proposed Garbage Disposal _Contract _and Authorization to Advertise for Bids. New contract proposals were prepared for the Council's review prior to the actual bid -letting scheduled for May 27, 1980. The present garbage haulers have served their written notice that they intend to terminate their contract as of August 1, 1980. The new proposals call for bids for either a one-year contract or a three-year contract, and both contain options of either once or twice weekly pickups. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approved the proposed garbage disposal contract specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids returnable May 27, 1980. 9. Review of First -Quarter 1980 Financial Statements for Municipal Liquor 1�tnrA Mark Irmiter, Manager of the Liquor Store, reviewed with the Council the 1st quarter financial statements for the off -sale liquor store operation. It was noted that sales have increased approximately 17% over the 1st quarter of 1979, with gross profit up approximately 28%. No action was taken by the Council other than review of the financial statements with Mr. Irmiter. In regards to the liquor store site, the Council authorized the Public Works Director to look into the possibility of putting in a sand -point for watering the front lawn at the liquor store site. - 5 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 5/12/80 10. Consideration of Having our Engineer Prepare Plans and Specifications to Bid Right -Turn Lane - Sandbera South. As a result of an April 30, 1980 letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN/DOT) it appears that the City of Monticello will now have to install a right -turn lane into the Sandberg South development at its own expense. The City Council originally reviewed this item in September and October of 1979, and it was decided at that time to appeal the requirement of a right -turn lane into Sandberg South addition. According to the regula- tions of the MN/DOT, an entrance permit application was necessary for access to the plat because the property changed use by subdividing and that all the cost for a right -turn lane is the responsibility of the City. In the fall of 1979, the City Engineer estimated that this project would cost approximately $5,000 for a right -turn lane of over 300' in duration. Although it appears that the City will be required to install a right - turn lane at its own expense, the preparations of plans and specifications for this improvement was delayed until the next scheduled meeting in order to give the Public Works Director a chance to check out the plans and specifications used on similar right turn lanes along Highway 25, such as the one recently installed in Buffalo, Minnesota. It appears that other similar right -turn lanes are not nearly as long as the one proposed in Monticello. 11. Consideration of Having Plans and Specifications Prepared for Commuter Parking Lot Southwest of I-94/Highway 25 Interchange. A parcel of land located at the southwest intersection of I-94 and Highway 25 is scheduled to be deeded from the State of Minnesota to Wright County, and in turn, from Wright County to Monticello for the use and development of a commuter parking lot. A preliminary site layout of the land for use as a commuter parking lot has been prepared that would accommodate approximately 220 cars. The estimated cost for the development of this entire site including landscaping, grading and paving, could amount to $50 - $60,000. Although the Council felt that the need for such a commuter lot is imminent, the consensus was that if the lot is developed, it should probably be only Class 5 to begin with and could be developed in stages rather than the entire lot at one time. The possibility also exists that funds might be available from the State of Minnesota to help develop commuter parking lots in the future, and as a result, if such a parking lot is developed, a public hearing would probably be held to consider a Class 5 parking lot only for one or two years. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded.by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to authorize the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications improving the proposed parking lot with blacktop, lighting, 1andscaping, etc., with the possibility of developing the project into three stages. Once the feasibility study is prepared and the costs are known, a public hearing could then be held on the project. - 6 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 5/12/80 12. Approval of Minutes - Special Joint Meeting of April 24, 1980 and Regular Meeting of April 28, 1980. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of the City Council's Special Meeting held April 24th and Regular Meeting held April 28, 1980. 13. Consideration of Setting Salary Scale and Reallocation of Wages for Information Center during 1980. Karen Hanson, Senior Citizens Center Director, requested that the City adjust the allocation of those personnel working at the Information Center. Mrs. Hanson asked that the City consider the possibility of paying those employees who work at the Information Center 2/3's of the hourly wages with the remaining 1/3 being set aside for the Senior Citizens Center rather than the 50/50 split in previous years. Reasons for this request was that the people who do work at the Information Center do provide their own transportation to and from the Center and do contribute quite a bit already to the Center in terms of any portion of the wages they earn. In addition, Mrs. Hanson asked that the hourly wage be set at $2.90 per hour in 1980 as a result of the Minimum Wage Law in the State of Minnesota. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to authorize the payment of $2.90 per hour for staffing the Information Center, with 2/3's of the salary being paid to the individual and 1/3 being set aside in a fund for the Senior Citizens Center. Meeting adjourned. RW/ns - 7 - Rick Wol fstel r Assitant Adm' istrator RW/ns - 7 -