City Council Minutes 07-28-1980MINUTES
July 28, 1980 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Members Absent: None.
1. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow a Pylon Sign within a Front
Yard - Jim Maus.
A request was received from Jim Maus to erect a pylon sign within the front
yard at the present Stor-A-Way Building on South Highway 25 in Monticello
for the purpose of advertising a Goodyear Tire Dealership.
City Ordinances do not allow any type of structure to be built within the
front yard required setback distance without obtaining a variance first.
Mr. Maus indicated he would like to put the sign as close as possible to
the property line for his proposed tire shop and that the sign would con-
form to all other aspects of the zoning ordinances.
The Planning Commission, at their last meeting, recommended approval of
the variance and motion was then made by Phil White, seconded by Dan
Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the variance request to
allow the pylon sign to be located within the front yard setback at the
Stor-A-Way building.
2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Lot Width Variance - Kenneth Larsen.
Previously, a request had been made by Kenneth Larsen for a simple sub-
division of his property located in Block 32, Lower Monticello, into two
equal parcels, each approximately 821.2' x 183'. This simple subdivision
was approved at the previous Council Meeting held May 27, 1980, but since
that time, Mr. Larsen had already drawn up an agreement for the sale of
half of his property and has built a chain link fence -on the property
which created a 75' lot with the remaining 90' lot staying with his
present house. Because of the agreement for sale of part of this property
and because of the chain link fence already existing, Mr. Larsen requested
a 5' variance to allow the 75' lot to be sold, rather than the 80' require-
ment by City ordinances.
The Planning Commission, at their last meeting, voted to approve this
subdivision because it felt it does exist in the older part of town
where some of the lots are actually smaller than 75' in width.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried
to approve the 5' variance to Mr. Ken Larsen for the subdivision of his property.
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3. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request for Sideyard Setback -
Udene Slinde.
Mr. Udene Slinde requested a five foot sideyard setback variance to build
a double attached garage to his home on Lot 3, Block 3, Anders Wilhelm
At the time the house was initially built, there was 312' between the
house and the north property line where the garage is proposed to be
added, but Mr. Slinde would like to build a 24' garage, thus requiring
approximately a 5' sideyard variance to do so.
It was noted by the Building Inspector that various homes in Anders Wilhelm
Estates will have similar problems, in that the houses were lined up square
to the streets, but the property lines on both sides are angled somewhat,
thus it may become difficult for many homes to build double garages without
getting some kind of variance.
It was noted that even if variances are granted for more homes, there will
be in most cases 20 feet of distance between all homes and garages, even
though the lot lines do angle somewhat.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to grant the five foot setback variance to Mr. Slinde for the
building of a double attached garage.
4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Sideyard Setback Variance -
Quintin Lanners.
Mr. Quintin Lanners requested a 5' variance to construct a 22' attached
garage to the house located on Lot 3, Block 1, Kampa Estates.
Mr. Lanners indicated that at the time the basement was dug at his
dwelling, a mistake was made in that the stakes were located in the
wrong place, and consequently, the basement was dug 7' too far west,
therefore, it was necessary to ask for a variance of 5' in order to build
a 22' attached garage. According to Mr. Lanners, this mistake was not
discovered until recently when the proposed garage footings were about to
be dug. As a result, Mr. Lanners has agreed to reduce the size of his
originally proposed 24' garage down to 221, which would still leave approxi-
mately 1812' between one corner of the new garage to the existing garage on
the abutting property, which he also owns.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to approve the request for a 5' sideyard setback variance for the attached
garage on Lot 3, Block 1, Kampa Estates.
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5. Consideration of Subdivision Request and Rezoning of Christopher Property -
Quintin Lanners.
Mr. Quintin Lanners presented
subdivide the present Mrs. Don
west of Balboul Estates into n
he also requested to rezone Lo
The request for rezoning Lots
desire to build duplexes on ea
owned by the people who reside
owned by one owner and have re
preliminary subdivision plat proposing to
Christopher property, located directly
ne residential lots. Of these nine lots,
1 to R-3 and Lots 2 thru 9 to R-2.
thru 9 to R-2 would be based on his
h of these lots which would be individually
within the unit, rather than have them
tal units.
Consulting Planner for the City, Howard Dahlgren Associates, recommended
that this subdivision and rezoning request be approved because of the
reasonable transition between the adjacent R-1 zoning property of Balboul
Estates and the Freeway and Industrial Property to the west.
John Badalich, City Engineer, indicated he had reviewed the preliminary
plat and was concerned over the precedent the City may establish by
accepting the plat and rezoning to R-2 zoning since R-2 zoning requires
only 10,000 square foot lots whereas R-1 requires 12,000 square foot
residential lots. Mr. Badalich felt that other future subdivision plats
may also request R-2 zoning at the intitial subdivision stage in order
to establish smaller lots than 12,000 square feet. In addition, Mr.
Badalich had comments concerning possible drainage problems this plat
will add to the problems of The Meadows subdivision and Balboul Estates
subdivision. lie informed the Council that serious consideration should be
given to possible storm sewer outlets for this area as ponding problems
may result once the subdivisions are developed, since problems have already
existed in the Balboul Estates area this past spring.
Mr. Lanners also proposed as part of the subdivision to contribute cash
for park dedication purposes in lieu of land.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the preliminary subdivision plat as presented, and
the rezoning of Lot 1 to R-3 and Lots 2 through 9 to R-2.
(See Ordinance Amendment 7/28/80 #83)
6. Consideration of approval of Final Plat on Macarlund Plaza.
A preliminary plat proposed by Curtis Hoglund consisting of 9.4 acres was
reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council at
its October 22, 1979 meeting. This 9.4 acre plat included an area proposed
for townhouse development of 30 units with the remaining plat scheduled
for commercial development.
Park dedication for the Macarlund Plaza Development has been proposed in
land consisting of Lots 13 and 14, Hoglund Addition Plat. The park dedi-
cation requirement in cash for Macarlund Plaza would amount to about $3,368
and the developers indicate that Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Hoglund Addition,
as proposed would be worth approximately $4 to 5,000 each plus assessments,
and thus, in effect, are giving up more land than what they actually owe in
park dedication fees. As a result, the developers would be agreeable to
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exchanging these two lots for the $3,368 they owe in Park Dedication fees
for Macarlund Plaza and also requested that these lots cover the expenses
owed on the Thomas Park Plat development, which they recently purchased
from Stuart Hoglund. Park dedication fees for Thomas Park still owing
amount to approximately $2,600, with an additional engineering fees owed
on Macarlund Plaza in the amount of approximately $1,600. After more
discussion, the City agreed to accept these two lots in exchange for the
park dedication fees and engineering fees owed on Macarlund Plaza and
the amount still owing for Thomas Park.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the final plat for Macarlund Plaza as presented,
contingent upon receiving deed to the land dedicated for park purposes,
along with the necessary easements for utility purposes. It was noted
that the park dedication fees of $3,368 for Macarlund Plaza, the
engineering fees still owing on Macarlund of approximately $1,600 and
the $2,600 still owing on Thomas Park development would be in exchange
for Lots 13 & 14, Hoglund Addition dedicated for park purposes.
7. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for the 1980-1
and 1980-2 Improvement Projects to Serve Macarlund Plaza and a Portion
of Prairie Road.
Plans and specifications have been prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc-
iates for the extension of storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, along
with appurtenant street work for Macarlund Plaza, and additionally, the
extension of 700' of 10" sanitary sewer, 550' of 6" watermain and 500'
of bituminous street paving along Prairie Road.
The total cost of the improvement to Macarlund Plaza has been estimated
at approximately $126,000 and the cost of the extension of Prairie Road
improvements would be approximately $61,000. John Badalich, City
Engineer, indicated that the possibility of servicing The Brothers plat
development at a later date could be added as a change order if desired
by the developers.
The Council discussed the subdivision ordinance requiring a minimum of 250
of the cost of the improvements to be paid by the owner or subdivider prior
to the actual construction of the improvements, but decided that this
25% up front money would be waived under these two projects.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve plans and specifications for improvement projects
1980-1 and 1980-2, contingent upon receiving the necessary easements
for utilities from Maurice Hoglund and the Macarlund Plaza development.
Motion was also made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously
carried to advertise for bids for the 1980-1 and 1980-2 projects returnable
August 22, 1980 at 2:00 P.M. (See Resolution 1980 # 17 and 18)
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8. Consideration of Subdivision Request for John Sandberg in Sandberg's
Riverside Addition.
Mr. John Sandberg requested a simple subdivision of Lots 3 & 4 in
Riverside Addition be made into three lots. Lot 3 is 18,800 square
feet is 25,750 square feet, and Mr. Sandberg indicated he would like
to create three lots ranging in size from approximately 12,300 sq. ft.
to 16,300 sq. ft., all meeting the City of Monticello's minimum require-
ment in an R-1 zone of 12,000 sq. ft. each.
City Ordinances require that when more than two lots are created, it is
necessary to go through the entire subdivision section relative to pre-
liminary plats, but Mr. Sandberg requested a variance from this provision
so that all the detailed grading maps, etc. do not have to be met again.
Adjacent property owners in the newly created subdivision, Ron White and
Mel Wolters, both indicated opposition to the proposed subdivision.
Ron White and Sherrie White presented a letter to the City Council stating
that they purchased property in this development with the understanding
that the lots would be of a certain size and that development of houses
would be of a certain caliber and felt that by creating smaller lots,
they were being misled when they originally purchased their property.
Mr. Wolters also felt that the area should remain only seven lots as
he originally built in this development with the understanding that only
seven houses would be located in this "exclusive area". In addition,
Ron White questionned how this new lot would be assessed for sewer and
water improvements if approved. He felt that if there were originally
eight lots in the development at the time the improvements were put in,
all other property owners would have had a lower assessment, and thus he
felt Mr. Sandberg yirould be paying an assessment for the newly created lot.
John Sandberg offered to have the assessments recalculated for this area
and pay a rebate to all the other property owners in the development to
make the assessments equalized based on eight lots, rather than the ori-
ginal seven. It was the consensus of the Council that although the proposed
lots do meet the minimum requirements of the City ordinances, it was felt
that Mr. Sandberg had the opportunity originally when the land was developed
to make each lot smaller at that time, rather than splitting them now.
They felt that the other property owners consideration should be considered
in that they were originally under the assumption that the lots would be
large in area, and thus more exclusive than other subdivisions in Monticello.
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In addition, it was pointed out by a Council Member that although
it was not part of Mr. Sandberg's request, there is a large -
69,000 square foot - lot remaining in the subdivision that could
also be requested for subdivision in the future, possibly resulting
in four (4) additional lots that meet minimum subdivision
Based on the above stated reasons, motion was made by Phil White,
seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to deny the
subdivision request of Mr. Sandberg.
9. Consideration of a Subdivision Request and Conditional Use for
a Church - First Baptist Church.
The First Baptist Church of Monticello requested a conditional
use permit to build a 6,000 square foot church on their property along
County Road 75 in Monticello. In addition, they requested a simple
subdivision of their parcel of land into two parcels, one containing
the proposed new church with the other parcel remaining for the existing
Church building which would be resold for a day care center.
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It appears from the building plans submitted that the First Baptist Church
would be adhering to all zoning requirements, including parking, with the
exception that they requested a variance on the south side of their parking
lot not to require curbing in that area. The reason for the variance
on the curbing was that if a new church addition was built in the future,
the parking lot would have to be expanded and they would like to leave
this area of curbing out so they would not have to destroy it in the future.
The Planning Commission, at their last meeting, voted to recommend approval
of the subdivision and the conditional use permit for the Church.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the simple subdivision of the First Baptist Church
property, and the conditional use permit request to build a 6,000 square
foot church along with the variance relative to the curbing on the south
side of the proposed parking lot. This simple subdivision would be
contingent upon a certificate of survey and recording of the same with the
Wright County Registrar of deeds.
10. Consideration of Sign Ordinance Amendment.
Purpose of this agenda item was to consider a sign ordinance amendment
that would deal with those off -premise signs such as billboards that are
200 square feet or less, and additionally, the remaining non -conforming
signs that may be too large or have too many on a particular site, etc.
Previously, the City Council adopted an ordinance amendment whereby the
existing billboards located along the Freeway, etc. that were greater than
200 square feet in size would be grandfathered in as long as the particular
lot on which they were located was not developed. The sign would be con-
sidered a principal use of a lot, and once the development occurred on
these parcels, a decision would have to be made by the owner as to whether
a building would be erected or the sign be taken down.
Consulting Planners Howard Dahlgren & Associates, recommended that the
following ordinance amendments be adopted in regards to the balance of the
signs less than 200 square feet:
A. The wording "on premise" should be added to the informal and directional
sign definition. This would be to clarify the fact that the City does
allow directional signs that are on premise, and the City would continue
not to allow off -premise signs unless granted by variance.
B. Planner recommended that all signs 199 sq.ft. or less that were in place
on or before a certain date could continue as a non -conforming use.
These signs would be grandfathered in and not considered a principal
use of a particular lot since most of these smaller signs are already
located on property that have other principal uses such as buildings, etc.
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C. Planner suggested that a provision be added to our ordinance to indi-
cate that a temporary permit for search lights and banners shall be
done by a permit that is issued for a maximum of ten (10) days, with
a minimum period of 180 days between consecutive issuance of permits.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to adopt an ordinance amendment which would adopt the provisions
listed in items A, B & C above, and additionally, grandfather in all existing
non -conforming signs that were in place prior to August 15, 1975, which
were 199 square feet or less in size. (See Ordinance Amendment 7/28/80 #84)
11. Consideration of Planned Unit Development for 36 -Unit, Section 8,
Subsidized Housing, Variances and Subdivision - Lots 1 & 2, and Portion
of 3, Block 1, Lauring Hillside Terrace - Reinert Homes, Inc.
Reinert Homes, Inc. of Sauk Rapids, requested a conditional use permit to
construct 36 -units of Section 8 subsidized housing along with variances
from the City of Monticello ordinances relative to parking and a subdivi-
sion of Lot 3, Block 1, Lauring Hillside Addition.
Reinert Homes, Inc. has recently received approval from the Minnesota
Housing Finance Agency for Section 8, low and moderate income family,
housing. This development would consist of 29 two-bedroom units, 6 three-
bedroom units and one two-bedroom handicapped unit, ranging in square
footage area from 1,179 to 1,368.
It was recommended by the City's consulting planning firm that a Planned
Unit Development, which is a conditional use in an R-3, would be the best
way to approach this housing project. In addition to a conditional use
request for a Planned Unit Development, Reinert Homes requested variances
from the City's parking requirements in that the City requires two spaces
for every unit or, in this case, 72 parking spaces, whereas, Reinert
Homes proposes 54 spaces. In addition, Monticello's ordinances requires
one enclosed garage for every two units, or a total of 18, while the
proposed development would only have eight garage units. The City's
Planner has made a recommendation that one and one-half spaces per unit
rather than two spaces per unit would be adequate for this type of housing
development. In addition, he felt that eight garage units would be sufficient
rather than 18.
Reinert Homes is also requesting a simple subdivision of Lot 3, Block 1,
Lauring Hillside Terrace in order to provide adequate property to obtain
approximately three acres for the proposed 36 -unit development. As part
of this simple subdivision request, an easement would have to be provided
to the owner of the remaining portion of Lot 3 to allow him to have
access to the sewer and water stub which is located in the western portion
of Lot 3 that Reinert Homes would be using for their housing development.
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John Badalich, City Engineer, indicated that in reviewing the proposed
Planned Unit Development, the possibility does exist that storm water run-
off problems could occur in the Lauring Hillside Terrace area because of
the development along Lauring Lane. He recommended that this large-scale
development may cause drainage problems to abutting property owners and felt
that the City should be pursuing possible storm sewer construction in the
area to alleviate future problems.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the conditional use request for a Planned Unit Develop-
ment in an R-3 zone along with the general concept and development stages
of the Planned Unit Development. This approval also included the requirement
of 112 parking spaces per unit and 8 total garage units for the 36 -unit
development. In addition, the simple subdivision of Lot 3, Block 1,
Lauring Hillside was also approved contingent upon obtaining the necessary
easements for the sewer and water service stub to the remaining portion
of Lot 3 and a certificate of survey showing recording of same.
In view of comments made by the City Engineer in regards to storm water
run-off problems, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair
and unanimously carried to order the consulting engineer to prepare
a feasibility study on the storm sewer improvements in the Cedar Street
area of the Lauring Hillside Terrace development. (See Resolution 1980 #19)
12. Consideration of Ordinance Amendments for Regulating Home Occupations.
The purpose of this item was to consider the possibility of an Ordinance
Amendment that would make essentially all home occupations a conditional
use rather than allowing some as permitted uses while others are regulated
as a variance. Previously, some concern was expressed by the Planning
Commission that the definition of a home occupation may be unfair in that
certain types of occupations were allowed whereas others, such as beauty
shops, always had to request a variance to exist in a residential zone.
As a result, it was recommended by the Planning Commission that all home
occupations would be treated equally, and thus require a conditional use
This recommendation was passed along by the Planning Commission to the
Council as a possible ordinance amendment, but it was the consensus of
the City Council that this item be tabled for further review prior to
any ordinance amendment.
13. Consideration of a Simple Subdivision Request - Gary Corrow.
Mr. Gary Corrow requested a subdivision of a parcel on which his home is
located along Cedar Street south of I-94. Mr. Corrow requested that he
be able to create two lots, one of which would contain an existing barn
and the second lot which would contain his present home.
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The Planning Commission, at their last meeting, recommended approval of
this simple subdivision request.
It was pointed out to the Council that Mr. Corrow's home is presently being
served under the 1979-1 Improvement Project with sewer and water, which
would probably be assessed over twenty years, since this has been the
past Council consensus on Homestead property. In the case of a newly
created lot in which the barn would be situated, it appears that this
property would not qualify as homestead property, and thus may be assessed
over a ten-year period of time like other undeveloped property.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the simple subdivision request made by Gary Corrow, with
a notation that any assessments on the newly created lot would more than
likely be spread over ten years like undeveloped property, and not con-
sidered to be homestead property. In addition, this approval will be subject
to a certificate of survey and proof of recording with the Wright County
Registrar of Deeds.
14. Consideration of a Simple Subdivision Request - St. Peter's Lutheran Church.
St. Peter's Lutheran Church has made a request to subdivide Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5,
Block 14, into two parcels. The proposal by the Church would be to sub-
divide Lot 5 and the West =2 of 4 from the entire parcel of land on which
the present parsonage, garage and church is situated on and to create two
lots. The westerly parcel then would be the site of the existing parson-
age plus the garage, which, according to the plat plan, does straddle the
newly created lot line, if approved.
Paul Klein, representing the Church, indicated that they plan to build a
new parsonage on this Lot 5 and West 1i of Lot 4, and then when the home is
ready for occupancy, remove the existing parsonage and the garage that is
situated on the lot line.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to approve a simple subdivision for St. Peter's Lutheran Church, contingent
upon certificate of survey and recording of same, with the understanding
that a certificate of occupancy for the new home would not be issued until
the existing garage and the existing parsonage were removed from the newly
created lot.
15. Consideration of approval of Simple Subdivision Request for the Assembly
of God Church.
The Assembly of God Church requested a simple subdivision to divide the
East =2 of Lot 9 and all of Lot 10, Block 35, into one parcel of 14,335
square feet, with the remaining 1,800 square feet being added to the
Assembly of God Church parcel for parking purposes. The large lot being
created is the current site of the existing parsonage, which the Church
plans on selling.
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It was noted by Gerhardt Decker, representing the Church, that the reason
for the subdivision was to retain the 1,800 square feet of the parsonage
property for continued use by the Church for parking purposes, which
the Church has used in the past.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the simple subdivision request of the Assembly of
God Church, contingent upon a certificate of survey and recording of
same with Wright County Registrar of Deeds.
16. Consideration of Approval of On -Sale Non -Intoxicating Liquor License -
Friends Cafe.
Ms. Betty Frazier, owner of the Friends Cafe, requested a 3.2 non -intoxi-
cating liquor license for her establishment. The Friends Cafe does meet
off of the requirements of the City for issuance of such a license, and
therefore, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and
unanimously carried to issue a 3.2 on -sale beer license.
17. Consideration of Approval of Architectural Contract with McEnary, Krafft,
Birch & Kilgore, Inc.
Purpose of this item was to approve the proposed contract for architectural
services for the proposed new library building in Monticello.
This item was reviewed at the previous Council Meeting, and since that time,
Merrill Birch, of the above -architectural firm has agreed that the fee in
the contract should be changed to $42,000 for a 6,000 sq.ft. building and
for every additional square foot, there would be a charge of $5.00 and for
every decrease in square footage from 6,000, there would be a resulting
decrease in the architectural fee of $6.00 per square foot. In addition,
the contract would have a provision relative to reimbursable fees and con-
sulting fees to indicate that this would only be added after approval in
writing from the Owner.
City Attorney, Gary Pringle, has reviewed the contract and finds no pro-
blems with the proposed contract.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried
to approve the revised contract with the architectural firm of McEnary,
Krafft, Birch & Kilgore, Inc. for architectural services for the proposed
library. (See Exhibit 7/28/80 #1).
18. Approval of Bills and Minutes.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair to approve the bills for
July 1980 as presented and approve the Minutes of the July 14, 1980
Regular Council Meeting. Voting in favor: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Dan
Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo. Abstaining: Phil White because of absence from
last meeting.
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19. Discussion on Future Library Site.
Members of the Library Project Committee, consisting of City Administrator -
Gary Wieber; Building Official - Loren Klein; and City Council Member -
Ken Maus, reviewed with the rest of the Council the progress made thus
far by the Library Committee.
Of specific concern to the Library Committee is whether the current site
under consideration for a library is adequate to accommodate a library
of 6,000 square feet, along with the necessary parking requirements, etc.
Committee Members asked the City Council what direction the Council would
like to see the Committee pursue relative to some of the alternatives that
would be available for additional land for a library. Options available
would include the following:
A. Acquire additional land from either Mr. Bob Dowling, an adjacent
property owner, or from the Independent School District #882 which
has park land on the same block.
B. Reduce the size of the building to less than 6,000 square feet.
C. Stick with a 6,000 square foot building but possibly reduce the
parking requirement for a libaray.
D. Build a library somewhere else other than the two lots donated by
the School District.
One possibility noted by the City Administrator was that, if the City
was to acquire some of the land still owned by the School District
adjacent to the two lots, this property does have a restriction that it
must be used for School purposes or playground purposes. Mr. Wieber noted
that in consulting with City Attorney, Gary Pringle, Mr. Pringle felt that
if this issue was taken to Court, a favorable ruling may come in that the
City would be considered to be abiding by the original restrictions limiting
to playground or school purposes in providing library services, since the
School District, at one time, was required to provide library services.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried
to give the Library Project Committee authority to approach the School Board
at their next regular meeting to see if the School would be interested in
selling or turning over the Bondhus Property to the City for use as more
land for a library. It was felt by the Council that in order to pursue
this approach, the City should get an idea as to what the School may want
for the property before the City would pursue through the Courts whether
or not the property could be used for Library purposes. Council Member
Ken Maus and Building Inspector Loren Klein, members of the Library Commit-
tee, will be attending the School Board meeting to pursue this alternative.
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20. Discussion on Chestnut Street Improvement.
Previously, the Council instructed Public Works Director, John Simola,
to obtain estimates on a bituminous overlay for Chestnut Street between
Broadway and River Street. This section of Chestnut Street was not
improved under the 1977-3 Street Project because of an anticipated need
to construct storm sewer improvements in the future. Since that time,
City Engineer John Badalich has indicated that possibly five to ten years
will pass before the storm sewer improvements now would be needed in the
Chestnut Street area.
An estimate received by Public Works Director indicated that a 2"
bituminous overlay could be constructed along Chestnut Street for approxi-
mately $4,000, with the City doing the preliminary grading work.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to approve the installation of a 2" bituminous mat along Chestnut between
Broadway and River Street.
Meeting adjourned.
/ C
Rick Wolfstelr,
Assistant Administrator
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