City Council Minutes 09-22-1980MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL September 22, 1980 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Members Absent: None 1. Public Hearing on the Adoption of the Assessment Rolls for the 1979-1 Improvement Project. John Badalich, City Engineer, reviewed with the Council the proposed assess- ment rolls for the 1979-1 Improvement Project, which consisted of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and permanent streets in the Oakwood Industrial Park area; and also, street improvements and sanitary sewer to the Lauring Hillside Addition. The total cost of the improvement project was $981,995.13, of which, $819,819.34 was proposed to be assessed. Mr. John Lundsten, owner of property to be assessed near Oakwood Industrial Park, asked the Council if the entire project costs were all lumped together and then equally divided by footage, or whether areas that did not receive blacktop streets were given any type of credit. In addition, Mr. Lundsten asked about the $76.00 -per -acre area assessment. It was explained to Mr. Lundsten that all of the sewer and water improve- ments south of I-94 in the Oakwood Industrial Park area was equally divided based on front footage, but street improvements for bituminous surfacing was assessed separately, and those property owners receiving only Class 5 streets were assessed accordingly. It was also explained that the $76.00 - per -acre area assessment was for the interceptor sewer line that was constructed in Oakwood Industrial Park for future development. The assessments as proposed for the 1979-1 project would be spread over a ten-year period of time with homestead property existing at the time of the project to receive a 20 -year payoff period. The interest rate on the proposed assessments was to be 7%, based on equal principal payments. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution certifying the assessment rolls for the 1979-1 Improvement Project, as presented, with the indication that the homestead property would be assessed over a 20 -year period of time, and the remaining property to be assessed over 10 -years on an even principal basis at 7% annual interest. (See Resolution 1980 #24). 2. Public Hearing on Proposed Assessments for Delinquent Accounts. Minnesota Statutes 429.101 allows for special assessments to be collected for various types of current services that are past due. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to certify the following delinquent sewer and water bills to the County Auditor for collection in 1981 at 8% interest: - 1 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT DUE TYPE OF BILL Lori Strehler Hawkins $ 48.13 Delinquent Sewer & Water Bill Tom McCauley 72.63 If IT It" Michael Fenton 31.00 of if it" Lane Carter 56.00 it IV if" Chris Maas 36.00 to if" Gordon Stokes 53.30 if if" Garry Lange 33.00 if if" Daryl Tindle 167.80 Sewer & Water Hookup Charge 3. Public Hearing on the Rezoning and Conditional Use for a Proposed Medical Clinic East of the Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital. Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital requested rezoning of Lots 1 & 13, and the West 33' of Lot 2, Block 22, Lower Monticello, and the East Half of Oak Street lying between Blocks 22 & 23, Lower Monticello, from R-1 to R -B. In addition to the rezoning request, the Hospital has also made an application for a conditional use for a proposed medical clinic. It was noted that previously the City of Monticello has received corres- pondence from neighbors in the Ellison Park area expressing concerns with the possible extension of River Street to accommodate a parking lot to the rear of the proposed medical clinic. Presently, the rezoning request and the conditional use request for the Clinic does not propose to use River Street extended to meet their parking lot, but rather to have parking lot traffic enter and exit onto Hart Boulevard. The developer of the Clinic has indicated that if, for some reason, Hart Boulevard cannot be used for entering the parking lot, they may, in the future, approach the City for possible extension of River Street to the rear of their parking lot. Mr. John Bondhus, area resident near the Hospital, expressed concern about the water drainage problem that now exists in the area that presently drains through his property, causing large flows through his existing trout ponds. Mr. Bondhus was concerned that if the drainage through his property is increased because of future development within the City, future storm sewer outlets would have to be provided to allow for the increased runoff and suggested that the City consider keeping a small area along the vacated Oak Street for a drainage/utility purposes. Mr. Bondhus noted that, although the Clinic requested the easements be eliminated to allow for the development of the Clinic, he suggested that a small area on the east side of the property be retained for possible future utilities. - 2 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 Consulting Engineer, John Badalich, indicated that if drainage became a problem, holding ponds could be constructed between Hart Blvd. and County Road 75, which would help alleviate any excessive flows at one time, and also, if storm sewer outlets are needed to the River, the area at the sewer plant could be used for the underground storm sewer rather than through Oak Street. In regards to the conditional use permit, the Planning Commission, at their last meeting, recommended approval of both the rezoning and the conditional use permit for the Clinic provided the developers provide access to the proposed parking lot from Hart Blvd., rather than opening up and extending River Street. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to rezone Lots 1 & 13 and the West 33' of Lot 2, Block 22, Lower Monticello, and the East Half of Oak Street lying between Blocks 22 and 23, from R-1 to R -B, and also, approve the issuance of a conditional use permit for the proposed medical clinic contingent upon the proposed parking lot using Hart Boulevard as an access and exit point. (See Zoning Ordinance Amendment 9/22/80 #86). 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request for the Cummins Auction Company. The Cummins Auction Company of Omaha, Nebraska, requested a variance to allow them to hold an auction at the American Legion Hall in Monticello on Tuesday, November 11, 1980, in order that they might have a new tool auction. The variance was requested because auction sales are not allowed in an R -B zone unless it were the property owners themselves who were holding an auction. Mr. Jim Kruger, of National Bushing & Parts Co., expressed opposition to this variance request, in that his business and other local businesses sell similar types of tools and if any of these items need servicing or warranty work later, they usually end up doing the work. Mr. Kruger felt that these auction facilities usually leave town the next day, leaving customers to have service work done locally. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to deny the variance request of Cummins Auction Company. - 3 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request for Gwen Bateman. Gwen Bateman requested a variance to build a 24' x 34' rambler on Lot 23, Block 2, Ritze Manor, which would be less than the 1,000 sq.ft. minimum required by City Ordinances. Ms. Bateman's request is based on the fact that she has applied for a loan through Farmers Home Administration, in Buffalo, which has regula- tions that would not allow a family of one, as in her case, to build a house larger than 816 square feet. Several property owners in the area have indicated opposition to the variance request, requesting the City to maintain its 1,000 sq.ft. minimum requirement. Although some Council members felt the City should consider allowing some type of option that would allow for smaller homes within the City, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair to deny this variance request: Voting in Favor: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Phil White. Opposed: Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen. Motion carried to deny this variance. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request for John Praught. Mr. John Praught, who lives at Lot 29, Block 2, Ritze Manor, requested a variance to allow more than one garage on his property. City Ordinances currently do not allow a second garage to be built without a variance. Mr. Praught indicated that the second garage would be of conventional construction and appearance, similar to his existing house, and would not require any other setback variances. It was noted by the Council that one abutting property owner recommended approval of the second garage, while another abutting property owner recommended the variance be denied. In addition, the Council noted that Mr. Praught should discontinue using his second driveway approach off of County Road 75, as this would have to be approved by both the City Council and the Wright County Highway Department. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve the variance request for the second garage to Mr. Praught. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request for Wayne Mayer. Mr. Wayne Mayer, who lives at 110 Marvin Elwood Road in Anders -Wilhelm Estates, requested a variance to build a garage within 26' of the front property line, rather than 30' as required by City Ordinances. - 4 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 Mr. Mayer's request was based on his desire to build a garage which is a little bit deeper than the depth of his house, rather than asking for a sideyard variance to allow the garage. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval at their last meeting, and that no property owners in the area were in opposition. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the 4' variance for the garage for Wayne Mayer. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance for the St. Michael & All the Angels Episcopal Church. St. Michael's Church requested a variance to allow an off -premise direc- tional sign somewhere in the area of Palm Street and East Broadway, and also in the area of 4th St. and Highway 25. These new signs would be approximately 18" x 24" and would give directions to the Church. Mr. Clifford Olson, who owns the lot on the SE corner of the intersection of 4th St. and Highway 25, has indicated to the City that he would have no objections to the sign being located on his pro- perty, provided, however, that the sign does not block any driveway entrance. The Council discussed the possibility of having these directional type signs being a standard type whereby possibly they would all be of similar size and color. Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that sign companies do make a standard type sign that could be used by Churches, etc., as directional signs. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to table action on this request until more information can be gathered on a standard type sign, and to see if the individual church or churches would be agreeable. 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request for Setback and Lot Width - Richard Lembke. Mr. Richard Lembke, who owns Lots 2, 3 & part of Lot 4, Block 7, Lower Monticello, requested a variance for a newly created lot of less than 80' and also a variance of less than 10' on a sideyard setback. Mr. Lembke proposed to divide Lot 3 into two parcels and attach the easterly 35.34' of Lot 3 to Lot 2 to create one lot of 101.34' in width. The remaining 30.66' of Lot 3 would be attached to the 44.34' of Lot 4 to create a new 75' wide lot. This newly created 75' lot would only be 7' from the existing home, thus requiring a 3' variance on the sideyard. - 5 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 In addition, it was pointed out by the City Engineer that any lot abutting the River, as in this case, which was less than 15,000 square feet, or 80' in width, must be approved by the DNR according to the recently adopted City ordinances. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Bloningen and unanimously carried to approve the variance request for the 3' sideyard setback and the subdivision of a 75' lot, contingent upon the DNR approval. The certificate of survey would have to be presented along with proof of recording of same. 10. Consideration of the Adoption of a Resolution Calling for a Referendum on the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds to Finance the Construction of a Public Library. The purpose of this item was to consider a resolution placing the issuance of general obligation bonds on the upcoming November 4, 1980 ballot, with an indication of how much money would be borrowed for a new library. Merrill Birch, Architect for the library project, was not able to have definite cost figures available for Monday night's meeting, and as a result, it was the consensus of the Council to table this item until the October 6, 1980 Council meeting. It was noted that the October 6th Council meeting is a change from the regularly scheduled October 15th meeting, which will be eliminated. 11. Public Hearing on the Proposed 1981 Budget, Including Appropriation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. The City Council reviewed the proposed budget for 1981, which proposes a mill levy collectible in 1981 of $1,047,353. This mill levy would amount to 26.194 mills for the City of Monticello, compared to 22.327 mills in 1980. As part of the 1981 budget, Federal Revenue Sharing law requires that the City hold a public hearing on the possible appropriation of Federal Revenue Sharing funds anticipated in 1981. It was proposed by the Council to appropriate the expected Revenue Sharing Funds of $112,929 expected in 1981 towards the City's share of the costs for upgrading the Waste- water Treatment Plant. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to adopt the 1981 budget for the City of Monticello, as pre- sented, resulting in a $1,047,353 levy with the appropriation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds received in 1981 being allocated towards the City's share of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Council Minutes - 9/22/80 12. Consideration of Approval of Downtown Parking for the Proposed Addition to the Monticello Theatre. Mr. Mike Muller, owner of the Monti Theatre in Downtown Monticello, proposed to build an addition to the existing Theatre, which would add 149 seats and requested approval to utilize the downtown parking lots for his addi- tional parking requirements. The Downtown Parking Committee has reviewed this item with Mr. Muller, and recommended that of the additional 37 spaces required by the new addition, a portion of these could be assessed under the downtown parking lot assessment procedures, provided half of his required additional 37 spaces are shared with the Wright County State Bank parking lot. For the most part, the Theatre's hours would be different than those in the downtown retail establishments, and as a result, some of the Theatre parking could be utilized at the Wright County State Bank parking lot, provided a written agreement is obtained from the Wright County State Bank allowing the theatre to utilize their parking lot. In addition, Mr. Muller indicated that approximately 6 to 9 additional parking spaces would be provided behind their facility. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the proposed addition to the Monti Theatre, contingent upon a written agreement being provided the City of Monticello regarding joint use of the Wright County State Bank's parking lot. 13. Consideration of Approval of Drainage Plan for The Meadows Subdivision. Mr. Mel Wolters, developer of The Meadows subdivision, requested the City approve his ponding area and grading plan in order that he may be permitted certificates of occupancy for those lots abutting Prairie Road. A preliminary review of the grading and ponding area has been done by the City's Public Works Director and Building Inspector, with the following items noted to be completed yet: A. The initial grading plan for The Meadows calls for a 24" culvert under Prairie Road; however, the existing 18" culvert appears to be more than adequate to handle the overflow from the pond on the north side to the pond on the south side of Balboul Estates. B. There were several open cuts on Prairie Road for sewer and water services, and it was noted that these should be blacktopped and brought back up to grade prior to the issuance of any additional certificates of occupancy. - 7 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 council Minutes - 9/22/8 C. It was the OPinio 0 the first three ee drivewa the City Engineer and Road could Y On the east Public Works however el On side of Director the fillin t was noted that if culverts if the driveway, he plat abutting that g of this storm s Property s at area would probabl wer is ever were dipped, owner that needed Motiontime. Y be assessed in this area, was back to the carried to made by Phil White, seconded gent upon the above the gradin by Dan Bloni e a final items g Plan °r The g n and unanimous) inspection by the being correCted, as Meadows Subdivision, c Y Y Engineer indicated, and subject and Public Works Ject to Considerat department• _z'_----- Ion of S imp 1 e Subdivision Re uest - Dec �• Bill Shacko Decorative S Of the easter) r, Of DeCorat• Services. Y half of ive Services proposed subdivisio Lot ll Block 2 Jr requested Chelsea Oakwood a simple subdiv' Road and n w°u1d create Industria 1sion access to Chelseaa 110.250 an 88,650 squarefoot1 par The It Road• square foot lot that woulot abutting was noted have a 36, 36' wide that although hough the new) a roadway and utility g 1 n Chelsea Road, his wcreaould lot would onl Motion was mad Purposes to thy have a e back lot appear tO be adequate e by Ken reated• for carried to Maus Lot aPPrOve the Seconded b 1• Block 2 sample sub Y Phil Whit Oakwood Ind .ision of e and unanimous) °f Certificate Industrial Y the ial park Easterly Half of Of easement. Of Survey for the two newly contingent upon wlY created submission lots, and recording 15. Consideration Extension of On Parkin variant - JameS g Lot - James Sundberg for the Elimination of Sundber Curb Oakwood Industrial owner elimination ial park of the former D & R Storage °f a curb barrier on ed an extension of building in In 1 978 he south S• a variance f the Cit side Of or the Years for Y Council a the property. around the previous ow Pproved a their ners for Variance re parking lot• the installation est for the mini-sto Sin up to two deVelo rage buildin e that °f a curb barr1er Pment Occur in g, and has indictee' Mr• Sundberg has On the curb barrier g .in the near fut., aced the Purchased request. if be extended ure and also has of future complete granted, would for an requested t allow• additional one he variance quate time toaddlt1Onal buildin Sundber Year, °mPlete g Plans, Or g adequate This the curbing if not time to either Motion would allow him was made b g as required, ade- carried to Y Phil White to eliminate approve a one- seconded b Year extension Y Fran Fair Parking lot• the curb barrier around n until 9/18/gl and unanimously the perimeter of � r the variance ndberg,s - 8 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 18. Appointment of Additional Election Judges for General Election - November 4, 1980. In order to meet the requirements of Minnesota Statutes requiring election judges to be in party balance, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to appoint Lana Wolfsteller and Arlene Wallin as additional election judges to serve on the November 4, 1980 election. 19. Proclamation of School Bus Safety Week. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to proclaim the week of October 5 - 11, 1980 as School Bus Safety Week. (See exhibit 9/22/80 #2). 20. Consideration of Appointment to Planning Commission. Due to the recent resignation of Planning Commission member, Dave Bauer, the Council reviewed possible candidates to fill out the unexpired term until December 31, 1980. It was the consensus of the Council to appoint Mr. William Burke to the Planning Commission to fill out the unexpired term of Dave Bauer until December 31, 1980. If Mr. Burke did not accept the position, it was the consensus of the Council to then offer the position to Dr. Kasper. 21. Consideration of Being a Party of the Matter of The Petition of Burlington Northern, Inc. to Terminate Base Agency Service at Monticello, Minnesota. The Minnesota State Department of Transportation has notified the City that a public hearing will be held on the proposal by Burlington Northern Railroad, Inc. to terminate its base agency service in Monticello. This public hearing is scheduled for September 30, 1980 at the Monticello City Hall and would, as proposed, terminate a fulltime depot agent in Monticello. The request by Burlington Northern is to merely become more efficient and effective by reducing manpower in Monticello and have this area's depot agent being located in Osseo, Minnesota. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution whereby the City of Monticello would not be in opposition to the present termination of base agency service, but would go on record as desirous of having such service being continued should the need arise in the future. (See Resolution 1980 #25). - 10 - Council Minutes - 9/22/80 22. Consideration of Approval of Minutes and Bills for September, 1980. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the regular Council Minutes of September 8, 1980, and the bills for the month of September, as presented. (See Exhibit 9/22/80 #3) 23. Consideration of Improvements to Fourth Street Warming House and Park. At the previous Council Meeting, the City Council authorized the Public Works Director to obtain firm costs of installing handrails at the Fourth Street warming house for safety reasons, and costs on installing additional lighting to the general skating area.. Public Works Director, John Simola, informed the Council that the installation of the handrails would cost a maximum of $150, assuming approximately $50.00 in City labor was used. In addition, his recommendation was to install a 400 watt lighting fixture on an existing pole at the easterly portion of the park at a cost of $102.12 per year. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the installation of the handrail, not to exceed $150, and the installation of a 400 -watt light fixture at a cost of $102.12 per year. 24. Consideration of Change Order - 1980-1 and 1980-2 Improvement Project Consulting Engineer, John Badalich, recommended that a change order consisting of installation of perforated storm sewer pipe instead of solid storm sewer pipe along Mississippi Drive as part of the improve- ment 1980-1 and the installation of insulation for three sanitary sewer services on Prairie Road as part of improvement 1980-2 be approved with the contractor, Hayes, Inc. The change order, as recommended, would add $770 to the cost of the 1980-1 improvement project for Macarlund Plaza, and would also add $600 to the cost of improvement 1980-2 along Prairie Road. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the change order #1 in the amount of $1,370 to Hayes Contractors, Inc., for the 1980-1 & 2 Improvement Projects. 25. Consideration of Approving Easements for Interceptor Sewer Line As part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrading, an interceptor sewer line is proposed to be constructed from the Wastewater Treatment Plant southerly across County Highway 75 and then proceed westerly through the School District property connecting to the existing sewer on Wash- ington Street. Council Minutes - 9/22/80 The proposed interceptor sewer would cross property owned by John Bondhus and also School District #882. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve obtaining an easement from John Bondhus for the interceptor sewer line in the amount of $1.00, and also approve the appraisal amount for the easement crossing the School District property in the amount of $16,000. The City of Monticello had received an appraisal for the easement crossing the School District property which was estimated at $15,000, and the School District also received an appraisal estimating the easement value at $16,000. It was agreed by the Council to accept the School District's appraisal for the easement in the amount of $16,000 as noted above. Meeting adjourned. i., q- 040� Rick Wolf ste ler, Assistant Administrator RW/ns - 12 -