City Council Minutes 04-09-2001MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL April 9, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ro�(yer Belsaas. Roger Carlson. Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of March 26, 2001 regular Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 26, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Clint Herbst asked that a discussion of an MOAA item be added to the agenda. Fred Patch added an update of the acoustics for the council chambers to the agenda and Jeff O' Neill added discussion of fencing for the Klucas property to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Tom Feaski, 1103 Club View Drive, came before the Council, to request the Council's approval to allow the local national guard unit to sleep in the guard facilities at the Community Center on weekends when the guard is using the facilities. At the present time the guards are not allowed to sleep at the Community Centel- facilities but must find lodging elsewhere. Mr. Feaski, a former national guard member, stated that pay for a guard member for a weekend is about $150. When you deduct food, travel expense and lodging from this amount, there is little if any actual pay for the individual. The Council directed staff to review this issue including any liability impacts and report back to the Council at the April 23. 2001 meeting. -5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center and Deputy Registrar. Recommendation: Ratifv hirinUof employees as identified. B. Consideration of adopting a resolution calling for public hearing on the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28. Recommendation: Council Minutes - 4/9/01 Adopt resolution calling for a public hearing on modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-28. Res. 42001-23. C. Consideration to approve a loan agreement between the HRA and City. Recommendation: Move to approve the Loan Agreement between the HRA and the City in the amount of $109.400 for acquisition of the property located at 8 Locust Street at stn interest rate of 6.5% over 15 years. D. Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into an agreement with MnDOT prescribing terms and conditions of participation in Federal Aid Projects. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution authorizing the City to enter into a federal participation agreement with MnDOT. Res. #2001-18. E. Consideration of a resolution approving sale of tax forfeited parcels by Wright County Auditor. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution requesting conveyance to the City of Monticello of parcels 155-010-035042. 155-059-000010, 155-059-000020 and 155-059-004010 and approve sale of parcel 155-014-001011 at public auction. Res. # 2001-17. F. Consideration of concept and development stage planned unit development and consideration of preliminary plat approval for a 92 unit townhome development. Applicant: Craig Scherber & Associates and Edgar Klucas. Recommendation: Move to approve the CUP/PUD and preliminary plat based on the finding that the proposed plat, is inc compliance with the City's Zoning Ordinance subject to the following conditions: Prairie Road must be extended fl -Om the subject pro pe-ty to vv here tlhc cxi,,tIII g street ands. ThCC It\ must determine ho\1 to finance this extenslon. ?. DrI'VCvv 'LIN s must be separated by at least four feet at the curb to av old the appearance of a \v ide expanse of asphalt. 3. The landscape plan must he revised to include v c�getatiN e screcnin- along the south property line to screen Interstate 94 and alone th cast property line to screen betNNcen the back\ards of the proposed dei elopment and the existing dc\ clopment to the cast. 4. The landscape plan must be revised to include at least 14 lone -lined hardv\ood deciduous trees. 3.5 inches in diameter as measured six inches off the ground. �. The site plan must he rcvised to add a hammer -head turn -around at the end of each of the three dead-end side streets and the trash collection areas alon-1 the main internal street must he climinatcd. 6. The prcliminary Lrading plan is suhjecI to the rev icyv mid ippro\ al of the Cite hiLincer. 7. The preliminary utility plan is subjcc:t to the rcv icyv and appro\ al of the Cite I-ngincer. 8. l'he applicant must suhmit a cope of all rubs and by laws to he utilized h\ the devclopment.s homcovvne-s association for Ciih reg ievv. The rules/hv laws should address such issues as maintenance of common open space and snow renim al. 7 Council Minutes - 4/9/01 9. A lighting Ilan must he suhmitted for review by the Cite. I O. The applicant must enter into a dev clopmcnt agrcement \v ith the Cite at final state PUD approval. 11. Comments from other Cite staff. G. Consideration of development staOe planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for mixed commercial use. Applicant: Dan Mielke. Recommendation: Move to approve the CUP/PUD and preliminary plat based on the finding that the proposed plat with conditions is appropriate for the location and proposed uses, and that the proposed improvements qualify for PUD consideration under the City's PUD ordinance. Approval is conditioned upon the following: The plant schedule on the landscape plan must include the proposed number of plants and the landscape plan must include landscaping around buildings. I The applicant must receive permission from the property owner to the north in order to plant on that property or the site and landscape plans must he revised to include landscaping along the northern boundary within the subject site. 3. wall plan signs must he suhmitted so that signage can be evaluated as a total package. 4. Approval of' signage plans tabled until further review of plan and existing signs in the arca. �. The )radint2, plan is subject to the rcvicv� and approval of the Cite En,incer. 6.fhe utility plan is subject to the review and approval ofthe Cite Fngineer. 7. A lighting plan must be suhmitted for review bN the City. 8. A stele of lighting must he chosen in which the light source is not v isible from adjacent property or public ri(_)ht-ot=way. 9. The applicant must enter into a cieyelopment agreement with the Cite. 1 O. Comments from other City staff. H. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for establishment of a convenience food type restaurant in the CCD District. Applicant: BBF Properties, Barry Fluth. Recommendation: Move to allow a conditional use permit for BBF Properties and Pizza Man to establish a convenience food establishment in the CCD District subject to the terms of the Zoning Code Section 14B -5[D] as related to such a business. Consideration of a request for a concept stage planned unit development allowitl"r 111ultiple structures on an industrial site. Applicant: Blue Chip Development Company. Recommendation: Move to recommend approval based on the findinOs contained in the report to the Council and subject to the following: Indicate it potential use for the proposed buildings. �. Demonstrate that tilt: site can accommodate the reCIuired numhcr of off -strut parking stalls. Council Minutes - 4/9/01 I. Demonstrate that the site can pro% ide adequate mancev cring room for large trucks. 4. Align the CC MCI- curb cut \\ It 11 the proposed dri\ C\\ a\ . 5. RCdeaign the site to create a unique and COhesive devclopIII cIt. This design should relocate the off-street loadlnL) al'Ca. M\a\ 6-0111 the ad.'JCCnt I— SidtntIal USC. 6. 'As part of the dev elopment stage PUD application. the applicant must submit and receiv c approv a of the tollov m-, materials: .A. Grading. drainage and unlitv plans. 13. Detailed photometric plan. C. Comprehensi\ e sign plan for the entire site. D. Site plan illustrating adequate trash storai)-e. 4:. Detailed landscape plan that includes the: required bulTer v and and landscaping. 1=. l31-IildinL clev ations. J. Consideration of accepting petition and ordering feasibility report lor- Groveland Phase I1. Recommendation: Move to accept petition and order feasibility report and plans and specifications for Groveland Phase II contingent on developer deposit equal to cost to complete said design work. Res. #2001-21. K. Consideration of ordering feasibility study for reconstruction of sanitary sewer. water and street located at Front Street between Walnut Street and Linn Street. Recommendation: Move to order feasibility study for reconstruction of sanitary sewer, water and street on Front Street between Walnut Street and Linn Street. Res. #2001-22. L. Consideration of approval of the final plat of Klein Farms 7"' Addition. Recommendation: Move to approve the final plat of Klein Farms 7"' Addition. Res. 42001-20. M. Consideration of approval of the final plat of Rolling Woods 21et Addition. Recommendation: Move to approve the final plat of the Rolling Woods 2"' Addition contingent upon compliance with fee requirements and completion of standard development agreement to the satisfaction of the City Staff and City Attorney. Res. #2001-19. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aLlenda for discussion. None. 4 Council Minutes - 4/9/01 7. Consideration of resolution supporting legislation providing a partial exemption from the utility personal property tax and replacement of lost revenues to host communities. Todd Rapp and Tim Flaherty. representing X -cel Enemy and the Coalition of Utility Cities. spoke to the Council regarding the legislation that would provide a partial exemption from the personal property tax for the utility company and provide replacement revenues for the host cities. This bill is currently being considered by the legislature as House File #2339 and Senate File #2191. Todd Rapp indicated that they are still working with some school districts to resolve the revenue gap should this legislation pass. The Council expressed their concerns about getting the school district issues resolved. The Council also noted that the lost of the market value will impact the City's tax base but felt this legislation might provide some security about replacement revenues rather than relying on the whims of the legislature. Todd Rapp indicated that the tax values used would be the 2001 values and if the legislation was passed it would likely be implemented in 2002. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2001-16 SUPPORTING HOUSE FILE 92339 AND SENATE FILE 42191 WHICH WOULD PROVIDE A PARTIAL EXEMPTION FROM THE UTILITY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX AND REPLACEMENT OF LOST REVENUES TO HOST COMMUNITIES NOTING THAT EFFORTS WOULD CONTINUE TO RESOLVE ISSUES AFFECTING THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. #2001-16 8. Consideration of a request to rezone from R-2 to a planned unit development and consideration of a concept stage planned unit development allowing mixed uses. Applicant: Church of St. Henry and Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. Jeff O'Neill provided background information on this agenda item noting that the land use is similar to those that were proposed earlier for the site by a different developer. The mixed uses proposed for this site would include a facility for the performing arts and residential potential for 14 to 22 home sites. John Komarek from Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. spoke regarding the proposed development. He noted that under this proposal the current parking lot (Block 21) would be redeveloped into residential units and the parking would be located on Block 28. There was some discussion on the most appropriate location fol- parking and it was emphasized that this is just a concept stage approval and at the development stage approval these items would be more fully addressed. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chairman. noted that the Plannin0 Commission did have a concern about having a specific time frame for the development. He also pointed out that the residences were in the area even before the church was there and that proposed development should not negatively impact the residential area. Brian Stumpf noted that the agenda item indicated that rezoning was being requested and 5 Council Minutes - 4/9/01 asked what properties Nvere affected by that. Staff responded that all the properties covered by the proposal would be rezoned to R -PUD but the rezoning request would be acted on where the Council considered the development stage PUD. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT FOR THE RE -USE AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE ST. HENRY'S CHURCH AREA BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE MIXED USE CONCEPT WOULD BE POSITIVE FOR THE PROPERTY AND POTENTIAL TRAFFIC ISSUES CAN BE ADDRESSED AS A PART OF THE SITE PLANNING PROCESS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of setting a special meeting date for establishment of an assessment policy relatin6 to street construction. The Council discussed setting a date for a special meeting on an assessment policy for street reconstruction. Since there are some projects that will soon be coming up for construction. the Council wanted to get the policy in place as soon as possible. The Council set Tuesday. April 17. 2001 at :00 as the meeting date. Added Items: 140,4A U nIttle: Clint Herbst indicated if a proposal for the annexation of the Ralph Hermes property was approved it would leave a 1 '/2 acre site (Simondet property) of township land surrounded by city property. The Simondet property is not requesting annexation into the City and Clint Herbst questioned whether the City had a policy that would address this situation. Jeff O'Neill stated that he believed the MOAA agreement allowed for the annexation of parcels without petition under certain circumstances. Acollslics I,hclute: Fred Patch indicated that quote had been received from EMI Audio for upgrading of the audio system for the Council Chambers. The quote was in excess of $20,000 but a portion of this may be reimbursed by the Cable Commission. Fencing Ensue: Jeff Michaelis requested that the City Council require as part of the conditional use permit approval for the Klucas property that a fence be installed by the developer. Jeff O'Neill indicated that this was discussed in Planning Commission consideration of the conditional use permit and that the ordinance does not require a fence. If the adjacent property, owner is concerned about the securits of his property, there is nothing that prevents hinn from constructing a fence but the Planning Commission did not feel that developer of the Klucas property should do so. The Council took no action on this request. Sheciul ,11eetin : Mayor Belsaas reminded the Council of a special meeting of the HRA scheduled for April 25. 2001 at 6:30 p.m. 6 Council Minutes - 4/9/01 10. Approve payment of bills for April. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Adjourn BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:05 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. auJ'r s Recording Secretary 7