City Council Minutes 11-24-1980MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL November 24, 1980 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Members Absent: None 1. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit and Variances for the Rivercrest Christian School. The Rivercrest Christian School requested a conditional use permit to allow a residence to be used as educational classrooms, and requested variances from the sideyard setback provisions along with variances from the City's ordinance requiring parking lots to be hardsurfaced with a continuous con- crete curb barrier. The Rivercrest Christian School, knowing they needed more room to expand their educational classrooms, chose to expand into a house to the west of the Assembly of God Church, which they already owned. They apparently did not know that the School's expansion would require a conditional use permit until it was brought to their attention, and thus they applied for the conditional use. The following comments were heard from area residents in regards to the Christian School expansion: Mrs. Albert Hedtke - felt that the school should have known that City approval was required for any expansion, and also indicated that the School yards have not been kept up and are messy. Mr. Gene Putnam - felt that this addition to the School was not a good idea because of its location and difficulty for expansion. In addition, Mr. Putnam raised the question - what if the St. Peter's Lutheran Church started a school also, both schools would be located within a block or so of each other, which would not be a good idea. Mrs. Alice Klatt - also opposed the expansion of the School on the grounds that the school children are sometimes playing in the street and in the neighborhood yards on private property, and felt that better security, patroling, and supervision should take place. Mr. Everett, Principal of the Rivercrest Christian School, indicated that more attempts will be made to have proper supervision of the children at the playgrounds, etc., and that a crossing patrol will be established for safety in crossing streets in the early part of December. - 1 - Council Minutes - 11/24/80 Loren Klein, Building Inspector, indicated that the State Fire Marshall had reviewed the building for fire safety, and recommended that heat detectors be placed in the basement area, connected to the upstairs heat detector, along with fireproof drywall be placed on the ceiling in the basement. As to not cause a hardship for the School, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit and variances requested until Junel, 1981, contingent upon the Fire Marshall's recommendations being completed. 2. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit Request_- First Baptist Church of Monticello. The First Baptist Church of Monticello requested a conditional use permit to place a mobile home structure on their property that would house class- room facilities for Sunday School and bible instruction. Reverend Oas indicated to the Council that the building would be a mobile home of 12' x 60' with no bathrooms, and would be used one hour a week on Sundays for Sunday School instruction. Rev. Oas indicated that it was the Church's intent to hopefully start a new church facility and classroom facility on their present site during the spring of 1981, but as a temporary measure, requested the conditional use permit to allow the mobile home in the meantime. Although the additional structure (mobile home) would not meet the uniform building code as such, it was the opinion of the building inspector that the home could meet fire codes, etc. with minor alterations. Rev. Oas also asked for an extension on their original conditional use permit for their existing church facility for an additional two years. Their present church is a split entry home that was built four years ago at which time a four-year conditional use permit was granted. The intent of the church at the time a new church facility will be built is to sell the split entry home to a private party. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve the mobile home structure on a temporary one-year basis for classroom facilities for the First Baptist Church, and to extend the condi- tional use permit for the present church building for an additional two years, or until a new church is built. - 2 - Council Minutes - 11/24/80 3. Consideration of Rezoning Lots - Riverwood Estates. As part of a subdivision plat presented by Floyd Kruse, known as Riverwood Estates; seise of the proposed residential lots had the zoning line inter- sectin.,7 Lhe lots, thus creating portions as B-3 with the remainder as R-1. Mr. -:ruse requested that Lots 4, 6 & 7, Mock 1, Riverwood Estates, be rezoned from. B-3 (highway business) to R-1 (single family residential), as ti -.e intended use of the lots would be for residential use. Lots 1, 2 & 33 Block 1, would remain commercial zoning, as they front along County Road 75 and one of the lots is now used for Dino's restaurant, a commercial business. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to rezone Lots 4, 6 & 7 along with all of Lots 5 & 8, Block 1, Riverwood Estates, to R-1 (single family residential). (See Zoning Ordinance Amendment 1980 #89). 4. Consideration of Additional Compensation for Viking Pipe Service for Sanitary Sewer Cleaning on River Street from New Street to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Viking Pipe Service Company recently completed a sewer cleaning project along East River Street from New Street to the Wastewater Treatment Plant along with televising the sewer line. Quotations were received from two firms, with Viking Pipe Service being the low quote with a maximum cost not to exceed $5,223.23. To a certain extent, these quotations were based on the best estimate the City Public Works Director had at the time in terms of the amount of debris, etc. that would probably be located in the sewer line. Once Viking Pipe Service started the cleaning project, they encountered a large amount of debris in the line such as chunks of asphalt joint material, along with rocks and sand. This extra debris removal took more time than Viking Pipe originally estimated, thus Viking Pipe Service incurred additional expenses, amounting to $3,266.77 in order to complete the project. Viking Pipe Service requested that the City consider payment for all or a portion of the $3,266 over -run as this segment of pipe had a very heavy amount of debris and because of the sags in the sewer line. It was the opinion of the Public Works Director that the City did receive extra benefit for the services performed by Viking Pipe Service, and he recommended that additional compensation be paid. Although a quote was received for the entire sewer cleaning job with an amount not to exceed, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair to pay one-half (2) of the $3,266.77 over -run as it was felt the City did receive extra benefit. Voting in favor: Fran Fair, Phil White, Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus. Opposed: Dan Blonigen. - 3 - Council Minutes - 11/24/80 5. Consideration of Sale of Sludge Truck to Paul A. Laurence Company• r The general contractor on the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrading, Paul A. Laurence Company, will be responsible for all sludge disposal at the time of construction. As part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant grant, the City of Monticello will be receiving two new sludge trucks in the future, and it was recommended by the Public Works Director that the present 62 International sludge truck be sold to Paul A. Laurence Company for $3,500, plus a concrete apron in front of the new maintenance shed. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve selling the '62 International sludge truck to Paul A. Laurence Company for $3,500 plus the installation of a new concrete apron at the new pole building at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 6. Consideration of ordering the Pre aration of Plans andSpecifications ecifications and Salvage Method - Oakwood School.. Recently, an inventory list has been made up of the salvageable items in the Oakwood School building that could possibly be saved prior to the demolition and removal of the School. The Council discussed whether it would be cost-effective for the City personnel to try and salvage many of these items prior to bidding of the building for demolition, or whether just a few of the basic items that are needed by the City should be removed and let the contractor have all other items in the building. It was noted that although some items such as windows, etc. may have some value, it was the consensus of the Council that it would probably cost more to have these items removed than what they could be sold for. In discussions with the contractor who removed part of the old school building in Buffalo, Minnesota, it was determined that the City could save money on the demolition costs if they could locate a suitable site locally for dumping the debris, such as the bricks, etc. This would help keep the cost down, as a large part of the demolition costs would be hauling the debris to a dump site, etc. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to have the Public Works Director, John Simola, and the City Engineer, John Badalich, work together on preparing some simple specifications for the demolition of the Oakwood School Building. The Public Works Director would be doing the preliminary specification work with the City Engineer to review. Once the plans and specifications for the demolition are approved by the Council, both the Oakwood School Building and the Dowling house at the library site would be put on separate bids for sale or removal. - 4 - Council Minutes - 11/24/80 7. Consideration of Appointing a Person or Persons to Serve on the Regional Hazardous Waste Criteria and Siting Committee. The City of Monticello received notice from the Minnesota Waste Management Board noting that all cities in the State have been identified as possible search areas for a hazardous waste disposal facility. In order to provide local input into a possible site selection or criteria used in selecting a future site, the Waste Management Board recommended that the City appoint a representative to attend any public hearings held on the matter. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to appoint John Simola, Public Works Director, and Dan Blonigen, Councilman, as the City's representatives to attend any meetings in regards to harardous waste disposal sites. 8. Approval of Bills - November 1980. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of November, as presented. (See Exhibit 11/24/80 #1). 9. A proval of Minutes. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve the regular council meeting minutes of November 10, 1980 as presented. 10. Discussion on Additional Work on Commuter ParkiinRLot. Public Works Director, John Simola, requested that the Council consider installing up to 300 tons of additional Class 5 gravel at the commuter parking lot on I-94 & Highway 25, in an effort to square off the commuter lot. In addition, this extra work would provide for better drainage on the site. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Works Department to purchase up to an additional 300 tons of Class 5 gravel to be installed at $5.60 per ton. Meeting adjourned. Rick Wolfst ler Assistant Administrator RW/ns - 5 -