City Council Minutes 12-08-1980MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL December 8, 1980 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Members Absent: None 1. Consideration of Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License - Pizza Factory. Mr. Thomas Bluth and Brian Dzieweczynski, the two principal shareholders in UpDoc, Inc., requested a non -intoxicating 3.2 beer license for an establishment called the Pizza Factory, to be located in Sam Peraro's complex at the southeast corner of Highway 25 and County Road 75. UpDoc, Inc. operates other Pizza Factory outlets in the area, and indicated that the 3.2 beer would be sold in conjunction with food service, but the Pizza Factory would not, by itself, have a bar available for drinking just beer at the establishment. In addition, the Pizza Factory would be open from 4:00 P.M. til 11:00 P.M. Sunday through Thursday, and from 4:00 P.M. til 12:00 A.M. Fridays and Saturdays. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of a non -intoxicating on -sale 3.2 beer license for UpDoc, Inc. for the Pizza Factory. 2. Consideration of Resolution Calling for Sale of General Obligation Improve- ment Bonds of 1981 and General Obligation Library Bonds of 1981. Mr. King Forness, of Springsted, Inc., Bonding Consultants for the City of Monticello, reviewed with the Council the upcoming sale of general obliga- tion improvement bonds of 1981 to finance the 1980-1 and 1980-2 improvement projects, and also the sale of general obligation library bonds to finance approximately half the cost of the new library. Mr. Forness was recommending that approximately $160,000 bonds be sold to finance the two improvement projects, with the library bond issue being in the amount of $255,000. He estimated the interest rate to the City over the ten years to be in the neighborhood of 8 to 9% interest. The bonds would be sold in January of 1981, and although at the present time, interest rates are higher than usual, it would be hard to anticipate what the interest rates would be by waiting a few months. Based on the recommendations of Mr. Forness of Springsted, Inc., motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of general obligation improvement bonds for the 1980-1 & 1980-2 improvement projects. Motion was also made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of general obligation improvement bonds for the library project of 1981 - voting in favor: Fran Fair, Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus, Phil White; Opposed: Dan Blonigen. (See Resolutions 1980- #28 and 29) - 1 - Council Minutes - 12/8/80 3. Consideration of Variance to July 1, 1981 for Hardsurfacing and Installation of Continuous Curb Barrier at the Monticello Commuter Parkinq Lot. It was noted by Public Works Director that the Commuter Parking Lot at the southwest corner of Highway 25 and I-94 is now ready for use by the commuters, and that signs have been ordered and should be erected during the week of December 8th. Although it is the intent of the City of Monticello to hardsurface the parking lot, a variance would be needed to operate the parking lot until the spring of 1981 to allow adequate time to complete the hardsurfacing and curb barrier requirements. It was noted by Council discussion that some potential users of the commuter parking lot have expressed some concerns in regards to security at this location, and also thought that a phone should be installed along with a possible shelter in the area. It was noted that these items would be looked into in the future for possible installation. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to grant the City of Monticello a variance until July 1, 1981 to complete the hardsurfacing and concrete curb barrier requirements at the commuter parking lot. 4. Consideration of Calling a Public Hearing for the Special Assessments on the 1980-1 and 1980-2 Improvement Projects. The 1980-1 improvement project, serving Macarlund Plaza, and the 1980-2 improvement project, extending services along Prairie Road, is now almost complete, and as a result, a public hearing to adopt the assessment rolls would have to be held. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to set January 26, 1981 as the date for the public hearing to consider the adoption of the assessment rolls on the two improvement projects. 5. Consideration of Emplovinq Sean Hancock on a Full Time Basis. For the past ten months, Sean Hancock has been employed by the City of Monticello in its Wastewater Treatment Plant through funding by the CETA program, which expires December 19, 1980. It was the recommendation of the Public Works Director, John Simola, that Mr. Hancock be hired on a full time basis to work within the Public Works Department. It was also noted that Mr. Hancock has a degree in chemistry and with the new Wastewater Treatment Plant, laboratory analysis, etc., will have to be conducted on a daily basis at the new treatment plant in the future, which Mr. Hancock may be qualified to do. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to employ Mr. Sean Hancock on a full time basis in the City Sewer and Water Department, effective December 20, 1980. - 2 - Council Minutes - 12/8/80 6. Review of Emergency Plan Relative to Nuclear Power Incident with Ralph Olmos, Director, Division of Emergency Services. Mr. Ralph Olmos, Director, Division of Emergency Services, reviewed with the Council the emergency plans being implemented relative to any type of nuclear power plant incident in Monticello. Mr. Olmos explained the importance of having a good upcoming exercise in Monticello, and stressed that cooperation is needed amongst the State, Local and County levels to insure that a good plan is available. Mr. Olmos also indicated that it's the City's requirement to have an emergency plan to deal with an incident at the nuclear plant that meets the Federal Guidelines, to insure that the plant can continue operation in Monticello. If, for some reason, a nuclear response plan is not acceptable to the Federal Government, the possibility always exists that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission could suspend the license for Northern States plant to operate in Monticello. Mr. Olmos noted that a test drill will be conducted in the City of December 17, 1980, and that additionally, a full exercise that will be reviewed by the Federal Government will be conducted in the early part of January 1981. 7. Approval of Bills for December 1980, and the Minutes of 11/24/80 Regular Mtq. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the Month of December 1980, as presented, and the Minutes of the November 24, 1980 regular council meeting. (See Exhibit 12/8/80 #1). 8. Consideration of Police Contract with Wright County Sheriff's Department fnr 1 QR1 Mr. Don Nozempa, of the Wright County Sheriff's Department, reviewed with the Council the proposed police contract for the City of Monticello for the year 1981. The proposed contract calls for an increase in the hourly fee from $11.50 to $12.50 per hour, or an increase from 1980 in the amount of $76,912 annual charge to $83,400 for 1981. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve entering into a contract with the Wright County Sheriff's Department for police protection for the year 1981 in the total amount of $83,400. - 3 - Council Minutes - 12/8/80 9. Discussion on Sanitary Interceptor Sewer Line Easement - John and Joan Bondhus. As part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrading, a large interceptor sewer line will be constructed from Washington Street near the railroad tracks, through the school district's property, then crossing over County Road 75 to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The proposed route of the interceptor sewer line would require an easement from Bondhus Tool Corpora- tion to cross their northwest corner of their property prior to the inter- ceptor sewer line crossing in a northerly direction towards the treatment plant. The original plans called for the sewer line to be laid on the south right-of-way of County Road 75 thus requiring a 10' temporary easement from the Bondhus Corporation, but it was recently found out that a large telephone cable is currently in the location of the proposed sewer line, thus requiring additional easements from the Bondhus Corporation in order to install the sewer line in the original location. Mr. John Bondhus was not receptive to the additional temporary easement area and permanent easement on his property, and an additional route was established. - The new route established by the engineer would have the sewer line crossing County Road 75 west of the original location, but an additional temporary easement would still be required from Mr. Bondhus, as he also owns the property on the north side of County Road 75. In an effort to obtain this easement from Mr. Bondhus, Mr. Bondhus requested some concessions from the City prior to the easement being given. These concessions included that the contractor or the City would be liable for any damage done to his ponds, including fish that would be destroyed, that trees would be planted to replace those that have to be taken down, and finally that if and when a sewer line is placed along the south side of County Road 75 extending past his Bondhus Tool Corporation building, that he only be assessed for sewer improvements for the first approximately 500' of his property that would reach his building. Mr. Bondhus's concern was that his small triangular parcel on the south side of County Road 75 is approximately 1,141 feet long, and that the easterly 650' of his parcel at the present time is not suited for any type of building or development, and requested that if the sewer line is ever placed on this side of County Road 75, that he be exempt from paying any assessments for the unusable portion. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to enter into a legal agreement that would defer on a permanent basis any assessments against the easterly 650' of the present Bondhus Tool Corporation property until such time as this portion of his property would develop a structure that would require sewage utilities in exchange for the necessary temporary easement on the north side of Highway 75 for the interceptor sewer line. The effect of this motion was that unless any building is developed on the easterly 650' that would require the actual use of sewage utilities, there would be no assessments levied in the future against the Bondhus Corpora- tion, or owner of the property at that time. - 4 - Council Minutes - 12/8/80 10. Consideration of Purchasinq Additional Truck - Public Works Department. John Simola, Public Works Director, reviewed with the Council his recom- mendation that the City consider purchasing an additional truck chassis in the year 1981. Mr. Simola indicated that the new truck, if purchased, would be used to replace the current 72 Chev truck, and that the box and plow attachments from the 72 Chev could be used on the new chassis, with the 72 Chev truck chassis being used by the City in the future for a new sewer jet cleaning machine, if purchased. Mr. Simola explained a five year plan the City has for replacing its current vehicles and acquiring new ones, and indicated that the new truck chassis is recommended for purchase either in 1981 or 1982. It was the consensus of the Council to table any action on this purchase for further review. 11. Line of Succession - Civil Defense Authority. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to adopt the following line of succession for Civil Defense command: Meeting adjourned. /ft 4-1 de/ � D Rick Wol fst Assistant A� RW/ns 1 er inistrator 1. Arve Grimsmo 2. Phil White 3. Fran Fair 4. Ken Maus 5. Dan Blonigen 6. Civil Defense Director 7. Deputy Civil Defense Director 8. County Board Chairman - 5 -