Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Packet 03-22-2018Park Commission Agenda: 03/22/2018 AGENDA REGULAR PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING March 22, 2018 — 9:15 A.M Monticello Public Works Office "To enhance communitypride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting from January 25, 2018. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen's requests and comments. 5. Introduction of new Parks & Rec Commission members. 6. Motion to appoint Park & Rec Commission member to the BCOL Advisory Council. 7. Creative Arts Coordinator update (Sue Seeger). 8. Discussion of using MCC space for community art events. 9. Discussion of Walk 'n' Roll Parks booth. 10. Discussion of 2018 large park projects. 11. Discussion of recording volunteer hours. 12. Spring parks tour date. 13. Dog park discussion. 14. General Park Updates: A. Ellison House. B. Community Beautification Program. C. Contracted mowing update. D. Spring tree order status. E. Summer Happiness Guide. F. Community garden registration. G. Street banners update. H. Safe Routes Grant update. 15. Next regular meeting scheduled for May 24, 2018. 16. Motion to adjourn. 1 IDIRAF-f PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 25, 2018 MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY JANUARY 25, 2018 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Bill Fair, Jack Gregor, Nancy McCaffrey, Brian Stoll, Karen Vetsch Staff Present: Beth Green, Ann Mosack, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Vice Chair Jack Gregor called the meeting called to order at 9:15 a.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting, November 30, 2017. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 30, 2017 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STOLL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizens requests and comments. Parks Department has received positive comments about the plowing of trails, the sliding hills and the 0' Street Park skating rinks. 5. Monticello Communitv Ed park rental. Jeremiah Mack from Monticello Community Ed introduced himself. He said that they are planning free programming for families this summer and would like to utilize various parks throughout the city with shelters for the programs. The programming will include enrichment activities and recreational activities. The goal is to take away transportation barriers and cost barriers for families so that it is open for anyone to participate by just walking to the parks and getting engaged in activities. Community Ed will staff the programs and provide the activities for free to participants. They are requesting that the City partner with Community Ed and waive any costs of renting the shelters for these activities. The proposal is for one day/week for a couple hours in the morning for 8-10 weeks from June thru August, tentatively on Wednesday mornings. Mack said they are not Page 1 of 5 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 25, 2018 looking for exclusive use of the park as the goal is to have residents feel free to come in and engage. The programming will be covered under the school district's liability umbrella. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY TO PARTNER WITH MONTICELLO COMMUNITY ED FOR PROGRAMMING IN VARIOUS CITY PARKS THIS SUMMER BY WAIVING THE PARK SHELTER RENTAL FEE AS THE PROGRAMMING WILL BE FREE FOR PARTICIPANTS. MOTION SECONDED BY KAREN VETSCH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. Mack will coordinate with the Event Coordinator at the city to block off the dates in the park and the City will help in promoting the events. 6. Parks & Rec Commission applicant interviews. Three seats are open on the Parks & Rec Commission and three applications were received. Interviews were conducted including interviews with Lynn Anderson, Anna Bohanon, and Julie Jelen. 7. Discussion of applicants for Parks & Recreation Commission. All applicants interviewed very well and all are being recommended to fill the open seats. The third seat open is due to the fact that Tim Stalpes has provided his resignation this week due to work conflicts. BRIAN STOLLMOVED TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF TIM STALPES. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCFY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 8. Motion to recommend new members for the Parks & Recreation Commission. KAREN VETSCH MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE APPOINTMENTS OF LYNN ANDERSON, ANNA BOHANON AND JULIE JELEN TO THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FILLING THE OPEN SEATS. ALL COMMISSISSION MEMBERS ARE ON A STAGGERED 3 -YEAR TERM AND THE NEW APPOINTMENTS WILL FILL THE RESPECTIVE OPEN SEATS WITH THE TERMS ALREADY IN PROGRESS. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STOLL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 9. Motion to appoint a new Chair for the Parks & Recreation Commission. KAREN VETSCH MOVED TO APPOINT BRIAN STOLL AS THE NEW PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION CHAIR. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOULSY, 4-0. Page 2 of 5 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 25, 2018 10. Motion to appoint a commission member to sit on the BCOL Advisory Board. The appointment of a BCOL Advisory Board Member has been tabled to the next meeting to allow for all the new appointees to attend the meeting and provide input if they are interested in volunteering to fill the seat. 11. BCOL permits and timinu of construction: Tom Pawelk said that the land alteration permit for grading was tabled for discussion at the township level. The sticking issue was the additional traffic on Briarwood Avenue in Monticello Township. The City has agreed to do a traffic study this summer of all the roads going to the park. Upon completion of a traffic study, a grading study will be done and a maintenance plan and MOU can be put together by December. The goal will be for the city, township and county to work together to come up with an agreement for funding. The Wright County Board approved the land alteration permit on January 11 th, with the stipulation of the traffic study. Pawelk said that they will be working on plans & specs to open up for bid in Jan 2019. Following approval of the permits, the city will submit an RFQ for Phase I Construction including the infrastructure, two fields and irrigation, with a project start in 2019. 12. Motion to approve changes to Pathwav and Sidewalk Map. The updated Proposed Pathway Connections Guide was included for review. Pawelk explained that areas of future connections have been identified and prioritized. Those designated sidewalk connections within 5+ years are highlighted in orange on the map and those designated future trail connections are highlighted in blue on the map. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO APPROVE THE NEW PROPOSED PASTHWAY CONNECTIONS GUIDE AS PRESENTED. MOTION SECONDED BY KAREN VETSCH. MOTION CARFRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 13. Discussion of 2018 large park proiects. Pawelk discussed upcoming large park projects for the 2018 season including: • Bertram Athletic Complex: Irrigation of interim fields and expanded overflow parking. • Featherstone Park: New playground installation. • Rolling Woods Park: Construction of open air picnic shelter. • Cardinal hills tot lot. • Trail work. • Montiview Park: Continue with trail build and add electrical power/security. • West Bridge Park: New "Music on the Mississippi". Page 3 of 5 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 25, 2018 14. Downton Small Area Studv update. Tom Pawelk explained that there was an Implementation Workshop on November 16th which included members from the City Council, EDA, Parks & Rec Commission, Planning Commission and City Staff. The purpose of the workshop was to set a foundation for realizing the downtown plan by encouraging the various commissions to cooperatively review the elements of the plan, prioritize the components and strategize implementation. Projects were ranked by priority as 1) Redevelopment, 2) Public Realm Improvements, and 3) Broadway Street Commercial Vitality. Projects were also organized by survey category and ranked as High -Impact, Low -Hanging Fruit and Personal Interest. A complete report and summary of the workshop was included for review by the Parks & Recreation Commission. 15. Discussion of Creative Arts Coordinator: Funds have been placed in the 2018 Budget for the development of a new Creative Arts Coordinator. This position is proposed to be an independent consultant. Staff is preparing a proposal for the position. The goal is to create a general structure with broad priorities and a manageable workload, allowing the consultant creative freedom with necessary support. Upon approval of the candidate, the plan will be to have an "out of the box" community engagement meeting and include stakeholders such as businesses, groups, the Senior Center, Library, school, and residents. 2018 will be a trial basis for the new position and it will be re-evaluated for 2019. This could evolve into a future arts board, funding and an expanding scope over time. 16. General Park Updates: Tom Pawelk discussed general park updates as follows: • Ellison Park: Need to repair boarding dock in the next month or two. • MCC: Maintenance issues with play structure in pool. Lighting upgrade project. Ann Mosack explained lighting upgrade project coming in February. The designer came out and made some repairs and improvements to the play structure and everything is in proper order now. • Full time overnight custodial position open at MCC. • Skating Rinks: All time high attendance and the ice has been holding up nicely. • Riverside Cemetery: Presenting to city council about what takes place, why we do what we do, and what are the trends that are changing. 70% of business now is cremation so staff is looking into putting in a columbarium at the cemetery. • Shade Tree Program: Trees are reserved for the spring tree program. Rotary donated $4,000 for trees to be planted along the Otter Creek trail. • Pioneer Park: City council approved partnership with the Monticello Lions for a future splash park. Some details still need to be worked out with maintenance costs and future costs. Proposed construction in 2019. Page 4 of 5 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 25, 2018 • Ellison House: Once the house is completely cleaned out a walk-thru of the house will be done and a decision about whether or not to sell the property will be made. 17. Discussion of added items. Nancy McCaffrey talked about a plaque to honor Larry Nolan to place on a bench in East Bridge Park. Add to march agenda for dedication to Nolan. 18. Next regular meeting scheduled for March 22, 2018. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2018, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. 14. Adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 11:07 AM. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 11:07 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STOLL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. RECORDED BY: CSFSeth &rcan DATE APPROVED: ATTEST: Page 5 of 5