City Council Minutes 02-28-1983MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL February 28, 1983 - 7:30 P. M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Jack Maxwell, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: Fran Fair. 1. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 14, 1983, and the special meeting held on February 15th, 1983, as presented. 2. Citizen's Continents/Petitions, Requests, and Complaints. Mr. Don Smith, editor and publisher of the Monticello Times, expressed concern over the Council's intention to publish a summary of the minutes of each Council meeting rather than the entire context of the official minutes. Mr. Smith felt that the cost savings involved of approximately $1,200 annually would do a dis-service to the public in that they would not have the complete text available to read in the paper as in the past. After weighing the cost savings from publication versus the extra man hours involved in preparing a summary for publica- tion, it was the consensus of the Council to continue to publish the entire context of the minutes. Ms. Peggy Stencel inquired whether the City of Monticello had considered the possibility of hiring its own assessor rather than continue to have the County do the assessing. Ms. Stencel indicated that she presently, on a part time basis, does assess- ing for Silver Creek Township and she will become a certified assessor in the near future and would be interested in working for the City of Monticello if the Council should decide to hire its own assessor. The Council noted that it would con- sider this possibility in the near future. 4. Consideration of Renegotiating Garbage Refuse Contract. Recently, the City Staff has been discussing possible rene- gotiation of the existing garbage contract with the present hauler, Al Corrow. Mr. Corrow has indicated a desire to extend the contract, if possible,due to major purchases of equipment that he is anticipating. - 1 - Council Minutes - 2/28/83 An agreement in principal had been reached with Mr. Corrow regarding a possible extension for an additional three years resulting in an average increase of approximately 380 over the old contract rate. The contract which is tentatively scheduled to expire August 1, 1983, would be extended until August 1, 1986. Since some of the Council members felt that renegotiating the pre- sent contract.mightresult in a loss of competitiveness, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Blonigen and unani- mously carried to continue with the present contract for garbage service as is and authorize the City Administrator to advertise for bids for the contract which is expected to expire August 1, 1983,with bids receivable within the next 60 days (May 1, 1983). 5. Consideration of Change Order #88 and #89 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction C nntrart _ A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Maxwell and unani- mously carried to approve change order #88 for an addi- tional cost of $1,150 for a change in the suction line on the influent sampler and change order #89 for a flood prevention alarm system in the dry well for an additional $10,628.00. 6. Consideration of Additional Engineering Fees on 7th Street Improvement Project. ^ Consulting Engineer, John Badalich, requested consideration of an additional $1,188 in engineering fees over the normal 7�% fee the engineer receives on the cost of the project. Mr. Badalich explained that due to the additional preliminary plans and the additional alternatives that were presented re- garding the road alignment and the different type of retain- ing walls specified, the cost incurred by the engineer was approximately doubled over normal engineering fees for this size of a project. Mr. Badalich noted that the cost over run for his firm was over $4,000 above the 71,2-% fee, but re- quested that an additional $1,188 be approved. Although some Council members felt the City should have been informed earlier that an over run might occur, the Public Works Director agreed that extra costs were incurred by the engineer due to the numerous alternatives presented. As a result, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Maxwell to approve the additional request of $1,188 for the basic engineering fees regarding the 7th Street improvement pro- ject. Voting in favor were Maus, Maxwell, and Grimsmo. Opposed was Blonigen as he felt the engineer should charge according to the current contract at 7120. - 2 - Council Minutes - 2/28/83 7. Consideration of Bids Received for Proposed Improvements to Meadow Oak Subdivision. The bids for sewer and water and street improvements to the Meadow Oak Subdivision were received February 22, 1983. Approximately 18 bids were received ranging in price from a low of $731,095 to a high of $896,500. Consulting engineer recommended that the low bid of $731,095 from Richard Knutson, Inc. of Burnsville be awarded the contract. The developers of the Meadow Oak Subdivision intend to have the final land closing and ownership problem resolved on Friday, March 4th, and as a result, it was recommended that the awarding of the contract for improvements be tabled until the March 14th regular Council meeting at which time the final plat will also be submitted for approval and recording. 8. Consideration of Purchasing Air Compressor for Street Depart- ment. The Council reviewed with the Public Works Director, John Simola, a recommendation for purchasing a new air compressor and jack hammer. Mr. Simola presented three quotes he recently received with the lowest quote being $6,215.00 from Hayden -Murphy, Inc. of Bloomington. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of a new Sullair, 50 horse- power, gas air compressor with a 60 pound jack hammer less the trade in for a net price of $6,215.00. 9. Approval of Bills. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of February as pre- sented. See Exhibit #1. Meeting Adjouned. 1 Ri11 ck Wolfstel, r Assistant Admnistrator - 3 -